20 15 annual report

2015 Annual Report RichlandCountyFoundation.org 1 2015 will be remembered as one of the most impactful years in the 70-year history of the Richland County Foundation. We began the year by moving into our newly renovated office in January. Thanks to the generosity of a family, which spanned three generations; the Foundation was able to realize its long-term vision of having a permanent home. The Ritter House located at 181 South Main Street presented the perfect opportunity for the Foundation to make an investment into a neighborhood in transition and to demonstrate our mantra: For Good. For Ever. The renovated house also represents a new welcome sign to visitors to the county seat from its southern portal, pointing to the exciting revitalization of Mansfield’s central business district. Acting on the initiative of being a driver of social capital, the Foundation committed to a five-year economic development investment plan. It is an exciting time as economic development organizations of Richland County are working collectively to strengthen existing economic development entities engaged in workforce development, business retention and expansion, support of emerging entrepreneurs, and organizational development assistance for burgeoning local businesses. The economic development investment strategy is one of three significant initiatives established this year by the Foundation. The Foundation also invested in two nonprofit capacity building projects, the Osborne Meese Academy and Richland Gives. The Osborne Meese Academy is a three-pronged approach to nonprofit capacity building and includes education, professional support and grant writing assistance. To further assist nonprofit agencies, the Foundation hosted a day of giving called Richland Gives. The day was designed to encourage everyone to contribute to local nonprofits through a single giving website. The goals were to build capacity, grow philanthropy and make the community stronger. All told in 2015, you will see on the following pages examples of the $4.3 million fund holders of the Richland County Foundation invested in their communities. It is a testament to the growth of community foundations’ expanding role in philanthropy.

20 John C. Roby Bradford Groves Board of Trustees 15 President Chairman

2 Richland County Foundation First Row (left to right) Second Row Third Row board of Pat Addeo Chriss Harris Glenna Cannon Plotts Bennett Dr. Bruce Jackson *John C. Roby Carto Justin Marotta Chandler Stevens trustees Michael Chambers *Mark Masters Cathy Stimpert *Bruce Cummins Julie McCready Sam VanCura *Beth DeLaney Gunther Meisse

*Denotes officers


Allura Watson Robert Barrett, CPA Bradford Groves Maura Teynor Jaclyn Schag Program Officer VP for Finance and President Director of Donor Administrative Operations Services and Assistant for good. forCommunications ever

Richland County Foundation 2015 Annual Report 3 financials December 31, 2015 and 2014 RICHLAND COUNTY FOUNDATION STATEMENT OF ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NET ASSETS 20MODIFIED CASH BASIS 15 2015 2014


Assets Cash $ 607,549 $ 970,880 Investments 131,466,274 138,150,596 Property and Equipment, Net 1,399,793 134,111 Construction in Progress 0 1,083,916 Intangible Asset 8,273 7,431

TOTAL ASSETS $133,481,889 $140,346,934


Liabilities Payroll Taxes Withheld $ 1,297 $ 1,313 Annuity Contracts Payable 57,177 59,955 Funds Held as Agency Endowments 5,992,682 6,088,424

Total Liabilities 6,051,156 6,149,692

Net Assests Unrestricted 66,222,869 71,571,721 Temporarily Restricted 39,825,453 41,574,222 Permanently Restricted 21,382,411 21,051,299

Total Net Assets 127,430,733 134,197,242

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $ 133,481,889 $140,346,934

The financial information provided is taken from the financial statements as audited by Riester, Lump & Burton, CPA's, Inc. A copy of the complete audited statement is on file at the Foundation office and available upon request.

4 Richland County Foundation Years Ended December 31, 2015 and 2014


Revenue and Support Contributions $482,887 $624,608 $346,801 $1,454,296 $3,571,235 Investment Income Interest and Dividends 1,596,700 1,515,222 0 3,111,922 2,692,807 Net Realized Gains on Investments 700,194 789,048 0 1,489,242 3,267,083 Net Unrealized Losses on Investments (4,905,489) ( 2,625,458) 0 (7,530,947) (769,188) Less Investment and Custody Fees (184,130) 0 0 (184,130) (198,893)

Net Investment (Loss) Income (2,792,725) (321,188) 0 (3,113,913) 4,991,809

Change in Gift Annuity Value 0 (7,242) 0 (7,242) (11,331) Net Assets Released From Restrictions 1,315,307 (1,315,307) 0 0 0 Reclassification of Net Assets 841,071 (825,582) (15,489) 0 0

Total Revenue and Support (153,460) (1,844,711) 331,312 (1,666,859) 8,551,713

Expenses and Other Deductions Net Grants Paid 4,235,319 0 0 4,235,319 4,207,717 Administrative Expenses 960,073 0 0 960,073 598,290

Total Expenses and Other Deductions 5,195,392 0 0 5,195,392 4,806,007

(Decrease) Increase in Net Assets Before Current Year Change in Agency Liability (5,348,852) (1,844,711) 331,312 (6,862,251) 3,745,706

Current Year Change in Agency Liability 0 95,942 (200) 95,742 (60,870)

(Decrease) Increase in Net Assets (5,348,852) (1,748,769) 331,112 (6,766,509) 3,684,836

Net Assets at Beginning of Year 71,571,721 41,574,222 21,051,299 134,197,242 130,512,406

Net Assets at End of Year $ 66,222,869 $39,825,453 $ 21,382,411 $ 127,430,733 $ 134,197,242

Richland County Foundation 2015 Annual Report 5 program

$2,000,000 area




0 competitive designated donor advised scholarship

2015 Grants by Fund Type and Program Area

competitive designated donor advised scholarship total awarded Education 155,750 182,480 445,609 388,900 1,172,739 Community Development 77,742 350,433 729,012 – 1,157,187 Arts & Culture 37,000 309,117 185,721 – 531,838 Children, Families & Youth 160,578 136,109 229,816 – 526,503 Economic Development 267,610 – 10,000 – 277,610 Human Services 71,182 116,806 79,416 – 267,404 Health Services 107,026 15,458 34,900 – 157,384 Environment 14,500 18,194 44,450 – 77,144 Churches – 8,976 63,001 – 71,977

Total $891,388 $1,137,573 $1,821,925 $388,900 $4,239,786 (21%) (27%) (43%) (9%) (100%)

6 Richland County Foundation mission

The mission of the Richland County Foundation is to improve and enhance the quality of life in Richland County through strategic philanthropy and community leadership.

Provide Leadership and act as a catalyst in identifying and addressing emerging community needs. Distribute Grants for charitable purposes in the areas of Health, Economic and Community Development, Basic Human Needs, Education, Arts & Culture, the Environment, and Community Services. Total 2015 Grants by Program Area Prudently Manage the Foundation’s resources to achieve the maximum benefit for Education 1,172,739 Richland County in perpetuity. Community Development 1,157,187 Identify and Cultivate Donors of all Arts & Culture 531,838 economic means and charitable interests. Children, Families & Youth 526,503 Assist Donors in establishing funds to meet community needs and distribute proceeds in Economic Development 277,610 accordance with the donor’s intent. Human Services 267,404 Health Services 157,384 Environment 77,144 Churches 71,977

Total $4,239,786

Richland County Foundation 2015 Annual Report 7 $1.1 M investment in economic development The Foundation invested $1.1 million in a transformative five-year plan to address local business retention and expansion, workforce development and entrepreneurship. The RCF engaged JumpStart Inc. to lead this new effort along with a consortium that includes Team NEO and New Growth Group. Proactive grant making is new to the RCF. Since it was founded in 1945, the Foundation has fostered philanthropy, accepted applications for funding from local nonprofits and awarded grants totaling more than $69 million. The Foundation is committed to continuing its support of nonprofit organizations. Meanwhile, the Foundation has had many funding requests over the past few years from economic development organizations, but the effectiveness of those programs has been difficult to measure and often is not linked to local organizations doing similar work.

Many business retention and expansion visits were made including one to Skybox Packaging with Marc Miller and Marty Rice and Ohio Dreams with Chris “We are not the economic developers. Our Board and Val Ashcraft, far right on page 9. of Trustees, while recognizing the valuable work already underway in the community, has decided Vicki Kane, Harmony House, Kathy Ezawa, Domestic Violence Shelter, to commit resources to a long-term strategic plan,” Mary Jo Hull, Friendly House board member and Chelsie Thompson, Renaissance Theatre participate in the marshmallow challenge during said Groves. the Osborne Meese Academy.


8 Richland County Foundation The Osborne Meese Academy began in January with 20 nonprofit organizations to provide education, professional support and grant writing assistance.

The Ohio Bird Sanctuary and Little Buckeye Children’s Museum participated in Richland Gives.

The strategic plan called Richland Partnership includes: • The centralization of business retention and expansion and workforce development efforts • A scale-up program to identify and target To further assist nonprofit agencies, RCF hosted a day of giving called Richland services to area companies to address Gives. The day was designed to encourage everyone to contribute to local specific challenges and catalyze growth nonprofits through a single giving website. The goals of the day are to build • The empowerment of existing capacity, grow philanthropy and make the community stronger. organizations to promote entrepreneurship and related services across the county • A community website to serve as an economic performance dashboard to track successes and show progress toward online donations important goals nonprofit Richland County and Family Services organizations made to local initially is investing $50,000 in the workforce development portion of the project. particpated charities The economic development investment 65 513 strategy is one of three significant RCF initiatives established this year by the Foundation. RCF devoted more than $125,000 in two nonprofit capacity building $ projects the Osborne Meese Academy and raised Richland Gives. 6 7, 5 6 5 to support our community

Richland County Foundation 2015 Annual Report 9 Due to the generosity of a donor with a foundation in Richland County, the passion for historic building preservation, decision to relocate was rooted in the the Foundation has a permanent home at Foundation’s strategic plan: 181 South Main Street. • Create a positive first impression to The Foundation staff moved into the visitors entering Mansfield. Queen Anne Victorian brick home on • Be a leader in the transformation of a January 20. The renovation project began declining neighborhood. The Foundation in December 2012 when the Foundation has a permanent received the William Ritter House as a • And most importantly, demonstrate the donation along with monetary support to Foundation’s commitment to its slogan: home build a boardroom addition and renovate For Good. For Ever. the existing house. When it was acquired, the house had The house was built in 1891 by William been neglected for several years and was Ritter, son of Ritter, owner of devoid of woodwork and a staircase. Joseph Ritter & Sons Company. It is listed Dan Seckel of Seckel Group Architects on the national historic registry. The used photographs to plan the restoration location on South Main Street was out of to its original grandeur. Julie McCready the ordinary at the time because larger of McCready Interiors and Norwalk the homes were built on Park Avenue West. Furniture Idea researched the color James Calvert bought the house in 1908. palette, flooring and furnishings. With His descendents owned the home for the help of many workers, Mr. Seckel and more than 90 years. Ms. McCready created a beautiful home While the new location provides increased that serves as a functional, professional exposure of the presence of a community environment for a nonprofit organization.

