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Note: An i following a page number indicated an illustration; an n following a page num- ber indicates a note.

Aaronson, Aaron, 121 – 22 attacks on ideology of , 206 Aaronson, Sara, 111 , 121 – 22 , 195 – 96 background of, 59– 60 Abbas, Mahmoud, 349 , 352 and Begin, 164 , 202 Abdullah (Jordan), 10 , 236 belief in self-sacrifi ce, 81 , 83 ‘Activist-Revisionist Front,’ 164 on Bentwich, 93 , 98 Adenauer, Konrad, and reparations, 254 on Betar, 93 , 98 aestheticism, 27 on Bolshevism, 96 Agnon, Shai, 281 and Berit Ha-Biryonim, 160 Agranat, Shimon, 257 – 58 on Berit Shalom, 92 – 93 Agranat Commission, 301 , 316 and British, 6 agriculture, intensive, 75 caricature of, 92 commemorates October Revolution, 81 and defi nition of ‘Jew,’ 301 – 2 on dictatorship, 80 , 81 , 84 and formation of party, 323 , 333 disillusionment with socialism, 81 and formation of UTJ, 355 – 56 endorsement of direct action to Jewish and Irgun, 177 state, 118 support of Sebastia settlers, 304 ‘From the Notebook of a Fascist,’ 84 Ahdut Ha’avodah, 80 , 208 goes to Palestine/joins Hapoel and colonisation of West Bank, 280 , Hatzair, 65 283 , 289 and , 242 on disposition of territorial gains after ‘If I am not for myself, who will be for Six Day war, 283 , 284 me?,’ 83 and election of 1955, 259 on IRA, 94 and election of 1969, 291 on Italian fascism, 81 – 82 , 108 kibbutz wing of, 282 and Jabotinsky, 3 , 79 – 80 , 84 – 85 , and LIM manifesto, 281 , 282 96 , 155 and Ma’arakh (), 271 joins Revisionists, 71 opposition to Camp David Accord, 321 joins Tserei Tsion, 65 and Six Day war, 278 journal of, 94 Ahimeir, Abba as lecturer for Bet Sefer cadets, 87 , 89 appointed to board of Doar Hayom by on Lenin, 80 – 81 , 84 , 90 , 100 Jabotinsky, 97 – 98 Letter to Young Zionists, 90 – 91 arrest of, 91 , 93 , 183 on Lord Moyne, 258


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Ahimeir, Abba (cont.) Allon Plan, 285 – 86 , 335 on Magnes, 92 – 93 Aloni, Shulamit, 301 and Maximalism in Poland, 122 al-Rantisi, Abdel Aziz, 351 and Maximalists, 99 , 101 Alroy, David, 99 Megilat hasikarikin (Scroll of the Altalena affair, 236 – 37 , 253 Sicarii), 113 – 14 Alterman, Natan, 281 , 289 and Michels, 82 – 83 Altman, Arieh, 66 , 70 and murder of Arlosoroff, 110 , and establishment of Free Centre, 273 111 , 114 – 15 joins Herut, 244 ‘National Dictatorship in the Wider and leadership of Herut, 242 World,’ 84 opposition to Revolt, 213 and national revolutionary reaction to Treaty of London, 223 movements, 84 Stern on, 192 – 93 and national syndicalism, 100 Altman, Yehezkiel, 185 on Nazism, 106 Am Lohem, 209 on neo-Revisionism, 102 American League for a Free Palestine, 220 – 21 and new Poland, 125 American Zionism, and partitioning of on parliamentarianism, 84 Palestine, 144 and partitioning of Palestine, 142 – 43 Amit, Meir, 310 on Pilsudski, 125 Amlanim, 69 – 70 and Polish culture, 125 Amnon of Mainz, 319 – 20 resignation of, 261 Amsellem, Chaim, 361 on Revisionism, 79 , 84 , 116 Andrault, Louis Alexandre, 16 revolutionary Zionism of, 162 Andrews, Lewis, 184 sedition charge against, 113 Anglo-American Committee, 214 , on self-sacrifi ce, 114 217 – 18 , 224 – 25 and Spengler, 61 , 63 anti-immigration ideology, of Shas, 356 on third stage of Zionism, 122 anti-intellectualism, rise in Right, 12 – 13 and underground military anti-Labour coalition, 296 – 97 organisation, 96 anti-Semitism view toward England, 86 in Italy, 199 on youth Jabotinsky on, 28 , 123 – 24 , 141 importance of, 119 apartheid, 265 on NILI, 121 – 22 Arab Higher Committee, 184 Air France hijacking, 298 Arab nationalism, 145 , 154 – 55 , 174 Akzin, Benjamin, 183 Arab parties, 359 al-Aqsa Intifada, 2 , 334 , 350 , 357 , 363 Arab Revolt, 1938, 130 – 31 , 179 Alawites, 247 Arabs Alignment (Ma’arakh), 271 alienation of Israeli intellectuals after aliyah Bet, 181 al-Aqsa Intifada, 357 Alkohi, Mordechai, 230 high birth rate of Palestinian, 283 Allenby, Edmund, 55 – 56 meeting in Khartoum after Six Day Allon, Yigal war, 279 and Camp David Accord, 321 Arafat, Yasser, 298 , 299 on disposition of territorial gains after death of, 352 Six Day war, 284 , 285 and fi rst Gulf War, 339 – 40 and election of 1969, 291 Israeli suspicion of, 338 and Hebron settlers, 289 leadership style of, 334 preference of Left as Minister of responsibility for violence, 2000, 350 – 51 Defence, 275 and Sharon, 351 – 52 and succession after Meir, 303 – 4 and two states in Palestine, 335

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Arber, Menahem, 86 – 87 Bader, Yohanan, 164n 60 , 241 , 251 , 293 Archilochus, 195 Baker, James, 348 Arendt, Hannah, 241 Bakunin, Mikhail, 28 Arens, Moshe, 347 , 364 Balfour Declaration, 5 , 89 becomes Minister of Defence, 347 Barak, Ehud, 343 , 344 , 350 , 351 and Minister of Defence position, 345 Barazani, Moshe, 230 opposition to as Jewish state Bar-Kokhba, 38 , 99 proposal, 12 Bar-Yehudah, Israel, 315 opposition to withdrawal from Barzilai, Salvatore, 20 Sinai, 321 Basic Law, and recognition of Israel as rejection of Sharon as Minister of Jewish state, 12 , 363 Defence, 326 Basic Trends in the History of the Jewish Aridor, Yoram, 325 , 331 People (Margolin), 36 – 37 Arlosoroff, Haim, murder of, 110 – 11 Becher, Kurt, 255 – 56 Armenians, 144 Begin, Benny, 343 , 355 , 360 art nouveau, 20 Begin, Menahem, 4 – 5 , 278i 15 Artzeinu, Zo, 360 advocacy of regime change in Jordan Ashkenazi, 323 , 355 – 56 and Lebanon, 10 Ashkenazi, Motti, 316 and Altalena affair, 236 – 37 Assassination and anti-Labour coalition, 296 of Arlosoroff, 110 – 11 approval of approach of Ahimeir, 164 of Bernadotte, 239 – 40 on Arafat, 298 , 299 , 312 of Gemayel, 328 arrest of, 164 of Kahane, 335 – 36 and assassination of Bernadotte, 239 of Kastner, 257 and Bader, 293 and Lehi, 203 – 4 becomes Commander of Irgun, 171 of Moyne, 258 and Ben-Gurion, 237 – 38 , 244 of Rabin, 340 , 349 Ben-Gurion on, 6 , 245 , 262 of Sheikh Yassin, 351 and Betar in Poland, 121 , 160 , 161 Stern on, 198 and borders of Israel question, 248 of Ze’evi, 351 ‘The British regime prepares for a ‘The Assassination of Paul Doumer’, massacre of the Jews in the Land 114n 18 of Israel’, 207 assimilation of Jews, 35 and Camp David Accord, 331 Atlee, Clement, 214 , 217 – 18 character of, 210 , 212 Attaturk, Mustafa Kemal, 80 and CID, 202 , 265 Auschwitz protocol, 255 and Communists, 317 Austria, and World War II, 191 courts former members, 296 Austro-Hungary, minorities in, 128 – 29 criticism of, from within Herut, 246 authoritarian socialism, 265 cultivates Mizrahim, 264 Autoemanciption (Pinsker), 35 , 36 , 47 cultivation of Right by, 303 autonomy and Dayan, 275 , 276 Jabotinsky on, 46 , 103 , 119 , 129 and declaration of independence, 234 – 35 Lenin on non-territorial, 128 on defi nition of Palestinian, 298 – 99 of national minorities, 129 – 30 differences from Shamir, 330 – 31 of Palestinian Revisionists, 119 on disposition of territorial gains after Renner on, 128 – 29 Six Day war, 286 Avanti, 25 – 26 , 27 efforts to appeal to wider Avneri, Uri, 255 – 56 , 307 audience, 264 – 65 Axelrod, Pavel, 44 and election of 1969, 291 Ayalon-Nusseibeh discussions, 351 and election of 1973, 299 , 300

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Begin, Menahem (cont.) on lack of tolerance of, 265 and election of 1977, 309 , 310 – 11 universalism of, 265 and election of 1981, 325 and USSR, 265 fatalism of, 213 on Maximalists on Gaza withdrawal, 303 in Palestine, 160 and , 6 , 262 – 64 in Poland, 160 and Germany signing of Polish memorandum, 126 diplomatic relations, 260 – 61 , 268 on meetings during Sabbath, 290 on German people, 250 and Meir resignation, 301 reparations, 251 – 53 on militarism, 162 , 205 goes to Palestine, 202 as minister without portfolio, 276 on Gush Emunim, 321 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to, 322 and Hashomer Hatzair, 161 on NRP joining coalition of Rabin, 301 and Herut and NZO, 164n 60 , 202 asked to resign/resigns, 272 and partitioning of Palestine, 142 – 43 , economic and domestic issues, 263 222 – 23 , 224 , 225 – 26 expansion of party, 280 on passing of liberalism, 6 funding for party, 241 as political fi gure, 229 – 30 merger with Liberals, 268 on possible armed uprising, 183 – 84 possible alliance with General as Prime Minister Zionists, 262 – 64 appoints Dayan as Foreign Minister, reinstatement as chairman, 273 316 , 317 and Histadrut, 267 – 68 , 354 on autonomy for Palestinians in West on Holocaust, 251 Bank, 318 , 322 , 324 ideology of, 209 – 11 and Camp David Accord, 315 , differences with Hillel Kook, 221 – 22 318 – 21 , 320i 17 Iron Wall ideology, 279 – 80 considers self as historical Land of Israel ideology, 268 – 69 , 306 fi gure, 313 – 14 in post-Begin years, 333 death of wife, 328 infl uence of Mickiewicz on, 156 economic policy, 324 – 25 invokes saison, 265 grants refuge to Vietnamese boat and Irgun people, 313 military action against Arabs, as ‘Jewish Prime Minister,’ 314 1948, 233 on Lebanese Christians, 328 as national liberation movement and Lebanon war (1982), model, 265 327 – 29 , 346 – 47 on targets for Irgun, 210 military policy, 326 – 27 and Jabotinsky, 3 , 4 , 5 , 164 – 66 , pragmatism of, 325 – 26 167 – 68 , 212 resignation of, 328 , 348 and Kahane, 296 on retention of Jerusalem, 319 –20 on Kastner affair, 258 – 59 return to populism of 1950s, 327 – 28 on Kissinger, 303 second administration as more Herut and land for peace, 279 than government, 324 and Law of Return, 310 use of past history/Shoah to justify leadership style of, 242 policies of present, 312 – 13 , 328 and Likud, 1 , 308 – 9 on West Bank settlements, 317 – 18 and LIM manifesto, 282 on withdrawal from Sinai, 321 – 22 on Mapai pseudonym of, 205 , 209 alliance with Rafi and , 275 public persona of, 274 , 358 Begin rejects joining coalition, 264 on Rabin as choice for Prime collaboration with British CID, 265 Minister, 301

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and Rafi -Gahal alliance, 285 Beilis, Mendel, 112 reciprocity policy of, 215 , 231 Beirut on relationship with England, 163 attack on airport at, 346 and religious parties, 247 , 268 PLO leaves, 347 resigns from government of Meir during Ben-Aminadav, Nahshon, 83 war of attrition, 9 Ben-Ari, Michael, 336 on resurgent Palestinian Ben-Eliezer, Arieh, 250 , 251 nationalism, 298 Ben-Gurion, David, 278i 15 retaliation policy of, 280 admiration for Lenin, 80 – 81 on retention of West Bank after Six Day airbrushes members of Betar who fought War, 279 – 80 in Warsaw Ghetto, 251 – 52 and Revisionists, 160 , 161 – 62 , 165 , 241 and Altalena affair, 236 , 237 – 38 and the Revolt, 212 – 14 attacks by Lehi on, 238 – 40 and Rogers Initiative, 293 – 94 on Begin, 6 , 209 , 213 , 244 , 245 romantic nationalism of, 243 and Bernadotte assassination, 239 and rule of law, 11 and borders of Israel, 269 and second general election, 1951, 249 and Dayan, 275 – 76 on security question, 9 and debate on reparations in on Sinai, 279 , 318 – 21 Knesset, 253 and Six Day war, 276 – 78 , 318 on demonstrators after speech of and Stern, 169 , 209 Begin, 253 strengthening of, after Six Day war, 279 and declaration of independence, 234 suspension from Knesset, 253 , 254 dismissal of Irgun and Lehi by, 244 – 45 takes over after Ben-Eliezer suffers heart disparagement of Herut by, 245 attack, 251 on disposition of territorial gains after Tamir on, 261 Six Day war, 284 and Tehiyah, 331 and establishment of Rafi , 271 on ‘the fi ghting Jew,’ 305 fi nal resignation of, 266 and three-year truce between Jews and on Holocaust, 251 Arabs, 305 and Irgun military action against Arabs, on TransJordan, 225 1948, 233 and UN Resolution 242, 318 and Israel as Jewish state proposal, 12 on USSR, 265 and Jabotinsky, 4 , 109 , 140 , 163 victory speech of, 234 – 36 , 310 – 11 Kook on, 248 view on Judaism and Jewish and Lavon affair, 266 nationalism, 290 on law to commemorate the Weizmann on, 217 fallen, 245 – 46 on West Bank settlements, 278 – 79 , and Lehi dissidents, 208 – 9 304 , 309 mamlahtiyut policy of, 265 ‘White Nights,’ 250 and Nazism, 110 and ‘Who is a Jew?’ debate, 290 opposition to Revolt, 213 and World War II, 171 opposition to/return to Prime arrest and release of, 171 Ministership, 275 on establishment of Jewish army, and partitioning of Palestine, 180 , 226 205 – 6 , 207 promotion of Mapai by, 244 – 45 and Yom Kippur war, 294 reaction to Shoval’s alliance of and Zionism parties, 296 labour Zionists, 6 , 164 and Sharon, 344 religious Zionists, 6 writes articles attacking dead Jabotinsky, Beilin, Yossi, 352 266 . See also Mapai Beilinson, Moshe, 70 , 78 Ben-Hananiah, 202 , 210

