Friday, October 15, 1920 IMPERIAL VALLEY PRESS 7 ' -f-r DOINGS MEUO, DDFPp CLASSIFIED Vuu wiH£Ai Di!> Now I Voi) most- HAve mao a OH, Tl ’,e TwOMPoowO VUEMT MEAVEmS* SUCH A 7Wid IS (*>«*.vualkS-W : Nes, Take IT AMO OF get iJack? Just a WuMOEPFUC TlNlt- D»0 WITH N(JO? Ncs.7H6W’Rfc M THE - \Hjt ) pß»ve all OFTVie - 00T 5)0 e DUFFS MiWUTE Please DawMV OJcAT CociPAmN id TuA*r Go *MITH A OH,Hf.tLo.m'?s wALicec! t 1 vg»i.t vuu pt.tAse leAve waN'P -IW MfwTe 5..,*? 6t>Ol> FOR HER IT AMO &R£ak IT OP Classified advertisements accepted MOW AR£ SOUNUD » according JI»ST VUU? ALUaiE ? pu?.AS&* MO Vuu CAM "r to the following rates and VOOR. THAT VuTIJULA PuM't Tell ME ! SOU To OUT rules: -s ¦<* oOOD To HEAR VOICE. Avl Op AM6 C: Riv.HT Vo IF WAMT | HAVE a moment please. ! AteA/M - KOW (JUT i>(L- Just Go RIGHT Aw/AN KAXKS—TIie rite for Inserting Pre- Al o*l NuU E paid Classified ct Liner Advertise- A*p PtAN ’ mentii JtpThe imperial Valley Press Is * X cent, pjpr each insertion, If T word Helen Has a v paid la’ advance. Minimum charge \V IB centa Telephone * Classified advertising CHARGED TO Call. _V/.Vrf ACCOUNTS will be h*t the rale of 1 Vi<- e? x per wold, with charge of V,c. a m'nimum 7/ /( V' . rl?JP Vi f The Imperial Valley Press cannot m JJ Iti guarantee the accuracy or assume re- (II sponsibility '1 for more than one incor- X 1 ! S ,' & rect insertion of any advertisement ¦i; •\ ••• V.‘ ordered for more than one time. iljlV.Nv. N IvT- „•*. vi .«*. Krrors not the fault of the advertiser, M which clearly lessen the value of the BY advertisement, will be rectified only by s*.* A .. v «/i republicatien without extra charge on ALLMAN i '/A presentation of claim within five days I after insertion. No allowance will be made when the error does not mater- ially effect the sense or purpose of FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE HELP the advertisement. WANTED—FEMALE SITUATION WANTED—MALE FOR SALK—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE—SIX ROOM WANTED A GOOD AVOMAN TO FOR g 8... POSITION WANTED MARRIED EXCHANGE HIGH CLASS Deeble Kernill ARTISTICALLY FURNISHED assist mother with young baby three man wishes position on ranch. .1. brick business buildings in good Business Directory MODERN HOME $5000.00 hours daily. Will pay a just price. C. Peasiey, Route 2, Box 95, El valley town for acreage or outside Piano Saxophone-Violin House with hardwood floors in two Phone 349-J. Centro.J , « ¦property. G. Kennedy, rooms, I E. 514 Main l'Oli SALE—REAL ESTATE modern $5,000. Modern house SITUATION WANTED—TWO St., El Centro i.nd half acre lot, $4OOO. $l5OO down. WANTED—RELIABLE LADY TO DO BOYS ATTORNEYS wish employment. Good salesmen; ( FOR SAI.E—A Five rooms and hath, two sleeping light housework and care for con- REAL BARGAIN—I2O Four mechanical exnerience. A'dress J. w. FOR SALE—'Fine tapestry mahogany acres in cultivation. 112 shares porches, garage, $4250, $1750 down. valescent lady. in family. No Edwards, 637 Park. HICKCOX & CRENSHAW Seven rooms and bath, washing. May come during the day davenport bed; Circassian walnut water. 5110 per acre. Will sell 40 or will sell furn- d\3ser; table, folding To-Night— Attorneys only if preferred. Ask Miss Hend- kitchen couch. more acres on easy terms. G miles ished; $5250, $1750, balance terms. for Call mornings, 590 Telephone 168 erson, Southern Trust & Commerce WANTED BY THOROUGHLY Ex- Olive street. Bldg., east, 1-2 mile north Calipalria. Section Lot and three houses partly furnished Bank. first National Bank El Centro 10, township 12, range 15. J. S. Pear- $2100: cash $6OO, balance terms. Three perienced dairyman married, good Every FRIDAY Night sun 507 W So. San Bardino.