Monday, August 11,1913. ut"4M\ 4MmwmW,AmM a 'mo^mT%S^^W',m Sra§TAOOMAITIMESI AllLocal and Foreign Sport page Sport Features .Shown in and Baseball News THE TIMES ;SPQRT No Other Tacoma Paper JOE BONDS AND FRANK FARMER SETTLE DIFFERENCES AT CENTRALIA TONIGHT Bonds and Farmer to Meet at Last £;•\u2666\u2666' y -Zy.iz.AAA'y AAA ~ \u25a0*-* LUCKLESS BEAVERS GET IT '*•\u2666\u2666'.« '-.'"\u2666\u2666•=\u25a0 AAA 'iiAAA/f AAA "' BENGALS HOME Centralia Will fie Scene of Mill THE CHICKEN y AAA yyAAAyy, .' \u2666 \u2666 AAAyyy\A AA;yiiA'A'A'y^ \u2666\u2666* *»\u2666\u2666 \u2666A A PART OF WEEK FILLS SPACK RIGHT of the WHERE Owing to the vagaries has over in schedule, the Tigers will be Gunboat Smith triumphed Jim Flynn en alleged box. forced is not anything with news value, but It Difference inftthe Fighters to skip lively hither and yon be- fight. This leaves lew to Much write. - twixt Victoria and oar fair city «, OLD this week. The first two days • • • • • • IKE he again—that is, EOT says may THE LITTLE Professor fight they are here; then they go to Reed re-enter the \u25a0'; :";f BY JAMES W. EOAN^^; ring once more. Even his blttere at foe would never call diim guilty ' the Dee city for four days, return- " Becoming peeved over the fact that they had lost ing here Sunday. Iloth teams are of fighting. going there •*••• two whole games during the week the Bengals yes- now good, and should • WASTED EFFORT. be a battle royal for first position Trying basernnners how to get around terday sailed into Messrs. Ingersoll, Doty and Har ln tlie second division. to tell some the cushions is like throwing apples into an orchard. stad until they had snared 11 large ones, while the Seattle willreturn to the band- • • •-.' »\u25a0 • • box lot for a series with the Pittsburg bought Pappa decrepit visitors from Vancouver were getting two. Colts, who exceed- We are informed that to maintain the Portland are dignity of age, but as It happens, Pappa is not a "pappa* 'at all. Stanza five was the voluminous inning for our pets. ingly apt to take the wind ont of the Tilikums unless they brace • ••••• They piled up six counts in this session. i up. REAL humor . In the Tacoma tennis matches we have observed that the Ingersoll started in to pitch for Bob Mike Lynch and his sorrowful net "Watch Me" results always counted for most. What's that racquet? • , MrC>lnger- Indians will return home to take Brown, but it» soon became^evident that on the Beavers. • •••*• What Mike will They .say tennis harder game you f_i6ll^was\ nothing kind. There was as league do is a than football, but will doing of ' the do to the leaders is prob- not notice many young ladies playing football. much difference between: his pitching yesterday and , lematical. • » • • • • Tuesday as ; there is between the secretary of SOB STORY last Danny Shay has been released by Helena. Danny must be get* state and Scotch • and' soda. IThe little brother to a OLYMPICS WIN ting in that one-boss "Shay" class. clock was : and wild and wooly Doty sent ...... derricked/ Seeing the eager way the National league let out old friend in. It was a hot afternoon, though, and Doty was FROM SPERRYS Orvie Overall depart, we are Inclined to be of the opinion Orvie wu grieved ; having to work, so he cut his stay short. In a close game at Athletic not getting "Overall" the stuff he used to. at park yesterday morning, the Then the local lad, Harstad, sauntered in and was Olympic Club defeated the Sperry • • IMPORTANT• • - * itenderedr a great reception, especially by the Ben- Drifted Snow team 7to 6. Andy Romeo Hagen says he has a notion to go to Australia. Romeo Nelso.i,; the crack hurler of the does not say if he is able to swim. gals. And the Cats kept making runs. Sperrys, did not arrive until late, \u0084.-• by • . * * • • \u0084-• Am MontMost otof the playing done by thetlie and Whiley, who went ln the box IfBreeze had lost out in base ball we might have said that he Fathers of the G. A. B. yesterday OffA A ?> # \u2666 \u2666 \u2666 \u2666 \u2666 \u2666 \u2666 to begin the game, was found for "Breezed," but since it happened in tennis, we are up against it. , only \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 _ was of a minus quality, the Ay-.< A* four runs by the Olympics. In * * » S •'pep" ' being , Injected by : Eddie \u2666 NORTHWESTERN *_.*__IGUH » all but one inning after he got • PERCHANCE * * \u25a0 -Kippert. In the sixth frame- Jerry \u2666 y-^aqgg_- \u25a0 When Joe Bonds and Frank into the game Nelson held Eddie They say a peculiar but . Fottrell has service, that means it is not Girot, who was lobbing his port- \u2666 Yesterday's Kesaltn. • Farmer meet In the ring r.t Cen- Geehan's men helpless. Woig, the of much service to his opponents. \u25a0 '- | side slants over for ns. carelessly A Tacoma 11, Vancouver 2. •A tralis tonight a long-dis- crack southpaw of the club, was _ - Kip's of puted • • * • • • \u25a0hied the pill at dome A Spokane 5, Portland 2. A question of supremacy will knocked out the box. Babe a tennis player up *y'-y-y of When bum runs against a good one, a person 'atbouutiU"'yy*y/« ... A- Victoria 1, Seattle 2. be settled, and it will undoubted- Hartman succeeded him. might observe that the B. P. is apt to "court" disaster. yy. Now,: Kip is a quiet cuss ordi- \u2666 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0/ yyy-. ..yy-^n\z ly he one of the hottest mills ever The feature of the game was eeaema narily. - palled | : He is about as talkative » "Standing of the Clubs. » off in Centralia town. Nelson's terrific line drive to the A mixed is something that gets by in tennis, but it never £ as 'Joe McGinnity when interview- « Won. . Lost. Pet c Farmer is in great shape,' says deepest corner of the centerfieid does in baseball. ed. But he did not like the idea \u2666 Vancouver .70 47 .598 - A word from Centralia, and Bonds fence, which only an injured foot . sphere ) hurled at • I' ofIhaving J the t A Seattle ....67 51 .568 A was never more fit In his life. kept him from making a home One of••••the tennis players was named Brain,• go nobody can say regarding \u25a0 sconce, with much Each of the men would- give \u25a0 v,. "... his It A Portland ...61 49 .«55 A • ; yy- 1 - run on. . that it isn't an intellectual game. affection, unlike many iball play- ...55 everything they had to win, so it - I A Victoria 63 .466 A ON v THE LEFT, FRANK FARMER; ON THE RIGHT, JOE * | ers, 3 who ; like to > be. * on the A Tacoma. ...53 66 .445 A win be a battle from I the first BONDS.