Jpdezeci G. S. 8 MAR 1 8 1959 The Record of The SHORE FAMILY IN AMERICA •From •1737 to 1954 }———— ! DATE MICROFICHED 11:. 2^i_iQ_^ Revised Edition

By Frank D. Shobe


58603 r P

WITHDRAWN From the Family History Library PREFACE TO 2ND EDITION

As was anticipated when the first edition was issued, we began to receive additional information which let to other contacts, and, as a result, no less than fourteen new families have been added to the present work.

Chief among these are the families of Daniel Shobe on page 15a; Mary Shobe , page l£b; Otho Shobe, p. 19a; Jacob Shobe, p. 36b; Lucinda Bybee and John Black, pp. U2a and U2b; Chlora and Mary Shobe, p.53; Christopher Ermentrout, p. 77a;Clara Shobe, p. 77b; John Shobe and Eveline Wood, pp. 80a to 82b; Jacob LaRue Shobe, pp. 90 to 91; the Stingley family on page 10$; Amos Shobe, p. lli;b; Jobe Welton Shobe, p. 119a and Henry Lancisco Shobe, pp. 121a to 122b.

In addition, whole branches of other families previously listed have been received and inserted in their proper places in the text. This necessitated re­ writing whole pages and preparing a new section of the index, a reference to which will give some indication of the number of new names which have been added.

^It will be noted that new pages have been indicated by the letters "a" and "b". This has been done to preserve the original paging and yet insert the new fam­ ilies in their proper sequence. Thirty-two of these new pages have been added. Some members of the family have suggested that a list of the known ad­ dresses of living members be added so that in traveling from place to place one would have a directory of family members living in that neighborhood and could contact them or write letters to renew old friendships. We have consented to this and have listed more than five hundred names on pages 11*2 to 11*6, with the addi­ tional thought in mind that, long after it becomes obsolete, it will still serve to show where various branches of the family lived and the far places to which they have scattered. Thirty-six states and Canada are represented in this list and the largest volume of members live in California, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and West Virginia, the last named being the original stamping ground of the first emigrants to this country.

This new search has reaffirmed our original contention that every one in this country with the name "Shobe" has descended from the two brothers Jacob and Martin , who came from Switzerland to Philadelphia in 1737 and settled in what was then known as Hampshire county, Virginia, but which is now Grant and Hardy coun­ ties, West Virginia. Not in a single instance have we failed to trace any corre­ spondent to one of the original branches, once we are given the names of the fa­ ther and grandfather of the person who wants help in tracing his ancestry.

The general acceptance of the first edition was very gratifying and the entire printing was exhausted in less than two years, so we felt that the new ma­ terial which has been sent in should be added before a second edition was issued. We now feel that the search is practically concluded and that this should be our final effort as family historian, although we still want to keep in touch with the many friends who have helped to make our family record so complete and we want to thank them all for their splendid co-operation. However, we still want to learn of any new additions to the record so that, in the future, we may be able to assist those who may be ambitious to add to and to continue the search.

7333 N. Ridge Blvd. h$, 111. December, 1956 PREFACE

In 1919 the author published A Genealogy of the Shobe, Kirkpatrick and Dilling Families, giving the data which had been collected up to that time, concerning these families. After the publication and distribution of the book new contacts were made and other records became available, and in 1950 a supplement was added. This supplement dealt largely with new information concerning the Shobe families. It had been established that the immigrant ancestors, the brothers Jacob and Martin Shobe had come from Switzerland to America in the summer of 1737, along with their step­ father Anthony Hieger, and Leonard Heier, later to become their father-in-law. After a few years in Pennsylvania they made their homes on the Virginia frontier near the pres­ ent town of Petersburg, West Virginia, where they got land in Lord Fairfax's South Branch Manor, reared their children, and spent the rest of their lives. Some of the chil­ dren remained in this neighborhood, and by the time the older grandchildren were ready to make homes for themselves the great western migratory movement was under way and many of them were caught up in it. Probably one incentive of migration was the uncertainty of seme of the land titles in the South Branch Valley. The Fairfax titles had been questioned, and long-drawn-out litigation had plagued the Shobes and some related families. Since, for years, much had been known of the lands west of the mountains through the reports of returned Indian cap­ tives and later exploratory journeys, it is not strange that many of the grandchildren left the Valley to make new homes farther west, nor even that seme members of the older generation accompanied their children to the new country. Martin's daughter Madeline, and Jacob's son Jacob and daughter Olora spent their last years in Ohio; and Jacob's son Abraham died in . It was not many years be­ fore the descendants of Jacob and Martin Shobe were scattered over much of the . That is the condition that exists today. The present project has been to attempt to trace the descendants of these families to the present generation, especially those who carry the name Shobe, and, in doing so, we cover a span of ten generations. We know that Jacob Shobe had four sons and four dau­ ghters, and we have the names of 43 grandchildren. Eighteen of the 43 were grandsons, of whom 13 had the Shobe surname. We have the names of the children of Martin's four sons, except Jacob, and of his daughter Madeline. Of the 38 known grandchildren of Martin 12 were grandsons, and ten of these carried the Shobe name. Thus, in the third generation in America we know of 23 men by the name of Shobe (See pages 5 and 7). Apparently four of these did not marry. The families of the remaining 19 became widely scattered, and it is their descendants whom we have made a sincere effort to trace. Needless to say, we have not been entirely successful. We have been unable to locate descendants in some lines. In a few instances persons located were evidently not interested enough to col­ laborate. In the main, however, the response to our inquiries have been remarkably good.

In not a single instance have we found a family named Shobe who could not be tra­ ced back to one or the other of the two brothers who came in 1737. While our special effort has been concerned with the Shobe grandsons, we have also gathered what records were readily available of the descendants of Jacob's and Martin's daughters. We are publishing this record in its present form, even though it is not complete, that we may encourage those who may have additional information to send it to us to be used at a later date, either in a new book or a supplement to this one. Our list con­ tains the names of over six thousand individuals, of whom more than a thousand are named Shobe, the others being spouses or descendants in the female line with other sur­ names. There are at least forty sets of twins. We wish to thank our many correspondents who have so generously given of their time and patience in helping to complete the records of their various branches, and to acknowledge valuable help of Jean Howat Dice and Clara 0. Mark who have assisted by searching early court records for pertinent data.

7333 North Ridge Avenue Franklin D. Shobe Chicago 45, Illinois. August 1954 1



In 1925 a book was published by Faust & Brumbaugh entitled "Lists of Swiss "Emigrants in the Eighteenth Century to the American Colonies" and on page 110 of Volume II appears the following story:

" A considerable time before tho beginning of the year 1737 some eigh­ teen subjects from Biel-Benken, Arisdorf and other places had coma to Basel, (Switzerland) and expressed their desire to go to Carolina (America) but the May­ or had denied them the Chancery order to their Obervogte and the Council had up­ held his action. Still earlier the Council had learned of some 'plotting' at the house of the 'Lehnsman' fief holder or sub-tenant Lienert Heyer on the Rutihard, and ordered the Obervogte (Magistrate) to look into the matter. The result of his report of Sept. 4, 1736 was in substance as follows:-

" Lienert Heyer's brother and Antoni Rieger of Benken and Jacob Kiintzlin, a carpenter, and Hans Kapp, a wagon maker, of Munchenstein had discuss­ ed emigration to Pennsylvania. They had been actuated to do so partly by the let­ ter of Antony Gondy in praise of Carolina, written in Charleston, S. C., in 1733, but only lately come into their possession through a man of Grenzack across the Rhine, and partly by their own unfavorable circumstances. The carpenter and the wagon-maker had complained of the growing competition in their trades and all of them had arrived at the conviction that their heavy debts and the five percent interest they had to pay in consequence of a certain mandate, combined with the tithes of grain and wine made it impossible for them to sustain themselves here any longer.

While Jacob Kiintzlin and Hans Kapp gave up the thought of emigra­ tion for the present and did not go for three years later, Lienert Heyer and An­ ton! Rieger actively pushed their preparations and succeeded in obtaining the consent of the government. They claimed to have friends in the vicinity of Man- heim in the Palatinate and, if they did not find their fortunes there, they would seek it in another country. The following table of their families and their prop­ erty is based on FAF and supplemented from AA and KB.

Benken FAF Saturday, May 11, 1737 Rudolph Lutzler, of Benken, (60 years of age) Lienert Heyer, his son-in-law from there, (41 years of age) and Clara Ltitzler, his wife, (32 years of age) who intend to go to to the Palatinate. Children of Lienert and Clara:- 1. Anna Barbara, baptized Feb. 22, 1724 2. Elizabeth, " Jun. 17. 1725 3. Leonhard, " Dec. 25, 1727 4. Hans Rudolph, " May 29, 1729 2

5. Hans Ulrich, baptized— July 29, 1731 6. Clara 2§ years old Anthoni Rieger, of Benken, (47 years of age) Barbara Wurtzin, (from Wittinsburg) his wife (also aged 47) and Elsbeth Scholerin, (from Zunzgen), her mother, (72 years of age), who also intend to go to the Palatinate. Children of Anthoni Rieger by Juditha Schaub, his first wife: 1. Anthoni. 2. Burkhard. 3. Barbara and by his present wife:—- Maria and Bans Jacob. The children of Jacob Schaub, deceased, and Barbara Wurtz, of Wittinsburg: 1. Jacob, shoemaker, baptized Sept. 9, 1714 2. Anna, baptized Jan. 31, 1719 3. Martin, " July 27, 1721 Tax on their Lb.130 worth of property Lb. 13. Another daughter by the name of Elizabeth, baptized Dec. 20, 1716 did not emigrate, for according to KB of Rumlingen, she came to Waldenburg in 1743, though her family in America longed for her very much. The further experiences of the two families are known thru a letter by Lienert Heyer written two years after his emigration and an entry in R.P. 129 Aug. 7, 1756. Lienert Heyer lost his youngest child, Clara, by the small-pox in England and the next youngest, Hans Ulrich, in America, but had another son, An- toni. In 1739 he and Antoni Rieger were living in "Dolben Hagen", Pa. (Probably Tulpehochen, Pa.). In 1756 the Junt Brothers attest his presence in Virginia and report his willingness to renounce his claims to an inheritance in favor of his son-in-law who had stayed in Switzerland.

The next chapter of this story of migration can be found in the "Collec­ tion of 30,000 names of Immigrants in Pennsylvania. 1727-1776." by Rupp, at page 107. (Newbury Library, Chicago, Illinois. $S 6968.76). n Arriving at Philadelphia, Sept. 24, 1737. In the Ship Virtuous Grace. Capt. John Bull, from Rotterdam, by way of Cowes, England.225 passengers. Among the names of those who landed are:-Antoni Ruger, sen; Antoni Ruger, jr.; Burckhart Ruger; Jacob Schaub; Leonhart Heier; Rudolph Liitzler; Jacob Stokee and Simon Stokee. The above named passengers all signed the Oath of Allegiance then required of all immigrants over 16 years of age who were not already subjects of the British Crown, but women and children were not required to sign. Martin Schaub, who had passed his sixteenth birthday during the voyage, was apparently not required to sign because of his youth. Within twenty weeks of the time they had left Basel, these families had reached Philadelphia, which indicates that they had made a fairly expeditious trip for the time and conditions. Even at best, however, the journey from Switzer­ land to America was slow and tedious. First there was the long trip down the Rhine by river boat to Rotterdam. Then at Rotterdam there was necessary delay while a ship could be found and passage arranged. Part of the transportation charges must be paid and provisions and supplies bought for the voyage; for the travelers had to furnish their own food and drink for the time they would be at sea. 3

Nearly all of the ships sailing from Rotterdam for America made a stop at sane port on the south coast of England - Dover, Deal, Cowes, Plymouth or Falmouth- where repairs or replenishment of supplies went on, sometimes for a few days, some- tines for several weeks. Often there was a wait for favorable winds before the ship would venture out of the English Channel into the open sea. Cowes seems to have been the most usual port of call for these ships from Rotterdam, and it was at Cowes that the Virtuous Grace made her last stop before crossing the ocean. It was doubtless at Cowes that Leonhart Heier's youngest child, Clara, died of small-pox.

In the death of this little child on the journey may lie the key to the repeated use in succeeding generations of the Hyer family of the name Clara, modified to Clara, in the dialect used in America by these German speaking Swiss families. Like­ wise, the name Elizabeth in the Shobe family may stem from the "great longing" of the young Shobes for their sister Elizabeth who remained in Switzerland.

A graph of those who landed Sept. 24, 1737 is as followsr- For lst generation 2nd generation 3rd generation Descent rJacob Schaub, b. 1714 f see Barbara Wiirtz jPage 5 b. 1689/90 at Wittens- d. 1771-1772 burg, Switzerland Elizabeth Schaub Elsbeth Schoeler m. Jacob Schaub, who b. 1716. Remained b. 1665, mother of died in Switzerland in Switzerland Barbara Wiirtz (2) Antoni RUeger, Anna Schaub,b.1718-19 widower of Benken, Zu­ m. May 21, 1740 rich. His first wife was Juditha Schaub Peter Shaver Martin Schaub Page 7 b. 1721 d. 1792 Anna Barbara Heyer b. 1723-1734 Page 5 m. 1743 Jacob Schaub Elizabeth Heyer b. 1725 Page 7 m. Martin Schaub { Leonard Heyer Lienert Heyer b. 1727 d. 1786 b. 1697 'd. 1771/2 m. Mary Hause m. Clara Liitzler Rudolf Liitzler b. 1705 Rudolph Heyer of Benken Lienert's will, dated b. 1729 d. 1802 b. 1677 1768, probated 1772, in North Carolina names a daughter Or- Hans Ulrich Heyer silla(Ursula) appar­ b. 1731 d. 1739 ently a child of an earlier marriage in America Clara Heyer, b. 1734 d. 1737 in England on the journey to America Antoni, b. ante 1739 probably died young Magdalen Heyer b. 1739 d. 1B27 m. Siegmund Hornan Eve Heyer, b. 1742 in America m. Sebastian Hagler 4


He was born In Switzerland in 1714. He was the oldest son of Jacob Schaub and Barbara Wurtz. He was baptized Sept. 9, 1714 and grew up to learn the trade of a shoemaker. He came to America in 1737 on the Ship Virtuous Grace with his brother Martin, his sister Anna, his mother and stepfather, Antoni Rueger, and his grandmother Elsbeth Schoeler. He arrived at Philadelphia, Pa. and took the Oath of Allegiance Sept. 84, 1737, and settled in Berks County, Pa., where he was married at Tuloehochen, July 3, 1743 to Barbara Hire who was also aboard the Virtuous Grace in which he came to America. He moved to the valley of the South Branch of the Potomac River in Virginia some time after 1750. Some authorities content that he was not in Vir­ ginia that early, but, according to the Swiss records, Junt Brothers attest that Lienert Heyer was in the Valley in 1756 and it seems reasonable that both fami­ lies went there about the same time. Also, old court records at Petersburg, W. Va. set forth a suit for possession of land which was heard about 1802 in which witnesses testified that ancestors of the defendants were known to have been in possession for more than fifty years. Jacob settled in Hampshire County, a part of which later became Har­ dy County, and made a will dated Sept. 16, 1771 and probated March 10, 1772. It was written in "High Dutch" and later translated by Abraham Hite. It names his wife Barbara and his eight children. His son, Jacob was named executor. The will and translation are recorded at Romney, W. Va. The translation is as follows:—

"In the name of God Amen. I Jacob Schaub in Hampshire County and Colo­ ny Of Virginia am weak in Body but Sound in memory I give my loving wife Bar­ bara one mare branded with a 4/12 and a Cow which She choseth and the grane that is in the Stackyard hemp Flax and wool and woolen yarn and a Side Saddle and this shall be her own. Secondly I will to my wife all the money that is Due to me and my black horse and all the Beds and All the house and Furniture and all the Land Exoept that which I give to my son Jacob this I give her as long as she bears My Name and if She bears my name no longer then shall this all come to my heirs again Except her third part. 3 I give my son Jacob that piece of land which he now lives on and shall be his own - beginning at a hickory as the Pon gows to a hickory Saplin marked with three chops from thence to a black oak Standing on the Pon side And all that is on the other Side of the Pon as far as my right goes. This I give to him and his heirs this shall be his part of my estate and Shall have no more to Expect. The land which I have wild to my wife as Long as she bears My Name that shall come to my three sons to wit Rudulf and Martin and Abraham to them and their heir my children the live stock shall be sold and Equily Di­ vided among my Children And my wife shall have her third part of it Eliza­ beth and Clara and Barbara and Eve and Rudulf and Martin and Abraham and my son Jacob I Do appoint to be my Executor of my last will and Testament September 16th in the year of our Lord 1771." (Seal) his Jacob JS Schaub mark 5

THE CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN OF JACOB SHOBE AND WIFE Hannah Shobe For Descent Jacob Shobe Catharine Shobe, b. Ante See b. Prob. ca. 17l*l* Aug. 1773 d. Ante Apr. 1793 d. 1816 in Ross Co.,Ohio Jacob Shobe, 1771-131*3 r m. Margaret Stookey m. Sarah Carr, 1777-1855 { Page 11 b. 17U7 d. June 1, 1816 Elizabeth Shobe dau. of Jacob Stookey Sr. m. 2/li*/l8l5 Hoses Williams came to Ross Co., Ohio Daniel Shobe, 1780-1832 r m. Clora Laneisco, 1781/2-1861 |Page 19 Michael Power Jacob Power Martin Power Elizabeth Shobe Solomon Power. b. prob. ca. 17h6 Abraham Power m. Martin Power, d. 1812 "^Elizabeth Power son of Michael Power Sr. m. 6/19/1796 John light She outlived Martin. Sev­ Eva Power eral children in Ohio. m. 1 — Power Catharine Power, 5/6/1780-12/25/1853 m. Ieonard Bush Jr, 1778-18)46 Page 28 Susannah Power m. 12/6/1801*, Michael Bush Jr. Jacob Shobe, 12/27/1779-1823 m. ISO!* Mary Bush, 1781*-l866 {Page 35 Daniel Shobe, 8/9/1782-9M/18U5 m. Elizabeth Parsons, 1799-181*6 {page 50 Rudolph Shobe,"Little Rudy" Elizabeth Shobe, 11/23/1783 b. ca. 171*8 m. Michael Algire d. April 2, 1829 Mary Shobe, Il/l3/l781* (Page 53 Jacob Shobe m. Magdaline Hire , m. 1/10/1801*, George Judy b. ca. 1755 Clora Shobe, 7/7/1788 b. 1711* d. 1773/72 •[Page 53 m. Juny 3, 171*3 to d. Dec. 18, 181*8 m. John Judy, ? -1823 dau. of Rudolph Hire Samuel Shobe, 5/28/1791-181*6 Anna Barbara Hire [Page 57 b. 1723/21*. Outlived Both buried near their m. Sarah Shobe on 12/10/1812 Jacob by several years home in Grant Co., W. Va. dau of "Big Rudy" Shobe Dau. of Leonard Heier. Solomon Shobe, l/l*/179>181*l*A5 Jacob's will dated m. Rachel Welton (Page 57 Sept. 16, 1771, prob. Isaac Shobe, 9/22/l795-8^9/l86l March 10, 1772 in m. ?/2l*/l838, Caroline Colt {Page 59 Hampshire County, Va. .Hannah Shobe, b. 12/12/1806 Mary Laneisco, ca. 1767-1857 m. George Peck, ca. 1762-1850 Susannah Laneisco, ? -1812 Clara Shobe tt. Martin Shobe, son of Martin Sr. b. ca. 17l*8 in Virginia Elizabeth Laneisco d. 2/2U/1833, Ross Co., 0. m. Solomon Bonner nu Henry Laneisco Jr. Eve Laneisco b. ? d. 1799 m. Daniel Stookey, 1778- son of Henry Laneisco Sr. Clora Laneisco, 3/2l/l782-7/l3/l86l J After her husband's death m. Daniel Shobe, 1780-1832, of Jacob jPage 19 Clara moved to Ohio with Hannah Laneisco her seven living daughters m. Peter Lowderman Catharine Laneisco J* Barbara Shobe m. William Bryant ^Page 21 Magdalene Laneisco Eve Shobe m. Philip lowderman Henry Shobe, 3/18/1789-12/3/1863 {page 63 Martin Shobe, b.l*/27/l763 m. 7/8/1813, Christina Fisher m. Elizabeth Armentrout (2) 9/7/1819, Mary Hire, of Jacob b.2/20/1761 d. ante 1801* John Shobe, 6/22/1790- {page 80 dau. of Christopher and m. 1821, Elizabeth Lewis Abraham Shobe, 3/26/l791-ante I836 Susannah. She died when I Page 80 her ch. were young & her m. ? -Sarah Fisher Mary Shobe, 12/28/1793 single sisters Mary and {Page 80 Susannah helped rear ch. m. Robert Shobe of Abraham (2) Parsons Jesse Shobe, outlived father and brothers Archibald Shobe, ? -1835 or earlier Abrahan Shobe, d. 1837 m. - Left one daughter ,< m. Jane Welton Jane Shobe,m.Enoch Wattson(or Mattson) -X^ (2) Jemima Cunningham Robert Shobe, ? -1836/37 J b. ? d. 3/II/I835 m. Mary Shobe, of Martin ^Page 50 dau. of Robert & Pru­ Mary Shobe, -d. by 1835 dence Parsons Cunning­ m. 3/18/1819, Nicholas Fisher ham. '.Tent to Missouri Elizabeth Shobe, in. 2/25/1819, James Parsons Rebecca Shobe, m. Frederick Griswold Mahala Shobe, m. Harvey Griswold 6


Martin Schaub was born in Switzerland in 1721 (baptized July 27,1721). He came to America on the Ship Virtuous Grace from Cowes, England, docking at Phil adelphia, Pa. Sept. 24, 1737. With him on the ship were his brother Jacob, his sis ter Anna, his mother and step-father, his maternal grandmother Elsbeth Schooler, and his five half-brothers and half-sisters. At this time the grandmother was sev­ enty-two years of age, having been born in 1665, and she is, therefore, the oldest known ancestor of which we have any record.

Martin passed his sixteenth birthday on the way over but was not re­ quired to sign the Oath of Allegiance. He lived for a time in Berks County, Pa. and married Elizabeth Heyer who had crossed the ocean with her family, in the same ship on which he had come. Her maternal grandfather, Rudolph liitzler, aged sixty, was also on the ship. He was born about 1677 and thus is the oldest ancestor of the Heyer branch of whom we have any record.

Martin apparently moved to the South Branch valley of the Potomac Riv­ er in Virginia, with his brother, sometime after 1750. 3h 1761 he was in Augusta County where the records show that he purchased some of the effects of Daniel Smith, deceased, at the latter's vendue. His will, dated May 16, 1792 is found there. It was probated in 1797 and, by it, he devised land to his wife Elizabeth, son Jacob, son Rudolph, son Leonard and daughter, Madeline, who married Conrad Carr. (See Augusta County, Virginia Chronicles, by Lyman Chackley, Vol. II, pp. 92,281 and 361; Vol. Ill, p. 65.)

Martin's son Jacob had died in 1791, so why his name was included in the father's will has not been explained. In 1797 Madeline and her husband, Con­ rad Carr, filed suit against the other children, Martin, Rudolph and Leonard Shobe, in Hardy County, Virginia, (now West Virginia) in some dispute or proceed­ ings concerning the partitioning of the estate.

An Old Homestead

On the premises of George Harman, two miles south-west of Petersburg, in Grant County., (W. Va.) stands an antique log house, formerly the residence of Martin Shobe Sr. deceased. The day it was being raised the workmen were visited by a war party of eighty Catawby Indians; painted, feathers and fully equipt for their bloody work. They chatted friendly with the whites, and passed peaceably on going north to fight the Delawares.

This was presumably before the French and Indian Wars, or prior to Braddock's defeat in 1755, which honors the old hut with a century and a half.

Note:- The above was written about 1905 by the father of Clarence Taylor, who married Sally Newton Shobe (see p. 79). Mr. Whitzell of Petersburg pointed it out to the author in 1953 making it now over 200 years old. It is lo­ cated on the Map on page 8, at the turn of the road where the home of Henry Shobe is marked. From the contents of the above story it is apparent that this is the spot where Martin Shobe located when he moved into the valley of the South Branch of the Potomac. 7

THE CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN OF MARTIN SHOBE AND WIFE Descent Martin Shobe 3rd (Martin R. Shobe) m. 6/3/1801* Belinda Elder [rage 85 Jacob Shobe, 1781-1827 m. 1802 Clory Stookey, 1783-1857 ^Page 88 Rudolph Shobe, unm Elizabeth Shobe, 1790-1812 Rudolph Shobe (Big Rutty) m.2/13/1809 Abraham Hagler 1789-I865 Page 105 b. ?rt. Feb/Mch. 1815 (he m. 2nd, 1815, Dolly Stookey) Jonas Shobe (2) Catharine Homan,widow. Sarah Shobe, m. 12/l0/l8l2, Samuel Children all by 1st wife Shobe, son of Little Rudy Page 55 Christena Shobe, m. 6/18A815 Henry Hause, 1793-1851* Susannah Shobe, 2/5/1800 m. Hudson Tate in Kentucky .Hannah Shobe Jacob Shobe b. The will of Rudolph Hire (ca. 1802) d. by 1791 indicates that Jacob Shobe and his -Hire, dau. of wife probably left children, whose Rudolph Hire names are not knownjone possibly Jacob Martin Shobe, 1786-1869, unmarried , Jacob Shobe, ? - 1831 i Page 106 Leonard Shobe, b.. m. 2/1/1816, Nancy Gilmore 1 d. ca. 1831 Sarah Shobe m. m. 2/19/1801*, William Ward [Elizabeth Shobe, 1812 ? -1856, unm. Elizabeth Carr, 1772-1828 Martin Shobe m. Henry Armentrout son of Jacob Schaub Page 111 and his wife Barbara Mary Carr (Maria), 177l*-l826 ffurtz, b. 1721 d.1792 m. John Armentrout m. Elizabeth Hire Sarah Carr, 1777-1855, m. Jacob b. 172S d. _ Shobe, 1771-181+3, son of Jacob Page 11 daughter of Leonard Susannah Carr, 1782-1856, Heier and Clara Ltttz- m. 3/20/1801*, James Liggett,1778-1861* ler Heier Magdaline Shobe Magdalin Carr, 1781*-1856, b. 1855 m. 9/9/1810, Jonas Propst, 1785-1818 d. Sept. 18, 1827 Christina Carr, I786-I83I*, m. Conrad Carr, b. 1755 m. 8/l*/l811, Jesse Peck son of Henry Carr Hagar Carr, 1788-1871*, d. Nov. 1*, 181U m. U/U*/l809, Henry Peck, 1780-1868 Gideon Carr, 1790-1811* Page 111 m. Betsy Peck Amelia Carr, 1792-1881, m. 9/9/1810, Jacob Peck, 1788-1875 Catharine Carr, 1795-1861 m. John Jackson Amos Carr, 1798 ? -181*2 m. Margaret Jackson Elizabeth Shobe, 1791-1873 m. 11/16/1810, Matthew Gilmer {page 111* Catharine Shobe m. 1/11/1820, Enoch Johnson {page lll*a Polly (Mary) Shobe b, 1806- m. Christopher Armentrout, 1806- {page 77a Martin Shobe Henry L. Shobe, b. 10/1/1811-1868 b. d. 181*9 m. Malinda Maroney, 1813-1877 {page 121a Will in Book 8, p.28l Hagar Shobe, b. ca. 1812 Hardy Co., W. Va. m. 7/H*/l831, John C. Ely Drawn Sept. 30, 181*6 William Shobe, 9/20/1811* Prob. Apr. 30, 181*9 m. Susan McBee,10/2/l829-2/l2/l899 {Page 115 m. Susannah Laneisco Amos Shobe, 12/ll*/l8l5-5/22/l851* b.. d. Nov., 1812 m. Prory Hause {page lll*b dau of Henry Jr. and Susannah Shobe, twin of Amos Clara Shobe Laneisco. m. Isaac Armentrout, d. 181*1* {page 77 (2) Nov. lit, 1813 to Clara Shobe, 5/17/1817-1895 Jemima Hause m. John Armentrout Jr. 1807-9/21/1867 {page 77b b. Aug. 28, 1781* Adonijah Shobe, 2/5/1820 m. Polly { Page 119 Rebecca Shobe, 5/28/l822-l/l/l879 m. George W. Shobe, ll/lii/l820-1865 {page 61* Daphne Shobe, 9/28/l82l*-2/lO/l903 m. John Stinespring, 1818-1883 {page 120 Magdaline Shobe, 6/lo/l827-lV20/l853 {Page 75 m. Solomon Shobe, son of Henryl82li-53 Sarah Shobe, 8/l8/l829-5/l*/l876 {page 123 m. 3/1/181*9, Felix Seymour, 1821* died August 13, 1910 8


As we became more familiar with the history of the Shobe family, we had a strong desire to view the country where they had settled,.and we accord­ ingly arranged for a trip to Petersburg, W. Va., which is the county seat of Grant County.

In the early days this land was all a part of Virginia, and the land was located in what was then called Hampshire county. West Virginia came into being in 1863 during the strife of the Civil War, so during the lives of these early settlers it was still known as Virginia.

The grandmother of Myrta Jenkins, who was Lucinda Shobe, always said that the Shobes belonged to the FFV (First Families of Virginia) and she was surely correct, because, even though they might not have been the most honored, they were, at least, there before many of the others. Hampshire County was formed from parts of Frederick and Augusta Coun­ ties in 1753. The county seat is Romney and that is why some of the early wills and deeds are to be found there. Hardy County was formed from Hampshire in 1786 and the county seat is at Moorefield where a number of the descendants of the Shobes still live. Grant County, with Petersburg the county seat, was formed from Hardy in 1866 and oftentimes in these records, when we say that a certain party was born in Virginia, we mean that part of Virginia which later became West Virginia. Upon arriving at Petersburgin September, 1952, we were surprised to note the rugged hills and the comparatively small space available for farming. We went immediately to the little town of Hiser, about two miles south of Peters­ burg, because our ancestors were said to have come from there and, at our first stop, located the family of Isaac Shobe with the complete records of his family and his father's family.

The next day Mrs. Clarence Taylor (Sally N. Shobe) gave us so much material that it became apparent, that, with the exercise of some diligence and patience, practically all of the Shobes could be traced back to the two broth­ ers, Jacob and Martin, who had settled here after 1750.

Hie gathered an interesting anecdote from an old settler who offered the information that there were four Shobe families in the Valley, but that none of them were related. However, it was a simple matter to trace every family back to Jacob or Martin. After they came to Virginia, either they or their children, changed the name to "Shobe" and it has been spelled that way ever since. The level land between the confluence of the North Fork and the South Branch, labeled "Martin Shobe" does not refer to the emigrant, but to his son. Here he had 1000 acres of fine bottom land. He died in 1849, and was probably over 90 years of age. He is, no doubt, buried in the old cemetery above his home, but the markers were all so weathered that, in 1952, none of the inscriptions could be read.



Jacob Shobe, oldest son of Jacob Shobe and Margaret Stookey was born in what is now Hardy County, West Virginia, March 31, 1771. There is some dis­ pute concerning his birthdate, but the above is ivhat appears on his headstone at Ligonier, Indiana. He inherited some land from his uncle, Jacob Stookey, who had been stolen by the Indians, when a lad of sixteen, and returned to his people at the close of the Indian wars in 1802, forty-six years later.

Jacob Stookey must have been in poor health at this time as he only lived eleven days after his return, but, before his death, made a will naming his nephew, Jacob Shobe as one of his heirs.

Shortly after the above incident Jacob Shobe migrated to Ross County, Ohio, with his wife Sarah Carr and several of his first born children. Sarah was the daughter of Conrad Carr and Magdalene Shobe Carr, and hence, she and Jacob were first cousins.

Jacob was listed as a soldier in the War of 1812 from Ross County. In 1816 he and his brother Daniel purchased 1000 acres of land in Sur­ vey 3899 in Concorn township, Ross County, Ohio, but in 1831 Jacob decided to go further west, and took his family to what later became Perry township, Noble County, Indiana, where he bought 320 acres of land in the southwest part of the township, in what was known as Perry's Prairie. There was only a small growth of of trees on this land so he was able to start farming it at once.

He was prominent in his day. He was the second postmaster in Noble county and the post-office was kept on his farm in Perry township. Politically, he was said to have been a Whig and was a member of the Brothern Church.

He and his wife were the parents of nine children, some of which were born in Virginia, some in Ohio and the others in Indiana. Their son Henry was the grandfather of Lt. Col. Roy D. Keehn who was later prominent in politics in Chicago and the State of Illinois.

Most of his descendants have lived and died in Noble County and sur­ rounding territory and have become known to us of the other branches as the In­ diana Shobes.

Jacob died Sept. 19, 1843, and is buried on his farm about two miles southwest of Ligonier, Ind. The differences of opinion concerning the dates of his birth and death caused the writer to visit his grave in 1949. At that time his monument was still standing, the inscription plainly legible, in a neat plot of land, about a half-mile south of the roadway. His wife, Sarah, who died Oct. 10, 1855, over 78 years of age, is buried beside him, but her gravestone is bro­ ken off quite low and was lying on the ground. However, the inscription was still quite clear.

Their son, Edward, married Sarah Coiner, who was born Oct. 28, 1799 and died April 13, 1893, aged 93 years. Her son, Ira Shobe married Sophia Jack­ son, b. April 16, 1829 and d. Feb. 21, 1925. She was almost 96 years old and ap­ pears to have been the oldest person named in these records. 11

DESCENDANTS OP JACOB SHOBU AND HIS WIFE SARAH He was born March 31, 1771 in Virginia and died Sept. 19, 1843 in Noble Co., Ind. He was the father of 9 ch. Edward Shobe Silas Shobe For Descent See For Ancestors b. 1799 d. 1830 Sea Page 5. m. Sarah Coiner b. Oct. 28, 1799 ( d. Apr. 13, 1893 Ira Shobe Jonas Shobe [Pages 12 to 15 Daniel Shobe Jacob Shobe Julia Ann Shobe b. June 5, 1800 Matilda Shobe d. Sept. 9, 1868 Dorothy Shobe Page 15a m. Dorothy ] Sarah Ann Shobe b. Sept. 4, 1814 Hagar Shobe d. Dec. 23, 1882 Charles Shobe Elijah Shobe Daniel A. Shobe Infant daughter'56 b. 1802 d. 1855 b. May 10, 1831 Armada Shobe, 1859 m. Rhoda Hankins d. May 12, 1862 Charles Shobe b. 1814 d. 1856 L m. Matilda Shoab ( b.1860 d. 1862 William Shobe Gideon Shobe Archibald Shobe Mary Shobe Page 15b m. Elizabeth Hire Ida Shobe .Rudolph Shobe Emily Harper John Harper Mary Shobe Gideon Harper Jacob Shobe b. Feb. 18, 1807 Harriet Harper b. Mar. 31, 1771 d. July 10, 1891 Margaret Harper In Virginia m Solomon Harper Elizabeth Harper Page 15b d. Sept. 19, 1843 b. Nov. 7, 1810 Sarah Harper Ligonier, Indian^ d. Jan. 20, 1873 Zachary Harper m Sarah Carr Silas Harper b. Mar. 31, 1777 Hulda Harper d. Oct.. 10, -1855 LPhillip Harper Both buried near Ligonier Rhoda Shobe Henry Shobe Harriet E. Shobe Page 17 b. Jan. 11, 1812 Harrison Shobe d. Sept. 22, 1877 Sarah Shobe m. Amanda Neely,dau." Susan Shobe of Rhoda Hankins Taylor Shobe 1 Page 16 b. April 1, 1816 John Shobe d. June 26, 1896 Alvina Shobe Margaret Jane Shobe Jacob Hostetter b. 1837 d. 1909 Elizabeth Shobe Zerilda Hostetter b. 1813 d. 1889 m._ Shoup nu Dec. 31, 1835 Ira Hostetter Ben Hostetter b. 1841 d. 1920 b. April 1, 1812 Joel Wesley Hostetter Mary Hostetter _George Hostetter Margaret Shobe b. July 6, 1817 Melissa Smalley a. Nov. 3, 1898 Joseph Smalley El. David Smalley J Lewis W. Smalley Page 42a b. July 29, 1817 j Infant son [ Jacob Smalley d. Aug. 5, 1855 Adaline Shobe Clark Chris. Shobe Morgan H. Shobe John Shobe Charles W. Shobe b. Mar. 27, 1820 Mary A. Shobe d. 1887 Henry F. Shobe m. Evaline Wood Emily S. Shobe -S Page 80a b. Mar. 13, 1821 Srvin John Shobe d. May 20, 1884 Louise G. Shobe L Jonas A. Shobe Edwin F. Shobe Ella Elmira Shobe SIIAS SHOBE Oldest son of Edward and Sarah (Coiner) Shobe

Elizabeth Shobe b. 1840 d. June 27, 1843 For Anoesters Bells Shobe Lottie Parsons See Page 11 m. Albert Parsons "Mae Kerr b. 1862 d. 1952 Lewis Kerr Emma Sarah Shobe b. 1865 d. 1942 b. 1843 d. 1919 Nell Kerr Janice Sedgwick m. Robert Kerr m. Arthur Sedgwick •< m. Don Cotherman b. 1825 d. 1912 b. 1881 d. 1919 |_Robert Sedgwick '.'fillis Kerr ^Dike Kerr Martha A. Shobe b. and d. 1851 Leona Henry H. Roethlisberger b. June 19, 1874 b. Dec. 26, 1895 d. Aug. 19, 1952 dec'd 5mo IBdays m. E. Roethlisberger D. Roethlisberger b. Sept. 86, 1867 b. May 23, 1900 d. June 11, 1951 k. m. Carlton Johnson

Silas Shobe Carrie Henry , b. Ross Co., Ohio b. Nov. 22, 1878 jMarie Patterson Sept. 26, 1820 d. Jan. 6, 1952 \ m. Donald Blackman d. Aug. 19, 1889 Minnie Shobe m. Charles Patterson m. Mary Smalley ' 'Paul Godfrey b. May 8, 1822 in. George Henry Netta Henry b. 1905 d. 1910 d. May 8, 1901 Gloria Godfrey Karen b. Mar. 17, 1883 Howard Godfrey Came to Noble Co. m.Harold Kern 11/16/52 d. Oct. 6, 1903 b. Jan. 1, 1908 • Ind. in 1B37 John Godfrey m. John Godfrey mjfartha Brockman . b„6/l5/'33 b. Oct. 4, 1891 Mary J. Godfrey d. July 5, 1922 Carolyn Jane Campbell m.Robert Campbell b. March 1, 1941 (2) Geo. Gilliam

Frank Henry b. Mch. 12,, 1885 fsara Ann Henry d. Mch. 12, 1944 ]_ b. March 1, 1936 m. Mary Snyder

George Shobe b. Feb. 6, 1873 d. Dec. 27, 1948 Taylor Coiner Shobe m. Edith—d. 1919 b. Jan. 20, 1849 (2) Harriet Wilson d. Dec. 19, 1908 m. 1931 d. 1941 m. Sara (Sade) Carr b. 1850 Robert D. Shobe d. May 21, 1929 b. Jan. 16, 1890 d. Jan. 4, 1941 m. Josephine Banta b. April 6, 1886 Charles Snobs b. 1855 d. 1923 Dr. Norman Teal Shobe m. Elizabeth Teal b. Aug. 31, 1877 b. 1856 d. 1918 d. Dec. 1, 1898 (2) Millie Unger

Lola M. Shobe b. 1858 d. 1859

D. Nelson Shobe b. 1860 d. 1864 .13

IRA SHOBE Second son of Edward and Sarah (Coiner) Shobe

Frank Ferguson b. June 25, 1871 d. Feb. 5, 1896 For Ancestors George Ferguson, dec'd See Page 11 Age 24 years lQmos. Jennie Shobe Roy Ferguson b. Dec. 26, 1850 b. 1882 d. May 28, 1925 m. Hazel Tumbleson m. James Ferguson b. 1754 Sharon Ferguson d. Aug. 18, 1943 Arthur Ferguson m. Jerry Chiddister b. April 1, 1893 Mary Jane Ferguson April Shell m. Gertrude Moore m. Richard Shell b. Apr. 16, 1951 Timothy Shell b. Aug. 15, 1953 . Bessie Ferguson, Inf.

Jonas Shobe Ray Shobe b. July 28, 1852 Tern Shobe d. Nov. 6, 1932 Eda. Shobe m. Ella Smalley 1 • b. 1879 d. 1879 b. Nov. 21, 1859 Carl Shobe Ira Shobe d. May 6, 1885 , b. Feb. 3, 1887 b. 1824 d. 1866 (2) Mary Eliz. Long m. Sophia Jackson b. Oct. 15, 1873 2 < Ira Shobe b. Apr. 16, 1829, d. Jan. 2, 1949 d. Feb. 21, 1925 Age 96 years John Edward Shobe b. Mch. 27, 1854 d. April 14, 1886

Dr. Win. Alvin Shobe b. Ross Co., Ohio Feb. 3, 1856 d. Dec. 18, 1941 m. Jennie Kimmell b. 1864 d. 1930

Milton Albert Shobe b. Feb. 25, 1858 d. Sept. 26, 1940 m. Nancy M. Hile Mabel Orr m. Homer Van Cureun Ruth Elizabeth Shobe Iva Orr m. William Orr m. Waltor Hoover d. Jan. 7, 1933 William Orr Mary Orr Anna Verelle Shobe b. Aug. 3, 1864 d. March 12, 1949 m. Charles Green 14 I2EI& 4SH SHOBE Daughter of Edward and Sarah (Coiner) Shobe Robert Wolf Lawrence Wolf Adrain Wolf b. Jul. 84, 1872 Janice Wolf d. 1934 b. Aug. 8, 1835 m. Hazel McDonald m. Sept. 30, 1953 to Glen Fincher Willard Wolf b. May 3, 1874 d. 1947 m. Lena Hinman Walter Wolf For Ancestors m. Alta Palmar See Page 11 Edna Kitson [Parnell Carney b. Jan. 84, 1900 \ b. Nov. 5, 1937 Pearl Wolf m. Stuart Carney IInfant son b. Dec. 87, 1877 ««.*» v.*-™ J Victor Sohlotterbaok m. 1898 to y Judson Kitson m. „M . Sohlotterbao= "S? « „ >• . Maroh 30, 1933 b. Aug. 1878 Lamar Kitson | James d. Deo. 20, 1929 Walter Kitson m.Patdrouthers \Roy Kitson Sarah Eliz. Jackson b. 1906 d. 1940jBilly Kitson b. Deo. 14, 1B48 m. Mary Snyder b.Nov8, 1941 Washington CH.Ohio Robert Kitson d. Feb. 37, 1935 ^ Lillie Wolf Twin of Billy m. Deo. 8, 1870 to b. Sept. 8, 1881 Henry Wolf m. Lon Harper b. Men. 17, 1837 d. Oct. 25, 1805 George Wolf b. July 16, 1882 d. Oct. 8, 1905 Julia Ann Shobe b. Oct. 23, 1S30 Harry Wolf Herbert Wolf Fayette Co..Ohio Twin of George b. 1913 d. 1958 d. Oct. 16, 1910 m. Bessie Bowser m. Marguerite in. Feb. 3,1848 Andrew Jaekson Emetta Jane Wolf Isaac Henry Wolf b. Aug. 17, 1823 b. April 85, 1946 d. Deo. S, 1892 b. Deo. 36, 1913 Roger Lee Wolf Came to Noble Co, m, Helen Faulus ( b. Deo. 86, 1947 Indiana in 1859 Chester Hamilton WolffJudith Ann Wolf b. Deo. 10, 1915 J b. Maroh 9, 1942 Carl Wolf m. July 89. 1940 to | Larry Wayne Wolf b. Sept. 8, 1884 Josephine Kreager I b. Nov. 17, 1945 m. Pearl McDaniel b. 1880 d. 1940 Helen Wolf b. Jan. 14, 1918 m. James O'Reilly d. Feb. 1, 1941 Iavina Ruth Wolf b. Feb. 1, 1981 Robert Roland Wolf b. May 18, 1923 JLinda Jane Wolf Hazel Wolf d. July 29, 1947 \ b. May 39, 1947 b. Oct. 10, 1886 JU. Hilda Smith m. Herbert Martin

Infant son, b. & d. Sept. 6, 1888

Earl Wolf Marjorie Wolf b. Aug. 18, 1889 • m. Arthur Dunn m. Pearl South Donald Wolf

Ethel Wolf /Elizabeth Blue Twin of Earl I Morris Jean Moser | m. Jean Moser m. Roy Blue I Cynthia Ann Moser

Flora Belle Patterson b. Deo. 3, 1870 Laura Bell Jackson d. NOT. 4, 1885 b. Maroh 18, 1851 William Patterson m. Milton Patterson b. Jan. 7, 1874 d. April 17, 1918 m. Bessie G. Baer Frank Patterson IB Family of JULIA ANN SHOBE (continued)

Jenny Jackson b. 1877 For Ancestors m. Aug. 30, 1902 to See Page 11 Clarence Denny Samuel Thomas Jackson b. NOT. 6, 1872 b. Nov. 24, 1852 d. 1946 d. 1935 m. Emma Keister Melvin Jackson b. 1855 d. 1934 d. 1927 Wallace Jackson b. 1881 d. 1936 m. Tern Rice , b. 1884 d. 1921 Fannie Jackson b. 1874 d. 1949 m. Albert Inks Ira Martin Jackson b. 1871 d. 1941 b. April 6, 1855 m»EUzabeth Kessler George Jackson b. Mch 27, 1878 d. July 3, 1880 Wm. Lycurges Jackson b. August 1857 •j Lauren Jackson m. Jane Clausen Reta Jackson Charley Eden Jackson b. Dec. 8, 1884 Julia Ann Shobe b. April 3, 1860 m. Deo. 13, 1910 to b. Oct. 22, 1830 d. April 1, 1931 Glen Staynor Fayette Co., Ohio m. Sarah P. Seitz Sidney Kent Jackson Sarah Sue Jaokson d. Oct. 16, 1910, b. May 11, 1862 b. Nov. 18, 1897 b. Deo. 4, 1936 m. Feb. 3, 1848 m. Loyola Sidney J. Jaokson Andrew Jackson b. Sept. 10, 1938 b. Aug. 17, 1823 Eldridge Edward Jackson d. Dec. 2, 1892 b. Oct. 15, 1862 d. Dec. 28, 1928 m. Margaret Freelana b. 1869 d. 1946 , Beulah Maage Soott b. April 5, 1885 m. Oct. 21, 1913 to Wm. Thomas Kelley b. March 26, 1883 Nina Marie Soott b. June 20, 1887 m. Oct. 17, 1918 to Daniel Vorhees Goodman Aaa Adelia Jackson Harry Jaokson Soott b. Deo. 8, 1865 b. April 16, 1889 Harry J. Soott Jr. r a. June 23, 1944 m. Julia Dausman l b. Feb. 28, 1913 1-CLeRoy Scott m. June 4, 1884 to d. Feb. 28, 1913 m. Venita Meredith I David Eugene Soott (2) Alberta Johnson (2) May Burger b. Oct. 5, 1861 b. Nov. 18, 1889 d. Sept. 2, 1922 Laura Belle Scott b. June 16, 1892 [infant son b. & d. m. Charlton N. Carter J_Feb. 28, 1921 b. March 22, 1892 Barbara J. Osterheld Ruth Virginia Scott Trudy Ann Porter b. June 20, 1895 b. Oct. 17, 1922 m. Moh. 18, 1943 to b. Sept. 7, 1947 m. Dr. Carl Osterheld Thomas A. Porter b. May 5, 1894 Charles Alan Porter b. May 31, 1921 b April 11, 1950 Merle Eugene Soott b. May 5, 1904 Jjeffrey Charles Scott m. Dorothy Woodstock •j b. Dec. 14, 1942 b. Sept. 19, 1905 15a

DANIEL SHOBE, son of JACOB_and SARAH SHOBE B. June 5, 1800 d. Sept. 9, 1868. Burled at Palestine, Ind., tn. Dorothy_ b. Sept. 4,1814 d. Deo. 23, 1882. Also at Palestine. Six children. oooOooo — Jacob Shobe, soldier b. July 31, 1843 For Ancestors d. May 11, 1863 Louis Woolery See Page 11 John Woolery Matilda Shobe Winnie Woolery JMarie Markley d. Boulder, Colo. -< m. Charles Markley [Addle Markley m. Dr Henry Woolery (2) Henry Tower Verona Woolery Mary Woolery,step dau, Newton Kreighbaum b. 1874 d. 1923 m. Eba Br ingle Ruth Mumy r b. 1901 d. 1955 Vernon Underwood Delia Kreighbaum m. Lee Underwood

ARCHIBALD SHOBE William Shobe Or val Shobe John Shobe J b. Gideon Shobe m. Fred Shobe Archibald Shoba m. Catherine Charles Shobe called "Archie" .Ona Shoba m. Elizabeth Hire Mary Shobe m. William Drawbone Ida Shobe . Rudolph Shobe For Ancestors MARY SHOBE See Page 11 born Feb. 18, 1807 d July 10, 1891 m. Sol- omon Harper b. Nov.7,181 0 d. Jan. 20, 1873 ooo Opoo Emily Harper, unm. Rosilla Harper Clay Lint died 1836 b. Mar. 4, 1862 m. Clara d. Sept. 16, 1956 Reva Lint John Harper m. Milton Lint m. H. Wood b. Aug. 9, 1831 Ed M. Harper d. April 21, 1905 b. Sept. 13, 1864 m Eliz.Ann Milner d. Feb. 9, 1939 b. June 13, 1861 Lloyd Har per [Marilyn Ha? per d. Sept. 22, 1914 m. Olivo ICarol Ann Harper Albert Sidney Harper John Harlan Harper b. April 24, 1866 m. Olive {Phillip Harper d. Aug. 13, 1910 Sidney Harper . m. Jan. 3, 1901 m. Vesta Dodge {Richard Harper Ruth Harper Gideon Harper m. Latone Jansen b. Sept. 5, 1836 I Charles Harper d. Nov. 14, 1861 •j m. Jennie Herber m. Frances Snyder [Alan Harper Harriet Harper Lecta Snyder m. George Snyder i Margaret Harper m. Snyder Elizabeth Harper m. Campell Homer Morrow Wava Shallenberger Sarah Harper Ida Morrow Robert m. William Morrow m. Shallenberger Lida Harper, unm Lucy Harper, unm Zachary Harper Linn Harper m. Sarah Carmian m. Lily Wolf Nevada Harper Beulah Koester m. Albert Koester Leslie Harper Claude Silas (Bob )Harper m. 1 m. Cizier Davault m. Harriet Keehn Jonathan Harper Minnie Harper J Floyd Kiser Hulda Harper m. Walter Kiser | Pauline Kiser m. Tom Roach Howard Harper m. Helen Curtis Harmon Harper m. Helen Van Amon Frank B. Harper Robert Harper m. Mildred Harper m. J. Schermerhorn Dean Harper, m. Edward Harper . Marg. Whitestone m. Cora Buchtel John Harper Jesse D. Harper m. J. Bouressa m. Zola Pox Esther Harper m. Elwood Fifield Phillip Harper Mary Lou Harper m. Christian Keehn' Hazel Harper Ebert . Ruth Harper Smith m. Harry Newton Martha Harper m. William Gunter Juliua Harper Opal Harper m. Elsie Michael Fred Harper [Dan Harper m. Mary Caldwell [Duane Harper _ Willis Harper 16

DESCENDANTS OE HENRY SHOBE AND AMANDA NEELY He was born Jan. 11, 1812 in Ross Co., Ohio And died Sept. 22, 1877 at Ligonier, Ind.

Ear Ancestors See Page U Rhoda Shobe, mm. d. Jan. 4, 1887

Harriet E. Shobe b. Oct. 18, 1841 See Page 17 d. Aug. 21, 1922 m. Jonathan Keehn {' Dwight D. Shobe b. April 12, 1897 j David Dean Shobe Henry Shobe Harrison Shobe m. Effie Miller } b, Oct. 18, 1931 b. Jan. 11, 1812 m. Levina Greer Carl Shobe d. Sept. 22,1877 (2) Rosa Haines b. June 19, 1904 m. Dec. 31, 1840 Amanda Neely Sarah Shobe b. April 1, 11816 b. 1847 d. 1848 d. Jun. 26, 1896 Age 80 years Susan Shobe, Inf. b. 1848 d. 1848

Taylor Shobe m. Nettie Blanche Shobe, unci.

John Shobe, Inf. b. 1855 d. 1855

Alvina Shobe No issue m. Ed Rear

Margaret Jan Shobe b. April 26, 1857 No issue d. March 16, 1934 m. Theodore Buchtel 17 HARRIET E. SHOBE

Willis Keehn, b.& d. Sept. 28, 1863 Far Ancestors See Page 16 Ellen Keehn, Inf. b. April 8. 1865 Alice Keehn Maurice K. Nusbaum Dr. Charles G. Keehn b. Dec. 3, 1B91 b. Sept. 8, 1911 b. July 29, 1866 m. Dec. 29, 1910 m, June 2, 1939 d. Feb. 44,, 1953 Otis D. Nusbaum Noreen Connelly m. Dec. 17, 1890 b. March 9, 1885 b. Jne 19, 1912 Harriett E. Corson Dora Keehn b. May 29, 1865 b. June 16, 1893 d. June 14, 1951 d. July 5, 1909 Esta Keehn b. 1868 d. 1869

Homer Keehn, Inf. b. May 4, 1870 Lera Kimmell d. May, 1911 Age about 17 Verlie Kimmell I Infant son Harriet E. Shobe b. 1897 d. 1922 b. Oct. IB, 1841 m. Gertrude Bod in d. Aug. 21, 1922 Lena Keehn Joseph Kimmell m.Jonathan Keehn b. Feb. 4, 1872 b. Oct. 26, 1898 |No issue b. June 11, 1835 d. May 25, 1943 m. Louise Moore 'Joantha J. Andrews a. March 6, 1912 m. Joseph C. Kiirtnell Harriet Kimmel b. Feb. 2, 1930 at Ligonier, Ind b. April 28, 1872 b. Sept. 29, 1900 m. Joseph Seiber d. July 15, 1936 m. Charles Andrews Helen Andrews Chester Kimmel b. June 28, 1932 b. Sept. 26, 1901 m. Wayne , , m. Marlam Peele Mildred Kimmel Kim Rex b. June 3, 1903 b. Nov. 3, 1932 m. Forest Rex Kay Rex _ b. Sept. 28, 1935 Roy D. Keehn Jr. Dee Hampton Keehn b. Nov. 23,1907 b. Nov. 20, 1939 m. Nov. 2, 1935 {Jonathan N. Keehn b. Feb. 12, 1947 Lt. Col Roy D. Keehn . Gloria P. Hampton Kathleen Ellen Ames b. Nov. 7, 1873 Kay Keehn b. Aug. 10, 1944 d. Feb. 21, 1949 b. Jan. 7, 1923 Amanda Ann Ames m. Jane Menaugh,1898 m. Dr. Chas. Ames {b. Nov. 9, 1946 b. 1879 ('2) Ellen Henderson 2- d. Dec. 14, 1944 Stephen Keehn Michel Keehn Kent Keehn b. Feb. 28, 1951 b. Apr. 21, 1925 J Christopher Keehn m. Karj. DeAndries b. May 4, 1952 Maude Keehn Jeffry Packard Keehn b. Jan. 30, 1877 b. Sept. 28, 1953 m. Lewis Sherer No issue b. Feb. 1, 1868 d. April 3, 1945 18

DANIEL SHOBE AND HIS WIFE, CLORA LANCISCO. Daniel Shobe, younger son of Jacob Shobe and Margaret Stookey, was born in what is now Grant County, West Virginia. Here he was married about 1800 to Clora Laneisco who was one of eight daughters born to Henry Laneisco Jr. and Clara (Shobe) Laneisco. Thus Daniel and Clora were first cousins. Daniel and Clora were the parents of ten children, the first three of whom were born in what was then Virginia, prior to 1308 and the next was born in Ross county, Ohio, August 4, 1811, so Daniel moved to Ohio seme time between those two dates. Daniel was listed as a soldierin the War of 1812 from Ross Co. In 1816 he and his brother Jacob bought a thousand acres of land in Survey# 3899 in Concord Township, Ross county, on Paint Creek about six miles northwest of Frankfort, Ohio, on the Washington C. H. and Chillicothe turnpike. Here he lived rearing his family until his death on April 29, 1832, at the age of fifty-two years, at which time his youngest child was ten years of age.

He made a will on April 27, 1832, two days before his death, recorded in Ross County records as No. 7866, conveying certain parts of his estate to his estate =te© his widow and children. The receipt of the doctor who attended him in his last illness shows charges for attendance from Dec. 15, 1831 to April 26, 1832, so he must have suffered a long illness.

He was buried on his farm in a cemetery overlooking the pike, and it later became a large burying ground containing the remains of many members of his family and kin, including his wife, Clora and her mother, Clara (Shobe) laneisco, but in later years the property fell into careless hands and was practically de­ stroyed, the stones being moved to the fence as they fell or were pushed over and the field was eventually plowed and sown into grain. In 1951 his tombstone and those of his wife and mother were moved to the cemetery near Frankfort, Ohio, where they now remain in a well kept plot of ground. Clara's mother died in 1833, at the age of 85 years.

Census records of later years show that Daniel's wife, Clora, lived with her youngest child, Lucinda (Shobe) Vincent until her death, Jul. 12, 1861.

A puzzling question arises as to why so many of these families moved from the South Branch Valley to Ohio shortly after the beginning of the nine­ teenth century. Daniel and his brother Jacob, as well as their father and moth­ er and many of their cousins and other kin made the migration. Perhaps the nar­ row valley no longer furnished enough farm land for the younger families. Also some moved into free territory because they did not believe in slavery. Maybe the pioneering spirit pushed them further west, and, finally, a law suit against some of them may have deprived them of their lands.

In the records of the Superior Court of Grant County, at Moorefield, W. Va. a writ of Right was filed in 1787 by James Wood against John Hyer, Ru­ dolph Shobe, Martin Power, Jacob Shobe, Christopher Armentrout, Martin Shobe Jr., Abraham Stookey, Modlin Stookey and Conrad Carr. The plaintiff claimed title from King George and the defendants under Lord Fairfax. About 1800 it seems that the case was decided against the defendants and they lost their title to the lands. 19

DESCENDANTS OF DANIEL SHOBE AND HIS WIFE CLORA LANCISCO Samuel Shobe Otho Shobe For Descent See b. Aug. 14, 1802 m. Mahala Stingley a. Jan. 12, 1826 Reaaie Shobe { Psge 19a,19b m. Clora Stingley m. Lee ? Briggs For Ancestors Henry Shobe, unm. See Page 5 b. 1804 d. 1826 Susannah Shobe Clora Rittenhouse b. Jan. 12, 1807 Mau3e Rittenhouse d. Apr. 21, 1881 Minerva Rittenhouse Fage 21 m. Tilghman Ritten- John S. Rittenhouse house ^Lewis C. Rittenhouse Hary A. Shobe Lyaia Eckhart b. Aug. 4, 1811 m. William Bryant d. Mar. 31, 1832 Hannah Eckhart Page 21 m. John Eckhart m. John Boyd Hagar Shobe, Inf. b. 1813 a. 1814 Daniel Shobe Virginia A. Shobe b. July 23, 1780 Jacob Shobe Allen Thurman Shobe d. April 29, 1832 b. June 25, 1815 Maria Jane Shobe m. Clora Laneisco « a. Jan. 14, 1882 Anna Elizabeth Shobe Fage 23 b. liar. 21, 1782 m. Elizabeth Kirk­ Mary Aaeline Shobe d. July 13, 1861 patrick Franklin Pierce Shobe b. 1817 d. 1872 Fletcher K. Shobe Anna Shobe John Austin Kirkpatrick b. 1817 d. 1840 m. Nancy Jane Irons Page 24 m. Sam Kirkpatrick Rena Kirkpatrick William Alvin Shobe John Shobe Serena Shobe b. Aug. 14, 1818 Izora Belle Shobe a. Feb. 9, 1891 Charles Shobe 1 Page 24 & 25 m. Delilah Mallow " Daniel Aaam Shobe b. Dec. 30, 1824 Chester 0. Shobe d. March 1898 _ James K. Shobe Hannah Shobe James K. Gibson b. August 2, 1820 Lucinaa Gibson Page 26 m. John Henry Gibson Francis Marion Gibson (2) Hamilton Rogers . Mary Ann Gibson Luc ind a Shobe b. Dec. 8, 1821 Anna Vincent d. Sept. 6, 1873 Chlora Vincent Jeptha Austin Vincent in. Isaac Vincent b. March 24, 1817 m. Mary E. Ater d. June 1, 1903 Aimer T. Vincent J. Page 27 He later married m. Sarah C. White (2) Permelia Lloyd Infant daughter (3) Harriet Rowe Ida Bella Vincent b. 1830 d. 1911 m. William T. R-u*leage 19a

OTHO H._SHOBE and MAHALA STINGLEY Ho was the son of Samuel Shobe and Ghlora Stingley. He 'was horn Deo. 20,1824 and died In Tippecanoe Co., Ind. on Feb. 24, 1874. Mahala, his wife was a niece of his mother, so Otho and Mahala were first cousins. She was born Jan. 13, 1832 and died Oct. 30, 1869. Otho was born in Ross County, Ohio and his father, who died at the age of 24 is buried there but Otho and Mahala are buried in the Stingley cemetery, Stookwell.Ind. They had nine children. (See Shobe family page 19 and Stingley family on page 105.)

John A. Shobe b. Sept. 20, 1850 J d. May 23, 1890 LHo issue in. Sally Blackmore For Ancestors •See Page 19 Infant twin of John Methilda Shobe Only lived a few m. White Loveless weeks after marriage Lawson Shobe Bertha Bowles b. 1854 d. 1855 b. Dec. 12, 1876 d. Oct. 2, 1929 No issue slider m. Matthew Duncan Roberta Bess Bosffls Jame s C oburn Mary Alice Bowles b. Sept. 2, 1918 b. Feb. 8, 1939 b. Mar. 22, 1879 m. Ralph Coburn m. Mar. 27, 1898 to * b. April 4, 1912 Richard James Sliger Robert James i

DESCENDANTS OF OTHO SHOBE (con) Charles Bagnall Wilma Elsie Shobe b. April 4, 1950 For Ancestors b. April 6, 1933 See Page 19 Garth Bagnall m. Richard Bagnall {b. May 15, 1953 Dorreen Anne Shobe b. July 12, 1938 J Linda Ann Pierce Arthur Mark Shobe I b. August 1955 b. in Minnesota m. Bernard Pierce March 20, 1907 Edward A. Shobe, Inf. m. Natalie Rediger Marlene Annette Shobe b. July 10, 1942 Elaine Elizabeth Shobe b. May 29, 1944 Louise MaureenKurray b. Jan. 12, 1950 Edward Fran Murray Maureen M. Kennedy b. March 27, 1951 b. June 8, 1929 i Donald Murray m. France Murray b. Nov. 21, 1953 Kelly Murray I b. Jan. 29, 1956 John Austin Shobe b. Dec. 11, 1887 Gregory E. Kenneay at Perham, Minn, b. April 2, 1934 Gertruae Ellen Kenneay d. Sept. 7, 1955 Gertrude Milisa Shobes buried at North b. April 24, 1936 b. May 17, 1909 Eawara John Kennedy Battleford, Sask. m. Gregory Kennedy Canaaa b. Nov. 22, 193:9 m. Elsie Clark Sharon M. Kenneay b. April 15,1685 b. Sept. 6, 1945 d. Sept. 4, 1926 Jack Albert Shobe,unm (2) Florence Luck- b. May 27, 1912 enbilKnee Rhodes) Clifford Brooks b. Sept. 19, 1933 Robert Brooks " m. Elsie { b. July 1955 Edward Brooks b. March 12, 1936 Donald Brooks b. May 1937 Evelyn Eliza Shobe Dorren Elsie Brooks b.Jul.26,1915 31951 b. Oct. 12, 1938 m. Chester Brooks Russell Brooks b. May , 1940 Garry Dale Brooks b. July 22, 1943 Leona Ann Brooks b. Mar. 14, 1945 Clark Lee Shobe,unm. Georgiana Brooks b. 1/23/1918 a.1945 b. Dec. 18, 1946 Malcolm John Murray b. Oct. 16, 1940 Carole Anne Murray Elsie Irene Shobe b. Feb. 22, 1943 b. Nov. 9, 1921 Joan Theresa Murray m. Robert Murray b. Aug. 30, 1946 b. 1913 Robert Andrew Murray b. Aug 31, 1949 Peter Bruce Murray b.- Oct. 23, 1954 Kenneth Elwooa Shobe b. Aug. 23, 1926 Maureen Anne Shobe C Wm Anne Whitehouse,bl929 b. Aug. 17, 1956 Otho Lee Shobe Dorothy Shobe b. Jan. 17, 1890 b. Dec. 24, 1909 a. Jan. 14. 1950 m. G Ruthleage m. Myrtle McGinnis Eva Shobe (2) Anna Mickelson b. April 3, 1912 Ora Rickey Emma Shobe Stella Rickey d. 1918 •( ALma Rickey Emma and Alma, Hattie m. John Rickey Hattie Rickey and husband all diea Roy Rickey of flu in 1918 20

SUSANNAH SHOES third child of Daniel Shobe and Chlora Laneisco, was born on the south branch of the Potomac River in Virginia (noun Grant County, West Virginia) Jan. 12, 1807. She moved with her parents to Ross County, Ohio and, in 1834, was mar­ ried to Tilghman Rittenhouse of Ross County, who was a well known and respect­ ed citizen of that territory. They were the parents of seven children, two of whom died in infancy. One of her daughters became the mother of Bertha Ellis, who later became Bertha Marsh,whose early research of the records of the Shobe family became invaluable to those of us who have taken up the search later. Bertha Marsh has no.v passed on but she left a heritage for future generations. Susannah Shobe died April 21, 1881 and was buried in the old Shoba cemetery four miles northwest of Frankfort, Ohio but the old burrying ground has long since been almost completely destroyed through recent tenants of the farm. MARY SHOBE She was born Ross County, Ohio, August 4, 1811. She marriec John Eck­ hart and was the mother of two daughters, Lydia, who married William Bryant and Hannah, who married John Boyd. She died March 31, 1832, and is buried in Ross County, Ohio. At the time of her decease her daughter Hannah was only two years old.

Uncle BILL BRYANT He was the son of Wm Bryant and Catherine Laneisco. Catherine's moth­ er was Clara Shobe, daughter of Jacob Shobe and Barbara Hire. Hence when he married the daughter of Mary Shobe, there was Shobe blood on both sides of the family. He was born in Ross County, Ohio, March 28, 1823 and was married July 2, 1646. In September, 1846, accompanied by Hannah Eckhart, lydia's younger sister, they moved in a covered wagon to Montgomery County, Indiana, where they settled in a two room log cabin. In later years William built a great square house on his farm near Clarkshill, Indiana, and it was regarded as a mansion in those days. It was a land mark in that community for years but was consumed by fire about 1914. He was the father of two sons and five daughters, the sons both dying in infancy. He was noted for his generousity and gave several boys a horse as a basis for their fortunes.

He died July 12, 1906, at the age of eighty-three, and is buried in Union Cemetery, near Clarkshill, Indiana. 21

SUSANNAH SHOBE Susan Elizabeth Keyser b. 1858 a. 1864 Clora Rittenhouse Emma Keyser For Ancestors b. Sept. 29, 1837 b. 1860 d. 1864 See Page 19 a. Nov. 24, 1878 Nanna Keyser as Tylekins Jr. m. Daniel Keyser b. April 18, 1862 [Luc b. Nov. 24, 1822 m. Luoas Tylekins ib. March 3, 1901 a. May 2, 1901 Daniel Rittenhouse Keyser b. April 29, 1866 Maude Rittenhouse Walter Selig Susannah Shobe m. Isaac Selig .Frank Selig b. Jan. 12, 1807 Mamie Ellis d. April 21, 1881 b. Aug. 26, 1878 m. T. Rittenhouse Inez Ellis b. Sept. 25, 1800 Minerva Rittenhouse b. Feb. 16, 1880 a. Oct. 27, 1866 in. Benjamin Ellis •( Bertha Ellis b. Feb. 21, 1835 b. March 4, 1882 m. Marsh John S. Rittenhouse Zoe Ellis m. Eliza Day b. 1884 d. 1886 (2) Mary Cath.Bryant Lewis C. Rittenhouse b. 1850 a. 1900 MARY SHOBE Lyaia Wright Stella Ann Taylor Inf. 1887 Robt.W.Spake fRuth Mary Cath.Bryant b. Sept. 5, 1869 - MaryP.Wright b.1/3/1923 I '48 b. Sept. 9, 1849 m. Perry A. Wright b.4/6/1890 m. Martha [Greg For Ancestors d. Mch. 17,1921 m.Lloyd Spake Lou Holcomb |_ '51 See Fage 19 m. Wm. R. Taylor Orville Lee Taylor b. 7/6/1888 Lb.7/26/1922 b. Sept. 4, 1847 m. Minnie Bowman Ross T.Wright d. Aug. 26,1902 Wm Laneisco Taylor b. 1899 m.Vir­ (2) J .Rittenhouse_ b. 1875 a. 1884 ginia Rowland Jacob Shobe Bryant b.1849 d.1851 John Eckhart Bryant b. 1851. Infant Lydia Eckhart Chlora Jacova Bryant { DonnDoi a Belle Coyner (Donna Belle Casey b. Mar. 2,1829 James P. Casey JMarcia Chlora Casey m. Jacob Coyner L m. Frank Bransman d. Jul 20,1905 Veasey Kirkpatrick

Wm. Bryant -', Maria Jane Bryant Wm Wesley Kirkpatrick (John K.Kirpatrick b, Mch 28,1823 b. Aug. 20, 1854 m. Tressa Marlowe J; d. Jul 12,1906 m. P.P. Kirkpatrick [Edward Kirkpatrick b. 1853 d. 1911 John F. Kirkpatrick IRichara IB. Lois J. Johnson I Florence (.Robert W. H. Bryant Jenkins Donna Belle Bryant William M. Jenkins b. Jan. 20, 1859 m. Ethel Mitchell Ralph Orvil Jenkins m. Stephen 0.DeHart Lydia Geneva Jenkins (2) Lorin E. Jenkins John Bryant Jenkins Merle Clark Lydia Anna Bryant m. George W. Haines b. Oct. 30, 1862 Re eta Clark m. Chauncy T. Clark Keith Bryant Clark Mary Susan Boyd b. 1848 d. 1850 William P. Boyd b. Aug. 4, 1851 Charles A. Boya m. Mary Harshman b. 1900 a. 1918 (2) Fidellia Phillips { Hannah Eckhart (3) Mahala Cook b. Sep 25,1830 Delilia Boyd, Inf. d. Oct. 9,1908^ b. Oct. 11, 1853 Julia Ann Boya Chauncey 0. Dukes m. John Boyd iaa Dukes b. Apr 29,1829 m. Duke s m. P. Davis Ethel Davis d. Jul 26,1900 William Glaays Coyner Alta May Coyner m. Bryce Thurman Julia Marie Coyner Rena A. Boya Maxine Marie Singer b. Mar. 18, 1858 m. Elmer Singer m. John Coyner Boyd Coyner b. June 3, 1857 Hannah Lucille Coyner m. Minor M. Seeger John Eckhart Coyner b. Jan. 9, 1902 22

JACOB SHOBE son of Daniel.

While he was the third SOB and sixth child of Daniel Shobe and his wife, Chlora (Laneisco) Shobe, he was the first son who grew to manhood and had descendants. He was born in Ross County, Ohio June 25, 1815. He was rais­ ed on the Shobe homestead and lived there until some time after his father's death in 1832.

In 1840 he was married to Elizabeth Kirkpatrick whose ancestral home was a few miles to the north and they apparently moved soon thereafter to In­ diana where they lived for several years on the present site of Clarkshill. In 1864 they moved to Champaign County, Illinois and lived on a farm seven miles east of Urbana, where their children were raised to manhood and womanhood.

They then moved to Mayvlew, Illinois and purchased the farm just south of that village, where he died of heart failure January 14, 1882. He and Elizabeth are both buried in Mt. Olive cemetery, one-half mile west of Mayview.


Sixth child of Jacob Shobe and Elizabeth (Kirkpatrick) Shobe was born near Clarkshill, Indiana, March 26, 1853. At the age of eleven he moved with his parents to a farm seven miles east of Urbana, Illinois and a few years la­ ter to Mayview, 111.

He was married Oct.21, 1874 to Lydia Ellen Dilling and they were the parents of six children all of whom grew to manhood and womanhood. In 1903 he moved to Urbana, 111. where he became connected with the Urbana Fire Depart­ ment. He and Mrs. Shobe spent the winter of 1916-1917 in Long Beach and Los An­ geles, California, but, contracting sciatic rheumatism, he returned home where he died Oct. 12, 1918. He is buried in Mt. Olive cemetery near Mayview.

FRANKLIN DILLING SHOBE son of Franklin P. Shobe

He is co-author of this book on the Shobe Family and also pub­ lished a book on "A Genealogy of the Shobe, Kirkpatrick and Dilling Families" in 1919. He was born at Philo, 111. June 23, 1889. In 1903 he moved with his parents to Urbana, 111 where he graduated from Urbana High School in 1907 and from the College of Law, University of Illinois, 1914, and practiced law in the city of Chicago for many years.

