This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730280

Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities TYPE OF DOCUMENT/EVENT / WP AND TASK

Mentoring visit report and roadmap PLACE AND DATE ORGANIZER

Lisbon, 19-21 March 2018


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730280

Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities Departure point

Lisbon ROCK vision

The ROCK vision for Lisbon is inscribed in the Lisbon/ 2020 strategy, and recognizes as paramount the promotion, conservation and the valorisation of the rich cultural heritage of the city, as well as the intellectual development of the population and the potential of society, based on the values of authenticity, quality and diversity.

Lisbon has selected as an intervention area the riverfront of the parishes of Beato and Marvila and its relationship with the parish of Santa Maria Maior - Baixa (Terreiro do Paço). The ROCK intervention will be on specific territorial niches, tackling four fronts and keeping in mind several values considered paramount for the cohesion and comprehension of the whole territory.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730280

Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities Description of the demonstration site the old industrial neighbourhoods of Marvila and Beato (Lisbon eastern riverfront)

Marvila is a former rural and industrial territory tucked away between two prominent neighbourhoods, but separated from both by a river and railway belt line. This situation has lessened its connections to the rest of the city, especially Lisbon’s historical city centre.

Marvila used to be a leisure zone for the wealthier classes, with many families owning palaces along the . Thanks to the proximity with the river and the opportunities it created for trade and transport, Marvila later became an industrial hub. Immigrants from ’s countryside settled in the area in social housing units and shanty towns. This mix between a rural and industrial heritage created a set of very specific traditions and societal behaviours in Marvila, linking agricultural activities with factory workers’ social and political identities. These traditions still resonate today.

Over time, Marvila’s geographical barriers have evolved into socio-spatial barriers. The social housing units have been used as solutions for housing problems and have mushroomed. Many of the palaces present in the area are at risk because abandoned and waiting for rehabilitation, including the ones owned by the municipality. The riverfront is being fast redeveloped with high standing housing units being built at the moment, with the risk of creating an even stronger social barrier between the different parts of the territory. The social heritage and traditions of the population is still very present and revendicated, and should be used to develop a programme of rehabilitation of the area.

At the same time, the territory is being revived and becoming Lisbon’s newest creative hub1, with many private initiatives from young creative and entrepreneurs being started there. The municipality itself is investing in Marvila and capitalising on its creative potential, with the rehabilitation of a former army supplies factory into a creative hub. The territory is quite young, with a high proportion of NEET population (Not in Education, Employment, or Training).

With ROCK, the Lisbon municipality is investing in the creation of a living lab to work on these urban issues. The Lisbon Living Lab seeks to address the multi-faceted challenges of the territory through four core topics: urban voids, ecological networks, territories of continuity and local communities versus gentrification.

Challenges in the area

- The coexistence of a rural and industrial past, social housing, vacant (green) spaces, looselands and geographical barriers such as the train tracks have to be considered; - Marvila is considered a priority intervention territory, with priorities put on social territorial cohesion, participatory governance, financial and technical support; - Divided territory: geographical barriers visualized by the rail tracks, but also social and economic barriers. Discontinuities exist in the urban landscape, with urban voids and abandoned buildings; - Territory with a strong identity, mixing a rural and industrial heritage. The challenge is to understand and respect this identity and the different needs and profiles of the strata of

1 Reis e Silva, M., Space and memory: written sources and oral history when planning urban renewal, Intangibility Matters International Conference on the values of tangible heritage, May 2017, Lisbon


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730280

Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities population; - High proportion of NEET population; - Population attached to the territory and to their region of origins (population of immigration with roots in the countryside); - Fast gentrification process closer to the riverfront, real estate developers’ paradise, new demographics and new dynamics in place; - Population living on the territory is getting tired of the multiple social programmes that have been implemented in the area over the years without any concrete effects and impacts on their daily lives. Objectives of the ROCK intervention in the demonstration area

The Lisbon municipality vision for the territories of Beato and Marvila do not encompass another series of cultural events in an already stigmatized neighbourhood. The plan is rather to concentrate on a large-scale urban regeneration plan with a long-term vision. The impacts would be longer-lasting and results made more visible for the population. In that sense, the focus will be on co-creation with the local residents, users and stakeholders present and acting in the area.