Duffy Carto, Foundation Board of Trustees member, Traycee Davis and Junior Wood attended a reception to celebrate the new home of the Foundation.

20 15

10 Richland County Foundation Engwiler Properties of Mansfield was the general contractor with Junior Wood as the project manager. Again using old photographs, Bill Vidonish of Vidonish Studio in Lexington recreated the stained glass window over the main staircase. Other artisans crafted the custom-made woodwork, staircase, two porches, windows and floors. Parts for the main staircase including spindles, finials and newel posts were found in a Chicago resale warehouse. The mantles were purchased from warehouses in Ohio.

above: Foundation supporters Edie and Joe Humphrey and Ludi and Debbie Schenk listen to details about the Foundation’s new home.

right: Julie McCready, co-owner of McCready Interiors and Norwalk the Furniture Idea, Bob Jacobsen, grandson of Clara Calvert, Maura Teynor, director of donor services and communications, Brady Groves, president, Bob Barrett, vice president of finance, Jaclyn Schag, administrative assistant and Allie Watson, program officer pose on the staircase.

Richland County Foundation 2015 Annual Report 11 College Scholarships Designated The Ohio State University - Mansfield Scholarships Ashland University Scholarship Support — $25,259 299 Scholarship grants Purchase Library Books­ — $571 $388,900 Business Development Support Clear Fork Valley Foundation ­ — $25,927 gr Grants and Scholarships­ — $6,518 Competitive Faculty Development Support Discovery School ­ — $6,647 Ashland University General Support­ — $4,500 Financial Aid to Richland County Dwight Schar College of Nursing Students ­ — $15,000 Capital Campaign­ — $50,000 Guernsey Foundation College Scholarships­ — $1,000 Ontario Local Schools Mansfield City Schools General Support for Technology Math Camp­ — $750 Lucas Local Schools Educational Programs Support Programs — $7,464 North Central State College an (7 grants)­ — $24,468 Pioneer Career & Technology Foundation Center Richland Gives­ — $1,500 Mansfield City Schools Educational Programs (2 grants) Scholarships & Awards (2 grants) Ohio State University Foundation ­— $1,639 ­ — $25,000 The Learning Collaborative Classroom— $100,000 Methodist Theological Seminary Donor Advised Scholarship for a Richland County The Foundation Center Resident — $234 Ashland University General Support­ — $3,500 Capital Campaign­ — $10,000 ts North Central State College Financial Aid to Richland County Dwight Schar College of Nursing Students — $3,758 Capital Campaign­ — $20,000 Ashbrook Center (3 grants) North Central State College — $12,500 Foundation General Support — $34,495 Ashbrook Teacher in Every School Program­ — $8,243

20 15Education grants

12 Richland County Foundation Brown University North Central State College Foundation TEACHER ASSISTANCE PROGRAM General Support­ — $3,000 Entrepreneurial Hall of Fame­ — $3,000 GRANTS Denison University Powering the Journey 11 Grants­ — $12,676 General Support­ — $1,000 Capital Campaign­ — $25,000 Clear Fork Valley Schools Discovery School Emerald Club­ — $250 Eighth Grade STEM Class Live Right! Know Your Blood Type! Building Construction­ — $50,000 The Ohio State University - Mansfield General Support (2 grants)­ — $2,000 Scholarship Support (2 grants)­ — $11,334 Crestview Local Schools Educational Programs­ — $10,000 Pedometer Power Capital Campaign­ — $1,250 Learning to Code with Ozobot Bit Emma Willard School Property Improvements ­ — $25,000 General Support­ — $3,000 Lexington Local Schools Renewal Work on the Library ­— $3,000 Score with the Common Core! Lucas Local Schools The Ohio State University Foundation Seasonal Scientists Scholarships & Awards­ — $1,000 Nursing Scholarship Endowment­ — $50,000 Stained Glass Collaboration Installation Purchase Supplies ­ — $2,500 Plymouth-Shiloh Local Schools Mansfield City Schools Mansfield Christian School Art and Music Grant­ — $12,085 Empowered Against Injustice: General Operating­ — $6,000 Peter’s Parish By the Lives of Other Mansfield City Schools Scholarship­ — $2,500 Games Forever for Special Needs Kids Educational Programs (5 grants)­ — $89,906 Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Museum Saint Mary Elementary School Capital Improvements­ — $5,915 General Support­ — $1,000 The Great Outdoor Experience Mansfield Rotary Club Foundation Special Projects/Displays­ — $750 Saint Mary’s Catholic School Scholarships­ — $2,700 Building Literacy through Lego Education

North Central State College EDUCATION New Classroom Suite for College Now Program­ — $50,000 [ 376 Grants ] $1,172,739 Scholarships­ — $20,000

First grade students at Lexington Central Elementary had fun learning about birds using materials purchased from a Teacher Assistance Program grant. education

The Foundation granted $388,900 in college scholarships to 299 students in 2015. grants 376$1,172,739

Richland County Foundation 2015 Annual Report 13 Competitive Designated Donor Advised Friendly House Association 32 Degree Masonic Learning Centers Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Program Support for Club 36 — $13,410 for Children North Central Ohio Richland Gives — $500 General Support — $ 39,475 General Support — $ 3,000 Mansfield Area Y Friendly House Association Culliver Reading Center Open Doors Program — $50,000 General Support (5 grants) — $2,915 General Support (2 grants) — $5,300 Parent Aide Program, Inc. Mansfield Area Y Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches, Inc Richland Gives — $500 General Support (3 grants) — $7,434 General Support — $1,000 Raemelton Therapeutic Support of Women and Children’s Friendly House Association Equestrian Center Programs (3 grants) — $18,872 Capital Improvements (2 grants) Equine-Based Therapy Scholarships — Richland Carrousel Park, Inc. — $47,000 $31,705 General Support — $ 21,893 Happy Hollow Camperships — $2,000 Richland Carrousel Park, Inc. Richland County Children Services Internship Program — $ 614 Touch-a-Truck Event — $ 250 The Children Services Gift Fund (3 grants) Support for Hidden Hollow Camp — $500 Capital Improvements — $54,713 — $2,680 General Support (2 grants) — $1,000 Richland County Children’s Auxiliary, Richland County Children’s Auxiliary, Program Support — $25,000 dba The Store dba The Store Friends of Maize Memorial Dog Park Osborne Meese Academy — $ 3,000 General Support — $370 Program Support — $1,500 The Little Buckeye Richland Pregnancy Services Galion Community Center YMCA Children’s Museum General Support — $2,913 Capital Campaign — $15,000 Richland Gives — $1,500 Toy Time, Inc. Youth Sponsor — $500 Osborne Meese Academy— $5,000 General Support — $ 82 Trapshooting Hall of Fame General Support — $39,475

20 15Children, Youth, Families grants

14 Richland County Foundation Harmony House Homeless Services, Inc. Youth Haven, Inc. The Little Buckeye Children’s Museum - General Support — $5,000 General Support — $1,000 Access to All West Dickson Property Renovation — CONNECTIONS FUND GRANTS Mansfield Area Y - Serving Up Summer $20,000 3 Grants — $ 3,879 Mohican School in the Out-of-Doors Inc. - Program Support (2 grants) — $7,500 See page 32 for more information Connecting with Nature Internship Program — $ 3,915 WOMEN’S FUND GRANTS Ohio Bird Sanctuary - Friendly House Nature Mansfield Area Y 5 Grants — $13,378 Camp Internship Program — $4,200 See page 31 for more information Raemelton Therapeutic Equestrian Center - Parent Aide Program, Inc. SUMMERTIME KIDS PROGRAM Abilities Rising Camp General Support (2 grants) — $ 3,000 15 Grants — $28,030 Renaissance Performing Arts - Camp Raemelton Therapeutic City of Mansfield - Hooked on Fishing, Not Broadway Equestrian Center Drugs Richland County Board of DD - Richland General Support (3 grants) — $13,000 The Domestic Violence Shelter, Inc. - Newhope Campership Program Program Support — $3,000 Summertime Fun The Salvation Army - Space Explorers: Our Scholarships — $500 First English Lutheran Church - FELCDS Universe & Summer A.R.T. Internship Program — $ 4,200 Summer Day Camp Shelby Church of the Nazarene - Cwist Richland Carrousel Park, Inc. Friendly House Association - Summer Fun (Challenge with a TWIST!) Program Support — $10,000 Program Richland County Children’s Auxiliary, Harmony House Homeless Services, Inc. - CHILDREN, YOUTH, FAMILIES dba The Store Kids Vacation [ 87 Grants ] General Support — $500 $526,503 Hospice of North Central Ohio, Inc. - The Little Buckeye Children’s Museum KIDSCENE Internship Program (2 grants) — $ 6,300

grants 87$526,503

The Mansfield Y received a Summertime Kids grant for its children,Serving Up Summer program. Children learned how to take care of a vegetable garden.

Maddie was able to ski at Snow families,Trails with the help of The Adaptive Adventure Sports Coalition instructors and a Foundation grant for equipment youth and scholarships.

Richland County Foundation 2015 Annual Report 15 Competitive Richland Academy of the Arts, Inc. Program Support (3 grants) — $8,121 General Support — $649 Mansfield Art Center Internship Program — $ 4,200 Community Sculpture— $4,000 Program Support — $1,403 Mansfield Community Playhouse Neos Dance Theatre Richland County Historical Society General Support — $1,000 Ballet @ the Brickyard— $8,500 General Support — $14,500 Neos Dance Theatre Renaissance Performing Arts Richland County Museum Program Support (3 grants) — $8,500 Osborne Meese Academy— $1,500 General Support — $4,769 Reinhardt University Renaissance Youth Performances— $14,000 Donor Advised Support for Falany Performing Arts Center — $ 1,000 Richland Academy of the Arts, Inc. Artis-Naples The Nutcracker Ballet Production — $9,000 General Support— $2,000 Renaissance Performing Arts Technology Upgrade — $7,500 Atlanta Lyric Theater Designated General Support — $1,000 Education Program— $1,000 Children’s Theatre Foundation, Inc. Support for Marketing and Growth (2 grants) General Support — $1,423 Funk Heritage Museum — $60,000 Hickory Log Collection— $500 Lucas Local Schools Program Support (2 grants) — $25,000 Veterans Wall of Honor — $1,000 Georgia Museums, Inc.-Booth Western Internship Program — $8,400 Art Museum Mansfield Art Center General Support— $1,000 Richland Academy of the Arts, Inc. General Support (6 grants) — $15,831 Program Support — $5,500 Education Department Support — $2,000 Mansfield Community Playhouse Scholarships — $300 General Support — $ 407 Harrison Center for the Arts Internship Program — $4,200 General Support — $500 Renaissance Performing Arts Rocky Mountain Repertory Theatre General Support of the Theatre (8 grants) — Lizzadro Museum of Lapidary Art General Support — $1,000 $207,983 General Support — $1,000 Mansfield Art Center General Support of the Mansfield Symphony ARTS & CULTURE (5 grants) — $59,077 Debt Elimination — $40,000 [ 61 Grants ] Purchase of Piano — $2,075 artsGeneral Support — $2,000& culture$531,838

