Soil Survey of the Kettle River Valley
SOIL SURVEY of ihe KETTLERIVER VALLEY in the BOUNDARY DISTRICT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA P. N. SPROUT and C. C. KELLEY British Columbia Department of Agriculture Kelowna, B.C. Report No. 9 of the British Columbia Soi1 Survey British Columbia Department of Agriculture sud Research Branch, Canada Department of Agriculture 75402-l ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The British Columbia Department of Agriculture surveyed the soils of the Kettle River valley. The Water Resources Division, Canada Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, provided financial assistance. The Provincial Department of Lands, Forests and Water Resources supplied base maps and aerial photographs. The Research Branch, Canada Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, prepared the soi1 maps for printing and published the maps and report. The writers wish to acknowledge the contributions of the following surveyors, who assisted in classifying the soils: A. L. van Ryswyk, W. D. Holland, A. B. Dawson, C. H. Brownlee, and M. Schaedle. Dr. J. E. Armstrong and the late Dr. W. E. Cockfield, Geological Survey of Canada, Vancouver, and H. Nasmith, Provincial Department of Mines, Victoria, gave advice on the surface geology of the area. A. McLean, Ecologist, Canada Range Experi- ment Station, Kamloops, prepared the section on native vegetation. Dr. C. A. Rowles, Professor of Soi1 Science, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, J. F. Carmichael, District Agriculturist, Grand Forks, and other officers of the university, and the British Columbia and Canada departments of agri- culture, gave advisory assistance. Dr. J. Baker, Soi1 Survey Branch, Department of Agriculture, Kelowna, supervised the analyses of the soils and assisted in preparing the manuscript. Dr. A.
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