The Glenville ercury Vol. XXXIX. No. 9 Glenville State College. GJenvJlle. W. Va. Wednesday. December 6. 1967 Dr. M'Timkulu To Discuss ''New Africa'' In Assembly

Donald G. S. M' T i mkulu will be announced later by the host system ( both chwcb·opera.ted speak on " The New A frica" Instructor. and s t.a. t~opera.ted lnstitution5) on Thu ~ sday, Dec. 14, when an Monday the sorial studies for lhe Centzal P rovince or a ll-campus assembly wi ll be d1V1sion under Mr. McCartney Zambia. He bas been lnvol ved hel d. The assembly, s pons ored and Mr. Hall wtll ho .. ~ Or In plans to upgrade the work in by the Convocation Committee M'Timkulu's lecture and diS· Zambian schools, and Is r~ and Student Council, wi!l be cussion on "Nauonallsm m s ponstble ror the Implement&· h eld a~ 1:25 i n the college A!rica'' at to: tO. tlon of such new developrr.ent5 Auditorium. Mrs. Eileen Wolfe, Assoctate as the EngUsh-Medlum teach· A ~ncan studies, education. Professor of Home Econom1cs, lng and the Introduction or and curnculum development are ts 10 charge of the 8:00 a.m. " new maths " All this bas ir three areas 1n which Dr. M'· Tuesday speakmg of Dr. M'· volved a rethinldng or ' he Timkulu I S well quah f1ed to Ttmkulu w the Soctology 304 curriculurr and bas spuned nt-~ speak. Th e Reg10nal Council class. The speech wtll be on developments In techniques and for Intemauonal Educauon IS the "Effects on Home ltfe and met~ods . sponsonng Dr. M'T1mkulu's Community, Place of Women 10 Dr. M'T1mkulu has much know­ speaking VI S i t to OlenVllle Soctety." ledge of contemporary Afncan State rrom Dec. 10-15. Tl•e language division under soc1ety and problemb. He holds Dr. M' T imkulu will speak the CO·sponsorship of Dr. degrees and ceruftcates 1n the throughout tbe week to spon­ Mtller and Mr. McCartney wtll soctal studtes, has many years soring classes. Visil.ors to host Dr. M'T1mkulu on Wednes­ of umverslly e:r­ these classes are welcome with day at 10: 10 a.m. when he w1ll penence, and bas pursued re­ permission of the instructor speak on "Some Problems of search mto soctal problems of as seatin g in the classrooms Educattonal Development,'' Afnca both alone and as a Dr. M'Ttmkulu allows. T he s pecirtc class· The D1 v1sion of Education and member of research teams room fo r the discussions will Psychology under Chamnan Dr. Btll Ross w1ll host the Fnday s peech of Or. M'Ttmkulu. This Pledges Selected Madrigals To Buy Costumes f1nal speech wtll be at 9.05 a.nd will concern "Race Relattons in Mul ll·Ractal Countnes '' For Dramatics Group Along with B. A. degrees, P ledges for the Oh1nmgoho» Dr. M' Tlmkulu has earned an Players have been selected, ac­ Elizabethan Garb Is Style M. A. in E;-,glish Literature cording to Sally Nelson, secre· tary Of the dramatiCS group. Thurs day, Dec. 7, the tour- High School , and in the evening James' Air," Gordon J acob; from the University of South To be cons1de·ed for ellgtblltty ing ch01r and the GSC Madrigal at Grace Luthern Church. " Ave Maria," (sung in Spamsh) Africa. He bas also done grad-­ to pledge, several standards Singers wi II go on a one-day The touring choir under the Villa-Lotx>s; " Whtl e Shepherds uate work at the University of must be met. A pledge must have tour through Manon County. The direction of Robert Ellis, will Watched Their Sheep," ( 12 th Geneva. Be bas received a accumulated a set number of groups will perrorm at Fairmont s mg " What Is This Lovely Century Carol) ' 'Masters In Degree in Cutt.ural Anthropology hours on stage or backstage, Semor Hi gh School, Fa rmmgton Fragrance," \Vilhan; "Brother This Hall," and "The Holly fron. Yale Univers ity and a and must have an acuve mterest and the Ivy," (all Englstb diploma in education in Non· 10 the theatre. Carols); " Through a Lowly Wes tern Countries from the Those tnvlled to pledge are Portal," Dyrhaug; "Mary Had a Unive rsity of London. Dr. Betsy McCoy, pledge captain. Baby," and "Go, Tell It On the Interested Upperclassmen M' Timkulu received his PH. Sherry Erwm, Melody Johnson, Mountam," (Negro s pirituals); D. ln education hom the Unl· Susan Steen. Mary Stone; Kathy "Christmas Day," (A carol versity of Natal, Druban, South Casto. Gary Hollandsworth, and fantasy) Gus tav Holst ; "Sing Afric a. To View Job Opportunities Unto God," Fetter; and " Five Trava Vogel. Dr. M' Timkulu, who was born Pledge master for the group Mystical Songs,'' Vaughn­ Junior and seniors interes ted ualty , Ashland Oil and Re. Williams, (La rry George, bari­ in Ladysmith , Soutll Africa, in IS Kenny Coleman. in s urveying job opportunities hning Co., C & P T elephone tonesoloist, Rosemary Idleman, 1908, holds a Soutll African T he pledge penod began Nov. in the Kana wha and Little Co., Charleston National Bank, Pianist). c itizenship. He is marned w1th 30. Formal H'ttl".~otton w1ll be Kanawha Valley can do so on The Diamond De partme nt Store, The Madrigal Singers wtll three grown chtldren. His teach· held Fnday, Dec. 8. December 28 at the Parkers­ Dun a nd Bradstreet, Inc., sing "Holiday Song," Schuman; ing experience is vast. He has burg lligh School Field House Frankenbe rger's, General Elec­ taught Enghsh as a second " A Boy Is Born," Bntten; or J.t Moms Harvey College in language and speech tratmng on tric Co., Humble Oil and Re· "Choose Something Ltke A Charl eston. Representatives of hning Co., IBM Coropora.uon, both secondary 3.0d umverstty Notice Star," Randall Thompson; and the area's busm esses and 10· levels. Meeting for prospecuve bao;e J , C. Penney Co.. Katser "Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isa· dustnes will be presen t to talk Alu mt nurn and Chemtcal Cor- In his present position Dr. ball players on Thursday, Dec. bella," (Enghsh carol). 14 . 