20 grants Arts & Culture Grants 15 $531,83861

16 Richland County Foundation Competitive Donor Advised The Salvation Army General Support (2 grants) — $3,100 Catholic Charities American Red Cross humanCommunity Emergency Services — $56,394 General Supportservices — $3,000 Internship Program — $4,200 Support for Rent Assistance Program — Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio Disaster Relief Fund — $10,000 $30,000 Richland County Community Outreach — Catholic Charities Mansfield Food Pantry — $500 $11,500 General Support (2 grants) — $3,500 The Domestic Violence Shelter, Inc. Internship Program — $ 4,200 HUMAN SERVICES Osborne Meese Academy (2 grants) — Mansfield Cancer Foundation [ 43 Grants ] $3,288 General Support — $1,000 $267,404 Designated Mary McLeod-Bethune Intervention American Red Cross & Enrichment General Support (2 grants) — $238 Internship Program — $4,200 Catalyst Life Services Ohio Heartland Community Action Support for New Beginnings Program — Food Pantry — $500 $1,782 Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio Mansfield Cancer Foundation General Support (2 grants) — $1,250 General Support (4 grants) — $26,524 Internship Program — $ 3,766 Richland Newhope Industries, Inc. Shelby Help Line Ministries Program Support (3 grants) — $23,100 General Support — $3,000 The Domestic Violence Shelter, Inc. The Domestic Violence Shelter, Inc. General Support (2 grants) — $2,763 General Support — $3,000 The Salvation Army Internship Program — $4,200 General Support (7 grants) — $60,617 Volunteers of America General Support — $1,782 human grants ser 43$267,404 vices

The North End Community Improvement Collaborative held a weekly farmer’s 20 market. 15 Human Services Grants

Richland County Foundation 2015 Annual Report 17 Competitive North End Community Improvement Galion Community Foundation Collaborative, Inc. Support for Galion Community Chorus Fund Downtown Mansfield, Inc. General Support (4 grants) — $229,833 — $ 250 communityOsborne Meese Academy (2 grants) — $6,500 Richland Gives — $500 Ohio Genealogical Society Humane Society of Richland County General Support — $237 General Support — $1,000 Lucas Community Center Lucas Community Center Programs—$50,000 Richland County Habitat For Humanity Kingwood Center Gardens General Support — $156 Internship Program — $4,200 Mansfield Police Department Patrol Bicycles — $ 9,992 United Way of Richland County Lucas Community Center General Support (2 grants) — $23,812 General Support (3 grants) — $76,500 North End Community Improvement Friendly House Capital Improvements — $9,000 Collaborative, Inc. North End Community Improvement Richland Gives — $250 Collaborative, Inc. Donor Advised General Support (6 grants) — $307,444 Philanthropy Ohio Boy Scouts Heart of Ohio Council North End Local Foods (3 grants) — $124,155 Endow Ohio — $500 After School At-Risk Program — $5,000 ROAR Program 2015-6 School Year — $47,759 Richland County Habitat For Humanity General Support — $10,000 Internship Program — $8,400 Richland County Habitat ReStore —$10,000 City of Mansfield Ohio Special Response Team, Inc. Summer Enrichment Camp — $12,000 Designated Training Program — $ 500 Purchase Land at North Lake Park — $13,424 Boy Scouts Heart of Ohio Council Plymouth-Shiloh Food Pantry Internship Program (2 grants) — $8,400 General Support (2 grants) — $27,888 Holiday Meal Groceries — $1,180 Program Support (2 grants) — $17,741 Crawford County United Way, Inc. Richland County Habitat For Humanity General Support — $1,000 Kingwood Center General Support — $2,000 General Support (4 grants) — $32,750 Delaware County Foundation Shelby Senior Citizens Center, Inc. Program Support — $5,000 Mansfield Area Intergroup Interior Painting — $1,500 General Support — $610 Downtown Mansfield, Inc. The Fun Center Chordsmen 2015 Final Friday Concert Series— $2,000 Mansfield Richland Cty Public Library Choral Camp — $500 Brickyard Capital Improvement — $15,000 Books and Talking Books — $2,665 Summer Scholarships — $2,000 General Support — $311 Internship Program (2 grants) — $6,300 United Way of Richland County Mansfield Rotary Club Foundation Friends of 179th Airlift Wing General Support (4 grants) — $21,000 Program Support — $ 2,500 McGowan Courage Awards — $5,430 Friendly House — $50,000


grants $1,157,187 20 70 15Community & Community Development grants

18 Richland County Foundation Competitive Designated Competitive JumpStart Inc. First Christian Church Ohio Bird Sanctuary economicSupport for Richland County Economic Plan General Support — $133 Richland Gives (2 grants) — $1,000 (5 grants) — $228,000 First Congregational Church Richland County Agriculture Society Richland Community Development General Support (3 grants) — $3,535 Ohio Native Plant Educational Park — $13,500 Group Support for Individual Assistance Program — Designated devlopmentSupport for Community Development — $663 $39,610 Music Department Support — $1,630 Gorman Nature Center General Support — $156 Donor Advised First Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Crawford Co. Economic Dev. Dept. General Support (2 grants) — $2,540 Ohio Bird Sanctuary General Support — $ 18,038 Program Support — $5,000 Saint John’s United Church of Christ Richland Community Development General Support — $475 Donor Advised Group Donor Advised The Cousteau Society, Inc. Program Support — $5,000 General Support — $ 250 First Congregational Church ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Program Support — $1,000 Gorman Nature Center Internship Program (2 grants) — $6,300 [ 8 Grants ] $277,610 Resurrection Parish General Support — $50,000 The Nature Conservancy General Support — $250 Saint James Episcopal Church Capital Campaign — $5,000 North Central Ohio Land Conservancy, Inc. ’s Parish General Support (2 grants) — $3,400 Program Support — $5,001 Support for Hiking Trail — $3,000 Waleska United Methodist Church Land Purchase — $7,500 Support for Music Department — $2,000 Ohio Bird Sanctuary CHURCHES Program Support — $5,000 [ 14 Grants ] $71,977 Internship Program (2 grants) — $10,500 churches Richland County Agriculture Society Ohio Native Plant Educational Park — $8,000 General Support — $250 environmentENVIRONMENT [ 18 Grants ] $77,144 Members of the North End Community Improvement Collaborative, local government officials, community members and volunteers worked to create the Blust Avenue Teaching Garden. Children also volunteered and worked in the garden. Lucas Community Center Treasurer Carrie Fanello gave a tour of the new center which will offer services such as a food pantry, latchkey program, children’s activities, a house of prayer, counseling services and a computer lab.

Judy Bemiller and Kate Peresie enjoyed a view of the prairie on a hike of the Clear Fork Scenic Valley Trail in southern Richland County. The trail was created by the North Central Ohio Land Conservancy with support from the Foundation.

Economic Development grants 20 Church grants 15 Environment grants

Richland County Foundation 2015 Annual Report 19 Competitive Mansfield Memorial Homes General Support — $5,000 General Support (2 grants) — $5,026 Catalyst Life Services Program Support — $3,000 Program Support for Parenting Education OhioHealth Foundation Dayspring — $17,526 General Support of MedCentral Hospital — $156 Capital Improvements — $2,500 Dayspring Hospice of North Central Ohio, Inc. Good Health Choices Program — $250 OhioHealth MedCentral Mansfield Hospital Internship Program — $4,200 Mansfield Memorial Homes General Support — $ 1,531 Naples Community Healthcare System Support for Homemaker/Home Health General Support — $ 1,000 Programs — $25,000 Third Street Family Health Services Support for Rotary Adult Daycare — $15,000 General Support — $ 205 OhioHealth MedCentral Mansfield Hospital Taking Root Farms Donor Advised Support for Hospice Program — $1,000 Richland Gives — $250 Akron Children’s Hospital Foundation Visiting Nurses Assoc. of Mid-Ohio Osborne Meese Academy — $4,000 Support for Programs in Richland County — General Support — $2,000 Third Street Family Health Services $5,000 Shelby Office Renovation — $45,000 American Cancer Society East Central Division HEALTH SERVICES Designated General Support — $1,000 [ 27 Grants ] 157,384 Alzheimer’s Association-Northwest Avita Health Foundation Ohio Chapter General Support — $5,000 General Support — $ 373 Avow Hospice of Naples Catalyst Life Services General Support — $1,000 General Support — $3,855 Catalyst Life Services Hospice of North Central Ohio, Inc. Internship Program — $ 4,200 General Support — $4,312 health services

grants 20 $157,384 27Residents enjoy activities (bean bag toss) at 15 Health Services grants Mansfield Memorial Homes Rotary Adult Daycare.

20 Richland County Foundation create To create a new fund or more information contact Maura Teynor, director of donor services and a newcommunications at 419-525-3020 or [email protected]

fundWe Can Help you Leave a Charitable Legacy Five easy steps to establish a charitable fund at Richland County Foundation. 1. Determine your charitable interests and intent. 2. Pick the type of fund that best meets your purpose. When you choose to establish an endowed fund your original gift remains intact and is invested for growth. A portion of the earnings, as defined by the spending policy, can be granted to public charities. 3. Choose a name for your fund. You may use your name or the name of a family member, a name representing your favorite cause, as a memorial, or a name that allows you to be anonymous. 4. Decide on a timeline for giving. Funds can be established immediately or as a deferred gift or bequest through your will. 5. Review the many types of contributions available to make an initial gift. You can contribute cash, marketable securities, or other property. Charitable distributions from IRAs are an especially tax effective type of gift. A separate named fund can be established with a gift of $10,000 and a scholarship fund can be established with a gift of $20,000. A fund can accept additional donations at any time. Services to Donors Managing the fund and overseeing its investment. Providing the services of our experienced grant making staff Assuring that grants follow the fund directions and are always awarded in the name of your fund, to ensure a lasting symbol of your caring. Providing regular financial reports regarding activity of the fund and regular information about foundation activities. Benefits of a fund with the Richland County Foundation Permanence: Gifts can give forever because the Foundation invests the charitable capital to make certain there are resources for the future. The donor may direct the fund to be granted out over a specified number of years. Flexibility: The Richland County Foundation offers unique flexibility, making it possible for donors to benefit a variety of philanthropic purposes. Tax Benefits: As a public charity, the Foundation offers maximum tax benefits. Financial Management: Maximizing returns while minimizing expenses, the Foundation has a diversified investment portfolio. Security: A volunteer Governing Committee of experienced community leaders oversees Foundation management and use of funds. Anonymity: If desired, the identity of the donor can be protected.

