

https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-021-00622-3 OPEN Coherently amplifying production from with a dense cloud of accelerating photodetectors ✉ Hui Wang 1 & Miles Blencowe 1

An accelerating photodetector is predicted to see in the electromagnetic vacuum. However, the extreme accelerations required have prevented the direct experimental ver- ification of this quantum vacuum effect. In this work, we consider many accelerating pho- todetectors that are contained within an electromagnetic cavity. We show that the resulting photon production from the cavity vacuum can be collectively enhanced such as to be 1234567890():,; measurable. The combined cavity-photodetectors system maps onto a parametrically driven Dicke-type model; when the detector exceeds a certain critical value, the vacuum photon production undergoes a phase transition from a normal phase to an enhanced superradiant-like, inverted lasing phase. Such a model may be realized as a mechanical membrane with a dense concentration of optically active defects undergoing gigahertz flexural motion within a superconducting microwave cavity. We provide estimates suggesting that recent related experimental devices are close to demonstrating this inverted, vacuum photon lasing phase.

✉ 1 Department of and Astronomy, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA. email: [email protected]

COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | (2021) 4:128 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-021-00622-3 | www.nature.com/commsphys 1 ARTICLE COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-021-00622-3

ne of the most striking consequences of the interplay Cavity wall Obetween relativity and the is the predicted detection of real photons from the quantum fi TLS defects electromagnetic eld vacuum by non-inertial, accelerating pho- Cavity mode todetectors. For the special case of a photodetector with uniform, linear acceleration a in Minkowski vacuum, the predicts that the detected photons are furthermore in a thermal * = ℏ π 1–5 * state with T a/(2 ckB) . However, to measure * * * for example a 1 K thermal photon temperature, a uniform * detector acceleration a = 2.47 × 1020 ms−2 is required, which * * * seems impossibly high for any current or planned tabletop * ** experiments. * * Given the difficulty in achieving uniform photodetector Flexing membrane accelerations of sufficient magnitude and duration, certain experimental approaches have instead considered that are accelerated nonuniformly by intense electromagnetic fields such that the are confined to a finite spatial volume. In particular, Bell and Leinass6 interpreted the observed spin depolarization of (s) undergoing uniform circular motion in a storage ring in terms of effective heating by vacuum fluc- Fig. 1 Cavity-accelerating photodetectors scheme. A two-dimensional x = L tuations (see also refs. 7,8). And Schützhold et al.9 showed that membrane (shown in crossection) located at x/2, midway between x = L fl oscillating electrons emit both classical (Larmor) and quantum cavity wall (mirror) boundaries at 0, x, undergoes exural vibrations x radiation, with the latter corresponding to the accelerating elec- normal to its surface in the -coordinate direction, resulting in the trons converting quantum vacuum fluctuations into entangled oscillatory acceleration of pointlike, two level system (TLS) photodetectors photon pairs. embedded within the membrane. An accelerating TLS can undergo a Motivated by the goal to enhance the detection of photons transition to its excited state level, with the accompanying emission of a from vacuum, a proposal by Scully et al.10 locates an accelerating photon into the cavity mode vacuum. A possible implementation might photodetector within an electromagnetic cavity; the idea- utilize a diamond membrane with nitrogen vacancy (NV) defect 20,23,24 fl lized, perfectly conducting walls of the enclosing cavity effectively centres furnishing the TLSs, where the exural vibrations of the modify the from Minkowki to a finite membrane are