7 30 p.m.. 209 H. With mteres ted s tudents about porallon, Kanawha County Other accompamsts ror the M' Timikulu bas the responsi· employment after graduatiOn. bility o"T the maintenance of Jeri}· Milliken Schools, Kroger Company, concert chotr are Sh~rley Cun­ The Parkersburg meetmg is Packard Bell Electromcs, ntngbam and Shtrley Starcher. standards in the total educa.tion sponsored by the Ltllle Kanaw­ Shoney's, Inc., Stone and Other soloists are Karen Yo:1k ha Regtonal Council 10 con· Thomas, Xerox Corporaoon, and and Sondra Neese. JUnctton wtth th e c hambers of so fo rth. The men 1n the chotr wore commerce of Parkersburg and tbeH own tuxedos bought from Belpre and Mane tta, Oh10. Hom e Economics Class Glenvtlle Mtdland Company Thts program is entttled through Mr. Dayton Perkms, ''Operatton Na uve Son" ac­ Sponsors Education Class cording to Dr, Delmer K. Somer· who gave them a dlscount as a good-Will gesture. The tuxedos Vtlle, president of the LKRC. The vocauonal home economtcs are some 1n all wool and some To secure an tnVltauon to class 1s sponsonng adult educa­ 10 a comb1nauon dacron and lhts meeung contact the LKRC, uon class today from 1:30 p.m. rayon. Box 1667, Pa rkers burg. to 3:00 p.m. m the Ptoneer Cen· The women wore gowns they Th e Charleston Area Chamber ter Ballroom. This class wtll made themselves out of black of Commerce m Assoctatton be on, "Entertamment at Home" wnh Kanawha VaHey Chapter concermng teas and recepuons: crepe for the sktrt and lace for of the Amencan Society for The teachers a re Janet Kellner, the fitted bod1 ces wl th elbow Tr:unmg and Development will Betty Ann Ward and Mrs. Manan length sleeves. sponsor ''Operauon Nauve Hopkms. Any mterested adult Members of the GSC Concert Son" 1n the Charleston and may attend thts class. Tounng Chotr are Sopra.nos­ Kanawha Valley area. On Nov. 29 an adult educatton Shtrlev Starcher. Joyce Lawhon. Reser\'aUons for thts meeung class was held on, "Children's Shtrley Hardman, Karen Yoak. may be made by wnttng to the Parues. " Thts class proVIded Roseman• Idleman, Sondra Charles ton Area Chamber of 1deas for party themes, decora· Neese Cheryl Carr and Slurley Commerce, Post Ofhce Box t10ns, mvttauons, recreaoon and ro.iclntyre, Altos are Carol Fol· 471, Charleston, We st Vtrg1ma refreshments. The Instructors ror ger, ShHley Cunmngham, Kath· 25322. Nov. 29 were Mrs. Joanne Berry, rvn Sane. Jean Turner. Karen Some of the industnes that Mrs. Lmda Roberts, and Mrs. Bra.nno.n, Lots Ingram, Pam w1ll be represented are as follows . Ae-tna Ltfe and Cas- (Contmued on Page Two) CConunued on Page Tv.o)

002_R.jpg Page Two THE GLENVILLE MERCURY Happening TKE Holds

with Last Smoker

T he Iota Or:1ega cha)>ter of Bill Lewis T au K appa Epsilon fraterni ty held a smok er for pro spective AN OPEN LETTER TO THOSE CIVIC·MINDED CRUSADERS pledges on November 29 i n the FOR DECENCY AND HIGH ER MORALS ON CAM P US: ol d L ouis Bennet Lounge. Dear Si rs and I or Madames, Rosemary Roberts talked about Just who do you think you are ? The pos ter pl aced in front of the the correla tion or the Order or GSC auditorium was put there as an advertisment 'or our show, The D1 ana with the fraternity and Madwoman o' Chaillot. Before you took your red pens of censorship in your c lean lit tle hands, and proceeded t.o draw little marks on L arry Gryzb talked on the our pos ter you should have consi dered in your pure lit Ue minds , soc1al life of a rratermty man. Left to right: Merlin Tri ckett, DaVld Kuhn, Rhendal Butler , John t hat it was our poster, not yours . The us ed piece o[ scenery upon Robert W1l son spoke on scholar­ shtp and Aus tm Boswell, Heye· Marra, John T el vock, Paul Wells, DaVld Bumgarner , Charl es Flynn, wb.ich our ad was painted belongs to the Glenville State College Charles Beymer, Thomas Lauderman. Drama Department, and were you caught in the actual act o f put ting mon, spoke on the pledgmg as· your in fantile Uttle drawings on i t, you would be subject to pa y the pects of a fraternity. DaVld Keefer was the cl osmg speaker penalty o f defacing ot.ber people's prope,t y. DZ's hosted an 1nformal rush Adult Classes Meet for the smoker. Before you wrote the l etter published 1n the last i ssue of th1 s party Monday, Dec. 4 . They will 1Conunued lrom P.1ge One paper under the headline Morals Discussed, you should hav e had 1t be the hostesses or a formal Donna Nichol son. pomted out to you, since you obviously di d not ha ve the Intelligence hous e party Thursday, Dec. 7. A Cbnsrmas decorating Cta. <~s to see for yourselr that the drawing in quesu on was not a draw1 ng SORORITIES HOLD JOINT TEA Alpha Sigs were the hostesses was conduc ted on Nov. 30 t~o o f the Madwoman of Cha\ llot or anyone el se. nor were there any of an informal party Tuesday, the P1oneer Center. This c l ass statements, quotations, and/ or captions on th e poster saymg or L ast Sun day afternoon, Dec. Dec. 5, a t the Conrad Hotel. Thel was conducted by Bernadine •nfernng that it was 3 , t he A lpha Sigma Alpha and They Wl iJ have theu formal Neal, Rebecca JameS and Pa­ t r this poster was so o' fensive to your i nnocence, why didn' t you the Del ta Zeta Sorori ties held p.:uty for the pledges Thursday, tncia Guzzle. follow some civilized cour se of action like tiling complai nts with a JOi not t ea pemng the 1967-68 in th ~ Ola L ouis Bennett Lounge. On Dec. 13 from 1:30-3:00 m the Dean of Student A ffai rs, Dean Somer ville, or even th e President. OpeWn Rush eek. The ·Alpha Stgs A l t preference slips must bef the ballroom there will be Even i ! you don't have the gall to sign your names to what you say, were m charge o f refreshmen ts signed and turned 10 to Mrs. another adult education c l ass. if you feel that you are so righ teous as to condemn the morals and and the Di ' s were i n charge of Wright Thursday, Dec. 7, a t Th1s one i s deals with, " Buf fet ethics o f an entire college because o f something that you didn' t entertatnment. 9:30 p.m. P arties tor the Home." T he care ror, if you are student s you c an always transfer to some school mstructors wtll be Particia where your gbviously high moral standards ca.n be met , and if you Gu, Rebecca James and are on our faculty, more's the pity . Aflack of Obscene Sign Bemadlne Neal. Smcerely yours, These classes are under the Wilh am R. Lewts direcnon of Mrs. L 1llian Chad­ dock, as sociate professor or Ethics of Campus Absurd home economics.

