Science and Social Studies Units of Study

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Science and Social Studies Units of Study Science and Social Studies Units of Study Tied to Elementary, Middle School, and High School Field Trip Experiences to The Fort Osage Education Center Published by The Jackson County Parks and Recreation Department Historic Sites Division Summer, 2007 1 Table of Contents Page Table of Contents 2 Alignment Chart to Missouri and Kansas Social Studies Standards 3 What Should We Know About the Osage? (Multiple Levels) 12 Applying Economic Concepts to Historical Events (Multiple Levels) 23 Why Should We Also Know About the Hopewell? (Multiple Levels) 31 Lewis & Clark Expedition: The Members Make a Difference! (Elementary) 41 Lewis & Clark Expedition: The Fort is Here (Elementary Level) 45 Lewis & Clark Expedition: The Fort is Here (MS & HS Level) 51 Ideas for Integrating Economics and Historical Literature (Elementary) 61 Alignment Chart to Missouri and Kansas Science Standards 65 Edible Rocks 66 Find Me If You Can! 71 My Monstrous Mutations 73 Playdough River 76 Rivers and Streams 78 What is in Leaf Litter 80 Conduct a Fish Survey in Your Class 82 Outbreak 84 Population of Animals 86 What’s In My Water? 88 DNA On a String 93 2 Alignment Chart to Missouri and Kansas Social Studies Standards SS5 Knowledge of major elements of geographical study and analysis and their relationship to changes in society and the environment, and SS7 Knowledge of the use of tools of social science inquiry (such as surveys, statistics, maps, and documents) will drive all social studies units of study. Title of Lesson MO Grade Level KS MO Process Multi-Day Lessons Expectations Standards Standards Osage Indians Elementary Level Elementary Level Goal 1.2 Conducting What Should We Know About SS 2a. Knowledge of History Standard research to answer questions the Osage (1803-1807)? (Elem. continuity and change in the Benchmark 1: The student and evaluate information Level/MS Levels) history of Missouri, the US understands the significance of and ideas. and the world important individuals and major Goal 1.8 Organizing data, SS4A. (1) and SS4 B. (2) developments in history. Benchmark information, and ideas into SS5. Knowledge of major 2: The student understands the useful forms for analysis or and elements of geographical importance of experiences of groups presentation. study and analysis and their of people who have contributed to Goal 1.10 Applying relationship to changes in the richness of heritage. Benchmark acquired information, ideas, society and the environment 4: The student engages in historical and skills to different SS5C. (3) Geography of thinking skills. contexts as students, Applying Economics to Missouri and the US: Place Economics Standard 1: workers, citizens, and Historical Events (Elementary SS7A. (1) Benchmark 1: The student consumers. and/or MS Levels) understands how limited resources Goal 2.1 Planning and require choices. Benchmark 3: The making oral presentations. student analyzes how different Goal 3.5 Reasoning incentives, economic systems and inductively from a set of their institutions, and local, national, specific facts and and international interdependence deductively from general affect people. Benchmark 4: The premises. student analyzes the role of the Goal 1.8 Organizing data, government in the economy. information, and ideas into Geography Standard useful forms for analysis or Benchmark: 1 Geographic Tools and presentation. Location. Benchmark 2: Places and Goal 2.3 Exchanging Regions. Benchmark 4: Human information, questions, and Systems. ideas while recognizing the perspectives of others. 3 Hopewell Elementary Level Elementary Level Goal 1.2 Conducting Why Should We Also Know SS2a. Knowledge of History Standard: Benchmark1: research to answer questions about the Hopewell? (Elem. Indians continuity and change in the The student understands the and evaluate information Level/MS Levels) history of Missouri, the US significance of important individuals and ideas. and the world. and major developments in history. Goal 1.4 Using SS2a.B. Knowledge of the Benchmark 2: The student technological tools and contributions of non- understands the importance of other resources to locate, Missourians. experiences of groups of people who select, and organize SS5. Knowledge of major have contributed to the richness of information. elements of geographical heritage. Benchmark 4: The student Goal 1.6 Discovering and study and analysis and their engages in historical thinking skills. evaluating patterns and relationship to changes in Economics Standard: Benchmark relationships in information, society and the environment 1: The student understands how ideas, and structures. SS5C. (3) Geography of limited resources require choices. Goal 1.10 Applying Missouri and the US: Place Benchmark 2: The student acquired information, ideas, understands how the market and skills to different economy works in the United States. contexts as students, Geography Standard: Benchmark workers, citizens, and 1: Geographic Tools and Location. consumers. Benchmark 2: Places and Regions. Goal 2.1 Planning and Benchmark 3: Physical Systems. making oral and visual Benchmark 4: Human Systems. presentations for a variety of purposes and audiences. Lewis and Clark SS2a A. (1) Knowledge of the Elementary Level Goal 1.5 Comprehending Applying Economics to ways Missourians have History Standard and evaluating written, Historical Events (Elem. And interacted, survived and Benchmark 1: The student visual, and oral MS Levels) progressed from the distant understands the significance of presentations and works. past to present times important individuals and major Goal 1.6 Discovering and and SS2a B. (2) Knowledge of the developments in history. evaluating patterns and contributions of non- Benchmark 3: (K) describes the relationships in information, Missourians; Describe the observations of the explorers who ideas, and structures. contributions of Thomas came to what was to become Kansas. Goal 1.8 Organizing data, Lewis and Clark Expedition: Jefferson; Sequence and information, and ideas into The Members Make a describe the importance of History Standard (4th Grade), useful forms for analysis or Difference! (Elem. Level) Lewis and Clark Expedition Benchmark 4: The student engages presentation. SS4. Knowledge of economic in historical thinking skills. (A) Goal 1.10 Applying concepts; Distinguish among Identifies and compares information acquired information, ideas, 4 Natural, Human and Capital from primary and secondary sources. and skills to different Resources 5.(A) uses research skills to interpret contexts as students, SS4A. (1) Explain supply and an historical person or event in workers, citizens, and demand. history and notes the source(s) of consumers. SS4B.2 Interpret the past, information. Goal 2.3 Exchange explain the present and predict Economics Standard (4th grade), information, questions, and future consequences of Benchmark 1: The student ideas while recognizing the decision-making. understands how limited resources perspectives of others. require choices. 2. (A) Identifies examples of how natural, capital, and human resources are used in production of goods and services. Economics Standard (5th grade), Benchmark 1: The student understands how limited resources require choices. 3. (K) describes how specialization results in increased productivity. Fort Osage SS2a. B. Evaluate the impact Economics Standard (6th grade), Goal 1.5 Comprehending The Fort is Here! (MS Level) of westward expansion on Benchmark 1: The student and evaluating written, X Marks the Spot Power Point. Native American in Missouri understands how limited resources visual, and oral SS4B ( 2) Economic Decision- require choices. presentations and works. Making Interpret past, explain Geography Standard (6th grade), Goal 1.6 Discovering and present, and predict future Benchmark 1: Geographic Tools and evaluating patterns and consequences of economic Location: The student uses maps, relationships in formation, decisions. graphic representations, tools, and ideas, and structures. SS5D (4) Relationships within technologies to locate, use, and Goal 1.10 Applying places (Human-Environment present information about people, acquired information, ideas, Interactions/Movement) places, and environments. and skills to different Benchmark 5: Human-Environment contexts as students, Interactions: The student understands workers, citizens, and the effects of interactions between consumers. human and physical systems. Goal 2.1 Planning and Economics Standard (7th grade), making oral and visual Benchmark 1: The student presentations for a variety of understands how limited resources purposes and audiences. 5 require choices. 2. explains that how Goal 3.5 Reasoning people choose to use resources has inductively from a set of both present and future specific facts and consequences. deductively from general Geography Standard (7th grade), premises. Benchmark 1: Geographic Tools and Location: The student uses maps, graphic representations, tools, and technologies to locate, use, and present information about people, places, and environments. 5. (A) uses geographic tools, graphic representation, and/or technologies to pose and answer questions about past and present spatial distributions and patterns. Benchmark 2: Places and Regions: The student analyzes the human and physical features that give places and regions their distinctive character. History Standard (8th grade), Benchmark 1: The student uses a working knowledge and understanding of individuals, group, ideas, developments, and turning points in the early years
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