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Documents Submitted at Meeting Thank You Lt Ehren Watada Army moves forward with court martial 1 of 3 W la 8y r 1 ThankYoul moves forward with court martial Main Menu Army 1J 0 On June 22 U November 11 2006 Lieutenant Ehl Home Update became the firs Donate Political charges of contempt towards the officer to publici Petition president dropped four years prison still deployment tc possible for political speech critical of Iraq War Iraq War and Contact Us Trial date not yet set expected early 2007 Add Your Name I think as the recent elections show more and more Americans are Take Action Lt Watada has their eyes but we aren t there yet 1 that actions such as opening hope charged with c In the News mine will continue to the truth behind the fundamental help expose towards Presi illegality and of the war In Support immorality conduct unbeco U S Army Lt Ehren Watada and a gentlema Organizations movement Resource Toolkit After an unexpected delay the Army has announced the forwarding of charges against Lt Ehren Watada by Fort Lewis Commanding Officer Lt General James ThankYouLT Hawaii On August 24 t Dubik Lt Watada is to be court martialed for missing movement article 87 of pre trial hearin Photos the Uniform Code of Justice and counts of Conduct Military multiple recommended c Unbecoming an Officer and a Gentleman for his opposition to the Videos publiC illegal martial on all and immoral occupation war in Iraq September 15 Search charge was ad In a pre trial victory for Lt Watada the Army has retreated on all counts of content towards government officials specifically President G W Bush The For the fi rst tim last known prosecution of this article was in 1965 from Lt Henry resulting the military is p Howe s opposition to Us during the Vietnam War Lt Watada s foreign policy objector for his defense team believe the military favors the conduct unbecoming charges for faces over eigt their overly broad nature versus the more controversial contempt of officials prison over Sl that would have opened the door to the obvious question can be speech Amendment SpE contemptuous if it is factual Lt Ehren Watada responds Help Lt Watac on trial Your s The referral of the charges was not unexpected I m moving forward as I always including dona June 27 National Day of have with resilience and fortitude to face the challenges ahead I think the Watada s defe but Action to Stand Up with recent elections show more and more Americans are opening their eyes we urgently needec Lt Watada reports aren t there yet I hope that actions such as mine will continue to help expose the truth behind the fundamental illegality and immorality of the war said Lt Ehren Watada The reason I spoke out I saw that what was being done in terms of this war http thankyoult li ve radicaldesigns orglcontentview11921 111712006 Thank You Lt Ehren Watada Army moves forward with court martial Page 2 of 3 was so illegal and so immoral and not being checked It was a danger to our troops and a danger to our country So I think what needs to be done is some kind of accountability in Washington D C and also investigations into how this war was started in the first place Watada Lt told reporters at a press conference last Thursday that almost every Play Video day someone from the military or the outside sends me some kind of to Message supporters correspondence or approaches me in person to render support or their respect December 8 10 days of action to support Lt Watada and all GI resisters Posters t sh and It s time for us to escalate public pressure and action in support of Lt Watada and the of growing movement thousands of courageous men and women GI s who have in many different ways followed the their conscience upholding international law taking a principled stand against unjust illegal war and occupation and stood up for their rights Widespread public support and pressure will help create true support for courageous troops facing isolation and repression and help protect their civil liberties and human rights We call for the following 1 Support for all war objectors 2 Protect the right to conscientious objection 3 Protect the liberties and human rights of GIs 4 Sanctuary for war objectors In the Pacific Northwest these actions will serve as a warm up for larger mobilizations and events to coincide with Lt Watada s trial early next year The actual court martial date has not yet been sent Citizen s hearing on Iraq January 20 21 One important event in support of Lt Watada s courageous stand in opposition to the illegal and immoral occupation war in Iraq already underway is citizen s hearing to be held in the Seattle area over January 20 21 Confirmed participants include David Kreiger and Daniel Ellsberg while Veterans for Peace and Gold Star Families for Peace have joined the effort More