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Ben-Horin, Eliahu, 103 and military action, 154 – 59 Bennett, Naftali model for potential Jewish army in the on annexation of Area C, 362 making, 151 and HaBayit Hayehudi party, Polish Betar support of, 162 – 63 10 , 359 – 60 on role of Betar, 97, 98 – 99 , 120 and Operation Protective Edge, 10 on unity in struggle for a state, 153 Bentwich, Norman, 52 , 91 – 92 , 93 , 98 , 155 and labour youth, 76 – 77 Ben-Yair, Eleazar, 195 , 202 , 210 on Maximalists, 125 – 26 Ben-Yefuneh, Caleb, 305 military training as raison d’être of, 95 Ben-Yosef, Shlomo (Tabacznik), hanging in Palestine, relationship with Irgun, 180 of, 165 , 167 , 185 – 88 in Poland, 160 Benziman, Uzi, 345 growth of, 175 – 76 Berdichevsky, Micha, 153 opposition to partitioning of Bergson group, 219 Palestine, 164 Berit Ha-Biryonim, 155 , 160 , 261 and training of Irgun, 184 – 85 attacks on German consulates, 108 and Revisionists, 86 creation of, 90 – 91 weekly of, 162 criticism over Bentwich affair by, 98 youth fi ghts in Warsaw Ghetto, demonstrations by, 91 251 – 52 . See also Bet Sefer ideology of, 90 – 91 le-madrikhim Betar Jabotinsky on, and civil Betar Conference (Danzig; 1931), 151 , 176 disobedience, 119 Betar Conference (Warsaw; 1938), 165 – 69 and murder of Arlosoroff, 110 , 112 Begin on approach of Jabotinsky, and Stern, 178 165 – 66 , 167 – 68 , 207 Berlin Enlightenment, 15 Jabotinsky on approach of Berlinchiki, 15 Begin, 166 – 67 Bermuda conference (1943), 207 Betar Conference (Warsaw; 1939), 154 Bernadotte, Folke, 239 – 40 Bethmann-Holweg, Theobald, 294 Bet Sefer le-madrikhim Betar, 86 – 87 Bet-Tsouri, Eliahu, 204 formalized as Berit Ha-Biryonim, 90 – 91 Bevin, Ernest, 214 , 218 , 225 , 321 march to Western Wall and Bialik, Haim Nahman, 18 , 52 aftermath, 88 – 89 Bidault, Georges, 236 training programme for, 86 – 87 , 89 Bikerman, Iosif, 28 – 29 , 39 Betar BILU, 46n 50 and Ahimeir, 93, 120 bi-nationalism, 129 – 30 and attack on King David hotel, 216 The Birth of a Nation (fi lm), 53 and Ben-Yosef hanging, 185 – 88 Bitker, Robert, 181 , 182 clashes over grave of ‘Black Hundreds,’ 45 Trumpeldor, 111 – 12 ‘Black Sabbath,’ 215 Council of Regional Commands, 160 ‘Black Sunday,’ 182 demand for amendment to Betar Blok, Alexander, 196 oath, 166 blood libel, 112 demonstration against limits on Blue-White faction, 268 immigration to Palestine, 119 Blut fuer Ware (Blood for Goods), 254 – 56 and formation of Menorah, 70 Bnei Akiva, 286 – 88 Grossman on Jabotinsky and, 117 Bnei Akiva yeshivah, 282 Jabotinsky and, 97 , 163 Bodenheimer, Max, 117 on developing Betar in Italy, 82 Bolshevism, Jabotinsky on, 96 infl uence of Futurism in forging book burning, 361 Betar, 152 – 53 Bose, Subhas Chandra, 200 on messianism, 157 Bosiaki (barefoot ones), 26n 43

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Boulangism, 21 Chirikov, Evgeny, 39 Brand, Joel, 254 – 55 , 256 – 57 , 258 , 259 ‘Chosen People,’ 62 Brandeis, Louis, 144 Christian Maronites, 10 Brandt, Willy, 260 – 61 Chukovsky, Kornei, 152 Berit Bar-Kokhba, 122 Churchill, Winston, 204 , 213 , 214 , 313 – 14 Berit El-Al, 178 CID, 201 , 202 , 215 , 254 , 265 Berit HaCana’aim, 122 civil liberties NGOs, 360 Berit Hakana’im, 262 civil marriage, 247 , 356 Berit Shalom, 92 – 93 , 174 Civil Rights Movement, 301 , 303 , 310 Berit Spartacus, 200 classic liberalism, 128 Britain . See Great Britain Clermont-Tonnerre (Count), 35 British Labour party, on Zionism, 214 – 15 Clinton Parameters, 351 British Mandate, 102 , 139 , 142 Cohen, Geula, 318 British Union of Fascists, 106 Cohn, Haim, 254 Bulgaria, 198 Committee for a Jewish Army of Stateless Bund and Palestinian Jews, 218 Jabotinsky attacks on, 46 – 48 Communiqué 112, 194 and Jewish problem, 43 Communism, Jabotinsky on and pogroms, 45 Russian, 74 – 75 Burg, Yosef, 307 , 310 , 322 Communists Burla, Yehudah, 281 and Begin, 317 Bush, George W., and Sharon, 351 – 52 , 353 Jewish, 58 , 205 reaction to verdict in Kastner Camp David Accord (1978), 8 , 9 , 351 affair, 257 and Begin, 315 , 318 – 21 takeover in Czechoslovakia, 236 . See and Gush Emunim, 331 – 32 , 353 also Union of Soviet Socialist and Herut, 320 , 321 Republics (USSR) and Kahane, 331 constitution, 248 and Sadat, 8 , 318 Corday, Charlotte, 24 , 113 , 114 and Shamir, 330 corruption, 308 , 337 , 364 and Sharon, 321 Council of Regional Commands of Carpi, Leone, 82 , 103 Betar, 160 Carter, Jimmy, 306 , 318 , 319i 16 , 319 , Creech-Jones, Arthur, 232 320i 17 , 323 Crispi, Francesco, 19 catastrophic Zionism, 335 – 36 cult of personality, Jabotinsky on, 159 Cavolloti, Felice, 19 cultural romanticism, 198 Cavour, Camillo, 19 , 81 , 146 , 166 Czechoslovakia, 198 Census, 1931, protest against, 91 Communist takeover in, 236 Centre-Left, 1 , 2 Sokol youth movement in, 151 , 153 State List move from, 291 and World War II, 191 Centre-Right coalition with far Right, 336 Verona, Guido, 150 coalition with Likud, 316 D’Annunzio, Gabriele, 20 , 23 , 27 Lieberman move to, 357 Danon, Danny, 361 – 62 and Mizrahi vote, 291 Danzig conference (1931), 157 State List move to, 291 D’Arneiro, Marie, 27n 54 Cesarò, Giovanni Colonna di, 23 Davar, 65 , 70 , 73 , 75 Chancellor, John, 91 – 92 , 139 Dayan, Moshe, 271 , 287Map 6 Charmatz, Richard, 128 attack on Shapira, 290 Cheka, 59 , 98 and Begin, 275 , 276 , 316 , 317 Chekhov, Anton, 40 and Ben-Gurion, 275 – 76

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Dayan, Moshe (cont.) Dome of the Rock, attempted destruction on disposition of territorial gains after of, 331 – 32 Six Day war, 284 – 85 , 286 , 317 Dori, Ya’akov, 281 on economic integration between Israelis Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 40 , 125 and Arabs, 286 Doumer, Paul, 114 and election of 1969, 291 Dreyfus affair, 21 , 41 , 112 and establishment of Rafi , 271 Drezner, Yehiel, 230 as Foreign Minister, 316 , 317 Druckman, Haim, 310 , 323 opposition to extending Israeli law to Druze, 306 territories, 318 du Plessis, Armand Emmanuel, 16 proposed as Minister of Defence, Duce cult, 84 – 85 275 , 276 Dzerzhinskii, Feliks, 59 , 79n 43 , 98 resignation of, 300 – 1 , 305 , 322 responsibility for Yom Kippur Easter Uprising, 53n 10 , 196 war, 316 – 17 Eban, Abba and security for Hebron settlers, 289 charged with currency regulations on Sharon as Minister of Defence, 345 offense, 307 – 8 on West Bank settlements, 280 , 304 on disposition of territorial gains after De Valera, Eamon, 143 – 44 , 162 Six Day war, 282 – 83 , 285 decadence, 20 , 27 on Lebanon war (1982), 327 – 28 Decembrists, 81 Eckstein, Ze’ev, 257 Declaration of the Rabbis of Judea, economics Samaria and Gaza , 339 Begin policy, 324 – 25 decolonisation, 214 , 265 crisis in Palestine, 75 Degel ha-Torah, 333 , 336 , 355 – 56 Dayan on Israeli-Arab economic Deir Yassin, 232 – 33 integration, 286 democracy Gahal policy, 291 confl ict with Caesarism, 62 rise in cost of living index in Israel, 306 decline of belief in, 361 Sapir on Israeli-Arab economic Democratic Movement for Change (DMC) separation, 286 disintegration of, 322 education and election of 1977, 308 , 309 – 10 Jabotinsky on, 36 split in, 315 NRP receives education portfolio under Democratic Revisionists, 118 Begin, 315 demographics Egypt and Begin, 306 Begin on defence pact with USSR, 312 haredim birth rate, 355 German scientists working for, 260 Palestinian Arab birth rate, 283 negotiations with Israel, 1977–1979, 318 de Ribas y Boyons, José Pacual and return of Sinai, 321 – 22 Domingo, 16 Tehiyah calls for revision of treaty with, 331 D’Estaing, Giscard, 313 Ulbricht visits, 261 determinism, 21 and Yom Kippur war, 297 – 98 Di Velt, 160 Ehrlich, Simha, 325 Diamanstein, Semyon, 59 Eichmann, Adolf, 254 , 256 Diaspora Jews, and Land of Israel, Einstein, Albert, 241 247 , 339 Eitan, Rafael, 347 din rodef (law of the pursuer), 339 El Al, 93 , 315 , 354 DMC . See Democratic Movement for elections Change (DMC) coalescence of smaller parties in 21st Dmowski, Roman, 125 , 156 century, 358 Doar Hayom, 73 , 79 , 84 , 97 – 98 , 119 election of 1955, 259

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election of 1959, 265 far Right election of 1961, 265 – 66 and assassination of Rabin, 340 election of 1965, 268 , 269 – 72 coalition with Centre-Right, 336 election of 1969, 291 – 94 and curtailment of civil rights, 11 election of 1973, 296 – 97 , 299 – 300 and election 1992, 338 election of 1977, 308 – 11 , 325 on handing back territory, 339 – 40 election of 1981, 325 journal of, 244 election of 1988, 334 and Likud, 316 , 333 , 340 election of 1992, 337 – 38 movement toward Likud, 333 election of 1996, 334 , 340 – 42 opposition to evacuating Gaza election of 1999, 358 settlements, 353 election of 2001, 334 parties coalesce into National election of 2009, 333 , 336 , 358 , 359 Union, 355 election of 2013, 358 , 359 – 60 on Sharon, 349 election of 2015, 363 – 65 support of Netanyahu by, 1 . See also fi rst general election, 1949, 238 – 43 ; Right ; Tehiyah ; Tsomet ; fi rst TV broadcast of, 291 (UTJ) second general election, 1951, 249 Farmers’ Federation, 310 two-vote system, 342 , 358 fascism Eliot, T. S., 152 Ahimeir on, 81 – 82 , 108 Elkind, Menahem, 90 – 91 Jabotinsky on, 104 – 5 Elon, Amos, 340 Fatah, 334 , 358 Elon, Benny, 353 fatalism Elon Moreh settlement, 317 of Begin, 213 , 313 ‘Emergency Conference to save the Jewish of Jabotinsky, 45 , 65 , 130 , 139 , 155 , 181 people of Europe,’ 220 February Revolution, 55 Engels, Friedrich, 41 Feder, Gottfried, 107 England . See Great Britain Federal Republic of Germany, and Enlightenment, 35 reparations, 250 Eshkol, Levi, 266 , 271 Feiglin, Moshe, 360 – 61 becomes Prime Minister, 266 Feinstein, Meir, 230 and Ben-Gurion, 275 Feldschu, Ruben (Ben Shem), 161 on disposition of territorial gains after Ferri, Enrico, 20 , 23 Six Day war, 285 Fighters’ Party, 240 , 280 , 333 and election of 1969, 291 ‘fi ghting Jew,’ 305 on ideological trends in Mapai-led Figner, Vera, 81 coalitions, 315 – 16 Finland, Jews in, 65 and proposal of Dayan as Minister of fi rst Intifada, 334 , 335 Defence, 275 FLN (Front de Libération Nationale), and Six Day war, 274 265 and visit to Soviet Union, 69 – 70 fourth aliyah, 75 , 79 , 125 , 324 Etzion, Yehudah, 332 ‘Framework for Peace in the Middle Evreiskaya zhizn, 36 , 37 East,’ 319 exclusionism Frankel, Zvi, 182 and ethno-nationalist parties, 11 – 12 Free Centre, 273 and religious Right, 11 and election of 1969, 291 Exodus 1947, 231 and election of 1973, 295 , 300 Externists, 108 – 9 and Histadrut election of 1973, 296 – 97 Shoval advocates alliance of parties Falsh, Ze’ev, 204 with, 296 Falwell, Jerry, 327 split in, 308

