COMMAS: English Usage Vs German

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COMMAS: English Usage Vs German COMMAS: English usage vs German In diesem Artikel geht es um die Beistrichsetzung im Englischen in bestimmten Fällen, welche vom Deutschen abweichen, und welche daher auffällig wirken. Aus diesem kontrastiven Grund ist der erste Abschnitt nicht grammatikalisch definiert, sondern nach seinem besonderen Merkmal: ein Beistrich, der bereits nach dem ersten Wort eines Satzes gesetzt wird. 1. Comma after the first word of a sentence 1.1. Comma after adverbs ending in –ly In der folgenden Liste sind einige Adverbien nur mit einem einzigen Beispiel belegt, andere mit bis zu 10 Zeilen. Da die Beispiele zu fast 100% aus dem Zettelkasten des Verfassers stammen, kann man die Anzahl der Belege als einen groben Indikator für die relative Häufigkeit des Auftretens der untersuchten Adverbien am Satzbeginn werten. Es wäre ein Leichtes, die “unterbelichteten“ Adverbien mit weiteren Beispielen aus dem Internet auszupolstern, indem man zum Beispiel auf gleich das erste Adverb auf der Liste auf die Probe stellt mit den Eingaben “abruptly a“, “abruptly the“, “abruptly some“ usw. (Natürlich liefert Google ein Vielfaches an Beispielen, aber die sind nicht so mundgerecht aufbereitet.) In diesem Fall würde Internet‐Recherche aber keinen großen zusätzlichen Erkenntnisgewinn bringen. Die Adverbien der Liste gehören verschiedenen grammatikalischen Kategorien an; man könnte die Liste auch z.B. dafür benutzen, um “sentence adverbs“ (hier sind sie gleich mit Anwendungsbeispielen versehen) herauszusuchen, um etwa Schülern zu demonstrieren, dass Adverbien nicht automatisch nur zu Verben gehören, wie das Wort “Ad + verb“ fälschlicherweise glauben lässt. Abruptly, the radio spit out a message. [Kein Tippfehler: spit – spit – spit gibt es im A.E.] Abstractly, it would seem illogical to measure the worth of a religion’s fruits in merely human terms of value. {On April 3 [2019], Brunei, which is predominantly Muslim, began adhering to a new penal code with harsh corporal punishments. Accordingly, gay men or adulterers may be stoned to death, and lesbians may be flogged.} Actually, the situation is worse than that. Actually, that is true. Actually, it’s a bigger problem than that. Actually, the whole process came as a surprise. Actually, that was what I wanted to talk to you about. Actually, I hate that word. Additionally, they had to carry enough water to survive in the Afghan desert. Additionally, the patrol was tasked to identify various places where permanent checkpoints could be established. Additionally, the quality of management is sometimes questionable. Additionally, we were losing altitude at a terrifying rate. Additionally, fathers are encouraged to take paternity leave. Administratively, Pope Benedict has attempted to make the workings of the Vatican Bank more transparent. Admittedly, a physicist in his laboratory can vary one factor of interest – the temperature of a liquid, perhaps – while keeping everything else the same. Admittedly, assessment required a certain level of physical conditioning. Admittedly, I was a klutzy [= schwerfällig] kid. Admittedly, these were caricatures. Admittedly, scientists can be as good as priests at scaring people into despairing visions of the end of the world. Admittedly, China’s rulers occasionally solicit honest views from their subjects – but only of a certain kind or usually for a limited time. Aesthetically, it is the least obviously nerdy device of the ones I tried. Alternatively, the sacrifice can be seen as securing the gods’ favourable attitude towards the Romans. Alternatively, they could cut prices and sell more coffee. Alternatively, a full stop followed by a capital letter would be possible in both examples. Alternatively, one may think of a major cataclysm. Amazingly, morale remained high. Amazingly, I made it to the trees undiscovered. Amazingly, everything seemed calm and professional. Amazingly, roughly half of the subjects in our study didn’t notice the gorilla! Amazingly, she hadn’t noticed. Amazingly, they reached the peak unscathed. Amazingly, he decided to ignore the significance of the result. Amazingly, the weather on our arrival was excellent. Amazingly, the man was still conscious. Amazingly, all these props were available at the Mexican school. Analogously, if you add one pound to an empty backpack, it feels like a substantial increase in weight. Anatomically, the trunk is a combination of the upper lip and nose; the nostrils are located at the tip. Anecdotally, the evidence is positive. Apologetically, he said that he couldn’t write because he had drops in his eyes. Apologetically, I asked if anyone could spare me a cigarette. Apologetically, the officials said this was a fairly common occurrence on university campuses. Apparently, the woman spent most of her time trying to impress people. Apparently, we now live in a world where one superpower is able to bomb at will … Apparently, the same things have happened throughout history. Apparently, the general had been away all day at the front. Apparently, a