- bath general stockman, position or FOR SALE—GRAIN DRILL, ALFALFA Street. rooms and $1000; good location. TO DO CLEAN- oppoj- ! renovator, 3 2 work, 1 AUTO two on WANTED—WOMAN tunity to work dairy on snares. Wm. ! mares. saddle. REPAIRS Lot and houses Olive, $3000; ing by FOR SALE LIKE RENT FOUR $l5OO three good and chamberwirk the hour. A. Burnette, Route A, Bc-x 105 Brawley. j down. Lot and Apply Housekeeper, El FOR SALE—INFANTS BED AND CONSOLE room house at 1047 Woodward Ave. houses on Brighton; line income prop- Centro Hotel. EPOS., FORD REPAIR mattress, large size bed, springs and Shop. Ford engines 'nr Price $l4OO. Easy terms. Call D. T. erty, $lO,OOO. WANTED—POSITION ON FARM BY • mattress and small heating stove, all overhauled Harblson, Calexico, $2O. All work guaranteed. Money . 837-F-2. MRS. ® DELA PERKS man and wife. Wife to cook. Phone I in iirst class condition. 528 Euclid refunded If not satisfactory. T 134 North Fifth H. Green, Ave. or Phone DANCING 611 St. El Centro Hotel. 297-R-6. Broadway. FOR SALE—24O ACRES C WITHIN YOUNG WOMEN at miles of El Centro, suitable fo" FOR SALE OR RENT—IBO ACRES FOR SALE—SO SACKS OF ALGER- v WANTED & grapes or alfalfa, 50 percent tinder unimproved land in Coachilla valley LOST AND FOUND ian seed wheat. 4c per lb. 1-8 mile HART C'AHEY the market. Let us show you this at near Indio; 1-2 mile from famous ;ast of Jasper School. Nash Cars and Trucks Northrup AT Davis Alack Trucks once. date orchard. About 100 A GOOD SALARY IS PAID LOST MURPHY MINSTRELS—A Hail,El Centro EDGAR BROTHERS REALTY CO. easily FROM ladies’ bag FOR, SALE—BALED HAY. SEE VUL- 761 Main St. Phone 610 acres tillable. Water condi- THE START, WITH REGULAR silver mesh and sum of I G2S Main St. tions good; land suitable for cotton, money. Reward if returned to 675' kcr on J. E. Hinrichson Ranch, 3 Something grapes, vegetables. AND FREQUENT INCREASES Hell. miles north of Dogwood. a Little dates or Sandy soil AND EXCELLENT OPPORTUN- Main St., on nONEY, GRAIN AND POULTRY FOR SALE—SIX ROOM HOUSE. Terms 435 No alkali. easy. Address D. ITIES FOP. PROMOTION TO Different Hamilton, $2500.00. Four room and I. Nofriger, Calif. FOUND—SUM OF MONEY FOR SALE—GARAGE PAY CASH Clendale, HIGHER SALARIED POSITIONS; OWNER EQUIPMENT WE FOR POULTRY, a two room at 410 Hamilton $2500.00. may have same proving owner- Lathe, drill, press and parts; slight- and grain. Rarth & Three, lot PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NOT by honey Marshall 4-room houses on one FOR SALK—THREE NEW 5 AND 0 ship and paying fbr this ad. Phone 41. ly damaged by fire. Apply F. B. Nevens 126 South Sixth St., Phone 35. $5700.00. Inquire 728 South Fourth REQUIRED. Richard, Overland St. 5 p. m. ROOM lIinVGALOWS. ALL MODERY Hotel, Calexico, Drums-Banjo after CAN GIVE IMMEDI- Calif. THROIGOIIT. OUR CHIEF OPERATOR WILL STRAYED—BLACK HEIFER, WHITE PHOTO STUDIOS BUY OF THE YEAR—2SO ATE POSSESSION OF ONE. TWO EXPLAIN feet, marked, weight about BEST i GLADLY THE MANY 700 FOR acres of grape and cotton land in ARE RENTED FOR *7O PER MONTH. OTHER ADVANTAGES OF TELE- pounds. Five inch straight horns, SALE—ONE ALFALFA RENOV- HETZEL’S PI.'OTO SHOP FOR j ator, 3 Oliver engine gang plows, CIVILIAN Lerdo district, Kern county. Three j J. E. AVILSON, 755 HROADWAI'. PHONE OPERATING AS A VOCA- about 2 years ¦old, giving milk. Y SLAIN IN every! hi ng In photography. 126 So. and modern farm Strayed August 24 from corn grinder with engine. 