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Freedom Movement . See Tenu’at ha-Herut General Zionists (Freedom Movement) appeal of Begin to, 6 , 265 French Revolution, 35 , 51 and destruction of dissidents in Front de Libération Nationale (FLN), 265 Lehi, 208 ‘functional compromise,’ 285 efforts to project more populist The Future Vision of the Palestinian Arabs image, 263 in Israel , 357 election campaign cartoon of, 263i 13 Futurism, 131 , 151 – 53 and election of 1955, 259 and election of 1959, 265 Gahal (Gush Herut Liberalim), 1 evolution of, 262 cultivates Rafi , 271 – 72 and general election of 1951, 249 , 262 on disposition of territorial gains after and Irgun, 177 Six Day war, 285 , 286 , 292 and Lavon affair, 266 economic policy of, 291 and merger with Herut, 268 and election of 1965, 269 – 71 opposition to ‘saison,’ 214 and election of 1969, 291 , 292 perceived economic competency and election of 1973, 296 – 97 , 300 of, 248 – 49 and ‘land for peace,’ 279 reaction to verdict in Kastner affair, 257 and LIM, 282 on reparations from Germany, 251 Mizrahi vote for, 292 split with Progressives, 265 possible alliance with Rafi , 285 Geneva initiative, 351 , 352 proposal of coalition with Mapai and Germany Rafi , 274 – 75 Begin on reparations from, 251 – 52 and proposal of Dayan as Minister of demonstration following speech, 252 Defence, 275 speech during debate in and re-opening of Suez Canal, 294 Knesset, 252 – 53 Shoval advocates alliance of parties opposition to reparations from, 251 with, 296 voluntary population transfer from Italy on West Bank occupation, 280 to, 145 Gahelet, 10 – 11 , 288 Gershenzon, Mikhail, 79n 42 Galicia, attacks on Jews by Poles in, 64 – 65 Gerstein, Eliezer, 182 Galili, Israel, 236 – 37 , 285 , 304 Gesher Galili plan, 299 and election of 1996, 342 Galsworthy, John, 173 and election of 1999, 358 Gandhi, Mohandas, 162 Geva, Eli, 363 Gapon (Father), 45 ghetto Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 19 , 33 , 48 , 49 , 51 – 52 , Jabotinsky on, 38 , 43 74 , 81 , 121 , 146 , 162 , 166 Spengler on, 62 – 63 Gaza Gide, Andrè, 149 – 50 Begin on withdrawal from, 303 Giladi, Eliahu, 203 far Right opposition to evacuating Giusti, Giuseppe, 18 – 19 settlements, 353 Givli, Binyamin, 266 Fatah ousted from, 358 Goebbels, Paul, 107 Netanyahu refrains from eradicating Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 125 Hamas from, 10 Gogol, Nikolai, 40 Olmert on withdrawal from, 352 Golan Heights Sharon on unilateral withdrawal disposition after Six Day War, 285 from, 352 Labour party opposition to return of, to unilateral withdrawal from, 322 , 356 Syria, 338 Geisinovich, Meir, 59 , 60 NRP calls for prevention of evacuation Gemayel, Bashir, 327 , 328 of settlements on, 331

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Goldmann, Nahum, 219 – 20 Greeks, relationship with Jews in Odessa, 17 Goldstein, Baruch, 335 – 36 Green Line, 10 , 351 Golomb, Eliahu, 78 , 187 , 209 Greenberg, Uri Zvi Gomel pogrom, 44 on Berit Ha-Biryonim, 113 Gordon, A. D., 98 on Democratic Revisionists, 118 Gordon, Yehudah Leib, 157 – 58 as editor of Di Velt, 160 Goren, Shlomo, 302 – 3 on the fi ghting Jew, 99 Gorguloff, Paul, 114 and Hapoel Hatzair, 65 – 66 Gorky, Maxim, 29 – 30 infl uence of Spengler on, 61 Gotowitz, Haim, 204 infl uence on Stern, 196 Great Britain joins Revisionists, 71 approves/disapproves of plan for Jewish journal of, 94 , 118 military force, 208 and leadership of Herut, 242 , 246 attacks on, in Palestine, 213 , 215 – 17 on leaving Europe for Palestine, 6 n 26 , blockade to prevent illegal 60 – 61 immigration, 216 on Lenin, 80 – 81 CID, 201 , 202 , 215 , 254 , 265 and LIM manifesto, 281 demonstration against, in Kovno, 185 and Maximalists, 101 deteriorating relationship with offi cial mourning for, 206 Jabotinsky, 140 and pogrom in Lemburg, 60 and Exodus 1947 affair, 231 and Polish Betar, 164 and hanging of Ben-Yosef, 185 – 86 resignation of, 261 hangings of Irgun members by, 230 – 31 and Revisionist movement in and individual liquidations by Palestine, 79 Lehi, 203 – 4 as visionary poet in Polish intention to leave Palestine, 232 tradition, 124– 25 and Jabotinsky, 136 – 37 and World War II, 135 on character of the English, 172 – 73 on Zionism, 90 criticism of British and Mandate, 139 Griffi th, D. W., 53 and Kastner affair, 256 – 57 , 258 , 259 Gromyko, Andrei, 232 Masaryk on, 6 Groshkin, Rafael, 195 Maximalist demand for Diaspora Grossman, Meir, 118 , 192 boycott of goods, 97 condemnation of Jabotinsky and and move toward decolonisation, 214 Revisionists, 117 – 18 post-World War II changes within, 214 endorsement of parliamentary road, 118 pro-Arab line pre-World War II, 147 – 48 and formation of Jewish State Party, 150 proposal for Jew settlements in Uganda forms Gush ha-ne’emane ha-Tsohar (1902), 8 veha-Betar, 244 reaction to killing of Jews by Palestinian on Jabotinsky and Betar, 117 Arabs, 1929, 5 and Maximalists, 96 , 101 , 103 replaces civilian/military leadership in on Revisionist movement, 116 Palestine, 1938, 184 and Zionist Organisation, 117 Stern on, 194 , 200 – 1 Gruenwald, Malkiel, 254 and World War II Gruner, Dov, 230 complicity in preventing escape of Gulf war, fi rst, 339 – 40 , 348 Jews in occupied Europe, 206 – 7 Guri, Haim, 282 importance of Palestine, 179 Gush Avodah Revisionisti, 71 – 73 and sinking of Struma, 201 demands on Histadrut, 71 Greece, 198 ideological divide with Histadrut, 75 compulsory population exchange with and national arbitration, 76 – 77 Turkey, 145 origins of, 71 – 73

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Gush Emunim, 10 – 11 , 331 – 32 and Mehola settlement, 288 alignment of Peres with religious settlers possible merger with Ahdut of, 304 Ha’avodah, 80 Begin on, 321 pro-Soviet approach of, 69 reaction to Camp David Accord, split in, 65 – 66 331 – 32 , 353 Hapoel Hatzair, 61 , 65 return to settlement at Sebastia, 304 haredim Gush Etzion, settlement of, 1968, 286 and election 1992, 338 Gush ha-ne’emane ha-Tsohar and fall of Shamir government, 336 veha-Betar, 244 and Peres, 336 and Poalei Agudat Yisrael, 333 Ha’am, Ahad, 18 , 153 , 157 – 58 and UTJ, 355 – 56 . See also Agudat Ha’aretz, 65 , 84 , 88 , 174 Yisrael ; Shas ; United Torah HaBayit Hayehudi (Jewish Home), Judaism (UTJ) 10 , 359 – 60 Harel, Isser, 281 and election of 2013, 359 – 60 Hareuveni, David, 99 and election of 2015, 361 , 365 Hashemite kingdom of Jordan, 223 – 24 . and West Bank settlements, 360 See also Jordan Haganah Hashomer Hatzair, 161 , 205 and Am Lohem, 209 and LIM manifesto, 281 and attack on King David hotel, 216 Haskalah (Jewish Enlightenment), 18 , and Begin, 202 35 , 323 and hanging of Ben-Yosef, 187 – 88 Ha-tenu’ah’, and election of 2015, 365 and Irgun, 182 Ha-va’adah le-ezra ve-Hatzalah Jabotinsky establishes, 56 – 57 (Committee for Assistance and split in, 175 Rescue), 256 stops support of attacks on Haviv, Avshalom, 230 British, 216 havlagah (self-restraint), 177, 182 , Haining, Robert Hadden, 187 183 , 280 Hakibbutz ha’meuhad, 282 Hazan, Ya’akov, 251 Hakim, Eliahu, 204 Hazaz, Haim, 281 Halevi, Binyamin, 257 Hazit Ha’am, 94 , 105 – 7 Halperin, Yirmiyahu, 86 , 87 , 246 on assassination of Doumer, 114 Hamas and murder of Arlosoroff, 110 bus bombings, 1996, 334 and Nazism, 108 Netanyahu refrains from eradicating Yeivin and desire to revive, 192 from Gaza, 10 Hebrew Committee for National reaction to Oslo Accord, 338 – 39 Liberation, 220 , 222 suicide bombings by, 340 on leadership style of Begin, 242 Hamashkif , 241 , 244 Hebron Hamatarah, 118 Allon visits settlers in, 289 Hamedina, 162 killing of worshippers in mosque Hamifl agah HaTsionit Ha’Amlanut, 66 in, 335 – 36 Hammer, Zevulun, 310 settlement of, 1968, 286 , 288 Hammond, Laurie, 141 Hebron agreement (1997), 12 , 322 , Hamoledet, Hazit, 239 343 , 356 Haolam Hazeh, 307 Hecht, Ben, 218 , 219 , 220 , 221 , 255 – 56 Hapoel Hamizrahi, 288 Hecht, Reuven, 282 Hapoel Hatzair Helsingfors Programme, 128 , 129 , 130 , Ahimeir joins, 65 133 , 136 , 318 Greenberg joins, 65 – 66 Hemingway, Ernest, 150

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Herut . See Tenu’at ha-Herut (Freedom on West Bank settlements, 335 Movement) Herut, 251 , 262 idealist realism, 20 Herzl, Theodor, 34i 3 , 32 – 33 , 38 , 157 – 58 , Im Tirzu, 361 161 , 162 – 63 , 199 , 262 immigration to Palestine Herzog, Chaim, and establishment of aliyah Bet, 181 Rafi , 271 and Anglo-American Committee, 214 Heydrich, Reinhard, 203 British blockade to prevent Hilltop Youth, 336 illegal, 216 Himmler, Heinrich, 256 British refusal of Holocaust Histadrut (General Federation of Workers survivors, 217 in the Land of Israel), 8, 69–72, from former Soviet Union, 337 , 356 109, 125–6, 163, 248, 263, 265, fourth aliyah, 75 , 79 , 125 , 324 267–8, 271, 280, 296–7, 307–8, illegal, and Irgun, 189 – 90 354 increase during World War II, 177 Histadrut ha-tsiyonim ha-Amlanim, 70 limits on, 119 , 170 , 214 and Begin, 8 , 267 – 68 , 354 from Morocco, 264 establishment of, 70 of Polish Jewish middle class, 4 and Gush Avodah Revisionisti, 71, 120, second aliyah, 281 171 third aliyah, 60 , 71 ideological divide with Revisionists, 75 and White Paper, 147 , 170 , 189 , 207 , Jews in Poland, leave to form National 208 , 214 Workers’ Federation, 125 Independent Liberals and Menorah, 70 and coalition of Rabin, 301 , 303 and Nahalat Yehudah, 71 and election of 1977, 310 and national arbitration, 76 and merger with Herut, 268 and National Labor Union, 126 and proposal of Dayan as Minister of Sharon on, 354 Defence, 275 historical materialism, 20 Indian National Congress, 200 Hitler, Adolf, 98 , 106 . See also individualism, Jabotinsky on, 28 World War II intensive agriculture, 75 Hitlerism, Jabotinsky on, 107 intifada Hlond, August, 251 al-Aqsa, 2 , 334 , 350 , 357 , 363 Hobbes, Thomas, 64 fi rst, 334 , 335 Holocaust Iraq, bombing of Osirak nuclear reactor Begin on, 251 in, 325 Ben-Gurion on, 251 . See also Ireland, Easter Uprising in, 53n 10 World War II Irgun B’Yisrael, 192 , 194 Home Rule (Ireland), Jabotinsky as Irgun Zvai Leumi (National Military supporter of, 53n 10 Organisation), 1 , 6 , 165 , 175 – 81 Hoover, Herbert, 220 after death of Jabotinsky, 6 Hope-Simpson report, 89 , 120 , 173 – 74 anthem of, 179 Horovitz, Yigal, 296 , 325 arms supplied to, 236 – 37 Horthy, Miklós, 255 attacks on British targets, 213 , 215 – 16 Hulda Union, 93 , 178 and Begin, 165 , 171 , 210 , 265 human rights, 306 conversion into Herut, 234 , 235 – 36 Hungary . See Kastner affair creation of, 175 , 177 , 179 Hussein (Jordan) dismissal of by Ben-Gurion, 244 – 45 Rabin signs peace agreement with, funding of, 215 1994, 12 growth of, 169 – 70 and Sharon, 349 and hanging of Ben-Yosef, 186 , 187 – 88

