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Detectability of Dissipative Motion in Quantum via Superradiance

Woo-Joong Kim Dartmouth College

James Hayden Brownell Dartmouth College

Roberto Onofrio Dartmouth College

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Dartmouth Digital Commons Citation Kim, Woo-Joong; Brownell, James Hayden; and Onofrio, Roberto, "Detectability of Dissipative Motion in Quantum Vacuum via Superradiance" (2006). Open Dartmouth: Published works by Dartmouth faculty. 2627. https://digitalcommons.dartmouth.edu/facoa/2627

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Detectability of Dissipative Motion in Quantum Vacuum via Superradiance

Woo-Joong Kim,1 James Hayden Brownell,1 and Roberto Onofrio1,2 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, Dartmouth College, 6127 Wilder Laboratory, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755, USA 2Dipartimento di Fisica ‘‘G. Galilei,’’ Universita` di Padova, Via Marzolo 8, Padova 35131, Italy (Received 1 February 2006; published 22 May 2006) We propose an experiment for generating and detecting vacuum-induced dissipative motion. A high frequency mechanical resonator driven in resonance is expected to dissipate mechanical in quantum vacuum via photon emission. The photons are stored in a high quality electromagnetic cavity and detected through their interaction with ultracold alkali-metal atoms prepared in an inverted population of hyperfine states. Superradiant amplification of the generated photons results in a detectable radio- frequency signal temporally distinguishable from the expected background.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.200402 PACS numbers: 12.20.Fv, 42.50.Lc, 42.50.Pq, 85.85.+j

Introduction.—Macroscopic quantum effects are suit- assuming that the parametric resonance condition with a able to bridge the gap between quantum theory and general mechanical driving at a frequency 2! is fulfilled. The relativity. In this context, observable effects due to the product represents the squeezing parameter, with the change in the boundary conditions of quantum fields, like modulation depth v=c, where v is the velocity of the the creation of particles in an expanding universe [1] or the resonator and c the speed of light. This exponential growth Casimir force [2], may provide crucial information. So far is eventually limited by the photon leakage of the cavity the attention has been mainly focused on conservative expressed through the optical quality factor Qopt, which Casimir forces, with measurements performed in a variety saturates at the hold time Qopt=!, reaching a maxi- of geometries ranging from the original parallel plane [3,4] mum photon population to the sphere plane [5–9] and crossed cylinders [10]. max 2 Meanwhile, there have been several theoretical attempts NCas NCasN0sinh 2Qopt: (2) at studying the dissipative contribution of vacuum fluctua- In this Letter, we discuss a generation mechanism for tions to understand their interplay with the relativity of Casimir photons and a nearly quantum-limited photode- motion [11–13]. In principle, dissipative Casimir forces tection scheme in the radio-frequency range based on the should be evidenced as a further damping source in the interaction of the generated photons with an excited popu- nonuniformly accelerated motion of micromechanical res- lation of atoms. This proposed experiment, initially onators already implemented for measuring the conserva- sketched in [19], exploits in addition the high gain of tive component of the force. However, given the level of superradiant emission to boost the expected signal to de- dissipations coming from more technical sources, a direct tectable levels, and a schematic outline of its components is detection of the dissipative Casimir force seems out of shown in Fig. 1. An extremely weak signal of Casimir experimental reach. Instead of focusing the attention on photons will trigger the emission of an intense, time- deviations from conservative motion, the dissipation in- compressed, superradiant pulse whose characteristic delay duced in vacuum could be more easily detected by looking time will provide the signature of mechanically induced at the radiated photons that are less contaminated from vacuum radiation. other sources of noise [14]. This phenomenon, also known Generation of Casimir photons.—Current thin film tech- as dynamical Casimir effect [see [15] for an updated nology makes feasible mechanical motions in the GHz review], can be understood both as the creation of particles range, with the highest frequency reported to date =2 under nonadiabatic changes in the boundary conditions of 3:0 GHz and a modulation depth of 108 [20]. This quantum fields, or as classical parametric amplification has been obtained through a film bulk acoustic resonator where the zero point energy of a vacuum field mode is (FBAR) [21–23], consisting of a vibrating aluminum ni- exponentially amplified in time. Theoretical analysis in- tride (AlN) film of thickness corresponding to one half of dicates that under parametric amplification in an electro- the acoustic wavelength, sandwiched between two elec- magnetic cavity an initial state of N0 photons with trodes. The average number of photons at saturation, frequency within the resonance bandwidth of the funda- Eq. (2), depends on the product of two parameters, Q ! opt mental mode of the cavity is transformed into a squeezed and , which can be on the order of 108 and 108 respec- state with an average number of photons growing in time as tively. The average number of photons in the cavity is very [16–18] max sensitive to this product, with NCas 1:4; 13; 740 for val- ues of Qopt 0:5; 1; 2 for a vacuum state with N0 1, 2 NCastN0sinh t; (1) respectively. The expected saturated power initiated by

