Newsletter Date: October 29 HE UZZ 2010 T B

Issue # 3 Volume 2 Joke of the Quar- Advocacy in Action: By Mr. James Burney ter: What kind of Have you ever felt Example setting is another way I feel people so strongly about with disabilities can advocate in their daily lives. Live medicine do you an issue or a topic the life that you want to live and do not pay attention give a sick pig? that you wanted to to negativity from others. Do not be afraid to go out tell others your in your community and enjoy yourself just like every- opinions but you one else. By doing this, you prove to people that eve- just did not know ryone is equal and everyone likes to be treated how? Advocacy regarding on social issues helps equally. People with disabilities should interact with people express their beliefs and solve their prob- the public the same as everyone else. Eventually, lems. Advocacy, by definition, means active verbal people will understand that we all belong to in the support for a cause or position. In this article, I community and should be respected and treated with want to explain different ways individuals can learn kindness. By advocating in this way, you will create a Answer– Oinkment to speak up for themselves and get their opinions chain reaction where other people with disabilities heard. Through communication, education, exam- feel comfortable going out and people without dis- By : Lori Shapiro ple setting, and support systems, are ways I believe abilities will understand that we can still enjoy all the that people with disabilities can advocate in their fun things that communities have to offer and that every day lives and make a difference within their we live our lives just the same as them. community. I also feel that finding a strong support sys- Communication is very important in every tem or reaching out to an advocacy group is a good Inside this issue: person's life. In order to advocate, one must use way to practice advocacy in your life. Support sys- communication to explain how one feels about a tems provide someone with a way to express how topic. One aspect of advocating for people with you feel to people who have been through the same Advocacy in Action 1 disabilities is to share stories and past experi- things in their lives. By forming a group to advocate ences .This is important because if we want people for your needs, it makes a bigger impact on society Fins, Feathers, and Paws 2 to know our problems and to respond, we have to and also takes off some of the pressure to do it all by tell them. Be open about your feelings and opin- yourself. If you are the type person who does not feel Upcoming Elections 3 ions. Do not bottle those emotions inside because comfortable talking to a group, you can use your sup-

Worker Bees 4 no one will know that you are unhappy with how port system to advocate for you. This gives you an you being treated or how you feel unless you ver- outlet to get your opinions heard without putting Rock News 5 bally expressing the way you feel. Do not let your yourself in an uncomfortable situation. Support sys- bad past experiences hold you back from your fu- tems provide encouragement and a life line to those Protest 6 ture. Use communication as a tool to get your point who need to be heard but also need some help in across so that other people with disabilities will feel advocating for themselves. You can find support sys- Protest 7 comfortable speaking up as well. tems in your local area by attending meetings or Education is also an important way to ad- reading articles online that discuss the issues you find A Day in the Life of Tim 8 vocate for people with disabilities. People with dis- most important. abilities should strive to educate others on the is- Advocating on the topics that you believe in is very This Is What I Think 9 sues that people with disabilities face in society. important. Without communicating, educating, ex- We must make others understand our needs, how ample setting and finding support systems it is very Events and Classifieds 10 we feel, and what is important to us if we want to hard to practice advocacy in your everyday life. Do see a change in how people with disabilities are not be afraid to speak up for yourself. By standing up

treated in their community. The best way to do this for what you believe in, you will give others the is through teaching people how we want to be strength to do the same. Hopefully, learning about treated and keeping an open mind in order to solve advocacy will help to bring about the change that we our problems. need in our society.


Fins, Feathers, and Paws: By Jeremy Norman

Hello! It’s Jeremy and I up he could have died. I apartment and my own want to talk about my cat gave him a second job I could have any ani- Mew Two. My cat Mew chance to live a happy mal I want. But I have to Two is very special. When life. That day I became stick to a limit of ani- I still lived with my Mom his hero. He is very mals because I live in an the neighbors next door healthy now and he’s apartment. But back to had a litter of kittens. doing very well. He’s a Mew Two’s Health. He is One of them was the very happy fat cat. not a runt anymore. He runt. They call the small- Whenever I’m home he also has deformed front est kitten or animal in a plays with me and fol- paws. He has eight toes litter the runt because of lows me around the on one paw and seven its size. Because it was house. Every night when on the other. It makes the runt the neighbors I am in bed he sleeps on my Mew Two more spe- abused it by taking it by the bed with me. When cial like me. Me and the tail and swinging it he wants something he Mew Two are a match and letting it hit things. will pat me on the face for sure. So when I saw that I went with his paw and he will over the next day and I show me what he wants Well I’ve hoped you’ve recognized that most of and then we will play the kittens were taken. together for thirty min- learned from this arti- The only two left were utes. When I play with cle. Thank You for read- the runt and his brother. I him it takes all of my ing it. This is Jeremy worries away. asked the lady if I could saying over and out. take the runt home with me and give him a good I’ve always wanted a life. The lady said,” I cat, but my Mom would- thought nobody would n’t let me when I was pick him because he was little because she al- the runt.” I looked at the ways questioned how lady and said, “ I saw are you going to pay his what you did to him and I vet bill when you have should call animal control no job. If I asked her on you. She gave me the again she would ask do most evil look. So I you have money for flea walked home with him treatment. I would say and I played with him. If I no. So we left it at that. wouldn’t have picked him Now that I have my own THE BUZZ Page : 3

