
Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases (2000) 26(4) August: 348–359 F. Edward Boas doi:10.1006/bcmd.2000.0314, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on Linkage to Gaucher Mutations in the Ashkenazi Population: Effect of Drift on Decay of Linkage Disequilibrium and Evidence for Heterozygote Selection Submitted 07/07/00 (Communicated by Ernest Beutler, M.D., 07/07/00)

F. Edward Boas1,2

ABSTRACT: The two most common Gaucher disease mutations in the Ashkenazi population, 1226A3 G and 84G3 GG in the glucocerebrosidase , are tightly linked to a marker in the nearby pyruvate kinase gene. This paper develops a simulation of the Ashkenazi population that considers the effects of selection and drift on the mutant allele frequency and the recombinant haplotype frequency over time. Although the fraction of mutants that are linked to the original marker decays exponentially on average, this expected value is not very likely to occur. Instead, due to random loss of the recombinant haplotype, a mutation has a significant probability of retaining complete linkage disequilibrium long after its origin, so there may be large errors in estimating the age of a mutation based on linkage data. The simulations show that the 1226G mutation probably originated between 40 and 1000 generations ago (1000 to 25,000 years ago), and the 84GG mutation probably originated between 50 and 4800 generations ago (1300 to 120,000 years ago). The recent origin of the 1226G mutation and its high current allele frequency provide strong evidence for heterozygote selection. New techniques and results developed in this paper have general applicability toward analyzing linkage disequilibrium near other mutations. For example, they potentially explain the unexpected pattern of linkage disequilibrium seen around the ⌬F508 mutation of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene. © 2000 Academic Press

Key Words: Gaucher disease; linkage disequilibrium; heterozygote advantage; ; Ashkenazi; computer simulation.

INTRODUCTION are relatively common in the Ashkenazi Jewish population. Disease-causing mutations are often in link- The general question addressed in this paper age disequilibrium with nearby polymorphic loci, involves a population in which the allele a (i.e., a usually due to their relatively recent single origin. specific mutation) is linked to a nearby polymor- This linkage disequilibrium is a useful tool in phic marker at B, which contains the alleles positional cloning and genetic diagnosis, but it B1 and B2. Initially, all copies of a are linked to also can be informative about the history of the B1, but in every generation a fraction r of the mutation. In this study, we examine how a muta- alleles recombines against a background popula- tion can spread through a population and how the tion in which B1 has a frequency freq(B1) and B2 fraction of ancestral haplotypes might decay with has a frequency freq(B2). This continues for g time, in a finite population influenced by selection generations after which some small fraction and drift (Fig. 1). We examine these factors in x(g) of mutant chromosomes have a recombi- the context of two Gaucher disease mutations that nant haplotype. On average, assuming that a is not

Correspondence and reprint requests to: F. Edward Boas, Department of Biochemistry, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305. Fax: 650-725-6044. E-mail: [email protected]. 1 Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California 94305. 2 Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California 92037.

1079-9796/00 $35.00 Copyright © 2000 by Academic Press All rights of reproduction in any form reserved 348 F. Edward Boas Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases (2000) 26(4) August: 348–359 doi:10.1006/bcmd.2000.0314, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on

Selective forces on the mutation determine how the mutation increases in frequency and thus in- directly affect the magnitude of genetic drift. Gaucher Disease