0031-9007=06=96(20)=200402(4) 200402-1 © 2006 The American Physical Society PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS week ending PRL 96, 200402 (2006) 26 MAY 2006

rf detector where V is the cavity volume. For a few GHz cavity with 2 8 1cm cross-sectional area and Qopt 10 , the natural lifetime is reduced by a factor of 1010. In spite of this or cavity-enhanced spontaneous rate, the typical hyperfine transition lifetime for the alkali-metal atoms is still im- practically long, on the order of 103–105 s. The super- radiant lifetime—the characteristic time scale for superradiant evolution when Nat atoms are enclosed within cav (a) Inversion of (b) Generation and (c) Detection of super- the cavity—is TSR T1 =Nat. Hence the emission time atomic population amplification of radiant photons or scale for the experiment is further reduced in the milli- Casimir photons ground state population 8 second range for Nat 10 or less. The peak power of the superradiant pulse is FIG. 1. Generation and detection of photons irradiated through vacuum-induced damping of motion. The two-level atoms are optically pumped to the maximum angular state of @! the spin-orbit manifold which only allows for a single, down- PSR Nat ; (6) ward, circularly polarized, magnetic dipole transition. The atoms TSR are then sent through the cavity (a). The Casimir photons are generated through mechanical modulation of one FBAR resonator (b). An amplified superradiant pulse is triggered by a increasing quadratically with the number of atoms. weak Casimir signal and detected by radio-frequency electronics Considering as before a few GHz resonator with 108 atoms 3 13 or atomic fluorescence (c). and TSR 10 s, yields PSR 10 W, a billionfold improvement over the initial power estimated in Eq. (3). Casimir emission is The superradiant emission can be detected in either of @! two ways. First, a power or field detector can be coupled to P Nmax : (3) the cavity. The detector should be fast enough to resolve Cas Cas one superradiant lifetime. Such direct measurement would For a 3.0 GHz FBAR resonator and a benchmark value of be preferred although the coupling mechanism itself is Qopt ’ 1 at the edge of current technology, the saturated likely to reduce the quality factor of the cavity significantly power 3 1022 W is too low to be directly detectable. in order to attain sufficient coupling efficiency. Micro- This demands the use of an efficient, nearly quantum- bolometers mounted on etchedp ‘‘spiderwebs’’ have an limited, photon detector in the radio-frequency range. ultimate sensitivity of 1016 W= Hz in the GHz range Detection of Casimir photons.—Ultrasensitive atomic [30]. Spectrum analyzers are sensitive to sub-fW rf power detection schemes can be exploited for detecting Casimir of kHz bandwidth [31], and the temporal profile of the photons by preparing an ensemble of population-inverted burst can be reconstructed through vector analysis. Second, atoms in a hyperfine state whose transition frequency the exiting atoms can be interrogated resonantly with the corresponds to the cavity resonance. An additional ampli- lower hyperfine state to ascertain the lower state population fication process is available in which the weak Casimir and therefore the energy released into the cavity. Either signal triggers the stimulated emission of the ensemble of D-line fluorescence or ionization current can be monitored atoms. This effect is a form of superradiance [24,25]. One at the thousand atom level sensitivity [32]. The average favorable feature to be exploited for the proposed scheme delay time can be inferred by varying the time the atoms is that the hyperfine splitting of the ground states for alkali- stay within the cavity. Coherent D-line excitation may also metal atoms ranges from 0.2 GHz for Li to 9 GHz for Cs, generate free-induction decay, due to the coherent mag- conveniently matching the operating frequencies of FBAR netic moment developed on the hyperfine transition as a resonators achieved or achievable in the near future [26]. consequence of the amplification process, that would have The hyperfine transition in the ground state occurs through a clearer signature. The two detection techniques are com- a magnetic dipole interaction, and its natural lifetime in plementary to each other, and could be used in coincidence free space is approximately to further reject spurious signals. @ 5 Background rejection.