Mid Term Elections– By Lori Shapiro and Josh Harris

Your peers at Our Voices are committed to promoting advocacy within our organization and the community at large. In a few days there will be a op- portunity for all of us to be heard loud a clear, on Tuesday, November 2nd is election day. This midterm congressional election is a competitive and im- portant race which revolves around many issues that are near and dear to the heart of Hope House such as healthcare and the economy. The incum- bent 2nd district congressional democrat, Glenn Nye is being challenged by republican candidate , and the independent candidate Ken Golden. Additional races include city council and school board officials.

Glenn Nye is the Chairman of the House Small Business Subcommittee on Contracting and Technology. His platform revolves around reducing govern- mental spending, increasing tax cuts and standing up for military families. Nye “voted against the bailout and wants big banks to repay every taxpayer cent. He supports tough new rules to make Wall Street accountable and pre- vent a future financial crisis” Source:

Scott Rigell is founder and Chairman of Freedom Automotive in Beach and former president of the Automobile Dealers Asso- ciation. His platform revolves around job creation, cutting “government programs are ineffective or cannot demonstrate tangible results”, health care reform and energy independence. Source: where-i-stand-on-the-issues/

Ken Golden’s platform revolves around providing resources to businesses to create jobs, energy independence, and increase in national defense, educa- tion reform, and creating national wide standards to make new and current off shore drilling safer. Source:

Information on races can be found in the Virginian Pilot, and any of the ma- jor news networks. This mid-term election in which you vote for your Con- gressman and various municipal offices such as City Council will resonate through the heart of the country all the way to Washington DC. Please use this opportunity to be heard with the simple click of a button at your polling station. THE BUZZ Page 4

Worker Bees– An Interview with Kevin Latham

Do you work, participate in a day program, volunteer, or want to work? Are there issues relating to your employment or job search that you would like to share with Buzz readers? If so, I’d love to have the opportunity to meet with you and listen to what you have to say. Contact Christie Sumner at the Hope House Administrative Office at 625-6161 ext. 12 or [email protected].

Interview With Kevin Latham-

Have you had a job in the past? No because I just graduated high school. I have a high school diploma now.

What kind of work are you looking for? I am looking for EMT work. I want to help people.

What do you believe your case manager’s role should be in supporting you finding a job? She should help me find a job. She is thinking about putting a wanted ad in the newspaper.

Do you think your case manager is doing a good job? What do you want her to do differently if not? She just now brought it up to my attention. I wanted a job long time ago and she is putting it off to last minute.

What is your dream job? I want to help take people back and forth to the doctor. My grandfather used to be a paramedic, so I’d kind of be following in his footsteps.

What advice do you have for others looking for a job? It’s hard because a lot of people are getting laid off.

If you have any comments, opinions, or just want to contribute contact the Hope House Foundation Administrative Offices at 625-6161. THE BUZZ Page : 5

Rock News– By Justin Brown

I do not personally like to dance

to the song, it makes me laugh

out loud to see everyone get up

and try to do it together even

though some people aren’t on

beat. Whether you are on beat

or not, at least everyone is hav-

ing fun.

Music is something that Therefore, music is a way Music is a big part of my makes us all unique, but also for people to express them- life, so I thought it would be fun brings us together at the same selves. to write about. I go see bands time. There are so many dif- Music is used by all peo- play every weekend. I want to ferent types of music such as ple. Athletes use music to pump write about them so maybe you rock, hip-hop, country, pop, them up before a game and to can go see them too. I will look classical, oldies, techno, and put them in the mood or right up new releases for the month everything else. There are no state of mind. This is true for and let you know what albums rules in music. We are all al- basketball players, football play- are coming out next. lowed to pick out what we ers, boxers, wrestlers, even vol- like to listen to, and we can leyball players, and all others. change that music depending This is not only for male athletes on our mood, what we are do- but also for females too. Music is ing, or the day. For example, everywhere, and makes the when I am angry I like to lis- world go round. It is used in ten to Pantera or Metallica. movies, TV shows, and commer- THE BUZZ Page :6