Dear Editor In the November 2 1 1ssue o f the Mercury, a l etter appeared con­ Madrigals Sing cConunned from Page One Naive Letter Questioned c erni ng an " obs cene" s1gn wh1 ch stood i n front of the audltonum 1 on November 14. T yree and Judlth Counts. I am sure that P resident Wilburn bad an opportunity to s ee the Tenors-Wi lliam Hairston, Dear Edt tor: "filthy tbing." I am also sure that Dr. Somerville, Mr. L angford, H erman Winland, L arry George, Wh at would Mrs. Carlson have the s tudents do? Should we shed Dr. Billi"r s, Mrs. Wright, and mos t of . 'aculty bad a chance •o Donal d Mel ton, R1 chard Spi ker, our air of i nnocence by grabbing p l acards and marc hing across observe this " repulsi ve" piece of art. Yet, not one of Lhem told the Frel on Facemire and L awrence campus? Would a person be very na,ve to not to realize that the Speec h Department that the sign should be taken down. The f act Ball. Basses are Robert Bules, library is a monsterous atroc1ty. I ' m not say1 ng that the library IS that the sign was there i ndi cates that it bad general approval. John Collins, Richard Wyatt. bad; basically 1t i s good, but It does have a few mmor kmks. How can we be so stuptd and 1mmarure? To a ttack the ethtcs or Rtcbard Kump, Steven WellJ, We have beard the old saying t hai. charity begins at home. Re­ the faculty , adm1nlstrauon. and s tudents on this campus borders on Charles Ntcbols, L arry Ran­ form also begins at home. Mrs. Carlson sai d tba.l. the s tudents of the l ud!crous. son and Gerald Black. Glen ville were apathetic, then let us the students of Glenville not I tbink i t is time we opened our eyes and take a bard look at the The GSC Madrigal Singers are be apathetic anymore, especially toward the llbra.ry . worl d around us. But , u.n til we realize t hat there is a worl d out there, Shirley Cunningham, L arry Mrs. Carlson sai d that the s tudents tb&t befriended her were we will stay in our own little shells, and narrow minded people will George, John Collins. Donald i ntelligent aduUs, does this mean that ones that have not be­ continue to rant about trivialities. Melton, Karen Yoak. J ean Tum· ' riended her are sweet little children. Gary F arnsworth er, Rosemary Idleman, Sondra Mrs. Carl son sai d, that s tudents should express the1 r ideas and Neese. Lois Ingram, Gerald ootmons without ftlar P.f. ~avi n g their wris t slapped, yet m essenc e that IS what she i s doing. B1a-:k , Mr. Robert El lis and Dr. David Swanz...v. Mrs. Carl son sai d the library has seemmgty become a " whi pping Students, Faculty Become Movers boy." The library could either be described as a great a thelete w1th a heart condiuon;" the library has a tremendous potential, SGA Shows but tnternal. l ack adai sical actions. re tard this great poten ttal. Mrs. King Expresses Appreciation Mrs . Carlson i s right , we should take notice o f external arratrs b ear Ed1tor 'The Chase' but we shoul d make internal ar£a1rs our primary source of interest. " The age o f chivalry has gone; the age or humantty bas come." The Glenville Student liOvem· Mrs . Carlson says that we should as k if God is dead. Should With these words, Charles Sumner has summed up the feeh ngs of a t ment Asso ciation will present any Christian ask if God i s dead ? Some people today would want us l east one member o f the Glen Vllle State College faculty. " The Chase" free of admis ston to think so. Saturday mommg was an overwhelmmg expen ence- moVJng dayl to the students on campus Sun· Most movm g days are hecuc within themselves, but thanks to a I can see Mrs. Carlson's point, world affaus are important, but day, Jan. 17. group of tndlvtdual s on our campus, It was merely a uans1Uon whtcb " The Cbase," a c olor screeD­ home ts where the heart 1s, where our problem 1s al so. m volved somethm g less than three hours. play by U llian Hellman, based R. G. Duskey To the forty-seven members o f the Tau Kappa Epsilon fratermty, on the novel and play by Borioo P. S How many ptctures (indiVIdual portraits) are gomg to be 10 two members or the Delta Zeta soronty, Mtss Dt llon, Coach L illy, the Kanawhachen anyhow? F oote, lnvol ves a young escapee Larry Acktson, Gary Henderson and Ken Cutngb t, I can only rel· whose return to bis littl e Te:u s terate my heartfelt thanks. home town ignites the fears, Bestdes having every tb1ng moved, notb1ng broken or scratched, T HE GL ENVILLE MERCURY passions, ambitions and vio-­ the JOb was not compl ete un til the fellows had furmture assembled The Student Newspaper lenct> tb3.t simmer j ust below Glenville State College and arranged, drapenes up and whol e house 'liveabl e.' the ~ urftce or an outwftl"dly In an age when the youth o f Amenca are constantly bem g cntl· Telephone E xt . 294 serene townspeople. Gi Vlng a ctzed and ridiculed as somethmg l ess than worthy, I wish to call Entered as second class matter Novt>mher 23. 1929, .tt t:le post long bard look at what makes attentton to th1s Instance of public servtce. I'm sure that this act Mf1ce at Glenville, W. V~ •• under the, act of March 3, 1879. Putr people tick , the movie displ ays has been repeated se,,eral umes- and by other campus groups and II shed every Wedn<>sday dunng the acadenue y ea r E''(Cepton boll· inj u stice, a.patby, racial pre­, yet the 1mpact of the whole endeav.or was personally days. judice, overprivileged rich, and touchi ng, therefore, I feeltmpelled to speak. Wh en !Odl vt duals are so the undeserving poor. Bran do, ST AFF humane as to g~ve then tame and en ergy to another wtth no thought o f reward, then all 15 not lost. We sull can regard 'mankind as our as the sheriff , seems the only EdJtor...... Denm s Myers true nauonaltty · (H 0 Wel ls) san e t ruly good ma.n as be tries New.!. Editor. . .. • · .... • ... Sharon Dutlon In conclusion, I think th1s quotation from Charles Dtckens I S to cap the fires of emotion be­ Sports Ed1 tor . .