ISSN 2538-1016; 59


The Fauna of the Part 8

Pelagic Copepoda by JANET M. BRADFORD Cumacea by N. S. JONES

New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir No. 59


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Euchaeta : male (upper) and female (lower).

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The Fauna of the Ross Sea Part 8

Pelagic Copepoda by



New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir No. 59


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Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. ;nd. Res. 206

Received for publication November 1969

© Crown Copyright 1971


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EACH summer season since 19 56-57 the New Zealand Oceanographic Institute has undertaken one or more research cruises in the Antarctic, initially as part of the International Geophysical Year programmes and their extensions, and latterly as part of the New Zealand Antarctic Research Programme. The major efforts of the 19 58-59 and 19 59-60 seasons were devoted to an oceanographic survey of the Ross Sea in which, as well as associated hydrological information, sediment samples, plankton, and fish, substantial collections of benthic animals were obtained. Each of these expeditions was led by J. S. Bullivant. In 19 58-59 he was assisted by D. G. McKnight and A G. Macfarlane of the Institute staff and N. A Powell of Antarctic Division, DSIR; John Reseck, jun. (Long Beach State College, Cali­ fornia) and Dr R. K. Dell (Dominion Museum, Wellington) were co-workers. In 19 59-60, G. A Haden and E. C. French of Antarctic Division, DSIR, assisted. Further small collections were made in 1960-61 by G. A Harlen, A E. Gilmour, and S. C. Watts of the Institute staff and C. E. Devine, D. W. Farmer, and M. R. Gregory of Antarctic Division, DSIR. The co-operation of the New Zealand Naval Board and of the Commanding Officer and ship's company of HMNZS Endeavour is gratefully acknowledged. The Antarctic Division has materially assisted the field and laboratory work by the secondment of staff and provision of equipment. The biological material has been sorted and preserved under the supervision of J. S. Bullivant. The preliminary technical editing of the manuscript has been carried out by Dr D. E. Hurley. Further results of examinations of these collections will be published as studies of other groups are concluded. J. W. BRODIE, Director, N.Z. Oceanographic Institute.


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Abstract 9 Introduction 9 The Ross Sea Environment Topography 9 Hydrology 10 Phytoplankton 12 Methods 12 List of Species 12 Station List 13 Systematics 15 Relationships of the Ross Sea Fauna 29 Acknowledgments 30 References 31 lndex 42

FIGURES Fig. 1: Location map JO Fig. 2: Bathymetry and station positions 10 Figs 3a, 3b: Relationships of Ross Sea water masses . 11 Fig. 4: Summer Antarctic Circumpolar Water Intrusion 11 Fig. 5: Stations at which Corethron criophilum was dominant 12 Figs. 6-16: Nannocalan11s minor, Calanoides acutus, Ca/anus propinq1111s, Microca/anus pygmaeus, Rhincalanus gigas, Ctenocalanus vanus 15 Figs 17-30: Ctenocalanus vanus, Farrania frigida, Spinocalanus abyssalis, S. magnus, Aetideopsis minor 17 Figs 31-43: Aetideopsis antarctica I 8 Figs 44-53: Aetideopsis antarctica, Chiridiella megadactyla . 19 Figs 54-62: Chiridiella megadacty/a, Gaidius tenuispinus 20 Figs 63-73: Gaidius tenuispinus, E11chaeta antarctica, E. simi/is, Onclwcalanus magnus, 0. wolfendeni 21 Figs. 74-88: Racovitzanus antarcticus, Scolecithricella glacialis, S. dentipes, Scaphocalanus brevicornis, S. subbrevicornis, Metridia curticauda, M. gerlachei, Pleuromamma gracilis 22 Figs 89-98: Lucicutia macrocera, L. ovalis, H eterorhabdus austrinus, H. farrani . 24 Figs 99-110: Heterorhabd11s farrani, H. pustulifer, Heterostylites major, Halopti/11s ocellatus 25 Figs 111-118: Haloptilus ocellaflls 26 Figs 119-127: Haloptilus ocellaflls, H. oxyceplwlus, Candacia maxima, Paralabidocera antarctica 27

TABLE Table 1 : Copepod records in or near the Ross Sea 30


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Abstract 33 Introduction 33 Station List 33 Systematics 34 Key to the Species of Antarctic and Subantarctic Cumacea 34 Family Bodotriidae 36 Family Leuconidae 36 Family Nannastacidae 36 Family Lampropidae 37 Family Diastylidae 39 Ecology and Distribution 40 Addendum 41 Acknowledgments 41 References 41 Index 42

FIGURES Fig. 1: Bathymetry and station positions 34 Fig. 2: Procampylaspis meridiana sp. n. 37 Fig. 3: Paralamprops rossi sp. n. 38 Fig. 4: Makrokylindrus inscriptus sp. n. 39


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit PELAGIC COPEPODA by JANET M. BRADFORD New Zealand Oceanographic Institute, DSIR, Wellington

ABSTRACT COLLECTIONS of Ross Sea Copepoda from the Transantarctic Expedition 1956-58 and the New Zealand Oeeanc,graphic Institute cruise in the summer of 1958-59 were analysed and fauna! lists of the area prepared. Eighteen species, not including t"'1o obvious strays or contaminants fr0m 1emperatc waters, were added to the Ross Sea fauna. A new species of Chiridie/la is describ"il along with males of Aetideopsis antarctica and Haloptilus ocellatus. The males o[ Ctenoca/o,,us vanus and Racovitzanus mztarcticus are discussed. Altho1Jeh the fauna generally is an extension c-f the circumpolar Antarctic fauna, yet a region of distinct fauna! differences shows in the south-western part of the Ross Sea, where Antarctic Circ111'npolar Water i� absent, where no copepod species associated with Antarctic Circumpolar Water occur and where the two "neritic" species are found.


Although a number of expeditions have entered Ant­ opportunity for New Zealand scientists to sample the actic seas, only two have reported on plankton samples Ross Sea plankton in 1956 -5 8. Plankton samples taken from the Ross Sea. Wolfenden's (l':J08) report on the by this expedition in the south-west part of the Ross Copepoda from the National Antarctic Expedition Sea were later augmented by a more extensive survey 19 01-04 does not usually specify exactly where his speci­ in 1958-59 undertaken by the New Zealand Oceano­ mens came from, so his distributional records have only graphic Institute. general value. The British Antarctic A general account of the collections and full details of (Terra Nova) Expedition 1910 made extensive collections in the Ross stations are given by Bullivant and Dearborn ( J 967 ). Sea and Farran's (1 929) report is a valuable record. This paper reports on the Copepoda from these two The Transantarctic Expedition (T .A.E.) provided an expeditions.


TOPOGRAPHY maximum (B rodie 1965), and the shelf depths range The Ross Sea is a triangular body of water lying from 100-l,000m,averaging 550m. Two troughs deeper between Cape Colbeck and , Antarctica than 900 m occur immediately north of Ross Island. The (Figs 1 and 2); it is bounded in the north by the con­ most conspicuous feature of the Ross Sea floor is the tinental slope and in the south by the Antarctic Con­ relatively shallow ridge which runs north-west from tinent, though the Ross Ice Shelf forms the southern Cape Colbeck to the Pennell Bank, where it broadens boundary for the upper 200 m of water column. Several considerably and reaches a minimum depth of 100 m. small ice shelves fed by the glaciers of Victoria Land are Taylor (1 930) suggests that this bank represents a vast present along the western boundary. terminal moraine formed by a grounded ice shelf during Kennett (1 968) has described the main topographical a former glacial period. From this shallow rise near the features of the Ross Sea floor, summarised here. Unlike outer shelf the surface slopes gradually inland so that most parts of the Antarctic, where the shelf is narrow or the rise forms a brim to the basin-like depression to the absent, the Ross Sea has a wide but deep continental south and south-west. The inland slope of this basin shelf. As is typical of the Antarctic shelf, the Ross Sea takes the form of several fairly narrow channels deeper shelf break occurs at 800 m as a result of extensive than 550 m which converge near the Ross Ice Shelf to carving action by outward-moving ice during the glacial form a broad basin.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit (b ) Winter Water found below Antarctic Surface Water retains characteristics acquired during winter: tempera­ ° ture - 1. 70- - 1. 90c, salinity 34- 15-34, 45¼0 • (2 ) Antarctic Circumpolar Water, temperature 1- 50- ° 0 0 · 50c, salinity 34.60 -34, 75/o0• This is a southward extension of the Deep Warm Water (Antarctic Deep Water ) from 2, 000 m, which, as it moves over the Ross Sea shelf, is modified from above by mixing with Winter Water and from below by mixing with cold, saline Shelf Water. The amount and extent of Circumpolar Water in the Ross Sea varies from month to month and year to year, but a general pattern of distribution may be derived from the 1963, 1964, and 1967 summer situa­ tions (Fig. 4) (Countryman and Gsell 1966; Car 1967). It is apparent (Fig. 3b) that Antarctic Circumpolar FIG. 1: Location map of study area. Water mainly modifies the subsurface Winter Water. . . ° HYDROLOGY (3 ) Shelf Water, temperature - 1 80- - 2 05 c, salinity . . • Hydrological conditions in the Ross Sea have been 34 75-3 5 00¼0 This is the coldest, most saline, densest described by Countryman and Gsell ( 1966). The Ross water mass of the Ross Sea. It is present mainly in the Sea is subject to annual climatic changes - in winter south-western part of the sea and is believed to originate there is continuous darkness and in summer continuous during winter when the formation of sea ice increases daylight and almost ice-free conditions. These conditiow, salinity in the surface layers resulting in mixing. The cause its hydrological regime to approach equilibrium in occurrence of Shelf Water in all depressions, some close winter but to be unstable during summer. to the shelf edge, indicates that it probably spills over the slope in winter. It must flow mainly northward Three water masses with definable characteristics arc between Pennell Bank and Victoria Land where two present in the Ross Sea in summer (Figs 3a and 3b): troughs, separated by a broad ridge, form a natural path ( 1) Antarctic Upper Water, i.n which two types of for the outflowof Shelf Water. water are distinguishable in summer. Countryman and Gsell (1966) leave unresolved the (a ) Antarctic Surface Water warmed oy solar radiation problem of whether Shelf Water controls the presence of and diluted by melt water; temperature - 1,75 -1- 50°<:., Antarctic Circumpolar Water or vice versa. The shelf in salinity 33. 50-34. 50¼0• The degree of warming and the north-west slopes much more gradually seaward and dilution depends on proximity to the ice shelf, the is wider than in the east.Thus it is probable that the presence of ice cover, and the time of the season. inflow of Antarctic Circumpolar Water is deflected

FIG. 2: Bathymetry and station posiitions in the Ross Sea. e New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Stations; O Transantarctic Expedition Stations.


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Cope Colbec k

... ,, Victorio Lond-- i----�- A t 1c 1mrfo ��= c ===:;;M� o�d�i f� i;e� water circumpolar ���;;;���� ����;�-l 20 water Circumpolor water Winter water 400

ui't 600 E 800

�1000 a. w Cl CJ'lOSS SECTION 't------NE b L...:::::::::=:=4=J,=!,,=R=o=ss=ls=.======:::..J FIG. 3: Generalised relationships of water masses in the Ross Sea (from Countryman and Gsell 1966) : (a) east-west section from Cape Colbeck to Victoria Land, (b) north-east-south-west section from Ross Island.

170" E180"W 170"

,,,___,.. Subsurface maxima ·c

<-1·0 no Antarctic Circumpolar Water

160' U , I• 11�\11 1f '' ., I · \ · · · · · · · · .. · · · · · · · :\-_ · .. · .. " ' -"'.'\ 0 / ;. �� • : : : :_ : . _ 75•5 75•5 11 _ \I ,. r._- � < ' •o � :::.l '"" -,: :.. : .: .: : : : : :\:.: . ,,,, � �,, --':::.-./, too .,..,;...;_._ · .. .. ,... , �-h1-:,""!, ..:::.-'.... ',/ I/ •; ' . ... :-,.,, ,;:..:.,. . :: . . Pn, M···. . .. ,-: , f}:i. . ;: Circumpolar Water �\, 0 i4'.J 0 ) 0 :S- ·. __.\ • \:\, . 0 0ill20 :�0 0 ..-· .·--- o( ,� "" '"'":" _r ·l \\ I�f��\

° 160 :,¾ v::��< 'c':,�:,) \'ti}ff/ < :,, J 't'' l"::), · _.,··' , . . lJ ...... ··· '1 ·;_( ..f , C, Ross Ice Shelf .,,,,�

° ° 160 170" EIS0'W 170 160" Fie. 4: Temperature at the subsurface maximum representing Antarctic Circum­ polar Water and its influence during summer (from data of Countryman and Gsell 1966; Car 1967).


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit F10. 5: Stations, circled in black, at which the diatom Corethron crio­ philum was dominant in the N70 net samples.

southward by the topography, colli'ining Shelf Water to The stations at which this occurred were all in the the south-west. This conclusion has been reached also western Ross Sea (Fig. 5). Cassie (1963 ) also noted the by Car ( 1967 ), who found that the summer 1°c isotherm dominance of this species during December 1957 in the follows the 1,000 m isobath and that the core of Circum­ same area, but no samples were taken in the eastern polar Water in the Ross Sea centres on 174°W (Fig. 4). Ross Sea. It is difficult to say whether this phenomenon is con­ PHYTOPLANKTON nected with the hydrological difference between the east Some of the New Zealand Oceanographic Institute and west Ross Sea, especially as Hart (1942 ) does not Ross Sea N70 samples taken in mid January were mention any anomalies in the Discovery stations dominated by the large diatom Corethron criophilum. occupied in the Ross Sea during January 193ll6.

METHODS Plankton samples were taken at all stations, using an numbers or were very small and difficult to see in the N70 plankton net (Kemp et al. 1929) (Fig. 2). At sample were recorded on the following scale of abund­ NZOI stations samples were taken vertically from near ance : 0-20, few; 20-500, some; more than 500, many. the bottom to the surface. T.A.E. plankton hauls were Specimens were usually dissected and mounted in either vertical from various depths or horizontal surface Kaiser's glycerine jelly (Gatenby and Painter 1937). samples (see station list ). Specimens that proved to be undescribed were mounted Large species which were not very numerous were unstained in Euparal and examined under the micro­ recorded individually. Species which occurred in large scope using phase contrast.

LIST OF SPECIES Order CALANOIDA Ctenocalanus vanus Giesbrecht, 1888 Family CALANIDAE Farrania frigida (Wolfenden, 1911) Nannocalanus minor (Claus, 1863) Family SPINOCALANIDAE Ca/anus propinquus Brady, 1883 Spinocalanus magn11s Wolfenden, 1904 Calanoides acutus (Giesbrecht, 1902) Spinocalanus abyssalis Giesbrecht, 1888 Family EUCALANIDAE Family AETIDEIDAE Brady, 1883 Rhincalanus gigas Aetideopsis minor (Wolfenden, 1911) Family PSEUDOCALANIDAE Aetideopsis antarctica (Wolfenden, 1908) Microcalanus pygmaeus (Sars, 1900) Chiridiella megadactyla n. sp.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit Gaidius tenuispinus (Sars, 1900) Family HETERORHABDIDAE Family EUCHAETIDAE H eterorhabdus austrinus Giesbrecht, 1902 Euchaeta antarctica Giesbrecht, 1902 Heterorhabdus farrani Brady, 1918 Euchaeta similis Wolfenden, 1908 Heterorhabdus pustulifer Farran, 1929 Heterostylites major (F. Dahl, 1894) Family PHAENNIDAE 0nchocalanus magnus (Wolfenden, 1906) Family AUGAPTILIDAE 0nchocalanus wolfendeni Vervoort, 1950 Haloptilus ocellatus Wolfenden, 1905 (Giesbrecht, 1889) Family SCOLECITHRICIDAE Haloptilus oxycephalus Racovitzanus antarcticus Giesbrecht, 1902 Family CANDACIIDAE Scolecithricella dentipes Vervoort, 1951 Candacia maxima Vervoort, 1957 Scolecitlzricellaglacialis (Giesbrecht, 1902) Family ACARTIIDAE Scaphocalanus brevicornis (Sars, 1900) Paralabidocera antarctica (I. C. Thompson, I 898) Scaphocalanus subbrevicomis (Wolfenden, 191 I) Family METRIDIIDAE Order CYCLOPOIDA Metridia curticauda Giesbrecht, 1889 Family OITHONIDAE Metridia gerlachei Giesbrecht, 1902 0ithona frigida Giesbrecht, 1902 Pleuromamma gracilis (Claus, 1893) 0ithona similis Claus 1866 P'amily LUCICUTIIDAE Family ONCAEIDAE Lucicutia macrocera Sars, 1920 0ncaea conifera Giesbrecht, 1891 Lucicutia ova/is (Giesbrecht, 1889) 0ncaea wrvata Giesbrecht, 1902

STATION LIST NEW ZEALAND OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE COLLECTION 13 Jan, 75° 09'S, 17 1° 00'W, 17 15-1745, 1, 000- 19 59 Sta.0 m. A 453, Ca/anus propinq1111s Metridia gerlaclzei Sta. 10 Jan, 77 ° 27'S, 17 2° 22'E, 600-0 m. A 448, Calanoides acutus Lucicwia macrocera Ca/anus propinquus Euchaeta antarctica Rhincalanus gigas L. oval/is Calanoides acutus Metridia gerlachei Ctenocalanus vanus J-lt e erorhabdus austrinus Ctenocalanus vanus 0ithona similis Farrania frigida H. farrani S pinocalanus abyssalis J-l. p11st11/ifer 11 Jan, 77° 05'S, 17 7°12'E, 084 0- 0850, 362- S. mag11us J-l eterostylites major Sta. A 449, Aetideopsis minor J-laloptil11s ocellat11s 0 m (touched bottom). Caidius tenuispinus H. oxycepha/11s Calanoides acutus 0ithona frigida 0nchocalanus magnus Candacia maxima Ctenocalanus vanus 0. similis 0. wolfendeni 0itlzona frigida Metridia gerlachei 0ncaea curvata Racovitzanus antarcticus 0. similis Scolecithricella glacialis 0ncaea conifera 11 Jan, 77° 05'S, l 77° 12'E, 0855- 09 10, 340- Metridia rnrticauda Sta. A 449a, 0 m. A 14 Jan, 73° 56'S, 17 6°30'W, 0015-003 0, 700- Sta. 454, Calanoides arntus Metridia gerlachei 0 m. Ctenocalanus vanus Lucicutia ova/is Calanus propinquus Metridia c11r1ica11da Euchaeta antarctica 0ithona similis Calanoides actus M. gerlachei Rhincala1111s gigas 0ithona frigida 11 Jan, 76°36'S, l 79° 53 'E, 2200-221 0, 256- Ctenocalmms vanus 0. similis Sta. A 450, Euchaeta antarctica 0ncaea conifera 0 m. Racovitzanus antarcticus 0. curvata Ctenocalanus vanus 0ithona similis Sta. A 15 Jan, 74° 22'S, 17 8°35'W, 0550, 300- 0 m. ° ° 455, 12 Jan, 7555'S, 17 5 22'W, 09 20- 09 50, 523-- Ca/anus propinquus Metridia curticauda Sta. A 451, 0 m (touched bottom ). Calanoides acutus M. gerlaclzei Rhincalanus gigas Lucicutia ova/is Ca/anus propinquus Metridia gerlachei Crenocalanus vanus Heterorhabdus a11strin11s Calanoides acutus 0ithona frigida Spinocalan us abyssalis 0ithona frigida Microcalanus pygmaeus 0. similis Racovitza1111s antarcticus 0. similis Ctenocalanus vanus Scolecithricella dentipes ° ° 12 Jan, 75°35'S, 173° l8'W, 214 5-223 0, 13 00- 15 Jan, 74 30'S, 17 9 40'W, 1730-174 0, 200- Sta. A452, Sta. A 456, 0 m. 0 m. Ca/anus propinquus Metridia c11rtica11da Rhincalanus gigas Metridia gerlachei Calanoides acutus M. gerlachei Ctenoclanus vanus 0ithona similis Rhincalanus gigas J-l cterorhabdus a11stri1111s 16 Jan, 75° 02'S, 17 5° 50'E, 0815- 0820, 400- Spinocalanus abyssalis 0ithona frigida Sta. A 457, Gaidius tenuispinus 0. similis 0 m. Scolecithricella dentipes 0ncaea conifera Calanoides acutus Oithona frigida Scaphocalanus subbrsvicornis Ctenocalanus vanus 0. similis


