Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Far
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Last Updated: 10/12/2013 Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm Developer: RWE Site Size: Covering an area of 134 m² Site Location Triton Knoll is within the Greater Wash StrategiC Area and is loCated off the east Coast of England, approximately 20 miles off the Coast of LinColnshire and 28 miles from the Coast of North NorfolK. Swell is predominantly North Easterly. Several beaChes Could be affeCted by the Array like Withernsea (81km), Mablethorpe (42km), Skegness (49Km) and Cromer (68Km). Images: ©RWE Npower Renewables Ltd. Technology The proposed development will have an installed Capacity of up to 1200 MW. The development proposal Comprises the Construction and operation of up to 288 wind turbine generators with a maximum tip height of up to 220 metres, offshore substations, meteorologiCal stations and underwater Cabling to ConneCt the turbines and substations. The maximum annual eleCtriCity expected to be generated from the wind farm site is equivalent to the approximate domestiC needs of up to 850,000 average UK households. Last Updated: 10/12/2013 Indicative turbine Max number for Max hub height Max rotor Upper blade tip size indicative size for indiCative size diameter for for indiCative indicative size size 3.6MW 288 110m above LAT 125m 160m above LAT 5 MW 240 126m above LAT 150m 190m above LAT 8MW 150 140m above LAT 180m 220m above LAT The options available for the turbine foundations are Considered in the following seCtions and their dimensions given for the indiCative turbine Classes under Consideration. Foundation Concepts are classified under the following types: • Monopile (steel and steel reinforCed ConCrete) - Monopiles rely on the surrounding geology to provide lateral resistanCe to horizontal forces, suCh as wind on the turbine and waves on the support struCture max diameter of 10.5m taking up a maximum area of 97m². • Tripod; JaCKet struCtures typiCally Consist of three or four main legs whiCh are linKed by a supporting lattice of cross-braCes. EaCh of the main legs may terminate with a sleeve through whiCh a small diameter pile is driven and subsequently grouted or swaged (Figure 6.6). JacKets Can also be ‘pre-piled’ by being located on and grouted or swaged onto pre- installed piles, or alternatively with suCtion buCKets under eaCh jaCKet leg. • Multipile or jaCKet foundations - • Gravity base- A gravity base structure (GBS) is a large diameter steel, ConCrete or steel and concrete combination base which sits on the seabed to support the turbine tower. The indicative diameter of the gravity base is 45m maximum with a seabed area taKe of 1590 m². • SuCtion buCKet monopod Development Stage: Triton Knoll is now in the post-deCision stage. The seCretary of state granted development consent on 11/07/2013. Timeline Scoping Report Submitted: 07/2010 Scoping Opinion published from IPC: 09/2010 Community Consultation Period: AppliCation Submitted: 26/01/2012 AppliCation AcCepted: 23/02/2012 Registration of Interested Parties Opens: 3/04/2012 Registration of Interested Parties Closes: 28/06/2012 Last Updated: 10/12/2013 Preliminary Meeting: 23/07/2012 Examination begins: 23/07/2012 Examination Ends: 21/01/2013 Secretary of State’s Decision: 11/07/2013 Construction Start Date: ExpeCted 2016 Construction End Date: ExpeCted 2021 A deCision on the appliCation for a development Consent order for Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm was taKen on 11 July 2013 and has now been issued. The statement of reasons Can be viewed on the IPC website; there is no longer any opportunity to Consult on the projeCt. Contact Details • AucKland House Lydiard Fields business ParK Great Western Way Swindon Wiltshire SN5 8ZT Tel: 01793474100 [email protected] • Project Manager: JaCob Hain Regulator Details • Planning Inspectorate Case team: Tel: 0303 444 5000 [email protected] Consultees • Natural England English heritage • Natural England English Heritage Northminster House Brooklands Peterborough 24 brooKlands Avenue PE1 1UA Cambridge Tel: 0845 600 3078 CB2 8BU [email protected] Tel: 01223 582700 eastofengland@english- • Cefas/Defra C/O Cefas Pakefield Road Lowestoft Last Updated: 10/12/2013 SuffolK • Trinity House NR33 0HT London Tel: 01502 524228 Tower Hill London • Environment Agency EC3N 4DH National Customer ContaCt Centre [email protected] PO box 54 Rotherham • The Crown Estate The Crown Estate S60 1BY 16 New burlington Place Tel: 03708 506 506 enquiries@environment- London W1S 2HX Tel: +44 (0)20 7851 5000 [email protected] • JNCC Joint Nature Conservation Committee • Essex County Council MonKstone House Essex County CounCil City Road County Hall Peterborough MarKet Road PE1 1JY Chelmsford Tel: 01733 562626 CM1 1QH [email protected] Tel: 08457430430 / 01245430430 [email protected] The Marine Management • • Kent County Council Organisation (MMO) Kent County CounCil LanCaster House County Hall Hampshire Court Maidstone NewCastle upon Tyne Kent NE4 7YH ME14 1XQ Tel: 0300 123 1032 0300 333 5540 [email protected] [email protected] • OFGEM • Maritime and Coastguard Agency Ofgem - London Maritime and Coastguard AgenCy 9 MillbanK, Spring Place London, 105 CommerCial Road SW1P 3GE Southampton Tel: 020 7901 7000 Hants SO15 1EG Tel: 02380 329100 SAS Traffic light system Last Updated: 10/12/2013 Green - Surfers Against Sewage have no concerns about the proposed development. The projeCt will have minimal/no impact on the surf resourCe. Appropriate mitigation measures have been undertaKen. .