induced for example by piezoactuators (not shown). volume for the electromagnetic vacuum2. This finite confining cavity volume then necessitates a non-uniform, i.e., oscillatory acceleration, similar to the accelerating electron proposal of ref. 9; where the photodetectors are accelerating within a three- the photodetector atom is envisaged for example as attached to a dimensional (3D) electromagnetic cavity (as opposed to the piezoelectrically driven, vibrating cantilever structure. Another above 2D analogues) is still lacking. Despite the resonant gain recent relevant proposal11 considers a rapidly rotating, initially resulting from placing an accelerating atom inside a cavity10,11, excited atom in a cavity, such that the atom’s spontaneous currently achievable cavity quality factors, atom-cavity coupling emission is enhanced when the sum of the rotation and atom strengths, and mechanical oscillation acceleration magnitudes are splitting resonantly matches a cavity mode . insufficient for attaining measurable photon production from In these investigations, the electrons and atom photodetectors vacuum for a single accelerating detector. accelerate nonuniformly (in either direction or magnitude) and in In this paper, we describe a way to realize acceleration pho- contrast to the Unruh effect as conventionally defined3–5, the todetection from vacuum with a scheme that involves “many” predicted photon spectrum is not expressible as a thermal dis- oscillating photodetectors contained within a microwave cavity tribution with temperature given solely in terms of the accelera- (Fig. 1). Such a scheme may be realized by exploiting optically tion and fundamental constants12,13. Nevertheless, the effects of active defects that are embedded within a vibrating membrane entangled photon and photon detection from structure, such that the defects effectively function as accelerating vacuum are still direct consequences of the non-inertial motion of photodetectors. As one concrete example, we consider a gigahertz electrons and . (GHz) vibrating diamond membrane containing nitrogen In recent work14,15, we proposed close analogs of the vacuum, vacancy (NV) centre defects20. We shall take advantage of a oscillatory photodetection effect that involve coplanar, i.e., two- Dicke -like21–24, vacuum amplification effect due to dimensional (2D) superconducting microwave cavity circuit the collective motion of the many accelerating photodetectors. systems16. The photodetector is modelled alternatively as a har- While the possibility has been mentioned before to coherently monic oscillator14 and as a qubit15 that capacitively couple to the enhance photon production from vacuum using many accel- 2D cavity via a mechanically oscillating film bulk acoustic reso- erating electrons9 or detectors25,26, no such investigations have nator (FBAR)17; by increasing the FBAR plate area, a been carried out previously to the best of our knowledge. (Note, strong detector-cavity coupling can be achieved. Furthermore, however, the proposal of ref. 27 to amplify and hence detect cavity when the FBAR mechanical frequency matches the sum of the photons produced via the dynamical for an cavity mode and detector ground-first excited level split- accelerating cavity mirror through their superradiant-enhanced ting, the photon production rate from cavity vacuum is reso- interaction with a cloud of optically pumped atoms). nantly enhanced10 so as to be detectable. The use of an FBAR introduces an actual mechanical acceleration, in contrast to pre- vious circuit-based analogs where the accelerating photodetector Results is mimicked by an electromagnetically induced, time changing Cavity-N accelerating detectors model.Wefirst introduce our detector coupling18,19. model for a cavity field interacting with N ≫ 1 accelerating two level However, a feasible way to demonstrate "genuine" oscillatory system (TLS) photodetectors and show how the model maps by acceleration detection and production of photons from vacuum, approximation onto a simpler, parametrically driven Dicke-type