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit 16 Jan, 75 °l0'S, 174° 00'E, 17 15 -1725, 255- TRANSANTARCTIC EXPEDITION COLLECTIONS 1957, 1958 Sta. A 458, 0 ID. 29 Jan 1957, Ice Harbour, McMurdo Sound, 549- Merridia gerlachei 0ithona similis Sta. 1, 0 ID. 16 Jan, 75° 17 'S, 172°20'E, 035 0- 0400, 500- Ca/anus propinquus M etridia ger/achei Sta. A 459, Calcmoides acutus 0ithona similis 0 ID. Ctenoca/anus vanus 0ncaea curvata Ca/anus propinquus Euchaeta antarctica Euchaeta antarctica Calanoides acutus lvfetridia gerlachei Rhincalanus gigas Pleuromamma gracilis 9 Feb 195 8, 77° 00'S, 167° 12 'E, 2020-2 03 0 (s ur­ Microcalanus pygmaeus 0ithona frigida faceSta. 81,horizon tal). Ctenocalanus vanus 0. similis Calanoides acullls 0ithona similis S pinocalanus abyssal is 0ncaea curvata 10 Feb, 77° 16-5'S, 167 ° 12'E, 0009- 0025 (surface 17 Jan, 75°38'S, l68°32'E, 15 15 , 400-0 m. Sta. 82, Sta. A460, horizontal). Calanoides acutus Paralabidocera antarctica Calanoides acutus Ctenocalanus vwws Ctenoca/anus vam1s 0ithona similis M etridia gerlachei Sta. 86, 10 Feb, 75°42'S, 1n·oo'E, 2025 -2 04 0, 400- 0 m. Calanoides acutus 0ithona similis ° ° 18 Jan, 73 32'S, 17 1 22'E, 55 0-0 ID Sta. A 461, Euchaeta antarctica 0ncaea curvata Calanoides acutus Paralabidocera antarctica Metridia gerlachei Euchaeta antarctica 0ithona similis Metridia gerlachei 11 Feb, 75° 04 1S, l68° l0'E, 0018-0027. 35 0-0m. Sta. 88, Calanoides acutus Metridia gerlachei ° ° 20Jan, 7115 'S, 17 6 30'E, 1000-0ID. Ctenocalanus vanus 0ithona similis Sta. A 462, Calanus propinquus Scaphoca/anus subbrel'icomis Euchaeta antarctica Calanoides acutus Metridia curticauda ° ° Rhincalanus gigas M. gerlachei 11 Feb, 74 48'S, 167 00'E, 04 23- 0435, 500- 0 m. Sta. 89, Microcalanus pygmaeus Lucicutia ova/is Ca/anus propinquus Euchaeta antarctica Ctenocalanus vanus Heterorhabdus farrani Ca/anoides acutus Metridia gerlachei Spinocalanus abyssalis Haloptilus ocellatus Aetideopsis antarctica 0ithona similis Chiridiel/a megadactyla n. sp. 0ithona frigida Gaidius tenuispinus 0. similis 11 Feb, 75° 14 1S, 167° 15 'E, 0813 -25 , 300-0 m. Sta. 90, 0nchocalanus wolfendeni 0ncaea conifera Calanoides acutus 0ithona similis Racovitzanus antarcticus 0. curvata Euchaeta antarctica 0ncaea curvata Scolecirhrice/la dentipes Metridia ger/achei

° ° 21 Jan, 72 20'S, 174 50'E, 13 15-1325, 425- 11 Feb, 75°46'S, 167°30'E, 12 10-12 00, 300-0 m. Sta. A 463, Sta. 91, 0 ID. Ca/anus propinquus 0ithona similis Ca/anus propinquus M. gerlachei Calanoides acutus 0ncaea curvata Calanoides acutus Haloptilus oxycephalus Metridia gerlachei Microca/anus pygmaeus 0ithona frigida Ctenocalanus vanus 0. similis 92, 11 Feb, 76°46-5'S, 165°48'E, 04 20-0435, 500- Racovitzanus antarcticus 0ncaea curvata Sta. Metridia curticauda 0 m. Ca/anus propinquus Metridia gerlachei Calanoides acutus Para/abidocera antarctica 24 Jan, 78°26'S, 174°50'W, 2105-2100, 55 0- Sta. A 466, Ctenocalanus vanus 0ithona frigida 0 ID. Aetideopsis antarctica 0. similis N annoca/anus minor Metridia gerlachei Euchaeta antarctica 0ncaea curvata Calanus propinquus 0ithona frigida E. similis Calanoides acutus 0. similis Ctenocalanus vanus 0ncaea curvata 12 Feb, 76°46-51S, 165°48'E, 04 20-0435, 500- Sta. 97, Euchaeta antarcica 0 m. Ca/anus propinquus E. similis 26 Jan, 77°25'S, 169°28'E, 1040-1100 (s ur­ Sta. A467, Calanoides acutus Metridia gerlachei face horizontal). Ctenocalanus vanus 0ithona similis Calanoides acutus Metridia gerlachei Euchaeta antarctica 0ncaea curvata


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Nannocalanus minor (Claus, 1863) (Fig. 6) MATERIAL EXAMINED MATERIAL EXAMINED NZOI Sta. A 448, some 4-7-5 -4 mm, 24 Brodsky ( 1967) figured the southern limit of this copepodites; A 457, I copepodite; A 459, 3 copepodites; A 460, species somewhere north of the Subtropical Conver­ 2 c,> c,> 4-5, 4-6mm, many copepodites; A461 1 'i? (damaged) gence. The specimen recorded here was damaged 4 . 3 mm, some copepodites; A 462, many 'i?,s ome copepodites; 91, many copepodites; 92, some Calanus propinquus Brady, 1883 (Figs 8, 9)


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit T.A.E. stations in the deeper basin near Ross Island. The optimum spawning temperature he thought to be The life history of Calanoides acutus is quite well known between 1.0and 4. 0°c. from the work of Andrews (1966). He showed that an Grice and Hulsemann (1 967 ) found R. gigas in the over-wintering population of stages IV and V copepo­ Indian Ocean in deep hauls (0-3,140 m) as far north as dites ecdyse to stages V and VI, which are almost 29° 29'S, 48° 43'E. entirely females with dark sperm masses in their sperma­ thecal sacs. Vervoort (1955) suggested that the male is Microcalanus pygmaeus (S ars, 19 00) (Figs 10, 11) very short-lived, as only a few have ever been found. Synonymy: See Vervoort (1957) Vervoort (1951 ) took one male in February. Mature l 960. Microcalanus pygmaeus: Tanaka, pp. 35-6, pl. I 3, females in egg-laying condition were recorded from figs 1-9. October to March in the upper water layers. Younger copepodites reached maximum abundance in December. MATERIAL EXAMINED There is pronounced seasonal variation in distribution - NZOI Sta. A451, 1 <;? 0-7mm; A459, l;t;;A4 62, 288 C. acutus migrates downwards deeper than 250m in 0-85, 0-8 mm; A463, 1 Q 0-65 mm. winter, but during summer the highest population DISCUSSION density occurs in the upper 250 m. Copepodite stages V and VI migrate diurnally in summer, but there is no These specimens have only the first leg intact, so it is evidence of much movement in winter. This substan­ impossible to determine from the number of internal tiates Vervoort's (1965) conclusions about the life his­ exopod setae on legs 3 and 4 whether they are Pseudo­ tory of C. acutus and the importance of the Warm Deep calanidae or Spinocalanidae. Nevertheless, the only Current in returning stocks to the Antarctic. genus of Spinocalanidae into which the present speci­ mens could fit (because of the number of external exopod spines on leg 1) is Mimocalanus, but this genus Rhincalanus gigas Brady, 1883 (Figs 12-1 4) has no rostral fialments like those of the Ross Sea speci­ Synonymy: See Vervoort (1957) mens. Thus the Ross Sea specimens are deduced to be 1960. Rhincalanus gigas: Tanaka, pp. 21-2, pl. 5, figs 1-6 the pseudocalanid genus, Microcalanus. The males agree with Tanaka's (1960) description of Microcalanus MATERIAL EXAMINED pygmaeus and may be distinguished from Ctenocalanus NZOI Sta. A452, 1 Q 8,2mm; A453, 28 'i' 'i' 7-5-8 -5mm, males, which they superficially resemble, by the smaller 4 copepodites; A 454, 37 Q Q 7 -7-8-6 mm, 2 8 8 6,9 mm, some copepodites; A455, 1 i1; 6-9mm; A456, 1 <;? (damaged) size and the 20-segmented first antenna, which has the 7 · 9 mm; A 459, 1 copepodite; A 462, 23 Q Q 7. 9-8 . 9 mm, 1 8 last two segments fused in Microcalanus pygmaeus. 7 · 0 mm, 15 copepodites. This small species, which may have escaped capture or have been overlooked when the Ross Sea samples DISCUSSION were sorted, was recorded at a few of the more seaward This species is identified by a small external spine on stations. the third exopod segment of the female leg 5. Rhincala­ Vervoort (1 957 ) summarised the Arctic and Ant­ nus gigas was found almost exclusively outside the arctic occurrence of Microcalanus pygmaeus. The 500 m contour, except for a copepodite at A 459. records of Grice and Hulsemann (1 967 ) from north of The life history of this species is quite well known. the equator in deep hauls approximately (1,000-3, 000m ) Ommanney (1936) noted that R. gigas makes strong from the Indian Ocean, Grice and Hulsemann ( 1965) in seasonal vertical migrations. The species spends the deep hauls (100-2, 500m) between 30° -60°N in the summer in the surface 100 m, then descends to below north-east Atlantic, and Johnson (1 963 ) in a high Polar this level at the end of summer (a t the end of April Basin north of Alaska indicate the cosmopolitan nature specimens were out of range of the 250-1 00 m net ). It of this species as presently defined. reappears in the surface 250rn in spring. This species probably has two spawning periods: one during summer Ctenocalanus vanus Giesbrecht, 1888 (F igs 15-20) in Antarctic surface waters and another probably in late May and June when the summer generation Synonymy: .Jee Vervoort (1957) 1960. Ctenocalanus vanus: Tanaka, p. 35. descends to the Warm Deep Water, reaches sexual 1964. C. vanus: Tanaka, p. 7. maturity and spawns. This would produce the over­ wintering population which reappears in the surface MATERIAL EXAMINED 250 m. The stages of the spring surface population vary NZOI Sta. A 448, many Q Q ; A 449, 2 <;? 'i' I·25, 1 · 2 mm; with the temperature of the water, thus Subantarctic A449a, some Q Q; A450, 5 <;? 'i';A4 51, 22 Q Q; A453, many Water specimens are stages V and VI, but Antarctic <;? c;i ; A 454, many Q Q ; A 455, many Q Q, 1 o ; A 45G, 8 'i' ;'i' A 457, 2 Q Q; A 459, many <;? 'i',few A 460, I Q; A 462, Water specimens are stages IV and V. As spawning did 8 8; sor:ne Q Q , some O 8; A 463, sc-ine t;l t;l 466,; A some Q <;?. not take place in the Weddell Sea Ommanney postulated <;?; ° T.A.E. Sta. 1, som:e Q Q; 82, few t;l 83, few Q Q; 92, few that temperatures below 0 or - 1 °c prevent spawning. Q Q ; 97, some 'i' <;? • · ·


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit DISCUSSION Ctenocalanus was found at all stations outside the 500 m isobath and at many stations on the shelf. At A 459 it was particularly abundant. Males were recorded at A 455, A 459, A 462. Female specimens were recognisable at Ctenocalanus by the comb-like external exopod spines on leg 3 (Fig. 17), but in male specimens the exopods of legs 3 and 4 were always missing, so it was not possible to check the identification positively. The number of inner setae on leg 2 third exopod segment agrees with the definition of Pseudocalanidae. As recorded by Unteriiberbacher ( 1964 ) the male always has an extra segment on the right fifth leg (Fig. 19). The distal posterior spines on legs 2 and 3 second basipod were not mentioned by Wolfenden (1904). Female leg 5 always has an ex­ panded distal segment in the Ross Sea specimens. There may be more than one species in this genus, as small differences have been noted in the female; but as the male of C. vanushas never been adequately defined, the Ross Sea specimens remain Ctenocalanus vanus. Ctenocalanus vanus is a regular and common com­ ponent of the epiplankton recorded from all seas round the Antarctic continent (Vervoort 1951 ). Outside the Antarctic the species is decidedly bathypelagic (Grice and Hulsemann 1967; De Decker and Mombeck 1965); nevertheless, it is not found exclusively in deep water, as it is capable of extended diurnal movements which may bring it near the surface at night in temperate FIGS 17-30: C!enocala11.11s va/lus (17) female leg 3 exopod oceanic regions (Grice and Hulsemann 1965; De external spine, (18) female leg 5, (19) male leg 5, (20) male legs 2 and 3 (L2, L3) basipod 2; Farrania frigida (21 ) Decker 1 964 ). female leg 5; Spinoca/anus abyssalis (22) male leg 5, (23) female leg 1, (24) female maxilliped basipods 1 and 2, (25) female leg 2, (26) male leg 4 basipod 1, (27) male leg I; Farrania frigida (Wolfenden, 1911) (Fig. 21 ) Spinocala,ws magnus (28) female leg I, (29) female leg 4; Synonymy : See Yervoort ( I 957) Aetideopsis minor (30) female leg 2. Scale mark represents : MATERIAL EXAMINED 0-01 mm on Figs 17-20, 27; 0, 1 mm on the rest. NZOI Sta. A453, 2 9 9 2,85 mm, few copepodites. ment of legs 3 and 4. Leg 1 has on the third exopod DISCUSSION segment 4-7 spines on the posterior surface not shown This species is easily recognised from Vervoort's by Giesbrecht (1 892). The male specimen, although (1 951) description. Vervoort (1957) classified Farrania incomplete, appears to belong to S. abyssalis. Leg 1 as frigida as a characteristic Antarctic deep-water form seen from a whole mount has thick external exopod known from the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific sectors. spines, and the leg 4 first basipod has an arrangement of spinules similar to that of the female leg 4. Leg 5 has Spinocalanus abyssalis Giesbrecht, 1888 (Figs 22-27 ) broken terminal spines and both third exopod segments Synonymy: See Vervoort (1957) have a small spine where the segments narrows, not 1960. Spinocalanus abyssalis: Tanaka, pp. 36-7. figured by Sars (1 903). MATERIAL EXAMINED Two female specimens of S. abyssalis var. pygmaeus NZOI Sta. A452, 29 9 1,0, 1-9mm; A453, 3 'i' 'i' 1,7, Farran, 1926 were recorded at Sta. A 455 and A 459. 1-75, 2-0mm;A4 55, 19 1,8mm; A459, 1 9; A462, 2 'i' 'i' 1-0, 1,75 mm, lo'1,9m m. Vervoort (1 957) considered this species to be entirely bathypelagic. Recent records from the Arctic (Johnson DISCUSSION 1963 ), north-east Atlantic (Grice and Hulsemann 1965) There is no doubt about the identity of the female and Indian Ocean (Grice and Hulsemann 1967) confirm specimens, as they agree with all definitions in having its world-wide distribution. a transverse row of spines on the maxilliped second In the Ross Sea, apart from Sta. A 459, Spinocalanus basipod and a double row of spinules on the third abyssa/,is was collected about or seaward of the 500 m endopod segment of legs 2--4 and second endopod seg- isobath.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit Spinocalanusmagnus Wolfendeni 19 04 (Figs 28, 29) the present specimens in every respect, but the "prickle Synonymy: See Vervoort (1957) covered" integument and . size are enough to identify these as the same species.A redescription of a female MATERIAL EXAMINED and descriptionof a male from T.A.E. Sta. 1 in the Ross NZOI Sta. A 453, 7 � � 2, 35-2-6 mm. Sea is given. DISCUSSION FEMALE : 4-4 mm. Body (Fig. 41) very heavily built This species was found only at the easternmost station. with all integument covered with blunt chitinous knobs These specimensagree with S. magnus as discussed by except for anal segment and furca. Thoracic segment 1 Vervoort (1949, 19 57). Leg 1 third exopod segment has and head incompletely fused. Rostrum heavy (Figs 42, a patch of small spinules on the posterior surface not 43) with non-diverging points. Thoracic segments 4 and figured by Sars (1925). 5 separate, posterior points reaching ,t down genital Spinocalanus magnus shows a greater preference for segment. Total lerigth 3 . 7 times length of abdomen. deeper water than does S. abyssalis, although it occa­ Posterior of abdominal segments 1- 3 bordered by fine sionally occurs above 500 m. Recent records from north­ weak teeth. east Atlantic (Grice and Hulsemann 19 65) and the Antenna 1 at right angles to body but not reaching Arctic north of Alaska ( Johnson 1963) confirm its past posterior border of fourth thoracic segment. world-wide distribution. Antenna 2 exopod longer than endopod. Mandiblelike that of A. tumorosa (Bradford 1969) with two setae on Aetideopsis minor (Wolfenden, 1911) (Fig. 30) the first exopod segment and second basipod.Maxilla 1 Synonymy : See Vervoort (1957) and 2, maxilliped like those in A. tumorosa and A. carinata. MATERIAL EXAMINED NZOI Sta. A 453, 3 <;? <;? 2. 9 mm, 1 ;!; copepodite. DISCUSSION Aetideopsis minor was found at the easternmost i.tation. These specimens are undoubtedly A. minor as redes­ cribed by Vervoort (1951), who did not mention some details. The endopods of legs 2-4 have very fine spinules on their anterior surface, distally. The exopods . of legs 2-4 have one anterior surface glandular pore on each segment at the base of the terminal lateral spine (Fig. 30). The pores on legs 3 and 4 tend to open directly laterally. Leg 1 second exopod segment bears a patch of spines on the anterior surface. The surface of the meta­ some is not pitted as stated by Vervoort (1951) but covered with raised chitinous lumps or prickles as in A. antarctica although not as long. They are present on the urosome also but are so small as to be almost indistinguishable. Aetideopsis minor is characteristic of the Southern Ocean and is found in the intermediate and deep water bordering the Antarctic continent (Vervoort 19 57 , 1965).

