RAINFALL and RIVER SITUATION SUMMARY AS on SEPTEMBER 23, 2014. OUTLOOK Water Level Recorded During Last 24 Hrs Ending at 06:00 A

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RAINFALL and RIVER SITUATION SUMMARY AS on SEPTEMBER 23, 2014. OUTLOOK Water Level Recorded During Last 24 Hrs Ending at 06:00 A FLOOD INFORMATION CENTRE FLOOD FORECASTING & WARNING CENTRE BANGLADESH WATER DEVELOPMENT BOARD WAPDA BUILDING, 8TH FLOOR, DHAKA. E-mail: [email protected],[email protected],Site: http://www.ffwc.gov.bd Tel: 9553118, 9550755 Fax: 9557386 RAINFALL AND RIVER SITUATION SUMMARY AS ON SEPTEMBER 23, 2014. OUTLOOK The Brahmaputra-Jamuna, the Ganges-Padma & the Meghna rivers are in rising trend. The Brahmaputra-Jamuna, the Ganges-Padma, the Meghna and the rivers around Dhaka city rivers may likely to rise in next 72 hours. In following 7 stations, water is flowing above their respective danger levels recorded today at 06.00 AM. STATION AT OR ABOVE DANGER LEVEL: Water level recorded during last 24 hrs ending at 06:00 AM today is: Rivers Name Station name Rise(+)/ Above Danger Level in cm Fall(-) cm Gur Singra +28 +8 Surma Sunamganj +80 +35 Khowai Ballah +166 +55 Bhugai Nakuagaon -96 +136 Jadukata Lorergarh +142 +221 Someswari Durgapur +80 +250 Kansha Jariajanjail +234 +225 RAINFALL No Significant rainfalls recorded during last 24 hrs ending at 06:00 AM today. Station name Rainfall in mm Station name Rainfall in mm Comilla 180.0 Moulavi Bazar 91.0 Sunamganj 175.0 Sylhet 90.0 Lorergarh 162.0 Durgapur 70.0 Gaibandha 115.0 Panchapukuria 65.0 Tangail 110.0 Rajshahi 58.0 Patuakhali 107.0 Bhairab Bazar 55.0 Chilmari 105.0 Noakhali 52.0 Manu Rly Br 96.0 Barisal 47.0 General river condition Monitored water Level stations 84 Steady 01 Rise 70 Not reported 01 Fall 12 Above danger level 07 For Further Query, Feel Free to Contact: 01 55236 0 340 ; 01730076750; 01712731191 (A. N. M Tareq Siddique) Assistant Programmer Duty Officer, FFWC, BWDB. Cell no: 01552362560 eb¨v Z_¨ †K›`ª eb¨v c~e©vfvm I mZK©xKiY †K›`ª evsjv‡`k cvwb Dbœqb †evW© Iqvc`v feb (9g Zjv) gwZwSj ev/G, XvKv-1000 B-‡gBj t I‡qemvBU t `~ivjvcwb t [email protected], [email protected]; www.ffwc.gov.bd, 9553118, 9550755 d¨v· 9557386 e„wócvZ I b`-b`x Ae¯’v 08 Avwk¦b 1421 e½vã / 23 ‡m‡Þ¤^i 2014L„t GK bR‡i b`-b`xi cwiw¯’wZ eªþcyÎ-hgybv, M½v-cÙv I †gNbv b`xi cvwb mgZj e„w× cv‡”Q| AvMvgx 72 N›Uvq eªþcyÎ-hgybv, M½v-cÙv, †gNbv Ges XvKv kni msjMœ b`-b`xmg~‡ni (eywoM½v, evjy, ZzivM, U½x Lvj) cvwb mgZj e„w× †c‡Z cv‡i| AvR mKvj 6.00 Uvi Z_¨ Abyhvqx wbgœewY©Z 07wU †ók‡b cvwb wec`mxgvi Dci w`‡q cÖevwnZ n‡”Q| wec`mxgv ev wec`mxgvi Dc‡i †÷kb t b`xi bvg ‡÷k‡bi bvg e„w×(+) n«vm(-) (†mt wgt) wec`mxgvi Dc‡i (‡mtwgt) ¸i wmsov +28 +8 myigv mybvgMÄ +80 +35 ‡LvqvB +166 +55 evj­v fyMvB bvKzqvMuvI -96 +136 R`yKvUv j‡iiMo +142 +221 ‡mv‡gk¦wi `~M©vcyi +80 +250 Ksk RvwiqvRÄvBj +234 +225 evwicvZ Z_¨: —) : MZ 24 N›Uvq D‡j­L‡hvM¨ e„wócvZ (MZ Kvj mKvj 06:00 Uv †_‡K AvR mKvj 06:00 Uv ch©š ¯’v‡bi bvg e„wócvZ (wgtwgt) ¯’v‡bi bvg e„wócvZ (wgtwgt) 180.0 ‡gŠjwfevRvi 91.0 Kzwgj­v mybvgMÄ 175.0 wm‡jU 90.0 j‡iiMo 162.0 `~M©vcyi 70.0 MvBevÜv 115.0 cuvPcyKzwiqv 65.0 Uv½vBj 110.0 ivRkvnx 58.0 cUzqvLvjx 107.0 ‰fievRvi 55.0 wPjgvwi 105.0 ‡bvqvLvjx 52.0 gby †ijI‡q eªxR 96.0 ewikvj 47.0 b`-b`xi Ae¯’v (AvR mKvj 06:00 Uv ch©š—) welq msL¨v welq msL¨v ch©‡e¶Yvaxb cvwb mgZj †÷kb 84 AcwiewZ©Z 01 e„w× 70 Z_¨ cvIqv hvq bvB 01 n«vm 12 wec`mxgvi Dc‡i 07 (G, Gb, Gg Zv‡iK wmwÏKx) For Further Query, Feel Free to Contact: mnKvix ‡cÖvMÖvgvi 01552360340; 01730076750; 01712731191 wWDwU Awdmvi eb¨v c~e©vfvm I mZKx©KiY †K›`ª ,evcvD‡ev, XvKv| ‡gvevBj bs: 01552362560 FLOOD FORECASTING AND WARNING CENTER,BWDB RIVER SITUATION AS ON 23-09-2014 AT 06:00 HOURS ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SL RIVER STATION NAME RHWL D.L. W A T E R L E V E L + Rise Above (m) (m) --------------------- - Fall D.L. 22-09-2014 23-09-2014 in cm in cm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRAHMAPUTRA BASIN ----------------- 1 DHARLA KURIGRAM 27.66 26.50 25.64 26.13 + 49 -37 2 TEESTA DALIA 52.97 52.40 52.50 52.10 -40 -30 3 TEESTA KAUNIA 30.52 30.00 28.67 28.63 -4 -137 4 JAMUNESWARI BADARGANJ 32.92 32.16 31.33 31.56 + 23 -60 5 GHAGOT GAIBANDHA 22.81 21.70 20.36 21.01 + 65 -69 6 KARATOA CHAK RAHIMPUR 21.41 20.15 18.65 19.52 + 87 -63 7 KARATOA BOGRA 17.45 16.32 - 14.17 - -215 8 BRAHMAPUTRA NOONKHAWA 28.10 27.25 25.35 25.96 + 61 -129 9 BRAHMAPUTRA CHILMARI 25.07 24.00 22.89 23.46 + 57 -54 10 JAMUNA BAHADURABAD 20.62 19.50 18.47 19.13 + 66 -37 11 JAMUNA SARIAKANDI 18.25 16.70 15.61 16.35 + 74 -35 12 JAMUNA SERAJGANJ 15.12 13.35 11.78 12.41 + 63 -94 12 JAMUNA ARICHA 10.76 9.40 7.82 8.04 + 22 -136 14 GUR SINGRA 13.53 11.50 11.30 11.58 + 28 + 8 15 ATRAI BAGHABARI 12.45 10.40 9.58 9.78 + 20 -62 16 DHALESWARI ELASIN 12.20 11.40 10.48 10.75 + 27 -65 17 OLD BRAHMAPUTRA JAMALPUR 18.00 17.00 13.95 14.58 + 63 -242 18 OLD BRAHMAPUTRA MYMENSINGH 13.71 12.50 9.45 9.52 + 7 -298 19 LAKHYA LAKHPUR 8.70 5.80 5.37 5.52 + 15 -28 20 BURIGANGA DHAKA 7.58 6.00 4.33 4.32 -1 -168 21 BALU DEMRA 7.13 5.75 4.50 4.53 + 3 -122 22 LAKHYA NARAYANGANJ 6.93 5.50 5.00 5.05 + 5 -45 23 TURAG MIRPUR 8.35 5.94 5.15 5.23 + 8 -71 24 TONGI KHAL TONGI 7.84 6.08 4.90 4.93 + 3 -115 25 KALIGANGA TARAGHAT 10.39 8.38 6.56 6.71 + 15 -167 26 DHALESWARI JAGIR 9.73 8.23 6.59 6.60 + 1 -163 27 DHALESWARI REKABI BAZAR 7.66 5.18 4.01 4.07 + 6 -111 28 BANSHI NAYARHAT 