21 February 2016 Watani International 2 Watani 21 February 2016 Chairman of the Board 13 Amsheer (Meshir) 1732 and 12 Gamada al-Awwal 1437 Editor-in-chief Issue 784 Youssef Sidhom Year 16

Editorial Funeral photos by Nasser Sobhy Problems on hold President Sisi addresses parliament Youssef Sidhom On Saturday 13 February President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi addressed ’s new House of Representatives, declaring it officially opened. “I announce the transition of legislative authority to the elected parliament,” the President began his speech, declaring the end of a four-year legislative hiatus in which law-making powers were in the hands of the president of the republic. This is the first parliament since the 30 June 2013 massive Egyptian Revolution which rid Egypt of the post-Arab Spring Islamist regime and set the ground for a secular State. President Sisi’s opening speech was a protocol; the newly elected parliament had already convened last month, elected a speaker and two deputies, and reviewed the laws which had been issued by the two post-Revolution presidents, Adly Mansour and Sisi, in the absence of parliament. The House of Representatives approved all these laws but one, the law of civil service; it still remains to be seen how the House will handle this legislative predicament. The sessions have been boisterous and tumultuous, and involved on the part of a number of MPs behaviour and rhetoric that went against venerable parliamentary tradition. A request to lift the immunity of three MPs on claims that they were legally disqualified was rejected by the House. MP Judge Sirri Siyam, who was among the presidential appointees to the House, submitted his resignation in protest against his alleged marginalisation. The resignation of a presidential appointee is unprecedented, and Judge Siyam’s aroused heated discussions in the media. President Sisi’s speech to parliament was different than those were familiar with during the time of former President who used to put before Boutros Boutros-Ghali parliament a proposed list, which came to be termed ‘agenda’, of legislation required. (1922 - 2016) President Sisi’s speech was in essence political; it focused on the greatness of Egypt Rock of Egyptian diplomacy and her people who overcame the Islamist challenge to their Egyptianness and the His name, Boutros, is literal for rock. He was a great, if not unique, figure in Egypt’s 20th century. Mervat Ayoub “Whatever the reasons for his absence, we never doubted their merit. Faculty remuneration Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan who believed that Egypt was not entitled to negotiate on the Organisation of African Unity would have a say in the UN’s decision-making. The Boutros-Ghali and the Clinton administration and was an additional reason for attempts to break them as they demanded Boutros Boutros-Ghali started off as a law professor at University, and went on to become in those days were modest and Dr Ghali whose attendance record was nonetheless better behalf of the Arabs; he was more comfortable dealing with Minister of Defence Ezer UN peacekeeping forces got entangled in war conflicts in Bosnia, Cambodia, Somalia vetoing his election for a second term. freedom, social justice and human dignity. Egypt’s State Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1977 – 1991. From 1992 to 1996 he was Secretary- than most, had other professional interests. Yet, whenever we saw his Fiat coupé parked Weizman who was apparently more inclined to achieving peace. Israelis noticed that and Rwanda and Dr Boutros-Ghali was often blamed or used as a scapegoat whenever He called upon parliament to perform the General of the . He was head of the International Organisation of La Francophonie in 1997 adjacent to the college building, we knew we could look forward to an absorbing two-hour lecture.” during the negotiations President Sadat would address Boutros-Ghali using the English things went wrong. The River Nile historic legislative and supervisory role – 2002, and of the National Council for Human Rights in 2003 – 2012. He won numerous Egyptian and equivalent of his name “Peter” whenever he was pleased with him. But the new role of the UN in peacekeeping and conflict prevention, in addition to After leaving the UN, Dr was elected the first Secretary-General of required of it by the people. international medals and honours, and was also head of Al-Ahram Centre for Strategic and Political Studies The visit Dr Boutros-Ghali staunchly opposed Israeli demands to becoming the sole buyer of Boutros-Ghali’s independent leadership, collided with US interests and diminished the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie which consists of French-speaking That the President did not assign any in 1975, and editor-in-chief of the quarterly al-Siyassa al-Dawliya (International Politics) and Al-Ahram’s As a Christian, it was not possible for Dr Boutros-Ghali to be appointed Egypt’s Minister of Foreign Sinai’s oil. Among the most controversial articles of the peace treaty is Article 6 which its role in international politics. He quickly went out of favour with the then US member States who work on promoting and cooperating in the fields legislative agenda to parliament carries economics magazine, the weekly Al-Ahram al-Iqtissadi. He