Aetideopsis antarctica (Wolfenden, 19 08) (Figs 31-4 8) Synonymy: 1908. Faroella antarctica Wolfenden, pp. 39-41,pl. ll, figs 1-4. 1911. F. antarctica: Wolfenden, p. 214. 1929. Chiridius dntarcticus: Farran, p. 230. MATERIAL EXAMINED FIGS 31-43: Aetideopsis antarctica male (31) dorsal view, . . (32) lateral view of head, (33) oblique view of rostrum, T.A.E. Sta. l, 1 � 4 4 mm, 1 8 3 7 mm; 89, 1 � 4-5 mm; (34) maxil1a 1, (35) leg I, (36) leg 2, (37) part of leg 4 92, 4 <;? <;? 4-4, 4-3, 4,6mm. terminal spine, (38) leg 3, (39) leg 4, (40) leg 5; female DISCUSSION . (4 l) dorsal view, ( 42) lateral view of head, ( 43) rostrum. Scale markrepresents : 0-01 mm on Fig. ·· 37; ·· l-0mm on Wolfenden's (19 08) description does not tally with 'Figs 31-2, 41-2; 0-1 mtn c,n the rest; 18

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit Legs (Figs 44-4 8) of general Aetideopsis type with smaller and less heavily chitinised than in female. large external edge exopod spines and glandular pores Thoracic segments 4 and 5 separate, posterior points on legs 2-4. Leg 1 external edge exopod spines on first directed backwards past first abdominal segment border. and second segments both reach past base of next spine. Genital aperture on left of genital segment. Total length Endopod has patch of inner bristles on anterior surface 3 · 8 times total abdominal length. Posterior borders besides spinules on external protuberance. Leg 2 endo­ abdominal segments 2-4 lined with small weak teeth. pod segments fused on posterior surface, but line of Antenna 1, 24-segmented, of A etideopsis type ( see fusion visible on anterior surface. Distal part of endopod tumorosa, carinata Bradford 1969) reaches hind A anterior surface with patch of very finespinules as noted border. of thirdA. thoracic segment. Antenna 7 exopod and by Wolfenden (I 908) . First and second exopod seg­ endopod of equal length. Mandible endopod with two ments both with one glandular pore right on lateral setae ( one very small) , basipod 2 with one seta. Maxilla margin just below external edge spine, 49 teeth on 1 (Fig. 34) is only mouthpart which appears to have terminal spine. Leg 3 and 4 with first two endopod seg­ diagnostic features. Compared with A. tumorosa and ments incompletely separated and with distal anterior A. carinata there are slightly different numbers of seta patch of fine spinules. Glandular pores in same position on most lobes, but these may be damaged; main differ­ on leg 2. Leg 3 with 51 teeth on terminal spine, leg 4 ence appears to be presence of three weak setae on with 45 teeth on terminal spine. Teeth tall narrow, curv­ second inner lobe in A. antarctica. Maxilla 2 very ing towards spine apex. Leg 4 narrower than leg 3. reduced. Maxilliped reduced compared with that of MALE : 3-7 mm (Fig. 31). Like female in general shape female but like that of A. tumorosa and A. carinata. with integument covered ( except for anal segment and Leg 1 (Fig. 35 ) like that of female but slightly furca) with chitinous blunt knobs. Thoracic segment smaller. Outer edge first exopod segment spine reaches and head completely fused. Rostrum (Figs 32, 33) much past base of second exopod segment spine which does not quite reach base of third exopod segment spine. Leg 2 (Fig. 36) more slender than in female, endopod two-segmented, segments separate. Anterior distal sur­ face with patch of spines. Glandular pores placed as in female and terminal spine with more ( 63) teeth. Leg 3 and 4 (Figs 38, 39) as in female but more slender; first endopod segment distinctly separate from second. Ter­ minal spine leg 3 with 54, leg 4 with 56 teeth. Teeth long and narrow (Fig. 37) directed towards apex ot spine. Leg 5 (Fig. 40) right leg tip reaches tip of furca; form of this limb hardly different from any other known male Aetideopsis. Aetideopsis antarctica and A. minor appear to be related, as both have chitinous "prickles" covering the integument and a distal anterior patch of spinules on the endopods. The main points of difference are the size and the lessobvious "prickles" on the urosome and the diverging rostral points (Vervoort 1951) in A. minor. All specimens of this species have been caught near the Antarctic continent, although Wolfenden (19 08) does not give a location, so it could be considered an Antarctic "neritic" species.

Chiridiella megadactyla n. sp. (Figs 49-60) MATERIAL EXAMINED NZOI Sta. A 462, I � 4-10 mm. DESCRIPTION FEMALE : 4 . 1 mm. First thoracic segment and head FIGS 44-53: Aetideopsis antarctica female (44) leg I, (45) incompletely fused, thoracic segments 4 and 5 fused leg 2, (46) leg 3, (47) leg 4 terminal spine, (48) leg 4; with posterior borders broadly rounded.No trace of Chiridiella megadactyla n. sp. female ( 49) antenna I, (50) . mandible palp, (51) maxilla I, (52) maxilla 2, (53) maxi1- rostrum. Total length 5 6 times abdomen length. Genital liped. Scale mark represents: 0-01 mm on Fig. 47; 0-1 mm segment laterally slightly swollen but ventrally greatly on the rest. extended (Figs 55, 57).


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit segmented, exopod three-segmented. Terminal spine with approximately 60 very small external teeth. Third exopod segment with one "glandular pore" on anterior surface in distal external corner (F ig. 54). Leg 3 rami three-segmented, although joint between first and second endopod segments appears to be immovable. "Glandular pores" on distal-external corners of second and third exopod segments. Terminal spine with approximately 60 teeth (F ig. 55). Leg 4 almost identical with leg 3 (F ig. 60). Exopod a little broader. External exopod spines of legs 2-4 bordered by a row of small bristles.

TYPE LOCALITY The only specimen was captured at the north­ \ \ ' westernmost NZOI station A 462 71° 15'S, 17 6°30'E.

HABITAT 1 One female specimen was caught in a vertical haul " t \ \ 1, 000- 0 m. 60 · r\ '·� 161 HoLOTYPE ,' f " �-� The holotype is deposited in the collection of the N.Z. Oceanographic Institute, Wellington, New Zealand, registered number 51.

DISCUSSION 62 The present species differs from all others in that the ;-¥1 seta on the maxilla 2 (Mx2) third lobe is also enlarged and spir1e-like and antenna 1 reaches past the furca. Seven species have so far been described : C. macro­ FIGS 54-62 : Chiridiella megadactyla female (54) leg 2, (55) Sars, 19 07; C. Wolfenden, 19 11; C. dactyla atlantica leg 3, (56) lateral view, (57) dorsal view, (58) leg 1, (59) Sars, 1925; C. Brodsky, 1950; antenna 2, (60) leg 4; Gaidius tenuispinus female (61) leg 4 brachydactylaBr odsky, 19 50; C. abyssalis Brodsky, 195 0; basipod 1, (62) maxilliped basipod 1. Scale mark represents : C. pacifica reducta 1-0 mm on Figs 56-7; 0-1 mm on the rest. C. Grice and Hulsemann, 1965. Three subaequalis workers have doubtfully attributed female specimens to Antenna 1, 23-segmented (8 and 9, 17 and 18 fused) existing genera. All these are included in the following reaches past furca, furnished with elongate annulate key to females. setae on segments 7, 8, 13, 16, 19, 21, 22, 23 (F ig. 49). Antenna 2 endopod over half length of exopod. Exopod KEY TO FEMALES Chiridiella 7-segmente:d, 1 and 2 without setae (F ig. 59). Mandi­ Mx2 fourth lobe with 1 short and 1 long spine bular palp endopod (F ig. 50) bears four setae on arranged as pincers ...... , .. ... , ...... ,...... , . ... ., ..... , 4 terminal segment and six setae on exopod. Basipod seg­ Mx2 fourth lobe without pincer arrangement ...... 2 ments without' setae. Maxilla 1 with setation on first 2 Mx2 lobes 3,4,5 with enlarged setae ...... C. subacqualis inner lobe strongly developed, second inner lobe appar­ Mx2 lobes 3,4 with enlarged setae . . 3 ently absent, third inner lobe with three setae. Endopod 3 Leg 1 endopod with 1 external edge spine .. with three setae, exopod with four. First outer lobe with ., ..,.., .. . , C. brachydactyla eight setae (F ig. 51) . Maxilla 2 with five lobes. Two Leg 1 endopod with 2 external edge spines ., . proximal lobes with single seta each, while three distal .. .. , , ... ,, C. brachydactyla (Grice and };:ulsemann, 1965) lobes have enlarged spine-like setae - third lobe with 4 Mx2 with 4 or 5 lobes , 5 one spine, fourth with two spines, one shorter and Mx2 with less than 4 lobes , .,. 8 thicker, fifth lobe bears one spine carrying two setae 5 Mx2 lobes 3,4,5 with enlarged setae ., (F ig. 52). Maxilliped first basipod segment with one .... C. megadactyla n. sp. median seta, distal corner has one terminal spine-like Mx2 lobes 4,5 with enlarged setae ...... , ...... 6 6 Mx2 lobe 5 with 2 setae at base of enlarged spine . , 7 expansion, a short thickly plumose seta and two ordinary 5 setae. Remainder of setation as in Fig. 53. ., Mx2 lobe with 1 seta removed some distance from , base of enlarged spine , .. .,.,.. . , C. atlantica Leg 1 rami one-segmented. Exopod with one external .7 · Legs 3, 4 endopods 3-segmented , ...... C. macrodactyla spine. Terminal setae with external small teeth and Legs 3, 4 endopods 1-segmented . ,. internal border of hairs (F ig. 58). Leg 2 endopod one- ... .,., .. .,., .. C. abyssalis (Johnson, 1963)


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit 8 Mx2 with 2 seta-bearing lobes ...... 9 Mx2 with>2 seta-bearing lobes .. 10 9 Legs 3, 4 endopods !-segmented ...... C. pacifica Legs 3, 4 endopod 3-segmented ...... C. macrodactyla (Tanaka, 1957) 10 Legs 2, 3 cxopod segment 1 without outer edge spine ...... C. reducta Legs 2, 3 cxopod segment l with outer edge spine ...... C. a byssalis

It is difficult to evaluate the uncertain species identi­ fications when the variability in the structure of the second maxilla and degree of fusion in rami of legs 2-4 is not known and the accuracy of some drawings is suspect. Nevertheless, in my opinion, specimens assigned to C. abyssalis by Johnson (1 963) fit into C. nuicro­ dactyla because of the maxilla 2 form, although he shows that legs 3 and 4 endopod segments are fused, contrary to the described condition for the latter species. Also the specimen assigned to C. macrodactyla by Tanaka (19 57) has the second maxilla more like that of C. pacifica, but there is less fusion between swimming leg segments. Brodsky (19 50) described a male of C. reducta, and Tanaka (19 57) described a male he attributed to C. brachydactyla although it is not clear on what grounds. Apparently the mouthparts are very much modified compared with those of the female, as according to Brodsky (19 50) the first maxilliped (m axilla 2) is a "small unsegmented rudiment". These male specin1ens FIGS 63-73: Gaidi11s te1111ispin11s male (63) leg 5; Euchaeta of Chiridiella firmly establish this genus in the Aeti­ antarctica male (64) terminal joints of left leg 5, (65) leg 5; deidae. female (66) leg 1 , (67) lateral view of genital segment; Euchaeta similis female (68) lateral view of genital segment, (69) leg I; Onchocala1111s magnus female (70) lateral view (Sars, 19 00) (F igs. 61-63) of genital segment, (71) leg 5; Onchoca!a,ws wolfendeni Gaidius tenuispinus female (72) leg 5, (73) leg 1 . Scale mark represents : 1 ·0mm Synonymy : See Vervoort ( 1957) on Figs 65, 67-8, 70; 0 · 1 mm on the rest. LOCALITIES NZOI Sta. A 452, some copepodites; A 453, some <;? <;? 3 . 1- mens (F ig. 63). Tanaka's male has a shorter left 3 ·5 mm, l t 2-9mm, 9 copepodites; A462, 1 Cj? 3-1 5mm, endopod. 2 t t 2 · 95, 3 · l mm, 1 copepodite. This species is widely distributed in the Pacific, DISCUSSION Indian, and Atlantic Oceans, where it has been taken at bathypelagic depths. It has been caught at the surface in Gaidius tenuispinus was found at the two easternmost Arctic and Antarctic localities (V ervoort 19 57).Recent stations and the most seaward western station. Males records from deep hauls are : Grice and Hulsemann were found at the most seaward stations. (1967), Indian Ocean; Grice and Hulsemann (196 5) , The size of females is within the measurements taken North Atlantic; Johnson (1 963), Polar Basin north of by Vervoort (19 57), and all characters agree with G. Alaska. tenuispinus as against G. pungens, except that it is diffi­ cult to see more than two rows of bristles on leg 4 first Giesbrecht, 19 02 (F igs 64-67) basipod. The distal cornerof the maxilliped firstbasipod Euchaeta antarctica is as Tanaka (19 57) describes it (F ig. 62). Male speci­ Synonymy : See Vervoort (1957) mens have posterior thoracic borders extended into MATERIAL EXAMINED narrow spines which reach midway down the second NZOI Sta. A448, 2 <;? <;? 9·5mm; A449, 1 'i' 9·2mm; abdominal segment. The fact that Sars (190 3) and A454, 1 'i' 9·7mm; A459, 1 'i' 9 . 2mm; A461 , 1 <;? 9·4mm . Tanaka (19 57 ) drew shorter spines may be accounted with spermatophore; A 466, 5 'i' 'i' 9· 0, 9 · 2, 9 . 5, 9 3, 9 · 6 mm, 1 t 7-1 mm. for by their having broken being of a delicate nature. T.A.E. Sta. 1 , 4 'i' 'i' 9 . 4, 9-6, 9-4, 9·6 mm, I t 7 . 3 mm; Leg 5 agrees in proportions with that of Sars (19 03), 86, 5 <;? <;? 9-0, 8-8, 8-9, 9·2, 9·4mm, I t 7·8mm; 88, 1 'i' but a ltttle more detail was seen in the present speci- 8,6mm; 89, 7 <;? <;? 9,l-9•2mm, 5tt 6·8, 7-2, 7 . 4, 7 . 5,


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit 7, mm; 90, I <;? 8,2mm; 92, 5 � � 9-6, 9-3, 10-4, 9-9, Vervoort (1950) erected this species for an Oricho­ 9,4mm, 2 <3 <3 7,5mm; 97, 2 � � 9-3, 9,4mm, 2 t t 7 . 4, calanid which is related closely to O. magnus and 0. 7,3mm. trigoniceps. This specimen undoubtedly belongs to this DJSCUSSION species, as it has no crest, has a short terminal segment Greatest numbers of male and female E. antarctica on leg 5 (Fig. 72), a slightly swollen genital segment, were found near the Ice Shelf. rounded postero-lateral thoracic borders, and an in­ Female genital segments' shape, male leg 5, and size creased number of spines on the posterior surface of distinguish this copepod from all others. Specimens leg 1 (Fig. 73 ) . were generally larger than those recorded by Vervoort This speoies is a characteristic inhabitant of the Deep ( 19 57); one very large female ( 10. 4 mm ) was recorded Warm Current (Vervoort 1965). from just north of Ross Island. This species is present in deep water south of the 75 Antarctic Convergence, although it is occasionally swept north in the Antarctic Intermediate Current (Vervoort 1957). In Antarctic waters it is a characteristic inhabi­ tant of the Deep Warm Water (Vervoort 1965).

Euchaeta similis Wolfenden, 1908 (Figs 68, 69) Synonymy : See Vervoort (1957) MATERIAL EXAMINED T.A.E. Sta. 92, 1 � 10-2mm; 97, 1 � 10,0mm. , \ \ DISCUSSION I \ Two female specimens were captured outside McMurdo Sound north-east of Ross Island. This species is characteristic of the Southern Ocean, especially the � Deep Warm Current (Vervoort 1965). Female genital segment shape and total size identify J-{ this copepod with certainty. 85 Onchocalanus magnus (Wolfenden, 1906) (Figs 70, 71) Synonymy : See Vervoort (1957) MATERIAL EXAMINED NZOI Sta. A 453, 1 � 8 · 75 mm. 87 DISCUSSION 0nchocalanus magnus was found only at the most seaward eastern station. This specimen agrees with Vervoort's (195 0) description of 0. magnus, as it has no crest, has the genital segment swollen anteriorly, a � backward directing flap on the genital tubercle, and FIGS 74-88: Racovitzanus antarcticus male (74) leg 5, (75) triangular pointed postero-lateral thoracic margins (Fig. anterior head; female (76, 77) leg 5; Scolecithricella glacialis female (78) leg 5; Scolecithricella dentipes (79) female leg 70). 5, (80) male leg 5; Scaphocalanus brevicornis (81) female Vervoort (1965) describes 0. magnus as an Antarctic leg 5 (82) male leg 5; Scaphocalanus subbrevicomis (83) inhabitant of the Deep Warm Current, but records from female leg 5; Metridia curticauda (84) female leg 5, (85) ° ° male leg 5; Metridia gerlachei (86) female leg 5, (87) male as far north as 12 1l'S, 64 1l'E in the Indian Ocean in leg 5; Pleuromamma gracilis (88) female leg 5. Scale mark hauls from 225 -1, 930 m (Grice and Hulsemann 1967 ) represents 0-1 mm. indioate a wider distribution. Racovitzanus antarcticus Giesbrecht, 1902 (Figs 74--77) Onchocalanus wolfendeni Vervoort, 1950( Figs 72, 73) Synonymy : See Vervoort (1957) Synonymy: See Vervc-ort (1951) 1957. Racovitzanus erraticus: Vervoort, pp. 99-101, figs85-7 MATERIAL EXAMINED (male). NZOI Sta. A 453, 1 � 6-2 mm; A 462, stage V copepodite not R. antarcticus: Vervoort, 1957, pp. 97-9, figs 81-4 5-0mn1.. (male) . 1960. R. antarcticus: Tanaka, pp. 41�2, pl. 17, figs 1-7. DISCUSSION MATERIAL EXAMINED 0nchocalanus wolfendeni was caught only at the two NZOI Sta. A453, 1 � 2,4mm;' A454, 1 <3 1,7mm; A455, most seaward stations. 1


