Monthly Catalogue United States i ublic Documents No. 207 March, 1912 ISSUED BY THE sup ERINTENDENT of doc umen ts Washin gto n govern ment pr .nting oef .ce 1912 Abbreviations ...........p .........app. Page, pages........... _pt.. pts. Appendix............................... ....... Cong. Part, parts............ .......... pl- Congress................................. ........ cons. Plate, plates...... ....... por. Consular.................................. .......Dept. Portrait, portraits ............ 4° Department........................... .......... doc. Quarto........................................ Document............................. ’.......... ex. Report......................................... .........St. Executive...-.-.--................ ..facsim. Saint........... ................................ .........sec. Facsimile, facsimiles............. ... f® Section, sections........................ .........S. Folio....................................... .........H. Senate concurrent resolution.. ...S. C. R. House concurrent resolution. _.H. C. R. ....S. doc. Senate document S. ex. doc. House document............. - • ....H. doc. Senate executive document... House executive document.. ,H. ex. doc. ...S. J. R. ..H. J.R. Senate joint resolution............. ....... S. rp. House joint resolution......... ........ H. rp. Senate report.......- - • • • •------ .........S. R. House report..... -• ..H. R. Senate resolution (simple).. - - ..sess. House resolution (simple).. ;;............. n. Session...................................... ....16” Illustration, illustrations... ............in. Sixteenmo............................... ’...Stat. L. Inch, inches......................... .......... lat. Statutes at large..................... ....... tab. Latitude.............................. Table, tables........................... ...........32” Leaf, leaves.......................... .......long. Thirty two-mo......................... ..Treas. Longitude............................ ............m. Treasury................................. ....12” Mile, miles.......................... 'nils., misc. Twelvemo............................... ....... 24® Miscellaneous..................... .........naut. Twenty four-mo....................... ..vs., v. Nautical............................... .......... n. d. Versus...................................... v., vol. No date............................... .......... n. p. Volume, volumes................... ■ yr- No place........--.................. no., nos. Year........................................ Number, numbers............. '.............. 8” OO,”ommou abbreviations >»' t Document not obtainable. Explanation Words and figures,inc.^ed^thep^^ but do not appear on the tl.tle.'P £ undwsfood. Size of maps is measured size is not given, octavo is to' be ™id . The dates, including day, from outer edge of border’“nd House documents and reports, month, and year, g^en with Senateandhou printed Usually the prLnngdparompOtiy "follows notlivS with"??num- ™ Congress, 2d session, is to be understood. 528 General Informati on PubHcd8”P“^&X- 8611 at cost any provided for. “ ",s char«c'- ‘be dndnbufon of which is not otherwise "•'<»“X^f.X^ta1Mrabn«aor^X^ t0 indivMuaIs’ X^^eT^rtl«“-^ the document, a double dagger (J) indicates thatT P™011 1S8uin£ obtainable, and whenever addin™ i d.lcates.that the document is not of procuring a doeuXZets ',“5 ““ of the Bureau. The Senate and RmiwH ° found UQder the name in limited editions and unless otho • .°^ments and reports are issued through Members of Congress. WindlCated’ ma^ be obtained only the name of the^sstin^Departme^ pUpenntend®nt of Documents give publication is numbered give number awT D* ™?n’ and titIe- « Congress card number. ’ not order by Library of ofSeX!'7 thC in8trUCti0M “H<™ -mit>' found at the bottom XZ^Z^Zd^" ‘hid °fflCe ~ “> - a -=^i^^=xoftbeboobhave however, the best copy .ZaWeTX P‘W°m- special subject will be^^Zdo^ppliX°° mo nth ly catalo gu e DISTRIBUTION gafoh“'erTXZTfo d Re~«ve, Dele- Territorial libraries to substanHab SnZ depo3itories “nd State and many eehool, conZand Z 8 k Government authors, and to as supply. 8 ’ d Publrc llbrancs as the limited edition will Subscription price to individuals <Ri in « • , Back numbers can not be supnlied ’ pi ' ° a year,y,T’ including’ncIudln" indices.lndices. Of Documenta of any change in address. 