—PHOTO BY E. A. PETERS, TIMES PHOTOGRAPH 1 head, as ( they know < that \u25a0Is one A Spokane .. .43 73 .371* round until the very last. $ place i they cannot •he hurt. Not A/ \u25a0 :\u25a0\u25a0*. Farmer and Bonds differ in Kipyyyy/y- " \u2666 U'herw' many .ways.' is pe- so y i-y/y *--• They Play Today. \u2666 Farmer a, \u25a0 She Swam you , gangling.' clubfoot- He With ; v "Why, A Victoria culiar sort of chap. is not River at Tacoma. A Limbs Bound ed * Hooaler,- you jlnfinitesmal mi- A Vancouver at Spokane A very talkative | about his . fights, AAA <$> \u2666«><» s> <$.s> AAA <&«><& \u2666>\u2666\u2666 <3><3> Icrobe, have ia Icare! l««t I.*smite \u2666 yr&c-ii- Portland at Seattle.- and rarely says anything about SHORT SPORT NEWS thigh," uttered Mr. 'y training experiences. and '-\u25a0-- ...; \u25a0 1 thee hip A ..-• '.':.' :• yy .v'L-'k, .;..:\u25a0' .-\u2666• his . - .1 -\u25a0::\u25a0\u25a0' *,-(\u25a0[-*,?-..- t-j.iiil,';>» Kippert '\u25a0 pleasantly. V//y?-'' »\u25a0\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666*••\u2666• \u2666 \u2666 A A 0 -He does not take training ser- .. Martini, the star of Lee Strait seems to I have fallen \u25a0y? Jerry looked puzzled and again iously, as far as that is concerned, Ihe Walla Walla club,. who Is off in his hitting of late. Ths Likes To Do What eonning-tower Others Cannot Ibroadsided for the . and often arouses the ire of his noted for his home runs, has been big slugger is not whanging out |of I Mr. Kippert. t The jwar club handlers by bis indifference. purchased for the ; Seattle club. those frequent four-baggers. • million unsophisti- 1 left the 1latter's .. hands a . jHe is a singularly : Homebody is going, and while we -, Zi ' I miles a Iminute and shot jto deep SEATTLE HNALLY cated young man, and shows that .predictions, it looks as short. Kip > may \ have 'y genially he has spent most of his life in It Roy. Shaw was due for a . stay While everyone' knows Meek * tried to kill Mr. Girot, or perhaps the open, a direct contrast to Joe on the bench. and -Delmas are the prise clouters I be iwas Imerely .^ scaring :• him >, to WINS A BALL GAME Bonds. .-yy'. \u25a0 z ....s of the Bees, the work of Bert i4uuiih:i\-yyy-ii''-'-i''--.y-'yy He is as strong as a bull, and Delmas should not be '•. Mclvor, overlooked. At this Juncture, J. Toman ln- pac_B a terrificwallop in his right Kid the young southpaw Tlie ex-Coast league pugnacious personality SEATTLE, Aug. 11.— a very mitt, be uses almost hurllst of the Tillkums. has been .stings the ball hard and often. I aerted his exciting which exclu- | Into the affray, i 10-inning struggle the sively. In his fights. He very sel- sent to Walla Walla. y; Ttlikums nosed out yes- fight F-Z&.VI \u25a0 prithee, Osbertacute, to get the Bees dom uses the port wing. He is The between Joe Bonds \u25a0- terday,- after Ed Kippert is hitting the ball Whence,'.' he said softly. ':':'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 the latter had won not ; much of a boxer as far as and Frank Farmer should be a lag "Eh?" | contributed | Kippert. g \ < six straight games. Both Kelly cleverness goes, but depends like a fiend. y .. ;..".