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit DISCUSSION MATERIAL EXAMINED No specimens of R. antarcticus were found inside the NZOI Sta. A 453, 1 'i! 1-3 mm. 500 m isobath. DlSCUSSION Both types of female leg 5 (Figs 76, 77) were recorded Scolecithricella glacialis was caught only at the in the Ross Sea. In all other respects the specimens easternmost station. The present single specimen agrees agreed with Giesbrecht's (1902) description, especially with Giesbrecht's original description. Vervoort (1951) the spination on the posterior surface of legs 2 and 3. discussed it with respect to the closely related S. minor. Because of the swimming leg spinulation pattern, I This species is characteristic of Antarctic surface suggest that Vervoort (1957) has assigned male speci­ water, and in areas north of the Antarctic Convergence mens incorrectly - one to R. antarcticus, the other to it usually occurs in intermediate bodies of water (Ver­ a new species, R. erraticus. In the Ross Sea two male voort 19 57). specimens of Racovitzanus were captured which agree with R. erraticus Vervoort, 19 57, but which are in fact (Sars, 19 00) (Figs. 81, 82 ) males of R. antarcticus. A new name must therefore be Scaphocalanus brevicornis given to Vervoort's (1957) male R. antarcticus which Synonymy: See Vervoort (1957) appears to differ from all other species of the genus by MATERIAL EXAMlNED the large number of small spinules on leg 2 and 3 third NZOI Sta. A 454, l 2-5mm, l c3 2-75 mm. exopod segments, also in hav-ing a leg 1 external spine 'i! in the first exopod segment. Tanaka (196 1) also found DISCUSSION the swimming legs of male and female R. levis to be Scaphocalanus brevicornis was caught only once at almost identical. one of the seaward stations. These specimens agree with Racovitzanus antarcticus is a common epiplanktonic Vervoort's (1957) drawings and measurements. Antarctic species occasionally found north of the Ant­ This species occurs in deep water in all oceans (Ver­ arctic Convergence (Vervoort 19 57 ). Grice and Hulse­ voort 196 5). Grice and Hulsemann (196 5, 1967 ) recently mann ( 196 5) also found it in the north-east Atlantic recorded it at depth in the north-east Atlantic and between 200-500 m. Indian Oceans respectively, and Johnson ( 1963 ) found it in the Polar Basin north of Alaska. Vervoort, 1951 (Figs 79, 80) ScolecithriceJia dentipes (Wolfenden, 191 1) (Fig. Synonymy : See Vervoort (1957) Scaphocalanus subbrevicornis 83 ) MATERIAL EXAMINED Synonymy : See Vervoort (1957) NZOI Sta. A452, 1 'i! 2,75 mm; A455, 1 & 2-7mm; A462, MATERlAL EXAMlNED I 'i! 2-5 mm. NZOI Sta. A 452, 1 '.? 2,5mm; A463, 1 S 2-0mm. (Giesbrecht, 19 02) (Fig. 78) Scolecithricella glacialis Synonymy: See Vervoort (1957) DISCUSSION 1960. Scolecithricella glacia/is: Tanaka, pp. 40-1, pl. 16, figs 1-8. Metridia curticauda was caught at all stations sea­ 1964. S. glacialis: Tanaka, p. 8. ward of the 500 m isobath.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit Specimens from the Ross Sea almost agree with anomalous, although Farran (1929) recorded it as far Vervoort's (1951) description. Female leg 5 bears small south as 52°S. external spines on all three segments, whereas Vervoort (195 1) does not figure the terminal segment spine and Sars, 1920( Fig. 89) Giesbrecht does not figure the penultimate segment Lucicutia macrocera spine. Male leg 5 also has more spines on various seg­ Synonymy : See Hulsemann (1966) ments than Vervoort's (1951) figures, but the Ross Sea MATERIAL EXAMINED specimens agree with those figured by Tanaka (1 963 ) NZOI Sta. A 453, I S 3-8 mm. from deep water off the Izu region, Japan. The present females were of the smaller size mentioned by Vervoort DISCUSSION (1957). Lucicutia macrocera was found only at the eastern­ This species seems to inhabit both the Deep Warm most seaward station. The only specimen, a male, agreed with Hulsemann's (1966) diagnosis. Water and Antarctic Bottom Water (Vervoort 1965), hence its wide distribution. This species occurs occasionally in deep hauls in the North Atlantic, Western Pacific, and Indian Ocean, but is comparatively abundant in Antarctic waters (Ver­ voort 1957; Hulsemann 1966) . Giesbrecht, 19 02 (F igs 86, 87 ) Metridia gerlachei Synonymy : See Vervoort (1957) (G iesbrecht, 1889) (Figs 9 0-92) 1960. Metridia gerlachei: Tanaka, pp. 49-51, pl. 22, figs 1-8. Lucicutia ovalis 1964. M. gerlachei: Tanaka, p. 9. Synonymy : See Hulsemann (1966) MATERIAL EXAMINED MATERIAL EXAMINED NZOI Sta. A 448, many � <;? 3 -65-4 · 3 mm, some copepo­ NZOI Sta. A499a, 1 S 1 ·4 mm; A453, 2 <;? <;? 1-5, 1-55 mm, dites A449, 10 <;? <;? 3,9mm, 3 SS 2-35, 2-45, 2. copedodites; A 449a, 6 �

DISCUSSION Metridia gerlachei was captured in greatest numbers seaward of the 500 m isobath and near the ice shelf. Specimens were always plentiful and agreed with Gies­ brecht's (19 02 ) description. They were generally larger than those recorded by ,Vervoort (1957). Vervoort (1965) summarises what is known of their distribution and biology: largest number of individuals both during day and night occur between 2 50- 100 m. They are abundant in the West Wind Drift and in the Weddell Sea. Spawning appears to take place at the end of the southern summer, but the number of generations is unknown. There is some suggestion that the bathy­ metric and horizontal distribution in higher latitudes is governed by the - 1°c isotherm.

(C laus, 1893) (F ig. 88) Pleoromamma gracilis MATERIAL EXAMINED FIGS 89-98 : Lucicutia macrocera (89) male leg 5; Lucicutia ovalis male (90) leg 5; female (91) lateral view of abdomen, NZOI Sta. A 459, 1 <;? I . 8 mm, forma maxima. (92) leg 5; Heterorhabdus austrinus female (93, 94) lateral DISCUSSION yiews of genital segment, (95) leg 5; male (96) leg 5; Hetero­ rhabdus farrani (97) female leg 5, (98) male leg 5. Scale The occurrence of this one battered specimen is mark represents O . 1 mm.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit 2 cJ cJ 1-8, l-85 mm; A455, 1 3 1-4mm; A462, 3 <;? <;? 1-5. Heterorhabdus farrani Brady, 1918 (Figs 97-1 00) 1-4 mm, 1 3 1 · 3 mm, few copepodites. Synonymy : See Vervoort (1957) DISCUSSION l 960. J1 eterorhabdus farrani: Tanaka, pp. 52-4, pl. 23, figs All records of Lucicutia ovalis are outside the 500 m 1-6. isobath except that from Sta. A 449. These specimens agree with Hulsemann's (1966) diagnosis. MATERIAL EXAMINED NZOI Sta. A 453, 1 'i? 3 · 8 mm, 1 cJ 3 . 6 mm; A 462, 1 stage L. ovalis moves between Deep Warm and Antarctic V 'i? copepoditc. Bottom Water with no apparent preference for either (Vervoort 1965 ), which explains its wide distribution DISCUSSION ( Hulsemann 1966). H eterorhabdus farrani was captured at the two deepest stations. Ross Sea specimens agree very well with Vervoort's (195 1, 1957) descriptions, although Heterorhabdus austrinus Giesbrecht, 19 02 (Figs 93 -96) I have given a little more detail of the mandibular plates. Synonymy : See Vervoort (1957) Heterorhabdus farrani appears to be very like H. MATERIAL EXAMINED robustus Farran, 19 08, but Sars's (1925 ) drawings show NZOI Sta. A452, 1 c;> c;> 3.55mm, 1 3 3-1 mm; A453, 2 'i? 'i? robustus without the prominent pegged spine on the H. 3-6, 3-7mm, 2 3 3 3-2, 2-9mm; A455, 1 <;? 3-Smm. inner proximal surface of the left leg 5 third exopod DISCUSSION segment. Heterorhabdus austrinus was captured outside the This species is characteristic of the southern oceans 500 m isobath but not at the north-westerly station. The and inhabits the Deep Warm Current (Vervoort 1965) female specimens agree in every way with the drawings of Giesbrecht (1902). There is evidence in some speci­ mens that the shape of the genital segment is formed by the closure of a flapwhich is found pointing ventrally in some specimens (Fig. 94 ). Male specimens agree with Farran's (1929 ) and Vervoort's figures (1957). There is considerable variation in length of the left leg 5 terminal spine as noted by Vervoort ( 1957). The relationship of this species to all others in Hetero­ rhabdus, which have an elongate median seta on the maxilliped first joint, is confused. Nine such species have been described: H. norvegicus (Boeck, 1872) , H. abyssalis (Giesbrecht, 1892), H. spinifrons (Claus, 1863 ), H. papilliger (Claus, 1863 ), H. clausi (Giesbrecht, 1889 ), H. austrinus Giesbrecht, 19 02, H. pustulifer Farran, 1929, H. tanneri Giesbrecht, 1895 , H. pacificus Brodsky, 195 0. Of these H. spinifrons, H. papilliger, H. pustu!if er, and H. clausi are quite distinct. All the others, taking into account variation in the Ross Sea specimens, appear to be similar enough to belong to one species. Grice and Hulsemann (1967 ) record H. norvegi­ cus from deep water of the Indian Ocean. As H. aus­ trinus inhabits the Deep Warm Current and is probably widespread outside Antarctic waters, it seems likely that H. norvegicus, H. abyssalis, and H. austrinus (large and small forms ) are the one species which probably also includes H. pacificus and H. tanneri. Until specimens from various regions are compared it is not possible to test this hypothesis. This species commonly occurs in Antarctic waters, FIGS 99-1 10: Heterorhabdus farrani female (99) right man­ usually below 100 m with a distinct preponderance dible, (100) left mandible; Heterorhahdus pustulifer female between 500 and 1, 000 m. It is distributed round the (lOi) lateral view of genital segment, (102) leg 5; Hetero­ whole continent and is also taken in Antarctic Inter­ stylites major male (103) leg 5; Ha/optilus ocellatus male (.104) leg 1, (105) left mandible, (106) right mandible, (107) mediate Water north of the Antarctic Convergence leg 5, (108) mandible palp; female (109) left mandible, (Vervoort 1957). ( 110) right mandible. Scale mark represents 0 · 1 mm.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit but also occurs north of the Antarctic Convergence in ment separate, thoracic segments 4 and 5 fused. Right small numbers (Vervoort 1957). antenna 1, 25 -segmented, reaches anal segment. Left antenna 1 incomplete, 17 segments remaining (Fig. 111) . Almost all segments of antenna 1 bear, as well as Heterorhabdus pustulifer Farran, 1929 (Figs 101, 102) ordinary plumose setae, sensory appendages which are Synonymy: See Vervoort (1957) especially long on proximal segments (Fig. 119) . Antenna 2 (Fig. 112) with small ?-segmented exopod MATERIAL EXAMINED attached near base basipod 2. This limb not quite as NZOI Sta. A453, I � 3,2mm. slender as in H. oxycephalus (Vervoort, 1957). DISCUSSION Mandible with strong anterior tooth and 2-3 weaker Heterorhabdus pustulifer was found at the eastern­ posterior teeth arranged as in Figs. 105, 106. Left most seaward station. Vervoort (195 7) points out that mandible of H. oxycephalus differs in having a shorter anterior tooth. Palp (Fig. 108) with 2 setae on endopod this species, apart from the dorsal lump on the genital segment 1, 7 setae and patch of hain; on second endopod segment, is almost indistinguishable from H. austrinus. segment. Maxilla 1 very like that of H. oxycephalus The species has been recorded only from the Ant­ (personal observation) and not as in Vervoort's (195 7) arctic (Vervoort 1957). Fig. 129. Only observable difference was in number of setae on terminal part of endopod : H. oxycephalus has 3 large and 2 small setae, whereas H. ocellatus bears 3 Heterostylites major (F. Dahl, 1894) (Fig. 103) small and 1 large setae (Fig. 113). Maxilla 2 and maxil­ Syrronymy : See Vervoort (1957) liped (Fig. 114) very like that of H. oxycephalus. MATERIAL EXAMINED Legs 1-4 (Figs 104, 116- 8) like those of H. oxy­ NZOI Sta. A 453, I d 4 · 5 mm. cephalus. "Glandular pores" (also present in H. oxy­ cephalus ) occur on swimming legs. Extra pore on a DISCUSSION Heterostylites major was caught at the easternmost seaward station. This specimen agrees with those described by Ver­ voort (195 1, 1957), which he points out may well be a deep-water or cold-water form of H. longicor nis (Gies­ brecht, 1889). Heteorostylites major is distributed in Antarctic waters at moderate depths, although it may come to the surface at night. It is also found north of the Antarctic Convergence and at scattered deep-water localities in the Atlantic, Indian (new record in Grice and Hulse­ mann 1967) and Pacific Oceans. In the Atlantic it pene­ trates far north, but has not been recorded in the Arctic proper. 1

Haloptilus ocellatus Wolfenden, 19 05 (Figs 104-19) Synonymy : See Vervoort (1957) 1960. Haloptilus ocellatus: Tanaka, p. 54, pl. 24, figs 1-5. MATERIAL EXAMINED NZOI Sta. A453, 1 ,3 4-1 mm; A462, 1 � 8-3mm.

DISCUSSION Haloptilus ocellatus was caught at the two deepest stations. The pointed head, large size, and patch of black pigment on the dorsal surface distinguishes the female of this species from all others. The large male Haloptilus is very like H. oxycephalus (Vervoort, 1957). Fws 111-118: Haloptilus ocellatus male (111) dorsal view, (.1 12) antenna 2, (113) maxilla 1, (114) maxilla 2, (115) MALE : 4,1 mm. Head rounded, abdomen 5-segmented, maxilliped, (116) leg 2, (117) leg 3, (118) leg 4. Scale mark about 1/5 of total length (Fig. 111) . First thoracic seg- represents : I . 0 mm on Fig. 111; 0 · 1 mm on the rest.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit second exopod segment of leg 3 and a third exopod segment of leg 4. Terminal exopod spine in H. ocellatus proportionally shorter with respect to third exopod segment than in H. oxycephalus. All exopod external spines bordered with minute teeth. Leg 5 similar to that of H. oxycephalus with small differences. Exopod seg­ ments 2 and 3 considered together have an extra "glan­ dular pore" in H. ocellatus (F ig. 107) compared with H. oxycephalus (F ig. 124). The mandibular plate of the female H. ocellatus (Figs 109, 110) is very like that in the male and from this and the general similarities of the swimming legs I attribute this male to H. ocellatus. This species inhabits the Deep Warm Current but is characteristic of the Southern Ocean (V ervoort 196 5).

(G iesbrecht, 1889 ) (F igs. 120-4) Haloptilus oxycephalus Synonymy: See Vervoort (1957)

MATERIAL EXAMINED NZOI Sta. A453, 1 � 3,1mm, 1 i$ 2,85mm; A463, 1 � cc.pepodite 2,7 mm.

DISCUSSION Haloptilus oxycephalus was found at the most sea­ ward eastern station, and a copepodite was caught at a westerly seaward station. The discovery of what appears to be a male H. ocellatus which was very like the H. oxycephalus male means that H. oxycephalus has to be examined more closely. The tips of the female and Frns 119-127 : Haloptilus ocellatus male (119) right antenna 1; male mandibular plates are figured (F igs 12 0-3 ). Male Haloptilus oxycephalus female (120) right mandible, (121) left mandible; male (122) left mandible, (123) right man­ leg 5 is as Vervoort (1957) figuresit, but I have included dible, (124) leg 5; Candacia maxima (125) male leg 5; details of "glandular pore" position which is at the base Paralabidocera antarctica (126) male leg 5, (127) female of every exopod spine. Vervoort's (1957 ) figure of leg 5. Scale mark represents O · 1 mm. maxilla 1 appears not to include all the setae on the endopod and exopod. The number is almost the same as for H. ocellatus (F ig. 113). The shape of the female genital segment. The fifth legs are essentially like those head distinguishes this species. figured by Vervoort (19 57 ), although the third right leg segment bears two extra small spines and the third and The species is not confined to the Antarctic, although fourth left leg segments bear patches of long hairs. it is regularly found in Antarctic and subantarctic plankton. At tropical and temperate localities it is a From the occurrence of a large number of specimens deep-water form (V ervoort 1957 ). outside the Antarctic Convergence Vervoort (1957 ) deduced that the species is a subantarctic form occa­ sionally transported south of the Antarctic Convergence in intermediate water masses. Vervoort, 19 57 (F ig. 125) Candacia maxima Synonymy: See Grice (1963)

MATERIAL EXAMINED (I . C. Thompson, 1898) (Figs Paralabidocera antarctica NZOI Sta. A453, 1 i$ 3-6 mm. 126, 127 ) Synonymy: See Vervoort (1957) DISCUSSION 1964. Paralabidocera antarctica: Tanaka, pp. 10-1, pls 3, 4. Candacia maximawas found only at the easternmost seaward station. From Grice's key (1963 ) this male MATERIAL EXAMINED specimen was identified as C. maxima, as the left pos­ NZOI Sta. A 460, 2 � � 2-0, 2-1 mm; A 461, 1 <;> 1-9 mm, terior thoracic border is pointed, the second abdominal i$ 1-5 mm. segment asymmetrical, and there is no process on the T.A.E. Sta. 92, 1 <;> 2 · 05 mm.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit DISCUSSION acteristics : flat head with rostrum not visible from the Paralabidocera antarctica was captured at three dorsal surface; formula of external exopod spines - leg stations in the western Ross Sea. This species is recog­ 1: 1, 1,2; leg 2: 1, 0, 1; leg 3: 1, 0, 1; leg 4: 0, 0, 1. The nised as being the same as the Paralabidocera figured by present specimens agree with Tanaka's (1960) figures. Wolfenden (1908) which has been synonymised with Vervoort (1957 ) found this species to be not as plentiful P. antarctica by Vervoort (195 7 ). as 0. frigida, whereas in the Ross Sea the opposite appears to be true. The capture of this species in large numbers appears to be associated with the southern land masses (Ver­ This species seems to have an almost world-wide voort 195 7, Tanaka 196 4), although stray specimens distribution, but prefers the Warm Deep Water in the have been found as far north as 42° 06' S, 175° 13'£ Antarctic. North of the Antarctic Convergence it occurs in superficialwaters in slightly increased numbers (Ver­ voort 1957 ). Oithona frigida Giesbrecht, 19 02 Antarctic synonymy : See Vervoort (1957) Oncaea conifera Giesbrecht, 1891 1960. Oithona frigida: Tanaka, pp. 58-9, pl. 25, figs 8-10. Antarctic synonymy : See Vervoort (1957) 1960. O1Zcaea conifera: Tanaka, pp. 66-7, pl. 29, figs 1-8. MATERIAL EXAMINED NZOI Sta. A449, 1 ';?;A451, 1 ';?;A452, some 'i''i'; A453, MATERIAL EXAMINED some 'i' 'i' 455,; A some '? '? ;457 A , few '? ? ; 459, A few i 8; A 453, few '? 'i'; (j);A 462, many '? '?;A 463, few (j) '?;A 466, few '? '?. NZOI Sta. A 452, few 9 9, few c '? few T.A.E. Sta. 92, few ? '?. A 454, few 9 (j) ; 462, A few 'i' '?, 8 8.

