PEKI 34 I August lg,197,

lL Great llictory for Ghairman ilao's Guideline on lUar - ln commemorotion of the 50th onniversory of the 4. founding of the Chinese People's Liberotion Army A ln Memory of Comrades -{L Ho Lung and Ghen Yi PEKII\G Yol. An, No. 3l August 19, l9T,

REVIEW Published in English, tr'rench, Spanish, Japanese, German and Arabic editions lL C. A.e BEtnxc zEouaAo CO NTE NTS

THE WEEK Choirmon Huo Meeb Belgion ond Donish Comrodes . Vice-Premier Li Meets Prime Minister Miguel Trovoodo lnterment of Remoins of Mortyr Fong Chih-min

ARTICLES AND DOCUMENTS Greot Victory for Choirmon Moo's Guideline op Wot ln commemorotion of the 50th oniriversory of tlie founding ol the Chinese- People's Liberotion Army- 6 Comrode Ho Lung: A Gtoriouc.lifra-Wong 16 A Mon Open orrd Aboveboord, A Reyelutionory All His Lite-ln memory of Com- rode -Ton Chen-lin ond 5u Yu An Attempt to Restore Copitolism Under the Signboord of Opposing Restorotion Reluting the "gong of four's" so-colled criticism of "On the Generol Prog- , -romme toi All Wor[ of the Whole Porty ond Whole Country" Hsiong , Chun - Form Mechonlzotion in Wusih County (lll): Freeing Themselves From Heovy Mon' uol Lobour by Their Own Efforts - Our Correspondent Chin Chi-chu 33 Choirrnon Moo Tsetung Stonds on the Pinnocle ol History Excerpts from on or- ticle by Comrode E.F. Hill - 38 C.M.E,A.: Soviet Union Tightens the Screurs on Eost Europeon Countries*Ho ' Hsing 41 Soviet-Joponese lnterim Fishery Agreement: Why Are the Fishery Overlords Sot- isfied?-A commentory by Hsinhuo Correspondent 43 Economi.c Notes: The Biggest Trode Deficit in U.S. History-Ku Chin 44

ROUND THE WORLD 16 Ponomo-U.S,A,: Agreement in Principle on o New Conol Trecty Thoilond: 12th Anniversory oI People's Armed Struggle Soviet-U,S.: Rivolry ln Jopon YugosloVio: Exponding Economic Coioperotion With De'reloping C.ountrie: U.S.A.: Vonce's Middle Eost Tour

Publishcd cvory Frldoy by PEKING REVIEW, Peting (37), Chlno Post Office Regiitrotion No. 2-9?,2 Prlnted ln thc People'r Rcpublic of Chlno N"NNN \\..$NNW

Chairman Hua Meets Belgian and Danlrh ComradeE

L[UA Kuo-feng, Chairman of lI tn" Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, on August 8 met separately with Fernand Lefebvre, First Secre- tary, and Emile Remy, Member of the Central Cominittee, of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Belgium, and with the Delegation of the Central Com- mittee of the Communist Work- ers' Part5r of Dehmark led by Chairman Benito Scooozza. On the afternoon of August 8 when Chairman Hua met the Belgian comrades, Comrade Lefebvre extended his warm congratulations on the success of the Third Plenary Session of the Tenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. He Chlirun Eua meets wlth Flrel Secretary Lefebvre. said that this was a great victory not only for the Chinese people of the . Political Bureau of the ism with the concrete revolu- but also for the revolutionary C.P.C. Central Committee, tionary practice in Denmark. people the world over. "We warmly praised the Communist are looking forward to the Workers' Party of Denmark for At present, Cbmrade Li convocation of the 11th National the struggles it has waged. for Hsien-nien added, the daily Congress of the Party," he years against modern revision- intensifying seramble for hege- added. Chairman Hua expressed ism, the two hegemonic mony between the Soviet Union heartfelt thanks and stated the powers, the Soviet Union and and the United States and espe- wish that the friendship and the United States, and the cially the aggression and expan- unity of the two Parties and two aggression and expansion by sion perpetrated by Soviet peoples of China and Belgium Soviet social-imperialism in par- social-imperialism ever;narhere wouid cvntinually develop. ticular, and the monopoly are causing intranquillity in the world. This has aroused increas- After the meeiing with the capitalist class at home. ingly strong opposition and Danish comrades in the He said: \lYe are conlident evening, Chairman Hua gave resistance from the people of all a that the Danish Communist banquet their honour. eountries. in lVorkers' Party will achieve still In his toast at the banquet, greater successes in the crcun;e Comrade Li Hsien-nien re- Comrade Li Hsien-nien, Member of integrating Marxism-Lenin- iterated: "The Chinese people

August 19, 7977 are determined to follow superpowerc, the Soviet Union is a great victory of the prole- Chaitrrtan Mudb stretegie thirrk- and the United Stat€s, for thei? 'tcslat over the bourgeoisie. We ing regarding the three worLds, attempts to enslave the people hereby extend our congratula- firmly implement Chairman of all countries. In its conten- tions on the decisions made by Mao's revolutionary line in tion for hegemony, he said, the Third Plenary Session of the foreigrr affairs, and opl)ffie thc *ecial-imperialiarii is ,p,ustdl6 Central Comgrittee of the Com- hegemonism oi the two super- dhead with a more and more munist Party of China." policy; powers .- the Soviet Urrion tlnd ,gggressive . ,. ., l .,.,ft pointed out that the the United States." lii:i:,{,,;. ffi6 . lntenstfied ilr' tiv"lry *:&tifblishment of the broadest Dwelling on the excellent between the superpowers and possible unity in the struggle situation in Chlna, Comrade Li partieularly the social-irnperial- against the two superPowers, Ilsieel+nlen e*ti$: . At SFa*mL'.I# oflenstves' haver,&$g-p.*isbd the ,strengthening of the soli- darity of the Danish people . with the third lyorld people and the cloitng of ranks of all countries and 'nations who stand side by side on the [3sis of equality in the struggle against the United States and social-imperialism all this conforms to- the interests of the Danish working class and people. Earlier, Vice-Chair- man Teng Ying-chao of the N.P.C. Standing Committee rnet and feted the Danish com- rades. After visiting Peking, Harbin, Ta- ching and other Places, froets witL Chalrftrai Seooozta' Chalrmer Eue the delegation left the capital for home on August 9' the Chinese PeoPle in their the danger of the outbreak of a hundreds of millions are'wafmlY thlrd world waf,,"'he Pointed :the responding !o the call of out. This dernands that the Third Plenary Session of the people throughout the woild Yice-Premier Li l'leets Tenth Central Committee of the "ctrengtien their struggle Prime ilinister iliguel Communist PartY, against the two suPerPowers Chinese Trovoada holding aloft the $reat banlrer q4d,,:no.1e +ep..1ta9.9t,.1,*Uint$n grg$arree. .:egainst, arid,,t,roP$oge tfi' C&aiitb{in S&Es;'iffi$t-'ti$ SfiiU . Vice-I4erriier Li Hsien-nien round the ParAY social-impei'ialism that PaYs liP more closelY on August 13 met with Miguel Committee headed bY service to peace and anti-im- Central Trovoada, Prime Minister of Hua, and greeting the perialism but tries hard to gain Chairman Democratic RePublic of convocation of the llth National more positions." the Sao Tome and PrinciPe, and his Congress of the Party witlr new Comrade Seoeazza Praised the the meeting, Vice- achievements in socialist revolu- victory of the Communist PartY party. After gave banquet in tion and construction. of China in smashing'the "gang Premier Li a the distinguished In his toast, Comrade Scocozza of four." He stated: "The honour of sternly .condemfied the two victory over the 'gang of four' guests;' Peking Reoiew, No. 34 4 In his toast, Vice-Premier Li Party of China, a good student Socialist Youth League in 1922 said that the relations of friend- of Chairman Mao, a great com- and became a member of the ship and co-operation between munist fighter and a people's in China and Sao Tome and Prin- hero, was held on August 6 in 1923. He was Member of the cipe have developed steadily Nanchang city in east China's Sixth Central Committee of the over the past two years and Kiangsi Province. Party and Member of the Exe more since the establishment of cutive Committee as well as diplomatic relations. The The Party Central Committee Member of the Presidium of the Chinese Government and people and Chairman Hua and Vice- Central Workers' and Peasants' highly treasure their frieadship Chairmen Yeh Chien-ying and Democratic Government of the with the Government and peo- Teng Hsiao-ping presented Chinese Soviet Republic. During ple of Sao Tome and Principe wreaths. the period of the Second Revo- and always hold that it ls most A rnausoleurn for Fang Chih- lutionary Civil War (1927-37r, important for the third world min was built in 1965. Our great Comrade Fang Chih-min un- countries and people to sympa- leader and teacher Chairma,n swervingly implemented Chair- thize with and support each Mao wrote an inscription for the man Mao's revolutionary line other in the comrnon struggle gravestone, but the interment of and lollowed the road charted against imperialism. by Chairman Mao to found and the rnartyr's remains wqg held deiielop the Workers' and up as a result of interfeience Prime Minister Miguel Tro- Peasants' Red Army and the voada said: Since President and sabotage by the Lin Piao revolutionary base area in Manuel Pinto da Costa of Sao anti-Party clique and the "gang northeast Kiangsi Province. He Tome and Principe visited China of four." After the gang was waged an unremitting struggle in December 1975, the relations smashed, the Party Central against the opportunist lines of of friendship and co-operation Committee headed by Chairman Wang Ming and Li Li-san and between our two peoples have Hua gave approval to this cere- thus expanded the northeast been further consolidated. We mony for interring the martyr's Kiangsi revolutionary base area. always advocate the strengthen- remains. Chairman Mao highly appraised ing of co-operation ampng the Comrade and In the morning of August 6, Fang Chih-min third world countries so that the as the hearse carrying the the work of the base area under underdeveloped countries will his leadership. win complete emancipation. It marble coffin contaiSring the re- is my belief that through bilat- mains and covered with the flag In January 1935, when Com- eral contacts between us, we of the Cqmmunist Party of Chi- rade Fang Chih-min led an ad- can better our mutual under- na, moved slowly towards the vance detachment of the standing and strengthen our co- mausoleum, people wearing Chinese Workers' and Peasants' operalion. white flowers and black arm- Red Army in trying to break bands lined the streets to pay through the blockade of the Prime Minister Miguel Tro- silent tribute to the martyr. . reactionaries and voada and his party stopped The mausoleum is situated dn march northward to fight the over in Peking after a visit to the outskirts of Nanchang and Japanese aggressors, he was the Democratic People's Re- the gravestone bears Chairman betrayed by a renegade and public of Korea. Mao's inscription: Grave of the captured by the enemy. In pris- Martyr Fang Chih-min. e[, he showed great courage and wisdom, and peisevered in lnterment of Remains of Comrade Fang Chih-rnin was the struggle against the enemy. Martyr Fang Chih-min one of the founders of the In the summer of that year, he Kiangsi provincial Party organi- died a hero in Nanchang. Com- The ceremony for interring zation and the founder of the rade Fang Chih-min's life was the remains of the martyr northeast Kiangsi revolutionary one of thoroughgoing revolution Fang Chih-min, an outstanding base area and the Tenth Army and valiant struggle against the member of the Communist of the Red Army. He joined the enemy.

August 19, 7977 Great Uictory lor Ghairman tlao's Guidel'ine on tar - ln commemorotion of the 50th onniversory of the founding of the Chinese Peop,le's Liberotion Army

by Su Yu

ItlililHilllllulrtllll!illllulllililtlnflmuiltnuilllInillnIlnfl ttllllilnililflllullIrr

EIFTY years ago our great leader and teacher tionaries and triumphantly defended the great l' Chairman Mao founded the people's own cause of socialist revolution and socialist con- army, therely ushering in an entirely new struction. period- in the Chinese revolution, that is, a people rs period of independent leadership of the revolu- The historic victory of the Chinese Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung tionary war by the Communist Party of China. a victory for. Thought. In the long years of revolutionar)r war, China's history has undergone world- .Chairman Mao integrated the universal truth of shaking changes since the Party and the people Marxism-Leninism with the concrete practice of took up and used arrned revolution to China's revolutionary war and developed crea- oppase armed coupter-revolution. After 22 tively and in qn s|!.16und way Marxist-Leninist of revolutionary wars, the Chinese thesis on military affairs, thus greatly enriching people led by Chairman Mao and the Chinese the treasure house of Marxist-Leninist military Communist Party overthrew the criminal rule theory. Chairrr,ran Mao not only formulated for of the Chiang Kai-shek reactionary gang in us the correct line for building the people's 1949, cleared away the_ three big mountains of army, but al.^o set forth the correct guideline on imperiatism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capital- war. . Chairman Mao's military thinking and ism which lay like a dead weight on the Chinese military line. are powerful ideological weatrrcns people, and brought the new-democratic revolu- for the proletariat and ottrer revolutionary peo- tion to complpte vietory. After country-wide ple in waging revolutionary wars and our heir- liberation, the Chinese people fought the war loom in vanquishing the enemy. to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea, repuls- aggression social-imperialists ed by and re3c- People's Wor . The author is a membei of 'the S.-tanding com- Chairman Mao's guideline on war is, fun- mittee of the Military Commiqsion of the Cer,rtral damentall5z speaking, the guideline on people's Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. The reason why China's revolutio4ary war Originally published in Renmin Ribao on August war. 6, this article is divided into three parts. The first could start from a single spark and gradually part which deals with the importance of opposing a become a prairie fire and finally defeat power- counter-revolutionary War with a revolutionary ful enemies at home and abroad was that the war is not included in this translation. Here wL progressive just and was publish excerpts from the second and third parts. war we waged was and genuine people's carried out under the Subheads are ours. - Ed. a war 6 Peking Reuiew, No. 34 leadership of Chairman Mao and the Party and and concentrate our attack against the chief by plying on the people. enemy. In this way, the most lrcwerful foun- dation was laid for waging a p€ople's war. "The revolutionary war is a war of the masses; it can be waged only by mobilizing the rWithout revolutionary base areas, it would masses and relying on them." (Mao Tsetung: be impossible for China's revolutionary war to Be Concerneil With the Wett-Being of thd triumph. In the protracted revolutionary war, Mosses, Poy Attedtion to Methods oJ Work.) By Chairman Mao closely linked armed struggle creatively applying the Marxist-Leninist basic with the establishment of revolutionary base pfinciple that the people are the makers of area,s. The estabiishment of these areas turned history to revolutionary war, Chairman Mao the backward countryside into advanced revolu- developed the great Marxist-Lqrinist thesis on tionary bastions, and this made it possible for us people's war and personally led the Chinese to accumulate and temper our revolutionary Feople in waging a protracted, extensive and forces, expedite the advent of a revolutionary all-round people's war. high tide and graduelly seize political power in .- China's revolutionary war was, in qssense, the whole eountry. MoreoVer, with the estab- a peasant war under the leadership of the pre lishment of these areas and the setting up of political people letariat. If the proletariat had not established revolutionary power, the became guarantee the most reliable and extensive alliance with the their own masters with for their peasants and mobilized the peasants in their political rights and economic interests. That hundreds of millions, thcre could be no genuine was why they fought consciously and deter. people's war. In the past, we fought by mainly minedly to defend their own political power at relying on the peasants. To help the peasants all costs. get united and fight for their own liberation, Revolutionary base areas were strategic Chairman Mao had, since our Party indepen- bases for carrying on a people's war. With them dently led the revolutionary war, closely linked as the prop, our army could effectively attack armed struggle with solving the land problem and wipe out the enemy with the assistance and for the peasants and led the peasants in over- co-operation of the people, and, with protection throwing feudal exploitation and oppression., from the masses, it could carry out consolidation During the period of the War of Agrarian and training and take rest and build up ener- Revolution (1927-37), our army concentrated its gy. In particular, it could continually replbnish forces tb fight the enemy and divided its forces itself in manpower and materials so as to carry to mobilize the mas,ses and organize the peasants on a protracted revolutionary war. At the same to struggle against local despots and divide up time, only by continuously defeating the enemy the land. In the War of Resistance Against troops could we defend the construction oi the Japan (193?-45), in accordance with the policy base areds and steadily consolidate and expand of the antiJapanese national united front, the these areas. policy of reducing rent and interest was fol- The people's army founded and nurtured by lowed. During the War of Liberation (1945-49), Chairman Mao is a new-type army built on the land reforin was promptly carried out in the Liberated Areas so as to thoroughly solve the basis of Marxism-Leninism. Under the absolute land question for the peasants. From their own leadership oI the Paity, this army has upheld experience the peasants in their hundreds of the principle of wholeheartedly serving the millions came to realize that the revolutionary people. It has carried out the tasks of being at war led by our Party was really_ wdged for their once a fighting force, a work force and a pro- emancipation, so they wholeheartedly support- duction force. It has developed vigorous revo- ed, assisted and took part in it. Chairman Mao lutionary political work; followed the three formulaied for our Party coirect policies and major principles - unity between officers and tactics for different periods towards the various men, unity between the army and the people classes:and strata in the country so as to unite and disintegrating the enemy troops - and car- all the forces that could be united and rally as ried out dernocracy in the political, economic many allies as possible to wage armd struggle and military fields; it has stricttry abided by the