He was married Dec. 23, 1914 at Urbana, 111 to Adelaide L. Loh- man and they were the parents of two daughters, both of whom are married and live in a suburb of ChieagO. Mrs. Shobe died Dec. 20, 1951 and is buried in Ridgewood Cemetery, northwest of Chicago. 28

JACOB SHOBE and ELIZABETH KIRKPATRICK Virginia Albany Shobe b. Feb. 3, 1841 d. Oct. 14, 1869 Charles E. Irons, Peterson Cemetery b. May 12, 1866 For Ancestors Montgomery Co.,Ind. See Page 19 m. John Bush Irons Allen Thurman Shobe b. 1843 d. 1848 Maria Jane Shobe b. July 3, 1845 d. Feb. 20, 1868 Infant m. Eli B. Sims- Anna Elizabeth Shobe James Wallace Irons b. Feb. 2, 1848 b. Mar. 5, 1876 J Ruth Anita Irons m. Thomas R. Irons ; m. Ina F. Dickinson \ b. Mar. 7, 1908 Mary Adeline Shobe ' Theodore Thorp Jr b. May 9, 1850 b. Aug. 31, 1875 Marie Thorp d. Mar. 18, 1912 Maude Thorp m. Theo Freel Thorp m. Dolly Wheeler { „ (2) Eva Murray "Oren Ernest Shobe fClark Dilling Shobe b. Aug. 14, 1876 J b. Feb. 3, 1909 J Stanley C . Shobe d. Dec. 12, 1935 ) m. Wilma H. Burwell \ b. Dec. 22, 1946 m. Zoe S. Hamilton [Alta L. Shobe, dec'd Wm Bryant Shobe b. May 20, 1878 J Mary Stanley Shobe d. Jan. 26, 1922 \ b. Feb. 18, 1920 m. Catherine Evans Eliza Margaret Shobe 'Margaret Ruth Maddock b. Jan. 6, 1906 Patricia Anderson b. Oct. 19, 1880 b. Jan. 24. 1934 d. Dec. 24, 1924 m. Homer Anderson m. William Maddock John W. Hudson Jr. Helen Jane Maddock b. Feb. 26, 1949 b. June 26, 1868 b. June 24, 1909 Joseph S. Hudson Franklin P. Shobe m. John Wm. Hudson b. Mar. 26, 1853 Earl Carl Shobe b. Dec. 31, 1950 d. Oct. 12, 1918 b. June 17, 1882 m. Lydia E. Dilling d. Oct. 18, 1910 Infant Son b. Feb. 25, 1856 m. Agnes Anna Bray d. June 6, 1917 Otto Blaine Martin Mt. Olive Cemetery Cecyle Clair Shobe b. May 31, 1905 Mayview, 111. m. Helen Hawley Michael B. Martin b. Deo. 28, 1885 b. May 2, 1942 m. Emmett B. Martin Zack L. Martin Jeri Linda Martin b. May 22E, 1884 b. Sept. 2, 1907 b. Mar. 13, 1946 d. Mar . 12, 1952 m. Frances Carriere Pamela C. Martin b. Oct. 23, 1914 b. Mar. 14, 1949 Eleanor Jean Shobe Kim Steveley b. Feb. 15, 1918 b. July 6, 1937 Franklin D. Shobe m. Robert Steveley Kip Steveley b. June 23, 1889 b. June 21, 1914 b. July 16, 1949 m. Adelaide Lohman Carolyn Schoeller b. Jan.28, 1890 b. June 19, 1944 d. Deo. 20, 1951 Florence A. Shobe Barry Schoeller (2) Nell V. Barker b. Nov. 6, 1919 b. Mar. 19, 1947 m. Fred Schoeller Judy A. Schoeller b. June 19, 1919 b. June 28, 1950 Scott F.Schoeller b. Jan. 12, 1953 Inez Marion Shobe John Frank Wilson b. July 25, 1906 b. Aug. 9, 1932 m. John Dowd Wilson Barbara J, Wilson I b. May 12, 1934 f Diane Shobe Roy Franklin Shobe Fletcher M. Shobe b. Nov. 4, 1883 b. Feb. 16, 1909 J b. Oct. 17, 1934 d. Feb. 20, 1946 m. Aileen Brubaker 1 Susan Shobe m. Leona Madison I b. Mar. 14, 1941 "Joan Shobe b. Nov. 8, 1937 Fletcher Kirkp.Shobe Robert Franklin Shobe Judith Shobe b. Deo. 3, 1855 b. Sept. 9, 1913 b. Mar. 2, 1941 m. Mary Carey Elizabeth Shobe d. Feb. 4, 1914 b. Mar. 8, 1950 m. Eliza Ann Peters Roy F. Shobe Jr. b. 1863 d. 1916 b. Dec. 1, 1952 Mt. Olive Cemetery Claire Fletcher Shobe Robert Foutts Jr. Mayview, 111 b. July 29, 1891 Muriel Shobe b. Oct. 8, 1946 d. Oct. 28, 1948 b. Oct. 15, 1920 Thomas K. Foutts m. Lill Stsffanberg m. Robert L. Foutts b. Jan.26,1948 b. Jan. 28, 1895 b. June 5, 1912 Gloria J, Foutts b. Oct. 9, 1953 24

ANNA SHCBE Seventh child of Daniel Shobe and Chlora Laneisco She was born in Ross County, Ohio, March 27, 1817. Her father died when she was fifteen years old, and four years later, in 1836, she was married to Samuel Clin­ ton Kirkpatrick. He was a brother of Elizabeth Kirkpatrick who married Anna's brother Jacob four years later, The Kirkpatricks lived to the north of the Shobe homestead a- cross the Washington-Chillicothe turnpike and their father was the contractor who built it. The Kirkpatricks lived near New Holland and attended the old church along the road lea ing to Clarksburg, Ohio. No doubt these young folks met each other there and the two families were later joined in wedlock many times, probably as a result of these early romances.

Anna died at the tender age of twenty-three, after becoming the mother of two children, John Austin Kirkpatrick and Rena Kirkpatrick. Rena died later at three and is buried beside her mother in the Shobe family cemetery, about six miles north­ west of Frankfort, Ohio. However her son John Austin lived until well past eighty and was the progenitor of a large family of descendants. After Anna died, her husband, Samuel Clinton Kirkpatrick married again and became the father of six additional children all of whom raised large families. (Sea History of the Shobe, Kirkpatrick'& Dilling Families, by F. D. Shobe, page 5.)

For Ancestors James A. Kirkpatrick JVerna Kirkpatrick See Page 19 m. Capitolia Green l m. VV. C• Reece John Aus. Kirkpatrick Milicent Starbird Anna M. Kirkpatrick Lillian Starbird Anna Shobe b. April 22, 1837 b. Sept. 18, 1872 ^Tertium Starbird b. Mar. 27, 1817 m. Nancy Jane Irons m. Dr.Ernest Starbird Quartern Starbird d. Nov. 7, 1840 Helen Starbird m. Samuel Clinton Thomas B.Kirkpatrick Kirkpatrick. Rena Kirkpatrick . m. Blanche Slaymaker [Lillian Slaymaker b. 1840 d. 1843

JOHN SHOBE He was born in Ross County, Ohio, August 14, 1818. He was married to Deli­ lah Mallow and they moved to Iowa in 1860. In 1869 they moved to Mahomet, Champaign County, Illinois and to Peru, in 1880. Here he engaged in farming and stock raising until his death in 1891. He is buried in Chautauqua County, Kansas.

Serena Shobe {Lee Roy Gower William Alvin Shobe m. Roy Gower b. Feb. 27, 1852 1 Inez Shobe d. Sept. 4, 1917 m. John Smith { Margaret Smith m. Jessie Byers Delilah Shobe (2) Maggie Warhurst- Ella Pearl Shobe 2 Clifford A. Shobe Serena Shobe b. 1849 d. 1893 m. Sam Atkinson Ghester Henry Perkins Izora Belle Shobe b. Oct. 3, 1896 He became a prom­ b. 1854 d. 1918 d. May 3, 1946 inent physio ian m. Jasper N. Perkins m. Rose Gibson Charles Shobe m. Ada Turner Belle Shobe Dollie Helen Shobe Daniel Adam Shobe Karen Lynn Shobe b. Feb. 17, 1859 b. 1899 d. 1900 Paul Joseph Shobe b. Oct. 13, 1938 d. July 12, 1928 John Richard Shobe m. Zana A. Baker b. Dec. 5, 1901 m.Lillie Billingsley b. April 4, 1946 b. Jan. 30, 1871 Stephen Ray Shobe d. June 1954 b. Feb. 17, 1916 b. Oct. 15, 1947 (continued next page) 25

JOHN SHOBE (con) cont'd from Page 24 Hallie Shobe Chester 0. Shobe Daniel Shobe b. April 20, 1869 Chester Leslie Shobe For Ancestors d. February 1948 b. Deo. 26, 1903 See Page 19 m. Nellie Taylor John Kenneth Shobe b. June 23, 1876 Lb. July 11, 1915 Adelaide May Shobe b. April 9, 1872 Sanger Aylsworth d. ca. 1940 Marion Aylsworth m. J. W. Aylsworth {

Rodney Rankin [rp»r'T>l b.6/17/1930 j Igip Velda E. Shobe L b. Oct. 5, 1896 m. Pat Roth m. Mentor Rankin Suzanne Lou Rankin Rufus Alvin Shobe d. Apr. 21, 1951 b. Sept. 25, 1936 b. Oct. 22, 1874 _m. Lt.John Hughes m. Hattie E. Walden b. Jan. 20, 1878 Rufus D. Shobe [Robert Darral Shobe d. Nov. 11, 1952 b. Dec. 18, 1909 I b. April 7, 1942 Esther Smith Donna Mae Shobe (2)Rita Wisniewski I b. May 7, 1939 Avis Jean Shobe b. Dec. 1, 1924 James K. Shobe m. Leonard Drake called "Polk" .James E. Shobe Clinton LeRoy Shobe adopted b. Mar. 24, 1900 b. May 31, 1928 b. Aug. 8, 1843 m. Estelle Keener m. Donna Jean Boggs m. Margaret Grass b. July 28, 1905 b. July 29, 1929 (2) Laura F. Vance James Albert Shobe b. Aug. 13, 1854 b. June 23, 1951 John Shobe Lewis C. Shobe b. Jan. 8, 1876 b. April 3, 1907 /AlIaa n Richard Shobe d. Dec. 20, 1953 m. Ruby Wilkerson I b. Dec. 3, 1938 m. Bertha Stabler b. Mar. 22, 1914 b. Oct. 31, 1876 Amy E. Shobe b. Nov. 11, 1908 Ethel A. Shobe b. Feb. 7, 1911 Avis P. Shobe Mary Elizabeth Gray b. June 29, 1913 . m. Kenneth Hiney Jr. m. Roy Louis Gray b. March 11, 1911 Rodney Bruce Gray Alta Naoma Shobe John S. Bradford b. May 1, 1883 b. Sept. 30, 1908 m. John T. Bradford Dorothy Bradford b. Dec. 9, 1873 b. Feb. 1, 1910 Dollie Forrest Shobe b. Sept. 26, 1886 m. W. Frank James b. Jan. 20, 1883 Ralph Shobe Richard Shobe r b.8/23/31 jMary Shafter D. Shobe m. Margaret \l955 b. July 18, 1898 Hopp m. Grace Abell Betty Jean Shobe Foster son of [Curtis Shobe m._ i_ Gilman James K. Shobe,neveK m. Mae Spratt _Peggy May Shobe legally adopted |_ d. in auto accident Dorothy Shobe m. Mcintosh Rachel Shobe m. Berle F. Jenkins 26

HANNAH SHOBE Hannah Shoba was born on the old Shobe home_stead in Ross County, Ohio, Aug. 2, 1820. The homestead is on the south side of Paint creek about four and ona-half miles southeast of Washington Court House, Ohio. There was a nice cemetery up on the bluff south of the creek and still in good condition when we first saw it in 1924 but it has since been allowed to fall into decay by neglect and most of the monuments are now gone and the field plowed up and planted to grain. Hannah had two sons and two daughters but the oldest son died in infancy. Her son, Francis Gibson grew to manhood and was the sole support of the family after his father died. He served three years with Company B, 2nd Heavy Artillery, during the Civil War, and after being mustered out at the end of that conflict he again took up farming and stock raising. He died on his farm near Springfield, Ohio, May 9, 1917, and is buried in Good Hope Cemetery near that place.

James K. Gibson deceased James Herbert Hopkins b. Jan. 21, 1861 For Ancestors Louie Grant Hopkins See Page 19 b. Sept. 18, 1863 d. Nov. 7, 1875 Lillian F. Hopkins Lucinda Gibson b. Aug. 1, 1865 b. May 6, 1842 m. William H. Cutter

m. Elijah Hopkins Harry Vernon HopkinsJRlohard Hopkins

b. Oct. 25, 1838 b. May 18, 1870 j * 18g9 d. Sept. 6, 1917 m. Flora Enderlin >• * ' Emma Ethel Hopkins b. Nov. 5, 1873 Juanita Updike m. Charles Updike b. Dec. 6, 1892 Hannah Shobe (2) Hal L. Howard b. Aug. 2, 1820 Hannah Leah Hopkins m. John Gibson b. Sept. 3, 1881 (2) H. Rodgers Lucy C. Gibson Orvill Vance Gibson b. Aug. 20, 1902 b. 1869 d. 1889 Helen L. Gibson John Rogers Gibson b. July 10, 1904 b. July 12, 1871 Frances M. Gibson Francis M. Gibson m. Millie A. Emrie . b. Jul. 14, 1906 b. Nov. 30, 1843 Martha Ann Gibson d. May 9, 1917 b. Aug. 14, 1873 m. Lucy C. Rodgers b. Aug. 8, 1845 m. Charles E. Young Harry Hamilton Gibson b. Aug. 4, 1876 m. Martha Sanders Homer L. Gibson J" Mario; n D. Gibson b. June 15, 1882 deceased . m. Nina Atkinson May Vance |Aubry Sperry Mary Ann Gibson m. Ort Sparry m. James Vance Lucy Vance m. Milton Shanwer JPauline Joseph Bessie Vance [Vance Joseph m. Harry Joseph LUCINDA SHOBE Youngest of ten children born to Daniel Shobe and Chlora Laneisco, was born in Ross County, Ohio, Dec. 8, 1821. She was married to Isaac Vincent, who lived for thirty years after her death, dying in 1903 in his 87th year. They lived on the North Fork of Paint Creek, Ross County, for many years and made a home for her widowed moth­ er for nearly thirty years after the death of her husband, Daniel Shobe Lucinda and Isaac were the parents of six children. Lucinda died September 6, 1873, at the age of fifty-two, and is buried near New Holland, Ohio. After her death Isaac Married Permelia Lloyd and they had a son born Sept. 30, 1876 and died March 22, 1877. Permelia died October 5, 1876 and Isaac later married Harriet Rowe who died November 6, 1911 at the age of eighty-one. 27

LUCINDA SHOBE Anna E. Vincent b. Apr. 5, 1844 For Ancestors d. Sept. 28, 1869 See Page 19 ih. Alonzo Routt Chlora(Cloe)Vincent b. Mar. 3, 1846 Donna Belle Vincent d. Aug. 6, 1346 b. Aug. 1, 1879 m. Albert D. Ater Jeptha A. Vincent b. Nov. 26, 1872 b. April 9, 1849 d. Jan. 29, 1924 d. December 1922 m. Mary E. Ater Pearl Eugene Vincent Say Vincent b. Peb. 22, 1843 b. Feb. 28, 1882 Joseph A. Vincent b. June 4, 1937 d. Apr. 2, 1919 d. May 25, 1951 b. Oct. 12, 1912 Sherry Ann Vincent Both buried at m. Eleanor Stobbs m. Helen C. Lines b. Oct. 5, 1943 Williamsport,Ohio b. June 28, 1882 b. Sept. 23, 1913 Jerrold Austin Vincent d. Sept. 4, 1952 . b. Dec. 22, 1945 Ruth Vincent Junk b. Dec. 7, 1897 m. Hamilton Rogers Aimer Thomas Junk b. July 25, 1899 Armilda Vincent m. Pauline Thatcher b. Jan. 27, 1873 b. July lo, 1901 d. July 25, 1929 Phoebe Junk m. Thomas J. Junk b. 1903 d. 1908 Cary Vincent Gaiser b. Nov. 21, 1851 Kathlyn Eliz. Junk b. May 10, 1937 d. August 1939 b. July 6, 1909 Edward Lee Gaiser m. Floyd Gaiser b. Feb. 28, 1940 b. July 23, 1905 Dennie Alan Gaiser Aimer Tilg.Vincent Kenneth Lee Junk b. May 26, 1945 b. Jan. 22, 1851 Lucinda Vincent b. Dec. 19, 1910 d. Dec. 25, 1935 b. Aug. 14, 1875 m. Chrystal Kirkham m. Sarah C. White d. April 5, 1901 . b. Aug. 13, 1913 b. July 2,6, 1852 m. Noah Carr Charles Eikenberry d. Oct. 26, 1929 Jesse Vincent Both buried at b. Oct. 30, 1938 b. June 6, 1878 Emily Rowe Rowe E. Eikenberry Washington C.H.,0 d. July 21, 1942 b. May 10, 1912 m. Roger Eikenberry b. September 1941 m. John Rowe Judith J. Eikenberry b. 1871 d. 1924 b. Apr. 1, 1945 Essa Lee Vincent b. Dec. 11, 1884 m. Jay J. Kelley Mary A. Vincent b. 1881 d. 1884 Maude Vincent Susan Kathryn Trovillo b. Mar. 18, 1887 b. May 10, 1907 m. Vita W. Trovillo b. Nov. 8, 1882 d. Nov. 2.0, 1915 Helen Vincent Infant daughter b. 1892 d. 1894 Mary J. Williams Der Ann Dabe b. Oct. 6, 1854 Lydia Vincent b. Aug. 3, 1938 b. Mar. 11, 1895 b. Apr. 22, 1918 m. James A. Dabe Sarah Jane Dabe . m. Maurice Williams b. July 28, 1940 Re eta Rutiedge b. Sept. 20, 1887 E. Burke Kearney James Wm Kearney m. A. J. Kearney b. Aug. 22, 1906 b. Dec. 17, 1927 m. Frances Porter m. Jeannette Deer b. Oct. 30, 1878 b. March 2, 1904 d. Dec. 14, 1939 Gerald Thomas Rea Carl Wilson Rea b. May 28, 1944 b. Sept. 17, 1917 . Ronald Jean Rea m. Mildred Holbrook b. Sept. 5, 1948 b. Sept. 16, 1919 Joseph Marylyn Rea b. May 29, 1951 Earl Thomas Rea Ida Belle Vincent b. July 18, 1919 J Edward Thomas Rea t>. May 2, 1861 Esta Ethel Rutiedge m. MarjorieCaldwellL b. May 11, 1947 d. Aug. 15, 1927 b. Oct. 4, 1892 b. Dec. 3, 1920 Susan Ileen Rigg m. Wm T. Rutiedge m. Thomas F. Rea Mary Bell Rea b. Oct. 14, 1946 b. Oct. 26, 1851 b. Dec. 2, 1891 b. June 20, 1921 Robert Dennis Rigg d. Nov. 17, 1930 m. Robert D. Rigg b. May 13, 1950 Virginia Ruth Rea Susan Conroy,1947 b. Feb 13, 1925 Daniel " ,1950 m. Fred L. Conroy Ruth Ann " ,1952 Laura L. Rutiedge Wm Byron Rea b. Feb. 27, 1898 Hugh Marcus Rea b. July 17, 1953 m. Homer Pearl Rea b. Aug. 22, 1917 Robert Nelson Rea b. Feb. 4, 1894 m. Dixie Graves Twin of William 28


This is the family of Clara Gould Mark, co-euthor of this v/ork. As a rule, we have not followed out the female line of the ancestral family, mainly because the surname is soon lost in the following generations after four or fire marriages, and, unless the book is carefully indexed by the geneological library, cross-references will not disclose the connection to the original family.

However, in every instance where we already have the information, we have included it, with the thought that, although it may not later be found, we have at least preserved it for posterity. After all, this is the dominating rea­ son for most genealogical work.

In the present case, Miss Mark did the work of gathering this material many years ago and it has previously been published in other journals and it cer­ tainly deserves a place in our record although the name "Shobe" does not again appear in it.

CATHERINE POWER married Leonard Bush Jr. and that was a common and highly respected name in the Valley of the South Branch of the Potomac in the early days. The Deed and Probate records of Grant and Hardy Counties, of West Virginia are replete with the name of Bush, where members of the family either executed the documents themselves or acted as the witnesses or as executors or administrators for others.

Catherine was loyal to the Shobe family, using Shobe names for most of her eleven children, and she was a close friend to Elizabeth (Shobe) Hagler. The two girls and their husbands migrated together from the valley of the South Branch to southern Ohio in the late summer of 1809. 39

Lucy Bush, b .Mar. 13, 1830, a. Apr. 10, 1924 m. Oct. 31, 1850,Wm. Mallow Dice, 1818-1899 Simeon Bush, b. Jan. 2, 1832. d. Oct. 14, 1838 Calvin Bush, b. Mar. 31, 1834,m. Hannah Burriss Lewis Bush, b. Jan. 10, 1838, d. Nor. 1, 1838 Jacob Bush, b. Sept.29,1804 Elizabeth Frances Bush, b. Jul. 21, 1840. d. Feb. 16, 1889, m. Nov. d. Mar. 26, 1918, M. Edwin Waggoner For Ancestors 6,1828, Catherine Baughn, Catherine Bush, b. Mar. 14, 1842, d.Aug.30,1844 See Page 5 b. Mar. 16, 1810, Walter Bush, b. May 2,1844, d. Aug. 16, 1887 a. Oct. 29, 1838; m. Sally Hollister m. 3na Sept. 19, 1829 Merritt Bush, b. May 14, 1846, d.Feb. 11, 1905 Lucy Leach, b. June 8,1812 m. July 14, 1866, ieura Haughey d. July 2, 1881 Jemima Jane Bush, b.June 10, 1848, d. 1933 m. Apr. 30, 1868, Alexander Chenoweth, 1847-1930 Cassius Bush, b. May 8, 1850, m. Lizzie Schultz Charles L. Bush, b. May 13, 1852, d. May 6, 1907 m. Sept. 12, 1889, Jennie Minton Hannah Kirkpatrick, b. 1825 d. 1914 J For Descent m. Aug. 21, 1842, Matthew W. Mark 1 See Page 31 b. 1821, d. 1898. 12 children *• Frances Kirkpatrick, b. Dec. 2, 1826, d.Sept. 5, Elizabeth Bush, b. Mar.29, 1901, m. Aug. 8, 1845, Allen Latham Mark, 1806, a. Jan. 5, 1882, b. Jan. 8, 1824, d. Mar. 12, 1887. 9 ch. m. April 19, 1824, as 2a Absalom Kirkpatrick, b. Sept. 30, 1831, a. Feb. wife, John Kirkpatrick, 17, 1854, in California auring the "Gold Rush". Catharine Power b. May 24, 1790, a. June Andrew Kirkpatrick, b. Sept. 25, 1836, d. Sept. b. May 6, 1780 13, 1863 27, 1864, m. Jan. 25, 1857, Martha Jane Bush, d. Dec. 35, 1853 b. Mar. 30, 1836, a. Feb. 17, 1920. 4 eh. m.Leonard Bush Jr. John Marshall Kirkpatrick, b. Aug. 18, 1852, b. Dec. 4, 1778 a. Aug. 19, 1884, m. Jan. 13, 1874, Eliza Ann d. Feb. 16, 1846 b. Deo. 27, 1852, d. Jan. 16, 1926. 4 oh. Came from Va. to Jemima Bush, b.Jan.24,1808 Ohio, 1809 a. Mar. 20,1890 unmarriea Samantha Henkle, b. July 4, 1834, m. Feb. 13,1856 Luther McHenry, 1833-1917. 5 children. Curran Washington Henkle, b. Dee. 7, 1835, d. Mar. 14, 1894, m. Caroline Bryan. 11 ch. Polly Henkle, b. Aug. 27, 1837, m. Milton Hyer, Naomi Bush, b.Sept.20,1809 3 children d. Jan. 10, 1894 Catharine Henkle, b. Oct. 24,1839, d. Deo. 14, m. (3na wife) Moab Henkle, 1909. m. Henry Coons. 1 son b. Aug. 24, 1804 Malinda Henkle, b. Apr. 16, 1843, m. Milton Bur­ d. Apr. 24, 1872 nett, b. Apr. 26, 1844, d. July 3,1923. 7 ch. Simeon Warrington Henkle, b. Feb. 13, 1845, d. Aug. 13, 1864, in Civil War, unmarried. Huiaah Henkle, b. May 17, 1847, a. Oet. 22, 1900 m. Frank McCormiok. 1 oh. aiea young Enoch Henkle, b. & a. Aug. 5, 1849 Ellen Henkle, b. Apr. 11, 1851, m. Charles J. Campbell.

Harmon Henkle, b. Apr. 7, 1832 Leonara Henkle, b. May 16, 1834 Polly Bush, b. Oct. 19, 1811 a. Feb. 8, 1850 Moab Hankie, b. July 3, 1837, a. Aug. 9, 1837 m. June 10, 1830 Naomi Henkle, b. Aug. 31, 1838 Washington Henkle Elizabeth Henkle, b. Nov. 25, 1840 They left Ohio ana John Henkle, b. Sept. 81, 1843 went further west Catherine Henkle, b. Nov. 7, 1844 Simeon Henkle, b. Aug. 23, 1847 George Henkle, b. Oct. 14, 1849 (oontinuea Page 30) 30

Absalom Bush, b. Feb.8,1813, Ezra Bush d. Mar. 22, 1902, m. Oct.7, Katie Bush Gwinn 1832, Violet Arnold. Others ? Went to Iowa Martin Bush, m. Maggie Clark, 2nd Allie Bryan For Ancestors See Fage 5 James Bush, m. Mary Jane Henkle, 2nd Emma Ellen Bush, m. DaTid Daugherty Enoch Bush, b. NOT. 29,1814 Lucy Bush, m. Prentice Hoult d. April 7, 1889 Delitha Bush, m. Albert Tucker m. 1st, Jan. 28, 1836 Kate Bush, m. James Tucker Mary Magdalene Bush Bowman Bush, unmarried b. April 13, 1817. ch. Norman Bush, m. Bessie (Conn?) m. 2d, Jane Coyner Bryan, Samantha Bush, m. Lewis Miller widow of Samuel Bryan Susan Bush, unmarried Benjamin Bush, unm. died a young man Henry Bush Frances Bush

Elizabeth Baughn, died young Catharine Bush, b.0ct.4,1816 Martha Baughn d. Dec.20,1846, m.NoT. 17, Frances Baughn, b. July 16, 1843, m.Mar.7,1863 1835, William H. Baughn, Samuel Mark, b. Sept. 27, 1840, d. 1893 b. Aug. 1814, d.Mar.14,1845 Charles Baughn m, 2d. Jeremiah Atoher Leonard Baughn, b. Apr. 4, 1841, d. Jan. 19, 1859

Cyrus Bush, b. Feb. 19, 1818 Noah Bush Catharine Power, d. Dec. 23, 1885, m. 1st Delitha Bush Curry b. May 6, 1780 Marry Miller, b.Dec.22,1825 d. Dec.25, 1853 d. May 29, 1850 Debbis Bush m. Leonard Bush Jr, m. 2nd Mary Walters Harlan Bush b. Dec. 4, 1778 d. Feb. 16, 1846 Benjamin F. Bush, b. Feb. 24, 1845,d.NOT.24,1913 Came from Va. to m. Apr. 9, 1871 Susan Moots,1852-1924. No ch. Ogio, 1809 Son, twin of Benjamin, b. Feb. 24, 1845, d. March 1, 1845 Jesse Bush, b. Nor. 10, 1846, d. Dec. 22, 1905 m. Oct. 30, 1871 Leah Minerva dinger 1849-1922 , 4 children Lewis Bush, b. Mar. 24, 1848, d. Dec. 11, 1913 Frances Bush, b.June 26,1821 m. Emily A. Bush,b.July 22, 1851, d. Mar. 8, d. May 29, 1916 1922. 4 children m. May 30,1844,James F. Bush Enoch Bush, b. Aug. 7, 1850, d. Sept. 10, 1926, b. July 7,1821, d.Feb. 20, unmarried 1907 (son of Daniel and Samantha Jane Bush, b. Mar. 27, 1853, d. Susannah Baugh Bush) m. Jan. 9, 1878, Wm. E. dinger, 1856-1914. 6 oh. Hannah Emeline Bush, b. Dec. 24, 1855, d. Feb. 14, 1856 Sarah Edith Bush, b. June 18, 1857, d. Feb. 16, 1912, m. June 16, 1878, Steward M. Burnett, b. Feb. 27, 1856. 6 children Catherine Bush, b. May 15, 1861, d. Feb. 25, 1862 Elizabeth Bush, b. May 15, 1861, d. Oct. 15, 1866 (twin of Catherine)

Harmon Parrett Susannah Bush, b.Feb.22, 1825 Cyrus Roten Parrett d. m. Jan. 12, 1843 m. Elizabeth Parrett. 4 oh. Pleasant Parrett, b. June Charles W. Parrett, 1847-1854 22, 1818, d. July 6, 1852 m. 2nd Alexander Taylor Belle Taylor .Clara Taylor 31

HANNAH KIRKPATRICK Grand-daughter of Catherine Power

John Wesley Mark fBertha Estelle Mark r b. 1843 d. 1896 J b. April 6, 1870 -

MATTHEW W. MARK He was the son of Peter Mark and Mary LeGore Mark. He was born August 30, 1821 and died Sept. 9, 1898. He was married Aug. 21, 1842 to Hanna Kirkpat­ rick, and all of their married life was spent on the farm where Matthew Mark was born and grew to manhood. This farm, about five miles southwest of Washington C. H., Ohio was purchased by Peter Mark in 1815, and is still in the possession of his descend­ ants. In the old family cemetery on this farm are buried Matthew and Hannp Kirk­ patrick Mark, and the three of their children who died young. They were the par­ ents of 12 children. JOHN WESLEY MARK

Born August 7, 1843 and died Oct. 13, 1896. He married Nancy Barthol­ omew Lewis and was the parent of one daughter. At the time of the Civil War he was a soldier in the Union Army and was captured in the battle of Cynthianna, Kentucky, but was paroled. PETER LEWIS MARK

He was born Jan. 20, 1849 and married Mary Priscilla Humphrey, daugh­ ter of Robert and Diana Marshall Humphrey. Eor many years he was a minister in the Ohio Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. After his retirement ha lived in Westerville, Ohio. He died of an automobile accident on Feb. 12, 1939 at the age of 90, and is buried in the cemetery at Washington C. H., Ohio. MARY LOUISE MARK Daughter of Peter Lewis and Mary Humphrey Mark, she was born Jan. 6, 1878 and was educated at Ohio University, Ohio State University, B. A. 1903, and Columbia University, M. A. 1907. She did research work with the U. S. Government and Brooking Institute for eight years and taught at Ohio State University, Dept. of Sociology for thirty years. She is now Professor Emeritus of Sociology. She made studies of Immigrants in Cities for the Immigration Commis­ sion and studies of Indian Administration for the Secretary of the Interior; also local studies in Columbus, and laid out Census Tracts in Columbus. She is a mem­ ber of Phi Beta Kappa and Alpha Kappa Delta. CLARA GOULD MARK Co-author of this work, she was born Jan. 23, 1882, at Franklin Fur­ nace, Ohio. Daughter of Rev. Peter Lewis and Mary Humphrey Mark. She attended Ohio State University, B. A. 1906 M. A. 1910. She taught geology at Mt. Holyoke College, Ohio State University and Ohio Wesleyn University. Listed in American Men of Science; member of American Association for the Advancement of Science (A.A.A.S.); Ohio Academy of Science and Sigma Xi; Ohio State Historical Society and local historical societies; D. A. R. (chapter historian and past regent); National Genealogical Society and Institute of American Genealogy.

She is especially interested in the early families in the valley of the South Branch of the Potomac in Virginia and of the Scioto Valley in Ohio. 33

Descendants of HANNAH KIRKPATRICK. (continued)

continued from page 31 Ethel Slagle b. April 14, 1879 Marvin C. Slagle b. Mar. 5, 1881 Lillian Virginia Slagle m. Martha dinger b. March 10, 1907 ' Fred Gilbert Perrill Rachel Frances Mark b. 1906 d. 1907 b. Oct. 18, 1853 Alice Anna Slagle Robert Lewis Perrill m. Charles A. Single b. June 12, 1882 b. 1907 d. 1909 b. July 30, 1849 m. Gilbert H. Perrill James Herbert Perrill b. Deo. 19, 1872 b. October 20, 3.909 Charles Howard Perrill For Ancestors b. Feb. 13, 1913 See Page 29. Fred Stanley Slagle b. Sept. 29, 1884 No issue m. Sarah Crozier

Albert Emmett Mark b. 1879 d. 1901 Mary Jane Mark b. May, 1881 d.Oct. 1881 Matthew W, Mark Jr. Charles Aden Mark, 1910 Aden Emmett Mark b. Apr. 19, 1882 Frances Maude Mark, 1911 b. Feb. 23, 1856 m. Maude Adams Raymond Adams Mark, 1924 m . Jan. 1, 1879 Anna May Rogers Homer Rogers Mark Jack Beard Mark, 1912 b. Jan. 24, 1860 b. June 21, 1885 Geraiaine Ann Mark, 1914 m. Nellie V. Beard Lois Eleanor Mark, 1917 Nellie Mark, b. June, 1892 d. Aug. 4,1892 John Stewart Mark Hannah Kirkpatrick b. Nov. 19, 1894 No issue b. Sept. 16, 1825 m. Maybelle Champlin d. Jan. 30, 1914 m. Aug. 21, 1842 Margaret May Mark Robert Arnold Palmer, 1921 Matthew W. Mark b. Deo. 21, 1898 Donald Clarence Palmerl922 b. Aug. 30, 1821 m. Russell Palmar Haroia Mark Palmer, 1925 d. Sept. 9, 1898 ^ Howard Lee Palmer, 1926 Hannah Elizabeth Mark b. May 24, 1903 Dara Mark Seabrooke m. James C, Baker Virginia Seabrooke,1905 John Seabrooke,1907-1912 Harry R. Seabrooke Harry Seabrooke, 1909 b. Mar. 17, 1881 Mary Seabrooke, 1913 m. Florence Livick Wihna Seabrooke, 1914 Effie Jane Mark b. Sept. 18, 1880 b. July 16, 1858 Betty A. Seabrooke, 1918 d. Oct. 11, 1916 Harriett Seabrooke, 1919 m. Mar. 16, 1878 Harvey Seabrooke, Joseph W. Seabrooke, 1907 Joseph Seabrooke b. Nov. 9, 1882 Robert Seabrooke, 1909 b. Dec. 9, 1855 m. Caroline Brock Elizabeth Seabrooke, 1914 d. Oct. 14, 1920 b. Sept. 10, 1880 . William Seabrooke, 1917 Ruth Effie Seabrooke Ada Atkins,b. Oct. 3,1913 b. July 21, 1893 Evelyn Atkins, Aug. 30,1915 Anna Louella Mark m. James Guy Atkins Paul Atkins,Sept. 18, 1917 b. Sept. 30, 1862 m. Charles Wm. Bush Helen Mark James Vlnce, b.Feb.21,1912 b. Feb. 13, 1890 Lenna Vlnce, b. 1913 m. Marpie Elmer Vinoe _Russell Vlnce, b. 1918 Gertrude Mark Charles Hard, b. 1913 Twin of Helen Anna L. Hard, b. 1916 m. Charles L. Hard Rachel Frances Mark rMark Mickle, b. 1913 James Leslie Mark b. June 18, 1891 > Delia Mickle, b. 1914 b. Jan. 26, 1865 m. Carl H. Mickle John Mickle, b. 1919 m. June 5, 1889 James Russell Mark Delia Armstrong b. Sept. 30, 1893 [Sarah Freshour, b. 1917 b. Feb. 24, 1871 Hannah E. Mark J Donald Freshour, b. 1919 m. Gilbert Freshour 1 James Freshour, b. 1923 L David Freshour, b. 1925 David Stanley Mark m. Edith Worrell { David Mark Jr. b. 1925 Richard E. Mark m. Ella Rose Dora Estelle Mark Anna Lois Mark, b.1906 b. 1869 d. 1876 34

JACOB SHOBE Jr. He was the oldest son of Rudolph Shobe (Little Rudy) and his wife, Magdalene Hyre. He was born in Virginia, (now Grant Co., W. Va.) in 1778 and was married to Mary Bush in 1804. She was the daughter of Leonard Bush and Cath­ erine Stingley, of Pendleton Co., Va. and was born Oct. 14, 1782. Jacob and Mary moved to Ross Co., Ohio, and were the parents of nine children, the last two of whom were twins. (See page 35). When the twins were on­ ly two years old, Jacob died, leaving his widow with a family of small children. He had settled on a farm in Ross county, and his estate was probated there in 1824 (See File No. 8093). He did not leave a will and his wife, Mary, petition­ ed the court to appoint Daniel Shobe administrator, and this was done.

This Jacob was known as Jacob Shobe Jr., and his estate is indexed and probated under that name. This fact has caused considerable confusion in the search of the family records, because he was surely the son of Rudolph Shobe who was called "Little Rudy", and not the son of Jacob Shobe as might be supposed be­ cause of the designation "Jr." Little Rudy left a will probated in Hardy County, Va (now W. Va.) in 1829, naming his children and "the heirs of my son, Jacob Shobe". Jacob Shobe Jr. died in 1823, and was the only Jacob Shobe of that gen­ eration who died prior to 1829, and so, must have been the son referred to by Little Rudy in his will. Then too, in the will, he directs that Daniel Shobe, "son of my brother Jacob, be appointed to draw all of the money coming to my son Jacob's children and lay the same out in land where he may think it best for the use of said children". Daniel was already the administrator of Jacob Jr's estate and was living in Ross County, Ohio, near where the children lived, whereas Lit­ tle Rudy had died in Virginia, many miles away, and probably felt that a guardian nearer the residence of the heirs of Jacob Jr. would be better qualified to look after their interests. Also, Jacob Jr. had a daughter, Magdalene, who was named for her grandmother, the wife of Little Rudy.

Jacob was probably called "Jr" because his cousin, Jacob Shobe, who married Sarah Carr, lived near him and was seven years older, and this was, no doubt, the method of the families for distinguishing between them. Jacob's wife, Mary, continued to live in Ross Co. for over twenty-five years, where she reared her family, but her son Aaron and her daughter, Catherine, who married Char­ les Ireland, had moved north to Allen County, Ohio some years previously, so in September, 1851 she went there, also, with her son Samuel, his second wife, Mary Gracey, and their chil­ dren. She died there Jan. 15, 1866, at the age of 83 and is buried in the Allentown cemetery, four miles west of Lima, 0. The grave of her husband, Jacob, in Ross County has not been found. DESCENDANTS OF JACOB SHOBE JR..AND HIS WIFE, MARY BUSH

John Shobe For Descendants b. May 1, 1831 See Jacob Shobe,unm. b. Julill, 1832 For Ancestors d. Sept. 15, 1906 See Page 5 Mary Jane Shobe b. Jan. 24, 1834 m- Strawbridge Smith Shobe •< No issue b. Aug. 19, 1837 Aaron Shobe Magdalene Shobe Stukey rAmos Stukey b. Jan. 7, 1806 In b. March 7, 1838 lEmtna Stukey Ross County., Ohio Isaac Shobe {NO issue m. Dec. 25, 1828 to b. May 17, 1839 Eleanor Gremean, also Edward (Ned) Shobe { Page 36 called Ellen and Nellie b. May 27, 1841 b. NOT. 22, 1811 Samuel Shobe •f Page 37 b. Feb. 7, 1843 Henry Shobe 38 & 39 b. June 31, 1845 DaTid Shobe i Page 40 b. Jan. 10, 1847 Henrietta Shobe, Inf. b. June 29, 1849 Sarah Ellen Shobe Page 40 b. NOT. 22, 1850

John Ireland Catherine Shobe Esther Ireland m. Nov. 25, 1830 to Christine Ireland Jacob Shobe Jr., Charles Ireland Eliza Ireland b. 1779 Q. 1823 Lucinda Ireland m. Mary Bush b. Oct. 14, 1782 Duncan McLean d. Jan. 15, 1866 Jacob Shobe McLean Lucinda Shobe Daniel McLean b. Dec. 11, 1809 Emily McLean d. Sept. 12, 1868 Margaret McLean Page 41 m. Joseph McLean Josiah McLean Norman McLean Mary Elizabeth McLean Sarah Shobe b. Sept. 27, 1811 m. Samuel Miller Jacob Bybee Mary (Polly) Shobe Allen Bybee b. Oct. 2, 1812 LeTi Bybee d. Aug.13, 1888 Mary Bybae J Pge 42 m. Washington Bybee Lucinda ByBee Reedy Bybee Magdalene Shobe b. April 7, 1815 d. NOT. 25, 1891 m. George Bybee Sr.

Frankie Shobe b. Oct. 22, 1816, a lit­ tle girl named "Frances". Harriet Emily Shobe Albert Shobe Joanna Shobe Rachel Jane Shobe Samuel Shobe Franklin P. Shobe b. April 6, 1822 Jacob Shobe d. May 31, 1901 Mary Elizabeth Shobe Page 43 m. Harriet Jones Sarah Ann Shobe (2) Mary Gracey Samuel Allison Shobe Aaron AlTln Shobe Cyrus Shobe HarTey Shobe Martha Ellen Shobe Isaac Shobe, Infant Twin cf Samuel 36

EDWARD (NED) SHOBE He was born in the neighborhood near Lima, Ohio on May 27, 1841. After he married Elizabeth Holland, they moved to Kansas where they raised their children. Elizabeth was born Peb. 15, 1845 and died May 17, 1922. Seven children as follows Martha Louise Shobe Louis Raymon Shobe b. Aug. 13, 194i For Ancestors b. Apr. 22, 1913 Edward Louis Shobe See Page 35 m. Elva L. Dall b. May 19, 1943 b. Nov. 25, 1912 Richard Lynn Shobe • b. May 21, 1948 Loleta Eileen Shobe Arthur Louis Shobe b. Sept. 28, 1917 {NO issue b. April 15, 1888 m. Merlin Smith m. Edna Minnie Bunge Louis Allen Shobe b. Dec. 13, 1891 Arlo Merl Shobe b. Jan. 11, 1954 b. July 22, 1920 Michael Lynn Shobe m. Edith H. Hodges ( b. Mar. 7, 1955 Tamela Susan Shobe Milo Earl Shobe b. Sept. 24, 1949 Twin of Arlo Debbie Janet Shobe m. Dorothy M. Frank .b. Oct. 17, 1952 Larry Lee Ore Lela Merle Shobe b. Oct. 2, 1940 b. June 14, 1921 Linda June Orr Joseph Lee Shobe m. Watson M. Ore b. Nov. 3, 1947 called "Lee" b. Sept. 12, 1919 Marcia Jo Ore b. Jan. 2, 1894 - b. Oct. 30, 1951 m. Edith Baxter Marjorie Marie Shobe b. Mar. 3, 1899 b. Dec. 6, 1924 /Gary C. Richardson m. Wilbur Richardso n[ b. July 18, 1954 b. Jan. 26, 1924 Wm MoClollan Shobe Eldon DuaneWilliams Duane Williams b. Aug. 21, 1947 b. Oct. 17, 1864 b. July 16, 1921 d. Oct. 4, 1944 Dale Gene Williams Esther Laura Shobe m. Lucille Mardock b. Mar. 7, 1951 m. Sarah Wilmina b. May 12, 1896 f Larue,Called Mina Betty Darlene Burr BI. Jordan Williams b. July 29, 1942 b. Dec. 17, 1867 (2) Alfred Huyet d. Dec. 5, 1955 Shirley Elene Burr Age almost 88 yrs. Anna May Williams b. May 24, 1945 b. Mar. 17, 1924 Judith Ann Burr m. Raymond F. Burr b. Mar. 28, 1948 Roger Raymond Burr _ b. Nov. 23, 1953 Kathleen Sue Shobe Joe Walden Shobe Robert Richard Shobe b. Mar. 29, 1927 Donald Eugene Shobe m. Laurena Long Floyd Wesley Shobe .Geraldine M. Shobe b. Jan. 31, 1902 Carol Jean Shobe [Jordan C. Zink m. Ruth A. Langston b. Nov. 23, 1929 -^Randall W. Zink m. Richard C. Zink [Cheryl Ann Zink James Langston Shobe b. Oct. 13, 1934 Bertha Mae Shobe Donna May Kirby Marsha Kay Johnson b. April 8, 1905 b. June 19, 1929 b. April 17, 1951 m. Donald E. Kirby m. Jess J. Johnson Debra Sue Johnson b. Aug. 22, 1926 {b. Mar. 27, 1955 b. Feb. 2, 1900 Kenny Shobe b. May 24, 1950 Cindy Shobe Roy Larue Shobe Roy Larue Shobe Jr. b. Mar. 27, 1907 j b. Apr. 1951 b. Sept. 19, 1926 Becky Shobe m. Edith Baldwin m. Ann b.' May 22, 1908 b. Jan. 23, 1954 Debby Shobe Harland E. Armstrong b. April 4, 1955 Harland Armstrong b. Aug. 10, 1933 b. Apr. 21, 1954 Lorena Viola Shobe m. Georgette Haddad Toni Elaine Armstrong b. Jan. 17, 1912 b. July 15, 1934 . b. Oct. 18, 1955 m. Tony H. Armstrong'1 Myrna I. Armstrong b. May 23, 1900 b. Nov. 13, 1935 [Thomas Allen Crawford m. Wilbur Crawford I b. Nov. 12, 1954 b. July 21, 1929 36a

EDWARD (NED) SHOBE (con) Wm MoClellan Shoba b. Oct. 17, 1864 For Desoenaants m. Sarah W. Larua See Fage 36 b. Deo. 17, 1864 Ralph Shobe For Ancestors b. 1889 No issue See Page 35 m. Velva Freeman Pearl Shobe Lorraine Hammon, dec'd b. 1890 Hubert Hammond, aec'd John Shobe { m. Clarence Hammon Alverta Fay Hammona b. Peb. 25, 1866 May Shobe, b. 1892 /Marjory McCormack d. Maroh 31, 1936 m. Millie Reed m. Harry McCormack b. 1922 d. 1953 Vada Shobe, b. 1900 Melvin Newkirk, b. 1918 m., Newkirk Doris Lou Pierce, b. 1924 (2)Bernara Pierce Wenael Pierce, b. 1931 Haroia Shobe,b. 1904 J" Sandra Shobe m. Naaina I John Shobe Geraldine Shobe b. 1910 /carol Hill m. Ned Hill \Elaine Hill Jessie Klock, b.1884 J Gertruae Pomeroy m. Henry Pomeroy LSonny Pomeroy I Oliver Sturaevan Mauae Klock 1 Milton Sturaevan b. 1886 Freeda Sturdevan m. Harry Sturdevan '-Eula D. Sturdevan Lewis Klock f Melvin Klock b. 1889 < Madeline Klock m. Pauline Vickery I Doyle Klock Tirzah Jane Shobe Lee Klock, b. 1892 fKeith Klock b. 1868 d. 1924 m. Mauae 1 Lois Klock m. Eagar Klook 4 lElva Klock, dec'd b. 1860 I" Maxine Klock Harley Klock, b. 1895j Martin Klock, dec'd m. Gladys. LAlverta Klock Marie Klock, b.1898 J Mary Jane Hooper m. Roy Hooper ICharles Hooper Glenn Klock, b.1900 •j Bonnie Clark m. VeLma Zora Klock,b. 1903 J Edgar Corwin Lalso daughter m. Corwin Zelda Klock fDoris Hill Twin of Zora ] Sara Gay Hill ra. Hill I Ruth Hill, dec'd Vera Klock,b. 1905 fDavid Peifer, dec'd m. Peifer 1 Betty Jo Peifer Mabel Shobe f Lorraine Edson b. May 8, 1897 J b. March 8, 1920 Albert Shobe m. Dayton Edson | m. Jene Tracy b. June 30, 1870 (2) John Wergeland L (2) William Wessel a. Oct. 24, 1945 Elvarda Shobe Albert Lariviere m. Ida b. 1902 d. 1930 changed to Waldrop (2) Lillie Gatewooa m. Chas Lariviere b. June 8, 1926 (2) William Waldrop { m. Norma Phipps James Edward'Parmely Emma Shobe b. 1888 d. 1954 Kenneth Parmely,b.1913 b. June 12, 1872 m. May Foster Cleda Parmely,b.1918 a. July 18, 1955 - Ray Parmely,b.1891 m. Charles Parmely m. Lillian .Ho issue b. 1866 a. 1934 Duane Foster,1914-1953 Fern Parmley,b.l894 Geraldine Foster,b.1915 m. Marion Foster Melbourne Foster,b.1917 Nellie Shobe Leonara Bens on,1896 Mildred Benson, b.1917 b. Feb. 9, 1876 m. Loa Olney Margaret Benson, b. 1950 a. July 1944 Robert Hayworth, b. 1921 m. Bruce Benson Ferrol Benson, 1903 Jack Hayworth,b. 1927 b. 1872 d. 1954 m. Frea Haworth Dean Haworth,b. 1929 Norman Foster, b.1920 Faye Thompson Donald Foster,b. 1923 Nettie Shobe b. 1899 Elvin Foster, b. 1924, dec'd b. Oct. 22, 1878 m. Charles Foster Lawrence Foster, b. 1927 m. Samuel Thompson Harlan Poster, b. 1933 b. Peb. 6, 1872 Ermin Thompson,1902 Ruth Wilkie, b. 1926 d. Mar. 14, 1949 m. Wilford Wilkie Gloria Wilkie, b. 1930 36b

JACOB SHOBE Son of Samuel Shobe ana Mary Gracey oooOooo Hazel M. Little,unm. For Ancestors' b. May 5, 1905 Eloise Little, dec'd See Fage 43 aged three years Haroia Little Dean Little b. Sept. 17, 1907 Don Little m. Louise Swartz m. Cath. Patterson Beverly Little Myrtle Shobe .Lynn Little b. July 18, 1880 Charles David Little d. Aug. 4, 1941 Charles Little Infant m. George Little b. May 26, 1910 LaDoyt Little b. Feb. 21, 1871 m. Pauline Jacobs LaRee Little a. Sept. 16, 1952 Linda Little Richard Little b. 1912 a. 1926 Dianne Ditto b. Nov. 20, 1942 iaa Little Kay Elaine Ditto b. Aug. 16, 1914 b. June 11, 1947 m. Clair Ditto Leslie Wayne Ditto b. Nov. 22, 1912 b. Sept. 2, 1948 Lorna Francis Ditto I b. April 10, 1955 Arnold Little b. Mar. 31, 1916 /Renee' Little m. Fern Scover [ b. Dec. 15, 1948 Ray Little b. Sept. 30, 1918 Lou Staup b. Dec. 5, 1900 Darrell Staup m. Rachel Wilson b. Sept. 2, 1942 (2) Bessie Halliday Adoptea (3) Dorothy Schwandt Harold Staup b. June 23, 1903 I Dale Eugene Staup m. C. Hollenbacher < Helen Staup (2) Leda [Charles Staup Nancy Staup b. July 28, 1906 [jean Ellis [David Williamson m. Earl Ellis | m. G. Williamson LSharon Williamson Virginia Shobe (2) John Lenny [Elizabeth Nutt b. July 13, 1883 Virginia Ann Staup ]Sally Nutt m. Arthur Staup Claire Staup m. Lester Nutt litary Nutt b. Oct. 7, 1873 b. Feb. 13, 1909 Ruth Young a. Feb. 2, 1940 m. Retha Gossard Marilyn Staup Patricia Young L m. Olin Young Marion Delbert Staup {Janith Young b. Aug. 23, 1911 JNancy Staup m. Virginia Connor \ Adopted (2) Mary Jane Spees Clyde Staup b. June 27, 1914 m. Maggaggji Paul Franklin Staup b. Jan. 6, 1917 m. Mattie Pearl Carl Wesley Staup JBetty Jane Staup b. Sept. 1, 1918 \ b. Jan. 23, 1947 m. Mary Martin I" Phillip Eugene Staup Lawrence S. Staup J b. June 13, 1942 b. April 26, 1921 ] Marion Benton Staup m. WiLma Carper I b. Oct. 5, 1945 Bernard Irving Shobe Jack Richard Nelson Adopted "Nelson" b. May 24, 1932 LaVorne Thuma Shobe b. Nov. 20, 1909 Larry Gene Nelson b. Feb. 12, 1888 m. Edith Hayes {b. Dec. 19, 1945 m. Julia Fosnaugh Pauline E. Shobe b. Sept. 10, 1885 Adopted "Nelson" Janet Kay Fosnaugh She Married (2) b. Oct. 17, 1915 b. May 11, 1945 Bels S. Kelson m. Wendall Fosnaugh {Stanley Fosnaugh b. Mar. 13, 1911 b. Aug. 23, 1940 James W, Shobe Patricia Ann Shobe James Wilbur Shobe b. May 6, 1915 b. Jan. 10, 1943 m.Margarite Decker- m. Lois A., Barton James Wilbur Shobe b. Oct. 29, 1897 b. Mar. 8, 1917 {b. Mar. 8, 1947 37 SAMUEL SHOBE For Ancestors " Wilbert Utter, Inf. See Page 35 Carre Utter b. Sept. 28, 3886 Mary Mars&a Shobe m. John B. Klndig b. Jan. 14, 1866 Harley Utter d. May 15, 1935 b.1888 djiday 2,1944 m« Jacob B. Utter < Chester Utter b. March 8, 1861 m. Ruth Harter d. Apr. 26, 1930 Emma Utter 1898-1941 m. Ralph Severans Dorsey Utter,dec'd Robert Utter . m. Bina Swartzlander Nellie Shobe, b.1891 (Delbert R. 1911, Cath- Aaron Edgar Shobe m. Charles Zimmerman Lsrins, 1915; Joan 1980 b. Apr. 16, 1869 Lulu Shobe, d. 1958 [Geraldine 1915,Karjorie,1917 d. 1926, Nor. 2, m. Lee Nelson LEI Dora, 1918jlrwine, 1921 m. Dora Barkman Ruby Shobe d. 1953 d. 19S4 b. 1868 m. Paul McCarthy Emma Shobe LPaul Dean Shobe,Inf. b. 1871 d. 1874 "Harry Shobe, 1895-* 97 Hattie E. Shobe,b.1898 James Herbert Shobe [No issue b. Aug. 5, 1872 m. Elmer Pennington m. Leora Severans Mattie Shobe Patricia Christoan James Bettoher,1946 b. Dee. 15, 1885 b. Aug. 19, 1901 b. Jan. 24, 1927 Candice Kay " ,1947 m. Floyd Christman m. H. Wm Bettoher LThomas Wm. " ,1951 LEvsrett Shobe,1906-'27 Dona Jane Shobe Susan M. Hannan, 1949 DeLon Shobe,b.1896 m. Don Hannan Thomas E. Hannan,1954 m.Valura Engle " Maridee Shobe, 1925 [Laura D. Evans both d. 6-20-1932 m. Davis ETans \ b. Mar. 30, 1954 Auto aoeident Arlen Marie Shobe •^Gerald Fred. Quigley Daniel Delbert Shobe Gladys G. Shobe . m. James Quigley b. Sept. 28, 1875 LeFaye Shobe, 1908 Linda Lee Tenner m. Dessa Harter . m.Benjamln Tanner b. Oct. 17, 1942 (2) Ella Marvel Ruth Shobe Ben Jr., Charlene b. Oct. 20, 1879 m. Ben Burke Ernest Burke Wilma Shobe Tom Jr. .Sharon & Samuel Shobe m. Tom McCullough Donald McCullough Son of Aaron Norma Shobe [Daniel Enochs, 1946 b. Feb. 7,1843 . m. William Knoche [Barbara " , 1948 d. Jan.18,1981 Rex D. Shobe [Barbara June Shobe m. Cinderella _b_. Mar. 22. 1898 b. June 17, 1925 Conrad Betty Louise Shobe b, in Germany G. Frederick Shobe Dee. 18, 1843 b. Oct. 2, 1905 b. May 10, 1927 d. Deo.8,1907 m. Ruth Doroaho iRex Michael Shobe,Inf. Herbert C. Shobe, Inf. Samuel Emmett Shobe GeneTieTe E. Shobe b. Nor. 18, 1877 b, Aug. 6, 1909 d. April 6, 1952 m. A. J. Rump m. Josie E. Arnold Miriam L. Shobe b. March 14, 1878 b. Oct. 30, 1911 Ronney Holmes b. May 26, 1941 (2) Nona Earl Bretz Marj. Rosemary Shobe Joe Holmes b. Aug. 1, 1886 m. Albert Holmes ( b. Jan. 16, 1952 Donald D. Shobe, Inf. Robert C. Shobe b. May 4, 1918 Marion Shobe b. June 10, 1980 Jacqueline Sue Shobe b. Feb. 22, 1929 m. James Murphy DeForest Wayne Shobe Lester Lee Shobe b. Mar. 28, 1928 Donnie Lee Shobe b. Nor. 22, 1902 m. Virginia DeBode b. Mar. 3, 1950 m. Helen Barnett Richard Lee Shobe b. June 27, 1906 . b. May 2, 1930 Belva Cinderella Shobe Cloyos Raymond Miller b. April 10, 1904 b. Nov. 5, 1936 m. Cloyce Miller Sharon Lee Millar John Shobe b. June 28, 1906 ^ b. Oct. 5, 1940 b. May 28, 1882 Mabel Arlene Shobe m. Eva L. King b. May 1, 1906, unm Shirley Ann Brundage b. Mar. 2, 1884 b. May 4, 1928 Charlene Borden Lois Louise Shobe m. Robert Borden b. 1946 b. May 3, 1908 Charlene May Brundage m. James Brundage Twin of Shirley Sherry Brody, b.1948 b. Jan. 1, 1904 m. Kenneth Brody Christens Aries,1952 j2) Daniel Aries Martha Luella Shobe Dorothy Lucille Shobe . Carolyn Brubaker b.1936 b. Aug. 19, 1887 b. June 8, 1918 Bobby Lee Brubaker, 1943 . d. Feb. 8, 1890 m. Robert Brubaker Phylis A. Brubaker,1947 38 HENRY SHOBE Ninth child of Aaron Shobe and Eleanor (Cremean) Shobe He was b. June 30, 1845, d. June 13, 1926. m. Christena Stoneburner, b. 1850, d. 1931. Buried at Fort Amanda, Ohio JCharles Warren Shobe \b. March 1, 1897 For Ancestors Mildred 0. Shobe See Page 35 b. May 2, 1900 Thelma DeRemer m. Leon DeRemer { b. June 23, 1916 (2) Paul V. Webb Winifred Shobe m. Roy Potts f Thirteen children Paul V. Shobe b. Oct. 13, 1906 J Simon M. Shobe Stephen Decatur Shobe m. Louise Davis I b. Nov. 9, 1938 b. Feb. 8, 1873 Leo Russell Shobe d. Feb. 13, 1952 b. Jan. 22, 1909 Howard V. Shobe m. Alice Herbert m. Eva B. Woods ( b. March 1, 1942 (2) Ora Murlin Elmer Shobe, Inf. Stanley M. Shobe,unm. Carolyn Shobe, dec'd Kenneth R. Sites, 1938 Mary Helen Shobe Sandra C. Sites, 1939 b. June 18, 1917 Harold E. Sites, 1942 m. Kenneth R. Sites Jack W. Sites, 1948 Johnny D. Sites, 1950 Howard L. Shobe b. June 3, 1919 Richard L. Shobe, 1946 m. Betty Conley Howard Shobe Jr., 1952 Darrell W. Burnett ' Rhoda P. Allen b. May 2, 1939 Velma L. Shobe b. April 21, 1919 Glenda S. Burnett b. Feb. 15, 1901 m. B. G. Burnett b. Deo. 4, 1941 m. Walter Allen William L. Allen Ira Lewis Shobe b. March 23, 1903 m. Vera Lytle No issue Patricia Shobe (2) Nina Gregory b. Aug. 26, 1948 Carl Edward Shobe Carl Edward Shobe Jr. b. Dee. 2, 1926 b. Aug. 26, 1950 Charles Warren Shobe m. Joan Seay Charles D. Shobe , b. Oct. IS, 1874 Harry Edward Shobe b. July 23, 1952 m. Lillie B. Neal Kenneth E. Shobe Nancy Jewel Shobe, 1953 b. March 1, 1906 b. July 6, 1929 m. Jewel Woodring m. Barbara Scott • Kenneth Bryan Shobe, 1953 Charles Shobe, m. b. July 14, 1932 Robert D. Shobe b. July 25, 1942 Olive Elouise Lauer b. July 22, 1927 J Donna D. Covert m. Donald Covert L b. July 1, 1951 Dorothy E. Shobe Herbert William Lauer b. Sept. 29, 1907 b. Aug. 20, 1929 /Herbert W. Lauer Jr. m. Herbert H. lauer m. Alyne Smith 1 b. Dee. 25, 1952 Doris Jean lauer Clarence Michael Thomas b. Feb. 24, 1932 b. Sept. 30, 1953 . m. Clarence Thomas ( Effah Maude Shobe,1915 m. Robert Thomas Ward Darrell E. Shobe Darrell E. Shobe Jr. b. Sept. 13, 1922 b. Sept. 24, 1949 m. Dorothy J. Riley Harry L. Shobe b. Deo. 31, 1951 John H. Shobe Albert J. Shobe J Kathleen J. Shobe b. Sept. 8, 1901 b. May 3, 1926 1 b. Nov. 8, 1952 d. Nov. 16, 1936 m. Ruth Peters m. Rose F. Wright Richard W. Shobe b. May 30, 1939 Harold R. Shobe b. Nov. 10, 1902 | No issue m. Hazel B. Prohaska Rev. Robert W. Shobe f Dora J. Shobe b. Jan. 4, 1905 1 b. Nov. 29, 1930 Roy E. Ralston m. Dorothy Taggart l m. Virgil R. Ralston b. June 27, 1951 Albert E. Shobe Bessie M. Shobe b. Dec. 12, 1877 b. June 24, 1906 J Kenneth Riddle d. Sept. 6, 1917 d. July 23, 1935 \ b. July 16, 1935 m. Dora Johnson m. George Riddle |" Eugene H. Fox Jessie F. Shobe J b. May 28, 1931 Twin of Bessie | Roger B. Fox m. Gerald F. Fox I b. Deo. 25, 1932 Walter E. Shobe b. 1909 d. 1910 Joyce E. Ferguson Alice E. Shobe b. Jan. 5, 1947 b. Jan. 30, 1915 Glenn S. Ferguson m. Stewart Ferguson b. Sept. 19, 1950 Milo A. Shobe b. June 9, 1916 No issue \fcontinued on next page (_ m. Jean Morrison 25) HENRY SHOBE And Christena Stonsburner (continued) Six children.

Acontinued from page 38 Garner Shobe . b. May 19, 1906 Cynthia Ann Shobe Henry Earl Shobe b. Nov. 8, 1941 b. June 7, 1920 Robert Earl Shobe Henry Cornelius Shobe m. Elizabeth Faoker b. July 17, 1945 b. April 25, 1880 Donna Lou Shobe m. Elizabeth Briggs Donald Niel Shobe b. Aug. 12, 1948 (2) Maude Chapman 2j b. Aug. 27, 1921 Ann H. Shobe m. Virginia Handley b. Oct. 1952 William Shobe For Ancestors b. Aug. 15, 1929 See Fage 35 m. Audry Osborn Robert Roy Shobe b. April 13, 1902 Killed in a d. Dec. 1, 1922 train accident Ruth Chris Shobe b. May 29, 1904 Lindal J. Hughes b. April 5, 1930 m. John Hughes • m. Jean Potter Hobert L. Shobe b. Dee. 1, 1947 Donald E. Shobe Arthur Lewis Shobe b. Feb. 7, 1949 b. Jan. 26, 1908 Darrell E. Shobe m. Odia Baughman b. Aug. 27, 1950 Linda Shobe I b. Nov. 22, 1952 Mary L. Shobe,d. Patricia b. Feb. 16, 1933 b. 1954 m. Paul R. Binkley Hugh Ivan Shobe Robert D. Shobe b. Deo. 10, 1910 b. Aug. 8, 1934 m. Mary Shanar Ruth M. Shobe ,m.John Turner Cloyd Delbert Shobe b. April .10, 1937 b. March 21, 1882 Bette J. Shobe Henry Shobe m. Dulcle M. Bowers b. Feb. 25, 1946 b. June 30, 1885 b. Maroh 18, 1883 Donald 1. Sandkuhl d. June 13, 1926 m. Christena Stone- Bernice May Shobe b. April 22, 1934 burner b. Sept. 21, 1913 Dona L. Sandkuhl b. 1850 d. 1931 m. Herman Sandkuhl b. Feb. 24,_1228_ George G. Sandkuhl Buried in Fort Amanda I b. 1942 d. 1943 Cemetery, Ohio Maynard L. Shobe b. Nov. 30, 1938 Warren Lee Shobe Chester L. Shobe b. Aug. 22, 1915 b. Sept. 15, 1943 m. Carrol Mae Prlne Sandra Kay Shobe b. May 14, 1945 Thomas D. Shobe b. May 27, 1948 Annabel Ethel Shobe Betty Irene Laman b. Feb. 20, 1917 b. July 11, 1935 m. Edward Tarn am Delbert F. Shobe b. April 26, 1919 Delbert Ray Shobe m. Alice J. Johnson { b. May 31, 1951 Ferndale Shobe b. 1921 d. 1922 Harold Eugene Thomas b. Dee. 22, 1942 Nellie Lucille Shobe Patricia Ann Thomas b. April 19, 1924 b. Jan. 5, 1944 m. Donald E. Thomas Sharon Lee Thomas (2) Raymond W. Wagner b. Oct. 12, 1945 Rickey Wayne Wagner b. March 18, 1949 Stanley C. Clark b. May 21, 1939 Mary A. Clark b. Sept. 7, 1941 Wilbur Clark Bryoe E. Clark b. Nov. 5, 1912 b. Deo. 5, 1944 m. Pauline Fissel Robert J. Clark Effie Ethel Shobe b. Jan. 21, 1946 b. July 30, 1890 Jo Ellen Clark m. Albert Clark b. Sept. 15, 1947 Edith Clark Christine S. Young b. Sept. IB, 1914 b. July 28, 1952 m. James Young 40

DAVID SHOBE Tenth child of Aaron Shobe and Eleanor (Cremean) Shobe. Born Jan. 10,1847. m(l) Mary Breeding, (2) Hannah Ulery

For Ancestors Howard Baumgardner {jack Baumgardner See Page 35 Velma Baumgardner Alma Eherman Catherine Baumgardner b. Dec. 23, 1888 Roger Baumgardner d. Dec. 24, 1952 Dorothy Baumgardner m. Harry Baumgardner ^Robert Baumgardner

Eideth Eherman f Harold Gs lloway b. April 8, 1890 < Irene M. Galloway { Sharon Sherry Laura Shobe m. Archie Galloway [. m. Homer Sherry b. Oct. IB, 1867< m. Eherman Beatrice Eherman Beatrice uaermen r n . . _ . J Brenda Baty b. Oct. 18, 1895 J Robert **** ^Deboria Baty m. Dallis Baty L m* Alice Eherman b. Aug. 6, 1897 Alice D. Weis m. Oliver Weis { Nellie Eherman b. Sept. 18, 1901

Marion Shobe Nan Shobe Pearl Shobe SARAH ELLKN SHOBE Twelfth child of Aaron Shobe and Eleanor (Cremean) Shobe Born Nov. 22, 1850 m. Harrison Smith

William Smith Grace Smith Clifford Smith __Icy Smith, dec'd. 41


Third child of Jacob Shobe Jr., and Mary (Bush) Shobe

For Ancestors Duncan McLean William Smith See Fage 35. b. 1829 d. 1838 b. Nov. 4, 1859 Jacob Shobe McLean d. March 22, 1943 b. 1832 d. 1850 Lienella Smith J Loren Bitzer Daniel McLean in. Charles Bitzer IWillard Bitzer Mary Harris b. 1833 d. 1835 Nancy Smith [Emma Drais •j m. Robert Harris Robert Harris m. John Drals (William Harris Emily McLean [Howard Drais Ida Smith b. Aug. 7, 1836 m. Austin Baughn /Roy Baughn d. 1882 Norman Smith m. Jacob C. Smith b. June 27, 1871 Mary Smith b. Aug. 11, 1875 ["Herbert Reif Margaret McLean . m. William Hief ] Loren Reif b. Jan. 14, 1839 d. Oct. 12, 1909 James W. McLean unmarried b. Deo. 10, 1867 d. July 1, 1939 Ora Matilda McLean Francis Meriweather b. July 10, 1870 Robert Meriweather /Robert R. Jr. Josiah McLean d. Oct. 31, 1947 m. Margaret JohnsonlChas. Meriweather b. Mar. 27, 1841 m. John Meriweather Carl M. Meriweather /Margaret Meriweather d. Aug. 9, 1B56 d. Maroh 6, 1932 Martha Gibson [Matilda Meriweather Joseph Earl McLean f Willard E. MeLean Roger Earl MeLaan m. Cordelia McCoy < b. Deo. 8, 1893 {John Willard MeLean (2) Wanda Walfprd [_ m. Matilda McCoy Norman McLean Mary Amelia McLean b. Sept. 26,1843 b. Aug. 3, 1881 d. Jul. 31,1934 d. Nov. 24, 1892 m. Lucinda Gar- Norman MeLean linger ,b.lB47 Hobert Irvin McLean b. Deo. 21, 1900 d. Mar. 7, 1926 b. Feb. 1, 1875 d. Dee. 25, 1945 d. Dee. 26, 1945 m. Blanche Logan Lucinda Shobe m. Ethel Lindsay Eugene MeLean b. Dec. 11, 1809 m. Margorie McCoy 1 Natalie McLean d. Sept. 12, 1868 Walter Ray McLean f Adah Lucille McLean f m Joseph McLean m. Ruda Fortune I m. Marion A. Rife k. r b. June 21, 1803 | Richard Harold MeLean d. April 15, 1887 m. Nell Whitmer iBruee MeLean Fannie McLean, unm. Howard Eyre McLean m. Persis Hays Russell Eyre MeLean Harold Q. McLean b. Aug. 14, 1913 m. Eva L. MoClure Joseph K, MeLean Howard Nye McLean d. Sept. 27, 1929 m. Janet Nye Myrta Jenkins b. Feb. 26, 1871 m. Richard Hutson No issue d. Jan.29, 1939 D. L. Jenkins James M. Jenkins b. Jan. 30, 1874 Geo. McLean Jenkins f Mary Eliz. McLean m. Margaret Holt Robert B. Franklin Robert B. Franklin b. Aug. 31, 1941 b. Aug. 14, 1846 Lucy D. Jenkins d. Feb. 28, 1943 , b. Feb. 17, 1914 Betty C. Franklin b. March 7, 1877 m. Jane E. Arnold b. Oct. 28, 1943 m. George Jenkins ' m. Geo. B. Franklin b. NOT. 11, 1842 b. Nov. 1, 1916 Joan P. Franklin d. May 20, 1926 Harry Jenkins b. Sept. 8, 1946 b. 1880 d. 1914 Elizabeth Jenkins b. May 21, 1884 d. June 26, 1949 Clara Jenkins b. Oct. 15, 1889 42

MARY (POLLY) SHOBE Fifth child of Jacob Shobe Jr. and Mary (Bush) Shobe m. Washington Bybee, b. Dec. 4, 1809 in Flurana Co.,Va. d. Feb.8 , 1884. -oooOooo---- Lyman Bybee b. Apr. 3, 1856 m. Emma Bellama For Ancestors Benton Bybee See Page 35 Jacob Bybee b. Mar. 3, 1858 b. April 5, 1835 died young Last heard from Wallace Bybee in 1864 b. Mar. 31, 1860 m. Anna Meyers m. Ella Hainebaugh Marion Bybee b. Apr. 1, 1864 . m. Nancy Decker Mary Bybee b. Jan. 5, 1863 d. Jan. 21, 1887 Cora Bybee b. Sept. 30, 1866 Allen Bybee Living in 1951 b. Mar. 7, 1837 Hollis Bybee d. June 24, 1914 b. Aug. 7, 1869 in. Nancy Grant d. Nov. 17, 1926 Addison Bybee b. Nov. 25, 1875 d. Jan. 8, 1945 Ella Bybee,1861-1864 Levi Bybee, 74th Reg. Co. F, Indiana Killed at Chioamauga Sept. 19, 1863

Mary Bybee Harry Smalley b. Dec. 4, 1343 JDelia Smalley For Descendants d. Dec. 13, 1924 [Gertrude Smalley See Page 42a m. Joseph Smalley LLucinda Smalley Ervin Black Allen Black Joseph Black Lucinda Bybee Infant daughter b. Mar. 16, 1844 Minnie Black For Descendants d. May 18, 1933 Readie Black See pages 42 a & 42 b m. John Black Charley Black Nellie Black Daisy Black Sally Lattimer born 1936 Leonard Lattimer, Inf. m. Chas Stout Marion M. Lattimer a. Chas Ray Stout died 1945 b. 9/26/1955 Lyndes Latimer m. Lillian Burbank b. June 16, 1882 Lyndes Lattimer m. Nellie Lyon born 1941 Reedy Bybee b. Feb. 8, 1883 Wilbur Latimer Wilburta Latimer b. Nov. 24, 1857 d. 1942 b. May 18, 1909 b. Jan. 13, 1937 d. 1940 m. Garnet Keifer Karen Sue Latimer m. Marion Latimer b. April 20, 1914 b. Aug. 14, 1940 Minnie Latimer b. Nov. 11, 1885 42a


Melissa Smalley Infant s on b. 1841 d. 1912 Gerald Smalley Donald Smalley Wayne Smalley m.Minnie Sands Linda Smalley Harry Smalley Marylin Tucker For Ancestors b. 9/14/1873 Olive Smalley m.Donald Coleman See Page 11 d. 11/23/1940 m.Dearl Tucker Marita Tucker m. Ota Borton m. Robert Boggs .Terry Tucker Jack Smalley Delia Smalley Earl Smalley m.Carolyn King Joseph Smalley b.1876 d.1890 . Winifred Swick ^Gregory Smalley m. Mary Bybee David Smalley b. Deo.4,1843 Infant son b. July 29, 1817 d. Dec.13,1924 Gertrude Smalley Joseph Bear {NO issue d. Aug. 5, 1855 b. 2/25/1879 m. Violet Adams m. Margaret Shobe d. 3/11/1956 b. July 6, 1817 m. Frank Bear Merrill Bear jPatty Sue Bear d. Nov. 3, 1898 m. Betty Snyder Lucinda Smalley m. Lawrence W No issue Yockey L Lewis W. Smalley J. Wellington b. 1845 d. 1929 Smalley m. Sara Ann b.Sept. 19,1890 b. 1849 d. 1918 d. Dec. 4, 1895

Infant son, b.1848 Jacob Smalley d. June 1, 1935 m. Amanda Johnson

LUCINDA BYBEE m. JOHN BLACK Wm Ervin Black For Ancestors' b. Aug. 31, 1865 See Pago 42 d. Feb. 29, 1868 Leona Agnes Black Lowell R. Anderson Mary A. Anderson m. ' Son b. Mar. 23, 1888 Carl A. Anderson m. Gus Anderson Mary Lucinda Black born 1889 Readie Ida Black Allen Elza Black b. October 1891 b. Oct. 13, 1867 m. Francis Gaunt d. Mar. 23, 1941 John A. Black m. Margaret Cook born 1893 m. Ethel Green Henry A. Black b. January 1898 Gene Allen Black J Allen Black m. Ethel Sands [Amber Black Rachel Olga Black Twin of Henry m. William Schenk No issue Ruby Jos. Black J" Carmen Ellis,dec'd Jos. Fletcher Black b. September 1900 Steven Cox b. July 24, 1871 m. Clair Ellis \ m . C ox {' d. Sept. 23, 1932 Louise Maurine Black m. Eliza A. Warren f Wm Chinworth Jr. b. Oct. 4, 1904 1 Ford Chinworth (2) Eva Ensbarger ' m. Wm Chinworth Sarah Isabel Black b. August 1910 Infant daughter b. Apr. 24, 1873 Royal Kermit Borton b. May 25, 1909 Kenneth Borton Daisy Lucinda Black m. Flo Kotterman .Brenda Borton b. Mar. 10, 1887 Ethel Earlene Borton Ted Habb d. Jan. 25, 1920 b. Aug. 8, 1917 Cinda Habb m. Charles Borton m. John Habb and another 42b

Lt/CINDA BYBEE m. JOHN BLACK (con) Willie J. Igo b. May 20, 1891 d. December 1893 Haroia Lincoln Taylor For Ancestors b. Feb. 12, 1915 See Page 42 d. Aug. 26, 1919 Icie Delpha Igo J Roberta Taylor b. Mar. 26, 1893 Arden Taylor- All are married m. Marion Taylor Wanda Taylor and all have Norman Lewis Taylor children Leah Fro Igo Keith Taylor b. Jan. 18, 1895 m. Floyd Tucker Joe Ray Igo b. Mar. 18, 1897 a. Mar. 23, 1930 Reatha Walters Nellie Berniece Igo m. — Harmon b. Nov. 28, 1899 Helen Walters m. Roy Walters Minnie Lenora Black Kenneth Walters b. July 12, 1874 Robert Hoffman d, Sept. 2, 1939 m. Marjorie Morrett m. Omor N. Igo Donald Hoffman Daisy Othello Igo m. Walgemuth b. Feb. 22, 1901 Phillis Hoffman m. Elmer Hoffman m. Joe Yeiter Max Hoffman,dec'd I. age 14 years Miles Igo Ernest Wyant Igo Ned Igo b. Apr. 2, 1902 Shirley Igo m. Lena Tucker ( Barry Igo Virgil 0. Igo b. 1904 d. 1937 m. Mable Busenburg Eaith Marie Igo b. May 1, 1908 a. Aug. 16, 1908 Lewis Igo b. Oct. 2, 1906 m. Q. Kirkendahl Eagar Riley Igo b. Mar. 30, 1911 m. Freeaa Shamp Lillian Igo b. Oct. 24, 1914 Arthur J. Anglin Jr. m. Arthur J. Anglin Mary Lucinda Rickel b. 1897 d. 1898 Reaaie Emma Black Sara Kathryn Rickel b. Oct. 30, 1876 b. Nov. 11, 1901 fL. Augustin Judd Sara Jo Judd a. Jan. 19, 1943 m. Robert Burns 1 m. Samuel Judd m. Lloya A. Rickel (2) Thomas Judd Lloyd A. Rickel Jr. f Nancy Rickel b. May 19, 1909 < Sally Rickel m. Enid Hablkel t^Eric Rickel George Riley Black Charles Festes Black b. Mar. 30, 1904 Brook Black b. July 6, 1881 m. Vera Aiter {l Adopted d. Jan. 12, 1949 Bernard T. Black m. Sara A, Rickel b. Aug. 22, 1906 m. Helen Nellans Eaith M. Heighway b. Sept. 8, 1905 Francis Evelyn Heighway b. 1909 a. 1916 Ernest R. Heighway b.Nov.25,1935,dec'd Mary Nellie Black m. Sally Shiveley b. May 18, 1885 Robert 0. Heighway Karen Lee Heighway m. Owen Heighway b. Mar. 14, 1914 b. Nov. 21, 1937 m. Ruth Hamilton Sharon Sue Heighway b. Mar. 19, 1939 Wanda Eliz. Heighway Ned Allen Heighway b. Feb. 16, 1917 b. Apr. 23, 1944 ra. Loren Jay Swick 43

SAMUEL SHOBE Eight and youngest child of Jacob Shobe Jr., and Mary (Bush) Shobe

Samuel McShane b. 1871 d. 1871 Ella McShane, unm Harriett E. Shobe b. Oct. 23, 1874 b. Feb. 1, 1846 d. July 1, 1949 d. Feb. 13, 1925 Gertrude McShane, unm. m. Mch. 22, 1870 b. May 12, 1880 James G. McShane d. May 26, 1947 For Ancestors L d. Nov. 25, 1896 May McShane Myron Soott See Page 35 b. Jan. 13, 1885 m. Warren S. Scott b. Sept. 16,1907 b. Aug. 24, 1884 Albert Shobe b. April 26, 1848 d. Oct. 19, 1851 For Descent See Joanna Shobe b. July 30, 1S49 d. Sept. 24, 1851 Samuel A. Unbaugh Minnie E. Umbaugh Page 45 Amy Umbaugh Rachel Jane Shobe Ira Eugene Umbaugb. b. Nov. 21, 1850 b. Aug. 5, 1381 d. Good Fri., 1928 d. Feb. 21, 1893 m. John Umbaugh J John Allen Umbaugh b. Nov. 14, 1843 ' Mary May Umbaugh Page 46 d. Dec. 23, 1921 Edwin T. Umbaugh near Elida, Ohio Otis Fred Umbaugh Samuel Shobe Blanch E. Umbaugh Page 47 b. April 6, 1822 i_ Reta B. Umbaugh d. May 31, 1901 m. Harriet Jones Franklin P. Shobe William Shobe b. Sept. 16, 1815 b. Dec. 19, 1852 Hattie Shobe Ernest Glen Shobe d. Feb. 6, 1846 d. Oct. 17, 1921 Page 48 (2) Mary Gracey 4 m. Mary Bowers ^ Harley Shobe b. Jan. 12, 1828 b. March 4, 1853 Owen Shobe d. Mar. 12, 1907 d. June 30, 1938 Bertha Shobe

Jacob Shobe I" MyrtlMyrt e Shobe b. June 15, 1854 L m._ George Little m. Eliza Nunn f Virginia Shobe Page 36b (2) Fannie Thuma 1 IaVerne Shobe (3) Naoma Baumgardner/ James Shobe (4) Josephine Shaw (5) Mary Sheldon Samuel Allison Shobe b. 1857 d. 1859 Mary Elizabeth Shobe b. 1858 d. 1860 Sarah Ann Shobe m. Edward Wolfe May Wolfe I Page 49 (2) Waldo Williams Iva Shobe r Aaron Alvin Shobe Earl Shobe m. Almeda Kessler Fred Shobe ^ Page 49 Cyrus Shobe Francis Shobe m. Alma Perchbacher Rae Shobe ^ Page 49 Harvey Shobe Paul Shobe b. Aug. 9, 1B68 Guy Shobe Page 49 m. Dora Baxter Ruth Shobe Grace Shobe Martha Ellen Shobe b. Jan. 13, 1871 No issue m. Lewis Crow 44

Samuel Shobe He was born in Concord Township, Ross County, Ohio on April 6, 1822. He was one of two twins-the other being Isaac Shobe who died as an infant. They were the youngest of nine children born to Jacob Shobe and Mary Bush and were only one year old when their father died in 1823.