2 COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | (2021) 4:128 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-021-00622-3 | www.nature.com/commsphys COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-021-00622-3 ARTICLE

Hamiltonian28,29. Referring to Fig. 1,theN TLS detectors are where we assume a single mode approximation for the fi ω = ¼ assumed to be embedded within a two-dimensional membrane cavityqffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffield with mode frequency c ckc, kc fl material system undergoing driven, small amplitude GHz exural ð2π=L Þ2 þðπ=L Þ2 þðπ=L Þ2, and we truncate the anhar- vibrations in the x-coordinate direction (i.e., displacements normal x y z to the static, equilibrium membrane y–z surface), hence imparting monic oscillator detector state space to that spanned by the fi acceleratory motion to the TLSs’ centres of ; the GHz mem- ground and rst excited energy eigenstates with transition ω~ ~λ fi brane flexural motion may be actuated via piezoelectric transducers, frequency d and with TLS-cavity mode coupling de ned in = for example. The membrane is enclosed by a microwave cavity ‘box’ Supplementary Note 1. Here, we consider the (nx, ny, nz) (2, 1, 1) with volume V = LxLyLz and box dimensions Li ~ few cm. The cavity mode, which has a node at Lx/2 (see Fig. 1) resulting in a cavity dimension in the flexural motion (x coordinate) direction is first order dependence on oscillation amplitude A in the denoted as Lx, and the membrane is assumed to be located at the interaction term of Hamiltonian (2); if we were to instead use = = cavity midway point x Lx/2. We consider the following starting the (nx, ny, nz) (1, 1, 1) mode, the coupling would involve a model action for the combined cavity field-N detector system: cosine instead of a sine term and hence would be much smaller at Z Z ()"# second order in A. The cavity single mode approximation and N 2 3þ1 1 μ m0 dQi 2 2 g 4 detector two level truncation are justified under the condition of S ¼À d x ∂μΦ∂ Φ þ ∑ dτ À ω Q À Q ¼ i τ d0 i ! i V 2 i 1 2 d i 4 parametric resonance between the driven, flexural membrane Z Z N Âà frequency Ω and the (renormalized) detector and cavity mode þ λ ∑ τ 3þ1 ðτ ÞΦð ; !Þδ3þ1 μ À μðτ Þ ; m 0 d i d xQi i t r x zi i frequencies (see later below). Hamiltonian (2) accounts for i¼1 V relativistic time dilation for the accelerating TLSs through the ð1Þ presence of the reciprocal Lorentz factors dτ =dt ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiÀÁ i where the detectors, classically modelled by internal, one- 1 À ξ2sin2 Ω t þ ϕ , where ξ = Ω A/c, and may be thought = … m i m dimensional anharmonic oscillator coordinates Qi, i 1, N,are 28,29 linearly coupled to a 3 + 1 dimensional massless scalar field of as a relativistic, parametrically driven . ! With for example an achievable membrane flexural, micro- denoted as Φðt; r Þ that models the electromagnetic field within the Ω π 30 scale frequency m ~2 × 10 GHz and oscillation ampli- cavity. Equation (1) generalizes the starting action of ref. to −10 −8 tude A ~10 m, we have ξ = ΩmA/c ~10 and hence the include more than one detector, as well as assumed weakly time dilation factors can be safely neglected for potential anharmonic oscillator potential energy terms gQ4=4!. The latter i realizations. The sinusoidalÂà interactionÀÁ term can allows the detectors’ internal degrees of freedom to be truncated to Ω þ ϕ  then beÀÁ well-approximatedÀÁ as sin kcA cos mt i TLSs under parametric resonance conditions; while the harmonic Ω þ ϕ ¼ ω = Ω þ ϕ ω Ω oscillator detector model is beneficial for analytical calculations30,it kcA cos mt i cA c cos mt i ,andwith c ~ m fi under conditions of resonance, we see that the individual TLS is somewhat arti cial since no detector is purely harmonic, and