History 1014 (12) Further Reading
HISTORY 1014 (12): FURTHER READINGS UTOPIAN VISIONS: REVISING COMMUNITY, FAMILY, GENDER ROLES Rosabeth Kanter, Commitment and Community: Communes and Utopias in Sociological Perspective (1972) John V. Chamberlain, “The Spiritual Impetus to Community,” in Gairdner B. Moment and Otto F. Kraushaar, Utopias: the American Experience (1980), 126-139 Carol Weisbrod, “Communal Groups and the Larger Society: Legal Dilemmas,” Communal Societies 12 (1992), 1-19 Lucy Jayne Kamau, “The Anthropology of Space in Harmonist and Owenite New Harmony,” Communal Societies 12 (1992), 68-89 Deirdre Hughes, “The World of Poor Eve: Re-defining Women’s Roles in Nineteenth Century Utopian Communities,” Communal Societies 21 (2001), 95-103 Beverly Gordon, “Dress in American Communal Societies,” Communal Societies 5 (1985), 122- 136 Gayle V. Fischer, “Dressing to Please God: Pants-Wearing Women in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Religious Communities,” Communal Societies 15 (1995), 55-74 CHRONOLOGY OF UTOPIAN AND INTENTIONAL COMMUNITIES Otohiko Okugawa, “Intercommunal Relationships among Nineteenth-century Communal Societies in America,” Communal Societies 3 (1983), 68-82 James Latimore, “Natural Limits on the Size and Duration of Utopian Communities” Communal Societies 11 (1991), 34-61 James A. Kitts, “Analyzing Communal Life-Spans: A Dynamic Structural Approach,” Communal Societies 20 (2000), 13-25 Michael Barkun, “Communal Societies as Cyclical Phenomena,” Communal Societies 4 (1984), 35-48 Early Ventures EARLY UTOPIAN VISIONS AND EXPERIMENTS: Puritans and Moravians W. Thomas Mainwaring, “Communal Ideals, Worldly Concerns, and the Moravians of North Carolina, 1753-1772,” Communal Societies 6 (1986), 138-162 Ernest J. Green, “The Labadists of Colonial Maryland (1683-1722),” Communal Societies 8 (1988), 104-121 Utopian Ventures in the Early Republic MILLENNIALISTS AND RADICAL GERMAN PIETISTS: The Rappites of Harmony and the Separatists of Zoar Charles Nordhoff, “The Aurora and Bethel Communes,” American Utopias, 305-330 THE COMMUNITY OF TRUE INSPIRATION AT AMANA Herbert A.
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