The simulation described below will be used to examine Gaucher disease, an autosomal reces- sive disorder in which the lipid glucocerebroside accumulates. Manifestations can include enlarge- ment of the spleen and liver, bone lesions, and neurological abnormalities. The disease is virtu- FIG. 1. Definitions of variables. ally always caused by mutations in the glucoce- rebrosidase (GBA) gene, which are uncommon in lost to fixation and freq(B1) and freq(B2) remain most populations, but have reached a 3.5% allele constant, frequency among Ashkenazi Jews. The two most common GBA mutations in this population are ϭ Ϫ Ϫ g x(g) (1 (1 r) )freq(B2) 1226A3G (75%) and 84G3GG (15%). 1226G [1] Ϸ (1 Ϫ e Ϫ rg)freq(B ), homozygotes have nonneuronopathic Gaucher 2 disease, and their life span is typically only regardless of population size. slightly reduced. 84GG is a null mutation, and Using Eq. [1], the age of the cystic fibrosis homozygotes are non-viable (10). mutation in Europe (2), the age of the idiopathic We recently reported (1) that both the 1226G torsion dystonia mutation among Ashkenazi Jews and 84GG mutations are in complete linkage dis- (3), and the age of the CCR5-⌬32 AIDS-resis- equilibrium with a PvuII in the tance allele among Caucasians (4) have been cal- GBA gene, suggesting that both mutations origi- culated. However, if there are only a small num- nated once in founders who were probably Ash- ber of recombinant chromosomes in each gener- kenazi Jews. These two mutations are also tightly ation, then genetic drift can make the distribution linked to a polymorphic BspHI marker in the of the actual number of recombinant chromo- pyruvate kinase gene (PKLR), 71 kb distant (Ta- somes highly skewed, with many populations ble 1). fixed at 0% or 100% of mutant chromosomes TABLE 1 displaying a recombinant haplotype. This means that the expected number of recombinant chromo- Data on the Two Most Common Gaucher Mutations in the Ashkenazi Jewish Population somes may not be very representative, and a more careful analysis of the variation may be necessary. GBA mutation Proposed approaches to quantitating this vari- 1226G 84GG ation include using Luria and Delbru¨ck’s analysis of mutations in rapidly growing bacterial popula- Current mutant frequency (%) 2.6 0.5 Estimated homozygote fitness 0.8 0.0 tions (5–7), and developing a more sophisticated Observed haplotypes (GBA PvuII site/ 390 Ϫ/Ϫ 55 ϩ/ϩ mathematical treatment based on coalescent the- PKLR BspHI site) 1 ϩ/Ϫ ory (8, 9). These solutions to the problem are very Recombinants with PKLR 0/390 1/56 elegant and informative, but a simulation ap- Frequency of unlinked PKLR allele 0.33 0.67 in general population proach will allow for a more complex model and Recombination rate 0.00071 0.00071 for analysis of more detailed statistics. The sim- ulation developed in this paper considers the ef- Note. Homozygote fitness relative to the fitness of the normal population (waa) estimated from descriptions of clinical severity. fects of both selection and genetic drift on a Other data from (1). Recombination frequency assumes 1 centi- mutation and its decay to linkage equilibrium. morgan/megabase. 349 Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases (2000) 26(4) August: 348–359 F. Edward Boas doi:10.1006/bcmd.2000.0314, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on

