Arxiv:1102.0878V3 [Math.AG]

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Arxiv:1102.0878V3 [Math.AG] STABLE ULRICH BUNDLES MARTA CASANELLAS AND ROBIN HARTSHORNE With an Appendix by Florian Geiß and Frank-Olaf Schreyer Abstract. The existence of stable ACM vector bundles of high rank on alge- braic varieties is a challenging problem. In this paper, we study stable Ulrich bundles (that is, stable ACM bundles whose corresponding module has the maximum number of generators) on nonsingular cubic surfaces X ⊂ P3. We give necessary and sufficient conditions on the first Chern class D for the exis- tence of stable Ulrich bundles on X of rank r and c1 = D. When such bundles exist, we prove that that the corresponding moduli space of stable bundles is smooth and irreducible of dimension D2 − 2r2 + 1 and consists entirely of stable Ulrich bundles (see Theorem 1.1). As a consequence, we are also able to prove the existence of stable Ulrich bundles of any rank on nonsingular cubic threefolds in P4, and we show that the restriction map from bundles on the threefold to bundles on the surface is generically ´etale and dominant. 1. Introduction The study of moduli spaces of stable vector bundles of given rank and Chern classes on algebraic varieties is a very active topic in algebraic geometry. See for example the book [20]. In recent years attention has focused on ACM bundles, arXiv:1102.0878v3 [math.AG] 4 May 2011 that is vector bundles without intermediate cohomology. Recently ACM bundles on hypersurfaces have been used to provide counterexamples to a conjecture of Griffiths and Harris about whether subvarieties of codimension two of a hypersur- face can be obtained by intersecting with a subvariety of codimension two of the ambient space [22]. There have been numerous studies of rank 2 ACM bundles on surfaces and threefolds (see [5], [3], [10], [23], [9], [6], and the references in those papers), and a few studies of ACM bundles of higher rank [2], [3], [24]. There have also been a few examples of indecomposable ACM bundles of arbitrarily high rank [26], [27]. But as far as we can tell, examples of stable ACM bundles of higher ranks are essentially unknown. Research of the first author partially supported by Ministerio de Educaci´on y Ciencia, MTM2009-14163- C02-02, and Generalitat de Catalunya, 2009 SGR 1284. 1 2 In our earlier paper [8] we began such a study by constructing stable ACM bundles of all ranks r on a nonsingular cubic surface, with first Chern class rH. The bundles we constructed are of a particular kind, the so-called Ulrich bundles: that is ACM bundles whose corresponding module has the maximum number of generators. We refer to the introduction of our earlier paper [8] for the history and motivation for considering these concepts and the corresponding notions of maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules and Ulrich modules in local algebra. In this paper we continue that study by determining for which divisor classes on the cubic surface there are Ulrich bundles or stable Ulrich bundles. The following theorem summarizes our main results on cubic surfaces. Theorem 1.1. (Theorem 4.3) Let D be a divisor on a nonsingular cubic surface X ⊂ P3, and let r ≥ 2 be an integer. Then there exist stable Ulrich bundles E of rank r with c1(E)= D if and only if 0 ≤ D.L ≤ 2r for all lines L on X, and D.T ≥ 2r for all twisted cubic curves T on X, with one exception. s Moreover, if D satisfies the conditions above, the moduli space MX (r; c1,c2) D2−r of stable vector bundles on X of rank r, c1 = D and c2 = 2 , is smooth and irreducible of dimension D2 − 2r2 +1 and consists entirely of stable Ulrich vector bundles. In particular, if D = rH, where H is the hyperplane class, this gives a new proof of the main theorem (5.7) of [8]. Using this result we are also able to prove the existence of stable Ulrich bundles of any rank on any nonsingular cubic threefold Y ⊂ P4. Theorem 1.2. (see Theorem 5.7 and Corollary 5.12) For any r ≥ 2, the moduli space of stable rank r Ulrich bundles on a general cubic threefold Y in P4 is non-empty and smooth of dimension r2 +1. Furthermore, it has an open subset for which restriction to a hyperplane section gives an ´etale dominant map to the moduli of stable bundles on the cubic surface. The motivation for writing this paper was to clarify the proof of stability for orientable (i.e. c1 = rH) Ulrich bundles given in our previous paper [8, 5.3]. We thank R. M. Mir´o-Roig for pointing out that the proof of [8, 5.3] was not clear