information coming soon Bob Watada currently in middle of a cross country speaking tour in support of his son Ehren responded to the referral of charges by declaring People come up and tell us that Ehren is a true American hero Of course we are concerned about the outcome of the trial but we are very gratified with the enormous support from a broad sector of the American people http thankyoultli ve radicaldesigns org contentview11921 III1712006 Third Estate Sunday Review Remember Ehren Watada Page 1 of 3 SEARCH SLOG FLAG SLOG Next II II I Blog Create Blog I Sign In Third Estate Sunday Review The Third Estate Review focuses on Sunday politics and culture We re an online magazine We don t play nice and we t don kiss butt In the words of Cher If can it then Im you dig happy and if you can t then Im sorry We re not we wanted a really sorry just dig it quote Don t like it There are millions of sites online move along you re blocking the view Sunday November 12 2006 About Me Remember Ehren Watada Name Third Estate Sunday Review location New York US Hey Jim Dona Jess remember Ty Ava started out this Ehren site as five students enrolled in journalism Watada In in NY Now We re still students We re in June he was CA Journalism The majority scoffs at the news notion From the start at the very start Carried on a CL of The has little Common Ills helped with the throughout writing here C L s part of our core the summer six gang C L and Ava write the 1V Nation The commentaries by themselves So that s even did two the six of us We also credit Dallas as our pieces on link locator soundboard and much more him online We to remember to thank him each exclusives try week translation don t always remember to note it not a worthy here but we ll note him in this So this is to topic a site by the gang core six Jim Dona Ty print Jess Ava and CL of The Common Ills Truthout BuzzF ash View my complete profile Common Dreams f Democracy Now and others were all over this Now in August he had an Article 32 hearing By that point even The CODEPINK New FOR PEACE York Times had written an article about him He is the first commissioned officer to publicly refuse to deploy to Iraq Watada rightly feels the war is To illegal go to Iraq would be to participate in war crimes risk and that those serving under him participate in them as well Previous Posts Truest statement of the week How he did come to that conclusion By following a superior s advice after A Note to Our Readers Watada he learned that was going to Iraq and studying up on the war Editorial Now what So he does so and discovers that the war is illegal He repeatedly attempts TV Saturday Night Dead to resign The US military is having nothing to do with that In June he publicly announces he will not deploy His unit deploys and Watada The Full Brobeck doesn t Remember Ehren Watada You gotta stay loose limber and He s a US war resister and in the beginning it looked as though independent media might be interested in the story Then came the August prepared 17th Article 32 hearing And where was independent media Go down Dexy Early on the US military was attempting to force reporters to offer Junior campaigned in strange testimony Is that what spooked indymedia We have no idea Our guess is that don places they just t give a damn But the one day hearing was worth http thirdestatesundayreview blogspot coml2006 II remember ehren watada html 11 172006 Third Estate Sunday Review Remember Ehren Watada Page 2 of 3 Both for the covering fact that he was facing the of a equivalent grand 10 CDs we listened to during the jury hearing to determine whether or not he would be indicted as well as writing of this the three witnesses that provided testimony for the defense and what they e had to say Swiping from C I For details on Ann Wright s testimony click here Dennis click A Halliday here and here for Francis Boyle links Independent media s lack of interest should have been obvious then The The Common Ills hearing took place on a Thursday Amy Goodman did include in headlines on Democracy Now on a Tuesday Five days later Sounded like it was trying to be sneaked in Whatever the reason the way it sounded made Sex And Politics and Screeds and many think the presiding officer had reached a recommendation He Attitude hadn t It would be two more days before his decision was announced By which point one indymedia journalist writing at an indymedia site would go on what he thought he heard on DN and have published before the Thomas Friedman Is a Great Man recommendation was announced that Watada was going to be court martialed Kat s Korner of The Common Ills Some never even bothered to announce it that the one day hearing took place When the recommendation came back it was in favor of a court martial That was in August Carolyn Ho Watada
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