—Casimir-generated photons are 30 c T ; (4) not the only seed to trigger the stimulated amplification 1 2 !3 B process. In particular, any atom decaying spontaneously where B is the Bohr magneton and 0 the electric per- will also trigger a superradiant burst. In this case, the mittivity in vacuum. This natural lifetime in free space is process is more commonly known as superfluorescence. favorably reduced inside a resonant cavity due to the The temporal envelope of the photon burst allows for modification of density of states [28,29] discrimination among the triggering sources. Indeed, the average delay between the initial stimulation of the atomic 42 V Tcav T ; (5) population depends on the number of atoms and resonant 1 3Q 3 1 opt photons Nph initially present [27]: 200402-2 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS week ending PRL 96, 200402 (2006) 26 MAY 2006   N TABLE I. Summary of relevant parameters and time scales T T ln at : (7) D SR 1 N involved in the superradiance dynamics for different alkali-metal ph isotopes already cooled in the K range. The maximum number max of atoms Nat is chosen so that TSR equals the assumed detector The delay is typically around ten superradiant lifetimes but response time of 0.5 ms. The length of the electromagnetic with an inherent uncertainty due to quantum fluctuations. cavity is chosen to match the hyperfine transition L 2c= at 8 Both the delay and its uncertainty shrink as the number of frequency !=2. Optical quality factor Qopt 10 of the 8 initial photons increases. Measuring the delay can then cavity and modulation depth 10 are assumed, yielding Nmax 13. indicate the number of initial Casimir photons. Tailoring Cas the atomic number can further distinguish the Casimir 6Li 23Na 87Rb 133Cs signal from superfluorescent pulses. In order for the super- radiant pulse to develop fully, the growth rate must exceed (GHz) 0.228 1.77 6.83 9.19 L (mm) 657 84.6 21.9 16.3 any decay process, which is primarily Doppler dephasing 16 14 12 12 T1 (s) 8:4 10 1:8 10 3:1 10 1:3 10 in the atomic cloud, and the atoms must remain in the cav 5 4 4 3 T1 (s) 3:2 10 4:1 10 1:1 10 8:0 10 interaction region for a time longer than the delay time. Nmax 6:4 108 8:2 107 2:2 107 1:6 107 Then superfluorescence will be suppressed relative to at T0 (ms) 10.1 9.1 8.5 8.3 Casimir superradiance provided that the atoms will be D TD (ms) 8.8 7.8 7.1 7.0 removed from the cavity after the expected Casimir delay P (W) 2:8 1023 1:7 1021 2:5 1020 4:6 1020 0 Cas time but prior to the superfluorescence delay T [obtained 13 13 13 13 D PSR (W) 1:9 10 1:9 10 2:0 10 1:9 10 with Nph 0 in Eq. (7)]. Experimental approach.—The Casimir photon popula- tion is allowed to reach saturation before introducing the tection speed, both microbolometers and heterodyne re- prepared atoms. The atoms can be trapped and cooled with ceivers are fast enough to resolve the shortest achievable standard magneto-optical techniques, optically pumped pulse. The difference in delay times is a few TSR and so to and then transported into the cavity via optical tweezers. suppress the superfluorescence, the atom transfer time out The existing photons then trigger a coherent pulse so long of the cavity should be at most TSR. Given that the transfer as the superradiant delay time is less than the cavity hold rate with optical tweezers is limited by the mechanical time. The direct use of an atomic beam is prevented by the drive moving the focusing lens to roughly 10 cm=s, corre- short interaction time available in this configuration. sponding to a transfer time of 100 ms in and out of the While, based on Eq. (6), it looks advantageous to increase cavity [36], the number of atoms required is Nat 6 the number of atoms, an upper bound is imposed by the 105, corresponding to a peak power of 2 1015 W. necessity to resolve the delay time as in Eq. (7). A major The key parameter in our scheme is the optical quality advantage of the proposed scheme is that outside the cavity factor. Assuming a relative error in the determination of the the atoms are effectively inert due to the long hyperfine delay time of 10%, a situation with Q 1 determines lifetime. Furthermore, the atoms are not resonant with opt the borderline for the temporal discrimination between the direct emission of photons at frequency originating superradiance induced by Casimir photons and superfluor- from antenna dipole irradiation due to the mechanical oscillation. escence, with a significantly improved signal for Qopt larger than unity. Quality factors of 108 [37] and 1010 The atom number, Nat, and the interaction time are the primary adjustable parameters. The maximum sensitivity [38] have been reported for open, Gaussian, superconduct- is obtained when the former is adjusted so that the super- ing cavities. While, as already mentioned, the transient radiant lifetime is comparable to the detector speed (or the decrease of the cavity transmission occurs on a time scale transfer speed for the interrogation technique) and the longer than the superradiant pulse, care must be taken to latter is slightly less than the superfluorescent delay time. minimize the losses introduced by the FBAR resonator as In Table I, we summarize the various time scales and well as ports to admit the atoms and monitor the rf power. photon production rates involved in our proposed scheme Scaling the size of existing resonators and dissipation of for hyperfine transitions of different alkali-metal species. heat are other issues to be carefully addressed. Given a Lithium is not a practical candidate due to the large cavity typical size of current FBARs of ’ 500 m2, increasing size, whereas cesium and rubidium require mechanical the FBAR to 1cm2 could adversely introduce additional frequencies not presently available. 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