tive forces such as (13, 14). In the case of Gaucher mutations, some undetermined heterozygote advantage provides the most likely explanation for their current high frequency, given that multiple independent mutations have reached a high frequency, and that two other lipid storage disorders caused by defective lysosomal , Tay Sachs and Niemann–Pick disease, are also relatively common in the Jewish popula- tion (15). Mutation hotspots are not a significant factor in the incidence of Gaucher alleles since many of the most common mutations are only found in a single haplotype. Our data also show FIG. 2. Ashkenazi population size in recent history that the 1226G mutation is of sufficiently recent [data from (12, 13, 25, 26); conflicting estimates averaged]. origin that drift alone could not have elevated its This paper assumes a generation size equal to one-third the frequency to current levels (see below). population size. MATERIALS AND METHODS This linkage disequilibrium sets an upper limit on the ages of these two Gaucher mutations, but Our simulation of Gaucher disease in the Ash- finding this limit requires a careful analysis of the kenazi population uses the data described in the effects of genetic drift, which will cause devia- previous section. The general strategy is to simulate tions from the expected exponential decay to link- a population with selection at GBA, recombination age equilibrium. Smaller populations will experi- between GBA and PKLR, and drift. Then, we can ence more genetic drift, so it will be important to vary the age of the mutation and the amount of determine the population size as a function of heterozygote advantage to see which values are con- time. Figure 2 shows estimates of the Ashkenazi sistent with the current observed GBA allele fre- population since the third century AD based on quency and linkage disequilibrium with PKLR. historical accounts. In our simulations, we assume discrete 25-year-long generations, with the gener- Mutation Frequency as a Function of Time ation size equal to one-third the population size. We further assume exponential growth or decay The simulation starts with a single mutation, g between data points, and a constant generation generations before the present, and first deter- size outside the limits of the historical data. The mines how the frequency of this mutation might latter assumption roughly agrees with the estimate have varied over time. Under the influence of of an effective generation size of 14,000 obtained selection, the frequency of the disease allele a from the amount of drift needed to produce the changes in each generation i according to array of modern allele frequencies from putative “original” Jewish allele frequencies, after sub- freq(a,i ϩ 1) tracting the estimated effects of migration (11). 2 ϩ In addition to the population data shown in waa freq(a,i) wAa freq(a,i) ϫ (1 Ϫ freq(a,i)) Fig. 2, data regarding the variation of gene fre- ϭ . 2 ϩ quencies over time is needed. Some have argued waa freq(a,i) 2wAa freq(a,i) that the social history of the Ashkenazi, including ϫ (1 Ϫ freq(a,i)) ϩ (1 Ϫ freq(a,i))2 dramatic population expansions and contractions, [2] makes genetic drift a major cause of the popula- tion’s high frequency of genetic disorders (3, 9, We can estimate the homozygote fitness waa (rel- 12), while others have pointed out possible selec- ative to the normal population fitness) from clin- 350 F. Edward Boas Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases (2000) 26(4) August: 348–359 doi:10.1006/bcmd.2000.0314, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on

FIG. 3. Sampling schemes employed by the simulation to account for genetic drift.

ical data, but the magnitude of the heterozygote wAa values. This procedure should find the most fitness wAa (also relative to the normal population likely combination of drift and selection that is Ͼ Ͼ fitness) is unknown. If wAa 1 and wAa waa, consistent with the known data on population then the frequency of the disease allele increases size, waa, and current mutant frequency. exponentially until the appearance of homozy- gotes results in selection against the allele and the Frequency of Recombinant Chromosomes frequency levels off at an equilibrium value. as a Function of Time Much of the growth of the Gaucher disease mu- tations is probably due to heterozygote advantage, After calculating one possible trajectory for as discussed in the previous section, but drift is the number of mutant chromosomes as a function still likely to play a significant role. of time, the simulation then determines what pro- Thus, although the expected allele frequency portion of these chromosomes have a recombinant in the next generation is given by Eq. [2], the haplotype, under the influence of recombination actual number of mutants at generation i ϩ 1is and drift. The number of recombinant chromo- chosen from a binomial distribution with binomial somes in each generation is chosen from a bino- parameter freq(a, i ϩ 1) and a sample size of mial distribution with an average value given by 2N(i), the number of chromosomes in the entire the expected number of recombinant chromo- breeding population. Conceptually, the simulation somes and a sample size given by the number of generates a random number for each chromosome mutant chromosomes (bottom part of Fig. 3). The in the population to determine if it has inherited a expected proportion of mutant chromosomes that mutant allele, but in practice, the binomial sam- are recombinant at generation iϩ1 is: pling is performed by a much faster algorithm ϩ ϭ ⅐ ϩ Ϫ from (16). This entire process is summarized in x(i 1) r freq(B2) x(i)(1 r). [3] the top part of Fig. 3.

