Wednesday, 29th July, 2009

Present: Councillor Roberts (in the Chair); Councillors Addison, Marlene Haworth, Hayes and Walmsley In Attendance: Co-optees: Neil Mooney (Friends of Rhyddings Park), M. Porter (Victim Support)

Residents: D. Affleck, J. Allen, L. Allen, M. Allen, K. Capstick, P. Catlow, P. Catlow, E. Caton, A. Catterill, J. Cobbold, P. Cunliffe, E. Gardner, P. Gardner, M. Hargreaves, K. Hooper, A. Iruzynski, E. Johnson, I. Lane, K. Mure, S. Newell, S. Shore, A. Unwin, J. Waddington, B. Westwell, M. Wilkinson and S. Wolstenholme. (Residents: 26)

Police: P.C. Jacks and P.C.S.O. Gorrie Young People’s Services: M. Hanratty Officers: L. Dean, N. Gastall, S. Gardner and K. Dent Press: K. Watkins ( Observer)

Welcome The Chair, Councillor Roberts, welcomed residents to the meeting and the Area Manager (Linda Dean) drew attention to the health and safety requirements for the building.

Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Britcliffe and McCormack, G. Knight, C. Fenning, L. Lomas, Cannon Ratclliffe and Sergeant Brown-Smith.

Councillor Jean Lockwood The Chair announced the recent death of Councillor Jean Lockwood and paid tribute to her. He asked those present to stand for a moment’s silence in her memory.

Appointment of Co-optees The Chair referred residents to Paper 1 in the agenda and reported that the following had been nominated as Co-optees on the Oswaldtwistle Area Management Council for the municipal year 2009/10:- Mr. Paul Trickett, Rhyddings County High School Mr. Michael Porter, Victim Support Mr. Neil Mooney, Friends of Rhyddings Park A representative of Lancashire County Council A representative of Lancashire Constabulary

Councillor M. Haworth proposed that Simon Taylor, a Member of the Board of Governors on Hippings Methodist School be nominated as a Co-optee.

1 Agreed (1) That the maximum number of co-optee places on Oswaldtwistle Area Management Council be 9 in total; and (2) That the following be appointed as Co-optees on the Oswaldtwistle Area Management Council for the Municipal Year 2009/10:-

- Mr. Paul Trickett, Rhyddings County High School - Mr. Michael Porter, Victim Support - Mr. Neil Mooney, Friends of Rhyddings Park - The Lancashire County Councillor - A Lancashire Constabulary representative - Mr. Simon Taylor, Governor of Hippings Methodist School

Minutes of the Meetings The Chair submitted the Minutes of the meetings held on 31st March, 2009 and the Special Meeting held on 26th June, 2009 (Papers A(i) and A(ii) respectively). Resolved (1) That the minutes of the meeting held on 31st March, 2009 be received and approved as a correct record; and (2) That the minutes of the meeting held on 26th June, 2009 be received and approved as a correct record.

Matters Arising & What’s Happening About Linda Dean reported that no feedback forms had been submitted and outlined the news items as set out on Paper B of the agenda, as follows:-

Community Caretaker – Linda Dean reported that the Caretaker had been working in all parts of Oswaldtwistle since the last meeting. She reported that he had spent his time litter picking, sweeping up glass near to pets corner, weeding flower beds and other general gardening duties in Rhyddings Park. She reported that he had also been working in the area around Oswaldtwistle railway station and litter picking and emptying bins at Foxhill Bank Nature Reserve and at Jack House Reservoir. She informed residents that Community Caretaker forms were available at the meeting should they wish to submit their suggestions for other work the Caretaker could undertake.

CCTV Camera Sites – Linda Dean reported that the staffing issues at Blackburn with Darwen Council had been resolved and it was hoped that the cameras would be operational soon.

Garden Street Parking Issues – Linda Dean reported that consultation letters regarding a ‘resident only parking scheme’ for Garden Street would be posted out to residents and businesses of this area and a 75% response rate with 50% of those in support would be required to take the proposal forward.

Allotment Sites – Councillor M. Haworth referred to the White Ash and Heys Allotments sites. She reported that the White Ash allotment site was self running and there was currently a lengthy waiting list for the allotments. She indicated that a lot of work had been done and was continuing on the drainage of the Heys Allotments. She reported that Bootstrap Enterprise had been provided with two large plots with the intention to use them as a communal area for disabled and community groups. She reported that the waiting list for Heys allotments was very long but explained that a few plots had become available after the Council implemented a ‘Use

2 it or Lose it’ scheme. She indicated that the larger plots would be made into smaller, more manageable sites to give people on the waiting list an opportunity to rent a site.