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Irgun Zvai Leumi (National Military and Lebanon war (1982), 328 Organisation) (cont.) and LIM manifesto, 281 hostility to Yishuv, 230 and suicide bombings, 351 ideological differences with Lehi, 210 – 11 and Yom Kippur war, 297 , 301 . See also and illegal immigration, 189 – 90 Lebanon war (1982) and Jabotinsky, 169 , 177 , 181 , 188 – 89 Israeli Right commemoration of death, 212 allegiance of IDF generals to, 295 journals of, 178 , 179 , 184 , 193 , on Kastner, 256 202 – 3 , 207 Israeli Workers’ List . See Rafi military action against Arabs in Italian irredentists, 135 1948, 232 – 33 Italian Revisionists, 82 and NZO, 211 Italian School of Political and partitioning of Palestine, 224 – 25 Sociology, 21 – 22 prison breakout by members of, 230 Italy reaction to MacDonald White Italian model of dictatorship, 84 Paper, 170 reunifi cation of, 19 reciprocity policy of, 215 , 231 voluntary population transfer from relationship with Betar in Palestine, 180 Germany to, 145 resignations by members of, 261 and World War II, 194 , 199 – 200 . See and the Revolt, 212 – 14 also Mussolini, Benito roots of, 89 Izgoev, Aleksandr, 39 split in, 171 , 180 – 81 , 190 , 194 and Stern Jabotinsky, Eri attacks on British and Arabs, 189 arrest of, 183 control of Irgun after arrest of and Begin, 228 , 246 – 48 , 273 Raziel, 192 and establishment of Free Centre, 273 training in Polish Betar, 184 – 85 and Herut, 246 , 248 and World War II and Jewish army, 218 and British War effort, 202 – 3 and LIM manifesto, 281 disposition toward neutrality, 193 and partitioning of Palestine, 228 Irish Republican Army (IRA), 94 , 200 as Revisionist, 246 iron law of elites, 83 Jabotinsky, Vladimir Iskra, 27 – 28 , 42 on adventurism, 97 – 99 Islam, Jabotinsky on, 132 ‘Afn Pripitshek,’ 155 , 176 – 77 Islamic Jihad, reaction to Oslo and Ahimeir, 79 – 80 , 84 – 85 , 96 , 97 – 98 , Accord, 338 – 39 122 , 155 Islamists, opposition to Oslo and Amlanim, 70 Accord, 338 – 39 on anarcho-libertarianism, 28 Israel on anti-Semitism, 28 , 123 – 24 , 141 claim for reparations for Nazi crimes, 250 anti-war play ‘Krov’ of, 19 effect of rise of price of oil on, 306 appeal to conscience of world, 166 – 67 negotiations with Egypt, on approach of Begin at Betar 1977–1979, 318 Conference, 166 – 67 rise in cost of living index in, 306 and Arab Revolt, 1938, 130 – 31 and Yom Kippur war, 297 – 98 . See also and Arlosoroff murder, 111 , 112 Gaza ; Palestine ; West Bank arrest in Odessa, April 1902, 24 Israeli citizenship, 318 , 357 on assimilation, 39 , 40 – 42 Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) attacks on Bund, 46 – 48 and Altalena affair, 237 on autonomy Berit Hakana’im plans for violence in Diaspora, 46 against, 262 of national minorities, 129

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of Palestinian Revisionists, 119 The Five, 43 – 44 barred from returning to Palestine, 139 focus of youthful rebellion of, 18 ‘Basta,’ 73 formation of Haganah by, 56 – 57 and Begin, 3 , 4 , 5 , 165 – 66 , 212 and Futurism, 152 and Ben-Gurion, 4 , 109 , 140 , 163 on the ghetto, 38 , 43 and Ben-Yosef hanging, 186 – 87 and Gorky, 29 – 30 on Berit Ha-Biryonim and Great Britain, 5 , 136 – 37 and civil disobedience, 119 on attitude of military toward Jews, 173 criticism of attack on Bentwich and on character of the English, 172 – 73 Magnes, 98 deteriorating relationship, 140 demonstrations by, 155 and Mandate, 102 , 139 , 142 and Bet Sefer, 87 reaction to pro-Arab line, 147 and Betar, 82 , 97 ‘Hesped’ (Eulogy), 38 on demonstration against limits on and Hillel Kook, 218 Jewish immigration, 119 historical fi gure of, as political tool used on role of Betar, 97 , 98 – 99 , 120 – 21 by Right, 2 in Betar uniform, 156i 7 ‘Homo Homini Lupus,’ 63 – 65 , 159 and Black Sunday attacks, 183 on human need for worship, 131 on Bolshevism, 96 on ideal vs. conviction, 74 on Berit Shalom, 92 – 93 identity issues, 27 The Bund and Zionism, 46 ideology of, 2 – 4 ‘A Call to the Jewish Youth,’ 188 ‘Independence or Decay,’ 117 code name of, 181 , 186 , 194 on individualism, 28 conversion to Zionism, 30 , 37 ‘Individualism and Collectivism”, 28 as correspondent for Odesskii on individuality of Jews, 154 Listok, 18 – 19 on inferior/superior races, 132 “The Critics of Zionism,” 39 infl uence of Herzl on, 32 – 33 on cult of personality, 159 infl uence of Margolin on, 36 – 37 cultural milieu of early life of, 14 infl uences on while in Rome, 19 – 21 death of, 4 , 171 , 190 , 198 intellectual dissonance within, 35 on demonstrations at Western Wall/ on IRA, 94 aftermath, August 1929, 88 – 89 and Irgun, 169 , 177 , 188 – 89 detention in Odessa prison for solidarity approval of act of retaliation, 181 with students, 25 ‘The Iron Wall’, 131 , 133– 35 , 279 – 80 ‘Disobedience,’ 140 on Islam, 132 dissonance in public commentary of, 97 and Jewish Legion, 94 – 95 , 172 – 73 and Duce cult, 84 – 85 on Jewish national spirit, 133 , 157 – 58 on education, 36 on Jewish observance, 131 education of, 14 ‘Jews after the war,’ 193 ‘The Englishman: His Virtues, His at Katowice conference, 117 – 18 Flaws,’ 172 – 73 and labour movement opponents, 77 ‘The Ethics of the Iron Wall’, 135 – 36 on Left Bank, 137 – 38 exile from Odessa, 4 legacy of, 246 – 47 exile from Palestine, 4 on Magnes, 92 – 93 fatalism of, 45 , 65 , 130 , 139 , 155 , 181 ‘Majority,’ 133 at fi fth Revisionist Conference and Maximalists on autonomy, 103 desire to keep, within Revisionist on fascism, 104 – 5 movement, 104 – 5 on leadership, 104 initial interpretation of actions of, 98 opens with speech against British on Jabotinsky, 96 , 118 Mandate, 102 on Revisionism of Jabotinsky, 101 – 2

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Jabotinsky, Vladimir (cont.) polarisation between supporters ‘The Meaning of Preparedness,’ 95 and, 182 on military and Polish literature, 124 – 25 knowledge vs. action, 94 re-burial on Mount Herzl, 266 legalisation of Jewish self-defence refl ections on Palestine, 1918, 55 – 56 units, 142 , 174 – 75 and religious tradition, 36 – 38 notion of underground military on Renner, 129 organisation, 96 resigns from Zionist Executive, 133 plan for armed revolt, 170 return to Odessa, 27 preparedness/training, 95 , 176 – 77 on Revisionism, 77 – 78 prowess/self-sacrifi ce, 86 on Revisionist movement, 116 “Mr A. R. in Dresden,” 28 on revolution, 101 and Mussolini, 82 , 85 at Rome, 14 , 18 – 19 on national arbitration, 76 – 77 and Russia on national minorities, 129 – 31 antipathy toward Russian on national purpose of writers, 39 – 40 literature, 124 – 25 on Communism, 74 – 75 on national revolutionary on intelligentsia, 26 , 38 movements, 48 – 49 on ‘masses,’ 26 , 28 , 45 – 46 and nationalism, 29 , 30 reaction to Bolshevisation, 4 ‘On Nationalism,’ 29 reaction to pogroms, 39 , 44 – 45 on Nazism as scapegoat, 206 and Hazit Ha’am, 108 Scheib on, 167 and Hitlerism, 107 self-analysis, 1910, 30 – 31 and Revisionists, 109 self-education of, 35 – 36 and new Poland, 125 Sharon uses ideology of, on on Nordau, 153 – 54 settlements, 353 ‘On a Bi-national Land of and Sinn Feiners, 53n 10 Israel,’ 129 – 30 on social redemption, 77 on Ottoman Empire, 51 on socialism, 74 ‘Our Tasks,’ 127 socialism of, 49 on Palestinian Arabs, 131 and sovereignty, 43 – 44 model for inter-communal relations starts ‘help the Allies’ campaign in with Jews, 138 – 39 US, 190 national rights of, 136 on student demonstrations, 25 – 26 , 27 possibility of peace with Zionist support of anti-German boycott, 110 Jews, 133 – 36 ‘Three Arts,’ 30 – 31 potential for violence, 145 – 46 and Ukrainian nationalism, 66 – 67 , 127 parallels with Pinsker, 35 – 36 understanding of ‘revolutionary,’ 165 on parliamentary systems, 86 ‘We, the Bourgeoisie,’ 73 , 75 and partitioning of Palestine, on working with non-Jews, 158 141 – 42 , 143 – 45 and World War I, 135 expansion of Jewish state after, 146 awarded MBE for military opposition to, 180 services, 56 reaction to pro-Arab line taken by chooses side of England, 52 British, 147 and Jewish Union, 52 – 53 , 54 – 57 , 67 on paths to goal of a state, 118 – 19 disbandment of, 56 and Peel Commission, 141 – 42 Zion Mule Corps, 54 – 55 and compulsory/non-compulsory views on, 1916, 50 – 51 transfer of Arabs, 144 – 45 views on, pre-war, 50 photo of young, 15 and World War II, 171 , 191 on Pilsudski, 123 – 24 , 156 – 57 plans for Jewish army, 193

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and youth Mussolini on, 23 criticism of infl uence on national consciousness of, 33 – 34 youth, 150 – 51 and October Revolution, 58 – 59 on importance of, 119 – 20 particularist Jewishness, increase in sense on interests of European of, 361 youth, 149 – 50 Rumanian, 201 , 219 on taking military persona, 120 Spengler on, 62 – 63 and Zionism as trilingual people, 30 religious Zionism, 3 Johnson, Jack, 64 three stages of Zionism, 158 , 162 – 63 Jordan Zionist Executive, 116 – 17 Begin’s advocacy of regime Zionist Organisation, 117 change in, 10 “On Zionism,” 28 – 29 peace agreement with Rabin, 1994, 12 on Zola, 29 and Six Day war, 276 Jabotinsky-Slavinsky accord (1921), 66 Joyce, James, 152 Jacobinism, 22 Judea, 322 Japan, 44 – 45 Julian the Apostate, 81 Jaurès, Jean, 41 Jeffries, James J., 64 , 331 , 335 Jellinek, Georg, 128 Kadets, 28 Jerusalem, siege of, 253 party, 1 Jewish Agency, 70 , 187 and election of 2009, 333 , 358 , 359 arrests of members of, 215 formation of, 353 – 54 and attack on King David hotel, 216 Kadum settlement, 317 and Hungarian Betar, 258 Kahan Commission, 328 , 347 and Kastner affair, 256 , 258 , 259 Kahan Report, 313 and Operation Broadside, 216 Kahane, Meir, 296 and partitioning of Palestine, 223 , 224 assassination of, 335 – 36 veto of military operations, 215 and Camp David Accord, 331 and World War II, 190 election to Knesset, 1984, 331 Jewish Brigade, 208 and resurrection of Arab-Jew population Jewish Communists, 58 , 205 exchange, 333 Jewish Enlightenment (Haskalah), 18 , and youth vote, 331 35 , 323 Kahane Hai, 336 Jewish Legion Kaplan, Dora, 81 , 113 and Jabotinsky, 94 – 95 , 172 – 73 Kariv, Avraham, 281 Polish infl uence on, 124 Kashani, Eliezer, 230 Jewish self-defence units, legalisation kashrut, Jabotinsky on, 131 of, 174 – 75 Kastner, Rudolf Jewish State Party assassination of, 257 formation of, 150 background of, 254 and Irgun, 177 Kastner affair, 254 – 60 Jewish Underground, 331 basis of silence in Hungary, 255 , 256 Jews Begin on, 258 –59 and assimilation, 35 charges against Brand, 254 – 55 , assimilation of, 35 256 – 57 British reaction to killing by Palestinian charges against Kastner, 254 Arabs, 1929, 5 exoneration of Kastner, 257 – 58 defi nition of Jew, 290 , 301 – 3 , and Blood for Goods, 254 – 56 315 , 324 Herut on, 258 expulsion from Russia, 1880s/1890s, 15 overturning of verdict in, 257 , 258 Jabotinsky on individuality of, 154 reaction to verdict in, 257