The ROCK actions will intervene on specific territorial niches, on four identified aspects and with important values to consider for the cohesion and comprehension of the territory as a whole.

Mentoring team recommendations

In the framework of ROCK systemic approach, cultural heritage ought to be linked to other policy areas in the territory. The urban regeneration aspect of the implementation process is covered, as the interventions in Marvila and Beato are part of a large-scale urban project and vision for this area.

The mentoring team suggests that the climate mitigation and sustainability aspects of ROCK should be considered in the ROCK actions planned by Lisbon. In terms of sustainability, the urban gardening concept planned by Colectivo Warehouse and Cozinha Popular goes in the right direction. This focus on green areas and urban farming encompasses many ROCK aspects. This strategy will reconnect the area with the city fabric, using its identity and traditions, while creating a specific brand for the area. For more inspiration on food issues, read this study on food consumption, production and delivery in cities.

Important stakeholders in the area implementation leaders: Lisbon Municipality, and more precisely the cultural heritage division, is leading the implementation process in cooperation with a set of selected stakeholders who were already present and active in the territory.

Mentoring team recommendations

The mentoring team notes that the collaboration with colleagues from other departments in the municipality should be reinforced to ensure that the transversal aspects of ROCK are strengthened. The connection could be made via other European projects in which Lisbon is involved, such as Sharing Cities (smart cities, citizens engagement and governance) and Open Heritage (multi-stakeholders cooperation for the re-use of heritage sites). In that sense, the involvement of the Europe 2020 mission team is also paramount.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730280

Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities Stakeholders ROCK Role and responsibilities in the ROCK project action

Marvila library LLL2 The library will become the unofficial headquarter of ROCK actions, a physical space for debates and discussions, and innovation, and identified by the inhabitants as such.

Trienal de LLL Will focus on the subject of "territories of continuity" and should structure a Arquitectura de plan to launch ideas on future intervention projects for the area, with Lisboa emphasis on the axis of the connection of Rua do Açúcar, through to the Palácio dos Alfinetes, through the homonym narrow road in articulation with the Library of Marvila (mobility, etc.). The structure of the plan will include the definition of possible solutions, which may be a temporary urban planning, to eventually be deepened later, or others more utopian for future scenarios that can be integrated into a video game.

The Lisbon Triennale Millennium bcp Universities Award Competition, part of the 5th edition of the Lisbon Architecture Triennale programme, invites architecture students to engage in deep thought, in an exercise of collective research on constructive rationality in Marvila. This competition for ideas is open to master’s degree students, from worldwide architecture schools. A selection of proposals will be part of the exhibition “Natural Beauty”, curated by Tristan Chadney and Laurent Esmilaire, alongside a genealogy of works, from the 16th century to the present, that relate to constructive rationality. The award consists of one first prize and, up to, two honourable mentions. Students can participate individually or in a group. Each member of a group must be enrolled in a master of an architecture school.

Res do Chao LLL Will deal with the "urban voids" built on the ground floor, with a structure of occupation proposals, and its relations with the outer space, will act as an intermediate, facilitator between the residents and the municipality

The association Rés do Chão develops rehabilitation and urban regeneration projects, with the main objective of revitalize and invigorate cities, through the reoccupation and rehabilitation of unoccupied ground floors and the requalification of public space.

Two main actions implemented in Marvila:

- Temporary occupation of a building owned by the municipality with a set of associated activities designed and co-created with the Marvila

2 Lisbon Living Lab


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730280

Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities residents. The pop-up shop served as a demonstration of the potential of the municipal ground floor as spaces that can host activities that generate social and economic impact in the territory. Examples of activities: workshops “design with social impact”: knitting, upcycling;

- Opening of 5 shops in unoccupied ground floors

Expected results of the initiatives:

- Participatory approach and social inclusion: improved awareness on the opportunities and challenges of unoccupied ground floors in low income housing;

- Requalification of built structures and public spaces

- Increase of the organisational capacity at local level;

- Empowerment of the communities; enable social inclusion and cohesion;

- Creative cluster and quarters;

- Local economy’s strengthening: new players in the market to boost economic equality and opportunity; increase of supply of retails and services in the neighbourhood;

- Increase of the sense of security and proximity.