Richland County Foundation 2015 Annual Report 21 fu nds

Establishing a fund within theunrestricted Anonymous Donor Community Support Fund Herbert S. Jones Fund C. Wilson & Josephine Mayberry Barnes Fund Jesse LaDow Fund Foundation allows donors the Robert B. Black Fund Nanciann P. McCormick Fund freedom to specify how they Roger A. & Elizabeth Thomas Black Fund Dell Armstrong McMillen Fund want their charitable dollars to Betty J. Blackstone Fund Verdabelle Plank Miller Fund be used now and in the future. Virginia A. & Thomas C. Blizzard Fund Dr. Donald E. Mills Fund Board Discretionary Fund Milton C. & Mary Louise Oakes Fund By selecting among the various Marion B. Bowers Fund Katherine L. Parker Fund options, an unrestricted fund, Katharine C. Bristor Fund Catherine L. Rall Fund a field of interest fund, a donor Roy G. & Nancy Y. Brown Fund Edna K. Rex Fund designated fund, a donor Helen M. Burkholder Fund Jane W. & John Bradley Rhind Fund Joan B. & Truman Clark Fund Richland Gives Day of Giving advised fund, an agency fund, Rex E. & Marjorie Sue Collins Fund Betty Diesler Risser Fund or a scholarship fund, donors Community Endowment Fund John & Dell Robinson Family Fund can tailor their fund to be as John B. & Pearl R. Conard Charitable Fund Margaret Hay Russell Fund specific or as broad as they Consolidated Memorial Fund Jean U. & George V. Sauter Fund Marian M. Constance Fund Esther Fickes Shaffer Fund wish in order to carry out their William R. & Mary Jane Cress Fund Thomas A. & Clara H. Siegenthaler Fund philanthropy. Pearl M. Danback Fund Mary C. Slabaugh Fund Earle J. & Dottie Deems Fund Walter C. Stevens Family Fund Dean A. & Eleanor H. Eckert Fund Mary Mead Sturges & Robert Sturges Unrestricted Funds offer Jessie L. Eckert Fund Memorial Fund the donor and Foundation Doris J. & Robert H. Enskat Fund Alan P. Tappan Fund the broadest options to David W. & Louise W. Evans Fund Heloise H. Tappan Memorial Fund address and to impact the David N. & Miriam G. Feiser Memorial Fund Paul R. Tappan Fund community’s current and ever- Fellows Fund W. Richard Tappan Fund changing needs. Charles C. Fox Fund Pauline S. Treisch Fund Florence Fox Fund Charles R. Underhill Fund

James H. Germany Fund Mary L. Ward Fund Carl B. & Marie L. Gibson Fund Mary S. Wilsdon Fund Earl H. Goetz Fund Marion Draffan Wisdom Fund Roger M. & Elizabeth B. Gray Fund Charles G. Young Family Fund James H. Hoffman Fund F. Wayne & Isabel Bogan Young Fund

22 Richland County Foundation Page 22: Mansfield Police Department Detective Matthew Loughman shows off one of the new bicycles purchased with a $10,000 grant. The MPD is reintroducing its bicycle patrol unit to promote greater visibility and more contact between the police officers and citizens.

Jill Montgomery, Richland Bank branch manager, attributes some of her success to a scholarship provided by the Richland County Foundation. She earned two associate’s degrees from North Central State College.

Right: Summer programs for children are supported through foundation grants.

fieldGeorge W. Blymyer Fund ofScattergood interestFund Henry A. & Melissa J. Booth Memorial Fund Katharine McIntyre Shaffer Fund Child Care Choices Fund Howard & Majoria S. Smith-Bellville Emeline Fate Christian Memorial Fund Community Trust Fund Field of Interest Funds allow Peter S. Clark Memorial Fund Smokeless America Fun Foundation Fund our donors the opportunity to Scott F. Coffin Fund Ethel Mayer Southeast Community Fund support specific interests within Connections Fund The Store Fund a broad area such as children’s Consolidated Individual Assistance Fund Summertime Kids Fund programs, the arts, education, Lillian R. Dickson Fund Robert J. & Stella F. Sutter Fund the elderly, or health services. Dean & Eleanor H. Eckert Fund Heloise H. Tappan Estate Fund Frances Fern Ecki Fund Paul R. Tappan Fund Richard David Gardner Fund Teacher Assistance Program Fund Richard R. & Veda J. Gardner Fund Sarah B. Thomas Fund Guy T. Goodman Trust Fund Voegele-Bahl Endowment Fund Charlotte B. Gugler Fund Ed Wadman Scleroderma Research Fund James H. Hoffman Fund Ralph O. & Sarah L. Wise Fund James A. Jones, MD Memorial Fund Women’s Fund Helen Kaufman Fund Fund for Young Children with ALD Land Preservation Fund for Richland County Ralph C. Lutz Fund Establish your Family Fund $109,000 in cumulative $355,000 in cumulative grants and services A. Robert & Eve Matthews Fund grants and services Barbara A. Mau Field of Interest Fund Michael Robert McBride Memorial Fund Harry & Lois McCullogh Fund Eleanor Searle McCollum Teacher & Education Fund Leona M. Miles Funds Verdabelle Plank Miller Fund Mid Ohio Drug Prevention Coalition Fund $100,000 gift $465,000 balance Mary J. Poticny Fund $220,000 balance Earl J. & Carlie Leona Muth Memorial Fund Year 1 Year 25: 4x Growth Year 50: 9x Growth

Richland County Foundation 2015 Annual Report 23 Betty J. Adair Fund Eleanor McCollum Foundation Fund Charles V. & Constance D. Adair Fund Annette L. McCormick Fund for the Environment P.K. Athmaram, MD Fund George A. & Olive L. Miller Fund donorHejjaji & P.K. Athmaram,advised MD Fund Miller/Pattillo Memorial Fund Paul H. & Susan Gallagher Bailey Fund MT Business Technologies Community Fund Donor Advised Funds Wilbur G. & Esther L. Beer Fund Northwest Community Fund allow the donor the F. Loyal & Judith B. Bemiller Fund Dell M. Robinson Fund opportunity to make Donald S. & Clara Louise Black Fund Grace S. & Joe R. Roby Fund grant suggestions to their Dr. & Mrs. Stanley L. Brody Fund Rotary Club of Mansfield - Tom Doty favorite charities during Shelby Cooper Memorial Fund Community Fund their lifetime, and are an DeLaney Family Fund Fran & Warren Rupp Advised Fund attractive alternative to a James Fanello Fund Sandy Cross Donor Advised Fund private foundation, offering Carl & Annamarie Fernyak Fund Alice B. & Allen M. Sanford Fund the same benefits without C. Eugene & Sara A. Goin Fund Ann Hartman Schettler Fund the responsibility and cost of Gorman Fund David E. & Theresa E. Siebold Fund administration. John P. Gross Family Fund Shelby Home & Public Health Mariann S. & Avery C. Hand Family Fund Endowment Fund Hansen Fund for Women & Girls, The Richard & Lorraine Shrilla Fund Jennette C. Hartman Fund Pamela H. & Thomas R. Siegenthaler Fund Fred B. & Marian J. Hout Fund Matthew P. & Linda H. Smith Fund Dr. J. Bruce & Nancy L. Jackson Fund Wray C. & Janet B. Smith Fund Kaufman Family Fund Christopher Mark Stull Fund Barbara & George H. Keyser Fund Richard G. & Helen Taylor Fund Konstam Family Fund Thomas Family Fund Mansfield Civitan Club Fund Warner-Kafer Family Fund Justin & Lynn Marotta Fund Marion Draffan Wisdom Fund Betty L. & Joseph E. Massa Fund

Charitable Fund Options

Field of Donor Unrestricted Designated Supporting Private Interest Advised Organization Foundation Fund Fund Fund Fund

Broad gift for Targeted Gift to benefit Gift fund Some attributes Independent community; gift to a specific for donor of private board awards Foundation specific area; organization recommended foundation with grants and awards grants Foundation grantmaking Foundation separate awards grants support administration Impact Flexibility Donor Involvement

24 Richland County Foundation The Chiudioni Memorial Fund was Third Street Family Health Services established for the purpose of the Mansfield expanded its services in Shelby Symphony Youth Orchestra (MSYO) at the with a primary medical care, Renaissance Theatre. An annual award dental and mental/behavioral will be given to one deserving student health office on Main Street. A who shows the following qualities Ettore grant assisted with the building Chiudioni valued: faithful attendance and renovations. Nurse Practitioner dedication to the Mansfield Symphony David Etzel and Dr. Dipali Desai Youth Orchestra, a positive attitude and provide primary care to low- ability to connect with peers as well as being income residents. an enthusiastic student and player.

Alzheimer’s Association of NCO Lucas Local Schools Sustaining Fund Endowment Fund Esther G. Lutz Fund John F. & Elizabeth W. Bissman Fund Floyd H. Lutz Fund donorRaymond & Bessie Bixler Memorial Fund designatedRalph C. Lutz Fund Esther M. Black Fund Ruth E. Lutz Fund Betty J. Blackstone Fund Mansfield Art Center Endowment Fund Thomas C. & Virginia A. Blizzard Fund Mansfield University Foundation Donor Designated Funds allow Boy Scouts of America Endowment Fund Endowment Fund donors the opportunity to provide John S. & Laura Barr Brant Fund William & Katherine Jane annual support to specific charities of Betty Butler Fund McCarrick Fund their choice. Chiudioni Memorial Fund McGowan Courage Awards Fund Clear Fork Valley Foundation Fund John A. & Florence B. Mintz Fund Rex E. & Marjorie Sue Collins Fund Arthur W. Negin Memorial Fund Croghan Family Fund for Renaissance Katherine M. Norem Fund Performing Arts North End Community Improvement Croghan Family Fund for Richland Academy Collaborative Inc. Fund Mary E. Delp Fund Milton C. & Mary Louise Oakes Fund Downtown Mansfield Inc. Brickyard Gertrude M. Odson Fund Maintenance Fund Ohio Genealogical Library Endowment Fund Finefrock Memorial Fund OSU/NCTC Photo Arts Fund First Congregational Church of Mansfield, OH Rowland & Delight Patricia Poth Fund Permanent Endowment Fund Rainbow’s End Christian Center Fund Founders Fund in Memory of Elizabeth Copp Forrest W. Freeman, MD & Florence J. Renaissance Performing Arts Assoc. Inc. Fund Freeman Fund Roby Family Fund Gerald F. Futty Fund Eleanor S. & Stanley J. Ryckman Music Richard R. & Veda J. Gardner Fund Endowment Fund Earl H. Goetz Memorial Fund Alice B. Sanford Memorial Fund Earl H. Goetz Fund in Honor of Major McGowan Marian L. Stauffer Fund Earl H. Goetz Fund in Honor of Vern Stover Third Street Family Health Services James H. Hoffman Fund Endowment Fund Frances H. Houston Memorial Fund Turley Raemelton Scholarship Fund Fred B. Hout Memorial Fund Betty Thompson Wagner Memorial Fund David E. Hughes Fund Dr. Rebecca Sue Wappner Memorial Keyser Library Fund Scholarship Fund Jessamine L. Lewis Fund Charles G. Young Family Fund

Richland County Foundation 2015 Annual Report 25 The Richland County Foundation has the unique ability to hold assets for a charitable organization in a named endowment fund, and annually distribute investment earnings back to the nonprofit organization to meet their needs as they determine. Agency Funds may or may not be endowed. Anyone who wants to support one of the established agency endowment funds may contribute agency simply by naming the fund on the memo line of their check.

