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Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

12-17-1912 Santa Fe New Mexican, 12-17-1912 New Mexican Printing company

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Recommended Citation New Mexican Printing company. "Santa Fe New Mexican, 12-17-1912." (1912). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sfnm_news/3671

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j FER him r-j-usr t J jrLTiE: I GET HIM SOMETHIN" GOOD BIG - -- XJ'v TO STOP WAR -l MUSEFUL LIKE, ft GOOD AND THE STANDARD mMrriWV rtTVSr- quarter o socks I f OyA 0tERR OR prir l V 4 NECKTIE, f f--






: IT. was London, lien. An obstacle might hamper its action, while a Washington. I). C. Dec. ter referred to. can see you ill New encountered today among the Balkan European court would find itself in It. Hearst produced today several Vork any day if you have any sugges- and Turkish plenipotentiaries gather- readier condition, having for years new letters bearing; upon Ihe alleged tion to make. think I tie matter is of ed here to bring about peace, in the followed the aspirations of the differ- political activities of John I). Arch-bol- considerable importance and 1 can absence of Greece's signature to the ent races constituting the Balkan fam- and the standard Oil company. .'how Senator Aldrich where such iih armistice protocol. The delegates ily." Mr. Hearst testified that he knew no- appointment would be desired. If found it necessary to adjourn with- Dr. S. Daneff, speaker of the Bul- thing as to the incidents related in necessary, I can see you in Xew Vork out effecting any real business. They garian parliament, presided today. the letters or til" circumstances un- or I can talk lo you over the phone will not meet again until laie ton The first business of the conference der which Mr. Archbold might have from the headquarters of the repub- Thursday afternoon and in the mean- was the appointment of secretaries. sent money to former Senator Foru-he- r lican stall' committee. Locust street. I time will communicate with their gov- It. was decided that each delegation of Ohio, and former Representa- Philadelphia, " here shall lie during 'he ernments. should appoint a man to act as secre- tive Joseph ('. Sibley, of Pennsylvania, present month." to whom some of the letters were ad- .Mr. Hearst suggested Mr. Eddy After their adjournment, Dr. S. tary if the conference on the day dressed. The publisher was lie chief .probably would be willing to appear Dmieff, leader of the Bulgarian deh when the chief of the mission to which witness at the committee's short ses-- ( to tell how Ihe letters were taken - he belonged was in the chair. Thin Kilt ion and president of today s coir- lie1'I'lom the Standard Oil will occur in the order sion today. Two of the letters company files. ference, confirmed the report that the alphabetical in ' The letter from John D. - produced had been made public Archbold had been un- jof tin; states at the con- question of the protocol represented litis, he in a at to Senator J. 11. l'oraker about the l'erence. Thus a said, speech Columbus, der discussion without a decision be- Bulgarian secretary Ohio. were from John D. Arch- - loan was dated January 22, undertook ihe secretarial du- - They ing reached. It is understood that 'today .bold and referred to a projected loan 1002, and read: 'ties of the conference. The dele- - j the powers of the Turkish plenipo- of $:0.nn;l to Senator Foraker to be "Referring to our talk of yesterday then cv r w tentiaries do not authorize them to .gates exchanged credentials, repaid by installments. .Mr. Hearst1 Ihe telephone, we are illing to recognize the Hellenic delegates un- Scdila-Bahr- . Dardanelles, Dec. 17. told the conimitlee lie had been in- - make the loan $.Vl,iiOil, $2.1, lido to be less Greece signs the armistice and Another naval battle w as begun be-- ' formed that the money was repaid. returned within the year and the re- therefore they were obliged to refer tween the Turkish and Creek fleets With (lie testimony of .Mr. Hearst maining $2.".0ii(i to be paid in annual tin? matter to Constantinople before this morning outside the entrance to and John Kennedy, the latter a wit-- i payments thereafter. All to bear in- terest at o proceeding with the conference. the Dardanelles straits. The firing HOW NEW YORK HE BELIEUED 'net's called at the request of Senator per cent. PORTUGUESE PLOT TO to tell of 'Trusting you will succeed in con- - The Greek representatives refused was very heavy. How many vessels COPJTROLS THE EVERY Oliver Senator Penrose's,1 !;ru is not known, HAND WAS consolidation with the industrial ,n" waller as you desire, to sign the protocol when invited to engaged 1 MONEY GAME mission, the committee adjourned to am, do so today, pointing out that it would BeriieSwitzerland .Dec. IT, The OVERTHROW POWER AGAINST HIM "Yours s meet when called by Chairman Clapp. very truly. no as the Swiss in view of the pos-allie- make practical difference, government, us first "JOHN D. ARCHBOLD." -- at- Hearst appeared the witness were united and the decision sibilities.' of in the D. Dec. 17. The e un- war, augmenting Washington, C, Santa Ana. Calif., Deo. at of the A question about campaign contri- amount of cash at its traction of from small banks the opening campaign of the conference would be binding ready command, money ARMY IMPLICATED IN CONSPIRACY TO usual pallor of the desperado who was which had come to a halt butions brought from Air. Hearst the Greece as well as the A of $3,0110,000 in gold throughout the country to New York upon others. consignment 'shot to death by militiamen yester-- i before election. The New York pub- statement that he had contributed 'it and City when the market shows DECLARE MILITARY DICTATORS-TRO- OPS 1;; In on the of silver arrived here by special money day after he stood off a sheriff's out- about $iii,ctii or $12,000 in 100S to speaking today subject a rate was posse lisher told the committee at the train from and was high for loans asked about Under-Shei'if- the foreign mediation in Balkan affairs, l'aris today lodged UNDER ARMS AND WAR- for hours, killed f Squires set that he had some otners that he Independent League committee for in the Swiss today by the house money trust in- the .ovhkov lien uie neau oi uie National bank. and wounded three deputies, led to had not made public. He first produc- national campaign. niojan IT. vestigating committee. SHIPS CLEARED FOR ACTION Servian delegation said: Iondon, Dec. The ambassadors 'the belief today that he was ed the photographic copies of the let- Another iter, dated January 2T, J. B. an accountant recently Mm-- of the great this af- Kevin, for the from John ). "The choice of the United States as European powers .released from a penitentiary. This ters already published and identified ', Archbold to J. B. ternoon heirnn their "conversation" committee, presented a mass of statis- Foraker. trniiniiii led be one. was strengthened by the armament lliem for the convenience of the com- a certificate of mediator would an excellent f .,t! tics showing the amount of money IT. A uui Lisbon, Portugal, Dec. plot found on dead man evi- mittee. deposit for $.Mi.iiiiu. This Mr. in held o the and his letter, The only fears this connection are in c.tose touch Willi each other in re- - for country banks by thirty-tw- to establish a military dictatorship in dent preparedness for Chairman Clapp asked Mr. Hearst Hearst said, lie had made public in a that the distance of the United States gard to the iirish-ip- nut of oriv DauKH anu trust companies desperate question high-powe- r if lie saw in IDiiN - events. He carried, a rifle ever the originals of the speech at Columbus, Ohio,. from the scene and its lack of knowl- the Balkan war. The met miu nit- uiuuuiiL ui money loaueti on, vMUn01 ui.iivivii. iqm, mm. diplomats a ; letters published in. his mue?.ine. Jle, Another letter from Mr. Ardibold to r"!lH securities in Xew w 'and retolver and jfg mipply of ani-- edge of the different complex p;:ob. 1:. the cabinet room of the British Vork Part of the army, as supposed to be he was not be Foraker City for these munition. Up to noon today, however, said certain but he daled .March 5, 1900, read: lems agitating' the Balkan peoples efgn office. country correspondents implicated. The cabinet was in ses- lieved he had seen this "1 to Mr. Xevin's showed lO.Ol.'i no progress toward the identification only photo beg enclose you herewith letter figures facsimile 'accounts for banks in In; sion all night. Troops were kept of the had been made. It. graphic copy. from our counsel, Air. Elliott, with country desperado "Of whom did ked Xew York institutions. He under arms and today in tne was various orders and you get, them?" copy of another very objectionable him with fundu for defense. explained) warships hoped poslal Senator ALLOWANCE OF that because the banks would not fur of the names of Clapp. bill recently introduced at Columbus. "Did anv of these letters lofei tr harbor cleared for action. scraps paper bearing Hearst hesitated a moment. i.ish to him the names - There undoubtedly will be uniform A MONTH the use of dynamite?" Buthr :is of their comi- Humors of an nature Oregon towns found in his pockets $10,000 - alarming "I am he "to sentiment atked. try correspondents, some of the ac- would aid in solving the mystery. anxious," began, testify against it in the oil section. FOR EXPLOSIONS counts might be spread over the city and caused great very fully to everything that I am Hope you can take care of it with the "Absolutely no." duplicated. Albert. Prather, one of the wounded - In o concerned in and every- "Did you know that McXnmar.i the thirty-tw- banks, .Mr. Xevin a nxiety. personally others." deputies may die of his injuries but of interest to this Do A Bid.. Dec. IT. John T. of the was said, on November 1, country banks' It was that a number thing inquiry. letter from Archbold to J. C. Sib- Indianapolis, secretary union, cigaged reported large the oilier two will recover. The con- feel this is essential to the X. Y., vice in a ?' .had on deposit $4S:!,000,nu() and in ad-- : you that ley, representative from Pennsylva- Butler, Buffalo, president dynamiting campaign of had assembled in the dition of .Myrtle Huff, the girl attack- or "1 dition had loaned on New York conspirators inquiry?" dated 1,3, "1 of the International Association did not.' Stock' ed nia, February iflol, said. Grand and were about to by the unknown man before his Senator that authen- be- Bridge and Structural Ironworkers. "Do you know of inslii:u' in Exchange securities $240,4SO,000. At Campo park Clapp replied - (o enclose you herewith certificate any come into the and seize the mem- battle with the 'deputies, was said to- of some of the letters had been testified as a defendant at. the dyna-- ! your career as a union official where that time, he said, the money market city ticity of deposit lo your favor for $3000 sent was On bers was also as- day not to be as serious as tit. first re- After members of the mite trial was carried on a r high. July 1, with money easy,! of the cabinet. It questioned. you at the request of Afr. Griscom, conspiracy today. dynamite pa iseng 'committee had insisted the in- the As the most union official train for unlawful he said, the country banks had only serted they intended to occupy Hie ported. upon purpose of which no doubt prominent purpose?" Mr. Hearst that you under- next to President Frank A1. Ryan $14I,02,S,ooo out in stock exchange government buildings and declare a Examination of the body of Squires formation, responded stand wilh him. loans. new " he got the copies of John Eddy, of Butler is charged with sanctioning an HOUSE WIVES TO WAGE government. today showed that while the officer lay "Permit me to improve this Air. London, author of four of the am- oppor- allowance of $10,000 a month to J. J.I WAR ON FOOD Before Xevin took the spind, The minister of war, tinder fatally wounded, under the rifle of also lo T3UST. acting in He tes- tunity express my high appre- in- ans-- - ides published a magazine. McXamara to pay for explosions, Xew York. Dec. IT. The national rieuenck i.ewisnon appeared and ' the orders of Ihe cabinet, kept cer- the desperado, the latter used his ciation of your most courteous and ef- Bos in cei lain WHICH tified he did not know of whom Eddy cluding those at Angeles. executive committee of the House- - questions yes- tain troops, whose loyalty was un- body as a target, sending bullet after ficient action in response to our re- ex- he declined to answer in con- procured the letters. Air. Hearst Butler testified he heard of four wives which was terday doubted, under arms. He also call-- , bullet into it. quest regarding the consideration of League, conducting nection with in then produced the several letters and plosions in Buffalo on the work of ' a crusade in Xew York for operations California ed out the wohle of the republican the subsidiary bill matter with Air. "I was In cheaper petroleum stock and the telegrams. The first was from Senator "open shop" contractors. announced a organizatioiT guards and the members of the repub-- 1 NOT GUILTY. n riscom." eggs, that meeting will of the California com Penrose to John 1). Archbold, dated Buffalo when one of these Petroleum puny. w Canon Dec. 1T. "Not explosions be held to conider for ex-- I lican secret society ho were all City. Colo., Pressed further to tell "1 today plans December I, :!, at Philadelphia, about getting occurred," he said. learned of the the to armed. guilty" was the verdict returned the others and tending campaign every large and read in part as follows: letters, Hearst said that Eddy was only through newspapers in the THE DAY by the jury in the trial if former in - city country. (N CONGRESS The minister of marine ordered all "I have wired Senator Aldrich lo his employ as a writer never knew who caused the destruc- Warden John Cleghorn, and magazine the war vessels in the harbor to take "hp' make an with him to at the time he him let-- ; tion of the work. Dynamite or vio- on of appointment, brought the favorable and to charges conspiracy discuss the matter referred to in your! ters but. had lence never was considered in the SENATE. tip positions prepare to defraud the and that Eddy paid nothing BUTTER TO BE CHEAPER. for eventualities. slate obtaining letter. It added that Penrose himsell to obtain of councils of the union." Convened at noon. money under false The possession them, Chicago, 111., Dec. IT. Butter pretenses. could meel Archbold in Xew York at; In connection with the explosion of Senator Kenyon spoke on interstate The night passed, however, without verdict was reached after T2 hours The second witness was J. L. Ken-- ! men who attended the r. time. A letter from John D. Arch-- j the Municipal at annual liquor shipment bill. any outbreak. deliberation. any nedy, of Cleveland, Ohio, a former building Springfield,; of bold to .1. II. then senator in BH1, Butler is ac- meeting the Elgin board of Wm. U. Foraker, member of the old industrial commis-- i April, Hearst, testifying before from .1. trade at which the quotations Ohio, expressed the willingness cused of meeting Ryan. .Michael campaign funds commit-- j sion of which Senator Penrose was investigating of Archbold to a loan $."i0, committee was out of i make of Young, Boston, and other officials at legislated tee, produced several new letters bear- - also a member. He declared the state- declared nun. Hartford, Ct to discuss explosions. existence, today that ing on political activities of John ment that Senator Penrose did some butter within the next three I). Hearst said lie knew nothing of the Butler identified letters written by - work on the commission which 'Archbold, and the Standard Oil com- to which re- for the ex- months will be facts any of the letters him to McXamara about various cheaper than it Standard Oil $25,-oii- ii pany. ferred. Another letter was from John company paid him penditures. ISy saying in one letter was a year ago. This predic- No President Tat't submitted for ap--j D. Archbold to former "was amusing." member of money was for a purpose he "didn't tion, they said, is not based on O Representative the lie proval names for members of commit;-- j TACTION Joseph O. Sibley in which he referred commission, said, took less in care to put writing," Butler said ho the abolition of the quotations sion to industrial part in the work than Senator Pen- to relations. lo an inclosed certificate or deposit of referred the arrest of a man in committee, but on the natural Court rose. When the was of impeachment resumed trial Portales, N. M. Dec. 14, 1912. mission form'' of cstab- - $.'..0110, "sent at the request of Air. report Buffalo charged with murder hi Pins-bur- g conditions of the market. government of Archbold. lished in the of which no ed, Air. Kennedy testified, he was and the union wanted to Judge fhe New Mexican , its stead. (iriscnm, purpose you provide HOUSE. doubt pointed a committee of one to Sen- Santa Fe, N. M. That the present "system" understand with him." get A ator Penrose's At first Convened at noon. c;in be upon without telegram from Senator Penrose signature. the In the matter of your statement that improved goes senator to Resumed consideration of Burnett question. to Mr. Archbold sent on December I. refused sign the report. you would publish certain brief state- - l!Ri:;, read in full: said, because lie did not TO illiteracy test immigration bill. Example A Texas county, return- Kennedy know WILSON FIGHT FOR menls on lne lax "Your letter of l.'ith was what it consent- Money trust investigating coniuiit-- 1 Wes"n ing more than $14,000,000 assessable the instant contained, but finally Mcxico- - tee resumed its with Freder--, leeched yesterday on my return from ed to attach his signature when he i hearing property, collects for all purpose, $63, PROGRESSIVES a in I IN N. J. to me a show- - trip British Columbia. have was assured it ick Bewisohn on stand. has occurred that COO. Roosevelt county, with less than that contained noth- : of in wired Senator Aldrich to make an ap- ing in conflict with the BANK ing interest Roosevelt county $2.C:0,C0O assessable collects republican THE HAD MOVED. property, pointment with him to discuss the inal- - ' night be of value. The difficulty in about $100,000. cents on platform. IT. Dec. 17. i Fifty the Trenton, X. J., Dec. Wood row think all they have to do is to wail to Trementon, Utah, After such is to be matter sufficiently brief. $100 in Texas and $5.00 on the $1C0 Wilson came back to the state house come back into power. will be laboring half the night to break into I They have been calling the attention of in New Mexico. All for in a fighting spirit and issued a warn- sorely disappointed. They cannot the old concrete money vaults of the our to two theoretically citizens items only, that the same Does it not fol-le- A ing to the voters of the sate apninst again impose upon the voters of Xew state bank of Trcmcntou, four rob- purposes. HUNDRED MILLION show on the tax roll for Roosevelt that ac- ' politicians who have opposed his pro- Jersey. If should in some evil bers were to discover only the "innocent" will they dismayed that county, for 1912. First The item of cumulate DOLLAR COMBINE gressive policies and who, he said, moment recover control of the party the bank had moved the property or expend time,, ON away day the total assessed property valuation In would again seek to control the stato will ruin the par- energy and sense New Mexico? A machinery they only previously. The robbers escaped after $1,92,863. Second The Item of the overnment as soon as he stepped ty and put it out of a battle provision for a "tax commission" was permanently pistol with Marshal Brown. total annual tax to bo collected Denver, Colo., Dec. IT. Back of the from the governorship. He urged that power. Every step take therefore, money attempted to be got in the constitu- through which the Denver and Rio they S-- i of their plans be blocked at once. to their should be ?f X V X X V therefrom, $99,113.83. tion. On the ground that "the end the power plants of Grande road runs from here to Salt power FLYNN IS HEAD Colorado and I'tah. and the electrifica- "I have been said the at once exposed and OF X The two items, in my opinion, rep- - would justify the means." Projected Lake City, it is said, is not irrigated surprised," stopped. U. S. tion of Rio s N SECRET SERVICE. resent and show a if from the Denver and Grande to extent at the president-elect'- statement, "by the "The of the need not miserable, not the systems then existing in the any great present people state D. IT. railroad. Is a mammoth to settle as to wnetner l mat 1 Washington, C, Dec. X cruel absurdity. The item of tax to states of Iowa, Wisconsin, etc., where plan time because of lack of irrigation fa- numerous inquiries j iear will become indift'erent - all of the e i William J. of New York be forced is, for this hitherto land cilities. The how- vould continue to take interest in the, so long as their confidence encourages Flynn, V county, extrava- successful headway had been made in merged companies, me y was appointed chief of the X No between Denver and Salt Lake City, ever plan to establish electrified political affairs of the states after to believe that they wish my aid ? gant beyond decency. such an taxation and other matters. The prop- 4' j ' nited States secret service X amount is osition e and the southwestern counties of stations with . assuming my duties as president, and and counsel. I shall in the future use by of money needed to enable was "shunted" at the appro-priat- pumping which it will X MacVeagh, of the treas- - X our in Colorado. ' furnish water to the yet I realize the significance of these every proper and legitimate power I Secretary government, time of peace, to "last moment." The interests entire area tribu- X to inquiries. Last summer I warned the have and every influence at my ury department, succeeding John X perform its essential functions among were afraid of it. It was left for the This scheme, of the organization, tary the railroad. of the state very explicitly that posal to support and assist new X E. Wilkie, now chief supervising X the six to seven thousand people in first legislature. Without an amend- was made known today when the of the men who formerly controlled and forces which have regenerated our X agent the customs service. He X the county. Besides, a citizen may ment to the constitution, the legisla- Electric Bond and Share company, a FUNK TO PRODUCE LETTERS. life X will assume tomorrow. discredited our politics were awaiting during the past two years... I shall his duties X not accomplish anything by way of ture can extend the powers of the subsidiary of the General Electric Chicago, 111., Dec. IT. C. S. Funk, the opportunity to recover their con--j not go slack on this business, for I X For many years Mr. Flynn has X' court procedure, the recording of title "state board of equaliaztion" so as to company, announced that the work of general manager of th International trol and were to find it. understand to X been in of the New York X conibina-even- t expecting my duty stand back of charge papers, be married, have children, die enable it to remedy the matter. In organizing the $100,(i(l(i,00ti Harvester company was requested to What I then said has been the in demo-verifie- d X division of the secret or abundantly progressive forces the service X be buried except he be subject to the "first legislature" fails, 'ion will begin today. The various produce further correspondence in what lias In thetcratic X by happened party everywhere and at every and during the early days of X exorbitant fee charges. The whole then, in the case of its members, the companies in the merger are the the government He interval. and I in inquiry today. juncture, feel that these mat X Mayor Oayoor s administration X matter is so absurd that it occurs to voter has the benefit of the "recall." I'tah Power and Light company, testified that he did not know where "I am aware of the fact that ters I am under keenly particular obligations X was deputy police commissioner X the casual observer, such as I am, terms expire in two and four corporated for $r2,ooo,(MiO; and the papers to the formation these men have so little for of conscience and to relating of respect gratitude the X of New York. X that the whole j Central Colorado Power in- - the were Xew "system" years. company, company filed, nor who was the voters of Jersey that they people of New I Jersey:" XXXXXXXXXXXX might better be abolished and a "corn- - W. E. INDSEY. (crporated for $29,000,000. The land responsible for them.