A Recent Protest and Interview with Richard

gunmen. Lewis’ defense ar- European Union appealed to gued that Shallenberger, who Virginia Governor Robert F. committed suicide after his McDonnell (R) to commute her conviction, was the brains of sentence to life; Iran’s Presi- the operation, motivated by dent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad his plan to take the insurance made reference to the case re- money and become a drug peatedly. According to the dealer in New York. Washington Post 5,500 people signed an electronic petition Most convictions are born asking Governor McDonnell to from the arguments over in- spare Lewis the death pen- terpretations of evidence. alty.The disparity in the sen- Judges and juries make deci- tences was one point in the ar- sions on twisted schemes such gument for dissent. The media as Lewis’ quite often. Yet, On September 23rd, 2010 at this execution polarized much 9:13 pm, Teresa Lewis was of the country, even the pronounced dead. She was world. 41 years old and realizing the sentence for the 2002 murders of her husband and stepson. The prosecution and defense argued over evidence of what Lewis’s involvement was. The prosecution argued that she plotted the killings of her pointed out that Lewis would husband, Julian Lewis and be the first woman executed in his son, Charles Lewis, for Virginia since 1912. Virginia the insurance money. She also schedules execution dates hired two hit-men, Mat- before the Supreme Court de- thew Shallenberger and cides if it will take a case, and Rodney Fuller; Shallenber- in this case it was a matter of ger,22 at the time, was her days before the Supreme Court lover. The prosecution Shallenberger and Fuller were would convene to determine contended that Teresa sentenced to life in prison as such, and emergency clemen- Lewis masterminded the the gunmen. Fuller made a cies were denied. The fuel to plan and gave her conspira- plea bargain with prosecutors the discourse was that Lewis tors $1,200 to buy guns, set for life in prison and the had an IQ of 72, which equates up an alibi for an earlier judge sentenced Shallenber- to the intellectual abilities of a failed attempt to kill Julian ger to the same. Lewis pled 13-year old. In 2002 the US Su- Lewis, and then also left guilty to capital murder, but preme Court ruled against the her door unlocked for the was sentenced to death. The execution of the “mentally THE BUZZ Page 7

A Recent Protest and Interview with Richard Edge

from his Community Support Coordinator ,Latoya Smallwood, and was com- pelled to make his voice heard. He asked people he knew to come with him, and he said that he was surprised by the amount of people who showed up on his behalf, and the general public’s pres- ence. He said that what Lewis did was wrong, but you have to take the results of her IQ test into account. Having a low IQ, it may have been difficult for her to un- derstand the consequences, retarded,” but Lewis fell just even though she was able to outside of the threshold. Nu- plan at least some part of the merous experts appealed to murders. The two gunmen Governor McDonnell citing who had full understanding of that determinations for intel- their actions were convicted lectual disabilities come from to life, while Lewis suffered a range of assessments, not the harshest penalty. Edge just the IQ. It was also possi- said of the sentencing: “I ble that Lewis was manipu- was surprised that they still lated by Shallenberger. went along with it. It was McDonnell rejected the re- wrong to execute her be- quests for clemency, assert- cause she had an intellectual ing that Lewis was an active disability. People say all the plotter and participant in the time that she knew what she crime. was doing, but you have to

take her disability into ac- Protests against Lewis’ exe- count.” Edge said that he cution were organized all hoped the Governor would over Virginia. One protestor reduce her sentence to life in in the crowd was Richard prison. Edge said that he was Edge, who protested in front against the death penalty in of the Juvenile Detention this case because of Lewis’ Center in Norfolk, Virginia. capacity. Edge lives in Portsmouth, Vir- ginia where he receives ser- Hope House Foundation. He vices from the Afton team of learned about the execution

If you have any comments, opinions, or just want to contribute contact the Hope House Foundation Administrative Offices at 625-6161. THE BUZZ Page 8

