Tuesday, 6 th March, 2012

Present: Councillor Peter Britcliffe (in the Chair); Councillors Addison, Haworth, Hayes, Roberts and Walmsley

In Attendance: Co-optees: N. Mooney (Friends of Rhyddings Park) , P. Trickett (Rhyddings High School) and County Councillor Younis

Residents: J. Allen, M. Allen, L. Armstrong, J. Bain, I. Barnes, H. Baxter, C. Beetham, B.T. Bolton, K. Capstick, M. Cleary, A. Conroy, J. Cottrell, E. Creasey, J. Cunliffe, R. Cunliffe, M. Dan, A. Dobson, R. Driver, A. Fruzynski, K. Gibson, H. Gregson, M. Hanratty, D. Haworth, A. Haymes, P. Higson, R. Higson, M. Keba, K. Keogh, D. Lambert, V. Martin, O. McFadden, M. Safidar, K. Shackleton, J. Slack, S. Tilley, B. Westwell, C. Whalan, M. Wilkinson and C. Yates (Residents: 39 )

Officers: H. Gee, S. Gardner, A. Roberts – Borough Council O. Starkey & A. Coombes – Lancashire County Council Councillor J. Slater & D. Law – Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council David Wild & Tony Crawley – Highways Agency T. Ford – Neighbourhood Watch Lancashire Constabulary Serg. Kennedy and P.C. Stokes – Lancashire Constabulary K. Watkins – Observer

543 Welcome The Chair welcomed residents to Oswaldtwistle Area Council.

544 Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillor McCormack and G. Knight.

545 Declaration of Interest

No declarations of interest were submitted.

546 Minutes of the Last Meeting

The Minutes of the Oswaldtwistle Area Management Council held on 22 nd March, 2011 (Paper A) were submitted for approval.

Agreed - That the minutes of the Oswaldtwistle Area Management Council held on 22 nd March, 2011 be received and approved as a correct record. 254

547 Matters Arising & What’s Happening About

The Chair referred to the following issues taken from the minutes and updated residents on events:

Civic Theatre The Chair reported on a number of events scheduled to take place at the Civic Theatre including the Ossie Players on 25 th & 28 th April 2012.

Trinity Street Area Councillor Addison reported that the old basketball court site on Trinity Street had been filled in and tidied up. She pointed out that there had been a number of problems in the area, particularly with dogs. The Chair requested that Ann Roberts reported this problem to the Dog Warden and that Councillor Addison liaised with the residents of the area to resolve a number of local issues.

548 Ward Councillors

St. Oswalds Ward Councillor Haworth reported on a number of issues affecting the ward over the past few months including problems with fly tipping on Nook Lane, allotment rent increases, the Moss Lane travellers hearing and the Belthorn traffic problems.

Nook Lane She informed the meeting that the waste on Nook Lane had been removed after she had reported it to the Council and they were now looking at ways to prevent future tipping.

Allotment Rent Increase - She reported that rent increases on allotments had been suspended for 6 months in order to review the proposals.

Moss Lane Hearing – She explained that a hearing in respect of the travellers on Moss Lane would be held at Accrington Town Hall later in the month. She indicated that the Councillors for St. Oswalds Ward and Councillor Britcliffe would be in attendance to ensure that the residents’ views were given and to support the implementation of the enforcement notice. Councillor Hayes indicated that he would provide a further update on this issue later in the meeting.

St. Andrew’s Ward Councillor Walmsley expressed his disappointment that improvements to St. Paul’s car park had not taken place due to changes to the budget. He indicated that the car park still needed improving and he would continue to work to resolve the problems.

Councillor Britcliffe reported that the Area Council had used its budget to support a number of Christmas Parties for elderly resident of Oswaldtwistle and Belthorn.

Immanuel Ward Councillor Addison reported that benches had been installed on Merlin Drive. She referred to the concerns of residents about the hours the contractors were operating on the windfarm site on Haslingden Old Road and the state that the roads were being left in. She pointed out that she had spoken to the contractors and the Council’s Planning Department and as a result the state of the roads had improved and the official hours of work had been enforced.

Lancashire County Council County Councillor Britcliffe referred to his support for St. Mary’s Football Club and reported on the progress of the £1.1 million improvements being undertaken in which the Area Council had


contributed a grant of £1,000. Clive Yates, St. Mary’s Football Club, reported that there had been delays due to problems with drainage but that works should be completed within the next few weeks. He referred to a grant given through Lancashire County Council and the Free Masons for Arthritis care. He referred to the work done by the Arthritis charity and that the grant they had received would help to cover costs for the next couple of years. Lancashire County Council grants had also been given to Immanuel Cricket Club of £1000 for a new score board and Oswaldtwistle Civic Theatre of £1,000 for activities with people of all ages.