4x5 split Fifth. pumping plants all TION FOR YOUNG WOMEN. last house posts, Phone 34. machinery. Good house. Everything FOR RENT—ROOMS APPLY on East Olive slree». Return there hog wire fencing and barb wire, MOTOR CAR ATTACK 0 ft. chicken wire, one up to date. Unlimited water. Write THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND and receive $lO reward. 8-ft. disc har- Our New Creations in .Toe Vlasnik, A Street, Bakersfield, FOR RENT—FURNISHED UPSTAIRS TELEGRAPH COMPANY row. G. D. Willoughly & Sons, 2 miles (By Associated Press') * 2021 north of Calexico, Calif. “SILVEHTOXE” . room. Gentleman preferred. 752 LOST Oil STRAYED—ONE HOLSTEIN DUBLIN, Oct. 15.—Civilians at- Pbotonraphs Will Interest You Olivo St. VRSKIiAXU heifer about 10 months old Branded FOR SALE KIMBALL ' ackcd an armed motor car near Dub- STUDIO FOR SALE—TWO LOTS, DESIRABLE' OL on right hip Notify O. L. Hill, PLAYER 622 Main St. location, sidewalks in. $25.00 down, FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM piano, 3 tables and chairs, 1 rocker, lin today and a aoldier was reported { Route 1 Box 167, E! Centro. 1 $lO.OO per month. See Ferguson at for gentleman. 520 Hell St. HELP WANTED—MALE mattress, birdsere maple dresser, 3 1 rmred and one civilian killed. Salomon’s. burner Dangler stove, ice box, small JOB PRINTING FOR RENT—3-ROOM APARTMENT. AUTOS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE grain separator mounted on Macic WANTED—YOUNG MAN WITH SOME LEGAL SWANSON FOR SALE—SO ACRES, WELI, Im- unfurnished. Toilet and bath, new knowledge of office truck. 1 Moline tractor, 2-way plow, ADVERTISING PRINTING COMPANY A. bookkeeping for AUTO REPAIRING—FIRST one 2-horse Commercial Printing proved, good soil, 50 acres in cotton. and modern. Adults only. Mrs. J. and light store work. Hours good; CLASS disc. 435 South Tenth: A. open Colman, 450 Heil. automobile repairing. 554 Holt Ave. C. Van Derpoel. 48u Main Street Price and terms right. Offer must be clean, neat and wide awake. All w only until 5. Crop goes with ov»k guaranteed. STATEMENT OP THE OWNERSHIP October FOR RENT—SITTING ROOM WITH Permanent position to right party. land. Will give immediate possession. FOR SALE—A ICE CREAM, >IAN \(iISIIENT, CIIK I I.ATION, sleeping porch for two or three gen- Answer by letter stating experience, —USED j SOFT PHYSICIANS H. D. Fish, phone Brawley 82-F-21.- references and salary expected. Care CARS—- drink, candy and light lunch busi- ETC.. HEUMKEI) lIY THE tlemen Phone 133-W or call 764 Olive, WE WILL, SELL YOUII CAR AT ACT OP CONGRESS DR. P. evenings. Box X, Press Office. ness. Poppy Confectionary Store, OP F. BROCKET FOR SALE OR ECHANGE—4O ACRE your price, if it is a late Calipatria. AUGUST 21, 11)12, Specialty of Diseases of good Of First class land. Well improved. FOR FURNISHED WANTED CATERPILLAR AND model in condition. Any make. Imperial Valley Press, published WOMEN AND CHILDREN RENT WELL We have customers wailing:. you daily El Suite 632 Main St. Will consider dairy stock. Box 384, front 599 Olive street. tractor drivers. Register with us. If LEAVE FOR DATES, at Centro, California, for Oct- Phone 72-W room. want to sell your automobile truck j ORDERS ober 1. 1920. Imperial, Calif. Good openings soon. Milners Employ- or grapes pears- quick, bring it to us. 8 per com- I and at Kirk’s Hatch- STATE OF Dll. HARRY FOR RENT—NICELY FURNISHED ment Agency. 454 Main St. cent ery, 6 miles west on highway. Phone CALIFORNIA, COUNTY HOOPER FOR SALE rooms and apartments. 