Samuel grew to manhood on the farm where he was born and was married there to Harriett Jones, who died when her first child was born. Two years later Samuel married her cousin, Mary Gracey and they became the parents of twelve children, eight of whom grew to maturity.

In 1851 Samuel decided to move north to Allen County, Ohio where his brother Aaron Shobe, and his sister, Catherine (Shobe) Ireland had gone some time before. His mother, Mary (Bush) Shobe was still living and went with Sam­ uel and his family,consisting of his wife and three small children. Just as they were ready to leave, little Joanna took sick and died three days later.

After arriving in Allen County and getting his family settled, Samuel returned to Ross County far another load of furniture and, while he was gone, Albert died. It must have been a sad homecoming for Samuel. Several of his chil­ dren had large families, as evidence the next five pages which are necessary to list them. There are 218 descendants, not counting the spouses of those who are married, and one daughter alone, Rachel (Shobe) Umbaugh has over 125 descend­ ants. His youngest child, Martha (Shobe) Crow is still living near Spencerville, Ohio, at the age of eighty-three, and it was largely through her efforts that we were able to contact so many members of the family, although the list is still incomplete.

Samuel purchased a farm of 120 acres in Allen County , Amanda Township, seven miles north-west of Lima, where he lived until his death on May 31, 1901 at the age of seventy-nine. He is buried in the Allentown Cemetery, beside his wife, Mary Gracey Shobe, who died in 1907. His mother is also hurried there. She died in 1866 at the age of eighty-three.

Along with the farming, Samuel had acquired quite a little knowledge of blacksmithing, and had his own shop with anvil, bellows and forge, where he did the repair work on his farm equipment. He was a Christian man, having first had his membership with the Pis- gah Presbyterian Church, which was near his home in Ross county. After moving to Allen county, he affiliated with the Allentown M. E. Church. Later when the Christian Union Church was organized, he became a charter member of the Bethel C. U. Church which is on State Route 81, two miles west of Allentown. Politically, he was a staunch Democrat, although he dabbled very lit­ tle in politics. He was very hospitable and generous. It may well be said of him that he was friend of the friendless; a father to the fatherless and a kind husband and father. 45

RACHEL SHOBE Daughter of Samuel Shobe Virginia Umbaugh [willlam B. Mims b. Aug. 1, 1927 I b. Jun. 18, 1946 m. William Mims iRanay D. Mims John Alvin Umbaugh in August, 1945 lb. Jan. 11, 1949 b. June 89, 1903 Betty M. Umbaugh [Tana Marie Basham m. April 9, 1925 b. May 17, 1930 J b. May 7, 1948 to Eva Dewalt m. Wendell BashamlGari Alan Basham (2) Lydia Schmidt b. Nov. 1, 1922 [ b. Jan. 21, 1950 For Ancestors Arthur Lee Umbaugh See Page 43 b. June 15, 1935 Paul E. Umbaugh Paul Umbaugh Jr. b. Jan. 9, 1906 b. Nov. 5, 1933 m. Edna Gillett Edna Bell Umbaugh Samuel A. Umbaugh in May 1928 b. March 15, 1937 b. Sept. 85, 1875 at Lima, Ohio Mary E. Umbaugh m. Pearl M.Stoek- b. April 1, 1910 berger, Dee. 84, d. Sept. 6, 1916 1899 at Rochester Loyd David Umbaugh Indiana. b. Nov. 24, 1935 Loyd D. Umbaugh Thomas Umbaugh b. Oct. 8, 1911 b. April 9, 1938 m. Elfrida Scope James Umbaugh b. Sept. 29, 1940 Helen Umbaugh b. Oot. 30, 1916 Mary Ellen Bach d. April 3, 1940 b. Maroh 30, 1940 m. Ernest Bach Rachel Jane Shobe Judy Ann Umbaugh b. Feb. 1, 1941 b. Nov. 81, 1850 Robt. Leroy Umbaugh d. Good Fr1.1928 Dennis Umbaugh b. Maroh 24, 1918 b. May 23, 1942 m. Deo. 31, 1874 L m. Edith Smith to John Umbaugh Shirley Umbaugh b. Nov. 14, 1843 b. Maroh 27, 1950 d. Dec. 23, 1981 near Ellda, Ohio Raymond L. Lewis r b. May 13, 1921 (Steven Ray Lewis m. Grace. Rans Dorothy B. Lewis Cloie E. Biddinger b. Nov. 11, 1923 Janice Sue Bach b. May 26, 1899 m. Edwin Bach m. June 3, 1920 to Ernest Lewis Richara L. Lewis b. Feb. 22, 1926 Minnie E. Umbaugh Dean Hubert Lewis b. May 8, 1877 b. June 89, 1933 m. Sept. 4, 1898 • Ronald Allen Trump Daniel Biddingar b. Nov. 19, 1942 b. Oct. 31, 1875 Mary Ellen Body Harvey E. Trump b. Jan. 2, 1922 b, Jan. 24, 1946 m. Allen Trump Marion Eldon Trump Mary B. Biddinger on Dec. 13,1941 . b. April 27,1950 b. Oot. 7, 1904 Roger L. Alderfer d. April 23, 1941 Wilma Jean Boay b. Aug. 3, 1947 m. Lawrence Body b. Feb. 2, 1924 Gloria Alderfer a. March 21, 1925 m. W. Aiaerfer . b. Aug. 3, 1950 (2) John Gobeen Francis L. Boay b. Aug. 4, 1925 I Robert Lee Lowe m. Leonara Lowe L Marcia Ann Suaaith Effie Lucille Boraen b. Maroh 18, 1934 b. Jan. 7, 1906 Amy Umbaugh Roberta L. Suaaith m. Beaman Suaaith b. Jan. 83,1879 b. June 30, 1945 b. Nov. 17, 1905 m. Arthur Borden Robert L. Suddith Twin of Roberta b. Aug. 8, 1888 Charles Art Boraen d. June 4, 1945 b. March 19, 1916 b. May 13, 1919 Melinda Dunlap b. April 13, 1939 Rae L. Umbaugh Patricia Dunlap b. Jan. 12, 1907 b. Maroh 17, 1941 m. Edward H. Dunlap Nancy L. Dunlap b. Sept. 22, 1943 Barbara Umbaugh Kenneth A. Umbaugh b. Sept. 17, 1936 b. April 24, 1909 James A. Umbaugh m. Alice Reid b. July 23, 1938 Earl Devain Umbaugh b. June 8, 1913 For Ancestors m. Sergie Santee See Page 43 Herschall J. Umbaugh Roger Lee Umbaugh b. Dec. 12, 1915 b. Dec. 24, 1945 m. Gladys Bailey James Allen South John Allen Umbaugh b. Nov. 8, 1942 b. June 25, 1883 Marjorie B. Umbaugh Wm. Oliver South m. Mae Jones b. M^rch 21, 1918 b. Oct. 1, 1943 b. June 10, 1886 m. James 0. South Susan May South b. Jan. 12, 1947 Ruth Irene Umbaugh b. 1920 d. 1933 Sandra Lee Umbaugh b. Dec. 3, 1944 Carol Jean Umbaugh Raymond E. Umbaugh b. Aug. 4, 1945 b. June 7, 1920 Raymond Umbaugh Jr. m. Phyllis L. Kraus b. Aug. 21, 1946 Kathrene Jo Umbaugh I b. July 21, 1949 Carolyn J. Umbaugh Glen&en L. Umbaugh b. Dec. 19, 1946 b. Nov. 20, 1922 David Glen Umbaugh m. Margaret Howard b. Feb. 28, 1949 Merlyn Dean Umbaugh b. Dec. 30, 1928 m. Mary Ann Cox Theodore R. Dittmar b. June 15, 1904 Dorcaa E. Dittmar b. Feb. 22, 1935 Rev. Geo. W. Dittmar Charles E. Dittmar -Rachel Jane Shobe b. Feb. 12, 1907 J b. Feb. 14, 1939 Family continued m. Ellen Wrestler Paul G. Dittmar b. April 5, 1909 b. April 19, 1942 Lynn G. Dittmar Mary May Umbaugh Dorothy L. Dittmar I b. Jan. 25, 1945 b. Aug. 5, 1885 b. 1908 d. 1916 m, April 26, 1903 Rev. Alfred Dittmar Rev, Geo. F. Dittmar b. Mar. 24, 1910 b. Oct. 18, 1875 Robert Alfred Dittmar d. Jan. 12, 1938 b. Feb. 9, 1937 d. March 6, 1950 m. Francis Cahill b. Feb. 28, 1910 Elizabeth I. Dittmar b. 1913 d. 1913 Freda M. Dittmar b. Oct. 12, 1921 m. Rev. Wm. Kifler Mary M. Dittmar b. March 16, 1926 Marilyn Jean Weber Willa dean Umbaugh b. Feb. 20, 1939 b. Nov. 4, 1914 Wm. Thornton Weber m. John Weber b. Nov. 22, 1944 Dorothy I. Umbaugh b. Jan. 5, 1916 Judith Poznanski d. Aug. 23, 1949 b. May 22, 1946 m. Casimer Poznanski ' Barbara K. Umbaugh Edwin T. Umbaugh b. April 5, 1939 b. Aug. 19, 1887 Edwin T. Umbaugh Jr. Charles Gordon Umbaugh m. f/etha Alexander b. July 14, 1917 b. Sept. 17, 1941 b. Feb. 16, 1893 m. Mabel Gordon Raymond Louis Umbaugh . b. Sept. 2, 1946 I" Virginia Lee Umbaugh Alfred W. Umbaugh I b. May 22, 1946 b. Jan. 21, 1921 j Patricia Ann Umbaugh m. Virginia Manges [ b. Feb. 16, 1949 Maurice E. Umbaugh Richard S. Umbaugh July 14, 1924 b. Dec. 20, 3946 m. Margaret Koczan 47


For Ancestors Rachel V. Umbaugh See Page 43 b. Dec. 17, 1915 m. Sept. 25, 1948 Robert J. Hill b. April 8, 1913 Robert E. Umbaugh b. Aug. 28, 1917 Otis Fred Umbaugh d. Aug. 10, 1923 b. Dec. 24, 1889 m. Dec. 26, 1914 James Otis Umbaugh Coral Zehner b. Jan.14, 1921 William Umbaugh b. Jan. 5, 1893 m. June 2, 1946 b. Aug. 20, 1948 Jessie R. Sager Coral L. Umbaugh b. Sept. 27, 1924 _ b. March 8, 1950 Roberta J, Umbaugh b. Nov. 30, 1923 m. Feb. 6, 1948 Lowell Jensen Rachel Jane Shobe b. Oct. 18, 1923 family continued * Karen Marie Wagschal Blanch E. Umbaugh Edna Belle Weygandt b. Nov. 3, 1945 b. Nov. 21, 1892 b. March 10, 1921 . Paul Fred Wagsohal m. Rev. J. Weygant m. Rev. F. K.'.Tagschal b. Mar. 9, 1947 b. March 9, 1890 b. March 18, 1919 Mark Edward Wagsehal d. April 7, 1928 . b. Mar. 31, 1950 (2) H. H. German Ruth Lenore Weygandt b. Jan. 5, 1889 b. May 10, 1922 Chester M. Harriman b. Nov. 24, 1924 JRoberta Herriman m. Dorothy _____ \ b. July 28, 1946 Leonard E. Harriman b. April 22, 1926 Reta B. Umbaugh Medrith I. Harriman b. Feb. 1, 1895 b. Dec. 27, 1930 JLarry C. Hoefle m. Udell Herriman m. Donald Hoefle b. March 27, 1950 b. Feb. 19, 1886 b. Sept. 29, 1931 I Esther J. Harriman b. April 10, 195S JTomylee Andrews m. James Andrews | b. March 17, 1950 b. July 24, 1931 Opal Herriman b. May 17, 1934 48

FRANKLIN P. SHOBE Son of Samuel Shobe

For Ancestors Earl Shobe See Page 43 Howard Shobe James Harold Shobe Jr. b. Oct. 19, 1943 Ernest Lee Shobe James Harold Shobe , b. Nov. 14, 1946 b. Feb. 12, 1915 "SPaul William Shobe ra. Virginia Bsntz b. April 26, 1948 b. Jan. 26, 1920 Helvai Jean Shobe b. Mar. 21, 1950 Naoma Louise Shobe . b. Oct. 22, 1954 Willard Dade Shobe fshirley Carol Shobe b. Feb. 22, 1917 J b. May 14, 1946 m. Hattie Hawthorne |Dale Lawrence Shobe William Levi Shobe b. Deo.16, 1925 [b. July 15, 1950 b. July 25, 1878 d. Nov 22, 1937 Susan Kay Barnett m. Nsll Haverstick , Mary Kathryn Shobe b. Aug. 28, 1942 (2) Anna Helen Frye * b. Feb. 20, 1919 Robert Paul Barnett b. Deo. 16, 1897 si. Men Barnett b. Peb. 20, 1945 She married (2) b. April 7, 1915 Michel Glen Barnett Steven Stemsa • b. April 7, 1948 Franklin P. Shobe b. Aug. 25, 1887 Linda Maria Shoba b. Dao. 19, 1853 b. Sept. 4, 1950 d. Oct. 17, 1921 William F. Shoba Kathleen Ann Shobe m. Mary Bowers b. May 5, 1921 b. Jan. 12, 1652 b. March 4, 1853 m. Esther Miller )Patricia Diane Shobe d. June 30, 1938 b. Aug. 16, 1926 b. Aug. 25, 1953 buried Greenlawa William F. Shoba II Cemetery Mausoleum I b. June 16, 1955 Elida, Ohio Roy Shoba b. Nov. 1, 1923 /Lawrence Paul Shobe Marilyn Durabelln T b. Oot. 3, 1955 b. April 4, 1934 Charles Paul Shobe b. Jan.21, 1926 Jjuditr h Marie Shoba m. Alice Meinsinger lb. April 5, 1950 b. Aug. 8, 1928 Riohard Shobe b. April 8, 1934 m. Mar lene Rouhier Elea Stalter Hattie Shobe b. May, 1901 b. July 20, 1881 m. Claude Cochrun d. Feb. 18, 1915 B. Henry Staltsr Gail Stalter James Stalter b. March, 1874 b. July, 1904 Thomas John Stalter . m. Rosella John Marilyn Rose Stalter Ernest aien Shobe b. April 17, 1884 Bessie Alloa Shobe Don Robert Baker d. May 24, 1942 b. Jan. 1906 Dale Wayne Baker m. Carrie Miller m. Melvin Baker Alice Baker Harley Shobe b. Deo. 4, 1886 J Carolyn Shoba d. May 20, 1920 b. Sept. 30, 1920 m. Gertrude Lewis \ Owen F. Shobe b. Jan. 7, 1892 Mary Eleanor Shobe f m. Edna Oen b. June, 1918 -pee Page 49 b. Deo. 4, 1890 m. Earl Joseph Shobe Bertha Shobe b. Dec. 4, 1896 Ruth Hope Fosnaugh Paul Wesley Wyant m. Emos Fosnaugh b. July 10, 1919 b. Sept. 24, 1950 ^ b. June 2, 1883 m. Cecil Wyant ( Adopted) 49

SARAH ANN SHOBE For Ancestors See Page 43 Daughter of Samuel Shobe Sarah Ann Shobe b. May 14, 1861 Rex Roberts d.Nov. IV, 1917 J May Wolfe Maroell Leatherman •j Tod Roberts m. Robert Roberta ra. Edward Wolfe [_ m. Harold Leatherman 4 [_Bratt Roberts (2) Waldo Williams Wanda Leatherman

AARON ALVIN SHOBE Son of Samuel Shobe Marjorie Pittman Iva Shobe m. Theodore Taylor m. Walter Pittman Vivian Pittman (2) . m.

Aaron Alvin Shobe Earl Joseph Shobe b. Dec. 14, 1862 b. April 2, 1921 d. 1914 Earl Jesse Shobe m» Mary Eleanor Shobe m. Almeda Kessler b. June 15, 1888 b. June, 1918 m. Mabel E. Peaehman Lewis M. Shobe r b. Jan. 23, 1889 b. Nov. 17, 1923 \Ho issue . m. Faye Belle Dickinson Fred C. Shobe Donald Earl Shobe f Janet Lee Shobe b. Jan. 5, 1891 m. Clara Eldora Peck b. Oct. 28, 1890 { b. June 2, 1924 J b. May 22, 1951 m. Gene Anna Drake 1 Russell Alan Shobe CYRUS SHOBEb . March 16, 1923 ^ b. Oct. 5, 1953 Son of Samuel Shobe

Christine Carlson Thomas E. Kentnar b. Dec. 12, 1916 J b. Deo. 3, 1943 m. Quant in Kentner 1 John Kentner I b. Dec. 19, 1944 David Lee Carlson Cyru3 Shobe Donald Carlson b. Mar. 6, 1941 b. Mar. 31, 1866 Frances Shobe b. April 10, 1919 Christopher Carlson d. Jul. 14, 1932 b..0ct. 20, 1889 m. Dorothy Mayers {b. Sept. 21, 1944 nu Alma Perch- m. Otto R. Carlson Francis I. Caaady bacher. Buriad at b. March 29, 1890 b. Aug. 16, 1940 Rochester, Indiana George M. Casady Florence Carlson b. Sept. 3, 1941 b. June 25, 1921 Kenneth Casady m. George Casady b. Aug. 11, 1943 Patrick Casady V. b.Jan. 20, 1946 Francis R. Carlson b. June 22. 1923 HARVEY SHOBE Son of Samuel Shobe

Gertrude Looker b. Feb. 20, 1914 Rao Shoba m. Rodney Shock b. Dec. 20, 1891 b. Oct. 21, 1910 m. Lewis Looker Ruth Looker b. Oct. 25, 1890 b. Sept. 7, 1915 m. Jaaies A. Drum b. May 25, 1915 Paul Shoba, Inf. Harvey Shobe b. 1895 b. Aug. 9, 1368 Guy Shobo Charles H. Shobe d. Dec. 6, 1949 b. May 28, 1397 b. Oct. 15, 1918 ra. Dora Baxter m. Lulu Neubrecbt m. June Evans b. Sept. 8, 1872 Ruth Shoba b. May 5, 1900 m. Louis Andrews Grace Shoba b. July 21, 1901 d. June 20, 1920 m. Anal Koli 50

DANIEL He was the second son of Rudolph (Little Rudy) Shobe and Magdalene (Hire) Shobe. He was born In Virginia (now West Va.) in 1783 and was married to Elizabeth Parsons, the third daughter of James Parsons and Catherine Casey. She was born June 12, 1799.

They left Virginia (probably about 1827) and went to Montgomery County, Missouri, where they set­ tled on Louter Island in the Missouri River. Their son Solomon, who was born there in 1828, was said to have been born the next year after they left Virginia. Daniel farmed the land on the island and built his home there. He and Elizabeth were the parents of four sons and three daughters. Daniel died of cholera on Sept. 14, 1845. He had isolated himself in the slave quarters to care for one of his slaves and had contracted the disease from the slave. He was buried on Louter Island.

The following year, on Deo. 15, 1846, Elizabeth, with her sons, John and Abraham and her daugh­ ter, Virginia, set out by boat to cross the Missouri River to Herman, to shop and bring back some brick for a fireplace. As they neared home the boat struck a snag in the river and overturned. Elizabeth and the two boys were drowned, but Virginia drifted down the river for about three miles and was rescued by a fer­ ryman. The bodies of the boys were recovered but that of Elizabeth was never found. Susan Armstrong, a great-granddaughter of Elizabeth writes that she is still the proud possessor of a cherry wood drop-leaf table which was purchased on that fatal trip, and later fished out of the river.

After the tragedy, the three girls were taken back to Virginia to the home of the Parsons fam­ ily where they were later all married, but Virginia never quite recovered from the horror, and, after her husband and daughter died, she passed away still quite young.

James R. Shobe settled in Warren County, across the river from Herman, Mo. where he met and mar­ ried Eliza Roark, but they later moved to New Port, Mo. where he died. His wife then took the two young sons to live with her parents. His grand-daughter, Ethel (Shobe) Pogue, now lives on the home farm which her father, James T. bought when he was married and will leave it to her only daughter, Ethel Hightower.

The other son, Solomon, was born on Louter Island and married Susan Callaway, a direct descend­ ant of Daniel Boone. He made several trips back to Virginia to visit his sisters. His farm in Boone Coun­ ty has never been out of the family, now being occupied by his grandson Frank Glenn. Ethel Ophelia Shobe [Ethel Louise Pogue b. Jan. 19, 1883 J b. March 20, 1916 m. William R. Pogue | m. May 27, 1944 For Ancestors b. March 29, 1873 I Walter C. Hightower See Page 5. Lloyd Huteherson b. Nov. 20, 1910 Lawrence Huteherson James Thomas Shobe James Ed Huteherson b. Aug. 10, 1942 b. Jan. 17, 1852 b. June 24, 1913 j Barbara Huteherson d. Feb. 15, 1926 Iva May Shobe m. Viviam Mast I b. Nov. 20, 1943 m. March, 1882 b. Jan. 16, 1886 Rebecca A. Thurman m. Glen Hutonerson Maurice Huteherson Dane C. Huteherson b. Feb. 16, 1857 b. Jan. 31, 1918 b. May 27, 1947 d. Oct. 28, 1898 m. Nola Todd John Ray Huteherson b. Feb. 19, 1949 Glenn Huteherson Jr. I b. Aug. 24, 1923 Clarence Albert Shobe Anne Margaret Shobe b. Sept. 27, 1891 b. Jan. 29, 1928 m. Anne Journey m. Floyd Cox Luther James Shobe b. Oct. 15, 1898 [*No issue m. Mabel Tillerson Owen Kenneth Smith James Rudolph Shobe b. Aug. 22, 1915 J Stephen Owen Smith b.1814 d. 1863 m. Maxine Crews 1 b. Sept. 15, 1952 m. Mar. 10, 1850 Martha Houx Eliza Jane Roark b. Feb. 7, 1942 Doris Lorene Smith b. May 20, 1832 James Houx d. June 23, 1924 b. Jan. 15, 1918 m. James Houx b. July 10, 1946 Elizabeth Jane Houx b. June 12, 1948 f Lowell Smith Leona Jane Shobe. Charles Shobe Smith J b. March 17, 1944 b. June 24, 1889 b. Feb. 9, 1920 I Mark Smith m. March 4, 1914 m. Juanita Wallace 1 b. Nov. 21, 1946 Letcher E. Smith Aara James Smith b. 1922 d. 1940 [Ann Marie Hewitt Charles Abe. Shobe Helen Lucille Smith J b. July 11, 1949 b. May 13, 1857 b. April 25, 1924 jOregory Linn Hewitt d. Jan. 25, 1941 m. Melvin Hewitt [ b. May 10, 1951 m. April 11, 1888 Carl Lane Smith J Carl David Smith Sarah Huteherson b. Aug. 3, 1926 J. 1 b. July 22, 1949 b. Feb. 9, 1859 m. Belle Custer I d. Feb. 7, 1936 Robert Norris Smith r b. Sept. 26, 1930 J Bradley J. Smith m. Jaeuetta TeasleyL Feb. 1953 Uel C. Shobe b. Sept. 3, 1891 No issue m. Sadie Campbell Velda E. Shobe, unm. ^ b. Sept. 5, 1897 51 DANIEL SHOBE John D. Shobe d. Deo. 15, 1846 I Drowned in the Abraham Shobe I Missouri River d. Deo. 15, 1846 Larkin Daniel Shobe For Ancestors b. Oot. 31, 1857 See Fags 5. d. 1937 No issue m. Burble Summers John William Glenn b. NOT. 28, 1914 |No issue Dorsey Shobe Glenn m. Mary Bollinger b. Nov. 6, 1886 Barbara Sue Taylor m. Nor. 28, 1913 b. Aug. 27, 1937 Marie Carter Sarah Eliz. Glenn Mary Ann Taylor b. Oct. 6, 1889 b. Jan. 12, 1918 b. July 20, 1943 m. August, 1937 Glenn Carl Taylor James Taylor Twin of Mary Ann (2) Monroe Hume Frieda Marie Hume . b. Feb. 28, 1950 Robert P. Glenn Anna Lee Glenn Anna Bell Shobe b. July 10, 1889 b. June 30, 1923 ("David George Grone b. Oct. 4, 1860 m. Deo. 19, 1918 m. April 7, 1946 lb. August, 1949 d. April 23, 1936 Katherine E. Davis George G. Grone [John Glenn Grone m. Oot. 11, 1882 b. Feb. 22, 1893 b. April 5, 1923 I b. January, 1953 John Hall Glenn Estill Callaway Glenn b. April 14, 1891 m. Oct. 15, 1914 |NO issue Mary Tom Murry Solomon Shobe Mary Susan Glenn b. Apr. 16, 1888 b. June 14, 1928 Frank Glenn Francis Louise Webb d. Apr. 3, 1912 m. June 2, 1946 b. Sept. 6, 1898 b. May 24, 1951 m. Deo. 38, 1855 Arthur Frea. Webb Susan Callaway m. Oot. 31, 1917 Jacklyn Jean Glenn b. Sept.18, 1888 Mary Fran. Thompson Jaok Thompson Glenn d. Jan. 14, 1881 b. Feb. 5, 1900 b. Aug. 30, 1951 b. June 28, 1926 Frank Wetherwell Glenn m. Sept. 3, 1950 . b. Oot. 29, 1952 Eliz. Jean Weatherell Robert Charles Mead Lillian F. SteTlnson b. Jan. 2, 1944 b. Aug. 88, 1891 [Robert Samuel Mead Wm. Kenneth Mead d. Dec. 13, 1948 i b. Feb. 1, 1917 b. Jan. 21, 1945 Mary Virginia Shobe m. Ahlenna Mead [ m. Rose ?/iohert Don SteTlnson Mead "Aunt Mollis" (8) George K.O'Hara b. June 18, 1868 Lb. Aug. 16, 1949 d. May 5, 1951 Mary V. Armstrong James DaTld Harms m. Sam M.Stevinson b. June 13, 1924 b. April 25, 1948 Memorial Park Cem­ m. James N. Harms Daniel Douglas Harms etery, Columbia,Mo Susan Ann Sterinson b. Deo. 24, 1892 b. May 7, 1924 b. April 6, 1951 m. Frank Armstrong Frank T. Armstrong Jr b. Jan. 12, 1896 b. NOT. 4, 1927 George Rodney Shobe m. NOT. 14, 1953 b. Aug. 85, 1865 Joyce L. Poertner No issue d. January, 1945 m. Lyda Mann Elise Kinsey m. Dr. Bacon May Kinsey Betty Peddioord m. Barnes m. Kinsey Elizabsth Kinsey

.Leonard Kinsey Grace DeVries Mary Shobe May Peddleord m. Peddioord m. Eli Peddicord m. DeVries Thelma DeVries DeVries It is strange to note that of this large Grace Peddicord Howard Peddioord family there are no male descendants of the m. Pike present generation with the surname "Shobe" m. Louise Peddicord Frank Peddicord Rowles Peddicord MAR l :- 1959 Parthenla Shobe Kate Lupton j Katherine Shaeffer Called "Teen" . Shaeffer |George Shaeffer GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY m. Dr. S. Lupton Charles Lupton OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST Caroline Virginia Shobe (Virginia) [Betty Dawson 1 Died young OF LATTER-DAY . MNTS m. H. B. Dawson 52


He was probably tne second son of Jacob Shobe and his wife, Barbara Hire. He was born in 1748 which was a few years before his family moved into Vir­ ginia, so he was, no doubt, born in Berks County, Pa. where the records show that his parents were married. He was known in the family as "Little Rudy" to distin­ guish him from his cousin "Big Rudy", the son of Martin Shobe. His wife was Mag­ dalene Hire and she died in Grant Co. , W. Va. (formerly Va.) on Dec. 18, 1848 at the age of 93 years. After his sister, Clara Laneisco, moved to Ohio with her seven daugh­ ters, Little Rudy occupied the old Laneisco homestead across Mill Creek from Hi- ser post-office, which has now been abandoned. This homestead has been described as being made of hewn logs two feet square and consisted of two large rooms on the first floor with a big open fireplace between and a large stairway winding over it to the second floor. It is believed that this was the site of Fort George built during the Indian wars and that the high hill behind it was cleared of all timber by the sol­ diers, since the surrounding hills are all thickly wooded while this one is de­ void of any trees or shrubs whatsoever. Rudolph is believed to have been a twin of Clara, because both tomb­ stones clearly show that they were both born in 1748. Clara's monument is in the West side of the cemetery near Frankfort, Ross County, Ohio where she died, and the markers of Little Rudy and his wife, Magdalene are up on the hill to the west of Hiser, as marked on the map on page 9. After his sons Jacob and Daniel moved to Ross County, Ohio, Rudolph is known to have made a trip there to see that they were settled on good farms and the records of Gasconade County, Missouri shows transfers there under his name, indicating that he probably spent some time there after his son Daniel moved on to Missouri. At one time we heard of the tradition that Jacob and Dan­ iel left Virginia because they had quarreled with their father over the question of slavery, but we think that this was doubtful, since Daniel was the owner of slaves after he settled in Missouri. (See Page 50) Rudolph was well-to-do, inasmuch as he left a large estate, and, by his will, left a slave as a personal servant to each of his nine children; yet he was unable to write his name, having signed his will with his mark.

He died in Hardy Co., Va. (now Grant Co., W. Va.) and his will is on file at Moorefield, the county seat of Hardy County. Grant County was not formed until 1866, and Little Rudy died in 1829 so the records are not at Petersburg, county seat of Grant County as might be expected. ELIZABETH SHOBE She was the oldest daughter of Rudolph, having been horn in 1782. She marred Miohael Algire and had a daughter, Elizabeth. Chlora Shobe Born July 7, 1788, she married John Judy on Feb. 7, 1806. Their son Nimrod married Mary Ann Rohrbaugh who inherited 1000 ac- res|bf land from her father which descended through her son, John Da­ vid Judy to the present owners* It is located on the South Pork of the South Branch of the Potomac River at Peru, W. Va. and the fami­ ly cemetery is looated there a short distance east of the house. 53

CHLORA SHOBE For Ancestors m» John Judy John D. Judy See Page 7. m. Lucille Givens Win. Hays Judy •4 Margaret K. Judy tn. Edna R. Judy m. Alton Friend Wm. Hays Judy Jr. Malinda Judy Virginia Judy • m. A. W. Smith John N. Judy m. Mernla Hendricks on Kathryn Judy Arthur M. Judy ra. William Copeland Arthur M. Judy m. Hannah S. Sites David S. Judy John David Judy Herbert E. Judy Ntmrod Judy b. Nov. 21, 1838 M. Garber Judy b. Feb. 8, 1811 d. 1920 Hannah Mary Judy d. Dec. 3, 1896 < m. Margaret Miller Ethel Dasher m. Mary A.Rohrbaugh (2) Ida Secrlst Graoe Dasher b. Deo.17, 1815 Mary Dasher d. Jan.19,1896 Lula Dasher Pauline Dasher Keren H. Judy Lillian Dasher ra. Joseph Dasher •^Elizabeth Dasher Clyde Dasher There may have been Osoar Dasher other children Walter Dasher Seymour Dasher Annjamtma Judy Joseph Dasher Clara M. Judy Isaao Dasher Edna Judy Rebecca Judy jSarah C. Judy MARY SHOBE Enoch Judy Elijah Judy Daughter, unm m. Hyre George Judy Jr. For Ancestors (2) Dasher Daughter who See Page 7. m. McWhorter Henry Judy ra. Dollie Green Isaac Judy, b. 1840 m, Mary Burns Mary Jane Judy, 1842 m. Wm Hamilton Shobe Ge-orge Judy b. 1845 d.1928 Daniel Judy m. Lavicie Hickerson b. ca. 1816 Charle3 N. Judy, 1848 m. Phoebe Graham m. Deniza Kile Mary Shobe Wm Harvey Judy, b. Nov. 13, 1784 m. Barbara D. Kile ra. Jam. 10, 1804 Daniel Young Judy, 1850 to George Judy ra. Sarah Smith Rebecca Judy, 1855 m. A. A* Parks Jesse Jackson Judy b. 1863 d.1936 m. Lula Hulver (2) Loretta White Samuel Judy m. Rebecca Carr Jennie Judy William Judy m. Ann Dyer Henry Seymour Judy m. Sallie Huffman Manassah Judy (2) Alice Judy b. ca. 1828 m. Sarah N. Dyer George F. Judy m. Martha Sites called "Mattie" Edward Judy Parren Judy Shobe Judy Virginia Judy Mary (Polly) Judy Josephine Judy(Feeny) m. Saul Hyer Rebecca Judy Manassah Judy Jr. Elizabeth (Betty) Judy Edmund D. Judy ra. George Cosger Jemima Judy m. Isaac Carr Sally Judy _ m. Jacob Bergdoll 54

SAMUEL SHOBE He was the third son of Rudolph (Little Rudy) Shobe and his wife Mad­ eline Hire. He was born May 28, 1791 in what is now Grant County, West Virgin­ ia and died in 1846. His will was probated in Osage County, Mo. April 8, 1846 in Book "A", page 54. Records of Grant County indicate that he married his Cous­ in, Sarah Shobe, the daughter of "Big Rudy" but all letters, county histories and newspaper references in Osage County, Mo. call his wife"Elizabeth". Whether Sarah died and he married again or whether Sarah changed her name to "Elizabeth" we have been unable to ascertain.

Samuel and Elizabeth came to what is now called Osage County, Mo. in an early day (probably about 1817) and settled in or near Chamois. He became one of the foremost men of the county , and, at one time, was its largest tax payer. That his taxes never exceeded the sum of §6.00 altho he was considered a wealth- y man, will give us some idea of the comparative lightness of the taxes in those early days. Samuel and Elizabeth had six children, one of whom was:- JUDGE JACOB SHOBE. He was born about 1834 in Osage County, and died in 1903 in Laddonia, Audrain Co. Mo. and is buried there. He was reared on his father's farm and re­ ceived such schooling as those times offered, mustering sufficient education to fit him for farm and business affairs. Prior to the outbreak of the war he was principally engaged in hand­ ling stock—buying,selling, shipping etc. later he engaged in mercantile pursuits and had charge of a store in Chamois, Mo. for about two years. During this time he was engaged as station agent for the railroad and held this position for ten years. In the spring of 1873 he resigned this position and returned to agricul­ ture exclusively. He became very successful and was a prosperous farmer and stock man, and soon became recognized as one of the prominent men of the county.

He was a lifelong democrat and in the fall of 1878 he was elected county Judge of Osage County by that party. He filled this position with marked ability, and at the end of his term was nominated and elected collector of the county, which office he filled until 1882. In 1882 he sold out all of his holdings in Osage county and moved with his family to Audrain County, Mo. where he purchased a 340 acre farm and stocked it with with fine cattle. He had one of the show places of the community,neatly improved with a substantial residence approached through a handsome yard, orna­ mented with evergreens and flowering shrubs. He married Rebecca Susan Hart, who was born 1837 and died 1903 and they were the parents of three sons:Edgar J., Herbert G. and Jacob Luster. Judge Shobe was a member of the Masonic order, being a member of the Blue Lodge at Chamois and Chapter at Jefferson City, Mo. 55

SfflJOEL SHOBE For Ancestors Third son of Rudolph (Little Rudy) See Page 5. Shobe and Magdalene Hire.

Frances Shobe m. Oct. 24, 1847 James Shackelford

Susan Shobe Martin Shobe m. Jan. 8, 1846 died young James Shobe (Clay Shobe, unm

Ida M, Shobe Adam Townley Norman Townley m. Aug. 10, 1862 b. Dec. 18, 1892 b. Oct. 7, 1922 d. March 17, 1942 d. June 30, 1949 m. Fern Suess m. Dr. W. D. Townley m. Anna Stephan b. Sept. 28, 1917

James Shobe Elvira Shobe m. Martha Duggeon . died young She died 1892 Letcher Shobe, b. 1867 No issue. Buried at d. March 15, 1943 . m. Margaret El Monte, Calif.

Christine Harper b. Jan. 13, 1877 Seven children Ten grandchildren 3 Great-grandchildren Martha Dugeon m. Oliver Rouse m.James Harper Rhey Harper He d. 1892 b. Deo. 3, 1875 d. June 14, 1940 Five children m. Gertrude V. White Caroline Shobe m. Sept. 2, 1847 Samuel F. Neal

Hiram Shobe Edgar Shobe b. 1868 d. 1921 No issue m. Geraldine Smith Judge Jacob Shobe Herbert G. Shobe b. oa. 1830 d. 1903 b. 1870 d. 1918 No issue at Laddonia, Missouri m. Kitty Pitts m. Rebecca Susan Hart Merle Shobe Jeffrey Life b. July 31, 1911 b. Dec. 25, 1938 b. 1837 d. 1911 Linda Life Jacob Luster Shobe m. C. Ray Life b. 1877 d. 1913 b. Nov. 11, 1940 m. Maude Bell Margaret Shobe b. Jan. 18, 1886 b. Nov. 9, 1913 m. Lawrence I» Unphrey William L. Shobe b. 1861 d. 1864

Lulu Shobe b. 1862 1868

Nora Shobe Jonas Shobe b. 1863 d. 1865 b. Jan. 10, 1837 d. May 1, 1873 Rudolph "Oscar" Shobe m. Lucy F. Hanoock b. Noo. 22, 1865 Buried one mile west d. April 19, 1917 of Chamois, Missouri at Chamois, Mo. Dr. Frank 0. Shobe Michael B. Shobe m. Ella R. Mercer b. Nov. 20, 1916 b. Oct. 31, 1951 b. Deo. 28, 1864 m. Shirley Baron Adopted d. April 9, 1913 (2) Ouida Crutsinger b. Jan. 5, 1887

Allie Shobe m. No issue 56


The fourth son of Rudolph (Little Rudy) Shobe and Madeline Hire, he was born Jan. 4, 1793. He married Rachel Welton in Virginia and they went to Mis­ souri and settled in Osage County, where his will was probated March 16, 1845 but he died toward the end of the year 1844.

Solomon and Rachel were the parents of seven children, the oldest of which was their only daughter who married A. J. Brown and died a couple of weeks after her first child vms born. Of the six sons, three died young and the fourth was married, but was sickly and had no children, whereas the remaining two, Lewis and George had large families.

Solomon is said to have been buried in the Shobe cemetery on his farm about three miles east of Chamois, Missouri, but when we visited there in 1953 we found markers for the daughter and three of his sons, but none for Solomon. After his death Rachel married a Mr. Barber. GEORGE W. SHOBE

Son of Solomon and Rachel, he was born about 1827, on their farm about three miles east of Chamois, Missouri. Some question concerning his middle name causes us to be uncertain about it. We were first told that the "W" was for Wel­ ton after his mother's maiden name, but others insist that it stood for "Washing­ ton" because he was known by the nickname of "Wash" by those who knew him in his youth. He was married in 1849 to Mary Jane Duncan. There is also a difference of opinion concerning her name. We were first told that it was Mary Jane Perkins, but letters and other records found in the trunk of her daughter Alice in Texas clearly prove that she was the daughter of Samuel Duncan and Amanda Tucker who were married Dec. 25, 1828.

George and Mary were the parents of nine children, the last two of whom were twins. When the twins were six weeks old, George and his family start­ ed for California, traveling in a train of covered wagons. The duty of Ellen who was about ten years old, was to take care of William, and Alice, aged twelve was to look out for James. They had a cow trailing the wagon to furnish milk for the babies. Sometimes along the trail, when the women would be frying bacon, the In­ dians would come into camp and try to snatch it from the frying pans, whereupon the men would have to drive them away with their leather whips or black-snakes.

After six weeks of traveling, they settled, in October, 1864 at Kni­ ght's Landing, near Sacramento. George and his family did not prosper too well in this new land and the following summer Mary was attacked with congestive chills. She had one around noon on two consecutive days, and the doctor said that if she did not have another, he could save her. But on the third day, after another chill, she passed away. She was buried in an old pioneer cemetery at Knight's Landing. Alice and Ellen then kept house while their father went out and worked, but in 1868 George took his family back to Missouri, going some of the way by stage-coach and some of the way by train. Ellen often told that when they arrived at the Shobe farm, their grandmother was sitting under an apple tree, but she spoke no English, so they were unable to talk to her. Apparently Rachel never learned to speak English, although it is our belief that she was born and raised in Virginia. Two years later George decided to sell the farm and return to Cali­ fornia, but on the day that the deed was to be given, he took sick and died be­ fore the deal could be closed. The date of his death was Dec. 6, 1870 and he was buried beside his father in the Shobe cemetery, but there was no marker to be found there in 1953. 57 DESCENDANTS OF SOLLOMON SHOBE Sarah Shobe , b. Apr. 11, 1822 George W. Brown a. Dec. 10, 1843 1 *>. Nov. 26, 1843 m. A. J. Brown ^ d. "ar. 28, 1860 Henry Shobe Parmelia Magdalene Mc-,,. b. 1849 d. 1851 Farland (Aunt Lena) lErneBt. Denn^, Tisha b. 1872 d. 1953 Lillian, Beatrice, Edith Dora,Jewel, Nellie m. EdTutrell Minnie May MoFarland Arthur, Press, Iawthon b. 1875 d. 1930 Carver, John, Fred and m. John Holt Alberta Holt Wm Welton MoFarland Abill Shobe JJenia, Alioe, deo'd b. April 9, 1852 b. 1877 d. 1932 m. Sallie Darwin [Howard,Welton, Mildred Clara Estelle(Stella) [Alllene, Lela, Curtis b. March 11, 1880 [J. T., Clifford, Curtis For Ancestors John Thomas Hall See Page 5. Verner Hatley, 1902 Lottie Louise Hatley m. Hattie Garrett m. Joseph Kafel Lewis Hatley, 1904 Nancy Gail Hatleyl940 m. Bessie Criswell Tony Goodwin Hatley Irene Julia Hatley.inf Alioe Shobe Fowler Batley,b.1910 b. April 9, 1852 Lottie Elizabeth Mo Nora Lee Hatley,1912 jHewlette H. Burch m. Aug. 27, 1870 -s Far land m. J. D. Burch I b. July 25, 1939 George MoFarland b. Oct. 17, 1882 Lou Ellen Hatley [Peggy Ruth Barth, 1938 b. Aug. 12, 1841 d. April 24, 1945 m. John A. Barth II iRebecea E, Barth,1947 m. July 30, 1901 Elizabeth Hatley, 1918 Alioe Ray Ash, 1938 Van Buren Hatley m. Lester Ray Ash Carol Ann Ash,b.1946 b. July 4, 1875 Warren G. Hatiey,1921 [Lottie Jane Hatley In N. Carolina Betty Jane Shipley [Warren G. Hatley,1951 d. April 12, 1941 Ernest Hatley, 1923 Sally Elizabeth Hatley m. Emma Lou Heidle . b. Jan. 5, 1954 Carrie Mae Hatley,1925 Fowler MoDaniel, 1946 m. Duard MoDaniel Ricky Lynn MoD., 1950 Charles Robert MoFar­ Mynetta Beth MoDaniel [Marie, Inez, Margaret b. Aug. 1, 1953 land (Uncle Bud)1885 [Robert MoFarland George W. Shobe m. Georgia Copeland Glennie Lee MoFarland b. 1827, Missouri [Virgil, Cleo, deo'd,Beu- b. May 8, 1886 d. Deo. 6, 1870 [lah, Arilla Mae,Lillian Chamois, Missouri m. George Nash m. in 1849 to Myrtle N. MoFarland James Alvis, W. Claude, Mary Jane Duncan b. Sept. 1, 1889 L. B. Inf. Mack Nash b. Mar. 15, 1830 m. W. Claude Nash Claudlne Nash d. July 5, 1865 George Arthur MoFar­ [Cecil,Leroy,Leo,Calvin Sacramento, Cal. land (Unole Boss) 1953 -jClaudia, Charles, O. H., . m. Bertha Bailey [Louise,Geraldine,Genevia Jasper Newkirk McGirk b. 1870 d. 1873 Alberta McGirk, Inf. Luther Mathias McGirk b. 1874 d. 1945 m. Myrtle M. Munch Alba MoGirk, 1904 Leonidas Solon McGirk m. Harold Kristensen b. Sept. 19, 1876 Naomi Lita MoGirk, 191ljAllen Walker m. Emma Brown m. Howara Walker \ b. 1932 in L. A. b. 1879 3. 1918 (2) Charles Virgo (2) Doris D. Moore Leoniaas MoGirk Jr. 1912 Infant , m. Nancy Blair (Mary) Ellen Shobe Katharine Alioe McGirk[ Helen Austin Putnam b. April 4, 1854 b. 1880 in Texas J b. April 22, 1911 m. Feb. 1, 1870 m. Fred Barnes Putnam[ m. James H. Keeley John A. McGirk Clara Almeda MoGirk Francis Lucille Hays b. May 4, 1850 b. Feb. 24, 1883 b. 1905, El Monte, Cal m. Frank Hays Margaret Hays Margaret MoGirk b. Feb. 24, 1885 |NO issue m. Henry W. Williams Neil MoGirk No recora since 1916 m. Lillian Fry John Phinis McGirk m. Eleanors Fabares Nelle Ellen McGirk Jane Ellen Asher Ellen Jane Bechtel b. Maroh 29, 1891 b. May 15, 1918 J b. April 1, 1939 m. Skillman Asher m. William Bechtel jPenelope Lee Beehtel (2) Martin Sorenson .(2) Steve Sapplngton [ b. Nov. 28, 1943 Infant Twins, 1893 Lout icla Shobe James Cleveland MoGirk John Chriaman MoGirk b. Oot. 22, 1856 b. Nov. 2, 1894 b. July 27, 1930 d. Aug. 18, 1858 d. Aug. 6, 1949 Los Angeles, Calif, m. Zeffie M. Chriaman m. Pearl Ora Crews (con. next page) b. July 12, 1892 . b. July 7, 1923 57a Children of SOLOMON SHOBE (con).

f (con. from last page Maude Lee Shobe [Max Kaufman b. Aug. 1, 1886 i b. March 4, 1911 Charles B. Shobe m. Milton Kauffman [ m. LaVerne Kizer b. April 11, 1859 George Welton Shobe d. July 26, 1942 called "Jack", unm. m. Lillie A. Townley b. March 13, 1893 b. Nov. 7, 1862 d. Jan. 21, 1952 d. May 13, 1926 Emma Shobe Went to Cal. 1890 b. Jan. 20, 1895 No issue Buriea at El Monte m. Carlos Fulwider Earl Townley Shobe For Ancestors . b. Oct. 2, 1898, unm See Page 5. Russell W. Shobe [injured b. June 22, 1888 J. while d. July 14, 1910 [swimming Myrtle Shobe b. Oct. 29, 1890 {NO issue Arthur Eugene Shobe m. John Meyn,dec'd Called "Attt" John '.'/. Shobe, unm b. Sept. 23, 1861 b. Nov. 16, 1893 d. July 8, 1921 Estil (Pete) Shobe Ruth Shobe Michael Sunder­ m. Elnora Townley b. March 27, 1895 b. March 31, 1917 meyer b. June 2, 1867 m. Cornelia Iamb m. Ed Sundermeyer . b. Feb. 8, 1951 d. Dec. 2, 1935 Dewey M. Shobe b. Oct. 16, 1897 J Barbara Myer otto m. Ed Myer otto \ b. April 6, 1938 Mary Wanda Shobe b. Dec. 16, 1899 No issue .. m. Robert Nichols Alfred Ames Shobe b. May 7, 1918 Anna Marie Shobe m. Leona Spence b. 1939 d. 1943 Glen DeSohneau Dorothy Aline Shobe b. July 23, 1937 b. Oct. 29, 1919 Robert Merle Hoyt m. Glen W. DeSohneau b. Jan. 13, 1940 George W. Shobe (2) Harlan T. Hoyt Ellen Gail Hoyt b. 1827 .Missouri . b. Sept. 15, 1942 d. Dec. 6, 1870 Walter Claude Shobe Chamois, Mo. b. June 6, 1921 m. Mary Jane Duncan Floyd Welton Shobe m. Mabel LaR. Rupert b. Mar. 15, 1830 b. June 22, 1887 at called "Penelope" d. July 5, 1865 Milford, Missouri Robert Ronald Shobe Sacramento, Calif. m. Anna E. Gervin Floyd W. Shobe Jr. b. Oct. 2, 1949 b. April 19, 1898 b. Oot. 7, 1922 at Larry Byron Shobe Modesto, Calif, b. May 1, 1952 m. Irene H. Gardias Pamela Ann Shobe b. May 3, 1925 . b. Feb. 22, 1954 William Shobe Stephen Shobe b. March 17, 1925 b. Nov. 11, 1950 m. Carol Brunger (Robin Doreen Shobe Lorita Kath. Shobe b. Deo. 31, 1925 b. Aug. 8, 1953 b. Feb. 11, 1890 Beulah May Shobe Frank W. KLassen Jr. b. Aug. 15, 1929 b. March 16, 1947 David W. Shobe m. Frank W. KLassen Linda Lee KLassen William Shobe { b. ea. 1830 - b. Oot. 27, 1924 b. Feb. 1, 1948 b. Feb. 11, 1864 at Chamois, Missouri Bertha Ellen Shobe Craig Morgan Williams d. June 13, 1941 b. Feb. 24, 1893 Merle Carl Williams b. 1946 d. 1947 Modesto, Calif, m. George Williams b. Sept. 7, 1910 Nelda L. Williams Isaac Shobe, unm. m. Marietta Virgin­ b. July 11, 1887 m. Juanita Kiesllng b. April 27, 1948 b. Deo. 30, 1833 ia Morgan d. Oct. 7, 1914 b. June 28, 1922 Bruce M. Williams d. April 11, 1855 called "Etta" (2) Clarence Keller Clifford Jack Keller . b. Nov. IB, 1952 b. July 21, 1870 b. June 20, 1882 b. May 3, 1920 Michael Steven Keller WexaHachie, Texas d. Aug. 15, 1937 m. Opal Bea. Smith b. Nov. 2, 1946 (3) Walter Sohideler b. Aug. 14, 1923 Cynthia E. Kellerl948 Edith Evelyn Shobe b. 1895 d. 1898 Beverly Jean Shobe Mortimore Shobe Clifford Evan Shobe b. Jan. 27, 1928 [Susan D. Weller b. Aug. 13, 1835 b. Dec. 19, 1897 m. Donald I. Weller \ b. April 28, 1954 d. May 18, 1852 m. Dorena Dughl b. July 8, 1928 (2) Flo Garrison jDianne Lorita Shobe b. Maroh 18, 1912 ,2t b. March 14, 1941 James Shobe, unm. Twin of William Warren Morgan Shobe b. March 31, 1901 •|No issue m. Maudine C. West Helen Clare Shobe Dolores June Condit Debra Anderson b. Aug. 29, 1904 b. June 21, 1930 b. Nov. 24, 1950 m. Fred Dent Condlt m. Darrell Anderson Dayle J. Anderson L b. May 10, 1902 (b. Oct. 21, 1927 . b. June 27, 1952 57b Children of Solomon Shobe (con) Welton Shobe b. Aug. 29, 1838 d. Nov. 23. 1879 No issue m. Lucy F. Hancock Widow of Jonas Shobe Warren Shobe, unm. b. July 28, 1878 Georgia Ernstmeyer b. Feb. 18, 1913 Janet Summers m. Leslie Summers b. March 17, 1951 Edna Shobe b. Sept. 30, 1B81 Becky Ernstmeyer m. August Ernstaeyer b. Maroh 23, 1943 Henry Ernstaeyer Paulette Ernstmeyer b. Nov. 10, 1918 b. Maroh 10, 1945 m. Pauline Willard Ooie Shobe, Inf. Wilma Hart Ernstmeyer b. Nov. 10, 1946 For Ancestors b. Oct. 5, 1883 See Fage 5. Edna Virginia Crutoher b. June 20, 1906 Georgia Anne Brannock m. Robert Brannock { b. 1938 Mary Ellen Crutcher James Elen Carlew b. Nov. 25, 1907 b. 1943 m. James H. Carlew Elizabeth Carlew b. 1945 Eva Hazel Crutcher f b. Nov. 18, 1909 J* Peggy Blunt m. Glenn Blunt 1 b. Aug. 4, 1947 Ann Eliza Shobe b. May 3, 1885 Daisy Newman Crutcher bharles Worley m. John Crutcher b. Mar. 30, 1911 •(Doyle G. Worley b. Dec. 27, 1884 m. Doyle Worley [John D. Worley d. 1942 Lewis Wm. Shobe Johnnie Crutcher J Peggy Jane Silliam b. Dec. IB, 1841 b. Aug. 15, 1913 d. Deo. 2, 1917 [b. March 22, 1953 Buried 1 mile wast m. Ray Silliam Wilma Ann Crutcher of Chamois, Missouri W. J. Crutcher b. 1937 m. Mary F. Hull b. Sept. 4, 1915 Helen G. Crutcher b. Jan. 16, 1838 ( b. 1939 m. Helen Carlew d. March 12, 1874 Clarence W. Crutcher Buried 6 miles East J Clarence W. Crutcher Jr. b. Oct. 5, 1918 ] b. 1949 of Chamois , Missouri m. Ruby Cates (2) Georgia W. Lane b. Oct. 19, 1858 Russell C. Shobe, Inf. d. March 8, 1950 b. 1910 d. 1911 Buried at Dexter, Mo. Rachel Shobe b. Jan. 19, 1912 f Shobee Gould To Chamois in 1877 m. Victor Gould j b. March 6, 1934 To Dexter in 1917 William Shobe b. Dct. 17, 1917 •J^No issue m. Ester Rawlings George 'Warren Shobe Warren Kemp Shobe b. May 31, 1913 . b. July 19, 1947 Lewis W. Shobe m.. Eunice Kemp Jack Shobe b. March 16, 1886 , b. 1949 a. 1952 m. Mabel Coleman Mary Hart Shobe, Inf. b. 1917 d. 1920 Scott Welton Shobe [Mark Douglas Shobe b. Jan. 20, 1921 \ b. Nov. 4, 1958 m. Lois M. Hunter I a. Nov. 9, 1952 June Shobe Stanley Ross b. June 1, 1983 ( b. Maroh 21, 1943 m. Eugene Ross Lester Cauldwell Shobe [Allen Shobe, b. 1944 •I Donaia L. Shobe, b. 1946 b. Jan. 85, 1986 [Judy Shobe, b. 3-28-1949 m. Martha Doerr Claude Welton Shobe b. June 2, 1889 Eugene Stone Shobe Cheryle Lynn Shobe m. Mae Oliver b. May 5, 1915 b. Sept. 10, 1953 m. Lena Williams James Shobe Stephen Stone Shobe Solomon S. Shobe b. March 31, 1932 b. April 14, 1953 b. May 20, 1891 m. Noralie Roche m. Clover Williams Richard Shobe b. April 16, 1935 David Shobe Wilma Hart Shobe b. March 30, 1946 b. Sept. 1, 1894 No issue m. Leonard Brown 58


He was the youngest son of Rudolph (Little Rudy) Shobe and his wife, Magdaline Hire. He was born Sept. 22, 1795, and died in what is now Grant Co., West Virginia, August 19, 1861. On Sept. 24, 1838 he was married to Caroline Colt who had come from New England on horseback to teach school in the South Branch Valley.

He built a large white house an the west side of Mill Creek across from where his father lived. Itsjlocation is marked on the map on Page 9, about three miles south of Petersburg, W. Va. There is a building still standing in 1954 in the front yard where the Hiser post office was maintained for many years. It is now discontinued and the town of Hiser is no longer shown on many of the modern maps. About a quarter of a mile up the hill back of the house is the old family hurrying ground where he and his wife are hurried. Here was also found the graves of his father and mother, Rudolph and Magdaline Shobe. Isaac's youngest son, also named Isaac and his wife, Ida (Berdall) lived in the house after the father died and Isaac Jr. is also buried in the old cemetery. Ida (Bergdall) Shobe is still living there, at the age of seventy-eight, with some of her children, and they still have in their possession, the old bibles of both the father and son. Although Ida (Bergdall) Shobe raised a family of five children, four of whom are married, she did not become a grandmother until her granddaughter, Joan Caroline Shobe was born May 19, 1951, at which time Ida was over seventy- five years old. A peculiar fact concerning this family is that the grandfather, fath­ er and son all married late in life, causing the fourth generation to be a full generation behind the other branches of the family. Isaac was forty-three years old when he married Caroline Colt; his son, Isaac was forty-nine years old when his first child was born, and his son, Woodrow Wilson Shobe was forty-three when Joan Caroline Shobe was born. Isaac and Caroline were the parents of eight children, four of whom died young and Edgar never married although he lived to be eighty-six. He was well-to-do and an outstanding citizen, and after his brother Abraham, who was the oldest, died in 1886 Edgar was looked upon as the head of the family in Grant Co., until the time of his death in 1939. It will be noted that all of Isaac's children were sons, and his son Abraham had five sons and a daughter who died at the age of six. Consequently Emma Elizabeth Shobe, grand-daughter of Abraham, telle of a tradition to the effect that there were no female offspring in their branch of the family who grew to maturity, for over one hundred years, until her father, Joseph Wilbur Shobe and his wife succeeded in raising a family of girls. Emma Elizabeth is now the wife of Edward L. Kenny.

This branch of the family is one of the very few which has stayed close to the old homestead, only a few of the recent generation having strayed to other states. 59


Samuel R. Shobe b. Deo. Iii, 1839 d. May 2, I81j6 For Ancestors See Page 5 David Shobe b. June 19, 181(2 d. Mar. 13, 181(8 Claude Shobe, unm. b. Sept. 16, 1870 d. Aug. 28, 1895 Leota Ann Shobe b. Oct. 5, 1897 m. Herman J. Baugher b. 1891 d. 192lj Felix Grant Shobe(Lee)(2 ) Douglas F. Allen b. Nov. 28, 1871 b. Feb. 5, 1902 d. May 10, 1950 Divorced June, 191(5 m. Oct. 1, 1896 Gertrude B. Feaster Paul Howard Shobe b. Nov. 10, 1873 b. Feb. 26, 1899 Eleanor G. Shobe m Dec. 29, 192k to Ramona Dawn Shobe Ruby Ozelma Steidling b. Jan 29, 1900 Gwendolyn Deter Homer Lee Shobe, unm. Lois Maxine Rice b. Oct. 29, 191(6 Abraham 1. Shobe b. Sept. 10, 1901 b. Dec. 23, 1925 Pamela Ann Deter b. Feb. 25, 181(8 m. Aug. 28, 19U5 b. Apr. 29, 19k9 d. Feb. 12, 1886 . to Garlan Deter Roger Eugene Deter m. Sally Stickley b. Mar. 12, 195h b. April 7, 181(6 Dortha Lee Rice d. Oct. 12, 1910 b. Aug. 18, 1929 m. Aug. 22, 19U7 Ada Pauline Shobe b. Aug. 12, 190U Clarence Billings m. Oct. 16, 192k Nancy Lee Murray to Robert ¥. Rice b. Aug. 26, 1951 Elinor May Rice Gary E. Murray b. June 22, 1932 b. Nov. 26, 1952 m. Sept. 1, 1950 Trudy Aileen Murray Robert Murray b. May 12, 1955 Juoy Arleen Murray . Twin of Trudy Roberta Ann Rice Mona Ann Schuler b. June 6, 193U b. Aug. 27, 1952 m. Aug. 25, 1950 Peggy Jean Schuler Edgar Marcus Shobe . Wm F. Schuler b. Apr. 20, 195h b. Oct. 17, 1873 d. Dec. 12, 1952 Peggy Anita Shobe m. Roberta E. Knotts b. Feb. 16, 1938 b. Oct. 2, 1883 Nikki Fay Shobe d. Nov. 2, 1930 James Darwin Shobe b. Mar. 22, 191(0 b. Sept. 13, 1906 Dan Patterson Shobe m. Olene Patterson b. Dec. 1, 191(1 Sherry Roberta Shobe b. May 7, 191(7 Infant, dec'd. Spruce Walnut Shobe b. June 19, 1910 d. June 17, 1913 Earl Ward Shobe b. July 19, 1913 Unmarried .Continued next page. 60 KAAC SHOBE FAMILY. (Coil.)

Mary Jane Fisher Orrie Angeline Shobe b. May 26, 1936 b. May 26, 1907 Lucy Lee Fisher m. April 19, 1935 b. May 23, 1938 For Ancestors John Welton Fisher John Welton Fisher II See Page 5. b. Jan. 11, 1903 b. Dec. 11, 1942 Lucy May Shobe b. Feb. 5, 1909 m. Dec. 25, 1930 Adam Seymour Fisher (Divorced) (2) Oct. 26, 1940 Nancy Lee Hogge to Leroy Hogge b. March 16, 1945 Douglas McArthur Lyons Angle Josephine Shobe b. April 30, 1942 Joseph Wilbur Shobe b. May 3, 1911 b. Sept. 20, 1876 Patricia Ann Lyons m. Sept. 22, 1937 b. Dec. 23, 1944 a. April 14, 1933 Malcolm Glenn Lyons William Wilbur Lyons m. June 20, 1906 b. July 21, 1914 b. Spt. 10, 1947 To Lucy Smith Emma Elizabeth Shobe b. Nov. 26, 1877 b. Nov. 8, 1913 m. Sept. 21, 1935 No issue Edward L. Kenney Abraham W. Shobe William Henry Shobe b. Feb. 25, 1848 b. Dec. 20, 1915 d. Feb. 12, 1886 m. June 1, 1940 Joseph William Shobe m. Sally Stickley* Mary Wayne Judy b. Oct. 1, 1944 b. April 7, 1846 b. July 11, 1918 d. Oct. 12, 1910 Robert Shobe Sands b. May 31, 1937 Sally Susan Shobe Richard Bowman Sands b. Oct. 14, 1918 b. Oct. 27, 1942 Benjamin H. Sands McCabba Meade Sanas b. Aug. 30, 1917 b. Dec. 28, 1944 Donald Eaward Sands b. Oct. 15, 1949 Daisy Shobe b. Jan. 12, 1875 a. Dec. 30, 1881 Lucille Shobe b. April 21, 1912 a. July 21, 1913 Charles I. Shobe Charles Shobe Charles Shobe b. Sept. 5, 1884 b. Dec. 25, 1913 I William Shobe a. Feb. 18, 1929 m. Annie Hadley [sue Shobe m. Anna Brethed b. Dec. 16, 1892 Elizabeth Ann Shobe Jacqulline Green b. Sept. 6, 1918 b. June 7, 1943 m. Henry Green Jayne Green b. Dec. 16, 1920 b. Dec. 10, 1944 Amous Shobe, Inf. b. Aug. 26, 1850 SI ISAAC SHOBE FAMILY. (Con.)

Edgar Shobe, unm. b. April 19, 1853 d. March 15, 1939 Aged 86 years James Wilbur Shobe, unm. b. January 20, 1896 Deceased Jock Dayton b. Sept. 4, 1917 Bessie Shobe d. Accidentally, 1953 b. Feb. 18, 1891 Bonnie Dayton m. Marsh Dayton b. 1914 Joseph Clay Shobe m» Murphy b. March 26, 1856 Leslie Carter Yost d. April 7, 1935 Grace Shobe b. March 11, 1917 m. Susan Reel b. Sept. 20, 1893 Pearl Yost (2) Fannie G. Stump m. Yost b. July 12, 1920 d. July 31, 1931 m, Tasker Vista Shobe Oscar Hampton Riggleman b. Nov 15, 1898 b. July 19, 1934 m. Oscar Riggleman Fannie Joe Riggleman b. Oct. 3, 1901 b. June 12, 1937 David Scott b. June 8, 1919 For Ancestors m. Eva Hatt See Page 5. Sally Shobe Nellie Scott b. March 10, 1900 m. Lewis Scott b. Dec. 31, 1921 m. Harvey Merritt Thomas Scott b. Dec. 21, 1932 m. Mary Alt Bertha Elizabeth Shobe b. April 21, 1908 No issue m. Paul Mays Wilda Virginia Shobe b. March 13, 1910 No issue Isaac Shobe m. Gladstone Snyder b. March 13, 1859 Connie Lee Shobe d. Jan. 30, 1935 b. Oct. 6, 1911 m. Ida Bergdall m. Jan. 3, 1953 b. Jan. 13, 1876 Lewis Leatherman Woodrow Wilson Shobe b. Sept. 13, 1913 Joan Caroline Shobe m. Mary Ours b. May 19, 1951 b. March 17, 1933 Isaac Jacob Shobe, unm. b. August 11, 1916 62


Oldest son of Martin Shobe and his wife, Elizabeth Armentrout. He was born in what is now Grant County, West Virginia (formerly Hampshire Co., Virginia.) The map on Page 9 indicates where the homestead was and also marks his grave,which is about a mile northeast of the home, up on a small bluff overlooking the bottom land of the South Branch of the Potomac River. Henry was born March 18, 1789 and was married July 8, 1813 to Chris­ tina Fisher who died when her second child was born in 1816, the child also dying two weeks later. Three years later, when Henry was over thirty years old, he was mar­ ried to Mary Hire and they became the parents of ten children all of whom lived to reach manhood and womanhood, and all married and raised large families with the exception of Henry and Elizabeth, neither of whom ever married.

The old log cabin, over 200 years old mentioned on Page 6, stands on the land which was owned by Henry Shobe, between the house and the wagon road which skirts the edge of the bluff overlooking the rich bottom land along the river. Henry's grave stands almost alone in what is called the Armentrout cem­ etery, all the other graves having sunken and marked only by field stones with no markings any longer visible on them, while the white marble slab which marks the grave of Henry stands erect and solid. This marker is about three feet tall and the engraving on it is still plainly legible. Whether it was placed there when Henry died, or is of more recent vintage is unknown.

About a mile nearer Petersburg, and higher on the bluff, is the Hyre cemetery, which is fenced and kept neat and clean. It contains over fifty graves and the headstones, in straight rows, are all erect and solid. It is here that Henry's wife, Mary, was buried thirteen years after the death of Henry. It is said that Henry never liked the Hyres and left word that he was not to be buried in their cemetery although the Armentrout cemetery was already deteriorating in his time and had not been used for burials for several years.

The old family bible contains most of the names and dates on the op­ posite page and is in the possession of Sally Newton (Shobe) Taylor, a granddau- ther of Henry, and it has been largely through her efforts that most of the in­ formation concerning the family of Henry Shobe has been gathered. It appears to be the largest family in this book, the next eighteen pages containing mare than seven hundred names. With the exception of three others, Sally Taylor is the only one of her generation still living. The other three are Monroe Shobe, son of Jacob Hire Shobe (Page 76); Albert Core Shobe, son of Abraham (Page 76) ;and Laura Graham, daughter of John Shobe (Page 77).