r ii r 1 "i


WORDS FROM HOME. PRIZE ORATION m i FACE DISGRACEFUL Statements That May Be Investigated of Santa Fe Citizens. Testinmony BY DAVID GRANT The Little Store When a Santa Fe citizen comes to WITH RASH the front, telling his friends and j YOU OUR 1 A can HAS BUILT UP REPUTATION FOR neighbors of his experience, you j ENTITLED, "BRING THEM THE LIGHT" AND reiy on ins Miueiii.. j ut? nmivun-jn- Scabs Would DELIVERED AT CONTEST OF THE Large Form, Fester of people residing in far away places HONEST QUALITY, and Break. Itching and Burning. do not command your confidence.; COLLEGE OF NEW YORK. tew HONEST MEASURE Home endorsement is the Kind that; Kept from Sleeping. Cuticura backs noun's Kidney Pills. Such tea-- , Soap and Ointment Cured. COME' 'timony is convincing. Investigation1 (Contributed.) and HONEST PRICES, a statement AVe below an oration delivered proves it true. Below is give fioux Falls, P. D. trnuhln of skin Tu lug one New Mexico s a son "yiy tr SEE1 Consequently we are not considering any Fake Piano Co- oi a Santa Fe resident. No stronger by of boys, disease started moivly ns a rasli on my faco ND ntract our V'ou proof of merit can be had. of Henry Grant, of Abiiiuiu. and iiiTk, but it grow and kept gotling to boost trade. get your money's - THL. worth when trade with Manuel Pelpado, 140 Canon St., San- The oration took first prize of $5(1 worse until lur;:o scans you t.t N. Mex., says: "The public at the annual contest would form, fester and G Fe, prize guiuking was on HflHIf W A' statement I in of Doan's the of the of New break. This just gave praise j0f college City the one sido of face, Pills in 1902 still holds good, my Kidney York and every citizen of our statu flit it boon scattered to tlio For four or five years 1 was subject wm fake pride in the achievement of other Bide. 1 suffered a C e GROCERY to attacks of backache, often so ot- New Mexico's own sons. (ireat deal esiieciully at WC HAVE work. I itch- ItvERy HER vere that I was unable to It is a feather in the state's cap as night on account of its bow tried viirinus remedies said to be , in t)l )t lv.,.1,1 a flvant vvtin ing and burning. 1 would .... Ni.mfr'li it and uf course that Southern Corner Santa Fe. No. 40. cures for such troubles, but nothing f fiulKhprl S1 11 rl pWwinpnt Plaza, Telephone fl,ijvpr,J,l hp lo much. was on I Kid Irritated very This rash WITH ALL CASH PURCHASES WE GIVE REGISTER TICKETS benefited me until used Poau's idea for those who were really the .. i.k--. xrm nnv.Hnia ..... T,ii, v,.. ...1.. urnvon ,r ., " ney i uci first Americans breaking .,ifc lots worso and forming larger i"""i')a cure wuicu".r niMWnixL their worth and effected The oration entitled, "liring Them sores. It l.e6 mo from slecpiug day or has to the present of months. faea been permanent up the Light," is as follows: iiiKlit for a couplo My ST time. My experience with Doan's looked dis;rr iceful, and I was almost ashamed Kidney Pills has been so gratifying Far across in the southwest of this to be seen my friends. ' us "A friend asked mo to Cuticura Soap COME TO OUR STORE AND BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS PRES- that I gladly recommend them." sreat continent, so insulated from try WHOLESALE AND RETAIL and Cutictir i. Ointment. I would bathe, my AND THEN YOUR FAMILY AND BE all- Price 5u j that the heart throbs of our eastern ENTS, FRIENDS WILL For sale by dealers. face with hut. water and a lot of Cuticura Foster-Milbur- n reach only as distant echoes, GLAD TO GET THEM. ents. Co., Buffalo, activity Soap, then I would put on tlio Cuticura in- DON'T MONEY AWAY ON BUY New York, sole agents for the United lie Arizona and New Mexico, the Ointment. In less than two days' time, THROW TRASH. states, l'ant states of our union. They are the soreness and inflammation had almost SOMETHING THAT IS COMMON SENSE. Remember the name Doan's and unique states indeed, for they bring entirely disappeared, and in four weeks' OF COURSE, WE HAVE PRETTY THINGS THAT WILL PLEASE Flour Potatoes and 5alt. take no other. with them a new kind of American. time you could not seo any of the rash. THE WIFE "HIM" AND THE CHILDREN. Hay, drain, Now race is without a spot of any kind. He speaks a different tongue. In his my Sole For INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD. I also use tlicra for my 6calp and hair. They j Agents veins there Hows no strain of -- ASSOCIATION lofty cured mo completely." (Signed) Misa WOOD DAVIS HARDWARE COMPANY. NEW England, Holland, nor any llirftchlns. Feb. 6, 1012. ALFALFA SEED. All kinds of flowers, (Tardea & field seeds in bulk and packages thrifty Pansy ORGANIZED IN blend of vivacious France. His ances- Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment aro Phone 14. If Its Hardware We Have It. Phone 14. sold throughout the world. Liberal sample uf try is freer, wilder, more natural " WINDMILL CITY each mai!-- d with ;!2-- Skin Hook. Ad- - The exclusive house in Santa Fe than that. His fathers swung the free, only grain dress Dost-car- d Boston." fell "Cuticura, Dopt.T, swords of bloody Spain and at "Tender-face- d men should use Cuticura X. Dec- 17. Geo. V. j : Denting. II.. he feet of ner rmle cro!48es planted 1n Soau v ing Stick, 25c Sample free. 400 Carpenter and H. K. Coble traded nn new world; his lnot!,ers were the,' Phone Black Phone Black :!20 acres of land here for acres of tnttt bronze-hue- d ELOWS WITH POKER. "arjstoic, dauBhters 45 LEO HERSCH 45 UeWitt, Ark., belonging to J. W. Bar-- . foI. whonl our cataracts first Indianapolis, lnd., Dec. 17. The and Car- - tacks. .Messrs. Barracks sang, for whom the bountiful bosom 'crash of breaking dishes and the sting to to - prnter have gone Arkansas f America first heaved forth its treas-- 1 of blow:: with a poker and a frying will be for jspect the land. They gone urps o(. g0i(PU corn. And now, after P"" took all the romance out of the weeks. It is the intention ol e married life of Alexander Michelovitch several t'njs twenty-fiv- years of patient strug-- to sell i accord-tb- e 'Messrs. Coble and Carpenter' e we nave conerred upon him citi-- ' Lochwitxky, a Russian Count, use to a filed LIGHT land and the divorce here, Arkansas zenshipi tne nam(, of true American . "ig complaint in in the Mini-- : The nobleman is an exile from his money developing land , ,e whJch h,s daim , older b N THESE DAYS OF MODERN METH . under of oal Wood Ibres valley. (,, a,,-- i ,m, .native country penalty being th. ;sent to Siberia. His wife was Edith Chas. A. Dieudonue, of Woodland, we have cursed him. ODS, Electricity plays a most impo- SAWED WOOD Dlt,ssing Dubose, of John Calif., died here Friday at tne great granddaughter A century ago his people were free Calhoun. She was secre-a- s I rtant part. The would home of his .1. E. Dieudonue. his private grandfather brother, the wind worshiped, bi fore The remains were interred in the very they tary their marriage, April 22, be amazed at the radiance of the mod- They held their own towns, governed DAWSON COAL Deming cemetery Saturday afternoon. lgn, themselves. The white stranger was Un0Wn in ern home and why all this ? To Joe. G. Koseborough sold to George Coun( i,0CilwUzVy ls light Domestic They had their quarrels as a and Lump Fancy Lump Fancy Egg W. Wafer his quarter section of land dianapolis lecturer writer make the home more homelike to make and their wars. The welkin rang ne an divorce. Loch-wit- one mile southeast of Myndus asl:s absolute lying their cries. Their arrows was home most on earth consideration ?3000 cash. witzky says he exiled because he the the pleasant spot Saturday, low the eagle, and a free school in and IT OF CRIGHTON." Mrs. Robert C. Crowell, of Los An- brought souring opened Russia, for mother and children. Good "BUY felled the massive buffalo. The giants that sii.ee to America he has' father, light Calif., who has been visiting coming O geles, of the forest tottered beneath their been in constant fear of being attacked is on the eyes is very much to be Phone One Double J. her Mrs. .las. R. Waddill for ' that easy sister, strokes. In scant moments of by Russian ni'wnl ...nnlrn t..ff QttTlft'J,. nlcrllt lustv agents. desired. Liie utiu tin an m iuv-- for Albuquerque, where she will ..t,.i peace t:n Ithev expressed their emotion as we in CHICAGO MAY TRY her daughter, Mrs. .1. D. Tinsley ...... ours. tnese were pnmi-T- GIVE DANCES. R. D. Sidey got his thumb crushed True, people - t Dec. off Saturday in a well drilling machine l'"'; ; nicago, dance which he was operating on the Chris - nans, tree trora oeer slops ana touac- - CAPITAL COAL YARD there was life, usefulness co where the of IHaithel place four miles east of town- '". activity juice, youth the city in the paw PHONE 85 MAIN. The Fl Paso X- - Southwestern Dllt Then, swept ponderous may enjojy themselves under proper of Americanism. First we seized soon be a on a daily train service between Dem-- I supervision, may given trial WHOLESALE their lands and dealt them out among in ing and Hermanas on the 15th. Thfl Chicago. AND RETAIL a re--; leaves at 7:13 a. m., ourselves. Did we ever give just i;Ht, Gf assambly rooms in Uiei POWER Wood jtiain Deming SWASTIKA LUMP FACTORY WOOD here from Hermanas at 4::0 turn? Did we ever hear their plea or public schools for dance halls was! arriving we set-- m. give ear to a protest? Then ' strongly urged before the council' CERRILLOS LUMP SAWED WOOD p. How IS QUITE SO CONVEN-- tied the quarrels for them. often j committee on schools, at its The Deming Melon and Produce as meeting, STEAM COAL CORD WOOD was there in our of Mrs. of the Wo-- ; was justice offerings Harry Hart, Chicago IENT as to touch the button and ALL sociation organized Saturday We on their art, man's club, .Mrs. Marie Leavitt of the ANTHRACITE COAL, 5IZES. in the rooms of the chamber peace? trampled levelling mocked their sacred customs with the court of domestic relations and Miss; your stove is ready to cook your Montezuma near A., T. & S. F. Railroad Depot. of commerce. The officers Avenue, following sneer that far more than the Kate Adams, former secretary to Le- N stings to 'were elected: C. presi-Uient- ; iron ready use, your toasted Ralph Ely, lash. We fettered their T. Steward, when chief of police, M. scorpion's .''"' Dr. J. AVilliams, wel' in-- , vacu- i untainted spirits with ironclad law. among the advocates of the ready for the hurried breakfast, your V. E, Holt, treasurer, and IV "ovation. 'Vv'e thrust them from the realms of op-- ' um cleaner for the washer About two hun- ready fray, your 11ediehek, secretary. we are even striv- dred acres were to canta- portunity. Today to cleanse, fan ready to cool the heat- pledged to stifle their Why? It ready ASK FOR TICKETS for the season, and ing language. Woman ed rooms. will do loupes coming is than our own? Has it per- Every Electricity every thing was less noble I Byrnes, of Chicago, desig- own? ts intcresteQ and should know for We furnish it at reasonable less tradition than our pbont the wonderful you. rates, SHIP YOUR FREIGHT nated sell-agen- t cf the association. haps All this we have done and what have MARVEL Whirling Spray infor- I.Mr. has had wide day and nsght Estimates and full To Byrnes experience we made of them? An idle, ambit ion-- , lr,e new vac'nal Syringe. CD A II CAMTA EC Paso Bisbee, Douglass and in this work. He marketed the La Ucst most convenient. t mation cheeerfully given. less race the prey of scheming politi- dearies instantly. I RUIT1 all points in New Mexico, Ari- - Junta crop last season, giving the cians, fit companions for the lizard Ask jur drufrsisi fur mil net 1 cents melon. At this If he cannot zona, Mexico and to the Pacific Coast, via NEVV MEXICO farmer per from supply an who gazes at them drowsily MARVEL, no other? meeting, the matter of employing but CENTRAL to Torrance thence. the scorching stones. Ay, we sei.d stainp for illustrated SANTA FE WATER & LIGHT CO. agricultural expert for the valley to bock It (jivfs full particu ; have cursed them. lars ani directions i.. valuable to ladies, advise with the farmers was also whAKVcL And how can we atone for this sin ca.,MLt2Jrf it.tet.Hcw R. H .Case stated what had our fellow-beings- ? I been done in this direction in against plead a, .already means, them education. the of the necessary simple firing The East way securing Build them standard schools. 1 ake 5 and also took occasion to em- - m 'funds, an interest in their lives and in their phasize the importance of the propo siticn. The mittee ll(lf, Kocau inem ironi uieir iuhk irLuaiii Best or rtf,.rti life of the a man, to a life new, real life, the employing competent provid- them the ed another thousand can be raised true American. Bring light! do not see the dawn of a NEW6) here locally. There is no doubt but Look, you Rooms and Per with the of the Pa-- j Wilh Bath, $1.50 $2.00 Day Route West what this money will be raised and a 'new clay opening .... inama canal? A new world competent agriculturist will be spreads; Oats before us, a new era of resplendent Quaker progress. We are only at earliest Rates and Full Information Address we cannot foresee accu- - Farina for MIRROR sunrise, yet ALBANY HOTEL JUDGE USES for the brilliance daz- - THE ! DISCOURAGE JAGS. rately, already 0 F P. AGENT, TO zles us. We can at vague EUGENE TEXAS. only guess FOX, EL PASO, magnitudes. And in the midst of all, Pettijohns 111., 17. "Bailiff, get Chicago, Iec. as it has aris-- 1 this man takf a ithe cry arises, already This is new for a Denver Hotel. a mirror and make en: are Americans Hearts something .1 1 1. n 1, I...... If ' tul-.l- Where the true Wheat jgoou .ou.v at ...... interest in those wy.rrJ , rooms with bath, $2.50 and $3.00 per fixed by Municipal Judge Hopkins defend them botu m Larger here todav when Robert L. Atkins, an:"golden regions n,;- and m the noble Cast.lian. Quaker one of these moderate priced rooms NEW MEXICO MILITARY INSTITUTE accountant, charged with intoxicatio- day. Try was before him. and will be New Fire brought y are we so blind? Corn with bath, you pleased. EO SWELL, NEW MEXICO. took a look and to Meal, Atkins begged There they arp the chiidren 0f our: Proof Annex, every room with batb.. be allowed to go to a Turkish bath. newest Those are 'The West Point of the Southwest. ' gtates languages of Hang that mirror to the wall back at are true Grains Gold, - their heritage birtn Xney of and let it or- Ranked as "Distinguished the rail stay there, ;Americans, And we ,(!ave them oon. acred Judge Hopkins. 'I want every " the U S. ned tQ rotu ,n Ule very Institution by man like this to be compelled to look j War at himself when he is brought to the Department. I iii-- i I do not speak YOU this court. would like to tTiiun rt trails IF r.neuiccl in tho beautiful I'ecns bar of ex-- 1 of from idle vanity, nor does empty LIKED YOUR V.i:c r..T;)!: a!;ovc so:i !ovf!, have a hie mirror put just outside - tc:l a.fcg.u-atio- taint ray words. I feel my- sunstene dav. ODen nir cell also. every cadi the chosen voice of 300,000 hu- - work throughout the entire ses- "If these men could see themselves ;self man souls in cruel oblivion, Thanksgiving Turkey NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. sion. flunUitions for physical ns it would cure oi living v x are half ' e f and niental are they in the fogs of ignor-anc- Ti. development them." groping today LET US Now Is The Time U. S. Land Office at Santa Fe, Xew ITiKA L such as cnniiot be found and But were ever oppression. November 25, 1912. elsewhi'te in Aroerira. Four- a of to pierce those HAVE YOUR Mexico, single gleam light To Have Your Upholstering and Notice is "given that Atilano teen officers and instructors, all mists and illume the faces. I know hereby from standard Ka st- ORDER Done. Work of New Mexico, who :niriuaies Eeware of Ointments for Catarrh would turn in mute Furniture Repairing Sanchez, Stanley, em Ten buildinTK. that every eye 15, 1902, made homestead "SIX colleges. That Contain Mercury. would of he Best. Prices Right, jor. August and tongue plead 0170T3-71S- 4 NW moderii in every respeet. as will the agony every CHRISTMAS entry No. for SE mercury surely destroy I : MAKE as do now WE 2 SYV 4 Section 24, and I'.efems sense of smell and completely de- us. E "Oh brother! You have wronged j NE 1-- 4 NW Section 25. Township K. A. CAHIXIX. President. range the whole system when enteri- Kitchen Cabinets, Step Ladders, 'We, the meek have come into your . .10 e x. m. I. K. UI1KA. Viee l'residutil ng it through the mucous surfaces. Counters, Shelving, IroningTables.iu n Hg .1 C V. fold. But us now Save ... - 1. AVHITK. Treasurer. I. , iiv.inl.lD til ,11, t1 Tlf-l- t lia IIQOrl give justice jiao iiicu ...j i v. v. SOUlS. JOHN XV. 1 - OUT SOllls, OUI" Utl OF ALL KINDS three-yea- r to establish claim 1 E, Secretary. nn rrpSnrintin9 frnm renil- famishing j RERAIR WORK proof, V. ..nl us before A. FIXLAV. table physicians, as the damage they KBrotners. Bring us the light, bring t .1 i l to the land above described, ana rl wmik.r C. V. C. Commr., at p For and iilusirated cat-jOu- will do is ten fold to the good the hope!" neauy neapiy Harry Kinsell, particulars you; on 6th address, inn derive from them. Hall's Stanley, New Mexico, the Hay possibly 1913. Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. SANTA CLAUS. of January, W. ' is names as witnesses: COL. JAS. WILLSON, Supt. C'henty .'i Co.', Toledo. Ohio, contains New York, Dec. 17. Santa Claus j.F.RHOADS Claimant 157 SANTA FE. !S. M Paulin no mercury, and is taken internally, to be barred from New York unless .Telephone W. :: Ventura Baros, Gutierrez, CANDIES Acuna. Luis R. Sanchez, all of ac ting directly upon the blood and nm-- : he is fireproof. Fire Commissioner Victor or-- N .M. ions finfaces of the In buy--. Johnson so ruled. To enforce his j It will not you to waste your Stanley, system. pay MANTEL R. OTERO, ;r.V Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you der the fire commissioner started out THE MODERN GROCERYGO. time writing out your legal form Fe-- New- w Ail. In th .Vew Mexican - thei Register. Subscribe for the Santa trit act the genuine. It is taken internal- inspectors to visit every store in when you can get them already print- boosts all Bees more in one day than you F. has a Claus. and tc Mexican, the paper that people and made in Toledo. Ohio, by city which Santa New Mexican Printing s - ed at the few-cent- - want ad costs but a the time and works for the upbuild- ian see in a month Trv on. J. & Co. Testimonials free, make sure that his whiskers and cos- A little Cheney wonderful results of our new State. Sold by druggists. Price 73c per tume are j and brings ing in the New Mexican. Work for the New Mexican. It Is (bottle. New Mexican want ads always when published A live paper makes a live town. working for you, for Santa Fe and Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- - New Mexican want ads. always! returns. Try one. i uvf! bring We are maUin" a live paper. Read it. i the new state ipation. bring returns. ytvnjvxnnnixnnnjxrvuuuuuvnj J PAGE THREE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1912. SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN

Ti: 1i mm Li K;t.i MOTORED 0VER!f I I jSL I What 0-r9- k I HOLIDAY SUGGESTIONS THE ENT wuk mL i '4 Gtfk, TO tfive 'A By Santa Fe's Up to Date Store So WORLD !

HALL AND KER SON THE PERPLEXING I .;'! MRS. W. A. ifK M A. HALL, WEALTHY NEW Christmas Problem ff 11 A YORKERS, HAVE TRAVELLED 37.-00- 0 jfl T Hon I ; B se Is Settled White MILES WITHOUT ANY MISHAP Very Easily HT EI Z ( Men Visiting everv country of the world R E For the Ladies For the in a Packard 1.". louring car: attending of V in lini.-lie-Le- nt the coronation King George If for "heer mid I I . Sterling Silwr .Military mon- You're imlkrivhii'ls. m Kngland, later seeing the same Looking Something A Hull Cml.ivllii. liel' or Felt Slippers. arch and his brilliant Indian court at the Delhi Durbar; witnessing the fun-- ; Arl ist ic Lace ( la M Slim in irrors. in of FOR HER ( ral of the .Mikado the dead night A Pair of Felt Slippers. Collar Boxes. as ii.iHXi mourners carried lighted Something She Will Enjoy Having and Wearing, torches and inarched tearfully to the' A ;i si it ( 'iilliir Set. All That Never Goes Silk Ties. weird march played on guttural toned Something Amiss, why Vnniiv Sets. Silk Socks. whistles: braving every kind" of tropi-- ; and Wat-ii- Fur Sets. eal (lime and food and battling with Silk Suspenders. the heavy snows on the continental JUST GIVE HER SLIPPERS Kimonas m -s- Silk uivide in this in short eeing Fownes or I lelll'.- - Cloves. country; Fine Linenr Mini Silk Waists. the world and its people such are Silk Fiubl-ella-- the achievements of an unpretentious If for i U'piiic Kveiiin; ( "(lillS. You're Looking Something of wo persons who were in 1 party Vlanieuiv Sets. Nice IHIHlkorelllels. !$ ' San la Ke for a few hours today. 15 .Mrs. I e- two consisted of A 'air of Fowiies or Cilia n I'l-- ar and ( 'a rd ( The party of FOR HIM William A. Hall and her son. Melvin ( K id 'cut inai'v (iliivcs. I Will A lioellix M II ff A. Hall, multimillionaires of New Something that He Will Enjoy Wearing and that A Cdinli ami llrusli Set. York City. Be a Source of the Greatest Comfort to Him, why then llu-- I I in t with more Silver .Ma si i Jails. they carried ForTthe House ot an air of culture than of wealth. liOiitlicr lia.s. And their machine it was equipped JUST GIVE HIM SLIPPERS I Linen Talile i )ny Silk losicrv. foi all emergencies. It contained I r. I Isoine ( 'I un v I 'iice-lla- even shovels, hoards, ropes and pro- Italian Silk 'mleruea am A- visions. &)' AoA - 3& I Phoenix Silk losicrv. Uurnl Pillow. Seated in the lobby of the Palace and tele-- ; Opera lias. And 'I'alile Cnveis. hotel, receiving answering from friends all over the land Fans. grams A Fine Pair of Blanket Mrs. Hall discussed this phenomena! Xmas i ami . ' (' in and Hosiery! liivakl'asl ups. tiip which began June. It'll, Hand I i ( the two New York-- ; A Swell Opera I 'oat. which has carried miles in remark-- ' Don't fail to see our most lot lie- -. its over ;:T,lino their A Pair of Leather 'Evening Slippers. ably efficient and faithful car. Beautiful Line of Hosiery. An Kveniiisr Oown. "We did not start out to be globe There is nothing more ac- she and loo- A Picture Frame. For the ginllers." said, smiling or appreci- Boys king almost young enough to be the, ceptable highly Ik Neck Ti sister instead of the mother of her, ated than hosiery for Xmas stalwart companion. "We began We have them For the Girls Nice New presents. motoring in Europe, went through the! in all kinds and prices for N ic Ma.-- li Pair .xcelsior Mine; ilialkans and then said: 'Why not do Fur Set. the orient'." We have done it and all; Nice New Suit. other countries. We have had the Women and Children! 1 01 1 Men, I'aii of Ki our and l tnniK we nave, Pair of Cloves. time of lives, ic. Coat. j proved that the outdoor life is the It ::;uro winner of perfect health." wi A ( 'nnili or llrii ;i Set. Slippers. Shoes "I know it seems almost absurd to Classy D ' js-.t- we have not had any motor, OF r r j that trouble in these days when cars give, FLUEG Jso much bother going over ordinary! Different Quality a few You are invited to see all the rest of our complete roads, but it is true, nevertheless. Of These are only suggestions, cordially course, we have used up many tires,; Yours to but until we arrived at. San Francisco stock. please, i or holiday We did not require any overhauling the machine. "Nor have we had any disagreeable; THE WHITE HOUSE experiences save the battle with the isnow crossing the continental divide. STOCK OI'EN TILL 9 O'CLOCK TILL CUKISTMAS FINEST ROADS. "Where are the linest roads in the HOLIDAY fares! world?" was asked. In the Philippine Islands," Mrs. would have helped. Just as the ofl'er-1n.t- r Hull replied instantly. "The reason, IT MriKES'A I will Rate of one fare for the round will be protected Unit yon and give help. .is plain: Over there a prize is given, trip DIFFERENCE Will M. Uoss, Stevens I'oinl, Wis. to the province which has the finest between all stations on the "I hear it WHOSE GIRL roads and then1 is keen rivalry. 1 called BLAZING HORSE might add that there are glaring errors about the Philippine Islands and they RIO GRANDE Some in a Wisconsin ; 'The years ago, SPEEDS DOWN are spread by supposedly well inform-- 'The city, there lived a certain rich man, in First of all, . id people this country. account Christmas and an and bountiful ilaush-ler- CITV STREETS father of only the climate in these islands is not a' Machine one the Christinas Seal machine Durini; of menace to the white man, provided New Year Holidays. 7. his Detroit, Dec. KickiiiK way tl.e white man adapts his life to tTie with the of a IniniiiiK hunt in the rear of with the out rcuntry as he must. Secondly, the with a - l'.i2 Chaiiilain streel, a horse are not fit for to its back Filipinos Stiver- - hlaziiiK blanket strapped ment nor will they be for fifty years SELLING DATES: human tun to the lire department at Lamed and The charming 23-24-- 25 IrhU streets and when hence. Fillipinos. December and 31 also Hiopelle engine as are, can not stand Human Brain.' Xo. !i came out of the tire bright they Cross company from the white man; do. brain; the horse followed them praise they 1, 1913. headquarters our idea of encourage-- 1 January to the hiirninK barn. p.ot understand back the islands are not a Seals Some b lieved to lie a mem-- i ment. Thirdly, RETURN LIMIT: person, on United States a Black Hand broke into financial burden the the auditor: He was speaking of tha OFFER AM her of gang, If it costs u' 1913. Thus spoke the barn early Friday oveiiins and but are January 3, In Health on a blanket sum to maintain our army there, Investment poured kerosene large in one of Hip iiiiu eu, nev is well snent for where j strapped to the back of Every Consumptive a field for imurei Vcur Lire l set tire to the blanket. the world is there better Properly Cared for two horses and For etc. call on or write local Against Tuberculosis 'As the blaze singed the horse's back maneuvers or a more strategic position tickets, reservations, your You to our VV. Every Seal Buy Dis the animal was driven franlic and for bidding forces strengthen or U. to Provide Hospitals, Sanatoria, of- ticket agent 5hea, Traveling Passenger Helps Nurses Cure side of in east? The islands K pensariea, and Visiting for the kicked out nearly the entire hand the far com- N. M. eminffto and Cure of Consumption in your in mad to es-- j and investors untold Agent. Santa Pe, the barn its attempt fer munity capitalists and Subtracting RED CROSS SEALS eu pe. wealth, but in the unsettled conditions Adding miV animal's is loath to PROTECT YOUR OWN HEALTH g Fire dropping from the over there, an investor put AND 'b.-iol- i set the barn on fire. The fire- - in money." was men made short work of the blaze, CHINA AND JAPAN. in-- ; Campaigns he approached for, on tin? coast in California for It will not pay you to waste h I is estimated that the damage Mrs. your a contribution by one of the workers, Discussing China and Japan, --" continued Airs. Mall, "and time and will amount to about Si'OO. The no mis- writing out your legal form JUL liis refusal was needlessly curt, Hall said that we need make see how 1liey are going to pieces.; Tvoewri burn and contents are owned by Sum-- en- when you can them 4 into of the get already print- cut sharply the spirit take about the Japanese they are uire holes make travel over them w (Wahl Adding Mechanism) all. uel Daralla. an Italian fruit peduler, ed at the New Mexican voting campaigner, aftir tirely out for the Japanese and are ' far from .safe or delightful, 'i'lie idea Printing the brain, the' work meant to her, but living at Vxl Champlaiii street, 1ompany. This machine does something that only nothing steadily encouraging the withdrawal lot building a loo foot road anyway, to show her interest. He refused to admit that he had is- been able to do that is, an opportunity of interests front their a narrow, well kept, road the hand, has hitherto no received any lUack Hand letters foreign lletter have directing Within the vettr. grim White are dishon- lei t on the same but several Italian women land. "They absolutely than these gigantic boulevards write and add (or subtract) page. licKtrover passed this man s way, and, lately, in business and in he had ene-ji.K- t est and untruthful to destruction." n out, clutched his daughter, living the house said Chi is all. It does such work more easily, aching sue-an- she declared. The Mr. Hall left at M But this not into womanhood. niies that were jealous of his diplomacy." Mrs. Hall and Christmas brain flowering young on the other sutterlng as whence and more accurately than the human her to his bosom. TIip 'cess in business. nese, hand, o'clock for l.as Vegas, they' and more rapidly, seized sys- to at 1!iL' they do with the political gralt will go to Raton and on Kansas; similar labor. man fought back, as men will fight for The premises t'liamplain lion-- has ever performed from to low, are strictly ' to tln-i- r home in New ihe things dear to them, but the fight street seem to be marked by the tem high City, finally New Year is m what it does and super- est in commercial dealings. .Mrs. Mall's husband will Thus the machine human ,as an unequal one. Like the flower Black Maud gang. Some time ago Wrk where wonder- human in the way it does it. fhe typified, the daughter drooped and a dynamite bomb was set off under 'The Chinese are to me the meet her. HOLIDAY RATES before - I he the street and ful of the future," she added, sent on request withered searing enemy, a house across many people Illustrated booklet it' i wish on this earth New One-thi- and with swift and merciless cruelty, windows were blown out. The barn "and had any ..Subscribe for the Santa F. One and rd Fare for the the of death her to the has been set on fire several times, it would In- - to live for fifty more years; boosts all scythe swept Mexican, the paper that, Round Trip Remington Typewriter Company harvest of eternity. Several horses confined in the barn to see that great giant awake." the time ami works for the upbuild- (Incorporated) with knives. situation. It was then hard upon a new seal bqve been slashed Discussing the Korean ing of our new State. TO ALL POINTS IN NEW MEXICO. traveler and stud 231 W. Street, Denver, Colorado. campaign and in the course of events WOOL MARKET GOOD. the distinguished Ik Champa worker this cer- cut said that Japan's treatment of Coio another approached Boston, Mass.. Dee. V.- -- Increased Denver, $18.70 tain rich man. Crushed and hiiniblei: do- Korea will rank as one of the great is in all lines of Colorado . . 16.50 the of he reach- activity reported of modern ages. Springs, by burden his sorrow, mestic wool, while values held very wrongs YOU KNOW A MAN ed book and filled out a JAVA. Ia4 check SUMATRA AND 15.15 lor his firm. The inquiry is well distributed Pueblo, Colo check a contribution-payi- ng .Mrs. Hall talked with the keenest NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. '.Salazar, Palma, X. M. for generous although, as usual, the heaviest trans-fer- 17.15 u debt to his conscience to a Sumatra, Has Canyon City MAXU El- - OTERO, have been in territory stock, both delight of the trip through Who J conscience that scarce could forgive. .Mo- of the Dutch East Indies and she pic- Department of the Interior, I'. S. Register. in original bags and graded. KIDNEY TROUBLE Dates of Sale, Dec. 23, 24, 25. Now, this man's check a year before 2(1 the interest in Office at Santa Fe, New Mexico, ntana staple brings cents and the tured graphically J I,and of itself, have-wipe- out the ournngou-tanp- s 30 31 ; Jan. 1, 1913. wouldn't, scoured product is held at till. Nearby motoring past trees with Many Have and also Dec. U, 1912. THE SECRET TERROR. disease not if it had been limbs and devastating fit ec-- wools are fairly active anil some hanging from their Notice ts Hereby given that Felipe The fear of sickness and written in the of a Rockefeller. Good for Return Passage until Jan. 3d haunting wealth good sales of .Michigan half blood at looking placidly on the motorists. heir to Maria Lucero, Decsd., is the secret terror of Nor, would it have saved his HIM I.ucero, helplessness perhaps, 2S 2 are Ohio fine washed "In Java we find a lesson for the TELL N. M., who. on 29th, the man. Health is his capi- as to reported. of Galisteo, May working daughter though who can say Delaine sells for "4. New Texas fall American to follow in the Philippines. The sume rate will apply for students Homestead .No. tal. diseases a man's W ho can what lives have Of and tt mhtimuui fare of J90C, made Entry Kidney sap that? say wools have takt u freely but Califor- The Dutch have been Ideal colonizers teachers, except for Ixits 3 and 4. Sec. 2, and strength and vitality. They lessen his been saved because a of two-fipte- fn.on will le collected and tickets will be on group nia wool is dull. and they have not suffered from a Hot 1 3. 1 a in Kidney Pills and Springs ? sale on flay school closes and one duy there- Lots and 2. Section ownstup earning capacity. Foley fighters fliave gone forth of climate. the heat of Faywood has back health and a CROUPY COUGHS AND WHEEZY change During after, on presentation of ccrtitlcates issued Kange 13 E. N. M. P. Meridian, bring strength by forced sanatoria onto Complacent ; In the all business is suspended l)V schools ami hy proper officer. of intention to make Five healing the disease. They are the and put visiting nurses at COLDS. day i signed filed notice people, retires and sleeps." NEW MEXICO. Limit of such tickets will he Jan. H. 1913. 0, claim to the best medicine made for kidney and work the of disease? The way to rid everyone vear proof, to establish cleaning up pools quickest, simplest ROAD PROBLEM HERE. before Register and bladder troubles. The genuine are in you are one of these, who,, the children of dangerous croup;.' WILL CURB HIM above described, Perhaps ' IT sub- - That the great problem for America J TJ. S. Land Office at Santa the yellow packages. Refuse any careless way, have been coughs and wheezy, stuffy colds is to For call on Tteepiver going your now is not building roads but And particulars anyAgt. on 1913. stitute. For sale by all druggists. saved from black despair, because them Foley's Honey and Tar only Fe, N. M., January U, give them was the declaration of the A., T. & S. F. R'y. as witnesses: some one, wlio atan i even Know you,, Compound. It gives almost instant re- keeping up, Claimant names world motoriste. Make A Friend For You. N. M.; Work for the New Mexican. It Is was thoughtful of your welfare. And lief and stops a cough promptly. II of the II. S. LUTZ, Santa Fe, N. M. Agustin Ramirez, Galisteo, is to see the 100 Agt., X. Fran- for you, for Santa l'e and so this man's check would not have soothes and heals. Contains no opia- "It simply amazing Emiterlo Chavez, Palma, M.; working a few ago a disease-ridde- n but it tes. For sale all foot wide roads built years cisco Chavez, Palma, N. M.; Faustin the new state. cleansed world, by druggists.