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Kastner affair (cont.) and American League for a Free and supportive testimony on behalf of SS Palestine, 220 – 21 offi cer Kurt Becher, 255 – 56 awareness raising in US about Jewish Katowice conference (1933), 115 , treatment/rescue, 218 – 20 117 – 18 , 155 background of, 218 Katz, Shmuel, 237 on Ben-Gurion, 248 Katzir, Ephraim, 306 departure from Herut, 248 Katznelson, Berl, 108 – 9 , 111 , 144 , 281 and government in exile of Jewish Katznelson, Yosef, 65 , 87 , 101 state, 220 Kaufman, Chaim, 320 ideological differences with Kautsky, Karl, 41 Begin, 221– 22 Kerensky, Alexander, 55 on Law of Return, 247 Khartoum, on disposition of territorial and leadership of Herut, 242 , 246 gains after Six Day war, 285 on legacy of Jabotinsky, 246 – 47 Khlebnikov, Velimir, 152 and partitioning of Palestine, 228 Kielce pogrom, 251 pseudonym of, 218 Kimmerling, Baruch, 333 – 34 on World Zionist Organisation, 247 King David hotel, attack on, Kook, Zvi Yehudah, 8 – 9 215 – 16 , 229 – 30 condemnation of Begin and withdrawal Kingsley-Hitt (Major), 88 from Sinai, 322 Kiriat Arba, 288 , 289 messianic and redemptionist school of Kiriat Shemona, killing of children at, 298 thought of, 289 – 90 Kishinev pogrom, 41 , 44 , 108 – 9 yeshivah of, 288 Kissinger, Henry, 303 Korczak, Janusz, 298 Kitchener (Lord), 55 Korolenko, Vladimir, 29 Klausner, Joseph, 178 Kovno, demonstration against British with Begin at speech on post-war in, 185 Germany, 252 Kress, Friedrich, 121 stands for President of Israel against Kropotkin (Prince), 79n 41 Weizmann, 244 Kuntres, 65 , 78 Knesset Kurds, 247 debate on diplomatic relations with West Kvutzot Ha-Amlanim (Trudoviki), 69 Germany, 260 , 261 debate on law to commemorate the La Guardia, Fiorello, 220 fallen, 245 – 46 La’am number of speakers in, 245 and the Likud 308 raising of threshold for representation and Camp David Accord, 321 in, 338 and fi nancial policy, 325 vote on Oslo Accord, 338 Labour movement vote to remove settlers at Sebastia on and Jabotinsky, 140 West Bank, 304 opposition to ‘saison,’ 214 and ‘Who is a Jew?’ debate, 290 and the Revolt, 213 Koestler, Arthur, 24 – 25 ‘Labour Movement for a Whole Land of Kollek, Teddy, 271 Israel’, 282 Kook, Avraham Yitzhak, 8 – 9 Labour party and Begin, 314 – 15 Allon Plan of, 285 – 86 , 335 and Gahelet, 10 and arms sales to Africa, 307 and murder of Arlosoroff, 111 breakdown of coalition with Likud, 336 refusal to sign LIM manifesto, 281 coalition government of, 2 Kook, Hillel, 221i 11 decline of, 352 , 359 and Altalena affair, 236 decrease in seats in 1980s elections, 330 – 31

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on disposition of territorial gains after Le Bon, Gustav, 21 Six Day war, 284 Le Figaro, 152 efforts of Peres to mitigate secular image leadership, Jabotinsky on, 104 of, 335 League of Nations, 74 , 137 and election of 1992, 337 – 38 Lebanon and election of 1977, 310 , 317 Begin’s advocacy of regime change in, 10 and election of 1981, 325 wars in, 326 – 27 and election of 1996, 334 , 342 Lebanon war (1982), 312 , 327 – 28 , 345 – 48 and election of 1999, 358 cost of, 348 and election of 2009, 359 demonstrations against, 347 and election of 2015, 365 Labour party on, 327 – 28 , 347 endorsement of Galili plan by, 299 and Operation Big Pines, 346 forms Ma’arakh (Labour Alignment) and Operation Little Pines, 346 with , 283 and Sabra/Shatilla massacres, 328 , 347 internal power struggles, 303 and Syria, 346 on Lebanon war (1982), 327 – 28 , 347 US on, 346 , 347 and Likud, 308 , 335 , 336 USSR on, 346 as non-centrist party, 358 Lebanon war (2006), 2 opposition to return of Golan Heights to Lebedentsev, Vsevolod, 24 Syria, 338 Left and possible negotiations with PLO, 335 Allon as preference for Minister of and Rafi , 283 Defence, 275 replacement of coalition with Likud by blames Right for Rabin assassination, 340 Right, 336 decline of, 359 Shoval advocates alliance with former on idealism, 282 Rafi members in, 296 opposition to Lebanon war (1982), 347 on Six Day war, 278 Left Poale Zion, 208 support for Dayan, 285 Lehi (Fighters for the Freedom of Israel) Labour Zionism after death of Jabotinsky, 6 and Begin, 164 attacks on Ben-Gurion, 238 – 40 infl uences on, 49 attacks on British targets, 215 Labour Zionists on Britain as central enemy, 209 – 10 appeal of Begin to, 6 declared terrorist organisation and and partitioning of Palestine, 144 outlawed, 240 Labriola, Antonio, 20 – 21 , 22 dismissal by Ben-Gurion, 244 – 45 Labriola, Arturo, 22 dissidents in, 208 – 11 Lamdan, Yitzhak, 60 escape of members from prison, Lamerhav faction, 246 , 248 203 , 230 land, private ownership of, 75 ideological differences with ‘land for peace,’ 9 , 279 , 280 , 289 , 293 , 362 Irgun, 210 – 11 Land of Israel Movement (LIM), 281 – 83 and individual liquidations, 203 – 4 , Land of Israel party, 292 – 93 213 , 239 – 40 labour committee for, 296 internationalist dimension to, 210 Lapid, Yair, 360 and LIM manifesto, 281 Laqueur, Walter, 25 members commit suicide, 230 Lassalle, Ferdinand, 48 , 186 and partitioning of Palestine, 224 Lavon, Pinhas, 266 political marganilisation of, 280 – 81 Lavon affair, 266 and population exchange, Arabs in Law of Return, 247 , 302 , 310 Palestine/Jews in Arab states, 333 law of the pursuer (din rodef), 339 pro-Soviet orientation of, 240 Lawrence of Arabia, 55 . See Allenby, Edmund roots of, 89

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Lehi (Fighters for the Freedom alliance with Labour, 335 of Israel) (cont.) and arms sales to Africa, 307 split into factions after elections of and assassination of Rabin, 340 1949, 244 becomes one party, 334 – 35 and Stern, 209 breakdown of coalition with Lemburg pogrom, 60 Labour, 336 Lenin, Vladimir, 4 , 27 – 28 , 58 coalition with Centre-Right, 316 Ahimeir on, 98 consolidation of, 308 – 11 attempted assassination of, 81 , 113 criticism of Netanyahu, 361 Begin on, 313 – 14 decrease in seats in 1980s on Jews fi lling gaps in post-World War I elections, 330 – 31 bureaucracy, 58 displacement of primary ideology by opposition to Bund, 46 – 47 security concerns, 9 – 10 rejection of non-territorial effect of Free Centre split on, 308 autonomy, 128 and election of 1973, 300 Spengler on, 61 and election of 1977, 309 – 10 , Levinger, Moshe 318 , 325 and Allon, 289 and election of 1981, 325 on disposition of territorial gains after and election of 1988, 334 Six Day war, 284 and election of 1992, 337 and Gahelet, 288 and election of 1996, 334 , 341 and settlement in Hebron, 288 and election of 2001, 334 Levy, David, 343 and election of 2003, 352 Liberals and election of 2009, 358 , 359 dependency on Herut, 324 and election of 2013, 358 differences between Herut and, 268 and election of 2015, 365 on disposition of territorial gains after evolution of, 1 Six Day war, 286 , 292 and far Right, 316 , 333 , 340 economic policy of, 324 – 25 on fi rst Intifada as military, not political and election of 1961, 266 problem, 335 and election of 1965, 268 fragmentation of, 2 , 321 , 322 and establishment of diplomatic fragmentation of alliance with relations with West Germany, 268 Herut, 316 give up individual structure, 334 and Histadrut election of merger between Herut and, 268 , 274 1973, 296 – 97 and private enterprise/small loss of seats under Netanyahu, business, 268 354 and religious reform, 268 and , 360 – 62 Lichtheim, Richard, 96 , 117 as non-centrist party, 358 Lieberman, Avigdor, 357 i 19 and Oslo Accord, 338 , 342 – 43 attack on civil liberties NGOs, 360 popularity in twenty-fi rst century, 1 and destruction of Hamas in replacement of coalition with Labour by Gaza, 358 Right, 336 dismissed from cabinet by Sharon, 353 and resignation of Rabin, 307 as Minister or Transport, 354 on security fence, 339 move to Centre-Right, 357 and Sharon and Operation Cast Lead, 10 , 358 becomes of, 350 and territorial exchange, 363 leaves to form Kadima, 353 – 54 and two state solution, 10 . See also return to power under, 2 split in, 338 Likud, 6 support of Sebastia settlers, 304

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Likud-led governments of the Right and Arlosoroff murder, 110 , 111 increase of West Bank settlements and Begin under, 334 accuses of collaboration with British violence as impetus for voters to elect, 334 CID, 265 LIM (Land of Israel Movement), 281 – 83 on lack of tolerance of, 265 Lithuania, demonstration against British rejects idea to join coalition with, 264 in, 185 Ben-Gurion promotion of, 244 – 45 Livni, Tsipi, 1 , 261 , 333 and declaration of independence, 234 Lloyd-George, David , 55 , 66 , 173 and dissidents in Lehi, 208 – 11 Lod airport killings, 298 and election of 1955, 259 Lodz Declaration, 117 and election of 1959, 265 Lombardo, Roberto, 24 and election of 1961, 266 , 271 Lubavitcher Rebbe, 302 , 303 , 314 – 15 , and election of 1965, 269 – 71 336 , 355 election poster, c. 1948, 7i 1 Lubenchik, Naftali, 200 and establishment of diplomatic Lubetkin, Zivia, 281 relations with West Lurie, Moshe, 66 , 69 Germany, 260 Luxemburg, Rosa, 41 and general election of 1951, 249 Luzzati, Luigi, 18 , 74 and Kastner affair, 257 , 258 Lyttleton, Oliver, 203 and ‘land for peace,’ 280 , 283 and Lavon affair, 266 Ma’alot, killing of schoolchildren in, 298 and LIM manifesto, 281 , 282 – 83 Ma’arakh (Labour Alignment), 271 , 283 proposal of coalition with Rafi and on disposition of territorial gains after Gahal, 274 – 75 Six Day war, 292 protests against secularism of, 262 and election of 1969, 291 , 292 and Six Day war, 278 and election of 1973, 299 , 300 support of partition of Palestine, 222 and election of 1977, 309 – 10 universalism of, 265 and resignation of Rabin, 307 and West Bank settlements, and Rogers Plan, 293 – 94 280 , 286 and Sebastia settlement, 305 Mapam Ma’ariv, 308 and coalition of Rabin, 303 Maccabi (youth group), 67 forms Ma’arakh (Labour Alignment) MacDonagh, Thomas, 53 n 10 , 53 with Labour party, 283 MacDonald, Malcolm, 186 , 187 and proposal of Dayan as Minister of MacDonald, Ramsay, 175 Defence, 275 Machiavelli, Niccolò, 152 on reparations from Germany, 251 Machover, Yonah, 67 Marat, Jean-Paul, 24 , 113 , 114 and formation of Jewish State Party, 150 Margolin, Moses, 36 – 37 Mack, Julian, 144 Margolin, Rachel, 36n 13 MacMichael, Harold, 184 , 204 , 213 Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso, 131 , 152 Madrid conference (1991), 8 , 337 Markov, Nikolai, 49 Magnes, Judah, 92 – 93 , 98 , 129 – 30 , 174 Maronites, 10 , 247 Maimonides, 38 , 198 marriage Malkhut Yisrael, 257 , 262 civil, 247 , 356 mamlahtiyut policy, 265 regulation of Jewish in Finland, 65 Manchester Guardian, 56 Marshak, Benny, 282 Mapai, 1 Martin, Clifford, 231 Ahimeir attacks ideology of, 206 Martov, Julius, 47 airbrushes members of Betar in Warsaw Marx, Groucho, 220 Ghetto, 251 – 52 Marx, Karl, 41

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Marxism Meridor, Dan fragmentation/evolution in Italy, on attack by Lieberman on civil liberties 21 – 22 , 24 NGOs, 360 fragmentation/evolution in leaves Likud party, 343 Russia, 28 . See also Ahdut on Likud as liberal centrist Ha’avodah ; Mapam movement, 340 Marxist Zionists, 174 opposition to Israel as Jewish state and partitioning of Palestine, 144 proposal, 12 Marzel, Baruch, 336 Merkaz Harav, 288 Masada, 195 , 202 , 217 , 331 Merlin, Shmuel, 218 , 228 , 246 , 248 Masaryk, Jan, 5 , 151 messianic/redemptionist school of thought Matzad, 323 , 333 of Zvi Yehudah Kook, 289 Mauritius, 194 messianism, 157 maximalism, 3 of Jewish Bolsheviks, 58 , 59 Maximalist Revisionists, resignations within religious Zionism, 8 – 9 of, 261 of Stern, 198 – 99 Maximalists, 11 Metzudah, 178 , 179 demand for Diaspora boycott of British Michels, Robert, 21 , 26 , 82 – 83 goods, 97 Mickiewicz, Adam, 51 , 94 , 94n 30 , and Grossman, 96 , 101 , 103 124 – 25 , 156 on Jabotinsky, 96 , 118 , 140 militarism, 78 and Nazism, 106 – 8 , 109 military service exemption, 315 and partitioning of Palestine, 142 – 43 Miliukov, Pavel, 40 Polish, demands of, 163 minorities, Jabotinsky on, 129 – 31 on Revisionist movement and Zionist Mitzna, Amram, 352 Organisation, 116 Mizrahi, opposition to ‘saison,’ 214 views of Betar on, 125 – 26 Mizrahim Mayakovsky, Vladimir, 152 , 179 , 196 Begin cultivates, 264 Mazzini, Giuseppe, 19 , 67 , 81 , 146 Begin on immigrants, 249 Mehola, settlement at, 286 – 88 and Centre-Right, 291 , 358 and destruction of dissidents in Lehi, 208 Meir, Golda and election 1992, 338 on defi nition of Palestinian, 298 – 99 and election of 1977, 310 and election of 1969, 291 and election of 1981, 325 fi ght to succeed, 303 – 4 and election of 1996, 342 on ideological trends in Mapai-led and election of 1999, 358 coalitions, 315 – 16 form Shas party, 323 and Law of Return, 302 form party, 323 and partitioning of Palestine, and Irgun, 177 144 , 222 riots in Wadi Saib, Haifa, 1959, by, 264 . and proposal of Dayan as Minister of See also Shas Defence, 275 Mohammed, Abdul Rahim Haj, 184 resignation of, 300 – 1 Moledet and Rogers Plan, 293 – 94 formation of, 333 and West Bank and Arab and formation of HaBayit inhabitants, 285 Hayehudi, 359 and Yom Kippur war, 297 joins coalition, 336 melting pot, 128 joins National Union, 355 Menelik (Ethiopia), 19 leaves coalition, 337 Menorah, 70 – 71 and resurrection of Arab-Jew population , 338 , 359 , 365 exchange, 333