Since the actual value of wAa is unknown, the Repeating the simulation multiple times yields a Ϫ simulation randomly chooses a value of wAa 1 probability distribution for the current fraction of between Ϫ5 and 5 times the value needed to mutant chromosomes that are recombinant after g produce the current mutation allele frequency in g generations of recombination. Specifically, this generations in the absence of drift, thus making no probability distribution, G(p), is calculated by sorting assumptions about the presence or lack of hetero- the simulation outcomes into 100 percentile bins and zygote advantage. It then iterates the procedure assuming a uniform probability density in each bin. shown in the top part of Fig. 3, and only accepts the result if the simulated allele frequency is Calculating the Age of the Mutation within 5% of the actual current allele frequency. Otherwise, it repeats the process with another To determine likely values for the age of the randomly chosen value of wAa. The distribution of mutation, this simulation parameter is varied until accepted wAa values trails off to 0 before reaching there is a 95% probability that the simulated re- the boundaries of the uniform distribution of pro- combinant haplotype frequency is greater than (or posed wAa values (Fig. 7), indicating that the less than) the actual measured frequency. distribution of proposed wAa values does not in- The probability distribution of the actual mea- troduce any bias into the distribution of accepted sured frequency can easily be calculated: given a 351 Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases (2000) 26(4) August: 348–359 F. Edward Boas doi:10.1006/bcmd.2000.0314, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on

FIG. 4. Probability distributions for the current fraction of mutations in the glucocerebrosidase gene found in a recombinant haplotype with a marker in the PKLR gene. The area under each curve is 1. The dashed curve, F(p), indicates the uncertainty in this fraction due to sampling error, calculated using Eq. [4] and the data in Table 1. The other curves indicate the probability distributions expected today given various ages for the mutation (G(p); see figure legend). See Fig. 5 for more information. GBP, generations before the present. uniform prior distribution for the recombinant Now, the probability that a recombinant hap- haplotype frequency p, the posterior distribution lotype frequency chosen from the simulation for p, given m recombinants in n samples, is a probability distribution G(p) is greater than a fre- beta distribution with parameters ␣ ϭ m and quency chosen from the actual probability distri- ␤ ϭ n Ϫ m: bution F(p)is

n Ͼ m Ϫ nϪm Probability(simulated actual) (m)p (1 p) F(p) ϭ 1 1 Ϫ x [5] n ϭ ͐ ͐ F(p)G(p ϩ x)dp dx. ͐1 m Ϫ nϪm [4] 0 0 0(m)p (1 p) dp n ϭ (n ϩ 1)( )pm(1 Ϫ p)nϪm. This sort of explicit calculation is necessary be- m cause the distributions involved are highly non- normal (Fig. 4) so simpler methods that assume For large npˆqˆ, a confidence interval com- normality will give incorrect results. puted from F(p) approaches the more familiar pˆ Ϯ z ⅐ ͌pˆqˆ/n, where pˆ ϭ m/n, qˆ ϭ 1 Ϫ pˆ, and z is the number of standard deviations from the RESULTS mean needed to get the desired level of confi- dence in a normal distribution. Equation [4] is Figure 4 shows probability distributions for necessary both because the familiar approxima- the actual recombinant haplotype frequency, and tion breaks down for the small npˆqˆ in this the frequency from simulations that assume vari- problem, and because these calculations require ous mutation ages. Notice that the frequency from the full probability distribution and not just a the simulations often follows a bimodal distribu- confidence interval. tion, with the peak at 0% corresponding to the 352 F. Edward Boas Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases (2000) 26(4) August: 348–359 doi:10.1006/bcmd.2000.0314, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on

