The National Society Sons of the American Revolution
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20 1 OFFICIAL BULLETIN OFFICIAL BULLETIN JOH N ROB J ~RT W lllTLOCK. Summit, N.J. (30974). Great3·grandson of lamt OF Roberts, private Second Regt. Conn. Line; great'·grandson of Jo/111 Roberts private, Windsor Company Conn. Militia, '775· The National Society FRED WYCKOFF, Thermopolis, Wyo. (3oo6;). Great·grandson of Jo/m Wycko ff private, Col. Abraham Brinkerhoff's New York Regt. , pensioned. OF THE I GEORGE ALBERT WILLIAMS, Salt Lake City, Utah (3999). Great0·grandsor of Richard Lyman, Orderly Sergeant Conn. Militia under Gen. Isaac Putnam Sons of the JOHN BI~LL WILLIAJI'IS, Richmond, Va. (30641). Great·grandson of James M IVilliams~ private Virginia Continenta1 Line, pensioned. American Revolution PALi\IF.R CII.\~IPNEY WILT, I.\i\IS, 1,ieut., Co. K, 302d Inf., Taunton, Mass (31246). Great'·grandson of George Williams, Jr., private, Capt. Noah Ha1J • Oratanized A pril 30, 1889. l ncorporated by Ac t of Con &r;r ess, Ju n e 9, 1906 1 Company, Col. :\litchell's :\lass. Regt. and Batsheba (King) Williams; great• grand,on of Ccorgc ll'illiams. Colonel Third llristol County Reg!. :\lass. i\1 ilitin President General LOUIS ANNJN AMES, 99 F ulton St., New York City CL.\RENCE MOALE WILLIAR, Baltimore, Md. (29839). Great~grandson o Joseph Ware, Sergeant, Colonel Greaton's and other Mass. Regts. Volume XIII f. D\\'IN WELL! :-IGTON WING, Lewiston, Idaho (2702' ). Supplemental. Great" OCTOBE R , 1918 Number 2 grandson of John Wing, private Mass. Militia; great'·grandson of Ebe~; Stanton, Lieutenant ~aymaster Conn. Troops. ,.,,,... Published at the office of the Secretary General (A. Howard Clark, Smithsonian Institution). Washington, D. C.. in June, October, December, and March. UI ·: MICK WILT 'c: ( •. '. l.ORD WISER, New Haven, Conn. (311~!). Great'· grandson .of -· .sl!a Lathrop, Member of Lebanon New Tlamp(lllire Committee Entered as second-class matter, May 7. 1908, at the post-offi ce at Washington, D. C .. of Safety. under the Act of July 16, 1894. C.\R'l'f::F, WOOD, Boise, ldabo (30722). Great'·grandson of John Camp,... private, Captain Ford's Company Mass. Militia. THE OFFICIAL BULLETIN records action by the General Officers, the FRANK F,f.RRJDGF, WOOD, lloise, Idaho (30718). Great'·grandson of John Board of Trustees, the Executive and other National Committees, li sts Camp, private, Captain Ford's Company i\Iass. Militia. of members deceased and of new members, and important doings of WALTER El~LTOTT WOOD, 18th Regt. Railway Engineers, France, Boise, l'daho State ocJet1es. In order that the 0FFJCTAL Buu.ETrN may be up to (30717). Great'·grandson of Jolu1 Camp, private, Captain Ford's Company Conn. Militia. date, and to insure the preservation in the :\' ational Society archives of a complete history of the doings of the entire organization, State SIDNEY CHAFFIN WOODWARD, Wellesley Hills, Mass. (31231). Great'· grandson of Samutl Woodward, private, Capt. Benjamin Plummer's Company, Societies and local Chapters are reque ted to communicate promptly Col. William Jones's Mass. Reg!. to the Secretary General written or printed accounts of all meetings STANLEY WINGATE WOODWARD, private Co. 12, 3d Battalion, Camp Devens, or celebrations, to forward copie of all notices, circulars, and other Wellesley Hills, Mass. (31232). Great2·grandson of SamJ<el Woodward, pri· printed matter issued by them, and to notify him at once of dates of vate, Capt. Benjamin Plummer's Company, Col. Wm. Jones's 1\Iass. Regt. death of membe1·s. SAMUEL COPP WORTIIEN, East Orange, N. J. (27408). Supplemental. Great!!..grandson of Eligood Mills, Officer on New Hampshire privateer "Grand OFFICIAL XOTICES. / Turk/' prisoner. CARL EDWIN ZIEGLER, U. S. Army, Coffeyville, Kans. (31032). Great'·grand. The ::\ational Executive Committee has elected Frank W. Rawles of son of Benjamin Biggs, Captain Seventh Virginia Regt. Little Rock, Arkansas, as Vice-President General for Mississippi Valley, West District, to fi ll the vacancy caused by the non-acceptance of that office by · C. Robert Churchill, elected at the Rochester Congress. Com patriot Rawles also becomes Chairman of the Organization Committee fo r that district, and Secretary Fay Hempstead of the Arkansas Society is appointed a member of that committee. J udge Harvey F. Remington of Rochester, N. Y., and David R. Gray of Salt Lake City are appoin ted members of the Committee on Ameri canization and A li ens. NATIONAL SOCIETY, S. A. R. 2 OFFICIAL BULLETIN 3 On August 5 a response was received from the Prime Minister, in H. Donald Holmes, Summit, N. ]., is appointed Secretary General and h. h he expressed the gratitude of the Government and people of the Earle A. Miller of East Orange, N. ]., a Lieutenant Governor General W IC "d "I . British Empire for the very generous messa~e, and sa1 : t IS a cause of the Washington Guard. for deep satisfaction that the great democrac1es of the world are stand THE AMES BANNERS.