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and voluntary transfer of Arabs from and formation of HaBayit Palestine, 335 Hayehudi, 359 wins seats in Knesset, 335 . See also fragmentation of, 323 far Right joins coalition of Rabin, 301 , 302 – 3 Molotov, Vyacheslav, 225 opposition to Camp David Accord, 321 monism, 93 , 96 , 158 , 230 and prevention of evacuations on West Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat, Bank/Golan Heights, 331 Baron de, 152 and proposal of Dayan as Minister of Morashah, and election of 1984, 333 Defence, 275 Morrison-Grady Plan, 223 , 224 receives education portfolio under Morton, Jeffrey, 204 Begin, 315 Mościcki, Ignacy, 171 and resignation of Rabin, 307 moshavniks, and election of 1977, 310 and Six Day war, 278 Mosley, Oswald, 105 – 6 support of Sebastia settlers, 304 Moyne (Lord), 204 , 209 , 213 , 258 and West Bank settlements, 280 multi-national state, Renan on, 128 – 29 withdraws from Barak government, 351 Munich crisis, 165 Young Guard of, 288 , 289 – 90 Munich Olympics killings, 298 agrees with Dayan’s attack on ‘Murder in Nahalal’, 112n 13 Shapira, 290 Muslims, and demonstrations at Western decision to join coalition of Wall/aftermath, 1929, 88 – 89 Rabin, 303 Mussolini, Benito, 22 , 23 defi nition of ‘Jew,’ 301 , 302 – 3 Ahimeir on, 80 , 98 election of 1977, 310 ideology of, 24 national revolutionary movements, and Jabotinsky, 82 , 85 Ahimeir on, 84 and Jews, 23 , 82 national syndicalism, Ahimeir on, 100 Spengler on, 61 National Union, 336 , 353 , 358 – 59 support by professors, 23 . See also Italy National Workers’ Federation (NWF), formation of, 125 Nahmanides, 38 , 359 – 60 nationalism, Jabotinsky on, 29 , 30 Nahalat Yehudah, 71 Navon, Yitzhak, 347 ‘Nahshon,’ 83 Nazis, and 1932 election, 106 . See also Nakar, Meir, 230 World War II Napoleon, 51 , 98 , 114 Nazism Naquet, Alfred, 42 – 43 Ahimeir on, 106 Narodnaya Volya, 198 Maximalists on, 106 – 7 Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 260 , 261 , 265 , Yeivin on, 106 274 , 294 Negri, Ada, 32 national arbitration, 76 – 77 Nekrassov, Nikolai, 40 National Health Service, 214 Neriah, Zvi, 282 National Labor Union, and Histadrut, 126 Nes Ziona, 71 National Military Organisation . See Irgun Netanyahu, Binyamin, 4 – 5 , 364i 20 Zvai Leumi becomes Prime Minister, 334 (NRP), 11 on borders of Israel, 339 and Begin, 301 , 315 bribery allegation against, 350 and defi nition of ‘Jew,’ 302 demonisation of Rabin by, 339 on disposition of territorial gains after and election of 1996, 340 – 42 Six Day war, 284 , 292 and election of 2013, 358 and election of 1992, 338 and election of 2015, 363 – 64 and election of 1969, 291 on eradication of Hamas from Gaza, 10 and election of 1977, 310 ethno-nationalist parties support of, 1

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Netanyahu, Binyamin (cont.) economic opportunities for Jews in, 17 far Right parties support of, 1 founding/early years of, 16 forms for electoral Greek/Jewish relationship in, 17 purposes, 342 languages spoken in, 14 and Likud as multicultural, 17 criticism of Netanyahu, 361 number of Jews in, 1892, 14 prevention unravelling of, 338 revolt against Judaism by Jews in, 15 – 16 transformation of, 9 – 10 tolerance toward Jews in, 16 as Minister of Finance, 354 Zionist thinkers in, 18 public persona of, 358 Odesskii Listok, 18 – 19 reciprocity policy of, 341 Odesskii Novosti, 27 on recognition of Israel as Jewish Ofer, Avraham, 307 state, 12 oil, effect of rise of price on Israel, 306 and religious education, 355 Olmert, Ehud religious parties support of, 1 and establishment of Free Centre, 273 resignation from Sharon government, 10 joins Kadima, 354 restoration to premiership, 2 opposition to withdrawal from security focus of, 341 Sinai, 321 and settlement freeze, 362 and resignation of Begin, 272 on territories, 343 , 353 on withdrawal from Gaza/West Bank, 352 in US in 1980s, 341 ‘open bridges’ policy, 285 New Israel Fund, 361 Operation Big Pines, 346 New Party, 105 – 6 Operation Broadside, 216 New Right, 359 – 65 Operation Cast Lead, 10 , 358 and HaBayit Hayehudi, 10 , 359 – 60 Operation Defensive Shield, 2 and Likud, 360 – 62 Operation Determined Path, 2 and reinvigoration of Zionist values, Operation for Peace in Galilee, 346 361 . See also far Right Operation Iron Mind, 328 New Zionist Organisation (NZO) Operation Little Pines, 346 and Begin, 164n 60 , 202 Operation Protective Edge, 361 – 62 establishment of, 140 – 41 Orland, Ya’akov, 281 and Irgun, 180 , 211 Orzeszkowa, Eliza, 125 and partitioning of Palestine, 142 Osirak nuclear reactor bombing, 325 on Peel plan, 145 Oslo Accord (1993), 8 , 322 , 338 – 40 , and sinking of Struma, 201 351 , 356 and Treaty of London, 223 Ottolenghi, Giuseppe, 18 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 61 , 93 , 153 Ottoman Empire nihilism, 20 , 203 , 316 , 337 Jabotinsky on, 51 NILI, 121 – 22 , 199 and World War I, 54 , 58 , 132 Nivharim, Asefat, 119 Oz, Amos, 313 Nixon, Richard, arming of Israel during Yom Kippur war, 297 Paglin, Amihai ‘Gidi,’ 235 Norbut-Luczynski, Aleksander, 253 and establishment of Free Centre, 273 Nordau, Max, 52 , 153 – 54 , 157 – 58 and leadership of Herut, 242 resignation of, 261 . See also Irgun October Manifesto, 45 Paice, Mervyn, 231 October Revolution, 23 , 49 , 58 – 59 , 81 Palestine Odessa Arab assaults, 1938, 184 anti-Jewish actions in, 17 British reaction to killing of Jews by arrest of Jabotinsky in, 1902, 24 Arabs, 1929, 5 as center of political activity, 17 and hanging of Ben-Yosef, 185 – 88

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partitioning of, 140 – 48 , 222 – 28 and election of 1977, 308 broad opposition to, 147 and election of 1981, 327 Churchill on, 213 and election of 1996, 340 , 342 opposition by Arab Higher and establishment of Rafi , 271 Committee, 184 and haredi support, 336 opposition by Betar in Poland, 164 joins Kadima, 354 opposition by Jabotinsky to, opposition to nuclear reactor 180 , 183 bombing, 325 Shamir on, 8 proposal of Mapai, Rafi , Gahal and Zionist Left, 147 coalition, 274 – 75 Polish immigrants in, 4 , 75 and settlers at Sebastia, 304 – 5 political vacuum, 1937, 184 Sharon on, 349 refl ections of Jabotinsky on, and South Africa, 306 – 7 1918, 55 – 56 and succession after Meir, 303 – 4 Sharon on establishing separate state, on withdrawal from Sinai, 322 351 , 352 Petliura, Symon, 66 , 67 – 68 US and evacuation of Palestinian Phalangists, 313 , 327 , 328 , 347 refugees, 353 . See also Gaza ; Pilsudski, Jόzef, 80 West Bank Ahimeir on, 125 Palestinian Authority, arming of by Begin on, 162 Rabin, 339 Jabotinsky on, 123 – 24 , 156 – 57 Palestinian, defi nition of, 298 – 99 and Russo-Japanese war, 52 Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) Pinsk massacre (1919), 253 leaves Beirut, 347 Pinsker, Leon, 18 , 35 – 36 , 47 , and Lebanon war (1982), 345 – 46 157 – 58 , 162 – 63 possible negotiations with Labour Plekhanov, Georgi, 47 party, 335 Poale Zion, 49 , 281 Palestinian nationalism, 298 Poalei Agudat Yisrael, 333 Palgi, Yoel, 255 pogroms Pasha, Jamal, 121 in Poland, 250 – 51 Pantaleoni, Maffeo, 23 reaction of Jabotinsky to, in Russia, parliamentarianism, Ahimeir on, 84 39 , 44 – 45 particularism, 43 in Russia, 39 , 44 – 45 Passfi eld (Lord), 91 – 92 in Russian Empire, 41 , 44 , 108 – 9 Passfi eld White Paper, 89 , 91 , 97 , in Ukraine, 60 120 , 173 – 74 Poland passivity, Yeivin on, 99 – 100 anti-Semitism in, 123 – 24 patriotism, 83 aspiration to expand borders, 317 Peace Now movement, 328 economic situation of Jews in, 123 Pearse, Paidrig, 196 emigration of Polish Jewish middle class Peel Commission, 141 – 42 , 180 to Palestine, 4 recommendations of, 144 , 183 escalation of violence against returning Peres, Shimon, 287Map 6 Jews in, 250 – 51 and Arafat, 339 – 40 , 351 independence of, 58 and arms sales to Africa, 306 – 7 infl uence of poetry of, on differences with Rabin over Jabotinsky, 124 settlements, 305 Jabotinsky visits, 1927, 75 on disposition of territorial gains after Jews leave Histadrut to form National Six Day war, 284 , 285 , 286 Workers’ Federation, 125 efforts to mitigate secular image of and Pinsk massacre (1919), 253 Labour, 335 pogroms in, 250 – 51

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Poland (cont.) cataclysmic sequence of events and Polish delegates to Vienna downfall of, 307 – 8 Conference, 125 Civil Rights Movement joins coalition population of Jews in, 122 – 23 of, 301 reports of mass extermination of Jews decline of Labour party under, 352 in, 205 demonisation of, after Oslo Accord, 339 Revisionists in, 122 – 23 differences with Peres over ‘Poles First’ policy, 123 settlements, 305 Polish Legion, 52 and election of 1977, 308 Polish Maximalists, 125 – 26 and election of 1992, 337 – 38 Polish nationalism, 156 – 57 forms coalition, 301 Polish-Russian war, 59 – 60 and military policy, 327 Polish-Soviet war, 253 ordered to fi re on Altalena, 237 politics of identity, and voting peace agreement with Hussein, 1994, 12 intention, 333 – 34 reclaims leadership of Labour population exchange party, 337 Arabs in Palestine and Jews in Arab and religious settlers, 304 states, 333 resignation of, 307 compulsory, between Greece and and Sebastia settlement, 304 , 305 Turkey, 145 on security fence, 339 Porat, Hanan, 284 , 289 , 355 and Sharon, 344 Porush, Meir, 355 – 56 and succession after Meir, 303 – 4 Prezzolini, Giuseppe, 22 and West Bank settlements, 304 , Pritsker, Yitzhak, 204 337 – 38 Pro Israele, 23 wife of, 307 , 339 , 340 Progressives, 262 world situation upon election of, 306 and election of 1959, 265 race, Jabotinsky on inferior/superior, 132 split with General Zionists, 265 racism, Ahimeir on, 106 Propes, Aharon, 169 Rafi (Israeli Workers’ List), 271 Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 23 on disposition of territorial gains after Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph, 22 Six Day war, 284 Provisional State Council, 245 and election of 1969, 291 Prussians, 51 Gahal cultivates, 272 Purishkevich, Vladimir, 49 and Labour party, 283 Pushkin, Alexander Sergeyevich, 40 and LIM manifesto, 281 possible alliance with Gahal, 285 Qibya, 345 proposal of coalition with Mapai and Quartet’s Road Map, 352 Gahal, 274 – 75 Quisling, Vidkun, 261 and West Bank settlements, 280 Rassviet, 78 , 79 rabbis Ratosh, Yonatan, 165 , 203 elevation of authority of, 11 Raziel, David, 178i 9 right to authorise conversions, 315 alignment with Jabotinsky, 189 in territories, opposition to Oslo arrest of, 192 Accord, 339 background of, 178 – 79 Rabin, Yitzhak code name of, 194 and Arafat, 339 – 40 death of, 198 and arming of Palestinian Authority, 339 and hanging of Ben-Yosef, 186 and arms sales to Africa, 306 – 7 ideological differences with Stern, 194 , assassination of, 340 , 349 195 , 202 becomes prime minister (1974), 301 and Irgun, 169 , 177 , 182