f'Si i

it r


ONE OF THE MOST ENTERTAINING THINGS j IF, NEW YORK IS GIVEN A CABINET Bar He vjas Capital OF THE SEASON WILL BE HONEY BOY POSITION AS THE -- SEEMS LIKELY, if: C FEETTALU .;C;.-7SS. It? o . WEIGHED laOLBS EVANS AND HIS ENTERTAINERS DEC- -i NEW YORK CONGRESSMAN MAY BE Schlitz ' Lemps EMBER 19. CHOSEN. p. BEER George ICvans and his "Honey l!oy" Wasliington, I). C, Dec. 1 7. Rep re-- ! ' Minstrels will appear at llie Kilts scntativo William C. Redfield, of California Wines Theater, Thursday, lJeceni'jer l!)tlt. Brooklyn, N. Y., chairman of the sub-- j New In its entirety, this year's pro- - committee of the house district com-- Old Taylor Whiskey due lieu is described as being ade- njittee, which, has just presented a re-- : quately Huge dand handsomely em-- j port on the purchasing methods of the bellished in a costuinic and scenic way District of Columbia,. Is being talked: PHONE 239. W. and presenting the diminutive coined- - of by democrats' as a strong possi-- ! ' V wins-- ; 55Sao Francisco Street. Uin'8. coi:..?rtlon of "idealized UiUty for the 'Wilson cabinet. The :t;elsy." cabinet position with which his name seuil-uircl- is most j Seated ;:i the usual with frequently mentioned is thai Members of the Texas delegation in interlo-- of of the of com- - Vaughn C'mnfort presiding as secretary department lhe l0llKe deeiared they believed they favor- - merce divid- - I ' 'cutor, th following minstrel and labor, which may be was true.. Mor-ite- s - ri,pol.t Representative i . ; when curtain ed into two the j s are aented the departments by pres- rls Sl,epl,ard wa's tne successful con-rise- on th.- beautiful scenic opening cut coming congress. Mr. Redflold's testant in the democratic party for six IN j Dill 1895 Toa Comedians name con-- .. t lange part: "The Floral Rower," also has been spoken of in ,, ,,.,., i,(.lrjinlr nn Mn-r- .lohn Kin; Sam Lee, Jack Kennedy, nection with the navy department. .'iaxon and Tommy Senator O'Gorman. of New York,! Here's Another of These Yarns About Raymond Hyde; ew Mexican want v1s. etvsys Singers .la . m Median, Jim Doherty, who will perhaps be consulted by Gov- - returns. Old-Tim- e bring Heroes of Baseball His- .Useph Gillvipie, Thomas Richards, Rrnor Wilson on cabinet matters, has!' i w tory. tan iiyal. .k.ck Lew eeu aim iong been an admirer of Representa-.I- c hn 1 leart-touehin- melo-- ; - Alexander. tive neli(,1(j anu- is generally under-dle-s In a bciuiii'ii! home at 1710 Golden of former days and popular songs cl00(1 t0 favo). him for a cnbIrlet place or fhe are Gate avenue. San Francisco, lives present rendered during 'if New york is t0 be represented, WMemorels HE stole loo bases liis divi.s.'on, which is to a Alexander Lange, real estate :i..:,i brought Hei'i'esentative Redfield held r .h.iKl, with ti,B rnmiitinn nf has Shoe Polishes FINESTI QUALITY LA3CEST VARIETY and the outfielder that erer tlle admiration of many members of; greatest HE'3 IN THE. REAL ESTATE BUSINESS the big Vt of the Friars' Frolic, led on a hall COUR1'ess 0W!U8 01 ,0 talK 1'layed Chicago team. OUT IN CAUIFOR.N! !bv Tommy Hvde, "1 want to Hear An '' al)illty 'S A NOW ,;bout the tariff. His tariff Where today is there a ball Irish Haul Play on St. Patrick's Day." speeches i . . to make a effort to but 41. lie is one of San Francisco's , .., , , .. 'll the recent campaign have become ! temerity genuine in .... ji ,i ii i iuii. jd.iyer fielder, runner an baiter'.' ...... i .. ii.i iiii tin, (ii Wil-- ; retire him. No infielder cared to II! 1.,,..: ri famous. It is said that Governor e ai'ierpiece is intended to be the piece Men who knew the great say-h- Bill scin to him in this .. slugger block him and risk broken hones. ness is large and Lange is reckoned a lang de resist.-nc- e of the This referred way: - production. . - Ll'-litl- facts' .info discus-- could hit Walsh, Marquard, Mathew- In ISiif. and '7, Lange led all Na- wealthy man. Today vear it Is called "lie C.ii "He gets the tariff son, Bender and Joe Wood tional base runners. In lSflli "In l!KKi when the American league Wood, just league r Guards' Rc;ception," and its book, as steadily as he Hit the offerings of he stole 100 bases and the next year was organized, was offered $7500 and He does not think the game is any-faste- rics and music are from the versatile the men of his that ho could SI!. He was the fourth man 1o steal S.'iii expenses to join the Boston or but says the publicity given Honey Roy." Evans in his favorite day; 1 leads c - RATE steal bases on Gibson, Archer, Street, ilOO bases between 1S90 and 1900. Chicago National league club," says baseball by the newspapers haraclei 'zntion of a roust-abou- t dark- APPLE ' Wilson or Meyers and field as bril- Stovey got his 15(! in the Players' Lange. "Detroit started to dicker, this conclusion by many people. ey of the levee, is. given the noni de CASE DECIDED i was liantly as Ty Cobb or Tris Speaker. league in 1890; Hamilton stole 102 u. with me, but they found out I was out! Longe's first real engagement guerre ci "Cicero Didimus Jones." ' LS91 115. in of the I was sue-- : Townsend in 1S91. The ,c0 as the "General Woof Lange was one of the largest men in and in stole Brown game permanently. with Port psendo Woof D. Dec. "GILT EDGE" tlia only Indies' shoe ilreMriu Hint - "Washington. 17. That 110. in the estate next attracted his batting, lie- is the of many laugh-A- s C, pneiiixi-l- contnhis Oil. lf!ark unci ruliHiH'i:i'; baseba.l and the fastest man the American association stole ci eding real business year, by instigator - , big that the assessed M. W. nnd cliihlr.un'i licmfs and pIhk-b- shines without j in 1Sfl:i charges Thomp- ever stood over six a was a terror, and determined to stick to it." Seattle him and he procreal'ng situations. The scenes of Mc. "FRENCH GLOSS," in,-- played. He feet batter Lange signed il s - &u"' s'uwl ' a,m lu alJ1"1 al "DANDY" 'n!iitiitinn 'or nnd more He was an extra base hitter of note. There is real news in this state- Capt. .Alison's White Stockings. lhe aftrr;)iece are laid in Hanitown, clcaninp. pol;h:;i:; and weighed than 200 pounds, joined N. a!l kind 8 of russet or tun plioes,-2."c- "STAR"eii!''. re- - Ala. Hspuiiola. M., for the transports A record In 1S9!) announced his "De. Go Lightly Guards" and "CUICK WHITE" (in form with 8poni.T):iiicl-lyi'lesnsai- which perhaps accounts for his soubri- glance at the tabulated ofment. Lange - liquid uon 01 10 Ju.',--- . shows! To Bill is the was as a "The D.i tghter of the Regiment," the aPP18 various- points wliifensd,rt.y ramus kIhn'h. lfr. quet of "Little Eva." his seven years with Chicago Lange, Willie Keeler tirement, which regarded - . 1 ..: i I., l... "Ai Bft" Tl fAMC anri WM TFC clinic In r .A ltuua v .,i:r .1.,. r.,.nc It was a to see Lani;e what an effective individual "Little greatest player that ever lived and bluff by the public and ball players, latter ndered by Charles llilliard "'" ;, pleasure & Santa Fe coin- - inc. In l:;r ;e uluiniuuin ho:.es, was the war club and on Amos Rusie is the who didn't know Lange. the relied and artistic delineator of80". Topeka railway HKnge, handsosici, single, or walk to first. Like a flash Eva" with greatest pitcher et wnn Hpnne, y.c. v.omanl. :nd, both melodies written lul3'. al., are unreasonable, is the "ELITE" coinliinat ion for pontlemon who he was off for second, and it was bet- the paths. A BILL LANGE'S SEVEN-YEA- R RECORD. the Rov" are its souk of the interstate commerce in having their ehorB l(ok I. Kt'stons rnlor ter than an even bet he would be safe. And he retired In his prime, never "Hcney hits, nnd hiatreloull black nhors. Poiiph wilh a hruUi old "Sein'narv Davs," a novel and ' ommission recently rendered. Air. orcloth,25ci'nts. "BABY ELITE" ei.e, 10 A few a s to return. He did not wait for age Ail. R. H. TH. Sli. Sll. Ave. song r l )( lightning strides, slide and Rank un- - your ilen lor clues not, Ueep lie ind yi.u wntit. Men,1 bat-lis'.i- K. Thompson alleged that aside from In l sixe ut.U. cloud of dust, a second to cut into his or dim his 45S 92 1:!2 ... 26 4!) .288 dance creation by James Gorman. prke sfnuips l.ir ull imekiine, elmryvF frightened speed ...S3 3UKt WHITTEMORE BROS. & CO., all Cohan liar-- 1 charges he was discriminated) baseman or was He while the quitting islm . . .2S S7 199 71 ..'124 stage manager for and 20-2- 6 Mats. shortstop, and Lange ting eye. quit reason of the defendants' Albany Street, Cambridge, safe. was and refused the siren call to 1805 179 120 ISO 277 9 79 .::ss l is productions, is the second part, lagainst, by g Tie Olttrst aitit .aryf t Mt;n t'actutcrs oj good - Shoe Polishes in the Wot id. ...8 Kini:. hi-- ! failure to extend certain desired di- went into second like a wind- return. He is the only great player sin! ...28 4(59 114 Kill 10u .:i:! Beside ;:troducinc John the Lange i stoppage-in-transi- t - 7 Ram 'version and privi- - mill while able to com-jiN- 4S2 119 170 2::: 9 s:: .:-- conipar:-bl- wench pcrsonalor and r" on the large. His arms and legs to leave the game ...12 - 4.19 79 140 199 7 23 .:::!2 Lte. th:- simulator of a "lio account f leges to the traffic in question. The whirled in all directions and his speed niand a large salary, and stay away. ; 1S9S ...12 2:5 r.o it furnishes for were made 1910 and j was terrific. Few men had the Today Lange is a young man, being 1N9!1 ...20 420 SI i::5 19(5 .:!24 niggah." opportunity shipments during Pfl T)P Aflift'f'Of CvClC the giv'ng of a clever saltatorial ex-- 1 and the declared complainant 4 Horse Power hibition by the contingent of dancers that the defendants were in several next with the show. The members of the leases him A WOMAN HAS NO MARKET JOE JACKSON BUYS FARM. ling editor today he writes: "I am for a $10,0(10 contract year, said: unable to quote the rates PRICE, $165.00 I in- - of me company are in the roles of con- - VALUE IS PLEA. Joe Jackson, Nap slugger extraor .forry to say cannot give you any 'That kind talk makes tired, presented applicable to the shipments and With Imported Magneto. If it was a to some dusky belles and sportive beaux in Motorcycle without adouht with trouble diiiary,' is preparing to retire from formation regarding myself and the( only game get tended therefore that the intermediate nt I a - left the factory. to word the of 19i:, as a recent letter from advertisement would not say a miss ueautiiui picture 01 girts senu- with their re-- Washington, D. C, Dec. 17. On the baseball, according from (Tigers cheap ,ites varying minima in-- j nary in the southland. . Jacksons, w ho are spending the winter Mr. Navin has made me lose all word. Rut Marquard should have suited in excessive and unreasonable ground that the white slave act was : S. C. terest as far as the Detroit team is con-- gone after that kind of advertising which snow aim in with the designed to prohibit trafficking in wo- at Brandon Mill, monologues, charges, comparison the cerned. I have been looking long ago instead of the kind he got in his vein, and a clever men and not to forbid immoral acts, Joe wants more money than Nap busy ehappiest through rates. club offers him for the next season. alter my future interests, the nature in being mixed up with some woman terpsiclioreuti exhibition by Tommy Benjamin C. Bacharach, attorney for As it was pointed out, the shipper He says he has saved practically all lot' which I do not. care to divulge at, who happens 1o be another man's wife, Hyde feature the olio. ' filed in su- - to find a good market for his Jack Johnson, today the of time. I will soon make a state- failing the moiiey he has made out baselthis in preme court, an argument to show to to them goods, left the apples the car until ball and has about decided the Detroit fans giving i be on just buyjment he could of them or that Johnson should acquitted a real reasons 1 Have been forced dispose reship farm near his home. why A YS to the indictment, of having violated the lo ONE OF THE GREA TEST PL them some other place for final LIGHT SILENT AND RELIABI.K. "I have always liked farming and ,j quit Detroit." law. The further disposition. The commission held,! attorney argued believe I can make as much out of it fiF I ATF YFEHIKOAUK IDfQ THF1 (OTTV PASH BROS., Ajrts., SantaFe that exceeded its in I nC .1 )hel.ef0I.Pi tllat the carriers' congress 1 equipment powers as could in baseball," says Joe. McGRAWS SCOFFS MARQUARD. i.i ll' " - ' was used for passing the act as a regulation of the DUBUC "LOSES ALL INTEREST." New York. Dec. 19. John .1. Mc- really storage purposes (K. a interstate commerce commission be- Dec. 19. Jean Dubuc, Graw, of the New York and that demurrage charge of $1 per ' Detroit, Mich., manager new mown i to with . cause woman no Would you rather smell keep up your llC'ighboiS. .inv W;K. ij,w,.,. the circnmslHiic-PK- not "a has market value" on the Giants is sore at Rube .Marquard. - the only dependable pitcher breathe in Cheating, lying, stealing almost be- and therefore does not come under the start' announces he is to recent hav in the country or, unreasonable. last year, Graw, referring Marquard's comes a because all you of an to the on Fifth avenue? pleasure, bar- W.M jurisdiction interstate commerce through witli the Detroit club for good, .escapades witli actress and gasoline wnllt nf "Tilt, f'irv" ia wli'it von nun Mr. Thompson declared that, regulations. in n received here a sport-- : boasts that he will hold out -- the where the the Ks- - letter by pitcher's "The Country" place o(U Qf .f ,,,very walk ()f He , ring accident, apple crop at this will he about luo ita'i, big blissful moments of freedom lw ci,. is a .Marathon, but the goal pauola year soul--wher- cars, of which his would are drunk into the very is not stationary. It's like the horizon, proportion JEALOUS be about 20 to 40 cars. The commit!-- : JUDAS ISCARIOT NOT WHOLLY BAD. BUT INSANELY live-- - live, in the clean, "No man can reach it." INSURANCE they really sion held that the complainant and free of an unbounded Take your choice, The Country or SAYS MAN WHO IMPERSONATED THE BETRAYER. wide, sweep other shippers at that place arc there- and breathe untainted air, The City, but in any event see Clyde horizon, fore entitled to joint through rates. Here are Ihree of the principal limitless as the itself. It stimu- Fitch's greatest and last play, "The sky The commission ordered that the de- - Fire, Life, Accident, in of builds Mnew and muscle. City." At the Klks' theatre Saturday, characters the wonderful "Life lates, bone, fendants, the Denver ii Rio Grande Plate Etc. Etc Nature put this tonic in the country December 21. Glass, Christ" pictures which the Daily railway company, the Atchison, To-- j for - "Sunshine" "rain" "the Hugo B. Koch, who is this season is you- t Santa Ke company and printing. smell of the earth" "the of starring in "The City" under the peka railway spieces Santa Fe, Brescott. Phoenix rail- - Gene (Jauntier, leading woman for the "the odors of the hem- le.Mii.'ioemeiit nf Die TTnitorl Vlnv rnni REAL ESTATE a pine" wa-- company pay he complainant, o.i long time with the Kalem company, lock." Take it; it's yours. puny, says that when lie was eighteen took the of the In ' ' ' part gentle "Mary." years old and bt. Louis he ' V"' "The Citv" selfishness itself living G 5- 8, interest at the rate ot Robert G. Vignola, the first salaried .' devil '.or llseu to take in a everyone for himself and the p.nt gieat. many,' ...... , , , . ner cent Irnni December ., . 1910.- as Farms, player the Kalems ever had, was ., ,;:.,., nnmiti amateur... cais. ne '".,.' City Property, us all F... rmn, ' Jt ineacr cjne nicuc ... . '. - for the unreasonable "Judas."' little snot, where voui was cast lor a role in a piece....mat was Ranches, Orchards, cramped, The defendants w ere also Little Alice Hollister, whose heroine hrmithP tniiite.1 nir with being produced for the benefit of charges. Land Grants, Etc ordered to establish before .January idles in big southern war pictures are bitterness, trials, sorrows and local charity. fears, next for a period of two a uell known, was "Mary Magdalene." all into the "I thought 1 did well that years disappointments, ground perfectly rate not in excess of SOc per 100 Each of the went to the task walls around you, into the night," says Mr. Koch, Bonds three stamped recalling the; to a minimum car--' Surety - pounds, subject of over the lives of the j lloor you walk on. The city turns am- event, 'and when it was all over and living great llo-.i- of 30,000 a weight pounds'." Biblical characters in the very places bition into seliish greed. No matter lot of boys and girls had gathered j where lived, with a keen what you get. you want more. And in the ball room I asked them what they actually BAILEY MAY RESIGN, "AGAIN." Of All sense of the them. when you've got more and God they thought of my contribution. 'Was Kinds. obligation upon ... Washington, I). C, Dec. 17. Sena- months in the Land knows at what "It's not that you?' asked one girl, apparently They spent Holy price, tor Bailey declined today to discuss to the scenes. You slid want more. The astonished. x'Vhy-er-yes- ,' I preparing reproduce enough." replied. public reports that he will resign Telephone 194 W., Room U in of the de- fastness of life makes temptation 'That's what some of the said. Each, speaking work, girls 1 that the Texas j about January and clares it to have been a wonderful after. You He to yourself, even and a lot of the boys, but I stuck up sought will elect Colonel R. M.' LAUGH LIN as to to that which is j for and denied it.'" legislature BUILDING, study from the personal standpoint God, gain required you Johnston, editor of the Houston Post, well as from the picture view. to fill out his term until March 4. SANTA FE - NEW MEXICO is one of the most prolific scenario writers among the photo players. One of her notable, recent picture productions, in which JOHNiHAMPEL, Proprietor. bhe also played the leading role, was "Down Through Dark Ages." She got the idea for it while in the Holy Land. COLORADO SALOON On this same while at Luxor, trip FINE .LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Egypt, another picture drama was be- WINES, ing played on the desert. Miss Gaunt- Family Trade Supplied. the of a American ier took part young 259 San Francisco SANTA FE, N. M. girl, captured by Bedouins. As she St. crossed the desert on her cnniel two hands of opposing Bedouins were sup- posed to sweep down, one of them capturing her. Miss Gauntier's camel stumbled and fell. Each band rushed PEERLESS BAR toward her, determined to carry oft the prize. But, to her surprise, the Fine and Domestic fight over her became real, not acting. Imported Wines, Liquors And the athletic Kalem girl was oblig- BOViJ ON THi; LEFT, GENE CAl'NTIEU. WHO TOOK THE BART j ed literally to beat off some of the 'OF MARY; ON BIGHT,. ALICE HOL LISTElt (MA BY MAGDALENE) AND AND CIGARS "rescuers" for her own safety's sake. BELOW, ItOBKHT G. VIGNOLA (JCDASl. ' i Robert G. has a new con- GREGG Vignola in recent-- ( the told nie. that they, the players,, & COLE, Preps. of "I a the Kalems played ception "Judas." spent ioi.g w the j 9 iy. He toed; an important part in felt ns if they ere really living BOBBBBSBBBSQECQ time studying the character of Judas," ' the picture called "The Missionaries," t c?nes which they portrayed. he "The common - says. conception, was m the or At- "i never have a won- - I who which played heart shall such think, is of a wholly bad man men rica. being one of the two white deri'ul experience again," she said to ; wrong and for whom ' premeditated in the All the rest were na-- i me, "as the long to Jerusalem there ?.as no excuse. I think the. un- picture. trip in their natural state. He has and fhe and inci-- ; 3HENRY KRICKe cause of his act of beti-aya- l lives study preparation derlying made his. name famous in Italian and dent to the taking of that picture." OF was jealousy. He felt that some of DISTRIBUTOR - Mexican Alice the disciples wore neaie.- to Clirisi parts. iloliislei; loves Cie part of the' with the! BEER than he and so, in a spirit of jealous A whisp of a girl star eyes Arab woman in "The Tragedy of LEMP'S KEG and BOTTLE he Him with a kiss. 'and smooth, silky hair took the part Desert" and lhe favorite wife in "The! IN BOTTLES rnire betrayed a BUDWEISER r.f "Msirv. M.vudak. ne. Mie lias Prisoner of the Harem." is the; uau UUIICitn0 it gmtrui.v..... ihnt.....v she kinds of Soda Waters made from Pure Distilled Alltf; lie saa-hav- e "Thr-Poacher'- Manufacturer of all Christ was to be crucified he must beautiful face with just a trace of girl in the Engiish picture. s environ-"Bob- " ' water. for Aztec Spriof Mineral Water. been overcome with remorse." ness around the eyes. The Pardon," written by Gene Agent - to the Nora Drew in new New Mex. Vignola is one of the charac- ment, the scenes, the fidelity Gauntier, and the TELEPHONE 35 J Santa Fe, Irish i ters in "Arrah Na Pogue," a picture Bible story were so truly followed, picture, "Kerry Cow,"