~resident General Ames will present, at the in side by side and opposing a united front to the assaults of a modern Detroit Congress in r919 a silk banner bearing the name of the State b g barism which aims at destroying all that we hold best and all that Society and to be held b it in perpetuity, t ::> each Society that increases h:: been counted sacred in our common traditions of freedom and lib- its membership 20 per cent during the year ending March :u, 1919, pro The principles which our two democracies hold even dearer than er t y. · · d vided the increase is not less than 10 over the number of members re life itself have been consecrated afresh by the splendid hero1sm .an ported on April I, 1918. sacrifice of tire brave American soldiers at the front within these recent THE TRAVELING BANNER, presented to the National Society by the days." Colorado Society, is awarded each year, by terms of the gift, to the LA VERNE KOYES FOUNDATION FOR EDUCATION OF State Society of one hundred or more members which makes the largest SOLDIERS AND SAILORS AND THEIR percentage of net gain in membership during the year ending March 31. DESCENDANTS. At the Rochester Congress it was awarded to the Wisconsin Society. THE SYRACUSE BANNER, presented to the National Society by the Compatriot La Verne Noyes, former President of the Illinois Society Syracuse Chapter, is awarded each year to the State Society making the and Vice-President General of the National Society, has given to the greatest actual enrollment of new members during the year ending University of Chicago eight parcels of real estate, with a total value of March 31. At the Rochester Congress it was awarded to the Massa about $2,5oo,ooo, creating thereby the "La Verne Noyes Foundation," chusetts Society. the income from which will be used for the education of soldiers or sailors who have served in the present great world war, their children THE PUBLICITY COMMITTEE. and descendants. In establishing this foundation Mr. Noyes wished to "express his gratitude to those who ventured the supreme sacrifice of The Chairman of the Publicity Committee, David L. Pierson, 2I life for their country and for the freedom of mankind in this war, and Washington street, East Orange, N. · ]., ,requests that items of general also by giving them honor, to aid in keeping alive through the genera interest pertaining to the Society, newspapers containing articles on the tons to come the spirit of unselfish patriotic devotion, without which no Society, and any information regarding the organization or its members free government can long endure or will deserve to endure." be forwarded to him. There must be a strong alignment of every indi A stipulated portion of the income may be used for payment of sala vidual enrolled in the Society in order to keep its purposes and objects ries of the university staff engaged in teaching American history or the constantly before the public. Official material for permanent preserva public duties of citizenship, including political economy, political science, tion and for use in the 0~'FICIAL BULLETIN should be forwarded to the and sociology. The funds are to pay tuition in the University of Chi Secretary General. cago for deserving students, without regard to sex, race, religion, or political party, who shall be citizens of the United States and shall have LETTER TO RIGHT HON. LLOYD-GEORGE. served in the Army or Navy of the United States during the present On August 4, I9I8, the fourth anniversary of the entrance of the war and been honorably discharged, or shall be descendants by blood of Government and people of Great Britain in the great war, a number of any one who may have so served and have died or been honorably dis officers and members of the Society of the Cincinnati, the Sons of the charged. American Revolution, and the Sons of the Revolution assembled in Fraunce's Tavern, New York, sent a dispatch addressed to the Right CONSTITUTION DAY, SEPTEMBER Ii, I9r8. Hon. Lloyd-George, Prime Minister of Great Britain, expressing their Constitution Day was celebrated this year in many of the States, highest appreciation of the noble efforts and heroic self-sacrifice of her under the auspices of the Sons of the American Revolution. The Presi valiant soldiers and sailors who drew the sword without hesitation for dent General issued a proclamation to each of the State Societies, re- the cause of Belgium and world freedom. 4 OFFICI.\L B LLETIN questing their earne t efforts in behalf of a proper observance of the NATION,\L SOCIETY, S .•\. R. 5 anni,·ersary. Thi was supplemented by a letter from the office of the Chairman of the Puhlicitv Committee, in which all compatriots were tory the deeds of our colonial times are little known, even to our people.