From Race Records to Rock'n'roll
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School of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty of Social Sciences Modern Studies 2014 From Race Records to Rock’n’Roll: How Chess Records helped to eliminate racial barriers in music Pétur Karl Heiðarson Final BA Thesis in Modern Studies at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences School of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty of Social Sciences Modern Studies 2014 From Race Records to Rock’n’Roll: How Chess Records helped to eliminate racial barriers in music Pétur Karl Heiðarson Final BA Thesis for 180 ECTS unit in Modern Studies at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Instructor: Dr. Giorgio Baruchello i I hereby declare that I am the only author of this project and that is the result of own research Ég lýsi hér með yfir að ég einn er höfundur þessa verkefnis og að það er ágóði eigin rannsókna __________________________ Pétur Karl Heiðarson I here by declare that this thesis fulfills, in my opinion, requirements for a BA -degree from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Það staðfestist hér með að lokaverkefni þetta fullnægir að mínum dómi kröfum til BA-prófs við Hug- og félagsvísindasvið. __________________________ Giorgio Baruchello ii Abstract To the children of the modern age, music is an indispensable part of everyday life and accessible to everyone. Class, race, age and gender are of no or little importance, everyone can listen to music by anyone. This is, however, a relatively new aspect of music. Well into the later half of the 20th century, music was subject to racial and cultural segregation, just as almost every other aspect of society. White people had their music, and black people had their own. In this thesis, I will look at one particular company’s participation in eliminating the aforementioned racial barriers in music, namely Chess Records. Founded in 1950 by two Yiddish speaking Jews, Leonard and Philip Chess, that immigrated to Chicago at an early age, this company showed a rare disregard for race and focused more on the entrepreneurial opportunities found in The Blues. Though only a relatively small independent record company, Chess Records played an important role in the progression of the Blues to Rock’n’Roll, a genre deliberately created by music tycoons to sell the music of African Americans to white people. By capitalizing on the interest in black music, shown by new generational entity, the teenager, Chess Records took its place as one of the most influential names in music. iii Útdráttur Fyrir þá sem lifa á tuttugustu og fyrstu öld er tónlistin jafn sjálfsagður hluti daglegs lífs og fötin sem menn klæðast og maturinn sem á boðstólum er. Hún er öllum aðgengileg burtséð frá stétt, aldri og kynþætti. Allir hafa aðgang að tónlist hvar og hvenær sem er. Þetta var samt ekki raunin áður fyrr. Alþýðutónlist skipaði óæðri bekk en tónlist yfirstéttar. Ekki var þetta síst áberandi þar sem hörundslitur skildi menn að. Í ritsmíð minni skoða ég útgáfustarf og samskipti fyrirtækisins Chess Records í Chicago við svarta tónlistarmenn úr Suðurríkjum Bandaríkjanna. Fyrirtækið var í eigu tveggja bandarískra bræðra, Leonards og Philip Chess, pólskra gyðinga sem fluttu til Chicago á unga aldri. Þeir eygðu tækifæri í blues-tónlist hinna svörtu Suðurríkjamanna sem hvítir menn höfðu sniðgengið fram að þessu. Þeir litu ekki á hörundslitinn sem neina hindrun í samskiptunum við hina hæfileikaríku svörtu tónlistarmenn og unnu tónlist þeirra brautargengi. Chess fyrirtækið átti mikinn þátt í framgangi rokktónlistar um miðja 20 öld. Rokktónlistin var gagngert sköpuð af viðskiptamönnum í blúsgeiranum sem gerðu hana aðgengilega fyrir hina hvítu tónlistarmenn. Ný kynslóð sýndi tónlist svartra mikinn áhuga og Chess bræðurnir hömruðu járnið meðan það var heitt og sköpuðu sér á þann hátt mikilvægan sess í tónlistarsögu 20. aldar. iv Thanks to Giorgio For a strict schedule, impressive patience and almost un-earthly quick replies Thanks to my grandfather For being ready by the phone whenever I needed help (and of course, for all the help) v Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 2 Black – Jewish relations ............................................................................................................. 4 Chapter 1 ............................................................................................................................... 6 1.1 From Czyz to Chess .............................................................................................................. 6 1.2 From the Macomba Lounge to Aristocrat Records ....................................................... 8 1.3 From Morganfield to Muddy Waters ............................................................................. 11 1.4 From Aristocrat to Chess ................................................................................................... 12 1.5 From Chess to Checker ...................................................................................................... 14 1.6 From Waters to Walter ...................................................................................................... 14 1.7 Willie Dixon .......................................................................................................................... 15 1.8 WVON ................................................................................................................................... 16 1.9 The end of Chess Records .................................................................................................. 17 Chapter 2 ............................................................................................................................. 18 2.2 The role of the Blues ............................................................................................................ 20 2.3 Radio ...................................................................................................................................... 21 2.4 Chess Records’ Advantage ................................................................................................ 22 2.5 The Birth of Rock‘n’Roll ................................................................................................... 24 2.5.1 Rocket ’88 ...................................................................................................................................... 25 2.5.2 Bo Diddley ..................................................................................................................................... 26 2.5.3 Chuck Berry ................................................................................................................................... 26 2.6 Reactions to Rock’N’Roll .................................................................................................. 28 Chapter 3 ............................................................................................................................. 28 3.1 Payola and Royalties ........................................................................................................... 29 3.2 Lawsuits ................................................................................................................................. 30 3.3 The Chess Plantation .......................................................................................................... 31 3.4 Leonard Chess - The Activist ............................................................................................ 33 3.5 Bo Diddley’s Beach Party .................................................................................................. 33 3.6 Racial Indifference .............................................................................................................. 34 3.7 Myths and Tall Tales .......................................................................................................... 35 3.5.1 I’m a Backdoor Man ................................................................................................................... 35 3.5.2 Muddy Waters painting the Ceiling ....................................................................................... 36 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 37 Bibliography ....................................................................................................................... 43 1 Introduction Chess Records, this relatively unknown record company, at least to the children of the 21st century, has shaped today’s music in such a way that one can easily doubt that it would be the same if brothers Leonard and Philip Chess had not seen a rare business opportunity in the raw talent of the Chicago blues scene. A bit of a forgotten legend, best known to music geeks, Chess Records suddenly made it into the spotlight again in 2008 when not one, but two movies were made about it. Both movies claimed to tell the story of Chess Records, the forgotten legend, to which rock and pop music owed so much. Their influence on pop music in the modern era does not seem to be as apparent as those of, say, the Beatles or the Rolling Stones. However, both of those pop and rock giants have Chess records much to thank for, and one may even contemplate the idea that perhaps there would be no Beatles or Rolling Stones, if it were not for Chess Records. Every music enthusiast has to pay due credit to Chess records. Having at least