Note:- Just before going to press we learned that Albert Core Shobe passed on during the winter of 1953-1954 at the age of eighty-six. 63 HENRY SHOBE Fisher Shobe For Descent b. Aug. 20, 1814 See d. Feb. 25, 1818 Elizabeth Shobe For Ancestors b. Feb. 8, 1816 See Page 5. t d. Mar. 1, 1816 George Washington Shobe b. NOT. 14, 1820 d. Dec. 3, 1865 m. Rebecca Shobe Page 64 b. May 28, 1822 d. Jan. 1, 1879 Aaron Shobe b. Dec. 1, 1821 d. May 16,188 3 m, Elizabeth Custls {page 71 (2 Jemima Armentrout (3) Elizabeth Harter |?2 & 73 b. 1832 Solomon Shobe Henry Shobe b. Jan. 6, 1824 b. Mar. 18, 1789 d. Jan. 22, 1853 Page 75 d. Dec. 3, 1863 m. Magdalene Shobe m. Jul. 8, 1813 Henry Shobe, unm. Martin Shobe Christine Fisher b. July 14, 1826 b. April 27, 1763 b. Oct. 2, 1785 d. March 4, 1853 m. Elizabeth Arm­ d. Feb. 13, 1816 entrout m. Sept. 17, 1819 Abraham Shobe (2) Mary Hire 3-S b. Dec. 27, 1830 b. Mar. 8, 1801 d. Apr. 15, 1873 d. Jan. 20, 1876 m. Nov. 21, 1865 •\ Page 76 Martha Jane Shobe b. Dec. 15, 1846 d. May 21, 1921 Eve Elizabeth Shobe b. Sept. 25, 1833 d. May 16, 1899,unm. Jacob Hire Shobe b. July 8, 1836 d. Jan. 7, 1917 Page 76 m. Sarah Cath. Plaugher John Armentrout Shobe b. Jan. 11, 1839 a. Oct. 14, 1907 Page 77 m. Catherine Armentrout Martin Wellington Shobe b. May 11, 1841 d. June 21, 1887 Page 77 m. Hannah Everly (2) Alice Seymour Isaac Newton Shobe b. July 2, 1843 d. June 9, 1927 79 & 80 .m. Sarah E. Frederick 64

GEORGE WASHINGTON SHOBE He m. his 2nd cousin, Rebecca Shobe. 8 children. Ronna Lee Shobe For Ancestors b. Apr. 29, 1932 See Fage 63 Clyde Shobe Ronald S. Shobe m. May 2, 1954 b. Deo. 13, 1874 b. Sept. 1, 1901 James Stanley MoBlrney d. Jan. 13, 1918 m. Maude Wixon Carll Ann Shobe James Hamilton Shobe m. Cora Stover b. Mar. 26, 1904 b. May 13, 1935 b. Feb. 4, 1845 d. Sept. 11, 1905 David Wixon Shobe d. May 11, 1920 b. Oot. 7, 1937 m. Elvira Wall b. May 29, 1854 Winifred Billheimer J. Paul Shepard Jr. d. Apr. 23, 1913 Ethel Shobe b. March, 1904 b. Apr. 21, 1935 b. Mar. 3, 1883 m. Paul Shepard m. Georgian Weigt d. August, 1988 b. Jan. 29, 1900 b. Mar. 5, 1926 m. Sam Billheimer b. May 13, 1877 Laurie Billheimer b. 1905 d. 1942

Stanley Shobe Milton Shobe b. Oot. 8, 1871 b. Oot. 9, 1916 Raymond Shobe m. Virgie Wyant m. Mary Sandberg b. Sept. 28, 1943 Minnie K. Shobe William Shobe b. Mar. IS, 1873 b. Sept. 12, 1846 d. June 28, 1894 d. June 9, 1879 m. Maria E. Barger Willard Shobe b. Jan. 31, 1845 b. Oct. 21, 1874 issue d. Deo. 14, 1893 m. Lizzie Cassey Dolen Shobe b. Oot. 25, 1876 See Pages 66 8c 67 m. Gladys Phillips For Desoent - b. July 30, 1878 John Shobe b. May 20, 1851 d. Apr. 21, 1873 Mary Shobe b. Jan. 18, 1849 d. Aug. 26, 1864 Henry Clay Shobe b. 1853 d. Oct. 19, 1932 No issue. Both buried m. Phoebe Coyner at Linden, Ihd. b. 1850 d. 1928 William Webster Powers Elizabeth F. Powers b. Oct. 13, 1877 Francis Wm Powers II b. Aug. 30, 1950 Elizabeth C. Shobe m. Vera Lewis William Blaine Powers b. Mar. 5, 1B56 m. Esther Daum b. Apr. 2, 1953 d. June 26, 1937 Lela Elizabeth Powers m. Francis Wm Powers b. Deo. 21, 1881 b. Nov. 18, 1858 Ross Farnsworth Powers ' Janet Christine Powers d. May 27, 1927 Grover Francis Powers b. Aug. 18, 1887 b. Nov. 83, 1917 b. Feb. 7, 1952 I m. Beatrice Farnsworth m. Marjorie Williams Thomas Powers

George Soott Shobe k b. Aug. 12, 1952 b. Nov. 2, 1858 d. Apr. 29, 1905 iNo issue m. Inez Smith Roger Shobe Edward Wellington Shobe b. June 13, 1885 b. May 5, 1861 d. Sept. 15, 1887 d. Apr. 5, 1927 Luther Oner Shobe m. Angeline Holmes b. Apr. 17, 1887 ( No issue b. Sept. 80, 1861 m. Laura Venus Waggoner I „ d. Oct. 9, 1891 b. Apr. 4, 1890 65


His grandfather, George Washington Shobe, died in Grant County, W, Va. Deo. 3, 1865 and is buried in the Hyer cemetery southwest of Petersburg, which is the county seat. Whether or not he was a victim of the Civil War, just then ended has not been ascertained, but at that time he was only forty-five years of age, and had probably served as a soldier in the war. The inscription on the stone al­ so indicates that his daughter Mary is also buried there. From the foregoing, it is proper to assume that his children were all born in Grant county.(He died of lung fever). However, Rebecca Shobe, his widow, had at least two brothers living in Indiana. They were Adonijah and Henry Shobe, sons of Martin. Adonijah was a full brother and Henry was a half-brother. Sometime after the death of her hus­ band she took her brood to Montgomery county, Indiana where many of their de­ scendants have remained to this day.

Her son William married a girl from Kansas named Maria E. Barger, and when her husband died at the early age of thirty-three, she took her four chil­ dren and returned to her parent's home in Kansas; hence, although Dolen was born in Indiana, he was raised and has spent most of his life in Kansas.

On Nov. 9, 1896 he was married to Gladys Phillips and their entire family of ten children was raised in Greenwood County, Kansas. The farm on which they resided has been taken overtythe Government for a dam and irrigation project and the family has moved to a nearby town, Climax, Kansas. On Nov. 9, 1946 Dolen and his wife celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary and all of their ten children were present as well as their thirty-six grand-children and thirty-four great grand-children. The next two pages are required to set forth this large family, all of whom are living except one grand-child and two great grand-chil­ dren. It has now been almost 58 years since their wedding in 1896. o ELIZABETH CATHERINE SHOBE whose family appears on the page opposite, was born in Grant County, W. Virginia March 5, 1856 and came to Montgomery County, Ind. with her mother and family at the end of the Civil War. Here she grew to womanhood and married Francis William Powers and they became the parents of three children all of whom still survive. Elizabeth lived to be over 81 years of age and was one of the last of her genera­ tion to survive. In her later years, she was known throughout the family as "Aunt Sis Powers." She is buried at Colfax, Indiana.

Francis William Powers, her husband, became a man of some renoun in that part of Indiana in which he lived. He was the adopted son of a New York couple and came to Indiana in the early days to make his fortune and this he ac­ complished in a grand and generous way. He was interested in farming, stock and banking, and upon retiring, settled in LaFayette, Indiana, where his daughter, Lela Elizabeth Powers now resides in a specious home near the campus of Purdue University. It xnas here that we visited her in 1953 and it was through her gen­ erous help that the family of her grandmother, Rebecca Shobe, became a part of this record. Her brother William and family live in Hartford, Connecticut and her brother Grover and family in New Haven. 66

The Family of DOLEN SHOBE, of Climax, Kansas. Murry French b. Deo. 5, 1920 No issue m. Louis Burke b. Jan. 30, 1925 For Ancestors Dean French Daniel French See Page 64 b. Jan. 12, 1923 J b. Nov. 21, 1950 m. Betty Burke Larry French b. March 15, 1923 b. May 22, 1949 Judy Grundy, dec'd. b. July 17, 1937 James Grundy, dec'd. b. Jan. 26, 1939 Aileen French Jannette Grundy Mamie Shobe b. Nov. 19, 1924 b. Feb. 17, 1941 b. Sept. 7, 1897 m. Gene Grundy Charles Grundy m. James French b. July 28, 1944 b. Oct. 31, 1887 Peggy Grundy b. June 5, 1948 Gladys French Anthony Delbert Forcum b. Jan 26, 1929 b. Dec. 13, 1952 m. Dale Forcum Sherrie Dale Forcum b. April 18, 1953 Wesley French b. March 2, 1931 Jerry French m. Mildred Brenton b. March 1, 1948 Mary Ellen French b. Sept. 12, 1933 m. Wallace Lee Scott Warren Dolen Shobe b. Mar. 3, 1923 William Shobe Dolen Shobe b. Aug. 25, 1949 b. Oct. 25, 1876 m. Hosie Smith m. Gladys Phillips Louise Shobe George Hammon b. July 30, 1878 William Shobe b. April 21, 1925 b. Nov. 13, 1948 b. Sept. 29, 1899 m. William Hammon Delia Hammon m. Effie Thomalson b. April 7, 1926 b. Dec. 29, 1949 b. Aug. 29, 1901 Raymond Shobe d. Mar. 14, 1952 b. July 13, 1927 (2) Hazel Burns b. Jan. 24, 1908 Milton Shobe b. May 2, 1939 Billie Shobe b. May 2, 1941 Sharon Shobe . b. April 24, 1943 James Lahar b. July 9, 1942 Margaret Ann Coop Juny Lahar b. Sept. 27, 1922 • b. July 14, 1943 m. James Lahar Julia Lahar b. Jan. 34, 1921 L b. Sept. 11, 1946 Edna Shobe Charles Coop Richard Coop b. June 8, 1901 b. Dec. 20, 1923 b. April 23, 1947 m. Charles Coop m. Ann Zimmerman Shirley Coop b. June 5, 1886 b. June 7, 1927 b. June 1, 1950 Reta Cox b. Jan. 26, 1945 Charlene Coop Mike Blevins b. Sept. 1, 1927 b. Sept. 27, 1947 m. John Cox Kelly Blevins (2) John Blevins b. Sept. 9, 194_ Patricia Blevins b. April 20, 1952 DOLEN SHOBE, con. Wilbur Cross Charles Cross b. Feb. 14, 19S4 b. May 31, 1945 Doris Shobe m. Freda Sanberg Charisse Cross b. July 21, 1903 b. June 10, 1921 . b. Oct. 23, 1952 m. William Cross Willis Cross b. June 27, 1905 b. Dec. 30, 1925 m. Phil Freeman , b. Dec. 24, 1928 For Ancestors David Shsf er See Page 64 Phillis Lyon b. June 13, 1947 b. March 5, 1923 Raymond Sharer m. .red Shafer b. Dec. 13, 1948 b. Jan. 1, 1923 Gary Wayne Shafer . b. July 20, 1951 Virginia Lyon b. July 5, 1925 J Peggy Wise m. Jay Wise \ b. Dec. 15, 1945 b. Dec. 21, 1918 Gwendaline Lyon Hazel Shobe Elwyn Lyon b. July 12, 1943 b. Oct. 22, 1904 b. Mch. 5, 1927 Gregory Lyon m. Lloyd Lyon m. Audra b. June 29, 1904 b. Oct. 10, 1946 Richard Lee Lyon b. Aug. 14, 1944 Richard Lyon Judy Lyon b. Aug. 4, 1929 b. Sept. 30, 1948 m. Jerry Connie Lyon b. Mar. 29, 1952 Vicky Lyon Dolen Shobe Arvy Lyon Twin of Connie b. Oct. 25, 1876 b. Feb. 10, 1931 m. Gladys Phillips Warren Lyon b. July 30, 1878 b. Dec. 9, 1933 Jerry Lyon b. Feb. 12, 1940 J Lynda Shobe Lynden Shobe 1 b. Sept. 6, 1936 b. Mar. 2, 1906 Roseland Shobe m. Hazel Neal b. May 6, 1942 d. Nov. 23, 1936 Wesley Shobe (2) Nila Yost b. Aug. 18, 1943 b. Oct. 26, 1916 William Shobe {b. Oct. 9, 1944 Phillip Shobe f Lester Shobe b. Mar. 7, 1907 J b. Nov. 28, 1935 m. Effie Jackson ] Nancy Shobe b. Dec. 1, 1909 [ b. Mar. 8, 1942 Thomas Wilson b. 1926 d. 1949 Betty Wilson b. Sept. 5, 1928 Earnestine Shobe m. Charles Klinger Helen Wilson b. Mar. 25, 1908 Thames Rodgers m. Ben Wilson b. Nov. 17, 1931 m. Elmer Rodgers b. April 29, 1950 b. Nov. 7, 1901 Donna Wilson b. Sept. 3, 1934 No issue m. Hensen Van Cave David Wilson b. Dec. 6, 1942 Raymond Shobe b. Oct. 1, 1909 f m. Mary Drummond 1N o issue b. July 14, 1910 Ivard Shobe f „ . „. . i, a,,™ on IQIJ J Barbara Shobe b. Aug. 23, 1914 1 m. Helen Noakes I D' mx' 11' ±S44 L b. Oct. 24, 1916 AARON SHOES He was the second son of Henry Shobe and his wife, Mary Hire; and is not to be confused with Aaron Shobe, the oldest son of Jacob Shobe Jr. and Mary Bush, as shown on page 35. Henry Shobe and Jacob Shobe Jr. were first cousins & the two Aarons were second cousins. Some confusion has been created by various members of the family who have written that their oldest known ancestor was Aa­ ron Shobe and that they believed that they were descended from one Aaron, when after some tracing and study, it developed that they were descended from the oth­ er one. Aaron, the son of Jacob Shobe Jr. and Mary Bush, was born in Ross Co., Ohio and moved north to Warren County, in the same state, where he reared his family and here is where he died. He was about fifteen years older than the son of Henry (b. Jan. 7, 1806) and his wife was Eleanor Cremean. Aaron Shobe, the son of Henry Shobe and Mary Hire, was born Dec. 1, 18S1 in what was then called Grant County, Virginia but is now known as Hardy County, West Virginia. His father's home was about three miles southwest of Pe­ tersburg, the county seat, on the south side of the South Branch of the Potomac River. Some records say that he was born in 1822, but the old family bible gives the date as Dec. 1, 1821. In 1852 he immigrated to Montgomery County, Indiana, residing there until 1867, then locating in Sullivan County, Missouri where he purchased 60 acres of land in Bowman township. He was married thrice. His first wife was Eliz­ abeth Custis, whom he married in Virginia, where their son Jacob Shobe was born Oct. 6, 1847. Elizabeth died that year, probably from childbirth. Aaron's second wife was Jemima Armentrout who was said to have been a native of Montgomery county, Indiana (although her family and given name were well known in Virginia). There were no children by this marriage. Aaron's third wife was Elizabeth Harter, who was born in Allen County, Ohio, in 1832. She bore him six children of which the first two were boys and the last four were girls. The youngest was Etta Shobe, who married James Dunlap. She is the only one still living and is over 80 years of age (in 1954). She resides at 28614 Garner Ave., Flat Rock, Michigan. Aaron Shobe died in Sullivan county, Mo., May 16, 1883, but we have been unable to locate his grave. His life occupation was that of farming. (See "History of Sullivan County, Missouri?) Note:- We are now informed by Pearl Cooper, granddaughter of Aaron, that he and his wife, Elizabeth Harter are buried beside her father and mother in Camp Ground Cemetery near Osgood, Mo. 69

DESCENDANTS OF AARON SHOBE For Descent See Abby Shobe, Inf. Jacob Shobe b. Dec. 5, 1877 For Ancestors b. Oct. 6, 1847 Norman Aaron Shobe See Page 63 d. Oct. 11, 1897 John Leslie Shobe m. Lavona Jaynes Zella E. Shobe • Page 71 b. June 7, 1852 Isaac Harrison Shobe d. Jan. 28, 1900 Robert Bate Shobe Carl Vain Shobe Delia McNabb Elbert Jackson McNabb Lucy Jane Shobe Mary McNabb b. June 17, 1860 1 Guy McNabb < Page 72 m. David B. McNabb Edward W. McNabb Willie McNabb (.Winnie McNabb Aaron Shobe b. Dec. 1, 1821 William Shobe ["Flake Shobe d. May 16, 1883 b. Oct. 18, 1861 J Maude Shobe Page 72 m. Elizabeth Oustis m. May Gray [Avo Shobe (2) Jemima Armentrout (3) Elizabeth Harter Stella Shobe Fannie Shobe Abraham L. Shobe Pearl Shobe b. June 14, 1864 •( Nellie Jane Shobe Page 73 m. Jennie Dunlap Ivy Shobe Avery Shobe John Clifford Shobe Mary Ellen Shobe b. Oct. 14, 1866 FPearl Cooper Page 73 d. Oct. 1, 1948 \Ruth Cooper m. Frank Cooper

Cary B&lle Shobe b. July 2, 1869 m. Thomas Eskew Lillian Dunlap Zelfa Dunlap Zella Dunlap Sarah Etta Shobe James Dunlap b. Mar. 15, 1873 Mary Dunlap Page 73 Living in 1954 Mamie Dunlap m. James Dunlap Leo Dunlap Jack Dunlap Paul Dunlap Emma Idel Shobe b. Oct. 14, 1875 deceased 70


This Jacob was the son of Aaron Shobe and Elizabeth Custis. He was born in what is now Grant county, West Virginia on Oct. 6, 1847, and, with the exception of two years, which he spent with his father, he was raised by his grand-parents until he was thirteen. He then went to Indiana and, until he was twenty-one years of age, he remained with his father, Aaron Shobe on the farm in Montgomery county. In March, 1865 he enlisted in Co. B, 154th Regular Indiana Infantry and received his discharge at Indianapolis in August of the same year. In 1867 he went to Sullivan County, Mo. and in 1872 he was married to Livona Jaynes, daughter of Norman Jaynes. She was born in Dubuque, Iowa in 1852 (or 1853) and was the mother of seven children, the first of whom died in infan­ cy, but the rest all grew to manhood and womanhood and raised families. Her old­ est son was named Norman after his grandfather. Jacob located in Bowman township and in 1883 became the owner of 720 acres of land which he kept nicely cultivated. He kept a herd of about 200 head of stock annually. He and his wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was a Republican, casting his first vote for U. S. Grant for president in 1868. The same farm is now occupied by his youngest son, Carl Vain Shobe, whose address is Humphrey, Missouri. A short way down the road and around the turn to the right, in the game section of land lives his older brother, Isaac Harrison Shobe,and his family. Ha has been known for many years by his middle name "Harrison". Harrison has but one daughter, who, with her husband and four young children,lives with him and his wife. Robert Bate Shobejlives at Visalia, California. The other children are all deceased. Norman's widow, Lena Shobe lives at Venice, California. Her son, Gerald Shobe has been interested in the family history of the Shobe family for many years. He served 27 months with the Navy during World War II. For fifteen years he worked for a chain variety store, A. L. Duckwall Stores Company but re­ signed this position in 1953 to go into business for himself. He now lives in Herrington, Kansas. The descendants of John Leslie Shobe live in the west, mostly in Ida­ ho, and several of them are interested in the history of the Shobe family, par­ ticularly Mrs. Joseph Earl Shobe of Twin Falls and Mrs. Wayne R. Smith (Minerva Ellen Shobe) of Hansen, Idaho. The latter has been most helpful in assisting us to gather the records of her father, John Leslie Shobe, deceased. Her mother, the widow of John Leslie lives with her and her husband on a farm which is being op­ erated by her husband and her brother Jacob Oral Shobe. They are above the irri­ gation canal and so are required to pump the water far the place.

Joseph Earl Shobe is manager of the Woolworth store in Twin Falls, and Eva (Shobe) Metzler lives on a farm at Jerome. Frederick L. Shobe has a farm at Buhl, Idaho and Delia (Shobe) Terry is a teacher,Jn Pocatello. 71 DESCENDANTS OF JACOB SHOBE AND LAVGNA JAYNES.

Gerald Shobe Norman Aaron Shobe b. Feb. 17, 1907 No issue b. April 6, 1881 m. Dorothy Tyler d. Maroh 1, 1946 Maxine Lois Shobe m. April 6, 1904 b. Feb. 4, 1910 JCarlene Kay Libby Lena Pratt Si m. Carl Libby 1 b. May 20, 1939 Minerva Ellen Shobe b. May 10, 1907 No issue m. Wayne R. Smith Cecelia Irene Bertie Luella Irene Shobe b. Dec. 8, 1944 Harold Edward Shobe b. Aug. 3, 1927 iSusan K. Bertie b. Oct. 30, 1908 m. John P. Bertie [ b. Feb. 17, 1950 For Ancestors d. Oct. 29, 1928 John Harold Shobe [Monty Lane Shobe See Page 69 m. Martha Stenger b. Nov. 22, 1928 J b. Sept. 8, 1949 m. Dot Steinmetz |Rex L. Shobe lb. Nov. 10, 1951 [Sonja N. Metzler Eva May Shobe J b. Nov. 18, 1938 b. Aug. 26, 1911 j Evah Elaine Metzler m. Thomas Metzler «• b. July 9, 1940 John Leslie Shobe [Leslie Glenn Shobe b. April 29, 1883 Joseph Earl Shobe J b. Dec. 12, 1941 a. June 28, 1948 b. Sept. 8, 1913 I Verna G. Shobe m. Lenora Bennett m. Mildred Arrington [ b. August 17, 1886 Oct. 15, 1943 Eaward Lee Shobe Jacob Oral Shobe b. Aug. 16, 1948 Twin of Joseph Phillip Oral Shobe m. Maurine Crump b. Oct. 4, 1949 Steven Wayne Shobe b. Oct. 16, 1951 'Richard Lee Shobe Frederick L. Shobe b. Sept. 27, 1950 b. Jan. 13, 1916 Victoria F. Shobe m. Gladys Bradley b. May 13, 1952 Delia Esther Shobe b. Jan. 17, 1918 J Danny Lee Terry m. Elwin I. Terry 1 b. Feb. 9, 1942 Leland Sweet I- •b. 1905 a. 1945 Zella E. Shobe Victor Smith b. June 21, 1886 b. July 27, 1914 d. May 26, 1926 m. Olivia Womack 21 m. Harry Sweet Vaughn Smith Nancy Ann Smith (2) Herbert Smith b. July 26, 1919 b. Dec. 16, 1948 m. Elizabeth An- Sandra K. Smith aerson b. March 18, 1951 fr Livonia Sue Brown b. March 27, 1948 Isaac Harrison Shobe Gayle Shobe Julia Ann Brown b. Jan. 5, 1889 b. Jan. 18, 1927 I b. May 25, 1949 m. Alia Smith m. Carol Brown ' Meredith Rae Brown b. Dec. 7, 1886 b. March 17, 1927 b. Oct. 6, 1950 Darrell Wayne Brown Max Shobe d, 1945 b. June 30, 1952 b. June 21, 1917 Robert Bate Shobe Selma Shobe b. April 8, 1892 b. Oct. 25,192 1 I Margaret A. Harrison m. Theo Carver m. Harrison b. Dec. 27, 1947 Thelma Shobe b. May 27, 1924 Ruth Shobe b. March 2, 1918 No issue m. Earl Tunnel { Ralph Shobe Carl Vain Shobe U b. Feb. 27, 1922 fGary Shobe b. July 3, 1894 m. Jerry IaForoe b. Dec. 19, 1943 m. Abbie Brashfield Etheleen Shobe b. June 25, 1897 b. Jan. 4, 1925 d. Sept. 1, 1928 L m. Glenn Sparks (2) Ruth Baker Robert Shobe b. Deo. 8, 1902 b. Dec. 28, 1930 I Dale Shobe m. Eloise Donoho \ b. March 16, 1953 Reva Colleen Shobe Z{ b. 1935 d. 1935 Doris Faye Shobe b. May 19, 1937 Rosa Mae Shobe b, March 2, 1933 72


'Dewey L. Johnson Jane Johnson For Ancestors m. Gladys Collins See Page 69 Ursa Johnson, deo'd. Jane Ann Johnson LaFayette Johnson m. Richard Waller m. Lenora Kearl Betty Lou Johnson [John Allen Archer Donald Archer [Linda Jane Archer Wade Johnson Delia McNabb m. Kathryn Weaver [NO issue b. 1880 Floyd Johnson m. Elmer Johnson m. Lillian Sandstrom [NO issue d. ca. 1935 Pebble Johnson m. Clyde Bolger [NO issue Susanne Sigler m. Homer Lee Carlson Thelma Johnson Jean Sigler m. Harold Sigler Janice Sigler Linda Sigler William Jones Mary Johnson Carol Lynn Jones m. Bernard Jones (Rodger Jones Helen McNabb No issue m. Ralph Lowell Ethel McNabb m. Dewayne Percell Ruth McNabb Elbert J. McNabb Trevlyn McNabb m. Walter Kinote m. Freida Berry b. Feb. 2, 1883 Jack McNabb Lucy Jane Shobe d. 1923 Donna McNabb b. June 17, 1860 m. Maggie Johnson .Thelma McNabb m. David B .McNabb Mona McNabb Ray Owen m. Owen Robert Owen Elbert J. McNabb Jr. m. Elizabeth Soheoker [Wayne Carter McNabb Mary McNabb,b. 1884 Allen Mclnturff [Dianne Mclnturff m. Milton Mclnturff m. Francis Bohanan [Melinda Mclnturff Guy McNabb, b. 1886 Kenneth McNabb m. Lettie Carlettes Edward W. McNabb Joan McNabb m. Irene Williams David Robert Wells ' Doris Maxine McNabb William Timothy Wells m. Robert J. Wells Marrlanne Wells .Joy Beth Wells [Frank Ward McNabb Willie McNabb Frank McNabb [Robert Paul McNabb m. Isabelle Frost m. Marjorie Owens also called "Elsa" John David McNabb [Linda Louise McNabb m. Vivian R. Reavis [John David McNabb Jr. Hazel Ruth McNabb Twins |Gary Bruce Myers m. Bruce Ed Myers * Jean Ford Jack Evelyn Winnie McNabb m. Henry Evelyn Robert Evelyn _ m. John Ford Virginia Ford _ m. Lunford Yandel (Laura Lee Yandel Flake Shobe b. September, 1889 No issue m. Miles Peterson Maude Shobe Richard Jessee b. Aug. 4, 1893 Gerald Jessee William H. Shobe m. Edward Jessee Gene Lee Jessee b. Oct. 18, 1861 Louise Shobe m. May Cray b. April 3, 1925 m. Doyle Fair ley Richard Shobe Avo Shobe b. Feb. 10, 1928 b. May 3, 1900 Kenneth Shobe m, Sally Payne b. Apr. 14, 1929 m. Susan Bandy Donald Shobe b. May 29, 1933 Randall Shobe b. Nov. 4, 1942 AARON SHOBE AND ELIZABETH HARTER, con.

Stella Shobe, aeo'a. Nellie Jane Shobe /Ray Porter /Virginia Ann Porter For Ancestors 1 m. Zella May Gibson ICarol May Porter See Page 69 m. James W. Porter Infant son Marie Twilling /Steve Pennington m. Gene Pennington tDaughter Virginia Twilling Fannie Shobe m. Arthur Hall {Mary Eveline Hall m. Qeorge Twilling Janet Chamberlain Betty Twilling Donald Chamberlain m. Homer Chamberlain John Chamberlain Abraham L. Shobe Ona Twilling b. June 14, 1864 m. Jerry Landi m. Jennie Dunlap fCalvin Lee Downing J Pearl Shobe, aeo'a. I m. Maxine Boone \ Donna Lou Downing m. Claude Downing | Earl Franklin Downing I m. Betty Lee Watterson f" Cliff or a Lee Cobb Ivy Shobe I m. Marjorie Lockard m. Eael Cobb I Herbert Allen Cobb L m. Hollie ^ Earl Avery Shobe Avery Shobe Linda Rose Shobe m. Sadie Bullock Sadie Marie Shobe J Douglas Lee Herman . m. Glenn Herman 1 Arthur Lewis Herman Robert Allen Shobe Martha Jean Shobe John Cliffora Shobe Richard Shobe m. Glaays Daviason Larry Shobe . Lois Shobe

Victor McNabb fKenneth Carter MoNabb b. Mar. 18, 1910 l b. Feb. 80, 1930 Pearl Cooper m. Mary C. More b. Deo. 86, 1889 Eric Randolph Winger Mary Ellen Shobe m. Joseph McNabb Virginia L. MoNabb b. Sept. 30, 1941 b. Oot. 14, 1866 b. June 80, 1980 Stephen Cooper Winger d. Oot. 1, 1948 . m. Maurice Winger b. Nov. 5, 1947 m. Frank Cooper Ruth Cooper Frank C. Booth /Gary Stephen Booth b. Jan. 19, 1897 m. Lois Elaine Parks I b. May 4, 1951 m. Irvin Booth

Lillian Dunlap Beatrice Harris J Paul Steffen Cary Bell Shobe m. John Harris m. Paul Steffen [Paula Steffen b. July 2, 1869 (8) Joe Schick Leon Harris m. Thomas Eskew (3) Mar ley Kelly m. , {NO issue Wanda Booth m. Ora Werner | Sharon Werner Zelfa Dunlap Lynn Aber m. John H. Booth Gwendolin Booth Susan Aber (8) Leslie Blanchard m. Fred Aber Frederick Aber Sarah Etta Shobe James Bartley Booth No issue b. Mar. 15, 1873 m. Ileen Bloom m. James Dunlap Zella Dunlap, Inf. Twin of Zelfa James Dunlap, dec'd. Mary Dunlap, deo'd. Mamie Dunlap •( No issue m. Ernie Ernest Leo Dunlap | James Dunlap m. Eula Christy Jack Dunlap, deo'd. j No issue m. Lorraine Bingham Emma Idel Shobe Paul Dunlap Ronald Dunlap b. Oot. 14, 1875 m. Annabelle Couch deceased. 74 THE MoNABB FAMILY Lucy Shobe, oldest daughter of Aaron Shobe and Elizabeth Harter, married David B. McNabb and they were the parents of seven children. These children all married and sired no less than twenty-one grandchildren and thirty-two great-grandchildren but only five of these were male descendants with the surname "MoNabb" to carry on the fam­ ily name to succeeding generations. The nephew of David B. McNabb married the niece of Lucy Shobe. These two were Joseph Elbert McNabb, son of William Carter McNabb and Emma Frances Myers, and Pearl Cooper, daughter of Mary Ellen Shobe and Frank Cooper, who are buried in Camp Ground cemetery, near Osgood, Missouri. JOSEPH ELBERT MoNABB

He was born in 1884 near Osgood, Missouri and attended the public schools there and at Springfield, Illinois. He took a business course at the Gem City Business College at Quiacy, 111., and was cashier of the Osgood Banking Co. for eighteen years. He then became cashier of the Farmer's National Bank and later reorgan­ ized it as the Ludlow National Bank and served in that capacity for fifteen years. He then became cashier of the Citizen's Bank of Norbourne and remained there for ten years. For the last six years he has been Vice-President and Secretary of the board of Direc­ tors of the Citizen's Bank of Appleton, Missouri. He has been in the banking business for over fifty years. He is a member of Ararat Shrine of Kansas City and an active member of the Methodist Church. He married Pearl Cooper and they are the parents of two children, Victor Owen and Virginia McNabb. PEARL COOPER MoNABB

Daughter of Mary Ellen Shobe sad Frank Cooper, she was bora Dec. 26, 1889 and was married to Joseph Elbert McNabb May 16, 1909. She was assistant cashier of the Osgood Baakiag Co. for ten years and of the Farmer's Nationel Bank and the Ludlow Na­ tional Bank of Ludlow, Mo. far nine years.

She is a Past Worthy Matron of the Eastern Star and past President of Chapter C. C. Appleton City, Mo., and an active member of the Methodist Church of that city. It is entirely through her interest and generous assistnnce that the fam­ ilies of Aaron Shobe sad Elizabeth Harter are set forth so completely on the two prev­ ious pages. She reports that her Aunt Etta Shobe who married James Dunlap, Is her only surviving auat or uncle. Etta Dunlap aow resides at Flatrock, Mich. Her youngest son Paul lives there with her. She is now in her eighty-third year of age. VICTOR OWEN MoNABB Only son of Joseph Elbert and Pearl Cooper McNabb, he was born March 18, 1910 aad graduated from Ludlow, Mo. High School in 1927. He attended Win Jewell College at Liberty, Mo. and graduated from the University of Missouri ia 1936 with the degree of B. S. in Business Administration. He is a member of Kappa Sigma Fraternity and was married to Mary Caroline More, whom he met while attending college. He served in the Army of the U. S. from 1941 to 1946, rising from 2nd Lieut, to Captain in the Quarter Master Corps as a specialist in Motor Traasportation aad Motor Maintainaace. He was employed by the Bureau of the Census from 1946 to 1951 aad graduated from George Washington University ia 1948 with Master of Arts in Govern­ ment. VIRGINIA MoNABB Daughter of Joseph Elbert aad Pearl Cooper McNabb, she was born June 20, 1920 and graduated from Ludlow High School and attended William Woods College for Wo­ men at Fulton, Mo., aad Wm Jewell College at Liberty, Mo., where she met aad married Maurice Winger, who is secretary and legal council for Americaa Euks Corparatioa of Ashvills, N. Car. He was oaptaia of the Americaa Debatiag team to Eaglaad in 1939, aad was listed ia Who's Who among Colleges in 1938 aad 1939. Virginia is a member of P.E.0. Sisterhood, Chapter G-Alexandria, Va. and of the Young Womans Junior League of Ash- ville, N. Carolina. 75

SOLOMON SHOBE AND MAGDALENE SHOBE They were both born In what is now Grant County, W. Va, and shortly after their marriage they migrated to Montgomery County, Indiana where other members of their fam­ ilies had settled, but shortly after their second child was born they both died of ma­ larial fever|and are buried in the Peterson Cemetery in the NE part of Montgomery County. Samuel's estate was probated at Crawfordsvill8,Ind., and relatives returned the chil­ dren to West Virginia where they were raised and where they reared their families. oOo Junior Edward Davis

Virginia Magda Shobe r„,., . n b. Sept. 21, 1940 b. July 13, 1879 Mildred Eliz. Boyce Linda Jean Davis d. Oct. 6, 1949 H b. June 14, 1921 b. July 14, 1945 For Ancestors m. Frank H. Boyce I m. William T. Davis Hazel Virginia Davis See Page 63 b. Nov. 25, 1948 Harry E. Shobe,b,1908 Howard Alton Shobe m. Alma Fowley,dec'd. b. 1933 (2) Rosalee Click Harry Roger Shobe b. 1906 m. 1644 . b. 1946 Allen Dean Maxine Shobe Hoover Dean Martin Wellington b. 1909 Betty Dean Shobe m. Brady Dean Lucy Dean .Curtis Dean b. July IS, 1849 Howard Wellington Ellis H. Shobe d. July 31, 1932 Shoba b. 1911 m. 1952 m. Minerva Ellen b. Sept. 27, 1883 { Mildred Kasubick Lewis d. Sept. 17, 1956 John II. Shobe, b.lS13 Dorothy Shobe, 1S32 b. Oct. 8, 1857 a. Lucy B. Sulser m. Maxine Leatherman Jack Shobe, b.1935 d. Sept. 23, 1935 b. 1887 b. 1913 LJohn H. Shobe, 1943 Edrle A. Shobe, 1915

m. Raymond Evans r Raleigh M. Shobe,1918J Janis Elaine Shobe m. Jeanette Lapp L b. Mar. 28, 1947 o v i « ci. v. moo [Robert Shobe,b. 1944

Robert A.Shobe, 1922 Sharon shobe^

m.Katherine Greise < j£mey shobejD.1949 la22 [Cynthis Shobe, 1952 William W. Shobe, 1922f Shiola Shobe m. Rheba Nycum I James Shobe Edward Price Shoba, Jefferson Shobe [Charles Ed Shobe,1949 unmarried b. 1926 «David D. Shobe,b.l950 [ b. May 27, 1887 ^ m Elnora Greise,'26 I Judith Ann Shobe,1952 Wilbur Teeter [Ruth E. Teeter b. 1904 d.1916 ! b. Dec. 20, 1926 ! Eva A. Teeter b. Oct. 19, 1928 Magdalina Hyre Jacob S. Teeter b. Sept. 29, 1878 b. June 30, 1930 d. Dec. 19, 1951 Mary T. Teeter m. Jay Teeter b. Jan. 8, 1932 Clarence A. Teeter Clarence Teeter b. Oot. 3, 1935 b. Sept. 25, IE Francis T. Teeter m. Mary Barns b. Feb. 9, 1S36 Margaret R. Teeter b. Nov. 9, 1939 Angelia C. Teeter b. Jan. 29, 1945 John F. Taeter Mary Susan Shobe Winton T. Hyre b. Deo. 28, 1947 "Aunt Sude" b. Jan. 17, 1906 Stephen M. Teeter b. March 20, 1852 m. Dorothy Harr ^ b. March 30, 1950 died of pneumonia Roy Wayne Hyre in February, 1930 Isaac Wayne Hyre b. June 5, 1945 m. Isaac Hyre b. Nov. 5, 1908 v ra. Blanche Sites David Snowden Hyre Charles F. Hyre b. Dec. 7, 1946 b. Sept. 30, 1881 [Virgil Aaron Ours m. Sallie J. Taylor Mary Katheryn Hyre b. Oct. 8, 1946 b. Jan. 5, 1915 Gordon Arnold Ours m. Virgil Ours L b. Oct. 51, 1951 [Charles Stephen Hyre Charles Gordon Hyre b. April 19, 1946 Minnie Susan Hyre b. March 3, 1918 Thomas Martin Hyro b. Fob. 13, 1884 m, Grace Nelson L b. Jan. 20, 1964 m. Jeff Bergdoll b. 1872 d.1950 Bessie Virginia Hyre b. Sept. 27, 1889 Carl Hogueland Shobe f ^^f11^" b. July 12, 1917 \ b* SeP*' 1941 d. Dec. 27, 1932 HNancy Lee Shobe m. Truman Shobe Nina Feaator b. Dec. 31, 1887 b. July 17, 1943 76

REMINISCENCE By looking again at page 63 it will be noted that three sons of Henry Shobe married girls whose maiden names were Shobe. When we sought to trace these families quite a puzzle was presented, by these facts. We were told that, while the name was the same, it was traditionalthatjthe familys were not related, or, if so, very distantly. Even in those days of long ago the connection between the descendants of our ancestors was slipping from the memory of the oldest living members of the clan. This was one of the reasons which compelled us to undertake the task of compiling this record, even though both of our own children are daughters and within two or three generations the name "Shobe" will slip from the memory of our own descendants.

George Washington Shobe was married about 1843, over a hundred and ten years ago and Solomon about 1847|and their wives were the daughters of Martin Shobe, the son of Martin and Elizabeth. The father of the girls was a first cousin of Henry Shobe's father, so the boys and their wives were second cousins, once removed. The two girls who married George W. and Solomon had a half-brother, Henry Shobe who had gone to Montgomery County, Indiana and his daughter, Martha Jane Shobe married Abraham Shobe, the son of Henry Shobe and Mary Hire. Thus, when Sally Newton (Shobe) Taylor told us that Henry Shobe's son married Henry Shobe's daughter we began to see our way through the mystery. Abraham Shobe and Martha Jane Shobe were third cousins, and her paternal grandmother was Susannah Laneisco, a first cousin of Abra­ ham's father. ABRAHAM SHOBE m. MARTHA JANE SHOBE (See Henry L. Shobe family,page 122b) JACOB HIRE SHOBE Artie Shobe, b. 1873 d. In Texas in 1902 For Ancestors m. Clarence Taylor Blair Taylor, unm. See page 63 m. Oct. 16, 1895 Beatrice Shobe Arthur E. Thompson born 1903

JOHN ARMENTROUT SHOBE Jane Shobe, b. 1868 For Ancestors m. 1899 d. 1929 See Page 63 m. Jeff Bergdoll Lillian Bergdoll Ralph Dovall b. Oct. 12, 1872 m. Dovall Dovall d. Mar. 9, 1950 Walter Bergdoll Rita Jane Dovall He married second Minnie Hyre Laura Shobe, b. 1870 Mary Graham John Armentrout Shobe m. J. C. Graham m. Otto Crites b. Jan. 11, 1839 .Lucy Graham, unm. Maxine Berger Ross Graham Shobe m. Cletus Bergdoll d. Oct. Hi, 1907 b. 1872 "Clarice Shobe m. Susan Catherine Armen­ m. Max Berger Virginia Berger m. Theba Margaret m. Charles Halterman trout (See page 77a) Graham, b. 189U Wilma Shobe, unm. I b. Nov. 3, 1838 Anne Armentrout Shobe d. June 22, 1901 John Graham b. 1879 d. 1908 m. Ifyrtle Hodges Mary Daisy Shobe Nora C. Graham, d.190 8 b. Jan. 9, 1882 b. Feb. 27, 1907 d. July 7, 1908 Wilton C. Graham m. J. C. Graham b. May 31, 1903 Gertrude Shobe d. July 15, 1908 d. 1908, unm.


Dora Shobe ( Martin Wellington Shobe m. Rev. Canfield, dec •d{ Carrie B. Canfield b. May 11, 181(1 Carrie Shobe, unm. d. June 21, 1887 Wilbur Shobe, unm. m. Hannah Everly Leah Shobe [carrie Leggett (2) Alice Seymour m. Leggett land others b. Oct. k, 1851 d. Jan. 26, 1902 Seymour Shobe, unm. b. Dec. 2k, 1881( SUSANNAH SHQBE b. Dec. lf(, 1815 m. Isaac Armentrout Henry Armentrout Birdie Armentrout, unm. b. 181(0 m. but no issue died young Vernie Armentrout, unm. b. Dec. 15, 1878 Martin Armentrout Daisy Armentrout, unm. For Ancestors b. 1336 b. 1880 d. 193U See Page 7. Margie Armentrout died young Solomon Armentrout W. Camden Armentrout b. 1814 d. 1928 b. Feb. 18, 1888 m. Mary Jane Fout Sue Armentrout b. 185U d. 1927 b. July 13, 1890 Elouise Fout Rucker,unm.r Nelle Beryl Rucker J Joanelle Wood Beryl Fout Armentrout I born 1950 b. 1895 d. 1931 m. John T. Wood Amos Armentrout Mary Walton Rucker [Beryl Ann Dixon b. 181(2, unm. m. Walton T. Rucker m. Robert R. Dixon [Russell Dixon Erva Armentrout, Inf. Charles Armentrout, Inf. Twin infants.

ARTHUR ERMENTROUT For Ancestors See Page 77a Robert A. Ermentrout Robert A. Ermentrout Jr. b. Aug. 18, 1905 b. Nov. 7, 1939 m. Trevis Gibson Stone Tevis Ermentrout Arthur C. Ermentrout b. Feb. 7, 1912 , b. April 9, 191(3 b. May 1, 1881 "Verla LaVonne Ermentrout Vermillian co.,Illinois Elmer Fred Ermentrout b. May k, 1908 b. Feb. 2k, 1933 d. Aug. 22, 1953 m. John Zimmerman Champaign, Illinois m. Emily E. Rose b. June 19, 1915 Darrell Jean Ermentrout m. Arie Kenney b. July 13, 1937 b. Sept. 15, 1882 John Curtis Ermentrout b. March 12, 1912 m. Alberta Goodwine b. June 29, 1912 77a

THE FAMILY OF CHRISTOPHER ERMENTROUT Christopher was horn in the Palatinate, Germany in 1725. After coming to Virginia, now West Virginia, he married sjwidow whose name was SusannSi a Gallet Powers. Her will was dated Aug.. 11, 1812 and was 'probated May 10, 18141814. .The y had three sons and three daughters. Two of the daughters never married but Elizabeth was married to Martin Shobe (page 5) and after her death her sisters helped to rear her four children. Of the sons, Henry and John married daughters of Magdalene Shobe Carr and Christopher's son married Kary (Polly) Shobe and two sons of John married married, her half-sisters Susannah and Chlora. For these reasons we feel that the descendants of Christopher Ermentrout merit a place in the Shobe record. The will of Chris was dated Oct. 22, 1804 and was probated on July 10, 1805. Those of his children who remained in West Virginia spelled their name with a capital "A" whereas those who migrated to Indi­ ana spelled it with sn "E"• oooOooo Elizabeth Armentrout John Armentrout Jm. his cousin Mary b. Feb. 20, 1761 horn 1832 LArmentrout, below m. Martin Shobe Job Armentrout Simon Armentrout (See Page 5) m. Catherine Strader born 1835 Job Armentrout Anna Maria Armentrout . born 1838 (Mary) 'b. Feb. 16,1762 Augusta Ermentrout unmarried. Her will Wm. J. Armentrout m. James Moore .probated Apr. 1, 1850 b. 1830 in Va. Rosa Ermentrout,unm Catherine Shobe Mae Ermentrout Henry Armentrout Isaac K. Armentrout m< Charles Kamper b. ca. 176S/64 d.1833 Inventory dated m. Barbara Shobe (?) November 4, 1844 lelissa Peterson (2) Elizabeth Carr m. Susannah Shobe b. 1850 (See Page 111) m. Wm. Stookey b. Bee. 14, 1815 Mary Jane Ermentrout Paris B. Peterson (See Page 77) b. April 26, 1832 b. 1864 d. 1928 d. June 11, 1899 m. Martha Bowers m. David Peterson William Peterson He was killed by a m. Mary Coyner horse on his farm Elmira Peterson Daniel Ermentrout near Savoy, Illinois Jonas Peterson John Armentrout b. 1803 d. 1857 while visiting b. 1861 d. 1925 b. ca. 1770/1772 m. Prudence Collins m. Viola Bowers died 1810 at Moorefield, W.Va. Daniel Peterson m. Maris Carr(Mary) born 1801 m. Mellie Rice (see page 111) d. Nov. 9, 1855. To Frank Peterson b. Aug. 12, 1774 Ross Co., Ohio 1831 b. Jan. 12, 1867 d. Sept. 14, 1826 To Montgomery County, m. Ida Brinkley Indiana in 1838 Daniel Ermentrout b.1861 d.1930,unm James Ermentrout b. 1863 d.1864 Emma Ermentrout Sarah Armentrout b. 1864 d.1865 married 1825 to Allen C. Ermentrout Delia Ermentrout Solomon Buffenburger b. June 13, 1834 b. 1866 d.1944 d. April 8, 1912 Wm. W.Ermentrout m. Dec. 24, 1860 •{ b. 1869 d.1898 Susanna Armentrout Anns Eva Bradford Jennie Ermentrout b. ca. 1773/1774 b. Jan 29, 1839 b. 1871 d. 1872 d. 1842 unmarried d. Nov. 7, 1912 Phoebe Ermentrout b. 1873 d. 1874 John Ermentrout b.l877d.1936,unm Arthur Ermentrout b. 1881 d.1953 m. Arie Kenney (See Page 77) John Armentrout Jr. Sarah Catherine Er­ |"Jennie Wilson b. 1807 d. 1887 mentrout •I m. Dr. C.Brown m. Clora (Clara )Shobe m. James Wilson Uilliam Wilson b. May 17, 1817 He was killed (See Page 77b) Elizabeth b. 1840 cutting timber m. William Long Emeline Ermentrout b. 1842 d. 1867 Christopher Ermentrout Christopher Armentrout Susan C. Armentrout See Page 77 b. Nov. 16, 1775 b. 1806. married nu John Armen.Shobe Will prob. 11/30/1857 Mary (Polly) Shobe Mary E. Armentrout m. Eve Peterson Aaron Ermentrout m. John,son of Job,above b. 1779 d.12/13/1869 Hiram Ermentrout Anna Armentrout,b.1843 Christena Ermentrout .Hagar Armentrout,b.1847 77b


Bora May 17, 1817, she was the fourth child of Martin Shobe and his second wife Jemima Hause. (See Bible record on Page 113). She died in Montgomery Counyt, Ind. in 1895. She was married to John Ermentrout, the grandson of Christopher Armentrout whose family appears on page 77a opposite. John was born in 1807 and died Sept. 21,1867. They moved from Virginia (now Grant County, W. Va.) to Montgomery County about 1832. They were the parents of ten children, as follows:- Ann Jemima Ermentrout

b. Feb. 17, 1834 por Ancestors

d. April 5, 1856 Se9 page 7 nu Aaron Hire John McBee Daughter Mary Ermentrout nu Easter Huffman _m. Harry Brown -d. Nov. 15, 1882 Mabel Stephenson m. Charles McBee Clauaia McBee Hazel Stephenson,dec'd m. Eaward Stephenson Charles Stephenson Verle D. Lanum,b.1386 Clara Ermentrout Mary E. Timmons,b.1388 b. June 21, 1870 Fern A. Lanum,b.1891 d. July 22, 1940 Alta Irene Lanum,b.1895 Job Ermentrout nu William S. Lanum Chas. W.H. Lanum, b. 1902 called "Joseph" Charles A. Ermentrout Carroll H. Ermentrout b. Jan. 1, 1840 b. Oct. 28, 1872 b.1905,d.1954 sapt '6 Bonnie Ermentrout d. Nov. 7, 1917 d. December 1954 callea "Carl" m. Earl Cusack m. Mary Davis nu Rose Wiley m. Merle b. May 3, 1846 (2) Lee Coyner Donaia Earl Park d. 1899 Donaia Park b. Mar. 27, 1927 Lurena Ermentrout b. Nov. 15, 1894 m. Luella Flynn b. Sept. 12, 1874 m. Eana Wolf Dorothy Park m. Frank Park Bertha Park m. Chas Morrison b. May 4, 1902 Um. Lee Schumaker Edward Schumaker Four diea young Forrest Peterson William H.Ermentrout Laura A. Ermentrout No issue called "H". m. Katherine Grime b. 1874 a. 1933 Perry Peterson Jr. b. Sept. 21, 1842 m. John Peterson d. Nov. 22, 1916 Perry Peterson , Daughter m. Elizabeth Jos. Bert Ermentrout , m. Hazel m. Dunbar b. 1845 d. 1922 _ Clarkshill, Ina. b. 1879 d. 1923 Orville N. Hesser m. Lulu Pittman b. 1906 a. 1942 John Alden Hesser Noble Hesser,b. 1907 Sarah J. Ermentrout b. 1875 a. 1900 m. Mildred Hedge b. July 13, 1845 Melven Otto Hesser Kenneth R. Hesser Jack Hesser, 1944 d. April 12, 1934 b. 1877 d. 1928 b. Feb. 22, 1910 Lana Hesser,47-50 m. Abraham Hesser Wilbert Franklin Hesser m. Mable Bayless Gary Hesser, 1940 b. Nov. 18, 1882 Forrest M. Hesser m. July 10, 1904 b. Feb. 22, 1915 Forrest J. Hesser Ethelyn Powell m. Marg. Templet on b. Mar. 31, 1943 Wllberta Hesser, inf. Harold M. Hesser John Hesser, 1942 Larry Hesser,1943 John "Cy" Ermentrout b. April 10, 192C 9 b. Sept. 6, 1843 Prudence Ermentrout (HaroLT << ,'lltt a. Jan. 24, 1927 Golda Evans Mildrea Leora Hesser r. m. Sarah d.1 877 ' step-aaughter S a b. Oct. 22, 1922 f* 1Q,„ (2) Elizabeth Evans m. Young m. Russell Disney { b" . 21» 1940 Susan Ermentrout b. Dec. 16, 1851 m. Franklin Johnson Rebecca Ermentrout f Rollie Royer b. July 10, 1854 b. Jan. 25, 1874 d. April 19, 1877 4 a. Dec. 11, 1881 m. William T. Royer[ Martin F. Ermentrout b. July 14, 1858 a. Jan. 2, 1860 Charles Ermentrout b. Feb. 12, 1864 a. Feb. 24, 1868 78


He was the youngest of ten children born to Henry Shobe and Mary Hire. He was born July 2, 1843 and worked on his father's farm until entering the Con­ federate Army during the Civil War. On Dec. 9, 1868 he was married to Sarah Elizabeth Frederick of Moore- field, Hardy County, West Virginia. They went to housekeeping in Grant County in the same house his brother George Washington Shobe had lived in. George had died in 1865 and his family had moved to Indiana. Isaac's oldest son, David Henry was born on this farm. Later Isaac and his brother Jacob were farming the home place where his mother and only sister lived. Prior to 1874 he rented a mill and moved to Hardy County, where his second son and oldest daughter were born. After the flood in 1877 he bought and repaired the Hogueland Mill which stood three miles south of Petersburg. This is about a mile east of the confluence of the North Fork and the South Branch of the Potomac River v/here it flows out of a narrow gorge or canyon which seems to cut the the rugged hills in two to get through. It is one of the most picturesque spots in Grant County.

The Hogueland Mill made a desirable home and it became a busy place with a store, a blacksmith shop and two dwelling houses. After Jacob and his fam­ ily moved out on the river bank, Isaac moved back to the home place in March,1885. There, the youngest daughter was born. She is still living, and in 1953 drove down to the old Mill site with us to point out the surrounding points of interest. The mill has long since been abandoned but the mill race and dam are still intact. It was through the untiring efforts of this lady, Sally Newton (Shobe) Taylor, that most of the records of her grandfather, Henry Shobe, were recovered for this record. Isaac lived on the home place for seven or eight years and then sold it to his brother John, who lived there until he died in 1907. It is now occu­ pied by his daughter, Laura Graham and has never gone out of the Shobe family. Back of the house, near the road stands the old homestead described on Page 6.

After the death of his wife, Sarah, in 1900, at which time they were again living at the Mill, the family was broken up and he lived with his married children. He was with the family of his son David in Richmond, Virginia when he died June 9, 1927. It was his wish that his|body be broughtback to Petersburg and he was buried there beside his wife. He was courageous and endeavored to live a Christian life, and, no matter what misfortune came his way he never surrendered or complained. 79

ISAAC NEWTON SHOBE He married Sarah E. Frederick who was born Aug. 5, 1845, d. Oct. 27, 1900 Lawrence Eugene Dowdy Josephine Lee Kane b. Feb. 13, 1949 b. Jan. 31, 1929 Robert Norman Dowdy m. Eugene Dowdy Marion lee Shobe b. May 7, 1950 b. Sept. 14, 1895 Deborah Marie Lord m. Joe Kane Genevieve Cath. Kane b. Dec. 31, 1950 For Ancestors b. Aug. 18, 1930 Catherine Ann Lord See Page 63 m. John 0. Lord b. Jan. 11, 1952 Marion Deianne Lord b. Jan. 10, 1953 Margaret Ruth Arnall b. Deo.16,1923, unm Geraldine Newton Arnall Mary Katerine Shobe b. Mar.14,1926, unm. b. July 2, 1897 Katheryn J. Arnall m. Jennings Arnall |No issue b. March 11, 1928 m. Joseph Austin William Ernest Benale Mary Elizabeth Arnall b. Deo. 6, 1942 b. Sept. 19, 1922 Dwight Craig Benale m. Ernest Benale ( b. July 9, 1948 Loretta Bobetta Anders b. Oct. 26, 1943 Gail Deianne Anders b. Sept. 16, 1946 Gloria Shobe Constance Elaine Anders b. Dec. 16, 1924 b. July 5, 1948 m. Otto Anders Jr. Otto Arthur Anders III b. Nov. 8, 1949 Wade Hampton Shobe Richard Lewis Anders b. Dec. 27, 1898 b. May 25, 1950 m. Rosa Eades (2) Gladys Davis [Donald E. Brown Jr. Beatrice Shobe I b. Deo. 23, 1946 David Henry Shobe b. Aug. 14, 1926 I Katherine Stuart Brown b. Nov. 2, 1871 m. Donald Brown I b. Sept. 8, 1950 d. Aug. 7, 1921 Jjaequelyn Waydine Shobe m. Elizabeth Hawse b. June 14, 1872 .lb. Jan. 23, 1951 d. Sept. 14, 1952 Linda Rose Shobe Walter Gordon Shobe Jr. b. Sept. 15, 1948 b. Sept. 6, 1923 Kay Ellen Shobe m. Winifred Hicks ( b. Nov. 23, 1951 Walter Gordon Shobe Thomas Henry Shobe J Stephen Thomas Shobe b. Maroh 9, 1901 b. Aug. 12, 1924 \ b. Deo. 20, 1951 m. Lucille Kane m. Jennie Woodson Julian McBee Shobe b. Aug. 29, 1925 Daniel Ray Shobe b. Oct. 2, 1948 m. Kathleen Mathews Henry McBee Shobe b. July 9, 1904 John David Shobe Jr. d. Dec. 6, 1913 JAngela Roberta Shobe b. May 1, 1927 1 b. Nov. 13, 1949 John David Shobe m. Roberta GaIlion b. July 24, 1906 Lois Ann Shobe m. Glennas Kane b. Nov. 24, 1928 d. March 5, 1936 Virginia Eliz, Shobe b. Sep. 23,1908 No issue ra. John T. Shackelford James Lawrence Shobe b. July 7, 1911 d. Jan. 7, 1934 Bettie Wayne Sherry Dorothy Fredrick Shobe b. July 17, 1935 b. April 11, 1913 Edgar Allen Sherry Jr. m. Edgar Allen Sherry , b. Dec. 10, 1949 Lawrence Jerome Helms Rachel Deborrah Shobe b. April 21, 1943 b. May 6, 1916 Patricia Jo Helms m. Joe Helms . b. March 17, 1947 80

ISAAC NEWTON SHOBE (con) Mary Teressa Harman m. Edward Coberly Charles R. Shobe Elva Jean Harman b. April lit, I87li m. Gene Burgess For Ancestors d. April 6, 188U Alice Curry Harman See -^age 63 m. Don Smith John Curry Harman Betty Harman b. Bar. 29, 1900 m. John Orndoff m. Elva Miley Jo Ann Harman m. Jack R. Ours John George Harman Infant. b. Oct. 16, 1937 Twin of John d. July 29, 19U2 GeorgeMily Harman b. June 18, 191(2 Rose Harman Steiger Mary McBee Shobe Mary Elizabeth Harman b. July 10, 1926 b. Dec. 10, 1876 b. June 1, 1903 m. Andrew Miller d. August lh, 1920 m. Linn Steiger Linda Elizabeth Steiger m. John G. Harmon b. Feb. 1, 191(2 b. April 20, 1858 George Harman d. April 26, 1925 b. Nov. 6, 1907 m. Rebecca Roby John Harman Waddy b. Mar. 17, 1936 Alice Clemence Harman Margaret Blackford Waddy b. Jan. 18, 1910 b. April 25, 1939 m. William Waddy Mary Winston Waddy b. Hay 17, 191(6 James Eston Harman b. Aug. 11, 1916 d. Oct. 5, 19U7 David Clarence Taylor r Beverly Ann Taylor Sallie Newton Shobe b. Jan. 9, 1910 I b. Aug. 29, 191(2 b. July 25, 1879 m. Dorothy Lebkicher I William Clarence Taylor m. Clarence Taylor Israel Hogueland Taylor J b. June 11, 191(0 b. Jan. 5, 1867 b. Mar. 7, 1916 ; Hogueland Wayne Taylor m. Anna Wayne Sites b. Hay 2, 191(6 Marvin Moore Shobe b. April 3, 1881 d. Jan. 20, 1882 Isaac Paul Shobe b. July 26, 1883 d. Feb. 12, 1928 Rachel Jane Freder­ ick Shobe, unm. For Ancestors b. Sept. 2, 1885 See Page 5 . d. Sept. 16, 1912 JOHN SHOBE • Brother of Henry and son of Martin Shobe and Elizabeth Armentrout, he was born in Virginia, now Grant County, W. Va.) on June 22, 1790. It has been supposed that he went to Missouri with his bro­ ther Abraham and sister Mary in 1818, but if so, he apparently returned to Virginia for his bride as the records of Hardy County state that John Shobe married Elizabeth Lewis on June 5, 1821. The census records of Hardy County for 1820 list Elizabeth Lewis as the head of a family of six, so she must have been a widow with several children. No other trace of John has been found in either Virginia or Missouri.

ABRAHAM SHOBE He was a brother of John and a son of Martin and Elizabeth also. He was born in Virginia_(now W. Va.) August 26, 1791 and the marriage records of Hardy county indicate that he married Sarah Fisher. The 1830 census shows that he was in Franklin county, Missouri at that time and that his family consist­ ed of a wife and six boys and seven slaves. In 1822 John Cunningham counted and delivered "to Abraham Shobe of Hardy county, Va. $1500 to pay to Abraham Shobe of St. Charles, Mo." so Abraham was in Missou­ ri prior to that date. On May 17, I836 Daniel Shobe "received of Wm. Cunningham $150 for Sally Shobe, widow of Abraham in Missouri for rents of land," so Abraham apparently was dead by I836. He had a son Alfred who was left a legacy by his great Aunt, Mary Armentrout. It would seem that some descendants must have survived from this Large family but we have been unable to contact any of them. MARY and ROBERT SHOBE Mary was the only sister of John and Abraham above and Robert was her first cousin, the son of her Uncle Abraham. They were married in 1819 and went to Missouri with John and Abraham. It is believed that their father went with thera as no further record of him appears in Virginia. Their mother had died when they were young and they were raised by their maiden aunts Mary and Susannah Armentrout. (See Arm­ entrout family, page 77a). Mary was born Dec. 28, 1793. They settled in Gasconade county, Missouri and raised a family of three girls and one son. An old letter from Robert recites that his mother died March 11, 1835 so he was still living in 1835 but the probate records at Hermann, Gasconade county show that his estate was probated in 1836. The children were Elizabeth, named for her mother, Jemima named for his mother, Wellington and Martha Jane, a minor. Her mother was her guardian and later signed receipts as Mary Parsons, formerly Mary Shobe. Wellington died intestate in 185U and his estate is also probated at Hermann. He was unmarried. 80a

JOHN SHOBE and EVELINE WOOD John Shohe was horn in Ross County, Ohio Maroh 27, 1820 and moved with his parents, Jacob Shobe and Sarah (Carr) Shobe, to Ligonier, Indiana in 1831. In 1839 he was married to Eveline Wood, the daughter of Niale Wood and Polly Hoyt. The fath­ er of Niale Wood was Sargeant Silas Wood (1753-1814). He served in Captain William Ellis' company, Col. Alexander Scammell's New Hampshire regiment in the Revolution, and any female descendant of John and Eveline Shobe is entitled to membership in the D. A. R. (See Lineage Book # 153018.)

About 1853 John and Eveline moved to Franklin County, Iowa where John home­ steaded a farm and planted a stand of walnut trees which later became known as Shobe's Grove (now Sheffield). Some of his descendants believe that the walnut grove was there when John arrived, because in later years, when they visited the original house which John built, it was trimmed with walnut lumber, but the walnut for the house mi^ht have been obtained from older trees then standing.

In 1870 he traded his homestead for a livery stable In Hampton, the county seat, but the deal was fraudlent and he lost his farm. In disgust, he moved to Neligh, Nebraska and soon thereafter, homesteaded a farm six miles southwest of Ewing in Holt County, where he died in 1887. He is buried at Neligh. His wife and several of his sons went with his to Nebraska but Adeline and Clark Christopher remained in Iowa. Clark Christopher became a rover. Most of the time he traveled in a covered wagon all over the states of Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska and Kansas, fishing and hunting for a living. Charles returned to Iowa but again went to Nebraska in 1882, married Mary True, his father's housekeeper, and died on his farm near Ewing, where he is bur­ ied . After moving to Nebraska, Eveline became ill with cancer and returned to the home of her daughter Adaline in Iowa, where she died May 20, 1884. She is buried in Hillside Cemetery at Sheffield.

William Ervin Shobe, second son of Clark Christopher was born in Franklin County, Iowa, near Sheffield, and in his youth accompanied his parents on their mi­ grations. Later he worked at railroad building and construction work in Omaha. In 1913 he moved to Minnesota where he enjoyed hunting, fishing and trapping and reared his family. He had a gift for creating cheerfulness and laughter. He died Jan. 27, 1944. Adaline M. Shobe For Descent See b. December, 1840 m. Albert Crspser Page 80b b. in New York, 1830 For Ancestors d. Oct. 19, 1904 See Page 11. Clark Christopher Shobe b. Dec. 27, 1841 Page 82 m. Mary Ellen Wilkie Morgan H. Shobe b. Sept. 6, 1843 Went to m. Ella Mowery California at Neligh, Neb. Charles Wood Shobe John Shobe b. Oct. 11, 1845 b. Mar. 27, 1820 d. Jan. 6, 1922 Pages 80b, 81 & 81a in Ross Co., Ohio m. Mary L. True To Ligonier, Ind. b. 1852 d.1926 in 1831. To Franklin Co., Mary A. Shobe Iowa in 1853. b. Oct. 16, 1847 Page 82a To Neligh, Neb­ m. O.Barney Moran raska In 1870. Henry F. Shobe, d. 1850 d. 1887 b. Sept. 13, 1849 m. Eveline Wood Emily S. Shobe b. Mar. 13, 1821 b. Aug. 6, 1851, d.1853 d. May 20, 1884 Ervin John Shobe b. Jan. 5, 1854 Page 82a m. Carrie Sheffer Louise G. Shobe Guy Inman, drowned f b. Aug. 18, 1856 Blanche Inman, deo'd i No issue John N. Inman m. Glenn Smith >• Jonas A, Shobe b. Jan. 24, 1859 Page 82a m. Mary A. Mosher Edwin F. Shobe b. Aug. 18, 1861 d. Nov. 29, 1862 Ella Elmira Shobe b. Jan. 10, 1865 m. Davilla Bailey Page 82b (2) James 0. Moor 80b

ADALINE M. SHOBE Kathleen M. Jacobsen Guy Crapser Ruth Lucille Crapser b. April 10, 1933 b. Deo. 23, 1887 b. Sept. 5, 1909 m. Lt.James McMillen Walter Verin Crapser m. Marie Eriokson m. Chris Jacobsen Janise Fae Jacobsen b. Oct. 22, 1937 b. Deo. 4, 1862 Gladys Crapser d. Apr. 14, 1938 b. Deo. 15, 1890 m. Kate Updike d. Apr. 20, 1953 No issue b. July 8, 1868 m. Albert Walker d. May 9, 1935 Thornton, Iowa John J. Quinlin,1940 Grace Adaline Crapser Helen May Caspers b. Dec. 2, 1892 David Quinlin, 1941 born 1917 ' Rosemary " , 1943 m. John Caapers m. John Qulnlin Ella May Crapser d. 1951-Thornton,Ia. .Timothy Quinlin,1949 b. June 22, 1869 m. Al Fifield jEarl Seney Martha Crapser Roy Seney iMuriel Seney m. Sidney Seney died in Wyoming Fred Seney Ralph Seney {Frank Seney

CHARLES WOOD SHOBE Dorothea Bittner Jessie Bergstrom Lucille Bittner b. July 19, 1891 Goldie Bittner m. Hugh Bittner For Ancestors Keith Bittner died in 1944 Clarence Bittner See Page 80a (2) Thomas Bishop Nels Bittner Leo Bittner Earl Billner Lloyd Bergstrom Leon Bergstrom b. Nov. 12, 1893 Max Bergstrom d. Dec. 28, 1953 Loretta Berg3trom m. Mary Cullen Evelyn Bergstrom Floyd Bergstrom Robert Bergstrom Twin of Lloyd Betty Bergstrom m. Kate Stewart Clarence Bergstrom J Laon. Bergstrom b. March 13, 1896 \ Robert Bergstrom Clemme Shobe m. Clara Krueger b. Jan. 26, 1872 Claude Bergstrom d. June 10, 1947 b. Jan. 4, 1899 Infant twins m. Nels Bergstrom m. Irma Kimble b. Oct. 15, 1862 d. July 16, 1929 Sherman Bergstrom Thelma Bergstrom Buried in Ewing, b. July 19, 1900 Kenneth Bergstrom Neb. Cemetery m. Iola Summers Ivan Bergstrom (2) Florence Gunn [Donald Bergstrom [Milton Bergstrom Joyce Bergstrom Nels A. Bergstrom Charles Bergstrom b. Sept. 26, 1903 Mary Lou Bergstrom m, Esther Schober Lois Bergstrom Stanley Bergstrom b. Sept. 30, 1905 m. Elsie Roach Francis Bergstrom Lester Bergstrom Carolyn Bergstrom b. Dec. 29, 1907 Mary Bergstrom m. Mildred Sanders Ann Bergstrom Brenda Bergstrom Elmer Bergstrom b. June 29, 1909 Kay Bergstrom m. Neva Turner Cecil Bergstrom b. Mar. 14, 1912 Beverly Bergstrom d. July 23, 1955 Deanna Bergst rom in auto accident m. Eileen Garlinghouse (2) Geneva Tanner Mary Munn Hazel Bergstrom Monica Munn b. April 14, 1915 Patricia Munn m. Ralph Munn Michael Munn 81

CHARLES WOOD SHOBE (con) Done11a Vanston b. Mar.l, 1921 IDeanna Deyen, Adpt'd. For Ancestors Julia Shobe m» Robert Deyen I b. July 1, 1949 See Page 80a b. April 10, 1900 Jacqueline Schneck m. Lloyd Vanston Geraldine Vanston b. Sapt. 5, 1949 b. Apr.20, 1924 Susan Schneck m. Walter Schneck [ b. Dao. 31, 1952 Gerald D. Clemmanson Alice Shoba b. May 15, 1922 JLynn Clemmensen b. Aug. 29, 1902 m. Jean Meredith X b. July 19, 1952 m. Hans Clemmensen Harvey Clemmensen Rita Kay Clemmensen b. June 17, 1924 b. Feb. 21, 1949 Helen Shobe m. Donna Cumming Michael Clemmensen b. July 7, 1905 to. Jan. 14, 1951 m. George Johnson Darlene Cady Katheryn Millar Frank Elmer Shoba b. Aug. 4, 1928 b. May 17, 1952 b. Oct. 29, 1873 Roseann Millar John G.MillerIII b. May 4, 1954 a. May 3, 1951 Rosali e Shoba I Delores Cady m. Apr. 11, 1899 b. Oct. 23, 1907 Jjay Hileman Theresla M. Nelson m. Harold Cady b. Apr. 7, 1930 { b. July 28, 1951 b. July 28, 1882 In Sweden m. Robert Hileman Darrell Cady b. Apr. 17, 1933 Sandra Cady b. Aug. 26, 1938 Vendla Shobe Kenneth Johnson b. Aug. 11, 1910 b. April 6, 1946 m. Robert Johnson Deborah Johnson b. Dec. 28, 1950 Rebecca M. Johnson Harold Shobe b. Peb. 7, 1951 b. Mar. 18, 1917 Dianne Shobe m. Ann Nemeth b. Maroh 14, 1949 "Margaret Kearney Bertha C. Shobe, 1882 Leona Kearney Ella Russell m. Walter Anderson Peter Kearney Infant b.1916 (2) Daniel Kearney Fred Sombert Fred Preston Russell (3) Qombert Marguerite Reynolds Mary Russell, unm. b. Aug. 1, 1897 Ruth Russell near Ewing, Neb. Rose Russell, b.1922 Roseta Lee- Everett m. John Russell m. Art Everett b. 1952 (2) Roland Detwiller William Russall,deo'd James Russell, b.1949 John Russell,b.1927 Patricia Ann Russell m. Mary C. Wright • b. 1951 b. 1928 Joe Robert Russell Lb. Oct. 18, 1954 Mary lone Shobe b. May 22, 1877 iJRockey Reynolds In Iowa Forrest Reynolds 'l b. Mar. 16, 1945 To Heb. in 1882 b. Nov. 15, 1923 Linda Louise Reynolds To Wash, in 1904 b. 1948 d.1949 m. Elmer Reynolds Sandra Dee Reynolds b. Oct. 31, 1874 1 b. Mar . 16, 1950 d. May 7, 1944 at Nancy Lee Reynolds Walla Walla,Wash. Earl Joe Reynolds b. Sept. 26, 1947 b. April 13, 1925 ,Da n J. Reynolds m.Coralie Woodward' b. Jan. 8, 1949 b. May 18, 1928 Darrell Dee Reynolds Earl Jess Reynolds b. June 13, 1900 b. Sept. 18, 1952 m. Pansy Jones Gordon H. Reynolds Jr. b. Oct. 30, 1905 b. June 5, 1948 Gordon H. Reynolds Walter Todd Reynolds b. Sept. 27, 1927 b. Aug. 23, 1949 m/.Edna Todhunter Alethea A. Reynolds b. In Alaska- b. Dec. 17, 1952 Robin Rayne Reynolds b. Oot. 2, 1953 Pansy Lee Reynolds Randal Glen Madison b. Fab. 20, 1932 b. April 2, 1950 m. Ernest Smith Rhonda Lee Madison Bertha Opal Reynolds I (2) Glen Madison b. Oct. 10, 1952 b. Feb. 7, 1902 d. Feb. 10, 1904 Continued next page 81a

CHARLES WOOD SHOBE (eon) Steven G. Reynolds con.from proceeding page b. Dec. 26, 1948 Vernon D. Reynolds Sharon Ann Reynolds b. March 10, 1929 b. Sept. 9, 1950 Charles P. Reynolds m. Betty Jean Ison Stanley 0. Reynolds b. Peb. 5, 1905 _b. Feb. 23, 1953 m. Feb. 28, 1928 to Virgil Pres.Reynolds Irene Maude Obert b, Oct. 10, 1930 m. June 15, 1954 to . Gertrude Makarewioz Mary lone Shobe Lester K. Reynolds b. May 22, 1877 b. Feb. 13, 1911 m. Elmer Reynolds d. Medical Lake Washington. Unm. Gladys Elinor Reynolds Lawrence Dean Glaspey RobertDean Glaspey b. May 19, 1913 J b. July 1, 19S1 b. Aug. 22, 1950 m. Richard W. Glaskey 1 m. Vera Wood ^Jane Ann Glaspey (2) Mark Conklin,d.1950 [ b. 1931 b. Mar. 15, 1952 (3) Ryland A. Kanatzar Edith lone Reynolds Stephen Preston Handran Jr. b. July 25, 1916 b. 1934 m. Stephen P.Handran Darlene Joyce Handran (. b. Jan. 8, 1945 [James L. Walstrom For Ancestors Clarence L. Walstrom I b. Dec. 6, 1932 See Page 80a b. July 9, 1910 iHerold Walstrom m. Alice Beardsley I b. Feb. 20, 1934 Robert Walstrom b. May 18, 1942 Walter Walstrom James L. Walstrom b. April 18, 1915 b. Aug. 28, 1945 Clarence E. Walstrom m. Francis Grady Patsy C. Walstrom b. May 10, 1888 L b. Feb. 24, 19 at Ewing, Nebraska m. Louise Rummer Nancy J. Walstrom b. 1888 in Nebraska b. Deo. 6, 1945 Clifford H, Walstrom Gary J. Walstrom b. Sept. 25, 1917 b. July 22, 1946 m. Irene S. Benoitt Terry Walstrom . b. June 20, 1954 Dorothy L. Walstrom Clifford H. Jacobs b. July 3, 1925 b. Feb. 5, 1947 Ida Walstrom m. Jacob Jacobs b. 1891 in Nebraska Donald Filpot m. Fred Duncan b. Aug. 9, 1937 Mina E. Shobe b. 1890 in Nebraska Evelyn Bentz JCarolyn Filpot b. 1870 in Iowa b. Dec. 16, 1915 ^ b. April 4, 1942 d. 1941 in Oregon m. Frank Filpot Marylin Filpot m. Peter Walstrom < Aug. 16, 1950 born in Sweden d.1934 in Neb. Linda bur. Inman, Neb. b. Aug. 8, 1941 Berniece Bentz Gerald Emma Walstrom b. Sept. 24, 1917 b. May 5, 1944 b. 1894 in Nebraska m. David m. Donald Bentz . b. Jan. 4, 1952 b. 1894 in Nebraska Cloma Bentz Deane Heinz: b. July 7, 1919 b. March 26, 1943 m. Benjamin Heinz Judy Heinz b. Nov. 21, 1909 ( b. June 23, 1946 Dona Bentz [Claudia Tharp b. Aug. 19,1924.Ore. J b. Jan. 28, 1947 m. James Tharp I Dennis Tharp b. Nov. 15, 1922 *- b. Dec. 9, 1950 Charles W. Walstrom b. Dec. 5, 1932,unm. Charles W. Walstrom Anita Walstrom JCharles W. Thomas b. 1899 in Nebraska b. Sept. 11, 1931 1 b. Oct. 3, 1954 m. Francis Kloser m. William Thomas b. Feb. 8, 1901 Melinda L. Walstrom b. May 21, 1934 m. Donald Woody 81b

CHARLES WOOD SHOBE (con) Sandra Sue Johansen Leona Mattie Boies b. Aug. 11, 1947 b. Oct. 24, 1924 Sally Ann Johansen m. Vernon Johansen James Raymond Boies b. July 21, 1954 b. May 8, 1901 Phyllis Irene Boies Cheryl Ann Stein­ For Anoestors m. Susie Otto b. Oct. 28, 1928 kraus See Page 80a b. Jan. 24, 1900 m.Wendall Steinkraus . b. Deo. 13, 1953 Norma Jean Boies b. May 11, 1938 Glenn William Boies Gary Dean Boies b. March 1, 1920 b. Aug. 23, 1947 m. Opal Irene Glenda Jean Boies b. Dec. 20, 192-1 b. Sept. 9, 1949 Milton Dee Boies b. Oct. 29, 1924 Nancy Lee Boles Maude May Shobe m. Rose Marie ( b. June 5, 1947 b. April 13, 1879 Dee Milton Boies b. May 25, 1924 m. Chas. A. Boies b. Dec. 12, 1902 Vernon Eugene Boies b. Nov. 22, 1876 m. Violet D. b. Sept. 13, 1926 d. Apr. 30, 1938 b. Jan. 19, 1902 Iris Sue Eix Mardelle Dot Boies b. Sept. 15, 1945 b. May 23, 1928 Jo Elaine Eix Glen H. Boies m. Donald Ray Eix b. Oct. 29, 1946 b. Aug. 14, 1906 b. Aug. 15, 1919 Glen Eugene Eix d. Aug. 14, 1907 b. Nov. 2, 1947 Jerry Lee Boies b. July 27, 1939 Gail Boies b. Sept. 27, 1908 Alta May Tomjack m. Odelia_ Sandra Kay Barnard b. Mar. 28, 1910 b. May 22, 1932 m. Clarence Barnard b. Feb. 17, 1949 James Eugene Tomjaok Mary Rosella Boies b. April 1, 1934 Pamelia Kay Tomjack Charles A. Shobe b. Aug. 14, 1910 Robert Leon Tomjaok b. Dec. 31, 1953 b. July 16, 1889 now deceased m. Sylvester Tomjaok b. June 22, 1937 Lois Marie Tomjack b. July 19, 1941 Shirley Ann Tomjaok Lb. March 9, 1949 John R. Black b. Jan. 28, 1935 Dorothy Elaine Black b. Nov. 13, 1936 m. Paul Doud Ernest C. Shobe Marlene Black b. Dec. 24, 1891 Lloyd W. Black b. June 14, 1941 b. Nov. 4, 1909 Lloyd Black r m. Edna Johnson of Floyd Black {twins Inman, Nebraska b. Nov. 4, 1942 1 Ronald Black r Donald Black

Joseph Albert Shobe r Twin of Alioe jPaul Shobe 82a

MARY A . SHOBE "Aunt Mollie Moran" b. Oot. 16,1847 For Ancestors m. Barney Moran See Page 80a b. 1838 d.1897 oooOOOOOOOOOooo John Moran ra. No issue Eva Bishel b. December, 1892 | No issue m. Jack M. Davis 'Jay F. Razor Homer Razor, Inf. b. 1950 Ada Bishel b. Mar. 9, 1919 Myrtle Moran m. Terry Razor b. Dec. 5, 1872 b. Feb. 1, 1894 b. Oct. 30, 1952 m. Homer Razor Darrell Radnor I d. June 5, 1935 m. John Bishel b. Mar. 11, 1892 b. Aug. 17, 1920 b. Mar. 28, 1866 Hazel Bishel m. Lorraine d. Jan. 28, 1938 b. Dec. 27, 1897 „ bur. Oakland, Cal. Ralph Bishel b. July 6, 1905 Dolores Bishel Douglas 0. Cleveland b. June 3, 1913 b. Nov. 8, 1939 m. David Cleveland Mary D. Cleveland b. Feb. 15, 1905 ( b. Nov. 19, 1944


Infant b. Jan. 19, 1882 PaQul Elmer Shobe b. Feb. 5, 1883 d. Oct. 11, 1900 Helen Shobe John Ervin Shobe b. May 6, 1885 b. Jan. 5, 1854 m. George McRay No issue d. Dec. 25, 1907 b. July 11, 1883 m. Carrie Sheffer d. March 23, 1950 b. Aug. 20, 1856 d. May 25, 1938 Gerald Shobe m. July 18, 1880 b. Oct. 13, 1889 d. Feb. 27, 1890 Olga (Dimple) Shobe Joan Grimsley b. Aug. 25, 1891 Hester Alice Snyder July 23, 1943 m. Roscoe Snyder b. Nov. 11, 1914 Susan Grimsley (2) Horace McRay m. Glen Grimsley b. Feb. 27, 1948 [ b. Aug. 10, 1884 Margaret Grimsley I b. June 30, 1953


Leroy Shobe, Infant. Bessie Shobe m. F. R.Davis Jonas A. Shobe Florence Shobe b. in Iowa, 1859 m. Hagist d. in Ore. 1931 m. Apr. 28, 1887 Joseph Everett Shobe Mary A. Mosher at I RonalRon d Joseph Shobe b. Mar. 23, 1909 Jan. 5, 1936 Neligh, Nebraska m. Gladys 1 b. Jack Vernon Shobe Barry Shobe, b. 1942 b. April 2, 1915 Neil Shobe, b. 1946 m. Nellie Steven Shobe, b. 1944 Ida Shobe, b. 1898 m. Thoma3 Merrick 82b

ELLA ELMIRA SHOBE |Carl Summers Mabel Wood Bailey Dale E. Summers JMarilyn Summers, Inf. For Ancestors b. June 15, 1884 ! See Page 80a m. Carl Summers m. Margaret Townsend [Daryl Summers [sharyn Summers Clifford Lee Bailey Kenneth Bailey Sharon Kay Bailey m. Maxine Adair Robert Wayne Bailey (Gary Bailey Doris M. Millage Joy Bailey m. Wm. Wilkeson m. Howard Millage Margie Millage (m. William Bennett fJames Lynn Bailey James Bailey «Neil Hubert Bailey m. Beata Monkelien [Beverly Bea Bailey Clifford D. Bailey |Myrna Jean Bailey m. Florence Morse Lyman D. Bailey -{Wanda Rae Bailey m. Vergene Lewis Ella Elmira Shobe [Lyman D. Bailey Jr. b. Jan. 10, 1865 Doris Bailey •^Roy R. Richardson at Sheffield, Ia. m. Loren Richardson d. Oct. 2, 1941 at Laurens, Iowa Lestel Richardson m. Davilla Bailey Mildred Bailey Robert Richardson m LesteTiuchardson 1?arryl,R4?h?rason (25) James 0. Moor Sherryl Richardson b. Feb. 16, 1859 .Thomas Richardson d. Aug. 1, 1944 at Laurens, Iowa Don Bailey /Leland Duane Bailey m. Lyla Monkelien iDonald Lyle Bailey [Allan Ray Mefferd Jewel Bailey •I James Rob Mefferd . m. Robert Mefferd [Sue Ann Mefferd Louise Moor Hazel Dean Moor Pearl Field d. Aug. 1, 1949 m. John Stober m. Harry Field [Carl Field, dec'd [Sandra Rae Wedgbury Marjory Jane Moor Jsteven I. Wedgbury George Weston Moor m. Lowell Wedgbury IMary Lou Wedgbury b. Oct. 19, 1894 lHarley S. Wedgbury m. Dorothy E. Perry Marilyn Jane Moor jGerry Hallenbeck . m. John Hallenbeck [Ronald Hallenbeck Charlotte Ann Moor JJames DeYoung Paul Moor m. John E. DeYoung IJane DeYoung b. Jan. 15, 1900 Rodney Moor {Julie Ann Moor- m. Hazel Clark {m. Avis Tinnis FLOY EVELINE SHOBE For Ancestors Frances Leone Smith See Page 82 b. Jan. 24, 1921 m. Donald Ray Carson b. Aug. 6, 1923 James Edward Smith [Claude Lisle Smith b. June 9, 1923 I b. Aug. 4, 1944 James Lisle Smith m. Helen Esther Curry[Edward Lisle Smith Floy Eveline Shobe b. Oct. 13, 1897 b. Oct. 13, 1925 Lb. Apr. 30, 1947 b. 1877 d. 1898 m. Gladys L. Myers Raymond Howard Smith m. George Smith b. Aug. 21, 1904 b. Nov. 6, 1925 d. August, 1941 m. at Loon, Iowa Dec. 10, 1919 Dicie Evelyn Smith b. Oct. 21, 1927 jJames Lynn Palmer m. James R. Palmer \ b. April 21, 195.0 b. July 13, 1924 Robert Dean Smith Pamela Lynn Smith b. Dec. 27, 1932 b. April 16, 1953 m. Yvonne Thrane Robert Dean Smith Jr. b. Nov. 27, 1936 {. b. Sept. 21, 1955 Karen Gene Smith _ b. Sept. 1, 1939 PART II.

