Special List 199 1
special list 199 1 RICHARD C.RAMER Special List 199 Literature, Literary Criticism, Essays, Correspondence: Relatively Recent Portuguese Imprints 2 RICHARDrichard c. C.RAMER ramer Old and Rare Books 225 east 70th street . suite 12f . new york, n.y. 10021-5217 Email rcramer@livroraro.com . Website www.livroraro.com Telephones (212) 737 0222 and 737 0223 Fax (212) 288 4169 March 24, 2015 Special List 199 Literature, Literary Criticism, Essays, Correspondence: Relatively Recent Portuguese Imprints An asterisk (*) before an item number indicates that the item is in New York. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED: All items are understood to be on approval, and may be returned within a reasonable time for any reason whatsoever. Visitors BY APPOINTMENT special list 199 3 Special List 199 Literature, Literary Criticism, Essays, Correspondence: Relatively Recent Portuguese Imprints 1. AGUILERA, Fernando Gómez. José Saramago: a consistência dos sonhos, cronobiografia. Translated [presumably from the Spanish] by António Gonçalves. Lisbon: Caminho, 2008. Lge. 4° (24 x 21 cm.), orig. illus. wrps. 165 pp., profusely and very nicely illus., some illus. in color ISBN: 978-972-21-1988-7. $45.00 This work is a translation, but there is no internal evidence it was ever published in Spanish or in any language other than Portuguese. It was published on the occasion of the inauguration in Lisbon of the exhibition “José Saramago, A Consistência dos Sonhos”, produced by the Fundaçión César Manrique, Lanzarote. 2. AIRES, Fernando. Era uma vez o tempo. Diário IV. Lisbon: Salamandra, 1997. Colecção Garajau, 40. 8°, orig. illus. wrps. 167 pp. ISBN: 972-689-115-9. $25.00 3.
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