EUROPEAN COMPETITION DAY Conference Agenda , November 18th & 19 th 2008

Tuesday, 18 November 2008 L’Ecole du Louvre Amphithéâtre Rohan

8:30 a.m: Reception

9:00 a.m: Opening ceremony Christine Lagarde, Minister for the Economy, Industry and Employment Neelie Kroes, for Competition

Session 1: Competition and Consumer’s Well-being and Welfare

9:30 a.m: Review of the European Consumer Policy Challenges for the future Commission on consumer protection Meglena Kuneva, European Commissioner for Consumer Affairs

9:45 a.m: Round Table N.1 Consumers’ interest and well-being in the making of economic regulation Moderator: Bruno Parent, General Director for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control (DGCCRF) 1. The consumers: privileged interlocutors of policy makers in the drawing up of economic regulation? Alain Bazot, President of UFC Que Choisir 2. Competition authorities, key partners of public authorities in assessing the impact of regulatory projects and existing regulations Peter Freeman, President of the UK Competition Commission 3. An economist's point of view on taking consumers' concerns into account Patrick Rey, Director of the Institute of Industrial Economy (IDEI), Professor, University of Toulouse

11:00 a.m: Break

11:30 a.m: Round Table N.2 The consumers’ welfare at the heart of enforcement of competition laws Moderator: Bruno Lasserre, President, French Council for Competition 1. Which rights for consumers? New procedures that aim to put them at the heart of ongoing discussions Carles Esteva Mosso, Director, Policy and Strategy, DG Competition, Jonathan Evans, European Parliamentary member

Paris, 18 and 19 November 2008

2. Which benefits? Consumer welfare as a standard of competition policy Bernhard Heitzer , President of the Bundeskartellamt, Federal Cartel Office, Germany Antoine Winckler, Lawyer, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP

12:45 a.m: Closing Speech , Minister of State to the Minister for the Economy, Industry and Employment, with responsibility for Industry and Consumer Affairs - Government Spokesman

1:00 p.m: Lunch

Session 2: Competition, Innovation and Competitiveness

2:30 p.m: , Director General, DG Competition, European Commission

2:45 p.m: Round Table N.3 Corporate competitiveness and competition law in a globalised economy Moderator: Laurent Cohen-Tanugi , Lawyer (Managing Partner) 1. Competition, balancing point between rent and innovation? Mr Jorge Padilla, Managing Director, LECG 2. The interface between competition law and innovation - a major challenge for the future John Davies, Lawyer, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer François Garnier, Vice-President of legal affairs for Pfizer , President of the circle “Montesquieu" 3. Which European competition policy at a time of globalisation? Mario Monti, President of Luigi Bocconi University, former member of European Commission responsible for Competition Elie Cohen, Senior CNRS Researcher and member of the Economic Analysis Council

4:15 p.m: Break 4. How can sustainable development be integrated into the competition policy? Knut Eggum Johansen, Director General, Norwegian Konkurransetilsynet (Competition Authority)

5:00 p.m: General Discussion

5:30 p.m: Closing speech Laurence Idot, Professor, University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne

Paris, 18 and 19 November 2008

Wednesday, 19 November 2008 Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Employment Conference Centre Pierre Mendès-France

8:30 a.m: Reception

9:00 a.m: Opening speech Francis Amand, Director General, General Directorate for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control (DGCCRF)

SESSION 3: Shaping a Euro-Mediterranean Competition Policy

9:30 a.m: Round Table N.4 What kind of cooperation is needed to build a common competition policy with EuroMed? Moderator : Frédéric Jenny, Judge, French Supreme Court, Chair of the OECD Competition Law Committee, Former Vice-President of the Competition Council 1. Presentation of the competition-related aspects of the EuroMed partnership Tomás Duplá del Moral, Director of External Relations, Middle East and South Mediterranean, European Commission 2. What are the objectives of national competition authorities within the EuroMed framework? Manuel Sebastião, President, Competition Authority, Portugal Mohammed Rachid Baïna , Senior Advisor to the Moroccan Prime Minister, Directorate for Competition, Ministry for the Economy, Morocco 3. Keys to a successful partnership Alberto Heimler, Chairman, Working Group on Competition and Regulation, OECD Mohamed Kolsi , President, Competition Council, Tunisia Khelifa Tounekti, Director General for Competition and Economic Surveys (DGCEE), Tunisia

11:00 a.m: Break

11:30 a.m: Round Table n°5 Looking back, looking ahead Moderator: Mona Yassine, President, Competition Authority, Egypt 1. From the institutional point of view: the organisation of competition authorities Ronit Kan, Director General, Antitrust Authority, Israel Yasar Tekdemir, Director for International Relations , Competition Authority, Turkey 2. Adapting enforcement tools to economic development Rainer Bierwagen , Lawyer (partner), Kemmler Rapp Böhlke Montaser Okla, Secretary General, Ministry for Industry and Trade, Jordan

12:45 p.m: Closing speech Catherine Prieto , Professor, University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne

1:00 p.m: Lunch

Paris, 18 and 19 November 2008