;1 .; 7: ...... :".'..: ..e.'V . Si t; TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1912. 17, SANTA' FE NEW MXICAN PACE FIVE

1 Eei23SnM8325JBSEI323 'T2!XiEgSSm3SSXn ffismfflsaraaiB FERSOMALS LOCL ITEMS, rts Craft s !, Sag Established 1856 Incorporated 1903 HAND-MAD- e V V V ARTICLES to the interest mani- s V CASH CHRISTMAS SALE (Owing great WEATHER. Hammered Brass Electric fested in the Personal Column, the THE P,e?ding Santa Ke, X. M.. Dec. Lamps; Hammered New Mexican requests its readers to Copper Reading SUGGESTIONS FOR Xew Mexico; fair: coo- Lamps' Deck Sets in Hammered send In mail (a will do) Tonight 13 KG MONDAY DEC. 16 by postcard in uud Brass and Letter INS or "31 items for ler southeast northwest Copper; Racks; by telephone (call J") Rocker this column. so the read- portions. Wednesday fair. Paper Cutters; Blotters; W By doing Hammered Tie Continues for 6 day 5 on all Ready to ear ers will confer a favor on the New Calendars; Racks; Wisk Broom Etched Match Mexican and on their friends. Com- Holders; Garments at reduction, Suits, Coats, IN TELEPHONING Holders; and munications sent by mail should bear Copper : : : CHRISTMAS if Brass Bowls and Belt Shirts and one piece dresses the of the The New Mexican, your business Trays: Pins; signature wriier). is Bar Pins: Hat Candle t about advertising, or Pine; Sticks. William l. Douglass, of tin; govern-ineti- subscriptions DON'T MISS SEEING THEM l cail "31 orders made on short notice. land otlieo, is a visitor in tin-oi- job work, please up W." If Special FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS. wish to to the editor or y. you cpeak give VV. .lack Collins Is reported hotter and .?ny news, pleai-- phone "31 J." LINDHARDT. ". Wheelbar- 'Automobiles, Bicycles, Wagons, his physician lias hopes of hiH early 125 Palace Ave. rows. Dells Furni- Gormley's General Store will have Chairs, Writing Desks, Tables, Trunks, leoovery. - .Christmas trees for sale. I'lume us A JULIUS H. GERDES. ture Sers, Drums,, Cradles, Tool Chests. Trains, 'Horse Col. ,lou' 1). Sena, court - supreme tiiii- orders, l'honc l:iY. aid, Air. C. A. .Martin, editor, printed Ma- clorli, is and is ex arfd Wagon, Chfna' Closets, Bureaus, Moving Picture improving rapidly OUR STORE IS OPEN EVENINGS. on December 17, a signed front page cted to bo out in a or two. chines, Dishes, Doll Beds, Tree Ornaments and hundreds pi day THE WHITE HOUSE. story on the lig boosters' meeting held (ieorge Wharton James, editor of: in : - New Mcxi-- : Santa Ke, and the article is by Dill, of other articles.. Out was a to Prince's History cf New West, visitor the city Drogan. The Kansas City Star also Me in .New co, Octavo, Illustrated, ipl. For today. is Mexico studying has earned a big on the FOR THE BIG it. sale Jty all booksellers. Sunday story FOLKS. the Indians, is said. The is in The Coronado restaurant lias meeting;. lioosttr Ctilh the LF SELiGMAN DRY GOODS CO. A.. (J. I'ollock, of the I', S. Indian put the southwest Bath Robes, Fine Umbrellas. Suit on a new chef i hat. will limelight throughout Smoking Jackets, service, arrived in the oily this uoo'i night, enable middle west. them to and Cases and Traveling Bags, Leather Collar Boxes, Gloves. en route to Washington, !). C, where serve lirst. class short orders - nil vour is so- Ties and Handkerchiefs. Collapsible Felt Covered Card ho will upend U.- holiday i. night long. patronage MOUNTAIN TOP PROVES licited. ,'1 Tables, Linen Lunch Cloths, Dresser Scarfs, Doillies Karl Green and .1. Porter .Jones THE LAST HOPE. from I will deliver whole dressed BUY YOUR XA1AS PRESENTS MERE and Guest Towels, Hand Bags, Silk Hote, Silk Kimonas have returned Kspanola where pigs .os Angeies, C ilif., Dec. 17. went and with tor at fli..'0 each if ordered and a assortment of Bamboo Baskets in they turkey hunting roasting up capa Island, the mouutaiii Special showing of Fancy Lao; 'oil tit's Cuff ma: large Japanese to I'uih . I marked success. Both are good marks- Friday night, the inst Frank top jutting out of the sea a few miles lanilnerebiels. l:it'''e assortment, to choos mm all new ) Hil the shapes. . en. - Soft. Linen or Si, I;. I.aiiies ilk men off Ventura, broke ill) the last remain- I'lox or 'are lloe Get the from doc- shades va lues : State Kngineef and Laud Commis- best results your hope today of those who still persist special sioner Krvion expect to leave this af- tor's careful diagnosis. li;;e your in believing that the sea has no' filled at ZooU's. Call and See ternoon for Trinidad to start thence prescriptions laiined liora'-- Kiuniey, the aviator, over the Rulon I'ass to see lor them Nothing better for Christmas gifts and his companion, Chester Lawrence, than a tine electric or selves conditions there in winter. grill percolator who vanished Saturday within an 210 SAN FRANCISCO ST. PHOM: 181 Judge A. J. Abbott, was a visitor in am! a score of other very appropriate hour after they had started on a m m the city from the Kilo de articles at the People's Fleet ric Sup- hydro-aeroplan- i lit I yesle'nhiy " from Newport SEL GMAN BROS. COMPANY II los Frijoles, and left tills morning for ply company. lleucli to San Francisco. his home. The Judge staled that the Yontz, the Jeweler, open evening-- ; The tug was despatched today to short cut road to the Frijoles was until p. in. si arch for the missing men on the SILK THE INSURE AND REST CONTENT. completed, and in line condition, HOSIERY, WELL shores of the island, which is popu- :::: Willi IIAVWARI) :::: KNOWN ONYX BRAND FOR which will be pleasant news to those lated only by seabirds and sheep, it nil in LADIES', GENT'S AND CHILDREN. who find pleasure visiting tin; cliff also to explore Santa Rosa, Santa ! THE It May Be YOUR Next dwellings. WHITE HOUSE. Harabar. and Sau Aliguel Islands. The Property Lamians Get License The .Mrs. William A. Hall and her son, county hitter are off the coure Kearney was clerk issued a license to wed to Pe- UNITED STATES BANK & TRUST CO. .Melvin T. Hall, millionaire globe gird pursuing when he disappeared, INSURE NOW - dro and Miss Alanueliia V-''- lers per Packard "4."" motor, passed Tudesquo Aluller, both of will be WITH HAYWARD through the city today on their way Lamy. They AND CAPITAL $50,000 OOj to their home in New York. They have married Thursday by Father liesset PRESIDENT-ELEC- GETS visited every country in the world of Our Ijitdy of Guadalupe church. A THREATENING LETTER. BE SURE since June, 19.11, and without a single Bright and New Skate Sharpeners, Newark, N. ,).. I lee. 7. Another let- Does to themselves or to their l.'c, ut (iOKHELS. ter Wood row Wilson with a General Banking Business t mishap threatening JOSEPH B. HAYWARD, MANAGER, ear. They were registered at the Pal-- ' FOi: RENT Two fiiriiislied rooms. deatli if he Vailed to deposit money in ace. privilege of hath. Palace avenue. a designated place was received re Room 8, Capital City Bank Building, Santa Fe, N. M. Your Solicited Air. and Airs, (ieorge Al. Flick, of Phone .2 ,1 or 13C W. cently by one of his secretaries, ll " Patronage OMahoiua City, left this morning for; Elegantly Furnished Rooms for rent. was unsigned and mailed in New York ! rsihAL ESTATE,;!! A Y WARD II AS IT. the Grand Canon, after a few days in The finest rooms in the city, having December 1L'. This became known Santa Fe. were erthusiastic electric light, steam heat and baths. h'-r- .this afternoon at the arraign-- : fi. B. 'President. W. E. GRIFFIN, Cashier. They imornm, about the "City With the Open date" The European Hotel, centrally incut of Warren and Jacob Dunn, J. B. LAMY, t. and exprssed a (le.ii" to return again State Progressive Headquart- titers and Seeley Davenport, all of soon. Air. Flick is a prominent Okla ers in the hotel. i Wharton, N. .1., arrested recently by Before decide what to for with lionu Citv capitalist. Airs. Flick is b you select jiostoflice inspectors charged well known newsnaner woman, beinii .vom' Xnw presents conn and sec sending threatening letters to the THE AKERS VVAGNER FURNITURE CO. one of tin1 charter nienihers of the Xa our big line of Zarapes, etc. Orders picsidt de-- i taken and tilled with tional League of American Pen We-- ' promptly any ' HAVE JUST RECEIVED A COMPLETE LINE OF A men. signs desired; lettering, etc. 11!) Don SHE GOT INSURANCE HOME .Montezuma ON A George Wharton James, editor of Caspar ave., opposite FAKE HUSBAND. hotel. I. OS FOR SALE "Out West" arrived in the city last ev- Angeles, Calif., Dec. 17. .Mrs. AT ft I DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOP .Mima who NEW in BARGAIN from Taos, and this morning in Jordan, collected $5,uuii J Something ening PING AT THE WHITE HOUSE company with Judge A. J. Abbott left life insurance, after she had buried a Koiorfast om House STORE OPEN FROM 8 A. M. TILL 9 man, a suicide, as her husband, was with Bath and Electric J for the Frijoles. After arriving at COLORS GUARANTEED FAST Lights; P. M. arrested ai the of RUQS tiuckman they will complete the bal- today instigation lot has a of 150 50 trees IF YOU WANT ANYTHING IN three fraternal chars-- ' v frontage feet, fruit and ance of the journey on foot in an en- organizations, If; Matting to Sun and Water lawn. Location one block and a half from State deavor to create a proper appetite for THE HOLIDAY LINE GO TO THE od with having obtained money under the spread which will await them on IWHITE HOUSE . false pretenses. Jordan was supposed to committed suicide last show of Capitol Building. arriving at. their destination. Mr. No play produced on the American have April Letjus you this'excellent assortment James is making n tour of tills part of stage in (he last iniarler century has at Ocean Park by hanging himself to LOW-PRICE- FLOOR COVERING the country and will remain in this 'Stirred nil such a amount a girder under a. roller coaster, nut lie OCT" U.NTSUAL "13S vicinity for sometime. of controversy and discussion as Clyde returned yesterday Fitch's greatest, and hist play "The A which is to lie here UNDERTAKING SPECIALTY U. C. & CO. Home City," presented WATSON Effective at the Elks on De- Remedy theater Saturday, magnpaHOHKHa INSURANCE REAL ESTATE SURFTY BONDS. for Tuberculosis cember st, exactly as produced for MBS. McGSLL ilt long run in Xew York and Chicago. It is ;i sei'iuiis I' iimlte when tli). hums It is find dramatic-piece- Phone, Red 189. A - a rare among are :il'i'ete)l. lrii nr to s.midi- BROKE UEORtiE WOSTHMH0LMI& SONS? Inntlll) IK Mul xllt.V l'l)'lviv hut it a play which is not only en solves m.);m-:i- Hi, In ii t 1 : : - j,,n hellle frieuils. 19 San Francisco Santa New Mexico- , tertaining and because of its' St., Fe, J ""Mile in- Heme) Inn lew :m ifi ly i).- - gripping Illl'll. I'.eklllllll'K .Mil' t V is It'eelive I'm- - sheer dramatic strength and intensity! Zw the Real FaCtS In Regard tO CELEBRATED SHEFFIELD POCKET KNIVES ! - ll.Hlie I fe:i t ni)"i t 'N:IUIili nut winch a of S. Alanine iM't'l'illlii'lll. .1. drives home jiumher How She ' A)'. Her Case and Tells IJi nlh'ineii In He f.'lll uf I'.MI.- en great moral truths with sledge haiu-ue- r Ir.'leleil .1 er. Uliiell . rele selth'il hlows. is a that Suffered. 'ii my liiim-.- i;. I t.eu.-il- to rniso play appeals j I m.v illll III. 'II llilll I to the man and sputum. tili' III)' average the highly e 11st Joner.boro, Ark. "I suffered a com-plel- irt ue tu I'il'iternhi tillllieiliiiti ly. At educated man tilihe. 100 I The company Over Patterns to sefect from at (his time v;ls iscil In Ink). I'ek- break down in health, some time Special Price., MULLIGAN & nan s A i.i I i V)'. I t.ieil hume mill sent here hy the Tnited Play com- DRUMMOUS' SAMPLES. RISING, :i kill!! II the ago," writes Mrs. A. from this enllimelleei) l:is eel; is an It JIcClll, li tnliiT. Ii pany exceedingly slrong one. Your chance for this I'Ullll In illiil)i e. mill the place. "I was weak and coultJ month only. first week in Inn mi r.v. limit. ri si it is headed hy Hugo I?. Koch. very FUNERAL DIRECTORS my remil.-i- e. ''i':iii)ui, hiMiim ,u;iiiieii it, FURS FOR LADIES', MISSES' OR cot do any work. I tried different . Ilillllllis, fully In lii'.'illli. ll is but did me no License Numbers, 4.M7. Day or Night Phone, 130 Red. new live veins shier Illy reenVer.V lliis t.een CHILDREN. IN GREAT VARIETY, reriedics, they ;;ood. .m-.l..)- I II It Iveklll.-lll'- GOEBEL mul liruise AT THE WHITE HOUSE. Cnc day, I got a hottlo of Cardui. It Next Door to Pos toffice, Allei.nive In.) lllclll.V. I ll:!e ll - Illemleil w Mil l'.i'!leit li sulls )') Manicure Tools, cuticle and null did me m rr.uch good, I was suriirised, 06( islaiHMli v. ,M. 'I'A I'KM. and look some more. s Alleliltive is eir el ive in llrnll- - scissors, orangM wood sticks, polish- DON'T WAIT 'TILL ITS TOO LATE 'llilis, Aslhlll:!. lluv Feve rillD.'ll llllti ers, the best Zook's Phar- Deforr) I took Cartful, I hr.d'hoadachc I. iii.il in quality. This i s a personal in vital ion ! to inspect our ne.v and lite;- lliiul.lis. ii.liiiiilinu ih,. cs:I I "very person system. I s II. .1 rillllilin lliisiiis. i,;,i;,,.si macy. and backache, son2etini"3 vrould select stock before elsewhere. - purcliitiii;r ur ; llrii's. .st,- I (or kef Mr. J. Ascension Rael, of this cry for hours. Now am over all our--Xni- : city that, In the selections for trade we have CORRICK telline, i.f i.leries. write in ui:iii c;nta!Uly kept your LIVERY BARN a i who is I l.liliiinileiy. I'lilhiii'lilii;i. I'.i.. fur mere v candidate for the ollice of and can do all kinds of housework. I needs in mind. We recognize tloit our interests are nnii.ua. Jo fore we tlelilO. 'll r s:i it- ll.V lilt lemlillH lllUKListS L' S. .Marshal, has the support of think it is the greatest medicine on can win your patioriaire wo niiist satisfy our demand": therefore, wu NOBBIEST OUTFITS IN THE CITY and hy Zook's Pharmacy in Santa Fe. many prominent democrats, not only earth." fully appreciate our responsibility in olVerinu' noii ciasy stock thai will meet those rciniieieents. from this county hut from different In tbn past fifty years, thousands of ot I lie state. .ir. Jiael has heen ladies have writtrn. like Mrs. McOill Sianles such as Ilianionds. Watches, Uir.ur. Scar! fins. Hull De- Buggies and Saddlers a Specialty.. a inciiiber of the dentocratic party to tell of the benefit received, from tachable Handle, Umbrellas all make aH'Vpi'iat; gifts, and we have M. S. KAUNE 8 CO. since he ctiat his Crwl vote, and ho has Cardui. hundreds of other appropriate articles that you tuny Muled from. (lacks and Baggage TraosJer. Attention and the Eest iihvays worked for the welfare of Such testimony, from earnest wom-- n, ( ipen evenings until ll p. in. Mail orders given prompt attention Prompt indicates the vahio his party with hin efforts and his surely great of this of Satisfaction Guaranteed. tonic remedy, for diseases peculiar to San Francisco Where Quality Governs the Price noncy. JTeveral times tilso, he has! Reliable Jeweler women. Are you a sufferer? Yes? Street i.een a c;nui;ih;:e for lifferent positions Cardui is the me'lioine you need. H. c. and Price Hie and di 104 DON GASPER ST. Telephone 9 W Quality! has .stood !':;:! with more enersy We urr;e you to try It. than if he he. n B t.ariirs' Oiatta--xiK- a had elected. .Mr. Uael N. Vrilttn: AJvlsnry Dent.. mj.' ijiji is well known as a VVdu ine Co., Ctuirnf.r.rtna, Ti't'n.. lor S;ur mI staunch democrat! Intmctl'inix. and hook, "Hume Trvtmaof and his si rviccs will be highly re-- , lur Wumen," sent ir pUin wrMDL:r, on rviueL warded if the appointment of 1". S. .Marshal is tendered to him. lie will! discharge the duties of the odice with efficiency and lo the satisfaction of ? the people. His friends are workins Why Waft jvith enerny to secure .Mr. Kael s ap- - Elk's Theatre point men!. Cer-Certai- THURSDAY DECEMBER 19 SEND YOUR OPTICAL REPAIRS DIRECT TO Absolute H. C. Ycntz, San Francisco street, THE 'Jewelry, Diamonds, etc. Open until !t best and first, of m. Largest, only class p. minstrel organization in the world 1 Getting What You Pay SMOK1NC JACKETS AND BATH 'POBES AT THE WHITE HOUSE, TAUPERT, For, and Sauing Money on j The first of the series of dances Each is the and socials, which have heen inaugu-- , Purchase, ra"(! under the :;n.':p5ee:; cf the ;;cv Dispensing " Foundation on which H. entertainment committee selected by KIT '' ithe local lod.,re of Elks will be given E. LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICO. S. KAUNE & CO. haue this evening at the club rooms and Built front indications this scries of dances Up the Largest and promises to eclipse anything of the Most kind ever before attempted in Santa Accurate Work-Qu- ick Returns ! Satisfactory Retail Fe. THE EXCLUSIVE MEN'S SHOE STORE. Grocery Business in the The committee passes upon all in- M vitations for Fe. those, other than Elks, K - City of Santa and their wives, and there is a scram- ry ryf'- 'f ;,'j y OCTA CriANCE TO SAVE MONEY.'SSI ble by those who desire to share in - the set FOR CASH ONLY.;- AT LOW pleasant evenings aside for PRICES these, socials. Standard $5.50 Shoes for If Vou Use Our Morrison's orchestra will s dispense Standard $4.53 Shoes for $3.30 EGGS the music and will commence FRESH -- dancing' POULTRY FOOD if Standard $3. CO Shoes for $2.50 at. 9 p. m. During the evening refresh- ments and lunch will be served on the EOYS1 SIZE. which is composed of Corn, Oats, Bran, Alfalfa Leaves and lower floor. Standard $2.50 Shoes fcr $2.00 Flowers all ground together. Steam it and feed it as a warm Rubber that i3 Our rubber While Riht Sixtv "Corkers' Standard $2.25 Shoes for $1.fc5 mash. The price is reduced to $2.00 per 100 lbs. goods guaranteed io be absolutely Two Cars ,f Sect'ety 1 PRATT'S REGULATOR, . . 25c per pkff. S. KAUNE CO. right in every respect. See our spe- Oiehrstra of EVERY SHOE GUARANTEED. I. 8 Corel t Hand of -- 2 GRANULATED BLOOD, . . . 5&c per lb. cial hot water bag, guaranteed for two years. ZooU's Pharmacy. I'HK'KS - - - T."o. fl.'Jtl 1.."0 GORMLEY'S GENERAL cuySJioad Where! Prices are Lowest BURNT LEATHER GOODS FROM Seats Sale Tuesday, Dec. 17 West Palace Avenue. STORE, 25C UP AT THE WHITE HOUSE. B. FISCHER'S UUl't; STORE TONNIES, .'.it or Sate Qualitv They Notice Us Tlie El Paso Her-- ' ha;e six SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1912.

