Diagnostic and Phylogenetic Character Variation in the Genus Canthon Hoffmannsegg and Related Genera (Coleoptera: Sca "Abaeidae: Scarabaeinae)

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Diagnostic and Phylogenetic Character Variation in the Genus Canthon Hoffmannsegg and Related Genera (Coleoptera: Sca Diagnostic and phylogenetic character variation in the genus Canthon Hoffmannsegg and related genera (Coleoptera: Sca "abaeidae: Scarabaeinae). Submitted in partial fulfilment C Ilfthe Requirements for the degree of Master of Science (Entomology) in the Faculty of Natural, Agricultural and In11ormationSciences University of Pretoria, Pretol'ia, South Africa © University of Pretoria CONTENTS CONTENT Page Contents ii-iii LIST OF TABLES iv LIST OF FIGURES v-ix Abstract 1 KEYWORDS FOR THESIS RETRIEVAL 2 INTRODUCTION............................................................. 3 Historical aspects 4 METHODOLOGY 7 Specimen preparation 7 Character examination 7 RESULTS 12 General description 12 Head ............ .............................. ............ 15 Clypeus 15 Eyes 22 Epipharynx............................................ 24 Labium and gula 32 Thorax 34 Proepisternum and proepimeron 37 Mesosternum 44 Legs .................................... .......... 44 Fore legs 44 Med ial and posterior leg 50 Elytra 55 ScuIpture ...................................................... 58 Pygidium 59 Male genitalia 61 Aedeagus 61 Internal sac of the aedeagus 64 Sclerites of internal sac 66 Circular sclerite 66 Brushes of the internal sac...... 77 Sexual dimorphism 81 DISCUSSION 84 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 89 REFERENCES 91 ApPENDIX 95 1. List of species of Canthon examined. The assignm :mt of species to subgenera and phyletic lines was taken from Hdffter & Martinez (1977) and Rivera-Cervantes & Halffter (1999). 9 2. Species list of genera of Canthonina other than Ca'1thon examined. 11· 3. Sclerites of the internal sac of the aedeagus found In Canthon and other genera of Canthonina. 68 4. Different types of circular sclerites in the aedeagus internal sac in species of Canthonina examined. 75 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Habitus: Canthon /uteicollis Erichson. 13 2. Pronotum. a. Canthon septemmacu/atus septemmllcu/atus Latreille b. C. septemmacu/atus histrio Serville. c. C. cyaneIlLJ:)sallaei Harold. Scale bar = 2 mm. 14 3. a. Dorsal view of the head of Canthon angustatus liarold. b. Ventral view of the head of C. fu/gidus Redtenbacher. ca = canthus, cl = clypeus, cis = clypeal suture, ey = eye, an = antennae, Inn = mentun, gl = gula, gen = gena. Scale bar = 1 mm. 16 4. Anterior clypeal margins, dorsal view. a. Canthon (ha/cites Haldemann. b. C. /unatus tibia/is Schmidt. c. C. aequinoctiaJis liarold. d. C. monilifer Blanchard. e. C. bic%r Laporte. f. C. fu/gidus Hedtenbacher. cis = clypeal suture, gn = gena. Figures a. c, d, e, scale bar = 2 mm, figures band f scale bar = 1 mm. 17 5. Anterior c1ypeal margins, dorsal view. a. Canthon fEmora/is Chevrolat. b. C. /uteicollis Erichson. c. C. quinquemacu/atus Laporte. d. C. ebenus Say. e. Me/anocanthon bispinatus Robinson. f. Mal :~goniella astyanax Blanchard. g. De/tochilum gibbosum Fabricius. Gis = clypeal suture, gn = gena. Figure a scale bar = 1 mm, figures b-g !;cale bar = 2 mm. 18 6. Ventral view of the c1ypeus a. Canthon fu/gidus Re :jtenbacher. b. C. femoraJis