in ~ particular results in an unphysical parametric instability beyond a detector-cavity coupling λ is effectively reduced by the ≪ critical field-detector(s) coupling14. The detectors are assumed to maximum TLS velocity-to- of ratio vm/c 1. have identical centre of mass rest frame internal harmonic oscillator Nevertheless, from a theoretical standpoint it is still interesting ω λ frequency d0, anharmonic coupling g, and coupling strength 0 to allow also for relativistic TLS accelerations in exploring photon between each detector’s internal degree of freedom and the cavity production when starting initially with the TLSs in their ground field. Possible, direct interaction terms between the detectors are not states and the cavity in its vacuum state. As we show just below, considered in our model; as we show later below, coherent even under conditions of extreme relativistic TLS motion, enhancements in the photon production from vacuum can occur as Hamiltonian can be mapped onto a much simpler, time- a consequence of the detectors coupling via the cavity field, pro- independent Hamiltonian (2) through a type of renormalized, vided the average spacing between neighbouring detectors is much rotating wave approximation (RWA), provided the TLS-cavity ~ smaller than the resonant cavity field mode . coupling λ is sufficiently small (see Supplementary Note 1 for the With the membrane undergoing driven flexural oscillations at details of the mapping). some frequency Ω , the centre of mass of the ith detector follows In particular, setting the phases ϕ = 0, we can describe the μ m ÀÁ i the worldline z ðtÞ¼ðt; L =2 þ A cos Ω t þ ϕ ; y ; z Þ, where A collection of N TLSs as a single N + 1-level system viewed as a i x m i i i = is the detector’s centre of mass acceleration amplitude and ϕi its large pseudospin vector of length j N/2, with the collective spin ϕ ’ z  ∑N σz= ±  ∑N σ ± phase. The phase i accounts for the fact that the membrane s operators given by J i¼1 i 2 and J i¼1 i . Expanding GHz flexural mode wavelength ( ~ few μm) is much smaller than the time-dependent terms in Eq. (2) and keeping only terms up to ≳ Ω the extent of the detector distribution ( few mm), so that second harmonics in m, the TLS transition frequency is ω ¼ ω~ individual oscillating detectors may be out of phase with respect renormalized as d dD0 and there is an additive frequency – ω~ ð Ω Þ ξ to each other depending on their relative separation in the y z modulation dD2 cos 2 mt , where D0 and D2 are -dependent plane. The ith detector’s proper time is denoted by τi, and its constants (defined in Supplementary Note 1). Imposing the Ω = ω + ω transverse centre of mass coordinates are assumed to satisfy yi ~ resonance condition m c d, we then transform the Ly/2 and zi ~ Lz/2. The latter condition allows the simplifying frequency renormalized, modulated Hamiltonian to theÀ rotating approximation that the transversely distributed detectors couple ð Þ¼ ω y þ frameÂà via the unitary operator URF t exp i ca at equally to the resonant cavity mode. Note that we adopt the iJz ω t þ ω~ D sinð2Ω tÞ=2Ω Þ. Applying the rotating wave η = − d d 2 m m Minkowski metric sign convention μν diag( 1, 1, 1, 1). approximation (RWA), we finally have that the relativistic, driven The action (1) yields the following model Hamiltonian for the Dicke type Hamiltonian (2) can be replaced by the following cavity-TLS detectors system in the rest frame of the cavity as much simpler approximate Hamiltonian: derived in Supplementary Note 1: N τ σz  _λð y þ þ ÀÞ; ð Þ ¼ _ω y þ _ω~ ∑ d i i H a J aJ 3 H ca a d i¼1 dt 2 ð Þ ÂÃ2  ÀÁ N dτ y λ ¼ 1 ~λ ω~ = Ω À þ _~λ ∑ i ðΩ þ ϕ Þ ð þ Þσx; whereÀÁ the coupling constant is 2 C1 J0 dD2 2 m sin kcA cos mt i a a i i¼1 ω~ = Ω Š ξ Ω fi dt J1 dD2 2 m , with C1 a , m-dependent constant (de ned

COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | (2021) 4:128 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-021-00622-3 | www.nature.com/commsphys 3 ARTICLE COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-021-00622-3

in Supplementary Note 1), and J0(z), J1(z) are Bessel functions of photon pairs produced from the vacuum via mechanical the first kind (not to be confused with the spin operators J±). pumping. Including cavity and detector damping and solving An actual microwave cavity will be lossy, while TLSs in their analytically the corresponding master equation for the above excited state will relax through photon and emission, bosonic Hamiltonian, the average cavity photon number in the † 2 2 with the latter decay channel a consequence of the TLSs long time limit is 〈a a〉 = 4γdNλ /[(γc + γd)(γcγd − 4Nλ )]. Note embedded within an elastic membrane. For the possible that the system exhibitspffiffiffiffi a parametric instabilitypffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi when the effective realization considered below, the dominant TLS relaxation coupling strength Nλ exceeds the value γ γ =2. While such 23,24 c d channel is through phonon emission , and since as mentioned an instability indicates a breakdown of the above H–P derived above the phonon wavelength is much smaller than the extent of approximation method, it does point to the existence of an the TLS distribution, we model the TLSs as coupled to = γ γ enhanced vacuum photon production phase for N > Ncrit c d/ approximately independent environments. We assume that the (4λ2) in the original cavity-TLSs model dynamics given by Eqs. cavity-TLSs system dynamics can be described by the following (2)–(4), where there is no such instability32. In the following Lindblad master equation: fi = γ γ λ2 analysis, we will continue to use the de nition Ncrit c d/(4 ) also for the independent damping master Eq. (4); as we show in i N ρ_ ¼À ½ ; ρŠþγ L ½ρŠþγ ∑ L À ½ρŠ; ð Þ Supplementary Note 2, a cumulant expansion analysis of this H c a d σ 4 _ i¼1 i equation establishes that Ncrit delineates different phases of photon production. where γ and γ are the cavity and individual TLS energy c d In Fig. 2a, we show for some example, illustrative parameters damping rates, respectively, and the Lindblad superoperator is y y y corresponding to N = 1, the dynamical behavior of the average fi L ½ρŠ ρ À 1 ρ À 1 ρ crit † de ned as A A A 2 A A 2 A A. Here, we suppose scaled cavity photon number 〈a a〉/N starting from the cavity that the environment temperature is small compared to the mode vacuum and with all the TLSs initially in their ground states ℏ ≪ ω ω frequencies of the cavity mode and TLSs (i.e., kBT/ c, d), at time t = 0. The solid line plots are obtained by numerically and also that each TLS has approximately the same damping rate; solving33 the Lindblad master (equation) (4) with the RWA for the possible realization with microwave cavity and detector Hamiltonian (3); the utilized numerical method exploits the fi frequencies of a few GHz, it suf ces to work at dilution fridge permutation symmetry of the density operator34, which reduces of a few tens of mK or below in order to be in this the size of the required for the TLSs and increases low-temperature regime. the accessible value of N up to around 20, depending on the parameter choices. The dashed line plots are obtained by solving Analysis of the model. The single cavity mode approximation in approximate equations for the non-vanishing first- and second- Hamiltonian (2) is justified provided the approximate resonance order moments derived from the master Eq. (4). We find Ω ≈ ω + ω fi 14 condition m c d is satis ed . This resonance condition dramatically improved accuracy as compared with usual fi ∣λ∣≪ω ω also justi es the RWA Hamiltonian (3), provided c, d. cumulant expansion approximation methods32,35,36, even for The advantage to working with the much simpler Hamilto- relatively