The first section of this book follows out the various branches of the descendants of Jacob Shobe, the older son of Jacob Schaub and Barbara (Wurtz) Shobe as set forth on Page 5.

The following section is devoted to the descend­ ants of Martin Shobe, the younger brother of Jacob, as set forth on Page 7. They both came to America in 1737 and they married sisters of the Heyer family which came to America in the same ship which brought the Shobe fam­ ily to this country.

In some cases, members of the two sections in­ termarried and where their descent is listed in the first section, it is not repeated here, but only referred to by page number. At best, those named in the first section can be no more than first cousins to those listed in the following section. 84


He was the oldest son of Martin Shobe and his wife, Elizabeth (Hire) Shobe, and was called "Big Rudy" in order to distinguish him from his smaller cousin Rudolph, the son of Jacob. Both Big Rudy and his father were Revolutionary War Patriots of Hamp­ shire Co., Virginia (later Hardy Co., W. Va.) and all of the descendants listed in this section are therefore probably entitled to membership in the D. A. R. and other patriotic organizations if they so desire. (See West Va. Revolution­ ary Ancestors-page 71, by Anne W. Reddy.)

Rudolph was married twice but all of his nine children were born by his first wife, whose name we have been unable to ascertain. Settlement of his estate was filed July 10, 1821 in Hardy Co., W. Va. and recorded, although from Appraisment Bill and Inventory it appears that he died in 1815. (See Will Book #3, p. 129 Hardy County.

The will lists the following heirs:- Widow Shobe; Jacob Shobe; Sam­ uel Shobe (son-in-law who married his daughter Sarah Shobe);Rudolph Shobe;Jonas Shobe; Hannah Shobe; Henry House (son-in-law who married his daughter Christina (Teany) Shobe;Susannah Shobe;Martin Rudolph Shobe and Elizabeth, who married Abraham Hegler. (See Page 7.)


He also signed his name Martin Shobe and Martin R. Shobe. He is the one mentioned in his father's will as Martin Rudolph Shobe. He was born in Vir­ ginia (now W. Va.) and was married June 3, 1804 to Belinda Elder. (Hardy County, Va. Marriages, Book of Ministers Returns, page 14). He went^^o^Warren County, Ejy.

in 1818, probably by way of Ross Co., Ohio, but twelve yearsAsettled in Marion County, Missouri.

He had two sons, Dr. Mendon Shobe, who married but appears to have had no children, and Nicholas George Shobe, who settled in Schuyler County, near the Iowa border and was Justice of the Peace for so many years that he finally became known as "Squire" Shobe and, when we visited his grandson, Lloyd Shobe at Hanni­ bal, Mo., he knew no other name for his grandfather but "Squire". According to the census for Missouri, Martin Shobe 3rd also had six daughters, but we have been unable to get any trace of any of them or their de­ scendants. 85 Descendants of MARTUT SHOBE 3rd Son of Rudolph Shobe (Big Rudy), m. Belinda Elder.

Infant, b. & d. Silas Bruner, b. 1900 Oct. 2, 1875 Paul Ramon Bruner For Ancestors Forest E. Bruner See Fage 7. Ida Francis Shobe Floyd Ralph Bruner b. NOT. 7, 1876 Marvin Bruner, dec'd. m. Jared Bruner Mary Lou Bruner m. Donald Smith Martha Jewel Bruner Died in infancy William A. Shobe,unm, b. Feb. 2, 1879 John Lewis Shobe,unm, John W. Shobe b. NOT. 1, 1881 b. July 13, 1845 d. April 13, 1950 d. Dec. 2, 1919 George Edwin Shobe Elizabeth Shobe m. Eliza Snyder b. May 8, 1884 J m. Fred Blount {NO issue b. May 1, 1854 m. Mabel Aritzman 1 Helen Shobe d. Nov. 20, 1889 m. Dwight Hinkle (Robert Hinkle (2) Jessie Bridges Elizabeth A. Shobe b. Sept. 28, 1859 b. March 23, 1887 d. April 19, 1940 Infant, b. Si d. Fablus Cemetery NOT. 19, 1889 Downing , Mo. Martha I. Shobe b. Sept. 14, 1894 John W. Robinson Marylin Robinson b. Oct. 4, 1939 m. John Robinson b. NOT. 4, 1917 Carolyn Robinson (2) Eyerett Rowe { m. Mary Ross . b. July 26, 1943 b. 1875 d. 1950 I Wilma Shobe b. April 1, 1926 Pamela Johnson James Robert Shobe m. George Johnson b. Feb. 22, 1950 Nicholas George Shobe b. Aug. 1, 1898 Henry James Kethe m. Lena Ayer Mary Shobe Called "Squire" b. Sept. 15, 1930 b. Oct. 85, 1949 b. Dec. 39, 1816 m. Charles Kethe Charles John Kethe d. April 8, 1887 Lena Marie Shobe . b. 1953 m. Betsy Ann _____ b. Feb. 20, 1902 fNo issue b. June 20, 1823 m. Homer Hall d. Jan. IB, 1878 Arthur Mullens Fabius Cemetery . Delia Draper Downing, Mo. Gilbert Mullens Don Shobe, unm. d. Age 5 years d. About 1923 Raymond Mullens \Richard Mullens Age 65 years b. Sept. 15, 1895 m. Majar Virginia JPatricia House b.1-3-22 b. 5-27-43 Crissie Mullens \ b. Jan. 81, 1899 m.W.House m. Floyd Henderson Jackie Ross (2) Leo Ross b.Oct. 1, 1930 Joan B. Ross b. Jan. 15, 1933 Jennings Mullens Lorene Mullens Belle Shobe b. April 30, 1900 • b. May 25, 1935 b. Aug. 15, 1875 m. Minnie Kunselman Harley Mullens m. Isham Mullens b. Dec. 19, 1937 Called "Hlce" Stanley Mullens b. Sept. 17, 1861 d. Age 3 years d. June 2, 1948 Ruby Mullens d. Age about 30 m. Lowell Rutiedge Lewis Mullens, unm. George Shobe Chester Mullens b.NoT.11,1853 d.1920- William J. Mullens r m. Maggie Carnahan b. Oct. 17, 1913 "iNo issue b. April 15, 1858 m. Charl. Zagrodnik d. May 10, 1900 Jessie May Mullens Cowen cemetery d. Age 6 years Downing, Mo. Bessie Mullens b. May 6, 1911 •^Geraldine Hogland m. Darrell Hogland Helen Mullens b. Dec. 1, 1917 (NO issue m. Joe Poulus Curtis Mullins b. June 15, 1920 jpatsy Mullins continued next page m. Thelma Howe 86

Continued from previous page. Amanda Shobe, b. 1878 f m. Samuel Sampson |Ko issue (2) Arthur Vahlbusch Kenneth Shobe b. Sept. 28, 1930 For Ancestors Betty Shobe See Page 7. b. Dec. 14, 1932 Lloyd George Shobe b. Nov. 29, 1934 Courtland Shobe Joan Shobe b. Oct. 5, 1903 b. March 2, 1937 m. Catherine Bro- Martha Jane Shobe caille. b. May 4, 1939 b. Nov. 7, 1908 d. July 17, 1945 Robert Lee Shobe b. May 20, 1942 Earl Dean Shobe b. Feb. 7, 1945 Donald Gene Shobe b. Oct. 18, 1948 Edson Shobe b. Oct. 16, 1905 d. Sept. 14, 1929 Adelaide Shobe b. Jan. 27, 1908 m. Perry Lowe I No issue (2) Harry Sanders Lloyd T. Brocaille George Shobe b. Jan. 17, 1929 b. 1853 d.Nov.8,1920 m. Florence Wagner m. Maggie Carnahan Lloyd Shobe Adelaide Brocaille b.__ April 15, 1858 b. June 17, 1380 Pauline Shobe b. Nov. 15, 1930 d. May 10, 1900 m. Eva Bragg b. May 28, 1910 •{ Homer E. Brocaille Cowen cemetery b. Feb. 5, 1882 m. Homer Brocaille b. April 17, 1933 Downing, Mo. Alfred L. Brocaille b. March 4, 1936 Anna L. Brocaille b. Aug. 15, 1944 Eva L. Margriter b. Dec. 23, 1930 Norma Lee Margriter b. Dec. 19, 1932 Arthur E. Margriter b. Oct. 2, 1934 Margaret Shobe Bennie W. Margriter b. Nov. 4, 1912 b. Jan. 12, 1937 m. Arthur Margriter d. Sept. 3, 1938 Charlene Margriter b. June 12, 1938 Frances Margriter b. March 16, 1941 George G. Margriter b. Nov. 18, 1942 Patsy D. Margriter b. Feb. 26, 1944 George Glenon Shobe „ b. May 27, 1915 Wesley Shobe d. World War I Earl Shobe d. Age six James Pruner, unm. Martha Shobe William Pruner, dec'd. John Pruner m. George Pruner m. Bertha Arnie Adelaide Pruner, unm. 87

JACOB SHOBE He was born in 1781 in Hampshire County, Virginia (now Hardy County, West Virginia). His father was Rudolph (Big Rudy) Shobe but we have been unable to ascertain the name of his mother. In 1802 he was married to Clory Stookey in Virginia and they followed others of the Shobe clan to Ross County, Ohio in the early part of the nineteenth century.

Clory Stookey was the forth of ten children born to Abraham Stookey and his wife, Eve. The tragic story of their family is that their home caught fire about 1799 and, after getting all of the children out of the house, Abra­ ham and Eve re-entered to save some of the furniture, when the roof collapsed and burned them to death. Abraham's father was Jacob Stookee who came to Amer­ ica aboard the Virtuous Grace in September, 1737 with the Shobes.

During the time that Jacob lived in Ross County there were three oth­ ers there bearing the same name, and this has caused much confusion in tracing the family records of that county. The others were his Uncle Jacob Shobe, who married his Aunt Margaret Stookey; his uncle's son Jacob, who married Sarah Carr, and his cousin Jacob Shobe Jr., the son of Little Rudy Shobe.

In 1818 Jacob and Clory went to Warren County, Kentucky, where they settled on a farm which is a few miles east of the present town of Bowling Green. They were the parents of seven children, some born in Virginia, some in Ohio and the youngest, Cyrus barn in Kentucky.

Jacob died Oct. 20, 1827, only nine years after moving to Kentucky but his wife lived on for thirty years and saw her family take root and grow in­ to a clan known to us of today as the Kentucky Shobes. Many of them still live there and the cemetery at Smith's Grove is replete with markers and monuments with the "SHOBE" inscription.

Jacob and Clory were both buried in a private burying ground on the north border of the farm where they lived, later known as the Tucker farm, and in later years this grew into a thicket and briar patch which was almost impen­ etrable when we visited it in 1950, but both stones were still standing erect and the inscriptions thereon still plainly legible. The following year the de­ scendants of Moses Shobe caused the markers, which were quite large, to be re­ moved to the family plot in the cemetery at Smith's Grove.

Jacob's son Jonathan (who went by the name of Johnson) went to Bates County, Mo., and Abel and Mary, who married a Jameson went to Pettis County, Mo. but the other children lived and died in Kentucky. The granddaughter of Mary Jameson, named Elizabeth Quissehberry was married to Jesse James Jr., and they were the parents of four daughters who now live in California. Jesse James Jr. was a son of the famous bandit.

We are deeply indebted to Mrs. Mildred Hardcastle, the great-grand­ daughter of Elizabeth Shobe and James Monroe Tucker for the record of the de­ scendants of Jacob Shobe and Clory Stookey Shobe. She has long been the histor­ ian of the Kentucky Shobes and generously loaned us her notes on the family. Also the family of Luther Moses Shobe gave us much assistance on their branch. When we visited them in 1950 their mother, Ella Ford Shobe was still living and died the following year at the age of 92. 88


He was the son of Rudolph (Big Rudy) Shobe Far Descent Jacob Lewis Shobe f See Absalom Shobe Luther Shobe JPage 89 b. Sept. 8, 1803 Sarah Ann Shobe For Ancestors Woodford Shobe d. June 9, 1886 ^Page 90 See Page 7. Warren Co., Ky. J Susan Shobe, Inf. m. Nov. 22, 1826 ' Milburn H. Shobe Jane Dunn Johnathan C. Shobe b. Jan. 1, 1811 Mary E. Shobe Pass 91 d. May 7, 1888 Edmonia Shobe ^Eleanora Shobe

Moses Shobe Lewis I)unn Shobe Amanda Shobe b. Apr. 14, 1806, Va. jBRge 92 d. Dec. 7, 1879 Emily Shobe Warren Co., Ky J Milton Monroe Shobe 93,94,95 m. July 21, 1829 William C. Shobe Martha (Patsy) Dunn Rebecca Shobe Page 96 b. April 3, 1813 Ann Shobe 97 & 98 d. Sept. 1, 1875 Luther Moses Shobe Page 99

Luther Shobe Cyrus Shobe •{Mary Shobe Jacob Shobe, b. 1781 Sarah Shobe Hampshire Co., Va. Jonathan!Johnson)Shobe iHudson Tate Shobe now Hardy Co., W.Va. b. 1811 d. 1903, Mo. Page 100 d. Oct. 20, 1827 m. Nancy Jamison Tucker William Haley Shobe Warren Co., Ky. (2) Ellen E. Calmes Theodore J. Shobe m. Clory Stookey To Bates County, Mo. Lewis C. Shobe b. 1783 2 J. Abel Shobe d. Jan. 29, 1857 Medora Shobe Warren Co., Ky. Betty Shobe Neville Shobe

Abel Shobe Bedford Shobe m. Martha Anderson Jacob Shobe In 1840. West to Andrew Shobe Sedalia, Missouri Daughter , Page 101 Mary Ann Shobe Elizabeth Jamison Jamison su Quissenberry Pettis Co., Mo Also other children

Elizabeth Shobe Moses Tucker Page 102 b. Aug. 21, 1816 John Thompson Tucker in Rocc Co., Ohio William H. Tucker d. Dec. 28, 1880 Dr. James E. Tucker Warren Co., Ky. Mary Ellen Tucker Henry V. Tucker m. Sept. 23, 1831 Page 103 James Monroe Tucker Martha Ann Tucker b. Oct. 10, 1808 Margaret A. Tucker d. Aug. 18, 1889 Jacob Monroe Tucker Tucker family cem. Columbus Tucker Warren Co., Ky. Charles C. Tucker

Cyrus Shobe Ellen E. Shobe b. 1822 d. 1889 Eugene A. Shobe m. Selina W. Smith Mary S. Shobe Page 104 (2) Elizabeth Carden John Shobe

(3) Catherine E. Ross vJames Shobe 89 DESCENDANTS OF ABSALOM SHOBE Dorothy Leslie Ford b. Sept. 25, 1911 • Kathleen Rae James m. Charles H. James . b. Feb. 25, 1945 Jane Elizabeth Shobe Leslie Ann Shallenberger b. Nov. 16, 1852 Isabel Eliz. Ford b. Dec. 23, 1942 d. June 21, 1854 b. July 24, 1915 ' Ford G. Shallenberger Mary Leslie Shobe Wm. Shallenberger . b. Apr. 19, 1947 b. Aug. 11, 1885 Far Ancestors m. Samuel C. Ford Gary Leslie Jaokson Clara Eliz. Ford See Pege 88 b. Nov. 7, 1882 b. Jan. 5, 1945 b. Feb. 4, 1921 Gov. of Montana Linda kary Jackson m. April 2, 1944 1941 - 1949 b. Oot. 26, 1948 Waller Shobe Melbourn Jackson Laurie Elizabeth Jackson b. Dec. 25, 1854 . b. Aug. 1, 1950 d. July 15, 1940 Mary Margaret Ford [Judith Lynne James m. Nov. 25, 1879 b. June 3, 1923 J b. Aug. 11, 1947 Isabel Leslie m. Theodore James ] Robert Ford James dau. of Gov, Leslie No kin to Charles ( b. Deo. 26, 1950 b. Nov. 23, 1860 Clara Woodson Shobe d. July 15, 1952 Helen Clara White Moved to Montana b. June 4, 1892 Helena, Mont. b. June 4, 1916 0. Sept. 15, 1919 m. Sidney Gingrich m. George M. White Mary Edith White b. 1918 d. 1919 b. 1892 d. 1953 Preston Leslie Shobe. b. Mar. 22, 1897 No issue m. Virginia l "Charles William Hite James Jones Shobe b. 1883 d. 1B87 I b. Jan. 6, 1857 Buf ord Shobe Hite d. Jan. 25, 1857 b. 1885 d. 1907 Jacob Lewis Shobe Waller Burns Hite b. May 2, 1828 b. 1886 d. 1929

d. Feb. 21, 1878 Randall Clifton Hitef-^ Hlte m. Deo. 16, 185L b. Jan. 13, 1889 *• Sarah Elizabeth B=,m^^ n.1,, m„ fCharlotte Eliz. Hite Jones Raymond SalingHite L Buford Hite b. May 29, 1892 b. Nov. 7, 1832 Fay mt< 'Mary Idis Hite b. Dec. 16, 1916 Ifllia Shobe Clara Shobe Hite b. April 21, 1858 b. Mar. 2, 1918 d. 1943, Portland Eugene Huston Hite Eugene Huston Hite Jr. m. Dec. 13, 1882 b. Mar. 2, 1894 b. Nov. 30, 1919 Wm. Huston Hite Sr, m. Sept. 10, 1915 Blanche Eliz. Hite d. 1937, Portland, Mina May Anderson b. Nov. 7, 1921 Oregon. Buford Shobe Hite b. Sept. 19, 1923 Charles Clifton Hite b. May 25, 1928 Jane Shobe Mark Hite Mar b, June 6, 1861 b. 1895 d. 1952 f k Pershing Hite 4. Jan. 31, 1862 fWm. Huston Hite Jr. Wm. Huston Hite Jr,


Clement A, Shobe m. Waters [Mildred Shobe Hardin D. Shobe £TWO daughters Woodford Shobe m. Quissenberry b. Aug. 11, 1834 Edmonia Shobe ^Had issue d. Jan. 11, 1877 m. m. Ella C. Davis Mary Shobe d. 1844 d. 1888 b. Feb. 9, 1871 b. at Glasgow, Ky. d. Jan. 17, 1872 Lorene Shobe,b. 1917 Cora E. Shobe m. Dean Smith b. Jan. 17, 1873 Mildred Shobe, 1919 .Susan Shobe, Inf. d. Deo. 28, 1873 m. Earnest Straits Neil Borden Shobe Oscar LaRue Shobe b. 1921. Wont to b. November, 1894 South America For Ancestors m. Mae Bowden William Thomas Shobo See Page 88 (2) Zelma b. 1927 Francis Shobe, 1928 m. Charles Pierce Donald Shobe James LaRue Shobe b. 1903 d.1932 b. 1867 d.1872 P/Michael L. Shobe d|b. 1944 Clara B. Shobe b. Jan. 1, 1899 m. Mont Pentecost Mary Etta Shobo, dec 1 John Thomas Shobe Reba Shobe, dec'd. b. 1927 d. 1936 b. June 12, 1869 b. 1901 d. 1901 Robert Lowell Shobe d. Dec. 15, 1943 b. Sept. 15, 1929 m. Jeanette Loesch m. MaryBelle Coleman Cecil Absalom Shobe b. July 29, 1873 Martha Shobo b. Feb. 13, 1903 b. Oct. 2, 1931 d. July 15, 1948 m. Jewel Vaden moved to Tenn, 1888 m. Fred Smith from Smith's Grove, Carolyn Shobe Kentucky. b. May 15, 1937 David Cecil Shobe I, b. Feb. 8, 1946 Milburn Howeth Shobe b. March 5, 1841 Donna Mae Shobe d. Dec. 23, 1904 b. Fob. 21, 1933 m. March 1, 1866 to' Thomas Dale Shobe m. Gone Peace Mattie E. LaRue b. Sept. 5, 1909 William Thomas Shobe b. June 4, 1843 m. Clarice Redmond b. May 14, 1938 d. March, 1929 Roberta Dale Shobe b. Aug. 21, 1945 Larry Mack Harris Carmel Marie Shobe b. May 27, 1936 b. Nov. 14, 1911 Jerry Lynn Harris m. Will Lynn Harris b. Aug. 22, 1942 b. Oct. 14, 1908 John Dale Harris b. Oct. 9, 1949 Jane Irene Shobe Hattie J. Alexander b. Mar. 26, 1873 b. Aug. 18, 1890 d. 1936 d. April 22, 1891 m. Wm L. Alexander Mamie Ella Shobe b. November, 1875 (See Page 90a) m. Patrick McKelvie Jacob LaRue Shobe called "Jake" (See Page 90a J m. Florence Cleary (2) Laura Hendrix Absalom Shobe, Inf. b. 1880 Ludah (Luddie) Shobe b. Mar. 17, 1882 | (See Page 90b) m. Louoas L. Clary Sally Shobe b. June 9, 1884 | (See Pages 90b and 91) I m. Wm. Robert Kemp MAMIE ELLA SHOBE William Raymond McKelvie' b. Nov. 27, 1895, unm. Silas Alfred McKelvie Fred A. McKelvie b. July 1, 1898 b. April 21, 1925 Mamie Ella Shobe m. Lola Mai Matheny Roland B. McKelvie b. Nov. 1875 d.1929 b. July 26, 1900 |_ b. Feb. 7, 1929 m. Feb. 1, 1895 to Thomas Cecil McKelvie Hugh Patrick McKelvie b. Jan. 3, 1901 m. Emma Francis Yolar Infant daughter Hubert Franklin McKelvie b. Jan. 21, 1933 b. Sept. 26, 1903 James Hubert McKelvie m. Mattie Powers b. July 24, 1934 b. June 6, 1900 Barbara Sue McKelvie b. Aug. 13, 1936 For Ancestors JACOB LARUE SHOBE Soe Page 90 Mildred Evelyn Burton Mattie Vivian Shobe b. Oct. 7, 1922 b. May 6, 1901 m. 0. H. Liobman m. William Hardy Burton (2) Gustav C. Woihe June Mario Burton I b. March 20, 1924 Sarah Jane Shobe Claude Eugene Perkins b. Dec. 20, 1902 b. Aug. 29, 1930 m. Osa Perkins Waymand Hoyt Perkins b. May 7, 1897 b. Jan. 5, 1933 Ray Crocket Perkins b. Dec. 15, 1940 Thelma Jane lie Shobe b. Feb. 5, 1931 m. Hoyt Weaver Milburn H. Shobo II b. Sept. 15, 1905 Duthel Mae Shobe m. June 3, 1927 b.April 4, 1933 to Alpha A. Berry Wanda Dolean Shobe Jacob LaRue Shobe b. June 23, 1905 b. Feb. 4, 1935 b. March 10, 1878 Bernice Fae Shobo m. July 23, 1899 to b. June 15, 1936 Florence L. Clary Shelby Joyce Shobo b. Dec. 27, 1877 b. Oct. 19, 1939 d. Jan. 20, 1906 Janice Sharon Shobe b. Nov. 3, 1946 (2) Mar. 10, 1907 to Vernon Shobe Laura J. Hendrix b. Jan. 30, 1908 b. May 13, 1873 d. Feb. 6, 1908 Luther Odell Shobo Shirley Jean Shobe b. Aug. 16, 1909 b. Maroh 10, 1941 m. Cecil Mai Melton James Edward Shobe b. June 23, 1912 b. Jan. 18, 1944 Roy Shobo b. Jan. 3, 1911 d. July 3, 1911 Anna Janette Shobe , b. April 22, 1912 Keith Perkins m. Herman Perkins b. Mar. 20, 1937 b. July 12, 1913 Jerry D. Shobe b. Dec. 1, 1940 Buford A. Shobo Patricia D. Shobo b. Jan. 30, 1914 b. Nov. 26, 1942 at Paris, Tenn. Larry D. Shobe m. Sept. 16, 1939 to b. Dec. 3, 1948 Juanita LaVern* Owen Juanita Gail Shobo V b. Sept. 11, 1955 George Franklin Shobe b. Dec. 4, 1915 Served 5 yrs in World L. m. Gertrude O'Noil War II. 3 over seas. 90b LUDAH MAE SHOBE Orle L. Clary b. 1901 d.1903 Virgil A. Clary b. 1903 d.1904 Vicki Sue Hendrix James William Hendrix b. Nov. 16, 1949 b. Oct. 27, 1925 Wanda Ann Hendrix Nelle Irene Clary m. OrphaRose Weidour b. Dec. 18, 1952 b. April 22, 1904 Vernon Rich. Hendrix For Ancestors m. James C. Hendrix Michael R. Hendrix See Page 90 b. July 30, 1929 b. Dec. 24, 1954 m. Ella Mai Hubbard Jewel Wayne Hendrix b. June 30, 1938 William Bryan Clary Bryan Elroy Clary b. Aug. 3, 1906 b. June 22, 1937 m. Dec. 23,1933 to Joe Edd Clary Emma Eliz. Clendenin b. Mar. 14, 1939 b. Jan. 1, 1916 John William Clary b. Dec. 19, 1950 Thomas Henry Clary Regina Ann Clary b. Sept. 26, 1908 b. Dec. 23, 1935 Ludah May Shobe m. Lorene Smith Martha Jane Clary called ''Luddie" Oliver Miller Clary b. Dec. 2 4, 1937 b. Mar. 17, 1882: b. July 21, 1910 d. Jan. 1, 1931 m. Vester Conn Donna Hancock m. Loucas L. Clary Mattie Pearl Clary b. May 17, 1938 b. Sept. 6, 1912 Clarene Hancock m. Harry W. Hancook b. Oot. 6, 1939 John Gregory Hancock b. Aug. 4, 1946 Emmett Laf. Clary Lucas Landy Clary b. April 26, 1914 b. May 21, 1953 m. Willie B. Davis Ludah Kay Clary b. Oct. 3, 1929 b. Oct. 26, 1954 Roy Shobe Clary b. 1915 d.1953 Ray Prentioe Clary James Ray Clary b. June 17, 1918 J b. June 14, 1938 m. Ruby Clara Smith ] Norma Fay Clary V b. Jan. 10, 1945 I" Linda Ann Moser Anna Elizabeth Clary J b. Mar. 7, 1949 b. Sept. 25, 1921 I Carol Jean Moser m. Wm. Henry Moser L b. Nov. 12, 1951 "Velda Jhoe Clary Joe T. Clary b. Aug. 20, 1948 b. May 25, 1924 Roger Stephen Clary m. June 28, 1947 b. July 3 0, 1952

k to Elaine Evans Vonica Sue Clary b. Jan. 16, 1954 SALLY SHOBE Ramona Mae Kemp Jeffery T. Washburn b. Oct. 1. 1932 b. Oct. 24, 1954 m. James L. Washburn James Fayne Kemp fJames Fayne Kemp b. Sept. 21, 1934 ] b. Aug. 6, 1954 James Shobe Kemp m. Martha Trentham b. March 4, 1901 Bonnette Kemp m. Lillie Chapman b. Oct. 17, 1936 b. May 18, 1914 Jerry C. Kemp b. Sept. 3, 1939 John Thomas Kemp Sally Shobe b. Oct. 20, 1941 b. June 9, 1884 Karon Gail Kemp m. Wm Robert Kemp b. June 18, 1955 b. Mar. 6, 1880 Wallace A. Kemp James Farmer Kemp [Elizabeth Ann Kemp d. June 29, 1938 b. May 12 , 1902 m. Ann Oliver Colvin j fe s t 18 1954 d. May 18, 1937 James b. 11/10/1926 I m. Carrie 0.Farmer Jean Gray Kemp b. July 16, 1904 b. Sept. 7, 1930 Lula May Kemp b. 1903 d. 1904 Robert Guin Kemp b. Jan. 19, 1905 William Guin Kemp d. Dec. 25, 1933 b. Nov. 7, 1925 m. Louise McWherter Martha Lorene Kemp Robbie Lynn Campbell b. Mar. 24, 1907 b. Aug. 1, 1934 continued next page m. Tom P. Campbell m. James Hicks Neal Jr. b. Mar. 16, 1900 b. 1933 91 Macon LaRue Kemp b. 1909 d. 1917 William Bern Reed Linda Ruth Reed Con. from Page 90b b. July 20, 1928 b. June, 1947 m. Edith Field William Robert Reed b. Oct. 17, 1930 • b. Mar. 6, 1955 Janie Blanch Kemp Ann LaRue Reed Shiela Alexander b. March 22, 1912 4\ b. April 30, 1933 b. Jan. 23, 1953 m. Lois Elvern Reed m. Walter Alexander Michael Alexander b. Oct. 17, 1902 b. Dec. 1, 1929 (b. April 5, 1955 Wallace R. Reed b. June 11, 1938 Kemp Guin Reed Sally Shobe, }

DESCENDANTS OF ABSALOM SHOBE (con) Jonathan C. Shobe Henrietta Shobe Holloway Note- This family moved b. Jan. 7, 1839 b. 1868 d. Nov. 2, 1941 from Kentucky to Clin­ d. Feb. 14, 1898 Anderson Shobe ton,Mo. and then to El m. Henrietta Wooten b. 1870 d. 1935 Paso, Texas. No descend­ b. Sept. 15, 1841 Absalom Shobe ants. All brought baok d. May 4, 1920 b. 1876 d.1896 to Clinton for burial. Clem Davis Jones Rebecca Lowe b. May 11, 1963 Marry Jones Joe Kenneth Lowe d. Sept. 28, 1901 m. Claude Lowe .Elizabeth Ann Lowe m. Laura Hays Charles Jones Dorothy Jones b. July 6, 1872 Mary Laura Jones d. June 1, 1932 m. Columbia Fox .Charlene Jones Mary E. Shobe Buford E. Jones b. May 18, 1843 b. Dec. 21, 1887 Alma Lee Jones d. Apr 10, 1917 d. Jan. 2, 1951 m. J. David Francis m. Jame s W. Jones f b. July 28, 1841 James W. Jones m. Edna Landers d. May 31, 1864 b. Dec. 7, 1864 Tubal Jones (2) Jos. C. Cullins m. Feb. 24, 1887 b. Nov. 7, 1892 No issue b. Mar. 22, 1837 Mary MoDaniel m. Queenie Cartwright d. Nov. 13, 1897 Lucille Jones Smith's Grove, Ky. b. Sept. 10, 1895 Sarah Cullins Mildred Jones, unm. m. Atkins b. Nov. 29, 1901 Elizabeth Cullins b. 1884 d. 1885 Ella Mary Wooten b. 1875 d. 4/2/1916 No issue m. Thomas H. Beard Edmonia Shobe Mayme Bell Wooten JMichael Wooten Logue Sylvester B. Wooten b. June 17, 1903 b. 1845 d.1922 b. Aug. 9, 1877 | b. July 15, 1933 m. Oct. 17, 1872 d. Nov. 15, 1935 m. Wilbur B. Logue Dr. Junius Wooten m. Lera A. Bell Chester Wooten b. Nov. 30, 1945 b. June 19, 1906 [No issue d. 1919. Buried at b. May 13, 1878 Smith's Grove, Ky. Junius H. Wooten,unm. m. Velma Hill L b. 1890 d.1922 92


Ellanora Shobo Vernon Shobe Andrews b. Juno 29, 1850 b. August 1, 1879 (No issue For Ancestors d. Oct. 7, 1937 m. Bessie Alvis See Pago 88 m. Jesse W. Andrew < b. May 23, 1894 b. Jan. 17, 1846 Elizabeth J. Andrew d. July 2, 1890 b. May 12, 1883 Rockfield, Ky. I d. May 9, 1907 DESCENDANTS OF MOSES SHOBE Nancy Vane Day Mary Stephens Minor Ford Shobe b. 1920 jAmi Clare " b. 1866 d.1940 aPatti Sue " m. Lola Mansfield m. Mart Stephen Ellen Fisher Dorothy Day Lon Criss May b. 1894 b. 1922 Catherine Ann m. Vano S. Day m. Lorenzo May .Virginia L. b. 1894 Mary Alice Day Linda Sue Macy Ermine Shobe b. 1925 Janet Ann " b. April 17, 1868 I ^ m. Wayne Macy m. Jacob H.Fisher ^Ermine Fisher,unm b. 1898 b. Feb. 2, 1865 Jeanne Fisher Steve Carpenter b. 1926 b. July 1952 Louis Dunn Shobe Gordon Fisher m. R. Carpenter Louise " b. May 31, 1836 b. 1892 b. 1926 _b. June, 1954 d. Feb. 1910 . m. Belle Chaffee m. Ellen A.Ford Margaret Fisher b. 1931 Richard O'Neil b. Mar. 1, 1842 b. Dec. 1954 d. 1918 Bertha Shobe I m. R.S.O'Neill b. 1875 No issue m. Goo. McKnight

Ben Johnson Shobe b. 1877 JNI-jNo issue m. Jessie Thomasoni 's-

Patsy Shobe, unm.

Mary Eliz. Shobo,unm.

William Shobo Sarah Middleton m. George Elliott Elizabeth Middleton m. Quissenberry Amanda Shobe Samuel Middleton m. William E. Middleton Harry Middleton Susan Middleton m. Hatten William Middleton

Emily E. Shobe 1-{Leonard Totty Jr. b. 1838 m. Leon Totty [Minnie Graham (2) Milt Graham 2[m. Black Milton M. Shobe Died in infancy 93

WILLIAM C. SHOBE Son of Moses-Grandson of Jacob and Clory (Stookey) Shobe. Born in Kentucky, Aug. 13, 1867-d. in Kansas, Jan. 7, 1938. Went to Kansas in 1884. Married, first-Lola Tanner, who died March 28, 1885. Second—Lillian McKowan, who was born Nov. 20, 1860, died July 19, 1950, age 90 years. William was the father of 14 children, as follows:— o Children by Lola Tanner (1) George K. Shobe f Georgia Shobe b. August 8, 1868 For Ancestors d. July 7, 1927 Myrtle Shobe See Page 88 m. (2) Sally D. Shobe b. Twin of George d. March 15, 1870 Shirley C. Adams Shirley Adams m. Mary Willis "Im « Province Gregory IWillis Adams Donald Lee Adams Felix Ed Adams Jr. Felix Edwin Adams Ellen Marie Adams b. March 10, 1916 Patricia , dec'd. m. Louise —, Sharon Ann Adams Wm Fayette Adams David Arthur Adams b. Jan. 15, 1890 .Theresa Adams m. Hattie Claycomb fTerrill Jo Adams James Otis Adams J James Jr., dec'd b. June 14, 1918 | John Arthur Adams m. Marjorie Gould IWm Claycomb Adams Albert Eldon Teter Rachel Patsy Adams Mary Margaret Teter b. Aug. 22, 1920 Patsy Lu Teeter m. Albert E. Teter ! Judy Lee Teter Hattie V". Adams, Inf. (3) Mattie Shobe Twin of Rachel b. Aug. 29, 1870 Clifton Adams d. April 28, 1934 b. Dec. 24, 1891 No issue m. Henry D. Adams d. June 18, 1931 m. Mabel Bronson Betty M. Adams b. Feb.5 , 1919 Raymond V. Adams m._ b. June 20, 1893 Raymond V. Adams Jr. m. Gladys Grove b. Oct. 5,1920,unm. Wm Henry Adams b. Nov. 1,1923,unm. Delbert Adams b. Aug. 1, 1895 No issue m.

Lola Shobe m. Melvern Pepper No issue Donald Bresley Leah Jean Adams < Nolan Bresley Opal Shobe m. D. B. Bresley (Linda Bresley b. Oot. 2, 1902 fCynthia Adams m. Robert Adams Robert Adams (4) Henry Shobe X Randolph Adams b. May 5, 1872 m. Dale Smith d. Nov. 24, 1922 Silvia Ravenstien m. Lyda Phillips Betty Shobe b. Feb. 2, 1950 b. March 11, 1927 Patricia Kay Raven- m. Robt. Ravenstien( b. July 18, 1952 Cynthia L. Hartman Connie Shobe b. Nov. 8, 1951 Paul M. Shobe b. July 25, 1930 Gerald Hartman Jr. b. Sept. 12, 1904 * m. Gerald Hartman b. Jan. 6, 1953 m. Ethel Prilliman Charlotte Shobe b. May 12, 1934 m. Kenneth Himes Donald Shobe b. Oct. 3, 1936 94

WILLIAM C. SHOBE, con. (5) Moses Shobe 4 Eva Shobe b. Aug. 18, 1874 d. Feb. 12, 1951 For Ancestors m. Kettle Kenney See Page 88 (6) Belle Shobe, unm. b. Jan. 9, 1876 d. Dec. 15, 1936 (7) Baiter Shobe b. Sept. 5, 1882 Edwin W. Shobe Floyd Shobe d. May 3, 1953 m. m. Dora Wise m(2) Cora Sner- Bert Douglas inger Yeakle (Foster son) Lawrence Shobe Lawrence M. Shobe b. Nov. 19, 1905 b. May 2, 1929 Delva Jean Shobe d. Aug. 27, 1929 Barbara Ann Shobe 1 m. m. Mina Wilson Perthi Dortha Irene Shobe b. March 17, 1907 Ben Eugene Niebaum m. Ben Niebaum b. Feb. 29, 1924 (2) Austin Beal d. Jan. 3, 1940 Henry Wm. Shobe b. July 27, 1908 No issue d. Feb. 13, 1941 m. Lola Qalligar Floyd Robert Shobe b. Sept. 9, 1910 J James Shobe Charlene Buchananl b# Feb* 6» 1935 (8) Edwin Tucker Shobe Russell John Shobe b. June 11, 1884 b. Sept. 23, 1911 No issue d. May 24, 1946 m. Lola Galligar at Wichita, Kansas widow of Henry m. Flora M. Pearce Orpha May Shobe Beverly Ann Squezzy b. Jan. 29, 1888 b. Nov. 14, 1912 b. Feb. 6, 1945 d. Sept. 16, 1921 m. Edward Squezzy Barbara June Squezzy Wellington, Kansas Twin of Beverly Maxine Lilly Shobe b. Mar 28, 1915 .[John Benningfield m. Bruce Benningf ield\ b. Feb 16, 1923 (2) Tom Niebaum Orville Elwood Shobe b. June 14, 1916 d. March 22, 1927 Edwina Jolene Shobe Edwin Marvin Shobe b. Jan. 21, 1948 b. June 29, 1917 Edwin M. Shobe Jr. m. Earline Caldwell . b. July 13, 1949 Lois Anita Shobe b. March 10, 1921 No issue m. Floyd Bestwick For Ancestors See Page 88 WILLIAM C. SHOBE, con.

His children by Lillian MeKowan

Myron Shobe b. June 16, 1911 No issue (9) Charles Shobe m. Helen Walcher b. Dec. 20, 1886 Sandra G. Shobe d. Jan. 3, 1952 b. April 30, 1937 m. Eva Morgan Elizabeth Ann Shobe Maurice Shobe b. Jan. 29, 1941 b. July 27, 1913 Michael LeRoy Shobe m. Dorothy Archer b. Jan. 25, 1946 Marsha Lee Shobe (10) Warren Shobe b. Jan. 30, 1949 b. Sept. 23, 1890 d. Sept. 22, 1916

(11) Hea (Ray) Shobe b. Oct. 22, 1893 m. Bertha Edwards (12) Henry Shobe b. Jan. 23, 1898 m. Huby Hanley No issue b. June 28, 1900

(13) Ruth Shobe William Clothier b. Sept. 8, 1900 b. Nov. 21, 1921 m. Daunt Clothier d. Feb. 6, 1945

(14) Lewis D. Shobe b. Aug. 5, 1902 No issue m. Gladys M. Hastie 96


Sally Smith b. 1858 a. 1874 For Ancestors Caroline Pace See Page 88 C. Linnie Smith m. Potter m. Sept. 30, 1879 Ritchie Pace Walter B. Pace Clifton Pace Reba Pace Julia Pace Corinne Smith Herschel P. Smith m. Ernest H. Huff r b. d. 1937 Lois Smith I Louis Ellis m. Corinne Tuck m. Luther C. Ellis 1 Adopted b. Aug. 17, 1868 Herschel Smith d. Jan. 1, 1952 .Landon D. Smith Jesse Grider Smith Mildred Smith b. Mar. 29, 1864 m. W. J. Jeffries d. Sept. 16, 1893 Aubrey Smith m. Mary J. Claypool m. Alexine Graham b. 1869 Raymond H. Smith . Raymond Smith m. Edith McWhorter iJohn M. Smith Woolbridge Smith fkarthola Smith Shobe Smith m. Moselle Maupin I Joseph Smith b. 1866 Frank G. Smith {Frank G. Smith Jr. Rebecca Shobe m. Mattie D. Wool- m. Willard D. Hart b. 1840 d. 1895 bridge Shobe Smith m. Alexander Han­ m. Velma Wright (Patricia Smith nibal Smith Clarence Smith b. 1836 d. 1903 m. Imogene Kelly |James Shobe Smith Edward Smith Smith Freeman Smith Freeman Jr. Anna Smith m. Willie Clifton {Anne Freeman m. Dr. Arthur B. Arthur B. Freeman Jr Freeman, d. 1934 m. Audrey E. Hart Wilfred Bullard Hannibal Smith fLucille Smith Martha Ann Bullard m. Julia Walton I m. Carl Bullard Audrey Bullard Gilson Smith, b.1870 Leland Bullard d. July 7, 1939 fJesse G. Smith m. Ida Sherwood [Margaret Smith Blake Smith m. Middleton fHa d issue Waller Smith •[NO issue m. Nannie Pennock Smith {NO issue m. Wanaa Dorothy Robinson m. Oliver Brown Mary Robinson Martha Robinson Dudley Smith m. Orval Steward m. Urbin Robinson Urban Lee Robinson Sharon Barton m. Billy Barton Rebecca Robinson Catherine Robinson m. George Barton Irene Smith Gladys Smith Frank T. Smith m. Ferris Ruggles m. Valerie MoFar­ • "Harold Rowe Smith Susan Smith land m. Caroline Schaub Frank T. Smith Jr. .Robert Travis Smith 97


Virgil Mansfield b. Aug. 27, 1863 d. June 11, 1897 Virgil L. Mansfield m. June 12, 1895 b. June 18, 1897 d Sept 21 193B For Ancestors Lola Young,b.l863 * * > See Page 88 d. Aug. 4, 1938 Martha Ann Mansfield b. Dec. 19, 1864 d. Aug. 14, 1866 Horace Amos b. March 3, 1889 a. Aug. 3, 1918 Frankie Amos b. Nov. 30, 1890 d. Sept. 4, 1906 Adlai S. Amos J. Robert Kirby Jr. b. Jan. 9, 1893 b. July, 1919 m. J. Hobert Kirby Frank M. Kirby b. Oct., 1927 Ann Shobe Sarah Jane Amos b. June 11, 1844 b. Oct. 14, 1894 < Nesbit Rochester Jr. d. Mar. 26, 1914 m. Nesbit Rochester' b. Aug., 1917 m. Nov. 11, 1862 Zelina Amos William Mansfield b. Oct. 27, 1896 {Louise Crump b. April 1, 1816 Emma Mansfield m. Frank Crump j b. Feb., 1920 d. June 30, 1910 b. Oct. 13, 1866 b. 1891 d. 1940 m. Oct. 20, 1886 Emily Amos B. Frank Amos b. 1900 d. 1901 b. Jan. 3, 1857 Ann Shobe Amos Benjamin P. Jones b. Nov. 30, 1901 b. April, 1925 m. Carol Jones Caroline Jones B. Kirtley Amos b. Nov. 23, 1927 b. Dec. 13, 1903 m. Delia E. Godley Dorothy Amos b. April 18, 1905 Kirtley Amos Hill m. Harry Hill . b. April, 1931 Margaret Amos '/Jilliam Frank Amos b. April 2, 1928 b. Sept. 26, 1907 Emily Amos m. Marena Rector b. June 22, 1929 b. Nov. 2, 1907 Janet Amos b. Feb. 28, 1931 Nell Calloway Amos b. March 20, 1910 d. Aug. 22, 1910 continued next page 98

DESCENDANTS OF MOSES SHOBE Ellen Mansfield,unm. b. May 27, 1869 a. Oct. 14, 1944 For Anoestars See Page 88 Lola S. Mansfield b. Jan. 7, 1871 4 No issue m. Minor F. Shobe b. Feb. 22, 1866 P. Mansfield b. May 11, 1872 < No issue m. Bess Green Estil Mansfield (No issue m. Eleanor Smith Walter S. Mansfieia Harry Mansfield b. Aug. 17, 1875 b. 1907 d. 1923 m. Daisy Calloway Nell Mansfield JAnn Calloway Hill m. Maurice Hill I b. 1935 Edward M. Hendricks Mansfield Hendricks Laura Hendricks Ann Shobe b. Feb. 15, 1924 b. June 11, 1844 b. July 8, 1899 m. Stella Fuqua Sue Hendricks,1926 d. Mar. 26, 1914 Zelma Mansfield Ann M. Hendricks m. Nov. 11, 1862 b. June 5, 1877 , b. 1934 William Mansfield m. Oct. 6, 1897 Nell B. Hendricks b. April 1, 1816 Edward Hendricks JNell Kirtley Amos d. June 30, 1910 b. Jan. 12, 1869 b. Dec. 25, 1902 m. Oswald Amos \ b. 1933, Tampa, d. Mar. 29, 1922 Florida Pauline Hendricks b. Aug. 14, 1909 m. Kenneth Coleman Betty Mansfield b. Aug. 22, 1880 d. Aug. 20, 1881 Reba Mansfield b. Dec. 7, 1882 d. Aug. 10, 1883 Helen Mansfield b. 1908 JHelen Jean Cowles m. Nov. 17, 1928 \ b. Mar. 12, 1931 Jesse S. Mansfield H. Maury Cowles b. Jan. 13, 1884 b. Jul. 29, 1899 d. Sept. 19, 1944 d. Sept. 27, 1938 m. Frankie Button William Mansfield IWilliam Mansfield m. Stella Gordon I b. 1933 Grace Mansfield b. Feb. 3, 1886 m. Olive Young 99


For Ancestors See Fage 88 Margaret T. Shobe b. Dec. 31, 1950 William M. Shobe Dr. Merritt B. Shobe Sandra Ruth Shobe b. NOT. 6, 1880 b. Nov. 17, 1917 b. Jun. 22, 1952 m. Margaret Butler m. Rita Halpen William M. Shobe II b. Feb. 25, 1954 Samuel Kelly Shobe b. Aug. 12, 1882 d. Aug. 23, 1883 Fora Shobe Jr. b. Nov. 30, 1922 Ford Shobe m. Nancy Ellis b. July 1, 1884 m. Lillian Dorsey Alice Shobe William Pearson b. Dec. 6, 1924 •j John Pearson Luther Moses Shobe m. Howard Pearson LSandra Ann Pearson b. July 28, 1851 d. Feb. 26, 1931 Sue Shobe Warren Co., Ky. b. July 7, 1886 [Margaret Ford Bland m. Ella Ford m. Miner A. Bland b. July 30, 1912 D. Meacham Jr. b. Mar. 24, 1858 b. Oct. 23, 1885 . m. Wm D. Meacham d. Jan. 21, 1951 d. Apr. 20, 1939 Age 92 years

Patsy Shobe b. Jan. 22, 1888

Frank Allen Shobe b. Mar. 13, 1890 m. Mar. 3, 1923 Katherine Mason

Ruth Ford Shobe b. Mar. 25, 1894

Luther Moses Shobe b. July 14, 1900 100

JOHNSON SHOBE Ora Abigail Shobe For Ancestors John A. Shobe See Page 88 m. Jeanette Boyer No issue (2) Patty D. Jones Meredith Bird Wyatt No Issue Luther Shobe m. Josephine Butler Nancy Paradine Shobe , [Nancy Kettenhofer b. June 13, 1839 m. Del B. Wyatt Gwendolyn Nancy Wyatt b< De0# 15 1923 d. Mar. 19, 1905 b. Wellington, Kans. •( . stil Wellington, Kans. m Rlchard 0a m. Len Kettenhofer [Wm. W. Kettenhofer m. Miranda Abigail Luther Shobe France m. Rose Bohner •^No issue Walter Shobe fCoena May Shobe,dec'd m. Ursula Bennett < aged eight years (2) Dorothy Raleff [Peggy Shobe, adopted Nell Mabel Shobe,unm. Leonard Shobe >- m. Georgia Boswitz Sarah Frances Shobe [ James Kelling b. Dec. 30, 1843 iClyde Kelling,d.1930 m. James Kelling [ m. Mattie Mary Ann Shobe b. Feb. 3, 1845 jLucy Yancey m. Will Yancey LWilliam Yancey Cyrus Shobe b. Jan. 18, 1847 Herbert J. Shobe b. Sept. 13, 1873 d. Nov. 13, 1955 No issue Hudson Tate Shobe m, Anna Reilly b. July 5, 1849 d. April 13, 1954 d. 1938 in Los A. Luther Shobe m. Amanda 01iv«r b. Apr. 14, 1850 b. Feb. 14, 1875 No Issue d. Sept. 12, 1931 m. Pearl Jones in Los Angeles, Oliver Shobe California b. 1878 d.1882 Stella Francis Shobe b. in Missouri To Cad.. Oct. 1906 . m. Ben Weingart Theodore Johnson Shobe called "Doe" Shobe b. Aug. 12, 1852 d. Feb. 12, 1942 m. Tennie Loiry William Haley Shobe b. Oct. 24, 1853 d. April 13, 1940 m. Carrie Alice Trapp Lewis C. Shobe, unm. b. April 27, 1859 d. Sept 13, 1935 Abel Shobe, unm. b. Oct. 7, 1860 d. March 2, 1940 Med ora Shobe, unm. b. Feb. 6, 1866 d. May 17, 1887 Betty Shobe, unm. b. Nov. 16, 1867 Living in 1956 Dlizabeth Ursula Shobe f Charla Gail Connor b. June 11, 1915 Ii b. Mar. 13, 1954 m. Charles W. Connor Neville Shobe Linda Kay Lemmon called "Neb" Kathleen Cle o Shobe b. 1944 (Adopted) b. Feb. 6, 1872 b.. SeptSept.. o28a , 1916 Lisa Jo Lemmon Living in 1956 m .1 Benjamin Lemmon ( b. Dec. 31, 1954 m. Effie Warden Janice K. Shobe Haley Warden Shobe b. May 7, 1944 b. Dec. 18, 1919 John Lewis Shobe m. Pauline Simmons { b. Jan. 12, 1947 101


For Ancestors Bedford Shobe See Page 88 m. Sue Warren {•Jame s Shobe, unm.

Frances Kotterman Pearl Shobe b. Jan. 23, 1930 b. Dec. 9, 1904 Able Frank Shobe m. J.D.Kbtterman Robt. Shobe Kotterman b. June 21, 1878 b. May 14, 1937 d. May 31, 1944 m. Myrtle Fowler Elmer D. Shobe Jacob Shobe b. Aug. 19, 1913 .I Dennis Frank Shobe b. 1854 d.l892(?) . m. Mary Roden I Dec« 10' 1940 m. Fannie Hubbard Elmer D. Shobe b. May, 1880 d. 1912, unm.'

Andrew Shobe, unm.

John Shobe, unm.

Sue Shobe J John DeJarnette

m.John DeJarnette |BlTl-a DeJarnette


Mary Ann Shobe Elizabeth Jamison J Elizabeth Quissenberry Lucille James m. Jamison m Jesse James Jr Josephine James Pettis Co., Mo. m. Quissenberry1 « « [ son of the bandit Estelle James .James 103 DESCENDANTS OF ELIZABETH SHOBE

Sarah Elizabeth Tucker b. 1857 m.Luther Davis buried at Hiawatha,Kan. Mayme Curd Tucker b. Feb. 3, 1886 [woodford B. Ford m. Wood M. Ford \ b. 1911 a. 1934 J. Jones For Ancestors E. Farris 6- 4-1934 See Page 88 8-18-1910. Anne Jones m.J.Jones 7- 11-1936 Clyde Tucker Marvin J. b. Jan. 1, 1888 ,lS)-S6-'3'? m. Oot. 21, 1909 Henrietta Farris James L. Farris b. Apr. 27, 1912 b. Apr. 19, 1879 m. Keith Venable d. Jan. 1, 1953 Mayme L. Farris b. Feb. 25, 1914 m. Thos. Bennett Jr. George Thomas Tucker Effie Janell Farris b. March 20, 1859 b. Apr. 30, 1916 d. Nov. 7, 1924 Helen Tucker Farris m. Deo. 16, 1884 b. Feb. 28, 1919 Lizzie Curd m. Otis W. Allen b. Feb. 9, 1863 Anna Tucker, unm. d. Sept. 18, 1947 b. Nov. 15, 1889 Both buried at George Tucker Cave City, Ky. Adrian Tucker b. Nov. 11, 1893 Adopted m. Helen May Elizabeth Shobe [Sarah Cath. White b. Aug. 21, 1816 Moses Tucker Janie Tucker J b. June 17, 1925

in Ross Co., Ohio b. Jan. 11, 1833 b. Sept. 2, 1895 lp0_y Tucker White

d. Dec. 28, 1880 d. Nov. 28, 1895 Frank D. White { b<< 2l, 1930 Warren Co., Ky. Bur. Tucker Cem. Charles P. Tucker Frances E. Tucker m. Sept. 23, 1831 m. Jan. 1, 1857 b. Mar. 20, 1897 . b. 1922 d. 1924 James Monroe Tucker Tabitha Middleton Renfrew Tucker b. Dec. 9, 1842 m. Jennie Renfrew b. Oct. 15, 1808 , b. 1932 d. Aug. 18, 1889 d. Oct. 3, 1919 (Henrietta Hill Tucker family cem. L Bur. Cave City.Ky Lrby Tucker J b. Mar. 27, 1930 Warren Co., Ky. b. July 29, 1900 ^ ^'gm m. James M. Hill [ j,. 1937 Katie W. Tucker fBetty Lee Wortham b. Dee. 12, 1902 i b. 1932 m. Jun. 21, 1930 |Wm. E. Wortham Jr. ^ '.fa. E. Wortham I b. 1934

lizzie Tucker James Monroe Tucker Hattie Tucker m. Jennie Biffle Lucille Tucker Lived at Strawn, Tex. Willie Tucker Russell Tucker Frank Tucker George Hatcher Nannie M. Tucker Edwin Hatcher m. William Hateher Lucille Hatcher Bur. Muskogee, Okla. m. New

m. L Daughter Ada Tucker Mabel Dickey m. William Dickey Lived at Dennison.Tex. Biffle Dickey John Halsell Tucker /Ruth Tucker b. Aug. 29, 1877 li m d. Feb. 22, 1911 John Henry Tucker m. Verda McAdams continued next page (3) Minnie Coates Biffle Tucker ^Buried, Cave City, Ky 103 DESCENDANTS OF ELIZABETH SHOBE, con.

John Thompson Tucker b. Dec. 13, 1834 d. Jan. 15, 1859 For Ancestors William Harrison Tucker See Page 88 b. April 23, 1837 Oscar Tucker a. July 17, 1916 Katie Tucker, aec'a. m. Dec. 25, 1868 Agea 16 years Jamie E. Mitchell Thomas Tucker a. Mar. 3, 1919. Bur. Mack Tucker at Wellington, Kansas James Harvey Tucker b. Aug. 18, 1865 Living in 1953 | Mildred Tucker Dr. James sawIn Tucker m. June 9, 1888 No issue b. Oct. 11, 1839 Mildrea Carpenter \ m. John V. Hardeastle a. April 2, 1890 b. Jan. 21, 1867 m. Nor. 14, 1864 a. May 17, 1933, Sarah Jane Moore Smith's Grove cem. Ky. b. NOT. 14, 1842 a. June 13, 1924 Betty Lois Tucker _awin Tucker Claypool Smith's Grove cam. b. Oct. 17, 1867 a. 1950. Unmarried. a. Jul. 26, 1900 Winfieia Claypool I Betty Tucker Blackwell m. Jan. 22, 1890 L m. James Cromwell Winfieia S. Claypool m. Frea Blackwell b. Sept. 16, 1851 Clifton Soott Claypool ^No issue a. Feb. 19, 1917 m. Minnie Clark Banes James Earl Gossom b. 1880 a. 1888 Sally Tucker Gossom Louise Whitlow Edmund Hall Gossom b. Oct. 25, 1882 b. Feb. 21, 1905 b. Jan. 27, 1862 m. lawin C. Whitlow El-rtn Whitlow d. Sept. 14, 1943 ^ b. Aug. 25, 1907 m. Minnie Duvall Eana Florence Gossom No living issue Mary Ellen Tucker b. Feb. 11, 1861 b. Nov. 5, 1886 b. March 10, 1842 d. Mar. 11, 1892 m. Emory B. Jaraan a. July 4, 1874 (2) Kate Martin.b.1872 Molly Gossom |No issue m. March 4, 1861 a. July 10, 1938 b. Nov. 4, 1889 Edmund H. Gossom m. Leslie Settle (2) Dec. 17, 1872 I Bland Gossom Eamund Tucker Gossom Juage John E. Halsell I b. Oct. 13, 1911 b. Oct. 9, 1891 m. Estelle Bland John Tucker Halsell John Tucker Halsell Jr. b. 1874 m. m. Emily Sliski Emily Halsell m. Henry V. Tucker Henry Voltaire Tucker b. Sept. 21, 1915 b. Sept. 7, 1889 Henry Voltaire Tucker Robert Stevenson Tucker m. Edna Stevenson b. Feb. 27, 1844 b. June 12, 1921 a. Feb. 22, 1915 m. Nellie Skaggs Charles Martin Tucker to Liberal, Kans.,1889 b. Sept. 11, 1893 { No issue m. Fern McKibbin Claude Grider b. Aug. 12, 1894 Lizzie Wooten Anna Grider b. Oct. 2, 1869 Betty Ann Miaaieton b. Oct. 2, 1896 b. Sept. 11, 1918 m. Mar. 19, 1892 m. Henry Middleton at St. Louis, Mo. Charles P. Grider Charles Grider b. Sept. 10, 1869 b. Jan. 5, 1907 m. Barbara Stone Martha Ann Tucker Monroe Anderson Wooten b. Mar. 17, 1847 b. Jun. 2,1871 d.1932 r a. Jan. 12, 1916 m. Ida Ashworth t No issue m. May 30, 1866 (2) Eleanor Stone William H. Wooten Sallie J. Wooten b. April 5, 1840 b. 1873 a. 1889 a. June 2, 1921 Charles Wooten Fairview cem. Bowl­ b. 1877 a. 1898 ing Green, Ky. Mary Almeda Wooten Mary Ann Clore b. Sept. 10, 1880 Caldwell, Idaho m. Edward A. Clore Lois Creasser Margaret A. Tucker (2) Edward Creasser b. 1917, St. Louis b. 1849 a. 1862 Lois Wooten Jacob Monroe Tucker,unm. b. Oct. 1, 1882 Robert M. Coleman Jr. Robert M. Coleman III b. 1851 a. 1911 m. Oct. 2, 1896 b. 1897, Bowling Green Mary Hart Coleman Columbus Tucker, unm Robert Milton Coleman m. Mary M. McMeekin Jerry Wara Coleman b. 1854 a. 1910 b. Aug. 21, 1870 Catherine Coleman William Coleman Gray Charles Cochran Tucker d. Oct. 1, 1936 m. William E. Gray b. 1918,Lexington,Ky. b. 1856 a. 1947 m. Mary K. Whitlow b. 1861 a. 1934 (2) Aaaie Whitlow Duke Sister of Mary 104


Lena V. Smith raon

b. 1869 a.2-11-1946 {daughtaP m. Thomas Conrad Mary Smith a. Sept. 23, 1943 (Haroia A. Piatt For Ancestors m. Augustus Piatt See Page 88 Sally Smith m. Phelps Wade Eugene Smith b. 1880 a. 1952 Virginia Smith {Elvis Donaldson m. Martha Proctor m. J.B. Donaldson Ellen E. Shobe Infant son Allen Leroy Doaa b. July 30, 1845 Elvis Cyrus Smith b. 1929 d. May 29, 1895 b. Aug. 6, 1B65 Sarah Smith Rose Ellen Doaa ra. Sept. 27,1864 a. Deo. 15, 1944 b. Jan. 30, 1904 b. June 20. 1931 Hershell P.Smith m. Mary Ada Garvin m. Allen L. Doaa Cynthia Doaa b. Sept. 24,1843 b. 1866 d. 1900 b. 1936 a. Mar. 20, 1909 (2) Ellen Campbell Hester Smith Smiths Grove cem. b. July 22, 1867 m. July 9, 1934 {Paul Gottsohaulk , Paul Gottsohaulk C. J. Smith d. Mar. 19, 1936 iThree children m. Jennie McKenna Clarence Smith m. Ethel James Mary Smith Harry Dabney Smith m. lawton Miller m. Mary Whittle Uvea Maoon, Ga. Optye Smith Livea at Macon, Ga. . m. Rudolph Detter Brooks Shobe b. 1869 d. 1885 Cyrus Shobe Edgar it Cora Shobe b. May 24, 1822 Twins 1872 d. 1873 Warren Co., Ky Eugene A. Shobe Elizabeth Strange a. April 24, 1889 b. 1849 a. 1926 Gertrude Shobe m. Carol Jones No issue m. Maroh 1, 1844 m. Deo. 8, 1868 m. D. B. Strange (2) C. T. Renfro Selina Wooden Smith Mary E. LaRue b.lB70 d.3-7-1937 Christine Strange b. 1850 a. 1920 m. Holguin b. June 22, 1825 Smiths Grove cem. a. May 26,1869. Bur. Elizabeth Harris Smiths Grove cam.Ky m. Lee (2) Elizabeth Caraen Florence Shobe LaRue Harris b. Jan. 1, 1827 m. Nov. 14, 1900 Robert Harris a. Nov. 13, 1886 Nathaniel Harris m. Caroline Smiths Grove oem. Margaret Harris m. June 15, 1887 Catherine E. Ross Lucille Reed b. Sept. 4, 1823 Selina Smith Rosemary Reed a. Nov. 9, 1902 m. Cecil Reed Margaret Reed Mary S. Shobe Fairview cemetery Brooks Smith Bowling Green, Ky. b. Sept. 6, 1851 {Harry Singleton a. Oct. 13, 1936 m. Harry Singleton m. Dabney Smith Chloe Smith I Mary Elizabeth Rodes b. Oct. 13, 1850 m. Amos Rodes a. Aug. 29, 1913 (2) Thomas Leech Smiths Grove cam. Edwin Tucker Smith b.1877 d.10-21-'01 Ernest Smith Dabney Smith m. Marshall P. Shobe,grad Nancy Shobe Son diea In auto ac­ West Point - Oxford. J b. Nov. 9, 1928 cident at Enia, Okla John LaRue Shobe To Hamburg, Germany 1 m. J.C.Shanklin while visiting U.S. m. Betty Marshall a. there about 1936 b. Deo.18, 1929 Florence Shobe Calvin T. Shobe Calvin N. Shobe, 1876 Roy Sebastian Shobe b. Dec. 3, 1930 m. Bera Tillman m.Ethel Nichols a. Deo. 25, 1903 < Flossie Shobe, 1902 b. Dec. 5, 1935 m. Rosa Wilson m. H. J. Powers Jere R. Shobe James Barnett Shobe Cyrus Shobe Norvell S. Shobe b. Jan.30, 1936 b. July 27, 1857 b. Aug. 4, 1880 Oallea "Cy" m.Minta Rowlett a. Deo. 17, 1940 a. Oct. 19, 1951 b. Oct. 3, 1906 Lb. Sept.30,1936 Little Rook, Ark. m. Clara E. Bissell . m. Glaays Elsie Toler m. Francis Ann E- ' Deloma Shobe, unm Deloma Jaunita Shobe lizabeth Sears b. Nov. 7, 1913 b. Jan. 13, 1857 Horace Shobe, Inf. m. Charles Azbell Waae Bouraen ,1944 a. Sept. 18,1933 Elizabeth H. Shobe Michael Bouraen, " Dabney Weeaen Shobe b. April 3, 1916 Dabney Bouraenl946 b. Oct. 3, 1888 m. Louis J. Bouraen Mary Bouraen, 1953 m. Dec. 24, 1911 D. Weeaen Shobe Jr. Stephen Shobe,1945 Oda M. Jacobs b. Oot. 22, 1922 Pamela Sue, 1947 m. Helen Blackburn James Shobe, 1948 Patty Jane Shobe .Patti Jane, 1953 b. June 24, 1927 Wm A. Leavell III . m. Wm A. Leavell Jr 105 ELIZABETH SHOBE m. ABRAHAM HAGLER Darius Stingley Drowned age 19 Glee Stingley Gray Flossie " Wright Anthony Stingley Zertha " Thompson m.Sue Rakestraw Vernon Stingley Lloyd Stingley For Ancestors Lawson Stingley Charlotte Stingley See Page 7. m. Cora Bottorff la. John Letar Noah Stingley Ray Lewis m. Johnson Charlotte Stingley Joseph Lewis (2) Boyd . Wilson Lewis Curtis Lewis (5) . Wyant Pearl Lewis lEdna Overeah m. Ben Overesh t m. Ben Osterday Orville Crull m. Dovie Stuoky Ada Stingley Grace Crull .. Oliver Crull m. Abner Powers Goldie Crull m. Claud Loveless Emma Stingley Mahala Stingley (For Descendants m. Otho Shobe (2) Bryan [ See Page 19a Lawson Stingley m. Waters [For Descendants Hazel Nydegger Lucinda Hagler (2) Susan Shobe L See Page 121a Anna Cuffell m. Horney b.Dec.51,1809 deceased Ernest Nydegger d. Feb.18,1892 m. Wm, Nydegger m. Storms m. Anthony .Cord Nydegger Stingley "Graoe Cuffell b.Nov.3,1798 Clinton Cuffell nu Albert Hudlo d.Feb.5, 1887 m.Elizabeth Arndt both deceased Gladys Cuffell Stingley Cem. Arthur Cuffell StockwelljInS Mary L. Cartmill William F. Cuffell No issue m. Matthew Cuf- m. Melba_ fell Imogens Cuffell Curtis Cuffell m. Russell Holoway m. Edith Friend Evelyn Cuffell m.Roger Williams Perry Cuffell,dee'd[CharleI s Cuffell m. Hazel Edmanson [Clara Cuffell Leslie Cuffell July 4, 1926 Iva Stewart Earl Cartmill William L. CartmiljGuy Cartmill Matilda Stingley m. Lillie Parvis Cordis Cartmill m.John Cartmill . m. Lee Parks ^Four children Kenneth Cornell Eva Cartmill m. Elizabeth Mix Noah Cartmill b. Dec. 6, 1887 Leonard Cornell d. Feb. 2, 1943 , William Cornel! m. Edith Johnson m. Melissa Elston Mahala Hagler ,(2) Mike B.Donohue Berniece Cornell b. Jan.10,1811 . m. Forrest Shipley d.Jan.12,1875 loy Parvis "Robert Funkhouser m.Jun.5, 1843 Cordia E. Cartmill m. Ches Funkhouser Lost at sea. Dr. Wm. Latta m. Burton Parvis ' Helen Grenard b. Jan.9,1815 m. Lester Harwood d.Oct. 6,1886 Bessie Parvis m. Claud Grenard Max Grenard Delia May Cartmill m.Delores Killian b. Aug. 25, 1871 Georgiana Grenard . m. Perry Waddell Alford Reese Chris Stingley,unm Mary Johnson, unm. Stingley Mellie Stingley Ralph Johnson,dec'd m. Martha Boyd I m. Newton Johnson Julia Johnson Lally Gilbert Stingley m. Julia Boyd No issue Adonijah Hagler Moses Stingley Albert Stingley .[Harriet Stingley b. 1812 m. Katherine Cole m. Ida Pritchardl m. Stover d. Jul.6, 1834 Harmon Stingley Leroy Stingley ["Gladys Stingley Unmarried m. Matilda Gapen m.Hattie Prltch-J m. John Rodebush ard. Sister of |Doris Stingley Thurza St ingley Ida L m* Earl Taylor m. Jesse Smith (2) David Mitchell 106


He was the son of Leonard Shobe and grandson of Martin Shobe and Eliz­ abeth (Hire) Shobe. Leonard Shobe was a private in Capt. John Harness' Company of Rangers, and also served as a private in a company under command of Ensign Stephen Ashby. The name is spelled Jobe and Job in the payroll list, but there is no question but that it was Leonard who gave the service. In the same com­ pany of Capt. Harness was Leonard's brother-in-law Conrad Carr, who had mar­ ried his sister Magdaline. (See Page 7.) Being often questioned by our correspondents concerning the war rec­ ords of the early ancestors,, apparently with the thought of petitioning the D. A. R. for membership in that organization, we recently wrote the Registrar Gen­ eral of that organization at Washington, if any had joined the Society with the record of Leonard Shobe as a base, intending to give that information as a help for future applicants, but we received a reply stating that, so far, no one has Joined that organization on the record of Leonard Shobe. However, we believe that such an application might be favorably acted upon. Jacob was married in 1815 to Nancy Gilmore and they were the parents of three children, Francis who married Eli W. Baker; Solomon, who married Han­ nah Barger and Nimrod, who married Phoebe Barger. They all remained in Grant County, W. Va. and are all hurried in the cemetery on the top of the hill north of Petersburg. Jacob died in 1831 and left a will naming his daughter."Francis and other children". A peculiar fact is that the records of Grant County also re­ cord that his father, Leonard also left a will filed in 1831. In those days the judge rode from one county to another to hold court and all papers filed after he left had to await his next term of court to be acted upon, so the fact that both wills were filed in 1831 does not necessarily mean that the father and son died at the same time. We had been intrigued with the nearness of the dates and have tried to uncover the facts but have not been able to learn any­ thing more about it. All three of Jacob's children remained in the Valley of the South Branch of the Potomac and raised their children there. Both Solomon and Nimrod owned farms in the rich, fertile bottomland across the river from Petersburg, and Solomon's children still occupy his land, which is marked on the map on Page 9 as "Bob Shobe". Robert's mother died while several of the children were quite young and their oldest sister, Eola, volunteered to stay home and mother the family. In later years Elizabeth remained at home to help her.