THE SWITZERLAND OF AMERICA. CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND NET PROFITS, $250,000 Fe New Mexican R. J. PALEN, L. A. HUGHES, Santa President. Vice-Pre-ide- Fe Entered a Second Class .Matter at the Santa Postoffice THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SANTA FE The Santa Fe New Mexican Published Daily SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO. The New Mexican Review English Weekly The Oldest Bank in the State. Organized in 1870. El Nuevo Mexicano Spanish Weekly Time is the test of a bank's endurance and strength. The New Mexican Printing Co., Publishers Growth determines its adaptability to changing condi-- ' f tions. This bank has successfully withstood all the i country's financial and commercial disasters for over Bronson M. Cutting President o has as of General a. forty years. Its management regarded safety Charles M. Stauffer Manager u the first importance in banking, a tradition that still a on J. Wight biddings Editor HEADQUARTERS FOR HUNTERS. rules its policy, but the bank is not living its history to presen- William F. Brogan Associate Editor u but depends for Its prosperity upon adaptability Season Now en for All Kinds of Game, and there is plenty of it. Now is the H t-day needs. Commercial Bills discounted. Credit and Deposit Ac- SUBSCRIPTION RATKS time. Send for Illustrated Booklet. of Credit and Drafts issued on V) counts opened. Letters Countries. collected and cashed. Stock Ex- per year: by mail $5.0 Daily Per Ouarter, by mall $1.25 N M all Coupons Daiiy, THE VALLEY RANCH, VALLEY RANCH, Q Sales and Purchases effected. Telegraphic Dally, six months, by mail $2.50 Daily per quarter, by carrier $1.50 U change H transfers of money made. per $1.00 Weekly, six months 50 business house to establish Weekly, year but there is no reason why the doll Z It is important for every relations with a service-givin- g bank should deliberately be made repulsive. 3 banking strong, MORE DAYS FROM THE where credit can be had when required. If children drag their dolls about by REMARKS Exchange inactive funds for our t me Certificates the legs and bang their heads against SIDE LINE your TO SHOP the steam radiator, there is excuse of Deposit. Confer with our officers in to for their acts in the stupidity of par- regard your banking 99 business. News ents who present them with the little Be glad; don't g't mad; to be sad "All of Today's Today monstrosities which manufacturers is worse than bad. if you had the J. B. READ, McKANE, have contributed to the trade. trials of dad you migh. feel sad so Cashier. Assistant Cashier. There is no reason why the doll lie glad. FOUR PER CENT Per Annum Interest Paid on TIME DEPOSITS should be merely a conventionalized (4) wax or china face. 1 have no objec- All the world loves a booster, so tion to character doils, but there is knock and you knock alone for every PHONES: no excuse for the hideous doll, which knock is a boost if you take the knocker's BUSINESS OFFICE 31 W EDITORIAL ROOMS 31 J has become so common in the show- viewpoint. cases and shop windows. A THE BYSTANDER There is enough in the world of boycott by the merchants of the Santa Fe is not busi- ugliness anil icarieature ana an mis railway company AS SEES IT not a sit- ZARAPERIA WHAT IS THE REASON will soon enough come to .notice of ness: its the way to get at MEXICANA, so is a EDDY PROPRIETOR. Tilt' Philippine Legislature lias Hist passed an net mil horizine the Gov our youngsters without, having it uation ancient. There way. DELOADO, a. W ' MAN'l'KACTlKKK OF crnor (ieneral to lake such steps as in his judgment may lie necessary to; forced on them at the impressionable of Fe Pillow with and )iev(iit the price of rice from rising nhove a reasonable rate and to supply1 THE BICYCLE CAME BACK, doll age. The Ancient City Santa has Dalleta Blankets, Rugs, Scarfs, Tops Navajo old of rice and other foodstuffs to the people at reasonable prices. "Kvery (log lias his day," the Let them associate with the things shown an increase of twenty people a and Mexican Designs, Heavy Rugs made Native Two years a so the Philippine government was confronted with a part ial ' saying is, and the saying' "goes" with that are beautiful, and especially, at year for the past ten years. There's Wool with Navajo Designs. Lettering, Etc. failure of the rice crop- Speculators in rice acquired large Htccks and held everything else as well ns the dog. this season of the year, it seems so out a reason. Are you one of the reasons? Both Native and Germantown Wool Used. litem for an enormous rise in prices. The wholesale market price mounted The bicycle came, had Us rage, ;mu of to bestow upon a Send for Price List and Full Information. but place deliberately rapidly from $:.'.40 to per hundred. passed into the has been class, child a gift that is the homeliest 119 Don tiaspar Avenue. seems as It was apparent that fainiti5 would result unless drastic action was taken. lis rejuvenation probable, thing you 'can find, llring beauty as Accordingly the government itself went into the rice business, a President-elec- t Wilson likes it, and well as cheer at Christmas time. purchased once cargo for immediate delivery at Manila and Cehu and made other purchases that bids fair to bring it back in Indo-t'hin- for future The rice was on sale the more in1o its old time popularity. delivery. placed through UJ provincial and municipal government and sold to consumers in small! In Cleveland's time, and prior to WE MAY HAVE vassmmssamsa TUT HI ffujwmi"jiBiB(a?-.ffff-.Ui- ' MET! directly , ' V-- i Quantities. that, the carriage was the vehicle in ANIAUTO ROUTE The upward movement of prices was immediately checked, and dealers, which presidents rode. Taft pre-'ftrre- in order to move their stocks, sold at rates slightly below the government the automobile, but from proa-'cu- l From the liaton Range.) juice, which was then from time tcrtiine reduced. The result was that several indications, the new chief exec- our and na- - A well founded rumor advises that THE PALACE millions of pesos were saved to the individual and consumers utive of great glorious purchasers has been entered into of rice, who paid but from .in to ".1 cent as much as would otherwise t'.oji. will be scurrying through fashion ;ui agreement M. per Fe Railroad com SANTA FE, N. have beer, necessary. ned streets of the national capital on between the Santa it and the Steamer Auto- Can reason our should con- a plebeian bicycle and it may bring pany Stanley MABSON & MENDENHALL, Proprietors. anybody suggest any good why government mobile for the establishment fine its operations to rice in the Philippines'.' not beef and eggs and once more into vogue. company Why of their automobile service in 1013 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. AMERICAN PLAN. butter in the I'nited States? We after all, followers of fads are, between Colorado Springs and Santa Isn't a citizen of these I'niled States entitled to protection from the in this and as much as any country, Xew Mexico, via Raton Pass, for "rise of prices above the reasonable rale" just as much as a Filipino is? we look up to those in Fe, LEADING COMMERCIAL HOTEL. other nation, benefit of the thousands of ex- Why can't I'ncle Sam bring the fanners and other food producers into office to set the fashion the high public visitors who will desire to direct touch with the consumers'.' If the Philippine government can place from neckties to vehicles in which position up witness the scenic, of Raton rice on sale through "the piovincial and municipal governments" and sell we ride. splendors to consumers in small is there reason Pass, the Cimarron canon and the his-- I "directly quantities" any good why We have at the toady- 50 and we can't have the same in the I'nited States? long laughed toric points of visitation about Taos American Plan, $2. up. thing ism of the of other nations and Of course, such action is and all and, of people and Santa Fe. any terribly paternalistic thai, them and all that, but course, our commission merchants, middle-men- , wholesalers and thought queer Two auto parties in Stanley Steam-- jobbers this kind of rt E e S would be if our should to do for we are not wholly above ers through Raton patriotically indignant government attempt, what the recently passed its own citizens what it has done for the but, after is that a thing ourselves, and great, lover the route to investigate Meals, 50 Cents. Filipinos, all, proposed e do, we are also I ovur-kot- suilicieiit reason why we should continue to pay enormous tolls to specula or the alleged great read conditions and to secure data "Wal hev got out thet thur to do. I ontu en or tors in our food supply? kely favoring the important undertaking. whut hev hed fur nigh Rooms suite with without private bath, J to be human nature to Old Why not. ask I'ncle Sam to get busy on the same kind of plan right here It seems ' The recent agreement with the San-- ! eighteen years," says' the Codger, Local Distance in we to-- i I and Long Telephones at home? look up not as always should tn Fe is believed to be the result of "but I kin not wear it no more, hev that elevate us but I cold 0 ward the things the report made by the investigating got tu git me a new ovurkote but rooms. Hot and running water, those who are in po-- 1 no sich con- - (toward higher (party. What such an innovation in air nnt aaoln tu wear steam electric THE we think is po-- fel- heat, lights. MOUNTED POLICE jsition, or what higher 'tourist traffic will mean' for Raton traption es thet thur un thet thet New .Mexico not wants the mounted to remain as a f we in a sort only police part sition and wonder, of, cannot be estimated. ler Iry Grimshaw en thet feller Alburt LARGE, FREE SAMPLE ROOMS IN CONNECTION of this but wants it made even more effective it readily the police department slate, awe stricken form, how seems, for es a wearin. Them thur things i 1 The company is famous Clancy iilargement and increased power. awa there. Stanley darn I up ihe mountainous routes which air not ovurkotes, gold et, This question will be called to the attention of the next legislature, and As a matter of fact, in many ways many but air i' has established, both throughout don't know whut they air, thet action on it expected. is so as it looks and ov Mike it not pleasant .Mountain re- - not ovurkotes. Thet thur one work. 1his was until to we tlic east and the Rocky Like so much of the last session's matter neglected is not so greatly preferable what Stanton es a fright, en thefs a fac' the last few hours, when the skids were put up and important matters were have down here. giou. away , too, by heck." put on to be slammed through regardless. However, it has always been so and The proposed Colorado Springs-San-t- - Fe Pueblo, The appropriation bill was a medly thai has not yet been sifted to any nrobablv always will; so because Wil- route, passing through The Santa Fe railway company is The Montezuma Hotel Trinidad. Raton and Santa Fe, by way body's' understanding. sun rides a bicvcle. it is likely the lit all and so is the city of Santa of the Cimarron canon, Taos Pass and right SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO. One in connection with an added for lie relention of the tie two wheeler will again come into Fe all It's the spirit of the point necessity will be one of the right. mounted is ihe fact that the Fheriffs in 1he various counties have been popular demand, Taos, undoubtedly It's wrong to hate your neigh- police offered San-- ; thing. on a basis. While this is believed, generally, to be a move in the! inviting side trips by the Fe is to kiss and THE TRAVELING MAN'S HOME put salary second to the: bor. Santa willing tight direction, vet those oflicials who are in ollice for what there is in it, HELEN IS CAUGHT. ,la Fe, standing only make but it takes two to adjust a of the C olorado. J he up mv bound to relax their efforts to a certain extent, when there is not the At last, Helen Could seems to have Grand Canyon and two to make one. Cuisine and Table Service Unexcelled. Rooms en suit witti mountain-climbs- , the tpiarrel incentive of fees to excite a spirit of vigilance and determined action. decided to adopt the advice of the exhilirating mag private baths. Electric light, Steam Heat, There should be some additional protection and an additional authority Grand Junction, Colorado, minister t.ificent panoramas from the backbone and Taos WILD TRAIN RUNS Central Location. lor ferreting out crime and bringing punishment to criminals. who so vigorously assailed her for of the Raton Range Pass, DOWN MOUNTAIN the of Cimarron canon and !u this same connection, it has been proven that many times effective spinsterhood last summer. grandeur 17. Hush- hts-- ! Cumberland, Md Dec. Rooms. THOS. local influence as it often does, is to the Palisades, and, above all, the Large Sample DORAN, Prorpietor. police work can not be done, where controls, Helen going marry. down the mountainside, gaining law. II is u vt rv in the suc would not be toric spots of interest in and about ing in tlit. nrrpst nf violutors of Ihe strong factor There anything with second, a heavy as well be from the this little social J aos and the ancient capital, win speed every cessful curbing of crime, and may regarded practical pecially interesting 'in train on the Baltimore & Ohio the bride to be is a combine to make the two days' trip freight standpoint which faces us. note were it not that was wrecked near Glencoe, in New Mexico have been on the increase. Gould has about ln.Onn.miO bones by automobile one not to be passed railroad, Murders and Pa. let it be fear. Let in own up. even by the most fastidious stick- If no other inlluence can control this growth of crime, her right, One unidentified man was taken is a law that will be enforced them or ler for ease and comfort in traveling. criminals und rsland that there against ,r ghe w(J.e Helen O'l.eaty, from the several hours after - The of such an automobile wreckage and that punishment will be swift and sure. Helen Corridon, or Helen Wan- opening four trainmen are known tec- - , Steamer com- the accident, How Fire Insurance? j The time may come when this state will not need this additional pro lllejdtn. or like that the service by the Stanley About That something of to have been injured, two perhaps tion by the mounted police. would not mention the matter. pany will bring thousands tourists given papers fatally, and four trainmen are miss- P.ut the time is not yet. but she is a Could and therefore this lo Katon who would otherwise only ; a of little niour-tai- n ing. PROTECTED ? will be called upon to meet this question. meet it fairly into the limelight get glimpse our fair IS YOUR PROPERTY FULLY The legislature marriage gets made up of two engines it in the session. It is a (inestion involving the safety of the city through a car window. The train, and meet early strongly. cars loaded with coal, had just of New .Mexico, and cannot lie regarded with indifference. of the Could children have and ii citizenship Some Manila. Pa., when En- . u made look like a farce and paused through ! marriage ROSVVELL IS Kcimell, of Itockwood, Think About It Then Act the adventures on this fickle sea have gineer Ceorge UNCLE TOM'S GABIM GAME I'a., noticed the increasing speed. He con- not brought credit on the name, but iN TOO F. has established himself strongly with a large the brakes and discovered that Hopkinson Smith in case of and her aunt applied MOULTON-ESP- E COMPANV lie is one of the choice writers of this generation. the Marjorie hud Realizing THE stituency of readers, really is no cause for criticism something happened. e not 'Helen there From the Hoswell News. His assault on the old. war-tim- tale, Tncle Tom's Cabin.' will therefor the train was beyond control, he called the American will - rect ived a many of even his most ardent admirers. land public cordially Our old college chum. A. B. Rene- to save himself and SANTA N. M be cordially by great Miss Could as did to his fireman GENERAL AGENTS, FE, this 'remarkable hail a wonderful inlluence no one will deny, congratulate they ban, who is of the Santa Fe For miles the train That story for not abroad president jumped. eight but that it was wholly an evil inlluence not everyone will admit. Miss, Marjorie going 'chamber of commerce, is out With a all the curves a duke or dashed along taking The characters of this story became real historic characters in Ihe minds and purchasing foreign for a state boosters nieet-Un- g it reached a curve near count of a rotten chai- - proposition until sharp of many. They lived and breathed and molded eve .its. possessed only to be held at the same time as Glencoe. There one of the engines and a title. j Like ail stories of that day. in this one of a past generation, the charac- after 'the New Mexico Press association left the track, and the whole train of that time, but Helen Could is a splendid exump'c j ters seem old fashioned and queer, as do Ihe dresses which is to he in January. This idea pjied after it. completely blocking the A WONDERFUL INSURANCE CONTRACT! in them. of American womanhood. She has is a peculiar fascination is to get the empire builders, BUYS A AND ACCIDENT there always been a true and has together system. TCMIiniliDC AWWIIAI DDCUIIIM LFE and was on the philanthropist to a of ICil UULLAIIJ I RLlllllitl COMBINATIION PCLICV i sinrv that lived for tiftv years, probably presented a.1- - and frame plan rtmiUttl, lie cou- - not gone about bragging of it and NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. in and bad dramatized form in all that tune, can hardly that would be to the entire Read is offered: staae good for the light. Her helpful of the Interior, V. S. what victe.d on one man's before a jury of American people. 'ways aiming spot commonwealth. The is a good Department Puid for fleath from OCA Paid for death from ordf testimony, benefactions have been ami plan Land Office at Santa Fe, N. M.. No- 250.00 oause aiy p 1 f&DVJMyjf( nary accident Smith is a little late with his condemnatory opinion. many can stand so loss Hopkinson di- - one if the Ancient City iNitd for dismemberment ttOO P'1' for accidental -- n- and she has vember 23. 1912. gn flfl generous, personally much one for it must ,UUU.UU or loss or siiJht 3UU.VU of one hand, one eye done caloric at time, Notice is given that Anacleto l'aid for uitciuentnl death. Paid foraccidentalloss of luv-n- i reeled large charities having hereby Oft Ort a Yale and an appoini U a judgeship to the not be that the 2nOfl dismemberment or loss ot ,UUU.UU one hand, one fool or one With professorship notable work in the alleviation of suf- - forgotten legislature; Comreras, oi Santa, Fe, M., who, court bench jiunitinir him to choose from, that lost will be in session at the same time. slRht travel by accident eye oy travel accident. Vnited" States supreme j , Homestead much to l'resulent l 1ft fi ring. The boys in the Spanish-- on October 12, IfOti, made WeeUlv Indemnity for total dis Weekly indemnity for lout' does not look like so 1 5.00 from travel acciden I Carnegie pension probably 'American war will not soon forget' No. 07871, for S. NW. S 2 $ ability accidental injuries $10.00 disability alter all. CUPID TAKES A HAND IS N., For partial disability one-hal- f weekly Indemnity. No Medical Examination Required. A her, nor will the hospital patients to NE. Section 4, Township IN EQUALIZING HEIGHT. K M. P. KOOM2I, CAPITAL CITY to be without whom she ministered. Range 10 X. Meridian, has, GENERAL AGENTS HALL & HALL BANK KLIKJ. Ihe presidential term plan does not seem opposers. St. Louis, Dec. 17. A romance of to five singie ui She marries an American who has fiied notice of intention" make a whether H is auvisame io oar me There is a chance for question 'worked in the circus side show reached its climax to establish claim to the the to endure a poor one tor six yeuis. his way up railroad circles year proof, of a g ood or to force people, ' here, when .lack W. C. Barnett, of; ; president to an honorable and a prominent posi- land above described, before Reg-- -- d- 21 old. 3H Koxboro, N. C. years inches; N. j are no good. The tion in the commercial and industrial ister and Receiver, at Santa Fe, M., educators have determined that examinations ' and 4 got a The world. high weighing pounds, on 9, 1913. decided way years mo. Thus is the verdict against Da-- ; January school youngsters that license to marry Miss Dorothy names as witnesses: STAGE LINE made unanimous. The American people will congrat- 19 Claimant DAY AND NIGHT liODY'S this schooMuv horror vid Warfield, of St. Louis, years.! X. OPEN (j ulate .Miss Helen Could and wish her Rafael Montoya, of Santa Fe, M.; about 0 feet S inches in height and N. From have a lo the happiness she deserves as Mrs. Marcelo Jiminez, of Santa Fe, M.;j Eolith Bend. Indiana, churchmen of all sects formed league weighing 130 pounds. j La Salle Restaurant i .1. American. Macario Jiminez of Santa Fe, N. M.; BARRANCA TO TAOS office. confine the movement to churchmen? Finley Shepard, 7 4 elect only houest men to Why Mrs. M. L. Morris, feet Inches of Santa Fe, N. M. e Bonifacio Lucero, CHAS. GANN, Prop. Both South us make it a nation-wid- agreement. tall and 12G pounds, will be Meets North J.et WHY, UGLY ONES. weighing MANUEL R. OTERO, matron of honor. Telephone II. Bounds Trains. call- - A goggle-eyed- , crooked- - i Register ivnnsvlvanin d mocrat offered $."0O for a poslinastership. They Barnett had to be lifted up on a Leaves Barranca on the arrival of g ."wo Doort Below F. Andrew 8tor. in nun purcna.-oi- mouth doll is neither humorous nor1 NIGHT riot seem to learn by experience rennsyivanm, puimcui high stool when he was called upon COUGHING AT 25 cents. the north bound train and arrives at lovable. Such dolls giv-- 1 tegular Meals of should not be can the whole j positions is out date. to sign the application for a license. One bad cough keep Taos at 7 p. rn. , en to 1 - Rooms for Bent 25c and 60c children. lien such dolls will family awake at night. Phil. Disor- will not be manufactured. Short Orders at All Hours. Ten miles shorter than any other has a nephew who has married a poor working girl. This From 23 to 36 degrees was the neau. Schaffer, Mich., says: "I could Carnegie it doll is way. Good cove re hacks and good of charily. There is an old saying that The symbolizes the child. It here not on account of a bad cough, j BY THE WEEK $5.00 he a test, of the real brand Andy's range intemperature yesterday, sleep BOARD tea"is. Fare $5.00 round trip. Teams the object of the mother love of the I was weak. I used Foley'3 j hegius at home. and the average relative humidity was land very rencn Noodla Order fOc, a dlM. furnished commercial man to take In little girl. It should be beautiful. H 62 cent. was a clear and Tar Compound, and soon per Yesterday Honey Kaw York Chop Susy 50c the surrounding towtns. Wire K'.nbudo should be the idealized I all j final distribution is made to the waiting list at the pie counter, j child. The day with a mean temperature of 30 .the cough'left and slept soundly When the ' I Station. the will find that their portion is lemon. normal child will idealize any doll. degrees, or Just normal. night." For sale by all druggists. ft good many of hungry J TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1912. SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN : v n r