418 South mission. No charge for storage. Our 24-F-12. OF IMPERIAL, ss. —Dentist—- A REAL BARGAIN Eighth Street.^ WANTED—EXPERIENCED AUTOMO- location is the best, therefore we can Before me, a Notary Public, in and -1517 Main St. El Centro. Call. 200 acres in No. 12 under cultivation, biIe salesman. Apply Davies-Over- got you a better price. for the State and county aforesaid, water stocked, small house, soil soft FOR land Co., El Centro, Calif. FRANKLIN & HEMS FOR SALE—HEAVY OAK LIBRARY personally appeared Merrill D. Davis RENT—OFFICE SPACE. GOOD table; full length WATCHES AND JEWELRY to medium. Owner in valley and anx- location, plenty of light and window 428 Main Street oak davenport, who, having been duly sworn accord- price only Gresham, 645 Main WIFE, piano. Dillon 427 Hamilton after 6 ing to law, deposes and says that ious •to .sell, $BO an acre. space. Jno. O. WANTED—MAN AND OR BOY p. he DIAMONDS. WATCHES, J EWELR f, peady for oh wheat to run machine. M. FOR SALE—OVERLAWD' ROADSTER, m. is publisher of the Imperial Valley This 1sfntl is Barley St. milking O. 1 the Clocks, Ra.' SALE and Novelties. Fine re- CLARENCE E. GAGE FOR ROOM AND BATH; Park. jFOR PARTITION FRAMES best of his knowledge and belief, a pairing. Crescent Jewelry. t>u4 Main El 703 with glass and four doors. 134 North true statement of the street. Out Alain Street Centro breakfast and dinner if desired. SITUATION WANTED—FEMALE Fifth St. ownership, man- Broadway. FOR SALE—FORD TRUCK WITH agement (and if a daily paper, the cir- SALE—WE — i WANTED SITUATION AS pneumatic tires on all four wheels. culation), etc., of the FOR HAVE SEVERAL HOUSE FOR aforesaid pub- OPTOMETRIST bargains in houses, either cash or FOR ROOM IN PRIVATE keeper in gentleman's home by re- Coca Cola Bottling Works, 120 South SALE—3-BURNER KEROSENE lication for the date shown In the RENT St., stove. Large 643 terms. Edgar Bros. Realty Co. {louse with bath. 424 Adams St. I fined middle aged lady. No objection Third El Centro. j ice box. Olive. above caption, required by the Act of DR. NORMAN E. DUPONT—OPTO- !to children. Bok 33, Press office. i August 24, 1912, embodied in section j metrist; scientific examinations; FOR SALE HOMESTEAD RELlN- lOR RENT—UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR SALE—’IB MODEL 7 PASSEN- FOR SALE—LAUNDRY, NEW MA- , 442, Postal Laws and Regulations. glasses fltte. 115 So. sth at., P-1 Centro. BY EXPERT SEAMS- ger Buick i qulshment near Boulevard. Good $5 each a month. Private entrance, I WANTED at your own price. Apply Also one lot 1-2 acre in ! printed on the reserve of this form, to soil fine water, plenty of trees. This 124 Orange St. I tress, sewing. Call 532 North Eighth mornings at 377 Hamilton. Residence Park subdivision. 553 Com- I wit: FUNERAL PARLORS would make a fine summer home. i street. mercial. That the names and addresses of to 15 acre lots patented Imperial FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT BA' FOR SALE —3% lON GORFORD he publisher, editor, editor, B. Five truck will managing E. LEMONS Valley land, $40.00 per acre. week or month. Mrs. Rudy Elder. | WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS ot trade for stock or land. FOR SALE—APIARY OF BEES IN and business managers arc: Funeial Director Will lease 240 acres, $2500 per year, 622 Commercial, El Centro. R. H. Isom, Phone 49, Box 464, Ca- flee condition. A. Burkhalter. Box Publisher, Merrill D. Davis, El Ccn- Phono 114-W 16, . 