LLL Will deal with the "urban voids" in open space, with the structuring of Colectivo Warehouse and proposals to occupy an expectant land next to Quinta dos Alfinetes with the Cozinha Popular creation of a communitarian vegetable garden, an aspect that, in turn, will be de Mouraria interconnected with the theme of the 'ecological network', ie 'Beato-Marvila Verde', with the more direct follow-up of the Colectivo Warehouse.

Objectives of the initiative:

- Value and enable the local urban cultural practices

- Develop a food strategy for the neighbourhood

- Bridge the geographical barriers with through urban agriculture

Instituto de LLL The Rock partner, ICS (Instituto das Ciencias Sociais), will be the institution to also devote itself to the fourth theme, 'local communities versus


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730280

Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities Ciencias Sociais gentrification', which will deal with the 'Memories archives' and the 'imagery maps'.

Beato Criativo ‘start-up Lisboa’ is leading the regeneration project of a former state-owned army supplies factory and its transformation into a creative hub. This initiative will connect with ROCK on the following aspects: creation of new green spaces; fostering of soft mobility approach

Grupo Are part of this Community Group the entities that operate in the area of Comunitário Marvila and the residents in this area. The members of the community group 4Crescente are: GEBALIS (that manages Lisbon Council Housing), Santa Casa da Misericórdia in Lisbon (social action), Rés do Chão Association, Serve the city Association, Marvila Library, the Parish Council and other local associations. The group is subdivided into 3 working groups: WP Mobility, WP Green Spaces, WP Council Housing. The last community group meetings were held at the Rés do Chãp Association's pop-up store and are always attended by ROCK CML team and ROCK ICSUL team. We intend to articulate between the group proposals for the territory and ROCK intervention.

Mentoring team recommendations

The mentoring team recommends that a strong communication structure be implemented by the Lisbon Municipality to ensure proper communication on development and implementation progresses to the different stakeholders involved. The stakeholders and partners need to have a view of the broader umbrella concept of the ROCK implementation process in order to grasp what is at stake. This will help all involved parties move in the same direction in a coordinated way.

To coordinate all actions taking place in the area and connect them in a smart way, Lisbon could consider creating a platform on the model of the SynAthina platform in Athens:

Name SynAthina platform, City of Athens

The synAthina platform is the social innovation platform of the City of Athens for engaging citizens in Description problem solving and reform.

Austerity measures and Greece’s economic crisis have significantly reduced the operational capacity of Athens’ city government. At the same time, a vibrant civil society has emerged, with an increasing number of community groups that take initiatives to improve their neighbourhoods and solve pressing issues on the ground. The synAthina platform hosts both formal and informal groups in an inclusive way by developing a systematic mechanism to collect and facilitate the available capacity of public spirited citizens to lead to simpler, faster and more sustainable solutions for the city of Athens.

Facts: Context and challenges & - The synAthina platform was founded in 2013 by Amalia Zepou, Vice Mayor for Civil Society Implementation and Innovation.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730280

Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities - The synAthina team (5 people) operates under the Vice Mayor’s Office for Civil Society and Innovation.

- SynAthina won the Mayor’s Challenge Award in 2014 by Bloomberg Philanthropies.

- The online platform is a tool to collect new solutions to local problems

- The online platform as a dynamic archive to research activities in the neighbourhoods under specific themes

synAthina’s aims:

- to enable a better relationship between the municipality of Athens and active citizens

- to develop a network of trust between municipality officers and active citizens, between top-down and bottom-up initiatives.

- to offer innovative solutions and help update the procedures (e.g. bureaucracy) within the Municipality

In order to achieve this, the synAthina team has developed a 4-step methodology:

1. Collecting: Reaching out and engaging with the active communities in the city while citizens upload their own activities on the online platform. It is through their activities that we learn about their priorities and consequently the priorities of the city.

2. Connecting: SynAthina connects citizen initiatives with sponsors, including government representatives, NGOs and businesses who can offer knowledge, equipment or funding to amplify their impact.