Nimrod purchased business property on the main street of Petersburg, and at one time owned all of the frontage on the east side of the main street from the creek to the cross street on the north. Oddly, the three children of Jacob and Nancy lived to almost the same age, Francis being 72, Solomon 70 and Nimrod almost 72. 107 DESCENDANTS OP JACOB SHOBE AND NANCY GILMORE

Annie Moomau For Ancestors m. Keckley See Page 7. Carrie Moomau, a. 1953 William Moomau m. J. M. Duckwall Ann Catherine Moomau Catherine Baker Clauae Moomau Mary Moomau b. Mar. 2, 1836 W. C. Moomau, a. 1940 Sally Moomau a. Dec. 10, 1898 m. Sarah Taylor George Moomau m. George Moomau Margaret Moomau b. Jan. 12, 1829 Henry Moomau a. Mar. 15, 1880 Frea Moomau, a. 1926 Louis Moomau May Moomau m. W. G. Long {j. Carter Long Dr. Glen Moomau,a.l941 f-. m. Lula Juay | Dianna Moomau Bessie Clark Caroline Baker b. 1869 a. 1947 ] Thomas Marshall,a.1948 b. Aug. 24, 1840 m. Thomas Marshall 1 Jack Marshall, a. 1921 a. Oct. 19, 1910 Beatrice Clark,a.1945 m. William Clark m. Harry McNemar b. May 24, 1832 Francis Clark a. Jan. 8, 1882 m. Charles Stump William Baker, unm. Anna Baker b. 1871 a. 1943 Vernon Plaugher m. E. M. Plattgher b. 1896 a. 1912 b. 1870 a. 1953 Jay Wooa Shobe, unm. b. Mar. 15, 1897 James Baker Shobe,unm. James W. Baker b. Aug. 23, 1899 b. Nov. 7, 1842 Catherine Baker a. Dec. 6, 1924 a. Apr. 7, 1884 b. Aug. 8, 1872 R. Brooke Shobe m. Mary Delay a. Sept. 13, 1950 b. Aug. 18, 1902 b. 1847 a. 1931 m. Jacob P. Shobe a. Feb. 21, 1908 b. June 30, 1851 Mary B. Shobe, unm. a. Dec. 24, 1919 b. NOT. 23, 1906 Francis Shobe a. Jan. 5, 1931 b. 1815 Clifton Shobe Clifton Shobe Jr. d. July 7, 1887 b. Aug. 28, 1909 b. Dec. 15, 1937 m. Eli W. Baker m. Maaeline Dietrich a. Dec. 22, 1937 b. Feb. 12, 1809 Virginia Baker m. Elmer Frye J Lemoyne Frye a. Jan. 12, 1882 1 m. Hoists Both bur lea at I (2) Charles Lehman Petersburg,!?. Va. Margaret Baker, unm. b. 1845 a. 19o6 John Bernara Baker b. Dec. 26, 1908 m. Phyllis Carter Robert Baker b. Jan. 8, 1910 m. Elizabeth McNiel Wilson Baker b. August, 1911 a. Age 4 years Betty Baker b. Jan. 14, 1913 m. Cecil Strickland Robert Welton Baker Eawara Baker b. Sept. 8, 1880 b. Jan. 7, 1914 m. Cornelia Taylor m. Ruth Stackpole Stephen Baker b. July 7, 1915 a. 1916 Bernara J, Baker Martha Lois Baker b. Oct. 30, 1846 b. Jan. 4, 1947 a. NOT. 6, 1924 Donaia Baker Donaia Baker Jr. m. Mary Welton b. Feb.24, 1917 b. NOT. 6, 1949 b. Sept. 25, 1853 m. Betty K. Heaa Susan Baker a. Apr. 17, 1931 Twin of Donaia Paul Baker Stephen Clark Baker b. June 22, 1918 ; b. Oct. 1, 1952 m. Sue Swayne Dana Paul Baker Cornelia S.T. Baker b. Aug. 17, 1950 .Bernara S. Baker, unm. b. NOT. 29, 1919 Eawara G. Baker, unm. b. May 29, 1850 a. Feb. 13, 1929 Henry F. Baker, unm. b. Dec. 26, 1852 a. Mar. 17, 1939 Virginia Baker b. 1857 a. 1939 Esther Foreman, aapta. m. L. J. Foreman m. Bryan F. Mitchell b. 1855 a. 1933 . b. 1935 108 DESCENDANTS OF JACOB SHOBE AND NANCY GTJMOHE

Harry Plauger Margaret Plaugher m. Moer Frank Plauger William S. Plauger Nellie Plauger r ., . Jane Kelly m. S. Metier (Seymour Metier Raymond Plauger,unm. "Stewart Deputy m. William Lambert {NO issue For Ancestors Jack Deputy See Page 7. Ann Plauger Guy Deputy Dick Deputy . Charles Deputy m. Liller Rex Deputy Hope Deputy,unm,dec, Gladys Deputy [Hope King m. Obed King [ m. A. W. Wanner Dewey Deputy, unm. . Died in the war James Plauger [Margaret Harry Plauger m. Jesse Mowry[James P. b. 1891 Karry Plauger f m.Ollie Riggleman . m. Paula Combsl Victor N. Plauger Mary Elizabeth Shobe b. 1894 {No issue b. Nov. 18, 1839 m. Zeno M. Herold a. June 12, 1918 James G. Plauger George Plauger Rebecca m. George Plaugher b. 1867 b. 1922 ^George Jr. Emmett G. Plauger m. Twila Sites [Royce E. a. June 21, 1938 b. 1898 m. Cynthia Graham Alice Plauger r m. Lena Keister olm 111 b. Feb. 17, 1869 b. 1924 r _m! John Hawse (OaroU S. Hortense Plauger b. 1907 [Keith Taylor [b. 1935 m. John Taylor Mary Plauger,b.1913 Jcynthia VanMeter 1947 Edgar Martin Plauger m.Clarenee VanMeter [ b. b. 1869 d. 1952 fVictor Plauger m. Annie Baker \ b. 1896 d. 1912 b. 1871 d. 1943 Georgia S. Harness J Harold Dewbarst m. Harold Dewherst [William Dewherst Lois Harness m. Pritchard Cummings Carter Harness Two children Mary Kath. Plauger m. Virginia Giles { Solomon Shobe b. 1879 d. 1951 Goraon Harness b. 1819 m. George Harness m. Marie •TNO issue a. June 20, 1890 d. 1934 Mary Kath. Harness m. Hannah Barger m. Eryin Rexroaa {Mary K. Rexroaa a. July 20, 1877 Nancy Catherine Shobe James Harness {Mary Kath, Harness b. Nor. 14, 1841 m.. Coriene Eye Eleanor Harness d. NOT. 11, 1873 m. Garnett Reea {Thomas Garry Reea Martin Henry Shobe William Henry Shobe b. Oct 31, 1843 b. Feb. 17, 1884 d. Oct. 12, 1900 OliTe Belle Shobe m. Belle Barger b. NOT. 19, 1888 b. 1852 d. 1917 a. Oct. 4, 1894 Francis Maria Shobe b. 1846 d. 1892 iHo issue m. Jackson Cooper Virginia Shobe b, 1849 d. 1919 (No issue m. Nelson Hendricks Violet Hendricks Jaeob(Big JakejShobe {see Page 107 m. Catherine Baker Theodore Hendricks Leonara F. Shobe Ethel Haay,b. 1882 Bryan Hendricks b. 1853 a. 1935 m. Art Hendricks Brook Hendricks Martha Jane Shobe Leonard Hendricks b. 1855 a. 1912 Clyde Hady,b.l895 Thelma Ea.ay,b.l920 m. Frea Haay m. Hazel Raines m. Leon Juay b. 1847 a. 1899 Clyde F. Hady Jr.,b.1924 . m. Arlene Bennett Truman Shobe,b.l887 J" m. Bessie V. Hyre lbee Pago Thurman Shobe,b.l890 f m. Anna B. Judy lNo lssme Solomon VanMeter Shobi Eola Shobe, unm. b. June 5, 1858 b. Sept. 13, 1894 a. April 16, 1925 Bryan Shobe,b.1896 [Lester Shobe,b. 1922 m. Cora Taylor m. Ella Kimble [James Shobe, b. 1923 b. May 18, 1869 Harrison Shobe,b.1899 a. May 13, 1910 m. Fleta Sager Robert Shobe,b.l902 Vanmeter Shobe,b. 1904 Leonard Shobe,b. 1906 .Elizabeth Shobe,b. 1909 Susan S. Shobe Charles Judy b. Sept. 22, 1863 Chester Judy a. April 13, 1943 Myrtle Judy m. Frea Juay Catherine Judy .Bryan Juay 109


For Ancestors Felix Davis See Page 7. m. Mary Van Meter Claude Davis, Inf. Jacob V. Davis Sarah Jane Shobe Blair Davis b. Sept. 15, 1868 b. Aug. 10, 1895 b. Nov. 2, 1842 d. Aug. 1, 1947 d. 1873 Constance Davis m. Martha Van Meter m. Andrew W, Davis Lb. June 30, 1897 Laura Davis m. Samuel Hill Ethel Hill James Davis

Jacob Franklin Shobe b. May 10, 1844 d. 1890, unmarried

Mary Ellen Shobe b. 1846 d. 1846

Charles Wm. Shobe b. 1847 d. 1848 May Hogbin No issue m. Grover Hamilton Mabel Hogbin Nimrod Shobe b. Oct. 19, 1888 b. Dec. 24, 1822 d. Jan. 31, 1954 See Page 110 d. Nov. 11, 1894 Hannah Eliz. Shobe m. A. N. Clower m. Phoebe Barger b. Aug. 4, 1848 b. May 15, 1884 b. July 22, 1823 d. Jan. 3 , 1909 James Hogbin, dec 'd m. James Hogbin d. Aug. 17, 1889 Flossie Hogbin Both buried at m. D. Strlckmsn Petersburg, W.Va Jane Hogbin m. William Barger Emma Hogbin J Vivian Wheaton m. Milton Wheaton (_ Earl Wheaton

Solomon J. Shobe Sarah Jane Shobe called "Brown" Charles Wilbur Shobe See Page 109a b. Aug. 1, 1852 Joseph Neal Shobe d. 1911 Annie Pearl Shobe m. Martha Jane Hill Earnest F. Shobe See Page 109b called "Mattie" . Homer Cecil Shobe b. Aug. 11, 1855

John Peter Shobe r Edgar Nimrod Shobe known aa "Jack" Clara D. Shobe b. July 18, 1856 Arthur ,D. Shobe d. April 28, 1919 John Boyd Shobe m. Susan M. Hill Eaaaye C. Shobe See Page 110 b. Feb. 2, 1856 Lucy Jane Shobe d. May 11, 1907 Fred G. Shobe First cousin of George 0. Shobe Martha Jane Hill Katherine Shobe

George Edgar Shobe Clyde Hill Shobe called "Rock" Eugene Laney Shobe b. 1858 d. 1931 Wm. Jennings Shobe See Page 109b m. Mary S. Hill Edgar Allen Shobe b. 1869 d. 1946 James Curry Shobe

James P. Shobe b. 1861 d. 1862 109a

DESCENDANTS OF SOLOMON J. SHOBE Ruth Martin For Ancestors JPhyllis Whitlock b. May 6, 1897 \ m. Richardson jTwo sons See Page 109 m. Oscar Whitlock "Judy Lynn Dawson Margaret Merle Martin Daniel Otho Dawson b. Jan. 10, 1912 Richard Martin Dawson Brenda Ellen Dawson m. Paul W. Dawson m. Margaret Thomas Regina Ann Dawson b. June 25, 1906 Margaret Sue Dawson Elian Jane Orndoff Thomas Dawson Sarah Jana Shoba Frances Eliz.Orndoff b. Sept. 21, 1S77 Goldie Martin Charles Wm. Orndoff a. June 14, 1938 b. July 15, 1901 Edwin Orndoff m. Charles Martin m. Irvin Orndoff I Mildred Orndoff d. Aug. 15, 1938 James Johnson Martin Buried at Arthur, Chas. Johns on Martin lest Virginia Laura Ma« Martin b. Oct. 9, 1914 William Martin m. Margaret Bergdoll Margaret Ann Martin Luther Cecil Martin b. June 29, 1916 JDavid Sherman Martin m. Audry Sherman |Kenneth Eugene Martin Georgia E. Martin JCarolyn S. Dattinburn b. April 10, 1920 \Micheal C. Dattinburn . m. Harry Dettinburn Mary Ann Shobe b. 1926 m. The ad or a Pumphry Edna Rae Shobe Wm. Johnson Shobe b. 1927 b. Aug. 16, 1905 m. O'Dsll Haines m. Edna Poling Wm Dwuana Shobe b. 1928 Chas. Phillip Shobe b. 1930 Richard Shobs,b. 1934 L Jerry Shoba, b. 1943 Luther M. Shoba b. April 4, 1907 No issue m. Eula Boggs "Jane Ann Dehart b. Aug. 17, 1952 Charles Wilbur Shobe Wanda Lee Shobe Mollie Susan Dehart also called "Brown" b. Dec. 30, 1928 b. Sapt. 14, 1853 b. 1879 d. 1924 • Ernest Preston Shoba m. Richard Dehart Katherine E. Dehart m. Mary M. Hadrick b. July 13, 1909 . b. June 3, 1955 b. 1890. "Mollie" m. Dorothy Radcliff Paul Elwood Shobe b. June 28, 1930 ["Karen Denise Shobe m. Beverly Wilson | b. Nov. 18, 1955 Barbara Jana King Evelyn Jane Shoba b. Mar. 15, 1932 /Mark Ralph Michels b. Feb. 27, 1912 m. Francis Michals \ b. Oct. 23, 1955 m. Ralph King Franklin R» King d. Jul. 14, 1955 L b. March 22, 1933 Sondra L. Myers Clarice Virg. Shobe b. Aug. 11, 1941 b. July 1, 1916 Marsha A. Myers m. Clamant Myers {b. Dec. 5, 1949 Charlss W. Shobe Jr. Charles Wilson Shobe b. Sapt. 7, 1951 b. Fab. 18, 1919 Linda Ann Shobs m. Rita Lippold f b. Oct. 27, 1952 Elizabeth J. Shoba b. July 31, 1913 m. Forrast W. Rotruck Juanita Shobe Gorman Neil Chapman b. Oct. 17, 1915 J b. Sept. 4, 1941 d. July 29, 1945 1 Sharon Ann Chapman Joseph Neil Shobe m. Gordon Chapman L b. Dec. 10, 1942 b. Dec. 21, 1883 Verda P. Shoba /"Charles Joseph Wilson b. March 14, 1918 d. May 15, 1952 \ b. Fab. 19, 1950 m. Bertie Norwood m. Charles Wilson b. Nov. 15, 1884 Joseph Nial Shoba,unm. b. Sept. 19, 1920 [Ronald Milor Violat lona Shoba J b. Nov. 18, 1949 b. Dec. 4, 1924 ]Harry Clay Milor m. Howard A. Milor I b. June 13, 1952 Mary Francis Shoba fFrancine Burns,10-11-'48 b. June 2, 1927 1 Lana Burns, b,12-21-'49 m. Edward Burns [Gregory Burns,3-9-'52 109b

SOLOMON J. SHOBE (con) Annie Pearl Shoba For Ancestors b. 1886 d. 1954 Maxine Shobe See Page 109 m. Daniel L. Judy |John Edward Glover m. Edward Glover I born 1943 Jaraldina Shoba [Judith Thorn,b.l943 born 1916 •j James Thorn,b.1945 Ernest Franklin Shobe m. John Thorn [Bunny Thorn,b.1950 b. 1889 d. 1950 : Woodrow Shobe [Jacqueline, dec'd. Solomon J. Shobe m. Katie Smith born 1917 \Terry Shobe, 1950 b. 1852 d. 1911 died in 1924 m.Elizabeth Schaffer (.Larry Shobe, 1953 m. Martha Hill (2) Lena Murphy Fred Brown Shoba b. Aug. 11, 1855 born in 1902 born 1919 /Peggy Ann Shobe,1945 m. Agnes Bridges (Fred J. Shoba, 1949 Mary Francis Shobe Steven Ruddle born 1930 b. May 21, 1953 m. Hinkla Ruddla Randy Ruddla, 1954 Homer Cecil Shobe Remberti Shobe born in 1894, unm. born 1935 GEORGE EDGAR SHOBE Ronald Wayne Shobe Ralph Shobe b.. Oct. 1, 1945 born 1919 Barbara Shobe m. Katherine Huitt born 1947 Clyde Hill Shobe Mary Alioe Shobe 1 b. 1891 m. 1916 b. 1917 I Deborah K. Maleaim Lee Judy, d. 1940 m. James M. Malcolm 1 b. Dec. 31, 1954 (2) in 1942 to Richard Shobe, unm. Viva Rist Kidder b. 1927 d. 1945 born In 1905 Lee Ann Shobe Judith Neidermeier b. Oct. 10, 1929 b. March 14, 1950 m. D. L. Fraker Adopted George Edgar Shobe (2) Don Neidermeier ITonia Neidermeier called "Rock" b. March 10, 1955 b. 1858 d. 1931 •< David Shobe, unm. m. Mary S. Hill b. Oct. 9, 1934 b. 1869 d. 1946 Kenneth Laney Shobe Kenneth R. Shobe born in 1925 b. Aug. 2, 1950 Eugene Laney Shobe m. Rose M. Hartman Jeanne Marie Shobe born 1893 ( b. June 30, 1953 m. Bessie Weese Wanda Lea Shobe born 1929 (Martha Lee Barger m. John Barger Jr. \ born 1951 born 1920

Wm Jennings Shobe r born 1896 J m. Flossie Harr,dec'dl No issue (2:) Mary Haltermen Elizabeth Shobe, Inf. Helen Fisher Shobe [Barbara Helen Root b. April 15, 1922 1 b. Dec. 6, 1947 m. Robert C. Root I d. Deo. 8, 1947 Edgar Allen Shobe Velma Eileen Shobe born 1898 b. Feb. 2 2, 1924 JVelma Darleen Jordan m. Beulah M. Shannon m. James J. Jordan ] b. Aug. 14, 1946 born 1Q99 Edgar Allen Shobe Jr. b. Dec. 7, 1926 m. Betty Jane Shaffer William David Shobe b. Jan. 25, 1928 m Jean Strickmatter |Robert Thompson James Curry Shobe Mary Ellen Shobe b. Jan. 28, 1949 b. Oct. 29, 1901 b. Feb. 19, 1928 |Regina Thompson m. Alma M. Shannon m. Robert Thompson b. April 8, 1952 b. Nov. 19, 1909 Barbara Shannon Shobe Sister of Beulah b. Sept. 16, 1938 110

JOHN PETER SHOBE Loman Carl Shobe Susan Swick Shobe b. May 8, 1902 b. Apr. 28, 1931 m. Lindsey B. Oates adopted Mary J. Southerly For Ancestors b. Sept. 27, 1922 See Page 109 m. Carl Watchford Dailay Southerly m. Carl Hines Lindsey Southerly b. Jan. 14, 1926 Cora Madaline Shobe m. Philip Gregory b. Dec. 30, 1903 Edgar D. Southerly Edgar Nimrod Shobe d. Sept. 24, 1952 b. Jan. 1, 1928 b. Aug. 3, 1877 m. Jos. Southerly Harold C. Southerly d. May 28, 1948 b. Aug. 26, 1929 m Mattie Knotts m. Eliz-. Whetzel b. May 6, 1882 Charles Southerly d. Dec. 11, 1910 Mary S. Shobe b. Sept. 27, 1931 (2) Ethel G. Kimble b. Sept. 22, 1906 Laura N. Southerly b. Feb. 3, 1888 d. Feb. 17, 1915 b. Jan. 23, 1933 m. Boyd Basye Betty J. Southerly b. June 26, 1938 m. Victor Hardy Byron E. Shobe Carol Jean Shoba * May 28, 1909 b. Apr. 28, 1937 Susan Shobe, Inf. Evelyn Mongold b.&d. Jan. 15, 1880 . Treva M. Shobe John Peter Shobe b. Feb. 9, 1918 known as "Jack" ^ m. William Steaoh b. July 18, 1856 M. Clara Shobe d. Apr. 28, 1919 b. Dec. 14, 1878 [Hazel Wheaton m. Susan M. Hill d. Mar. 4, 1933 1 m. Hobarrt Offuit b. Feb. 2, 1856 m. Arthur Wheaton d. May 11, 1907 Arthur N. Shobe First cousin of [Accident in a Martha Jane Hill b. Dec. 1, 1881 d. June 18, 1900 1 lumber camp John Boyd Shobe b. May 30, 1884 Mildred Shobe Dixie Herring d. Apr. 2, 1945 m. Rev.Geo.Herring John Herring m. Bessie Vance C. Essye Shobe b. Mar. 4, 1887 m. Edgar Welton Lucy Jane Shobe Thomas Swick b. July 17, 1889 born 1927 d. May 6, 1931 Susan Swick m. Jasper Swick 1 b. April 28, 1931 Fred C. Shobe b. Sept. 5, 1892 [Edna Jean Shobe Debra Malcolm m. Rebecca Smith 1 m. Lester Malcolm George Oliver Shobe b. Jan. 1, 1895 m. Katherine Horn (2) Elizabeth Katherine Shobe [Betty Caroline Hall . b. July 12, 1897 1 Susan Catherine Hall J Ramona Sue Snyder m. Joseph M. Hall I m. Edgar Ray Snyder \ b. Apr. 20, 1954 M. Upton Shobe 1901C 2 . b. 1900 d. Emmett Inskeep, b. 1938 Junie Clower John Inskeep, b. 1940 m. Emmett Inskeep Betty Inskeep, b. 1948 {Robert Inskeep, b. 1949 Carolyn Clower, b. 1944 Elwood Clower Allen Clower, b. 1946 m. Carolyn Edgar Chris Clower, b. 1948 Mabel Hogbin ^Rebecca Clower, Inf. b. Oct.19, 1888 Marion Clower fMarion G. Clower, b. 1945 d. Jan.31, 1954 m. Eliz. Browning \Penn H. Clower, b. 1947 m. A. N. Clower Clement Clower b. May 15, 1884 d. July 7, 1954 m. Jane Pritchard Mabel Clower Peggy Lee Sarver m. Herbert Sarver b. Jan. 24, 1953 111

MAGDALINE SHCBE t?ary Armentrout Elizabeth Carr b. Dec. 17, 1795 b. Sept. 24, 1772 Chris H. Armentrout d. Sept. 6, 1828 b. Sept. 5, 1797 m. Henry Armentrout d. Apr. 2, 1856 Daniel Armentrout Susan Armontrout Daniel Armentrout Job Armentrout Mary (Maria) Carr Isaac Armentrout b. Aug. 12, 1774 m. Sua anna Sh ob e See Page 77 d. Sept. 14, 1826 John Armentrout m. John Armentrout m. Cloe Shobe {see Page 77b 9 See Sarah Carr Sarah Armentrout PH b. Mar. 31, 1777 For Descent d. Oct. 10, 1855 See Page 11 m. Jacob Shobe "Abner Liggett Joab Liggett Job Liggett Susan Carr Absolom Liggett b. May 29, 1782 William Liggett d. Oct. 15, 1856 James Liggett m. James Liggett Gideon Liggett b. July 14, 1778 Conrad Liggett d. July 9, 1864 I See next page m. Louisa Thomas I for descent Amelia Liggett .Susan Liggett William Propst Magdalin Carr Rachel Propst b. June 26, 1784 Henry Propst Magdaline Shobe d. June 26, 1856 I'ary Propst b. 1755 m. Jonas Propst Elizabeth Propst d. Sept. 18, 1827 m. Conrad Carr 'Conrad Peck b. 1755/1756 Isaac Peck d. Nov. 4, 1814 Christena Carr Alfred Peck b. May 7, 1786 Magdalin Peck d. May 30, 1834 Catharine Peck m. Jesse Peek Mahala Peck James Peck Amos Peck Mahala Peck George Peck Hagar Carr Anna Peck b. Nov. 16, 1788 Gideon Pock d. Dec. 11, 1874 Barton Pock m. Henry Feck John J. Peck b. Dec. 3, 1780 Hagar Peck d. April 6, 1868 Elizabeth Peck Henry Peck Gideon Carr b. Dec. 1, 1790 d. Dec. 24, 1814 Mary Carr Bennett m. Betsy Peck Amelia Carr b. Jan. 16, 1792 Sarah Peck d. Jan. 7, 1881 d. Sept. 10, 1856 m. Jacob Peck age 25 years Ira Jackson Amos Jackson Peter Jackson Catherine Carr Elizabeth Banty b. Jan. 12, 1795 Hagar Irwin d. Oct. 15, 1861 Martha Prickett m. John Jackson Anna Thorson Mary Jackson Two Infants Gideon Carr Amelia Carr Amos Carr Hagar Mogans b. July 20, 1798 Conrad Carr d. Oct. 14, 1842 Jackson Carr ^ m. Margaret Jackson Amos Carr Margaret Carr Catharine Carr John Carr Mary Carr Louisa Carr 111a

Descendants of Conrad Liggett, a Grandson of MAGDALINE SHOBE and CONRAD CARR. _ , . His only child was Charlotte Elizabeth Leggett For Ancestors oooOooo

See Page 111 r Vta. Henry Burgess b. August 4, 1877 d. July 5, 1930 m. Sarah Elbert Horace C. Burgess b. Nov. 3, 1879 George Franklin Burgess b. Feb. 6, 1881 d. July 25, 1881 James Ralph Burgess b. June 29, 1882 m. Cora Jill Henainger Susan Myrtle Burgess b. Feb. 25, 1884 d. March 25, 1844 John Samuel Burgess' b. Nov. 9, 1885 m. May Catherine Hatch Pearl Louisa Burgess b. Jan. 10, 1889 d. Jan. 12, 1889 Milton Leo Burgess b. Sept. 9, 1891 m. Hazel Nelson Horace Conrad Burgess Charlotte Elizabeth b. June 28, 1854 Sarah Florilla Burgess Liggett at Lehi, Utah b. Dec. 19, 1893 b. Oct. 2, 1837 m. Florilla Cook m. John Grant Baxter d. Feb. 20, 1909 b. Nov. 3, 1857 — m. William Burgess d. Jan. 4, 1894 James Harvey Burgess (2) William W. Taylor (2) Julia Lindquist b. Nov. 1, 1894 0. Dec. 12, 1828 b. July 12, 1867 at d. Kay 31, 1896 m. Sept. 11, 1857 Stougu, Gotland, d. Nov. 17, 1907 Sweeden George Alfred Burgess b. July IE, 1897 m. Anna Loose Kenneth Eugene Burgess b. June 19, 1900 d. Sept. 17, 1900 Ethelda Katharine Burgess b. Nov. 15, 1903 d. June 6, 1904 Fontella Francis Burgess b. Aug. 17, 1906 m. Thomas Milton Bond Lloyd Homer Burgess b. Sept. 10, 1909 m. Nona H. Buck Uintah Burgess b. July 30, 1912 d. Jan. 19, 1913 Milta Burgess b. Feb. 19, 1914 d. 1914 Anna Leah Burgess b. Dec. 19, 1915 m. Philip Evans Evelyn Irene Schmidt Granddaughter of Julia Lindquist b. Sept. 24, 1904 m. Earnest Law 111b

DESCENDANTS CF CONRAD LIGGETT (con) For Ancestors Sarah Taylor See Page 111 b. Jan. 11, 1859 d. Jan. 15, 1908 m. Prime Evans Charlotte Rebecca Evans b. Feb. 2, 1890 m. Henry Lewis Florilla Evans b. Jan. 6, 1892 m. Robert Comer (2) Charles Robinson George Taylor Evans Louise Agnes Taylor b. July 28, 1893 b. at Lehi, Utah m. Ottie Zeola Brown December 10, 1861 David Lionel Evans d. Mar. 9, 1905 m. George Evans b. July 14, 1895 b. May 18, 1958 m. Verna Comer d. Feb. 26, 1906 (2) Afton Haylor William Edson Evans b. June 24, 1900 m. Alice Lamb Elsie Louise Evans b. Jan. 18, 1903 m. Edward G. Shelton Charlotte E. Liggett Wm Edwin Taylor b. Oot. 2, 1837 b. June 8, 1892 d. Feb. 20, 1909 d. Sept. 5, 1905 Second husband was Salt Lake City William W. Taylor, " Viva Veronne Taylor b. Dec. 12, 1828 b. Jan. 26, 1894 m. Sept. 11, 1857 d. Nov. 17, 1907 Albert Bartrom Taylor b. Mar. 25, 1896 Wm Thomas Taylor Jennie Bertha Taylor b. Nov. 27, 1863 b. Aug. 29, 1898 at Lehi, Utah d. Oct. 15, 1932 Jennell Foreman d. Feb. 15, 1948 m. M. D. Foreman b. Oct. 14, 1932 at Provo, Utah b. Sept. 14, 1898 m. Ellen Buckwalter Don Stanley Allison b. Nov. 23, 1867 Helen LaVonne Taylor b. Mar. 12, 1936 d. July 19, 1948 b. June 29, 1905 Robert Lynn Allison m. Don Allison b. June 20, 1939 b. Apr. 20, 1905 Claudia J. Allison b. Jan. 3, 1945 Sarah Edna Taylor b. Dec. 14, 1907 m. Ray Stanley Lestei Paul Edwin Taylor Frank Miles Taylor b. May 28, 1935 b. June 25, 1913 Ronald Lee Taylor m. Phyllis Chipman b. June 24, 1938 b. Feb. 28, 1915 Bonnie Lynn Taylor Mary Rebecca Taylor b. Aug. 7, 1944 b. Dec. 8, 1866 d. Oct. 2, 1867

John Samuel Taylor b. Oct. 4, 1868 at Lehi, Utah m. Mary Jane Thornton d. August 21, 1897 (2) Elizabeth Wright m. Dec. 21, 1898 112


He was probably the youngest son of Martin Shobe Sr. and his wife, Elizabeth Hire. His father did not mention him in his will(referred to on page 7) but he was named as a defendant in a suit brought by his sister Madeline and her husband against all of her brothers in 1797, which was probably a partition suit for division of the lands of her father who had died five years before.

The date of Martin's birth has not been ascertained but it must have been shortly after his sister was born in 1755, and some time prior to 17 60. Old records show that he married Susannah laneisco, the daughter of his cousin, Clara (Shobe) Laneisco, and she must have been several years younger than he. Susannah's sister Mary was born in 1767 and Susannah was probably next in the family, making her birth a year or two before 1770. Some authorities on the Shobe family contend that it was unlikely that Martin would marry into the next generation, but, as a matter fact, it was rather common those days, the man awaiting until he had a farm before venturing into matrimony, and then marrying one of the younger girls.

Martin's brother Rudolph had a daughter named Elizabeth who married Abraham Hegler and they migrated to the Paint Creek valley in Ross County, Ohio in 1809 and Rudolph and his son, Martin 3rd wrote letters to them at every oppor­ tunity. These and other letters were saved by Abraham Hegler, and later passed in­ to the hands of a descendent, Aimer Hegler, who gave them, with a lot of other early papers, to the Ohio Historical Society and they were thus preserved. One let­ ter, dated Nov. 13, 1810, written by Martin 3rd to his sister states, among other things, that "Uncle Martin's Betts and Mathew Gilmore were married". Betts (Eliza­ beth) was the daughter of Martin ana Susannah, and Martin was the uncle of Martin 3rd. (See Gilmore family, page 114).

Another letter by Elizabeth's father, Rudolph, dated 29th Nov. 1812 states that "Your Aunt Susannah Shobe was buried yesterday & left an Infant about 5 days old". Susannah was the wife of Rudolph's brother, Martin and she died in 1812 leaving a small daughter named Hagar Shobe, who later married John C. Ely. (See page 7). Martin was again married on Nov. 14, 1813 to Jemima Hause and the rec­ ord of the names and births of their children appear on the opposite page. There were nine of them and one of the twins was named Susannah out of respect for the former wife who had lost her life when her fifth child was born.

In his will Martin described his land as lying between the North Pork and the South Branch and we have so indicated it on the map set forth on page 9. It consists of about one thousand acres of rich bottom land, but to this day there is no bridge across the river, the county feeling that the expense is too great to accomodate the five families who now live there. In his day, Martin probably used the old road through the canyon, described on page 78, but it is now almost impas­ sable and has been abandoned. The farmers now park their cars at the west end of the foot bridge and walk from there to their homes, hauling their stock and pro­ duce across the ford when the water is low.

One of the letters mentioned above refers to "Old Mr. Shobe" and he must have been over ninety when he died in 1849. The cemetery in the hills above the farm contains about fifteen sunken graves and Martin must have been buried there but the graves are all marked with field stones and no legible inscript­ ions oould be found in 1953. ' ' " JWW //fr/, ,//t./ //fa/.. ,/•

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A page from the Bible of Martin Shobe, now in the possession of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Seymour of Moorefield, Hardy County, W. Va. Angus Is the grandson of Sarah Shobe above, Born Aug. 18, 1829 ELIZABETH SHOBE

Daughter of Martin Shobe and Susannah Laneisco.

Hobert Gilmer .-Susan F, Gilmer, b. 1840 b. NOT. 22, 1814 John Gilmer, unm. i b. Feb. 11, 1845 d. Oct. 18, 1898 I d. Dee. 30, 1904 m. Ruth For Ancestors Frank Gilmer See Page 7. Myrtle Dawson Matthew Gilmer Aimer Gilmer Lelia Meroer Millie Dawson d. 1899 Matthew Gilmer .Martin Gilmer rEmily J. Gilmer Elizabeth Gilmer Elizabeth Gilmer b. 1883 m. 1907 Martin Gilmer Henry Sisk b. May 25, 1883 Mildred Gilmer b. Oct. 16, 1885 m. Peroie M. Dixon b. July 20, 1886 Margaret Gilmer b. May 3, 1886 Levi Gilmer m. Roy Watson ra. Alioe Allen b. Feb. 23, 1884 Nettie Gilmer (Jennett) b. Feb. 10, 1888 Martin Gilmer m. Walter Burnett b. Jan. 1, 1827 b. March 22, 1886 d. Sept. 25, 1905 Nellie Gilmer m. 1851 Mary Gilmer (minor over Sarah Bybee 14 in 1919/20) b. July 4, 1830 Martin Gilmer d. Aug. 19, 1905 Strawdar Gilmer Matthew Gilmer William Gilmer b. July 27, 1858 Loren Gilmer Elizabeth Shobe d. Feb. 10, 1935 b. June 27,1791 m. Elizabeth Ater Bessie Gilmer d. Sep.30, 1B7S., b. Jan. 30, 1861 • m. Jesse white Edith Ann White Matthew Gilmer d. Nor. 30, 1897 Matthew Gilmer Jr. b. ca.Mar.1785 (2) Mary Cook Bryan d. August, 1874 widow of Darius Bryan Nettle Gilmer m. Charles Cook Clara Gilmer, unm. b. 1871 d. 1891 Anna Gilmer b. NOT. 11, 1B72 m. Martin McAllister b. Feb. 5, 1869 Henry Gilmer Also two Infants William Gilmer d. 1897 m. 1853 William Gilmer Mildred Bybee b. Aug. 27, 1854 b. Sept. 7, 1B27 d. June 27, 1876 d. March 31, 1891 Hiram Gilmer, unm. b. April 10, 1834 d. Maroh 17, 1878 Susan Gilmer d. 1886 No issue m. John (7) Bryant Sarah Gilmer Mary Hutton [Battle Wilson m. Button m. Hoback [Bertha Ferneau Mary Gilmer m. Nor. 15, 1880 Joshua J. Speakman 114a

DESCENDANTS OF MATTHEW GILMER who married Elizabeth Ater. Anita Kay Stoll Edith Annabel White b. Feb. 9, 1940 b. Mar. 19, 1914 Deborah Jane Stoll For Ancestors m. George J. Stoll See Page 114 L b. Aug. 6, 1951 Opposite Larry McFadden b. Dec. 31, 1939 Rita McFadden Juanita Pearl White b. June 19, 1944 Bessie Gilmerr b. June 6, 1916 •( d. June 24, 1944 b. Mar. 14, 1892 m. Thomas McFadden Carol MoFadden m. Jesse White b. Oct. 9, 1945 b. June 2, 1888 Bruce McFadden Matthew Gillmer b. Apr. 26, 1954 b. July 27, 1858 John Matthew White d. Feb. 10, 1935 b. Feb. 3, 1919 m. Elizabeth Ater Sharon Ann Cottrill b. Jan. 30, 1861 Elizabeth A. White b. Dec. 6, 1942 d. Nov. 30, 1897 b. Nov. 29, 1920 Jay Mathew Cottrill Buried at m. Marcus Cottrill (b. June 23, 1950 Williamaport, Ohio Spring Lawn Cem. Jessie Joan White b. Sept. 12, 1929 Mathew Gilmerr Jr. m. Carl Stelnhauser b. Oot. 30, 1893 d. Sept. 4, 1909

CATHERINE SHOBE daughter of Martin Shobe

Nancy J. Bailey For Ancestors b. Dec. 8, 1844 See Page 7. William M. Bailey b. Oct. 15, 1846 d. Deo. 5, 1883 Charlotte C. Bailey b. April 2, 1849 Drucilla S. Bailey lagar Johnston b. June 4, 1851 b. Ross Co., Ohio d. Oct. 8, 1866 Nov. 8, 1825 Tilman H. Bailey Catherine Shobe d. Apr. 13, 1880 b. June 5, 1853 b. Grant Co., W.Va. Buried In Shiloh d. Feb. 20, 1878 d. ante 1849 Church cemetery, <\ Burr Bailey Reared and married Clinton Co., Indiana b. Sept. 11, 1855 in Va . (now W.Va.) m. Dec. 5, 1843 to Noah J. Bailey m. Enoch Johnston F. P. Bailey b. July 28, 1857 m. Jan. 11, 1820 b. April 10, 1823 Zed Bailey Moved to Ross County b. June 5, 1859 Ohio where children H d. Aug. 8, 1859 were born. Marseline Bailey Moved to Clinton b. Mar 31, 1862 Co., Indiana after d. Aug. 4, 1884 Hagar was grown. Fannie B. Bailey Enoch died in b. Nov. 25, 1866 Clinton County and d. April 13, 1886 Catherine in Tippe Owen C. Bailey canoe County. Both b. July 7, 1870 burled in Laramie Catherine had other Township children according to the will of her father, Martin Shobe (Book 8, page 281 of .Hardy County, W.Va.) Above taken from Clinton County History Interstate Publishing Co., Chicago,1886 114b

AMOS SHOBE For Ancestors b. Dec. 14, 1815 d. May 22, 1854 m. Prory Hause See Fags 7. He was a jockey. Killed in a race in Indiana. oooOoo o Susan Shobe Anna Lee Shobe J Mary Margaret Cook b. 1837 d.1851 b. Jan. 21, 1897 |_ m. Max M. Nold Eyman-Bryant Cem Elroy Shobe m. James B. Cook Fayette Co., Ohio b. Aug. 18, 1871 Evert Wayne Shobe died 1936 b. June 8, 1905 No issue m. Delia Taylor m. Margaret Baldwin b. June 7, 1874 Mildred Shobe John Wayne Badon Britton Shobe b. July 31, 1912 b. 1947 b. Dec. 21, 1838 m. Donald E. Badon died 1917 William D. Rogers m. Elizabeth Rowe Ida Mae Shobe Roy Russell Rogers b. Apr. 10, 1923 b. 1840 d. 1925 b. Nov. 2, 1873 b. June 11, 1903 m. Ada Louise Watso buried at Madison d. Sept. 3, 1948 m. Floy B. Cyrus Betty J«an Rogers Mills, Ohio m. Werter A. Rogers b. Aug. 4, 1904 b. April 28,1924 b. July 7, 1867 Bessie Eliz. Rogers m. Oscar Wilson Jr. d. Sept. 20, 1937 b. Apr.1905 d. Oct. Wert Shobe No issue . m. Florence Erskine Harry Baker Jr. '22 m. Minnie Crabtroo Gilbert Shobe Harlan Baker,b.1924 b. Dec. 3, 1866 Alice Shobe m. Lois Arbogast d. May 4, 1894 b. Jan. 14, 1893 .J Lois Baker,b. 1928 m. Fanny Lott m. Harry E. Baker m. Malcolm Young b. July 21, 1866 b. June 27, 1891 Mary Baker, b. 1932 d. May 13, 1896 Doris Baker,b.1933 . m. Jack Riley Edna Stewart Lowell Rice,b.1924 Martin Shobe b. Aug. 12, 1894 m. Donna Cessna b. Nov. 20, 1840 Nettie Shobe m. Howard Rice Harold Rice, 1925 d. Dec. 26, 1927 b. Dec. 20, 1869 b. June 12 , 1894 I. m. Wanda Oney m. Kate E. Nave d. June 19, 1953 Lois Stewart 'Yvonne Petr«,1926 b. Sept. 8, 1839 m. Wheeler Stewart b. Sept. 26, 1897 J m. George Pickens d. Feb. 21, 1908 b. Oct. 27, 1868 m. Kenneth Petre ] Phillip Petre Both buried at b. May 3, 1927 Garlough cemetery b. Mar. 3, 1898 { Green Twp., Clark Wilbur Martin Shobe County, Ohio b. Nov. 7, 1900 J Wm, Irving Shobe m. Aouda Mae Lutz | b. Mar. 24, 1928 b. Sept. 16, 1899 Amos B. Shobe b. Aug. 1, 1872 Abbie Litton Shobe | b. Jan. 29, 1903 . J Lewis Petre living in 1956 b. Apr. 27, 1940 m. Sarah Shafer m. Lewis A. Petre I b. Oct.16, 1878 Laura Catherine Shobe, d. Jan. 13, 1945 b. May 13, 1904 J Robert S. Callison d. Mar. 3, 1930 1 b. Nov. 7, 1925 [ m. Mary Fink Cyrus Shobe, soldier m. R. S. Callison b. 1843 d. 1862 William Earl Shobo ( Richard Shobe,1933 b. Sept. 16, 1905 i Robert Shobe,1940 m. Marguerite Perry { Mary Lou " ,1950 Cora Shobe, unm. Harold Titus b. Aug. 28, 1875 b. July 17, 1899 d. May 15, 1952 { No issue d. Nov. 10, 1942 Simon Shobe m. Agnes Zoller d. May 16, 1924 Russell Titus m. Rachel Porter b. Fob. 17, 1901 I No issue b. July 16, 1844 m. Dorothy GouchonourJ1 - d. March 17, 1884 fDonald B. Schwartz Rachel Titus Buried at Garlough J b. Nov. 10, 1927 b. May 8, 1905 Cemetery, Pitchln, I Deanne B. Schwartz m. Chris Schwartz Ohio. L b. Fob. 23, 1940 Ethel Shobe Helen Titus / Judith Ann Reynard b. Oct. 16, 1880 b. July 8, 1908 \ b. April 17, 1936 m. Pearl Titus m. Roger Reynard L. d. Jan. 7, 1953 Richard Heinzen b. Sept. 27, 1934 Gladys Titus Stephen Heinzen b. Feb. 25, 1913 b. Oct. 14, 1942 m. Joseph Heinz en Cheryl Heinzen b. Juno 20, 1946 DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SHOBE

Bernard Ours Sarah Ours Kathrine Ours John William Ours Flossie Ours b. Sept. 17, 1860 Eana Ours d. NOT. 9, 1952 Elsie Ours For Ancestors m. Christena Snyder ETelyn Curs See Page 7. Dayton Ours Emory Ours .Walter Ours John Rohrbaugh Susan Elizabeth Ours Claude Rohrbaugh b. June 11, 1863 Robert Rohrbaugh d. March 8, 1947 Minnie Rohrbaugh m. John Hob.Rohrbaugh May Rohrbaugh .Daisy Rohrbaugh Elmer Ours James Martin Ours John Ours b. Jan. 23, 1865 Fred Ours d. Nor. 9, 1952 Clarence Ours m. Ida Judy Ann Ours Nellie Ours Ervin Crites Ida Crites Mary Jane Ours Aaam Crites b. Aug. 23, 1867 Lena Crites a. May 12, 1947 Grace Crites m. Charles Crites Nona Crites Laura Crites Sarah (Sally) J. Shobe Charles Crites William Shobe b. Oct. 11, 1842 Carl Harper b. Sept. 30,1814 d. Nov. 26, 1929 Earl Harper a. m. Sept. 9, 1859 Sarah Ellen Ours Bryan Harper m. Susan McBee Marshall Skidmore Ours b. May 2, 1870 Brooke Harper b. Oct. 2, 1839 b. Tan . 21, 1837 Neil Harper d. Feb. 12, 1899 d. Mar. 18, 1904 m. Seymour Harper Mabel Harper Hope Harper Pearl Harper Hannah Rebecca Ours Twin of Sarah Ellen Homer Feaster Living in 1953 {Lula Feaster m. Stratton Feaster Alonzo Ours Earl S. Ours J. Robert Ours Marshall Skidmore Ours Clyde Ours Jr. b. Jul. 7, 1S72 Marshall Bruce Ours d. April 4, 1947 Lula Ours m. Emily Smith Elizabeth Ours Bessie Ours Lillian Ours .Sallie Ours Laura Belle Ours b. NOT. 14, 1875 Clyde Powers LiTing in 1953 •j Luther Powers m. Charles Powers [ Pauline Powers Homer Feaster Lucy Lula Ours Herbert Feaster b. March 19, 1S77 Glenn Feaster LiTing in 1953 Marie Feaster m. Evers Feaster Nona Feaster Andrew Varoer Ours Iris Nell Ours b. Feb. 4, 1879 m. James Calahan a. Feb. 22, 1935 Ruth Gail Ours m. Dewey Wilfong (2) Ora Kisner .Robert Elwood Ours, Edward E. Ours b. Feb. 8, 1881 d. Aug. 20, 1899 Annie 7. Ours b. May 27, 1883 d. Mar. 31, 1885 11S DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SHOBE

William Daniel Shobe For Ancestors b. 1B74 a. 1874 See Page 7. Harry Ralston Daniels Charles Wilbur Shobe r b. 1881 a. 1882 b. Sept. 27, 1903 {No issue Jesse F. McQuain Wm. Hamilton Shobe r b. May 2, 1845 Carrie Rebecca Shobe Mary Louise Daniels Vincent Parmesano III d. Jan. 10, 1895 b. Jan. 4, 1883 b. Mar. 10, 1907 b. Oct. 10, 1934 m. Novenber, 1872 m. June 29, 1900 m. Oct. 20, 1933 Margaret L. Parmesano Mary Jane Juay Martin L. Daniels Vincent Parmesano Jr b. June 30, 1936 b. May 3, 1847 b. Aug. 9, 1868 b. Oct. 1, 1891 Philip M. Parmesano a. Apr. 2, 1938 . b. May 2, 1946 a. April 14, 1933 Betty Jean Daniels fscott Elliott Baker Phoebe Delena Shobe b. Jan. 6, 1936 \ b. Deo. 9, 1951 b. March 13, 1885 . m. Russell Baker . m. William J. Kelly Emma R. Shobe, 1912 m. Wayne Sypolt Jbema marriea fRebeooa Willie Shobe 3) Andrew House \Maroel ElliottlMaroellia b. 1884 a. 1909 John Edgar Shobe 'John Eager Jr.b. 1945 Elizabeth Shobe b. July 7, 1915 Lawrence Everett, 1946 b. Oct. 24, 1886 m. Christine Allen Leona Christine,1950 m. Charles White Lawrence Shobe b. 1917 a. 1943 Carl H. Keckley,1936 John Wellington Shobe Wm Santfora " ,1938 b. March 12, 1889 Virginia Jo Shobe Mary Eliz. " ,1943 John Hardy Shobe m. Oct. 12, 1911 b. Feb. 6, 1930 Linaa oaeta " ,1950 b. Deo. 17, 1850 Dema Oaeta Van Nert m. Carl Keckley Dorothy Ellen" ,1952 a. June, 1911 m(2).Feb. 15, 1924 Charlotte Catherine ("Clarence N. Meese Jr. m. Marta Rohrbaugh Nell Catherine Mallow b. May 28, 1925 i b. Deo. 6, 1946 b. Feb. 23, 1864 b. Maroh 24, 1905 m, Clarence Meese (Myra Catherine, 1949 a. Mar. 22, 1909 Cora Shobe, unm. Charles D,Shobe,1930 /Charlene Faye Shobe b. 1893 m. Evelyn Barnes \ b. Oot 31, 1952 Frea Shobe Dolores Oaeta, 1931 b. June 1, 1896 m. Robert McDonaia William Shobe Parmelia Joan, 1935 b. Sept.20,1814 Martha Shobe m. William Murray m. Susan McBee i. Walter L. Dick [Robert Wellington,1940 b. Oct.21, 1829 Geneieve Shobe, 1915 d. Feb.21, 1899 m. Allen Ravensoroft He Uvea to be William Shobe, b. 1918 about 89 years { m. June Slaughter of age. Dr. Lester Ours Calvin Ours b. Nov. 11, 1897 b. Aug. 2, 1871 d. 1923 d. 1942 m. Mable Origler m. Florence Kisamore Mernie Ours m. J. D. Whitlock .Evelyn Ours Kate Ours (Mary Smith [William Fannin b. Apr. 27, 1873 j Betty Fannin [ m. Fannin m. Henry Smith [Martha Fannin Cora Ours, unm. Mary Virginia Shobe b. Nov. 8, 1874 m. Nov. 1 , 1870 Winston Curs m. Andrew M, Ours b. Aug. 17, 1904 No issue b. 1845 m. Helen Richardson d. Nov. 9, 1897 Arnold Ours Joe Ours William Ours Assessor of Grant b. June 19, 1880 b. July 7, 1914 b. Feb. 10, 1949 County, W. Va. m. Lulu Goaiove m. Polly Wolf Polly Lou Ours . b. Feb. 10, 1952 John Ours m. Eloise Guy Ours Ray Ours b. June 23, 1882 m. Frances Bertha Ours [ m. John Drayer Ray Frances Ours Virginia Rexroae Amy Susan Ours Brook Rexroae . Mar. 11, 1877 Ruth Rexroae d. June 22, 1925 Mildred Rexrode m, Aldine Rexroae Lucille Rexrode .Arnold Rexroae Charles Filmore Shobe "Carl Shobe b. Nov. 29, 1853 Lee Shobe Gabriel Shobe Mary Shobe b. Jan. 16, 1879 m. Molly m. Charles Likens Jacob W. (3ua) Shobe Blanche Shobe b. May 9, 1856 Mary Ellen Shobe,unm. m. Jacob Alt d. May 1, 1938 b. Oct. 15, 1880 m. Emma Jen Shirk Charles William Shobe called "Sis" Shobe b. May 26, 1882,unm. . b. Aug. 15, 1852 Hendran Shobe b. 1884 a. 1885 Allie Shobe . b. Deo. 23, 1885 117

DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SHOBE Noah Brannon James Brannon Tom Brannon Jane Rohrbaugh Mary Brannon m. Brannon m. Cornell For Ancestors Dorothy Brannon See Page 7. Lillian Brannon Rachel Rohrbaugh JClyde Davis ana I several others Maggie Rohrbaugh m. Davis b. April 15, 1876 Florence Rohrbaugh,aec'a m. James Rohrbaugh m. Abernathy Blanche Rohrbaugh m. Frank Puffingbarger Hugh Rohrbaugh Stella Rohrbaugh Dolly Rohrbaugh m. Runions Pauline Rohrbaugh Lester Rohrbaugh J Lyle Rohrbaugh m.Marie Stonestreet 1 Vaaa Rohrbaugh IReva Rohrbaugh fLoveta Turner Ruth Rohrbaugh i Justin Turner m. Olie Turner [Eugene Turner Pearl Rohrbaugh { Kenneth McDonaia m. Tea McDonald Eaith Rohrbaugh J Juanita Hawk [Michael m. Robert Hawk \ m. Jule Halbt[ Halbt Virginia Carr Noah Rohrbaugh m. Isner b. April 30, 1880 Dessie Rohrbaugh Katharine Carr m. Kate Kepllnger m. Aaam Carr Shirley Carr William Shobe Rebecca Shobe Genevieve Carr b. Sept. 20, 1814 b. 1846 Alberta Rohrbaugh Noah Carr Jr. m. Susan McBee- a. Feb. 13, 1909 aec'a., unm. Katharine Rohrbaugh b. Oct. 21, 1829 mt George Welling­ Paul Rohrbaugh Gene Rohrbaugh a. Feb. 21, 1899 ton Rohrbaugh m. Ruth Hoffman Ronald Rohrbaugh callea "Week" Clarilara KOflrDaugfRohrbaughl r b. 1852 a. 1909 m. Stonby Kepllnger \ 8 children m. Mar. 11, 1875 James Carr Jr. Wilda Rohrbaugh Sherry Carr m. James Carr Carrol Carr Vernon Rohrbaugh fSandy Rohrbaugh m. Tap Trenton t Gary Rohrbaugh fDeane Rohrbaugh Noah Rohrbaugh Jr. J Randy Rohrbaugh m.Luverna McDonald 1 Ronald Rohrbaugh Vernon Rohrbaugh [Joyce Rohrbaugh b. 1881 a. 1882 John Rohrbaugh b. 1883 a. 1889 Eston Rohrbaugh m. May Olrine •j Eaward Rohrbaugh John Rohrbaugh m. Carmen Ratruck Burley Rohrbaugh f m. Sally Harrison 1 4 children George Rohrbaugh Alvin Rohrbaugh I b. Aug. 2, 1885 m. Kate Olrine < 5 children a. 1951 Bessie Rohrbaugh m. Gertruae Kep­ m, Leatherman llnger May Rohrbaugh m. Russel Roberts Sudie Rohrbaugh m. Stanley Harrison Carrie Rohrbaugh Mary Rohrbaugh m. Dominco b. 1887 a. 1899 Chris Rohrbaugh Twin of Mary d. 1899 Emmett Rohrbaugh Ann Cannon {4 children Myrtle Rohrbaugh Albert Rohrbaugh m. Loy Dolly {4 children b. Feb. 15, 1890 Violet Rohrbaugh ("Gary Anaerson m. Polly Veach . m. Walter AndersonLVoyce Anderson „(2) Ann McDonald Son Son DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM SHOBE

Mary Susan Rohrbaugh b. March 5, 1382 a. March 14, 1882 Wm Christian Rohrbaugh Herman Rohrbaugh b. Nor. 20, 1883 Bessie Rohrbaugh For Ancestors m. Nettie Caplinger Jloscoe Rohrbaugh See Page 7. Rosa Rohrbaugh Allie Rohrbaugh Howara Rohrbaugh Cleaia Rohrbaugh Myrtle Ellen Rohrbaugh Lark Rohrbaugh b. March 23, 1886 Nellie Rohrbaugh m. Eawara Rohrbaugh Cora Rohrbaugh Guy Rohrbaugh Haven Rohrbaugh Clora Jemima Rohrbaugh .Hester Rohrbaugh b. June 16, 1887 a. Jan. 30, 1888 Edith Caplinger Harman Caplinger Bessie Almira Rohrbaugh Vuelta Caplinger b. Feb. 15, 1889 Dorothy Caplinger m. Robert Caplinger Mary Caplinger .Cathlene Caplinger Edna Rohrbaugh Lulu Rohrbaugh Beulah Rohrbaugh William Shobe Ray Rohrbaugh b. Sept. 20, 1814 Anna Shobe George Errin Rohrbaugh Dorsey Rohrbaugh a, b. 1862 a. 1904 b. August 3, 1890 Leona Rohrbaugh m. Susan McBee m. George Rohrbaugh m. Nellie Rohrbaugh Lorene Rohrbaugh b. Oct. 21, 1829 1st cousin to "Week" George Rohrbaugh a. Feb. 21, 1899 January 27, 1881 John Rohrbaugh ^Gene Rohrbaugh

Charles Homer Rohrbaugh Garnet Rohrbaugh Brook Rohrbaugh b. NOT. 16, 1892 m. Willie McDonald Anna Lee Rohrbaugh .GeneTieTe Rohrbaugh Cora Virginia Rohrbaugh b. Sept. 30, 1894 Blondell Kessel m. Harrison Kessel Glendora Kessel Amy Augusta Rohrbaugh b. Oct. 28, 1896 No issue m. Elzia Snyaer Glen Rohrbaugh Jr. Gabriel Glen Rohrbaugh Max Rohrbaugh b. July 15, 1B98 Clyde Rohrbaugh m. Francis Snyder { .Caryl Rohrbaugh Betty Rohrbaugh Eagar Lewis Rohrbaugh Gey Rohrbaugh b. May 6, 1900 Blake Rohrbaugh m. Lucy Feaster Elmo Rohrbaugh .Malvin Rohrbaugh Forest Rohrbaugh Arnola Clyae Rohrbaugh Eva Dot Rohrbaugh b. Nor. 4, 1902 Maxine Rohrbaugh m. Ollie Berg Emmogene Rohrbaugh Wilda Rohrbaugh 119

ADONIJAH SHOBE born Fob. 5, 1820, settled in Mount Pleasant, W. Va., before the Civil War. His sons scattered widely, Andrew going to Kentucky, Jobe Welton to Gary, Ind. , then to N. Dak. in 1895 and to Can­ ada about 1917 where he died in 1923. He is buried at Consul, Sas­ katchewan. Gabe and Edward went to Wingate, Ind., and John to Hllls- boro, Indiana. Adonijah married twice but it Is uncertain which children were mothered by the first wife and which by the second. oooOooo

Andrew Shobe Kirby Shobe Newton Shobo moved to Kentucky Jbrme Shobo Jobe Welton Shobe b. Mar. 12, 1847 or descendants For Ancestors m. Mary Eleanor See Pago \\<{& See Page 7. Stidman, "Ella" Gabe Shobe Carrie Shobe, dec'd m. Mattie Josie Shobe, dec'd Bert Shobe, dec'd at Wingate, Ind. IRoy Shobo John Shobo m. Catherine Nine buried a t Hills- No issue boro, Indiana Mayme Tankersloy Henry Shobe, unm. b. Oct. 5, 1884 dau. of Lillie by Clara Evelyn Cottroll Wylie Robbins Jr. former marriage. m. Wylie Robbins m. Frank Cottroll (2) Joey Crane Lyda Shoba b. 1887 d. 1888 Clyde Shobo Twin of Lyda d. July 7, 1889 Glennio Shobe b. May 4, 1889 d. Fob. 22, 1928 Infant m. Van Ingram Elodie Rae Shobo b. July 13, 1891 (NO issue Edward Filmore Shob m. Blansford Williams L b. May 4, 1853 b. 1885 d. 1935 d. Nov. 10, 1936 l Robert Williams m. Lillie E. Golds Shirley Williams berry at Colfax Howard Williams Allen Williama Indiana ffanda Shobe m. Charity Hobaon Infant " b. April 4, 1867 b. Oct. 13, 1893 Markey Williams d. Jan. 18, 1953 d. Sept. 16, 1929 ^Infant " m. Dee Williams Lavina Williama b. March 14, 1914 fjudy Davenport I m. Mark Davenport \ b. Oct. 21, 1940 Ronald Williams, dec' 3onnie Shoba age four months b. May-15, 1896 Williama d. Sept. 20, 1943 Kenneth Williams /Kenneth Williams m. Virgil Williams m. Abbio |_Arllne Williams Ivan Shobo b. May 13, 1899 Claude Shobe m. Hattie Vandimant b. 1921 d. 1932 Dorria Shobe b. June 14, 1902 Addie Shobe, unm. Reared by her d. Sept. 4, 1919 brother John. Noble Shobe, unm. b. Sept. 18, 1905 Leon ShobCtl V-o InfT«-f» . Infant daughter b. March 1908 31lleoe n Shobe, Inf. Twin of Leon 119a

Keith Ranum Donald Ranum Michael Ranum Esther Shobe Gail Ranum See pa6eU1 b. April 12, 1911 Lynn Ranum 6 m. Gerald Ranum Nell Ranum at Newtown, N. Dak. Nancy Ranum Shelley R. Ranum Clark Shobe Ranum Beatrice Shoba Neva Mae Prior b. Dec. 17, 1913 Lora Lee Prior m. Chester Prior Vera Ann Prior Alamosa, Colorado Charles Prior Jasper L. Shobe b. Mar. 8, 1885 James H. Reinholdt at Gary, Indiana born 1938 d. Oot. 4, 1948 Doris Shobe David Reinholdt called "Bud" b. Jan. 11, 1915 born 1939 m. Rondlne Cleveland m. Harland Reinholdt Thomas L. Reinholdt b. April 23, 1885 Longview, Wash. born 1942 Gerald K. Reinholdt Jobe Welton Shoba born 1946 b. Mar. IS, 1847 Frances Shobe ("Mitzi Logan d. Nov. 8, 1923 ra, Ella Stidham born July, 1917 Randia Jo Logan b. Feb. 10, 1861 m. Nathan S. Logan •< Kelly Patrick Logan d. Jan. 11, 1941 Newtown, N. Dak. [Billy Gay Logan Marsha Shobe Charles Shobe Jay L. Shobe b. Oct. 31, 1920 Catherine Shobe m. Betty Lawler (Guy Shobe Marjorie Shobe Marylin Wheeler b. Apr. 11, 1925 Richard Wheeler m. Samuel Wheeler (Susan Wheeler d. Jan. 31, 1955 Sally Jo If/heeler "Philip L. Wright Gwendolyn Wright Alice Amelia Shobe Lawrence Wright m. Elmer Longedahl b. Sept. 17, 1883 b. July 13, 1906 ^ Charles Wright m. Albert Wright m. Coral Osser James Wright Eleanor Jean Wright Fleda Eugene Shobe _Palnecia A. Wright b. 1890 d. 1894 Albert Sidney Shobe Veda Shobe b. Oct. 26, 1892 m. B.R.Hardington m. Violet Travis ALma R. Shobe Infant Charles C. Shobe Charles Ralph Shobe b. Sept. 5, 1895 b. Feb. 15, 1942 m. Laura A. McKee Glennis Faye Shobe b. July 4, 1946 Galen Royer Shobe b. 1899 d. 1903 Wilmsrt L. Shobe b. May 15, 1903 119b


Daughter of Martin Shobe and Jemima Hause, she was born Sept. 28,1824 as shown on the bible record of Martin Shobe's children set forth a few pages forward. Martin was married twice, first to Susannah laneisco, a daughter of his cousin Clara (Shobe) Laneisco. Although we are not sure of his birth-date, he must have been quite a few years older than Susannah. Susannah died when her fifth child was born, and about a year later, Martin married Jemima Hause, who was born Aug. 28, 1784. Daphna was their seventh child and must have been born on Martin's homestead between the forks of the South Branch of the Potomac and the North Fork of the South Branch as shown on the contour map on Page 9. Daphna was married May 14, 1844 to John Stinespring and whether they lived in Grant County, W. Va. for a time or went direct to Virginia, is not known. Nevertheless, they settled in the Shenandoah Valley near Broadway, a short distance north of the present town of Harrisonburg, Va. John Stinespring was appointed post master at Cowan's Depot, Va., and held that office from 1878 to Aug. 6, 1883 at which time his son Franklin Monroe Stingspring was appointed to succeed him. The name of the post office was changed to Daphna, Va. Aug. 10, 1904. The Postmaster General wrote Franklin Stinespring that the name of the postof­ fice was going to be changed and asked him to suggest a new name. He replied that his mother and his daughter were named Daphna and that name was accepted. He served as postmaster there until his death on Sept. 13, 1925 and his daugh­ ter, Daphna (Stinespring) Chenault was appointed to succeed him Jan. 26, 1926 and still holds that office. As a rule, the descendants of Daphna Shobe have stayed fairly close to the old homestead and have mainly lost touch with the families in the valley of the South Fork. Notable among those who have strayed away are the descend­ ants of Harry Stinespring most of whom are now living in Illinois; the two chil­ dren of Jacob Stinespring, who are living in Greenville, South Carolina and Dr. William F. Stinespring, a grandson of Franklin Monroe Stinespring, who is a professor at Duke University at Durham, North Carolina. He received the degree of Ph. D. at Yale in 1932. His son William Forest Stinespring is a mathematician employed at Chicago, Illinois on a research project for the U. S. Air Force. Daphna (Shobe) Stinespring and her husband, John Stinespring are both buried in the Linville Creek cemetery between Daphna and Broadway, Virginia. Daphna died Feb. 10, 1903 at the age of 78. Her son, Franklin Monroe Stinespring and his wife, Mary (Mitchell) Stinespring, are also buried in the Linnville Creek cemetery.

Daphna's daughter, Virginia, and her husband, Rollin Kieffer, moved from Virginia to LaFayette, Indiana in 1884. Four of their children were born in Virginia and the last two were born in Indiana. Their daughter, Mary (Kief­ fer) Kellogg, is now living at Brownstone, Indiana, Ewing Post Office. 12 0

DAPHNA SHOBE t>. Sept. 28, 1824 d. Feb. 10, 1903. m. John Stinespring,b. 1818 d. 1883. Both buried in Linnville Creek cemetery, Daphna, Virginia -oooOooo Willie R, Stinespring b. June 20, 1873 d. Aug. 22, 1873 For Ancestors Wm H. Stinespring II See Page 7. b. Nov. 1, 1906 Hilary Ann Stinespring m. Dolly H. LaBott \ b. Mar. 28, 1934 James D. Stinespring b. July 25, 1908 1 James Stinespring Jr. m. Blanch McCarthy Harry P. Stinespring Mary L. Stinespring b. Aug. 10, 1874 b. March 25, 1910 m. Lest! Sarver m. Richard Knisely Wm Hardy Stinespring b. Aug.3 , 1884 Sue Ann Stinespring b. Aug. 7, 1845 d. Dec. 25, 1935 b. June 3, 1940 d. Oct. 28, 1925 Harry Stinespring III m. Rachel Cenklln Harry Stinespring Jr. b. Fab. 10, 1943 b. Apr. 19, 1845 b. August 23, 1912 John W. Stinespring m. Mae Marty Donald Stinespring b. Mar. 14, 1949 Leota B. Stinespring b. Mar. 30, 1950 Virginia Stinespring b. July 19, 1926 m. Roger Meryett Earl C. Stinespring b. Jan. 6, 1877, unm I. d. June 19, 1926 Jacob Stinespring b. Feb. 12, 1847 Infant d. July 18, 1930 Loura Stinespring,unm. m. Lucretia White b. August 11, 1884 b. Feb. 14, 1846 Harley Stine spring, unm. d. Nov. 16, 1925 . b. July 1, 1886 Daphna Kieffer, 1871 m. Harry Thompson John E. Kieffer b. 1872 d. 1951 Virginia Stinespring m. Ora Sheets Twin of Jacob ^rime Kieffer, b. 1880 m. Rollin Kieffer Ernest Kieffer,b. 1884 Olive Paine Effie Kieffer,b. 1881 George Eaton Mary Kieffer, b. 1887 Nelson A. Kellogg Dr. Wm F. Stinespring fwm F. Stinespring Joseph Stinespring b. Sept. 24, 1901 J b. Mar. 16, 1929 b. Aug. 22, 1873 m. April 4, 1928 ] John A. Stinespring m. Emma E. Ritchie Mary F. Albright L b. Dec. 8, 1935 Curtis StinespringUI b. June 24, 1940 Winfred Stinespring Franklin Menrae Curtis Stinespring Jr b. Nov. 3, 1941 Stinespring b. Oct. 29, 1915 Julia D. Stinespring b. Nov. 11, 1848 m. Carolyn Burrell b. Nov. 30, 1944 d. Sept. 13, 1925 b. Dec. 15, 1919 David B. Stinespring m. Mary Mitchell b. July 18, 1946 b. Aug. 14, 1853 Mary C . St ine s pr ing d. Dec. 13, 1902 b. May 15, 1949 John F. StinespringJr. Curtis Stinespring b. Aug. 9, 1948 b. Mar. 7, 1877 Frank Stinespring Robert Stinespring d. Aug. 5, 1938 b. May 2 3, 1918 b. Kay 25, 1951 m. Mary Green m. Pauline Thompson James Stinespring b. Nov. 15, 1888 b. Aug. 25, 1927 b. Oct. 28, 1953 d. Dec. 7, 1946 Mary S. Stinespring Ruth Stinespring b. Jan. 27, 1955 b. April 10, 1922 m. George Stoffregen Mary Sue Stinespring b. Mar. 25, 1925 continued next page m. Anderson Crawford Betty Ann Stinespring b. Mar. 25, 1929 121

DAPHNA SHOBE Monroe Scott Fristoe con. from Page 120 b. Jan. 29, 1903 No issue m. Mary Mathias { For Ancestors John Roy Gifford See Page 7. b. July 5, 1931 Mary Louise Fristoe Mary Gifford b. Sept. 20, 1907 b. June 28, 1932 m. Aug. 2, 1930 John Gifford "jt12??o«

b.Aug.26,1934] 1952 m. J.D.Blevins- Anna M. Stinespring Heaaley Fristoe Dolores Fristoe b. Oct. 7, 1879 b. Sept. 11, 1909 b. Aug. 24, 1934 m. June 5, 1901 m. Oct. 6, 1932 Wanda Fristoe Russell Fristoe Juanita Smythe b. July 26, 1937 Laverne Fristoe Mitchell Fristoe, unm. I b. Sept. 9, 1940 b. Nov. 14, 1911 Minnie Fristoe b. Apr. 30, 1918 Kay McGinnis m. Marion McGinnis b. June 1, 1943 Everett Fristoe b. June 29, 1915 Alan E. Fristoe m. Marie Hanna b. April 7, 1951 Anna May Fristoe Ann Marie Pakorny b. Feb. 21, 192:0 b. Feb. 2, 1943 Franklin Monroe m. Jerry Pakorny Jerrilee Pakorny Stinespring b. Dec. 5, 194 8 b. Nov. 11, 1848 d. Sept. IS, 1925 Franklin Arch. Black Donald Mc CI.Black m. Mary Mitchell b. June 1, 1911 b. Sept. 28, 1937 h. Aug. 14, 1853 m. Dec. 25, 1936 David Wells Black d. Dec. 13, 1902 June McClellan b. May 12, 1946 John Roy Black b. June 17, 1913 Marilee Ann Black m. Shirley Miner b. Jan. 26, 1950 John Robert Black Luella Stinespring Frea Moore Black b. Sept. 20, 1935 b. Aug. 25, 1881 b. March 6, 1915 Lorne Nlel Black d. Dec. 20, 1933 m. June 15, 1934 b. Oct. 11, 1940 m. Frederick Black Frances Riddle Frederick S. Black b. Jan. 27, 1875 I b. Aug. 21, 1946 d. Oct. 26, 1937 Linnville Greek Mitchel Rob. Megan Church cemetery. Daphna Mary Black b. Jan. 18, 1945 b. Aug. 23, 1917 Barbara Jean Megan m. July 3, ?945 b. Oct. 11, 1947 Frank Megan Paul James Megan I b. May 13, 1950 Willian Robert Black Adopted by aunt. b. Feb. 11, 1919 Now Robert Smith m. Eaith MacDonaia { Sarah Mary Jean Black b. Sept. 19, 1921 m. Michael A. Dallin Daphna Stinespring Dorothy E. Chenault b. Dec. 27, 1894 b. May 9, 1921 Glen A. Showalter

m. John W. Chenault ^ m. May 5, 1946 b. Oct. 9, 1947 b. June 3, 1893 Glen M. Showalter a. Mar. 31, 1956 John W. Stinespring b. Feb. 18, 1883 3. Aug. 31, 1923 m. Katherine Miller Be rlyr n M. Stinespring b. Oct. 1, 1886 m Jan. 8, 1942 Eve lyn Harman 121a

HENRY LANSICSO SHOBE He was the only son of a family of five children horn to Martin Shobe and his first wife, Susannah Laneisco. He was born in what is now Grant County, W. Va., and later migrated to Indiana where he and his wife Malinda Moroney settled in the northern part of Montgomery County, near Linden, where several others of the Shobe clan came later. Notably among these were his half-brother Adonijah and his half- sister Rebecca, who came with her family after her husband had died of luns fever in West Virginia in 1865.

