From: Foi Enquiries <
[email protected]> Sent: 03 December 2019 10:22 Subject: FOI-19-1479 - Cultural Strategy Thank you for your information request of 04 November 2019. Aberdeen City Council (ACC) has completed the necessary search for the information requested. Our response is now detailed below. Why does Aberdeen need a Cultural Strategy? And what are its restraints of having a Cultural Strategy? What makes an Art organization fundable? How does the council support Art organizations? It has been said in the Strategy keeping doors open for creativity. How open are the doors to Aberdeen’s Creative Sector? There must be restraints to creating. Why does Aberdeen focus funding more on Festivals? What does Culture bring into the city that other sectors don't? Is Aberdeen on track to hit the goals they have set? Aberdeen is one of the cities that will be deeply affected by Brexit. How will Brexit affect Aberdeen and its creative industrials and its Cultural Strategy? Where can I find the old strategy to see what has been done in the past? As the new 10-year plan has mentioned it a little in the introduction. The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 provides public access to recorded information held by the council at the time a request is made and does not cover officer’s opinions, comments or ongoing conversations. We are unable to provide you with information on your questions regarding Aberdeen City Council’s Cultural Strategy as it is not held by ACC. In order to comply with our obligations under the terms of Section 17 of the FOISA, we hereby gives notice that this information is not held by us.