138 K. M. FOOS AND J. B. RAKESTRAW Vol. 85

Copyright © 1985 Ohio Acad. Sci. OO3O-O95O/85/OOO3-O138 $1.00/0


AMY J. OSTERBROCK and JERRY A. SNIDER, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH 45221

OHIOJ. SCI. 85 (3): 138-143, 1985

The Edge of Appalachia Preserve System provinces — the Bluegrass section of the is a series of nature preserves acquired by Interior Low Plateau and the Unglaciated the Ohio Chapter of The Nature Conser- Allegheny Plateau section of the Appa- vancy and managed by it and the Cincin- lachian Plateaus (Fenneman 1938). The nati Museum of Natural History. They are system covers roughly 900 ha and extends located in south central Ohio and straddle approximately from 83°23' to 83°28' west the boundary between two physiographic long, and 38°40' to 38°48' north lat. The preserves are bordered to the west by the 'Manuscript received 30 November 1984 and in Ohio Brush Creek, to the south by the revised form 11 January 1985 (#84-54). Ohio River. OhioJ. Sci. BRYOPHYTE FLORA OF ADAMS CO. 139

The topography is maturely dissected. One hundred three taxa of (Giesy Elevation ranges from 150 m at the level of 1957, Allen 1983) and 20 taxa of liver- the Ohio Brush Creek to almost 400 m. worts (Miller 1964) have previously been Downcutting by streams has exposed two reported from Adams Co. Most of these bedrock types — calcareous Silurian were from incidental collecting, however, shales, dolomites, and limestones, and and no systematic study had been under- noncalcareous Devonian shales. Some of taken of the bryophytes in the preserves the highest hills are capped by Missis- themselves. A recent study of the lichen sippian siltstone. The soils belong to two flora of the area (Kaucher and Snider 1982) series in the Gray Brown Podzolic great revealed a remarkably rich species diversity soil group — Bratton loams over the lower for the size of the area. This study was Silurian slopes and Coyer silt loam over the undertaken in five of the Adams Co. pre- Devonian upper slopes and ridges (Taylor serves in order to ascertain whether the et al. 1938). The area falls within the hu- bryophyte flora was equally diverse and to mid temperature climatic zone. The mean provide additional baseline species inven- annual temperature is 12.0°C and the tory data for use in managing and moni- mean annual precipitation is 102.6 cm toring the preserves. Field work took place (NOAA 1977-81), though the complexity between the spring of 1981 and fall of of the topography results in a fair degree of 1983- The list of taxa is based upon col- spatial variability. lections of the senior author and herbarium The Edge of Appalachia falls within the specimens of E. Lucy Braun, Margaret Ful- Knobs Border Area of Braun's (1950) ford, and J. A. Snider. Voucher specimens Mixed Mesophytic Forest Region. Braun from this study are deposited in the Uni- (1928) described more than 30 different versity of Cincinnati Herbarium (CINC). communities in an area just north of Nomenclature follows Crum and Anderson the present preserve system. Most notable (1981) for the mosses and Stotler and and/or extensive of these communities are Crandall-Stotler (1977) for the liverworts. a climax mixed deciduous forest associa- Table 1 contains a listing of bryophytes tion, oak-blueberry and pine-oak-blue- collected in the preserves. One hundred berry associations, an arbor vitae-white nineteen taxa of mosses and 23 taxa of liv- oak-tuliptree forest, red cedar barrens, and erworts are reported. Fifty-two mosses and relict prairie communities. 15 liverworts are reported new to the

TABLE 1 Bryophyte specks distribution by preserve.