authored numerous books; the most important Affairs; President Anwar al-Sadat therefore appointed him [the less prestigious] Minister of State for stipulates that: “The Parties undertake not to enter into any obligation in conflict with Ambassador to the UN Madeleine Albright (later US Secretary of State) and the of culture, science, economy, justice and peace. He held this post from 1997 to 2002. substantial indications that conform to of which is Egypt’s Road to Jerusalem (1997) about the Egypt- Peace Treaty and Unvanquished: A Foreign Affairs in 1977; a position he held until 1991. this Treaty.” And “… in the event of a conflict between the obligations of the Parties Clinton administration who campaigned against him and in 1996 vetoed his re-election Even though Dr Boutros-Ghali was no longer on the official front during his last Egypt’s Constitution. The president has no U.S.-U.N. Saga (1999), about his time as Secretary-General at the U.N. Following the 6 October War in 1973 during which the Egyptian army crossed the Suez Canal and under the present Treaty and any of their other obligations, the obligations under this for a second term. years, people went to him for advice on many perplexing issues. His experience and upper hand over parliament; rather, he has Dr Boutros Boutros-Ghali passed away on Tuesday 16 February. attained a foothold in the six-year-Israeli-occupied Sinai, there had been great hopes that Egypt would, Treaty will be binding and implemented”, especially given that this article hinders insight were legendary. In a 2014 interview with ++Watani++, he talked about Egyptian to let the House of Representatives and the Egypt paid her last respects to the great man on Thursday 18 February. He was given a military funeral through negotiation, regain Sinai in full and attain peace for Egypt and all Arabs. This, however, never Egypt’s participation in the Treaty of Joint Defence and Economic Co-operation of the Arab conflict fears that the Grand Renaissance Dam Ethiopia is building would curtail Egypt’s Nile government perform their roles freely and in which President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi led the procession of mourners, followed with a funeral service at materialised and, in November 1977, President Sadat announced his desire to visit Jerusalem and address League of Arab States. His years as Secretary General of the UN witnessed many conflicts in the Arab water rights, the Nile being practically the sole source of water in Egypt. “As a general independently without placing any agenda the church of St Peter and St Paul in Abbasiya, Cairo. the Knesset. Despite his original reservations towards Sadat’s intended trip, Dr Boutros-Ghali was asked Some have considered the trip to Jerusalem as the major milestone in Dr Boutros- region. After the end of the 1991 Gulf war and the implementation of sanctions on Iraq rule,” he said, “I believe in settling international disagreements and disputes through before them. by then Vice-President Hosni Mubarak to write the draft of the President’s Knesset address. Ghali’s career; little did they know that the real accomplishment would come years by the UN Security Council (UNSC), the Oil-for-Food programme was established by negotiation. Even though this may take years on end, it is always worth the time and There remains an important observation Family history By a strange twist of fate, Dr Boutros-Ghali accompanied President Sadat on his historical trip to later. On 7 June 1991, he was nominated by Egypt for the position of Secretary-General the UN in 1995 to relieve the suffering of the Iraqi people. However, the programme effort. I had tried for more than 20 years to get the Egyptian public to focus on the that never ceases to dishearten me and Boutros Boutros-Ghali was born into a distinguished Coptic family which was among the elite landed Jerusalem on 20 November 1977 as Acting Foreign Minister after Ismail Fahmi resigned in protest against of the UN, the finest diplomatic post anyone could attain. was plagued with corruption and the Iraqi regime was accused of seizing some USD11 importance of African relations and the Nile waters but failed because the public was which I will never tire of highlighting. This gentry of Girga in the southern region of Sohag some 500km south of Cairo. The family doyen, Boutros the visit. The visit was a resounding success, however. It opened the way to arduous negotiations that two billion of its profits, despite UN supervision. engrossed in the Palestinian cause. is the non-disciplined attitude displayed by Agha [Agha was a title given to high ranking State officials in the Ottoman Empire] was appointed governor years later led to the Egyptian Israeli peace treaty, the Camp David agreement by which Egypt regained Leading the UN The 1988 Lockerbie bombing of Pan Am 103 brought on, in face of US insistence, “Now that the problem of the Nile River has caught up with us, I think we need to many MPs. President Sisi read a written, of the district of Bardees by Egypt’s Viceroy Muhammad Ali, the founder of modern Egypt. Sinai and attained peace. Dr Boutros-Ghali was a diplomatic figure well-known and respected among African the UNSC adopted Resolution 748 in March 1992 imposing sanctions and civil aviation look at the situations in other countries