DISCUSSION DISCUSSION Greatest numbers of 0ithona frigida were found at 0ncaea conifera was found at the seaward stations. the more seaward stations. This species was recognised These specimens agree with Giesbrecht's (1902) draw­ from the formula of external exopod spines on legs ings. The larger size ( 1 . 2 mm ), the dorsal projection of 1-4-leg 1: 1, 1,3; leg 2: 1,1,3; leg 3: 1, 0, 1; leg 4: the second thoracic segment, and the distal conical pro­ 0, 0, 1. This does not agree with Rosendorn (1917 ) who cess on the fourth leg endopod distinguish this species states that leg 2 has two spines on the third exopod from curvata. 0. segment, whereas Giesbrecht's (1902) drawings agree 0. conifera has a world-wide distribution from the entirely with the present speoimens. No males as des­ Arctic to Antarctic Oceans (Vervoort 1951). cribed by Rosendorn (1917) were discovered.

0ithona frigida is considered to be a surface-living Oncaea curvata Giesbrecht, 19 02 Antarctic species (Vervoort 1965). Antarctic synonymy : See Vervoort (1957) 1960. Oncaea curvata: Tanaka, pp. 68-9, pl. 30, figs 1-11; Oithona similis Claus, 1866 pl. 31, figs 1-3. 1964. 0. wrvata: Tanaka, p. 14. Antarctic synonymy : See Vervoort (1957) 1960. Oithona similis: Tanaka, pp. 62-4, pl. 26, figs 1-9. MATERIAL EXAMINED 1964. 0. similis: Tanaka, pp. 13-4. NZOI Sta. A 449, few 9 (j);A 454, many 'i' '?;A 459, many 9 '? ; A 462, few 'i' 'i',few 8 8; A 463, few 9 9 ; A 466, few 9 (j). MATERIAL EXAMINED T.A.E. Sta. 1, some 9 9; 86, some 'i' 'i'; 90, some 'i' 'i';91, NZOI Sta. A 448, few (j) (j) ; A 449, some '? '? ; A 449a, sc-me few 9 9 ; 92, some 'i' '? ; 97, many 9 9 'i' '?;A4 50, few (j) (j);A4 51, 1 (j);A4 52, few 'i' '?;A4 53, few '? 'i';A 454, many (j) '?;A 455, few '? '?;A 456, few 9 (j); DISCUSSION A 457, few '? '?;A 458, few 9 (j) ; 459, A many 9 9; A 460, 0ncaea curvata was found at a number of stations and many '? 'i',many 8 8; A 461, few 9 9; A 462, few 9 9; was abundant at three stations from McMurdo Sound to A 463, few '? 'i' 466,; A few 9 9 . the open sea. The specimens agree with Giesbrecht's T.A.E. Sta. 1, many 'i' '?;81, many 'i' 'i';86, many (j) 9; ( 19 02 ) description. 0. curvata may be distinguished 88, many '? 'i';89, many 9 9; 90, many 'i' '?;91, many 9 9, from the other 0ncaea species in this collection by its few 8 8; 92, many '? 'i',few 8 t; 97, many 9 9, few .3 8. small size (0. 8 mm ) and lack of terminal conical pro­ cess on leg 4 endopods. DISCUSSION 0. curvata is an Antarctic form occurring in the Deep 0ithona similis was caught at nearly all stations, Warm Current and Antarctic Bottom Water. Only occa­ usually quite abundantly. This species was identified sionally is it taken north of the Antarctic Convergence from Rosendorn's ( 1917 ) key by the following char- (Vervoort 1957 ).


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All copepod records in or near the Ross Sea have Although Vervoort (1965) describes Drepanopus been tabulated (Table 1). Even though Wolfenden pectinatus as the only Antarctic littoral copepod, it has ( 190 8) does not usually state where his specimens yet to be recorded in the Ross Sea. As he uses the come from, because most of his samples came from adjective "littoral" to describe species occurring in "Winter Quarters" in the Ross Sea, most of his records neritic waters above the continental shelf, there are other have been accepted. Three species have been omitted: species that would probably fall into this group: Stephus Ca/anus simillimus which must have been found north longipes, S. antarcticum, Paralabidocera antarctica, and of 70°S, Ca/anus tonsus which he states was caught at Aetideopsis antarctica. 56°3l'S, 156° 19'30"E, and Clausocalanus arcuicornis Examination of the present material extends our which, although recorded from the Ross Sea, is obvi­ knowledge of Antarctic and in particular of Ross Sea ously a stray from temperate regions and could possibly copepods. It is clear that the Ross Sea copepod fauna be mistaken for C. laticeps Farran, 1929. is more or less similar to the circumpolar Antarctic The present study adds 18 species to those known fauna. Despite the general similarity between the cope­ from the Ross Sea, although 11 of these were known pod faunas in the Ross Sea and in the circum-Antarctic from very close by (Farran 1929). Farran also recorded region, there are distinct differences between the fauna 22 other species near the Ross Sea which were not found of the inner and outer Ross Sea. The outer Ross Sea in the present samples (Table 1). (northern and north-eastern part ) has many fauna] A few species were caught at almost every station : elements that can be associated with Antarctic Circum­ Calanoides acutus, Ctenocalanus vanus, Metridia ger­ polar Water which here penetrates into areas otherwise !achei, Oithona similis, and to a lesser extent Ca/anus occupied by Winter Water. N ZOI Sta. A 453, which is propinquus. These species make up the bulk of the Ross situated in the region of strong Antarctic Circumpolar Sea planktonic copepods and are, in the summer at Water intrusion (Figs 2 and 4), has the greatest number least, surface-dwelling Antarctic species which extend of deep-water species. However, in the south-western into the Ross Sea. corner of the Ross Sea these elements are conspicuously T absent from the fauna. This area encompasses all the he bulk of the remaining species caught in the Ross NZOI Sea are associated with Antarctic Deep (Circumpolar ) Transantarctic Expedition stations and Sta. Water. Some of these species appear to be limited to A 44 8-50, A 460-1, A 466-7 (Fig. 2). It has been Antarctic waters, while a number (Microcalanus pyg­ clearly shown (Fig. 4) that Antarctic Circumpolar maeus, Spinocalanus abyssalis, S. magnus, Gaidius Water is entirely absent from this area. This inner area, tenuispinus, Scaphocalanus brevicornis, S. subbrevi­ devoid of Antarctic Circumpolar Water influence, is cornis, Metridia curticauda, Lucicutia ovalis, Hetero­ also the only place where the possibly "neritic" species stylites major ) are widespread at bathypelagic depths, Paralabidocera antarctica and Aetideop sis antarctica several being recorded from Arctic waters. were taken. Notable amongst the records are Nannocalanus minor The term "neritic" refers to that part of the pelagic and Pleuromamma gracilis which are strays from much environment that lies above the continental shelf. The further north. These examples are perhaps not surpris­ maximum depth of this region is usually 200 rn. It is ing if one considers Farran's (1929) records of Oncaea difficult to classify the Ross Sea as either oceanic or media, Corycaeus inuncus, and Corycella gracilis in the neritic. The shelf break occurs at 80 0 m and the sea itself Ross Sea and Corycaeus flaccus, C. furcifer, and Ratania is a deep basin with a seaward lip. The fact that the atlantica nearby. Either southern ocean samples have Ross Sea is a massive embayment of the Antarctic con­ been contaminated by samples from temperate regions, tinental coastline means that it is isolated from the which is not the case of the 19 58-59 samples, or stray general circumpolar Antarctic circulation and has its specimens of temperate species art} occasionally swept own hydrological regime. Nevertheless, almost the total tic seas. into Antarc copepod fauna is related either to Antarctic surface Conspicuously absent from the 195 8-59 samples are Stephus longipes and S. antarcticum. Farran (1929) water or to the Antarctic Deep (Circumpolar ) water, records S. longipes as usually being found under the ice but it is significant that the only "neritic" species caught and, since most of the National Antarctic Expedition's were found in the south-western part of the Ross Sea samples were taken through the ice at the "Winter not influenced by Antarctic Circumpolar Water. Quarters", this is also the likely habitat of S. antarc­ · Certain conditions appear to be necessary for an ticum. endemic neritic fauna to exist: (a) the coastal regime


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit must be free from wholesale advection of oceanic water Circumpolar Water is extensive enough to ensure that so that the neritic fauna can maintain its position over neither of the above conditions for the development of the continental shelf, (b) the coastal environment must a neritic fauna are met in the Ross Sea, except in the be inimical to oceanic species. The influenceof Antarctic extreme south-west.

TABLE I: Copcpod Records in or near the Ross Sea. Sta. Sta. Ross Sea 271-92 Ross Sea? Ross Sea 271-92 Rc-ss Sea? (F,arran (Farran (Wolfen- Ross Sea (Farran (Farran (Wolfen- Ross Sea Species 1929) 1929) den 1908) (1958-59) Species 1929) 1929) den 1908) (I 958-59)

* N annocalanus minor X Scaphocalanus afjinis X Calanus propinquus X X X X S. brevicornis X JC X Calanoides acutus X X X X S. subbrevicornis X X X X X X Rhincalanusgigas X Racovitzanus a11tarctic11s X Ctenocalanus X X X Amallophora altera X X X Microcalanus pygmaeus X Cephalophanes frigidus M. pusillus X Metridia curticauda X X Farrania frigida X X M. gerlachei X X X X Step/ms longipes X X M. lucens X M. princeps X S. antarcticum X Spinocalanus abyssalis X X * Pleuromamma gracilis X S. magnus X X Lucicutia curta X S. spinosus X L. macrocera X Aetideopsis antarctica X X X L. magna X X A. minor X X L. ova/is Heterorhabdus austrinus X X Chiridiella megadactyla X X Gaidius intermedius X H. compactus

G. tenuispinus X JC H. farrani X X Pseudochirella notocantha X H. pustulifer X Gaetanus antarcticus X X H. robustus X X Euchirella hirsllta X Heterostylites major X X Haloptilus ocellatus X X X E. rostromagna X X X X X X H. oxycephalus X Euchaeta antarctica X Euaugaptilus laticeps X E. erebi X X E. farrani X Candacia falcifer X E. rasa X C. maxima X X E. similis X X X Paralabidocera antarctica X X X X Onchocalanus magnus Oithona frigida X 0. wolfendeni X X 0. similis X X Xanthocalanus antarcticus X Oncaea conifera X Scolecithricella dentipes X 0. curvata X X X S. glacialis X X *O. media X S. incisa X "Corycaeus flaccus X X S. ovata X "C. furcifer S. polaris X *C. immcus X S. robusta X * Ratania atlantica X S. valida X *Corycella gracilis X ,. Strays or contaminants


Thanks are due to Dr D. E. Hurley for constructive the Transantarctic Expedition zooplankton collection criticism of the manuscript and to the Director of from the Ross Sea. Dominion Museum, Wellington, for making available


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit REFERENCES ANDREWS, K. J. H. 1966: The distribution and life-history of KENNETT, J. P. 1968: Fauna of the Ross Sea. Part 6. Ecology Ca/anus acutus Giesbrecht. "Discovery" Rep. 34: 117-62. and distribution of Foraminifera. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. 48 pp. BRADFORD, J. M. 1969: New species of Aetideopsis Sars and Res. 186. Bradyidius Giesbrecht (Copepoda, Calanoida) from the OM MANNEY, F. D. 1936 : Rhincalanus gigas (Brady) a copepod Southern Hemisphere. N.Z. JI mar. Freshwat. Res. 3 (4): of the southern macroplankton. "Discovery" Rep. 13: 277- 73-97. 384. BRODIE, J. W. I 965 : Oceanography. Pp. 101-28 in: T. Hather­ ROSENDORN, I. 1917: Die Gattung Oithona. Wiss. Ergebn. dt. ton (Ed.), "Antarctica". Reed, Wellington. 511 pp. Tiefsee-Exped. "Valdivia" 23: 1-58. BRODSKY, K. A. 1950: (Calanoida of polar and far-eastern seas SARS, G. 0. 1903: "An Account of th e Crustacea of Norway", of U.S.S.R.) Opredel. Faune SSSR 35. 446 pp. Vol. 4. Bergen. 171 pp., 108 pls . ---1966: Distr�bution and some morphological features oi --- 1925 : Copepodes particulierement bathypclagiques the Antarctic species of the genus Ca/anus (Copepoda) . provenant des campagnes scientifiques du Prince Albert ]er 2 : 194-256. (Translation). Issled. Fauny Morej de Monaco. Result. Camp. scient. Prince Albert 1 69. Text --- 1967: (The distribution and variations in length of the (1925) 408 pp., atlas (1924) 127 pls. Calanidae (Copepoda) species in the Southern Hemisphere.) Issled. Fatmy Morej 4 (12): 190-219. TANAKA, 0. 1957: The pelagic copepods of the Izu region, BULLIVANT, J. S.; DEARBORN, J. H. 1967: The fauna of the Ross middle Japan. Systematic account III. Family Aetideidae t (part 1). Pubis Seto mar. biol. Lab. 6 (I): 31 -68. Sea. Part 5. General accounts, sation lists and benthic ecology. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. Res. 176. 77 pp. --- 1960 : Pelagic Copepoda. Biol. Results lap. Antarct. CAR, M. 1967 : Oceanographic cruise summary. Ross Sea, Ant­ Res. Exped. JO. 94 pp., 40 pls. arctica. Informal Rep. U.S. nav. oceanogr. Off. I.R. 67-79. --- 1961 : The pelagic copepods of the Izu region, middle 18 pp. Japan. Systematic account VII. Family Scolecithricidae (part CASSIE, V. 1963: Distributic-n of surface phytoplankton between 1). Pubis Seto mar. biol. Lab. 9 ( I): 139-90. New Zealand and Antarctica, Decemb er 1957. Scient. Rep. transantarct. Exped. 7. 12 pp, 1 pl. - -- 1963: The pelagic copepods of the Izu region, middle Japan. Sys1ematic account IX. Families Centropagidae, COUNTRYMAN, K. A.; GSELL, W. L. 1966 : Operations Deep Pseudodiaptomidae, Temoridae, Metridiidae, Lucicutiidae. Freeze 63 and 64 summer oceanographic features of th e Ross Pubis Seto mar. biol. Lab. 11(1): 7-56. Sea. Tech. Rep. U.S. nav. oceanogr. TR-190. 193 pp. DE DECKER, A. 1964 : Observations on the ecology and distribu­ --- 1964 : Two small collections of copepods from the tion of Copepoda in the marine plankton of South Africa. Antarctic. Scierlt. Rep. lap. Antarct. Res. Exped. 22. 20 pp., Invest! Rep. Div. Fish. Un. S. Afr. 49. 33 pp. 8 pls. DE DECKER, A.; MOMBECK, F. J. 1965 : A preliminary report on TAYLOR, T. G. 1930: "Antarctic Adventure and Research". the plankton Copepoda. Invest/ Rep. Div. Fish. Un. S. Afri. Appleton, New York. 245 pp. 51. 67 pp. UNTERiiBERBACHER, H. K. 1964 : Zooplankton studies in the FARRAN, G. P. 1929: Copepoda. Br. Antarct. Terra Nova waters off Walvis Bay with special reference to the Cope­ Exped. 1910 8 (3): 203-306. poda. Invest/. Rep. mar. Res. Lab. S.W. Afr. 11. 42 pp., 36 GATENBY, J. B.; PAINTER, T. S. 1937: "The Microtomist's Vade­ pls. Mecum". 10th ed. Churchill, London. VERVOORT, W. 1949: Bathypelagic Copepoda of the Snellius GIESBRECHT, W. 1892: Systematik und Faunistik:. der pela­ Expedition. 1. Families Calanidae, Eucalanidae, Paracalan­ gischen Copepoden des Golfes von Neapel. Fauna Flora idae and Pseudocalanidae. Temminckia 8: 1-1 81. 831 pp. 54 pls. Golf. Napoli 19. --- 1950: The genus Onchocalanus G. 0. Sars 1905 (Crus­ --- 1902: Copepoden. Result. Voyage S.Y. Belgica zoo/.: tacea, Copepoda) . Zoo/. Verh., Leiden JO. 35 pp. 1-49, 13 pls. --- 1951 : Plankton copepods from the Atlantic sector of GRICE, G. D. 1963: A revision of the genus Candacia (Cope­ the Antarctic. Verh. K. Akad. Wet. sect. 2, 47 (4): 1 -562, 82 poda, Oalanoida) with an annotated list of the species and text figs. a key for their identification. Zoo/. Meded., Leiden 38 (JO): 171-94 . --- 1957: Copepods from Antarctic and subantarctic plankton samples. Rep. B.A.N.Z. antarct. Res. Exped. 3 (3): GRICE, G. D.; HuLSEMANN, K. 1965 : Abundance, vertical dis­ 1-160, 138 figs. tribution and taxonomy of calanoid copepods at selected stations in the northeast Atlantic. /. Zoo/. 146 (2): 213-62. --- 1965 : Notes on the biogeography and ecology of free­ living marine Copepoda. In P. Van Oye, J. Van Miegnem ---1967: Bathypelagic calanoid copepc-ds of th e western (Eds) , Biogeography and ecology in Antarctica. Mono­ Indian Ocean. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus. 122 (3583). 67 pp. graphiae biol. 15: 381-400. HART, T. J. 1942: Phytoplankton periodicity in Antarctic WOLFENDEN, R. N. 1904 : Notes on the Copepoda of the North waters. 261-356. "Discovery" Rep. 21: Atlantic Sea and the Faroe Channel. /. mar. biol. Ass. U.K., HuLSEMANN, K. 1966: A revis�on of the genus Ludcutia J: 110-46. (Copepoda, Calanoida) with a key to its species. Bull. mar. ll.S. Sci. 16 (4): 702-47. ---1908: Crustacea VIII. Copepoda. In: Natn. Antarct. JOHNSON, M. W. 1963: Zooplankton collections from the high Exped. 1901-1904. 4. 46 pp., 7 pls. Polar Basin with special reference to the Copepoda. Limnol. --- 1911: Die marinen Copepoden der Deutsch Siidpolar Oceanogr. 8 ( I): 89-102. Expedition 1901-03, II. Die pelagischen Copepoden der KEMP, S.; HARDY, A. C. ; MACKINTOSH, N. A. 1929 : Objects, Westwinddrift und des Siidlich Eismeers. Dt. Sudpol.-Exped. equipment and methods. "Discovery" Rep. 1: 141-232. 12 (=Zoo/. 4): 181-390, pls 22-41,82 text figs.