County Councillor Younis reported on problems that had occurred on Durham Drive and that he had been working with Councillor Addison and County Council Highways Department to resolve the problems. He reported on plans to adopt the Drive but warned that the process could be lengthy.

Police Report Community Beat Manager Stoke reported on Police activity in Oswaldtwistle and Knuzden since the last meeting. She explained that because there had been slight changes to the policing boundaries since the last meeting it would not be possible to provide comparable crime statistics for the area. She reported that the Police had been working with the Youth Club to get funding for youth provision and to prevent antisocial behaviour. She reported that the police had been focusing on drug warrants and as a consequence there had been big drug finds in Knuzden. She gave details of when and where PACT meetings took place and invited residents to attend to discuss any concerns.

Neighbourhood Watch Eastern Division Tony Ford, Blackburn Police, reported on his new role as Neighbourhood Watch Manager for the Easter Division. He referred to a new commitment to the scheme and intentions to encourage residents to take part by becoming coordinators. He indicated that the aim was to improve security in neighbourhoods and for residents and the Police to work together.

Residents and Councillors expressed concern about the level of communication to the Police currently open to residents and their frustration at a lack of Police response after reporting incidents. Tony Ford responded that his aim was to improve lines of communications. Councillor Roberts (also the Chair of the Community Safety Partnership) advised residents of the alternative to report incidents to Crime Stoppers and encouraged residents to ensure that their properties were always left secure.

Friends of Rhyddings Park Update Neil Mooney reported: • that the Children’s Garden Project was still ongoing and that they were waiting to see if the funding bid had been successful. He pointed out that £20,000 match funding was still required. • that the Big Games had been held in the new MultiUse Games Area. • An interschools sports day had been held. • School holiday fun days would be held. • the Pets Corner was still being looked after by Bootstrap. • the path works at the bottom of the park had been completed. • the bowling green had been completed. • the 2012 calendar had been created with local schools • free sports sessions for 7 to 14 year olds

Resolved - That Oswaldtwistle Area Council approved £20,000 to the Friends of Rhyddings Park to be used as match funding to develop the Children’s Play Area. 256

Oswaldtwistle Area Council Office The Chair informed residents that the Oswaldtwistle Area Council Office would be open for residents on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9.30 a.m. He explained that residents would be able to express their concerns or submit their complaints on local issues and Councillors would be holding surgeries there.

Rhyddings High School Paul Trickett, Headteacher of Rhyddings High School reported that the school had been Ofsted inspected in October 2011 and rated ‘good’. He informed the meeting that the school would be running free lessons on ICT skills available to residents of all age groups on Fridays of each week. He pointed out that the school had a number of other community projects planned and was involved with Hyndburn Homes on a joint project.

Highways Update Oliver Starkey (Lancashire County Council (L.C.C.) provided update reports on the following:

Garden Street Residents Only Parking Scheme - Oliver Starkey (Lancashire County Council (L.C.C.)) reported that the proposed residents only parking scheme on Garden Street was being processed by the County Council Legal Department and were currently drafting an order. He pointed out that there had been a delay with proceedings but that the scheme would go ahead.

Whiteash Lane Waiting Restrictions - Oliver Starkey (L.C.C.) reported that the scheme for waiting restrictions on Whiteash Lane was still with the County Council Legal Department for processing.

Alice Street Kerb Re-alignment and Waiting Restrictions - Oliver Starkey (L.C.C.) reported that the Alice Street kerb was planned for realignment and advised that waiting restrictions could only be implemented once this had been completed.

Residents complained of cars causing obstructions in this area and the Chair requested that Councillor Roberts looked into the issue. The Chair indicated that a further update report on this issue would be provided at the next meeting of the Area Council.

Belthorn Traffic Concerns A presentation was given by Jason Slack on behalf of the residents of Belthorn about traffic concerns affecting the village. He referred to the unprecedented volume of traffic travelling through the village which was causing a number of problems for the residents. He explained that the responsible local authorities had been contacted about the problems but difficulties had arisen in resolving the problems because jurisdiction in Belthorn was split between Hyndburn Borough Council and Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council. He pointed out that the main issue of concern was of safety, particularly for the children who lived in the village and/or attended the local school. He pointed out that the village was being used as a rat run with people trying to jump the queues that had formed outside the village and that this caused:

• grid lock in the village • cars having to mount the pavements as the roads were narrow • access to emergency vehicles being limited or at times impossible • residents being unable to get to work/school on time because of the amount of traffic in the village during peak hours • incidents of damage to cars • incidents of road rage


He pointed out that the road markings did not assist traffic flow and proposed:

• Belthorn was made ‘Except for Access’ • Ways were considered to reduce congestion problems • Yellow boxes were painted at the exits and entrances to the village • 20 mph zones around the school • The removal of traffic markings on the roundabout or the reconfiguration of the traffic lights to provide access from/to Belthorn • Yellow boxes on the roundabout and the enforcement of their use • That all responsible organisations worked together to resolve the traffic problems.

