Refinementto Meet the Every Style and Material, Specially Designed She Was Formerly the Property of at the End, Which Put Him About Two in BAD WAY Addriiige
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tttt: mottxtno oirrnoxiAX. Saturday, marcii wi2. ple generally feel favorable to such a ijiriibla t'nlverslty and all the teams have been over the course one or two league. acquainted with the BURNS KNOCKS OUT TAKEN BY Kach team must start the season 17 COLTS PLAY IN limes and arc HOLIDAY with a salary limit of route. with l::.00. llO'l Portland Academy and Washington The and gate receipts to be divided 4i anil yesterday 43. and with a sinking fund of 10 per High held their final runs nr.t. It Is belleveil the league can bo while Jefferson anil Lincoln held theirs FRAYNE IN NINTH BEAVER HOPEFULS put on a profitable business basis. a week ago and Columbia will hold Its TEiN SACnD GUI last one Monday. In all probability. Keynote YV ! T. K. ATKINS liKTS NKW lOIJ Washington will have a number of the men th-i- t won the event back In of all the run. which insures that school Stllclto Keen Kutlrr I - Purclinscd against coming In last at any rate. In LOCH tho FranciM-o- . The first five that finished Bout So Wicked San Francisco at San Nick Williams Uses Plenty of Portland Academy run yesterday after- I Pitchers Work at Covering Stiletto Keen Kutter. the first prlxe noon are Henney. Kurtz. Wllmot, Walk- Police Are on Verge of smart clothes is bu'l-terrl- er bitches at the Men but Senators Pile er and Lookwood. Washington finished i Morning winner for - First in Hard Golden Gate Kennel Clubs dog show In the following order: Nelson, Wind- Kiley, Stopping It. i last week, has been bought by Frank Up 18 Scores. nagel, Wilson. wards, Mcrall, Practice. K. Watkins, who returned from ,an Laphan. McDonald. Troy and Itunquist. Francisco yesterday, and wi'l be seen Indnagle and Nelson were neck and Kennel Cleh's show, neck the greater part of the course. at the Portland by April S to Nelson coining In first a short spurt refinementto meet the every style and material, specially designed She was formerly the property of at the end, which put him about two IN BAD WAY Addriiige. who had the cliam- - PORTLAND GARNERS SIX feet ahead of the second man. JOHNNY IS yonnpr taste as well a j PLAYERS LOUNGE IN CAMP KUward by demand of the man of fastidious bull-terri- er Kdgecoto Peer, the Lincoln High will be represented pion modest requirement for subdued and harmonious winner of the 1 nlted states champion- Smhh, Beach. Harkson, Newhoff and for the ship at the Philadelphia show in ISOii. Hamlin, the winners of the tryout held eleoanee all of them distinctive and smart. Oct acquaint- The winner of the Golden Gate spe- last Saturday. Hremner. the captain of Soiu.d Knd l.o.-- e the cross-countr- y team, was barred by Friinkle Literally Cut Opponent's ed wit li the new beauties for Easter, at ! cial prlxe regardless of class. Northwestern Leaguers lo Nol McKay Captain ftorisrr Tliink Ansele Sonihrrro, owned by Mrs. George C. h small technicality and Tuerck, - was I H Hall, Cans, who would have done the Face Into Ribbons- Loser Has Men Kilje Israel, of Olytnpia, Wash., which teen e oT Fniliire to Hit and ! S Tram fnifcrraled mi shown year, probably will be en-tre- d team much good, according to the opin- thirty-fiv-e last Ml.-'laec-d. One Round in Which He twenty to -- l;lov.s Are tans, were all for Opening Game Asa i n t In the cont m here again. He hut ions of a number of the dogs as the Bull shut off the team because they failed Knocked Oakland Lad Down. I has defeated such KihMe Stlt kinj; Well. Hilton's Sqnnd. Khartoun. Tallas Dasher, the fox ter- to show for the first elimination run. New York shows, Jefferson held Its elimination run two Where rier champion of the y. ami the Boston terrier Sir Barney Blue, weeks ago and the six best were ling-le- you owned by Miss Jennie Crocker of San Harmon, Thurman, Giser. Swain ington. repu- ild-- r. was a 29. get Mateo, and other dogs of National SACKAMKNTO. March 2? (Special.) and Jefferson little SAN FRANCISCO. March Frankie I BY nOJl'OE KAWCETT. in this event last year, but ex- Burns, of Oakland, out Johnny the tation. Nick Williams sent 17 of tils Portland weak knocked ; March ::. pects strong Saturday. SANTA MARIA. Cal.. sijllad against the Sicra-ment- o to show Frayne.. of this city, in the ninth best.." (.Special.) Walter MrCredir'a rortlsnrt Northwestern round of their scheduled bout K OHGAMZKH Coast League aggregation today MADE-TO-OEDE- STATK I.KAC.I NOT , tonight. R SHIRTS. i champions are enjoying aurh excellent " when cannonading had ccasc-d- at Dreamland Rink WE SPECIALIZE IN FINE and the so . the I one-ha- day's IS The fight was wicked that vhyilcal condition that lf the Double A men showed tallies on verge stopping t F'.nter Tcum. B hoys only succeeded LINCOLN ATHLETES WIN police were the of rest u prescribed for them today. All Aberdeen llefues to while the Class It when Burns knocked his man com- ! In registering six Tha Beavers tr feelln their oats, limn Still Have Hope. times. pletely out with a right hook to the and while a duct storm sort of swayed Chris Mahoney worked thn entire jaw. :!.