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ABSTRACT FIFTY specimens distributed among nine species collected by expeditions in HMNZS Endeavour in 1959 and 1960, the Transantarctic (New Zealand) Expedition of 1956-58, and a Stanford University team in 1958-60 are discussed. Three species are described as new- Procampylaspis meridiana, Paralamprops rossi, and Makrokylindrus inscriptus. A key is included to all the known species of Antarctic and Subantarctic Cumacea, which at present number 41. Of the species 93% are endemic.

INTRODUCTION The cumaceans discussed in this report were collected 1. The Challenger Expedition 1873-76 (Sars 1887). during the cruises of HMNZS Endeavour in 1959 and 2. The Hamburg Museum Expedition 1882-83 (Zimmer 1960, the Transantarctic (New Zealand) Expedition of 1902). 3. The voyage of the Belgica 1897-99 (Hansen 1908). 1956-58, and by John H. Dearborn during a Stanford 4. The German Deep-Sea Valdivia Expedition 1898-99 (Zim­ University biological programme, 1958-6 0. Full details mer 1908). of these expeditions may be found in Bullivant and 5. The German Antarctic Expedition in Gauss 1901-04 (Zim­ Dearborn (1967). mer 1907, 1913). Nine species of Cumacea were taken at 16 stations 6. The Swedish Antarctic Expedition in Antarctic 1901-03 (Zimmer 1907, 1909). (Fig. 1). Three are described as new and one was too 7. The British Antarctic Expedition in Discovery 1901-04 badly damaged for positive identification or description. (Calman 1907). Previous collections of Cumacea from the Antarctic 8. The British Antarctic Expedition in Nimrod 1907 (Calman region are summarised by Lomakina (1968) who gives 1918). 9. The French Antarctic Expedition in Pourquoi Pas 1908-10 charts showing the known distributions of the species (Calman 1917b). found by the Soviet Expedition to the Antarctic. At the 10. The British Antarctic Expedition in Terra Nova 1910 time of writing 28 species, including those described (Calman 1917a). here, have been recorded from the Antarctic and a fur­ 11. The Australasian Antarctic Expedition in Aurora 1911-14 ther four species collected but not fully described; 12 (Calman 1918). other species have been found off the subantarctic 12. The British, Australian and New Zealand Antarctic Expedi­ islands. Four of the species listed in Jones (1969) are tion in Discovery II 1929-32 (Hale 1937). 13. The Japanese Antarctic Expedition in Soya 1957-58 (Garno considered by Lomakina to be synonyms: Leucon 1959). septemdentatus Zimmer is thought to be a synonym of 14. The Soviet Antarctic Expeditions in Prince Garaltra 1956- L. vanhoffeni Zimmer; Eudorella sordida Zimmer and 58, 1963 (Lomakina 1968). E. fallax Zimmer, synonyms of E. splendida Zimmer; and Diastylopsis dentifrons Zimmer synonymous with In the Ross Sea 10species have now been found: D. annulata Zimmer. Cyclaspis gigas, Leucon antarctica, Eu dorella splendida, Collections including at least one cumacean have been E. gracilior, Campylaspis antarctica, Procampylaspis made by the following expeditions off the Antarctic meridiana, Cumella australis, Paralamprops rossi, Dia­ continent or the islands of Kerguelen or South Georgia: stylis helleri and Makrokylindrus inscriptus.

STATION LIST For full details consult Bullivant and Dearborn (1967). NEW ZEALAND OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE COLLECTIONS Leucon antarctica Zimmer, 1 9 1957-61 Eudorella gracilior Zimmer, l 9 ° ° 10Jan 1959, 77°27'S, l 72°22'E, 752 m, mud, 11 Jan 1959, 77 05'S, 177 12'E, 362 m, mud, Sta. A448, ° Sta. A449, ° small Agassiz trawl, -1 . 8c. small Agassiz trawl, - 1,7 C. Cyclaspis gigas, 1 9 Cyclaspis gigas Zimmer, 6 9 9 (1 ovigerous) Campylaspis antarctica Calman, 4 9 9


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10· Sta. A456, 15 Jan 19 59, 74°30'S, 179°40'W, 23 8-2 01 m, stones, gritty mud, small Agassiz trawl, - 1 · 3 °c. Cumella australis Calman, 1 'i?

Sta. A468, 26 Jan 19 59, 76° 59'S, 167°36'E, 110m, small Agassiz trawl. Leucon antarctica, 3 'i? 'i? 73· Campylaspis antarctica, 2 'i? 'i? Procampylaspis meridiana sp. n., 1 subadult o, I juvenile Cumella australis, 12 'i? 'i?,5 juv.

Sta. A 469, 29 Jan 19 59, 77° 50'S, l66°30'E, 68m, gritty mud, orange peel grab. Campylaspis antarctica, I 'i? - () Sta. A 471, 6 Feb 19 59, 77°37'S, l66°20'E, 165-69 m, small Agassiz trawl. ----- ,,,.._,,_ Leucon antarctica, 1 'i? AOSS ICE SHELF ...... ,, Cumel/a australis, 2 'i? 'i?,1 juv. l70" 180' 170' 160"W

Sta. A537, 17 Feb 1960, 77°30'S, 165° 12'E, 574 -54 3 m, FIG. l : Bathymetry and station positions. mud and gravel, Devonport dredge, - 1- 8°c. Diastylis sp., 1 'i? ( damaged) STANFORD UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS 19 58

TRANSANTARCTIC EXPEDITION COLLECTIONS 19 57 -58 Sta. GLD-5, 27 Nov 19 58, 76° 1l -6'S, 164°46'E, 695 m, Sta. 1, 24 Jan 19 57, 77°46-3'S. ]66°26'E, 583 m, mud, sponge-gorgonacean complex, 1:riangular dredge. snapper grab. Paralamprops rossi, sp. n., 1 'i? Cumella australis, 2 'i? 'i? Sta. GLD-9, 29 Nov 1958, 75° 15'S, 165° 55'E, 808 m, ring Sta. 79, 5 Feb 1958, 77° 5l 'S, l66°34'E, 122 -162 m, beam net. trawl. Makrokylindrus inscriptus sp. n., 1 'i? (ovig.) Campylaspis antarctica, 1 immature o Sta. GLD-13, 30 Nov 19 58, 74°39'S, 165° 52 'E, 165 m, Sta. 98, 12 Feb 19 58, 76° 07 'S, l68° 10'E, 186-190m, sponge-coelenterate complex, 4 ft Blake trawl. beam trawl. Cyclaspis gigas, l 'i? Campylaspis antarctica, 1 'i? Campylaspis antarctica, 1 imm. o

Sta. 100, 23 Feb 19 58, 77°38'S, l66°20'E, 10 8 m, beam Sta. GLD-15, 1 Dec 19 58, 73° 58- 5'S, l68°29'E, 366 m, trawl. gravel and pebbles, some mud, triangular dredge. Campylaspis antarctica, I 'i?,2 imm. o o Cyclaspis gigas, I 'i? (ovig.)

SYSTEMATICS KEY TO THE SPECIES OF ANTARCTIC AND SUBANTARCTIC 3 Telson with 5 apical spines .... . CUMACEA1 Lamprops (?) comata Zimmer, 1907 A free telson present ...... 2 Telson with not more than 3 apical spines ...... 4 No free telson ...... 20 4 Antennae 1 long, at least half length of carapace. 2 Telson with 3 (exceptionally 2) or more apical spines. Carapace with at least 7 longitudinal carinae ...... 5 Males have 3 pairs of pleopods or none 3 Antennae 1 short, not more than a quarter length of Telsc,n with 2 apical spines. Males have 2 pairs of carapace. Carapace with less than 7 longitudinal carinae 7 pleopods ...... 9 5 Telson reaching nearly to end of uropod peduncle ...... 6 1 Based on that in Lomakina (1968) with some alterations and Telson much shorter than uropod peduncle . additions...... Paralamprops serratocostata Sars, 1887 34

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit 6 Longitudinal carinae on carapace serrated . 19 Pseudorostrum long, with projections along upper ··· ··-· Paralamprops rossi sp. n. edge. Postanal part of telson without lateral spines Longitudinal carinae not serrated ...... Makrokylindrus baceskei Lomakina, 1968 ...... Paralamprops aspera Zimmer, 1907 Pseudorostrum short, without dorsal projections. Postanal part of telson with 5 pairs of lateral spines 7 Pereopod 2 with rudimentary exopodite ...... Makrokylindrus inscriptus sp. n...... Platysympus br.ichyurus (Zimmer), 1907 Pereopod 2 with well developed exopodite .. .. 8 20 a with 2-5 pairs of pleopods. 'i' with exopods on pereopod 1 only or on pereopods 1-3 .. 21 8 Basal segment of exopod of uropod much shorter a without pleopods. 'i' with exopodites on pereo- than distal segment .... Hemilamprops mawsoni Hale, 1937 pods 1 and 2 . 32 Basal segment of exopod of uropod little shorter than distal segment ...... Zimmer, 1908 21 Mandibles with base widened. a with 2 pairs of Hemilamprops pellucida pleopods 22 9 Pereopod� 2 and 3 widely separated. Pereonite 4 long Mandibles with base not widened. a with 5 pairs of dorsally 10 pleopods 28 Pereopods 2 and 3 not widely separated. Pereonite 4 22 Pseudorostrum prominent. 'i' carapace serrated along not elongated 4 mid-dorsal line . 23 10 Carapace with transverse slanting lines and notches Pseudorostrum reflexed. 'i' carapace without serrations 26 on frontal area ...... Diastylopsis annulata Zimmer, 1902 23 Serrations confined to front part of carapace. Frontal Carapace with 1 slanting line and 2 notches on eye- area not toothed . 24 lobe only ...... Diastylopsis diaphanes Zimmer, 1907 Serrations extend to rear of carapace. Frontal area toothed ...... 25 11 Telson short, not longer than pleonite 6 .. ... 12 Telson longer than pleonite 6 . 13 24 Eyelobe small but visible. Pereopod 2 with 7 seg- ments ...... Leucon kerguelensis Zimmer, 1908 12 Front of carapace limited on each side by slanting Eyelobe rudimentary. Pereopod 2 with 6 segments line (heart-shaped when viewed from above). Uropod ...... ······················-·· Leucon sagitta Zimmer, 1907 peduncle longer than pereonite 5 25 Serrations on carapace uninterrupted. Frontal area Leptostylis antipa Zimmer, 1907 with 1 tooth on each side, also 1 tooth on each side Carapace without slanting lines. Uropod peduncle of pseudorostral lobes and 1 on dorsal side of cara- not longer than pereonite 5 .. pace ...... Leucon antarctica Zimmer, 1907 ...... Leptostylis crassicauda Zimmer, 1907 Serrations on carapace with a break near hind end. Frontal area with 3 teeth on either side along lower 13 Telson not very long, proximal portion equal to or edge ...... Leucon assimilis Sars, 1887 shorter than postanal portion, latter usually with numerous lateral spines 14 26 Subrostral indentation in 'i' is complex, with a Telson long, proximal portion usually cylindrical and depression in upper portion and a protuberance in longer than postanal portion . 19 middle 27 Subrostral indentation in 'i' is simple, without a 14 Pereopods 3 and 4 of 'i' with rudimentary exopods. depression or protuberance Carapace may have holds but not projections 15 ...... Eudorella gracilior Zimmer, 1907 Pereopods 3 and 4 of 'i' without rudimentary exo- pods. Carapace has projections, teeth or tubercle� 17 27 Protuberance in subrostral indentation with distinct teeth. Lower edge of carapace serrated anteriorly . 15 Carapace smooth. Telson shorter than plconite 5, ...... -··· ...... Eudorella aff. truncatula (Bate), 1856 with 2 or 3 pairs of slender lateral spines . Protuberance in subrostral notch and lower edge of ...... -· Diastylis inomata Hale, 1937 carapace without distinct teeth . Carapace with transverse folds. Telson as long as or ...... Eudorella splendida Zimmer, 1907 longer than pleonite 5, postanal part with 5-9 pairs of lateral spines 16 28 Only pereopod 1 with an exopodite ... 29 Pereopods 1-3 with exopodites in 'i' 30 16 Carapace with 10 folds. Telson shorter than uropod peduncle, with 8 or 9 pairs of lateral spines 29 Carapace with 4 tubercles, 1 each side of frontal area ...... Diastylis anderssoni Zimmer, 1907 and 1 on each lateral face of carapace Carapace with 3 folds on hind part. Telson nearly as ...... Cyclaspis quadrituberculata Zimmer, 1907 long as uropod peduncle, with 5 or 6 lateral spines .. Carapace with 2 tubercles on each side of front part .. Diastylis mawsoni Hale 1937 and a dorso-lateral fold ...... Cyclaspis gigas Zimmer, 1907 17 Carapace with trough-shaped depressions and numer- 30 Last pleon somite projecting well beyond bases of ous projections ...... Diastylis horrida Sars, 1887 uropods. Pseudorostral lobes separated in front .. Carapace without trough-shaped depressions, with ·····-·· ...... Gaussicuma vanhoffeni Zimmer, 1907 large projections and small teeth or tubercles . . 18 Last pleonite not projecting much backwards. Pseudo- rostral lobes meeting in front . .. 31 18 Teeth and projections on carapace mainly in longi­ tudinal rows, becoming smaller towards rear . 31 Upper part of carapace with 2 oblique serrated ...... Diastylis comiculata Hale, 1937 carinae, behind which is group of small teeth . Projections and teeth irregularly distributed, some­ .... . Vaunthompsonia meridionalis Sars, 1887 times replaced by tubercles or bulges . . Carapace without serrated carinae or teeth ...... Diastylis helleri Zimmer, 1907 ...... Vaunthompsonia inermis Zimmer. 1909


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit 32 Mandibles normal, with thick short incisor process. MATERIAL EXAMINED Dorsal side serrated or has carina . .. . 33 NZOI Sta. A 448, 752 m, 6 <;? � ( l ovig.) ; A 449, 362 m, I �. Mandibles massive, with fine dagger-shaped incisor GLD-13, 165 m, l �; GLD-15, 366 m, 1 � (ovig.). process. No serrations or carina on mid-dorsal line . .... 34 33 Pseudorostrum short and truncated. Eyelobe without teeth. Dorsal side of carapace with teeth along entire Family LEUCONIDAE length ...... Cumella australis Calrnan, l 907 Pseudorostral lobes not meeting in front of eyelobe, Genus Leucon Kri:iyer, 1846 which has teeth. Dorsal side of carapace without Leucon antarctica Zimmer, 1907 teeth ..... Cumella molossa Zimmer, 1907 Zimmer, 1907a, p. 227; 1913, p. 448, and as L. sagitta, figs 34 Maxilliped 2 of unusual shape, with segment 6 placed 28-35; Calman, 1907, p. 1, figs 1-3, as L. australis; Stebbing, at an angle in relation to segment 5 ... 35 1913, p. 68, and p. 66 as L. austral is. Maxilliped 2 of normal shape, segment 6 being a con­ tinuation of 5. Terminal segment of maxilliped 2 is DISTRIBUTION rake-like with prominent teeth ...... 40 The species is circumpolar and also occurs off the 35 Carapace covered with tubercles .. .. 36 subantarctic islands. It has previously been recorded Carapace traversed by folds 39 from the Ross Sea. Bathymetric range: 69-7 52 m. 36 Tubercles on carapace form more or Jess clearly defined carinae ...... Campylaspis maculata Zimmer, 1907 MATERIAL EXAMINED 37 Tubercles on carapace irregularly scattered . NZOI Sta. A 448, 752 m, 1 �; A 468, 110 m, 3 � �; A 471, 165- 37 Maxilliped 3 with merus extended distally like a 69 m, 1 �. triangle ...... Campylaspis frigida Hansen, 1908 Maxilliped 3 with merus not extended, its width less Genus Eudorella Norman, 1867 than its length 38 Eudorella gracilior Zimmer, 1907 38 Lateral faces of the carapace depressed. Pleon Zimmer, 1907a, p. 228, text-figs 2, 3; 1909, p. 12, 13, figs somites with sharp teeth on dorsal and lateral faces. 53-68; 1913, p. 449; Stebbing, 1913, p. 77; Lomakina, 1968, Dactylus of pereopod 2 much longer than carpus .. p. 119 ...... Campylaspis antarctica Calman, 1907 Lateral faces of carapace not depressed. Pleon somites without teeth. Dactylus of pereopod 2 about DISTRIBUTION equal in length to carpus Previously recorded by Zimmer from South Georgia, ...... Campylaspis nodulosa Sars, 1887 from 66° 2'S, 89 °38'E, and by Lomakina from 65°39'S, ° 39 Lateral faces of carapace with 2 folds bifurcating in 113 05. 2'E, this species is circumpolar. Bathymetric middle; of these 4 branches 3 are united. Dactylus range: 75-7 52 m. of pereopod 2 considerably longer than carpus and propodus together MATERIAL EXAMINED ...... Campylaspis quadriplicata Lomakina, 1968 NZOI Sta. A 448, 752 m, I � . Lateral faces of carapace with 2 long slanting folds not bifurcating, connected at top hind end. Dactylus of pereopod 2 only a little longer than carpus and propodus together .... . Campylaspis johnstoni Hale, 1937 Family NANNASTACIDAE 40 Carapace with 2 tubercles, each carrying a pair of Genus Campylaspis G. 0. Sars, 1865 teeth, on dorsal side and 2 teeth on eyelobe . Campylaspis antarctica Calman, 1907 ...... Procampylaspis compressa Zimmer, l 907 Carapace with smooth tubercle dorsally on each side Calman, 1907, p. 5, text-fig. 4, figs 14-16, as C. verrucosa var. about f along from anterior. Eyelobe without teeth antarctica; Zimmer, 1907b, p. 370; 1913, p. 454, as C. verru­ ...... Procampylaspis meridiana sp. n. cosa var. an.tarctica; Stebbing, 1913, p. 199; Calman, 1917a, p. 155, fig. 9; Lomakina, 1968, p. 129, fig. 19.