Other Shobes who settled there were Abraham {page 122b) and Solomon (page 75). They were sons of Henry Shobe whose father was Martin Shobe, a first cousin of Henry L. Shobe's father, Martin. Abraham later married Henry L. Shobe's daughter, Martha Jane and thus arose the legend in the family that Henry Shobe's son married Henry Shobe's daughter. Solomon Shobe later married Henry L. Shobe's half-sister Magdalene, (see page 115) but he died at the age of 29 and his estate consisting of a small amount of personal property, was probated in Montgomery County. Among the papers are receipts signed by his widow, Mary M. Shobe, so she must have pre­ ferred the name Mary to that of Magdalene. She died a few months later of the same contagion, malaria fever, and they are both buried in the Peterson cemetery in the north-east corner of Montgomery County. The cemetery is now in a bad state of neg­ lect. The estate papers of Henry L. Shobe are also in the court house at Craw- fordsville, Montgomery county, Indiana in Box 63. He died August, 1866 and he and his wife are buried in the Ermintrout cemetery in a pasture about 4. miles east ef Linden, Indiana. oooOooo

Felise Shobe Descent on called"Felix" &"Pick" For Ancestors b. June 6, 1836 See Page 7. bur. Ermentrout cem. J Infant twin sons r Linden, Indiana (_Charles Robert Shobe •(Page 121b m. Rebecca Royer b. Feb. 4, 1836

Mary Elizabeth Shobe Walter H. McBee

Susannah Shobe Twin of Sarah d. Feb. 11, 1877 Clara Stingley Ermentrout Cemetery Manford Stingley m. Lawson Stingley Oscar Stingley Page 122b b. Feb. 11, 1835 Wellington Stingley d. Sept. 13, 1896 Stingley Cemetery Stockwell, Indiana

Martin Shobe, Inf. b. 1843 d. 1844 Martha Jane Shobe Albert Core Shobe b. Dec. 15, 1846 Dora M. Brinson d. May 21, 1921 Arthur Brinson m. Abraham Shobe 2.Walter Brinson Page 122b (2) Amey Brinson Myrtle Brinson Ann Brinson Robert Shobe b. May 18, 1850 |NO is sue Page 122b m. Hannah Williamson 121b

For Ancestors DESCENDANTS OF FELIX SHOBE See Page 7 John Spaulding III and Page 121a Esther Shobe Mary Ruth Dehner b. Jan. 28, 1945 b. July 25, 1897 b. Nov. 17, 1923 Charlena Spaulding Infant twin sons m. Charles Dehner m. John Spaulding f b. June 13, 1955 b. Sept. 24, 1893 Jo Ann Dehner b. June SO, 1926 Cynthia Ruth Partlow m. Carl Partlow b. Fab. 14, 1951 J2) John Polovich Ruth Shobe b. Mar. 23, 1900 d. Mar. 31, 1956 I No issue m. Harry Matthews Earlene Shobe Earl Preston Shobe b. Oct. 20, 1943 b. July 5, 1909 Charlene Shobe Charles Robert Shoba . m. August Sabala b. Nov. 3, 1944 b. Feb. 14, 1873 b. April 10, 1943 Francena Shoba m. Myrtle Foster b. Feb. 18, 1946 b. Feb. 17, 1878 Leo Clifton Shobe i (2) Eva Miller b. June 11, 1911 No issue b. Nov. 7, 1882 m. Georgeanna Targett Robert Dale Shoba Cecil Ayers Shobe b. Aug. 1, 1939 b. Aug. 30, 1913 d. Aug. 8, 1939 m. Margaret McDonald ' Thomas Lee Shobe b. 1915 d. 1944 twin of Robert (2) Mary L. Scobell . d. Aug. 1, 1939 Phillip Alva Shobe b. Aug. 15, 1916 d. Jan. 19, 1945 I Carol Ann Shobe m. Ida B. Elson.who \ b. Aug. 9, 1941 _m(2) Russell Strief William J. Shoba Jr. b. June 14, 1938 William Jackson Shobe Mary Lee Shobe b. April 5, 1919 b. Nov. 11, 1939 m. Leona McDonald Robert Earl Shobe b. Oct. 25, 1918 b. Mar. 14, 1941 Linda Jean Shoba . b. July 24, 1944 DESCENDANTS OF MARY ELIZABETH SHOBE Chayse E. Hoss, unm b. April 19, 1911 Alan Keller Lena Maude McBee b. May 12, 1937 b. April 27, 1886 Helen McBee Hoss Ann Maria Kellar d. Mar. 20, 1941 < b. Nov. 30, 1914 b. Dec. 27, 1940 m. Walter Hoss m. Sam Keller Mary Keller Isaac Edward Hoss . b. Oct. 15, 1943 . b. Oct. 5, 1917 Mary Ann McGovery Nancy Elizabeth McBee Malcolm McGovery b. Jan. 6, 1951 b. Feb. 5, 1888 b. Dec. 8, 1920 Donald McGovery m. Harry McGovery m. Phyllis McKinney( b. Dec. 16, 1952 Elsie Lavina KcBee Walter Henry McBee b. Sept. 5, 1892 Charles McBee Parker b. May 18, 1856 m. Ralph Parker t b. Feb. 2, 1922 died 1925 Phillip Lee Winger Linden,Indiana b. Jan. 14, 1947 m. llary E. Shotts Mary Francis McBee Roger Allen Winger b. Feb. 26, 1858 b. Jan. 21, 1925 b. Sept. 24, 1949 d. Mar. 14, 1932 m. Alvin R. Winger Richard K. Winger • b. June 2, 1953 Isaac Calvin McBee Walter H. MoBee b. June 16, 1896 b. Nov. 21, 1926 [Theresa Ellen McGea m. Hallie Henderson m. Ellen Mahoy b. Sept. 13, 1954 b. Apr. 18, 1896 Robert Marvin McBee b. Aug. 14, 1929 No issue m. Barbara Allen I Harold Frederick McBee Minnie Susan McBee . b. Feb. 12, 1935 b. Nov. 18, 1900 _d. Nov. 4,1932,unm. 122

DESCENDANTS OP MARY ELIZABETH SHOBE (con) Martin Campbell For Ancestors b. Aug. 14, 1910 See Page 121a m. Mary Gray b. Sept. 27, 1912 Debbie Lee McBee Mary Olive McBee Mary Campbell b. June 8, 1886 b. May 4, 1916 J James Lee Royer b. 1859 d. 1944 m. James Campbell m. James H. Hart m. Leo Royer | b. Mar. 22, 1953 b. 1857 d. 1923 b. Dec. 31, 1883 b. Aug. 7, 1914 William Campbell b. Jan. 17, 1920 m. Carol Wohrer

: b. Feb. 13, 1923 Mary Josephine McBee Lois Irons Sharon Kaye Spitz­ b. Mar. 2, 1888 b. Jan. 20, 1916 nagel m. Jame s Ir ons m. Geo. Spitznagel b. Aptil 27, 1946 b. July 24, 1890 b. 1911 d. 1950 Penny Jo Spitznagel killed by tracter b. June 26, 1949 Harriett Irons Martin Zedoc McBee . b. Nov. SB, 1918 b. June 29, 1857 William Joseph McBee Martha Louise McBee Sue Ann Inskeep d. June 24, 1949 b. March 31, 1890 b. July 11, 1915 I b. Nov. 2, 1941 m. Laura Newkirk m. Orpha Parker m. George Inskeep I Richard Inskeep b. Jan. 23, 1862 b. 1893 d. 1954 (b. Aug. 31, 1912 L b. Mar. 12, 1946 d. Jan. 9, 1941 Grace McBee Linden cemetery b. 1893 d. 1895 Linden, Ind. Vena Olive McBee b. June 27, 1896 Harold Everson died m. Harold Everson with flu while in d. Oct. 5, 1918 camp in Ohio dur- (2) Asahal Turnipseed . ing World War II. b. May 13. 1890 Franklin McBee b. June 7, 1899 Laura Lou McBee m. Edna Allen b. July 26, 1935 (2) Leona Byrd Gerald McBee b. Aug. 11, 1910 b. Oct. 28, 1936 Clare Belle McBee b. 1904 d. 1904 Vernia Lee Sheek Minnie Lee McBee b. 1889 d. 1940 b. Aug. 28, 1868 m. Clyde Leisure- m. Newton Shesk Mary Olive Sheek (2) David Long m. Johnson Virginia Dain b. Mar. 4, 1930 J David D. Armstrong m. Bob Armstrong j b. Oct. 26, 1923 James F. Dain Howard Frank Dain b. Mar. 12, 1933 called "Frank" Carol Evalin Dain b. Apr. 20, 1903 b. Apr. 14, 1940 m. Evelyn G. Bingham Audry Alice Dain Sarah Malinda McBee born 1914 b. Sept. 5, 1943 b. July 17, 1870 Linda Ann Dain m. J. Hunter Da in b. Apr. 28, 1947 b. Feb. 14, 1866 Laura Lou Dain d. Dec. 20, 1940 b. July 25, 1952 Moved to Alberta, Barbara Louise Dain Canada in 1908 Silas Fred Dain b. Feb. 27, 1941 b. Feb. 15, 1907 Jerry Franklin Dain m. Louise Moore b. May 4, 1945 b. July 12, 1940 Martin Frederick Dain Robert F. MoBee b. Oct. 19, 1949 called "Frank" b. Dee. 26, 1872 No issue d. July 8, 1898 Killed on C.L.Ry. m. Georgia Funk (now Georgia Fox) William Tomas McBee called "Gov" & "W.T b. Sept. 23, 1876 m. Sue Dunbar No issue b. Feb. 6, 1880 d. March, 1951 122 a

DESCENDANTS OF SARAH CATHERINE SHOBE Ora Taylor For Ancestors b. July 7, 1890 See Page 121a d. Jan. 1956 m. Homer Hughes Dan Hughes' Paula Ann Hughes' b. June 28, 1886 b. Jan. 18, 1923 b. Dec. 11, 1954 d. July 29, 1953 m. Ann Sabens Masonic cemetery Crawfordsville, Ind Larry Taylor Denvil Taylor b. Mar. 10, 1942 Osacr Taylor b. Sept. 2-0, 1917 Rex Taylor b. May 24, 1892 m. Alberta Lewis b. May 23, 1948 m. Nora Steele Melvin Taylor Katherine Taylor I b. Nov. 23, 1921 b. Deo. 5, 1955 'Betty Lou Taylor JRandi Caryl Mangus b. Sept. 19, 1918 b. July 15, 1951 Emma Jane Crouch m. William Mangus 1 b. Jan. 8, 1868 Roy Taylor Isabel Taylor Sheila Cash d. June 8, 1942 b. Jan. 6, 1894 b. Apr.14, 1920 b. Apr. 23, 1948 m. Cornelius Taylor m. Cora Zachary m Lloyd Cash called "Niel" . Jane Taylor b. Mar. 20, 1923 Thersa Todd b. Jan. 28, 1860 b. Feb. 17, 1952 d. Dec. 21, 1939 1. m. David Todd ( Odd Fellows Cem­ Robert L. Taylor etery, Darlington, b. July 16, 1927 Indiana. Arthur Taylor m. Lydia Meyer b. Aug. 30, 1896 from Switzerland m. Jewel Fox Donald Taylor b. Sept. 25, 1931 Marie Taylor b. Jan. 13, 1898 Ernest Taylor [ Joanne Taylor Linda Smith b. Feb. 3, 1900 J b. Feb. 2 1, 1931 if b. Oct. 10, 1950 m. Ruby McCormick 1^ m. Billy E. Smith Marlow Taylor b. 1902 d. 1917 Gladys Taylor |Robert Max Neidigh Barbara Neidigh b. Mar. 30, 1905 -I b. July 30, 1924 b. Jan. 21, 1951 m. Ernest Neidigh Mary Landy Robert Max Jr. (2) Ernest Wilkinson b. June 12, 1953 Phylli3 Wilkinson Marsha Manning Mary Jane Taylor b. May 8, 1928 b. June 16, 1954 b. Sept. 8, 1907 m. Richard Manning m. Howard Wilkinson > Donna Wilkinson b. May 2, 1946 Janet Sue Wilkinson b. May 30, 1947

WILLIAM SEYMOUR EVANS William Seymour Evans was next to the youngest in a family of three broth­ ers and one sister. Son of Felix and Rosa Evans, he WPS born in Cumberland, Maryland on April 24, 1921. The family moved to Cresaptown, Maryland, after his father died, in 1930. (See Evans Family, pag- 124.) At the age of sixteen he quit school and became a house painter, but one year at this occupation convinced him that he would not be satisfied with it and he decid­ ed to join the Marine Corps and see the world. Advancing his age one year he was found to be "physically perfect", and his next stop was boot camp in the Carolinas. After a stay in Cuba and Puerto Rico, he was among those who established the First Marine Garrison on Guam. He was in Honolulu when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. In June, 1942 he landed with the first assault waves on Midway Island. On August 17, 1942 the Marine Raiders landed on Makin Island. A furious engagement cost the lives of 350 Japs, nine of whom fell before the rifle and knife of Private Evans. At Guadalcanal he picked up his first Purple Heart. At Bougainville he added another cluster, received five citations and a pro­ motion to Master Gunnery Sargeant. After the war he was stationed in Japan where he met and married pretty Chiyoko Matusoka. When war broke out In Korea, he rejoined his outfit and was awarded the Gold Star and a 3rd Purple Heart. He was sent to Japan to recuperate, and while bathing on the beach at Yokosuka on May 16, 1954 he suffered a heart attack and died. His ashes were buried in the American Military Cemetery at Yo­ kosuka . 122b

DESCENDANTS OF SUSANNAH SHOBE For Ancestors Leslie Jordan, unm. See Page 121a b. Oct. 10, 1882 d. Mar. 8, 1945 Sally Elizabeth Cox Dallas Claire Jordan b. Aug. 5, 1944 b. Oct. 27, 1919 Randy S. Cox m. Eugene S. Cox Is. June 9, 1947 Clara Stingley Earl Jordan Cherry Lynn Cox b. December, I860 b. Oct. 23, 1883 b. Sept. 5, 1953 d. December, 1889 J m. Floy Smith m. William Jordan b. May 13, 1886 Leslie Anette Sample Donola Beth Jordan b. May 18, 1950 b. Oct. 3, 1850 b. Aug. 7, 1923 d. Mar. 15, 1915 Jody Eileen Semple m. Laverne Semple {b. May 14, 1952 Dalton Horney b. Oot. 5, 1907 Thelma May Horney Bessie Joraan b. Mar. 27, 1910 J Barbara Joyce Endeau b. Dec. 20, 1885 m. Edward Endeaiu \ b. 1931 a. Aug. 8, 1948 Donald Reed Horney in auto acoiaent b. May 20, 1911 Cheryl Horney m. Bradley Horney m. Alma Kinney b. May, 1945 Dewey Horney Daniel Horney Manford Stingley b. Mar. 14, 1914 m. Verda Fields {b. Nov. 8, 1940 b. Jan. 21, 1866 d. Mar. 3, 1940 William Horney m. Myrtle Roger b. May 24, 1921 Bessie Stingley, unm. b. Feb. 10, 1904 Hazel Marie McQueen ("Linda Sue Hadley Oscar Stingley Maudie Hope Stingley b. Dec. 31, 1929 J b. Oct. 21, 1952 b. Oct. 10, 1871 b. Oct. 31, 1901 m. Robert Wm. Hadley | Mark Stephan Hadley d. Sept. 6, 1953 m. Elton McQueen b. Jan. 16, 1930 [_ b. Sept. 10, 1954 m. Etta Kirkpatrick Clyde "Bus" Stingley b. Sept. 28, 1910 m. Hattie ', Hazel Neoma Brown Liane E. Edney b.Jan. 11, 1913 b. Aug. 10, 1931 Luetta Vern Stingley m. Thomas 0. Edney m. Richard Bextel b. Sept. 30, 1894 (2) Harvey Steele a.Karen Bextel m. Charles Brown b. Sept. 17, 1907 Apr.23,1952 (2) Robert Saxton b. Mar. 20, 1887 Drowned-Jul.1,1953 t (2) Donald Pettit Luella Brown Wellington Stingley b. Apr. 9, 1896 Marvin E. Brown b. Oct. 20, 1943 b. Aug. 26, 1873 b. April 15, 1915 John M. Brown d. Aug. 7, 1951 m. Jean Rankin b. June, 19, 1945 m. Minnie Hess b. April 17, 1918 Patrick Brown b. Jan. 10, 1955 b. Mar. 30, 1875 Maurice H. Vickers Living in 1956 b. Sept. 8, 1915 d. June 5, 1943 Bessie Stingley m. Hazel Nell Worley b. Jan. 7, 1897 b. Oct. 28, 1912 m. Harry J. Vickers ' b. Mar. 20, 1890 Alios D. Vickers b. June 12, 1920 m. James H. Mahan b. Sept. 19, 1905 DESCENDANTS OF MARTHA JANE SHOBE Albert Core Shobe callea "Cory" Martha Jane Shobe b. Aug. 11, 1867 b. Dec. 14, 1846 a. Aug. 15, 1953 No issue d. May 21, 1921 m. Myrtle Layton m. Abraham Shobe b. Sept. 3, 1877 b. Dec. 27, 1830 d. Apr. 15, 1873 Dora M. Brinson, Inf. (2) Amey Brinson Arthur Brinson b. Nov. 13, 1852 Walter Brinson d. June 4, 1894 Myrtle Brinson Ann Brinson Inf. twin aaughters Robert J. Shobe b. May 18, 1850 r buried Yeddo, Ind. ra. Hannah Williamson^ No issue b. July 28, 1856 d. Dec. 12, 1890 123

SARAH SHOBE Mary Jane Seymour b. March 5, 1850 [Clara Delay For Ancestors d. Apr. 10, 1880 < b. Jan. 15, 1875 I No issue See Fage 7. m. Thomas Delay I m. Homer Schell Alice Amelia Seymour b. Oct. 4, 1851 d. Jan. 26, 1902 [Seymour Shobe, unm. m. Martin W. Shobe i b. Dec. 24, 1884 b. May 11, 1841 ,„ ,, „„, d. Juie 21, 1887 1 (See Page 77) Susan R. Seymour,unm. b. May 26, 1853 Aaron Seymour b. Feb. 26, 1855 William Seymour b. Deo. 18, 1855 Sara Rebecca Seymour b. July 23, 1882 d. Jan. 14, 1897 Andrew B, Seymour Mary Eliz. Seymour b. Feb. 14, 1857 b. NOT. 7, 1885 d. May 10, 1926 Angus Seymour m. Deo. 28, 1880 b. Jan. 16, 1891 Susan B. Burns m. Blanche Lloyd No issue b. July 12, 1861 b. Sept. 3, 1898 d. May 3, 1932 John Welton Seymour b. Aug. 20, 1895 John W, Seymour Jr. m. Edna Liggett b. Oct. 25, 1922 b. 1899 m. Violet Gega

Emory Evans Naomi Evans b. Jan. 22, 1916 b. June 30, 1939 m. Mernie Hardy Carol Evans b. Aug. 1, 1923 b. May 12, 1941 Paul Evans, unm. b. July 21, 1918 Rebecca Evans Sarah Shobe Carolyn Kessel b. Mar. 12, 1922 b. Aug. 18,1829 b. Feb. 25, 1942 m. Brown Kessel m. Mar. 1, 1849 (Susan Kessel b. Aug. 15, 1921 b. June 9, 1947 Felix Seymour James M. (Boss)Evans called"Phillip" Herbert Evans Gary Evans b. April 4, 1890 b. Aug. 17, 1924 b. Nov. 16, 1949 b. Jan. 17,1824 m. NOT. 3, 1914 d. Aug. 13,1910 m. Priscilla Barr ( Bonnie Lou Evans Pearl Riggleman b. April 7, 1929 b. June 29, 1953 b. Jan. 14, 1898 Dorothy Evans |Jerry Rumer b. Deo. 10, 1926 b. July 14, 1946 m. Elwood Rumer Lawrence Rumer b. May 20, 1923 I b. Sept. 5, 1948 Floyd Evans, Unm. Rebecca Susan Seymour b. Aug. 2, 1933 b. May 11, 1858 Betty Evans m. James Evans b. Oot. 1, 1936 Gregory Ganoe m. Lawrence Qanoe b. July 9, 1953 b. Aug. 7, 1933 Lone Evans b. June 5, 1910 Ray Evans b. April 19, 1913 Hady Evans Twin of Ray Andrew ETans Seymour Evans b. July 23, 1885 b. Feb. 17, 1916 m. Etta Ward Phillip Evans b. Sept. 30, 1918 Ula Evans b. Feb. 7, 1921 John Evans b. April 5, 1923 Arnold Evans b. July 18, 1927 Betty Evans Melvin Lambert b. Oct. 13, 1887 Nellie Lambert m. John Lambert .Dickey Lambert continued next page Herbert Evans b. NOT. 25, 1893 No issue m. Belle Crites 124

SARAH SHOBE (eon) Herbert Seymour Samuel Loy Evans b. Nov. 9, 1859 b. May 5, 1910 jDavid Loy Evana m. In Kansas SNo Is sua m. Jannet Terms t [Judy Evans d. 1944 Flora Eliz. Evans Samuel Evans b. June 10, 1912 (No issue b. Aug. 1, 1884 m. Edgar Doby m. Nannie Loy Ronald Lee Evana Lefrenoh Evans b. June 16,1938 b. June 24, 1917 Samuel Wayne Evans m. Eunice Coffin- b. Mar. 19, 1940 berger Eunica Diana Evans Alice Evans . b. Mar. 27, 1942 b. Apr. 7, 1911 Charles Skinner,1959 For Anoeators d. Mar. 13, 1912 Phillip 0. Skinner See Page 121a b. July 2, 1936 m. Marlon Lse Snydsr Jacklay R. Skinner Ethel Edna Evans b. Sept. 21, 1938 b. Aug. 25, 1912 jRoaajane Skinner m. Jack Skinner b. May 13, 1944 Felix (Phillip) Evans William E. Skinner b. Jan. 27, 1887 b. July 25, 1946 d. Nov. 14, 1930 Glenda Kay Skinner b. July 20, 1949 m. Rosa B. O'Brien Arthur Conrad Evans b. Sept. 23, 1892 b. Sept. 18, 1913 •jllo lasus Felix buried at m. Deane Jamiaon Kissel, W.Va. Terry Evans Charlea Michael Evana b. Dec. 2 8, 1943 Sidney Hutton Seymour b. July 12, 1915 Jama3 Evana b. August 31, 1861 m. Yetta Roblnetta b. May 3, 1947 d. Oot. 3, 1934 at, Nannie E. Evans f Cumberland, Maryland b. 1917 d. 1917 m. Michael Evana b. Nov. 15, 1854 Sadie Virginia Evans d. Sept. 14, 1909 b. Dec.12,1918, unm. William Seymour Evans b. April 24, 1921 Wm. Kayuyaa Evana d. May 16, 1954 b. Dec. 6, 1954 m. Chiyoko Matusoka Clarence E. Evana, unm Wood B. Evans b. Dec. 4, 1923 b. Apr. 24, 1889 Chester Ralph Evans d. Apr. 21, 1935 b. July 25, 1918 m. Bertha Brota- m. Margaret Magattsn markle Sadie B. Evana, unm. b. Nov. 3, 1891 d. Aug. 4, 1925 Suaan Virginia Evans [Earl Ashenfeltar Janet Ashenfeltar b. June 17, 1893 I b. Feb. 17, 1912 b. Aug. 16, 1938 _m. Homer Ashenfeltar I m. May 8, 1937 to Lois Ashenfeltar John W. Seymour I Odessa Ullsry b. Dec. 20, 1941 b. Oct. 28, 1864 Barbara J. Seymour Bret Lyon Leo Seymour b. Oct. 1, 1929 b. Nov. 7, 1951 b. Dec. 21, 1894 m. William Lyon Linda K. Lyon m. Maybslls Clark {b. June 26, 1924 I. b. April 3, 1954 Lester Seymour b. Nov. 2 8, 1896 J Lavina Seymour m. Martha Robinaon | b. June 8, 1937 Patricia Murphy,1939 Margaret 1941 Wallace Dale Murphy Carol Ann 1946 b. June 6, 1918 Virginia 1947 Job Seymour m. Margaret Alt Pat Dale 1949 b. Jan. 31, 1867 [leva Seymour Jean L. 1953 d. May 26, 1948 b. June 26, 1898 m. Thomaa Murphy fKathlene Murphyl946 m. Martha J. Allison Lastar Daan Murphy d. October, 1953 JThomas J. " ,1947 b. Nov. 28, 1924 1 Michael " ,1950 Vernon Seymour L m. Elizabeth ChlvannelEllzabeth ,1952 b. December, 1908 m. Wilma Hare Arthur Oliver Seymour 1 Vernon born 1912 Carol ] m. Reva Smith o Jolena Sarah Seymour (2) Opal Roddick Milton twin of Job d. age 18 * For biography of William Seymour Evans see page 122a 125


He was bora in Virginia (now West Virginia) Maroh 11, 1824. His par­ entage is not deffinitely known because he became an orphan at an early date and was raised by an aunt. His son John, who is still living in Oregon at the age of 86, recalls that when he was a small boy he returned to West Virginia for a visit, accompanied by his mother, but he was too young to remember whom they visited or what relation they were to him, although he believes that they visited some of the Shobes as well as the relatives of his mother.

Oliver married Phoebe Jane Gillespie of Virginia and shortly there­ after they migrated to Cumberland County, Illinois where they settled on a farm and raised a large family. Oliver died December 6, 1900 at the age of 76 and is buried in the Bell cemetery near Toledo, Illinois,and quite a few of his descend­ ants still live in that vicinity, some across the county line in Coles county, where Oliver also lived for a time. Phoebe Jane (Gillespie) Shobe was born Nov. 12, 1825 and lived for several years after the death of Oliver. She is buried beside him in the Bell cemetery but their graves are unmarked and the exact date of her death could not be ascertained. Her granddaughter, Claudia (lacy) Sims, the wife of "Pink" Sims, has the old family bible which shows that her mother, Elizabeth M. Shobe, was born in Virginia, Nov. 23, 1848, so Oliver and Phoebe went to Illinois af­ ter that date. Mrs. Sims lives at Charleston, Illinois and is, herself, now seventy years old. Those of the family who have scattered from central Illinois are now in Minnesota, North Dakota, Oregon, California and Texas and some have returned to West Virginia. The six children of Oliver and Phoebe are as follows:-

Elizabeth M. Shobe - See Pages 126 and 127 b. Nov. 23, 1848

Abel Ingram Shobe | See Pages 127, 128 and 129 called "Aba" b. April 10, 1854 Marion Shobe b. August 10, 1857 | See Page 131

Lewis Shobe | See Page 130 b. Sept. 11, 1859

Sabina Shobe | See Page 129

John Shobe | See Page 131 b. June 7, 1868 126 OLIVER SHOBE Eliza Lacy Lowell Ratts b. 1863 d. 1865 Francis Ratts Clara Edith Rodgers Marie Ratts b. Feb. 6, 1887 Keith Ratts m. R. M. Ratts Kenneth Ratts Anna May Ratts Barbara Ratts Charles Rodgers Colleen Rodgers b. Jan. 14, 1889 m. Chas Bender jMichael Bender (2) Ull Sherman Charles Rodgers Devina Rodgers Dorothy Rodgers b. Sept.4, 1890 m. Bertha Seifers" No issue (2) Mildred Mundis Myrl Seifers Jo Hannah Lacy Bertha Rodgers Ralph Seifers b. Feb. 7, 1866 b. Nov. 4, 1894 Lester Seifers m. James Rodgers m. Till Siefers iDan Seifers Esther Rodgers William McKenzie b. Dec.29, 1896 Mary McKinzle m. Ed McKinzle [.Elizabeth McKinzle Lois Rodgers Dewey Rodgers Leo Rodgers b. Fob. 16, 1898 Betty Rodgers m. Velma Butler Margaret Rodgers Ada Rodgers, Inf. LWanda Rodgers Ava Rodgers b. Oct. 14, 1901J Jeanene Mead m. Ralph Mead [Richard Mead Flora Rodgers b. Jun. 6, 1904 JRodger Johnson m. Mick Johnson (.Maria Johnson Margaret Rodgers (Mary Jo Bender b. June10, 1910 jMargaret Bonder m. Roy Bender ^Raymond Bender Effie Honn m.Walt Ellison Louise Honn Elizabeth Shobe m. Lafe Daily (wayne Dally Mary Ella Lacy [Mildred Honn b. In Vir ginla b. May 8, 1868 Wm Honn, deo'd Nov. 23, 1848. m. Lola Lamb 1 William Honn Jr. d. Jun. 3,1950 [.Phyllis Honn m. Martin Lacy m. Joseph Honn b. Nov.11 ,1839 Andrew Honn /Andrew Honn, Inf d. Deo.29 ,1891 m. Gladys Dally lEleanor Honn Bell oem. Cum' Goldio Honn (Lois Beals berland C o.Ill I m. Earl Beals (.Evelyn Beals Chauncey Lacy,Inf. Winnie Lacy, Inf. Harold Landrus [Dennis Landrus Clarence Lacy,unm. b. Jan. 28,1922J b. Nov.15, 1946 b. 1900 d. 1928 m.Juanita Fudge |Debra Landrus Oliver T. Lacy Florence Nina Lacy b. May 26, 1925 ^.b. Jul. 14, 1954 b. Sept.8,1870 b. Jan. 6, 1904 Max L. Landrus Marsha Landrus d. Oct. 17,1918 m.Forrost Landrus- b. Feb.27, 1924. b. Nov. 23, 1947 m. Myrtle Fort b. Dec. 7, 1897 m. M. Soderburg Marcella Landrus b. Sept.21,1874 d. Deo. 16, 1928 b. Mar.22, 1929 . b. Nov. 16, 1954 d. May 8, 1919 Lottie Irene Lacy Hollis Landrus Pamela Sue Arney Bell cem. Cum­ b. Nov. 8, 1905 b. Oct.20, 1927 b. Aug. 28, 1949 berland Co.111. m. Brad Arney Deanna Kay Arney Gale Eugene Lacy b. Apr. 22, 1952 b. June 16, 1907 b. Aug. 9, 1927 Tommy C. Lacy Randall Leo Arney Cora Jan Lacy,InfRalp h Martin Lacy b. June 23, 1956 b. June 29, 1914 b. Aug. 5, 1951 m. June Harding Suzann Elaine Lacy b. Nov. 30, 1953 Stephan Able Lacy b. Jun. 27, 1927 Clifford Lacy IStephan Lacy b. Feb. 8, 1875 Marie Winkler JMargaret Lacy d. Feb. 3, 1912 m. (2) Pearl mc James m. Rosa Myers (Also tm others Phoebe C. Lacy r Larry Morris,1941 b. 1877 d. 1895|Katie Weden, Inf. Marjorie Lacy'23 Joellen Morris m. Otaj Morris b. Jul. 13, 1943 m. Frank Weden ? Harold Lacy Dorris Lacy 'Billie Y. Carman b. Oct. 5, 1903 m. Merl Carman v m. Emma Agge Merrill Lacy Catherine Lacy Timothy M. Lacy m. Beverly Goetq^b. Oct. 15, 1952 b. Nov. 26,1879 .Nancy Lacy,1935 m. Sadie Honn Charles M. Lacy Patricia Lacy,1937 b. Jan. 10,1884 b. Feb. 17, 1909 Charlene Lacy,1939 m. Reata Ashbrook .Timothy Lacy, 1946 Forest Lane Lacy 'Karon Yvonne Lacy,1943 b. June 23, 1918 Myrna Jill Lacy m. Maxine Taylor b. June 27, 1946 127


Glenn G. Sims continued from b. Jan. 15, 1908 preTioua page m. Selma Maxwell Shirley Sims Frederick Sims Olen Dale Sims Peggy Joe Sims b. Feb. 1, 1910 Mary Ellen Sims m. Josephine Lanna Nancy Sims Kenneth Sims Elizabeth M. Shobe Cladie Sabina Lacy Frank Sims b. in Virginia b. Deo. 1, 1884 Francis Lacy Sims Max Lacy Sims NOT. 23, 1848 m. Pinkney Sims b. Aug. 17, 1912 m. Martin lacy { Jerry Lee Sims m. Merle Cox Berniece Almira Sims J Myra Sue Elston b. Jan. 29, 1915 \ Donna Mae Elston m. John Elston Joyce Lee Sims Rex Martin Sims b. NOT. 14, 1940 b. Dec. 2, 1918 ] Judy Ann Sims m. Dorothy Spenoe b. Aug. 25, 1942

(2) Opal Horaeh £ Linda Darlene Sims Ohancey Laey, Inf. b. June 12, 1950 b. May 4, 1887 Shobie Lacy, Inf. b. NOT. 7, 1889 d. Sept. 10, 1894 Beatrice Shobe Freddy M. Withers b. Dec. 14, 1906 J d. in World War II m. Frederick Wither; . 1 Harvey S. Withers Brenda Rosa Withers b. Mar. 20. 1903 LRichard H. Withers b. May 12, 1950 Marion Brooks Shobe GeneTie Shobe fRex Toms Sally Lou Redmanl945 b. Mar. 28, 1878 b. Sept. 27, 1908 j Beryle Toms Linda Sue " b.1950 in Texas m. Cecil Toms m. Charley Redman d. Feb. 20, 1943 Ruth Shobe Brian Wm. " b. 1953 m. Mary Hamilton b. July 16, 1911 | Richard Giles b. July 85, 1886 m. Richard Giles d. Mar. 4, 1922 Otto Shobe Roy Leonard Shobe Rock OaTe, W. Va. b. Sept. 14, 1914 Shirley Sue Shobe m. Myrtle Jackson Lowell Anson Shobe ^ b. May 2, 1921 I William Gale Shobe Guy Aegan b. Oct. 5, 1898 Helen (Atoe) Aegan Fred Harris b. Sept. 27, 1900 Joan Harris m. Curtis Harris Frank Harris Arnel Lee Pomp Abel Ingram Shobe Beatrice(Betoe)Aegan Paul Pomp called "Abraham" b. Feb. 9, 1903 Gene Pomp b. April 10, 1854 m. Sy lye star Pomp Brooks Pomp d. May 12, 1927 . Frank Pomp m. Hannah Marga­ Harry Aegan ret Siron Richard Aegan (2) Mary M. Stitt Dana Aegan Joe Aegan b. Peb. 19, 1860 b. Feb. 1, 1905 Robert Aegan d. Apr. 20, 1923 m. Mabel Fitzgerald William Aegan Betty Lee Aegan Mabel Su Aegan Ira Elizabeth Aegan Augusta Shobe b. March 7, 1907 | Con Conrad b. Oct. 17, 1879 m. Russel M. Conrad m. Thomas Aegan Cinderella Aegan b.Sept. 7, 1909 ^ Thomas Ireland m. Hosa K. Ireland Berniece Aegan b. Oct. 1, 1912 j Charles Edd Powell m. Carl Powell Vera Lee Aegan b. June 6, 1915 •| John Lannan m. Paul Lannan William H. Shobe b. NOT. 13, 1881 in Illinois See next page for m. Isetta Rexroad descent. (2) Nola Black 128 OLIVER SHOBE

Russel W. Shobe, unm. b. August 7, 1904 Mable B. Shobe b. Aug. 10, 1905 Loronda Hull {DeTona Hull m. Harvey D. Hull Fred Shobe b. NOT. 17, 1906 •f William Shobe m. Nola McKisis Hugh Shobe Doris Shobe b. Aug. 11, 1908 William F. Shobe m. Gray Siron David Hugh Shobe William H. Shobe Catherine Shobe Hartzel Siron b. Nor. 13, 1881 H b. NOT. 27, 1909 Harley Siron In Illinois m. Marion Slron Hershal Slron m. Isetta Rexroad Richard Walters (2) Nola Black Pauline Shobe b. Aug. 9, 1920 Ronald Walters m. Rio hard Walters MelTin Walters Harry Shobe, unm. Dolores Walters b. Jan.7, ? Marion B. Shobe fopal Izetta Shobe b. May 19, 1924 I Linda Shobe m. Marie Simmons I Carrol Shobe [Marion Brooks Shobe Jr. Robert Shobe b. Jan. 24, 1937 Mary Lee Shoba b. NOT. 5, 1938 Augusta Jane Shobe I b. April 15, 1944 Mildred Fem Shobe Abel Ingram Shobe b. Feb. 9, 1907 J Ronald Kelley called "Abraham" m. Russell R. Kelley I b. NOT. 5, 1939 b. Apr. 10, 1854 f Jean Maree Shobe d. May 12, 1927 Lawrence Eph. Shobe J b. Jan. 9, 1939 m. Hannah Marga­ b. Oct. 5, 1908 Osea Oven Shobe I Judith Joyce Shobe ret Slron of , m. Phyllis Huff b. Oct. 28, 1885 [ b. May 20, 1940 W. Virginia m. Laura L. Gould Carole June Young (2) Mary Magdelia Dorothy Marie Shobe b. Sept. 11, 1887 b. June 12, 1933 Stitt. b. Aug. 28, 1910 Sandra Ann Young b. Feb. 19, 1860 m, Carl Young b. June 3, 1936 Morgan Co., 111. Frederick H. Shobe d. Apr. 20, 1923 b. April 25, 1912 Donald Shobe m. Irma Sears (2) Winnifred Blackford Edna Pearl Shobe b. Feb. 4, 1887 Otis Staley d. May 12, 1912 Edna Staley m. Andrew Staley Hugh Staley Magdalia H. Shobe Malcolm McDonald Jr. b. July 1, 1909 b. Oct. 26, 1934 m. Charles Bateman Carole E. McDonald (2) Malcolm McDonald b. Dec. 22, 1940 Margaret H. Shobe I m. Lee Hansel (2) Irven Weber 2' (3) Kay Wheeler Joanna M. Shobe b. Feb. 3, 1935 Ervin Earl Shobe Sallie E. Shobe b. June 27, 1914 b. May 20, 1940 Walter B. Shobe m. Bozelne Welch Richard E. Shobe b. Feb. 23, 1889 b. Feb. 25, 1943 m. Hannah M. Casper Dewain W. Duncan Irene M. Shobe b. Nov. 8, 1938 b. Deo. 23, 1916 William J. Duncan Jr. m. William Duncan b. Sept. 29, 1940 David Paul Duncan b. March 20, 1945 Marcella T. Shobe Sharon Lee Clispia b. Sept. 8, 1946 b. June 19, 1918 Judith L. Clispia m. William Clispia I b. March 25, 1948 Dorcella N. Shobe f John P. Miles b. Jan. 20, 1920 J b. Sept. 27, 1940 m. John Miles ] David Miles 1- b. Jan. 30, 194_ Hazel Anna Shobe •jSee next page 129 OLIVER SHOBE

Glenn Wood b. Nov. 4, 1942 Hazel Anna Shobe Sandra Kay Wood b. May 10, 1922 b. Nov. 11, 1945 m. Paul Wood Belinda Joe Wood b. Aug. 12, 1950 Chester Owen Shobe Walter B. Shobe b. Mar. 25, 1924,Inf. b. Feb. 23, 1889 Stella May Shobe, Inf. m. Hannah M. Casper b. June 24, 1926 Betty Joe Shobe b. Sept. IS, 1927 Brenda Lee Shobe m. Levern Johnson b. Jan. 10, 1952 Florence M. Shobe b. Dec. 15, 1890 |Ceoelia Caster d. Sept. 17, 1913 m. Cecil Caster Helen Virginia Shobe r „, b. Sept. 1, 1923 I **** Vlr; °^Pfn m. Robert Win. Chapman! b- Jan« 24» 1946 Wallis Ray Shobe b. June 10, 1925 m. Mildred Payne Alioe Louise Shobe b. March 20, 1927 m. John Chupak Otis Elmo Shobe Robert Elmo Shobe, Inf. b. Nov. 16, 1893 b. Dec. 27, 1928 m. Alice Mae Haley Teddy Edwin Shobe Abel Ingram Shobe b. Dec. 6, 1930 called "Abraham" m. Rosa lee b. Apr- 10, 1854 Janet Lee Shobe d. May 12, 1927 b. Jan. 12, 1933 Cole Co., 111. James Leland Shobe m. Hannah Marga­ b. Aug. 4, 1936 ret Slron Mary Jean Shobe (2) Mary M. Stitt b. March 28, 1938 b. Feb. 19, 1860 Judith Ann Shobe d. Apr. 20, 1923 b. Nov. 8, 1940 Joyce Ladell Khope Frances A. Reed b. Dec. 5, 1940 b. Sept. 10, 1915 Alvin Jean Khope m. Emmett Khope Frances Darlene Khope Floyd Dean Khope Robert Doyle Gipson b. Oct. 8, 1940 Winifred T. Reed Sharon Lee Gipson b. Sept. 17, 1917 Betty J. Gipson m. Doyle Gipson Carol Sue Gipson Jos. Doyle Gipson Jr. Delma M. Reed, Inf. Anna Mina A. Shobe b. May 25, 1920 b. Sept. 16, 1896 Clarence E. Reed, Inf. 1 m. Clarence A. Reed * b. June 10, 1921 b. Nov. 13, 1891 Alvin J. Reed Alvin Dwane Reed d. 1952 b. Maroh 10, 1923 Kay Lorraine Reed (3) Marion Ray m. Charlotte Daniel Reed f Beverly M. Blanchard Ada Mina Reed J Roland Blanchard b. July 18, 1925 I Roy Banks Blanchard m. Ray Blanchard I Donald E. Blanchard Shirley Lee Reed b. Aug. 3, 1927 j Jackie D. Lamont m. Jack Lamont 1 Peggy Lee Lamont ("Clarence Marshall,Inf. Beverly Jean Reed J Deborah Marshall, Inf. b. July 13, 1930 [ Teddy Lee Marshall

Sabina Jane Shobe I Clarence Marshall [_b > Sept.]5, 1953 b. 1899 d. 1900

Harry E. Shobe b. June 24, 1903 Moved to Arizona m. Maude Sabina Shobe m. Stephen Lewis Went to Ttexas 130 OLIVER SHOBE Ernest. Shobe Jerry Shobe Infant b. Jaan . 2 3, 1917 b. July 9, 1946 mr*.Eileen Grissom Theodore Shobe Jerry Shobe b. April 8, 1918 b. July 28, 1948 b. Jan. 18, 1886 Leland Shobe [Larry,b.10/18/45 b. Sept. 20. 1918 JGary.b. 10/27/1947 d. July 2, 1943 ]Ralph,b.I2/26/49 m. Stella Baughman m. Myrt A, Jones b. Deo. 26, 1923 l-Loren,b. 10A8/1952 b. Deo. 7, 1889 Alma Esther Shobo fNauman Stallings b. Aug. 23, 1921 J b. Sept. 22, 1949 Sabina Shobe m. Neuman Stallings ]Bonnie,b. l/l6/1946 b. Peb. 13, 1890 b. Oct. 15, 1915 LConnie, b.12.8/1942 Dorsey Stout Clara Sue Johnson Jerry Johnson Beatrice Veryl Stout Berniece Johnson m. Wayne Johnson Bernio Johnson Janott Gone Johnson Lewis Eugene Stout m. Ethel Miller Thelma R. Stout Dorothy Mable Stout /Shirley Mae Paul Jessie Leara Shobe m. Charles D. Paul Carolyn Kay Paul b. Jan. 27, 1891 Teddy Ray Stout m. Emory Stout Joseph Ray Stout Sheron Ruth Stout m. Pern Snear ley Richard Alvin Stout _Terry Joe Stout Holley Glen Stout m. Marjorie Meyers Donald Lee Stout Danny Leroy Stout Ernest Lee Stout Wm Doan Stout m. Sarah Adams on Violet Marie Stout Gary Steve Stout Danny Leland Stout Lewis Shobe John Leland Stout Jackie Murl Stout m. Ruth Scott Larry Eugene Stout b. Sept. 11, 1859 -John Lawrence Stout d. Apr. 30, 1939 Cay Albert Stout m. Alma Enyart . m. Halley Moore Phillip D. Stout (2) Clara Classon b. Sept. 20, 1870 Carl Mooday d. Aug. 4, 1932 b. 1918 d. 1925 Vicki Mooday Robert Mooday b. Nov. 15, 1946 b. May 26, 1920 Sheri Mooday m. Alma Greeson {. b. Mar. 13, 1948 Bessie Lee Shobe Twin of Jessie Judy Mooday m. Claude Mooday b. Dec. 10, 1941 Clifford Mooday Jerry Mooday b. Jan. 1, 1922 b. April 1943 m. Evelyn Bright Karen Sue Mooday . b. Aug. 5, 1946 Mary Mooday b. Sept. 17, 1926 Charlotte V. Mooday b. April 21, 1930 Cecil Alvin Mooday b. Sept. 28, 1931 Arlo Shobe Owen W. Shobe Sandra Shobe b. Jan. 19, 1895 b. Aug. 15, 1914 b. Sept. 4, 1940 m. Mary Crosley James Shobe m. Mary Armstrong {b. Oct. 11, 1949 Roscoe Shobe b. April 9, 1897 (died young) Kenneth Shobe m. Catherine. Ruth Shobo m Dale Horath Henry Shobe Margaret Shobe b. July 23, 1901 m. Harry Osborn m. Myrtle Day Helen Shobe m. James Elder Evelyn Shobe m. Andrew McArthur Norma Shobe, Inf. :Lela Ann Shobe Elza Clifford Shobe Max Shobe b. Oct. 6, 1905 " Iris Shobe m. Mavin O'Dell .Martha Shobe Ivan Shobe b. Sept. 18, 1907 V. died age 13 years 131

OLIVER SHOBE Paul V. Barber Donna Jean Barber b. Nov. 28, 1908 b. Feb. 5, 1931 m. Helen Austed Donn Paul Barber Viola Ethel Barber . b.May 31, 1934 b. June 1, 1911 Cora Ethel Shobe m. Daniel E. Hooley b. July 30,1881 Naomi Mariam Barber m. Jan.39,1907, b. Dec. 22, 1912 Carl C. Barber m. Lavall Thompson r„ , „ B rb a a d.Sept.10,1950 Ruth C. Barber | * T ? ^L'n b. June 6, 1916 \ m. Ken J.McGurren lp£t];1<* °* U°^7°n Evelyn Amanda Barber b.April Z&, 1943 b. Sept. 8, 1913 m. Victor Lungren Wesley A. Shobe b. May 19, 1933 Marion Shobe m. Madeline Bathen called "Bud" Kenneth A. Shobe b. March 14, 1907 b. July 19, 1935 m. Hannah Trytten Gaynelle L. Shobe Marlon Shobe b. July 27, 1937 b. Aug.10,1857 Maxine Kay Toepke d.Ju/y 11,1^7 Kathleen Starck d. Peb. 4,1944 b. Sept. 6,1950 Ellen K. S"'h obe b. June 20, 1929 m. Amanda St John Kenton J. Toepke Noble E. Shobe b. Jan. 17, 1909 m Kermit Koepke b. Deo. 5,1859 b. Mar. 16,1952 b.Sept.25,1883 m. Henry E.Starck Jack D. Starck d. Oct. 4,1941 I d. Mar. 8,1941-^ Kenneth A. Shobe b. Dec. 7, 1935 Rosehill Cem. Agnes Neibauer Minot, N. Dak. b. Aug. 1, 1910 b. Feb.18,1886 d. Sept. 28, 1914 Jane A. Shobe b. Oct. 12, 1950 William L. Shobe Judy B. Shobe b. Oct. 2, 1924 Twin of Jane m. Rose Leintz William L. Shobe Jr. L b. May 1929 b. July 19, 1953 Leslie A. Shobe b. Nov. 21, 1954 Mechelle R. Shobe . b. Mar. 20, 1956 Alice Elida Shobe Duane Claude Curry Claude C. Shobe b. Sept. 16,1916 Dannette Currie b.Oct.19,1893 Dan Currie Dau. .Sept.5,1936 <„, . John Currie d (r .Kov.l ;i914 ]Ciaud m 6 b. JulT y 9, 1918 , /•[ No issue Mable Peterson : m. DonnisTfrrrj Lena Ann Shobe Ann OVs b.Jul.10,1896 Mar. 27, 1930 mPeter Garber Leonard Cawley Minnie Shobe b.Sept.l9,1890[Lillian Walker [joy Mitchel d. April 1955 J b. Aug. 5, 1910 L b. Feb. 6, 1929 m. Seth Walker| m. Roy Mitchel 2) Roy Howard Marie Shobe m. L. Johnson • No issue :Zell-Don Shobe Lynn Marie Shobe b. July 21, 1919 b. Nov. 26, 1946 Clarence,Iris (Mary Lee Shobe John Shobe Shobe b. Dec. 6, 1948 b. June 7, 1868 b.1897 d.1930 Donald Gene Shobe [Carol Ann Shobe d. Dec. 25,1954 m. Lulu Wei- b. Aug. 11, 1922 \ b. May 4, 1951 Yacolt, Wash. •< hermiller • m.Katherine Roeder Karen Jean Kammermann m. Lena Carroll b.Apr .28,1891 Leana Louise Shobe b. November 6, 1949 b. Sept.7, 1872 b. Oct. 13, 1924 Sandra K. Kammermann d. 1937 m. Rob Kammermann ( b. August 6, 1953 Dewey Shobe b.Febl6,1900 Betty Shobe •(Gregory Ray m. Richard Ray Pauline Jones fDennie Jensen Lester Jensen Leslie Jensen m. Thelma i ].Douglas Jensen Florence Shobe [Roger Owens b. 1902 Alene Jensen •J Donald Owens m.Louis Jens erf m. Stewart Owens I. Judy Owens (2) J. Beckman Valerie Jensen •[Patricia Utley m. Fred Utley K.Archie Shobe Robert Jensen {son Zetta Shobe Betty Jensen /Son m. Basil Crabb m. James Bishop [Daughter 032


A number of our correspondents have questioned us concerning the milita­ ry service of our ancestors, evidently with the thought of applying for membership in the D. A. R. Of the two brothers who arrived in the Colonies in 1737, Jacob died in 1771 before the Revolution but his older sons probably served and his daughters Eliz­ abeth and Clara married men who had served. Also Jacob's son Rudolph had a son named Jacob who married Mary Bush and her father, Leonard Bush Sr., is well known to have been a soldier in the war. Also, his son Leonard Bush Jr., married Catherine Power, dau­ ghter of Elizabeth Shobe and Martin Power and all of her descendants would be eligible. (See Page 28). Martin Shobe survived until 1792 and was cited in several records as a Revolutionary War Patriot. He was fifty-five years old at the outbreak of hostilities and too old to withstand the rigors of active campaigning, but he was a man of proper­ ty and furnished food and other supplies, as did many others in the South Branch and Shenandoah Valleys at that time, and we believe that membership in the D. A. R. may be predicated on this basis. If so, all of the descendants of Martin Shobe listed herein, beginning with Page 83, would be eligible.

Also Martin's son Rudolph and Conrad Carr, the husband of his sister, Madeline, are listed as War Patriots of Hampshire County, Virginia, (later Hardy Coun­ ty, West Va.) and Martin's son Leonard is listed as a private in Capt. John Ifarness' Company of Rangers, and also served as a private in a company under the command of En­ sign Stephen Ashby. The name is spelled Jobe or Job in the payroll list, but there is no question but that it was Leonard Shobe who gave the service. We inquired of D. A. R. headquarters in Washington if any applicants had been admitted as descendants of Jobe or Job Shobe and were recently advised that their records do not shown any such mem­ berships, but this does not necessarily mean that such an application would be refused. The above names, along with that of Leonard Bush Sr., are in a manuscript volume of soldiers paid off at Romney and Winchester, in Virginia, but Mr. Judy, in his "History of Grant and Hardy Counties of W. Va." gives the whole list on Pages 220 and 221. Also, on Pages 230 to 233, he gives a list entitled "Other Heroes and Heroines in the Revolution". In this list are the names of Jacob, Leonard, Martin and Rudolph Shobe, Martin Power and Henry Laneisco. Some of these later names refer to the children of Mar­ tin's older brother Jacob. Martin Power was the husband of Jacob's daughter Elizabeth, and Henry Laneisco was the father of Clara's husband. The names of Jacob and Rudolph may refer to Jacob's sons or to those of Martin, but because of the similarity of names some uncertainty may exist. We have met with the same problem in tracing out the de­ scendants of these early settlers.

Another valuable source of information for this purpose is the book en­ titled " West Va. Revolutionary War Ancestors", by Anne W. Reddy, page 71. Mrs. Mildred Hardcastle of Bowling Green, Kentucky, a descendant of Rudolph (Big Rudy) Shobe predi­ cates her membership on his service. Her name appears on Page 103, and in the Index under the name of Mildred Tucker. Several members of the Washington C. H. (Ohio) Chap­ ter hold their memberships through the service of Leonard Bush Sr., who was the ances­ tor of all of the descendants of Mary Bush Shobe, page 34, and of Catherine Power Bush, page 29. All of the descendants of Daniel Shobe, son of Jacob, and Clora Laneisco Shobe daughter of Clara Shobe are eligible through the service of Henry Laneisco above men­ tioned. (See Page 19)

The name of Leonard Hire appears in the list of those who furnished sup­ plies for military service during the French and Indian War and this service entitles his descendants to membership in the Daughters of Colonists, and perhaps, other patri­ otic societies. He was the father of Barbara and Elizabeth Hire who married Jacob and Martin Shobe, hence all of those listed in this book are his descendants. His name ap­ pears on Page 3. (See "Henning's Statutes".) 133

INDEX Feminine members are listed under their maiden names, and, except in rare Instances, the name of the spouse is not Indexed. However, where there are children, the name of the spouse may be found under the family name. In most instances the names of infants have been omitted. Page o Abar family 73 Bechtel, Ellen Jane 57 Brubaker, Phylls A. 37 Cullins, Sarah 91 Adams family 93 " , Penelope Lee 57 Bruce, Mellie 105 Cunningham,Jemima 5 Aegan family 127 Bell, Chester 91 Brundage, Charlene May 37 Currie family 131 Alderfer, Gloria 45 Bell, Mayme 91 Brundage, Shirley Ann 37 Daily, Wayne 126 Alderfer, Roger L. 45 Benale, Dwight Craig 79 Bruner family 85 Daniels family 116 Ahgire, Michael 5 Benale,William Ernest 79 Bryant family 21 Dannefelzer, Elizabeth Allen, Rhoda P. 38 Bender family 126 Bryant, William 5,21 89 Allen, William L. 38 Bender, Michael 126 Bullard family 96 Dannefelzer, Ruth 89 Ames, Amanda Ann 17 Bennett, Mary Carr Ul Burch, Hewlette H. 57 Davis, Clyde 117 Ames, Dee Hampton 17 Benningfield, John 94 Burgess family 82 Davis, Constance 109 Amos family 97 Benson family 36 Burnett, Darrell W. 38 Davis, Ethel 21 Amos, Neil Kirtley 98 Bergdoll, Jeff 75,77 Burnett, Glenda S. 38 Davis family 75,109 Anders family 79 Bergdoll, Lillian 77 Bush family 29,30 Dawson, Betty 51 Anderson, Clark Peter 82 Bergdoll, Walter 77 Bush, Leonard Jr. 5,28 Dawson, Myrtle 114 Anderson family 57a Berger, Maxine 77 Buah, Mary 5,35 Day family 92 Anderson, Gary 117 Berger, Virginia 77 Bush, Michael Jr. 5 Dayton, Bonnie 61 Anderson, Judith Lee 82 Bertie, Cecelia Irene 71 Bybee family 35,42 Dayton, Jock 61 Anderson, Patricia 23 Bertie, Susan K. 71 Canfield, Carrie B. 77 Dean family 75 Anderson, Voyoe 117 Biddinger, Cloie E. 45 Caplinger family 118 DeJarnette, Elvira 101 Andrews, Helen 17 Biddinger, Mary B. 45 Carlew family 57b DeJarnette, John 101 Andrews, Joantha 17 Billheimer.Winifred 64 Carlson family 49 Delay,Homer Schell 123 Andrews, Tomylse 47 Binkley, Patricia 39 Carman, Billie Y. 126 Deputy family 108 Andrews, Vernon Shobe 91 Bitzer, Loren 41 Carney, Stuart 14 DeRemer, Thelma 38 Archer, John Allen 72 Bitzer, Willard 41 Carr family 7,111,117 DeSohneau, Glen 57a Archer, Linda Jane 72 Black family 42,182 Carr, Sarah 5,11 Deter, Gwendolyn 59 Arias, Christine 37 Blackford, Winifred 128 Casady family 49 Deter, Pamela Ann 59 Armentrout, Catherine 63 Blanchard family 129 Casey, Donna Belle 21 DeVries, Grace 51 " , " 77 Bland, Margaret Ford 99 Casey, Marcia Chlora 21 DeVries, Thelma 51 " , Elizabeth 5 Blevins family 66 Caster, Cecelia 129 Dewherst, Harold 108 " family77,lll Blevins, Judith 121 Chamberlain family 72 Dewherst, William 108 " , Henry 111 Blue, Elizabeth 14 Chenault, Dorothy E. 122 Dickey family 102 " , Isaac 7 Blunt, Peggy 57b Christman, Patrioia 37 Dittman family 46 " , John 7,111 Body, Francis L. 45 Clark, Edith 39 Dodd family 104 " , Eugene 36 Body, Mary Ellen 45 Clark family 39,107 Donaldson, Elvis 104 Armstrong, Frank T.Jr 51 Body, Wilma Jean 45 " , Keith Bryant 21 Dovall family 77 " , Mary V. 51 Booth, Frank C. 72 " , Merle 21 Dowdy,Lawrence Eugene " , Myrna 36 Booth, Gwendolin 73 " , Reeta 21 79 Arnall family 79 Booth, James Hartley 73 " , Wilbur 39 Downing family 72 Ash, Alice Ray 57 Borden, Charlene 37 Clispia family 128 Drais, Emma 41 " , Carol Ann 57 Borden, Charles Art 45 Clore, Mary Ann 103 Drais, Howard 41 Ashenfelter family 124 Borden, Effie Lucille 45 Clothier, William 95 Duggeon, Martha 55 Asher, Jane Ellen 57 Bourden family 104 Clower family 109 Dukes, Chaunoey 0. 21 Atkins family 33 Bowers, Duloie M. 39 Cobb, Clifford Lee 72 Dukes, Ida 21 Aylsworth, Marlon 25 Bowers, Russell Wayne 82 Duncan family 128 Bowers, Shauna Kay 82 Cobb, Herbert Allen 72 " , Sanger 25 Coiner, Sarah 11 Dunlap family 69,73 Bach, Janice Sue 45 Boyce,Mildrea Eliz. 75 Dunlsp, Melinda 46 Boyd family 21 Coleman family 103 Baker, Alice 48 Colt, Caroline 5,59 Dunlap, Nancy L. 46 " , Dale Wayne 48 Bradford, Dorothy 25 Dunlap, Patricia 46 Bradford, John S. 25 Condit, Dolores June 57a " , Don Robert 48 Connor, Charles Gale 100 Eckhart, Hannah 19,21 Baker family 107 Brannock, Georgia Ann57b Eckhart, Lydia 19,21 Brannon family 117 Conrad, Con 127 " , Scott Elliott 116 Coop family 66 Edson, Lorraine 36 Barber family 131 Bray, Agnes Anna 23 Ehrman, Alma 40 Bresley family 93 Cooper, Pearl 69,72 Barger, Martha Lee 110 Cooper, Ruth 69,72 Eherman family 40 Barnett family 48 Bretz, Nona Earl 37 Elder, Belinda 7,85 Brocaille family 86 Corwin, Edgar 36 Barth family 57 Cottrell, Clara Evelynll9 Ellis family 21 Brody, Sherry 37 Ellis, Louis 96 Barton, Sharon 96 Brown, Donald E. Jr. 79 Covert, Donna D. 38 Basham, Gari Alan 45 Cowles, Helen Jean 98 Elston, Donna Mae 127 Brown family 71 Elston, Myra Sue 127 Basham, Tana Marie 45 Brown, George W. 57 Cox, Reta 66 Baty family 40 Coyner, Donna Belle 21 Ernstmeyer family 57b " .Katharine Stuart 79 Eskew, Thomas 69 Baughn family 30 Brownell family 89 Coyner family 21 Baughn, Roy 41 Crites family 115 Evans, "Boss" 123 Brubaker, Bobby Lee 37 Evans, Catherine 23 Baumgardner family 40 Brubaker, Carolyn 37 Cross family 67 Beals family 126 Crutcher family 57b Evans family 123,124 Evelyn, Jack 73 134

Evelyn, Robert 73 Haines, Rosa 11,16 Hire, Magdaline 5 Judy, George 5 Fannin family 116 Halbt, Michael 117 Hire, Mary 5,56,63 Judy family 53,108 Farris family 102 Halk, Juanita 117 Hire, Rudolph 7 Judy, John 5,53 Feaster family 115 Hall, Betty Caroline 110 Hite, Huston 89 Junk family 27 Feaster, Homer 115 Hall, Mary Evelyn 72 Hoefle, Larry C. 47 Kammerman, Karen 131 Feaster, Lulu 115 Hall, Susan Catherine 110 Hogbin family 109 Kammerman, Sandra 131 Ferguson, Glenn S. 38 Halsell family 103 Hogge, Nancy Lee 60 Kane, Genevieve C. 79 Ferguson family 13 Hamilton, Zoe S. 23 Hogland, Geraldine 85 Kane, Josephine Lee 79 Ferguson, Joyce E. 38 Hammon, Delia 66 Holmes, Joe 37 Kassen family 57a Fisher, Christina 5,63 Hammon, George 66 Holmes, Ronny 37 Kaufman, Max 57a Fisher family 60,92 Hamman family 36 Holt family 57 Kearney, E, Burke 27 Forcum, Anthony Delbert 66 Hankins, Rhoda 11 Homan, Catherine 7 Keehn family 17 Forcum, Sherrie Dale 66 Hard, Anna L. 33 Honn family 126 Keehn, Jonathan N. 11J.7 Ford, Ella 99 Hard, Charles 33 Hooper family 36 Keehn, Col. Roy D. 17 Ford, Ellen A. 92 Hardesty, Ruth 89 Hopkins, Emma Ethel 27 Keller family 57a Ford family 89 Harman family 80 Hopkins, Harry Vernon 27 Kelley, Ronald 128 Ford, Jean 73 Harms, Daniel Douglas 51 Hopkins, James Herbert 27 Kelley, Wm Thomas 15 Ford, Woodford B. 102 Harms, James David 51 Hopkins, Lillian F. 27 Kelling, Clyde 100 Ford, Virginia 73 Harness family 108 Hopkins, Richard 27 Kelling, James 100 Fosnaugh, Ruth Hope 48 Harper, Christine 55 Hostetter, Ben 11 Kepllnger family 118 Foster family 36 Harper, Daniel 11 Hostetter, George 11 Kerr family 12 Fouts, Richard 23 Harper, Emily 11 Hostetter family 11 Kern, Karen 12 Fox, Eugene H. 38 Harper family 115 House, Patricia 85 Kessel, Carolyn 123 Fox, Roger B. 38 Harper, Gideon 11 Houx family 50 Kessel family 118 Fraley family 76 Harper, Jacob 11 Hoyt family 57a Kessel, Susan 123 Franklin family 41 Harper, Mary 11 Hudson, John Wm Jr. 23 Kethe family 85 Frederick, Sarah E. 63,77 Harper, Rhey 55 Hudson, Joseph Stephen 23 Kettenhofer, Nancy 100 Freeman family 96 Harper, Solomon 11 Hughes, Lindal J. 39 Kettenhofer, Wm W. 100 French family 66 Harriman family 47 Hull, Devona 128 Key family 102 Freshour family 33 Harris, Beatrice 73 Hull, Lovonda 128 Keyser, Daniel R. 21 Fristoe family 121 Harris family 41,104,127 Hume, Frieda Marie 51 Keyser, Nanna 21 Frye, Lemoyne 107 Harris, Paul 73 73 Huteherson family 50 " Susan Elizabeth 21 Galloway, Harold 40 Harrison, Margaret A. 71 Hutton, Mary 114 Kidder, Viva Rist 110 Galloway, Irene M. 40 Hartman, Cynthia L. 93 Hyre, Bessie Virginia 75 Kieffer family 121 Gastil, Richard W. 100 Hartman, Gerald Jr. 93 Hyre, Charles F. 75 Kimmell family 17 Ganoe, Gregory 123 Hatcher family 102 Hyre family 75 King, Hope 108 Gifford family 121 Hatley family 57 Hyre, Magdaline 75 Kinsey family 51 Giles, Richard 127 Hawse, Caroll 108 Hyre, Minnie Susan 75 Kirby, Donna May 36 Gilmer family 114 Hause, Henry 7 Inskeep family 109 Kirby, Frank M. 97 Gilmer, Mathew 7,114 Hawse, John III 108 Ireland family 35 Kirby, J. Robert Jr.97 Gilmore, Nancy 7,106 Hays, Francis Lucille 57 Ireland, Thomas 127 Kirkpatrick.Anna M. 25 Gipson family 27,129 Hays, Margaret 57 Irons, Charles Ellsworth " , Edward J. 21 Gipson, James K. 19,27 Hegler, Abraham 7,105 23 " , family 29 Glenn family 51 Helms, Lawrence Jerome 79 Irons, James Wallace 23 " , Florence 21 Glover, John Edward 109 Helms, Patricia Jo 79 Irons, Ruth Anita 23 " Hannah 29,31,33 Godfrey family 12 Henderson, Virginia 85 Jackson, Ada Adelle 15 " John Austin 19 ,25 Gossom family 103 Hendricks family 98,108 Jaokson, Andrew 11,14,15 " John F. 21 Gottsohaulk, Paul 104 Henkle family 29 Jackson, Charley Eden 15 " John Keith 21 Gould, Shobee 57b Henry family 12 " Eldridge Edward 15 " Richard A. 21 Gower, Lee Roy 25 Herman, Arthur Lewis 72 Jaokson family 14,15,111 " Robert W. 21 Graber, Meredith Ann 131 Herman, Douglas Lee 72 Jackson, Fannie 15 " Thomas B. 25 Graham family 77 Herriman, Roberta 47 Jackson, Sophia 11,13 " Verna 25 Graham, J. C. 77 Hewitt, Ann Marie 50 Jackson, Wm Lycurges 15 Kitson family 14 Graham, Minnie 92 Hewitt, Gregory Linn 50 James family 101 Klock family 36 Gray, William Coleman 103 Heyer, Anna Barbara 3 Jamison, Elizabeth 88,101 Knope family 129 Greasser, Lois 103 Heyer, Antoni 3 Jenkins family 21,41 Kotterman, Frances 101 Green, Jacquiline 60 Heyer, Clara 3 Jenkins, Myrta 41 " Robert Shobe 101 Green, Jayne 60 Heyer, Elizabeth 3 Jensen family 131 Lacy family 126,127 Green, Lavina 11,16 Heyer, Eve 3 Jessee family 72 Lahar family 66 Grider family 103 Heyer, Hans Ulrich 3 Johnson, Enoch 7 Lsman, Betty Irene 39 Grone, David George 51 Heyer, Leonard 3 Johnson family 72,126,130 Lambert family 123 Grone, John Glenn 51 Heyer, Lienert 3 Johnson, Mary 73 Lamont, Jackie D. 129 Grundy family 66 Heyer, Magdalen 3 Johnson, Pamela 85 Lamont, Peggy Lee 129 Hady, Clyde F. Jr. 108 Heyer, Rudolph 3 Johnson, Thelma 73 Laneisco, Catherine 21 Hady, Ethel 108 Hill, Ethel 109 Jones, Benjamin P. 97 " family 5 Hady family 108 Hill family 36,102 Jones, Caroline 97 " , Henry Jr. 5 Hady, Thelma 108 Hill, Kirtley Amos 97 Jones family 73,91,102 " .Susannah 5,7 Hagler family 105 Hlnkle, Robert 85 Jorden, Velma Darleen 110 Lane Georgia W. 57b Haines, Rosa 11,16 Hire, Barbara 5 Joseph, Pauline 27 Lannan, John 127 135

Latimer, Lyndee 41 MoNabb, Virginia 72 Peiper family 36 Ross, Joan B. 85 Latimer, Marion 41 McShane family 43 Pennington, Steve 72 Ross, Stanley 57b Latimer, Minnie 41 Meaoham, Wm D. Jr. 99 Pentz, Joan Lee 82 RUeger, Antoni 3 Latimer, Wilbur 41 Mead family 51 Perkins, Chester Henry 85 Rumer, Jerry 123 Latta family 105 Mead, Jeanne 126 Perrill family 33 Rumer, Lawranoa 123 Lauer family 38 Mead, Richard 126 Phillips.Gladys 64 to 67 Rutiedge family 27 Leatherman, Marceil 49 Megan family 182 Pieroa family 36 Sandkuhl family 39 Leatherman, Wanda 49 Meriweather family 41 Pittman, Vivian 49 Sands family 60 Leavell, William III 104 Metier, Seymour 108 Pittman, Marjorie 49 Sarver, Peggy Lee 109 Leggett, Carrie 77 Metzler, Evah Elaine 71 Piatt, Harold A. 104 Schaub, Anna 3 Lemmon, Lisa Jo 100 Metzler, Sonya N. 71 Plaugher, Sarah Catb.63,76 Schaub, Elizabeth 3 Lewis family 45 Michael, Joy 131 Plauger family 108 Schaub, Jacob 3 Lewis, Steven Ray 45 Mickle family 33 Plaugher, Vernon 107 Schaub, Martin 3 Libby, Carlene Kay 71 Middleton, Betty Ann 103 Pogue, Ethel Louise 50 Schoeller, Barry 23 Life, Jeffrey 55 Middleton family 98 Pomeroy family 36 , " , Carolyn 23 Life, Linda 55 Miles family 128 Pomp family 127 * , Frea W. 23 Liggett family 111 Miller, Cloyoo Raymond 37 Porter, Carol Mae 71 " , Juay Ann 23 Lohman, Adelaide L. 23 Millar family 31 Porter, Ray 72 " , Scott F. 23 Looker, Gertrude 49 Miller, Sharon Lee 37 Porter, Thomas A. 15 Scholar, Elsbeth 3 Looker, Ruth 49 Mims, Randy D. 45 Porter, Trudy Ann 15 Sohlotterbaok,Victor 14 Porter, Virginia Ann 72 Soott family 15,61 Long, J. Carter 107 Mims, William B. 45 Lord family 79 Powell, Charles Edd 127 Scott, Myron 43 Mooday family 130 Power, Abraham 5 Seabrooke family 33 Lowe family 91 Moomau family 107 Lowe, Robert Lee 45 " , Catherine 28,89,30 Seagwiok, Janice 12 Morri3 family 186 " , Elizabeth 5 Seagwick, Robert 12 Lupton family 51 Moser, Cynthia Ann 14 Liitzler, Rudolph 3 » , Jacob 5 Seifers family 126 Moser, Morris Jean 14 " , Martin 5 Seymour, Alice 63,77,123 LUtzler, Clara 3 Mullens, Crissie 85 Lyon family 67 » , Michael 5 Seymour family 123,124 Mullens family 85 " , Solomon 5 Seymour. Felix 7,123 Lyons family 60 Mullens,Isham"Hioe" 85 Mackey, Iris 108 " , Susannah 5 Shannon, Alma M. 110 Murray, Gary E. 59 Powers family 64,115 Shannon, Beulah M. 110 Maddock, Helen Jane 83 Murray, Nancy Lee 59 Maddock, Margaret Ruth 23 Powers, Lela Elizabeth 64 Shafer family 67 Myerotto, Barbara 57a Poznanski, Judith 45 Shaeffer, George 51 Maddock, William 23 Myers, Gary Bruce Jr. 73 Mansfield family 97,98 Propst family 111 Shaeffar, Katherine 51 Nash family 57 Pruner family 86 Shell, April 13 Mansfield, Lola 92,98 Neely, Amanda 11,16,17 Margriter family 86 Putnam, Helen Austin 57 Shell, Timothy 13 New, Jack 102 Quigley, Gerald Fred. 37 Shepara, J. Paul Jr. 64 Mark, Clara Gould 31,32 Newman family 82 Mark family 31,32,33 Quissenberry, Eliz. 101 Sherry, Bettie Wayne 79 Newkirk, Melvin 36 Ralston, Roy E. 38 Sherry, Edgar AllenJr.79 Mark, John Wesley 31,38 Niebaum, Ben Eugena 94 Mark, Mary Louise 31,32 Ratts family 186 Sherry, Sharon 40 Nusbaum, Maurioe K. 17 Ray, Gregory 131 Mark, Matthew W. 29,31,32 Nusbaum, Otis D. 17 Mark, Robert Matthew 31 Ravensteln, Patricia K 93 SHOBE Oates, Susan 110 Ravenstein, Silvia 93 Marshall family 129 Orr family 13 Shobe, Aaron 35,63,71 Marshall, Jack 107 Rea, Carl Wilson 27 Aaron Alvin 35,43 Osterheld, Barbara J. 15 Rea, Hugh Marcus 27 Aaron Eagar 37 Marshall, Thomas 107 Owen, Ray 73 Martin, Emmett B. 23 Reed family 104,129 Abel 88,100,101 Owen, Robert 73 Martin family 109 Reed, Thomas Garry 108 Able Frank 101 Owens family 131 Martin, Otto Blaine 83 Rex, Kay 17 Abel Ingram Ours family 115,116 Martin, Jeri Linda 23 Rex, Kim 17 127,128,129 Ours, Gordon Arnold 75 Martin, Michael B. 23 Rexroad, Mary Kay 108 Abraham, Ours, Marshall Skid. 115 Martin, Pamela Cecile 23 Rexrode family 116 5,51,63,69,72,76 Martin, Zack Lafayette 23 Ours, Virgil Aaron 75 Rioe family 59 "Abraham" 127 McBee, Susan 7,115 Pace family 96 Riddle, Kenneth 38 Abraham W. 59 McCormack, Marjorie 36 Pakorny, Ann Marie 121 Rife, Jamas Isaac 41 Absalom 88,81 McDaniel family 57 Pakorny, Jerrilae 121 Riggleman, Fannie Joe 61 Aaa Pauline 59 McDonald, Carole E. 128 Palmer family 33 Riggleman, Oscar H. 61 Aaaie 119 McDonald, Kenneth 117 Parmely family 36 Rittenhouse family 19,21 Adelaide 86 McDonald, Malcolm Jr. 128 Parmesano family 116 Robbins, Wylie Jr. 119 Adelaide May 25 McGinnis, Kay 181 Parrett family 30 Roberts, Brett 49 Adonijah 7,119 MoGirk family 57 Parsons, Elizabeth 5,50 Roberts, Rex 49 Albert 35,36,43 MoGurran, Barbara 121 Parsons, James 5 Roberts, Tod 49 Albert Core 76 MoGurran, Patrick G. 131 Parsons, Lottie 12 Rodes, Mary Elizabeth 104 Albert E. 38 MoFarland family 57 Patterson, Flora Belle 14 Rodgers family 186 Albert J. 38 Mclnturff family 73 Patterson, Frank 14 Rodgers, Thomas 67 Alexander Han. 96 McKenzie family 126 Patterson, Marie 12 Roethlisberger, D. 18 Alfred Ames 57a McLean family 35,41 Patterson, William 14 Rohrbaugh, Geo. Wash. 117 Alioe 57,99 McNabb family 69,72,73 Paul family 130 family 115,117,118 Alioe E. 38 MoNabb, Keith Carter 72 Pearson family 99 Rohrbaugh "Week" 117 Alioe Elioa 131 McNabb, Victor 72 PeckfSmily 111 Ross, Jackie 85 Alice Louise 129 Peddicord family 51 136