7 " StJper,nt,'"d™‘ 529 530 Mar ch , 1912 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CARDS Numbers to be used in ordering the L. C. catalogue cards will be found at the end of the titles of the more important monographic docu- ments. The figure following the card number (separated from it by a slanting line) indicates the number of cards required for entries sug- gested (title entry not included) on the cards. The price of the cards is 2c. for the first card and ^c. for each additional card for the same title ordered at the same time. Remittances should be made to the Librarian of Congress. Cards can not be furnished by the Superin- tendent of Documents. CUMULATIVE INDEX The Index to the Monthly catalogue will be issued separately each quarter and will cumulate for the twelve months ending June, 1912. That is, the September number of the Index is an index to the Monthly catalogue for July, August, and September, the December number is an index to the Monthly catalogue for October to December, the March number will be an index to the Monthly catalogue for January to March, and the June number will be the Index for the fiscal year 1912. Persons desiring to bind the catalogue at the end of the year should be careful to retain the numbers received monthly, as duplicate numbers can not be supplied. HOW TO REMIT Remittances for the documents marked with a star (*) should be made to the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C., by postal money order, express order, or New York draft. Currency may be sent at sender’s risk. Postage stamps, foreign money, defaced or smooth coins will positively not be accepted. To facilitate the payment of the cost of documents, the Super- intendent of Documents will hereafter accept coupons issued by him instead of cash. Coupons of the value of 5 cents each are sold in sets of 20 for $1.00. Address order to Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office. No charge is made for postage on documents forwarded to points in United States, Guam, Hawaii, Philippine Islands, Porto Rico, or to Canada, Cuba, or Mexico. To other countries the regular rate of postage is charged, and remittances must cover such postage. Notes of Genera l Intere st Senate document 190, 62d Congress, 2d session, on the fertilizer resources of the United States, is the latest document discussing one of the most important subjects now engaging the attention of economists. Its value is enhanced by plates and map. Forestry in nature study, Farmers’ bulletin 468, is another handy school textbook, first issued by the Agriculture Department in Dec. 1911 and reprinted in Feb. 1912. 5 cents. Interstate Commerce Commission’s Second annual report on the statistics of express companies in the United States, for the year ended June 30, 1910, furnishes several interesting items, including Wells, Fargo & Co.’s $24,000,000 dividend from surplus, leaving the undivided surplus of the combined companies at $59,215,600. The statistics of the 13 important companies are given, the American Company leading all others in amount of business transacted. Court of Claims reports, vol. 46, Oct. 1910 to May 1911, is now in stock. Full sheep, $1.50. Supplement no. 1 to Tariff circular no. 19a has been issued by the Interstate Commerce Commission. The opinion of Chancellor Pitney of New Jersey in the case of the Glass Bottle Blowers’ Association, Nov. 16, 1908, and the dissenting opinion of Judge Minturn in the same case, have been printed as Senate document 374, 62d Congress, 2d session. Chancellor Pitney is now Mr. Justice Pitney of the United States Supreme Court, succeeding the late Justice Harlan. Senate document 338, 62d Congress, 2d session, is in 2 vols. Vol. 1 con- tains the Message of the President transmitting the Report of the Em- ployers’ Liability and Workman’s Compensation Commission, in which he commends the Report and advocates the passage of the bill drafted by the Commission. This volume contains also the text of the Report and of the bill, with several statistical tables. Vol. 2 is much larger, containing hearings, briefs, table of cases, and general index. This edition supersedes Senate document 90, 2 parts, and 3 unnumbered pamphlets, which made up the first edition of the Commission’s report. The United States Pharmacopoeia has been published in Spanish. It is not a public document of the United States, but the fact that the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service has lately published its 5th digest of commentaries on it (House document 184, 62d Congress, 2d session; also, Hygienic Laboratory Bulletin 79) makes it evident that there are Government officials who feel an active interest in it. Experiment Stations Office Bulletin 247 is the latest revision of the Organization lists of the agricultural colleges and experiment stations 531 532 Mar ch , 1912 of the United States, containing information for which there is demand in these days of agricultural development. A list of the arbitration treaties and conventions submitted to and acted upon at various times by the United States Senate has been printed as Senate document 373, 62d Congress, 2d session. Seventy-four such international agreements are in the list. The document
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