A Day In the Life of Tim.– By Timothy Howard

House. This is a group staff. Before I leave I home set up by Support have to sign out in the Services of Virginia. I was log and when I come not there very long and home I have to sign back was moved to Tranquility in the log. I am allowed House because I was this privilege because of showing significant pro- my behaviors. gress. At Tranquility house Hi , its me Tim again. I Besides living with Sup- I have my good days and wanted to share with you port Services or SSVA I my bad days. On my bad all a day in the life of also attend their day days I have used nasty Tim. First, I think it is programs. I also work at unacceptable language important you know a lit- Cox Enclave in the Cox like cursing and being ag- tle more about me. I Building Monday, gressive towards staff. In grew up with my Mom, Wednesday, and Friday. I the past I have used Dad, and baby Sister. She go all the way to the hands on staff, I have is 23 now. I enjoyed liv- Chesapeake building grabbed them and hit ing with them but I was from Virginia Beach. them. Now, I am doing growing up. I eventually Some of my tasks are to better. I have gotten it moved out and moved to clean remote controls, together. my first group home, Lu- power cords, and adapt- When I don't have cas Lodge. This is a ers. I just recently these behaviors I get re- group home. I was there learned a new task wards, like being able to for about 3 years. Origi- called Braid Eight. I like go to those stores all by nally I moved there and my job and I like the myself. If I have bad be- was really excited to go. people there. haviors at work or at I really didn't care for it. home my staff will write They didn't treat me well My life at Tranquil- it down and I might not at all. They would holler ity is great. I love living be allowed to go to those and scream at me. They here. Starting in Novem- stores by myself any- demanded things of me ber I am going to be al- more. I am doing better and I didn't like it. So lowed to walk to the at it though. I like where with the help of my case stores by myself. I will I live and am happy here. manger and parents I be able to go to the Dol- moved to a second lar Tree or Jr. Market group home in Ports- once a week. I get to go mouth, VA called Orville all on my own with no

If you have any comments, opinions, or just want to contribute contact the Hope House Foundation Administrative Offices at 625-6161. THE BUZZ Page : 9 This Is What I Think… A Critique Column by Blake Thomas

is that some of the battles happen in Hi! My name is the snow. Blake Thomas and I The next thing I would like to give my LOVE playing video view on is DVD Wrestlemania XXIII. I games and watch- give the DVD a thumbs-up. I like this ing movies! If you DVD because it has “” want my opinion matches. It also has a lot of action and on games, please fighters. The wrestlers Edge and Batista continue to read are also in it. In the DVD Batista fights, on…If you like movies that have video gets hurt, and loses the match. I really games to implement them, then please like the Undertaker’s moves. This DVD continue to read on… does not show any blood. I like the fight I would like to give you my view on the scenes where the wrestlers use ladders. game Dynasty Warriors. Dynasty Warri- My favorite part of the DVD is when ors is a game I play on my Xbox 360. I they jump on the ladders during the give the game two thumbs up. There match between Batista and the Under- are lots of characters who fight with taker. The Undertaker is a really good swords. The game has a character Wrestler. If you’re not into violence or named Lubu in it and he fights with an scary scenes or dangerous and rough axe. He fights all of the bad guys with acts then I suggest you don’t watch his axe and he has a nice amber coat Wrestlemania XXIII (23). with a bandana on his head. Lubu is big Lastly, I would like to give you my view and strong. The game also has another on the DVD Wrestlemania XXIV (24). I character named Guan Yu, who is a give this DVD a thumbs-up. The wres- sworn brother of Liu Bei and Zhang Fei. tlers Undertaker and Edge are in it and There are also a lot of sword tricks that can be used during battle. I recom- they fight each other; this is my favor- mend this game because it is rated T, ite part of the DVD. It also has other meaning there is no blood and it is only wrestlers like the , Batista and a little bit violent. The graphics are Triple H in it. I like wrestling and there good with a lot of cool color and great is no blood in this movie. I don’t think sound effects. My favorite part of the that others should watch this DVD be- game is that it has a lot of characters and when you defeat an officer you can cause it’s scary, violent, and its rated R. unlock all of the characters. The char- acters are really different with green, blue, and red eyes. Another part I like THE BUZZ Page : 10

Events/ Classifieds

Have any events coming up you want to share? Do you have items you just don't need and want to REMEMBER TO HIT THE POLLS sell? E-mail NOVENMBER 2ND, 2010 TO [email protected] . VOTE. If you need help please contact your local registrar\star.

The Buzz is looking for contributors. If you have an opinion or story to tell please call 757-625-6161. . “People for People” is an advocacy group open to service users. The group meets every 1st Wednesday of the month. The meeting takes place from 6 pm– 8 pm at Eggleston Services on Ingleside Drive. Starting at 5:30 there is a d inner available. Due are $10 a year.

The Able Gamers Foundation has unveiled a groundbreaking area of accessible web games Trying self-advocacy or want to on their website, The ac- find another way to practice cessible games are an unprecedented devel- standing up for yourself when opment in the area of gaming for people with one of these issues arises. Have disabilities. The new games on AbleGam- and questions or just want to are sorted by what devices are share then email me at james- needed to play (mouse, keyboard, both, etc). [email protected]

If you have any comments, opinions, or just want to contribute contact the Hope House Foundation Administrative Offices at 625-6161.