Carrousel Community Trust Fund Ohio Bird Sanctuary Endowment Fund Agency Funds offer nonprofits Center for Individual and Family Services, Ontario Public Schools Technology Fund B the opportunity to build an Inc. Endowment Fund OSU-Mansfield Business Program endowment which may support or Children’s Theatre Foundation, Inc. Endowment Fund provide an annual revenue stream Endowment Fund OSU-Mansfield Faculty Development for the overall operations of the Discovery School Endowment Fund Endowment Fund organization. Organizations not only First Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), OSU-Mansfield Scholarship benefit from this additional revenue Mansfield, Ohio Endowment Fund Endowment Fund but also from the Foundation’s Hospice of North Central Ohio Pioneer Career & Technology Center Fund A financial stability and integrity that Endowment Fund Rehab Center Endowment Fund assures their donors that their gifts Mansfield Area Y Endowment Fund Richland Academy Endowment Fund will be prudently managed. Mansfield Cancer Foundation Richland County Historical Society Endowment Fund Endowment Fund Mansfield Fine Arts Guild, Inc. Richland Newhope Center Fund Endowment Fund United Way of Richland County Mansfield Playhouse Endowment Fund Endowment Fund Mansfield Symphony Society YWCA of Mansfield Endowment Fund Endowment Fund Mohican School in the Out-of-Doors Endowment Fund North Central Technical College (N.C.T.C.) Foundationagency Endowment Fund

Agency Designated Funds are Community Action for Capable Youth Richland County Historical Society Fund “B” not endowed funds, so the nonprofit Friendly House Association Capital Fund Richland Newhope Industries Fund designatedmay use the principal of the fund. Kingwood Center Fund Richland Newhope Fund II Like the Agency Endowment Malabar Farm Foundation Fund Salvation Army Fund funds, these funds support or Mansfield City Public Schools Fund University Club Educational Foundation provide an annual revenue stream Mansfield City Schools Fine Arts Fund Scholarship Fund for the overall operations of the Ontario Public Schools Technology Fund A organization. Pioneer Career and Technology Center Equipment and Technology Fund B

26 Richland County Foundation More than $388,000 was awarded in scholarships to undergraduate students who demonstrated a financial need in 2015.

Frank & Bee Ackard Memorial Fund Licensed Practical Nurse Assoc. of Ohio, Division #5 Banks-Willeke-Bunfill Scholarship Fund Scholarship Fund Robert G. & Mary Nell Beer Scholarship Fund Reggie Luby Scholarship Fund scholarshipMeg Black Memorial Scholarship Fund Ruth E. Lutz Fund Black Women United Scholarship for Success Fund Mansfield Noon Lions Club Scholarship Fund Thomas C. & Virginia A. Blizzard Fund Eleanor Searle McCollum Scholarship Fund Joseph T. “Jep” Bloor Memorial Scholarship Fund Nancy McConnell Special Education Scholarship Fund Mary Jane Bolus Scholarship Fund David S. McVicker Scholarship Fund Emily Campbell Brown & Charles Gailey John L. Morley Memorial Scholarship Fund Brown “First Generation to College” Fund Ontario Alumni Assoc. Scholarship Fund Karyne & Joe Carey Scholarship Fund Helen Keating Ott Library Scholarship Fund Mary & Maxton Case Fund Richland County Medical Auxiliary Scholarship Fund Children’s Theatre Foundation, Inc. Endowment Fund Richard David Ronk Memorial Scholarship Fund James H. Clements II Memorial Scholarship Fund Grace S. & Joe R. Roby Scholarship Fund Consolidated Scholarship Fund Roby Family Fund Cornerstone Freewill Baptist Church Sc holarship Fund Fran & Warren Rupp Scholarship Fund Davidson Scholarship Fund Eleanor S. Ryckman Memorial Scholarship Fund Tim Davis, Jr. Scholarship Fund Paul & Adelyn Shumaker Fund Shelley Dees Memorial Fund A. Richard Stofer Scholarship Fund Dean A. & Eleanor H. Eckert Fund Dorris C. Stofer Scholarship Fund Marilyn J. & David P. Eckstein Memorial Scholarship Fund Donald F. Thompson Fund Joseph W. Elrod Scholarship Fund Frederick L. & Harriett S. Tracy Scholarship Fund Miriam & Russell Ferrell Scholarship Fund Richard & Sally Uhde STEM Scholarship Fund M.I. & Feenie Fillweber Scholarship Fund University & College Access Network Scholarship Fund Mark S. Fisher Memorial Scholarship Fund University Club Educational Foundation- George & Pam Fonseca Scholarship Fund James P. Weldon Memorial Scholarship Fund Phil Ford Scholar Athlete Scholarship Fund Gregory VanScyoc Memorial Scholarship Fund S.N. & Ada Ford Scholarship Fund Helen S. Weldon Scholarship Fund Diane L. Gibson Memorial Scholarship Fund James P. Weldon Scholarship Fund Earl H. Goetz Fund in Honor of Major McGowan William M. Weldon Scholarship Fund Earl H. Goetz Fund in Honor of Vern Stover Walter W. Willis Rotary Scholarship Fund Eugene & Ruth Oestreich Harsch Scholarship Fund Marilyn A. Wilson Scholarship Fund Charles H. & Dorothy B. Hickox Memorial Scholarship Fund Ashley Yetzer Memorial Scholarship Fund Ocie Hill Scholarship Fund Yuncker Memorial Fund Betty J. Horner Scholarship Fund Susan L. Jaynes Memorial Scholarship Fund Scholarship Funds allow donors to specify certain Monica M. Kaye Memorial Fund fields of study, specific high schools and/or specific Mary M. Kowalchik Scholarship Fund colleges that students may attend. Donors may Lexington Alumni Association Scholarship Fund establish a fund with a minimum of $20,000 which may Lexington Kiwanis Club Scholarship Fund be in honor or memory of a loved one.

Richland County Foundation 2015 Annual Report 27 Foundation Fellows

Visionary Fellowships Sharon L. Arnett John W. Cook, Jr. Henrietta M. Hainer* ($5,000 and up) Aten & Mennetti Judith A. Croghan (by Elizabeth H. Prestel) Naomi J. Albers* Insurance Agency Thomas H. Croghan, MD W.R. Hainer* Donald N. Beddard*, MD Betty Bacquet* John O. Crouse* (by Elizabeth H. Prestel) (by friends) (by Meredith N. Stevens) (by Hugh W. Crouse, II) Mariann S. Hand Frank T. Black Foundation Margaret G. Balyeat* Nancie K. Cummins Ruth Oestreich Harsch* Joseph J. Fackler* (by children) (by Richard S. Cummins) (by Eugene C. Harsch) Ralph E. Minich Dr. Donald N. Beddard Otis M. Cummins, III Albert W. Hartman* Ruth M. Newman* Charma Behnke James D. Curry, MD (by family and friends) (by Dr. William C. Newman) Craig Behnke Garry Davidson Jill Hand Hautzenroeder Dr. William C. Newman Eric Behnke Aaron Davis Jon Hautzenroeder Carl E. Pfeifer Heather Behnke Suzanne C. Davis Frederick R. Heifner* Norma E. Pfeifer F. Andrew Black Earle J. Deems (by family and friends) G. Stanford Schneider Thomas C. Black* G. E. (Dottie) Deems* Geneva C. Heifner* Shafer Valve Company (by F. Andrew Black) (by Earle J. Deems) (by Pamela H. Siegenthaler) Michael Wilging* Donald C. Blasius* Ann J. Deley* (by Altrusa Oliver P. Heller* (by Bruce & Sondra Wilging) (by friends & former International of Mansfield) (by family and friends) Tappan company associates) Thomas A. Depler James D. Henson Legacy Fellowships Daniel L. Blay Robert H. Enskat Pricilla W. Herbert ($2,500 or more) (by Joanne H. Blay) Katherine N. Fernyak C. J. Hire Raymond Bacquet* Dr. Joseph J. Bocka Pamela S. Fleming Phyllis F. Hire (by family & friends) Dr. Louis Jeremy Brown* William E. Flinn* Becky Hoffman (by Dr. William James E. Bierly* (by Alice Sanford) (by Dorothy B. Flinn) C. & Ruth Newman) (by family & friends) William A. Calhoun* Gayle Gorman Freeman Ed Hoffman (by Dr. William C. & Dan Burns* (by family and friends) (by General Richard Green) Ruth Newman) (by friends & associates) H. Campbell France B. Gaubatz Fred B. Hout Douglas C. Freer* Clara I. Carew* Nick Gesouras Edith B. Humphrey (by family & friends) (by John H. Carew) Judith Gibson John J. Kastelic Larry L. Gibson, MD John H. Carew Earl H. Goetz Margaret E. Kay Eleanor Homesley* Dan R. Carmichael Carl B. Gibson* (by Thomas Kay) Joan W. Meese* David L. Carto (by Dr. David M. Gibson) James W. Kehoe (by family & friends) Louise Allison Carto* Dr. David M. Gibson George H. Keyser* Mo Minich* (by Ralph E. Minich) (by family & friends) Marie L. Gibson* (by Barbara Keyser) Joyce M. Walters Willis Frank Carto* (by Dr. David M. Gibson) Ann L. Konstam Richard M. Walters (by family & friends) Steve Goldman* Janice L. Kuhn Fellowships Frances Christian (by Bill & Carol Goldman) Marion W. Lederer* ($1,000 or more) (by Miles Christian) James C. Gorman (by Robert W. Lederer) Dr. Richard E. * Miles Christian Jeffrey S. Gorman Robert L. Lee (by William and Kathleen Helene H. Christiansen Michele S. Gorman Timothy L. Lehman Hurdle) Judge Richard M. Christiansen William Grogoza* David Letizia Ivy L. Matthew B. Cockley* (by family & friends) (by Pete & Susan Bailey) Helen Anderson (by Macky Cockley) John P. Gross (by Draffan family) Daniel K. Lichtenstein* Sina Baughman Applegate* Marjorie Sue Collins Bradford S. Groves (by Sally S. Lichtenstein) (by Clare E. Applegate) Rex E. Collins

