Charter for Remain These Elections Offer You the Chance to Send a Simple Message: We Want a People’S Vote and We Want to Remain in the European Union

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Charter for Remain These Elections Offer You the Chance to Send a Simple Message: We Want a People’S Vote and We Want to Remain in the European Union Charter for Remain These elections offer you the chance to send a simple message: we want a People’s Vote and we want to remain in the European Union. Our politics is broken. Our main We could no longer remain a part parties have drifted to the ideological of this dysfunctional system, so fringes and are failing to provide the we founded what is now Change leadership our country needs. The UK in February. We left the Conservative Party is increasingly outdated cultures of Labour and controlled by its right wing; Labour the Conservatives behind. We want by the hard left. Neither is competent. to provide an alternative – one Both are failing to speak up for the based on the values which we kind of open-minded, open-hearted know matter to the British people: Britain we are. a strong economy, our country playing a leading role in the world, The 11 Change UK MPs put protecting our environment, investing everything on the line by leaving the in our public services and building Conservative and Labour parties to a vibrant, healthy democracy where work for a better alternative, precisely we campaign for our beliefs with because the country deserves better. decency and respect. Brexit is the biggest symbol of our At these European elections, broken system – and the main that alternative will be on the parties are the cause. We have ballot paper. Where our broken spent more than three years main parties offer you division, consumed by it, thanks to the we are united. Where they focus divisions in the Conservative Party on internal arguments, our vision and a desperate lack of opposition for Britain’s future is clear. from Jeremy Corbyn. Where they put their own narrow political interest first, we will Politics shouldn’t be like this. We always put the country first. should not be faced with a choice between a divided Conservative The Brexit process has divided our Party, with a weak Prime Minister at country for too long. It has stifled war with her own backbenchers, or the debate and prevented us from a Labour leadership which refuses focusing on the real challenges we to come off the fence and back our need to solve. We can’t wait any place in Europe. You deserve better. longer. Send our broken main parties a message: It’s time for change. Vote for Change UK. Remain in the EU Britain today can feel like a divided Great British products from Cornish We are stronger, safer and country. There are times when it feels pasties to Scotch whisky are better off in the EU. Change UK like we have completely forgotten protected by EU rules. All of this and MEPs will: how to debate issues in a reasonable more continues to be at risk from way. Parliament cannot agree on those, like Nigel Farage, who would • Campaign for your right to a final anything and is falling apart. Our drag us out of Europe and back say in a People’s Vote – and we will political parties have exacerbated in time. campaign for Remain, making the the problem: pitting those with positive case for Britain in Europe means against those with less; urban While the other parties may be fearful against rural; old versus young. Our about these European Parliamentary • Argue passionately for an open, politics is broken. elections, we embrace them. We frictionless border on the island of believe that the European Parliament Ireland, consistent with the Good The argument about Europe is not is a forum the UK must be involved Friday Agreement and with the the cause of this, but it is the biggest in. We have a powerful role as a UK’s full participation in the Single symbol of it. When Tory Prime rule-maker around the table, not Market and EU Minister David Cameron bowed to just a rule-taker, obeying laws made the right wing of his party and said without Britain being present. • Seek to amend any Brexit ‘deal’ that we would have a referendum presented to the European on our membership of the European Britain being in Europe is not just Parliament so that it is subject to a Union, he fired the starting gun on in the national interest – it is in our People’s Vote a period of uncertainty and bitterness communities’ interests, our families’ • Not vote for any final Brexit which has disfigured our national interests and in our interests. But it proposal if the British public life – and which has hit you in is not simply that we are better off in themselves have not approved it the pocket. the EU. For many, of all generations, being part of Europe is an expression Business investment in our country of British values. One of the most has stalled. Our economic growth inspiring things about the past few has slowed to a crawl. By some years has been an increasingly measures, your household income is patriotic movement which is proud £1,500 a year lower today than we of Britain and is unapologetically were promised in 2016. There may pro-European. Over 6 million people be more people in work, but prices signed the petition to revoke Article are rising and pay is barely going up. 50; a million wrapped themselves The UK has experienced the sharpest in the EU flag and marched to slowdown of any major economy. Parliament’s front door. These were Oddly enough, none of this was not the acts of ‘traitors’ or ‘enemies on the side of Boris Johnson’s big of the people’ – but those of patriots red bus. who believe in a brighter future for Britain: one where we act in The Government’s own assessments partnership with our friends and allies show that Brexit in any form – in a Europe of equals. including the ‘soft Brexit’ options of ‘Common Market 2.0’ or a customs Your values are ours. We want to union – will harm our economy and put the chaos and division of the leave us worse off than we are now. past few years behind us. The Brexit There is no Brexit deal which is voted for three years ago is simply better than the one we have now as undeliverable. The only way to members of the EU. reconcile the country is to give the final say on whether to proceed with Right now, you have the right to Brexit, as it is today, to the people. live, work and retire anywhere in the Over 2 million young people who European Union. Millions of British couldn’t vote in 2016 have become jobs are linked to our membership. eligible to vote and their futures will As a consumer, you are protected be affected by Brexit more than any anywhere in Europe. Roaming one group. Their voice must charges have been abolished. be heard. Reform the EU There were many reasons behind Remain prosperous We need to remain in Europe the 2016 vote to leave the European so that we can build a fairer, Union, not least that people felt that We need an economy that increases stronger economy. Change UK politics and the economy weren’t opportunity and reduces poverty. It MEPs will work within the EU working for them. The truth is that must close the gaps between north institutions to: we need fundamental change to and south, regions and nations, address the issues which drove rich and poor. We must focus on • Fight Brexit austerity which flows that vote. We strongly believe that skills, training and a proper system from any form of exiting the EU and leaving the EU won’t help resolve which helps people as they change expose the waste of money spent any of the challenges we face, but career. We must prepare for the on preparations for ‘no deal’ we do recognise that addressing rise of automation and support them is critically important. That’s investment in the industries of the • Prioritise the long-term interests of why although stopping Brexit and future where, thanks to its world- the next generation, including a new remaining in Europe is a first step, leading universities and science focus on skills and preparedness it’s not enough. The EU itself needs infrastructure, Britain is well for the impact of automation on reform, so that it better focuses and placed to lead. Everyone should the workplace delivers on the things which matter be able to make the most of • Support the continued free to you. these opportunities. movement of people across the 28 Like any political institution, the Change UK will always make the European Union nations EU isn’t perfect. It can feel too case for immigration and its benefits. • Ensure Britain remains a great distant from us, with too few We welcome those who want to destination for international MEPs being well-known to their bring their ideas and energy to students constituents. Change UK MEPs will Britain; who want to work hard, contribute to our society and build be campaigners in their communities • Advocate fair trade deals for the a better life for themselves and and advocates for reform. The entire UK as part of the EU, using the their families. Immigration is a net Parliament regularly ups sticks and leverage of the entire continent positive for our country. Where it moves from Brussels to Strasbourg, to ensure we get better social, poses challenges to some of our which is a completely unnecessary economic and environmental communities, we need to take action; waste of time and money – so we outcomes in line with the values for example, central government should put an end to that back and we share forth.
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