MEETING 7pm Wednesday 3rd December 2014

Mansewood Community Centre 88 Parkneuk Road G43 2AF

Approved Minute

1. Attendance as noted below:

Present Apologies In Attendance

Sharon Anderson Anne Clark William Wood Kimberley Crompton Tina Ravenscroft John Jamieson Elizabeth Thomas Kazena Khan (Chair) Thomas Warren Gavin Williamson

2. Minute of Previous Meeting

The minute of the previous meeting held on the 12th of November, 2014, was accepted as an accurate record.

3. Matters Arising Actions

KK welcomed Mr William Wood (WW), Chairman of a previous Community Council, to the meeting. It was agreed that Mr Wood and a second member of the previous Community Council (Mr Gourlay) should be offered the remaining two unoccupied places on the newly constituted Mansewood and Hillpark Community Council.

Mr Wood undertook to ensure that the necessary forms relating to his and Mr WW Gourlay’s applications would be submitted to Mr Steven Dowling at .

4. Bank Account Progress

JJ reported that he, with GW and ET had attended a meeting with a manager of the branch of the Clydesdale Bank in November, 2014, to complete the formalities of setting up the bank account.

Mansewood & Hillpark Community Council Meeting 03-Dec-2014: Approved Minute Page 1 of 3 Actions Access to funds held in the account associated with the previous Community Council will require identification of the particulars of the account. WW WW undertook to assist the Treasurer (ET) in pursuit of this objective. ET

5. Schedule of Meetings for 2015

Following discussion it was agreed to schedule Community Council meetings to be held on the first Wednesday of every month during 2015, with the exception of May when the meeting would be held on the second Wednesday.

KC undertook to arrange with Mansewood Community Centre for the use of KC the Centre on the scheduled dates.

6. Planning Partnership

GW undertook to contact the Area Partnership to inform them that M&HCC is now up and running and would in due course expect to have representation on the Area Partnership. GW

7. Future Planning Ideas

GW reported that he and ET had identified two schemes which they thought could be promoted by the Community Council over the coming months:- a) The Smartwater Project

This is an initiative backed by Police to mark valuable items with a traceable forensic code which, in the event of them being recovered following loss or theft, will enable their owners to be identified. GW undertook to find out more about the scheme to enable the Council to discuss ways in which it GW can promote it with in Community. b) The Affordable Warmth Dividend

The Affordable Warmth Dividend is a single payment from Glasgow City Council available unconditionally to all residents aged 80 years and over. It was agreed that the Community Council should promote the uptake of this right.

JJ undertook to produce a draft poster on the subject and circulate this to JJ members for finalisation.

Mansewood & Hillpark Community Council Meeting 03-Dec-2014: Approved Minute Page 2 of 3 8. AOCB a) Crime Reporting

The Council expressed an interest in obtaining crime statistics concerning the Community and it was agreed that should be asked to send a representative to the next meeting to provide a report. GW b) Invitations to Elected Representatives

The Community Council appreciated the attendance of Councillor Steven Curran at the previous meeting of the Community Council. It was confirmed that Minutes of all meetings and invitations to all future meetings would be sent to local elected representatives: Baillie S. Doherty, Councillor S. Curran, Councillor E. Gillan and Mr J. Dornan, MSP. GW

9. Date and Time of Next Meeting

The next meeting of Mansewood and Hillpark Community Council will take place at 7pm on Wednesday, 7th of January, 2015, at Mansewood Community Centre.

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