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authorises counter-attack against Revisionist Executive, 103 , 116 , 118 , 126 , Arabs, 182 – 83 160 , 162 , 218 resigns/reinstated as commander, Revisionist intelligentsia, 59 190 Revisionist World Conference (Poland; and Jabotinsky, 3 1934), 163 support for armed revolt plan, 170 Revisionists, 11 , 12 and World War II, 192 , 193 after death of Jabotinsky, 6 Razzik, Aref Abdul, 184 autonomy of action in Palestine, 115 Reagan, Ronald, 314 , 327 , 346 and Begin, 236 Redemptionist Zionism, 8 , 288 on British perception of pogroms, 5 redemptive process, 288 daily of, 241 , 244 religious fi gures, and LIM manifesto, 282 demands of Polish Maximalists religious parties on, 125 – 26 and Begin, 247 , 268 demonstrations against, 112 opposition to Oslo Accord, 338 . See in Diaspora, 103 also Shas and election of 1949, 244 religious reform, and Liberals, 268 establishment of, 78 religious Right founding of union in Palestine, 78 and exclusionism, 11 and Irgun, 177 , 182 and Kahane, 331 and Jabotinsky, 116 protests against secularism of Mapai-led and Jewish fi ghting force, 86 government, 262 joint list of candidates proposed use of violence by, 331 – 32 by, 242 – 43 religious settlers, motivation for West Bank and Katowice conference (1933), 115 settlements, 286 – 88 on leadership style of Begin, 242 religious Zionism and LIM manifesto, 281 change to Zionist religion, 288 members in executive of Herut, 244 and Jabotinsky, 3 and Nazism, 109 and Mehola settlement, 288 need for remodelling along revolutionary move from Left to Right by, 8 – 9 lines, 165 original mission of, 8 negotiations break down with religious Zionists Herut, 240 – 41 appeal of Begin to, 6 opposition to Revolt, 212 – 13 and redemptive process, 288 and partitioning of Palestine, 224 Remba, Itzik, 87n 85 , 244 Polish national spirit as example for, 124 Renan, Ernest, 22 , 115 , 128 – 29 reaction to Treaty of London, 223 Renner, Karl (Rudolf Springer), 128 – 29 schism within, 140 reparations from Germany split among, 115 – 18 Begin during debate on, 252 – 53 support of anti-German boycott, 110 pre-debate speech by Begin, 251 – 52 Yiddish publication of, 160 reaction of Malkhut Yisrael to, 262 and Zionist Organisation, 115 , 116 , 117 . results of vote, 253 See also Gush Avodah Revisionisti Revisionism revolution, Jabotinsky on, 101 Ahimeir on, 84 Revolution of 1905, 45 , 46 Begin on, 161 – 62 revolutionary syndicalism, 22 , 24 , 82 Revisionist Conference in Vienna Ricardo, David, 41 (1932), 100 – 5 Rice, Condoleezza, 353 call for resignation of Executive Right members, 103 armed struggles in expansion of, 334 Maximalist delegates to, 100 – 1 cultivation by Begin, 303 Polish delegates to, 125 on expansion of Herut, 280

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Right (cont.) Sabra and Shatilla massacre, 328 , 347 and Irgun, 182 Sacco-Vanzetti trial, 112 rise of anti-intellectualism in, 12 – 13 Sacher, Harry, 52 use of fi gure of Jabotinsky as political Sadat, Anwar tool, 2 . See also Centre-Right ; far assassination of, 323 Right ; religious Right and Camp David Accord, 8 , 318 , Rimalt, Elimeleh, 251 319 i 16. Risorgimento, 51 – 52 , 166 negotiations with Begin, 12 ritual slaughter, banned in Finland, 65 Sadeh, Yitzhak, 201 Rivlin, Reuven, 12 , 360 , 363 – 64 ‘saison,’ 214 Rivlin, Yosef, 281 Samaria, 322 Rogers Plan, 293 – 94 Samuel, Herbert, 52 , 56 – 57 , 144 romantic nationalism, 243 sansculottism, 101 romanticism, cultural, 198 Sapir, Pinhas Roosevelt, Eleanor, 220 declines premiership, 301 Rosenberg, Moshe, 86 , 181 , 182 on disposition of territorial gains after Rosenblatt, Ze’ev, 110 , 111 Six Day war, 282 – 83 , 285 Ross, Dennis, 349 on Israeli-Arab economic Rosselli, Amelia, 19 separation, 286 Rothschild (Lord), 139 and territorial compromise, 299 – 300 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 152 Saudi peace plan, 351 RSDLP (Russian Social Democratic Labour Saunders, Alan, 89 , 203 – 4 Party), 27 – 28 , 42 , 43 , 46 – 47 Schach, Eliezer, 336 Rubinstein, Amnon (), 310 Scheib, Israel (Eldad) rule of law, and Begin, 11 and assassination of Kastner, 257 Rumanian Jews, 201 , 219 and Camp David Accord, 321 Russia establishes journal of far Right, 244 and aftermath of World War I, 58 – 60 on Jabotinsky, 167 assassinations in, 198 and ‘Land of Israel’ party, 292 – 93 expulsion of Jews in 1880s/1890s, 15 and Lehi, 209 , 235 Externists in, 108 – 9 map of territory of malkhut February Revolution, 55 Yisrael, 280 – 81 Futurism in, 152 and Stern, 168 – 69 , 203 , 211 . See Jabotinsky’s reaction to also Lehi Bolshevization of, 4 Schiff, Jacob, 44 – 45 October Revolution, 23 , 49 Schmidt, Helmut, 313 effect on Jewish life in Russia, 58 – 59 Schröder, Gerhard, 261 pogroms in, 39 , 44 – 45 Scialoja, Vittorio, 23 Revolution of 1905, 45 , 46 Sebastia war with Poland, 59 – 60 . See also settlers return to, 304 – 5 Ukraine vote to remove settlers at, 304 Russian Empire, pogroms in, 41 , 44 , second aliyah, 281 108 – 9 security fence, 352 Russian Social Democratic Labour Party self-restraint (havlagah), 177 , (RSDLP), 27 – 28 , 42 , 43 , 46 – 47 182 , 183 Russian Social Revolutionaries, 81 , 114 self-sacrifi ce, 81 , 86 , 114 , 115 , 165 , 179 , Russian Zionists, 128 195 , 214 Russians, in Yisrael Beiteinu, 356 , 359 Senesh, Hannah, 255 Russifi cation, 35 , 127 Serbia, 198 Russkie Vedomosti, 4 settlement freeze, 362 Russo-Japanese war, 44 – 45 Shamir, Moshe, 289 , 345

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Shamir, Yitzhak, 4 – 5 as Minister of Defence, 326 , 345 arrest of, 216 as minister without portfolio, 347 attends Madrid peace conference, 337 postpones entry into politics, 293 becomes Prime Minister, 350 – 51 as Prime Minister, 334 , 344 and Camp David Accord, 330 and Arafat, 351 – 52 as centrist, 336 – 37 economic policy, 354 on character of Begin, 210 fi rst break with West Bank differences from Begin, 330 – 31 settlers, 352 and election of 1992, 337 on Palestinians establishing separate escape from prison, 203 state, 351 , 352 fall of government of, 336 and Quartet’s Road Map, 352 infl uence of Mickiewicz on, 156 and security fence, 352 involvement in Betar, 121 and settlement freeze, 353 joins Herut, 280 and two-vote system, 358 joins new Herut, 355 on unilateral withdrawal from Gaza/ and Lehi, 203 , 204 part of West Bank, 352 and Minister of Defence position, 345 use of ideology to support policy, 353 opposition to withdrawal from on Rabin, 349 Sinai, 321 reputation of, 295 – 97 public image of, 330 resignation of Netanyahu from rejection of Sharon as Minister of government of, 10 Defence, 326 return of Likud to power under, 2 replaces Dayan as Foreign Minister, 322 on security argument, 9 and Shas, 336 transformation during government of views on Palestine, 8 . See also Lehi Netanyahu, 349 (Fighters for the Freedom of and West Bank settlements, Israel) 342 – 43 , 349 – 50 Shapira, Moshe Chaim, 289 and Yom Kippur war, 297 , 344 – 45 , 350 Sharett, Moshe, 79 – 80 , 209 , 223 Sharon, Omri, 351 on Ben-Gurion, 271 Shas, 323 fall of government of, 257 criticism by Amsellem, 361 and ‘Blood for Goods’ proposal, 256 , and election of 1992, 338 257 , 259 and election of 1996, 342 signs agreement with Adenauer on and election of 1999, 356 reparations, 252 – 53 and exclusionism, 12 Sharon, Ariel, 309 , 317 , 357i 19 opposition to Oslo Accord, 338 becomes Likud leader, 350 on possibility of woman for Prime and Camp David Accord, 321 Minister, 333 departure from army, 295 – 96 and settlements, 356 and evacuation of Sinai settlements, 348 withdraws from Barak government, 351 and fi rst Gulf war, 348 Shaw, Walter, 89 as Foreign Minister, 349 Shaw Commission, 5 , 89 , 120 , 173 – 74 on Histadrut, 354 Shein, Abraham, 185 and ideology of Right, 348 – 50 Shevshenko, Taras, 73 incapacitation of, 2 Shiels, Drummond, 91 leaves Likud to form Kadima, 353 – 54 Shiloah, Zvi, 296 and Lebanon war (1982), 345 – 48 Shin Bet, and assassination of Kastner, 257 as Minister for National Shkolnik, Levi, 69 – 70 . See Eshkol, Levi Infrastructure, 349 Shlomzion, 309 , 345 as Minister of Commerce and Shlonsky, Avraham, 60 Industry, 348 Shmuelevitch, Matityahu, 240

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Shoah State List Begin on, 312 – 13 , 328 and election of 1969, 291 Ben-Gurion on, 251 and election of 1973, 295 , 300 Shostak, Eliezer and Histadrut election of 1973, 296 – 97 and establishment of Free Centre, 273 and Likud, 308 , 335 and Histadrut, 268 move to Centre Right, 291 joins Herut, 244 Shoval advocates alliance of parties Shoval, Zalman with, 296 advocates alliance of parties, 296 support for Dayan, 285 and election of 2015, 361 State of Ishmael, 276 Shuckburgh, John, 139 Stavsky, Avraham, 110 , 111 , 112i 6 Sicarii, 113 – 14 , 202 Stern, Avraham Sienkiewicz, Henryk, 124 on Altman, 192 – 93 Silberg, Moshe, 258 , 259 arrest of, 192 Silver, Abba Hillel, 144 , 224 and attacks on British and Arabs, 189 Simon, Leon, 52 background of, 178 – 79 Sinai, 285 on Begin, 169 Begin on, 279 , 318 – 21 on British, 194 , 200– 1 and ceasefi re, 293 and cultural romanticism, 198 disposition of after Six Day ideological differences with Raziel, 194 , War, 285 195 , 202 return to Egypt, 321 – 22 and Irgun, 181 Sharon and evacuation of and Irgun B’Yisrael, 192 , 194 settlements, 348 and Jabotinsky, 3 , 164 – 65 Six Day war, 274 , 276 – 79 killing of, 201 Slavinsky, Maksym, 66 – 68 , 127 legacy of, 201 , 203 Slavinsky Accord, 67 – 68 , 127 literary works of, 195 – 98 Slowacki, Yuliusz, 124 – 25 meets Scheib, 168 – 69 Smolenskin, Peretz, 157 – 58 messianism of, 198 – 99 Sneh, Moshe, 209 , 216 opposition to plan for armed revolt, 170 Sobol, Yehoshua, 313 and Polish Betar, 164 socialism establishment of Irgun cells in, 184 – 85 Jabotinsky on, 74 religiosity of, 196 – 98 Spengler on, 61 – 62 and World War II, 199 – 201 Sokol youth movement, 151 , 153 difference in ideology from Sokolov, Nahum, 52 , 117 , 134 Raziel, 192 Soloveitchik, Joseph B., 302 Stern Gang, 194 Sombart, Werner, 77 Stolypin, Alexandr, 132 Sonnino, Sidney, 18 Strachey, John, 105 – 6 Sorel, Georges, 21 – 22 , 26 , 152 Strasser, Gregor, 107 Soskin, Selig Eugen, 75 , 118 Stricker, Robert, 103 , 118 South Africa, 265 , 306 – 7 Struma, sinking of, 201 Spaventa, Bertrando, 20 Struve, Pyotr, 40 Spengler, Oswald, 61 – 63 student demonstrations, Jabotinsky on, Spinoza, Baruch, 20 – 21 , 41 25 – 26 , 27 ‘spiritual mechanism,’ 132 Suez campaign, 1956, 269 , 294 Springer theory, 130 suicide bombings, 334 , 339 , 351 Stalin, Josef, 84 , 112 Suhba discussion group, 178 and partitioning of Palestine, 231 – 32 Sulam, 261 – 62 rejection of non-territorial Supreme Muslim Council, 184 autonomy, 128 Sweden, 52

