Transformation of Awmonium Cyanate Into Ui.Ea. by JAMESWALKER, D.Sc, Ph.D., and FRED.J
View Article Online / Journal Homepage / Table of Contents for this issue 746 WXLKXR AKD HAMBLT : TRANSFORMATION :LXXVIII.-Transformation of Awmonium Cyanate into Ui.ea. By JAMESWALKER, D.Sc, Ph.D., and FRED.J. HAMBLY,B’,I.C., University College, Du ndee. S1n.m Wijhler’s memorable observation that ammonium cyanate spontaneously undergoes transformation into urea, the subject, pro- bably from the very magnitude of the result achieved, has been entirely neglected. One or two points of interest, however, occur in connection with this transformation, and it is the object of the present paper to draw attention to them. Liebig and Wohler (Am. Phys. Chem., 1830, 20, 393) note that whilst the change takes place immediately on boiling the aqueous cyanate solution, it is gradual when the solution is left to evaporate in the air, or is evaporated by the aid of a gentle heat. It thus Published on 01 January 1895. Downloaded by University of Illinois at Chicago 27/10/2014 09:41:47. seemed possible that the course of the reaction might be followed at different temperatures, provided that a method could be found For estimating in a simple fashion the amount; of ammonium cyanate or of urea in the sollition at any specified time. Such a method was developed by taking advantage of the circumstance that silver nitrate has no action on urea, whereas with ammonium cyanate it yields a silver salt practically iusoluble in cold water. Nethod of Estimation. The mode of experiment was as follows. A measured volume of the solution to be investigated was introduced into a small flask con- taining a known voIume of decinormal silver nitrate solution, in excess of the quantity necessary to completely precipitate the cyanate.
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