Tritul Jampa Kalden

(Gomde )

Present Address: Sera Jey Dro-Phenling Chandmari, P.O. Raj bhavan Gangtok 737101 Sikkim, Email: [email protected]

P R O F I L E Tritul Jampa Kalden was born on June 14th, 1973. Rinpoche is a Tibetan teacher and master of pa . In 1987, he was recognized by His Holiness the 14th Dalai as the 6th reincarnation of Gaden Tripa Nawang-Chokyi. Rinpoche is a Degree holder (equivalent to PhD Degree in ) and has been giving teachings in within the Tibetan communities, in the western countries and Asian sub-continents. His Main Seat is Zurmang Gaden located in Kham region, in Eastern Tibetan. At present, Rinpoche is functioning as the Abbot of Gelug Drophenling Monastery in Sikkim, India.

E D U C AT I O N Rinpoche began his monastic education at the age of six in 1979, at in South India. The systematic educational system of the Monastic University comprises of the basic schooling to higher level subjects such as Philosophy, Psychology, Mind Science, Meditation, Meta Physics, Philosophy and Logical Reasoning. The high school level Education was completed at the age of 15, after which university education begins. University Education in Monastery is a long and intensive process. In 2003, he received Geshe Degree equivalent to PhD. Beside the academic curriculum, he also studied Astrology.

E X P E R I E N C E During the monastic study, he was appointed as Tamdin Lopon, title given to master who leads the Tamdin or Hayagriva rituals for the period of seven years.

In the year 2011, Rinpoche lead Sera Monastery’s world peace tour in the United States for 4 months covering 14 states, which also helped in raising funds for the Monastery. The tour showcased unique Tibetan Buddhist rituals such as Sand creation, Cham Dances and Buddha’s teaching.

Tritul Jampa Kalden Due to the successful US tour, he was assigned to lead Monastery’s Europe Harmony tour in 2013. He traveled for six months through different countries such as Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, Holland and Spain.

In 2015, Rinpoche set up Zurmang Gaden Association based in France to improve his Main Seat Monastery in .

In 2018, Rinpoche became the Abbot of Sera Jey Drophenling Monastery in Sikkim, India.

Throughout the tours, Rinpoche gave motivational talks within the Tibetan communities and other group of local peoples to bring about happier life and happier community.

Rinpoche also gave ancient Tibetan Divination advises, which helps people in coping with their personal problems.

Main Seat Zurmang Gaden Monastery in Tibet

Tritul Jampa Kalden