which had the same problem and learn how they formal speech and did not improvise as he Muhammad Ali, who ruled from 1805 to 1849, put Muslims and Christians on equal footing despite the Upon his return from Jerusalem, President Sadat delegated Dr Boutros-Ghali to arrange for the Mena and Francophone countries. Backed by strong French and African lobbying, in addition and arms embargo on Libya. Dr Boutros-Ghali later said that he had repeatedly tried dealt with it. In Asia for instance, an international commission was founded to supervise is wont. This should have set the standard fact that were then dhimmis, meaning they were non-Muslims who lived under Muslim rule and as House conference in which he was to invite the US, Israel and the Arab countries to pave the road for the to the staunch support of members of the Non-Aligned Movement and , he was to mediate between the two sides in an attempt to reach a compromise but to no avail. the Mekong River which runs through Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam; in for this formal event which should have such were not first-class citizens; they paid the jizya head tax and were deprived of serving in the army. peace treaty. The Arab countries declined the invitation and condemned the Egyptian Israeli negotiations; elected as 6th Secretary-General of the UN for the term 1 January 1992 – 31 December Arab Israeli conflict peaked in 1996 after Israeli troops shelled a UN peacekeeping partnership with China and Myanmar. The commission aims to ‘promote and co- been respected as such. Yet the manner in Muhammad Ali, however, recognised that Christians were educated, hard working and faithful and, under President Sadat retaliated by severing diplomatic ties with the Arab countries. He did not inform Dr 1996, much to the dislike of the and its allies. compound in the Lebanese town of Qana where women and children had taken ordinate sustainable management and development of water and related resources which many MPs responded has proved his rule, Copts reached for the first time in many centuries the position of governor. Boutros Agha achieved Boutros-Ghali who was then faced with the challenge of having to use all his diplomatic skills to answer Dr Boutros-Ghali believed that the increase in the number of the UN member States refuge, claiming the lives of 106 civilians. The UN-conducted report dismissed for the countries’ mutual benefit and the people’s well-being’. I hope we can establish how unaware they are of time-honoured great success in establishing law and order in Girga and remained in office till he died leaving a large questions about a matter he had no part in. and the Post-Cold War era called for a reform programme to answer the needs of the the possibility that the bombing of the UN base was due to technical or procedural an international organisation that supervises building dams, transport and its means, parliamentary tradition. They turned the family, vast land property and a flawless reputation. new world order. He drafted his proposals in his Agenda for Peace which he presented error, clearly condemning the Israeli State. The report angered Israel who insisted irrigation systems and producing and distributing electricity.” formal occasion into a celebratory, boisterous The grandchildren of Boutros Agha were caring landowners and distinguished traders. They built on their Mastermind in June 1992 and which focused on improving the UN’s ability to maintain world on acquitting its soldiers and was backed by the usual US absolute support. In a event in which they interrupted the President estate in Girga a number of churches and schools; these included al-Baliana Bishopric and the neighbouring Dr Boutros-Ghali was a main negotiator in the Camp David Egyptian delegation, often considered its peace. This included forming special UN peacekeeping units that would also have a heated session, the UNSC endorsed the report indicting Israel and considering that On controversial issues several times by waves of overly enthusiastic school which was called al-Boutrossiya before it was nationalised by the Egyptian government in the 1960s. mastermind. conflict prevention role. The reform also included measures to restructure the UN and the massacre was a flagrant violation of international laws for the protection of Anba Pakhoum, Bishop of Akhmim, once talked to Dr Boutros-Ghali about a church clapping and cheering. The President had to Over the years, grandchildren of Boutros Agha held several prominent positions in the Egyptian State. The accounts of the Camp David negotiations show that Dr Boutros-Ghali often disagreed with Israeli reduce much of its bureaucracy. He also proposed that regional organisations such as civilians during wartime. This course of events further widened the gap between the congregation needed to build but for which they could get no permit. “The problem,” repeat specific parts or phrases of his speech Most prominent among them was Boutros Ghali Pasha (1846 – 1910) who was Prime Minister of Egypt Dr Boutros-Ghali remarked, “lies with the childish mentality of villagers on this issue. in an attempt to regain order and silence to from 1908 to 1910. Into this family deep-seated in politics and economics, Boutros Boutros-Ghali was born There is relentless competition, and Muslims