FIG. 5. Expected current fraction of mutant chromosomes that are recombinant, as a function of the mutation age. The top panel compares the current measured recombinant haplotype frequency with the recombinant haplotype frequencies from simulations with varying dates of mutation origin. The bottom panel calculates the probability that the simulation indicates a greater recombinant haplotype frequency than is actually the case. These probabilities, calculated with Eq. [5], indicate that the 1226G mutation most likely originated less than 1000 generations before the present (95% confidence; dotted lines, bottom left graph) and the 84GG mutation most likely originated between 50 and 4800 generations before the present (85% confidence; dotted lines, bottom right graph). ancestral haplotype, and the peak at 100% corre- variation in the frequency of mutant chromo- sponding to the recombinant haplotype. This sug- somes that are recombinant, even after the ex- gests that our careful work to elucidate the full pected frequency has reached equilibrium. There- distribution of recombinants expected, rather than fore, we must settle for a lower confidence level: just the mean and variance, has been necessary. at 85% confidence, the 84GG mutation is between As expected, older mutations have a smaller prob- 50 and 4800 generations old. ability of falling in the peak at 0%, and a greater Figure 6 shows the details of the simulations probability of falling in the peak at 100%. using the maximum likely value for g for the two The top panel of Fig. 5 displays the percen- mutations. The top row of Fig. 6 shows how the tiles for the probability distributions from Fig. 4. mutation allele frequency might have increased to Importantly, the percentiles demonstrate the ex- its current value from 1/(2N(0)). Note that the treme amount of random variation possible in the mutant frequency in most of the simulated popu- speed of decay to linkage equilibrium. For older lations lies above the expected curve for a popu- mutations, the percentiles for the expected frac- lation without drift, indicating that upward drift is tion of mutant chromosomes that are recombinant greatest immediately after the mutation’s origin. sweep above the percentiles for the actual frac- Populations whose mutation allele frequency hap- tion, making them less consistent with each other. pens to drift upward at the beginning are more The probability that the simulated fraction is likely to avoid immediate fixation at 0, and are greater than the actual fraction, graphed in the hence more likely to reach the current mutant bottom panel of Fig. 5, indicates that at 95% frequency. 84GG probably decreased in fre- confidence, the 1226G mutation is younger than quency recently because a mutation with a higher 1000 generations. The probabilities for the 84GG sustained frequency would be more likely to have mutation never reach 95%, because of the large survived to the present. 353 Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases (2000) 26(4) August: 348–359 F. Edward Boas doi:10.1006/bcmd.2000.0314, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on

FIG. 6. Simulations of the mutant allele frequency and the recombinant haplotype frequency as a function of time, assuming the mutations originated at their maximum likely age (calculated in Fig. 5).

After accounting for drift in the finite Ash- average heterozygote advantage of 1.1% is kenazi population, an average heterozygote ad- needed to raise 84GG to its current frequency in vantage of 0.68% is needed to raise 1226G to its 4800 generations (Fig. 7). If the mutations had current frequency in 1000 generations, and an originated earlier than their maximum likely age, 354 F. Edward Boas Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases (2000) 26(4) August: 348–359 doi:10.1006/bcmd.2000.0314, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on

FIG. 7. Distribution of values for the heterozygote fitness wAa obtained by assuming various values for the mutation age within the range calculated earlier. Values for wAa are proposed from wider uniform distributions, and only the values which Յ allow the simulation to reach the current allele frequency are accepted. Simulations of the 1226G mutation never had wAa Ն ϫ 3 Յ 1, out of 5 10 trials at each of several different mutation ages. Simulations of the 84GG mutation had wAa 1a maximum of 2.1% of the time, for the simulation of a 320-generation-old mutation. even greater heterozygote selection would be nec- frequency, as we have done, because the number essary. Furthermore, 1226G/84GG heterozygotes of mutant chromosomes influences the variation have a low fitness, perhaps around 0.25. After in the rate at which linkage disequilibrium decays. correcting for this (and assuming modern allele The preceding analysis cannot be used to find frequencies), 1226G/normal heterozygotes have a lower limit for the age of the 1226G mutation, an expected fitness of at least 1.1% above normal, because no recombinants have ever been observed and 84GG/normal heterozygotes have an ex- with this mutation (1), which would be consistent pected fitness of at least 3.2% above normal. At with an arbitrarily recent origin. the end of this section we will present evidence Instead, we can calculate a minimum bound that drift alone could not have elevated 1226G to for the age of 1226G by determining the least its current allele frequency, supporting that idea amount of time needed for it to reach its current that this heterozygote advantage is real. allele frequency under ideal conditions. Sickle The bottom two rows of Fig. 6 show, on two cell , the best-documented example of het- ϭ different scales, the decay in linkage disequilib- erozygote advantage, reaches wAa 1.25 at the rium between the mutation and the marker over highest levels of (17). If we set this as time. On average, the linkage disequilibrium de- the maximum reasonable heterozygote advantage cays exponentially, but for the small mutant pop- for Gaucher mutations, the mutation would re- ulation present soon after its origin, this expected quire around 40 generations to reach its current value is achieved by a significant probability that frequency. no recombinant chromosomes will occur, bal- Given these limits on the ages of the Gaucher anced by a small probability that a fortuitous mutations, we can test to see if they could have recombination event will create a large fraction of reached their current frequencies in the Ashkenazi recombinant chromosomes. Thus, the 95th per- population by drift alone. For the sake of argu- centile of the fraction of recombinant chromo- ment, we assume that there is selection against somes starts increasing rapidly soon after the mu- homozygotes (Table 1) but no selection for or tation origin, while the 25th and 5th percentiles against heterozygotes. This is a conservative as- remain at 0 until the population is large enough to sumption since there is in fact strong selection decrease the genetic drift that pushes allele fre- against 1226G/84GG heterozygotes. Given these quencies there. This observation emphasizes the assumptions, we iterated the procedure shown in need to examine population data and possible the top part of Fig. 3 to determine the fate of scenarios for the growth of the mutation allele 1226G or 84GG mutations as a function of how 355 Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases (2000) 26(4) August: 348–359 F. Edward Boas doi:10.1006/bcmd.2000.0314, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on