28 Richland County Foundation Benefits of Being a Fellow: • Involvement in a respected program of community philanthropy The Legacy Society • Participating in a growing endowment of unrestricted funds to improve the quality of life in Richland County The Legacy Society was established by the Board of • Sharing the vision of the men and women who founded Trustees in the yearlega 2000 to recognize individuals during Richland County Foundation their lifetime who have made plans to leave a gift to this The Fellowship Program, created in 1991, recognizes gifts of $1,000 community in partnership with the Richland County to the Foundation’s Unrestricted Funds. A Donor may become a Foundation. This gift may be through their estate plans, Fellow by making an outright gift of $1,000 or more; or may make a written in their will, including the Foundation as a future series of smaller contributions over a period of time. beneficiary of their IRA, insurance policy, remainder trust, or other similar planned gift. The Richland County Foundation acknowledgescy the L.O.L.’s Henry B. Sanford* (by Allen M. following generous people who have planned a legacy to (by Thomas & Margaret Kay) & Henry M. Sanford) their community through gifts that will eventually come to Robert E. Mabee Jean U. Sauter the Foundation for the benefit of others. Mansfield Assemblies Rev. Clifford Schutjer A. Robert Matthews Patricia Schutjer, PhD Dr. Charles & Constance Adair E. William McCarrick Angela Scurci Ronald L. & Janeen* W. Adams James McCormick* Kyle Evan Shaw* (by Douglas & Pete H. & Susan Gallagher Bailey (by Nanciann McCormick) Judith Brunk) Bob & Natalie Beckert Nanciann McCormick Charles Patrick Siegenthaler* Vin & Jo Black Pauline Keller McKinney* (by Sally S. Lichtenstein) Billie Brandon, JD (by Barbara Keller Lederer) C. Peter Siegenthaler Candice Chaffee Betty L. Massa (by Sally S. Lichtenstein) Walter Chaffee E. Tom Mattox Mary Mead Siegenthaler David & Julia Crawford Joan Watson Meese (by Sally S. Lichtenstein) Dr. James & Joyce Curry Robert B. Meese Clara H. Siegenthaler Bob* and Esther Fry Leona M. Miles John H. Siegenthaler William G. Hailey National City Bank Pamela H. Siegenthaler John F. and Lin H.* Harkness Ohio Horsemans Council, Thomas A. Siegenthaler Linda A. Hering Richland County Chapter Thomas A. Siegenthaler* Carol S. Kautz Ray Piar (by family and friends) Thomas R. and Margaret* Kay David Pollock (by Jack Pollock) Thomas R. Siegenthaler Dr. Kaye David Pollock* Peter A. Sminchak* Marjorie Kieffer (by family & friends) (by family & friends) Dan & Barbara McBride Delight Patricia Poth* Janet B. Nicely Smith Everett W. & Beverly Miller (by Dr. James Jones) (by Rev. Wray C. Smith, D.D.) Richard H. Otto Burton L. Preston Rev. Wray C. Smith, D.D. Stephen M. Shoup (by Prudence Preston) (by Janet B. Nicely Smith) Robert & Margaret Soulen Burton R. Preston Gary Stroup Judith E. Stroup W. Lee Preston David J. Strub Robert* & Stella Sutter (by Burton Preston) Richard G. Taylor Ralph & Martha Turley John Bradley Rhind U of M/OSU (by F. Loyal Bemiller Larry & Jean VonBlon Betty D. (Bets) Risser & O.M. Cummins, III) Marion Draffan Wisdom Dell M. Robinson felloMichael Vucelic (by John Robinson) (by Inge S. Vucelic, Ph.D.) * Deceased John Robinson Martha A. Walter Bold type indicate new donor Joe R. Roby (by Richard L. Walter) John S. Roby Richard L. Walter Joan G. Ross Jean E. Welge (by W. Thomas Ross) Merris A. Welge, Jr. Allen M. Sanford John W. Welsh Irene McCanne Sanford* wsBetty E. Wells (by Allen M. & Henry M. Fred J. Wiecher, MD Sanford) Doris Williams J. George Williams

* Contributed in Memorium Bold Type indicates new Fellowship or new level of contribution in 2015 Richland County Foundation 2015 Annual Report 29 Benefactors $5,000 or more Margaret Harrison Clare Duncan Clemens Zoe M. Swain Mary Jo Hull Helen Anderson (by Helen Taylor) Geneva S. Cummins Marcine Taylor (by Helen Taylor) Eleanor Beagle* Donna Hartnett* Sara L. Cummins Lynn E. Humphrey Timmons James W. Kehoe (by Nancy L. Jackson) (by friends & family) Joyce A. Curry Heather, Melissa, & Susan (by Shelby Foundation) Elizabeth M. Black Jill Hand Hautzenroeder Diane M. Daniels Tsavaris Terry B. Kehoe Elizabeth T. Black Janet E. Wobbecke Hudson Ann Drake Cindy Kalinoff Watson (by Shelby Foundation) Elizabeth T. Black* (by Frank Key Foundation Rose Ann Dunn Anne C. Wendling Pauline Keller T. Black Family Foundation) Virginia D. Kirkwood JoAnn E. Dutton* Suzanne S. Wilson (by Robert W. Lederer) Constance F. Brody, PhD Margaret A. Lindley (by Joseph Dutton) Nancy Kolb Joan H. Brown* Manairco Employees (by Ellen Eckert Advocates $1,000 since Ann L. Konstam (by John T. Brown) Gayle Gorman Freeman) Deborah A. Exten Jan. 1, 1998 Jane Ann Korol* Candice Chaffee Mansfield Dental Auxiliary Erin B. Fain, MD Deborah L. Adams (by Stanley Korol) Mary Jane Cress Pearl Neer Plank*(by Susan E. Fain Altrusa International, Inc. of Marion W. Lederer, Katherine N. Fernyak Verdabelle P. Miller) (by Erin B. Fain, MD) Mansfield (by Robert W. Lederer) Carol R. Goldman Lydia J. Reid Shelly E. Fisher Ivy Amos Martha Ellen Stahl Lenhart The Hansen Fund Mary L. Riedl Pamela S. Fleming John B. Black* (by LaDonna J. O’Neal) Hazel R. Hansen Suzanne Schamadan Celia J. Flinn, MD (by Jane A. Risser) LTV Copperweld Phyllis F. Hire Lillian Senser* Gayle Gorman Freeman F. Andrew Black Marilou Marshall Betty J. Horner (by Arlene Senser) Harriett Freeman Martha Jane Black Marilyn McCready Edith B. Humphrey Janet B. Nicely Smith (by Linda H. Smith) Claire Blay Pauline Keller McKinney* Nancy L. Jackson The Helen Taylor Family Peggy Jean Fry* (by Joanne & Dan Blay) (by Barbara Lederer) Margaret Kay* Frances K. Welsh (by Constance Ament) Glenna Cannon MedCentral Employee (by Thomas R. Kay) Janene Ann Yeater Veda J. Gardner Paula Cohen Civic Fund Barbara A. Keyser Frances B. Gaubatz Teresa Cooperider Carol Melchior Marjorie M. Kieffer 10th Year Anniversary Julie A. Giunti* Bambi Couch Page Mary Moloney* Barbara Lederer* Founders-$1000 in 2006 (by Laurie A. McKeon) Emma Lousie Cummins (by Jane McKean) Betty L. Massa* Lucy A. Amsbaugh Catherine D. Goldman (by Geneva S. Cummins) Gabriella Morando* (by Mark Berno) Mary Jo Black Joetta Goodman Nancie Cummins (by Jim & Elizabeth Morando) Mechanics Savings Bank Leah Humphrey Blay Harriet Steele Keating Barbara Cunning Agnes E. Moritz* Richland Bank (by Joanne Blay) Harbage* (Karen K. Bierly) Gwen Cunningham (by Fred Moritz) Salli S. Rohm Mary Jane Cress Linda Haring (by Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Katherine Norem* Pamela H. Siegenthaler Steven O. Cummins and Geneva C. Heifner* (by Fahmy) (by Katherine N. Fernyak) Elizabeth L. Smith Karen Redfearn Pamela H. Siegenthaler) Rees Davis* Georgia Kelly Nosker Linda H. Smith Lois C. Flinn* (by friends) Laurie Hickox, DVM (by family & friends) (by Judith Croghan) Matthew P. Smith Miriam E. Gilbert Barbara J. Huston Suzanne C. Davis Cynthia B. O’Neal Ottelia B. Stoodt* (By Miriam T. Gilbert) Charla A. Irvin (by Elizabeth M. Black) Jane K. O’Neal* (by William & (by Salli Rohm) Anna Mae Jones* Margaret M. Joyce Yvette Fahmy Ladonna O’Neal) Carol B. Taylor (by Mary Lou Herrold) Linda Kafer, PhD (by Dr. & Mrs. Rani Piar Helen Taylor Deborah M. Schenk Julie Kleshinski Andrew Fahmy) Norma E. Pfeifer* YMCA 1976 Girls Swim Team Pamela H. Siegenthaler Vicki Kolb Kay Fathe* (by Helen Taylor) (by Carl E. Pfeifer) (by Geneva S. Cummins & Shannon S. Lang Annmarie Fernyak Mary Kay Ransdell Patrons $2,500 or more Claire Proto) Karin Fleming Manning (by Katherine N. Fernyak) Cynthia M. Roby Elizabeth F. Marquardt Kristen C. Rohm Betty J. Adair Stephanie Fernyak, Dr. Founders $1,000 by Betty L. Massa (by Katherine N. Fernyak) (by Salli Rohm) Pat Addeo Jane McKean Gretchen Rohm-Ensing Dorothy Durham Dec. 31 1997 Susan E. Fernyak, MD Jeanne Meisse (by Susan E. Fernyak & (by Salli Rohm) Ashbaugh*(by Sara A. Goin) Jeanne Alexander Jane Meyer Bonita Ronk Elsie May Hobday Ashbaugh* Mary E. R. Alletto Katherine N. Fernyak) Henry P. & Marjory L. Marcy Sweda Flinn* Kim J. Ronk (by Bonita Ronk) (by Sara Goin) Anonymous Donor Michaels* (by Carol Carolyn L. Rusteburg Elizabeth T. Black* Kristin Arnold (by Celia J. Flinn, MD) Michaels) Pamela Fonseca Nancy Peppard Rupp* (by Elizabeth M. Black) P. K. Athmaram, MD Shirley Monica (by family & friends) Mary K. Bolin Susan G. Bailey Alice A. Frazier Judy & Larry Pabst Harriett Freeman Christine Schenk* Joan H. Brown Cynthia Baker Sophie Crittenden Polhemus (by family & friends) Carol Chambers Michelle K. Ballinger Esther M. Fry Claire Siegenthlaer Proto General Motors- Dorothy Correll Smith* Fran Christian* Mary Ellen Barr* (by Carol Betty D. Risser (by Lucy A. Amsbaugh) (by Helen Taylor) Brown & Kathleen Mehl) Mansfield Plant Jane A. Risser Sandra Gibbons Martha B. Tawse Portia Cummins Carto* Helen Bartlett Julia Rohles Louise H. Taylor (by Elizabeth M. Black) Marianna Basting Bernice Goldman* Alice B. Sanford (by Bill & Carol Goldman) Dorothy Van Voorhis* Portia Cummins Carto* Janice Beddard Dell M. Robinson Sanford (by Sally Workman) (by O.M. Cummins III, Charma Behnke Mariann S. Hand Deborah M. Schenk Edward Hansen (by Sandy Karen Rohm Williams Sara L. Cummins, & Cindy Biggs Arlene Senser (by Salli Rohm) Suzanne C. Davis) Mary Jo Black Gibbons & Hazel R. Hansen) Clara H. Siegenthaler Alta J. Hartman* Sally Workman* Suzanne C. Davis Elizabeth H. Blay Benjamin D. Smith (by Bruce Workman) Patricia DeCenso (by Daniel L. Blay) (by Maxine Smith) Christopher M. Smith Amy Hockett Susan Duncan Gentille Joanne H. Blay * Contributed in Memorium Elizabeth L. Smith (by Catherine Anders Huff* Judith Gibson Maggie Bolin Bold indicates new level of giving Benjamin, Christopher, & (by Barbara McBride) Miriam T. Gilbert (by James R. Bolin) Lauren Smith) Sara A. Goin Billie Brandon, JD Lisa & Scott Humphrey Lauren Z. Smith Hilda Johnson* Meredith Rae Haber* Emily Campbell Brown Cassandra Stein (by Rebecca A. Smith) Clarita L. Burton (by Betty J. Adair) Sally Stevens Nancy Joyce Alberta Harber Fran H. Christian Catherine K. Stout (by Arlene Senser) Virginia Clay, PhD

