For Justice, Freedom & Solidarity
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For Justice, Freedom & Solidarity PP3739/12/2007 ISSN 0127 - 5127 RM4.00 2007:Vol.27No.5 Aliran Monthly : Vol.27(5) Page 1 COVER STORY Malaysia at 50: Things fall apart? In these trying times, the best sadly lack all convictions, while the worst are full of passionate intensity by Johan Saravanamuttu s one being dramatic to II quote Yeat’s poem III (which also gave the ti- tle to Chinua Achebe’s celebrated novel) on the eve of the 50th Anniversary of Merdeka in Malaysia? Can one not be for- given for thinking that things are not looking too good and that the Malaysian multicultural nation is fraying badly at the sides? Cer- tainly, one could well surmise in poet’s phrase, that in these times in Malaysia, the best lack all convic- tions, while the worst are full of pas- sionate intensity. All too often we have seen this happening. Just to take a mun- dane example, I happened to watch the parliamentary report on television the other night and it was appallingly clear that the deputy ministers and parliamen- tary secretaries who were re- sponding to queries and ques- tions totally lacked conviction. Turning and turning in the widening gyre Nay, some of them could barely The falcon cannot hear the falconer; read the prepared texts! Their Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; bosses, the ministers, assuming Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, they could fare any better, were The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere conspicuous by their absence. The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all convictions, while the worst Lies, damn lies Are full of passionate intensity. and stastistics... W.B. Yeats, The Second Coming (1919). When people who lead the nation lack the conviction or motivation Aliran Monthly : Vol.27(5) Page 2 EDITOR'S NOTE Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! In our cover story, as we celebrate and reflect on 50 years of Independ- CONTENTS ence and 44 years of Malaysia, Johan Savaranamuttu wonders whether things are falling apart in the country. In these trying times, the best sadly lack all COVER STORY convictions, while the worst are full of passionate ••• Malaysia At 50: Things Fall Apart? 222 intensity. ••• Slouching Towards 50... 999 In our centre pages, Anil Netto looks at an unusual event that brought together a range of NGOs in FEATURES Penang – a commemoration of the people’s struggle ••• Minimum Wages And Cola Now! 121212 for justice, freedom, socio-economic rights and sus- ••• Workers Prefer Dialogue But... 161616 tainable development. Many who attended the Pesta ••• Pesta Rakyat Merdeka: A New Rakyat Malaysia celebrations were left wondering whether they had witnessed the genesis of a broader, Beginning? 191919 more cohesive civil society movement. We also carry ••• A Different Kind Of Celebration 262626 the opening address by Toh Kin Woon, who ••• ‘Humanity’, Our Shared Conscience 272727 launched the Pesta, and a special Cecil Rajendra ••• The Minister And His ‘Stupid, poem that was recited by a trio at the event. Studpid, Stupid!’ Utterances 303030 One of the items that was highlighted at the Pesta ••• Vialibity Of Bakun Dam Project was the MTUC’s eight-year-old struggle for a mini- Threatened 404040 mum wage. We reproduce the umbrella trade union body’s memorandum to the Prime Minister urging REGULARS him to act quickly to relieve the suffering of workers. K George then looks back at the stance adopted by ••• Current Concerns 292929 successive premiers since 1957 when confronted with a request for dialogue with the trade unions. OTHERSOTHERSOTHERS ••• Subscription Form 383838 Martin Jalleh presents a dossier of contradictory verbal “gems” uttered by the de facto minister of ••• The Amnesty International law, Nazri Abdul Aziz, which readers might find Campaign To Save Darfur 393939 somewhat amusing if not confusing... The elusive Nazri at his best. In our back cover story, Philip Khoo expresses con- cern over the establishment of plantations in the 1.5 Published by million hectares Bakun Dam catchment area, which Persatuan Aliran Kesedaran Negara he says will threaten the viability of the project. The (ALIRAN)(ALIRAN)(ALIRAN) Sarawak state government must provide some ques- 103, Medan Penaga, 11600 Jelutong, tions quickly. Penang, Malaysia. Tel: (04) 658 5251 Fax: (04) 658 5197 Email (Letters to Editor): ALIRANALIRANALIRAN is a Reform Movement dedicated to [email protected] Justice, Freedom & Solidarity and listed on the [email protected] roster of the Economic and Social Council of the Email (General): [email protected] United Nations. Founded in 1977, Aliran welcomes Homepage : all Malaysians above 21 to be members. Contact the Hon. Secretary or visit our webpage. Printed by Konway Industries