Bryopsida (mosses) Fissidens subbasilaris Archidiaceae Hedw. X X * Archidium ohioense Fissidens taxifolius Schimp. ex CM. X Hedw. X X X Fissidentaceae Ditrichaceae *Fissidens adianthoides *Ceratodon purpureus Hedw. X (Hedw.) Brid. X X Fissidens bryoides Ditrichum pallidum Hedw. X X X (Hedw.) Hampe X **Fissidens bushii (Card. & Dicranaceae Ther.) Card. & Ther. X X X *Dkranella heteromalla Fissidens cristatus (Hedw.) Schimp. X X X Wils. ex Mitt. X X X X Dicranella varia Fissidens osmundoides (Hedw.) Schimp. X Hedw. X X 140 A.J. OSTERBROCK AND J. A. SNIDER Vol. 85

TABLE 1. (Continued)


Dicranum flagellare *Bryum pseudotriquetrum Hedw. X X X (Hedw.) Gaertn., *Dicranum fuscescens Meyer, & Scherb. X X X X Turn. X *Bryum pseudotriquetrum Dicranum montanum var. bimum (Schreb. Hedw. X X X ex Brid.) Lilj. X Dicranum ontariense Pohlia wahlenbergii (Web. Peters. X & Mohr) Andr. X Dicranum polysetum Sw. X Rhodobryum roseum Dicranum scoparium (Hedw.) Limpr. X X X Hedw. X X X X Mniaceae *Dicranum viride (Sull. & Mnium affine var. Lesq.) Lindb. X X ciliare CM. X X X Leucobryaceae **Mnium affine var. Leucobryum glaucum rugicum (Laur.) BSG X (Hedw.) Angstr. Mnium cuspidatum ex Fries X X X X Hedw. X X X X Pottiaceae *Mnium punctatum *Astomum muhlenbergianum Hedw. X (Sw.) Grout X X Aulacomniaceae *Barbula cancellata CM. X Aulacomnium heterostichum *Barbula fallax Hedw. X (Hedw.) BSG X X Barbula unguiculata Bartramiaceae Hedw. X X Bartramia pomiformis Didymodon tophaceus Hedw. X (Brid.) Lisa X X *Philonotis marchica Gymnostomum aeruginosum (Hedw.) Brid. X Sm. X X X Orthotrichaceae Gymnostomum recurvirostruv Drummondia prorepens Hedw. X X (Hedw.) E.G. Britt. X Hyophila involuta (Hook.) * Orthotrichum anomalum Jaeg. & Sauerb. X X X Hedw. X X Tortella humilis (Hedw.) Orthotrkhum ohioense Jenn. X X X X Sull. & Lesq. ex Tortula papillosa Wils. Aust. X ex Spruce X X X * Orthotrkhum pusillum Weissia controversa Mitt. X Hedw. X X Leucondontaceae Weissia sharpii Anders. & Leucodon julaceus Lemmon X X (Hedw.) Sull. X Grimmiaceae Cryphaeaceae *Grimmia alpicola Hedw. X X X X Forsstroemia trichomitria *Grimmia alpicola var. (Hedw.) Lindb. X rivularis (Brid.) Fabroniaceae Wahl. X *Anacamptodon splachnoides Funariaceae (Froel. ex Brid.) Brid. X Funaria hygrometrica *Clasmatodon parvulus Hedw. X (Hampe) Hook. & Ephemeraceae Wils. ex Sull. X *Ephemerum cohaerens Schwetschkeopsis fabronia (Hedw.) Hampe X (Schwaegr.) Broth. X Bryaceae Leskeaceae *Bryum algovicum Sendtn. Anomodon attenuatus ex CM. X (Hedw.) Hueb. X X X X Bryum lisae var. cuspidatum Anomodon minor (BSG) Marg. X (Hedw.) Fuernr. X X Ohio J. Sci. BRYOPHYTE FLORA OF ADAMS CO. 141

TABLE 1. (Continued)