3. Sieving: synAthina identifies best practices from the community to inspire both citizens and the municipality.

4. Incorporating: synAthina works closely with City officials to build a culture of innovation and collaboration.

- The online platform maps and promotes the community activities by theme (solidarity, Results and examples of culture, public space, etc.) achievements - 3.045 activities have been uploaded on the platform up to now

- 366 groups (NGOs, community groups, associations, informal groups) using the platform in a regular manner

- a pool of more than 100 “givers” that can support activities in the neighbourhoods

- the development of a digital match-making tool that facilitates connections among community groups, sponsors and the municipality services

- 35 citizen’s activities identified as best practices for the city

- The synAthina Kiosk: a formerly abandoned municipal kiosk is now used by community


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730280

Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities groups for hosting their activities and reaching a wider range of people.

- Open Mondays: Every Monday from 15.00 – 19.00, community groups can visit our offices to share ideas/proposals, find support, and connect with city officials.

- Open Calls is an example of a new method that synAthina introduced and that is now widely used by the Municipality to engage citizens.

- The process used by synAthina (open call, public consultation) to regenerate the Kypseli Market is now being used to regenerate other disused buildings.

- Anti-graffiti Campaign and Strategy: synAthina organised several cleaning activities together with citizens in different neighbourhoods and developed a toolkit on how to keep clean your building facade or street from the excessive use of tagging, poster pollution, etc. The toolkit is available online and is also disseminated for free

- Communication Campaign: synAthina produced 12 videos of community groups in order to help them promote their work to a wider public. The campaign was entitled “Athens that gives” and was disseminated through synAthina’s social media and communication channels as well as in the TV screens in the Athens metro stations.

- synAthina won the award in the category for Innovation of the Eurocities Awards in 2016

- The City of Athens received the UIA award (Urban Innovative Actions) in the section “Migrants and Refugee Integration” with synAthina in the lead. The successful proposal entitled “Curing the Limbo” and coordinated by the synAthina team, capitalises on the vibrant civil society of Athens to help refugees, migrant and local unemployed overcome their stage of inertia and apathy.

- SynAthina is part of European networks, such as: A) Refill Project: regarding the temporary use of empty spaces. B) ROCK project, C) Eurocities Working Group: Chair of Creative Citizenship, etc.

Contact Katerina Gkoutziouli [email protected]

Links See annex for more information

1. Attached is a presentation of synAthina (synAthina_short_presentation.pdf)

2. Short synAthina video (2016):

3. synAthina communication campaign “Athens that gives”:

4. synAthina 6-month reports available on issuu:



Positive local framework and local strengths


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730280

Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities - Urban planning programme for the regeneration of the area; the urban plan is inscribed in the long term: ROCK is a springboard to launch many initiatives to be continued and expanded after the project; - The choice of this area is a conscious act and a strong message sent to the population, the municipality should have more confidence in it; - The municipality is conscious about the challenges, and aware of the profile and the needs of the population; - Partners are motivated partners, there is a high level of commitment and enthusiasm to act for the territory; - The international aspect of the interventions is also present, with the VR and gaming projects; - Mix of top-down/public-private initiatives (Beato Criativo) and private initiative totally inscribed in the community spirit (brewery) or more external (workhub). Lisbon Living Lab

The Lisbon Living Lab (LLL) is hosted in partnership with the Marvila Municipal Library and is located at the heart of the Marvila district. The LLL seeks to transform residents into prosumers – both consumers and producers – of cultural heritage by supporting local start-up actions and raising communities’ awareness of Marvila’s shared heritage spaces and its importance, whether tangible or intangible, natural or cultural. The LLL aims to support the revitalization, renovation and re-qualification of this historical area, which has become socially and geographically isolated.

Local communities and stakeholders, as well as associations working in Marvila are all involved in the LLL. Together, they will develop temporary projects, fostering new dynamics of transformation, creativity and innovation. This participatory approach makes it possible to identify and strengthen the district’s social, economic and environmental values, which underpin sustainable urban development. Through community involvement, the LLL will bridge Marvila’s history and spatial identity with the memories and experiences of communities of various origins.