small N, by instead setting certain fourth-order instead nian (3) is that the Lindblad master Eq. (4) can be solved of third-order cumulants to zero (see Supplementary Fig. 1). In numerically for up to 20 or so TLSs, while for the full, relativistic particular, with each of the TLSs giving an identical contribution time-dependent Hamiltonian (2), numerically solving the σz σ ± σz ≠ σz to the moment equations, we can replace i , i j (i j) with 1, Lindblad equation is only possible for less than around 10 TLSs σ ± σz σz ¼ 2 1, respectively. Furthermore, utilizing the identity 1 before the computational run times become excessively long. þ À 2σ σ À 1 and approximating that the fourth cumulants vanish, It is noteworthy in this respect that using the approximate 1 1 we obtain for example the following non-vanishing third moment Hamiltonian (3) in the master equation provides an accurate approximation (see Supplementary Equation S21): description of the average photon number dynamics even for h yσþσz i¼h yσþihσz iþ h yσþihσÀσþi ξ = Ω ≲ a 2 1 a 2 1 2 a 1 1 2 . Note that the latter relativistic TLS centre of mass motions with mA/c 1 (see Supplementary Fig. 1). Furthermore, for the assumed indepen- approximation contains an additional term involving products of dent TLS damping, the average photon number dynamics is second moments as compared with the usually employed, third ϕ ’ cumulant vanishing approximation32,35,36. relatively insensitive to the phase i-dependencies of the TLSs motions, justifying setting ϕ = 0 above (see Supplementary The purpose for using the above cumulant expansion i approximation is that the photon production from cavity vacuum Fig. 1). From now on, we will use Hamiltonian (3) in the master ⋙ equation (4). can be investigated for N 1, relevant for possible realizations, One analyical approach to solving the above master equation while the numerical Lindblad solutions for smaller N are useful (but with independent damping replaced by collective for validating the cumulant approximation, as well as giving a damping29–see below) begins with the Holstein–Primakoff more complete picture of the quantum dynamics. qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi As N increases above N , a burst peak of cavity photon þ y y À y crit (H–P) transformation J ¼ b 2j À b b, J ¼ 2j À b bb, production from vacuum appears in Fig. 2a that progressively which maps the collective spin operators J± to the bosonic grows in magnitude, narrows, and shifts to earlier times. creation and annihilation operators b†, b31. In the large j = N/2 Furthermore, the long time limit steady-state average photon limit, the collective spin of the N TLSs is approximated as a single number grows in magnitude. These features qualitatively 21,22 harmonicpffiffiffiffi oscillator, with Hamiltonian (3) mapped to resemble those of Dicke superradiance , although in the latter y _ Nλðayb þ abÞ. This coincides with the RWA Hamiltonian process the TLSs are initially prepared in their excited state and 37 that was used in ref. 14 to describe the oscillatory acceleration for the cavity in the . (Note that ref. considers the = a system comprising a photodetector coupled to a cavity effect on superradiance of N 6 uniformly accelerating, initially electromagnetic field in the single mode approximation, with excited photodetectors, which is different from the collective the detector’s internal degrees of freedom modeled as a harmonic enhancement effect for photon detection from vacuum oscillator, and the detector’s centre of mass oscillating at a considered here). frequency Ω that matches the sum of the cavity frequency and In order to get a better idea of the cavity mode-TLSs state, in m = detector internal frequency. This system describes a nondegene- Fig. 2b we show for N 15 the time dependence of the 38 rate parametric amplification process, with cavity-detector logarithmic negativity measure of entanglement EN between