Anomodon rostratus Brachythecium oxycladon (Hedw.) Schimp. X X X X (Brid.) Jaeg. & **Anomodon viticulosus Sauerb. X X X (Hedw.) Hook. & *Brachythecium salebrosum Tayl. X (Web. & Mohr) BSG X X X Haplohymenium triste Bryhnia graminicolor (Ces. ex DeNot.) (Brid.) Grout X Kindb. X X X Bryoandersonia illecebra Leskea gracilescens (Hedw.) Robins. X X X X Hedw. X X X X *Conardia compacta Thelia asprella Sull. X X X (CM.) Robins. X Thelia hirtella (Hedw.) * Eurhynchium hians Sull. X X X (Hedw.) Sande-Lac. X X Thuidiaceae *Eurhynchium pulchellum Haplocladium virginianum (Hedw.) Jenn. X (Brid.) Broth. X * Homalotheciella subcapillata **Heterocladium dimorphum (Hedw.) Broth. X (Brid.) BSG X *Rhynchostegium serrulatum **Thuidium abietinum (Hedw.) Jaeg. & (Hedw.) BSG X Sauerb. X X X X Thuidium delicatulum (Hedw.) BSG X X X X Entodon cladorrhizans *Thuidium minutulum (Hedw.) CM. X (Hedw.) BSG X Entodon seductrix Thuidium recognitum (Hedw.) CM. X X X (Hedw.) Lindb. X X X Sematophyllaceae *Thuidium scitum *Brotherella tenuirostris (P.-Beauv.) Aust. X (Bruch & Schimp. ex Sull.) Fl. X X X **Amblystegium noterophilum *Sematophyllum adnatum (Sull. & Lesq. ex Sull.) (Mx.) E.G. Britt. X Holz. X X *Sematophyllum demissum Amblystegium serpens (Wils.) Mitt. X X (Hedw.) BSG X X Hypnaceae Amblystegium serpens var. * Callicladium haldanianum juratzkanum (Schimp.) (Grev.) Crum X X Rau. & Herv. X X Ctenidium molluscum Amblystegium tenax (Hedw.) Mitt. X X X (Hedw.) C. Jens. X X X X *Homomallium adnatum **Amblystegium tenax var. (Hedw.) Broth. X X X spinifolium (Schimp.) Hypnum curvifolium Crum & Anders. X X X Hedw. X X X X Amblystegium varium Hypnum imponens (Hedw.) Lindb. X X X Hedw. X X Campylium chrysophyllum Hypnum lindbergii (Brid.) J. Lange X X X X Mitt. X X X Campylium hispidulum **Isopterygium tenerum (Brid.) Mitt. X X X (Sw.) Mitt. X *Campylium radicale Platydictya confervoides (P.-Beauv.) Grout X X (Brid.) Crum X X Brachytheciaceae *Platydictya subtile *Brachythecium acuminatum (Hedw.) Crum X (Hedw.) Aust. X X *Platygyrium repens *Brachythecium curtum (Brid.) BSG X X X X (Lindb.) Limpr. X X *Pylaisiella intricata (Hedw.) Grout X 142 A.J. OSTERBROCK AND J. A. SNIDER Vol. 85

TABLE 1. (Continued)