FIG. 8. Probability that a 1226G or 84GG mutation reaches or exceeds its current allele frequency, assuming that the mutations do not confer a heterozygote advantage. The gray portion of the 84GG mutation graph represents extrapolated data. The very low probabilities for the 1226G mutation reaching its current allele frequency indicate that this assumption is almost certainly invalid for 1226G. long ago they originated (Fig. 8). Both graphs our original assumption must be wrong: it would have a single peak in probability. The probability be very unlikely for the 1226G mutation, or any of reaching the current allele frequency decreases other mutation like it, to have reached its current for mutations of recent origin because there has allele frequency without any heterozygote advan- not been enough time for the mutation to drift tage. upwards in frequency. The probability of reaching the current allele frequency also decreases for DISCUSSION mutations of ancient origin because of fixation at zero frequency. We have shown that the linkage disequilib- The data in Fig. 8 provide strong evidence of rium between a mutation and a nearby marker can heterozygote selection for the 1226G mutation in serve as a molecular clock for the age of the the Ashkenazi population. A typical mutation rate mutation, but only after accounting for some of of 0.33 ϫ 10Ϫ8/year/nucleotide (18) translates the clock’s peculiar properties. For example, this into a mutation rate of 10Ϫ4/generation in the “clock” can easily get stuck at zero in small glucocerebrosidase gene. Multiplying this rate by populations or closely linked due to random the number of alleles (calculated from the Ash- loss of recombinant chromosomes. This paper’s kenazi population estimates in Fig. 2) and the analysis of the variations in the clock speed al- probabilities from Fig. 8, then integrating over the lows us to better interpret linkage data. estimated range of mutation ages (dotted lines in An interesting corollary of this analysis is that Fig. 8), will approximate the expected number of markers extremely close to a locus of interest may any glucocerebrosidase mutation (not just 1226G stay more tightly linked to it than the expected or 84GG) being present today at 1226G or 84GG exponential decay of linkage disequilibrium with allele frequencies. The result is that we would distance. This phenomenon has been observed expect 2 ϫ 10Ϫ3 1226G-like mutations today and with markers near the ⌬F508 mutation of the 0.8 84GG-like mutations today in the absence of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regu- heterozygote selection. Even without using the lator gene (19; Fig. 9). calculated age limits, we can extrapolate and in- Some authors have concluded that the recent tegrate to infinity, yielding 3 ϫ 10Ϫ3 1226G-like extreme fluctuations in Ashkenazi population size mutations today that originated at any time. Thus, have created a series of founder effects that might 356 F. Edward Boas Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases (2000) 26(4) August: 348–359 doi:10.1006/bcmd.2000.0314, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on