- -'- Spe- Innings for Sacramento. with decision In favor of the holiday, rilEIIALIS. YVusli.. March nine Burns literally cut his opponent's tha Washington Cheek on the receiving end. The line- game out-of-to- will had a rnralnz. cial.) Org.'inixatlon of the face Into ribbons. Frayne had one land. The first the diamond stars rest State League was blocked this after- up represented the team that will fuse VANCOUVER TRACK TEAM IS sent be played May 1, while the dates for J - round the fifth in which he This mornin- Manager McOredie and noon owing to word being received Vernon next Tuesday In the opening MOREINGTURNSOUTLAW others have not been set. to with a hook to the m atten-- League season here. 7 2 TO 3 0. Burns the floor left m Captain Rodsers rav especial i from Aberdeen at tue last moment fiat series of the Coast HKATEX, the chin. to the pitchers. I'Uttlnz them tho I arbor city would not come In. The Armstrong, l):iley and Gross served Buckman defeated Shattuck yester-da- v tlon - on Gray's off. rings Referee Kddie Graney declared all mrnuih a strenuous course of Instrur- unsettled labor conditions for N!c! Williams nnd their bets off before the contest began be- on the East Twelfth and Davis dd Tw o runs ' tlon on how to cover first base on Harbor was given as tlie cause.' A. were liberally swatted. home Portland Boys Take Nine Firsts; Op- cause of the preponderance of the field. 10 to 5. work-han- d of MAX BOLTS MtOM i grounders hit to their side. was present for Chehalis at were netted, togeiher with a galxxy money. STOCKTON' run in tor ions by the Sacra- Moving Burns Mac even makes the flinders meeting. Mitchell Harris hits of all lienoniinat ponents Pictures There has been a world of bitter CLASS C CIRCUIT. f.nry curves and paranoias. "Pon't Olympia. and ". S. Gilchrist for C mento sli.ggers. Harris. Wilson and ' PROPOSED " feeling Burns and Frayne for across to baa-- he O. J. Alhers presided. attended to the backstop duties. of Races Taken. between hike stralKht -- the Trneh J shouted at a runner. Steer so as to Tlie meeting was adjournal for one ?aley showed the best class of the ' Intersect the path about ten fect In week. In which time an effort will he three Colt twlrlers. Harris' work With Fight la Virions. Promoter Says He and Associates ' ' Is va- March 2H. front of first and then circle in." It iiiade lo line up another town. Klnia the big mlt was of the log league VANTdl'VIin. Wash.. The fight from the start until its Inde- easier thus to Ret the toss from first or Moniesano wiil likely he Invited in, riety. ' (Special.) By a score of almost 3 to 2. abrupt ending was one of the bloodiest Will Have Organization baseman, then explained the r either Individually or Jointly. A num- lllis re Misplaced. High School track team and most vicious ever witnessed in this Moguls. at tlie Lincoln feeling the pendent of Coast bons. Harkness. Henderson. Koeetner. ber of Centralln and Chehalis fans Portland's failure to chase more men won the first track meet of the season city. The bitter between Temple, Lamline. Steiirer and tJiltltan tended today's meeting and all uirrecd was not due to a two fighters was manifest from the sfcii C while, e across the tun from the Vancouver High School here 55. all went throueh the drill three that if there Is nnv possible chani scarcity of hits. Twelve succeeded ill was: start. 29. Cy icaxed on en- - they will find a fourth town to com- this afternoon. The final srore They fought every minute. Burns SAN FRANCISCO, March ?" brethren of the craft locailng .Mahoticy's offerings but the four-clu- 72: High School, 50. Moreing. of Stockton, has broken from raptured from the bleachers. plete the clr, nit for a b league. more or misplaced. Lincoln, Vancouver having- the advantage at all times with !' shifting was less An interesting feature of the meet was proposed Class C baseball league (.eta rifrbrrm.