-'_ rousing mill. , :y -. "Wiegetz." declared y Jimmy. and Narveson pitched magnificent mainly on his strength and stam- the life on ,the ex- ball. - - ; ina, '-y' \u25a0 ;,S z . No wonder -there ls some kirk .'- The young Stellacoom gardener i "You for quiet 'yy- .... -' - . ,' .' -'".R;H ... over the release of Ote Doc I_mhani, a Is terior. Buenss noshes'." ' E Joe Bonds is a very different i Crandall looks to be natur- the outfit of Beav- Seattle . . ,2 9 1 miller. He Is fast on his to St. Louis by the Giants. It is al hitter, even if he is not a na- Thea whole '.'.*.;'...:."..; sort of haul lurk v icrowded around {James iand Victoria y'l-iZ 4 1 feet, shifty and clever at blocking to be bilked out of a tural . »" ers f Batteries; -\u25a0 told him bow little he knew in as Kelly ..-* and * Wally, and other little arts of the ring share of world series' money. many words ; possible. While Cadman; Narveson and Shea. game. :. -.' Buddy Ryan is kept on the I as . i -\u25a0•-." good many ' I this | interesting event was trans- He takes his training very ser- A people are pick- bench now by the Cleveland man- ing to gonfalon agement. \u25a0 . piring, ; majesty offz the law iously, and goes about work- Portland win the The reason would be the his this year. t .-..---- \u25a0-..-.\u25a0 -....-,...; :: % took 8 Kippert by the hand .; and M'CORRY outs in a thoroughly businesslike, kind of hard to define. J*gently led \ him; tar, far , from • the BEATS fashion, as more than one spar- maddening crowd. .W. v.--'•"'"-*• ring partner can testify sorrow- 7' And then we once more settled PORTLAND COLTS fully. Joe is also quite husky, How The American Flag We j packg down to dull routine. ','".\u25a0-\u25a0 "y \u25a0 and has no bad habits. He • •>••• a knockout wallop said to be fully Waving Into Mexico ";..^7 The Bees are here for a couple : PORTLAND, Aug. 11.— as efficacious as that carried by of days, and there is going,to he McCorry made his : debut in a the Kapowsln logger. Ie Ibattle royal betwixt these two Spokane . uniform yesterday and ""' Great Interest ls being display- .teams, take our- _ word for. It-.y won his game handily, 5 to 2. fight and it is predicted ed in the the left Miss Claire Farry is light He made three hits banner crowd' will be At Because the bothered her himself. Fitz- a on hand. sitting on a float with her she swam moat of the distance gerald. \ Colt caetoff, was; largely Practically, every, shown I automobile in hands and feet tied before with her eyes Shut. ;> -. responsible for the Indian victory the city is engaged for tonight. Just Times Box Score i \u25a0-yy 'S-RjH she started on her successful at- "Hello, Sis! Hello, Mums!" \u25a0/\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 E Two other Tacomans, Joe Hen- tempt to swim ' the Willamette she called |as she crawled onto Spokane \u25a0 - Vanc'v'r. AB \u25a0 R HPO IA E ...... i..... 5 10 3 nessy and Dummy Clansmen, will river. The second picture the landing. "Well, It!" Portland .."....*.'...... — 2y 8 2 probably be seen in the prelim- shows I've done Brinker, If 6 0 1 1 0 .. 0 ßatteries: McCorry and her in the water. The last view As soon as the bandages were Bennett. 