300 acres alfalfa. Dairy stock, farm ! WANTED TO RENT—SPAN HORSES lexico, Cal. Route 1 Iro, California. v Oallfornl* implements, etc., for sale. Seventy- FOR RENT—COUNTRY PROPERTY | or mules with harness, by the month Editor, same. five acres cotton goes with ; for ranch work. E. P. Freire, Box FOR SALE OR TRADE—BIG “6" FOR SALE—IOO TON STAVE SILO Managing Editor, of this and 5 1-2 same. RESTAURANTS will pay purchase price of $15,000. I 3 B, El Centro. Studebaker, like new. Bargain. Call miles south and I 1-2 miles Business Managers, same. FOR LEASE—2OO ACRES FOR EAli- at 450 St. west of El Centro. F. Purdy, Route. . Main 2. the Call 134 N. Fifth St. ley or wheat on shares. 2, Box 77. That owners are: (Give OREGON CAPE CLARENCE E. GAGE WANTED—YOUR AUTOMOBILES TO ’antes and addresses of individual SALTER, Proprietor FOR SALE NEW APPE R S O X FOR SALE 6-ROOM BUNGALOW CO4 Main Street El Centro overhaul. M. Akeyson, 564 Holt Ave. FOR SAi,E—JUST owners, or. if a corporation, give its Corner Broadway and Fifth Street with also furniture, num- sporster. Must sell and will sacri- j RECEIVED A FEW the garage, a more bundles of bailing ties. Phone tame and names and addresses of beautiful wall ! CHILDREN’S SEWING WANTED— fice. Phone Holtville 49 F 31. ber of oil paintings, FOR RENT—BO ACRES CHOICE BAR- j fll Calexico Imperial Transfer Cam- • toekholders opening or holding 1 ptr PIANO TUNING case, roll top desk, etc. 464 Adams St. ley land. Will make good Garments made for 75c up to >4.00. puny -•nt or more of the total amount cf proposi- hem and diapers, FOR SALE NEW FORD WITH i tion to party putting it into alfalfa. Will also towels 3oe PIA \ O S “SNAPS* “SNAPS” | Fifth to 75c per dozen. 529 South Sixth St. starter. Immediate delivery. Da- Merrill D. Davis, El Centro, Califor- Inquire Geo. Carter, 117 North vies Overland Co., 675 Main St. TUNED AND REPAIRED LAND LIVE STOCK 'ia. / St. WANTED-ONE HUNDRED OR MORE Work absolutely guarantor 3. That the known bondholders, MAX MEYER If you want one we have It —17G 5 rabbits, Belgian Hares or Flemish USED CARS FOR SALE —WELL BRED GOATS. mortgagees, and other security holders FOR RENT ACRES, MILES stock. Address P. O. Box 507, Im- THE PRICE HAS Box 82 El Centro, Cal. If you have one we want it southeast of El Centro, 1-2 mile DROPPED —FORDS One good milker and a three months owning or holding 1 per cent or more «C” RANDOLPH, lilS N. Fifth perial, Calif. Dodges and other makes. You will old male. G. P. Barnett, Imperial. of total amount of bonds, mortgages north of Acacia school house. Pine be surprised at the low prices. Como DR. res nf alfalfa. Price $250 per acre FOR KENT—THREE ROOM RUNG A FOR SALE—24 HOLSTEIN AND JER- Imperial State of California lo- ty. Will call when not more than Immediate delivery, Crow-Elkhart, scy cows; 7 also in the vault. with small payment down and long low; never occupied. Excellent eight you head springers, 823 miles out, where have 50 40 good Good tune on balance. This would make an cation. Inquire Bungalow No. 4, head or more. 1 per 6 cylinder automobiles. $1955. See lease on acres alfalfa. Prices cent pound term on lease. O. C. barter, 2 miles ideal little dairy and chicken ranch. Commercial. less than price paid at our store. Coops **»v Lewis. 