enough. In section 2 we prove some generalities about Ulrich bundles. The most important result in this section shows that Ulrich bundles of any rank on non- singular projective varieties of any dimension are semistable (cf. Theorem 2.9). In this section we also discuss modular families of simple Ulrich bundles, which will be crucial to show the existence of stable bundles. Indeed, our technique for 3 proving Theorem 1.1 is first to show the existence of simple Ulrich bundles. For these, we can compute the dimension of modular families by deformation the- ory. Then we show that the non-stable simple bundles form a family of smaller dimension, so the general bundle of that modular family must be stable. In section 3 we study Ulrich bundles on a nonsingular cubic surface X. We first prove that, if they exist, they form an irreducible family. Then in Theorem 3.9 we give necessary and sufficient conditions on the first Chern class D for the existence of some Ulrich bundle of rank r with this first Chern class. This requires a careful analysis of the intersection properties of D with lines and twisted cubic curves on the surface. In section 4 we prove our main theorem giving necessary and sufficient conditions on c1(E) for the existence of a stable Ulrich bundle E (see Theorem 4.3). As a consequence we recover Faenzi’s results [12] on stable rank 2 Ulrich bundles. As an illustration of our results we give the classification of Ulrich bundles of rank 3 on X. In the last section we consider nonsingular cubic 3-folds and prove the ex- istence of stable Ulrich bundles of all ranks (Theorem 5.7). We would like to thank Florian Geiß and Frank-Olaf Schreyer for computations in Macaulay2 that provide essential ingredients for extending our results from the cubic surface to cubic threefolds (see Appendix). We expect that our results will generalize naturally using the same ideas to other del Pezzo surfaces and Fano threefolds. We have restricted our attention to the cubic surface and the cubic threefold for simplicity. What might be more interesting would be to explore the existence of higher rank stable Ulrich bundles on surfaces in P3 and threefolds in P4 of higher degree. Here is what is known about the existence of Ulrich bundles of rank r ≥ 2 on a general hypersurface X of degree d ≥ 3 and dimension N ≥ 2 in PN+1. It follows from the work of Beauville [4] that rank 2 Ulrich bundles exist for N = 2 if and only if d ≤ 15; and for N = 3 if and only if d ≤ 5. For N ≥ 4 and d ≥ 3 there are no rank 2 Ulrich bundles [10]. On the other hand, a theorem of Herzog, Ulrich and Backelin [19] shows that every hypersuface admits an Ulrich bundle of some high rank. A simple calculation with Chern classes (see Remark 2.5) shows that r(d − 1) must be even for the existence of an Ulrich bundle, so the first open cases would seem to be N = 2, r = 3, d = 5; and N =3,r =4,d = 6. See also [21], [23], [24], [3], [6], [9] for further details on Ulrich bundles and more general ACM bundles. Throughout this paper we work over an algebraically closed field k of arbi- trary characteristic. 4 2. Generalities on Ulrich sheaves on projective varieties In this section we review the definition and cohomological properties of Ul- rich bundles. We show that Ulrich bundles on any nonsingular projective variety are semistable, and if stable they are also µ-stable. We discuss the two kinds of moduli spaces we will use in the paper. And for future reference we compute χ(E⊗F ∨) for Ulrich bundles E, F on an algebraic surface. Let X be an integral projective variety with a fixed very ample invertible sheaf OX (1), over an algebraically closed field k of arbitrary characteristic. Let d be the degree of X in the embedding defined by OX (1). A coherent sheaf E on X is arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay (briefly ACM ) if E is locally Cohen-Macaulay, i i and H∗(E) := ⊕t∈ZH (E(t))=0 for 0 < i < dimX. If E is an ACM sheaf of rank 0 r, one knows that the number m(E) of generators of the graded module H∗ (E) is ≤ dr [8, 3.1]. In our previous paper [8] we defined E to be an Ulrich sheaf if the 0 number of generators of H∗ (E) achieved this maximum. To simplify terminology, in this paper we give a more restrictive definition: Definition 2.1. Let X, OX (1) be an algebraic variety of degree d. We say an 0 ACM sheaf E on X of rank r is an Ulrich sheaf if the module H∗ (E) has the maximum number of generators dr, and the generators are all in degree 0.
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