2b ;**s;*0.;1: 1/ 3 2 i Han- inaries. ,'\u25a0•: shows the start. With bound cut the girl dove into deep water I nah; May* and King. ;, oy- ' . Kippert. cf t.'HUOy 2; 4 5.1 ~ 0 "'•' -~~~. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- hands raised high above her head, and swam about vigorously, Just 00 a"' "" - v a Schultz, rf :r.f 2fi o*oo ; she is poised for the plunge. to show that she was stillfit. Frisk, rf-cf .401201 11 National League I 5 "Eighteen ' months I ago I IMeMurdo, lb '4KOf. 0y 9 '-* 1"' 0 HOSE iAND LAWHI o* . ; PORTLAND,' Ore., Aug 8. couldn't swim a stroke," said IHelster, 3b / 0 '.' 1:•. o;f9 I< 3 Won. Lost. Pet.• Dressed in a boy's bathing suit— Miss Farry. "A year ago I swam 150 ?7%3 ;;f \u25a0 • Scharnweber. 4 0 1* 3-. 0 -0 V MOWERS New York .....71 32 .689 and bound hand and .foot. Miss across the river and today I have DRUMMERS' SAMPLE lewis, c 2fl1 .\u25a0 0 -; 4yl y0 Philadelphia ....61 37 . .622 Claire Farry, 15 years old, accomplished SUITS f.'tr.% .; recent- a feat that no one Grindle, c ;f:';'ii^oyi':'oi--o!:--o Washington Chicago . ... 55 49 .529 ly swam COO. yards across the else has ever performed, ONE-THIRD OFF Pittsburg ....; 53 ',48 .525 I like |ln_»rselV!ppf2*ini:;o','-o^o 1 TOOL « CO. . Willamette river in 14 minutes to do things that other can't 0 ; HARDWARE Brooklyn 44 55 girls i*Ooty,.s,P^*.^l*?ojso ••*. 0:-,0 ...... 444 and 10 seconds, outdistancing an do; my main for a^mmmmmmmm^mmmmmmmmmmm mmmmm.m^^ 805t0n )'... .42 ,59 . . .416 expert that's reason PITZENS' IHsrstad^p^l^O^O^OjiOyo .... man swimmer r swimming bound hand and foot." tAMM I'srlflr Aye. ;:.".•.*.' \u0084 \u25a0^7:.;-. .t'i 7; - 7.-7-, -.y.^.yfy,_m!:;.j...y... r-.7.^ Cincinnati 42 65 .393 .yy fy-,. 5, By of Totals 38 'ii3.:; 9 .24S 8»U 8 th* vi* media. St. l Loula^r..y.4l*- 64 y. .390 ;A 'rmMMmm\^ '\u25a0". taal hertviherb, and roots Tacoma. «* AB •R-H.:PO B - _\u25a0 knownknown for their re-re* \u25a0 \ B^ Hensling. SB*V| 4 y 2 ;\u25a0 1 y 3 • 3 l l _\u25a0 \u25a0 * marVabl*martrabl* curescure* la y Brooklyn 3, St. Louis o. !'.iSss&; ? V \u25a0 special :N. M. 5 2y iy •a \u25a0 China, wow* ar*ara ibletbl* - New York 6, This . photogra|SK Correspondent Walker, •_ Million, If o*;o \u25a0 Cincinnati4.-- fSWf'jMP'gsywawi .. «' _\u25a0_\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 to absolutely . curecar* shows the.United States, stale~department automobile carrying the Fries ef ... . 5 0 3:3^ 0.0 euch allmsata a* ~ flag ln Bryan, M -'•- r-y"-.yi:" ,"; American which EdWfcEj secret agent of the govern- Harbison, lb ;4 % X'H 0 9 1%0 mm mW Catarrh. Deaf nee a. m': —-- a ment, dyer 5 1 0 4.0 ;.; \u25a0 Asthma, » Skin v Dla- drove to Chihuahua CjK the northern Mexico desert, de- Neighbors^ rf 0 ' American League 1 J .* \u25a0 Seaaes. Rheumatism, _.11 Mf livered the demand of Preaf*|entjWilson to the Mexican government Keller. 2b . . 4 +'iXX:2':-- *\u25a0"\u25a0'* 0 ______§ ______Appendicitis, Heart for the release of j Charles BSeS/'B Roland Mar-Donald Ray McMullin, 3b • 3 pzl% 1•; 1 3:0 _t__\\\W \u25a0 Trouble. .Kidney y-zy .yyiizyrWonon.' Lost.LoStyPct.Pet. and Bar- •^^\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0S Complaint, ate. i- ren,, the three Americans in gu .son at Chihuahua City and under > Philadelphia ....71 33' " iHsrrl».lei?-7:^4^iy2.