8.39 7.32 5.01 5.00 -1 -232 GANGES BASIN ------------ 29 KARATOA PANCHAGARH 72.65 70.75 68.35 68.35 0 -240 30 PUNARBHABA DINAJPUR 34.40 33.50 29.63 30.74 +111 -276 31 ICH-JAMUNA PHULBARI - 29.95 28.08 28.34 + 26 -161 32 TANGON THAKURGAON 51.26 50.40 49.42 49.10 -32 -130 33 UPPER ATRAI BHUSIRBANDAR 41.10 39.62 38.15 38.85 + 70 -77 34 MOHANANDA ROHANPUR 23.83 22.00 18.65 18.80 + 15 -320 35 MOHANANDA CHAPAI-NAWABGANJ 23.01 21.00 18.25 18.33 + 8 -267 36 LITTLE JAMUNA NAOGAON 16.20 15.24 13.40 14.65 +125 -59 37 ATRAI MOHADEBPUR 19.89 18.59 15.07 16.32 +125 -227 38 GANGES PANKHA 24.14 22.50 19.10 19.16 + 6 -334 39 GANGES RAJSHAHI 20.00 18.50 15.53 15.64 + 11 -286 40 GANGES HARDINGE BRIDGE 15.19 14.25 11.85 11.88 + 3 -237 41 PADMA GOALUNDO 10.21 8.65 7.34 7.51 + 17 -114 42 PADMA BHAGYAKUL 7.58 6.30 5.26 5.37 + 11 -93 43 PADMA SURESWAR 7.50 4.45 4.00 4.05 + 5 -40 44 GORAI GORAI RLY BRIDGE 13.65 12.75 9.89 9.95 + 6 -280 45 GORAI KAMARKHALI 9.48 8.20 6.51 6.55 + 4 -165 46 ICHAMATI SAKRA 4.69 3.96 -0.56 -0.21 + 35 -417 47 MATHABHANGA CHUADANGA 12.67 12.04 6.93 7.01 + 8 -503 48 MATHABHANGA HATBOALIA 15.13 14.48 10.08 10.14 + 6 -434 49 KOBADAK JHIKARGACHA 5.59 4.11 3.66 3.67 + 1 -44 50 KUMAR FARIDPUR 8.76 7.50 4.37 4.51 + 14 -299 51 ARIALKHAN MADARIPUR 5.80 4.17 2.63 2.65 + 2 -152 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cont/2 Page-2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SL RIVER STATION NAME RHWL D.L. W A T E R L E V E L + Rise Above (m) (m) --------------------- - Fall D.L. 22-09-2014 23-09-2014 in cm in cm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEGHNA BASIN ------------ 52 SURMA KANAIGHAT 15.26 13.20 11.77 12.03 + 26 -117 53 SURMA SYLHET 12.44 11.25 9.94 10.23 + 29 -102 54 SURMA SUNAMGANJ 9.75 8.25 7.80 8.60 + 80 + 35 55 KUSHIYARA AMALSHID 18.28 15.85 14.70 14.35 -35 -150 56 KUSHIYARA SHEOLA 14.60 13.50 12.80 12.56 -24 -94 57 KUSHIYARA SHERPUR-SYLHET 9.68 9.00 8.73 8.93 + 20 -7 58 KUSHIYARA MARKULI 8.51 8.50 7.50 7.52 + 2 -98 59 SARIGOWAIN SARIGHAT 14.48 12.80 10.93 12.30 +137 -50 60 MANU MANU RLY BR. 20.42 18.00 15.40 15.70 + 30 -230 61 MANU MOULVI BAZAR 13.25 11.75 9.77 10.27 + 50 -148 62 KHOWAI BALLAH 26.12 21.64 20.53 22.19 +166 + 55 63 KHOWAI HABIGANJ 12.00 9.50 6.65 8.10 +145 -140 64 DHALAI KAMALGANJ 21.18 19.82 17.47 19.10 +163 -72 65 OLDSURMA DERAI 7.75 7.00 6.45 6.51 + 6 -49 66 BAULAI KHALIAJURI 9.52 8.50 6.10 6.27 + 17 -223 67 BHUGAI NAKUAGAON 26.01 22.40 24.72 23.76 -96 + 136 68 JADUKATA LORERGARH 11.85 8.53 9.32 10.74 +142 + 221 69 SOMESWARI DURGAPUR 15.20 13.00 14.70 15.50 + 80 + 250 70 KANGSHA JARIAJANJAIL 13.37 9.75 9.66 12.00 +234 + 225 71 TITAS B.
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