•.... . •...... Kenneth Cutnght apt: 'Umbl e we are, 'umbl e we have been. 'umble we shall ever be." fore they b um everyone in Photographer ...... ••...... Pat McCartn e) For a change 10 your columns, Mr. Ed1tor, may I say "Commenda­ sight . The surprise conclusion Column i st ...... • . ...•.... •... William Lew1s tiOns and thank you," mstead of "Down w1 tb the group" or " I is enough to startle any audi· Cartoorust Tom Datle,· protest.'' ence. CirculatiOn Ednor. . . .. , ..... Janet Ke.!.terson Mrs. Yvonne King Stars m ''The Ch ase" are Typtsts...... •....•• , ... Jud1tl1 Posey, . J Fonda, ~1Jn Sue Frashure , E.G. Marshall, A'i\"Crll<>mg M.1nagt:>r...... :\ewltln NiChol~ Angte Dtckmson, Martha Hyer Report(>rs Jame ... Bull, Kathf.\ll ca~to. Rubert Crlbb~. \bill:' DJVIS, Science Club Busy; Dr. Ward Is Gu est and James Fox. Mary Hardman , Emil Hoffman, Ronald Rtggs, The Sctence Club held 1ts reg­ mosses. Vance Weekley, Tom Mornson and Sue Ronson ular busmess meet1ng on Nov. On November 29 the S.::tence Adnc;er. . . y,·onnE' H. Ktng 28, at 6 30 p.m. 10 the sct ence Club showed the movie Qkla· l ege audttonum on Dec. 11. I t bUJldm g. Guest speaker for the bom!l m the audltonum. w1ll be shown S:SO p.m. and Pnnted bv tht' CranesnllE' ~ ewe:, Cranl..,nlle evem ng was Dr. Max Ward who The movte, F irst Men i n t:b.e l ater at 7;30 p.m. Pnce or ad­ l ectured on h1s researc h or Moon, will be shown m the col· misston 1s 50e p er person.

003_L.jpg THE GLENVILLE MERCURY Pa{!e Three Lilly Men Lose Two Opening Contests

Glenville opened its regula r Wolfe and Bill Perry, led Glen· .... season here Firday nitht drop· ville during the initial half wtth " ping th e opener to the Vlsiung six points each. Glenville held • West Liberty Hilltoppers 76-69. a 3 1-29 haHume advantage. .. West Liberty took an early The first 15 mmutes of the lf lead and at the end of the first second half were a carbon copy ten mm utes o f play. held a 20-15 of the first hair, with the lead· advantage. GlenVIlle came back i ng constantly changmg. With Frosh Plays during the second segment of 5~45 rematning Fairmont charged the fi rst half behmd th e shoot­ into a 69-58 lead. The Pioneers ing of Bill Perry and J1m L1lly rallied their forces. and with League Ball to gain a 37-36 halftime ad­ 2:34 remainmg Wolfe scored on By Maroe Dav.s vantage. Perry hit for 10 and a fast break, tymg the score at Lilly for 6 in 16 of the 69-69. After both teams failed The youngest man on the Cht· 22 the pioneers scored in the on scoring attempts, Btll Perry cago Cub's mtnor team ts Earl second ten minutes. put Glenville ahead 71-69. The Arbogast, a freshman at GSC Glenville came out arter the Flacons came back as Wayne Last summer JUSt arter grad­ intermission and hit on two Denheam sank four foul shots uattng from South Harrison Htgh straight buckets by Jack Robin­ School. Earl was accepted to Action shots from the West Liberty game a re shown above. givtng Fairmont 73-71 lead wtth son and Bill P erry to mo ve into 40 seconds rematning. Fave train as .:~ pttcher for the Cht· a 42-36 lead. After liberty's Barnes hit with the counter Wlth cago Cubs. Bill Kennedy accounted for the 3 1 seconds rematning, leaving Out of hundreds of amateur As I See 'Em . Hilltoppers firs t bucket of the the score at 73-73. Fairmont baseball players, very fe w men half, Robinson con verted in a br Kt'n Cutnght froze tht=. ball and Wayne Den­ are ever selected to play in tbe three point play to give Glen­ h earn hit on a jump shot from minor leagues. Earl's high sch­ ville a 44-36 advantage. ool coach, Jim J ay, an alumnus the foul line with 2 seconds The hardwood version or the GSC Pioneers have started the regu­ West Liberty fought back to of Glenville State and now prin­ rematmng, giving the Falcons lar season s lowing arter a good showing in the Weston Invitational tie the score for the Cirst time cipal of South Harrison, called a hard earned 75-73 victory. Shnne Tournament last week. After defeating Wesleyan 112-90 the in the second hair at 51-51 on a a scout for the Cubs who then F reshmen Dave Barnes and Pioneers dropped a hard-fought decision to the Falcons of Fairmont fi eld goal by Bull Kennedy with saw to it that Earl acquired a Btl! Perry led Glenville scorers State 76-74. 12:31 remaining. Lilly got two position with the team. This with 16 and 15 pomts respective and Robinson made a foul shot scout covers Pennsylvania, ly. Robinson got 13 and account­ When the season opener with West Liberty rolled around the to again give the Pioneers a Maryland, and West Virginia and ed for 18 rebounds and Steve prospects looked very good. When the final buzzer sounded, the 54-51 lead. interviews hudooeds of baseball Sptcer got 10. Glenville out Pioneers were on the short end of a 76·69 score. They took the lead The hot-hitting Liverty fresl7- hopefuls every year. shot Fai rmont from the noor, a t 35-33, after being behind 19-13 in the early going, a nd moved to man Bill Kennedy and Pioneer Artx•gast now plays ball with hitting on SO of 71 for 42.3% a 37-36 halftime advantage. J ack Robinson got two buckets tweuty·three other men on the while Fairmont hit 27 of 79 for each to make it 58·55. West 32.3%. Glenville also had a (Contmued on Page 6• Liberty hi t for s ix consecutive As the second half began the Pioneers lengthened their l ead to better percentage at the rout points to take their first lead F airmont-East Washington five points at 41-36 and 46-4 1 before Libeny began to narrow the line making a 13-18 for 72.2% since late in the first half at game tickets a re available in l ead. West Lt berty tied the score at 5 1-5 1 a nd the lead changed while Fairmont shot more times 61-58. P erry closed the gap at Dr. Dollgener's ofrice on a hands before Liberty took the lead a t 59-58 and never lost it. hitti ng 2 1-31 for 67.7%. 