30 Richland County Foundation The Women’s Fund Advisory Committee includes front row L-R: Susan Gentille, Thelda Dillon, Jeanne Meisse, Carol Chambers, Edie Humphrey, Judie Collins and Sally Gesouras; back row Lynn Fahmy, Kristie Massa, Paula Cohen, Jill Haring and Carolyn Carto.

The Women’s Fund of Community Health Access Project/Help Me Grow. the Richland County The program works with pregnant and new mothers Foundation is a daily. The grant will fund education and emergency permanent endowment supplies such as diapers and baby wipes. and will celebrate its Parent Aide for the Enriching Foundations for 20th anniversary in 2016. Since its inception, the Moms. This program will help ensure that mothers Women’s Fund has awarded close to $280,000 in who seek child abuse prevention supportive help grants to local nonprofit agencies and scholarships to will receive it. The grant will help address the gap in non-traditional female undergraduate students. funding and provide women who express a desire for A person becomes a part of the Women’s Fund simply mentorship the ability to be helped and funding to by making a monetary gift; often to celebrate or assist with two workshops. honor a special woman. Pioneer Career and Technology Center, The fund was formed in 1996 to promote Graduation, Reality and Dual Role Skills. GRADS philanthropy among women to provide funding to focuses on knowledge andwom skills related to prenatal programs and projects that empower women and and neonatal care, nurturing healthy children and girls to achieve their full potential. families and graduation from high school. The grant The Women’s Fund grant focus in 2015 was women will fund a field trip to North Central State College to and girls with a preference for parenting programs. encourage GRADS students to further their education after high school graduation. en’s Just over $10,700 in grants were awarded to the following agencies and programs: fund Congratulations to JoAnn Dutton Award winner and Women’s Fund Advisory Committee Member Jeanne Meisse. The award recognizes volunteer work in the community. It is sponsored by the Women’s Fund and was named in honor of JoAnn Dutton, former executive director of the Mansfield YWCA.

The Women’s Fund sponsored a series of educational lectures in the community including one presented by North Central State College Director Cheryl Carter at the Urban Center in Mansfield.

Richland County Foundation 2015 Annual Report 31 George & Kelly &ress Jeff & Robin Barrett Paul & Laurie Boggs con Brian Breitinger & Amy Staker-Breitinger Matt & Trisha Breitinger Connections John A. Brown John & Alison Burkhart Jr. Bruce M. & Geneva Cummins The Connections Fund of the Richland County Foundation awarded three grants Tim & Deb Cusic focusing on parenting to the following organizationsnec in 2015. David & Elizabeth Daniels Jason & Megan Day Culliver Reading Center for the “Together We Can” program. It was designed to Scott & Melissa Drozda build positive relationships within the family. A goal of the program was to have parents Matt & Jen Dudley and guardians more involved in their child’s learning and to connect them to resources Rodney & Kimberly Earick and special services as needed. Dr. Jonathon & Leah Faber Drs. Jonathan & Erin Fain First English Lutheran Church for the “Standing Together Every Parent Succeeds” tionsJohn & Carrie Fanello program. It assisted families with various topics such as parenting, relationships, Mark & Deana Fanello budgeting, shopping, cooking and family game night. Dr. DaleAnne Featheringham Richland County Youth and Family Council for “Boot Camp for New Dads.” The Carl & Annamarie Fernyak program is a unique community-based workshop to inspire and equip fathers to engage Tom & Melissa Fittante Scott & Jennifer Foster with their infant, support their mate and find their way as a new parent. Thomas J. Freund Each year between $2,000 and $11,000 is granted to local nonprofit organizations. Dr. Stephen Gavassi & Shelly Frank Nicholas & Sally Gesouras Individuals can join Connections with a $150 donation and couples for $250. The Cristen Gilbert membership fee can be paid online at richlandcountyfoundation.org, click the donate Jeff & Alana Gillson button and select the Connections Fund. Or you can pay by check and mail it to Gayle Gorman Green 181 South Main Street, Mansfield, 44902. Martha Bickley & Bradford Groves Darren & Terri Hamilton Cameron Haring To foster and Jim & Megan Hill retain leaders and Tim & Abby Hilterman Shane & Holly Hostetler professionals in left: Chris Starkey and his Richland County Joanne Humphrey 10-month old daughter, Joe & Edie Humphrey and to promote Harper, participated in the Mr. Bart Ingram a philanthropic Boot Camp for New Dads. Mark & Karen identity and below: The Connections Gail Laux involvement in the Fund held a Progressive John & Donna Luedy Dinner with a Kentucky Jason & Andrea Murray community. Derby theme in downtown Jim Nicholson & Dawn Kitchen Mansfield. Ken & Amy Parker Bob & Erica Parnisari John C. Roby Rick Roby Matt & Rachel Schag Brian W. & Krista Schmidt Richard & Susan Schuller Bryan & Annette Schutjer Dan & Shelly Seckel John & Maura Siegenthaler Thomas R. & Pamela H. Siegenthaler Jeremy & Michelle Swank Brent Taylor Josh & Jennifer Taylor Scott Them Chelsie A. Thompson Christ & Heather Ticoras James & Ashley Twedt Lawrence W. & Jean L. VonBlon Shand & Kristen Wiltanger Brett & Cheryl Young

32 Richland County Foundation Memorial & Honor Gifts

Laverne M. Airhart Robert E. Fisher Barbara Lederer Cayla M. Starlin Dr. Austin Ayars Philip E. Ford Marion W. Lederer Ottelia B. Stoodt Betty Bacquet Rick Ford Mary Lesseuer Christine Stroup Raymond Bacquet Jacie Foster Jerry Lorentz Ms. Eva E. Stuckman Robert T. Barrett Douglas Freer Mansfield Community Christopher Stull Enid Black Betty French Playhouse Suzanne Sumner Ms. Carol Boals Gerald Futty Lois M. McCullough Cristine Sutter Bea Bogner John W. Gates Thelda J. McDermott Robert J. Sutter Emily Campbell Brown James R. Germany Marth & Josephine Stella Sutter Ms. Lori Brumenshenkel Viola Gibson McFarland Theresa R. Sutter Pam Burns Dr. Ronald J. Golbus David S. McVicker Ruth E. Sweval Scott Carpenter Yong Gold Robert B. Meese Helen Taylor Frances D. Carto Ms. Pat Gordon Ms. Rose Morando Mr. Don Watson Clare D. Clemens Marjorie N. Gorman Adelle Morley Frances K. Welsh Paula Cohen Ms. Helen Gullen Mrs. Katherine Norem Ms. DeeDee Wessling Jan Conrad Mr. B. Gene Hahn Elizabeth Olson Ms. Jane Wessling Ben Contra Ms. Marjorie P. Hail Linda H. Papajcik Bernice Wetherell Ms. Cecily Cummins Harriet Harbage Jim Peck Karen White Gwen Cunningham Alberta Harber Norma E. Pheifer Michael Wilging Deborah Cusic Ms. Gloria Harkins Jack Pollock Josephine Williams Benjamin Czajka Donna Hartnett Ms. Jamie Karen Rohm Williams Jennifer H. Daughterty Herbert Himes Rev. Kristen C. Rohm Ms. Julie Wilson Dexter Davis Amy Hockett Gretchen Rohm-Ensing Sally Workman Joyce Deplugh Jan Holden Jean U. Sauter Ethan Wyner Jo Ann Duvall Charles Hunt Ms. Roberta Schaffner Ashley N. Yetzer Paul Ewing Ms. Michele Hyman Mrs. Susan M. Schuller Mrs. Yvette Fahmy Bill Jennings Robert L. Seibert memSharon Fauber Sister Jerri Lillian Senser Annamarie Fernyak Ms. Janet Johnson Tammaie Sesco Christine Fernyak Pauline Keller Sondra Siegenthaler Katherine Fernyak Mr. Howard Kinstle Adelaide Smith Dr. Stephanie Fernyak Barb Kissell Lowell Smith Dr. Susan E. Fernyak Gretchen Kohler Ms. Donna Correll Smith orialAndrew S. Fisher Ms. Linda Lair Sarah Spearing Mark S. Fisher Ms. Windi Lane Kelly Spencer