Chevrolat. c. Hansreia affinis Fabricil s. d. Ma/agoniella astyanax Blanchard. e. C. pratico/a LeConte. f. Me/anocanthon bispinatus Robinson. g. Anisocanthon villosus Harold. Scale bar = 1 mm. 21 7. a-c. Dorsal view of the eyes a. Canthon bic%r Laporte. b. C. po/itus Harold. c. Hansreia affinis Fabricius. d-g. Dors :)-Iateral view of the eye. d. C. deyrollei Harold. e. C. /econtei Harold. f. C. indigaceus Harold. g. Sy/vicanthon bridarollii Martinez. ca :: canthus, ey = eye. Arrows showing the flattened band around the :~ye.Figures a-c scale bar = 2 mm, figures d-g scale bar =1 mm. 23 8. Generalized epipharynx of Canthon. mp = medial process, af= apical fringe, Ic = lateral combs, ts = transverse sutur· :~,tm = tormal process. 25 9. a. Detail of posterior area of medial process of epipharynx, Canthon po/itus Harold. b. Lateral comb of Canthonella7omezi Halffter & Martinez. C. Ventral view of the epipharynx of ::;.acutus Harold.; arrow indicates the transverse suture. d. Detail of diff:~rent kinds of setae covering the epipharynx of C. cha/cites Halden lann. Setae on the extreme right of the image correspond to the Cf mtral area of the epipharynx, those in the middle correspond to ::ietae of the first lateral comb, and those on the extreme left correspon:j to the second lateral comb of the epipharynx. Magnification = 40x. 26 10. Detail of the lateral combs of the epipharynx. a and b. Canthon ebenus Say. c. C. /unatus tibia/is Schmidt. d. C. bico/Of Laporte. Figures b, c, and d magnification = 20x, figure a magnificatic,n = 40x. 27 11. Detail of the anterior area of the medial process (,f the epipharynx. a. Canthon staigi Pereira; arrow indicates the spa c:ebetween medial process and the anterior border of the epiphal) nx. b. C. tetraodon Blanchard. c. C. /unatus tibialis Schmidt. d. C. "benus Say. Magnification = 20x. 30 12. Detail of the posterior region of the medial proceE 5 of the epipharynx a. Canthon /unatus tibia/is Schmidt. b. C. acutus Harold. c. C. cyanellus sallaei Harold. d. C. bic%r Laporte. Figures a, c and d magnification = 20X, figure b magnification = 40X. 31 13. Dorsal view of labium. a. Canthonella gomezi HallTter & Martinez. b. Canthon pallidus Schmidt. c. C. ebenus Say. d C. tetraodon Blanchard. Scale bar = 0.5 mm. 33 14. Dorsal view of the gula and mentum. a. Canthon :mgustatus Harold. b. Canthonella gomezi Halffter & Martinez. c. C. I umectus Say. d. C. pratico/a LeConte. e. C. cha/cites Haldemann.. Hansreia affinis Fabricius. g. C. vio/aceus Olivier. a, scale bar = 0.5 mm. Figures b-g scale bar = 1 mm .. :......................................... 35 15. a. Dorsal view of pronotum of Canthon septemmclcu/atus septemmacu/atus Latreille. Figures b-g: Latera margin of pronotum. b. C. bic%r Laporte. c. C. aequinoctialis Harold. 1C. femoralis Chevrolat. e. C. angustatus Harold. f. C. deyroll'ei Harold. g. C. juvencus Harold. Scale bar = 1 mm. 36 16. Generalized ventral view of first segment of the t~orax of Canthon. pr = proepisternum, ep = proepimeron, pek = proepl:~ternal keel, cc= coxal cavity, pe = prosternum. Scale bar = 1 mm. 38 17. Proepisternum and proepimeron. a. Canthon poliws Harold. b. C. humectus Say. c. C. morsei Howden. d. Sy/viCenthon bridarollii Martinez. e. C. pallidus Schmidt. f. C. angustatus Harold. Scale bar = 1 m m. 40 18. Proepisternum and proepimeron. a. Canthon brUt neus Schmidt. b. C. deyrollei Harold. c. C. staigi Pereira. d. Hansre'a