Shobe, Allia 55,116 Shobe Bryan Neil 82 Shobe Cloyd Delbert 39 Shobe Dorothy Aline 57a Allen 57b " "Bud" 116 " Clyde 64,119 " Dorothy E. 38 Allen Thurmanl9,23 " Buford 89 " Clyde Hill 110 " Dorothy Frederick Alma Esther 130 * Byron 110 " Coena May 100 79 Alta Naomi 25 Calvin N. 104 " Connie 93 " Dorothy Lucille37 Alvina 11,16 Candice 82 " Connie Lee 61 " Dorothy Marie 128 Amanda 86,88,92 Caril Ann 64 " Cora 116 " Dorris 67,119,128 Amos 7 Carl 16,116 " Cora Ethel 131 " Doris Faye 71 Amy E. 25 Carl Edward 38 " Courtland 86 " Dortha Irene 94 Anderson 91 Carl Edward Jr. 38 " Cynthia Ann 39 " Dwight D. 16 Andrew 88,101,119 Carl Franklin 75 " Cynthia Lynn 89 " Earl 43,48,49 Angela Roberta 79 Carl Hogueland 75 " Cyrus 35,43,88 " Earl Avery 72 Angie Josephine 60 Carl Tain 69,71 100,104 " Earle Carl 23 Ann 88,97,98 Carrie 77,119 " D. A. 19,25 " Earl Dean 86 Ann Elizabeth 57b Carrie Rebecca 116 " D. Nelson 12 " Earl Ward 59 Ann H. 39 Caroline 55 " Dabney Weeden 104 " Earl Townley 57a Anna 19 Carolyn 48 " Dabney W. Jr. 104 " Earnestine 67 Anna Bell 51 Carrol 128 " Dale 71 " Edgar 55,61 Anna Elizabeth 23 Carol Ann 131 " Dale Lawrence 48 " Edgar Allen 110 Anna Marie 57a,76 Carol Jean 36 " Dallas Russell 82 " Edgar Marcus 59 Anna Mina A. 129 Catherine " Dan Patterson 59 " Edgar Nimrod 110 Anna Verelle 13 5,7,35,108,128 " Daniel " Edmonia 88,90,91 Annabel Ethel 39 Catherine Lynn 82 5,11,19,25, 50 " Edna 57b, 66 Anne Margaret 50 Ceoyle Clair 23 " Daniel A. 11 " Edna Pearl 128 Annie Pearl 109 Charles 12,19,25 " Daniel Delbert 37 " Edrie A. 75 Archibald 5,11 ,38,60,82,95 " Daniel Ray 79 " Edson 86 Arlo 36,130 Charles A. 76 " Daphna 7,120 ,122 " Edward 11,82 Arthur 36 Charles Abraham 50 " Darrell E. 38,39 " Edward Filmorell9 Arthur D. 110 Charles B. 57a " Darrell L. Jr. 38 " Edward Lee 71 Arthur Eugene 57a Charles D. 3.. " Davit35,40,57b,110 " Edward (Ned)35,36 Arthur Lewis 39 Charles Edward 82 " David Dean 16 " Edward Wellington Artie 76 Charles H. 48 " David Henry 79 64 Augusta 127 Charles I. 60 " David Hugh 128 " Edwin Marvin 94 Augusta Jane 128 Charles Paul 48 " David Ross 82 " Edwin MarvinJr.94 Avery 69,72 Charles W. 109 " David Wixon 64 " Edwin Tucker 94 Avis Pearl 25 Charles Waller 89 " DeForsst Wayne 37 " Edwin W. 94 Avo 69,72 Charles Warren 38 " Delbert Frank 39 " Edwina Jolene 94 Barbara 5,67,110 Charles Wilbur 109 " Delbert Ray 39 " Eff ah Maude 38 Barbara Ann 94 Charles Williamll6 " Delbert William 82 " Effie Ethel 39 Barbara Jean 82 Charlotte 93 " Delilah 25 " Eleanor 59 Barbara ShannonllO Charyle Linn 57b " Delia Esther 71 " Eleanor Jean 23 Baxter 94 Chester L. 39 " Deloma 104 " Eleanors 88,91 Beatrice 76,79,127 Chester Leslie 25 " Deloma Jaunita 104 " Elijah 11 Bedford 88,101 Chester 0. 19,25 " DeLon 37 " Elinor 49 Belle 12,25 Chester Owen 129 " Delva Jean 94 " Eliza Margaret 23 69,85,94 Chlora 53 " Dennis Frank 101 " Elizabeth 5,7,12 Belva Cinderella37 Christena 7 " Deo Kenneth 82 56,11,16,23,28,85 Ben Johnson 92 Claire Fletcher 23 " Dewey M. 57a 88,89,105,114,116 Bernioe May 39 Clara 5,7,89 " Dewey (Jack) 131 " , Elizabeth A. 85 Bert 119 Clara Ann 82 " Diana L. 82 , Elizabeth Ann 60 Bertha 43,48,92 Clara D. 110 " Diane 23 95 Bertha Ellzabeth61 Clarence Albert 50 " Dianne Lorita 57a , Elizabeth C.64,65 Bertha Ellen 57a Clarice 77,109 " Dolen 64,65,66, 67 , Eliz. Hortensel04 Bessie 61 Clarice Marie 76 " Dollie 25 , Elizabeth M. 127 Bessie Alioe 48 Clark Christopher Dollie Forest 25 , Ella 82 Bessie Lee 130 92 " Donald 49,72 , Ella Pearl 25 Bessie M. 38 Clark Dilling 23 93,128,131 , Ellen 57 Bette J. 39 Clark Edgar 82 " Donald D. 37 , Ellen E. 88,104 Betty 86,88,93 Claude 59,119 " Donald E. 39 , Ellen K. 131 100,131 Claude 0. 131 " Donald Gene 86 , Elmer 38 Betty Joe 129 Claude Leland 82 " Donald L. 57b , Elmer D. 101 Beulah May 57a Claude LeRoy 131 " Donald Niel 39 , Elmer J. 11 Benerly Jean 57a Claude Welton 57b " Donna C. 82 , Elodie Ree 119 Billie 66 Clay 55 " Donna Lou 39 , Elsa Clifford 130 Blanche 16,116 Clement A. 90 " Donnie Lee 37 , Elverta 36 Bonnie 119 Clifford A. 25 " Dora 77 , Elvira 55 Brooks 104 Clifford Evan 57a " Dora J. 38 , Emily 88,92 "Brown* 109 Clifton 107 " Doroella N. 128 , Emma 36,37,57a Bryan 108 Clora 5,53 " Dorothy 75 , Emma Elizabeth 60 137

Shobe, Emma Sarah 12 Shob George Edwin 85 Shobe, Howard L. Jr. 38 Shobe, Jefferson P. 75 Sola 108 Tt George Olenon 86 Howard V. 38 " , Jennie 13 tt Epp Franklin 82 " George K. 93 Howard Wellington " , Jeraldine 109 Tt Ermine 92 It George Oliver 110 75 " , Jerry 130 It Ernest 109, 130 TI George Rodney 51 Hudson Tate 88,100 " , Jesse 5 n Ernest Franklinl09 II George Soott 64 Hugh 128 " , Jessie F. 38 " , Jessie Laara 130 tt Ernest Glenn 42 ,48 " George W. 57a Hugh Ivan 39 tt Ernest Lee 48 tl George Warren 57b Ida Francis 85 " , Joan 23,86 H 55 " , Joan Caroline 61 » Errin Earl 128 Geo.Washington 64 Ida M. Essaye CarolinellO v! George Welton 57a Inez 25 " , Joan Louise 82 " , Joanna 35,43 it Esther 36 It Georgia 93 Inez Marion 23 H , Joanna M. 128 tt Estil (Pete) 57a II Genevle 127 Ira 11,13 " , Joe Paul 25 tt Ethel 84 n Genevieve E. 37 Ira Lewis 38 » , John 5,11,16,19,25 tt Ethel A. 25 Gerald 71 Irene 90 " 35,36,37,64,81,82 o Ethel Ophelia 50 TT Geraldine 36 Irene M. 128 88,101,104,119,131 H Etheleen 71 It Gertrude 77,104 Iris 130,131 John A. 38,100 tt ,73 Gladys 37 Isaao 5,35,59,61 Etta 65 " John Armentrout n Eugene 88, 104 M Glen Huteherson 50 Isaac Harrison 71 tt Eugene Kenneth 110 TI Glen Moomau 76 Isaac Jacob 61 63,77 tt Eugene laney 110 Glennie 119 Isaao Newton 63,77 John Boyd 110 tt Eugene Stone 57b Gloria 79 Isaac Paul 80 John Charles 82 tt Eva 94 It Grace 43,49,61 Iva 43,49 John Clifford 69,72 Eva L. 37 Guy 43,49 Iva May 50 John D. 51 « I"t John David 79 tt Eva May 71 Hagar 7 Ivan 119 tt Eve 5 TT Haley Warden 100 Ivan Merrill 82 John David Jr. 79 It Eve Elizabeth 63 Tt Hannah 5,7,19 Ivard 67 John Edward 13 John H. 75 Eveline 109 S-? Hannah Elizabeth Ivy 69,72 John Hardy 116 Evelyn 130 109 Izora Belle 19,25 John Harold 71 Evelyn V. 76 II Harley 43,48 Jaok 75,57b,110 John J. 82 Everett 37 tt Harold 48 Jacob 3,5,7,11 John Kenneth 25 Fannie 69,72 Tt Harold Edward 71 19,35,55,69,70,71 " John LaRue 104 It Felix Lee Grant 59 TT Harold R. 38 88,90,lol,119 John Leslie IT Ferndale 39 TT Harriett E. 11,17 Jacob Franklin 109 TI Flake 69 72 Tt Harriet Emily35,43 Jacob Hire 63,76 69,71,82 TI Fletcher K. 19,23 Tt Harrison 11,16 Jaoob Lewis 88,89 John Peter 110 It Fletcher Madison23 67,71,108 Jacob Oral 71 John Thomas 82,90 It Florence 104, 131 tt Harley 37 Jaoob P. 107,108 John W. 57a,85 TT Florence A. 23 It Harry E. 75,129 Jacob Luster 55 SwOttk , John William 82 TI Florence M. 129 Tt Harry Edward 38 Jaoob W. 116 Johnson 88 TT Floy Eveline 82 It Harry L. 38 Jacqueline Sue 37 Jonas 7,13,55 TT Floyd 36 It Harry Roger 75 " Waydine 79 Jonathan 88,91 It Floyd Robert 94 It Harvey 35,43 James 36,43,55 Joseph Albert 82 It Floyd W. Jr. •y/s It Battle 37,43,48 57b,75,82,88,94 Joseph Cay 61 Floyd Welton 57a Tt Hazel 67 101,104,108,130 Joseph Earl 70,71 « James Baker 107 TI Ford 99 Hazel Anna 128,129 Joseph Neal 109 " James Barnett 104 It Ford Jr. 99 tt Helen 85,130 Joseph Wilbur 60 It James Curry 110 Joseph William 60 It Franoes 55 Helen Clare 57a James Darwin 59 It , Francis Maria 108 tl Helen Fisher 110 Josie 119 James E. 25 TT , Francis 43,49 107 It Helen Virginia 129 Joyce Lorraine 82 Jamas Harold 48 tt , Frank Allen 99 Henrietta 91 Judge Jacob 55 " James Herbert 37 It , Dr. Frank Oscar 55 Henry 5,11,16, 17 Judith 23 * James K. 19,25 Judith Ann 129 TI , Franklin Dilling23 19,35,38,39,62, 63 Judith Joyce 188 TT , Franklin P. 35,43 93,95,130 James L. B2 Judith Marie 48 TT , Franklin Pierce 23 Tl , Henry Clay 64 James Lawrence 79 Judy 57b tt , Fred 43,49,116 ,128 t; , Henry Cornelius 39 James Leland 129 Judy B. 131 n 109 H , Henry Earl 39 James Robert 85 , Fred Brown Julia Ann it , Fred C. 110 •1 , Henry MoBee 79 James Rudolph 50 fi , Frederick H. 128 , Henry Wm 94 James Thomas 50 11,14,15,82 T"T Julian McBee 79 ti , Fred J. 109 , Herbert C. 37 Jane 5,77 tt , Frederick L. 71 n , Herbert G. 55 Jane A. 131 June 57b if , G. Frederick 37 Tt , Herbert H. 100 Janet Lee 129 Katherine Marie 110 Kathleen Cleo 100 tt , Gabe 119 IT , Henry L. 7 Janey 75 Tt , Hiram 55 Kathleen J. 38 TT , Gabriel 116 Janice Kay 100 , Hollis Millard 82 Kenneth 72,86,130 It , Garner 39 n Janis Elaine 75 , Homer Ceoil 109 Kenneth A. 131 , Gary 71 Janis Lynn 82 » " , Homer Lee 59 Kenneth E. 38 tt , Gayle 71 IT Jay Wood 107 , Howard 48 Kermit Archie 131 TI 131 Jean 110 , Gaynelle L. " Kenneth Duane 82 TT , George 12,85,86 iv , Howard Alton 75 Jean Maree 128 , Howard L. 38 Kenneth Bryan 38 TI , George Edgar 110 lt Jeanne Marie 110 138

.Kenneth RandolphllO Shobe, Lyda 119 Shobe Mary Stanley 23 Shobe, Omar 64,82 larkin Daniel 51 " , Lynda 67 Mary Susan 75 Onahlee Carrie 82 Larry 72,109 , Lynden 67 Mary Virginia Opal 93 Larry Bryan 57a , Lynn 131 51,116 Opal Izetta 128 Larry W. 82 , Mable 36 Mary Wanda 57a Ora Abigail 100 Laura 40,77 , Mabel Arlene 37 Marvin Moore 80 Oral J. 82 LaVerne 43 , Mable B. 128 Mattie 37,93 Oren Ernest 23 Lawrence 94 , Magdalen 35 Maude 69,72 Orpha May 94 Lawrence Eph 128 , Magdalene 63,75 Maude Lee 57a Orrie Angeline 60 Lawrence M. 94 , Magdalia H. 128 Maurice 95 Orville Elwood 94 Leah 77 , Madeline U0 Max 130 Osea Owen 128 Leana 131 , Magdaline 7,75,111 Maxine 75,109 Otis Elmo 129 Lee 36,116 , Mahala 5 .Maxine Lilly 94 Otto 127 Lee Ann 110 , Mamie 66,90 Maxine Lois 71 Owen 43,128 LeFaye 37 , Margaret May 36 Owen W. 130 Lela Ann 130 11,55,86,130 Maynard 39 Pamela Ann 57a Lela Claudia 82 , Margaret H. 128 Medora 88,100 Pamela Sue 104 Lela Merle 36 , Margaret Janell,16 Melva Jean 48 Parthenia 51 Leland 130 , Margaret T. 99 Merilda May 82 Patricia 38,82 Lelia 89 , Maria Jane 19,23 Merle 55 Patricia K. 82 Lena Leona) 131 , Marie 131 Dr. Merritt B. 99 Patsy 92,99 Lena Marie 85 , Marion 37,40,131 Michael B. 55 Patti Jane 104 Leo Russell 38 , Marion B. 128 Michael LeRoy 95 Patty Jane 104 Leon 119 , Marion Brooks 127 Milburn 88,90 Paul 43,49 Leona Jane 50 .Marion BrooksJr.128 Mildred 90 Paul Dean 37 Leonard 7,100,108 , Marion C. 131 Mildred Fern 138 Paul Edward 109 Leonard F. 108 , Marion Lee 79 Mildred 0. 38 Paul Howard 59 Leota Ann 59 , Marjorie 36 Millard R. 82 Paul Irwin 76 Leslie 89 , Marj. Rosemary 37 Milo 36 Paul M. 93 Leslie Glenn 71 , Mark Douglas 57b Milo A. 38 Paul William 38 Lester 67,108 , Martha 116,130 Milton 64,66 Paul V. 38 Lester Cauldwell , Martha A. 12 Milton Albert 13 Pauline 86,128 57b , Martha Ellen 35,43 Milton Monroe88,92 Pearl Lester Lee 37 , Martha I. 85 Minerva Ellen 71 , Martha Jean 72 Minnie 12,131 36,40,69,72,101 Letcher 55 Peggy 100 Lewis 49,130 , Martha Luella 37 Minnie K. 64 , Martin 5,7,55,63 Minor Ford 92,98 Peggy Anita 59 Lewis C. 25,88,100 Peggy Ann 109 Lewis D. 95 , Martin Henry 108 Miriam L. 37 , Martin R. 7,84,85 Monroe 76 Phillip 67 Lewis Dunn 88,92 Phillip Oral 71 Lewis W. 57b , Martin 3rd 7,84,85 Monty Lane 71 , Martin Wellington Moses 88,94 Phoebe Delena 116 Linda 39,128 Phyllis Leola 82 Linda Rose 72,79 63,75,77 Moyle IaVarr 82 , Marsha Lee 95 Muriel 23 Polly 7 Linda Marie 48 Rachel 57b Lois 72 , Marshall 104 Myron 95 , Mary 5,11,51,64 Myrtle 43,57a,93 Rachel Deborrah 79 Lois Anita 94 Rachel Jane 35,43 Lois Ann 79 82,88,85,89,100,116 Nan 40 , Mary A. 19 Nanoy 67 Rachel Jane F. 80 Lois Louise 37 Rae 43,49 Lloyd 86 , Mary Adeline 19,23 Nancy Catherlnel08 , Mary Ann88,100,101 Nancy Jewel 38 Raleigh M. 75 Lloyd George 86 Ralph 36,71,110 Lola 93 , Mary B. 107 Nancy Lee 75 , Mary Daisy 77 Nancy Paradine 100 Ramona Dawn 59 Lola M. 12 Randall 72 Loletta 36 , Mary E. 82,88,91 Ned (Edward) 35,36 , Mary Elinor 48 Nellie 36,37 Rea 95 Lomond 110 Rebecca 5,7,63 Lorena 36 , Mary Elizabeth Nellie Jane 69,72 Nellie Lucille 39 64,88,96 Lorita Katherine 35,43,108 Nettie 36 Rebecca Alice 82 57a , Mary Ellen Neville 88,100 Rembert i 109 Lou Ella 82 69,72,110,116 Rex 37 Louise 66,72 Nicholas George 85 , Mary Francis 109 Nikki Fay 59 Rex L. 71 Lowell Anson 127 , Mary Helen 38 Rhoda 11,16 Lucinda 19,35 Nimrod 109 , Mary Jane 35,63,76 Noble 119 Richard Lucy Jane 110 , Mary Jean 129 48,57b,72,110 Lucy May 60 Noble E. 131 , Mary Katherine 79 Nola Grove 76 Richard Absalom 89 Luddie 90 , Mary Kathryn 48 Richard E. 128 Luella Irene 71 Nola Grove Jr. 76 , Mary L. 39 Norma 37 Richard L. 38 Lulu 37 , Mary Lee 128 Riohara Lee 37,71 Luther 89,100,109 Norman Aaron 69,71 , Mary Mareda 37 Dr. Norman Teal 12 Richard W. 38 Luther James 50 , Mary McBee 80 Robert 5,71 Luther Moses 88,99 Norval S. 104 , Mary (Polly) 35 Oliverloo,126tol31 75,108,128 Luther Oner 64 , Mary S. 88,104 Robert A. 75 139

Hobart Allen 72 Shobe Selma 71 Shobe, Warren 57b, 95 Smith family 41,96,104 Robert Bate 69,71 " Serena 19,25 " , Warren Dolen 66 Smith, Grace 40 Robert 0. 37 Seymour 76,77,123 " , Warren Kemp 57b Smith, Helen Lucille 50 Robert D. 12,38,39 " Sharon 66,75 " , Warren Lee 39 Smith, James Shobe 96 Robert Earl 39 " Sherry Roberta 59 " , Warren Morgan 57a Smith, Lowell 50 Robert Franklin 23 " Shiela 75 " , Wellington 116 Smith, Margaret 25 Robert L. 39 " Shirley Carol 48 " , Wendel 36 Smith, Mark 50 Robert Roy 39 " Shirley Sue 127 " , Wesley 67,86 Smith, Mary 116 Robert Lee 86 " Silas 11,18 Wesley A. 131 Smith, Nancy Ann 71 Robert Roland 57a " Simon M. 38 Weston Erven 82 Smith, Owen Kenneth 50 Rey. Robert W. 38 " Solomon 5,51 Wilda Virginia 61 Smith, Robert Norris 50 Robin Doreen 57a 56,63,75,108 Willard 64 Smith, Sandra K. 71 "Rook" 110 " Solomon J. 109 Willard Dale 48 Smith, Stephen Owen 50 Ronald 82 " Solomon S. 57b William 7,36,39 Smith, Victor 71 Ronald S. 64 " Solomon Vanmeter 43,57a,57b,60,66 Smith, William 40,41 Ronald Wayne 110 108 67,69,71,109,115 Sollars family 31 Ronna Lee 64 " Squire" 85 William A. 85 South family 45 Rosa Mae 71 " Stanley 64 William Alvinl9,25 Sperry, Aubry 27 Roseland 67 " Stanley Clark 23 Dr. Wm Alvin 13 Squeezy, Barbara June iii Ross 77 " Stella 69,72 William Bryant 23 Squeezy, Beverly Ann 94 Roy 36,48,119 " Stephen 57a William C.88,93,95 Staley family 128 Roy Jr. 36 " Stephen Decatur 38 William Daniel 116 Stallings, Newman 130 Roy Franklin 23 " Stephen Robert 104 William David 110 Starbird family 25 Roy Franklin Jr.23 " Stephen Stone 57b William Erven 82 Starck, John D. 131 Roy Leonard 127 " Stephen Thomas 79 William F. 48,128 Starck, Kathleen J. 131 Roy Sebastian 104 " Steven Wayne 71 William Gale 127 Stalter family 48 Ruby 37 " Sue 60,99,101 William H. 127,128 Steffen, Paul 73 Rudolph(Big Rudy)7 Susan 11,16,23,55 William Haley Steffen, Paula 73 " (Little Rudy)5 " Susan S. 108 88,100 Steiger, Linda Eliz.

Thomas, Patricia Ann 39 Tylekins, Lucas Jr. 21 Weis, Alice D. lj.0 Withers family 127 Thomas, Sarah Lee 39 Umbaugh family t,3,l»5,ll6,U7 Weller, Susan D. 57a Wolf, May It3,lt9 Thompson, Arthur E. 76 Updike, Juanita 27 Wells Family 73 Wolf, Henry lit " , Erwin 36 Utter family 37 Welton, Rachel 5,56 Wolf family lit " , Faye 36 Utley, Patricia 131 Werner, Sharon 73 Woodstock, Dorothy IS " , Regina 110 Vance family 27 Weygandt family Itf Wooten Family 91,103 " , Richard 76 Van Meter, Cynthia 108 Wheaton, Earl 109 Worley family 57b » , Robert 110 Vince family 33 Wheaton, Hazel 110 Wortham family 102 Thorn Family 109 Vincent, Aimer T. 19,27 Wheaton, Vivian 109 Wright, Mary Perrin 21 Thorp, Marie 23 Vincent, Anna 19,27 White, Edith Ann Hit Wright, Ross Taylor 21 Thorp, Maude 23 Vincent, Chlora 19,27 White, Polly Tucker 102 Wurtz, Barbara 3 Thorp, Theodore F. Jr. 23 Vincent family 27 White,Sarah Catherine 102 Wyant, Paul Wesley 48 Toepke, Maxine Kay 131 Vincent, Ida Belle 19,27 Whitlow, Elvin 103 Wyatt, Gwendolyn 100 Toepke, Kenton J. 131 Vincent, Jeptha Austin 27 Whitlow, Louise 103 Wyatt, Meredith Bird 100 Toms, Beryle 127 Waddy family 80 Wilkie, Gloria 36 Taney, Lucy 100 Toms, Rex 127 Wagner, Ricky Wayne 39 Wilkie, Ruth 36 Tancey, William 100 Totty, Leonard Jr. 92 Wagschal family lj.7 Williams, Anna May 36 Xandel, Laura Lee 73 Townley, Adam 55 Waldrop, David 36 Williams, Duane 36 Tost, Leslie Carter 61 Townley, Norman 55 Walker, Allen 57 Williams family 57a,119 Tost, Pearl 61 Trump Family lt5 Walker, Lillian 131 Wilson, Barbara Jane 23 Toung, Carole June 128 Tucker family, 88,102,103 Walters family 128 Wilson family 67 Toung, Christine S. 39 Tucker, Mildred 103 Ward, William 7 Wilson, John Franklin 23 Toung, Sandra Ann 128 Tutrell family 57 Webb, Francis Louise 51 Winger, Eric Randolph 72 Turner family 117 Weber, Marilyn Jean tt5 Winger, Stephen Cooper 72 Twilling family 72 Weber, Wm Thornton h$ Wise, Peggy 67

INDEX TO 2nd EDITION Alexander family 91 Clary family 90b Funkhauser family 105 Kenney, Arie 77 Alexander, Hattie J. 90 Clemmenson family 81 Gaiser family 27 Kidder, Viva Rist 109b Alexander, Wm L. 90 Clower family 110 Gibson family 26 Kight family 15a Angus family 81b Coburn, James 19a Gilmerr, Bessie llita King family 109a Allison family lllb Connor, Charla Gail 100 Gilmerr, Matthew llita Kirkpatrick family 2lt Anderson family lt2a Cook, Mary Margaret llitb Glaspey family 8la Kiser family 15b Anglin, Arthur J. it2b Cornell family 105 Glover, John Edward 109b Klock family 36a Armentrout family 77a Cottrill family Hlta Gower, Lee Roy 2lt Koester, Beulah 15b Armstrong family 36 Cox, Steven ii2a Gray, Mary Elizabeth 25 Kreighbaum family 15a Armentrout, Isaac 77 Crapser, Albert 80a Gray, Rodney Bruce 25 Landrus family 126 Armstrong, David D. 122 Crapser, Ella 80b Habb family lt2a Lanum family 77b Arney family 126 Crapser, Grace Adeline 80b Hadley family 122b Latimer family li2 Bagnall family 19b Crapser, Guy 80b Hagler, Mahala 105 Lamnon , Linda Kay 100 Bailey family 82b,llita Crapser, Martha 80b Hallenbeck family 82b Lewis family 105 Baker family lllib Crapser, Ruth Lucille 80b Hammon family 36a Lint family 15b Barger, Martha Lee 119b Crapser, Walter Verin 80b Hancock family 90b Little family 36b Barnard, Sandra Kay 81b Crawford family 36 Handran family 81a Logue, Michael Wooten 91 Bear family lt2a Crouch, Emma Janel21a,122a Harper family 15b Lohnes family 15a Benson family 36a Crull Family 105 Harris family 90 Macy family 92 Bentz family 81a Cuffell family 105 Haworth family 36a Madison, Randall Glen 81 Bergstrom family 80b Culbertson family 82 Heighway family lt2b Madison, Rhonda Lee 81 Bextel, Karen 122b Dabe family 27 Heinz family 81a Malcolm, Debra 110 Bishel family 82a Dain family 122 Heinzen family lllib Malcolm, Deborah K. 109b Bittner family 80b Dasher family 53 Hendrix family 90b Mangus, Randi Caryl 122a Bittner, Hugh 80b Dawson family 109a Herring family 110 Manning, Marsha 122a Black fam It2a,lt2b,81b,121 Dehart family 109a Hesser family 77b Markley family 15a Black, Mary Nellie lt2a Dettinburn family 109a Hileman, Jay 81 Martin family 19a,109a Boies family 81b Deyen, Deanna 81 Hileman, Robert 81 May family 92 Borton family lt2a DeToung family 82b Hill family 36a Mayrer family 15a Bowles family 19a Dickinson, Faye Belle lt9 Hoffman family lt2b McBee, 77b Bransman, Frank 21 Ditto family 36b Holcomb, Martha Lou 21 McBee family121a,121b,122 Brightup family 19a Dixon family 77 Hooper family McFadden family llita Brinson family 121a,122b Drake, Gene Ann lt9 Hopkins family 26 McGovery family 121b Brooks family 19b Dumbelin, Marilyn I4.8 Horney family 122b McKelvie family 90a Brown family 122b Edney, Lianne 122b Hoss Family 121b McQueenm Maudie Hope 122b Burgess family 111a Edson, Lorraine 36a Hughes family 122a McO*ueen, Hazel Marie 122b Burns family 109a Eikenberry family 27 Igo family lt2b Mefferd family 82b Burton family 90a Eix family 81b Inman, Blanche 80a Megan family 121 Cady family 81 Ellis, Carmen Inskeep family 110,122 Michels, Mark Ralph 109a Callison, Robert S. llltb Ellis, Jean 36b Irons family 122 Millage family 82b Campbell family 122 Ermentrout family 77a Jacobs, Clifford H. 81a Miller family 81 Campbell, Robbis Lynn 90b " ,Arthur family 77 Jacobsen, Janice Fae 80b Milor family 109a Carlton family 19a " , John family 77b Jacobsen, Kathleen M. 80b Monroe, Paul B. 19a Carpenter, Louise 92 Endeau, Barbara Joyce 122b Johansen family 8lb Moor family 82b Carpenter, Steve 92 Evans, Wm Seymour 12lt Johnson family 36,81,105 Moran family 82b Carson, Donald Ray 82b " " " biographyl22a Johnston, Hagar Hlta Moran, Myrtle 82a Cartmill family 105 Filpot family 8la Jordan family 122b Morrow family 15b Cartmill, Delia May 105 Roreman, Jennell lllb Jordan, Velma Darleenl09b Mumy, Charles 15a Cartmill, Eva 105 Fosnaugh family 36b Joseph family 26 Mumy, Ruth 15a Cash, Sheila 122a Foster family 36a Judd family lt2b Munn family 80b Caspers, Helen May 80b Foutts family 23 Keller family 121b Murphy family 12lt Chapman family 109a Frantz family 15a Kemp family 90b,91 Murray family 19b Chenault, Dorothy E. 121 Frye, Anna Helen I18 Kennedy family 19b Myers family 109a llll

Myers family 109a Shobe Carmel Marie 90 Shobe George Edgar 109b Shobe Mamie Ella 90,90a Neidermeier family 109b " Carol Ann 121b » George Frank 90a » Margaret 76 Neidigh family 122a « Carol Jean 110 » Geraldine 36a " Marlene Annettel9b Nelson family 36b « Caroline 76 " Geraldine M. 36 « Martha Jane 122b Nutt family 36b » Catherine 7,76,llUa " Gertrude Milisal9b " Martha Louise 36 Nydegger family 105 » Cecil Ayers 121b " Gideon 15b » Martin lllib O'Brien, Rosa B. 12).i " Charlene 121b " Gilbert lllib " Mary 11,15b O'Heil, Richard 92 " Charles 15a " Hagar 15a " Mary A. 80a,82a Ore family 36 » Charles A. 76,81b » Hardin D. 90" Mary Alice 10% Orndoff family 109a « Charles Phillipl09a » Harold 36a,81 » Mary Ann 109a Palmer, James Lynn 82b " Charles Robert 121b " Helen 81 '• Mary Eleanor Ii8,li9 Park family 77b * Charles Wilson 109a » Helen Fisher 109b » Mary Elizl21a,121b Parker, Charles McBeel21b 11 Charles W. Jr 109a " Henry F. 80a " Mary Ellen 10% Parmely family 36a » Charles Wood 80a,81 « Henry Lanciscol21a " Mary Francis 10% Partlow,Cynthia Ruth 121b » Chlora 19a » Homer Cecil 109b » Mary Jane 81 Peck, Clara Eldora U9 " Cindy 36 " Ida 15b " Mary Lee 121b Peifer family 36a « Clarice Virg. 119a • Ida Mae lliib » Mary S. 110 Perkins family 90a » Clark C. 80a,82 " Jack Albert 19b " Matilda 15a Perry family 19a » Clark Lee 19b » Jake LaRue 90,90a » Mattie Vivian 90a Peterson family 77a,77b » Clemme 80b » Jacqueline 109b « Maude May 8lb Petre family lllib 11 Clinton LeRoy 25 " James Albert 25 11 Maureen Anne 1% Pierce family 36a « Clyde Hill 109,109b " James Curry 109b " Maxine 109b Pierce, Linda Abb 19b " Cora lllib " James Edward 90a » May 36a Pomeroy family 36a " Cora B. 90 " James Harold 1(8 > M. Clara 110 Quinlin family 80b » Cora Madeline 110 " James Langston 36 11 Mechelle R. 131 Rankin, Rodney 25 " Curtis 25 " James LaRue 90 « Methilda 19a Rankin,Suzanne Lou 25 " Cyrus lllib " James Monroe 76 " Michael Lynn 36 Rankin, Terri Lynne 25 " Daniel 15a " James Wilbur 36b " Milburn Howeth 90 Royer, Rollie 77b » Dathel Mae 90a " Janet Lee li911 Milburn H. II 90a Reed family 91 » David 109b » Janice Sharon 90a « Mildred 110,ll4b Reese family 15a " Debbie Janet 36 " Jeanne Marie 109b 11 Mina E. 81a Jeraldine 109b « Morgan H. 80a Reynolds family 81,81a « Debby 36 " M. Upton 110 Rice family lllib «Diann e 81 " Jere R. IO4, « Jerry 109a,130 « Myrtle 36b Richardson family 36,82b » Donald Earl ti9 " Nancy 101i Richel family li2b " Donald Eugene 36 " Jerry D. 90a fl Naoma Louise 48 Rickey family 19b " Donna Mae 90 " Joe Walden 36 » Nellie 36a Rig2 family 27 " Dorothy l5a,19b » John 11,36a,80a « Nettie 36a, lllib Rogers family lllib " Dorreen Anne 19b " John A. 19a " Neva 15a Root, Barbara Helen 109b " Earl Jesse li9 " John Austinl9a,19b « Nils Edwin 81b Rotruck, Forrest W. 109a " Earl Joseph Ii8,li9 " John Ervin 82a » Ona. 15b Rouhier, Marlene li8 " Earl Preston 121b » John Lewis 100 " Orval 15b Rowe family 27 " Ear lene 121b « John Richard 2lt « Oscar LaRue 90 Rowland, Virginia 21 » Earnest C. 81b " John Wellingtonll6 " Otho H. 19 Royer, James Lee 122 " Edgar Allenl09,109b Jonas A. 80a,82a « Otho Lee 19a,19b Rucker family 77 " Edgar A. Jr. 109b Joseph Everett 82a « Owen F. 48 Ruddle family 109b " Edna Jean 110 Joseph Neil 109a ' Patricia D. 90a Russell family 81 » Edan Rae 109a Juanita 109a 1 Patricia Diane 48 Sanders, Doris Jean 15a " Edward Louis 36 Juanita Gail 90a « Patricia Ann 36b Sarver, Peggy Lee 110 " Edward Ned 36a Julia 81 ' Paul Elwood 109a Schneck family 81 " Edwin F. 80a Julia Alice 19a 1 Paul Elwood 109a Schumaker, Edward 77b " Elaine Elizabethl9b " Julia Edith 81b ' Paul Joseph 21; Schwartz family lllib 11 Elizabeth J. 109a Karen Denise 109a ' Pearl 36a Seney family 80b » Ella Elmira 82b Karen Lynn 2li 1 Peggy Ann 10% Shallenberger, Wava 15b " Ellis H. 75 Kathleen Ann 48 1 Phillip Alva 121b Sheek family 122 » Elroy lllib Kathleen Sue 36 Rachel 25 Shobe, Abbie Litton lllib " Elsie Irene 19b Kenneth Elwood 19b Ralph 36a,109b,130 « , Adaline M. 80a,80b " Elverda 36a Kenneth Laney 109b Richard 109a " , Alan Richard 25 " Emma 19a,19b,36a Kenneth R. 109b Rishard Lynn 36 « , Albert 36a " Emily S. 80a Kenny 36 Robert 121a,122b » , Albert Melvin 19a " Ernest Preston 109a Larry 109b, 130 Robert Dale 121b » , Alice 81, lllib « Ernest Frank 109b Lariy D. 90a Robert Earl 121b <> , .Amos 7,lllib " Ervin John 80a Laura Cath. lllib Robert Richard 36 « , Amos B. lllib » Esther 121b LaVerne Thutna 36b Ronald Wayne 10% " , Anna Jannette 90a " Ethel lllib Lawrence Paul US Rosalie 81 " , Anna Lee lll*b « Eugene Laney 10% Lawson 19a Roy 90a » , Annie Pearl 109b » Eva 19b Lee Ann 109b Rudolph 15b " , Archibald 71,15b " Evelyn Jane 109a Leo Clifton 121b Russell Alan U9 » , Arlis Dale 76 " Evert Wayne lllib Leslie 131 Ruth 121b " , Arthur Mark 1% " Felix 121a,121b Linda Ann 109a Sally 90,90b,91 o , Avis Jean 25 " Floy Eveline 82b Linda Jean 121b Sarah Ann 15a » , Barbara 76,109b » Floyd Wesley 36 Loren 130 Sarah Cath. 121a " , Barbara S. 109b » Franeene 121b Lorena Viola 36 Sarah Jane90a,109a 11 Franklin Dilling 23 Louis Allen Serena Eliz. 19a « , Becky 36 Lotus Raymon 36 " , Bernice Fae 90a " Frank Elmer 81 Stafter D. 25 Fred 15b Louise G. 80a Shelby Joyce 90a " , Bertha C. 81 « Ludah 90,9ob « , Britton lllib " Fred Brown 109b Shirley Jean 90a » , Brown 109a " Fred C. 49 Luther M. 109a Simon lllib » , Buford A. 90a » Fred J. 109b Luther 0'Dell 90a Stella Francis 100 » , Calvin T. 101; " Gary 130 Mabel 36a Shobe, Stephen Ray- Shobes Vendla 81 Stemen, Steven 48 Walters family 42b n Susan Swick 110 " , V?rda P. 109a Stephens family 92 Washburn, Jeffery T. 90b II Susannah 121b ,122b " , Vernon 90a Stephenson family 77b Weaver, Nellie Ruth 76 II Tamela Susan 36 " , Violet lone 109a Stewart, Edna lllib Wedgbury family 82b n Terry 109b " , Virginia 36b Stewart, Lois lllib Weingart, Ben 100 it Thelma Janelle 90a Showalter, Glen A. 121 Stinespring family 120,121 White family Hka ti Theodore 130 Sisney, Sandra 77b Stingley family 105,122b Whitehouse, Anne 19b it Thomas Lee 121b Skinner family 12li Stoll family 114a Whiteside family 19a it Tirzah Jane 36a Slock family 19a Sturdevan family 36a Whitlock, Phyliss 109a it Wanda Delean 90a Smalley family li2a Summers family 82b Wilkie family 36a n Wanda Lee 109b Smith family 82b Taylor Familyli2b, lllb, 122a Wilkinson family 122a tt Wert lllib Smith, Charles Edward 82 Taylor, Viva Veronne lllb Williams family 36 tt 'Wilbur Martin lllib Smith, Frances Leone 82b Tharp family 81a Williams, Mary J. 27 11 William 15b Smith, John William 82 Thomas family 8la Williamson family 36b n * Wm David 109b Smith, Linda 122a Thompson family 109b Williamson, Harold 15a II Wm Dwuane 109a Smith, Robert 121 Thorn family 109b Williamson, Norma 15a II William Earl lllib Snyder, Lecta 15b Titus family lllib Wilson family 77a II Wm Franklinll U8 Snyder, Ramona Sue 110 Todd, Thersa 122a Wilson, Charles Jos. 109a tt Wm Irving lllib Southerly family 110 Tomjack family 81b Winger family 121b II Wm Jackson 121b Spake, Gregory 21 Tucker family li2a Woolery family 15a n Wm Jackson Jr 121b Spake, Lloyd 21 Underwood family 15a Wooten, Chester 91 n Wm Jennings 109b Spake, Robert W, 21 Vance family 26 Wooten, Mayme Bell 91 it Wm Johnson 109a Spake, Ruth 21 Van Dorn, Dessie 15a Wooten, Sylvester B. 91 it Wm Levi W Spaulding family 121b Vanston family 81 Workman, David 15a II Wilma Elsie 19b Spitznagel family 122 Vickers, Alice D. 122b Wright, Lydia 21 II Woodrow 109b Staup family 36b Vickers, Maurice H. 122b Toung family 36b ti Vada 36a Stallings family 130 Walstrom family 81a Zink family 36 ti Velma Eileen 109b Steinkraus family 81b Walters family 42b 11*3

LIST OF ADDRESSES Some members have requested this list for the purpose of corresponding with those they have lost contact with. The list will soon become obsolete but even then, it will serve to show the different parts of the country where the various families have settled. It is arranged by States and the number at the end of each line indicates the page on which that family _may be found. Canada Colorado Sally Dain, 1239 12th Ave., Iff. Calgary, Alta. 122 Mrs. Roy L. Shobe, 30l*8 S. Cherokee, Denver 36 Charles Campbell Shobe, Box 306, Rossland,B.C. 119a Mrs. Irvin S. Booth, 11*00 Verbena, Denver 73 Robert (Black) Smith,l5 Wilson,S.Oakville, Ont. 121 Roy L. Shobe Jr., 1*785 W. Mississippi, Denver 36 Mrs. Otho Shobe, 1356 Berkley, Vancouver, B.C. 19b William E. Shobe, 31*1*6 W. 18th, Denver 39 Kenneth Shobe, 1250 W. Broadway, " " 19b Delaware Mrs. Robert Whiteside, Box 76, Holmfield, Man. 19a Pauline Shobe Rice, 109 Reese Ave., Harrington 59 Mrs. Lottie Martin, 777Furby,Winnepeg, Man. 19a Mrs. Elsie Shobe Murray, Nut Mountain, Sask. 19b District of Columbia Alabama Maurice L. Shobe, 5605 Ridgefield Rd.,Washington 95 Sol S. Shobe, 702 15th St., W. Birmingham 57b Florida Chester Wooten, 307 N. Lena, Dothan 91 Dabney W. Shobe, Box 121*2 Bradentown loi* Ira J. Shobe, 1005 SE Court, Ft. Lauderdale 13 Arizona Orval Shobe, 218 E. Polk St., Lake Wales 15b Mrs. Henry W. Williams, Douglas 57 Loman C. Shobe, 3265 56th N., St. Petersburg 110 Mrs. John A. Umbaugh, 1*213 N. 3rd, Phoenix 1*5 Mrs. Patty Shobe Leavelle, Sarasota 101* Ralph Shobe, 110 N. 5th, Phoenix 71 Georgia Otis E. Shobe, 1*200 N. Mitchell, Phoenix 129 Dabney W. Shobe Sr., Columbus 101* Walter B. Shobe, Xarnell 128 121 Harry E. Shobe, Xarnell 129 Mrs. Mary Crawford, R 2, Lucile Lane, Taccoa Arkansas Idaho Mrs. Cyrus Shobe, 21*02 Marshall, Little Rock 101* Mrs Minerva Shobe Smith, Hansen 71 Miss Deloma Shobe, Collegeville 101* Mrs Alma Shobe Stallings, Nampa 130 California Mrs Dolly Shobe Jones, R #2, Rupert 25 Millard R. Shobe, 309 S. Marguerita, Alhambra 82 Illinois Hollis M. Shobe, 1531 E. Ethel, Alhambra 82 Ernest Shobe, 3613 Horn St., Alton 130 Jos. D. Shobe, 397 E. Foothill, Altadena 59 Mattie Shobe Weihe, 1020 Gordon, Alton 90a Earl Jordan, 51 B. Terrace, Altadena lll*b Rufus A. Shobe, 58 Whites Place, Bloomington 25 Fred K, Shobe, 208 Evelyn Drive, Anaheim 128 Rufus D. Shobe, 106 W. Market, Bloomington 25 Mrs. Roy Bender, 1151* Crown Ave., Anaheim 126 Elza C. Shobe, Casey 130 Charles Rodgers, 5 Alta St., Arcadia 126 Elea Cochrun, 901 S. Lynn, Champaign 1*8 Preston L. Shobe, R #2, Box 158, Aptos 89 Ralph Lacy, 1803 9th St. S., Charleston 126 Mrs. Wendel Basham, Box 62lt, Balboa 1*5 Mrs. Pinkney Sims, Charleston 130 Mrs. Florence Landrus, R #1*, Charleston 126 Mrs. H. Christensen, 1926 Wayne St., Belleflower 57 Mrs. Ed McKenzie, U*06 S. 10th, Charleston 126 Miss Thelma Shobe, 2lil6 Dwight Way, Berkeley 71 Mrs. Moyle Manaras, 3219 Harlem, Berwyn 82 Mrs. Winnie Ford, 555 Howard St., Bishop 72 Frank D. Shobe, 7333 N. Ridge Blvd., Chicago LeFaye Shobe Tanner, 508 Hampton, Burbank 37 23 Robert F. Shobe, 952 W. Garfield, Chicago 23 Mrs. Ralph Mead, China Lake 126 Mrs. Roy F. Shobe, 257 W. Marquette, Chicago Mrs. Joy Collins, 208 S. Tamarind, Compton 131 Fletcher M. Shobe, 332 Home Ave., Oak Park 23 Mrs. Nelle Sorensen, Crestline 57 Harry Stinespring Jr., 38 S. Dearborn, Chicago 23 Mrs. Jane Sappington, Crestline 57 Flora Johnson, 7738 Normal Ave., Chicago 121 Dewey Shobe, 10325 Brookshire Road, Downey 131 Mrs. Muriel Shobe Foutts, 751*0 Kingston,Chicago 126 James L. Shobe, 2086 Goodall, Duarte 82 Mrs. Forest Rex, 6210 S. Massasoit, Chicago 23 Maude Shobe Kauffman, 209 Lexington, ElMonte 57a James Quigley, 859 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago 17 Beulah KLassen, 2317 N. Valewood, El Monte 57a Miss Lou Moor, 2970 Sheridan Road, Chicago 37 Floyd W. Shobe, 2317 N. Valwood, ElMonte 57a Mrs. John Riordan, 501 Jor Orr St., Chicago Hts. Sfi: Mrs. Katherine Putnam, R 2B, Box 137, Elsinore 57 Osea Owen Shobe, 2185 E. Clay, Decatur 37 Selma Shobe Harrison, 2219 Coleman, Hayward 71 Mrs. Mina Shobe Ray, Decatur 128 Dorothy Mcintosh, 10662 Challenga Blvd., La Mesa 25 Mrs. "Walter Shobe, Decatur 129 James McGirk, R.#l, Box 3l*l, Lodi 57 Roy E. Shobe Jr., 1602 W. Kenwood, Decatur 128 G. Frederick Shobe, 2130 Fargo, Los Angeles 37 Lawrence E. Shobe, South side C. C, Decatur 128 Nancy Shobe Wyatt, m,)i S. Cochran, Los Angeles 71 Helen Hudson, 10 Prospect, Danville 128 Ronald S. Shobe, Box 31*38, Long Beach 61* Margaret Shobe Wheeler, Box 1*95, Decatur 23 John Shobe, 2851 C-leneden, Los Angeles 37 Hazel Shobe Wood, 1726 E. Decatur St., Decatur 128 Mrs. Oral Lindquist, 2711 W. 75th, Los Angeles 82 128 Leland Shobe, Greenup 130 Charles Mumy, 9712 Lockford, Los Angeles 15a 0. Fred Umbaugh, Thornton High School, Harvey Claud Leroy Shobe,R#l, Box 191b, Merced 131 1*7 Mrs. Roy D. Keehn, 3006 Cooledge, Hinsdale 17 Miss Lorita Shobe, 206 Maple Ave., Modesto 57a Mrs. Charles Ames, 1*1*0 Cook St., Idbertyville Helen Shobe Conduit, 1206 Tuolume, Modesto 57a 17 Timothy Lacy, R #2, Lovington 126 Cecyle Shobe Martin, 6022 Farmdale, N. Hollywood 23 Mrs. Zoe Hamilton Shobe, Ludlow Zack Martin, 6217 TuJunga, N. Hollywood 23 23 Dwight Shobe, 609 N. Taylor St. Oak Park 16 Mrs. Wayne L. Knee, 131*65 Ruther, Apt.A, Paramount 37 Fletcher M. Shobe, 332 Home Ave , Oak Park 23 Mrs. Frank Hayes, 1669 La Cresta, Pasadena 57 Arie K. Ermentrout, Box 25, Potomac 77 Olga Shobe McRay, 1*06 Broadway, Redondo Beach 82a Florence Shobe Schoeller,8521 N.Kedvale, Skokie 23 John C. McGirk, 1*901 Alta Drive, Sacramento 57 Eleanor Shobe Steveley, 8522 N. Kedvale, Skokie 23 Donna Bryant Casey, 1302 Settle St., San Jose 21 Zel-Don Shobe, 1111 W. Main St., Streator 131 Gladys Kanatzar, 3586 Falrmount, San Diego 81a Bessie Shobe Mooday, R #1, Toledo 130 Mr3. Jack Davis, 3600 20th St., San Francisco 82a Clark D. Shobe, 310 E. Washington St., Urbana 23 E. H. Hite, 1209 l*0th Ave., San Francisco 89 Mrs. Robert Hadley,--210 E. Wesley, Wheaton 122b Mrs. Lena Shobe, 726 Millwood St., Venice 71 Wilbur M. Shobe, 3181 Central Ave., Ventura lllib Robert Bate Shobe, 1530 Mooney, Visalia 71 Indiana Mrs. Nellie Heighway, R #2, Akron U2b Gerald Shobe, 611 North B St., Herrington 71 Mrs. Carre Kindig, RR Akron 37 L. Shobe, 1819 Monroe St., Great Bend 25 Mrs. J. Allen Umbaugh, R #1, Argos 46 Philip D. Shobe, Hoisington 67 Mrs. Minnie Biddinger, Argos h$Mrs . Mary Sliger, Box 52, Preston 19a Cecil A. Shobe, 1911 E. National, Brazil 121b Mrs. Harry Monroe, Box 189, Liberal 19a Lee C. Shobe, 215 E. Blaine, Brazil 121b Mrs. Arlene Brightup, Star Route West, Liberal 19a William J. Shobe, 1900 E. Jackson, Brazil 121b Mrs. Neva Murphy, R #2, Mound City 12U Mrs. Mary Kellogg, Ewing PO., Brownstone 120 Joseph Lee Shobe, 931 Willow, Ottawa 36 Mrs. Don Kuhn, Claypool 15a Mrs. Nellie Shobe, Peru 25 Harry E. Shobe, Centerville 38 Bertha Seifert, 1608 N. Smelter, Pittsburg 126 Dan Hughes, R #6, Crawfordsville 122a Lawrence Shobe, Wellington 94 Miss Marie Taylor, R #1, Crawfordsville 122a Edwin M. Shobe, 2653 Sommerset, Wichita 9it Isaac Calvin McBee, Crawfordsville 121b Ruth Shobe Clothier, 255 Parkwood, Wichita 95 Arthur D. Reese, Claypool 15a Mrs. Dorothy Beal, 191*6 Saiina, Wichita 9lt Mrs. Lucinda lockey, Claypool I[2a Mrs. Lois Shobe Bestwick, Wichita 9lf Mrs. Vena McBee Turnipseed, Darlington 122 Mrs. Orpha Shobe Squezzy, Wichita 9k James Campbell, Darlington 122 Ronna Shobe McBimey, PO Box 2lt, Ventura 64 Martin Campbell, Darlington 122 William Campbell, Darlington 122 Kentucky Mrs. Mike B. Donohue, 116 W. Madison, Delphi 105 Mrs. Mildred Hardcastle, R #1, Bowling Green 103 Mrs. Arlen Quigley, 1629 Sheffield, Dyer 37 Vernon Andrew, 1656 S. Chestnut, Bowling Green 91 Mrs. Charles Bender, R #2, Elkhart 126 Oscar Larue Shobe, R #1, Beuehel 90 Mrs. Otis Nusbaum, 382lt S. Calhoun, Ft. Wayne 17 0. R. Shobe, Beulah Church Rd., Fern Creek 90 Mrs. Esther Workman, 303 Sunset, Goshen 15a James F. Kemp, 1622 Rosewood, Louisville It 90b Mrs. Rachel Gould, R #1, Greencastle 57b Milburn H. Shobe, 323 Jones St., Mayfield 90a Mrs. Ida Shobe Streif, R #1, Greenwood 121b Wallace A. Kemp, 1028 S. 9th, Mayfield 90b Daniel D. Shobe, 538 169th St.,Hammond 37 Mrs. Carmel Harris, 211 Broadway PI., Mayfield 90 Norma Shobe Knoche, 680 Wayeland, Hammond 37 Joe Clary, Box tt59, Poole 90b Maridee Shobe Evans, 61*25 Calumet, Hammond 37 Miss Ruth Ford Shobe, Oakland 99 Francis Carlson, 3555 Salem, Indianapolis k9 Maryland Elizabeth Bourden, 726 Melvinia, Indianapolis 101t Violet Milor, Hilt Cedar Lane, Beltsville 109a George W. Shobe, 3019 Orchard St., Indianapolis 57b Ernest P. Shobe, Box 26, Cresaptown 109a Lester C. Shobe, 4713 E. Morris, Indianapolis 57b Rosa Evans, 477 Lena St., Cumberland 121t Lewis W. Shobe, 1325 W. 25th St., Indianapolis 57b Velma Jordan, R #6, Potomac Park, Cumberland 109b Esther Dehner, 716 Lincoln, Indianapolis 121b Miss Evelyn Shobe, 203 Roberts, Cumberland 76 William Shobe, 1325 W. 25th St., Indianapolis 57b Susan Ashenfelter, Hit Springdale, Cumberland 12lt Miss Reta Clark, 283I N. Delaware, Indianapolis 21 Earl Ashenfelter, lilt Springdale, Cumberland 12lt Mrs. June Ross, 805 S. Rybolt, Indianapolis 57b Raleigh M. Shobe,626 Elwood, Cumberland 75 Mrs. Elton McQueen, 620 S. uth, Lafayette 122b Harry E. Shobe, 702 Holland, Cumberland 75 Lloyd D. Umbaugh, R #2, Lakeville lt5 Ralph Shobe, 1% Reynolds St., Cumberland 109b Mrs. Wm Kelley, 700 S. Main St., Ligonier 15 Charles W. Shobe, Frederick St., Cumberland 109a William Joseph McBee, Linden 122 Wm Henry Shobe, R #6, Hagerstown 60 William Tomas McBee, Linden 122 Mrs. Robert Shobe, IO37 Lincoln, Hagerstown 108 Mrs. Albert Core Shobe, Linden 122b Edgar Allen Shobe, 155 Liberty, Oakland 109b Mrs. Mary J. Irons, Linden 122 Evelyn Shobe King, Cumberland 109a Franklin McBee, Linden 122 Mrs. Reta B. Harriman, Osceola It? Massachusetts James H. Shobe, Rochester 37 Mrs. Moses Shobe, 198 Dodge St., Beverly 91t John H. Shobe, 1127 Jefferson, Rochester 75 Michigan Rex D. Shobe, 4I4 W. 2nd St., Rochester 37 Albert J. Shobe, 9195 Sarasota, Detroit 38 Mrs. Hattie Pennington, R #2, Rochester 37 Eugene S. Shobe, 11711 E. Vernor, Detroit 57b Mrs. Amy Borden, ulO Jefferson, Rochester li5 Harold R. Shobe, 1715U Griggs, Detroit 38 Ed T. Umbaugh, 7ltit Blaine Ave., South Bend 46 Milo A. Shobe, I3278 Marlowe, Detroit 38 Robert C. Shobe, 602 Penn Ave., South Bend 37 Paul H. Shobe, 349 Montrey H P, Detroit 59 Samuel A. Umbaugh, 313 Wenger, South Bend lt5 Richard W. Shobe, 22590 Leewin, Detroit 38 Nellie Zimmerman, 602 Penn Ave.,South Bend 37 Earl J. Shobe, 1920 Mt. Elliott, Flint lt9 Paul Umbaugh, South Bend 1*5 Lewis M. Shobe, 508 W. 2nd Ave., Flint 49 Mrs. Delia Waddell, Thornton 105 Mrs. Eva Blunt, 703 Smith St., Flint 57b Mrs. Belva Mailer, Rochester 37 Thomas Dale Shobe, 22lt92 Gascony, E. Detroit 90 Richard L. Shobe, 507 Lincoln, Valparaiso 37 Sarah Dunlap, 286lu Church St., Flat Rock 73 Lester Lee Shobe, 12§ Indiana Ave., Valparaiso 37 Mamie Dunlap Ernest, 29526 Walnut St., Flat Rock 73 Richard Lee Shobe, 507 Lincoln Way, Valparaiso 37 Roger B. Fox, 29081t Legion, Roseville 38 Lyndes Latimer, Wayside Farm, Warsaw I4.2 Robert L. Umbaugh, R #2, West Liberty lt5 Minnesota Mrs. Elode Shobe Williams, Wingate 119 Dallas Shobe, 262lt Penn Ave., N., Minneapolis 82 Velda Shobe Rankin, Monticello 25 Deo K. Shobe, it02lt Aldrich, Minneapolis 82 Weston E. Shobe, 5i*2lt Emerson, Minneapolis 82 Iowa John J. Shobe, 2111 Elliott Ave., Minneapolis 82 Mrs. Faye Burgess, 11?6 Maple St., Mason City 82 James L. Shobe, 2111 Elliott Ave., Minneapolis 82 Grace Adeline Caspers, Swaledale 80b John C. Shobe, 3115 E. 53rd, Minneapolis 82 Guy Crapser, Thornton 80b Kenneth D. Shobe, 2910 Bryant N., Minneapolis 82 Mrs. Frank Shobe, 1116 Englewood, Waterloo 81 Ronald E. Shobe, 3246 Indiana, Minneapolis 82 Mrs. Frances S. Carson, Woodburn 82b Mrs. Cora Shobe Barber, 116 Oak Grove, Minneap. 131 Kansas Claude L. Shobe, R #2, Stacy 82 Mrs. Nettie Thompson, 202 S. 8th, Burlington 36 Mrs. Faye Foster, 202 S. 8th St., Burlington 36 Mississippi Mrs. Bertha Kirby, R #1, Box 66, Bonner Springs 36 Mrs, James Corlew, 915 W. Commerce, Aberdeen 73 Paul M. Shobe, Conway Springs 93 Mrs. Baxter Shobe, Conway Springs 9h William Fayette Adams, Eureka 93 Seymour Shobe, Glasco 72 & 123 1US

Missouri Mrs. Howard Sanders, 8125 Peters Road, Dayton 15a Mrs. Pearl McNabb, 111 Chestnut,Appleton City 73 Mrs. May Scott, 17 W. Hudson, Dayton U3 Estil (Pete) Shobe, Chamois 57a James Harold Shobe, R #2, Elida 48 Mrs. Adam Townley, Chamois 5? Bertha Shobe Fosnaugh, R #2, Elida 48 Mrs Doris Smith Houx, Centerview 50 Gail Statler, Elida Box 9k k% W. R. Pogue, 312 E. Ohio St., Clinton 50 Mrs. Ida Little Ditto, R #2, Elida 36b Leona Shobe Smith, S. Main St., Clinton 50 Dora B. Shobe, 922 S. Main St., Findlay 38 Carl Lane Smith, Orchard St., Clinton 50 Katherine Hall, 6306 Landover St., Landover 110 Charles Smith, E. Franklin St., Clinton 50 Delbert W. Shobe, R #1, W. Handley, Lexington 82 Luther J. Shobe, 1619 Calhoun, Chillicothe 50 Fred C. Shobe, 1225 Bellaire, Lakewood 7 U9 Warren Shobe, Corder 57b Earl J. Shobe, 1286 Bellaire, Lakewood 7 1*8,49 Henry Ernstmeyer, Corder 57b Owen F. Shobe, 1286 Bellaire, Lakewood ^ 48 Mrs. Crissie Ross, Downing 85 Delbert F. Shobe, 1075 Independence, Lima U9 Mrs. Martha Shobe Rowe, Downing 85 Hugh Ivan Shobe, 1061 Independence, Lima 39 Mrs. Wilma Shobe Brown, Dexter 57b Mrs. Harold Leatherman, 1062 S. State, Lima 1(8 Claude W. Shobe, Dexter 57b Virginia Staup, Metropolitan Bldg.Apt.2C, Lima 36b Lewis W. Shobe, Essex 57b Rae"shobe Looker, 740 Weadock Ave., Lima 49 Eliza Shobe Crutcher, R #2, Essex 57b Bessie Gilmer White, R #2, New Holland lllia Mrs. Edna Ernstmeyer, Box 112, Corder 57b Edith White Stoll, Box 313, Piketown Ulia Isaac (Harrison) Shobe, Humphrey 71 Cloyd D. Shobe, 107 N. Canal, Speneerville 39 Carl Vain Shobe, Humphrey 71 Bert Shobe Clark, 223 N. Main St., Spencerville 39 Lloyd Shobe, 10-2 Jefferson St., Hannibal 86 Mrs. Martha Crow, R #1, Spencervolle )>? Maude Bell Shobe Haycrdft,Laddonia 55 Mrs. Howard Rice, R #5, Springfield Jlijb Norman Townley, Linn, Osage County 55 Mrs. Dore Frantz, 1911 Maiden Lane,Springfield 15? Leo Dunlap, Milan 73 Mary Dittmar, 1307 N. Pythian St., Springfield I16 Flake Peterson Harding, Mian 72 Ethel Shobe Titus, 728 Cedar St.,Springfield llhh Avery Shobe, Odessa 73 James Wilbur Shobe, 183 Tomb, Tiffin U3 Mrs. Myrtle Meyn, 3918 Blaime St., St. Louis 57a Mrs. Blanch Garman, Uniontown k7 Mrs. Milton Mclnturff, 432 E.71st Ter.Kansas City 72 Leo Russell Shobe, 338 S. Wayne, VanWer t 38 Owen Smith, 3U86 Blue Ridge, Kansas City 50 Mrs. Stephen D. Shobe, 332 S. Wayne, Van Wert 38 Gordon Fisher, 916 Walnut St., Kansas City 92 Willard Dale Shobe, 257 E. Walnut, Wadsworth 48 Raymond D. Shobe, 616 E. 62nd N., Kansas City 66 Delia Taylor Shobe, Post Road, Yfashington CH. llltb Mrs. Lou Shobe Randall, St. James 82 Reeta Kearney, R #6, Washington Court House 27 Dr. F. 0. Shobe,10 Litzinger Lane, St. Louis 55 Lydia Williams, 328 S. Main St., Washington CH 27 Buford A. Shobe, 2913 California St., St. Louis 90b Miss Fanny McLean, 517E - Market,Washib~ton CH. 4I Mrs. Susan Armstrong, 725 7th St., Sedalia 51 Clara Mark, 270 S. State, Westerville 31,32 Neville (Neb) Shobe, 307 W. South St.Warren3burg 100 Helen Frye Stemen, 305 E. Liberty, Wooster US Betty Shobe, 421 Bird St., Hannibal 86 Courtland Shobe, 515 Edwards, Hannibal 86 Oklahoma Lynden W. Shobe, Billings 67 Montana Earl Carlton, R #1, Box222, Claremore 19a William Maddock, 1*26 McLeod, Missoula 23 Henry C. Shobe, 100 E. 2nd St., Dumright 39 Margaret Maddock Anderson,6lli S. 6th, Bozeman 23 Charles Warren Shobe, Kiefer 38 Mary Shobe Ford, 309 N. Rodney, Helena Bess Vickers, 913 W. 2ltth, Oklahoma City 122b James E. Shobe, Ranch Drive, Ponca City 25 Nebraska Mrs. Rachel Jenkins, R #U, Vinita 25 Russell J. Shobe, Fremont , 9k Mrs. Maude Shobe Boies, Ewing 83.1: 81b Oregon Mrs. Eleanor M. Angus, Box 12U, Ewing Mrs. Bertha Shobe Gombert, Banks 81 Elmer S. Bergstrom, Box 113, Ewing 80b 81b Charles Walstrom, 815 Monroe, Oregon City 81a Lloyd W. Black, Inman Joseph E. Shobe, Sheriff's Office, Oregon City 82a Clarence Walstrom, 5Ul Willamette, Oregon Sity 81a Nevada Ida Shobe Duncan, Mt. View, Oregon City 81a Earl P. Shobe, Box 773, Elko 121b Emma Shobe Bentz, Mt. View, Oregon City 81a Lon S. McGirk Jr., 870 Evans Ave. Reno 57 Mrs. Jonas Shobe, 815 E. Washington, Portland 82a Florence Hagist, 2712 SE Brooklyn, Portland 82a New Jersey Mrs. Melvin Hewitt, 3095 Earhart, Salem 50 Robert Spake, 968 Fernwood, Plainfield 21 W. Merritt Shobe, I4 Oak St.,Salem Pennsylvania Ruth Dannefelser, 2lt Severna, Springfield Luther Shobe, 316 W. North, Pittsburg 12 109 Earl W. Shobe, )|01 Oirard, Philadelphia 59 New York Mrs. Pearl Kotterman, 33 Westcott, Staten Island 101 South Carolina Mrs. Ifyrta J. Hutson, 19 Greenhill,Charleston Ul North Carolina Harley Stinespring, Box 1;82, Greenville 120 Dr. W. F. Stinespring, 1107 Watts, Durham Mrs. William Mims, 3500 Busick, Greenboro ¥S Tennessee Jake Larue Shobe, R #1, Cottage Grove 9p North Dakota Roy S. Shobe, Box 294, Dresden 104 Mrs. Noble Shobe, 126 Cresent, Bismarck 131 Dr. Merritt Shobe, 1211; Linvllle,Kingsport 99 Leona Shobe Graber, 118 9th So., Fargo 131 Cecil A. Shobe, 12!; Minnis, Knowxville 90 Ellen Shobe Starck, 1109 1st NW., Mandan 131 Louis R. Shobe, 6000 Haywood Drive, Knoxville 36 Marion (Bud) Shobe, % Ellen Starck, Mandan 131 Mrs. Flossie Powers, lj0U2 Park, Memphis 10lt Sally Shobe Kemp, R #2, Paris-'iMorgan Kemp 90a, 91 Ohio Norvell S.(Cy) Shobe, 6l5 E. Drive, Memphis 10U George 0. Shobe, 4Ul Marview, Akron 110 Mary Shobe Malcolm, R #3, Bucyrus lin Mrs. Lee Neidermier, 177 Wallace St., Bucyrus 109b Nells Hendrix, 1538 Buhrer, Cleveland 90b William F. Shobe, 104 Bellaire Ave., Dayton 1*8 11+6

Texas West Virginia (con) Shafetr D. Shobe, 2JU9 Ivandale, Dallas 25 Emma Shobe Kenney, Box 726 Keyser 60 Richard D. Shobe, 3126 Ivandale, Dallas 25 Mrs. Joseph Neil Shobe, 11)7 Mozelle, Keyser 109a Mrs. Carrie Shobe, 208 Dunne, El Paso 100 Leslie C. Tost, 433 N. Main St., Keyser 61 Mrs. George Nash, Forney 57 Beatrice Shobe Withers, Lost Creek 127 Paul J. Shobe, 916 S. Denton, Gainesville 25 George Erwin Rohrbaugh, Montrose 118 Lewis D. Shobe, 2811 Quenby, Houston 5 95 Arnold Ours, Moorefield 116

Mrs. 0. H. Liebman, 1801 Main St., TaMarqlle 90a Angus Seymour, Moorefield 123 Mrs. Maxine Shobe Niebaum, Plainview J Herber9\\ t Evans, Moorefield 123 Mrs. Clara (Stella) Hall, Rockwell R #1 57 Mrs. Treva Shobe Steach, Moorefield 110 Mrs. Nora Lee Burch, R #3, Terrell 57 Augusta Shobe Aegan, Nutter Fork 127 Arthur L. Shobe, i mi North I, San Juan 36 Nutter Fork Milo Earl Shobe, f mi North S, San Juan 36 John B. Baker, Petersburg 107 Mrs. Luetta V. Pettit, Box 532, Uvalde 122b Mrs. Connie Shobe Leatherman, Petersburg 61 Mrs. J, Robert Ours, Cabins 115 W. J. Bryan Shobe, 107 Pine St., Petersburg 108 Virginia Harrison Shobe, 302 N. Main, Petersburg 108 Mrs. M. J. Friend, 2600 13th Rd. S, Arlington 53 Robert Baker, 25 Virginia Ave., Petersburg 107 Mrs. John R. Black, Box 111, Broadway 121 Harry Plauger, Petersburg 108 Mrs. Daphne Chenault, Broadway 121 Elizabeth Shobe, P0 Box 162, Petersburg 108 John Boyd Shobe, Box 563, Pearisburg 110 James Curry Shobe, Petersburg 109b Walter G. Shobe, Chimborazo, Richmond 79 Sally Shobe Taylor, Cottage Hill Farm, Petersb. 80 Thomas H. Shobe, 3106 Emporia, Richmond 79 Hogue Land Taylor, " " ",Petersburg 80 Julian McBee Shobe, 1307 Mt. Erin, Richmond 79 Minnie Bergdoll, 111 Short St., Petersburg 75 John David Shobe, Osborne Pike, Richmond 79 Vista Shobe Riggleman, Petersburg 61 John D. Shobe Jr., 7600 Hillside, Richmond 79 Miss Eola Shobe, Petersburg 108 Mrs. Mary Arnall, Carrier 37, Box 38, Richmond 79 Mrs. Charles Halterman, Highland Av., Petersburg 77 Jefferson P. Shobe, White Post 75 Eugene L. Shobe, lu Pine St., Petersburg 109b William D. Shobe, 14 Pine St., Petersburg 109b Washington Wanda Shobe Barger, I4 Pine St., Petersburg 10% Mrs. Doris Reinholdt, 703 Nevada, Longview 119a Kenneth L. Shobe, 13 Ft. Hill Ave., Petersburg 10% Julia Shobe Nelson, 1110 S. 10th, Mt. Vernon 36b Mrs. "Brown Shobe", 207 Central Ave., Petersburgl09a Miss. Mabel Shobe, Palouse 89 Mrs. William Waddy, P0 Box 32lt, Petersburg 80 Mrs. Edith Black, 6909 124th St., Seattle 88 81b A. H. Clower, 8 Ifjrrtle Ave., Petersburg 110 Gerald Black, 6909 12Uth St., Seattle 88 8lb George Harmon, Petersburg 80 Mrs. John A. Shobe, 612 Haines, Sedro Wooley 19b Mrs. Anna Shobe Green, Petersburg 60 Mrs. Mabel Wergeland, 281? E. Diamond, Spokane 36a Mrs. Homer Schell, Petersburg 123 Richard Ab. Shobe, 4309 Winston Drive, Spokane 89 Andrew Evans, Rawlings 123 Mrs. Mary Reynolds, R #1, Box 51, Walla Walla 81 Mr3. John Lambert, Rio 123 Mrs. Ruby Jennings, 834I 196th, West Edmonds 19a James "Boss" Evans, Rio 123 Mrs. Marie Shobe Johnson, lacolt 131 Victor N. Plauger, Upper Tract 108 Mrs. A. B. McCombs, R #3, Box 38O, Everett 19a Elizabeth White, R #3,2810 Pt. Pleasant,WellsburgU6 Mrs. Hazel Christianson, R #3, Box 222,Anacortesl9a West Virginia Wyoming Mrs. Paul W. Dawson, Arthur 109a Floyd A. Bergstrom, Newcastle 80b William Shobe, Cappon Bridge 109a Homer Shobe, 902 Golf Bldg., Clarksburg 59 Mrs. Edith Judy, Davis Clyde F. Hady, Dry Fork 108 Mrs. Orrie Shobe Fisher, Fisher 60 Mrs. Sally Shobe Scott, Fisher 61 Charles Alexander Shobe, Elkins 76 Mrs. Robert Hawk, Elk Garden 117 Clifton Shobe, Hopemont 107 Ross Taylor Wright, 326 W. 12th, Huntington 21 John Wellington Shobe, Box 86, Keyser 116 Mrs. Clarice Shobe, R #3, Keyser 109a Mary Shobe Burns, 208 S. Water St., Keyser 109a Elizabeth Rotruck, 2I4 East St., Keyser 109a Edgar J. Shobe, P0 Box 286, Keyser 116