friend of hers had gotten to her before I did. Apparently, there had been a big dust storm. Apparently, he wasn’t very successful. Apparently, there were multiple occasions when his father was on the brink of financial collapse. Apparently, only women buy dolls for kids. Apparently, he had once been late for an important meeting. Apparently, what occurred beyond the wire was not our concern. Apparently, they were going to stay for lunch. Apparently, we’d just wandered into the enemy’s backyard. {Apparently, alcoholism skips a generation. That’s why I drink so my children don’t have to. (Ava Vidal)} Apparently, whatever pleasure is derived from sex is insufficient to overcome the overt or covert battle that exists between certain husbands and wives. Architecturally, the place had a severe simplicity befitting the humble circumstances of its occupants. Arguably, women often fall victim to their tendency to idealize an unsatisfactory situation. Arguably, he had known what he was getting into before he left Seattle. Arguably, humans may require a certain amount of worry to function effectively. Artistically, the 1930s were Walt Disney’s best years. Astonishingly, all but one favoured the new proposal. Astonishingly, just a few of China’s cities have direct flights. Astonishingly, Barbara stuck with me after that embarrassing experience. Astonishingly, nobody was killed. Astonishingly, both survived. Astutely, J. M. Keynes anticipated a perversity of this kind in his 1925 review. Basically, people now feel nothing is safe to eat. Basically, there are things you react to almost automatically. Basically, all we do all day is sit at our desks surfing the internet. Basically, we were creating mobile security forces. Basically, I had three things I was looking for. Basically, his job was to coordinate the efforts of … Basically, it was the same old problem. Belatedly, political leaders have begun to face this issue. Belatedly, a committee was set up. Biologically, that means you are likely to have high blood pressure. Biologically, it makes sense that blood pressure would affect dementia. Bizarrely, the populist, anti‐elitist Tea Party has embraced the economic orthodoxy of the elite. Bizarrely, James’s car keys were still clutched in my hand. Bizarrely, as a star or galaxy radiates energy in heats up. Boisterously, we moved out to the car. Briefly, he explained how it had been found. Briefly, she examined the small kitchen. Broadly, the question is what Americans gained after the war. Broadly, the deal was a political win for Trump. Cannily, President Trump has co‐opted the term fake news and now lobs it freely at stories that point out his own misdeeds. Carefully, the policeman copied the name and address from my licence. (R. Dahl) Carefully, some business travellers are venturing back into private aircraft after the battered economy devastated the general aviation industry starting in 2008. Carefully, he brushed the top layer of lumpy slime away. Carefully, she removed her hat and laid it on the hall table. Certainly, there are many domains of life in which we can function reasonably well without regulations. Certainly, there are plenty of reckless investors with scant regard for the risk of loss. Certainly, there are benefits to this kind of networking. Certainly, the port has been a lifeline for the nearby villages. Certainly, you can see what’s happening on the Internet. Certainly, there’d been women about whom he had felt deeply. Certainly, Russia must be observed with a degree of criticism or even suspicion. Certainly, the richer countries should bear more of the burden. Certainly, some things have gotten better since Macron came to power. Certainly, health care is expensive all over the world. Characteristically, his speech was mostly an explanation of why he didn’t have a quick fix. Characteristically, Nancy didn’t grieve over Henry for long. Characteristically, he has since moved from a house in a posh Californian suburb to a more modest house that’s closer to his office. Characteristically, Bert said it was “pure luck”. Characteristically, he bluntly defended such measures. Characteristically, my parents handed me a copy of the Penguin collection of Plato’s works. Chemically, they are not at all that different. Chronologically, “His Last Bow” is the final Sherlock Holmes story. Clearly, Ted was not the kind of guy you’d trust with your life. Clearly, the people don’t want you to forget that. Clearly, she was being deliberately unhelpful. Clearly, wildlife is dying in the oil spill. Clearly, we failed at working with the broader political environment. Clearly, women in China have more rights than those in Afghanistan. Clearly, these results are counterintuitive. Clearly, those remarks were misguided. Clearly, it is not money that makes him tap‐dance to work. Clearly, Obama was mistaken in declaring that … Clearly, here was someone who could sympathize with my frustration. Clearly, the issue of pornography is one that leaves many liberal thinkers in a quandary. Clearly, he was happy to be here.
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