[email protected] FADE IN: FUNERAL SETTING: FUNERAL INT of Church MORNING- SUMMER The Mays family sits in the front pew of a small white church; stain glass windows let the warmth of the summer heat circulate. Nine- year-old Lily stands in the front and stares into her grandmother's coffin. She tries to hide her tears, veiling herself with her black hair. LILY Whispers Don't leave me here with these evil people grandma. She turns slowly to see the cold stare of her mother (DOROTHY and brother DUKE. She rubs a red mark on the back of her neck that resembles a wine stain. Two-Years Later THE OPENING CREDITS Sign swings ‘Welcome to Sweetwater’. 2 We move over the roads that twist sporadically through the dense woods and farmlands. Farmhouses sit in the back with great distances between. A feel of dread linger as you move along the trail in woods up to an old white Victorian house. 11 year-old LILY MAYS finds $10 on her way home from school. Excited she buys a doll from the store. INT HOUSE. KITCHEN. EVENING – FALL DOROTHY TALKS TO LILY IN THE KITCHEN WHILE SHE COOKS. DOROTHY Girl you know that money you spent is tainted. Dorothy watches for her reaction. However, Lily smiles at her doll, unfazed by her mother. Dorothy slams her hand on the table. DOROTHY Do you hear me?” Lily calmly looks up. LILY (softly) 3 No, it’s not mama, the money was lying on the side of the road.