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@ a nt ssgdro d`j dq Pansy Yu Fong Wong, ‘s first Asian Minister is the country‘s Minister for Ethnic Affairs and Minister of Women‘s Affairs. She is also Associate Minister for the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) and Associate Minister of Energy and Resources.

Pansy Wong was born in , , and grew up in . She moved to in 1974, where she lived for 28 years, and attended Canterbury University, where she gained her Master of Commerce (Honours). She is an Associated Chartered Accountant and has also been awarded as a Fellow. Pansy first entered politics as a Canterbury Regional Councillor in 1989, and first entered Parliament in 1996 as a National List MP and New Zealand's first Asian MP. She moved to Auckland in 2002 and won the seat of Botany with a margin of over 10,000 in the 2008 General Election thus making her the first Asian to win an electorate as well as the first Minister of Cabinet of Asian ethnicity.

Her busy life and determination to serve the country would not be possible without the support of her husband, Malaysian born businessman, Sammy Wong. Her interests include reading (particularly thrillers), walking (door knocking), wine and sake appreciation, travel, and working.