Sdn. Bhd. Plot 78, Lebuhraya Kampung Jawa, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang Aliran Monthly : Vol.27(5) Page 3 to do their jobs and instead choose Ho along with the prime minis- member National Unity Panel to abdicate responsibility, it takes ter’s bland comment that those also on 11 July (NST, 12 July). This no rocket scientist to tell us that it who revoked their citizenship time around, the prime minister becomes fair game for ‘the worst’ cannot easily be re-instated. But it made an ‘off-the-cuff’ speech to infest and rule the state with was not long before the Home which evidently showed that he “passionate intensity”. In parlia- Minister Datuk Radzi Sheikh was aware of the precipitous state ment too, ‘the worst’ have evi- Ahmad made a so-called correc- of ethno-religious conflict and ten- dently surfaced with their ‘pas- tion. He said that of the 106,003, sions in the country. He exhorted sionate intensity’ and have done only10,411 were Malays; 86,078 the newly appointed panel mem- their damage with sexist allusions were Chinese, 8,667 Indians and bers to not sweep matters under and crude jokes, just to mention other races, 847. He also added the carpet, even suggesting that one example. And when that hap- that the period concerned was not because of the lack of such due pens, well-meaning citizens may 10 years but 50 years. Is this a diligence there were times when opt to “exit” rather than to “voice” case of the Home Minstry trans- incorrect or bad decisions had their opinions to make the neces- mogrifying into the Orwellian been made. He also hinted omi- sary correctives. They may well Ministry of Truth? Whichever eth- nously that failure to handle ra- reason that much of what they try nic arithmetic we accept, a gov- cial conflict could derail Vision to do would end up being an ex- ernment that is more on the ball 2020 and deprive future genera- ercise in futility. would surely have been deeply tions of Malaysians from celebrat- concerned that this massive exo- ing the centenary of Merdeka. Is one being dramatic again? Con- dus of Malaysians augurs poorly Bravo Mr. PM! But forgive me for sider that between 1996 and April for the future of the country, saying that the mere setting up of this year, 106,003 Malaysians whether they be Malays, Chinese a national unity panel with no real have given up their citizenship. or Indians. teeth or expertise will not rescue Of these, 79,199 are Malays; Malaysians from cascading down 25,107 Chinese, 1,347 Indians Another the slippery slope of a new thresh- and 350 other races. I was jolted toothless body old of ethnic polarisation. when I read this on 11 July 2007 in a statement attributed to Deputy Consider yet another recent devel- Whatever the case, the sudden Home Minister Datuk Tan Chai opment, the setting up of the 55- emergence of this national unity Datuk Tan Chai Ho: 79,199 Malays have given up their Datuk Radzi: No, only 10,411 Malays have given up citizenship their citizenship Aliran Monthly : Vol.27(5) Page 4 panel cannot but indicate that much is amiss in this tender 50- year old (or 44-year old if you are Sarawakian or Sabahan) nation of ours. Consider again that it was revealed (by the police) in the first meeting of the panel that there had been 950 ethnic clashes, a 15 per cent increase in the number of these ethnic “fights”, in the past one year (NST, 13 July, ST, 17 July). From the scant report, I could gather little about the character of these “fights” beyond Chairman Maximus Ongkili’s allusion that “70 per cent of the cases started with fights between groups or in- dividuals from different races”. Ongkili: 70% fights between groups Raja Nazrin: Malaysians of all or individuals from different races races, religions, and geographic Despite the paucity of information locations have a place under the about these events, the fact that Malaysian sun many such events have actually perhaps culminating in the Fed- occurred must give us all cause eral Court’s contentious decision Perak throne but also the educa- for thought. to deny Lina Joy her religious free- tional attainment of Oxford and dom, has strained civil discourse Harvard. At the end of the meeting we are to its maximum limits. told that, in typical bureaucratic Let me take the liberty of explor- fashion, the panel created four Refreshing royal ing in some depth the contents sub-committees for religious rela- and message of Raja Nazrin’s tions, economic development, In the face of all of this, it was speech on nation building and education, and social and secu- somewhat refreshing to read the what it may mean for renewing rity matters. The panel has also recent speech by Raja Nazrin our Malaysian political culture, proposed the setting up of an In- Shah, the Raja Muda of Perak, which we all know has of late stitute of Ethnic Relations.