i provement. There are new problems Two Generations I in lie Mnven and old ones to be solved SPAIN'S PREMIER v 'ng!!in in new communities. The dozen Now i r more men in the agricultural Are Using It of the college and Kxperi-- ' meiit Station will use tin's paper as a of giving hints and suggestions i KOO.MS foi: UK.vr .Modern (i, Nation's Most Laxative to for Vi'llieilfes. I Johns-oi- l 11 ei t. C. . Popular Keep the fanners the securing of IN SPITE OF PHYSICAL INFIRMITY HE Jl Smokeiess stL ing Millions of American Fami ieei'er crops and bigger profits. Ilailies. lies in Good Health. HAS ATTAINED GREAT PROMINENCE. We believe the Extension depart There must bo merit an Ft Hi IlKXT I'm genuine to incut of this college is to be one of its IN SPITE OF TRIALS THE PRISONS article that has stood the lest of twoj most tuoins for light, housekeeping. I'h.i ' important parts, and this little Efficient. Will heat a sized room of . REMAIN CROWDED. good I., generations paper is '.lunched as the special repro-- ' even in liishop. la the field of medicine none lias' sentatb e of the extension work. It the coldest weather. FOR , : hud greater success, nor retained that to be far to be in - i;k.t-Fi- ei; fur ought larger proper- .Madrid, Spain, Dec. 17. Count success to a greater than Dr. lion with the of its Economical. Burns nine hours on one gentlemen, steam, light. bath. Apply degree, greatness mission, maiioni s, the new prime Coldwell's Syrup which is and we will it as soon as we Ibis office. I'epsin, enlarge .has attained a pronii- - gallon of oil. now in-- great politii being used by two generations .can afford it. This college is an ; nence despite a iihyuical .'.NT -- of peoplf. Its use in families is con- stitution of service. We want every inliirmity, lti Larue sunny re;;:u, which has sapped his strength prac-- : Ornamental. Nickel trimmings: Dlain iiot In Airs stantly becoming more general. The man, woman and child in New Mexico wal at. Robinson. "4 his career. When a ( : n reason, is that it has merit. to feel that it is his college and to use tically throughout steel or enameled tur :i primarily, fall i It it boy he experienced a terrible from is what it represents itself to be, in every possible way. We wilt do quoise-blu- e window mainien nun tor drums. WANT F.I) a a laxative-tonic- . It does not hide what we can now. With larger re- ja wnicn me., c roe mcry or His made u fortune as a mer-- . a well-know- we will do lather good local AI. behind the name of a n fruit sources more. creamery. chant, in southern France. The son Portable. car- Alorlenr W'c - or it does not DR. CALDWELL TO BE FED AT CLOVIS. Easily ell. atlicrl'ord. Tex- vegetable; make a.-- '. r. i inherited his father's great business, ried from room to uggerated claims nor use coarse lan- What is construed in Clovis to mear boltle, capacity and despite his devotion to guage fo set forth its virtues. a movement that will a market bring j politics found lime to swell the wealth! room; weighs only $110.00 buys a bran new combina- It is a but mild and Thousands of families throughout ,,Verv "ruin sind of stuff tht medicine, f,. which was left him. eleven han- tion runabout and top buggy, rubber gentle a medicine that thousands of the are never without it in farmers desire to sell, pounds; country Curry county man was to tired, and fine set of single harness - The educated be, mothers give it to tiny infants, and the house, among them Mr. William light at our very door, is the deal con- young dle doesn't hot. Theo. a At the age of IT, years he get Corrick. yet, in a slightly larger .dose, it Is Doibert. Hoxie, Kan., and Mrs. Hose summated early this week, through lawyer. was elected to the chamber of depu-- ; effective for grown-ups- . It L. Menke, Gait. Cal.. and these have the .National of equally First bank Clovis. by Doesn't For one of the oldest (slab-'lii-liei- iri ties from the district of Smoke Sale, for anw disorder cf the stomach, learned to avoid the use of cathartics, which there is to be to the Guadalajara. brought When a candidate for he! mercantile businesses in Santa liver or bowels, for no salts, purgatives and Oldham ranch two miles east of Clovis Doesn't Leak Fe. A constipation physics generally Vis- - profitable proposition from the matter how for no as are too was opposed by his brother, the chronic, dyspepsia they entirely harsh. Syrup altogether something like ten thou- Cleaned start. For further ad- matter cures count de Trueste, who represented the Easily particulars how severe, for biliousness, Pepsin gradually, but the cure sand to be wintered and fatten- Re-wick- dress sheep 'conservative The was- and I'. (). Hox IIS, sour stomach, gas on the stomach, is comfortable, safe and permanent. ed on the abundant feed raised party. struggle crop one of the most sensational in the' headaches, drowsiness after eating, If no member fo family has by the Curry county farmers this Inexpensive TYPEWRITERS your later of politics. The and similar complaints arising from ever used and year. R I). Oldham, cashier of the history Spanish ('ley lied, Syrup Pepsin you was and a few! Lasts for adjusted and repaired New a clogged-u- p of young count the victor years condition the bowels. would like to make a personal trial of First .National bank of Clovis, who platens furnished. Ribbons and sup- It is years later took another step up the pleasant to the taste and doe it before buying it in the regular way lias been instrumental in putting At Dealer Everywhere plies. Typewriters sold, exchcat.ee J not ladder, when he was elected gripe. It can be used with safety of a druggist, send your address a many hundred head of line dairy cattle political and rented. Standard makes handled. and of the of Madrid. j good results by anyone at any postal will do to Dr. W. II. Caldwell, in the hands of farmers of the coun- - mayor city CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY All repair work and typewriters lmih or cabinet age in any condition of health, Il."i Washington St., Monticello, 111., ty, in the past few months, and who Then he went into the as Denver, Pueblo, Albuquerque, Santa Fe Typewriter Cbvyenne, Butte, Boito, it It Lake City. and that person's health will improve. and a free sample bottle will be mail- has been carrying on something of an minister of public instruction. Service INI I'hoiie :'.'! y. in was fol-- ; Every druggist sells it and the price ed you. Results are guaran- experimental dairy and stock farm at various ministerial posts --1 is always ry only fifty cents and one dollar a teed or money will be refunded. this place two miles east of the city, lowed by election as president of the; ; made a deal with a man by the name chamber. .of Acra who will with the first The rise of Komanoiies is at- - bring quick (jerisivt Iv The townspeople gathered eleven and wounding thirlv persons. P CI drove of next CO'K) sheep week, head. tribtited to lus conspicuous ability and and presently a movement was made The soldiers lost three Killed and ten SSI A is at the Oldham his He intends to NEWS place provided sterling character. toward the entrance of the building. wounded. Two hundred persons have OF THE STATE farm for and and the liberal MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL ENGINEER feeding sheltering, continue and progressive A moment later the crowd began 10 been arrested. the feed and which of (. murdered Power chopper grinder, policies analejas, the sacli the place. All the archives were Plant Engineering Although the trials of political pris- - Mr. Oldham has had in operation for prime minister. m Htnln fi: A'ejr Itrxi, HAVING FUN. the defendants, the Taos Valley com- lined tlie street and burned. oners continue daily in I.ishon, the some months utilizes every straw of Advice from across the border de- were Humboldt Casad was in El Paso pany, in a decree, dismissing the Messages sent by the repub- prisons are crowded. The largest fodder and particle of grain in the scribe incidents how near the lican to the Thursday having an arm attended to. case in that sufficient, evidence had showing agents provincial capital number is confined in the central pris- PROFESSIONAL CARDS process which prepares the food for surface lies the monarchist hatred of and (wo of were Humboldt was having a little sport not been given to show that, legal A companies troops on of Lisbon, the Liuioeiro, where they feeding. slight charge is made the the new in the country dis- - sent to restore the local with his bull dog out on his ranch, fraud had not entered into the busi- republic governmenl are lodged eight and ten in cells de- sheep man for the use of the grinder of which do not feel land the ATTORNEYS AT him on a when - ness con tricts Portugal arrest disturbers, for two. The is di- LAW. chasing horse sudden- arrangements affecting the and the of the barns. "I be-- , , signed prison shelter Ktl011), nand of llu, j ly the leatner save and parties. eonstabulary News of the approach of the troops lapidated. The rain enters freely nnd stirrup way trading Iieve that we are on the road now!.,,,,i .i.,. ., i ..,, .,,., m,, i,,i,k: EDWARD P. DAVIES, precipitated him head first into a Tt,...... ,. " reached Villa Flor and the church bells the food is described as poor. .!.; is hi mean a maiKet lor every timtK hilV0 ioval . lu,art'"'"t0 City Attorney. un-- ! a'puwii. oyjuiai... o ...... m))ained tii nu an The neonle patch of sandbars which was most itlnmai. lf . OI. alarm. country Father Antonio de Figueiredo. ar- lnn oi ueiivei ki am oi siuir me larmers or our conn U: Capital City Bank Building, '.j i"u'"r.' oirqirr deposed King Manuel. streamed toward the town ami the rested .March is still await- pleasant to say the least, but to cap ana me aetendants firms do not use 27, It'll, Rooms 17-1- by the of. try raise and themselves.! dis- - the I The monarchist clericals of the military were attacked by more than trial. Dona Telles de climax he broke his right arm and Jones and Rogers of Las Vegas, and and for all the roughness as well," ing Constan.a Santa Fe, New Mexico. trict. of Villa Flor revolted j a thousand of whom1 Gama. is now wearing; it in Las Huff t'ook and Mr. con-- ; recently peasants, Rome daughter of the Count Casca.es, splints. Slodoy of Chicago. N. said Oldham. "Once we can - Cruees B. seemingly through a kind of spontan- used old fowling pieces, others threw has been in six months with- Citizen. Laughlin of Santa Fe, also appear-- 1 vince these men that we can raise prison G. W. PRICHARD, cons the govern-- 1 stones and closed with the out a She collec.t- - ed in the interests of minor feed to to indignation against deloying hearing. had been and Counsellor-at-Law- . parties enough supply them and ' Attorney THAT NEW COUNTRY. nient. Some malcontents passing by infantry in hand to hand fighting. The ing for interested in the suit. j provide their winter we will subscriptions poor prisoners Practices in all the District Court feeding, the local houso called out Fired It seems to be under- K(,t H government troops repeated volleys killing and was accused of conspiring'. ami to generally The above case was heard in open ( sl"'eP from parts of eastern gives special attention cases stood among the members of the leg court sitting in chambers, Colfax "ew Mexico and the Curry county, before the State Supreme Court. islature that Sumner county will be county court having been adjourned 131 m" W1" "ave round a ready mar- - Office: Laughlin Hldg., Santa Fe, N. M. a11 created at this session and that Ft 'sine die Monday evening.-- - Raton ket for the sU,ff 1k' ('a raise. SCENES FROM THE LIFE OF CHRIST. Sumner will be named as the i t lovis HARRY D. county Range. Journal. 12. JESUS HEALS THE PALSIED MAN. MOULTON, seat. This action was Attorney-at-Law- . practically (Reverently portrayed on the exact spot where it took place nineteen hundred years ago a part of the elab- - at the last and Santa New Me-ic- o. agreed upon session, FATAL ACCIDENT. orate and oostly moving picture prod uetion of the Kalem company, to be first show n at Christmas time. Fe, since Senator Iloleslo Romero is ; HOTEL ARRIVALS. Formerly Special Agent, G. L. 0. A sad in the Fan- chairman of the committee on coun- - fatality occurred Land Claims and Contests a nie mine Stitcialtj ties and county lines in the senate at Mogollon about three PALACE. - o'clock afternoon which and is out. for the measure. Its pas- Saturday by William Cobb, Albuquerque. Chas. F. Easley, . Chas. R. Albert Louis Cowan lost life. Eatley, sage is almost certain. Clovis .News. his The Mrs. William A. Hall, New- York EASLEY & EASLEY, 'young man was as an oiler employed City. Attorneys-at-- ' aw. in the Fannie and j ' LOTS OF COYOTES. engine room,' just Melvin A. 7 lull, . Practice in the Courts and Lefor before going off shift be The hunters of San Miguel Saturday Samuel Eldodt, Chamita. Laud Department. county climbed up over the to lix are to win- flywheel E. S. Denver. Laud adding their incomes this - Kembley, grants and titles examined. an oil cup. In some unexpected man- IS. ter by animals upon which a William Douglass, AVashington. Santa Fe, N M branch OJ.'ice, Estcri- - killing ner he lost his footing and fell into bounty has been The follow- W. F. Jacobs, Hamilton, Ohio. cia, X. M. placed. the re--! rapidly revolving fly wheel, George Wharton James, Pasadena, ing applications for bounties were which received at the court house: ceiving injuries very quickly: California. HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO ADVb.i". yesterday proved fatal. John Anderson, two coyotes, $4; Luz Frank McFheal, Washington, 1) C. TI3E? The deceased was aged 17 years and Jaramillo, one coyote, at Mineral Hill, James U. .Moore, New York. Tell to had been in .Mogollon only about. a your Gtcry $2; Jose M. Chavez, one coyote at S. Sevens, Denver. ' 2,000,000 or month. The remains were brought to ' Readers Sena, $2; E. M. Dan well, seven coyo J. M. Redman, Denver. Twelve Dollars. Silver City by automobile, ' tes at ( Las arriving II. M. El Paso. '''' We will lierryvale, $14. Vegas Snndav. were Sessions, place your advertise- here at midnight They .1. R. Optic. ' .Mcllryde, Denver. ment ;n 2." leadins Sur.-da- y by Louis W. Cowan and newspapers' accompanied 11. T. Allen, Denver. a brother of the deceased. Interment issue, for $12 per insertion. De- (). P. St. Louis. ANOTHER BOOSTER. - Grant, scriptive circular FREE. will be made at the old home in Tula- j A. 11. Kansas City. THE John L. Emerson came up from the N. M., to which the re- - Steagall, PROBERT ADVERTISING rosa, point MONTEZUMA. lower valley to spend a few days with mains were shipped yesterday from ACEN'CY, C. G. Emory .Moore, City. his brother, C. Emerson, of Reno, Cox's undertaking parlors. F. S. Skid- - Taos, New Mexico. Nev. Mr. Emerson has been for seve- H. C. Yontz, City. more of is a half brother of j Mogollon J. F ral in - Zinkler, Kansas City. DR. W. HUME years a prominent figure the the unfortunate man. Silver City In- BROWN, bcost of and is now W. 'ehle, directory Knowles, dependent. Albuquerque. Dentist. as ever full of rosy talk about the Mr. and Mrs. E. Meclihowe, Over Spitz Jewelry Store. "We are Rooms 2 great plains country. going A COLLEGE PAPER. 1, and i. tc have he Walter C. Tuber Olorieta. I'honc Red (:. that railway pretty soon," The College Courier is a new paper said, "and when we watch Mr. Mrs. II Le- - S get it, just entering the field, at and .At. Gallant uiiico uoure a. in. to p m. us. We have the finest soil in the jest published the State edited the stu- - banon, Ohio. And by Appointment. an abundant water and College, by state, supply d( nts of the Agricultural College and Carl J. Gallaher, Lebanon, Ohio. every facility for irrigation with devoted to allied with its A. R, Talbert, Wichita. in- - subjects pumps. Several are ' plants already work. The purpose of the paper is M.. L. Northrtip, Pittsburg. DR. M. stalled and there will be more in J. DIAZ, the; expressed in its columns as follows: T. Woodruff, Des iMoines. A season is in Office 1 3 P. spring. good for the in beginning the of this Duncan Graham, Denver. 202 Water St., Ilnurs, to M dry farmers and the will bloom publication plains paper, our purpose is to make the re- - Charles K ichor, St. Louis. in 191!!." Roswell News. Office, 220 W sources of the more avail-- i Modesto C. Phones college fully Ortiz, Albuquerque Residence, 9 J able lo the of the state. The' V. S. LAND SUIT DETERMINED. people Knight, City. paper will stand for better farming in CORONADO. Coils to The case of the Taos Valley Land Work. Portable be New Mexico, for more comfortable Desiderio Suazo, City. company vs. The Taos Valley com- and healthy living conditions, and for E. Xardini, City. used at patient's home. pany, involving a suit on a contract, industrial education. George II. Camp, Stanley. was heard Monday and Tuesday be- There is a great deal of excel- very K. .Martinez, Stanley. L) fore the court of Judge T. B. Lieb. lent and intelligent farming done in L. F. MURRAY, M. , A. Lopez, Cordova. ' - was rendered in of is im- - Ktt,Kf- . Judgment favor Ill's state, but there room for EUROPEAN. ) fr. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, R. V. El men in Donovan, Pa). And behold, brought a bed a man which was taken with palsy; and they sought means to bring him Cation Block, Palace Ave., next W. P. Marshall, Colorado. in and lay him before him. And when they could not find by what way they might bring him in because of the door to Wells lix. George Colorado. multitude, went upon the and let him down Fargo Kinney, they housetop through the tiling, with his couch, into the midst 233. A. J. Santa Fe. before Jesus. Luke v:lfi-19- . PHONE Cannon, Residence Palace Hotel. Frank Bushness, City. Phone Main 63. J. J. Sweeney, Jr., City. K. K. Dockweiller, Pecos. INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION REBELS GROW BOLDER. NEW CABINET FOR JAPAN. NOMINATED BY MR. TAFT. THEY ALWAYS HELF ELDERLY George Gunsoli, Leadville. PEOPLE IJ. Leadville. AVashington, I). C, Dec. 17. Presi- Kl Texas. Dec. 17. A or , Gusneri, 1'aso, gang Tokio, Dec. 17. The emperor of Foley Kidney Pilis f;ive Just (he fdr dent Toft today sent to the senate Hie rebels on a commandeered locomotive need to Use Japan issued a order- help elderly people tone and today rescript SUFFRAGETTES TAKE A WALK. nomination of the nine members of. ventured within miles of and today thirty ing Prince Toro Katsura to form a sirens! hen llieir kidneys bladrir Irvington, N. Y., Dec. 17. Their the Industrial commission created b, : Juarez, burned more bridges on the and regulate their action. John Mo to the relations - cabinet to take the of the minis- Hanks reinforced by local enthusiasts congress investigate Mexico Northwestern railway and es- place Masters, Streatcr, 111., says: 'T feel and suffragettes from Rockland coun- - etiweeu lauur una cauu-- a. i lie nicu capeti soulii belore tne federals try under tlie Murju! Saruiiji. which better and r : I have for- named were: the sirci itv. across the Hudson, the little band Representing pe aware of their presence. resigned on December 4. mally years, and Foley Kidney Pills Whether it rains or the Streets Senator of iof suffragettes from New York Cityj)l0' Sutherland, Ftah, did il." For sale by all druggists. are can be sure B. a of slushy, you always resumed their march toward Albany j (5'c,1se Chandler, member the A. Shoes will -- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. that Dr. Reed keep shortly after !) o'clock under a ''ecticut legislature; Charles Simon today of the Interior. I". S. your feet warm and dry with- bright, sun. Barrett, of Georgia, president of the FOR WOMEN ONLY Department Land at Fe. X. Dec" out rubbers. School children cheered the women farmers' union. Representing capital, Office Santa M., ; It.. 11H2. j Frederick A. Delano, of Chicago, pp-s-- Backache as they left the village, bound through mmttw m n or Headache Other shoes : 'Sbw .Notice is lien by that .Manuel won't do that bat Tarrytown, for historic Hol- ident of the Wabash railroad Adolph Dragging Down Sensations given Dr. A. Keed Shoes have a Sleepy 'Gou.ahs. Sr.. of Santa Fe, X. M., who. special low, where the marchers were to be Lewithon, New York, merchant and Nervous Drains insole a soft fibre cushion that : oi. Jan. fi. Dms, Hol-jlo- j F. C. Schw made Homestead chill-proo- entertained at noon at the philanthropist edtinaini, is f and damp-proo- f. Sleepy Tenderness Low Dovtl W Club. of Missouri, an electric engineer. Rep-- ' Fnlry for SK Moisture can't come Country Thence the route - Dr.A simply up Garrctt-Ison- , and K SVV Section 21. the sole. led to Ossining for the second resenting labor, Austin ,B. Township through night's It is because of soma or disease HI X.. 2 F.., X. .VI. P. bivouac, a nine mile tramp in all. of Iowa, president of the order derangement Range .Meridian, And you'll enjoy of Railway Conductors; John II. distinctly feminine. Write Dr. R. V. Pierce's has died noiice of intention to make Shoe whatever Invalids' Hotel. N.Y. five to establish to walking Dr. William author of "The treasurer of the American Fede- Faculty ct Buffalo, year proof, claim the weather is, for Sadler, r ration of the land above described, before Reg-iVte- the cushion insole so over Cause and cure of Colds." says iliat Labor; James O'Connell. of Consultation is tree and advice is strictly m spreads your weight evenly the District - and Receiver. V. P. L. O.. at. vour foot that it's just like on air." No other common colds should be taken ser- of Columbia, vice pret.i- confidence. "walking dent of same Santa Fe. X. AI.. on the 22nd oi shoes are half so comfortable half so restful to your iously, especially when the organization. The day they "hang commission will January. 1!l1.:. feet. And if you'll give us a chance today tomorrow on." Foley's Honey and Tar Com- choose its own chair Dr. Pierce's - II now man. . fTavorMe Claimant names as witnesses: anytime, we show you to do away not only pound is a reliable household medi- prescription with but with feet Teodoro Tapin. Teodoro Haca. Juan rubbers, tired, aching, burning cine for and colds, of- as well. coughs equally restores the health and spirits and removes those Gonahs. Albino all of ieciive tor ennuren ana SEVEN DEAD; SEVEN INJURED. Haca, Santa Fe, for grown mentioned above. It has been x. jr. Take it a! Dec. 17. painful symptoms persons. when you feel Ashtabula, Ohio, Seven drug-gist- .ilUMf sold by for over 40 in fluid Witnesses: JOHN rz ntu cold on. It will avert dead and seven was toll years, form, PFLUEGER t?iii ccming danger injured the at ?1.00 per pottie, giving general satisfaction. It can H. C. I OI9R0II VmOKTl MOT of serious results and cure of the wreck here last when Hernandez, quickly. night a now be had in tablet form, as modified by R.V. Pierce, M.D. I'rbano D. Ortiz. No harmful drugs. For sale all Lake Shore and Southern by Michigan MANTEL R. druggists. ccal train struck a street car. mSoM byMedicine Dealers or trialbox t OTERO. Iby matt on receipt of SOo In mtmmnmx Register. PAGE EIGHT SANTA FE HEW MEXICAN TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1912.