simply do not accept that Copts would make sure his words get heard. The final on 14 November 1922. ‘outdo’ them on a religious front. The Copts build a church; the Muslims quickly erect impression was that this was no official a mosque in front of it. No church spire can be allowed to rise higher than a mosque opening of parliament; it was some popular, The law professor minaret. The police’s attitude is to almost categorically deny permits for any works disorderly carnival. The question which begs The young Boutros Boutros-Ghali went to the Jesuit school in Cairo then studied law at related to churches. They know that the mere presence of a church antagonises fanatic an answer, however, is whether the House’s from which he obtained degree in 1946. In 1949, he earned a PhD in International Law from Paris Muslims; this places and added burden to the already overburdened police force, so they secretariat is aware of this, or is happy with University in addition to several diplomas in public law, economics and political science,. From 1949 to simply reject church or church-related construction.” it? The Speaker overpraised President Sisi 1977, Dr Boutros-Ghali was Professor of International Law and International Relations at Cairo University Dr Boutros-Ghali talked about democracy and human rights. “The concept of to the point where his speech appeared where he headed the Political Science Department. In addition to his academic career, Dr Boutros-Ghali democracy differs from one country to another according to the norms and values of to lack poise and objectivity. It brought to wrote more than 100 books and several articles in the fields of political science, international affairs and the different communities. Each country has its own cultural intricacies, and there is no mind former Speaker Fathi Sorour who was diplomacy. rigid form of democracy that fits all. used to flattering the then president Hosny Dr Boutros-Ghali was married to Leia Maria, née Nadler, an Egyptian Jew from a prominent family that “I have frequently been asked which comes first, democracy or development? In Mubarak. I am sure neither President Sisi owned the Nadler confectionary business before it was nationalised by the Egyptian government in the case of Egypt, I believe development has priority over stability. But we must open nor Speaker Abdel-Al would be happy with 1960s. He leaves no children. to the outside world, openness in its broad sense as in new ideas and the unending that parallel. One of his students, Samir Raafat, wrote in 1996 a fond memory of Dr Boutros-Ghali as a university technological innovations. Such erroneous culture has to change. professor, under the title “The Boutros Ghali we don’t all know” (The Jordan Star, September 26, 1996; “We are currently in a state of war, a real battle against terrorism. And at times of war We must all confront it in order to root Middle East Times, September 29, 1996). “I knew the man simply as ‘ya doktor’ which is how we it is very difficult to rigidly apply democracy. honourable parliamentary tradition. I addressed the incumbent Secretary-General of the United Nations when he taught international law during “According to my experience, I can affirm that the military institution plays a imagine the initiative should come from my Freshman year at Cairo University. These were the 1960s and Professor Boutros-Ghali’s mission was significant role in many countries—Latin America, Africa and Asia—not only Egypt. the House of Representatives’ secretariat to acquaint us with the perplexities of political science. Yet, as far as I recall, his no-show record surpassed The Boutrossiya crypt The Egyptian Armed Forces is a national power which we applaud and to which we on whose shoulders lies the responsibility that of his most wayward students. We were ostensibly told ‘al doktor’ had other engagements so that more resort at times of trouble.” of rooting proper parliamentary behaviour. often than not his teaching assignments were delegated to a mu’eid, a teaching assistant. MPs should realise that restrictions on what can be said or not said, or what is done or not done, in no way violates their freedom The world mourned the departure of Boutros Boutros- Dalia Victor Boutros-Ghali. He said the world had lost a national of La Francophonie Michaelle Jean; as well as State and matter how emotionally difficult this task was for him, it was a recalled the veteran diplomat as someone who embodied Francophonie.” of expression or behaviour under the Ghali, famous especially as the Secretary-General of Sherine Nader and international figure whose valuable contribution international officials and public figures. duty he owed to the great departed. He said Dr Boutros-Ghali the values of a true global citizen. Boutros-Ghali was also Pope Tawadros praised Dr Boutros-Ghali as “a fine example parliamentary dome. the United Nations from 1992 – 1996, who passed away in spreading and rooting the common human values Youssef Boutros-Ghali, a nephew of Dr Boutros Boutros- was unique in that he introduced cultural, enlightenment, and a great friend of UNESCO, she said, and contributed to in Egyptian life and Egyptian history” and said that he [the In this context, Watani today prints a on Tuesday 16 February. UN Secretary General Ban of justice and peace had global