August 19;1977 or indirectly with the struggles of the workers, peasants, youth, uromen and all gther forms of people's struggle throughout tlre'country, .and with the struggles in the political, economic, ideologigal, cultural and all other fields; this makes for a people's war in which the armymen and the people as a whole are mobilized, and turn to the maximum aecount the tnemendous power of people's war. The historical experience of China's revolu- tionary war has proved that so long as the l[llitlarnen ol a vllla8p ettacking the lnvaders during the War of Resistance Agalnst Japan. masses are mobilized and organized to take an active part in.and support the war, there will be inexhaustible strength to make up for any Three Main Rules of Discipline and the Eight shortage of arms and equipment, and we can Points for Attention, forged close ties with the overcome all kinds of difficulties and defeat dny people, just like the relation between fish and enemy. In the protracted revolutionary war, water, and shared weal and woe with them. the masses voluntarily joined the army, took This army has the indomitable spirit of fighting part in the fighting, strengthened defence works tenaciously and the fine style of hard struggle, and cleared the fields to prevent the enemy and it has evolved aseries of strategy and tactics from getting food, gathered intelligenae about for a people's war. It has played its full role as the enemy, acted a.s guides, prevented the the backpone force in people's war. leakage of news, captured enemy scouts, em- ployed warfare, mine warfare, tunnel In the long years of people's war, in order sabotage warfare, sparrow warfare* and othei methods to defeat the enemy, we have - instituted the harass the enemy. These played system of armed forces which combine field to attack and important role in helping our armies, regional troops and the militia. Under an extremely army in its battles. the centralized leadership of the Party, we com- ' bine the main forces with the regional forces, During the years of war when our economic the regular troops with the guerrilla units and conditions were most difficult and our struggle people who militia, and the armed with those .The term has two meanings: first, such war- are unarmed. With these combinations, the fare is carried out on an extensive scale Just like main forces can at any time carry out mobile sparrows flying all over the sky; second, it is operations beyond the limits of a locality mainly flexible. People fight in groups of three or five to harass and attack the enemy by surprise. to deal with and wipe out the enemy's reg- ular troops; the regional forces, on their A contingent ol stretcher-beorers formed by lhe part, persist in fighting in their respective peoplc going to the front during the years of localities in co-ordination with the guerrilla China's revolutionary war. units, militia and other armed organizations of the masses to defend and consolidate the base areas, actively help the main forces to attack and annihilate the local enemy forces. All this forms an escape-proof net to vanquish the enemies. With these three kinds of com- binations, it is possible to turn every man into a soldier, while the militia can replenish the regular forces at any time so that the guerrilla units and regional forces can gradually develop to become army corps forming the main force, thereby expanding the backbone force for waging a people's wdn To defeat the enemy, our Party co

8 he again pointed out: "Tle are strong- er than before and will .be still stronger in the future. We wilt not only have more planes and artillery but we will also have atom bombs. If we are not to be bullied in the present-day world, we cannot do without the bomb." (On, the Ten Major Retationships.) . Now we have built China into an initially prosperous socialist country. We are striving to modernize our industry, agriculture, national defence and 'science and technology. We pay full attention to making the best use of the weapons we now have. At the same time, we are determined to rely on our own efforts to constantly improve our An old woman telling our soldier the . dlrectlon h whlch the enemy iroolr lted- military equipment so that we will not only have what the enemy has but also have what he lacks. Future wars was extremely arduous, the heroic people shared against aggression will be people's wars weal End woe with the army, supported and under modern conditions. By stepping up protected it at the risk of their lives, perforrning modernization, we will greatly increese the numerous magnific€nt and meritorious deeds. power of people's war. Even when we have bet- In the War of Liberation, our army carried out ter weapons, we will continue to fight a people's mobile warfare on an unprecedented Bcale. war, We are firmly convinced that the people Mllllons of peaeants supported the front; they are always the main force in a war and the de- pushed or drove carts to transport supplies, car- cisive factor of victory or defeat. The emergence ried stretchers, braving enemy fire and crossing of any new weapons cannot alter the fundamen- tal law a people's As conditions mountatns and iivers under difficult circum- of war. our for waging a people's war become better and stances. Wherever the army went, they followed better, any enemy who dares to invade will be it to give whatever help that was needed. This completely submerged in a people's war on guaranteed our victory. All this time and again such a colossal scale as was never known before. confirmed Chairman Mao'g brilliant statement: "The richest source of power to wage war lies Wiping Out the Enemy's Effective Strength in the masses'of the people." (On Protractett War.) lt is in a people's war that our superiority In the course of directing China's revolu: lies and no enemy can defeat us, tionary war, Chairman Mao applied material- ist dialectics, combined theory with practice We always attach importance to the role and worked out the strategy and tactics based of weapons in waging peoptre's a war. In the on a people's wrir and characterized by flexi- years revolutionary of wor, we relied mainly bility and manoeuvrability. Chairman Mao said: on weapons seized from the enemy to arm "You fight in your way and we fight in ours; ourselves. Under extremely harsh conditions, we fight when we can win and move away when we'also set up d number of small arsenals and we can't." This is an incisive summing-up of produced our own weapons and:ammunition as our strategy and tactics which, diverse and a supplement. On the eve of the founding 6f varied as they are, boil down to the above- Neriz China, Chairman Mao pointed out: "Vle mentioned words of Chairman Mao's. When we will have not only a powerful army but also move awayJ you will not be able to hit us. Our a powerful air force and a powerful navy.', moving avray id for the purpose of fighting. (The Chinese Peopte Horse Stood, Upr.) Laier, When we fight, we make sure you can't get

August 19, 7977 away and we hit you squarely and wipe you mounted attacks against us with a superior out. In a word, we want to fight a war ol force several times and even more than ten annihilation so as to kill or capture gnemy troops times that of ours. Under the personal com- and wipe out the'enemy's effective strength. mand of Chairman Mao, our army carried out active defdnce, first luring the eqemy troops Putting the stress on annihilating the in a planned way deep into our aiea and creat- enemyis effective strength is the basic concept ing conditions favourable to us au*'igrfavour- guiding our'army's operations. Chairman Mao able to the enemy and then seizing t{ig.op1rcr- obJect of or the essence of told w that the wdr 'tunity for figh-ting and launching ctunter- war oneself and deetroy the is to "pttserve offensives at the opportune moment, In other enemy." (On Protracteit War.) In directing a words, we eonducted quick-decision offensive war, one must not lose sight the contrast of warfare on exterior lines in campaigns and bat' between the fundamental factors on each side " tles to wipe out the enemy's effective strength. of object the In the course of or the of war. In spite'oi the fact that only part-

10 Pektng Reuieut, No. 34 massive offensive and instructed our armf to tains in 1928, Chairman Mao put forward the accurately attack the enemy's'weak points and ,16-character formula: "Ihe .enemy advances, fight several battles of annihilation maihly in we retreat; the enemy camps, we harass; the the frontal sections of the Liberated Areas. ac- enemy tires, we attack;.the enerry retreats, we cording to the principle of winning sure vic- pursue." He incorporated the dialectical rela- tory in the first battle. The aim was to boost tionship between self-prmervation and destruc- the morale of the armymen and people and tion of the enemy into the cperational princ{ples deflate ttre enemy's arrogance. Later, our army of guerrilla warfare. During the War of Libera- advanced and withdrew in great strides and tion, he summed up the basic experience of our wiped out large numbers of enemy army in winning battles' and formulated the famous Ten Major Principles of Opera- mobile wartare, thereby hastening the change '(see in the balance of forces between the enemy and tion "The Present Situation and Our ourselves and finally effecting a switch-over to Tasks," Vol. IV, Selectei! Works o! M.aci the strategic offensive. Throughout the ourse Tsetunq -Tr.), including the principlg. of of active defence, the primary object was to attacking dispersed, isolated enemy forces first destroy the enemy, sometimes directly and and concentrate{ strong enemy forces later, of sometimes indirectly or through twists and turns. taking as our main objective the wiping out oI the enemy's effective strength and not tJ:e hold- Historical experience tells rrs tlrat whether ing or seizing city place, qtriving to focus on wiping out the enem/s effective of a or of to wipe out the enemy when he is on the move, strength or not is an important distinction be of concentrating an absolutely superior fgrce to tween active passive defence and defence which encircle the enemy forces completely in every are pninciple. two different strategic The con- battle and strive to wipe them out thoroughly, cept of focusing on annihilating the enemy's and of not fighting a battle unprepared or a bat- effective strengtJr can be brought into fuller tle you are not sdre of winning. In this way, play iir.the stage of,strategic offensive. In the the concept of wiping out the enemy's effective later years of the War of Liberation beiween the strength in directing operations finds fuller and autumn of 1948 and the spring of 1949, Chair- more complete expression army's prin- man Mao persoaally. directed the three great in our ciples of operations. campaigns of Liaohsi-Shenyang, Huai-Hai and Peiping-Tientsin. (See. "The Concept of Opera- Cogrcentrating a superior force to destroy tions fol the Liaohsi-Shenyang Campaign,',,,The the enemy forces one by one is the best method Concept of Operations for the Huai-Hai Cam- to defeat the enemy. It was basieally by relyl paign" and "The Concept of Operations for the ing on this method that we succeeded in revers- Peiping-Tientsin Campaign," Vol. .IY, Selecteil ing the situation between the enemy and our- Works of Mao Tsetung. Tr.) These were great selves in the course of strategic defence and strategically decisive campaigns in the War of winning victories. In terms of eaeh campaign Liberation and, in fact, in the 22-year-long or batile, only by concentrating a superior Chinese revolutionary war. In these three great force, adopting the taCtics of encircling and out- campaigns, we put out of action'1,540,000 Enemy flanking the enemy troops and attacking orre of troops and thus annihilated the crack troops on the enemy detachments or a part of the enemy which the :Kuomintang relied for waging the forces could we achieve complete anrlihilation cuunter-revolutionary civil war. The victory of and quick decision and render the enemy rein- the three great campaigns fully demonstrated forcements useless, thus facilitating the swift Chairman Mao's superb art and skill in directing deployrnent of our troops to deal with another a war. part of'the enemy forces and destr

August 19, 7977 11 Area against tJre Kuomintdng's "encirclement "The pivotal strategy must be mobile warfare." and suppression" in 1931. In that struggle we had (On Protracted War.) On the vast battlefield, only 30,000 men fighting against 300,000 enemy our arrny advanced or withdrenr in great strides, troops. There was a tremendor-s disparity in the swiftly regrouped or dispersed again. This had balance of forces between the enemy and our- the advantage not only of luring the enemy selves and almost all of our base area were troops out of their heavily fortitied strongholds, occupied by the enemy. But our army evaded compelling them to be on the move,or tem- the enemy's , main forces and attacked his porarily stationary and thus fully exposing their weaker links instead, concentrating our troops weaknesses. It also helped bring our armf's to destroy the enemy forces one by one. We strong points. into play to fight at close tbn$e massed a superior force at one point to fight or at night,.encircle and outflank the-enerny And win battles of quiek decision and then and attack him from all directions, and more swiftly deployed our troops to wipe out other effectively'apply the operational method of con- enemy forces. Thus in seven days, we fought centrating a superior force to destroy the enemy three successive battles of annihilation, com- forces one by one and achieve the aim'of quick pelling the enemy's main forces to move hither decision and complete annihilation. For exam- and thither in confusion; the enemy thus be- ple, during the War of Liberatlon, Chiang Kai- came exhaustedr ran out of food and was forced shek in the winter of 1946 launched "attacks to withdraw. Taking advantage of their panicky against key sectors" of our Shensi-KansulNinS- retreat, we went on to wipe out a division and sia Liberated Area with a force of 230,000 men a brigade of enemy troops and completely which greatly outnumbered our main force of smashed the enemy's "€ncirclement and suppres- only 20,000 men. Under tJle personal comrnand sion." From this it can be seen that concentrating of Chairman Mao, our army withdrew from a superior force to destroy the enemy forcea one Yenan and other pl,aees on our. own. initiative by one is an effective method of fighting to so as to evade the enerty's attacks and employed move from a passive position to winning the the tactlcs of "wear anil tear" to wear the enemy initiative and annihilating the enemy's effective trciops down to complete:exhaustion and then strength in large numbers. "Chairman Mao concentrate a superior force to annlhilate them pointed otlt: "The concentration of troops roems one by one in mobile warfare. After ten months easy but ls qulte hard ln practice." (Proble'ms of fighting, we wiped out more than 70,000 of Strategg in Cfuina'e Reuol,utionarg Wor,l To enemy troops and forced the enemy to fdll back really succeed in concentrating the troops, mili- on the defeneive.. Immediately afterrards, our tary leaders must have a good head for strategy army started to fight "battls on exterior llnes and not be misled by oomplicated eireumstances; and, using the tactie of "besiegin$ the enemy they must make an objective analysis and eome in order to strike at his reinforcements"' agein to a decision, have the whole situation in mind eliminated 30,000 enemy troops at one stroke in and truly grasp what is uppermost in import- the battle of Yichuan, This not only changed ance so es to choose promptly the target for the balance of, forces between the enemy and attack and annihilation and finish off the enemy ourselves in the northwest China war theatre at one blow. and leid the foundation for the liberation of all northwest China, but also helped bring about a us throughout the coun- Our Army's Moin Form of Worfore situation favourable to try, expedite the advent'of strategically decisive . The forrns of fighting were determined and campaigns and set a brilliant example in fight- adopted aecording to our strategic principles ing mobile warfare. and, as always, the concept of putting the stress on annihilating the enemy's effective strength Positional warfare was to our army L ,r.rp-' must be kept in mind. Mobile warfare with plementary form of warfare, and its proportion quick-decision offensives on exterior lines in to the other forms of warfare varied in the dif- campaigns and battles was our army's main ferent periods and stages of 'war. Our positional form of warfare. Chairman Mao pointed out: warfare was generally applied in co-ordination

12 Peking Rersiew, No, 34 with mobile warfarel it was used to besiege for defeating all enemies. . To use this maglc e city and etrike at enemy's reinforcements, weelroJr to full advantage, it is imperative to to attack enemy strongholds and strike at his brlng into play the commanders' subjective reinforcements and to storm heavily fortified dynamic role on the basis of specific objective points and intercept reinforcements, and we material conditions and be good at flexibly ap combined positional defence, positional attacks p$ng it to the changing specific conditions. In and attacking the enemy troops on the move or directing our batUes,.Chairman Mao set great temporarily stationa4l', so as to achieve the aim store by the commanders' and fighters' eager- of annihilating them. Towards the end of the ness to fight and their revolutionary initiative. War of Liberation, our army, while carrying While requiring cornmanders at various levels out mobile warfare on an extensive scale, f.ought to pay attentii:n to the situation as a whole and a greater number of battles by way of positional submit to its needs, he always stressed flexi- attacks to annihilate the enemy who held fast bility and manoeuvrability and the need to fight to his positions. In the later stage of the war battles according to the actual conditio:rs of the to resist U.S. aggresion and aid Korea, under time'and place. the specific conditions obtaining at that tirne, Since walrs and their various stages differ, the Chinese People's Volunteers, fighting in co- as do the target, time, area of fighting and the ordination with the . Korean People's Army, arms and equipment, our method of fighting relied on poaitions to lauaeh tactical counter- should atrange and develop accordingly. We attacks and destroyed entire enemy platoons, mr.rst be flexible in deploying our troops and in companies or battalions or a greater part of using and changing our tacticls, and we should them. Then when the enemy counterattacked, constantly study and acquire up-to-date tactics they again inflicted heavy casualties on him resulting from the development of techniques in the seesaw battles. Chairman Mao highly and equipment. The conditions in a war change appraised this kind of positional warfare which constantly, and those on the battlefield shed light on the continuous development of our change even more rapidly; favourable op- tactics under new conditions and flexible ap- portunities for fighting are not easily available. plication of the various methods of fighting So the commanders must have a clear picture according' to objective coriditions. of the conditions on both sides in various fields, take prompt and resoltite actions in accordance Guerrilla warfare is a form. of warfare with the instructions of their superiors, strive widely used people's in a war. Most closely to create and seize the opportunity for fighL linked with the masses, can it bring its tremen- ing, choose the most favourabfe time and place, dous power into play prolonged in a and relent- employ the most effective methods of fighting less war guerrillas with the fighting in the and boldly and resolutely carry out the opera- enemy's rear. plays ft not only the role of ce tions to wipe out the enemy. Practice in war ordinating with regular warfare in campaigns tells us that steadfastness in achieving the aim and battles but also a tremendous co-ordinating of a battle and flexibility in directing it are role strategically. guerrilla By developing war- both indispensable. OnIy when operational fare to tie down and harass the enemy troops command conforms to the actual conditions can ever5rwhere, we can the enemy,s turn rear into the correct policies and prirrciples be better his [ine, front hit hard at him, menace him men- implemented. tally and cause losses to his men and materiel. Though this cannot wipe out as mdn;r enemy The strategy and tactics Chairman Mao troops as mobile warfare does, it can reduce the worked out fon our army are based on a people's enemy bit by bit and add many small victories war. Out:s is a just revolutionary war and ours up to a big victory. is an army. fighting in'the interest of the peo- ple, so all our actions in war have the full sup The strategy and tactics laid. down for us port of the masses.. This is why our strategy by Chairman Mao through practice in the rev- and tactics can be used to the full to display olutionary war are a powertul magic weapon their enormous power. The imperialists, social-

August 19,7977 13 , !:; !+21.i?l:ii,t E .g,iffiLsirt+t

always . ended with the shameless defeat ,of the imperialists and reac- tionaries, while, we always emerged vietorioris. We defeated the enemy and put our friends at ease. Nevertheless, the imperialists and reactionaries will never Iearn firom lessons of the past. They alwa;rs over- estimate their dwn strength and uader- estirnate the people's strength. At present, both the Soviet revisionists and U.S. imperialists are trumpeting the might pf their modern arms and equipment, describing their aircraft, tanks, guided missiles and nuclear weapons as almighty in an attempt to [ield exerclses by units of the People's Liberation Army shich ls El)eeditrg uI) its revolutlonlzatlon and modernization. intimidate and blackmail the revolu- tionary people. In fact, it is doubtful whether trhey themselves have faith in imperialists and reactionaries are fully aware these weapons, becarxethey know that any mod- of our strategy and tactics and they try hard ern weapon inevitably has its inherent weakness to study ways and means to cope with them, and new weag)ns inevitably bring in their wake but they.cannot make use of our strategy and new ways and means to deal with them. tactics, nor can they cope with them because What is more, modem arrrs and equipment can theirs is an unjust counter-revolutionary war hardly do the job expected of.them once they firmly opposed by the people. run short of or are detached frorrl suitable con- ditions for ensuring their performance. In par- We Are Agoinst But Not Afroid of o tictrlar, weapons are dependent on the people New Wortd Wor who use tihem: The Soviet revlsionists and U.S. Every time the imperialists and reaction- imperialists do have more modern weaports than aries launched a war against us, they invariably we have, but the morale of their troops is low clamoured that they were sure to bring about and they are besei with insurmountable con- a "quick and complete victory." Our friends tradictions at home and abroad, and this can in were filled with anxiety for us. But the wars no way be compensated by any new-type weap

Torpedo boets ol a.naval unlt ol tbe P,L.A.