6 1-60 before Liberty got four limited basis. Adult tickets are The Ptoneers suffered hot and cold s pells throughout the entire more. Robinson made it 65-62 $4; college students, $3. game. They collected most of their points tn sports and would then West Liberty with 5 :21 remain­ go ror two and three minutes without a pomt. in the game. The Pioneers traveled Saturday night to Elkins to meet D & E in The Hilltoppers contrived to a the second game of the season. The Pioneers led through the en­ 71-64 lead with 1:30 remaining. ure firs t half and held a 39-30 halfttme lead. D & E came back Robinson and McGee made it hghting the second half to tie the score at 67-67 and went tnto the 7 1-76 before Robert McCon­ the lead for good at 7 1-70, going on to an 80-73 victory. neaughty iced the game getting 5 points in foul shots before Despite the slow start, the P ioneers have displayed some talent Robinson added two for Glen­ on thts year's squad. Freshman Bill Perry from Staunton, Va., has ville giving West, Liberty a 76- scored 12, 15, 20, and eight so far for a 13.7 average. Dave Barnes 69 victory. from Ma n etta, also a fr eshman, has tallied 15, 16, 2, and 15 for a Sophomore Robinson and 12.0 average. The jumpin jack from Whi te Sutrur. Jack Robinson, has Freshman Perry led Glenville led the Pioneers thus far. The sophomore has tallied an average of scorers with 20 points each and 19.5 (counting pre-season tournament and 2 1.0 regular season) and freshman Bill Kennedy led the clearing the boards for 14 rebounds per game. Senior, Steve Spicer, Hilltoppers scoring with 19. although not. the point producer on the team, would certainly have to be constdered one or the best defensive men, alon~ with J. W. McNetsh, and the injured Jim Archer. Marion Gorden finishes un llt.A F airmont Game s tarttng hne-up and the bench consists of often seen players such GlenVIlle and Fairmont played as J erry Wolfe, Larry Grzyb, Jim Lilly, and Cary Keffer. almost 40 mi nutes or see-saw Wttb this type of potenual the Ptoneers could tum mto a top basketball before Fairmont threat tn the conference, they must first become a more consistant came out on top 75-73 and ball c lub, mstead of the erratic unpredictable team that now takes claiming the Weston Shnne to the hardwood. All we can do is watch and watt. Tournament champtonship. ATTENTION The btggest lead or the game Men' s tntramurals basketball came with five m1nutes remam­ All girls interested 10 a com· program will begm after petitive swimming team contact ing when FaHmont had on Chnstmas Vacation. Teams Luggage in leather, Mi ss Sandra Matthews by Dec. eleven point advantage at 69-58. tnterested should contact Mr. vinyl, priced to fit 13 in the women's department of During the enttre hrst hair the Mtlilken's ornce by 5 p.m.on lead changed hands time after holiday budgets. Dec. 18. the Physical Education Build· ing. time. J ack Robmson, J erry

MAPLE NUTS Th e Maple Nuts Crom Verona Howes Dept. Store Mapel Hall continue to hold first place in the women's in­ tramural volleybal\ league. Delat Zet.a 1s 1n second place wmning Cour and losing two. The standings or the teams Shoes and Clothing fo r the Entire Fa mi ly. are W L Maple Nuts 5 2 Delta Zeta Town Ctrls Gladtators Glenville Midland l st, 2nd 5th fJ Ht ppies "A Business Built on Duality. " Glenville, West Virginia ASA

008_R.jpg P~~e four THE GLENVILLE MERCURY Wednesday, December 6. 1967 Business Classes ATime to Listen ••• Use IBM Machines

The tesumony gtven by per­ By Vance Weekley S'.JO~ who live m slum ghettos. ror !bose students who are !)rov1Jes ms1gbts mto what slum The business department now concerned wtlh an accurate and restdents thmk and feel about bas in operation four IBM Exe­ up-to·date descnptton or today's the condtt1ons tn whtch they cutary · Listening Stations . urban ractal problems. the Untt· hve. Glenville is the rirst college in ed States Com1msston on CivU The report potnts out poss1ble the state to use this type of Rtgbts has JUSt released ns answers to quesuons someumes equipment new report entttled, A Time to asked by white people -- What The new stauons prov1de Lhe do they want? Why don't they L isten • . . A Time t.o Act. student w1 th a ch01ce or th~rty The book ts an expresston of work? and W11y can't they better posttlons and each posttlon all­ "votces from the ghettos of the the11 cond1ttons? o ws the student a cbo1ce of rour Nauon's ewes." Escape rrom tbe ghetto Cor any dtfferent s peeds. This 1s very Tbe U. S. Commission on group is much more difficult in helpful m typing or taking short­ Clvil Rights is a temporary, the America of the 1960' s than hand. independent, bipartisan agency it was one or two generations New tables have been in­ establis h ed by Congtess in •go. Society has become more stalled and 12 new IBM Selec· 1957 and directed to: investi· compte~: , &nd unskilled em­ tnc typewnters teatunng the gate complainLs alleging that ployment or small business " ball" type or carriage are now ciUz.ens are being deprived o f enterprises no longer are mean­ in use. These new typewriters tbe:r right to vote by reason of ingful first steps up the ladder are very advantageous because theh race, color, religion or or •wr.cess. Tbes_, barriers of the carriage does not move back national origin, or by reason of progress are rar more dHficult and forth. fraudulent practices; study and to overcome t.ban those which The tables are hooked m cir­ collect information concerning were {aced by the Irish, the c mt.s in which all typewnters legal developments constitutlng Italians, the Poles or the Jews in t.he same row are connected a dental of equal protection of in this country. to one outlet. The new machmes Mr. Ro berts and Marsha Lloyd g1ve the new I BM equipment the a. ppra.lse Federal laws To ghetto dwellers, white Will aid the teaching Of bUSi· a trail run. and policies; an :1 submit re­ authonty is symbolized by the ness classes. ports, findings and recommen­ pohceman who does not treat dations to t.b e President and the s lum dweller with respect. the Congress. Inadequate recreational facili­ sen tee landlord characterize The Comrm ss10n reports that ties rrelect local government the white business commJnity. the problems of race and poverty attitudes while the merchant All interested persons may Complete line of cannot be resolved Llnless their who s ells inferior materials at find this book in the Robert F. solutions are made the Na­ exhorb1 tant prices and the ab- Kidd Library. uon's rust pnonty, and these door decorations soluuo ns Wlll be costly in terms or money and effort. Numerous incidents or racial violence have occuned this year, and remedies for U!. ose Dedicated to bringing you the highest s uffering from these dlscrtmi· Oregon Holly nall!