
AP Summer Assignment

Ms. Mowery & Mrs. Williamson [email protected] [email protected]

Myers Psychology 11th edition: https://macmillan.box.com/s/ qcsmv60z92ywh3txn49chymnxsiv1sx2 Pass Word: Myers11ESampleCh

Dear Future AP Psychology Students:

This is your summer assignment for the course. I have tried to balance my desire to simply allow you to enjoy the summer verses the necessity of covering at least the Prologue and chapter 1 prior to the start of the school year. This is because of the tight schedule we face in covering large amounts of information in preparation for the AP exam in May. I also feel it would be a good to expose you to the reading level of your textbook. Use the link above to access the textbook. Focused, purposeful reading is important. I have included questions that require you to process what you read.

All work is due the first day of class. Who knows….you might need them for a quiz on that first day.

I hope you enjoy your summer. Feel free to drop by my room or to email me if you have any questions. I look forward to meeting you all and getting to know each of you this fall!


Ms. Mowery AP Psychology 2018/19

Please READ your text and type the answers. Access your text online using the link below.

Myers Psychology 11th edition: https://macmillan.box.com/s/qcsmv60z92ywh3txn49chymnxsiv1sx2 password: Myers11ESampleCh

A: “Prologue: Psychology’s History and Approaches” :

Psychology’s Roots:

1. When, where and with whom did Psychology begin? 2. Describe Wilhelm Wundt’s experimental apparatus and experiment. Where was his lab? What was he attempting to study? Why could he be considered the “Father of Psychology”? 3. What is ? What does it have to with structuralism? 4. Explain Titchner’s study called structuralism. Why was it called this? How did they use introspection and why did it fail? 5. Explain ’ perspective called functionalism. What other theory influenced James’ theory?

6. Other you should know follow. Beside the name, list for what each is remembered for. a) G. Stanley Hall b) Mary Caulkins c) and psychoanalysis d) John B. Watson, B.F. Watson and

7. Psychology today is defined as the study of . . . 8. In Psychology’s early days, Wundt, Titchner, James, Freud all seemed to focus on what aspect of the ? 9. How did the behaviorists B.F. Skinner and John B. Watson change the course of Psychology? How did they define psychology? 10. What was different about the Humanistic perspective made popular during the 1960’s by Abram Maslow and ? 11. What was the focus of another perspective from the 1960’s- ?

Psychology’s Big Issues:

12. What are some of Psychology’s big issues? Explain what is meant by the vs. nurture issue? 13. What is meant by a biopsychosocial approach? 14. How does each of the following perspectives explain behavior?

biological, evolutionary, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, humanistic, socio-cultural

15 What is the difference b/t basic and applied ? 16. What is the difference b/t clinical psychologists and psychiatrists? Chapter 1: “Research Methods: Thinking Critically With Psychological Science” pages 19-47

The Need for Psychological Science:

1. Why is scientific research necessary when studying humans in Psychology? 2. What is there a tendency to do according to hindsight bias and overconfidence? 3. Why is critical thinking a necessary component of the scientific attitude?

The :

4. What does a provide? What do we call a testable prediction? 5. What must be written in the research so that others may replicate your experiment? 6. What does do? 7. When are case studies used? How can they be misleading? 8. What are the pros and cons of naturalistic ? 9. What type of studies use the survey method? What affect can the wording in the survey have on the results? 10. Why is it important to gather a large, representative sample? What is the benefit of a random sample?

Correlation and Experimentation:

11. What is the purpose of a correlational study? Does it prove causation? 12. What are the two ways to describe the data from a correlational study? 13. Give an example of a scatterplot with a positive, negative and zero correlation. 14. How do you identify whether the two variables have a positive or negative correlation? 15. What is a correlation coefficient? The closer the score is to _____ or ______the stronger the correlation. 16. Give some examples of an illusory correlation. 17. How is an experiment different from a correlational study? What does an experiment aim to do? 18. What is the difference b/t the experimental and control group? 19. What is the difference b/t the dependent and the independent variable? 20. What is the purpose of random assignment and double-blind procedures? 21. How can the “placebo effect” effect research? 22. What is a confounding variable?

Describing Data:

Measures of Central Tendency:

23. What are the three ways to describe data using the measures of central tendency? 24. What does each reveal? 25. Which measure is most affected by a few atypical or extreme scores? 26. What does it mean if there is a skewed or lopsided curve?

Measure of Variation:

27. What are the two measures of variation? What does each reveal? 28. What is meant by statistical significance?

29. Explain the four ethical research guidelines established by the APA (American Psychological Association) for humans and animals (pg 40, 41).