Peking Revieut, No. 34 ons. We do not deny that nuclear weapons have great destructive power and inflict heavy casualties, but ihey cannot be courrted on to decide the outcome of a war. The aggressors can use them to destroy a ct;r or town, but they cannot occupy them,.strll less win the people's hearts; on the contrar5r, they will only arouse indignation and resistance from the people of 'world's the country invaded and the people at large. llrose who believe in ghosts and spirits are mqst afraid of them, so.are those who have blind faith in nuclear weapons. Every- body knows that under the conditions when both sides have nuclear \ileapons, such weapons pce a much greater threat to the imperialist and social-imperialist countries whose indus- tties and population are highly concentrated. China's economic construction takes agricul- ture as the foundation and industry as the leading factor and adopts the principle of cumbining industry with agriculture, the cities with the countryside, large and medium-sized projects with small ones, and production in peace time with preparcdr-ress against war. Thus it cannot be degtroyed by any modern weal> ons. If the imperialists and social-imperialists With the concern of the Party Central Commlttee should dare to start a nuclear war, they would headed by Chalrman Hua, China's national de- fence capabillties ere beins stCidily strcngtheneit. have to relny the blood debts they owe with Picture shows the guccessful explosion of a new interesL hydrogen bomb. '. hperialism means aggression and war. The two hegemonic powers, the Soviet Union will not attack unless we are attacked; if we and the'United States, are the hotbeds of a new are atta-cked, we will certainly counterattack." (Mao world war'and Soviet social-imperialism, in par- Tsetung: Current Problems of Tactics in the Anti-lapanese ticular, is everi more dangerous. With regard Uniteil Front.) If the imperialists social-imperialists . to a new world war, orlr attitude has always or should im- pose a war'on us, whether is a conventional been: "First, we afo against it; second, we are it or nuclear we will surely fight againsf not afraid of it." (Mao Tsetun g; On 11r" gslrTect .war, them to:the'end! And once the war bteaks out, Handting of Contrailictioru Among the Peopte.) it will be protracted and all-round people's We must adhere to Chairman Mao's strategic a war. To use just principlei' "Be prepgred against war, be pre- a war to eliminate an unjust war, we are'prepared make greatest pared against natural dicasters, and do every- to the na- tional sacrifice and ,make our due contribution thrng for the people"-and 'Ilig tunnels deep, to the cause of the liberation mankind. store grain everywhere, aird never seek hege- of mont''and his important directives .'It is neces- TaiwSn Provinee is Chpna's sacred territory. sary to consolidate the' arny" and ..Prepare We are determined to liberate so as te iiseff for fighting'f and maintain high vigilance carry orrt the behests of Chairman Mao and against any possible war'of aggression gunch- Premier Chou, .bring to fruition the comrnon ed by irhperialists, particularl5r a surprise at- aspiration of the 800 miliion Chinese people and tack by Soviet social-imperiatists. We,must be accomplish the great cause of reunifying our fully prepared mentally and materially. ..Ive motherland.

August 19,7977 15 Comrade Ho Lung: A Glorious Life by Wang Chen

joined f'IOMRADE Ho Lung was a proletarian revolu- levies and other extortions. I,at€r, he the \,r tionary of the older generation in ourParty, Army of National Salvation which fought Yuan an outstanding inilitar/ aommander and one of Shih-kai's restoration of the monarchy, became the founders of oug army. Under the leadership a regimental commander, Iater a brigade com- of the Party and Chairman Mao, Cornrade Ho mander, and held other leading posts. China's Lung staunchly', went ttgough. all kinds of weakness at that time and the poverty of its rigours and dangers and ma{e brif[ent achieve- people greatly disturbed him, while he felt ments in the War of Agrarian Revolution highly disgusted at the muddle-headedness of (tSZZ-gD; the War of ltesistance Against Japan the old officraldom which condoned the general (1937-45) and the War,.of Liberation (19{5-49) scramble of the powerful for personal gains; as well as ln socialist,nevolution and socialist thus he had deep sympathy for the new things construction, winning the respect and love of and the rise of the popular revolutionary move- the whole Party, the whole army and the whole ment. In the early stage of the great revolution nation. On his death, the Party Central Com- of. 1926-27, he once gave a banquet to which mittee, Chairman Mao and Premier Chou ac- members of both the Communist Party and the corded him a high appraisal. The Party Central Kuomintang were invited. After the banquet present respective Committee pointed out explicitly: "Comrade they were asked to their I{o Lung was a good comrade wtro for several views on the current situation and the future of decades made great contributions to the Party the country. Hearing out the views of both the and the people's revolutionary cauge under the sides, Comrade Ho Lung concluded:. "It's holds leadership of Chairman Mao and the Party theory of the Comrnunistl Party that \ rater." He firmly followed Dr. Sun Yat- Central Committee. All his life, whether in the thus sen's three great revolutionary policies of al- years of war or after the country-wide libera- liance with Russia, ceoperation with the Com- tion, he was loyal to the Party, to,Chairman munist Party and assistance to the peasants and Mao's revolutionary line and to the cause of workers during the great revolution. He took socialism." an actrve part in the Northern Expeditionary Comrade Ho Lung was born in 1896 in War as division commander and army com- Sangchih County, Hunan Province, and in his mander; in fighting the northern warlords he early childhood worked in the fields with his u/on mairy battles and was one of the well- father. Inspired by the bourgeois democratic known LeftiSt generals in the National Revolu- revolution led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen, he started his tiotary Army'of that time. In this period, he revolutionary career with two:'kitchen knives; treated the Communists sent to work in his gave as a prelude to his lifelong actMties of armgd armed forces with great respect and them years through struggle, he seized arms from a salt bureau to strong support. In the of struggle, politicat activists of oppose ihe local government's exorbitant tax his many contacts with the the Communist Party, he came to'accept without r€serve the great truth of communism, deter- The author is Vice-Premier of tfie State Council. mined to fight for the cause of commrrnism.

16 Peking Reuieto, No. 34 In July 1927 our Party decided to stage Bureau of the C.P.C. Central Committee. He armed uprisings as counterblows against betray- was later transferrrd to work in the Central al of the revolution by Chiang Kai-shek and Government as VieChairman of the National Wang Ching-wei, and Chen Tu-hsiu's Right Defence Council and Vice-Premier of the State capitulationism. Comrade Ho Lung was not Council, concurrently Minister in Charge of the yet a member of the Communist Party, he Physieal Culture and Sports Commission. He nevertheless stood firrrly on the side of the was elected to the Central Committee at the revolutionary people, resolutely carried out the Seventh and Eighth National Congresses of the policy decision of the Communist Party and Party, and after the Party's Eighth National without resenration accepted the leadership of Congress he became Member of the Political Comrade Chou En-Iai who was the representa- Bureau of the Party Central Committee and tive of tle Central Committee of the Com- Vice.Chairman of the Military Commission of -China 'miffit Party of and Secretary of the the Party Central Committee. Front Comrnittee. He expelled the reactionaries from his ranks, and bringing over the 20th Upholding Choirmon Moo's Revolution- Arrry in a decisive move, participated in the ory Line in Resolute Struggles Agoinst Nanchang Uprising with great valour as com- Erroneous Lines mander-in-chief of the insurrectionary army. Comrade Ho Lung had great respect for joined Not long afterwards he the Chinese Com- Chairman Mao and loved him dearli. While in munist Party and began a new militant career. Changsha, Hunan, Comrade Mao Tsetung in- Between 1928 and 1936 Comrade Ho Lung itiated a number of mass struggles against im- held the following posts at different times: Co{n- perialism and the warlords in t}le early stages mander of the Second Army of the-Chinese of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. Workers' and Peasants' Red Army and Secre- Comrade Ho Lung later recalled how highly he tary of the Front Committee; Commander-in- had regarded the revolutionary' prowess dis- Chief of the Second Army Group and Meinber played by Comrade Mao Tsetung in these movs of the C.P.C. West Hunan and West Hupeh Base ments at that time, and what a sfrong influence Area Sub-Birreau; Commander-in-Chief of the it had on him. When in July 1934 the Sixth Second and Sixth Red Army Groups and con- Army Group of the Red Army under Comrade currently Commander of the Hunan-Hupeh- Jen Pi-shih joined the Long March and some Szechuan-Kweichow Military Area, Chairman time in the autumn and winter of that year of the Hunan-tupeh-Szechuan-Kweichow joined foroes with the Second Army Group of Sub-Military Commission of the Party the Red Army led by Comrade Ho Lung in as well as Commander of the Second Front eastern Kweichow, Comrade Ho Lung, full of Army of. the Red Army. After the outbreak of admiration for Chairman Mao, lost no time in the War of Resistanc.e dgainst Japan, he became asking Comrade Jen Pi-shih and others about Commander of the 120th Division of the Eighth Comrade Mao Tsetung's brilliant thought, the Route Army and concurrently Commander of Central Red Army's experience in countering the Shansi:Suiyuan Military Area. During the "encirclement and supprression" campaig4s the middle of the antiJapanese war and and in the agrarian revolution. He sincerely sup the period of the War of Liberation he was ported the line qnd policies formulated by Chair- Comrnander of the Army of Joint Defence of man Mao and esteemed his works;he also highly Shensi, Kansu, Ningsia, Shansi and Suiyuan reopected Vise-Chairman Chou Enlai and Com- Provinoes, Commander of the Northwest Mili- mander-in-Chief Chu Teh. IIis meny talks tary Area and Second Secretary of the North- supporting Chairman Mao, Commander-ln- weet Bureau of the C,P,C. Oentral Commlttee, Chlef Chu and Vice-Chalrman Chou played a After the founding of the People's Fepubltc of very big part in br{nging the two Ermy Sroupg China, he wes appolnted Member of the Cenhal together to fight ln unity. The Second and People's Government, Commander oI the South- Sixth Army Groups receivd telegrams about west Military Area and Vice-Chairman of the the resolution of the Tsunyi Meeting and the Southwest Military and Administrative Com- organizal;ional decisions of the Party Central mittee, and Third Smretary of the Southwest Committee in Febnrary 1935 which establish-

August 19,1977 17 ed Comrade Mao Tsetung's leaderqhip in forces to carry on the arduous revolutionary the Party Central Committee. Comrade struggle- Ho Lung gave hls firm support to Chair- man Mao's leadership and showed his readiness In 1936, on the Long March, Comrade Ho to take ordeis from Chairman Mao. He said Lung unswervingly opposed Chang Kuo-tao's excitedly: "Though I've never :met Comrade line of Right flightism.and splittism. Together Mao Tsetung, I can tell with gireat certainty with Comrade Chu Teh and others, he stood from my own experienoe and what I've read in steadfastly by the side of the Party Central his writings that he is our correct leader." Committee and Chairman Mao in firm opposi- tion to the e.stablishment of another crntral coin- When the Second Front Army of the Red mittee by Chang Kuo:tao. The latter's attempt Army arrived in the Shensi-Kansu border area to distribute documents opposing the Party in the autumn of 1936, Chairman Mao and the Ce.ntral Committee and Chairman Mao was Party Central Committee sent Comrade Teng firmly opposed by Comrade Ho Lung and others. Hsiao-ping and others to greet them and relay The sub-military commission headed by Com- the gist of a meeting called by the Party Central rade Ho Lung also rejeeted Chang Kuo-tao's Committee and the report On Tactics Against proposat for the convocation of a joint meeting JaTnnese hnperialism given by Chairman Mao . of the Second and Fourth Front Armies aimed at thi meeting. Comrade Ho Lung exclaimed in at forcing tJre Second Front Army to fall in with delight: "Wonderful! From now on we'll come his anti-Party line. At the same time, Comrade under Chairr4an Mao's direct leadership!" Facts Ho Lung energetically pushed Chang Kuo-tao in the last.several decades fully bear out the to lead the troops to the north to fight the - fact that Comrade Ho Lung supported Chairman Japanese invaders. Thanks to the resolute ef- Mao rrrholeheartedly and was loyal to his rev- forts made by Comrades Chu Teh, Jen Pi-shih, olutionary line. Ho'Lung, Liu Po-ching and Kuan Hsiang-ying In the Party's two-line struggles, Comrade together with the fact that the commanders and Ho Lung staupchly stood by the side of Chair- fighters of the Fourth Front Army under Com- man Mao's revolutionary line and made impor- rade Hsu Hsiang-chien's cormnand all asked to tant contributions. march north and join forces with the Central Red Army, Chang Kuo-tao's intrigue to cause a the summer In and autumn of 1930, the split was completely frustrated; he was forc'ed Party Central Committee under the domination to dissolve his bogus central eommittee and take of Li-san's adventurism refused to Li "r€ft" the troops to the north. It was against such a admit that the revolutiori was at a low ebb, and background that the joining torces of the three rejected the idea of establishing rgral revolu- front arinies was made posible. tionary bdse areas. It advocated armed upris- ings in key cities for a real showdown with the In the period of the War of Resistance enemy. It mistakenly ordered the Second Army Against Japan, Comrade Ho Lung carried out Group of ttrc Red Army led by Comrade Ho Chairman Mao's policy of persevering in inde- Lung to leave the base area and take part in a pendent guerrilla warfare within the anti- joint attack on Changsha. Comrades Ho Lung. Japanese national united front with the initia- and Chou Yi-chun and others wagd a serious tive in our hands, and opposed Wang Ming's struggle against this erroneous line. Right capitulationism of everything through the Kuomintang. : Adversely affected by the third "Left" line represented by Wang Ming, the Second Army In the two-line struggles inside the Party Group of the Red Army suffered heavy losses after the country-wide liberation, Comrade Ho between the spring of 1932 and the autumn of Lung continued to take a firm stand in upholding . 1934: Comrade Ho Lung who boycotted the Wang Chairman Mao's correct line and opposing the Ming line, especially in respect to widening the erroneous ones. In firm support of the Great scope of the suppression of counter-revolu- Proletarian C.ultural Revolution, he took an tionaries, saved a large number of revolutionary active part in fighting Liu Shao-chi's revisionist cadres. With great confidence he forged close line together with the broad revolutionary unity between the Red Army and the guerrilla masses.