-:2yi:;;0 5 The : remedies |we us* - ar* obe*' .683 sentence to. be executed foaflf-hasing papers from Ithe trevolutionary {^^^flßjnftAMMaS A Few Reasons Girot, lately i aoa-polaoaoua 1 and positively Cleveland r:y. .'.'. 65 /.'- 43 /. .602 junta in p/^jii^y_tyy2yo/o do not . El Paso to the rebel .leaders in the south... The':news dis- Why We Should Ilnalcantata \u25a0maraury.n.-^-^-^i^.'J .-'• Be • . Washington '. --y«..--y\u25a0*:.\u25a0 7, and right banking policy' i^ ' 3..1 .7^.a*ir*.±?,. --*#zi-y y-.^-z.yyry.. " ' »«CA*casj hay* i ;pert, Ingersoll.'. Two > base hits New Yorkr..'."... 34 >y, 66 /; .340 S*ift««_t_i"'' To'"-B _.aa'_.-_ -\u25a0we . - the Scharnweber, Friek. • most modern and - that determine the i. value ' Three base «*3ra»_sf,***Ours•/.;*•Is .WWvlBetter equipped office -In -the bits—McMullin, Girot. Sacrifice a*! Jyili m\ muk.9 rl 1 11 h -I_ /: Washington 6,} 1. Si of a bank i Cleveland \u25a0 as the. place for '„ , n ;,-"« -y bit—Hensling. Credit loss to In- *-' - - -- - — - KENTUCim^UORS! "< :yyy\-: y '•'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 the keeping your: .'\u25a0\u25a0'/ Incorporated v\u25a0 ''hive the l safe ,' of,; gersoll. Struck out—-By Girot 2, | |T»com^^l_vdU_i_iapolis ':'*;.'; 'OCHtISfrVVVUU9UJ . \u25a0\u25a0CA-OSB^welargest dental business Doty by \u25a0 . - Iby 2, Ingersoll 13mBases \u25a0j Tbe- reelect mat tlar.t mar illPacific' Coast League WHOLESALE DEALERS >ijiy namagera'^y *'*:\u25a0,n th* ,Nortl""« y funds. Twenty-five [ years "\u25a0\u25a0 IN /\u25a0/ on bells—Off 2, \u25a0 \u25a0*\u25a0**—>* m* Ik* *****.f»-W««~t«( \u25a0 i if WINES AND i'l Girot off Doty kiosrr soi/no' tain oaii.r m yyDH. BURNS, y 'you 1, Ingersoll \u25a0 « •.:;• ,/„ , yy \u25a0 —Won.- Lost.. —«Pet - " rr?r.r.*.*r:64iy- •;;;• Gold D-lllln-. m. veraal \u25a0 Dock. 7:o*. 1.00, U.SS a. m. Venice 66 .492 ? Platinum %". •• •* •••• "P*^ '.-:-\u25a0> written guarantee business and wide popu- I I «». »:•* »-«, » »*, M p. a*. Oakland S"T?f.'T.;63-T^67;y **_*•Family Orders Solicited and Promptly I .... ; Filling. ..v.*;;.*. JSi y Inaiirlne; you dental \u25a0 !.«:,^-..« atrfaur. *»Asiiß-aae'--vi*>_: .485 •* -y-y*'\u25a0 • ly *«"*•---*;.• '"'y -\u0084,-• larity \u25a0 61V >66 \u25a0\u25a0 ' " EXAMINATIONS AND I' -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-/\u25a0 \u25a0-. of tuwnt Tvnr* see s&a£t San' Francisco IT. .480 *^y^t^':^';tAttendeid-to.'. \ ',/'\u25a0;,'/ nRC*"M' we Ii^KSteamer every two hour*, aad \yyyy:y?^ free live up to 1, estimatesfiaay every promise and do \u25a0B. 8. \u25a0 iroquela tor Seattle J and 102-4-6 810 So.) 14th St Main 113. :.i.,.v*^wauiT*S.HAß,py^'..-.VWI* nil').' ******_ as *dally. ..San Francisco 3-4, Sacramento ; Telephone -: ..m we advertise..* \u0084 \u25a0 Victoria at ( a. m. ... * \u25a0 \u25a0:;*"-v s. ;a.i idkm*,« am***. ,»l, 2-7. ;,v^-y-''^.:::/ No Bar in Connection. 'OPEN SATURDAYEVENINGS - y " \u25a0atCAWasi cur ; prices are National Bank. W joffice Municipal Pock. M. Ntg 1, •\u25a0'-: ' Angeles • 3-4. FOB ' "*\u25a0»• lo 'very •'* Los 7-0. Oakland . PEOPLE WHO WORK : I*,. : on•• \u25a0 - ~* LiMen or poor. . ''y/y'\u25a0\u25a0 **./?/yy/y Portland 2-4, Venice 3-2. M\u25a0V \-7mmWm.T.y ' . Commerce^ - \u25a0•\u25a0-' ""'/i. \u25a0 ''/y