Trading Standards – Doorstep Caller Alert The Chair, Councillor Roberts who is also the Chairman of the Community Safety Partnership, warned residents that an unknown white male had gained entry into a number of properties in the borough in order to steal from the household and that this had happened a number of times. He advised people to be aware and to take measures to prevent this from happening. He indicated that information packs and ‘Bogus Calling’ cards were available for residents to take at the meeting. Michael Porter, Victim Support, indicated that an increasing number of people were becoming victims to this type of crime and advised that people were not panicked into allowing people to access their houses and to always check identification. He informed residents that all incidents of this nature should be reported to the Police. The Chair, informed residents that in conjunction with the Community Safety Partnership and Homewise, people over 60 years old could have free security and lock checks. He reported that the labour for the checks would be free but any new locks etc. would have to be paid for by the residents. People were advised to contact Homewise if they required this service.


Area Council The Chair reported on the changes to the structure of the Area Councils. He reported that Oswaldtwistle would become one of five Area Management Councils with Baxenden, Great Harwood, Huncoat and Rishton. The remaining areas would be run by Neighbourhood Management. He pointed out that this would mean that Oswaldtwistle would be allocated more time by the Area Management Co-ordinator allocated for Oswaldtwistle to concentrate on progressing and resolving schemes and local issues, there would be greater revenue funding and with the appointment of a third Caretaker more time could be spent on keeping Oswaldtwistle maintained and tidy. He reported that the new email address of the Area Council was [email protected]

Global Lancashire Peter Gardner gave a presentation on the work and the future plans of Global Lancashire. He outlined the history of the organisation and reported that they had been established in Oswaldtwistle for 12 months and they were a non-denominational Christian Church and charity. He informed residents that they ran a conference centre and Mackies Bar to generate money which was then put back into the community. He reported that the organisation ran events and activities for children of different ages:- (Children 0-11 years) - Toddler Groups - Weekly Kids Club - Schools Work - Holiday Activities (Youths 11-18 years) - Schools Work 3 - Detached Youth Work - International Exchange - Holiday Activities - Residentials

(Summer Tours – Activities for the Community during the Holidays) - Darwen - Accrington, Church & Oswaldtwistle - Fun Days He reported that it was their aim to bring success to the area and to try to increase the number of volunteers, activities in the community and partnership work. He reassured residents that all volunteers working at the Centre were CRB checked and provided with appropriate training. He informed the meeting that youths found to be drinking or taking drugs would not be allowed on the premises and appropriate action would be taken against anyone found to be doing this.

Lancashire County Council The Chair reported that Officers from Lancashire County Council had declined an invitation to attend the meeting but informed residents that they would pass on any County related issues. A resident asked if there were any plans to make improvements to the allotments near to the Hare and Hounds pub due to their poor condition. The Chair indicated that the allotments were not Council owned but if they were in a blighted condition the Council could take action to contact the owners to make improvements. A resident reported that residents had been notified that the bridle path on Catterall Street would be closed by the Secretary of State from 22nd September 2009 and asked if this would become permanent. The Chair indicated that he would contact Lancashire County Council to find out further information.

Local Issues Members of the Council provided the following updates:- Councillors Councillor M. Haworth – reported how Blackburn Road had improved in appearance with the addition of the hanging baskets. She also referred to the success of the Stanhill Fete which had recently taken place.

Councillor Hayes – reported that the residents were making strong representations against he proposed wind farm on the Moors. He reported that that the owner of the mini market in Knuzden had been tested and taken to court by Trading Standards for selling alcohol to underage drinkers.

Councillor Roberts –reported on the success of the Floral Markets scheme throughout Oswaldtwistle but pointed out that the appearance of the new roundabout at the Britannia junction could have been enhance by the addition of a flower display rather than the arrow signs situated on the roundabout.

4 Councillor Addison – reported that she had only been in office for a week but had been made aware of the issues and concerns of the community. She indicated that many of the issues were related to highways and she would endeavour to liaise with Lancashire County Council to resolve these problems.

Councillor Walmsley – reported that residents on the White Ash estate had commented on how the hanging baskets had improved the appearance to the area. He referred to the success of the improvement works to the White Ash changing rooms after the old ones had burnt down and referred to how well the dedication of the war memorial had been on the Armed Services Day. He thanked Linda Dean and the Area Management Councils Team, on behalf of all Oswaldtwistle Councillors, for their efforts in making this a successful event.

Neil Mooney (Friends of Rhyddings Park) – reported that the Council was undertaking work to build a new play area in the park, which was being lottery funded. He indicated that the work should be completed by the end of September 2009 and that the plans were available on the park’s notice board. He reported that further regeneration work in the park would take place due to capital investment by the Council and that a bid for a multi-use games park (MUGA) had been submitted. He reported that leaflets were made available in respect of events held in the Park every Wednesday afternoon and invited residents to volunteer to help with Pets Corner.