I8 Peking Reoiew, No. 34 where. Covered by the mass- es, he suceeeded in outwit- ting the enemy and putting them off the scent. Arriving in the Hunghu Lake district as planned, under the guidance of Chairmari Mao's revolutionary line, he led the workers and peasants of the locality in vigorous and poqerful revolutionary armed struggles. Undeterred by setbacks and following up advances in the struggle, he succeeded before.'Iong in establishing the Second Army Group of the Red Army and the western Comrade IIo Lung at the llunghu Lake revolutionar5r baee area. 'Wooil,cut bg Yortg Hsien-iarlg Hunan-western Hupeh rev- olutionary base area with Hunghu Lake as the centre. For several decades, under Chairman Mao's Ttris base area, together vrith the Central leadershiSi, Comrade Ho Lung fought 'oppor- Soviet Area, the Hupeh-Honan-Anhwei Soviet tunism of all descriptions, and maintained a Area, the Hunan-Hupeh-Kiangsi Soviet Area, firm, clear-cut stand until he breathed his tast. formed a strategic encirclement of the main We must earne.stly learn from him. enemy-occupied cities in Kiangsi, Hunan and Hupeh Provinces, thus giving an impetus to 'Greot Contdbutions to the the revolutionary movement tHroughout the Founding ond DeYelopment of country. Our Army ond Bose Areqs Under Chairman Mao's timely guidance, Comrade Ho Lung's talents in conductinB mili- After the hard fightings waged by the tary operations were brought to full play. Eor insurrectionary troops of the Nanchang Uprising instance, with the Second and Sixth Army against stronger counter-revolutionary forces Groups under his comma4d, he routed an enemy around Chaochow and Swatow in Kwangtung many times stronger and formed the Revolu- met with defeat, the Party Central Committee tionary Committee and Military Area of the proposed to send Comrade Ho Lung to the Hunan-Hupeh-Szechuan-Kweichow border area Soviet Union via to study military in 1934. In February 1935, Chiang Kai-shek science. Considering the question briefly, he an- ordered the warlord troops in Hunan and Hupeh swered: "Better let me go back to western to attack from six directions. The Revolutionary Hunan and westeln Hupeh to wage guerilla Military Commission of the Party Central Com- warfare and carr5r out the agrarian revolution." mittee headed by Chairman Mao promptly firus he, Comrade Chou Yi+hun and five others telegraphed direetives to make use of contradic- were sent there by the Party Central Commit- tions among the enemy forces in Hunan and tee to fight guerilla warfare and set up a base Hupeh, coneentrate a sulrerior force, look for the area. The Party Central Committee presented enemy's weak spots and let no opportunity slip them with a oopy of The Monifesto of thE Ccrin- by to strike at the enemy forces one by one while munist Party and a pistol to take along. At that on the move. Comrade Ho Lung and the sub- time Chiang Kai-shek had offered a reward of military commission resolutely implemented the 100,000 silver dollars for Comrade Ho Lung's directives. They first annihilated a large part head and the search for him was hot eyery- of the three brigades of the Hunan warlord and

August 19,1977 19 followed up by wiping out two whole ehemy tirelessly for the liberation of northwest brigades and a division command. Next they China. To liberate southwest China, Comrade put out of action a Hdpeh warlord division, Ho Lung led troops to Szechuan and, in oo- a division command, and a brigade, after ordination with the , fulfilled which they routed ten mor€ regiments. Co-ordi- the misqiols-assignsfahem by Cbairman Mao nating with the Central Red Army rq itr_Iang and ihe Party Central Committce. Later he again March, they occupied large areas of enemy ter- organized troops to enter fibet and made im- ritory and reinforced their ranks with large portant contributions. numbers of men and materiel in large quanti- protracted strug- ties. After this, in November 1935, the Sec.ond In the course of arned and Sixth Army Groups started their Long gles, Comrade Ho Lung came to appeciate Maryh. In this period, as their troops advanced, deeply how essential it was to follow Ctairman they overran the enemy in battles fought with Mao's thinking in army building, to place the great manoeuvrability and flexibility. It was a army under the aholute leadbrship of the Party brilliant episode in the military history of the and strengthen Party building together with Second Front Army of the Red Army. political and ideological work. He often told cadres to take as fundamental princifles In the War of Resistanae Against Japan, in army building. After the country-wide libera- Comrade Ho Lung directed the l20th Division tion,-he made many contributions to the revolu- of the Eighth Route Army in many battles in tionization and modernization of our army. He northwest Shansi, the Shansi-Chahar-Hopei showed great concern about national defence, the border area and central llopei, smashed and constant attention to both arnrs pr(F Japanese invaders' attacks, recovered lost ter- duction and military training, thus energeticaily ritories, took many Japanese trools, and promoting the combat preparedness of our quantities captured large of arms and ma- armed forces. teriel. In December 1939, the Shansi-Suiyuan base area was established. Following Chairman Comrade Ho Lung was consistently con- Mao's line and policies, Comrade Ho Lung and cerned about stationing troops on the frontiers other comrades of the Shanst-Suiyuan Sub- for defence and redamation as well as about Bureau of the Party Central Committee fully construction of the interior. In 1965 and 1966, mobilized the rriasses, waged struggles against although rtl he went on two tours of inspection the enemy, launched a deep-going'movement for to the Chengtu-Kunming Railway and various the reduction of ient and interest, set up the indr.rstrial bases, encouraging iadres, workers people's politlcal power, and did d good job in and technicians there to work hard. production, finance and economic affair:s. As a result; the Shansi-suiyuan base area, through In s1rcrts and physical culture, Comrade steady consolidation and expansion, became an Ho Lung firmly implemented Chairman Mao's important bastion shielding the Shensi-Kansu- revolutionary line in this field, building up a Ningsia Bordei Region ahd the Party Central proletarian contingent of athletes for the Committee, and a firnr link connecting up the country. various base areas in the enemy's rear, After re- turnlng to work in the Shenti-Karuu-Ningsia Ptocino- the tntercrt of thc Rcvotution Border Rggion, Comrade Ho Lung devoted him- Above Everything Elrc self to trainiqg troops and the defence of . In Octoher 1936, on the occasion of the the border region, unfolding the blg production Flret, Second And Fourth Front Armles jotning movement, particlpation fi the recttficatto; forces in Hulning, Kansrr Province, Comrade campaign inttlated hy Chalrman lvlao; and the IIo Lung and other leading comradeg of the study of Mernlem-Leninism-Mao Ttetung Second Front Army sqnt a telegram to the Thought, Farty Central Committee, placlng themeelver During the War of Uberation (1945-49), nnder the unified leaderstrip of the Party Cen- when Chairman Mao remalned ln northern tral Committee. The telegram seid: "The cor- Shensi in commaird, Comrade Ho Lung, as Com- rect decision of placing the three front armies mander of the Northwest Mtlitary Area, worked under unified leadership, . . naturally leads to

20 Pektng Rerslew,IVo. 3l the solution -i. of the question of unification end cies; he insisted on party unity and army unity and insi'de 'uhe Party. This is a highly gratify- opposed splittist activities; lng condition pariy open and above- favourable to the and board at, all. timeo, he opposed China's revolutionary intrigues and eause.,' r conspiracies At the beginning of the War of Resistance In old China, some people simply could not Against iapan, on the eve of the Eighth Route understand why Comrade Ho Lung should give Army's departure for the front, Chairman Mao up the relatively high position he had and suggested leaving behind part of the troops {or abjure a life of ease, preferring instead to share the defence of the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border the lot of the suffering masses, wear straw Region. Lin Piaq who had illusions about the sandals and wage guerrilia warfare.. But these Kuomintang, rti-sagreed. Comrade Ho Lung sup- were the very things that fully demonstrated ported Chairman Mao's proposal and agreed to ,his firm revolutionary stand. deploy some troops to defend the region and Comrade the Party Central Committee. Ho iung rvas good at uniting comrades,,troved his soldiers and people, main- Conditions in the Shansi-Sui5,uan base area tained close links with the masses, showed con_ were generally rather unfavourable, particular- cern for them, hated what the people hated and ly in respect to population, which r,l'as too Loved what the people loved. All these fine sparse to allow for expansiort of the armed qualities have long been known to the whole forces. Nevertheless, complying with the needs Party and the whole army anfl p,raised by the of fhe .Party, eomrade Ho Lung suceessfully people. pensevered in the struggle in the region. He often Bece.use Comrade Ho Lung had mounted advised cadres to take the inter.est of the situ- serious struggles first against piao, Iater ation as a whole into consideration and Chiang Ching and their henchmen. ttiese Work, hard. As a result of enerny sabotage, counter-revolutionary cabals harboured in_ plus year^r of natural disasi,ers, the troops in veterate hatrcd for hirn.. Ten years ago, Lin Shansi-Suiyuan base area often had nothing Piao, Chiang Ching and others colluded in but black beans to eat. Comrade Ho Lung ac- bringing false charges againsi Comrade Ho tively mobilized armymen and civilians to en- Lung and persecuted.him. They used the power gage in production for relief, to live frugaily they had usurped to frame up charges while and do their utmost to support the Shensi- keeping the true facts from. the party Central Kansu-Ningsia Border Eegion. Committee. Many old comrades who foli.owed Comrade Ho Lung never discriminated Comrade Ho Lung in fighting south and against any army per$onnel under him, north also became implicated. The after- neither cadres who had worked with him from math was serious. This incident alone fully the beginning, nor cadres transferred from other reveals the wild ambitions and vicious plots units or newcomen. I{e always regarded the of these conspiring careerists in opposing troops under him as the Party's and placed them Chairman Mao and his revolutionary line at the disposal of the Party.. IIe did whatever and policies, and in tramplin! socialist legality the Party asked him to do, always keeping in underfoot as they attempted to o'rerthrow mind the interast of the whole, and carried out a large number of revolutionaries of the older Pariy decisions willingly. generation. It also proves to the hilt that these two counter-revolutionary conspiratorial Open ond-Aboueboord, Hord Working cliques rvere trull' agents of the landlord class, And Ploin living the bourgeoisie and the Kuomintang reaction- aries who had sneaked into our Party. They firroughout his long years of revolutionary did what the Kuomintang army and sfecial struggle, he always adhered .to principle, up- agents had been unable to do in all these dec- held the truth eind opposed erroneous, tenden-" But truth is everlasting and history mer-

1977 August 19, 21 ciless. At the funeral ceremony for depositing tural Revolution," in a vain attempt to ,ur"o" Comrade Ho Lung's ashes, our esteemed and the correct verdict on Lin Piao and serve the beloved Premier Chou appraised the deceased schemes of the "gang of four." Ihis showed how highly on behalf of the great leader and teacher reactionary and how frenzied they.had become. Chairman Mao and deeply mourned for him. But the shining image of Comrade Ho Lung as Premier Chou at the same time fully exposed a fighter loyal to the Party, to Chairman Mao's and excoriated the crimes of Lin Piao and his revolutionary line and to the people can never gang, giving expression to the wishes of the be erased by Lin Piao and his cohorts, or by whole Party, the whole army and the people of the "gang of four." His life of struggle for thewhole country. The "gang of four," however, the liberation of the Chinese people and for was not reconciled to this. In the spring and communism and his noble qualities will always summer of 1976, one of their trusted followers be remembered by the revolutionary people slanderously described Premier Chou's attend- from generation to geneiation. As for Lin Piao ance at the ceremony as a "typical case of capi- and the conspiratorial "gang of four," they taList restoration and'reversing the established ' have ended up in infamy, to tle cursed by all verdicts," as well as an indication of "failure to and covered with odium for thousands of years take a correct attitude towards the Great Cul- to come. This is the iriesistible law of history.

A Man Open and Aboveboard, A' Revolutionary All His Life - ln memory of Comrode Chen Yi by Tan Chen-lin and Su Yu nIlllll1illlllllll1illlllll!ilililililllllIrIlilrlillilllnIlHllIlllililllIttl!lllllllllllllltl, f\OMRADE Chen .Yi was a loyal fighter of Comrade Chen Yi and we fought and \J the Chinese people, an outstanding prole- worked shoulder to shoulder for more than 40 tarian revolutionary and one of :the eminent years. $/e shall always cherish the memory of leaders and organizers of our army. During the his glorious and revolutionary life. Iong years of revolutionary wars, Comrade Chen Yi, with a profound understanding of the mili- ln His Youth tary.thinking of Chairman Mao, firmly carried Comrade Chen' Yi wAs born in 1901 in out his line on army building, made notable Lochih County, Szechuan Province. In his contributions to the founding, development and youth he was filled with discontent for the dark, growth in strength of the proletarian revolu- corrupt society of those days and thirsted for tionary army led by our Party and performed the truth and revolution. He went to France in immortal deeds of merit for the cause of the 1919 on a part-work and programme Chinese people's liberation. and there he began to accept Marxism. In 1921, for taking part in the patriotic movement of Tan Chen-lin is Vice-Chairman of the Standing Chinese students in France, he was sent back Committee of the National People's Congress and to China under armed guard by the Chinese and Su Yu a member of the standing committee of the Military Commission of the Central Committee of French Governments. In 1922 he edited the the Chinese Communlst Party. Hsinshu Poo in Chungking and in the fol-

22 Peking Reoieut, No. 34 of 'fighting, the number of troops was rapidly reduced. There was confusion with regard to the future, and their posi- tion was perilous. At this crucial moment when the very existence of the insurgent troops was at stake, Comrade Chu Teh, raising his fist, shouted: Come with me whoever wants to make revolution! Com- rade Chen Yi immediately responded and set about aiding Comrade Chu Teh to do effective ideological and political work among the troops, patiently pointing out to them the revolutionary prospects, boosting their morale and encouraging them to keep up the struggle. Thanks to the leadership and organizational work of Comrades Chu Teh and Chen Yi, the core of the troops taking part in the Nanchang Uprising was preserved. Comrade Chen Il durlng the ye&rs ol 3bc r'"!!r'"iirYnll Shortly afterwards they heard that ou cnaw rsrq'.ts Comrade Mao Tsetung had led the troops taking part in the Autumn Harvest Uprising to establish a rev- lowing year entered the Franco-Chinoise olutionary base area in the Chingkang Moun- University in Peking where he joined tains. The revolutionary road opened up the Communist Party of China. Under the by Comrade Mao Tsetung was like a bea- leadership of the Party,. he was active in the con illuminating the way of their advance. student rnovement, the workers' movement and In close co-ordination with the local Party the national revolutionary movement in, Peking. organization, Coirrades Chu Teh and Chen Yi During the period of the Northern Expedition, started an uprising in southern Hunan in when the Chinese Communist Party and the January 1928, formed a workers'and peasants' Kuomintang entered into their first period of revolutionary army and set up a workers' and co+peration, he went back to Szechuan in 1926 peasants' revolutionary government. In April, helping the Northern Expeditionary Army. In Comrade Chen Yi assisted Comrade Chu Teh 192?, he was transferred to do political work in bringing the insurgent. troops under their at the Central Military Academy in Wuhan. command to the Chingkang Mountains where they joined Cornrade Mao Tsetung at Lungshih. The Second Revolutionory Civit These two groups of armed forces merged to Wqr Period form the Fourth Army of the Chinese Workers' After the Nanchang Uprising of August l, and Peasants'. Red Army, with Comrade Mao 1927, Comrade Chen Yi left Wuhan for Kiangsi Tsetung as Party representative, Comrade Chu Province where he caught up with the insurgent Teh as commander and Comrade Chen Yi as troops which had pulled Nanchang out of and director of the political department. From then wer.e heading south. He became the Party rep- oD, the remaining troops . Nanchang resentative in a regiment. When the insurgent of the Uprising and the troops of the Autumn Harvest troops reached Kwangtung Province in the Uprising direct leadership our south, thbir main force met with defeat in the under the of great leader Chairman Mao steadily grew in Chaochow-Swatow area. Comrades Chu Teh and strength and in number. Chen Yi led part of the troops that had stayed behind in Sanhopa in moving to the Kwangtung- During the period of struggle in the Kiangsi-Hunan border. In the ensuing months Chingkang Mountains, Comrade Chen Yi was for'

Au;gust 19, 7977 a time seeretary .

