DLPTW Minsdec14
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DÚN LAOGHAIRE-RATHDOWN COUNTY COUNCIL Minutes of the Dún Laoghaire Planning & Enterprise and Transportation & Water Services Area Committee held in the Council Chamber - County Hall, Marine Road, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin on Monday, 1 December 2014 at 5.00 pm PRESENT Councillors: Councillors: Bailey, Maria Lewis, Hugh Bailey, John F Kingston, Deirdre Baker, Marie O'Brien, Shane Boyhan, Victor O'Callaghan, Denis Fayne, Mary Merrigan, Michael Devlin, Cormac Smyth, Carrie Feeney, Kate Smyth, Ossian Gill, Karl Stewart, Patricia Halpin, Melisa Ward, Barry Councillor Cormac Devlin presided as Chairperson OFFICIALS PRESENT Thomas Mahon (Administrative Officer Planning & Enterprise), Eugene Condon (Administrative Officer Planning & Enterprise), Rhona Naughton (Senior Planner), Anne Devine (Senior Engineer, Transportation & Water Services), Michael Mangan (Senior Engineer Projects Transportation & Water Services), John Broderick (Senior Executive Engineer Transportation & Water Services), Seamus Storan (Executive Engineer Transportation & Water Services), Felicity Gill (Assistant Staff Officer Transportation & Water Services), Richard Sheehy (Executive Engineer) and Gerry Concannon (Senior Executive Engineer Transportation & Water Services) DLP/354/14 Confirmation and Adoption of Minutes It was proposed by Councillor V. Boyann and seconded by Councillor B. Ward and agreed that the minutes of the meeting of Dun Laoghaire Planning, Transportation & Water Services Area Committee meeting held on the 3rd November, 2014 be CONFIRMED and ADOPTED. PLANNING AND ENTERPRISE BUSINESS DLP/355/14 QUESTIONS It was proposed by Councillor M. Baker and seconded by Councillor M. Merrigan and resolved:- “That pursuant to Standing Order No. 13 (c) question numbers 2. to 6 be ADOPTED and APPROVED.” DLP/356/14 DLR DESIGN CENTRE (LEO-DLR) MORAN PARK HOUSE Question: Councillor V. Boyhan “To ask the Chief Executive to provide a progress report on the development of the DLR Design Centre at Moran Park House Dún Laoghaire and a timeline for completion and opening?” Reply: The development of the dlr Design Gallery that will be located in Moran Park House is in hand. It is anticipated that the main contract building works will be completed by the end of January, weather permitting. Fit-out and internal finishes to be carried out in the following month. A Request for Tender (RFT) has been drafted to appoint a consultant to develop the business model for the Gallery. The RFT will be published on e-tenders. As per the RFT, the work will include: 1. The comparison of the space and location of the proposed dlr Design Gallery as to its advantages and disadvantages; 2. The analysis of feasible options to manage the dlr Design Gallery; 3. The establishment of the requirements for the dlr Design Gallery to be a viable and sustainable retail and exhibition space; 4. The accommodation of the limitations on the use of the space such as designated sectoral incubation space, public and private areas and the qualifying product criteria; 5. The development of the most practical business model given constraints of spatial, management and staffing resources; 6. The development of a three-year management and growth strategy for the dlr Design Gallery. The target date for commencement of operations is Spring 2015. DLP/357/14 BLACKROCK LOCAL AREA PLAN Question: Councillor V. Boyhan “To ask the Chief Executive to provide an update on the Blackrock Local Area Plan?” Reply: Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council initiated the preparation of the Draft Blackrock Local Area Plan in accordance with Section 20 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended. On preparation of the Draft Blackrock Local Area Plan, the 6 week statutory public consultation process commenced on 3rd September 2014 with the closing date for Submissions / Observations being 15th October 2014. Public Information Sessions were held in Blackrock Library on 18th, 23rd and 24th September 2014. 25 submissions were received. In accordance with Section 20 3 (c) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended), a report on submissions made to the Draft Local Area Plan was prepared by the Chief Executive. This Report was circulated to Members on 18th November, 2014, thus commencing the 6 week consideration period. Following consideration of the proposed Draft Local Area Plan and the Chief Executive’s Report the Members may, as they consider appropriate by resolution, decide to vary or modify the Plan otherwise than recommended in the Chief Executive’s Report or decide not to make the Plan. Consideration of the Chief Executive’s Report must be concluded by 6th January 2015. The Chief Executive’s Report will be considered at the County Council meeting which will be held on Monday 8th December, 2014. Where, however, the Planning Authority decides to make the Plan otherwise than as recommended in the Chief Executive’s Report (by way of a material modification / variation), the Planning Authority shall, not later than 3 weeks after the passing of a resolution, publish notice of the