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symbolism, 20 , 27 and Begin syndicalism, 22 as chairman, 243 Syria criticism of Begin as leader, 246 and Lebanon war (1982), 346 and general election of 1949, 238 opposition to return of Golan Heights and Lavon affair, 266 to, 338 opposition to Sharon as Minister of Szold, Robert, 144 Defence, 326 resigns as leader, 249 Taba negotiations, 351 vision for, 248 Tabenkin, Yitzhak, 4 Ben-Gurion on, 6 , 245 on disposition of territorial gains after Blue-White faction established by, 268 Six Day war, 283 , 286 and Camp David Accord, 320 , 321 and Golan Heights settlements, 289 daily of, 241 , 244 on kibbutzim on West Bank, 278 dependency of Liberals on, 324 and LIM manifesto, 282 differences between Liberals and, 268 and partitioning of Palestine, 144 and economic policy, 325 sons of, establish labour committee and election of 1955, 259 – 60 , 264 for Land of Israel, 296 . See also and election of 1959, 264 , 265 Ahdut Ha’avodah and election of 1961, 266 Talmud, 135 , 326 and election of 1965, 268 Tami party, 323 , 335 and election of 1969, 292 Tamir, Shmuel and election of 1973, 295 on Begin, 261 and election of 1977, 261 , 309 on Brand, 256 – 57 founding of, 241 defects to DMC, 310 fragmentation of alliance with Likud, 316 defends Gruenwald, 254 , 256 and general election of 1949, defends Shilansky, 262 238 – 43 , 261 and election of 1973, 295 Begin speaks on behalf of, 238 and establishment of Free Centre, 273 electoral platform of, 238 on infl uence of Begin on cooperation funding of, 241 between Rafi and Dayan, 276 results of, 243 – 44 and Lamerhav faction, 246 , 248 Revisionists’ list of candidates, 242 – 43 Tayibe, 10 and general election of 1951, 249 , 261 Tehiyah gives up individual structure, 334 and Begin, 331 and Histadrut, 267 – 68 and election of 1984, 333 and Israel borders question, 248 formation of, 321 , 323 , 333 and Kastner affair, 257 , 258 leaves coalition, 337 Klausner stands for President of Israel seats in Knesset, 335 , 336 . See also against Weizmann, 244 far Right and Lamerhav, 248 Tehomi, Avraham, 175 , 180 – 81 , 182 Liberals merger with, 268 , 274 Teitelbaum, Joel, 255 and Mapai, Rafi , Gahal coalition Tekumah proposal, 275 formation of, 355 members of executive, 244 and formation of HaBayit Hayehudi, 359 military strategy of, 326 joins National Union, 355 Mizrahim in, 291 – 92 Telem, formation of, 321 number of seats in fi rst election, 243 Tenu’at ha-Herut (Freedom Movement), 1 , and re-burial of Jabotinsky on Mount 11 , 234 Herzl, 266 acting head after resignation of Revisionists negotiations Begin, 250 breakdown, 240 – 41

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Tenu’at ha-Herut (Freedom Turgenev, Ivan, 40 Movement) (cont.) Turkey Shamir joins, 280 compulsory population exchange with social policies of, 235 Greece, 145 territorial gains after Six Day war, and World War I, 54 disposition of two-state solution, 10 , 335 , 362 Ahdut Ha’avodah on, 283 , 284 two-vote system, 342 , 358 Allon on, 284 , 285 Allon Plan, 285 – 86 Uganda, British proposal for settlements Begin on, 286 in, 8 , 135 Ben-Gurion on, 284 Ukraine Dayan on, 284 – 85 , 286 and aftermath of World War I, 58 Eban on, 282 – 83 , 285 arrests and trials of Zionists in, 68 Eshkol on, 285 assimilated Jewish intelligentsia in, 127 Gahal on, 285 Helsingfors Programme in, 128 , 129 Golan Heights, 285 and Jabotinsky, 127 , 199 Khartoum meeting on, 285 minorities in, 127 – 28 Labour party on, 284 nationalism in, 67 Levinger on, 284 pogroms in, 60 NRP on, 284 treatment of Jews in, 66 – 67 Peres on, 284 , 285 , 286 Ulbricht, Walter, 261 Porat on, 284 Umm al-Fahm, 10 Rafi on, 284 UN Resolution 181 (1947), 226 , 232 , Sapir on, 282 – 83 , 285 282 , 335 Sinai, 285 UN Resolution 242 (1967), 280 , 300 , 318 Tabenkin on, 283 , 286 UN Special Committee on Palestine third aliyah, 60 , 71 (UNSCOP), 224 , 225 , 232 three-state solution, 362 UN Trusteeship, 214 Tolkowsky, Dan, 281 UN ‘Zionism is Racism’ resolution, 304 Tolstoy, Leo, 40 , 125 Union of Liberation, 28 Torah, 3 , 288 , 289 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) TransJordan, 130, 138 , 144 , 146 , 184 , 218 , Begin on, 265 , 312 223 – 24 , 225 , 228 , 328 defence pact with Egypt, 312 transportation, privatisation fi rst show trial of Zionists in, 68 of, 354 and Lebanon war (1982), 346 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, 199 and Lehi, 240 Treaty of London (1946), 223 – 24 and partitioning of Palestine, 231 – 32 Trotsky, Leon, 47 – 48 , 58 , 81 , 98 silence on fate of Jews in, 206 Trudoviki (Kvutzot Ha-Amlanim), 69 substitution policy of, 68 . See also Truman, Harry, 217 Russia ; USSR, former Trumpeldor, Yosef, 54 , 55 , 111 – 12 , 121 Union of the Russian People, 45 trusteeship, 214 , 233 United States (US) Tsederbaum, Aleksandr, 47 and evacuation of Palestinian refugees, 353 Tserei Tsion Socialistim, 66 and extermination of Jews, 218 – 20 Tserei Tsion Trudoviki (‘Labour’ Tserei ‘help the Allies’ campaign in, 190 Tsion), 66 Jabotinsky on racism in, 63 – 64 Tsohar movement, 162 – 63 and Lebanon War (1982), 346 , 347 Tsomet and settlement freeze, 343 and election of 1996, 342 and Yom Kippur war, 297 formation of, 333 United Torah Judaism (UTJ), 355 – 56 seats in Knesset, 336 . See also far Right and election of 2009, 359

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and high birth rate of haredim, 355 . See and 17th Zionist Congress, 116 – 17 also far Right ; haredim stands for president of Israel against universalism, 43 , 58 – 59 , 265 Klausner, 244 Unterman (Chief Rabbi), 302 Weizmann, Ezer, 294 Ussishkin, Menahem, 144 and election of 1977, 309 USSR, former, immigrants from, 12 , 337 leaves Minister of Defence position, 345 leaves politics for business career, 295 Vico, Giambattista, 61 welfare state, 214 Vienna, infl ux of Jews into, 128 Wells, H. G., 149 Vietnamese boat people, 313 West Bank Vilenchik, Avraham, 204 advocation of annexation of Area C, 362 Vinaver, Maxim, 40 Ahdut Ha’avodah on colonisation of, von Falkenhayn, Erich, 121 280 , 283 , 289 von Hentig, Otto, 200 autonomy for Palestinians in, 318 , 324 von Papen, Franz, 107 Begin on, 278 – 80 , 304 , 309 , von Plehve, Vyacheslav, 199 317 – 18 , 324 von Weisl, Wolfgang, 101 , 117 Dayan on, 304 Vorontosov, Mikhail Semyonovich, 16 Gahal on, 280 Vrba, Rudolf, 255 and Galili plan, 299 growth of, 324 , 334 Waldman, Eliezer, 288 HaBayit Hayehudi on, 360 War of Attrition, 302 , 326 – 27 Hussein on, 335 Warhaftig, Zerah, 303 Labour party on, 304 Warsaw Ghetto uprising, 207 , 251 – 52 , 281 Lieberman on, 363 Warshawsky, Mark, 176 Mapai on, 280 , 286 Warski, Adolf, 41 Meir on Arab inhabitants of, 285 ‘We Will Never Die’ (pageant), 219 NRP on, 280 , 331 Wedgwood, Josiah, 5 , 137 Olmert on withdrawal from part of, 352 Weinshal, Ya’akov, 79 political inspiration for Weinshall, Avraham, 261 colonisation of, 9 and LIM manifesto, 281 Rabin on, 304 , 337 – 38 Weinstein, Baruch, 66 , 70 Rafi on, 280 Weiss, Yaakov, 230 religious motivation for Weissglas, Dov, 353 settlements, 286 – 88 Weizmann, Chaim, 5 , 52 , 78 Sharon on, 342 – 43 , 349 – 50 , 352 on attacks on British in vote to remove settlers at Palestine, 216 – 17 Sebastia, 304 on Begin, 217 West Germany, diplomatic relations with, belief in England, 78 260 – 61 , 268 and Churchill, 204 , 213 Western Wall, demonstrations at/aftermath, on conditions for Zionist success, 137 August 1929, 88 – 89 and hanging of Ben-Yosef, 187 Wetzler, Alfred, 255 on Left Bank settlements, 138 White Paper of Malcolm MacDonald as Minister of Transport nominee, 293 (1939), 147 , 170 , 189 , 207 , and Mussolini, 82 208 , 214 and partitioning of Palestine, 180 , 223 Wise, Stephen, 144 , 219 – 20 and rapprochement with Arabs in Wolff, Heinrich, 108 Palestine, 139 – 40 women, exemption from military and re-opening of Suez Canal, 294 service, 315 resignation of, 322 World War I as scapegoat, 206 aftermath, 58 – 61

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World War I (cont.) on Nazism, 106 and Jabotinsky on passivity, 99 – 100 chooses side of England, 52 and Revisionist movement in views on, 1916, 50 – 51 Palestine, 79 views on, pre-war, 50 Yellin-Mor, Natan, 168 – 69 and Jewish Union, 52 – 53 , 54 – 57 and assassination of Bernadotte, disbandment of, 56 239 , 240 Zion Mule Corps, 54 – 55 on character of Begin, 210 and Ottoman Empire, 54 , 58 , 132 escapes from prison, 203 World War II and Golomb, 209 and Austria, 191 on law to commemorate the and Begin, 171 fallen, 246 on establishment of Jewish army, and Lehi, 203 205 – 6 , 207 move to Left, 280 and Czechoslovakia, 191 nom de guerre of, 203 and Great Britain as sole representative of Fighters’ Party, complicity in preventing escape of 240 , 244 Jews, 206 – 7 Yesenin, Sergei, 179 importance of Palestine, 179 Yesh , 360 and sinking of Struma, 201 Yevsektsia, 59 , 66 , 67 , 69 and Greenberg, 135 Yiddish language, 14 , 15 increase in extermination of European Yishuv, 69 , 137 Jewry, 207 – 8 hostility to Irgun, 230 increase in immigration of Jews to offi cial mourning for exterminated Palestine, 177 Jews, 206 indifference to fate of Jews, 206 opposition to ‘saison,’ 214 and IRA, 200 Yisrael B’Aliyah, 2 , 351 and Irgun Zvai Leumi, 193 , 202 – 3 Yisrael Beiteinu, 10 , 353 , 356 – 58 and Italy, 194 , 199 – 200 and destruction of Hamas in and Jewish Agency, 190 Gaza, 358 and Raziel, 192 , 193 and election of 2009, 358 and Stern, 192 , 193 , 199 – 201 and election of 2013, 358 World Zionist Organisation, 104 , 247 establishment of, 356 Wye Plantation agreement (1998), 9 , 12 , and exclusionism, 12 322 , 341 , 343 , 356 and formation of joint lists, 358 – 59 Wyszynski, Stefan, 251 on Israeli citizenship, 357 opposition to unilateral withdrawal Ya’alon, Moshe, 363 from Gaza, 356 Yachil, Haim, 281 Russian constituency, 356 , 359 . See also Yad Vashem, 251 , 258 Lieberman, Avigdor Yadin, Yigal, 308 , 310 , 325 . See also Yoffe, Avraham, 281 Democratic Movement for Yom Kippur war (1973), 297 – 98 Change (DMC) and Begin, 294 Yadlin, Asher, 307 cost of, 299 Yamit, Sinai, 9 , 331 and Dayan, 316 – 17 Yanait, Ben-Zvi, Rachel, 281 and IDF, 297 , 301 Yassin, Ahmed, 351 and Meir, 297 Yeivin, Yehoshua Hirsh and Sharon, 297 , 344 – 45 , 350 and Hazit Ha’am, 94 , 192 and US, 297 joins Revisionists, 71 Yosef, Ovadiah, 12 , 323 , 336 , 338 , 355 , on Magnes, 98 356 . See also Shas and Maximalists, 101 Yunitchman, Shimshon, 244

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Zaire, arms sales to, 306 – 7 Zionist Executive Zanardelli, Giuseppe, 19 – 20 and demonstrations at Western Wall/ Ze’evi, Rehavam aftermath, August 1929, 88 assassination of, 351 Jabotinsky on joining, 116 – 17 and resurrection of Arab-Jew population Revisionists as not accepting authority exchange, 333 of, 119 on State of Ismael, 276 Zionist movement Zeidel, Hillel, 308 on future Palestine, 213 Zevi, Shabtai, 99 and rise of nationalism post-World Zhizn’, 27 War I, 58 Zion Mule Corps, 54 – 55 Zionist Organisation, 43 Zionism formal split in, 140 – 41 American, and partitioning of and Revisionists, 116 , 117 Palestine, 144 Zionists British Labour party on, 214 – 15 arrests and trials in Ukraine, 68 catastrophic, 335 – 36 fi rst show trial in USSR, 68 and Irgun, 182 – 83 labour Zionists, 6 , 164 and Jabotinsky, 28 – 29 , 30 , 37 Matzad party, 323 , 333 military, 174– 75 religious Zionists, 6 , 335 . See also Mussolini on, 23 General Zionists ; Zionism ; promotion by Gahelet, 288 Labour Zionism ; New Zionist Redemptionist, 8 , 288 Organisation (NZO) ; religious revolutionary Zionism of Ahimeir, 162 Zionism three stages of, 122 , 158 Zola, Emile, 29 Weizmann on, 217 Zuckerman, Yitzhak (Antek), 281 Zionist Left, 147 , 230 . See also General Zurabin, Shalom, 185 Zionists ; Zionists Żydowski Ziązek Wojskowy (ŻZW; ‘Zionism is Racism’ resolution at UN, 304 Jewish Military Organisation), Zionist Congress, 116 – 17 , 137 , 140 251 –52

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