24 Peking Reui,ew, No. 34 them or depeud on the higher-ups for financial mander of the Kuomintang's 24th group army, suppcrt'blt irrstead to expand the armed forccs lrad plans for wiping out the New Fourth Army freely and independently, set up base areas units in northern Kiangsu at one swoop. unhesitatingly, independently arouse the Comrade masses in those areas to action and build up Chen Yi resolutely implemented united front organs of political power under the Chairman Mao's tactic of "developing the progressive leadership of the Communist Party." (Freely forces, winning over the middle f,orces forces" Expnd the Anti-lapanese Forces and Resist the and combating the die-hard the united front Onslaughts of the Anti-Communist Die-Hard,s, within antiJapanese national and made use between 1e40.) of the contradictions the armed forces of the Chiang Kai-shek clique and Under the influence of Wang Ming's Right the local Kuomintang forces belonging to other opportunist line, however, Comrade Hsiang cliques. He adopted a policy of both uniting Ying did not dare to wage a tit-for-tat struggle with and struggling against the latter and did against the Kuomintang reactionaries' policy of a vast amount of work to keep them neutral ocntaining, restrieting and mmb.lting the when the Kuomintang diehards attacked us. In Communist Party, did not dare to go be- Octoler 1940, when Han Teh-chin of the Chiang yond the limits irnPosed by the Kuomintang, Kai-shek clique attaeked New Fourth Army did not dare to boldly arouse the masses units in northern Kiangsu'with his main force to action and expand the people's army and the comprising one army and one brigade adding anti-Japanese Japanese- base areas in the up to 15.000 men, ComraCe Chen Yi put into occupied a.reas" Instead, he l;ept the army head- practice Chairman Mao's tactics of luring the quarters Yunlingchen, in a torryn in Chinghsien enemy troops in deep, concentrating our forces County, southern Anhwei Province, reluctant and then annihilating them. Comrade Chen Yi and to mcve eastward, and was mentally mustered all the ?,000 or so troops of the main orga.nizationally unprepared possibility for the force io wipe out some 10,000 troops of Han of a reactionary attack from the Kuomintang Teh-chin's main force after an intense day and diehards. Consequently, when Chiang Kai-shek night battle. Then the New Fourth Army blatantly staged the Southern Anhwei Incident joined forces with south-bound Eighth Route in January 1941, the New Fourth Army head- Army units at Funing and opened up a new quarters and 9,000 troops suffered heavy losses. phase in the anti-Japanede war in central China. Other. leading comrades of the New Fourth Army with Comrade Chen Yi as their represen- This victorious battle was a result of tative firmly carried out the important instruc- Connrade Chen Yi's firmly implementing tion of Chairman lvlao and the Farty Central Chairman Mao's political line arld military line, Commitiee and resisted Wang Ming's Right op- carrying out his policy of forming a united front portunist line. Corirrade Chen Yi led his troops and flexibly applying his strategy and tactics; to the .areas south of the Yangtze River it also dernonstrated Comrade Chen Yi's superb and, after setting up the Maoshan base leadership. The Party Central Committee and area, sent' units further east under the its Revolutionary Military Commission gave this designation of Antiiapa.nese Volunteers South high appraisal and had Comrade Chen Yi's pushed of the Yangtze which on to the report circulated for study among cadres at and outskirls of Shanghai. Ignoring Comrade above regimental level. Hsiang Yirrg's opposition, he quccessively sent Yeh Fei, Tao Yung and other coft1 Chairman Mao and the Party Central Com- rades with the troops under their command mittee appointed Comrade Chen Yi Aeting across the Yangtze northward. They estab.- Commander of the New Fourth Army on lished a base area in northern Kiangsu and January 20" 1941. Because he and other leading waged a tit-for-tat struggle against the Kuo- comrades of the army correctly implemented mintang diehards. On the strength of his su- Chairman Mao's line, principles and policies, perior for:ces entrenched in northern Kiangsu, relied on the masses and persisted in arduous Han Teh-chin, chairman of the Kiangsu provin- struggle, the New Fourth Army rapidly grew cial government of the Kuomintang and com- into an army camprising seven divisions. The

August 19, 1977 25 army carried on anti-Japanese guerrilla warfare at annihilating the enemy's effective strength, on an extensive scale, set up organs of anti- not at hotding or seizing a city or place. Japanese democratic political power and engaged When Kuomintang troops mounted attacks the greater part of the Japanese and puppet against our Liberated Areas in Shantung troopo in central China. With only a little over Frovince from the south and north in February 10,000 men when it was set up at the beginning 1947, our army there irnder the command of of the anti-Japanese war, the New Fourth Army Comrade Chen Yi wiped out more than 60,000 grew more 300,000 men by the end of to than enemy troops, captured an enemy group army the Like the Eighth Route Army, it was war. commander and recovered 13 cities. As Chiang people led by our a heroic army of the Chinese Kai-shek's all-out offensive against the Libera- resisting Japanese aggression. Party in ted Areas met with utter defeat ever5rwhere, he was compelled to pull back his troops, shorten Liberotion Wor Period his battle lines aud carry out what. he, called At the Seventh National Congress of the "attacks against key sectors." To smash these attacks, Party held in April 1945, our great leader Comrade Chen Yi led the Eastern China . Chairman Mao put before the whole Party the Field Army to completely annihilate in Shan- tung's Mengliangku Kuomintang's crack great task "boldly to mobilize the masses, ex- the pand the people's forces and unite all the forces unit, the reorganized ?4th division [equivalent of the nation capable of being united in order to an army]; which was swollen with inordinate to struggle under our Party's'Ieadership to arrogance at the time, and kiled its commander defeat the Japanese aggressors and build a Chang Ling-fu. This battle dealt a crushing bright new China, a China that is independent, blow to the enemy's "attacks against key free, democratic, united, prosperous and strong." sectors" and'so incensed Chiang Kai-shek that (China's Tuto Possible Destinies. f945.) During he literally coughed up blood. the War of Liberation in the ensuing three - In the summer of. 1947 the People's Libera- years, Comrade Chen Yi was successively Com- tion Army switched over to a nationwide stra- mander and Political Commissar of the Shan- tegic offensive. The main force of the Shansi- tung Field Army, the Eastern China Field Army Hopei-Shantung-Honan Field Army under the and the Third Field Army. Firmly carrying out command of Comrades Liu Po-cheng and Teng the Seventh Party Congress' political line and Hsiao-ping made a breakthrough across the military line, he 1ed and organized the army and Yellow River and, driving into the. Central people of the Liberated Areas in east China to Plains, put large numbers of enemy troops out fight victoriously for the liberation of the whole of action. A part of the Eastern China Field of China. Army led by Comrade Chen Yi fought in co- ordination with the army under the command The War of Liberation began with the over- of Comrades Liu Po-cheng and Teng Hsiao-ping Kai-shek weeningly.arrogant troops of Chiang and established the Liberated Areas in the attacking the Liberated Areas. Following Central Plains. In autumn that year, Comrade Chairman Mao's strategic principle of active Chen Yi arrived in northern Shensi to. report defence, Comrade Chen Yi directed our army in work to Chairman Mao and ask for his instruc- east China to meet them head-on from several tions. lhen he brought his field army to the directions and win victories in the first battles. area between the Yangtze and Huai Rivers to Then, he gradually concentrated his main force, join with the forces of Comrades riu Po-chen$ lured the enemy in deep and trounced the and Teng Hsiao-ping, and the two field arrniesr enemy in the campaigns fought north of fighting in still qloser co-ordination, wiped out quick succession large number of the Suchien and in southern Shantung. The latter in a Kuomintang army's effectives and liberated was the first campaign in which our poorly many cities and a vast.rural area. equipped troops successfully annihilated a mechanized column of the Kuomintang reac- In Novernber 1948, the Revolutionary Mili- tionaries. Comrade Chen Yi hetd steadfastly to tary Commission of the Party Central Com- Cirairman Mao's military principle aimed chiefly mittee decided to set up the General Front Com-

26 Peking Rersieut, No. 34 mittee composed of Comrades Teng Hsiao-ping, He was Prernier Chou's right-hand man and in- Liu Po-cheng, Qhen Yi and the two of us, with ternationally was held in high esteem. This Comrade Teng Hsiao-ping as secretary. ' During the Great Proletarian Cultural Rev- our committee, under the wise leadership of olution, Comrade Chen Yi faithfully defended more great leader Chairman Mao, commanded Chairman Mao's revolutionary line; took a than 600,000 P.L.A. troops in fighting the Huai- clear-cut stand in opposition to the bour- hard fighting, Hai campaign. After 65 days of geois careerists and conspirators Lin Piao, Chen the Kuomin- 22 enemy corps, or 56 divisions, of Po-ta, Chiang Ching and Chang Chun-chiao forces, comprisi4g 555,000 men, tang's crack who advocated "overthrowing all" and tried to wiped out and those parts of were completely fan up an "all-out civil war"; and waged a Plains areas north of the east China and Central reolute struggle to defend the Great Proletarian liberated. Yangtze were in the main Cultural Revolution. Shortly afterwards, Chairman Mao issued When Lin Piao fled the country in betrayal the order to cross the Yangtze and make a of the niotherland and died in a plane crash at of country-wide advance. Under the command Undur Khan in 1971, Comrade Chen Yi, though Comrades Chen Yi, Liu Po-cheng and Teng under treatment for cancer, went to attend the Hsiao-ping, one million P.L.A. men crossed the meeting of veteran comrades called by the river and liberated Nanking, the centre of Party Central Committee where he made a long Chiang Kai-shek's rrrle, and vast areas south of speech expobing Lin Piao's anti-Party crimes. the Yangtze, thus proclaiming the downfall of His very last ounce of energy was given to the the reactionary Kuomintang regime. struggle against the Lin Piao anti-Party clique. In 22 years of arduous revolutionary wars, Comrade Chen Yi, under the leadership of loyol to the Pofi contributions to Chairman Mao, made indelible Comrade Chen Yi's noble proletarian rev- destroying the dark old China and establishing olutionary qualities were long praised by the a bright new China. people. He diligently studied works by Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stelin and Chairman Mao2s After the Founding of New Chino works and kept on this study even during the After liberation, Comrade Chen Yi was ap- yeais of war. He upheld Marxism and waged pointed Commander of the East China Military an uncompromising struggle againit the oppor- Area Command and concurrently Mayor of tunist and revisionist lines of Wang Ming, Kao Shanghai. Faithfully implementing Chairman Kang and Jao Shu-shih, Peng Teh-huai, Liu Mao's revolutionary line, he contributed to ihe Shao-chi, Lin Piao and the Wang-Chang- good rehabilitation of the national economy and the Chiang-Yao "gang of four." He was at carrying out of socialist transformation, to the uniting with and getting the best out of cadres. bnilding of a socialist new Shanghai and to He encouraged them to work boldly under the our army's revolutisnization and moderniza- guidance of the general aim. He always bore 'tion. He was transferred to work in the in mind the interests of the whole and never central authorities in 1954, serving as Vice- went in for sectarian activities. Moreover, he helping Premier of the State Council and later concur- was accomplished at uniting with and mistakes and working rently Minister of Foreign Affairs. He was also comrades who had made Chen Yi was Vice-Chairman of the Military Commission ot well together with them. Comrade in our Party. the Party Central Committee. As Foreign truly a model of unity and struggle Minister, Comrade Chen Yi assisted our Comrade Chen Yi was open and aboveboard esteemed and beloved Premier Chou in firmly and had largeness of mind. He implemented to carrying out Chairinan Mao's revolutionary line the letter Chairman Mao's admonition that in foreign affairs and accompanied Premier Communists, senior Party cadres in particular, Chou abroad on ten occasions. He did a great "must all be open and aboveboard politiqally, deal of work to unite with friends from various always ready to express our political vierus circles in Asia, Africa and Latin America and openly and take a stand, for or against, on.each oppose Soviet revisionism and U.S. imperialism. important political issue. T[e must "rd'"r""y August 19,7977 27 r. ,r;:,. f .

lrever follow the example of Kao Kang and Jao tense struggles of the Chinese revolution. This Shu-shih and indulge ir scheming." (Speeches noble quality of hi,s was most pronorlnced during at the Notional Confetence of th,e Chinese Com- the ebb ieriods of the Chinese revolution. With munist Porty, 1955.) Marxist insight and a materialist-dialectical world outlook, he could see the bright future Yi The untimely death of Comrade'Chen ahead in times of trial. In his evening years, on January 6, 19?2 was a tremendous loss to he encouraged himself and others with Chair- our Party and our army. On January 10, our rnan Mao's earnest admonition to veteran com- gpeat leader and, teacher Chairman Mao at- rades about holding fast tc their revolutionary tended the memorial meeting for Comrade integrity in their old age, and pers€vered in Chen Yi, highly evaluated his immens.e contri- continuing the revolution under the dictatorship butions to the people, condoled with his wife of the proletariat. Comrade Chang Chie.n and their children and encouragd them to work hard and serve the Cor.nrade ihen Yi wEls unassruning and freople. approachable, honest in dealing with people, large-minded and had a fine sense of humour. The of four" and their followers, "gang tle got along well rvith cadres under him and however, flagrantly opposed Chairman Mao's showecl close concern for them. If a comrade and, after Comrade Chen Yi's death, directives made a mistake or had some shortcoml-igs, they continued to revile him. They even went he criticized the comrade concerhed in a to the length of ordering organized criticism of fopthright manner and persuaded him by the revolutionary eadres and people of Shanghai reasoning things out. He sincerely welcomed who mourned Comrade Chen Yi and used thi.s criticism and help from comrades. He had a to atlaek some cadres. The deep hatred these correet appraisal of himself and never claimed bourgeois careerists had for Comrade Chen Yi credit or bragged about anything he had done, showed how this proletarian revolutionary was but he always attributed his achievements to kr them. irnplacably oPPosed the wise leadership of our great leader Chair- : Anyone familiar with Comrade Chen Yi man Mao, to the Party and the people. In his knows that he never tried to cover up his short- own words, "Oneself is nothing, the Party and comings and mistakes which were impossible to the rnasses are all-powerful." He harl a deep avoid in long years of revolutionary struggle. He love for the pebple, regarding them, in his own frequently drew lessons from the er:rors words, as his parents. IIe was exceptionally he made due to inexp,erience in the early days attached to the People's Liberation Army and after joining the revolution to teach eadres and took great priCe in being a veteran fighter encourage comrades to study works by Marx, under the leadership of Chairman l/Iao. Engels, Lenin and Stalin and Chairman l\Iao's works in a still better way and earnestly re- The "ga-ng of four" and their henchmen mould their world outlcok. Whenever mistakes framed all sorts of charges to viciously slandc-r occurred in work, he always shouldered the Comrade Chen Yi, which, how.ever, could not in responsibility himself. He corrected his mis- the least mar his lofty image. History has corl- takes promptly and th.oroughly. "History proves firmed that throughout his life Comrade Chen ltrose who claim to be infallible often turn out Yi was loyal to the Party, loyal to our great to be incorrect," he was heard to say frequently. leader Chairman Mao and loyal to Chairman This was a scathing criticism of Liu Shao-ehi, Mao's revolutionary line. Ttre life'of Comrade Lin Piao and the "gang of four" who shame- Chen Yi was one of seiflessly and fearlessly lcssly advertised them.selves to be "l'epresenta- fighting for the cause of the liberation of the tives of the correct ]irre"' proletariat and one of being open and above- he breathed : Comrade Chen Yi was an intellectual in his t-roard and making revolution until Chen Yi wrote early years, but he took to Marxisnr quite young his last. Back in 1960iComrade pine which stands and integrated himself ove-r the years with the a poem praising the evergreen and heavy peasants and soldiers. He acquired his straight and unbending in high wind 'norkers, of proletarian revolutionary steadfastness through snow. This pine is an apt representation taking part in the extrernely difficult and in- Corarade Chen Yi's life. Peking Reoieus, No. 34 28 An lttempt to testore Gapitalism Under the $ignboard ol 0Rposing Restotation

Refuting the "gong of four's" so+olled criticism of "On the Generol - Prolromme for All Work of the Whole Pdrty qnd Whole Country"

by Hsiang Chun

The tirst }r,lt of thj;s orticb. appureil ia Yueh's remark gave accurate expression to a our last iszue. Follotoing rE thc seconil l@lt. - "theory" vociferously advocated by the "gang EiT. of four" for years. According to this "theoryi" our Party's basic programme and basic line do Choirmon Moo'-s tnstruction on Pushing not embrace the task of developing the socialist The Nqtional Economy Foruord economy. The gang put socialist revolution and socialist construction in complete opposition to order elucidate Chairman Mao's in- In to each other and even alleged that socialist rev- struction on pushing the national econom;r [or- olution and class struggle were the ultimate ward, article the General Prograinme," the l'On goal of the communists. This "theory" only basing itself on the report made by Premier shows that the "gang of four" ,completely be- the Fourth National People's Congress, Qhou at trayed orrr Party's basic programme and basic its opening paragraph that to realize noted in line and Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung agriculture, industry, na- the modernization of Thought. tional defence and scieilce and technology was the "magnificent task of the development of Contrary to the gang's "theory," our Party'S China's national econiaty in the next 25 years'" basic programme includes as iis content the Regarding this, Yao Wen-1ruan wrote this com- development of the socialist economy and the ment: "The premise: socialist revolution in the expansion of the social productive forces. economio field and taking class struggle as the The programme key link have been ,excluded." He also sland- basic of our Party etipulates proletariat erously alleged that "On the General Pro- that the must completely overthrow grarirme" "has tarnpered with the Party's pro- the bourgeoisie and all other exploiting classes. gramme and negated the baeic Iine." Following To achieve this god., it ls necessary, first of all, geize Yao Wen-yuan's "instruction," Cheng to political power, transform the relations dished out en erticle entitled "A General Pro- of production anl carry out socialist revolution gramme tor Beetorlng Capitelism," The artlcle ln all sphereg of the auperstrueture. But thls satd that "at the outset, 'On the General Pro- alone cannot completely overthrow a1l the ex- gramme'sete the reallzation of the 'four moder- ploiting claeses. The change in the relatioru of nizatlons' ln the next 26 years aB the Party's production has opened up a broad road for the goal of struggle," and this was a "negation of development of the productive forces, but it ls our Party's basic programme and basic line." still necessary for the proletariat to have , a Yao Wen-yuan's written comment and Cheng correct line and to adopt correst policies ,to,en-