Oliver Starkey (L.C.C.) reported on Lancashire County Council’s responsibility in respect of this issue and referred to the results of a survey commissioned to determine the magnitude of the problem. In response to the above proposals for improving traffic flow in Belthorn he reported: that the Police did not support the installation of an ‘Access Only’ sign due to being unable to enforce the sign. that a yellow box at the junction of the exit of the village could break up traffic that it would be possible to create a 20 mph zone throughout the village of Belthorn to come in force within the year (after a period of consultation).

David Wild and Tony Crawley (Highways Agency) reported that a signal scheme had been introduced by the Highways Agency approximately a year ago to improve safety on the motorway. This had given priority over local networks and consequently created traffic problems in Belthorn Village. He pointed out that they had been working with Lancashire County Council and Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council to improve the situation. He indicated that they had tweaked the signals to try and improve the situation and now had plans to remove the hash markings and adjust signal timings to give more time for local vehicles to access the road. He indicated that this would be monitored.

Dave Law, Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council reported that they were leading a traffic assessment and would try various options to produce a viable solution.

The Chair referred to the different plans currently in place to bring a solution to the traffic problems affecting Belthorn and proposed that a further meeting was organised to take place at the end of September 2012 to discuss progress. He proposed that Jason Slack and Oliver Starkey organised the meeting at Belthorn School and that Lisa Allen collected the email addresses of all responsible officers and residents to ensure all relevant people were kept informed.

Jason Slack expressed concern that the ‘Access Only’ sign to Belthorn had been dismissed and suggested that it would not need much policing. The Chair requested that Oliver Starkey further consulted with the Police on this proposal.

Resolved - That Jason Slack (Belthorn Residents) and Oliver Starkey (L.C.C.) organise a meeting to take place at Belthorn School at the end of September 2012 to consider progress of the traffic problems in Belthorn.

St. Oswald’s Primary School - Petition A petition was submitted to Lancashire County Council from 28 school children in respect of safety problems arising from speeding vehicles around St. Oswalds Primary School. Councillor Hayes explained that the entrance to the school had been moved and zigzags painted in front of 258

the new entrance. He requested that these were removed so that cars picking up and dropping off school children would be able to park outside the school. It was requested that Oliver Starkey corresponded with Councillor Britcliffe, Hayes and Haworth on this matter.

St. Mary’s Primary School A resident pointed out that there was a similar situation at St. Mary’s Primary School during school pickups and drop offs and requested that consideration was given to reducing traffic congestion in the area and to stop vehicles causing obstructions.

The Chair referred to the number of vehicles picking up and dropping off school children and pointed out that they were limited in how much they could do to improve this and therefore suggested that consideration was also given to creating schemes for transporting children to and from school to reduce traffic congestion.

549 Grants and Budgets

The Chair referred residents to the report outlining the grants and budgets for Oswaldtwistle Area Management Council for 2011/2012. He outlined expenditures relating to capital and revenue and explained that £35,495 capital budget and £2,542 revenue budget remained. He pointed out that £20.00 revenue had been used to buy a bouquet of flowers which was presented to Alice Horne, on behalf of the Area Council, on her 105 th birthday, Oswaldtwistle’s eldest resident.

He reported that the following requests had been received for funding:

Capital Civic Arts Centre £1,996 for a sound system Friends of Rhyddings Park £20,000 match funding for the walled kitchen garden project. Hyndburn Homewise £200 to provide distraction burglary kits for the over 60s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations £681 to install 3 aluminium mounted flag poles with Union Jack flags at Jubilee Gardens, Stanhill and Belthorn.

Revenue Area Working Office £300 to purchase stationery and office equipment Brightening Up Oswaldtwistle £2,591.10

Resolved (1) That the report be noted; and

(2) That Oswaldtwistle Area Council approved the capital and revenue projects as set out above.

In addition he reported that funding had been taken from the budget for flowers which had been presented to Alice Horne, Oswaldtwistle’s eldest citizen.

550 Date of Next Meeting

The Chair thanked residents for attending the Oswaldtwistle Area Council meeting and reported that the next meeting would be held on 3rd July, 2012.


Signed: .

Date: .

Chair of the meeting at which the minutes were confirmed.