>n i seem to be rewarding violence. Vlolat.ors of the law quality merchandise at the lowest possible must be punis hed. Accordmg to the Commiss­ prices. Ions 's report. recent rac1al dis­ Michigan Pine orders should be viewed as "great rrus trations of laws and programs which promise but do not dehver, or continued dis­ crimination and prejudice" m a Texas Mistletoe society which is becoming in­ Ben Franklin Store creasmgly pros perous Negro cuizens are rejecting Glenville, We st Virginia white America Due to continued reJecuon and to years o f pa­ tient warting. The writing of the book, A Time to Listen . . A Time to Act, was prompted by the be­ Its Later Than You Think! Uef tba.L many Americ ans simply Christmas Candles do not comprehend the situa­ tlon tb&t confronts Negroes, Mexican American.s, and othe r groups in the ghetto. The report does not contam spectfi c recommendations for the solut1on fo the problems. but 1t does state that the key dtrft­ c ulty lies m the w.d espread Indoor and lack of understandmg and the absence or commttment to deal w1th the problems outdoor The report s ummarizes testi­ mony given at bearings of the CommJss1oo in four metropoli­ tan commumties -- Cleveland, Ribbon Boston, San Fra ncisco, and New York. The bearings were c oncerned with urban racial problems i n the areas or hous­ ing, employment, police- com­ Place your order early, in time munity relations, education, and for the holiday. We specialize in health and welfare. flo ral centerpieces, unusual plant HARDMAN v & s HARDWARE I gift , corsages. Prompt delivery at ll.mJ• .ut>. P.11nt. Hou,ev.ate.., Start saving systematically, with us! Budding Snpplie~. Ctllv..tte no extra charge. Glennlle, " . Va Kanawha Union Bunk SUMMERS PHARMACY Glenville, West Virgima Minnich Florist Prescnpuon Drug!lle, W. Va .

009_L.jpg Wednesday, December 6, 1967 Tit: GLENVILLE MERCURY Page F'1ve Gyorgy Speaks At RCIE Meet

Dr. Andrew Oyorgy was the mam speaker Fr;ti.. y Nov. 17 at the RCIE m••ellnc; hel d 1n the Mult1-Purpose Room. H e spoke about Eastern Europe an d the Sovtet Unton w1th and emphasts on Commumsm. Dr. Gyorgy IS U1e Professor of International A ffans, l nstt· tute ror the Smo-Sovtet Studies at Georcie Washington Universtty. ) He rece1 ved hts A. B degree at the Umversity of Budapest 1n 1937, hts J .D. degree at the Untversity of Budapest Law School, 1938; M.D . aegree at the Um versi tyofCaltfom1a, Berkley, 1939: and hts Ph.D. at the Um­ Fi ve women occupy Management Home. Theta Xi Pledges versity fo Caltform a. LosAngeles 1943. In the past Dr. Oyorgy has been the Instructor of Political Home Management House Occupied; Theta Xi Has Final Pledge Smoker Geography, Umversny of Cali· form a; Asststant Professor of Five Women Complete Requirement The Kappa Eta chapter of served tmmediately following Poht1cal Sctence, Umverslty of Theta X1 fraternity held u s last the smoker. New Hampshire; Associate Pro· Five women are now liv\n g in smoker for prospecuve pledges Oth e r activities planned by fessor, Yale Umverstty; Assoct­ in th e Home Management House, were pres en ted speeches by Theta Xt IS a mix to be held on ate Professor and l ater Professor Stars and are receiving training there fraternity off1cers on the dlf- • Dec. 9 Immediately fo llowing Boston Umverstty; Research for graduat ion. They are: Sue ferent aspects of fraterni ty the ball game. Associate. :.: ....~ .. t l.u-;cil•S T aylor Jones, Fairmont; Dorma memher.sh1p. Refreshments were Institute of Technology: Chester In Movie Comedy L ee Ni cholson, Glenville; Betty W. Nem1tz Professor, Naval Ann Ward, Jane Lew; Barbara Cary Grant IS the harre~sed War College; Vtsttlng Disung· Wedlich, Parkersburg, and Joann sk1 pper of a disabled American Clinic Held utshed Professor, University Wisemen, Cl arksburg. sub 10 the Academy Award nomi ­ SEA Initiation Held Mr. Fred Ross of Btrdl and m of An zon a. n ee. ''Operauon Petticoat.·· Under the directiOn of Miss Clarksburg, presented an ins tru­ Dr. Gyorgy i s the author of Elm a Jean Woofter. 1nstructor At a recent meeting of the Stu­ Tony Curti S, Joan O'Bnen, and mental chni c to the M.E.N.C. several books, including Prob­ dent Education A ssociation, Dr. Dtna Merril complete the all· of home economtcs. the women Tuesday , Nov. 14. Ross. who IS lems of International Relations, Bill Ross, Chainnan of Edu­ star cast. Under ::1 wacky cap­ perform household duttes. The a former s tudent of Emess Communism in Perspective, cation and Psychology, dis­ tatn (Cary Grant). the "exec" ~obs ::onsist of a general mana­ Williams School of Must c, New I ssues of World Communism, cussed the block program that () has orders to se­ gt:-, ..:ook, ass1stant cook. house­ York, conducted a demonstratiOn and Ideologies in World Affairs. will begin next year. This pro­ cure spare parts and supplies keeper and ass1stant house­ on el ectronic equipment and how H e is al so tl_\e co-author of keeper. These JObs are alter­ gram encompasses nine weeks it is being used on various ror the shtp with no regard to three other books. channels or procedures. n ated on a ftve-day rotatton or education cl asses and nine i nstruments. A dtscusston of th1 s Curlis bnngs back the parts plan. weeks or student teachi ng. new system and how ts it Imuauon was the main 1ssue and supplies ... plus f1ve strand· Along with their ot-her duties, affecting the mus1c program of occupants are required to serve tnvolved at th e monthly meet­ Mr. Ros s Goes to Washington ed Army nurses. Under attack today followed. A fourth, ftfth, two professional guests and mg of the SEA. There are now and s1xth grade music test was by the Japanese. the sub put to Monday ,Nov. 13 Dr. R. E. sea. Once under way, the Skip­ t wo personal guests. 