Family BODOTRIIDAE DISTRIBUTION Genus CycJaspis G. 0. Sars, 1865 Previous records are by Calman, 77° 50'S, l 66°45'E and 77°46'S, l66° 8' E, by Zimmer, 66° 2'S, 89 °38'E, and by Cyclaspis gigas Zimmer, 1907 ° ° Zimmer, 1907b, p. 367; 1913, p. 441, figs 1-3, text-figs l, 2; Lomakina, 66 15. 6'S, 94 26'E. Bathymetric range: 110- Hansen, 1908, p. 15, pl. III, fig. 1, a-g as C. glacialis; Steb­ 54 0 m. bing, 1913, p. 38; Calman, 191 7a, p. 146; 1918, p. 5; Hale, 1937, p. 40, fig. 1; Lomakina, 1968, p. 121, fig. 14. MATERIAL EXAMINED DISTRIBUTION NZOI Sta. A 449, 322-340 m, 1 �; A 468, 110 m, 2 � 9; A 469, Previously recorded from the Ross Sea by Calman 277 m, 1 �. T.A.E. Sta. 79, 122-162 m, 1 imm. a; 98, 186-190 m, 1 �; 100, (191 7a), the species is circumpolar. Bathymetric range: I 08 m, 1 � , 2 imm. a a. 163-7 52m. GLD-13, 165 m, 1 imm. a.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit Genus Procampylaspis Bonnier, 1896 Procampylas1>is meridiana sp. n. (Fig. 2) DESCRIPTION Subadult d. Carapace (Fig. 2a) smooth, somewhat vaulted behind, with low rounded projection dorsally on each side about two-thirds along from anterior; shallow median excavation in front of these tubercles may be result of damage to specimen. Eyelobe fairly prominent with several indistinct lenses. Antenna! notch shallow. Pereon with all five somites visible from above. Antenna 1 (2c) with first segment a little longer than other two segments of peduncle together; main flagel­ lum has three segments, together about one-and-a-half times as long as last segment of peduncle; accessory flagellum very small. Maxilliped 1 (2d) with five segments. Maxilliped 2 (2e, f) dactylus ending in falca te spine, with shorter blunt spine near its end, and on inner edge three flat­ tened spines, most distal about as long as end spine, others shorter, basal one bifid. Maxilliped 3 (2g) with FIG. 2: Procampylaspis meridiana sp. n., subadult male basis a little shorter than remaining segments together; holotype; (a) lateral view; (b) pleonite 6 and uropc,ds from �bove; (c) ischium short; merus widened distally, where greatest antenna l; (d) maxilliped I; (e, f) maxilhped 2; (g) maxilliped 3; (h) pereopod 1; (i) breadth is more than half length; carpus and propodus percopod 2. about equal in length, each somewhat shorter than merus but a little longer than dactylus. species P. meridiana may be separated by the presence of the two tubercles on its carapace. P. compressa Zim­ Pereopod 1 (2h) with basis little more than two-thirds mer is recorded from the Antarctic and has two as long as rest of appendage; ischium only a little tubercles, but they are differently placed and some teeth shorter than merus and about as long as carpus or are present on the carapace. Only P. bituberculata propodus, each of which is distinctly longer than dac­ Hansen of those previously described also has two tylus. Pereopod 2 (2i) with basis fairly broad, about dorsal tubercles placed one on each side, but this differs four-fifths as long as remaining segments together; in the shape of its eyelobe, which is narrow and not ischium short; merus longer than carpus; dactylus tuberculiform as in P. meridiana. In P. bituberculata nearly twice as long as carpus and about three times as the tubercles on the carapace have spines on them, the long as short propodus. dactylus of the second maxilliped is rather different in Uropod (2b) with peduncle about twice as long as shape, and the uropods are more slender. last somite, with about 10short spines externally; one­ segmented endopod rather longer than two-segmented exopod, which is about half as long as peduncle; endo­ Genus Cumella G. 0. Sars, 1865 pod has two inner spines and three end spines, one of CumeJla australis Calman, 1907 which is long; exopod has similar arrangement of end Calman, 1907, p. 4; text-figs 7-1 3; Zimmer, 1907b, p. 369; spines but otherwise unarmed. 1913, p. 451, fig. 38; Stebbing, 1913, p. 179; Hale, 1937, p. 43. Length of holotype subadult d 3 · 7 mm. DISTRIBUTION ° ° TYPE LOCALITY Earlier records were by Calman, 77 50'S, l66 45'E, ° ° ° ° Zimmer, 66 2'S Ross Sea, 76 59'S, 167 36'E, 110m. , 89 38'E, and Hale, Commonwealth Bay, King . Bathymetric range: 45-583 m. MATERIAL EXAMINED MATERIAL EXAMINED NZOI Sta. A 468, 110 m, 1 subadult J, 1 juvenile. REMARKS NZOI Sta. A 456, 238-201 m, 1 <;?;A 468, 110 m, 12 <;? <;?,5 juv.; A471, 165-69 m, 2<;? 1<;?, juv. This species clearly belongs to Procampylaspis, with T.A.E. Sta. 1, 583 m, 2 <;? <;? (I ovig.) . its rake-like dactylus on the second maxilliped and the exceptional length of the ischium of the first pereopod. Family LAMPR0PIDAE It also has the typical appearance of species in the genus. Genus ParaJamprops G. 0. Sars, 1887 Hale (1945) provides a key to seven species of Pro­ Paralamprops rossi sp. n. (Fig. 3) campylaspis. Since then one other, P. bacescoi, has been DESCRIPTION described (Reyss and Soyer 1966). From most other � . Carapace (Fig. 3a, b, c) broad and flattened


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FIG. 3: sp. n., adult female holotype; (a) dorsal view; (b) dorsal view of carapace and pereonParalamprops; (c) lateral view; rossi (d} telson and left uropod frcm above; (e) antenna 1; (f) antenna 2; (g) maxilliped 3; (h) pereopod 1; (i) pereopod 2. anteriorly but abruptly elevated at about middle, with Antenna 2 (3f) with four segments, firstbroad, second series of ridges not serrated, and low tubercles dorsally, short, third about twice as long as second and shorter and with scattered hairs but without spines or scales; than slender fourth; first three segments have numerous a mid-dorsal carina extending from eyelobe to about blunt teeth or serrations. one-third of carapace length from anterior; pair of Maxilliped 3 (3g) with basis much longer than remain­ somewhat undulating dorso-lateral ridges running from ing segments together, with rows of serrations along near hind end of mid-dorsal ridge to hind end of cara­ outer and distal upper and lower edges; ischium short; pace, with area between excavated; outside these are two carpus longer than merus, both with serrations along pairs of lateral carinae, upper pair extending backwards lower edge and merus also at its upper distal end; pro­ from sides of frontal region, with an interruption further podus about as long as merus and twice as long as back, to posterior, and lower pair extending right round dactylus. sides of carapace. Eyelobe small and fairly narrow, Pereopod I (3h ) with basis shorter than remaining without lenses. segments together, serrated in same way as basis of Pereon somites 1-4 broad, first with a row of dorsal maxilliped 3; ischium short; carpus about one-and-a­ tubercles, following each with two pairs of dorso-lateral half times as long as merus and about as long as and a pair of lateral ridges. dactylus but shorter than propodus. Pereopod 2 (3i ) Pleon somite 1 with two mid-dorsal longitudinal with basis much longer than remaining segments ridges set close together and a pair of dorso-lateral together, upper edge serrated; merus less than half as ridges; remaining somites except last with one mid­ long as carpus but nearly twice as long as short pro­ dorsal and pair of dorso-lateral ridges. Telson a little podus, which is about two-fifths as long as dactylus. shorter than last two somites together; base widened Pereopods 3 and 4 with no trace of exopods. and serrated at sides; about nine spines on either side Uropod (3d) with peduncle only slightly longer than and in holotype apparently only two short end spines. telson; outer edge faintly serrated and two rows of about Antenna I (3e ) with first segment of peduncle slightly nine longer and seven shorter spines respectively longer than second and third together; first and second internally; exopod is two-segmented and about four­ have rows of serrations; main flagellum has five seg­ fifths as long as peduncle; outer edge serrated and has ments and is longer than last two segments of peduncle at least 12 fairly long and slender spines on inner edge; together; accessory flagellum has three segments and endopod is three-segmented and distinctly shorter than reaches to end of fourth segment of main flagellum. peduncle; a little longer than exopod, which reaches to


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit middle of third segment; outer edge serrated and with Jones 1969) the telson is quite distinctly shorter than about 15.8.3 slender unequal spines on inner edge, two the peduncle. It also approaches P. aspera in the distri­ stronger end spines and one seta. bution of the ridges on its carapace, but it lacks the Length of holotype adult

REMARKS The absence of rudimentary exopods from the third Family DIASTYLIDAE and fourth pereopods of the female would place P. rossi Genus Stebbing, 1912 outside Paralamprops and possibly in Platysympus Makrokylindms Stebbing, 1912, according to the tables in Zimmer sp. n. (F ig. 4) Makrokylindrus inscriptus (1913) and Fage (1 929 ), but its general appearance is so like that of the other species of Paralamprops that it DESCRIPTION should undoubtedly be placed in this genus. Hemilam­ Adult

a e

FIG. 4: Makrokylindrus inscriptus sp. n., ovigerous female holotype; (a) dorsal view; (b) lateral view of carapace and pereon; (c) telson from above; (d) antenna I; (e) antenna 2; (f) maxilliped 3; (g) pereopod l; (h) pereopod 2.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit All pereon somites well defined dorsally. Marsupium and dactylus about equal in length and each a little containing 30---40 eggs. longer than carpus, which is about twice as long as Stemites of pleonites 2 and 3 each with pair of back­ merus. wardly directed setae. Telson ( 4c) nearly twice as long Pereopod 2 ( 4h) with basis longer than rest of appen­ as last pleon somite and much longer than peduncles of dage; ischium short; merus broad and about five times uropods; proximal part fairly wide and serrated later­ as long as ischium, with distal end somewhat excavated; ally; distal part about half as long as proximal, narrow, carpus narrow and only a little more than half as long with 5 sho1t spines on each side, 2 stronger end spines, as merus but longer than subequal propodus or dactylus. and a short ventral spine between. No trace of exopods on pereopods 3 and 4. Antenna 1 (4d) with first segment of peduncle robust, Uropods (4a) with peduncle about one-and-a-half much longer than second and third segments combined. times as long as last pleonite, with about 17 short spines distal end with several spines and one long plumose seta; internally; endopod a little longer than exopod (without main flagellum two-segmented, with two long aesthe­ end spines) and with about 7.5.4 internal spines on its tascs; accessory flagellumvery small. three segments and two long end spines; exopod with Antenna 2 (4e) with four segments, firstbroad, second 8- 10 external spines and three end spines, central one very short with one plumose seta, third longer also with very long. one plumose seta, and fourth about twice as long as Length of holotype ovigerous � 15. 6 mm. third, narrowed distally, with lower edge serrated, bear­ ing two distal plumose setae. TYPE LOCALITY ° ° Maxilliped 3 ( 4f) with basis more than three times as Ross Sea, 75 15'S, 165 55'E, 80 8 rn. long as remaining segments together, curved at about MATERIAL EXAMINED middle, with lower distal edge and distal end serrated and with serrated ridge along part of outer distal side; Sta. GLD-9, 808 m, I ovigerous • ischium well developed, slightly longer than merus, with REMARKS veatral spine; carpus fairly broad, serrated ventrally, In the key to the species of Makrokylindrus in Jones a little longer than ischium; propodus narrow, shorter (1969) M. inscriptus would run out with M. costatus than carpus and about twice as long as dactylus. (Bonnier, 1896) or M. neptunius N. S. Jones, 1969, but Pereopod 1 (4g) with basis shorter than remaining the sculpturing of its carapace is quite unlike that of somites combined, with spine rows on upper, lower and either of these and it is not to be confused in this respect outer distal edges; ischium longer than merus; propodus with any known species.


Lomakina (1968) includes a thorough discussion of deposits, but it is likely that the main cause of the com­ the geographical distribution and relationships, both parative scarcity of individuals in collections is the lack fauna! and taxonomic, of the Antarctic Cumacea which of suitable gear. need not be repeated here. Records are still so few that Perhaps the only remark worth adding to Lornakina's any conjecture is certain to be much modified in future. discussion is that some of the Antarctic species from Her main conclusion is that the cumacean fauna is shallow depths appear to be circumpolar and others will highly endemic. From the Antarctic littoral, South no Georgia and Kerguelen, of 41 species known (including doubt prove to be, but this is only to be expected the three species described in the present work) 38 because of the absence of barriers and the rather similar (93%) are endemic. There are, however, no endemic regime of temperature and salinity at most points around genera. Of the endemic species 17 are High Antarctic the Antarctic continent. ° species, whose habitat is south of 60 S, 11 are Low No particular pattern of distribution is apparent on Antarctic species, distributed only in South Georgia and comparing that of the cumaceans with the bottom Kerguelen, and seven species are common to both. deposits as shown in fig. 5 of Bullivant and Dearborn The paucity of the cumacean fauna is probably more (1967 ), except the usual correlation between the occur­ apparent than real. As Lomakina points out, it may be rence of cumaceans and finedeposits. Much more inten­ due partly to the predominance of unfavourable bottom sive collecting would be needed to show more than this.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit ADDENDUM Since the foregoing went to press I have examined annulata, 4, 93-355 m; Leptostylis crassicauda, 12, 123- a collection of Cumacea from Chile Bay, Greenwich 252 m. Island, South Shetlands, 62° 29'S, 59°40'W, sent to me Only three of these species have been found so far by Dr V. A. Gallardo of the University of Concepcion, in the Ross Sea. Two, Leucon antarctica and Lepto­ Chile. This contained specimens from 33 samples taken stylis crassicauda, have been recordecl previously from by 0.1 m2 Petersen grab on soft deposits. The following the sector between 60° and 115 °E, and L. antarctica eight species were present : Vaunt hompsonia meridion­ also between 13 5° and 17 0°E (L0makina, 196 8), while alis, 363 individuals, depth range 33-228 m; V. inermis, the other six have been recorded from South Georgia, 70, 33-228 m; Leucon antarctica, 44, 54 -3 55 m; Eudo­ and Diastylis helleri also from Graham Land. In several rella gracilior, 53 9, 33-274 m; Campylaspis maculata, 27, cases the samples from Greenwich Island extend their 61-347 m; Diastylis helleri, 32, 54 - 90m; Diastylopsis known vertical distribution.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am most grateful to Dr J. S. Bullivant o fthe New Zealand Oceanographic Institute for the material col­ lected by HMN ZS Endeavour, to Dr R. K. Dell of the Dominion Museum for the Transantarctic Expedition material, and to Dr John H. Dearborn of Stanford University for the cumaccans collected by him. The National Lending Library kindly translated the paper by Lomakina (196 8).

REFERENCES BATE, S. 1856: On the British Diastylidae. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. LOMAKINA, N. B. 1968: Cumacea of the Antarctic Region. (2) 17: 449-65. lssled. Fau11y Morei 6 (14): 97-140 (Russian) . Translation RTS 4939, National Lending Libmry, Boston Spa, Yorks. BONNIER, J. 1896: Resultats scientifiques de la Campagne du 'Caudan' clans le Golfe de Gascogne: Cumacea. Annis Univ. NORMAN, A. M. 1867: On the Crustacea, Echinodermata, Poly­ Lyon 24, 1895: 528-62. pora, Actinozoa 2.nd Hydrozoa. Report of the committee appointed for the purpose of exploring the coasts of the BULLIVANT, J. S.; DEARBORN, J. H. 1967: The fauna c,f the Hebrides by means of the dredge. Ross Sea. Part 5. General accounts, station lists and benthic Rep. Br. Ass. Advmt Sci. 36: 193-206. ecology. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. Res. 176: 1-77. REYSS, B.; SOYER, J. 1966: Cumaces recueillis !ors de la cam­ CALMAN, W. T. 1907: Cumacea. Natn. A11tarct. Exped. 1901- pagne de la Calypso a Port-Vendres en aout-septembre 1964. 04. Nat. Hist. ll, Zoo[. 6: 1-6. Bull. Inst. oceanogr. Monaco 66: 1-11. --- 1917a: Stomatopoda, Cumacea, Phyllocarida and SARS, G. 0. 1865: Orn den abcrrante krebsdyrgruppe Cumacea Cladocera. Br. Antarct. Terra Nova Exped. 1910 (Zoo/.) 3 og den nordiske Arter. Forh. VidenskSelsk. Krist.: 128-208. (5): 145-56. - -- 1887: Report on the Cumacea. Rep. scient. Results 1917b: Cumaces. Deuxieme Exped. Antarct. Fr. 1: 145- Voyage Challenger, Zoo[. 19 (40): 1-73. 55. 1918: Cumacea and Phyllocarida. Scient. Rep. Aus­ STEBBING, T. R. R. 1912: The Sympoda. Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 10: tralas. Antarct. Exped. (C) 5 (6): 5-8. 129-76. PAGE, L. 1929: Cumaces et Leptostraces provenant des cam­ --- 1913: Cumacea. Tierreich 39. 210 pp. pagnes scientifiques du Prince Albert Ier de Monaco. Rernlt. ZIMMER, C. 1902: Cumaceen.Ergebn. 1-50. Hamburg Magalh. Sam­ Camp. scient. Prince Albert I 77: melr. 2: 1-18. GA Mo, S. 1959: On a cumacean Crustacea (Diastylis cornicu­ --- 1907a: Neue Cumaceen aus den Familien Diastylidae lata Hale) c-btained by the second Japanese Antarctic und Leuconidae von der Deutschen und Schwedischen Stid­ Research Expedition( 1957-58) . Biol. Results lap. Antarct. polar-Expedition. Zoo!. Anz. 31: 220-9. Res. Exped. 7: 3-7. HALE, H. M. 1937: Cumacea and Nebaliacea. Rep. B.A.N.Z. --- 1907b: Neue Cumacecn von der Deutschen und der Antarct. Res. Exped (B) 4 (2): 37-56. Schwedischen Stidpolarexpedition aus der Familien der Cumiden, Vauntompsoniiden, Nannastaciden und Lamprc� --- 1945: Australian Cumacea. No. 9. The family Nan­ piden. Zoo!. Anz. 31: 367-74. nastacidae. Ree. S. Aust. Mus. 8: 145-218. ---1908: Die Cumaceen dcr Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition. HANSEN, H. J. 1908: Schizopoda and Cumacea. Result. Voyage Wiss. Ergebn. dt. Tiefsee-Exp. 'Valdivia' 8: 155-96. S.Y. Belgica, Zoo!. (5): 1-21. ---1909: Die Cumaceen der Schwedischen Stidpolar­ JONES, N. S. 1969: The systematics and distribution of Cumacea Expedition. Wiss. Ergebn. schwed. Sudpolarexped. 1901- from depths exceeding 200 metres. Galathea Rep. JO: 99-180. 1903, 6 (3): 1-31. KRi:iYER, H. 1846: Karcinologiske Bidrag. Orn Cumaceernes --·- 1913: Die Cumaceen der Deutschen Stidpolar-Expedi­ Familie. Naturhist. Tidsskr. (2) 2: 123-211. tion. Dt. Sudpol.-Exped. 1901-1903, 14, Zool. 6: 437-91.


