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Index In this index, tables, figures, and boxes are indicated in bold type A activated partial thromboplastin test refusal of treatment 57, 458 ABCD, resuscitation 403, 405 (APTT) 380 sexual abuse 395 abdomen acute abdomen 84, 197, 210 sexual activity 70, 456, 460, 466 distension 82, 207, 207, 444 acute chest syndrome 376 sleep patterns 23, 23 examination 82, 82–84, 83, 84, 186, 194 acute illnesses 28 smoking 161, 170, 460 neonates 432 see also emergency paediatrics syncope 221, 227, 248 location of signs/symptoms 84, 84 acute kidney injury (AKI) 333, 334–335 tasks of 457, 457 masses, palpation 83 acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 53, 110, unsafe sex 460 rebound tenderness 197 379, 379 vomiting 186 trauma 324 Adie‐Holmes pupil 96 vulnerable 457, 457 abdominal migraine 196 adipose tissue, growth 15 adrenaline 421 abdominal pain adolescence/adolescent 13, 455–467 aggressive behaviour 387 acute 196–197, 198, 210 accidents 460 AIDS 156, 156–157, 400 causes 196, 333 acne 462 air enema 211, 211 diagnosis, clues 198 changes occurring in 455, 456–457 airway 163 investigations 197, 197 physical 456, 458–459 neonates 429–430, 449 periumbilical 193, 210 psychological 456, 461 thermal injury 424 recurrent 192–195 social 457 airway obstruction causes 192, 193, 193 see also puberty acute upper tract 165, 166, 182, 405, diagnosis, clues 195–196 communication with 62, 68 407, 408 idiopathic (functional) 195, 209, 209 about chronic illness 47 at a glance 408 investigations 194, 194–195 consent 42, 64, 458 management 407, 408 management 195, 195 consultations 62, 68, 458 in neonates 449 non‐organic 193, 193, 195, 195, contraception see contraceptives, for signs 165, 166, 407 209, 387 adolescents functional, in neonates 449 organic vs.
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