450 Main street. Adv. furnished free, where wo purchase south on Fourth street FOR EXCHANGE—I6O ACRES CLOSE FOR LEASE -HOUSE PARTLY FURN- poultry from ranch. Write or phone MOUNTAIN adjoining KID, EXPRESS to town and on one of the main ished, five acres city El Centro 35. Rath & Marshall, 126 FOR SALE—ONE 2 MONTHS roads that will be paved. Good house, limits. H. C. Woods, El Dorado Acres. Auth Sixth St. Hugh L. Dickson old, male. Beat Anglonubian strain. Daily Truck Service Between lots of fencing. If looking for some- Democratic Nominee for Mother of sire, 8 quart; young mother, FOR ROOM HOUSE, FUKN- 1 goat. Also few dozen 1 EL CENTRO and SAN thing good you will not be disappoint- RENT—2 WANTED REAL ESTATE Congress gallon DIEGO ed. Owner would like alfalfa land Ished. Inquire after 6 p. m. 1022 quart Mason jars. 791 Holt Ave. Connecting at San Diego Angeles, but submit any Commercial. Congressional District with Boulevard near Los WANTED TO RENT—IO TO 20 ACRES Eleventh good income property. your support” Express for f6& Trent—bungalow 78i heil suitable for poultry. Cash rent. “Solicits Harry Jones, Telephone Centro 437 are only a few of the many to #3tare with couple without chil- General Delivery El Lm El Office and Depot 660 Broadway The above Centro, California. have to See us today, we dren. tor \>IASU>N!» BKALB. we after. Ark fop* may you ynupDnsprlst have just what , have been i 4\ <’M*'-li«utera Ulrmota Vrj.rc/ FOR RENT—THREE ROOM BUNGA- WANTED—DAIRY—3O COWS AND 40 looking for. acres or to Must have in lird f».d Cold »nettll!s\\v/' I, Iow; occupied. Excellent lo- more lease. JOHNSTON —V'-J5 boxes, sealed v;tU )3!*iS Kibbor.. P. SARGENT never V/y* good feed. Cash if price is right. Bex jOTfevAl *V©k© »a* olh« r. Buy of yonr « Inquire Bungalow No. 4, 829 , Main Street El Centro cation. *Y Askf« , .f ./t'tp r Always DUO W, Press. 1 i''H.'CrfT Darkest Before Dawn Phone 321-. T Commercial. MATERNITY HOME VIfCVLU'iVj !C!iAN*» PlL!>\ f.>- j;- MILS. ISABEL I>. .lOIINSTON years known as B:a t .Sv'.i'esl. A'wv *A\-Y i £ l cver upon you WE CAN SELL YOUR HOUSE. EDGAR A .Snj DAWNED that alfalfa acreage is the FOUND- FOR RENT—STORES. OFFICES Brolhcrs Realty Company. 628 Main. 005 lil •r 𝔉&r;-‘ M A 1 SPECIAL NOTICES Ilcll. Centro S&0BY IKEKQ&fe lON to valley prosperity? Dairymen, cattlemen interests, em- Phone 290 » bracing hogs, sheep and poultry industry all grow A McCORMICK COM- FOR RENT—SPACE FOR BAKERY WANTED TO BUY—FIVE OR SIX and thrive when WILE KENT shop. Inquire at an Francisco Grill, B the normal acreage of Alfalta is planted. blno to i*> rponrib'e jwivty for tliresh- room house on terms. State loca- • No guess, nor gamble ereenmgo 651 Main St. and terms. El Centro Box 885. ( under these intr t orn on i or cash basis. tion favorable conditions. Simply a prosperous, hard work- O. El Centro. *J™ mg community Atl.lre.-s _l* Kjpg &42. FOR GOOD with something to sell the whole year ! FOR ‘RENT- STORE ROOM, 25x1(0 I HAVE CUSTOMERS EL| * round. botween Centro residence If yours SINGER SEWING a rt watching your Seed Interests, carrying nothing Fancy WILL GIV E on Sixth street Main and property. j PHILIP W. KNIGHTS , but HOME COOKING fer once, ¦ No. 1 Stocks breakfast anil dinner to two people ! state streets. Call Valley Lumber Co :r sale see me at L. P. j MACHINE CO. for your requirements. 553 Olive. Sargent, 590 Main St. Phone 321-J. | Civil and Construction Engineer HONESTLY ITS THE REST POL- Repairs and Supplies & Ctow-ElKharl.s, FOR SALK- KITCHEN CABINETS, Hemstitching and Picotinjr Security Hank llldg. 3 Rath Marshall Immediate delivery ICY WHEN BY cooking WRITTEN EDGAR dining tables and utensils! Phone City Engineer Licensed Surveyo* 4 cylinders, $1«05. See Jay Lewis, BROTHERS REALTY COMPANY. also one Ilu ce burner oil stove and ice 127 North Fifth 1155-J J| 12t> South Sixth Street Phone 33 1 MAIN ST.—Adv. i!. 1 ”*M 1 T 4 ot n 1 AOiM t» i [ 450 Main street. , _ /-d7« 628