The LLL will structure a proposal of possible scenarios and /or ideas to respond to the four themes selected within the territory:

- Urban voids - Ecological networks - Territories of continuity - Local communities versus gentrification. These themes will constitute the basis for public-private partnerships that will contribute to the development of the area. In addition to local stakeholders such as the parish councils, socio-cultural associations, residents, schools and representatives of other local cultural facilities, the LLL is supported by four external strategic consultants developing specific projects addressing the four above-stated issues. The consultants will act as intermediates, facilitators between the residents and the municipality.

Mentoring team recommendations

The mentoring team suggests that the municipality should not be afraid of taking a more active role in the implementation process of the LLL activities. The municipality is responsible for the ROCK project and the


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730280

Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities vision it carries, and its position should be made more visible. The municipality should not rely too much on the external partners working directly in the area, “who know better” about the needs of the population – when the partners will start the development phase and involve the population, the municipality needs to be present and identified as the main driver. This will also restore the confidence inhabitants place in public authorities. activities

Already in 2018, the LLL activities include a hackathon, a city-branding workshop, an international culture forum, the “Marvila days”, a bibliogamers event, as well as several exhibitions. These will continue throughout the duration of the ROCK project. A set of activities are also planned by the strategic consultants working in close collaboration with the municipality.

Mentoring team recommendations

The mentoring team recommends that Lisbon develop a clearer timeline for LLL, a short-term programme including more precise pilot actions before the summer 2018, summarised in a document to share and communicate with the partners, and especially task leader Urban Centre Bologna (UCB).

Activities already implemented and results achieved:

• “Os Dias de Marvila” Festival – 5 to 16 October 2018

It’s a cultural programme that lasted for 12 days and that brought people together, a programme that was built in the Marvila territory, with much of the existing artistic partnerships. The project is based on the binomial city centre/outskirts with the aim that people from other parts of the city will come and meet Marvila, as well as people from Marvila will go around and meet other cultural spaces in Lisbon. We use art as a means for building stronger communities.

Development costs:

19.900€ + VAT - artists payment 1.464€ + VAT -“Os Dias de Marvila” Catalog 8.000€ - “Os Dias de Marvila” Documentary • Pop up Store Rés do Chão opening and activities

The store opened on October 5 2018

Since that day, several meetings and events took place there:

- Community Group meetings;

- Presentation of social entrepreneurship projects (Loja Produtos Ferramenta – Design com impacto social, Workshop Tricot Ferramenta; Recostura – Oficina de transformação e Upcycling the roupa – Fio, Fashion Revolution Portugal and Circular Economy Portugal; Upcycling de Materiais – Circular Economy Portugal); workshops (Workshop Colaborativo Bairros Municipais);

- Cicloficina Crescente Project (cycling and mobility project in Marvila);


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730280

Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities - Projecto C Bairrista

Res do Chão has elaborated a characterization and diagnosis document of the Marvila and Beato Rock territory “Analysis of 3 municipal districts and contextualization on axis of ROCK Program”.

Development costs: 17.500€ + VAT

• Prototype “Um jardim para todos”

- Articulation of Colectivo Warehouse and Muita Fruta proposals with the local community, through public presentations and various comunity meetings

- Development of the prototype “Um jardim para todos”

Development costs: 19.900€ + VAT

• Virtual Reality Experience / Monument to King D. José - from a script written by members of the ROCK team, the film is being realized in virtual reality by Illusive Studios. It is expected to be completed by mid-2019 In order to raise awareness to a cultural heritage that belongs to everyone and to awaken a critical conscience for its defence and safeguard, a virtual recreation of the monument to King José I is being created. This monument was erected in the political and economic center of the city. The virtual recreation will permit to approach history and memory, reporting to the great event that forced to rethink the city: the earthquake of 1755. Much of the nobility escaped unharmed because they were in their country homes, situated in Marvila.

The virtual recreation will be presented at Marvila’s Library, to schools and to the community. It will be available to all the schools of Lisbon. Development costs: 32.000€ + VAT

• Interpretive Center of Marvila - 1st stage of the Installation of the Interpretive Center in the Marvila´s Library governance and beneficiaries

The LLL will be the main body coordinating all planned ROCK actions, the governance of the ROCK project being this way ‘centralised’ through an umbrella initiative. The target beneficiaries include:

- Residents of Marvila; - Shop owners in the neighbourhood; - Creative entrepreneurs; - Schools

Mentoring team recommendations

The umbrella concept for the LLL is still to be defined. The mentoring team suggests that Lisbon finds a way to market it, brand it, communicate around it. Culture should be perceived by the population as the first step towards the regeneration of the area, and EU projects as an opportunity to rethink the work done by the municipality and the different partners involved (departments and strategic consultants alike).