outreach. Ghali who lives outside Egypt, called his uncle’s family to documentation dimensions to diplomatic work, recounting a the Organisation’s global mission to promote peace and Pope] consulted him on several issues. He said the great feature on “Egypt’s representative experience Warm Ki-Moon, on behalf of the UN General Assembly, said that as the offer condolences. Dr Youssef Boutro-Ghali was Egyptian long list of his great achievements. “I had the privilege to sustainable development. He served as Vice-President diplomat who attained the topmost positions in the world of over successive parliaments” to mark 150 first post-Cold War secretary general, Dr Boutros-Ghali “helped Military and church funerals Finance Minister during 2004 – 2011, won international be close to this great man,” Mr Moussa said, “and learned of the Permanent Forum of Arab-African Dialogue for diplomacy never tired of defending the downtrodden, and years on parliamentary life in the country. It the UN find its footing in a new global landscape at a tumultuous Egypt paid Dr Boutros-Ghali her last respects on Thursday accolades for his reformative financial polices, was elected a lot from him. He never allowed lent his ears to rumours Democracy and Human Rights, created with UNESCO, was a role model of dedication and sacrifice for the sake of reveals a proud tradition of the parliamentary time…consistently giving voice to the poorest and least powerful 18 February. The great man was given a military funeral with in 2008 to chair of the IMF’s policy-setting committee. In or petty disputes; he was noble in character, courteous, and as Chair of UNESCO’s International Panel on what he believed in. experience Egyptians strove so hard for and members of the human family”. Mr Ki-Moon said Dr Boutros- President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi leading the procession of mourners. the wake of the Arab Spring in 2011 and the fall of President compassionate, and had a great sense of humour. Yet he Democracy and Development, established in 1998. Boutros-Ghali was laid to rest with his ancestors in the tribute to Ghali never attempted to endear himself to everybody, valuing his This was followed with a funeral service at the church of St Hosni Mubarak’s regime, Dr Youssef Boutros-Ghali was was also serious and solid as a rock when public or patriotic crypt of al-Boutrossiya church. finally gained. They partnered with the ruler in running the country, they monitored independence as head of the UN above all else. Peter and St Paul in Abbasiya, Cairo. The church was built by handed prison sentences absentia, and left Egypt. He interest called for it.” Mr Moussa looked at Leia Boutros- A role model The Bibliotheca Alexandrina’s (BA) Ismail Serageldin heads of State and governments, and they The UN Flag was flown at half-mast on Thursday 18 February, and the Boutros-Ghali family at the outset of the 20th century and is sounded grieved when he called for condolence, a family Ghali and said: “Leia, please accept my deep condolences. For Ms Jean of La Francophonie, Dr Boutros-Ghali was announced that the venerable Alexandria library had made an ran the legislative authority that governed a book of condolence was opened to Permanent Missions, UN Staff, known as al-Boutrossiya church. Pope Tawadros II presided over source said, and expressed that he cared very much to have We will remain around you; we knew you together and loved a man who worked tirelessly for world peace, democracy, agreement with Dr Boutros-Ghali before is death to document the lives of the people. Delving into this rich a great and the public on Thursday and Friday in the Visitors’ Lobby. the funeral. attended the funeral but, under the circumstances, this was the two of you. We will go on loving you.” and rights and freedoms. “We cannot highlight enough his his life and intellectual, scientific, and political works through history reveals the honour and nobility of Pope Francis called in person from where he is on a Attending the service were Director-General of UNESCO Irina an impossibility. Ms Bukova remembered Dr Boutros-Ghali as a “true academic, political and diplomatic input for the promotion the BA’s Memory of Modern Egypt programme. The BA had Egypt’s parliaments, and confirms that they State visit to ask Egypt’s ambassador to the Vatican Hatem Seif Bukova representing United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki humanist, who believed in the inherent rights and and respect of these universal values,” she said. “Today, already documented the history of the Boutros-Ghali family deserve veneration and respect rather than al-Nasr to extend his condolences to President Abdel-Fattah al- Moon, Egypt’s former Foreign Minister and former Secretary- Compassionate, yet solid dignity of every woman and man, as members of a single the Francophonie family mourns the loss of a great activist since and its contribution to Egypt through the countless non-disciplined vulgarity. man Sisi and the Egyptian government and people for the loss of Dr General of the Arab League Amr Moussa; Secretary-General Mr Moussa eulogised Dr Boutros-Ghali, saying that no humanity.” She expressed her deep condolences and on its part, and a father for institutional and political ancestors who made invaluable input to Egypt.