Augttxt 19, 7977 29 sure the rapid development of the social pro- last analysis, proiluctivity of labour is the most ductive forces and the continual consolidation important, the principal thing for the victory oI of the soeialist public ownership so as to raise the new social system. . . . Capitalism can be them to still higher levels. OnIy thus can the utterly vanquished, and will be utterly van- proletariat have the material strength to quished by socialism creating a new and mue.b thoroughly triumph over the bourgeoisie and all higher productivity of iabour." (A Great Be- other exploiting classes. ginning, 1919.) When Chairuran Mao spoke about uniting the forces that could be The Party's basic programme requires that with all . united in order to build China into a great so- the dictatorshlp of the bourgeoisie be replaced cialist country in Strengthen Porty tJnitg and by the dictatorship of the proletariat. Ihis Camg Foruliard the Partg's Traititiarls in 1956, mearui that, after seizing political power, the he pointed out: have such a big popula- proletariat must suppress all resistance put up "You tion, such a vast territory and. such rich re- by the bourgeoisie and truly replace the bour- source!, and what is more, it has been said that geoisie's domination with its own in the polit- you are building socialism, which is supposed to ical, ,economic, ideologieal, cultural and all be superior; after ado for fifty or sixty other fields. Great efforts must be made to if much years you are still unable to overtake the United organize the socialist economy and develop the States, whbt a sorry figure yciu will You social productive forces, otherwise the dictator- cut! should be read face earth." ship of the proletariat will be aimless and will off the of the Mao attached great not have an.adequate material basis, and con- Chairman thus extremely irnportance to the task of developing the social- Bequently cannot fully consolidate itself. ist economy. In 195?, Chairman Mao wrote On the in The core of our Party's basic line is to per- Correct Hanitting of Contrad.i,ctians Among the sist in carrying out the struggle between the two Peoi,ple: "The aim of this dictatorshiar is to pro- classes and the two roads and prevent capitalist tect all our people so that they can devote restoration. Keeping to the socialist road themselves to peaeeful labour and build China meahs, among other things, developing the se into a socialist country with a modern industry, cialist economy and the social productive forces. agriculture, sclence apd cultuie." Again in Tke Sttuation in the Summer of 7957, Chair- - While talking glibly about socialist revolu- man Mao pointed out: "We must understand tion and class struggle, the "gang of four" tried that, counting from now, 10 to 15 years will be to strike out the tas\ of developing the socialist required to build a modern industrial and economy and the social productive forces from modern agricultural base in China. Only when our Party's basic programme and basic line and the productive forces of our society have been put socialist revolution in opposition to socialist fairly adequately developed over a'period of construction. This fully shows that the gang's 10 to 15 years will it be possible to regard our so-called "revolution" was anything but the socialist economic and political system as having revolution referred to by Marxism. obtained a fairly adequate material base (now . According to Marxism, revolution means, far from adequate), and will it be possible to in essence, changing the relations of production regard our state (the superstructure) as fully and liberating the productive forces. On Janu- consolidated." ary 25, 1956, Chairman Mao said at the Supreme State Csnference: revolution aims at Our Party's basic programme calls for the "Socialist liberating the ptoductive forces." This is an triumph of socialism over capitalism. This irrefutable truth of historical materialism means, in the last analysis, abolishing the cap- italist system of exploitation and all other ex- "On the General Programme" said at the ploiting systems and bringing into fuII play the very beginning that to realize the "four moder- superiority of the socialist system so as to create nizations" was the "magnificent task of the labur prcductivity much higher than that development of China's national economy in the under capitalism and turn out far more social next 25 years." But in going over and finalizing products than those under capitalism to satisfy Cheng Yueh's article, Yao Wen-yuan brazenly the needd of the society. Lenin said: "In the changed it to "setting the realization of the

30 Peking Reui,eu, No. 34 -'four the next lg:years 8s its article "A Confession of Reversing Verdicts the Party's goal of struggle." In so doing, Yao and Bestoring Capitalism,'r "On the, Wen-yuan and his cohorts had a twofold aim: General Programme" for "flagrantly"11""O"d distorting" On the one hand, they would be able to level the real meaning of the above-mentioned quo. the'charge that "On the GenerSl Programme" tation from Chairman Mao. The "reason" given "negatesrrthe Party's basic programme" and, on for this charge was that in quoting the above the other, they could publigize their false view mentioned passage from Chairman Mao it left that socialist revolution and. class struggle were out the sentence that immediately followed: - the ultimate goal of the communists. Contpry "The social productive forces of China can be to their expectations, however; the alteration liberated only by destroying the Japanese ag- they made laid bare their true features as gressors, carrying out land roform, emancipat- traitors to Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung ing the Beasapts, developing modern industry Thought. and establishrng an independent, free, demo- cratic, united, prosperous and powerful new In On the Draft Constitution :of the Peo- China ;- and. this win the approbation of pie's Reptblic of Chi,na in 1954, Chairman Mao lvill the Chinese people." pointed out explicitly: "Our general objective is to strive to buitd a great socialist country. Ours Chairman Mao's instruction as quoted in is a big'country of 600 million people. IIow long "bn the General Programme" scientifically ex- will it really take to accomplish socialist in- plains a basic principle of historical materialism. dustrialization and the socialist transformation The following sentence explains, in line with and inechanizatior'of agriculture. . . ? I think this basic principle, the concrete tasks of the for us to buitd a great socialist eouitry, about Chinese revolution at that time. It clearly fifty years, or ten five-year plans, will probably points out that only the attainment of the be enough. By theu China will be in good shape objective of liberating "the social productivo and quite different from what it is now." To forces of China" by means of revolutionary communists, socialist revolution and class strug- struggle "will win the approbation of the gle are means and not objectives; we should use Chinese people." "On the General Programme" this means to achieve our ultimate goal; i.e., the quoted Chairman Mao's instruction to show that realization of communism through socialism. in the stage of socialist revolution it remains our criterion by which bur work should be , In dealing with the relationship between a[ judged. guestion a.s revolution and prodilction a4d between politics So here there is no such and economics, "On the General Programme" "distorting" or "quoting out of context." quoted Lenin and Chairman Mao to explain its On Yao Wen-yuan's "instruction," Cheng viewpoint. . Lenin said in The New Economi,c Yueh vilified in his article that "On the Geheral Poliq and, the ?oslcs of the Potitical Ed,ucation Programme" "has preposterously tampered with Departm.ents.' "The only criterion of the results Chairman Mao's instructions on the guestion of ol political education is the improve- the theory of the proletarian dictatorship and ment achieved in industry and agricul- other subjects and made them serve only the ture." In 1945, Chairman Mao said in On Coali- realization of the 'four modernizations.' This 'is tian Gooqnment: "In the lasf analysis, the an out-and-out distortion of Chairman Mao's good great impact,. or bad, or snrall, of the instructions." Such harangue on the part of policy and the practice of any Chinese political the "gang of four" warrants special attention, party upon the people depends whether and on for it accurately spelt out another "theory" the how much it helps to develop their productive "gang of four" had vehemently publicized for fotces, and whether fetters liberates on it or years. According to this the super-' these forces." "theory," structure can be separated from the base'and Concerning this, Yao Wen-yuan comment- does not serve it, and politics can likewise ed: "A distortion of Marxism-Leninism and a stand aloof frorfi economics and does not serve return to the theory of productive forces." With it This "theory" of the gang's is a total be- this comment as its basis, the mass criticism trayal of Marxism-L,eninism-Mao Tsetung group of Peking and Tsinghua Universities, in Thought.

August 79, 7977 31 Marxism holds that the superstructure onslaught and their plot for a comeback, we must serve the base and politics must will not tle able to consolidate our political serve economics. The superstructure is de- power and socjalist system and the develop termined by the base and politics by ment of our socialist economy and social pro- economics. Once the superstructure is estab- ductive forces will be out of the question. lished on a given base, its reaction on the base Moreover, political work is the life.blood of all will take two forms: One is that it is basically economic work. Unless the proletariat uses in harmony with its base and therefore helps effective political work to command economic consolidate and develop the base, that is, as we work, it will not be able to defeat the bour- usually say, the superstructure serves the base; geoi^sie's attempt to sabotage the socialist econ- the other is that it does not correspond to its omy, effectively resist corrosion by bourgeois base and hampers and undermines the develop- and petty-bourgeois ideologies and gnsure our ment of the base. In the latter case, a revolu- economy to develop along the socialist road. tion aimed at changing the superstructure will Unless this is done, there is the likelihood that take place. This is what we usually mean by work in the economic field will slide down the saying that when it is impossible for the eco- wrong path. nomic base consolidate changing to without Therefore, after seizing political power, the the superstructur€, then a change the super- in proletariat must firmly keep the power of polit- structure plays the principal and decisive role. ical rule in its hands, persisi in taking class The same holds true the relationship be- fgr struggle as the key link and adopt a correct line tween politics and economics. so as to guarantee the maximun develop- The proletarian revolutionary teachers ment of the social economy. Obvio.rsly, the repeatedly explaine! these basic theories. commanding role of politics over ec(xlomics Lenin pointed out: 'iln the final analysis," every cannot be separated from the development of kind of political superstructure "serves produc- the economy, otherwise the commanding role tion and is ultimately determined 6y the rela- of politics over economics simply does not exist. tions of production in a given society." Fundamentally speaking; such a role mearxr (Once Again on the Trad,e Unions, the Cument that politics serves economics'in a correct and Situation anil the Mistakes of Trotskg and Buk- elfective way so that the economy will suceess- hnrin, 192L.) Chairman Mao also pointed out: fully and speedily advance in the correct polit- "Marxism teaches us that democracy is part of ical direction. the superstructure and belongs to the category of politics. That is to say, in the last analysis, On the Ten Major Retation^ships, a bril- liant work Mao 1956, it serves the economic base." (On the Comect written by Chairman in has Hondling of Contrailictions Arnong the Peopte.) set a fine example for us in solving the problem concerning the unity of politics and Is there any contradiction between the prin- eeonomics and politics serving economics. The ciple that the superstructure must serve the five relationships dealt with in this article politics - base and must serve economics and the the relationship between heavy industry on the principle which Marxism always stresses that one hand and light industry and agriculture on politics politics is the commander, that cannot the other, the relationshiti'between industry tn but have precedence over economics that and the coastal regions and industry in the interior, class struggle should be taken as the link? key the relationship between economic conetruction Absolutely not. They are in perfect harmony, and defence construction, the relationship be- We always strces taklng politics as conl- the tween the state, the units ol productlon and the mander, plactng politlcs before everything else producers and the relatlonship between the and taklng class struggle as the key Thls llnk. central authorltiee BnC the local authoritis ls because ln the period of eoclaliem. there are - dlrectly exilein the lmportant prlnclples and' classes and class struggle and there ls the dan- polieies in economic work and are at tlre aame ger capitalist restoration and because class of time all politics. The relationstrips betwee[ the enemies both home and always at ubroad try Han nationality and the minority nationalities, to launch an attack on us. If we are not in a position to smash at any time the enemy's (Contlnueil on p. 37,)

32 Peking Rersieut, Fo. 3l Form Mechanization in Wusih County (lll)

Freeing Themselues From Heauy ilanual tabour by lheir Own Ellorts

by Our Correspondent Chin Chi-chu

This is the third anil last article in this than 90 per cent of them are locally made. The series o! reports. The first tuo atrtfte@red. in our communes themselves provided over 90 per cent issues Nos. 31 anil 33. - Ed. of the rysney to buy these machines. The rrst came frori the state. More than 30,000 truck f N the semi-colonial old China, the reaction- and tractor drivers and an even larger number 1 ary government set up a few mechanized of workers to make and repair farm machinery farms with foreign equipment and bragged that have been trained-from among the peasants: these would help "spread" farm mechanization plants ia the country. But even these "show windowsl' Assistance from the big state is im- did not last long owing to the lack of spare portant, of course, but one must not juit sit parts and proper maintenance, the high of back and wait or depend completely on aid from fuel and electric power as well as the mechan- these plants. The principle of "walkiirg on two ical application of foreign methods quite un- legs" has to be adhered to. suitable to Chinese conditions. So "farm Following Chairman Mao's instructions and mechanization" remained so much pie in the his consistent ideas, our Party formulated the sky. policy of making the farm machines primarily The establishment of a socialist system in by the localities, with the stress on producing China paved the way for industrialization, but medium-sized and small farm machines, and big state-owned plants alone could not provide getting the communes, production brigades and all the machines'and equipment required in the production teams (units of collective ownership) vast countryside nor solve such problems as the to buy most of the farm machines themselves. accumulation of funds and the training of This policy brings into play all the positive technicians. The peasants described this state factor:s. Under the centralized leadership of of affairs in these words: "When there were the Party and unified state planning, the locali= no machines we wanted them; when they were ties are developing their farm mechanization by availa.ble we could not afford to buy them; when relying on their own efforts and mobilizing the we got them we started worrying about re- masses. The course taken in farm mechanization pairs." How did the peasants of Wusih County by Wusih County fully demonstrates this policy solve these problems? in action. They did it by "freeing themselves from ond heavy manual labour by their own efforts," ihat Form Mochine Monufocture is, relying on their own efforts to replace Repoir Network manual labour with machines. Since the start of the Great Cultural Rev- The county today has 4,355 tractors and olution the county has swiftly set up a three- more than 70,000 other farm machinas, more .level (county, communes and production

August 79,1977 33 ferent parts of the county turn out foi thE'com- munes items high on the list for farm rneh'ha1 nization such as harvesters, rice transplanterE and machines to pull up rice-seedlings and dig ditches. These plants also undertake .to do major overhbul jobe which are at prasent beyond the power of the communes. Every corrmune in the county has its own farm machinery plant of about 200 to 300 workers. These make machines their own communes rleed and ao,oiret-hguls and repairs. Each brigade has a small farm,machine work- shop with at least a lathe, a planer, a drilling machine and an electric welder. They take care of the minor repairs. All these plants and workshops stress the production of spare parts to keep the machines fully operative. Related management departments set up include a eounty farm machinery bureau which plans for the whole county, organizes produc- tion and distribution of farm machines portant accessories and handles routine managE- ment work- Communes have their own farm machine stations and brigades ttreir tractor' A leading cadre of the county revolutionary keep farm machines committee inspecting I farm machinery plant. teams to operate and the in good. working order. communes or the brigades 'network The county, the brigades) of rationally distributed run their own small iron and steel, chemical planls to make and reparr farm machines. fertilizer and cement plants, other such small There is speeialization and co=ordination within plants serving agriculture, as well as small the network. When we were in Wusih County, plants producing parts and accessories for the the workers and management staff were busy big state plants (see table'below). overhauling farm machines and turning out new ones in preparation for the coming summer harvest and transplanting of early rice. On the walls of workshops and farm machine (1976 figures) stations were the slogans, "In agriculture, learn from Tachai,l' and "In industry, learn "f,\fl"'t Y#l:i"k" from .Taching" and charts showing the results staft of emulation drives. The atmosphere in these County-run plants 119 19,033 places was one of intense drive. Commune-run plants 266 30'148 1,511 The county has one diesel engine plant and workshoPs '45,205 one tractor plant, each with about 1,000 work- ers and staff members. , They are state enter- The farm machinery network provides a prises, the backbone of the local farm machin- powerful material foundation for mechanizing ery industry" Last year, they turned out 13,505 farming in the county. Apart from those in the 12-h.p. diesel engines and 6,520 walking tractors county-run plants who are full-time workers and the quality of these products i;s excellent. and staff members, the others in the network Apart from supplying the county itself, their are commune members who earn work-points products go out to Seven nearby counties. The which enable them to get their share of returns five medium-sized farm machine plants in dif- from their own production teams. They are

34 Peking Retsieto, No. 34 workers most of the year, but peasants again during the busy farming seasons when they return to work in their production teams. All farm machinery plants are held fully responsible for" the quality of their products. Repairs are free within a prescribed period and unsatisfactory products can be replaced free or refunded. Repair crews are sent out regularly to the villages - a service very welcomed by the colnmune Eembers. Ilemonstrating a rice-seedling puller.