106 new members of thiS or· given to all present to determine Ross, professor of Educauon per rinds hts big batlle now t s Occupants of the house change gam zation. theH best-suited m strument. at Gl enville State College, went to maintain decorum betwf'en each ' term. to Washington D. C. for the his men and the fnendly fe­ purpose of conferring with male cargo. Th e Tau Kappa Kulp, Social Committee P lan Students Question Staff offictals 10 U. S. Off1ces of Epsilon fraternity will present Faculty Buffet Dinner, Tea Education . this s:tultion com~dy movte Congressman Arch A. Moore December 12, at 7:00 tn the The faculty soctal comnuttee 1 On What Is Expected Jr. and Senator Jenmngs Ran­ auditonum. Admi ssiOn IS 50¢. s wolktng w•th Mt Robert Ku p, dolph were among those con· the new D1rector o! Food Ser- To The Staff. suited . v•ce 1n planlllng <1 • ,1;f{e· dmner As a student of Glenvi lle State College and a Citizen of the on Dec 8 Th£' rl 1.:'•t.. wi I he United States of America, 1 write thi S l etter 1n hopes of bemg h eard 4-H Plans Christmas Dinner held tn the new ca.'"•'.r•a tor and unders toad . the 'acu tt,\' memhets and mus:c AOE PLEDGES All members of the Collegiate To the staff of Glenvtlle State, I would pose th1s questiOn. " Wh at lot the eventng w'l' he ptesent· 4-H Club are remtnded to at· would you expect of me?'· ed by Lynn S o e Alpha Delta Eps1lon, the tend the .~ms for the home basketball overlooked or gone unheeded. g;IIJIE"'> Ol'i Wilt ,ts JSSI S UI\g 10 Keep this letter, starr, and when such a situation arises, aga in ·he tn.tkmg ol posters for the ask yourseJr this question ''Could thts l etter have been referring t·,Jmpu .... ··spmt Catnp;ugn.' · to me and could thts be the student?" For thts r eason I will leave At the ne-x! regula! meettng ot the le•ter un sLgned the fr;tf E> rnltv on DeC'. 13, the ~ov. att--.w(>l mt- tht...-\1 I w·ll tn· 111\ best to ,t.;,-:.ume- the- lllif' and pl edges w1ll rpesent th1er btg te~pOihJb l litH~~ ot \'OUI equa' w:ll \'Ou then no! ue.11 me a-. one"> lHothe-rs and st ste1s wt th J <'lock. Po~">lbh 111 tillS wav nellher you nor I will e\'eJ h;I\' P to a<.:.k T he d1al ol the clock wtll Wliv constst or numbers representmg

the v,HIOUS courses offered bv 1 A Student J m Ro!• :,c;on pia'~ he trond11me •n the Pte .... e,\'or on :IJ I .1.• 11 the bustness dep.utment. B;tnd

012_R.jpg THE GLENVIL LE ME RCURY Wednesoay, December 6, 1967 Arbogast Plays Drive-In-Conference tvvnu:mcd from Page Three) Society Holds " farm league." Out of lhe twen· ty·lhree men, onl y about four Held On Education w ill probably be accepted for Poetry Sit -In permanent post-ion s in th e Ch1· cago Cubs. Glenville State College served The L iterary Society 1s spon· Arbogast, who is 6' 4" tall as host to the annual Region IV sonng a poetry reading " sit· 1n" Sunday at 3:00 i n the Old weighs 198, was active in foot-­ and VI Drive-In Conference on ball, basketball, and track as Education h eld F riday, Nov. Louis Bennett L ounge. The well as baseball in high school. 17. po etry of Wilh am Butl er Yeats, Edwm Arlington Robinson, W, He is a physical education ma­ The conference, whtch i s held jor with a minor in math. Be­ each year tn November. was H . Auden, and Dylan Thomas cause of spring t raining, he i s attended -by county supenntend· will be encompassed at thts only able to attend school one ents, elementary and secondary conclave wh ich 1s open to all semester a year. school princi pals, supervtsors, mterested students. Arbogast began h1s tram1ng m and county coordinators f rom The studen ts wtll be divided Caldwell, I daho. Every evenmg the fourteen counttes that con­ 1nto small groups th at wi ll read th e Cub's m1nor team played stitute these regions. and atlack lhe poetry which will other teams such as the Th1s year's con ference a­ be provtded. Each group will Caltfomia Angels and San Fran· genda top1cs were: Vocauonal sel ect a spok esman who wtll expltcate the poetry for th" cisco Giants. P1tchers have the Educatton, Special Education, most ngorous trammg schedule. Cutdance and Counseling. reassembl ed group. The Catcher in the Rye by Besides pracucmg at thetr Top1cs were concerned wtth lhe J. D. S~ltnger will be discu.,, .. d position, lhey must run and the new developmen ts 10 these on Jan. 2 1. Thi s will he the exercise dally to develop theiT areas as they pertatn to the third t1me in the h1story of the lungs and legs. publlc school system. F ollowing lhe welcomtng ad­ Literary Soetety that. this book Arbogast chose to begin with will be under discussion. dress by President D. Banks the league now rather than to The February mreting will tn· Wilburn, Mr. Voctor T. Berry, wait until after four years of quHe tnto George Orwell's coordtnator or Instructional college trainmg because · · lhe 1984. This is an apt sel ectton younger !.he ball player, the ser VICe$ at Glenville State 1n that the book has recently College, presented some to· better." By startmg m the game been paralled wtlh government troductory remarks concerning The GROOV·U'S early, he w1ll be able to have policies m lhe United States thi S year 's conference. today. more years of expenence. Encouragement