Cover Sheet for Example Documentation Please complete the following form and submit along with your documentation. If you have any questions, please email us at
[email protected]. The following documentation has been submitted to ASTHO for the Accreditation Library as a potential example of Health Department documentation that might meet the PHAB Domain 6 Standard 3 Measure 2. This document is not intended to be a template, but is a reference as state health agencies develop and select accreditation documentation specific to the health department's activities. Please note that the inclusion of documentation in this library does not indicate official approval or acceptance by PHAB. Document Asbestos Log of Inspection Reports Title: Document 2012 Date: Version of Standards and Measures Used: 1.5 Related PHAB Standard and Measure Number Domain: 6 Standard: 3 Measure: 2 Required 2 Documentation: Short description of how this document meets the Standard and Measure’s requirements: This example is example is a screen shot of the Excel workbook used by the Asbestos Program to log and track inspections of schools, along with print‐outs of data from two tabs of that workbook. PDF pages 2 ‐ 9 are excerpts from the larger workbook that logs inspection reports. The first tab, demonstrated in pdf page 2‐3, provides tracking information, such as soon name, location, and size, and the type of enforcement action (actions taken), if any, that occurred following the inspection. The second tab, pdf pg 4 ‐ 9 provides the current status, return inspections, and final disposition of an expectation. The date of the notice of non‐compliance is tracked in the send tab of the workbook as well (pdf page 4 ‐ 9).