Ike Tells NAACP of Rights Hope I
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■ ■ ► READ THE NEWS WHILE n IS NEWS FIRST IN YOU! MEMPHIS WORU VOLUME 24, NUMBER 106 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1956 i i Emergency Faces Negro Hospitals Two Announce Plans To Run In Mississippi X. BY IRENE McCOY GAINES In the all-Negro town of Mound For State Legislature Posts Bayou, Mississippi, there is a uni que hospital. Two thousand five ■1 » OFF TO INDIA—Pictured is M. I. Harvey, Deon of Students, South nundred babies have been born in ern University, bidding bon voyage to Harold R. Sims, Southern that hospital. Twenty-six thousand patients have been admitted for Prominent Doctor University Senior student from Memphis, Tenn. Sims will be one nospital treatment. Fify-eight thou of the twelve American delegates who will represent the United sand out-paiients have been cared States al an international Seminar, sponsored by the World Uni for. Labor Leader Set versity Service, Io be held ot the University of Poona, Poona, In The hospital is owned by lhe Mis- dia. isslppi branch of th* Taborian Or Bids for positions in the Tennessee Senate and House were der one of the oldest and largest of announced this week by two Old Guard Republicans, Dr. colored fraternal organizations. B. F. “Patience, Forbearance And Wisdom" Built in 1941, lhe hospital is a McCleave and William R. Bradford. line modern institution with a staff Clubs, will run for Un legislature Dr McCleave. prominent physi trained at Meharry Medical College. on lhe Democratic tlc«t cian oral demist, Hie director ol i? Members of the Order receive An article In the morning Com- hospitalization up to 31 days. In Mcdeave's Clinic nt 4755 Vance menial Appeal said W. W. Walks», will run for one of lhe two Shelby cluding medicine and surgery it appliance dealer, following *' inret- Cosmty " ta e enate poa.s while needed, three meals a day and nurs- Um of the Independent Shelby 4 mg care. For this they pay $2.00 per Mr Bradford, local labor leader County Democratic Executln Com- Ike Tells NAACP will run for one of the seven Mate m'ttee Tuesday night umMncgt ^quarter dues. Others receive the house seats from Shelby County j-arne hospital care at nominal charg Uiat Mr. Walker (James Tj wand Dr McCleave and Mr. Brad make his bld for the stat* hottae yi What makes the hospital unique ford of 1661 latluun, will enter on the Democratic ticket in Ute along with eight while Old Guard ■■i. '.f.............................. I hat it gives■ modern■...................... hospital Aug. 2 primary. Republican candidates, in the Aug No Negro ha* 'erred kt the Ten service at rates almost any Della Of Rights Hope I worker can manage. To do’this in 2 Republican Primary- nessee General Assemo.y since Ute Mississippi is a very big accomplish The MeCieave-Bradford Old Reconstruction period. SAN FRANCISCO, Colif. — A hope that Congress will enact ment. Guard alate will be pitted against a New Guard slate in the Aug 2 Administration-sponsored pending civil rights legislation was ex Some of you may remember an Alabama accident case. An automo primary. Wuuicrs in the Republi pressed by President Eisenhower in a message of greetings to the bile on the road near Huntsville can primary will be piled against VOLUNTEER STATE MEDICAL AUXILIARY ENDS third vice-president; and Mrs. T. H. Watkins, Sr., Newspaper Heads NAACP's 47th annual convention which opened formally here overturned and a man named Moore tlie winners of the Democratic pri Publicity Chairman . Bluff City Medical So mary ilk the November general gige- r Tuesday night. was injured. No Huntsville hospital STATE CONVENTION WITH BANQUET - Mem would take a Negro patient. The ciety members seen are: Dr. B. F. McCleave, Dr, tlon. A telegraphed message from the President Eisenhower's greeting man died before he could reach phians elected io »fate officers seen on the pic E. M. Wilkins and Dr. W. H. Bisson. Another Hit Politicians Chief Executive declared that the I noted that since 1909, NAACP mem- Athens. Alabama, ten miles away. It is rumored that Jam« T ture are: Mrs. Effie Flagg, president ol lhe Vol former Memphian seen on the front row is Mrs. PllTSBUKUH, Pa. — (ANP) - civil rights measures, if enacted bers "both white and Negro, have 1 recall a Georgia case. Dean Walker, another labor leader and unteer State Auxiliary; Mrs. W. A. Bisson, chair Chuck (Mary) Wolker, of Nashville. Memphians will materially assist the govern- 1 been striving to secure for all per- Juliette Derricotte of Fisk Unlver- president ot the B uff C.ty and C. C- DeJoie, Jr, presMSUt of Ute sons regardless of color their full (Continued on Page Eight) man of the Executive Board; Mr*. B. F. McCleave, ore all seen on the extreme right (front). Shelby