4 COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | (2021) 4:128 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-021-00622-3 | www.nature.com/commsphys COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-021-00622-3 ARTICLE

Fig. 2 Dynamics of the model. a Evolution of the scaled cavity average photon number: 〈a†a〉/N; solid lines are the numerical solutions and dashed lines are the cumulant expansion approximation. b Evolution of 〈a†a〉/N (green solid line), Fano factor (purple dotted line), as well as the entanglement (logarithmic negativity EN –orange dashed line) for the N = 15 case. c Wigner function snapshots at approximate time instants indicated by vertical dashed lines appearing in Fig. 2b. The parameters are γc = γd = 0.02 and λ = 0.01 (in units ωc = 1), corresponding to Ncrit = 1. the cavity mode and TLS ensemble and also the cavity mode state dependence on TLS number N, as well as model possible y 2 y 2 y Fano factor ðhða aÞ iÀha ai Þ=ha ai in comparison with the experimental set-ups, we must go to the large Ncrit limit where it average scaled cavity photon number. The entanglement grows is not feasible to numerically solve the master Eq. (4). As an fi and reaches a maximum roughly when the Fano factor is a alternative, we can apply the approximate rst- and second-order maximum, while the entanglement is relatively small, although moment equations (see Supplementary Equation S22) that should non-zero, in the long-time limit. This non-zero entanglement become increasingly accurate in the large N limit, provided N is 35,36 growth from vacuum indicates that the cavity photon production not too close to Ncrit , and which can be straightforwardly and TLS excitation are correlated. Such entanglement probes are solved numerically for arbitrarily large N since the number of fi essential in potential future experiments in order to distinguish coupled moment equations is xed and small. correlated vacuum photon production and TLS excitation from We will assume in part the parameters of the 3D microwave possible radiative heating effects (for which the entanglement cavity-coupled nitrogen vacancy (NV) centre defect scheme of refs. 23,24, which observed signatures of Dicke superradiance21,22. between the cavity mode and TLSs vanishes). The Fano factor ~ gives partial information about the cavity mode state, in In particular, we consider a coupling strength λ ¼ 2π ´ 0:07 Hz, particular the photon number variance, and complements the corresponding to an NV defect coupling via its magnetic moment information provided by the cavity mode Wigner function to the magnetic field component of the considered cavity ω = π snapshots shown in Fig. 2c; these latter snapshots correspond electromagnetic vacuum mode with frequency c 2 × to the instants when the Fano factor reaches its peak, subsequent 3.2 GHz24. Assuming a diamond membrane flexural oscillation − trough, and long-time limit steady state. The photon production amplitude A = 10 10 m, the nonrelativistic coupling strength is λ ¼ ~λω =ð Þ : ´ À9 À1 from a vacuum burst corresponds to the cavity mode Wigner cA 2c 1 5 10 s . For the NV defects, the domi- function rapidly first spreading out and then forming a ring with nant relaxation process is through spin-phonon interactions with γ ≈ −4 −124 width close to that of a coherent state (characterized by Fano rate d 2×10 s . On the other hand, assuming a factor = 1), and eventually settling into a thicker ring in the steady realizable, superconducting microwave cavity quality factor = 639 γ = ω ≈ 4 −1 state due to environmental diffusion (with Fano factor > 1). The Qc 10 , we have c c/Qc 2×10 s . With these num- Fano factor and Wigner function plots help to characterize, for ¼ γ γ =ðÞλ 2  ´ 17 bers, we have Ncrit c d 2 4 10 ; the number N of example, how close the cavity mode state is to an effective thermal microwave field-coupled defects in the experiment of ref. 24 is in state (i.e., having a centred, Gaussian Wigner function with Fano 16 the range (0.36−1.5) × 10 , not far below this Ncrit value. factor > 1); in contrast to the usual Unruh effect involving a Figure 3a gives the first burst peak maximum and the long time uniformly accelerating detector, we see from Fig. 2c that the limit steady-state rescaled cavity photon number 〈a†a〉/N depen- vacuum generated, cavity photon state with its ring-like Wigner dencies on N/Ncrit. We observe clear evidence of a phase transition, function in the long-time limit is clearly non-thermal. This is not with the slope of average photon number dependence on N surprising given that the TLSs’ motion is non-uniform, i.e., changing sharply as N moves through Ncrit.Inparticular,inthe oscillatory. long time steady state, we obtain the following approximate analytical expressions well below and above N , respectively (see γ crit y N d À26 Supplementary Equation S24): ha ai¼ γ þγ  2 ´ 10 N⋘1 Possible implementation. In order to get a more quantitative Ncrit c d ≪ 〈 † 〉 = γ γ ≈ −9 ⋙ ≫ sense of the average cavity photon number dynamics scaling for N Ncrit,and a a N d/(2 c) 5×10 N 1forN

COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | (2021) 4:128 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-021-00622-3 | www.nature.com/commsphys 5 ARTICLE COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS | https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-021-00622-3

† Fig. 3 Photon production phase transition. a Scaled cavity photon number 〈a a〉/N versus N/Ncrit at the instant of the first vacuum photon production † burst peak (blue dots) and in the long time limit steady state (green triangles). b First peak value of 〈a a〉/N versus N/Ncrit for N ≫ Ncrit. c First peak inverse 4 −1 −4 −1 17 delay time 1/td versus N/Ncrit for N ≫ Ncrit. Assumed parameters are γc ≈ 2×10 s , γd ≈ 2×10 s , and Ncrit ≈ 4×10 .