for lhe future Guest speakers for the con­ came at the last of the season ference were West V1rgima SGA Sponsors Dan'e At when one of h1s coaches pratsed Board of Educauon members STUDENTS ARE URGED h1m for h is Improvement and Dr. Roger P. El ser, who spoke TO CLAIM ANNUALS said lhat he should make the on "Special Educauon," Mr. "maJors" in three or four years. Jackson Townsend, "Vocauona! Campus students, commu:ers , Pioneer Center Ballroom EducatiOn"; and Mr. Manon off-campus students, and former McCoy, "Cutdance and Counse! students who attended Glen· Appearing thiS Friday nigh t, Dr. Max Ward CATHY NOCIDA HEADS mg" as related to and used tn VIlle State last year, wbo wish Dec. 8, at the Pioneer Center CHEERLEADER CLINIC the school systems. to rece1ve theH copy of the ballroom will be the members or 19t37 Kanawhachen must Pick the GROOV-U, who wt ll present Head cheerl eader, Cathenne Members of RegiOn IV tnclude them up tn the office or Mr. popul ar music for a semi-formal Speaks At 'U' Noci da rece1ved an 1nvttaUon representatives from Pocahon· Charles C. Scott i n the admini­ dance. The dance i s sponsored Dr. Max Ward, chau man of the for the Gl enville State College tas, Webster, Ni cholas Clay, stratton butlding no l ater lhan by the Student Government d1vis10n of sc1ence and mathe· Cheer!eaders to head the re· Braxton , Gilmer, and Calhoun December 15. Assoctation. maucs, atGl enville State College cent Central West V1rg1nta Counties. Region VI i s com­ Graduated studen ts (class of The CROOV-U is a popular addressed the weekly seminar cbeerleading chmc. Approxi· posed of Tyl er, Pleasants, Wood, 1967) may p1ck up theiT Kana.­ dance-band group from Pitts­ of the Department of 810logy mately sixty cheerleaders at· Rll-rhie, Roane, Jackson and whachen no later than June 15, burg, Pa. They have recently a t West Virg101a Umverstty tended the cltmc and learned Wtrt Counties. 1968. cut an album called "TheGroov­ this past Fnday at one o'clock new motions and 1deas from the esc students who wish to U on Campus". They are under in the afternoon. Glenville State Cheerleaders. Following the guest speakers' p1ck up a yearlx>ok for someone the personal direction of Pat ' ' Some Devel opmental Patterns Miss Sandra Matthews gave the discuss1ons. a general sessiOn else must f1rst get a form from DeCaesar. to Aberrant Mosses and Deri ved main talk concernmg "The Art and group discussion were held Mr. Scott. Advanced prmted ticketx for Moss Tissues." was the topic of Cbeerleading." M1ss Noc1da in which developments of the All persons enrolled at GSC thts semt-formal affan are being of Or. Ward's talk. The main gave a brief presentatiOn and conference were discussed and for 1966-67 and carrymg 12 sold by the Student Council pomts of the speech concerned introduced the other Glenville plans for next year' s On ve·ln hours or more are ehgible for a members. The advanced price the growmg of plants from singl e State Cheerl eaders. Conference were made. Kanawhacben. for couples is S2.25. The cells and the study of cancer· advanced stag price is S1.50. l1ke tissues in moss pl ant. "OPERATION NATIVE SON" T ickets sol d at the door for The material discussed by Dr. December 28, 1967 • 8:30 a.m. • 4:00 p.m. coupl es will S2.50t and h e ticket Ward was taken from his research price for a loner will be S l.75. work in botany. Resul ts of much Parkersburg Higb School Field Hou•e The dance will begin at 9 p.m. of his work have been published for and last until 12:00 a.m. 1n nattonal and International College Juniors and Seniors from the Mid-Ohio Valley Area JOurnals. Dr. Jay Barton, formerly of the Bowling Leagues nauonal program for study of lhe Repres entatives of Leading Companies and School Systems will hold interviews with b1ology curnculam to Washing­ interested students for Career Opportunities in the Mid-Ohi o Valley. No cos t to the student. ton, ts the new chairman of the Enter Competition department of b1ology at Morgan· Sponsored by the: town. The Glen ville State College Greater Parkersburg Chamber of Commerce bowling l eague teams have been fanned. New team chainnen and Marietta Chamber of Commerce an " over-all" chairman have FAD Holds Meeting Belpre Chamber of Commerce been appointed. Little Kanawha Regional Council J erry J ackson i s the "over· all' ' chanman of both the Greek Somerville Presides and I ndependent Leagues. The Gl enville Stat e College •••••• ••• • - ••• • •• ••••••••••• Clip Here • • • ••• - ••••••••• • •••• • •••••• Gerald Ramsburg, M1chael F aculty-Administrative Or­ Taylor. R1chard Wagner and ganization met on M>nday, Nov. Julia Mackey are the chanmen Mail this reservation form by December 18 to: of the ten Creek League teams. 27. Dr. Delmer K. Somerville provided th e program with a Phillip Dennis, Robert Rhoad· 10 Little Kanawha Regional Council es, Ronald H1cks, and Bema· s peech on Procedures for Advisi ng" which was followed dme Neal are the chanmen of Box 1667 by a question period. Refresh­ the twelve Independent League Parkersburg, West Virginia ments were served by the Social teams of wh1ch three are com· Studies Dep artment. posed of facul ty members. " OPERATION NATIVE SON" Y esterday afternoon, Mr. John Tuesday and Thursday even­ White reported t o the E xecutive ings at. 5 :3 0 and 7:30 ar c the Council and other interested bowling l eague nights. members of the faculty the re­ NAME~~~------All members of each team are sults of researc h on "tax-sh el ­ HOMEADDRES~------i n vited to bowl the first night. tered " annuities. The four highest scores of each C!TYandZIP ______~------team will be used to determine COLLEGE ATTENDIN~G------­ th e points won. This will be The game wtth Fanmont has COLLEGEADDRESS·------considered a part o~ th e regul ar been changed from Sat., Dec. 9 MAJOR AREA OF STUDY ______schedule. to Monday . Dec. 11. DATE OF GRADUATION ------