proposed material variation or modification to the Plan. Such a notice shall also state that information on the likely significant effects on the environment of implementing the proposed variation or modification will also be available for inspection and that a submission or observation in relation to such information will also be taken into consideration before the making of any variation or modification. Not later than 8 weeks after giving such notice the Chief Executive shall prepare a report on any submissions or observations received further to the notice, and submit the Report to the Members of the Authority for their consideration. A screening process for both Strategic Environmental Assessment and Appropriate Assessment was undertaken for the Draft Plan. In both instances, the screening process determined that neither form of full assessment was required for the Draft Plan. In the event that the Planning Authority determines that a Strategic Environmental Assessment and Appropriate Assessment of a proposed material alteration to the Draft Plan are required, an extended timeline for the consideration of the amendments will apply. DLP/358/14 PLANNING STATUS - BLACKROCK BOWLING CLUB Question: Councillor V. Boyhan “To ask the Chief Executive to provide a planning history and current planning status of the Blackrock Bowling Club grounds, on Green Road Blackrock?” Reply: ZONING In the Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Development Plan 2004, the site is zoned ‘A’-“To protect and / or improve residential amenity.” D00A/0602 – Permission granted on appeal on 4 July 2001, for a new clubhouse, demolition of existing structures, relocation of 3 no. existing tennis courts and flood lights, and provision of new tennis court and flood lights. D03A/1149 – Permission granted on 11 March 2004 for the demolition of the existing timber framed changing rooms and replacement with a proprietary timber framed building and foundations. D05A/0802 - Permission granted on 10 November 2005 Upgrade of the external finishes of the existing clubhouse consisting of the replacement of the existing pebble dashed finish and plaster finish. The development also includes the relocation of an existing boiler room, the construction of a new glazed extension beneath the existing roof, the construction of a new timber panel screen around an existing roof mounted water tank and internal alterations to the existing bar area and indoor bowling hall. DLP/359/14 FREE WI-FI IN BLACKROCK Question: Councillor V. Boyhan “To ask the Chief Executive to support the rollout of free high speed internet access (Wi-Fi) in Blackrock town centre similar to what has been achieved for Dún Laoghaire and to report on same?” Reply: Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council supports business-led initiatives to roll out 'free' wifi services in town and village centres and in this regard, the Local Enterprise Office will assist such business groups in the planning and procurement process. DLP/360/14 KILLINEY TEA ROOMS Question: Councillor K. Gill “To ask the Chief Executive if she knows who the owner of the Killiney Tea Rooms is?” Reply: As per the Council’s Derelict Sites Register, the owners of the Killiney Tea Rooms are Mr Declan O’Regan and Mr Ross Cahill-O’Brien. DLP/361/14 Major Planning Applications Plan Reg. No.: D14A/0728 Apn Date: 13-Nov-2014 App. Type: Permission Location: 26-29 Georges Street,( adjacent to Dunnes Stores) Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin Proposal: Permission for 4 new entrances to rear of ground floor to existing 4 no. 3 bed apartments and separation of ground floor existing 4 no. retail units and amalgamation to form 2 no. units with new shop fronts. Works include private access gate and upgrade of existing rear access lane. Applicant: Edward Lee & Co Ltd The foregoing report of the Chief Executive was NOTED. DLP/362/14 Ministerial / Departmental Correspondence It was NOTED there was no business to discuss under this heading. DLP/363/14 Other Correspondence It was NOTED there was no business to discuss under this heading. DLP/364/14 CARNEGIE LIBRARY BLACKROCK It was proposed by Councillor V. Boyhan and seconded by Councillor M. Merrigan. “That the Chief Executive confirm what arrangements have been entered into in relation to the planning conditions relating to the parking forecourt/footpath outside the refurbished Carnegie Library Blackrock/Senior College Complex.” Report: Planning reference D14a/0391 refers to an application for Permission for Retention of modifications to site works shown in granted planning permission D08A/0702, to include alterations to roadside kerbing and footpaths, increase in number and alignment of parking bays and reduction in number of trees from original application. Further information was requested in relation to this application on 11th August 2014 and the applicant has 6 months to respond. To date no response has been received. The foregoing report of the Chief Executive was PASSED. TRANSPORTATION BUSINESS DLP/365/14 QUESTIONS It was proposed by Councillor M. Merrigan and seconded by Councillor D. O’Callaghan and resolved:- “That pursuant to Standing Order No.