tions is low compared to the recombination rate, it will retard the decay to linkage equilibrium (23). Indeed, it is possible for subpopulations to be in complete linkage equilibrium while the popula- tion at a whole is not at equilibrium. However, the low recombination rate between the GBA and PKLR genes (0.071%) means that even low levels of migration between subpopulations would be sufficient to make Ashkenazi Jews behave like a single population with respect to linkage disequi- FIG. 9. Linkage disequilibrium near the ⌬F508 muta- tion of the CFTR gene. Data compiled in (19). librium between these two loci. 2. Discrete vs continuous generations. Our assumption of discrete generations should not sig- have allowed rare mutations to become more nificantly affect our results since the time scale of common in this population compared to many the simulation is much longer than the generation others (3, 12). However, our simulations (top row length. If anything, the assumption of discrete of Fig. 6) indicate that for the 1226G and 84GG generations would tend to overestimate the possi- mutations in the Ashkenazi population, mutant ble variation [analogous to a result in (6)]. frequencies do not change faster during popula- 3. Nonuniform population expansion. We as- tion bottlenecks. In the context of the potentially sume that the transfer of genes to the next gener- long histories of the mutations, these recent bot- ation can be modeled by a random sampling pro- tlenecks reduced the population size to levels that cess, meaning that the number of copies of a gene had existed for hundreds and maybe even thou- in the next generation is approximately Poisson sands of years. The change in allele frequencies distributed with a mean and variance equal to the during these population crashes were thus no population growth rate per generation. It is pos- larger than genetic drift in the small Ashkenazi sible that in the real Ashkenazi population, the populations of several hundred years ago. variation in the number of copies of a gene passed Notably, the linkage data on the 1226G mu- on to the next generation is greater than this. For tation indicates that it is too young to have example, higher Jewish social classes have histor- reached its current frequency by drift alone; ically had more children than lower social classes. some form of heterozygote advantage must be This would increase the magnitude of genetic operating. drift. Some recent studies (20–22) have calculated 4. Constant vs fluctuating selection. If the that the 1226G mutation originated 25–280 gen- heterozygote advantage of GBA mutations de- erations ago, and the 84GG mutation originated pends on sporadic events such as tuberculosis 56 generations ago. While these numbers are outbreaks or famines, then the amount of selec- roughly consistent with the estimates presented in tion might fluctuate from generation to genera- this paper, they are near the lower bounds. Our tion. simulations indicate (Fig. 5) that these mutations 5. Drift in the linked allele frequency. This could in fact be substantially older than a simple would increase the uncertainty in the rate of ob- calculation might suggest. served recombination. Our model, as with any model of a human 6. . This would increase selection population, oversimplifies the situation. Several against Gaucher mutations by increasing the inci- complicating factors are worth pointing out. dence of homozygotes. However, the inbreeding 1. Single vs fragmented population. Our sim- coefficient for Ashkenazi Jews is small, around ulation assumes a single population, but in reality, 0.8% (11). the Ashkenazi population was probably frag- 7. Migration. There is mixed evidence on the mented. If the migration rate between subpopula- amount of migration into the Ashkenazi popula- 357 Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases (2000) 26(4) August: 348–359 F. Edward Boas doi:10.1006/bcmd.2000.0314, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on tion. One study suggests a relatively large (rela- 8. Rannala, B., and Slatkin, M. (1998) Likelihood anal- tive to other Jewish populations) “cumulative” ysis of disequilibrium mapping, and related problems. migration rate of 54% based on the degree of Am. J. Hum. Genet. 62, 459–473. similarity in allele frequencies between the Ash- 9. Thompson, E. A., and Neel, J. V. (1997) Allelic dis- equilibrium and allele frequency distribution as a kenazi and neighboring populations (11), while function of social and demographic history. Am. J. another suggests little admixture over the past 700 Hum. Genet. 60, 197–204. years (24). The existence of a well-defined Ash- 10. Beutler, E., and Gelbart, T. 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