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730280

Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities The mentoring team considers that all the actions planned by Lisbon are going in the right direction and will feed into the general objectives of ROCK but should be better connected: many things are planned and need to be restructured into a concept/masterplan with strategic directions. These actions need to complement the local strategy and help achieve the vision for the area.

The mentoring team also suggests that Lisbon:

- Define a referent person for the LLL, entry point for ROCK partners and task leader UCB; - Communicate more about the process and the progress of the projects implemented by strategic consultants, especially if some results are already known; - Include EUROCITIES and Urbasofia in the monitoring of actions for the LLs - Attend the cities meetings, and regularly share the progress of implementation and needs for more support with other ROCK cities and partners. Monitoring and evaluation

ROCK LLL actions Indicators 1. Interpretive Centre of Marvila • Quantitative: nº data/users a) Mapping CH / geo-referencing (SIG) /visitors/students b) Guide of cultural heritage in Marvila • Qualitative: increased awareness, perception c) Photography, Cartography and Document Archive on and knowledge about LCH; multiplication of history of Marvila + Oral Memory Archive sources of knowledge on LCH; increased d) Augmented and Virtual Reality to present material access to knowledge on LCH by different and immaterial heritage of Marvila / VR film on the audiences: increased awareness on the history of Lisbon – Monument to King D. José history of Lisbon; increased awareness and e) Educational game about public space and cultural participation in public space maintenance; heritage feeling of belonging;

2. Urban regeneration • no. of activities and users/ visitors; a) Re-use of abandoned ground floors – Prototype • level of diversity of users/ visitors of the b) Re-use of abandoned ground floors – 5 shops store; • level of organisational capacity (at local level); • no. of participants; • level of community empowerment (level of engagement in public activities)

3. Greening • no. of participants; a) new use of urban voids in open space • level of engagement in public activities b) Environmental Sustainability


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730280

Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities 4. Open Cultural Access • no. of visitors/participants; a) Os dias de Marvila • level of awareness on LCH; b) Bibliogamers • level of knowledge and satisfaction with the activities/event; • no. of participants; • level of access to knowledge on LCH by different audiences.

Pathway: ROCK Lisbon Living Lab Activities

ROCK local action Description Expected impacts

Interpretive Centre of Marvila

Mapping cultural With the support of ICSUL Lisbon, we will • Dissemination of knowledge heritage / geo- combine the tools of cartography with of Marvila’s cultural heritage.; referencing (SIG) participatory methods to represent the • Improved open access to data / knowledge of local communities and to information about local cultural include information that is now excluded heritage (LCH); valorisation, from mainstream or official maps. transference and sharing of community knowledge on LCH; Guide of cultural Edition of a cultural guide (PT/EN) of the • improved collection of historical heritage in Marvila eastern part of the city in the axis and recent data on LCH; between Santa Apolónia railroad station • Collective management and and Poço do Bispo (Marvila). production of CH;


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730280

Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities Photography, With the support of ICSUL Lisbon, and the • Creation of enjoyable non- formal Cartography and participation of local communities, the learning; Document Archive on interpretive centre will collect, conserve • Improved sharing of knowledge history of Marvila + and raise social consciousness about about LCH to wider audience; Oral Memory Archive Marvila material and immaterial heritage. • Improved awareness and engagement of students with Augmented and Augmented reality techniques, using the public space related issues Virtual Reality to location-based digital contentt using present material and QRCodes, and smartphone application immaterial heritage of development. Marvila

Virtual reality film on Production of a film in virtual reality, as a the history of Lisbon – story in reference to the safeguard of the earthquake in 1755 cultural heritage.