"Arming Themselves" and odds and ends in the big plants in the cities. processed parts out of thee The farm machinery network is set up by It hbohously the assembled first machine tools, and reliance on the masses, hard work and "arming and its expand production themselves" with self-made equipment. went on step by step to capacity. It now batch-produces pumps, thrEgh- The county diesel engine plant, a backbone €8, 7.5-h.p. electric motors and 5,600 kva enterprise mentioned earlier, was once a farm transformers and turns out buses with ehassis tool rqnir shop housed in a tumbledown tem- and engines from other plants. ple. It started turning out 12-h.p. diesel engines Ther rother plants in the Yangshih Com- in 1970, but great efforts over the last seven six mune have developed similar w&y, The years.have made the plant what it is today. in a plant,.for in.stance, carried Its Party rirganization led and organized the powder metallurgical. hand- workers to go in for extensive technical innova- on production out in the open with press€s in tions which helped them make upwards of 300 operated when it was established gradually itself" over pieces of machines and equipment, T2 per cent of 1966. Again, by "arming all those existing in the plant today. The the years, it has put up spacious and bright plant has installed ten production lineg some workshops and made many pieces of equip' of them automated, such as the one processing ment for itself, including a 200-ton oil press and crankstrafts by digital-controlled machine tools. high-quality spare parts. Foreign visitors were Ten years ago most of these innovators were surprised to see such a well-equipped plant in peasants-. Over the last seven years, the plant a commune.. '$ome of the original hand

36 Peking Reuieu, No. 34 and early'thirties all have had at least a junior Besides Wusih County, a nurtber of com- middle school education, so they can learn munes, counties and prefectures (embracing rapidly through the method of theoretical study many counties) in China have made rapid combined with practice. ft'takes a little longer progress in farrn mechanization. Their common to learn how to do maintenance and repairs, but experience demonstrates that so long as the cor- they do not find it very difficult either. rect road is firmly adhered to, the Party pro- vidb strong leadership and the masses are fully ' This is how Wusih County solved its prob mobilized, the goal of basically realizing farm lems oJ equipment, funds and technical force mechanization in the country by 1980 can be by bringing into full pldy the initiative and attained. Fulfilment of this treimbndous task will creativeness of the people. As the late Comrade be an important step forward to realizing the Chou En-lai said in his report to the Tenth Party comprehensive modeinization of agriculture, in- Congress in 1973: "Oire basic experience from dustry, national defence, and science. end our socialist construction over more than trfo tedrnology in Chlna before the end of the decades is to rely on the masses." century.

(Contirw,ed from p. 32.) science,. art, religlon, etc," (Engels: . Speeh at the Graoeside of Karl Mort, LBBB.) They also hetween Part5l .and non-Party, between rev- denied that the development of human society olution and oounter-revolution, between right is determlned, in the last analysis, by the and wrong and between China and other development of the social productive forceg. countriea directty deal with politicel questions, and "lt lc to focus on one baglc policy" that The purpoce of the "gang of four" in these queations were reised, "the baaic pollcy preaching Buch "theorles" was to BabotsgB of mobllidag ell positive factorg, lnternal and China's sociallst revolution and socialist con- external, to roe the cause of soclallsm." "Itr struction, undermine the sociallst economy' short, we should mobillze all torces, whether usurp Party and state leadershlp and turn Chine direct or lndllect, ud stuive to bulld China lnto back again into,a semi-oolonial and semi-feudal a powerful rodalirt -GouDtty.r' This makes it oountry, perfectly clear that politics and economics are Yao rffen-yuan made yet another shocking a unity aird that politics Berves economics. comment on the arflcle "On the General'Pro- gramme," In its concluding part, the article de- Lenin said: "According to the bourgeois able realize the world outlook, politics wag divorced, as it wersr clared that we "are certainly to goal power- from economics." (Speeeh Delioered at an All- magnificent of building China into a socialist country before the end of the cen- Bzssia Conferehc,e of Poli,tical Eilueation Work- ful tur5r." This was stated by Chairman Miro and ers o! Gubenria and, Uyezd Eilucation Deport- Premier Chou on nany occasions:and is com- mcnts, L920.1 pletely correct and beyond question. Yao Wen- Members of the "gang of four" are dyed-in- ;ruan, however, had the audacity to write this the-wool historical idealists. They deliberately comment: "Certainly able to bring about E res: described politics as something supreme, looked toration? A wild dream!" Now everything is down upon economics as something inferior and crystdl clear. What did members of the i'gang despised polltics serving economics. They cate- of four'i mean by restoration? It meant "build- gorically denied "man's activity in production ing China into a powerful socialist country." as the most fundamental practical activity, the So when they made a ballyhoo about "oppos- determinant of all his other activities." (Mao ing restoration," they were actually oppostng Tsetung: On Practice, 1937.) They denied that Chairman Mao and Premier Chou and opposing "mankind must first of all eat, drink, have shel- socialism and they were trying to restore capi- ter and clothing, before it can pursue polities, talism.

August 19, 1977 37 ri,,': i:i{,i.;it,"'

Chairman Mao Tsetung Stands On the Pinnacle of History

Excerpts from on orticle by Comrode E.F. Hill ltllliltiltlilullttIlllultlIIl!ItlllIttItIltItilttlilttlllllilillllliltllllllillalllllllllltllll.

Comraile E.F. Hill, Chairman of the Com- Leninism. Chairman Mao Tsetung denounced it rnunist Party o! Attstralio (Marrist-Leninist), i,n as revisionism. hb artlcl,e u:hich appeareil in the Julg 28 issue And Chairman Mao systematically derrel- of "The Vangua.rd.," pornted out that Clwirman oped the great Marxist-Leninist principle of Mao's ctrategi,c concept of three uotlds con- continuing class struggle under the conditions trlbuteg greatlg to the cause of utorld, reoolution. of t.Le dictatorship of the proletariat. Fotloutry are ercerpts frorn the arti,cle. - Ed. '' E at a time when the great Stalin fTHAIRMAN Mao Tsetung wis the great con- wrongly"r, ilenied the continuance of class strug- \-r tinuer of the work of Marx, Engels, Lenin gle in the Soviet Union, Chairman Mao affirmed and Stalin. its existence. Chairman Mao was greatest single the this theoretical principle he greatly devel- rnodern revisionism. He was fighter. against oped. unslverving in his adherence to Marxism- Leninisrn and upholding its revolutionary In all respects,.Chairman Mao Tsetung up- banner. held ttre great truths of Marxism-Leninism. The victory of Chiilese liberation and socialism are Like the immortal Lenin, he stood as a giant living proof of When the Chinese'revolu- the basis of Marxist-l,eninisb theoretical it. on foll.owed Marxist-Leninist line of principle, the purity of which is critical to the tion the Chairuran Mao won great victory; when it victory of proletarian revolution. it departed from that line, it suffered defeat. Amid gll the furore of revisionism, amid the avalanche to the Right, this mighty man calmly Chairman Mao Tsetung made an indi:lible, and deliberately expounded c,orrect Marxist- immortal all-round contribution to Marxism- Leninist principle. He declined to go along with Leninism, an inestimable contribution io the revisionism. cause of world revolution. Chairman Mao Tsetung upheld with the Chairman Mao Tsetung paid great atten- magnificent courage of a truty classic developer tion to the development of a Marxist-Leninist of Marxism-Leninism the revolutionary essence proletarian foreign policy. of scientific socialisin which in their day Marx, He proceeded from the interests of the Engels, Lenin and Stalin had expounded and world proletariat. upheld. Lenin in his day, paid great attention to ground He stood his against all comers. the international situation. From this emerged eL the recognized leaders of international among other outstanding contributions, the communism, headed by the leaders of the possibitity of building socialism in one country C.P.S.U., proclaimed revisionism as Marxism- - a then new development of Marxism. Lenin 38 Peking Reoieta, No. 34 analysed the uneven development of capitalism, of ultra or superimperialism), their agreement he analysed the cracks and schisms in the rela- was coriditional, their struggle absolute. tionships between the capitalist powers and the Is that not borne out today? need for the proletariat to take advantage of, the merest.crack, to ally itself if need be, with Yes it is. the most vacillating all5r, having oonfideirce that In Australia it can be deen very clearly. if the proletariat firmly adhered to Marxist- Leninist principle, it would not err. In the seoond world countries is there not rebellion at least to a degree even by the ruling I-enin opposed Trotsky's idea of no deals circles against the superpowers? Ye there is, with any imperialist. because the superpowers do interfere in and Out of L€din's principled stand carne the bully the Second world oountries. The bour- Treaty of Brest-Iitovsk (peace between revolu- geoisie of these countries resist superpower en- tionary Russia and imperialist.Germany) which croachment; true, theSr compromise, are un- saved the Russian revolution. Who was cprreet stable. The peoples of the second world coun- tries wage consistent revolutionary struggles. -L€oin or Trotsky? L€nin's ideas were followed by Stalin in the The third world is the most reliable op. ponent peoples the Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact of 1939. of the superpowers. The of Which was corregt Stalinls Marxist-Leninist third world are decisive in the struggle against line or the Trotskyist- line of no compromise? the superpowers. Chairman Mao's analysis identified enemie Lenin ridiculed the line of com- "Left" "no and friends. promises." Lenin analysed the world in a series of classics notable among whieh was Im- It shows the cnonflict between the super- perialism, the Highest Stoge af Capitalism. In powers. That conflict weakens each of .them. his speeches to the Third International he paid It shows the main force agairrst them is. the great attention to the divisions among the capi- third world and it shows aspects of the second talist countries. world as opposing the two superpowers. That is based on the dialectical principle of every- Lenin showed that capitalism dictated the thing coming into being and passing away. So development of a handful of major imperialist U.S. imperialism has come into being as a powers, showed the utter falsity of Kautsky's mighty imperialist power, now it is beginning idea of ultra (or ouper) imperialism (agreement to pass away. Soviet social-imperialism is com- between the imperialisms), he showed the dif- ing into being as a mighty imperialist power. fer entialion between the powers and he stressed Materialist dialectics teaches w to discern what the decisive importance of the peoples of the East (now is growing and what is dying. Hence it is cor; we may add Africa and Latin greater America). rect to point to the comparatively menace of Soviet social-imperialism. It is cor' Faithful to Lenin's teachings and in line rect to recognize the contradiction between with them, Chairman Mao studied an immense these two superpowers. At, the same time, it amount of factual material of the contemporary is imperative to recognize the menace of each world. He deduced his great thmry of three of them. Chairman Mao's insistence on digging worlds (li the superpowers, (2) the inter- tunnels, storing grain, being prepared, testified mediate- countries and (3) the third world. to this. . Does this theory accord wjth the facts for Chairman Mao correctly recobnized the as- that is the sole test of materialist dialectics? pect of the European Economic Community that particularly to Chairman Mao's theory does accord with constitute a certain barrier Soviet social-imperialist expansion in Europe and at the same time, has a certain antl-U.S. He showed that the superpowem U.S. im- imperialist aspect. Is it correct to recognize this, perialism and Soviet social-impgrialism could to take advantage of all positive factors?' Of never agree fundamentally (contrary to views course it is.

August 79, 7977 39 He greatly enaouraged the third world and though vacillating, conditional, he armed the- classified China as a socialist country of the proletariat with the great theory of the three Jhird world. In the days of the dominant as- worlds. cendancy of U.S. imperialism, Chairman Mao was the worLd's foiemost fighter against it. Australia is a second world country. Yet When Soviet social-imperialism emerged as a she has affinities with the third world and even' challenger to U.S. imperialism Chairman Mao belongs to certain third world organizations. On correctly, recognized it as the coming super- the other hand, Australia is in the orbit of U.S. power and analysed the relations between it and imperialism which now Soviet social-imperial- U.S. imperialism. ism is challenging. All this is the very reveise of revisionism. It is corect to analyse Australia's position exploiting her second world position and her peoples with It is to arm the revolutionary third world affinities to deal blows at the su- proletarian foreign policy, to a revolutionary perpowerB. Likewise it is crorrect to use her provide the theoretical guidance for forming the being within the U.S. imperielisf orbit to deal broadest united frpnt of all who can be united blows at the Soviet superpower but never for- against the superpowers. getting the U.S. imperialisi eDemy. Chairman Mao never confused relations be- If everyone is an'enenry and there ar'e no countries with relations between the tween allies, no main enemy, is this not objectively classes in the given countries. But he did show akin to Trotsky's poeition? and show correctly the inter-relation between the internal and external class strulg1e. Chairman Mao with the great ikill of the master of materialist dialectics that he.wes, dis- In the giyen countries, the class struggle cerned the facts the world and the eonstsnt takes on different forms and the governments in movement of the facts. of the given countries vary from one to the other, lVith boundless mnfidence in the people he worlds. It The universal plinciples of Marxism- applied his analysis of the three greetly people carxe world Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought are one and the helps the in the of same the world over. Their integration lnto the revolution. actual conditions of the given countries is a His efforts have been crowned with the different matter. tremendotrs international and internal victories The objective position of the third world of China and her peoples, the enormous advance countries, their common interests, weaken im- worldwide of Marxism-Leninism. perialism as a whole, even though some of their Chairman Mao Tsetung stood for the unity governments are fascist. is absurd see It to of the international communist movement on them as all entirely the same, but it is qorrect the basis of Man

40 Peking Reoiew, No, 34 and develop the 'whole science of Marxism- Chairman Mao Tsetung stands on the pin- Leninism. nacle of history and mdn's achievement. He was the great theotetical and practical champion of Thg great work of Chairman Mao is being the victory of proletarian revolution and carried on by the Communist Party of China socialism. His work and inspiration will live for headed by Chairman Mao's successor, Chairman ever. Hua Kuo-feng. Nothing can alter that.


Soviet Union Tightens the Screws on Eost Europeon Countries

I T the recent 3lst session of the Council for that Moscow and these East European coun- r r Mutual Economic Assistance (C.M.E.A.) tries are at loggerheads, each side having held in Warsaw, Kosygin advertised the so- an ax to grind over the question of supplying called "fraterrral ce-operation" within "the fuel and raw materials, thus exacerbating the socialist community" 'as "international co- contradictions between them. operation" unprecedented in the history of internationql eeonomic relations. Kosygin's With insufficient energy and other re- rhetoric went unheeded. Delegates of the other sources of their own, a number of C.M.E.A. member states were more interested in making member states have all along depended on known their hardships brought on by a short- Mccow for their energy and raw material sup' pressing age of fuel and energy supplies. plies. These countries now have a more need for fuel and raw materials since their in- Czechoslovak Premier Lubomir Strougal dwtrialization has gone ahead over the past few stressed at the session that solving thE question years. For instance, statistics published in the fuel resources of and ener'gy was an extremely Bulgarian press shows that in recent years pressing matter for his country. more than 90 per cent of the country's total oil Soviet revisionist boss Kosygin claimed in imports, 100 per eent of its natural gas, 98.6 an attempt to quell the rising resehtment and per cent of its electricity and 87.5'per cent of opposition of East European countries that per- its iron ore have come from the Soviet Union. capita fuel consumption in these C.M.E.A. The Soviet Union, the self-appointed "big countries already equalled that in the .E.E.C. brother" of "the socialist community," sees this countries, adding that the Soviet Union would tl. as a fine opportunity to step up its control and continue to take the most active part in plunder of East European countries. solving the energy question of C.M.E.A. member states. Although the communique issued after Claiming that it costs more now to exploit the session said that the conference had put and ship oil and other raw materials, Moscow special emphasis on tasks related to the further has made East European countries pay more. expanding of the base areas of energy and Take the price of oil for instance. It rose 130 raw materials, ,no fundamentally significant per cent in 1975, 8 per cent in 1976 and 25" per decisions were made at the meeting. This shows cent this year. These sharp price increases for

August 79, 7977 41

tffi&6fic{+",, knows, is to raw materials and fuel going to these East they, need. And this, as Moscow examgle is- Poland European countries have imposed extra burdens its gr€at disedvantage. An on their economies. Ttris year Bulgaria will which will import 25 per cerit of the oil it uses Moscow needs have to pay the Soviet Union about 110 million this year from the Middle East. partners rubles more than Iast year for oil alone. At the its oil both to bring its C.M.E.A. into problems same time, these countries are being compelled line and to solve ecenomic at home.and to export more machinery and farm balance its trade with the lVest. The Soviet Moscow in payment for Soviet oil. Union proclaims itself the world's biggest oii producer, yet it is having trouble to cope with Using as a pretext the fact that it was short this situation. funds and manpower to exploit and ship of that grip engugh fuel and raw materials to satisfy their It seems in trying to keep a firm partners fuel, needs, Moscow has forced these East Eurbpean on its C.M.E.A. through supply of gas, is put countries to contribute money and manpower particularly oil and natural Moscow to its current five-year plan to take part in " in a spot because of its inadequate economic construction of some ten large joint C.M.E.A. strength. But it is aot reconciled to letting investment projects inside the Sovidt Union at these "fraternal states" get out oI its control. a .total cost of more than 10,000 million U.S. It iS playing another trick today. It is doing dollars. Bearing a substantial share of this everything it can to makd these states rely key burden,. these countries have been coerced into further on the Soviet Union in the industrial sending vast quantities of machinery, equip' sector of machine building. To this end, Moscow ment and manpower to the Soviet Union at the is making a big fanfare about the so-called in- .expense of slashing their own domestic tegration of the rnachine-building industry, investments, slowing down their pace of in- standardization of products and mixed admin- dustrial development and paring down con- istration of machine-building combines within sumer goods for the people. It can be easily the C.M.E.A. Its purpose is to turn the Soviet conceived how heavy the costs are for these Union into the major supplier of machinery and countries. spare parts in the C.M.E.A. area as a whole. Ttrough these extortionate demands have But as in oil and fuel, Moscow's smug cal- been duly met by its C.M.E.A. partners, Mos- culations cannot be matched by its strength. cow. has failed to fulfil their energy require- First of all, the machine-building industry in ments. Tttis was because, to earn the hard cur- the Soviet Union is very backward, a fact rency it so badly needs, it has in the last few admitted by its economic experts. Furthermore, years increased its oil exports to the West much since 19?0 other C.M.E.A. member states have faster than to these East European countries. stepped up co-operation with Western countries Iast year, while doubling its oil exports to the in production, trade and monetary matters. They have signed more contracts with Western West, it eve,n cut oil shipments to the East Euro' countries concerning rnachine-building industry pebn countries by nearly 10 per cent. This has than with Moscorv and these contracts.cover a shortage and greater economic brought on an oil wide range of products. So it is extremely dif- these countries. number of difficulties in A ficuit for Moscow to bring about the standard- East European factories have stopped work or ization of products. are operating under At present, Moscow is pressing the other Moscow for a long time has exploited these C.M.E.A. member states to make joint invest- .countries'dependence on its oil and natural gas ments in expanding and modernizing its to press them to agree to carry out so-called machine-building industry. Brezhnev even "economii integtation" in opening up oil fields, demanded that these states take into account laying oil and gas pipe-lines and building joint the interests of all the C.M.E.A. partners and mining industries inside the Soviet Union. not merely their own national interests when . Shrinking Soviet oil supplies are making East signing contracts with Western countries. European countries look more and more to the Middle East and other aieas for the supplies -bA Ho Hsing 42 Peking Reuiew, No. 34 Soviet-toponese lnterim Fishery Agreement

Why Are the Fishery C)verlerds Satlsfied?

illililtI[1ilt lll]lililllllil1illlulllltItrilil!tllt]ttlIiltmrtlIlt.