County Corneil of Civic National Newspaper Ptfoiatwn As ment in discharging its responsibili sociation, told NNPA't annual coil- ty to safeguard the Constitutional measure of Constitutional rights." vention last week that IM Demo rights of every citizen in this coun “A BADGE OF HONOR" 25 Negro Students Expelled cratic Party must ' diTOrc* n*Nt try, including the right to vote." A telegraphed greeting from Dr. Israel Goldstein, president of the ot the Byrne«*, Tfomadges, MM “But laws on the statute book American Jewish Congress, assert Ea tlands or risk the to*» M ®l are not enough." the presidenta! ed that the "label of extremism“ Negro votes." message continued,. Patience and placed on" the NAACP is “a badge "The party.'’ DeJoie Mid, "ha* 6 forbearance and wijdom are requir of honor won in the fight against S. Carolina School responsibility to make tlU* char to ed of all of us if we are to solve ef the shameful badge of Jim Crow.' both Negro« and the Democrett* fectively the preplexlng problem of “Generations of Americans to come party." -'«E. this trying period of adjustment. As will benefit from your firmness DeJoie admonished Negro** not you turn your attention to these pro in refusing to accept any substitutes to become politically wad to etuwr blems. I wish all of you a most suc for full attainment of Constitution- “Retaliations” Hit major party, but *• cessful meeting." . al rights" Dr. Goldstien added. disputable tact that actionaries of the NEW YORK - (Rep. Adam Clayton Powell, Jr„ (0) N. Y„ has are heading key charged that the all-white board of trustees of a Negr* st*»* ns univeriity in South Carolina has expelled 25 leading iluthtnh Í- Judge Elizabeth McCain in retaliation for a boycott. mg much-needed Civil righto lauon." college.," Powell declared that as « result DeJoie, editor of the Loumaaa The Negro Congressman said the of the action by trustees o| South Weekly, said that Negro puNtottoh Speaks On Wayward Youth members of the board all are mem Carolina State College In Orange bers of the White Citizens Council must "encourage registreUOB *M Juvenile Court Judge Elizabeth have. The community belongs to burg. he will attempt to tack his tn Orangeburg. He maintained the urge Negroes, especially outate* th* McCain gave many ways the com- all and is paid for through taxes. “Powell Amendment" shutting off South, to use thttr ballot to *to expulsion letters were aimed at mufoty, church, busin? smen and Children don’t know their per- Federal aid to segregated schools “wiping out the intelligence and support in Congress for chrU nghto similar orgiuiiza ions can help way 'nnal worth. hence they lose their to next year'* Federal appropria leadership" of the student body. H measure«." ward youth ol today in an address sense, of value trying to prove to tions for land grant colleges. COLORED CASE COMMITTEE OF CHILDREN'S ficea... Mr. Norman Isenberg, president uf the said he has Information another 25 The Southern attack on iBtogrv to the New Lite Civic Club, Wed themselves that they are attractive. The Democratic Congressman BUREAU HONOR FOSTER PARENTS AT P-TA - Board of Directors was speaker of the evening students will be expelled shortly. tion must be answered, h* MM. nesday night at Melrose High "Businessmen of our communities Mid it was too late to do anything School. can help children by promoting dif . The Rev. A. E. Andrews, chairman of the about thia coming fiscal year’s Fed Seen above are the kiddies, their parents, volun “Delinquency cuts through all ferent types of recreation such as Colored Case Committee, presided ... Mr. Sam eral aid to the land grant higher races, rich and poor," the judge ball games, fishing and the like," teer workers who gave the pretty party and uel T. Rutherford is Executive Director of the lo educational institutions. Desegregation Issues mid. “One of the greatest prob the judge went further. staff workers from the agency's down-town of- cal agency. Powell claimed that the trustees lems is larceny. If larceny could “Junior cldc clubs could be or of South Carolina State College, i be eliminated, problems of the court ganized. Supervised recreation can land gran school, wrote letters ex would be greatly reduced," she said do a lo.s towards eliminating many pelling 22 leading juniors and two Spotlighted At Fisk "Children don't have enough re of our problems, and the court will freshmen on commencement day. furnish a list to any interested 4 Convicted For Crippling NASHVHJX Tenn. - A call to of tlie democratic sad Judeo- spect for property rights. Public WDIA Junior, May 30. He said the youths, who ownership is a t1.range ownership person who could do something he called the leading students ol "8ta teamanahip in National Crisis” Christian motive and o*r sunivtl to them.