Civic Theatre – Linda Dean outlined a progress report on the Civic Theatre improvements from Gayle Knight, who was not in attendance at the meeting. She reported that tickets were now available for the play ‘Dying Matters’ and that they were working with the architects on the renovation project for the Theatre. She outlined plans for phase 1 of the improvements including improvements to the lower level of the Theatre which would also be made DDA compliant. She reported that the improvements should be completed by Summer 2010.

Police Update P.C. Jacks introduced herself as the Community Beat Manager for Oswaldtwistle and gave a progress report on Police activities in Oswaldtwistle since the last Area Council meeting. She reported that incidents of most types of crime of reduced and provided statistical information to show examples of this.

A resident complained about underage drinking and the impact it had on the area. P.C. Jacks explained how the Police could use Dispersal Orders to prevent youths from congregating and becoming a nuisance but acknowledged that this would not prevent them from returning at a later date. She referred to the work of the Police including plain clothed officers in deterring youths from drinking and creating anti-social nuisance. She explained that incidents reported to the Police were prioritised in order of seriousness and dealt with according to the availability of Police Officers.

A resident referred to the use of CCTV cameras and read out a letter from Mr. Hoyle in respect of the CCTV camera located at the Mount and the length of time it had taken for the newly installed cameras to be operational. The Chair reported that the camera on the Mount was wireless but a legal problem required resolving before the cameras could be switched on.

Foxhill Bank

5 The Chair referred residents to Paper C of the agenda for an update on Foxhill Bank. He reported that a voluntary organisation was managing the reserve and that they had received a grant from English Woodland. He indicated that they intended to make a list of the works that could be undertaken using the grant but had applied to the Area Management Council for further funding. He encouraged residents to visit the site and to carry out voluntary work on the site.

Hyndburn Homes The Chair referred residents to Paper D of the agenda for further information on the Handy Loan Scheme.

Budgets and Grants The Chair referred residents to Paper E of the Agenda which set out details relating to the following:- a) 2009/10 Capital Allocation for Schemes and Grants (£23,000) b) Revenue Allocation for Schemes and Grants (£6,600) c) Approved Capital Expenditure To-date - Capital Schemes (£15,906) and Capital Grants (£750). d) Approved Revenue Expenditure To-date – Revenue Schemes (£0) and Revenue Grants (£608). e) The following new schemes/grants were deliberated but decisions were deferred for further consideration:-  Spring bulbs for residents groups - £800 (revenue)  Christmas lights switch on event up to £250 (revenue)  Memorial booklet – 2000 copies - £1,275 (revenue)  SpID Cameras for Oswaldtwistle - £2,750 or cost shared with another area (capital)  Foxhill Bank Nature Reserve shortfall for works - £2,570 (revenue)  Foxhill Bank Nature Reserve six new metal gates - £906.20 (capital)  Stanhill Village Christmas tree (cost unknown but subject to suitable costing)

Resolved - That the report be noted.

Open Forum Linda Dean reported that three open forum questions had been submitted and responses were provided as follows:-

Mr. L. Caton, Park Lane – poorly sited and a lack of litter bins in Rhyddings Park. He suggested that litter bins were placed at all entrances of the park. Linda Dean reported that the Friends of Rhydings Park were in discussions with the Council in relation to this suggestion.

J. Waddington, Fielding Lane – Information requested about progress with the proposed wind farm.

6 Linda Dean reported that the applicants had placed the plans on public view and although no planning application had been submitted it was expected that this would happen in the next couple of months. She advised that once the Council had received the planning application a formal consultation would be undertaken with both the press and residents directly affected.

Mrs. Hargreaves, Chair of West End Residents Association 1. Request for two speed indicators to be placed at both ends of Blackburn Road. 2. A request for a pedestrian refuge crossing on Blackburn Road for the residents of the West End bungalows. 3. Request for improvements to the bridleway situated next to the park close to West End Primary School.

Linda Dean provided the responses to the above questions as set out below:- 1. That two speed surveys had been requested to be carried out simultaneously at both ends of Blackburn Road after the school holidays. She indicated that the information gathered from these surveys would then be used to support the submission of Blackburn Road for inclusion in the next programme of Speed Indicator device (SpIDs) assessments. 2. Linda Dean reported that investigations into the feasibility of a pedestrian refuge had found the road widths to be too narrow and due to the amount of pedestrian movement it would be unlikely that a formal pedestrian crossing could be justified. 3. Linda Dean reported that a scheme to improve the bridleway had been costed and funding had been requested from Lancashire County Council’s Safe Routes to School Programme. However she indicated that part of the bridleway was on Borough Council land and therefore the Council would have to make a contribution to the scheme. The overall scheme would cost approximately £3,500.

Residents were invited to use the Open Forum sheets available at the meeting to submit questions to the next meeting. Feedback forms were also made available for comments.

Time/Date of Next Meeting The Chair reported that the next meeting of Oswaldtwistle Area Management Council was scheduled to be held at 7.00 p.m., on Tuesday, 24th November, 2009. The venue was to be confirmed.