II NALANDA-SRIWIJAYA CENTRE ARCHAEOLOGY UNIT ARCHAEOLOGYREPORT SERIES Archiving Archaeological Materials LIM CHEN SIAN, DUNCAN H. BROWN, DEREK HENG, FRANK M. MEDDENS, AND JOHN N. MIKSIC NALANDA l5EA5YUSO F ISHAK SRIWIJAYACENTRE INSTITUTE a II Archaeology Unit +65 6870 0955 facebook.com/nalandasriwijayacentre Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute 30 Heng Mui Keng Te rrace, II m +65 6778 1735 Singapore 119614 www.iseas.edu.sg/centres/nalanda-sriwijaya-centre II
[email protected] The Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre Archaeology Unit (NSC AU) Archaeology Report Series has been established to provide an avenue for publishing and disseminating archaeological and related research conducted or presented within the Centre. This also includes research conducted in partnership with the Centre as well as outside submissions from fields of enquiry relevant to the Centre's goals. The overall intent is to benefit communities of interest and augment ongoing and future research. The NSC AU Archaeology Report Series is published Citations of this publication should be made in the electronically by the Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre of following manner: ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute. Lim, C. S., Brown, D. H., Heng, D., Maddens, F. M., and Miksic, J. N. (2017). 'Archiving Archaeological © Copyright is held by the author/s of each report. Materials.' Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre Archaeology Unit Archaeology Report Series No 7. ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute accepts no responsibili ty for facts presented and views expressed. Cover image: Empress lace rescue excavation, Responsibility rests exclusively with the individual P author or authors. Authors have agreed that 2015 (Lim Chen Sian) pennission has been obtained from appropriate sources to include any content in the publication such as texts, images, maps, tables, charts, graphs, illustrations, and photos that are not exclusively owned or copyrighted by the authors.