SOVIETJAPANESE interim fishery agree. /A r Soviet owrership of the four northern islands ment wai signed in Tokyo on Aug,st 4 by as shown in the Japanese-Soviet interim fishery the two governments to solve the problem of agreement signed in Moscow. However, as a Soviet boats fishing within Japan,s 200-mile result of the arbitrary and cunning tactics of year. fishing zone this the Soviet delegates, this intqntion of the Jap- On his return to Moscow after signing the anese side has not been reflected in the Soviet- agreement, Soviet Fisheries Minister Alexandr Japanese interim fishery agreement signed ;re- Ishkov told ?ASS on August g: ,.We are satis- cently in Tokyo. The Japanese side agreed to fied with the results of the SovietJapan fishery have it Written down in the preamble of the talks." agreement that ,,considerationl, will be given to the principle etablished in the' earlier Giving the reasons for his satisfaction, the interim agreement. The Soviet side again minister claimed that the interim agreement gained the upper hand. "has created the prerequisite of preparing and signing the long-term co-operatiol *g..".m*it.,,. The Japa.nese Kyodo News Agency said in He told the Japanese press in Tokyo on August a report on August 3: fire signing of the Soviet- 4: "Although there had been differences of Japa.nese interim fishery agreement is in fact a opinion during the talks, they helped to lay the oontinued expression of Japan,s tacit consent foundation for a tong-term agreement.,t to the principle shown in the Japanesesoviet interim firihery agreement concluded earlier that The "applicable waterg, defined in the the Soviet Union has ownership over Japan's. Japanese-Soviet interim fishery agreement four northern islands. Obviously, Japan,s tacit signed in Moscow on May 2T this year was just consent tg the 200-mile exelusive fishing zone unilaterally the Soviet ownership is what made Ishkov satisfied. It seerns that the Kremlin declared by the Soviet Union on December 19 in- tends to as ,,prerequisite,, ,,base,, last year. The Soviet Union arbitrarily included lrse this a and for the oonclusion the waters around Japan's four northern isliands of a long-term agreement between the two countries in this zone, thus infringing on Japan,s sov- later this year in an attempt to perpetuate ereignty. In July this year, Japan also an- Soviet occupation of the northern territories. nounced the enforcement of its . own 200-mile zone, hoping that the Soviet Union, when On the problem of the northern territories, signing the Soviet-Japanese interim fishery Moscow's satisfaction means To-kyo,s distress. agreement Tokyo, in might accept that Japan's According to reports by the Kyodo News 200-mile zone includes the waters around Agency, on the very day of the signing of the Japan's four northern islands. With this, Japan SovietJapanese interim fishery agreement, an attempted to offset its de facto recognition of official of the- Japanese Foreign Ministry

August 19, 1977 43 pointed out uneasily:'"Thus, if a dispute with Ishkov's satisfaction stems from Japan,s the Soviet Union -over fishing around the four agony and uneasiness and is a reflection of the islands occurs, Jape.n's position will inevitably hegemonism Soviet social-imperialism pushes be weakened. Both the Japanese-Soviet and towards Japan. SwietJapanese interilrr fioJrery agreements However, the Japanese people will not allow have placed new blocks in the way of the settle- the new tsars to rest satisfied. Ttrey will never ment of the territorial problem." recognize the "legality', of the Soviet occupation The Soviet Union- has built Japan's four qf the northern territories or agree to continua- northern islands into important military bases tion of the occupation. A gigantic nationwide for hegemonic contention with the United States campaign against Soviet hegemonism will build in the north Pacific. Permanent Soviet occupa- up to deal it a heavier blow. tion of these Japanese islands constitutes a (A commen;tary by Hsinhtlr, serisus threat to Japan's security. Comesponilent, August 12.)

Economic Notes The Biggest Trode Deficit in U.S. History


mHE U.S. trade deficit stood at 12,600 million in the capitalist world market. In 1947, U.S. ex- I dolars in the first hall of this year, or more ports made up 32,4 per cent of the world's total. than double that of the whole of last year. From the 1950s onward, the U.S. dominant posi- Washington officials expect U.S. trade deficit to tion in the capitalist world market was steadily be running at an anRual rate of 25,000 million eroded as a result of the economic recovery and dollars this year, a record in U.S.'history. development in Western Eurgpe and Japan. U.S. trade surpluses dropped drastically. The sur- Decline of Economic Position pluses rose slightly in the early 1960s, but Theoworsening U.S. foreign trade reflects fell rapidly again as the United States extended the decline of its economic position. In most of its war of aggression in Viet Nam. In 197f it years the prior to World War II, the annual had its first trade deficit since 1888. Since then, volume of U.S. foreign trade wag, only smaller U.S. foreign trade has fluctuated; there were than Britain's and ranked second in the world. three years of deficits and two years of sur- During World War II, the United States super- plwes. (See chart.) seded Britain and led the world in foreign trade. In early postwar.years, the United States, capi- Couse talizing on its military and eeonomic strength The end of U.S. hegemony in the world built up during the war, expanded its market market stems from the fact that U.S. imperial- everywhere and attained absolute predominance ism has been oMurately dinging to its policies

44 Peking Reuieut, No. 34 of aggression and war and engaging in military cHAllGtS til U.S. toRHGit InADt expansion and war pfeparations in a big way. This has led to the militarization and lopsided development of the national economy and in- Trade Surplus ll0.rr creasingly grave inflation. Apart from some 2i.ra sophisticated commodities such as aeroplanes (lorecast) 77 and elettronic computers, the United S-tatds is gradually falling behind other major capitalist countries in many aspects of the production 63.u equipment and tectrnology of coRsumer in- dustries. Coupled with an increese in pro- Trade Deficit. drtction costs caused by inflation, this has greatly weakeled the cornpetitiveness of U.S. commodities in the international mdrket. The proporti,on of U.S. manufactured goods in this market has steadily gone down since 1958. It there is no need to worry about them. But Con- was. down to 19.2 per cent in 7972 from 2?.? per gress and the business circles are asking: How cent in 1958. Two U.S. dollar devah'ations, in long will this trend last? December l9?1 and February 1973, relatively improved the competitiveness of U.S. commodi- lmpoct ties in the international market and the U.S. the huge trade deficits cause great reper- shafe somewhat picked up in 1973 through cussions. 19?5. But a recent U.S. Department of Com- merce study showed that the proportion dropped First, a huge trade delicit weakens the again from 21.2 per.cent in 1975 to 20.3 per cent credibility of the dollar abroad. The exchange in 19?6. rates of the dollar against the currencies of Japan anal hajor West European countries have International factors also caused an end to U.S. hegemony .in international trade. First, dropped steadily since late Jdne, with the rates beeause of the uneven development of capital- against the West German mark and the Swiss ism, economically and politically, the West franc plummeting to an all-time low. Heetic European Common Market and Japan have be- dollar sales have been reported on Western ex- come increasingly powerful rivals to the United change markets. If this keeps up, there may be States. Second, the rising third world countries another tempestuous dollar crisis. have stepped up their struggle to defend their Second, a decline in the parity of the dollar national interests and economic independence. will lead to highei imported commodity prices, Usirtg oii as a weapon, the oil producing coun- which will exacerbate the runaway inflation in tries, particular, in have made it impossible for the United States. the major capitalist countries to expand produc- Third, huge trade deficits will lend more tion with cheap oil. One of the main reasons strengih to the arguments of U.S. profectionists. for the U.S. trade deficit is the increase in prices unions of imported oil. The U.S. Department of Com- Pro-protectionist capitalists and trade merce predicted that U.S. oil import bilt will hold that to guarantee employment at home, it jump to 42,000 million dollars this year, as is necessary to raise tariffs and restrict imports. against 31,460 million dollars last year. If this happens, there will be counter-measures The Carter administration has declared that by other countries and an intensified trade war, the huge trade deficits are not important and -by Ru Chin August 19, 1977 45 said: "The protracted struggle ROUND has provided our people with profound, precious experience T H E Y\/ O R L D \NN\\\IN\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\N and lessons. To make revolution in a semi

46 Peking Reoiew, No. 34 quantities of weapons and dm- that if. Japan continued to commissions for economic co- munitio{I. mai4tain an export surplw in operation with the governments her trade with the United 'of many of them. Its trade souEr-u.5. States, it might become a volume with these countries has Rivolry in Jopon "political matter." expanded markedly, increasing The Soviet ambassador's to 1,960 million U.S. dollars in imbalance between Trade demand is tantamount to 1976 as against 455 million in Japan and the United States in grafting a piece of U.S. skin on 1972. The value of exports rose former's favour amounte'd the a Soviet lesion. Instead, the from 148 million dollars in 1972' 2,300 million U.S. dollars in to U-S. ambassador demanded to to 800 million in 1976, imports year. This the first half of this have this piece of skin grafted from 307 million to 1,160 mil- was great the \trhite a shock to on U.S. wound. The speeches of lion. In the first half of this House aroused the interqst but the two ambassadors, short as year, its trade volume sa$r of the Soviet Union. they were, spoke volumes for another increase as compred In a July 13 press statement, with the same period oI last the .Japanintensifying contention Soviet Ambassador to Japan over between the two year. Dmitri Polyansky prated about hegemonic power:s. By exporting equipment and the importance of "long-term supplying technology, Yugo- economic co-operation" be- YUGOSLAVIA slavia has helped more than 40 tween the Soviet Union and Exponding Economic developing countries build Japan and stressed that "Siberia Co-operotion With dams, highways, port facilities, is a resource base nearest to Developing Countries trrcwer stations and other Proj- He quoted Brezhnev as Japan.'i Ttre Yugoslav Government ecbs. In addition, it has assisted saying trade and economic that has in recent years made some of these countries in soil of co-operation form the bass sr:stained efforts to promote co- improvement, construction of all relations between states. operation with the developing water conservancy projects and grain The Soviet ambassador's countries 'in economic, trade, big farms to increase statement was in fact a request scientific and technological butput. for more Japanese loans and fields.. Yugoslavia has so far estab technology, by means of which This aim was incorporated Jished scientific and technolog- the Soviet Union could, for one into a resolution passed by the ical co-ope.ration with more thing, use Japan's help to. gain FederaL Assembly of Yugoslavia than 80 developing countries strength in its contention with in May 1973. Ttre resolution and concluded agreerpents on the United States for hege- stressed that "an important part scientifie and technological ao- mony in Asia and, for dnother, of Yugoslavia'f policy of non- operation with 65 of them. gradually draw Japan closer alignment is to enter into all- through "long-term eConomic round economic co-operation co-operation." with the developing countries." Vonce's Middle Eost Tour Naturally, the United States In June 7974, the Federal Secretary of State CYrus hates to see money Japan Executive Council set up . a U.S. earned from it being lent out federal committee for economic Vance toured. Egypt, Lebanon, to its opponent-the Soviet co-operation with the develop- Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia Union, and even less can it ing eountries, and subsidiary and Israel between August I stand letting the Soviet Union cornmittees were also set up'in and 11. Following his visit to pull the rug from under its the republics and autonornous Israel on August 11, he Paid a feet. Six days after the Soviet provinces to take care of af- Iightning visit to Jordan, SYria ambassador's statement, U.S. fairs related to the carrying out and Egypt. Ambassador to Japan Mike of this pcliqV. At a news conference in Mansfield made a speech in Now, after several yeans' ef- Washington prior to his Tokyo, asking Japan to buy forts, Yugoslavia has trade rela- Middle East tour, Vance de- more U.S. goods with her U.S. tions with nearly 90 developing clared he would discuss with dollars. He clearly pointed out countries and has formed mixecl leaders of relevant Arab coun-

August 19, 1977 47 lries and Israel U.S, proposals has admitted that Israel'"clearly to strengthen the U.S. pcition should withdraw from occdpied its rivalry with the Soviet lb for the colvening of a Geneva in ,t conference on the Middle East territories," that is, withdraw Union in the Middle East. E problem "\,vith to both j'on aII three fronts in the .lE fqgpect TASS in a spate of commen- 4 questions of substance and ques- Middte East dispute - Sinai, taries attacked Vance during his t tions of procedure." After his Golan Heights, West Bank- tour of the Middle East. This fr talks witli the leaders of the five Gaza." But on the other hand, reflects Moscow's anger and a,1, Arab c.orrntri"s aqd Isrqq!; Vqnce the United States has repeatedly uneasiness intensified f over the q said: "Fundamgntal {.ifferences stressed that Israel's "exact U.S. activities in the Middle East s remain . on k9y usues" b borders" must be "agreed upon to squeeze out the Soviet Union tween the Arabs and Israel. in the negotiations" and that there. )L The 'so-called questions oI "securyit5/ arrangements on all -b fronts ell parties" -b procedure are mainly over satisfactory 1e News Briefs + whether the Palestirte Libera- must be lnade. o Thousands of blaek stu- tion Organization (P.L.O.) The Arab states aad tbe n dents in South Africa w.alked f should participate in the Geneva P.L.O. maintain Fales- that the otrt of sdrools to protest against )L conferenee. The Arab countries tinian question is the crux of q ketoria's segregated educa- insisted that the P.L.O., the only the Middle East problem. They * tional systcm- Beginning on July M legitimate representative of the insist that national rights, all 25 at Atteri{geville Township Palestinian people, should at- including the right to build their 4 where the blacks Iive in oom- ,t tend talks. question own country, must 4i. on the of be restored pact eommunities near Pretoria, the Middle East. But this was to the Palestinian people. Israel, a the capital, the struggle has unreasonably rejected by Israel however, has all along refused = already spread to Johannes- I whose stance was backed by ,L the to recognize any national rights burg, the biggest city in Sout\ United States. In U.S. pro- of the Palestinian people. the Africa. = posals put forward before the The U.S. Government has The decision to boycott Arab leaders, Vance insisted persistently refused recognize to classes was made 24 that the P.L.O. must recognize at a July in clear terms that the Pales- meeting student leaders. Israel before attending the Ge. of tinian people's national rights, They neva conference. This met with held that the only way to including the right to build their reform education is to stop go- opposition from the Arab coun- own country, should be restored. tries. ing to school until the system It has refused so far to recognize is changed. The boymtt strug- The so-called of "questions the P.L.O., making P.L.O.'s rec- gle continued although the substance" down two Israel a prerequisite boil t6 ognition of authorities employed large points: (1) the withdrawal of U.S. recognition the to the of numbers of police to suppress Israel from all Arab territories organization. Meanwhile, the it. it has occupied; (2) the restora- U.S. President indicated that o months tion of the national rights to the one of the factors to ironing out In the first five of year, forces Palestinian people. the Middle East problem should the FRETILIN killecl more than.1,800 Indone- As regards the first point, the be the solution of the Pales- sian troops'in Likica, Bazartete Arab states have firmly de- tinian question. He also ambig- manded the complete with- uously referred to the neces- and Railaco in the northwest drawal of Isra'el from all Arab sity of providing "a homeland" coastal area. territories it has occupied since for the 'iPalestinian refugees." In skirmishes with the In- the June 1967 Middle East War. The U.S. Government's atti- donesian army, they killed But Israel has refused to with- tude mentioned above reveals its 1,2?7 enemy troops in Likica, draw to its border of June 4, attempt tci continue to support 492 in Bazartef,e, and 117 in 1967. Israel's aggression while trying Railaco between March 20 and The U.S. attitude towards this to earn the "confidence" of the May and recaptured Railaco. question is ambiguous. On the Arab countries which are in This further demoralized the In- one hand, the U.S. Government confrontation with Israel, so as donesian troops. (;r