Mohamed Said Seif Senior Economist specialized in Banking, Crédit and Business Development.

Main diploma: A – Professional Background

• Master’s degree in Monetary, Financial European trip: Belgium, , , and and Banking from the (May 1, 2017 – Until now) 1/4

University of Lyon II Mainly to discover the world and, as a first stage, I am currently travelling with more than 30 yr. through Europe. Experience

Profile: Economist of the IMF Resident Mission of (April • Male 1, 1999 to April 30, 2017)

• Married IMF Resident Mission office plays the role of interface between the • 03-04-1961 International Monetary Fund and the Authorities of the country. The main Nationality: missions are:

• Djiboutian • To forge strong relations between the Authorities of the country Permanent and the International Monetary Fund. Location: • To monitor development and provide information and analysis to headquarter. • Djibouti Ville, • To provide assistance and communicate with, the country Adress: Saline Ouest, authorities. lot 37, 3870, Djibouti • To engage in outreach activities, including contacts with media.

Contacts: My duties as the Economist of the IMF Resident Mission: • Mobil: (+253) 77 812990 1. Support the Resident Representative and mission team as needed,

• E-mail: 2. Undertake economic analysis, evaluate, monitor and assess economic [email protected] developments, policy and program design, and technical assistance, contact authorities,

Hobbies: 3. Monitor a range of meetings. As economist, respond creatively to • swimming, walking address new economic issues and contexts.

• reading 4. Work with IBRD and other bilateral and multilateral donors, • traveling 5. Develop and maintain comprehensive databases on aspects of the economy of the country.

6. Undertake systematic monitoring, assessment and evaluation of economic and related political developments/policies (particularly in the areas of production, prices, financial sector, money, fiscal issues, and the balance of payments) in country of operation. Identify problems and issues for discussion,

7. Provide as appropriate IMF staff with complete, accurate, and current information with respect to country surveillance and develop and maintain databases. Respond to other internal requests for information.

8. Collect/analyze data and prepare a variety of written and statistical outputs,

9. Prepare weekly, monthly and annually note on politic, economic and social situation on Djibouti.

10. Take the lead in contributing to institutional capacity building; monitors technical assistance provided by the Fund,

11. Develop and maintain effective relationships/contacts with national technical staff, donor institutions, IBRD, other organizations regarding developments in country of operation,

12. Work independently with visiting mission staff in order to collect and to analyze economic sector data. Prepare program/background notes for visiting missions, 2/4 13. Participate in missions to collect/analyze data as well as exchange information with Government/Private Sector officials,

14. Coordinate with External Department with respect to the development, implementation and dissemination of an outreach strategy within the country,

15. Contribute to institutional building; monitor technical assistance providing by the Fund.

16. Perform other duties as required and assist in the smooth functioning of the office.

17. Substitute the Resident Representative and the mission team when needed

My main achievements as Economist of the IMF Resident Mission:

• From 1999 to 2002, I had participated and negotiated economics programs. • Since 2002 until 2006, I had participated and contributed to the economics programs. • In 2007 and 2008, I had actively participated with the IMF experts to the economic, fiscal, legal and administrative studies that led to the introduction of VAT in 2009. • Between May 2007 and January 2011, due to budgetary constraints the office was without Resident Representative. I have holding up the function of Resident Representative. I had helped the different missions visiting Djibouti to understand the complexity of the Society and the Economy of Djibouti. • Between 2012 to 2015, I had participated to the studies on fiscal and budgetary assessment of the introduction of the VAT and its development.

Reason of leaving: the IMF decides to close his office in Djibouti.

Banque Al-Baraka Djibouti, Work on Islamic Banking (May 1991 - March 1999)

Banque Al-Baraka Djibouti was a subsidiary of Dallah Al-Baraka Holding Company and the first Islamic Bank in Djibouti.

My main achievements:

As credit Manager, I had actively participated with the Financial and IT Department to the computerization of the Credit Department.

Occupied functions:

• Internal Audit Chief (1998) • Customer Account Manager (1996-1997) • Credit Manager (1992-1995) • Economic study department Manager (1991)

Reason for leaving:

The Resident Representative of the International Monetary Fund which opened its office in November 1998, proposed me better opportunity in 3/4 terms of job and salary.

Shell Djibouti (November 1986 - February 1991)

Shell Djibouti is the subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell. Shell Djibouti operated a countrywide network of Shell-branded stations and held 40 % of the market for petroleum products.

My main achievements:

Following my training in Shell Mauritius, I had participated to the computerization of the sale Department. As a Sales Manager, I had increased the share market from 37 % to 40 %.

Occupied functions:

• Sales Manager (1990-1991) • Internal Audit Chief (1989) • Supply Manager (1986-1988)

Reason for leaving:

Banque Al-Baraka Djibouti proposed me to work in my chosen field: Financial, Credit and Banking.

Central of Djibouti (September 1985 - October 1986)

The Central Bank of Djibouti is in charge of the Monetary, Banking and Financial policy of the country and manage the banking system of the country.

My main achievements:

During my short time of working in this institution, under the supervision of the Executive Director, I had managed the foreign assets currency of the Central Bank. Djibouti Currency is under the system of the currency Board.

Occupied functions:

• Senior Staff • Assistant Director • Hard currency management

Reason for leaving:

Career and Salary development are very slow. Shell Djibouti had offered me a better salary and a better career’s evolution.

B – Education Background and Professional Training

Master’s degree in Economics – Specialized in Monetary, Financial and Banking (Maîtrise in French), June 1985, University of Lyon II, France

Bachelor’s degree in Economics (Licence in French), June 1984, University of Lille I, France. 4/4

Higher certificate diploma (Baccalauréat série D, in French), June 1981, Djibouti.

Participate to Financial Programming and Policies (FPP), December 7-18, 2015, in French - Washington DC.

Workshop on Islamic Banking: The Specifications of Islamic Banking - July 1991 in Jeddah.

Workshop on Marketing: The Market of Marine Lubricant and Fuel in West Africa – December 1988 Lome, Togo.

Workshop on Computerization Sales Department: The computerization--ion of Sales Department - March 1988 in Mauritius.

C – Language

Bilingual French/Arabic English: Professional skills

Somali: Advanced

D – Humanitarian Activities

Bender Djedid, the second large non-governmental association (February 1992)

I had participated to the creation of Bender Djedid association aiming at helping needed families facing poverty, and I am currently holding an executive position within it.

E – Hobbies

Swimming and Walking Reading Traveling

F – Visited countries

Belgium, Egypt, , France, , Jordan, Lebanon, Mauritius Island, Portugal, Réunion, , , Switzerland, Syria, Togo, United Arab Emirates, of America, .