affinis Fabricius. e. C. cyanellus sallaei Harold. f. C. ebenus Say. Sca 19 bar = 1 mm. 41 19. Proepisternum and proepimeron. a. Canthon /unMus tibialis Schmidt. b. C. sordidus Harold. c. C. septemmacu/atus Latreille. d. De/tochilum gibbosum Fabricius. e. C. vio/aceus Olivier. Fig Jres b, c, e, scale bar = 1 mm. Figure a scale bar = 0.5 mm, figure d scale bar = 3 mm. 43 20. Mesosternum. a. Canthon fu/gidus Redtenbachel. b. C. /uteicollis Erichson. c. Pseudocanthon sp. d. Sy/vicantho/ bridarollii Martinez. ' Scale bar = 2 mm. 45 21. Fore leg. a. Canthon ebenus Say. b. C. deyrollei Harold. c. C. triangularis Drury. d. C. aequinoctia/is Harold. Scale bar = ' mm. 47 22. Fore leg. a. Canthon femora/is Chevrolat. b. C. b c%r Laporte. c. Hansreia affinis Fabricius. d. Sy/vicanthon bride rollii Martinez. Scale bar = 1 mm. 48 23. Fore leg. a. De/tochilum gibbosum Fabricius. b. C::mthon /unatus tibialis. Scale bar = 1 mm. 49 24. Ventral face of the femur of the middle leg. a. Car thon vio/aceus Olivier. b. C. tetraodon Blanchard c. C. bic%r Laporte. d. Ma/agoniella astyanax Blanchard. Scale bar = 1 mm. 51 25. Dorsal face of the middle tibia. a. Canthon /unatw: tibialis Schmidt. b. C. ebenus Say c. C. vio/aceus Olivier. d. C. staigi Pereira. e. C. tetraodon Blanchard. f. C. cha/cites Haldemann. Scale bal" = 0.5 mm. 52 26. Dorsal face of the middle tibia. a. Canthon simple I( LeConte. b. C. sordidus Harold. c. C. quinquemacu/atus Lapor:e. d. C. femora/is Chevrolat. e. C. pallidus Schmidt. Scale bar = (.5 mm. 54 27. Detail of the base of the elytra, showing tubercles and striae. a. Canthon politus Harold. b. C. humectus Say. c. Hansreia affinis Fabricius. Scale bar = 1 mm. 56 28. a-f Sculpturing of the base of the elytron. a. Canthon chalcites Haldemann. b. C. fulgidus Redtenbacher. c. C. ndigaceus Harold. d. Detail enlargement of inset in c, showing the str,ae of the elytron. e. Hansreia affinis Fabricius. f. Deltochilum gibbosam Fabricius. g. Detail of the clypeus of C. fulgidus Redtenbacher. Figllre a magnification = 20x, figures b, d, and f magnification = 40x, figu "e c magnification = 15x, figure e and g magnification = 30x ,................................... 57 29. Pygidium. a. Canthon po/itus Harold. b. C. indigau3us Harold. c. C. triangularis Drury. d. Scybalocanthon moniliatw Bates. Scale bar = 1 mm. '................................... 60 30. Lateral view of the aedeagus. a. Canthon aequincctialis Harold. b. C. staigi Pereira. c. C. monilifer Blanchard. d. C. c'9yro/lei Harold. Scale bar = 1 mm. 62 31. Scheme of the internal sac of the aedeagus of Ca'1thon bicolor. sc = sclerites br = location of brushes of internal sac te = temones. Scale bar = 2 mm. 63 32. a. Detail of posterior area of sclerites in the internill sac of the aedeagus of Canthon bicolor Laporte. b. Brush of the inter nal sac of C. lunatus tibialis Schmidt. Figure a magnification = 10x, fiJure b magnification = 40x. 65 33. Elongated sclerites of the internal sac of the aedeigus a. Deltochilum hyponnum Buquet. b. Canthon quinquemacula I'US Laporte. c. C. monilifer Blanchard. d. C. septemmaculatus La1reille. Scale bar = 1 mm. 67 34. Sclerites of the internal sac of the aedeagus. a. Cmthon angustatus Harold. b. C. po/itus Harold. Scale bar = 0.5 mrl. 70 35. Sclerites of the internal sac of the aedeagus. a. lvelanocanthon bispinatus Robinson. band d.
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