2015 Annual Report 33 new new gifts

A______giftsDaniel & Nancy Brown Tom & Nancy Depler Ms. Marcia Gagich Joanne Humphrey Ms. Joann B. Ackerman John A. Brown Peter and Janet Dignan Frances B. Gaubatz Mrs. Betty Hunt Patricia Addeo Joyce W. Brown Thelda Dillon Susan Duncan Gentille Kathleen & William Ivy L. Amos Robert Brown M. Joan Douglass The Gerhart Family Hurdle Lucy A. Amsbaugh Bill & Carol Brown Phil & Ann Downs Nick Gesouras Barbara J. Huston George & Kelly Andress Buckeye Pumps, Inc. Mrs. Cheryl Dreher Nick & Sally Gesouras I ______William & Laura Anliker Bucyrus Precision Tech, Inc. Joanne L. Dressler Judy Gibson John & Linda Ibriks George & Margie Arnold John & Alison Burkhart Jr. Matt & Jen Dudley Michael Gibson iHeart Media, Inc. Linda Arnold C______William & Penelope Cristen Gilbert William C. Ingram, Jr. Nathan A. & Amity L. Community Action for Dunham Mr. Charles Gleaves Integrity Insurance Arnold Capable Youth E ______C. Eugene & Sara A. Goin Solutions B______Audrey Carto Elliott Machine Works, Inc. Linda & Edward Golden Mark & Karen Isaac Tim and Julie Babcock David D. & Carolyn M. Wilma G. Elliott Mr. Mark Goldman J ______James A. & Lyn Baker Carto William H. Eutzy Steve Goldman Marie Jackson Bank of America Mary M. Case Trust F ______Foundation Inc. Nancy L. Jackson Charitable Gift Fund Iva-Jean Cavanaugh Jonathon & Leah Faber The Gorman Rupp Jamison Well Drilling Bank of America Carol Chambers Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Fahmy Company Jay Plastics, Inc. Employee Giving Michael & Carol Drs. Jonathan & Erin Fain James C. Gorman Leah R. Jones Campaign Chambers Fairfield Homes, Inc. dba Gayle Gorman Green Penny Carpenter Jones K. Jack and Ann Joan Chiudioni Gorsuch Homes Jeff and Kay Green K______Bargahiser Ms. Lisa Clark Margaret Fallerius Michael & Angela Ann S. Kania Angus W. Barton Roger A. Clark James C. Fanello Gremmer Carol Kautz Bob & Natalie Beckert Libby Clever John & Carrie Fanello Janet A. Grover Keith & Debbie Kelley Janice Beddard Paula M. Cohen Mark & Deana Fanello Bradford Groves Janet C. Kerr Eric & Charma Behnke Mrs. Ben Contra Dr. DaleAnne Martha Bickley & Kina A. Kerst Mike & Tina Bennett Mansfield Richland Featheringham Bradford Groves Key Private Bank Ken & Sherry Berger County Convention Annamarie Fernyak H______Roxanna Kindelsperger Andrea and David & Visitors Bureau Carl and Annamarie Charles P. Hahn Mitchell V. and Carol E. Berliner Edwin M. & Leah T. Cook Fernyak Sieglinde Hahn Kirkbride Karen Bierly Ms Sharon Cooper John & Katherine Darren & Terri Hamilton Yolanda Kirschner Big Brothers/Big Sisters David & Julia Crawford Fernyak Jill Haring Harold and Eunice Klopp of N. Central Ohio Croghan Family John C. Fernyak Eugene C. Harsch Sylvia Kolunie Marlene Bisel Bruce Cummins Katherine N. Fernyak Eric and Resa Hennings Robert & Mary Ann Martha Jane and Bruce M. & Geneva Dr. Susan E. Fernyak Stephany Hepner Konstam J. Douglas Black Cummins Karl & Shelley Finley Dr. John & Terry Betty L. Korol Joel S. & Margaret S. O.M. Cummins, III Alma Fisher Heringhaus Nick and Mary Lou Black Nancie Cummins Bob & Alma Fisher The Hermit Club Kozimor John Baxter Black Estate Steven O. Cummins and Andrew S. Fisher Jim & Megan Hill The Kroger Company Martha Jane Black Karen L. Redfearn Jana S. Fisher Tim & Abby Hilterman L ______Mary Jo Black Mr. Alexander B. Curchin Shelley E. Fisher Patsy Himes Gail Laux Tom & Dot Blaney D______Tom & Melissa Fittante Janeen Hire, Jennifer Robert W. Lederer Dr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Mary Damron Marilyn J. Flanegan & Tori Bookwalter and Marjorie M. Leonard Bocka David & Elizabeth Scott & Jennifer Foster Rusty & Karen Mabee Leppert Machine Co. Inc. Roderick H. Bogner Daniels Alice Fraizer Family Lexington Alumni Laurence J. Bollinger Nancy Darbey Sonny & Alice Fraizer Marilyn Hixson Association James and Paula Dennis A. & Sandra Dr. Gary & Sandra Ms. Karen Hockstad Lexington Avenue Bonnell Davis Freeman Ms. Nina J. Holmes Offices LLC Billie Brandon Dennis N. & Polly Davis Friends of the Mansfield- Bradley & Lee Hostetler Sarah S. Lichtenstein Brian Breitinger & Amy Harold H. Davis Richland County Public Shane & Holly Hostetler Mr. Rex W. Linkenbach Staker-Breitinger Ophinell & Mildred Davis Library, Inc. Mary Jo Taylor Hull LJR Enterprises Michael & Lee Anne Polly Davis Mary Kay Futty Edith B. Humphrey Ms. Dee Lorentz Brock Hatcher Day G______Joseph E. & Edith B. Anne Loucks Charles G. Brown Jodie Dees John and Kristin Gable Humphrey Edward T. Loughridge

34 Richland County Foundation Mrs. Susan M. Love The Ohio State University - Matt & Rachel Schag Maura J. Teynor Carol L. Loveless Mansfield Ludwig E. & Deborah M. Chelsie A. Thompson M______Richard Otto & Linda Hering Schenk Dr. and Mrs. Christ Ticoras MD Susan Madura Our Club Ann Schmidt Albert Touby Malabar Farm Foundation, Inc. P______Brian W. & Krista Schmidt Dale G. Treace Mansfield Hardware and Ken & Amy Parker G. Stanford Schneider Trust Ralph & Martha Turley Supply Co. Bob & Erica Parnisari Richard & Susan Schuller James & Ashley Twedt Justin & Lynn Marotta John & Joyce Pasheilich Bryan & Annette Schutjer U______Rose Mary Martin Nick & Patti Patrick Schwan’s Home Service, Inc. Richard & Sally Uhde Jill S. Massonne John & Nancipat Pcionek Seckel Group LTD, AIA V______Mark & Jeannine Masters Pediatric Denistry Nancy Seibert Jon & Jill VanHarlingen Barbara A. Mau Estate Pepperidge Farm, Inc. Select Sires, Inc. Lawrence W. & Jean L. VonBlon David Maxwell Carl E. Pfeifer Arlene Senser W______James & Linda McBride Dan and Sue Phallen Andrew Shiplet Dr. Blake D. & Gere C. Wagner, Sr. Kenneth & Bev McCally Philomathian Club Theresa E. Siebold Thomas F. and Karen Wappner Mrs. Robin McCullough-Bade Pineridge Investments, LLC John H. Siegenthaler Allie Watson and Mr. John Bade Don and Glenna Plotts Thomas R. and Pamela H. Jone Watson Patricia McGinty Glenna R. Plotts Siegenthaler Ms. Martha Watson William McGraw Jr. Murl Preble Albert J. and Marsha A. Sigg Wayne Savings Community Gary L. & Janet A. McGugin Betty E. Preston Charles T. Sinsabaugh Bank Rebecca A. McKinnell Maureen Prinz David & Kathy Sipes Weithman Rentals, LLC Ms. Deanna McLeary Rev. Gary L. & Mrs. Faith A. Mrs. Sheila Sipes-Jones Dennis & Lori Welfle Mechanics Bank Proietti Kurt & Nancy Skarl David, Julia & Reid Welsh Edward T. Meehan Jonathan B. Pulcini Jan Smith Bruce & Sondra Wilging Jane B. Meese Mr. Steve Purvis Mark C. Smith Christopher (CJ) Wilging Dixie G. Mehock R______Matthew P. & Linda H. Smith Doris Williams Gunther Meisse Ms. Rosemary P. Rallo Paul & Pam Smith Dr. Edwin C. & Jan Winbigler Jeanne Meisse Janice and James Reed Mr. Brad Snyder Sherry Winbigler, Michael Mennel Milling Company Mark & Pam Reed Hannah Snyder Spayde & Brettley Spayde Mid Ohio Drug Prevention Myron Reed Snyder Family Trust E. Harry & Joan K. Wirstrom Coalition Janice B. Remy Robert W. & Margaret A. Soulen WMFD TV Marianna Miefert Ronald & Barbara Richards Spherion Bruce Workman Ms. Kimberly Ann Mihan Richland Bank Les A. & Bonita S. Spring Y______Olive L. Miller Richland Carrousel Park, Inc. Darrell & Brenda Starr-Jude John Yatko & Cristine Sutter Mr. Thomas A. Miller Richland Newhope Industries, W. Chandler Stevens Milliron Foundation Inc. Larry & Cathy Stimpert Ralph E. Minich Richland Source Mebane Stolfi Jim and Elisabeth Morando Judy Riley Stoneridge Hi-Stat Mr. Thomas R. Morell Robert and Esther Black Family Darrel & Ann Strickler Mr. Zachary J. Motter Foundation Gary R. Stroup Mount Zion Lutheran Church Roby Foster Miller & Earick Mark & Deborah Stull MT Business Technologies, Inc. Insurance Co. Ms. Suzanne Summer Jana Mulherin Salli Rohm John & Suzanne Sumner Jason & Andrea Murray Rosenthal Family Foundation Cristine Sutter James and Vicki Myers Thomas & Joan Ross John A. & Theresa R. Sutter N______Rotary Club of Mansfield Rosemary J. Sutter Brian Nabors The Fran & Warren Rupp Stella Sutter Gary A. & Lucy B. Negin Foundation Sutton Bank Fred Nevill Polly Russo Jeremy & Michelle Swank News Journal S ______Stephen & Kimberly Swank Ms. Phyllis F. Nicholson Saint Peter’s Cathedral T ______O______Allen M. Sanford Helen Taylor Ontario Local Schools Ms. Amy Sauder Louise H. Taylor

Richland County Foundation 2015 Annual Report 35 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID MANSFIELD, OH PERMIT NO.193 181 South Main Street Mansfield, OH 44902 419.525.3020 phone 419.525.1590 fax richlandcountyfoundation.org

The Richland County Foundation has been recognized for having organizational and financial practices that are in compliance with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations.


Richland County Foundation offers a variety of instruments to allow an individual, family or organization to become a donor and realize their charitable dreams. The Foundation works with professional advisors to assist in the charitable process and to create solutions that may offer Donors the maximum in tax advantages as well. An individual may OUR DONORS choose to pool their resources with an already existing fund ARE AS are the or may wish to establish a new fund. VARIED AS THE CHARITIES AND CAUSES THEY core SUPPORT. of ourFoundation Fund Options for Donors • Unrestricted Funds • Field of Interest Funds • Designated Funds • Donor Advised Funds • Agency Funds • Scholarship Funds

Other Options • Fellows of the Foundation • The Women’s Fund • Connections Fund • Legacy Society • Memorial & Honor Gifts
