
Comparison: Android vs IOS for mediography 2016.12 Pure Android phone iPhone 6s and later (, , (iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, , , Pixel XL) iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus)

Works with Project Fi? 100%, Officially, no... (see my related article) including seamless switching Unofficially yes... between WiFi, US Cellular, but only as well as an iPhone Sprint and T-Mobile, can work solely with T-Mobile, including WiFi and including WiFi and T-Mobile’s coveted T-Mobile’s coveted 700 MHz band 700 MHz band.

(It can’t use the US Cellular and Sprint networks —until if and when— Apple and Google make it official.)

Over 130 countries Yes! Yes! with data roaming at no With Project Fi With Project Fi extra cost or T-Mobile (Simple Choice) or T-Mobile (Simple Choice) as your primary carrier. as your primary carrier.

Allows 5GHz personal Yes! No! hotspot? (See this article) What’s up with that Apple? It has been four generations since you added 5 GHz to the original iPhone 5. It’s about time you make it available for the personal hotspot.

Allows WiFi Analyzer Yes! No! or equivalent (See this article)

Still photos Tie Tie

Video with FiLMiC Pro, Tie Tie including 4K UHD at 100 megabits per second

Mono direct native Recording quality is a tie. Recording quality is a tie. 48 kHz audio recording from a single digital Regarding Regarding microphone, using my confidence monitoring: confidence monitoring: recommended apps Unless the digital mic has its Latency for live audio monitoring own latency-free monitoring from latest iPhone models is feature (i.e. RØDE NT-USB), acceptable, although hardware live confidence is presently latency-free monitoring is still visual only from a pure best, together with visual Android Google phone. See confidence. Examples that the iRig Pro Duo interface provide hardware latency-free ​ ​ below, since it includes this monitoring include the i-XLR ​ feature. and iRig Pro Duo, listed below. ​ ​

(Some Android phones can allegedly offer latency-free monitoring, but at 44.1 kHz, which is non-standard for video. Additionally, I prefer the pure Android experience, along with guaranteed monthly security updates directly from Google, and free of bloatware on the device.) i-XLR from RØDE Not currently available for Yes! Android.

IRig Pro Duo to record Yes! Yes! from 2 discrete balanced XLR sources, With latency-free monitoring! With latency-free monitoring! to record stereo or dual mono

Directly attached digital Not to my knowledge. Yes! stereo microphone to ?

Muticam wireless live Hangouts on Air Hangouts on Air streaming Switcher Studio Teradek’s Live:AirSolo © Allan Tépper/TecnoTur LLC