Ncrit; we can clearly see that the average cavity photon number can be located within the 3D microwave cavity region, furnished generated from vacuum is negligible below and non-negligible by defects within a flexurally vibrating membrane. The above above Ncrit. While these steady-state average photon scale mentioned NV centre scheme for probing Dicke linearly with N, from Fig. 3b we see that in contrast the first burst superradiance23,24 is a promising direction, although larger cavity α α ≈ peak scales as N with 2forN > Ncrit (i.e., quadratically with N quality factors are required, as well as larger surface area diamond to a good approximation); the peak average photon number rapidly membranes that can be actuated into GHz frequency flexural grows in magnitude relative to the steady-state value with increasing motion. N above Ncrit.InFig.3c, we see that the delay td in the appearance While we have focused in the present investigation on a of this first burst peak starting from the initial cavity vacuum state microwave cavity-GHz oscillating membrane defect scheme, it is À1 becomes shorter as N increases, with the inverse delay td scaling worth considering other possible schemes as well that effectively linearly with N. incorporate many accelerating photodetector/emitter degrees of While these observed scaling dependencies for the first burst freedom. In particular, it would be interesting to revisit the peak of photon production from vacuum coincide with those for oscillating electron–photon pair production scheme of ref. 9, but Dicke superradiant bursts24, they are not properly a superradiant instead consider many electrons accelerating in a strong, periodic phase however32,36,40. In order to understand better the nature of electromagnetic field. Under conditions where the dominant this enhanced vacuum photon production phase, it is informative wavelength of emitted photon pairs is large compared to the to apply the unitary transformation U ¼ expðiπJx=2Þ to the average electron separation, we might expect a superradiant-like master Eq. (4); the RWA Hamiltonian (3) then transforms to the coherent enhancement of the pair production rate. Alternatively, Tavis–Cummings Hamiltonian H = ℏλ(a†J− + aJ+), which we might consider a cloud of atoms (i.e., quantum dipoles)44, involves co-rotating terms only, while the Lindblad operators although the challenge to impart sufficient acceleration magni- ’ LσÀ ½ρŠ are transformed to Lσþ ½ρŠ, with each TLS initial ground tude to the cloud s centre of mass would need to be addressed. i i – – state transformed to its corresponding excited state. The cavity- Furthermore, electron electron and dipole dipole interactions oscillatory TLSs system is thus unitarily equivalent to a would likely need to be taken into account; such interactions 44 Tavis–Cummings model with an incoherent . While the might result in quantum synchronization , where small initial latter model does not exhibit a Dicke superradiant transition, differences in the individual electron/dipole acceleration magni- fl which requires the presence of both co-rotating and counter- tudes and phases do not in uence the resulting coherent emission rotating terms of the Hamiltonian, it nevertheless exhibits a so- of radiation starting from the vacuum state. Finally, with the called "inverted lasing" (or "counterlasing") transition32,36,40. For long-sought goal to demonstrate the original Unruh effect, it this reason, the transition to enhanced acceleration detection would be interesting to investigate possible collective enhance- from vacuum may be thought of as a transition from a normal, ments of photodetection from vacuum for a dense cloud of detectors accelerating uniformly over a sufficiently long time incoherent phase below Ncrit to a coherent inverted lasing phase interval in Minkowski vacuum, such that the detected photon above Ncrit. spectrum is thermal to a good approximation. In conclusion, we have proposed a way to demonstrate photon Discussion production from vacuum as a consequence of genuinely accel- The challenge of any experimental scheme is to exceed the erating photodetectors. Our scheme involves a membrane with a threshold for coherent photon production from vacuum dense cloud of embedded NV defects (equivalently TLS photo- (equivalently the inverted lasing threshold32,36,40), which in terms detectors) undergoing driven, transverse flexural vibrations of the TLS number N is given by the condition within a microwave cavity, and modelled as a driven Dicke-type ¼ γ γ =ðÞλ 2 ’ N>Ncrit c d 2 . In order to reduce the size of Ncrit,we Hamiltonian. Under the condition of resonance, where the TLS s require microwave cavities with large quality factors, TLSs with centre of mass acceleration frequency matches the sum of the small damping rates, and large TLS-photon coupling strengths λ. cavity mode and internal TLS’s transition frequency, the system One way to enhance λ is to reduce the microwave cavity volume, Hamiltonian considerably simplifies via the RWA, thus allowing for example by utilizing 2D coplanar microwave cavities41–43. for an accurate analytical solution using a cumulant expansion However, this creates challenges for locating a sufficiently large approach. When the number N of TLS defects exceeds a critical number of TLSs within the microwave cavity region. On the other value Ncrit, the system undergoes a transition to an inverted lasing hand, while achievable λ couplings for 3D microwave cavities are phase, signalled by a ‘burst’ peak in the average cavity photon a few orders of magnitude smaller than what is possible for 2D number that scales as N2, yielding significantly enhanced, col- coplanar cavities, correspondingly much greater numbers of TLSs lective photon production from vacuum.

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