THE BUSY WOMAN'S DAY. i'olfy Kidney Pills will cure all that showing declines in the neighborhood NOTICE. said to be in the employ of the Na- It begins early, ends laic, ami li. and niako lier Htrons unci well. They OFFICIAL NEWS, his conduct of a point. V I hereby notify all persons that on tional company, who he said, were e . I full of work. She often has kidney are the lient medicine made for HLUniL WILL ULl Hhis 14th day of December, 1912, making war on rival companies. without kiiowiiig it. Her back ney and bladder disorders For nale There are KM, tits persons in the HIM A FORTUNE have transferred for certain consider- aches, and .she is tired and worn out. Her bladder gives her trouble too. state of New .Mexico of school age-t- hat MRS. ORTIZ Y ations my business in llie County of .' If use embossed you is nervous, no by all druggists. is, from to 21 years which is Santa I'e, to Alma Cherry and Kdythe you stationery, Sleeps poorly, appetite, LOPEZ DIES AFTER can do no better than or- (in increase of iri:;i over the number Denver, Colo., Dec. 14. Two wills M Hayno and that from and after, place your I - New Mexican ir. September, !'l s have been prepared by Alonzo Thorn)- . SHORT ILLNESS said date I will not be responsible for der with the Printing will be V-- Statistics on New .Mexico schools son, octogenarian millionaire of Den-I- n any debts incurred in connection with company, prices quoted upon 4. iiml were out Our and forms are Phone 4. F. ANDREWS Phone pupils, etc., given today ver, ilispcsing of his ( Elate. the .Mrs. Rita Ortiz y Lopez, HI years such business. request. styles I'uhlie Instruc- by Superintendent of Hi i t will bis son, Alonzo, Jr., reputed old, wife of i'atroncino Lopez, a well j I have endeavored to place with strictly tion A Ivan X.' who has e for all White, just U) be the best dressed man in knewn resident of this city and a the Capital City Hank security the whool census and who n indebtedness to me. completed ver, is to be given the entire member of one of the oldest Spanish-America- my known is $;',:!, Tt:!.S I. the i If there are other In-- : today upponioniug if be "can brace up and be a man." families, died last night fol- any creditors. FROM THIS .DATE ON as current state school luml. This will not for, will Market l'i'i? yctmg man's conduct is to be the lowing a short illness. She left eight advertently provided they Hive Y to j Grocery, Bakery cents each pupil. :n.'!m ace which de ides whether he children most of them of tender kindly notify my attorney, (i. Volney Mr. White is on his .Howard in order that he make My Line of Made Hats working report becomes under the first ciis which added to her sad may mid further "interestinx statistics' beuetieiary j pathos proper EVERYTHING THERE IS TO EAT will or the other one by which HP 'is demise. A tine woman, .Mrs. Ortiz y adjustment. Will Be Sold at a Big 'will be given out for publication when .VOX A HELL. beiiueathed and no more. Lopez leaves besides her relatives, the report is linithed, and submitted Discount. Roth wills were by Thomp- many warm friends in Santa to the governor. signed personal v AN EDITOR TESTIFIES. Ostrich Plumes in delicate shades son afternoon and pmced Fe who are today her death. "General school conditions are show- yesterday m.ourning Dec. 17. Meats, iu an If The funeral will take tomorrow Cincinnati, Ohio, Rreston at cost. Black Plumes at a Groceries, Vegetables, ing marked improvements," said Mr. the hands of attorney. young place s c.athe-father'- s .McKinney, editor of a trade paper on disclos- Thompson's conduct meets with his morning at o'clock from the discount. of Whito in commenting the of Los Calif., who was on large All 1 Angeles, Goods Kinds. fo- before the will be-- dial, Monsignor Antonio Fourchegu Bakery ures made by the census. The approval, Jtlie witness stand at the lie of comes effective' the old man himself presiding. Ignucio adjournment llowing will striking features Lopez, postmaster 'of the National Cash case' A. MUGLER ETC. will tear the will the son at Las and .Mrs. Esqui-onl- y Register MISS NEW NUTS, DATES, ETC., the report up leaving Vegas Refugio to- - i RGS, yesterday resumed his m School districts in state, l.Ooo. $3, but if lie should die before bel, also of Las Vegas, relatives,, are testimony ' day. He told of 'having followed men SOUTHEAST CORNER PLAZA. School rooms. lofiS. the change in conduct, has come about here to attend the last services. The Phone i. F. ANDREWS Phone 4. Teachers employed in public schools the lawyer is to determine which will funeral will be public and will be 1.1!s. shall be probated. largely attended. rfbiSVi i tv-j- 'V High schools, 40. Thompson created much interest Average annual salary for all teach- among his set. iu Denver a short time A BRITISH WARSHIP ers, $:;s!t.s:,. ago, declaring that bis wife and son TO CONVEY REID'S BODY. Cut Flowers and Plants - Tolal for 111 in- salary paid teachers, were attempting to send him to an London. Dec. 1,'. .Mrs. Wihtelaw sane asylum in order to- obtain his Reid decided to the offer Decorations. THE Total maintenance of common today uccept Boquets, Designs, estate. Later Mrs. Thompson filed the Hritish of a war-- , $1 .i.MJO.Oon. by government schools over t. GARDEN & petition for divorce, alleging to the of her THE CLARENDON ii JEWELER Total valuation of school iship convey body late; ;One Jllock Kust Old Sun Miguo Chunui. 9 property, She was her to j $1.2."U,0mi. granted petition husband the United states. The! v - Flower Stand with the Modern Grocery Company. ' md $123,000 alimony. arrangements will be completed be- Ihirollment shows increase, being 4 Phone 12. R. V. BOYLE, Mgr. over CO.OiMl, jtween the Hritish foreign office and American state HEADQUARTERS FOR Km ollmcnt. in private and sectarian jtlie department. schools exceeds ,"j,0d0. Among the first wreaths to reach Average daily attendance exceeds Dorchester house was one from Queen HIGH-GRAD- E .Mother Alexander. Hundreds of ap-- ; l.',,0im. Xew York, Dec. i 7. Speculative State num- have been received for educational institutions onditions today made for greater, plications ber !. in stock market and duv-in- seats in Westminster Abbey for the 'stability the ' Value of property estimated at the hours there were none memorial service for the late ambas- ntiii. early ol the extraordinary fluctuations such sador which is to be held on Friday. WATCHES Annual expenditure for state educa- ot ,'as occurred yesterday. Variations tional fUSG.lMin. institutions, 1 to :i points were registered in stocks' AND Xumber of teachers in educational 'which commonly moved widely but A NICE TOILET SET iiiftitutions, i:il. these conditions were accomplished Number students, 1 7 IU. without the nervous excitement which CLAYTON GETS IT. re- Sec has frequently atlrnued trading CLOCKS The O. X. Marron. stale treasurer, cently. Traders sold stocks for a time today awarded the State Hunk of Com-- ; in the belief thai yesterday's bulge: meree of N. Clayton, M., the deposit of was too rapid and that a reaction Time Pieces HAVE VOIR WATCH CLEANED he ." That Are ij ?Mi.."i(iT, being the per cent pro- ould naturally follow. After llie, Ot Reliable! OCCASIONALLY. ceeds Ironi tlie sale of I'. S. lands for loaders had been jammed down 1 to the school were 2 :' stale fund. There 2 points, there was a gradual nil-- j bidders ranging from li to l! per l.v which ultimately raised prices to' cent, ami tii Clayton Imnl; bid llie lat- above yesterday's close. Reading re-- ' ter, which was accepted upon condi- covered more than three point;;. Honcfci tion the biink iile a bund in the sum were easy. of THE RELIABLE fl."j.fll"lll. l igeiu buying seemed to be con- CORPORATION MATTERS. V.. cluded around mid-da- when prices Tiie Kirn! Church ! liaptist of Living-- one-ha- lf SPARKS, ruled to a point above yes-- : To-da- y ELECTRICIAN, Eton. X. .M., tiled articles of i incorpora-- terday's. close. Subsequent tion. naming I'. S. Eaves as dealings statutory: were spiritless, with a downward ten-- ; ELECTRICAL LIGHTING and FIXTURE WORK iigent. There is no capital stock. The Vim Nov Railroad Xews com--, dency. The market closed pany announced a of name to- heavy. Attempts OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. change to stiffen were the Van Xoy Railroad Hotel and Xews the market futile and n was met on company, which has-a- agency in; every rally by renewed sales Come in see us for Xmas Gifts. Give A line of Electrical Devices. ; and your good Heating and Cooking .Montoya. Quay county, ami which is a: for both accounts. Realizations play-- in Useful Get them from us. Something nice for Christmas as well as the round .Missouri company. ed a good part the day's decline Gifts. year and there also was an extension of Come in see and them. It will not pay you to waste your the short interest, owing to the short- time writing out your legal forms lived character of the boom which fol-- , Page Percolators, Grills, when cun lowed 1 he decision. Prices & Co. Phone 223 J. you get them already print- Reading Santa Fe Hardware Supply Irons, Etc. ed at the New .Mexican Printing coir at the close were around the lowest THE WHITE HOUSE R pany. level of the day with .important issues


X THE BIG STORE X i Our Sale is in full speed, thousands of Dollars of Merchandise are sold and still have as many left, dont delay, come and get in line with the wise and save money. USEFUL :: CHRISTMAS :: GIFTS i I I I x Gifts for every member of the family no matter Furs are going very fast, what their age or position in life. I If you need a set to give: Especially do Ladies appreciate something to come wear, and at this Store with our immense stock away or for yourself X i 4" --v ? and pleasing selections you are sure to choose X just what she would like best. t I Don't loose this opportunity of for - $14.50 buying the best clothing on earth 22.50 u 12.50 I at 10 reduction. 20.00 it ii 10.85 ! : X Hannan Shoes at $4.50 a pair. 27.50 at $20.00 Club at $2.50 41 I Country regular t 25.00 15.00 J price $3.50. Hamilton Brown 20.00 " 12.50 make at $2.00 regular price t v I 18.00 ti ii " - 10.50 I $3.00. X Santa Claus has arrived at our Store with a big assortment of Toys for Children t X SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY X ti'' i NATHAN 5 ALMON