Pylaisiella selwynii Jungermanniaceae (Kindb.) Crum, *Jungermannia pumila Steere & Anders. X X With. X Taxiphyllum deplanatum Scapaniaceae (Bruch & Schimp. *Diplophyllum apiculatum ex Sull.) Fl. X X X X (Evans) Steph. X Hylocomiaceae Radulaceae Pleurozium schreberi Radula complanata (Brid.) Mitt. X (L.) Dum. X Rhytidium rugosum Porellaceae (Hedw.) Kindb. X X X *Porella platyphylla Climaciaceae (L.) Pfeiff. X X Climacium americanum *Porella platyphylloidea (Brid.) X (Schwein.) Lindb. X X X Diphysciaceae Jubulaceae Diphyscium foliosum *Frullania eboracensis (Hedw.) Mohr X Gott. X X X X Polytrichaceae **Frullania inflata *Atrichum angustatum Gott. X (Brid.) BSG X X X X Frullania riparia *Atrichum undulatum Hampe ex Lehm. X X X (Hedw.) P.-Beauv. X X X Lejeuneaceae *Polytrichum commune Cololejeunea biddlecomiae Hedw. X (Aust.) Evans X X X X Polytrichum ohioense Leucolejeunea clypeata Ren. & Card. X X X X (Schwein.) Evans X Hepaticopsida (liverworts) Pelliaceae Calypogejaceae Pellia epiphylla *Calypogeja fissa ssp. (L.) Corda X neogaea Schust. X Aytoniaceae * Calypogeja trkhomanis *Mannia fragrans (Balbis) (L.) Corda X Frye & Clark X Cephaloziaceae *Reboulia hemisphaerica * Cephalozia catenulata (L.) Raddi X (Hueb.) Lindb. X Conocephalaceae Nowellia curvifolia Conocephalum conicum (Dicks.) Mitt. X X X (L.) Lindb. X X X Geocalyaceae Marchantiaceae Geocalyx graveolens Preissia quadrata (Schrad.) Nees X (Scop.) Nees X Lophocoleaceae *Lophocolea bidentata (L.) Dum. X X TW = The Wilderness, BR/RR = Buzzardroost **Lophocolea cuspidata Rock/Red Rock (Nees) Limpr. X X X AH = Abner's Hollow, LP = Lynx Prairie *Lophocolea heterophylla *county record (Schrad.) Dum. X X X **state record county, and eight mosses and two liver- worts are reported new to the state. The Archidium ohioense has been reported ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We gratefully acknowledge once before from Ohio, in a collection the funding provided for this project by the Cin- cinnati Museum of Natural History through the made by William Starling Sullivant in Charles A. Eulett Research Fund and by the Uni- 1848. Snider (1982) listed it as an en- versity of Cincinnati Department of Biological dangered species in Ohio. Sciences. OhioJ. Sci. BRYOPHYTE FLORA OF ADAMS CO. 143

LITERATURE CITED National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Environmental Data and Information Allen, B. 1983 Mosses new to Ohio. Castanea Service, Department of Commerce 1977 48: 56. Climatological data for Ohio, annual summary. Braun, E. L. 1928 The vegetation of the Mineral 82(13): 1-13. Springs region of Adams County, Ohio. Ohio 1978 Climatological data for Ohio, an- Biol. Surv. Bull. 15: 383-517. nual summary. 83(13): 1-13. 1950 Deciduous forests of Eastern 1979 Climatological data for Ohio, an- North America. MacMillan Publ. Co., Inc., NY. nual summary. 84(13): 1-13- 596 p. 1980 Climatological data for Ohio, an- Crum, H. A. and L. E. Anderson 1981 Mosses nual summary. 85(13): 1-13- of Eastern North America. Columbia Univ. Press, 1981 Climatological data for Ohio, an- NY. 2 vols. 1328 p. nual summary. 86(13): 1-13- Fenneman, N. M. 1938 Physiography of Snider, J. A. 1982 Bryophytes. In: T. S. Coop- Eastern United States. McGraw Hill Book Co., errider, (ed.) Endangered and threatened of Inc. 714 p. Ohio. Ohio Biol. Surv. Biol. Notes No. 16. Giesy, R. M. 1957 Studies in Ohio bryophytes. p. 14-25. OhioJ. Sci. 57: 290-312. Stotler, R. and B. Crandall-Stotler 1977 A Kaucher, P. R., Jr. and J. A. Snider 1982 The checklist of the liverworts and hornworts of North macrolichen flora of five Adams County nature America. Bryologist. 80: 405-528. preserves. OhioJ. Sci. 82: 302-305. Taylor, A. E., J. T. Miller, W. E. Tharp and E. D. Miller, H. A. 1964 Ohio liverworts. OhioJ. Fowler 1938 Soil survey of Adams County, Sci. 64: 177-184. Ohio. U.S. Dept. Agri. Ser. 1932, No. 29, 64 p.