District 19C and LCIF YOU CAN HELP SAVE The purpose of the $100,000 Hat Campaign is to showcase The 100,000 LIVES POWER OF LIONS and our ability The $100,000 Through the Lions One Shot, to change the world by helping to One Life Lions Measles Initia- eradicate measles worldwide. Hat Project tive. Every dollar donated SAVES A Captain Sully Sullenberger has gener- LIFE! All proceeds will go to Lions For Measles ously donated his autograph to a genu- ine US Airways Captain’s hat that will Clubs International Foundation serve as a fundraising focal point to the on behalf of measles eradication. Lions Clubs International Foundation “One Shot-One Life” measles initiative. Our Lions district will receive no Donate TODAY and help funds from this campaign. DG John Kirry, District 19C

Our Goal: To save 100,000 lives through the Lions One-Shot, One- Life Measles Initiative

The Sully Sullenberger Signed-Hat Campaign For LCIF

The Sully Hat Project for Measles About Sully Sullenberger, The Hero of the Hudson. Our Vision: To Use the Power of Lions Captain Sully Sullenberger performed "The Miracle on to Save 100,000 Lives. the Hudson" in 2009 when he landed a stricken US Air- Every day in the world, 430 people die from the mea- ways Airbus in New York's , saving all 155 sles, most of them children. The 1400 Lions of District people aboard. He has generously donated his auto- 19C, along with Lions and other humanitarians from graph to District Governor John Kirry’s US Airways Cap- around the world hope to join together and save tains Hat to serve as a fundraising focal point in the cam- 100,000 lives between now and June 30, 2015. paign to eliminate worldwide measles. Sully was in- ducted into Lions in 2010 at the Lions International Con- The Sully Hat Project — Every Dollar vention in Australia. Sully is the aviation consultant for CBS and he continues to be a world A-list celebrity and Saves a Life goodwill ambassador. To demonstrate our district theme “The Power of Li- How You Can Help ons” it is our hope that 100,000 lives can be saved by partnering with Lions Clubs International Foundation Make a donation to the One Shot-One Life Lions Measles and generous Lions worldwide. Last year as he was Initiative directly to the Lions Clubs International Foun- preparing for his year as District Governor, US Airways dation. Designate your donation to “The Sully Hat Pro- Captain (Ret.) John Kirry asked his former co-worker ject for Measles.” Follow this link: https://www.lcif.org/ and friend Captain Sully Sullenberger, to lend his fame EN/ways-to-give/lion-measles-donation.php. All dona- The Sully-Signed Hat Committee and celebrity to help raise funds to save lives from the tions are Melvin Jones Fellowship eligible. worldwide scourge of measles. Sully agreed and signed www.md19clions.org/sully DG John Kirry’s US Airways Captains Hat to use as a When you have made your donation directly to LCIF, www..com/TheHatThatSullySigned fundraising focal point for the campaign to eliminate please send an email to PDG Barbara Ellis, and tell her measles. how much you donated. [email protected]. If you District Governor John Kirry, Captain US Airways, do not notify us of your donation, you will not qualify (Ret.) [email protected] /253-225-1824 The person, Lions Club, Lions Dis- to be awarded the Sully hat at the close of this cam- paign. Committee Chair, PZC Mike Peterson trict or Multiple District who do- Bremerton Central Lions Club nates the most toward this cam- [email protected] / 360-698-0369 paign before June 30, 2015 will be awarded the actual US Air- ways Captains hat (as seen on the front cover) autographed by Captain Sully Sullenberger!