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Acartiidae, Family, 13 Corethron criophilum, 12 A etideopsis, 19 Corycaeus flaccus, 29, 30 Aetideopsis antarctica, 9, 12, 14, 18, 19, 20, 30 Corycaeus furcifer, 29, 30 Aetideopsis carinata, 18, 19 Corycaeus inuncus, 29, 30 Aetideopsis minor, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 30 Corycella gracilis, 29, 30 Aetideopsis tumorosa, 18, 19 Ctenocalanus, 16, 17 Aetideidae, Family, 12, 21 Ctenocalanus vanus, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 29, 30 Alaska, 16, 18, 21, 23 Cumel/a, 37 Amallophora altera, 30 Cumel/a australis, 33, 34, 36, 37 Antarctic Bottom Water, 24, 25, 28 Cumella molossa, 36 Antarctic Circumpolar Water, 9, 10, I I, 12, 29 Cyclaspis, 36 Antarctic Convergence, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28 Cyclaspis gigas, 33, 34, 35, 36 Antarctic Intem1ediate Current, 22 Cyclaspis glacialis, 36 Antarclric Intermediate Water, 25 Cyclaspis quadrituberculata, 35 Antarctic Surface Water, 10 Cyclopoida, Order, I 3 Antarctic Upper Water, 10 Arctic, 16, 17, 18, 21, 26, 29 Atlantic Ocean, 16, 17, 18, 21, 23, 24, 26, 28 Augaptilidae, Family, I 3 Dearborn, Dr John H., 33, 41 Au�tralasian Antarctic (Aurora) Expedition 1911-14, 33 Deep Warm Current, 22, 25, 27, 28 Deep Warm Water, 22, 24, 25 Dell, Dr R. K., 41 Diastylidae, Family, 39 Diasty!is anderssoni, 35 Bodotriidae, Family, 36 Diastylis comiculata, 35 British Antarctic (Discovery) ExpedLtion 1901-04, 33 Diastylis helleri, 33, 35, 41 British Antarctic (Nimrod) Expedition I 907, 33 Diastylis horrida, 35 British Antarctic (Terra Nova) Expedition 1910, 9, 33 Diastylis inornata, 35 British, Australian and New Zealand Antarctic (Di-,.covery Il) Diastylis mawsoni, 35 Expedition 1929-32, 33 Diastylis sp., 34 Bullivant, Dr J. S., 41 Diastylopsis annulata, 33, 35, 41 Diastylopsis dentifrons, 33 Diastylopsis diaphanes, 35 Discovery II, 12 Dominion Museum, Wellingtc-n, 30, 41 Calanidae, Family, 12 Drepanopus pectinatus, 29 Calanoida, Order, 12 Calanoides acutus, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 29, 30 Ca/anus propinquus, 12, 13, 14, 15, 29, 30 Ca/anus simillimus, 29 Endeavour, HMNZS, 33, 41 Ca/anus tonsus_, 29 Euaugaptilus laticeps, 30 Campylaspis, 36 Eucalanidae, Family, 12 Campylaspis antarctica, 33, 34, 36 Euchaeta antarctica, 13, 14, 2 I, 22, 30 Campylaspis frigida, 36 Euchaeta erebi, 30 Campylaspis johnstoni, 36 Euchaeta farrani, 30 Campylaspis maCLdata, 36, 41 Euchaeta rasa, 30 Campylaspis nodulosa, 36 · Euchaeta similis, 13, 14, 21, 22, 30 Campylaspis quadriplicata, 36 Euchaetidae, Family, 13 Campylaspis verrucosa var. antarctica, 36 Euchirel/a hirsuta, 30 Candacia falcifer, 30 Euchire/la rostromagna, 30 Candacia maxima, 13, 27, 30 Eudorella, 36 Candaciidae, Family, 13 Eudorella aff. truncatula, 35 Cape Colbeck, 9, 11 Eudorella fa/lax, 33 Cephalophanes frigidus, 30 Eudorel/a gracilior, 33, 35, 36, 41 Challenger Expedition 1873-76, 33 Eudorella sordida, 33 Chile Bay, 41 Eudorel/a splendida, 33, 35 Chiridiella, 9, 20, 21 Chiridiella abyssalis, 20, 21 Chiridil!lla atlantica, 20 Farrania frigida, 12, 13, 17, 30 Chiridiella brachydactyla, 20, 21 French Antarctic (Pourquoi Pas) Expedition 1908-10, 33 Chiridiella macrodactyla, 20, 21 Chiridie/la megadactyla n.sp., 12, 14, I 9, 20, 30 Chiridiella pacifica, 20, 21 Chiridiella reducta, 20, 21 Gaetanus antarcticus, 30 Chiridie/la subaequalis, 20 Gaidius i11termedi11s, 30 Cla11socala1111s arcuicomis, 29 Gaidius pungens, 21 Claurncalanus laticeps, 29 Gaidius tenuispinus, 13, 14, 20, 21, 29, 30


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit Gallardo, Dr V. A., 41 Metridia curticauda, 13, 14, 22, 23, 29, 30 Gaussicuma vanhof]eni, 35 Metridia gerlachei, 13, 14, 22, 24, 29, 30 German Antarctic (Gauss) Expeditic,n 1901-04, 33 Metridia /ucens, 30 German Deep-Sea Valdivia Expedition 1898-99, 33 Metridia princeps, 30 Graham Land, 41 Metridiidae, Fami,ly, 13 Greenwich Island, 41 Microcalanus, 16 Microcalanus pusillus, 30 Microcalanus pygmaeus, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 29, 30 Haloptilus, 26 Mimocalanus, 16 Haloptilus ocellatus, 9, 13, 14, 25, 26, 27, 30 Haloptilus oxycephalus, 13, 14, 26 , 27, 30 Hamburg Museum Expedition 1882-83, 33 Nannocalanus minor, 12, 14, 15, 29, 30 Hemilamprops mawsoni, 35, 39 National Antarctic Expedition 1901-04,9, 29 Hemilamprops pellucida, 35 Heterorhabdidae, Family, 13 National Lending Library, Wellington, 41 New Zealand Oceanographic Institute, 9, 12, 13, 20, 33, 41 Heterorhabdus, 25 Heterorhabdus abyssalis, 25 Heterorhabdus austrinus, 13, 24, 25, 26, 30 Heterorhabdus compactus, 30 Heteror habdus clausi, 25 Oithona frigida, 13, 14, 28, 30 Heterorhabdus farrani, 13, 14, 24, 25, 30 Oithona similis, 13, 14, 28, 29, 30 Heterorhabdus norvegicus, 25 Oithonidae, Family, 13 Heterorhabdus pacificus, 25 Oncaea, 28 Heterorhabdus papilliger, 25 Oncaea conifera, 13, 14, 28, 30 H eterorhabdus pustulifer, 13, 25, 26. 30 Oncaea curvata, 13, 14, 28, 30 Heterorhabdus robustus, 25, 30 Oncaea media, 29, 30 Heterorhabdus spinifrons, 25 Oncaeidae, Family, 13 Heterorhabdus tameri, 25 Onchocalanus magnus, 13, 21, 22, 30 Heterostylites longicornis, 26 Onchocalanus trigoniceps, 22 Heterostylites major, 13, 25, 26, 29, 30 Onchocalanus wolfendeni, 13, 14, 21, 22, 30 Hurley, Dr D. E., 30

Pacific Ocean, 17, 21, 24, 26 Indian Ocean, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 Paralabidocera, 28 Paralabidocera antarctica, 13, 14, 27, 28, 29, 30 Paralamprops, 37, 39 Japan, 24 Paralamprops aspera, 35, 39 Japanese Antarctic (Soya) Expedition 1957-58, 33 Paralamprops rossi n.sp., 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39 Paralamprops serratocostata, 34 Pennell Bank, 9, 10 Kerguelen, 33, 40 Phaennidae, Family, 13 King George V Land, 37 Platysympus, 39 Platysympus brachyurus, 35 Pleuromamma gracilis, 13, 14, 22, 24, 29 Polar Basin, 16, 21, 23 Lamprops (?) comata, 34 Procampylaspis, 37 Leptostylis antipa, 35 Procampylaspis bacescoi, 37 Leptostylis crassicauda, 35, 41 Procampylaspis bituberculata, 37 Leucon, 36 Procampylaspis compressa, 36 Leucon antarctica, 33, 34, 35, 36, 41 Procampylaspis meridiana n.sp., 33, 34, 36, 37 Leucon assimilis, 35 Pseudocalanidae, Family, 12, 16, 17 Leucon australis, 36 Pseudochirella notocantha, 30 Leucon kerguelensis, 35 Leucon sagitta, 35, 36 Leucon septemdentatus, 33 Leucon vanhofjeni, 33 Racovitzanus, 23 Leuconidae, Family, 36 Racovitzanus antarcticus, 9, 13, 14, 22, 23, 30 Lucicutia curta, 30 23 13, 24, 30 Racovitzanus erraticus, Lucicutia macrocera, Racovitzanus levis, 23 Lucicutia magna, 30 29, 30 13, 14, 24, 25, 29. 30 Ratania atlantica, Lucicutia ova/is, Rhincalanus gigas, 12, 13, 14,15, 16, 30 Lucicutiidae, Family, 13 Ross Ice Shelf, 9, 22 Ross Island, 9, 11, 15, 22

Makrokylindrus, 30, 40 Makrokylindrus baceskei, 35 Makrokylindrus costatus, 40 Scaphocalanus affinis, 30 Makrokylindrus inscriptus n.sp., 33, 34, 35, 39, 40 Scaphocalanus brevicornis, 13, 22, 23, 29, 30 Makrokylindrus neptunius, 40 Scaphocalanus subbrevicornis, 13, 14, 22, 23, 29, 30 McMurdo Sound, 22, 28 Scolecithricella dentipes, 13, 14, 22, 23, 30

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit Scolecithricella glacialis, 13, 22, 23, 30 Transantarctic Expedition (TAE) 1956-58, 9, 12, 14, 15, 18, 29, Scolecithricella incisa, 30 30, 33, 34, 41 Scolecithricella minor, 23 Scolecithrice/la ovata, 30 Scolecithricella polaris, 30 University of Concepcion, Chile, 41 Scolecithricella robusta, 30 Scolecithricella valida, 30 Scolecithricidae, Family, 13 Vaunthompsonia inermis, 35, 41 Shelf Water, 10, 12 Vaunthompsonia meridionalis, 35, 41 South Georgia, 33, 36, 40, 41 Victoria Land, 9, 10, 11 Soviet Antarctic (Prince Garaltra) Expedition 1956-58, 33 Voyage of the Belgica 1897-99, 33 Spinocalanidae, Family, 12, 16 Spinocalanus abyssalis, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 29, 30 Spinocalanus abyssalis var. pygmaeus, 17 Warm Deep Current, 15, 23 Spinocalanus magnus, 12, 13, 17, 18, 29, 30 Warm Deep Water, 19, 16, 28 Spinocalanus spinosus, 30 Weddell Sea, 16, 24 Stanford University, 33, 34, 41 West Wind Drift, 24 Stephus antarcticum, 29, 30 Winter Water, JO, 29 Stephus longipes, 29, 30 Subtropical Convergence, 15 Swedish Antarctic (Antarctic) Expedition 1901-03, 33 X anthocalanus a11.tarcticus, 30


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Memoir Year Title Memoir Year Title No. No. [I] 1955 Bibliography of New Zealand Oceano­ D. E. HURLEY; Hydroida, by PAlRICIA graphy, 1949-1953. By N.Z. OCEANO­ M. RALPH. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. GRAPHIC COMMITTEE. N.Z. Dep. scient. Res. 139 (5). ind. Res. geophys. Mem. 4. 14 1963 Submarine Morphology East of the North [2] 1957 General Account of the Chatham Islands Island, New Zealand. By H. M. PANTIN. 1954 Expedition. By G. A. KNOX. Bull. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. Res. 149. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. Res. 122. 15 In prep. Marine Geology of Cook Strai,t. By J. W. BRODIE. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. Res. 3 1959 Contributions to Marine Microbiolc,gy. Compiled by T. M. SKERMAN. Bull. N.Z. 16 1963 Bibliography of New Zealand Marine Dep. scient. ind. Res. inf. Ser. 22. Zoology 1769-1899. By DOROTHY FREED. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. Res. 148. 4 1960 Biological Results of the Chatham Islands 1954 Expedition. Part I. Decapoda 17 1965 Studies of a Southern Fiord. By T. M. Brachyura, by R. K. DELL; Cumacea, by SKERMAN (Ed.). Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. N. S. JONES; Decapoda Natantia, by ind. Res. 157. J. C. YALDWYN. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. 18 1961 The Fauna of the Ross Sea. Part I. ind. Res. 139 (1). Ophiuroidea. By H. BARRACLOUGH FELL. 5 1960 Biological Results of the Chatham Islands Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. Res. 142. 1954 Expedition. Part 2. Archibenthal 19 1962 The Fauna of the Ross Sea Part 2. and Littoral Echinoderms. By H. BARRA­ Scleractinian Comls. By DONALD F. CLOUGH FELL. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. SQUIRES. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. Res. ind. Res. 139 (2). 147. 6 1960 Biological Results of the Chatham Islands 20 1963 F!abellum rubrum (Quay and Gaimard). 1954 Expeditic,n. Part 3. Polychaeta By DONALD F. SQUIRES. Bull. N.Z. Dep. Errantia. By G. A. KNOX. Bull N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. Res. 154. scient. ind. Res. 139 (3). 21 1963 The Fauna of the Ross Sea. Part 3. 7 1960 Biological Results of the Chatham Islands Asteroidea. By HELEN E. SHEARBURN 1954 Expedition. Part 4. Marine Mol­ CLARK. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. Res. lusca, by R. K. DELL; Sipunculoidea, by 151. S. J. EDWARDS. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. 22 1964 The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: Crus- ind. Res. 139 (4). tacea Brachyura. By E. W. BENNETT. 8 1961 Hydrology of New Zealand Coastal Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. Res. 153. 23 Waters, 1955. By D. M. GARNER. Bull. I 96 3 The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: Crus- taceans of the Order Cumacea. By N. S. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. Res. 138. JONES. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. Res. 9 1962 Analysis of Hydrological Observations in 152. the New Zealand Region 1874-1 955. By 24 1964 A Bibliography of the Oceanography of D. M. GARNER. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. the Tasman and Coral Seas, 1860-1960. ind. Res. 144. By BETTY N. KREBS. Bull. N.Z. Dep. 10 1961 Hydrology of Circumpolar Waters South scient. ind. Res. 156. of New Zealand. By R. W. BURLING. 25 1965 A Foraminiferal Fauna from the Western Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. Res. 143. Continental Shelf, North Island, New 11 1964 Bathymetry of the New Zealand Region. Zealand. By R. H. HEDLEY, C. M. By J. W. BRODIE. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. HURDLE, and I. D. J. BURDETT. Bull. N.Z. ind. Res. 161. Dep. scient. ind. Res. 163. 12 1965 Hydrology of New Zealand Offshore 26 1964 Sediments of Chatham Rise. By ROBERT M. Waters. By D. M. GARNER and N. M. NORRIS. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. Res. RIDGEWAY. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. 159. Res. 162. 27 1965 The Fauna of the Ross Sea. Part 4. Mysidacea, by OLIVE s. TATTERSALL; 1961 1 3 Biological Results of the Chatham Islands Sipunculc,idea, by S. J. EDMONDS. Bull. I 954 Expedition. Part 5. Porifera: N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. Res. 167. Demospongiae, by PAlRICIA R. BERG­ QUIST; Porifera: Keratosa, by PATRICIA 28 1966 Sedimentation in Hawke Bay. By H. M. R. BERGQUIST; Crustacea Isopoda: PANTIN. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. Res. Bopyridae, by R. B. PIKE; Serolidae, by 171.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit Memoir Year Title Memoir Year Title No. No. 30 1966 Geology and Geomagnetism of the Bounty 46 1968 The Fauna of the Rc,ss Sea. Part 6. Ecology Region East of the South Island, New and Distribution of Foraminifera. By Zea�and. By DALE c. KRAUSE. Bull. N.Z. J. P. KENNETT. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. Dep. scient. ind. Res. 170. ind. Res. 186. 47 1969 An Outline Distribution of the New Zea- 31 In prep. Benthic Ecology of Foveaux Strait. By land Shelf Fauna. Benthos Survey, E. W. DAWSON. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. Station List, and Distribution of the ind. Res. Echinoidea. By D. G. McKNIGHT. Bull. 35 1966 The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. Res. 195. Spider Crabs, Family Majidae (Crustacea 48 1967 Hydrology of the South-east Tasman Sea. Brachyura) . By D. J. GRIFFIN. Bull. By D. M. GARNER. Bull. N.Z. Dep. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. Res. 172. scient. ind. Res. 181. 36 1966 Water Masses and Fronts in the Southern 49 1969 The Fauna of the Ross Sea. Part 7: Ocean South of New Zealand. By TH. J. Pycnogonida 1 : Colossendeidae, Pycno­ HOUTMAN. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. gonidae, Endeidae and Ammotheidae. Res. 174. By w. F. FRY and J. w. HEDGPETH. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. Res. 198. 37 1968 The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: Pori- fera, Demospongiae. Part l. Tetractino­ 50 1968 The Marine Geology of the New Zealand morpha and Lithistida. By PATRICIA R. Subantarctic Seafloor. By C. P. SUMMER­ BERQUIST. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. HAYES. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. Res. Res. 188. 190. 38 1967 The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: Inter- 51 1970 The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: Pori- tidal Foraminifera of the Corallina fera, Demospongiae Part 2. Axinellidac officinalis zone. By R. H. HEDLEY, c. M. and Halichondrida. By PATRICIA R. HURDLE,and I. D. J. BURDETT. Bull. N.Z. BERGQUIST. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. Dep. scient. ind. Res. 180. Res. 197. 52 1970 The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: Sea 39 1967 Hydrology of the Southern Hikurangi Cucumbers (Echinodermata: Holothur­ Trench Region. By D. M. GARNER. Bull. oidea) . By D. L. PAWSON. Bull. N.Z. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. Res. 177. Dep. scient. ind. Res. 201. 40 1967 Sediments of the Western Shelf, North 53 In press Plankton of Hauraki GulL By J.B. JJU.ETI. ls\and, New 2ealand. By J. C. Bull N .z. Dep. scient. ind. Res. McDOUGALL and J. w. BRODIE. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. Res. 179. 54 In press Studies on New Zealand Plankton. Part I. Pelagic Copepoda from New Zealand 41 1967 Bathymetric and Geologic Structure c-f the with a Key to Pelagic Genera. North-western Tasman Sea - Coral Sea - Part II. Plankton and Environmental South Solomon Sea area of the South­ Variation, Kaikoura, 1964-65. By J. M. western Pacific Ocean. By DALE C. BRADFORD. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. KRAUSE. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. Res. Res. 183. 55 In press Bay Head Sand Beaches of Banks Penin- 42 1968 The Echinozoan Fauna of the New Zea- sula, New Zealand. By P. R. DINGWALL. land Subantarctic Islands, Macquarie Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. Res. Island and the Chatham Rise. By D. L. 56 In press Hydrology of the Southern Kermadec PAWSON. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. Trench Region. By N. M. RIDGWAY. Res. 187. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. Res. 43 1967 The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: Scler- 57 In press Biological Results of the Chatham Islands actinian Corals. By I. W. KEYES and 1954 Expedition. Part 7. Chelostomate D. F. SQUIRES. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. Bryozoa. By G. H. UTTLEY and J. S. ind. Res. 185. BULLIVANT. Bull. N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. 44 1967 A Checklist of Recent New Zealand Fora- Res. minifera. By J. V. EADE. Bull. N.Z. Dep. 58 1970 Hydrological Studies in the New Zealand scient. ind. Res. 182. Region 1966 and 1967. Oceanic Hydrology North-west of New Zealand, Hydrology 45 1970 A Key to the Recent Genera of the Fora- of the North-east Tasman Sea. By D. M. miniferida. By K. B. LEWIS. Bull. N.Z. GARNER. Bull N.Z. Dep. scient. ind. Res. Dep. scient. ind. Res. 196. 202.


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