Educational Program Creation of a playful and pedagogical tool /Cultural routes to understand issues related to public space and cultural heritage - The Lisbon Architecture Triennal

Videogame on Key partner (main activity): Bibliogamers material and immaterial heritage of Marvila

Urban regeneration

Re-use of abandoned Creation of a prototype for a temporary • Improved awareness on the ground floors - occupation in a municipal building and a opportunities and challenges of Prototype set of associated activities with the ground stores in low income Marvila residents. Participatory approach housing; and social inclusion. • Increase of the organisational capacity at local level, Re-use of abandoned Occupation of the abandoned ground empowerment of the communities ground floors – 5 floors and enabled social inclusion and shops • Game Lab cohesion; • Creative cluster and quarters; • Teatro Ibisco • New players in the market to boost economic equality and • Teatro do Vestido opportunity. • Eira – Dance Company

• Photography Hub



This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730280

Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities New use of urban Innovations in the urban agriculture and • Collaboration with the voids in open space food sector: creation of a prototype. Municipality (Department of greening); Environmental Collaboration with the Municipality • Improved awareness on the Sustainability (Department of greening) opportunities and challenges of urban voids

Open cultural access

Os Dias de Marvila One and a half week of dance and • Increased cultural offer in Marvila theatrical performances, heritage guided neighbourhood to wider tours, conversations and workshops, audiences; produced by artists (some of them locals) • Festival produced; and social scientists who have been there • Detailed catalogue published; for months and worked in close proximity • Documentary being produced by to some of Marvila inhabitants. D.Dinis secondary school /multimedia students. • Documentary produced by the • Creation of enjoyable non- formal secondary school D.Dinis learning; (Marvila); • Competencies and skills • Detailed catalogue of the development; activities. • Promoting entrepreneurship.

Bibliogamers A gaming project, given its relevance to learning as a educational and playful tool capable of enhancing knowledge of the territory, its history, its present and its possible futures.

Technologies and tools to be tested and implemented

ROCK tools and technologies Implementing partner Comments*

Cultural heritage experience Virtualware The objectives of the deployment of this technology/tool in Marvila are to disseminate the knowledge of Marvila’s cultural (tangible and intangible) heritage in a playful, appealing way, linking people to their past and reinforcing the sense of belonging in the community

The impact of using this technology will be monitored by the following KPI’s: no. of users; awareness level about Marvila’s LCH; perception and knowledge on Marvila’s LCH; awareness level on the


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730280

Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities history of Lisbon. LBA-Sense – large crowd monitoring tool DFRC Lisbon Municipality is working on the best Outdoor multi-parameter tool ACCIONA way to install these devices and tools.

People-flow analytics TU/e Lisbon Municipality must ensure that the placement of these devices that allow monitoring the movements of people in public space are in accordance with the guidelines of the National Commission for Data Protection.

* What are the objectives of the deployment of this technology/tool at local level? Which KPIs will you use to monitor its impact? How does it connect with other on-going/forthcoming actions already implemented in the demonstration site?

What are the potential obstacles in terms of financing, staffing, training, management and maintenance of the technologies? What are the risks this technology/tool could exert on privacy/security/ethic of the target users?


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730280

Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities Mentoring team in Lisbon

City/Organisation Name Position Contact

Public Engagement City of Athens Katerina Gkoutziouli Expert, synAthina, [email protected] city of Athens

City of Cluj Dalia Cristiu [email protected]

City of Cluj Mihaela Boc [email protected]'

Rock project [email protected] City of Lyon Céline Lyoen Coordinator, Cultural Affairs Department

City of Skopje Mario Ringov [email protected]

City of Skopje Antonio

ROCK Scientific UNIBO Valentina Gianfrate [email protected] Coordinator

Task 3.1 Coordinator- Urban Centre Bologna Giovanni Ginocchini [email protected] Living Lab

Urban Centre Bologna Valeria Barbi [email protected]

URBASOFIA Miruna Draghia Consultant [email protected]

URBASOFIA Pietro Elisei Director [email protected]

Assistant Professor, Information Systems Technical University in the Built Gamze Dane [email protected] Eindhoven Environment Group, Faculty of Built Environment

Project & Policy EUROCITIES Cécile Houpert [email protected] support officer

EUROCITIES Julie Hervé Senior policy advisor [email protected]

ICLEI Kelly Cotel [email protected]